Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 07, 1892, Image 1

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Daniel Webster Favored tlio Homo Produc
tion of Beet Sugar.
Forty Yearn Since Henry T. Oxnnnl' * I'ntlicr
Wn IJrRcil by Tlmt Htntrsmnit t Invca.
tlio .Subject 1'rrpnrod to
TaUo Htuck.
s UunBin or Tnn BRB , , )
M3 FouiiiEBNTii STHUET , o.l
WASHINGTON , 1) . C. , March .
"I presume ray father was ono of the very
first men In this country to Inquire into tbo
, bility of producing boot sugar In the
nltcd Stnloi , nnd In his Investigations ho
had tbo encouragement If not the actual
support of Daniel Woostor , " said Mr. Henry
T. Oxnard of Grand Island , Nob. , the great
boot sugar manufacturer , who has been in
Washington some days looking after the
sugar bounty law which Is In the McICInloy
tariff act.
"It was by the merest accident that I
learned , recently , that ray father took an Interest -
torost in boot or any ether kind of sugar
making , " continued Mr. Oxnurd. "I , raysolf ,
got Into tbo business by accident. 1 road up
the subject and came to the conclusion that
wo could produce as good sugar ooots as Gnr-
.many or Franco , and having the boots there
4 a * D0 reason why wo could not rauko the
sugar. I wai the ether day looking through
the old papers and letters of my father , who
recently died , aud whoso estate I closed. I
found a letter the data I dlsromombor , but
It was certainly forty years ago from Dan-
lol Webster , to 'Mr. Thomas Oxnnrd , Mnrah-
fled ! , Mass.,1 on the subject of developing
tbo sugar Industry In this country. Mr.
Webster , after expressing the opinion that
wo could produce good and rich sugar boots
' iu this country , said there ought to bo a beat
'sugar factory established. Ho also stated
that ho would take stock In the concern , nnd
not only give it his financial support , but
would himself , on his farm near Marshlield ,
plant at least 100 acres of boots. Those ho
would turn in to the factory. That appears
to bo about tbo first agitation of the subject
of boot sugar development in this country.
I guess they did not attempt It. "
Improved the Service.
It Is well known that the postmaster general -
oral has for a longtime personally subscribed
to all the efficient press clipping bureaus ,
not in order to read what tbo papers are sny-
Ing about him , tor bo hardly oversees any of
the clippings , but in order that his various
assistants and bureau chiefs may be informed
i , concerning any Irregularities concerning
I'-ttho malls and any needs 01 the service all
'over the country. An unozpocted use to
which ono of the clipping bureaus has lately
put this fact was brought to light at tbo
Post-Oftlco d partment today. A Pennsyl
vania paper criticised tbo mall service in its
locality. A clipping from the paper was
sent to the department. An investigation
wag made and the desired change in the
service quickly followed. The paper ut once
printed these facts as evidence of its watch
fulness. The clipping bureau Immediately
hod a fao-simllo of the article in question
produced aud is evidently distributing It by
the thousands as an advertisement.
May Kucilltiite 1'reo Deliver- .
The ton-block system of locating and num
bering country bouses , so successfully Intro
duced in Contra Costa county. California ,
has recently engaged the attention of the
postmaster general , who wants to sec If it is
not of Importance in connection with the extension -
tension of the free delivery Into the country.
Tbo practical workings of the Contra Costa
plan is especially gratifying to all friends of
rural free delivery , because it removes tbo
only obstacle to rapid and accurate service
In the country. It is a ton-block system with
the same usefulness nnd oven groatoi- ac
curacy than that of tbo city system , because
It gives uot only tbo location but the exact
distance of every bonso from u given point.
, marling from a convenient center , say the
'county sent , each mile is divided into ton
X equal parts , or blocks , having a front ago of
thirty-two rods. Two numbers nro assigned
to each block , the odd ones on the loft and
the even ones on the right. Wherever country -
try bouses are near enough to bo situated In
the same block they have the same number , out
are distinguished as follows : 525 , 025A ,
K3B , etc. Distances can be quickly rulcul-
ated from the county scat or from one house
to another by the simple method of 'dividing
the difference by two ( there being two num
bers In each block ) and the result by ton for
answer In miles. As the second stop is in
stantaneous , by the decimal method of point
ing off two places , tbo entire process is very
rapid. For Instance , No , 425 is 218 blocks ,
or tenths of miles , equivalent to 21.3 miles
from the county seat or point of departure.
r { iiltlcant and appropriate names are given
to roads and nil by-roads are further in
dicated by the three words , Local , Connox
and Exit , which have definite and uniform
meanings ; the first having no outlet , usually
terminating in the hills and for local con
venience only ; the second applied to short
connecting roads , and thu third , having no
outlet by land , usually ending at a landing
with a water exit.
Turty JntoroslH I "I rut.
' It's n pretty hard thing for a party to hold |
Us bests together for coneral principle when
irludlvidual members of it uro compelled to
sacrifice individual Interests , " said Senator
Maudorcon , today , in speaking of the man
ner In which democrats In the house were
waiving their interests in local appropria
tions for the general party pledge to keep
down the aggregate amounts to bo expended
byUhis congress. "I know of democrats In
the house , " continued tbo senator , "who
have bills appropriating nionov for tholr own
constituency , and tboy waive tholr interests
iu these measures in order to help tholr
party keep down the general aggregate of
ex pond I lures. Some of these democrats have
bills before tbo house making appropriations
for public building * In tholr own districts ,
end yet they refuse to push the bills simply
because tbe measures make appropriations.
It Is n direct act of subordinating local interests -
osts for the pond of party at largo. I never
board of such obeisance to party , Surely
you could uot flud an intelligent republican
who would do auch a thing. Republicans
first stand by their local constituency , then
party.Aud yet you never see a republican
advocating spendtbriftincst.
Government Funds Well Spent ,
"To my ralnd the government uoverspends
i.Tionoy moro wisely than iu constructing
DUildtues for postolHcos , United States
courts end custom bouses. I hardly bo-
Hove tbo democrats can hold their hosts
together much longer under such pressure as
will bo brought by the .local constituency for
the passage of bills of direct personal interest
to the constituency of members of tbo house.
But should they be compelled to support
local measures the members themnolvos will
feet little orodlt , for they huvo already an-
Qounood a preference to blond by the party
rather thin u coiutltuonoy.
"Another abnormality I notice with the
democrats in this house is following blindly
tbo behests of party ; they refuse to raise
baud or voice against thodostructlon of borne
Intorojts , homo industries , and uot a word of
protest comes when the boldoit march is
wade upon their local factories or ether in-
' krotOf course It would not bo consistent
'for them to aik the products of one Industry
lutside tholr bailiwicks placed upon the free
list and then turn around oud object when
tbo larao principle was to bo applied to their
own Industries. Looking at the situation
from any point of view , tbo democrats are
between two fires. Turn which way they
will tboy hare to stand the tire of some wiup
of tholr party. The party is full of luconsls-
Amnesty for Mormoni.
Attorney General Miller will early this
week present to President Harrison his
opinion upon tbo Mormon auiueaty petition.
Bonator Paddock , who bos boon following
the ir. tu > r up for more than i month called
on the attornny general yesterday , nnd was
assured by him that the president has power
to Issue n c ncral amnesty through the ex
orcise of the pardoning power granted him
by the constitution. Senator Paddock dis
cussed at length with Mr. Miller the policy
of issuing such n pardon , urging very
strongly that the pardon and Its endorse
ment were of such a tone nnd character
ns to rcnlly Justify the department In recom
mending nmnusty end the president In grant
ing It. Senator Paddock says ho has reason
to bopo that the attorney general will ngreo
with him ns to the wisdom of Immediate
action. What the president will do cannot
ho determined. Senator Paddock held n
long Interview with Senator Edmunds , who
nrilvod huro u few days ago. Senator Ed
munds fully ncrocs with him n < i to the wis
dom of tbo policy In granting amnesty to the
petitioning Mormons.
Federal llondi Not Tumble.
Representative Fun&ton of Kansas Is
authority for the statement that the proposi
tion of tbo alliance members of congroas to
tax government bonds would bo unconstitu
tional. Ho said to your correspondent todnv :
"The blowing of Vatson , ICom and Mc-
ICelghan about there being uo tax paid by
banker * upon their bonds deposited to secure
circulation is tbo merest sort ot rot. Why ,
if congress should pass a law taxing k'ovcrn-
niont bonds the supreme court of the United
Stales would sot the law nsldo. It would
not bo constitutional. Ono of tbo founda
tion stones of the federal government U that
no property of the Kovornmcmt or any of Its
Issues shall over bo taxed either by the
parent government or by a state. This fact
must bo well known to these demagogues ,
who are nonUantly crying out against , the
nets of the republican party. Some of them
In the house rail at the republican party be
cause it passed a law exempting government
bonds from taxation , and they declare it was
done In the Interest of the bankers.
"I am astonished that any class would send
such men to congress. In tbo first place tbo
republican , or any othsr party or congress
composed of any sot of men , could not make
a law which would tax govcrumonl bonus.
And , In the second place , when the bonds
were Issued conirross was vexed to find ways
and means nnd favorable provision to induce
buyers to taito the bonds. Many of them
wore sold nt 0 cents on tbe dollar. If tbo
bonus have advanced to a promlum It Is no
doubt the 'fault' of the republican party , I
admit ; It probablv had no business to main
tain tlio credit of tbo government and push
it up so high. "
It Will no a ( iriind AOiilr.
It is bollovcd that the annual encampment
of the Grand Army of the Republic hero
this fall will bo the most largaly attended of
any ever held on account of the national fea
tures which will bo Introduced. Although it
is six months ahead , 10,000 veterans have
already hired quarters and the local committee -
too have already raised $33,043 of the enter
tainment fund. It is expected that there
will bo 100,000 veterans In the city on the day
when the grand review taxes place on Penn
sylvania avonui similar to the ono at tbo
close of the war , when so many thousands of
soldiers , fresh from the field ot battle , made
their last inarch under Uncle Sam.
Indian Clulini Ignored.
Indian Commissioner Morgan gives it as
his opinion that tbo niggardly manner in
which the domocratlc housu has cut down
the appropriations for the Indian schools will
Injure ami sot them back more than progress
has put forward and elevated them during
the past ton years. To bis mind tbo true
way of clvlll/.lug the Indians is to take their
children from the reservations as fast as
they are old enough to leave their parents
and put them In echools , as about 0,000 of
them are now being provided for. Ho thinks
this hns the effect 6f not only educating the
children , but will bavo a good end civilizing
influence upon their parents and older
friends , and restrain the bucks iu konpiug
them from going to war acnlust or commit
ting depredations upon the wbltos. General
Morgan says the bouse has cut the appropri
ations for Indian schools no v established ,
which bavo undertaken lo accept many more
pupils than they bavo ever bad , and that uo
provision whatever has beau made for the half
dozen or moro now schools which have Just
been established in South Dakota. Wyoming
aud other states covered by Tin : BBC.
A great deal of feeling Is being shown by
western republicans hero and humanitarians
generally over the manner in which the dem
ocrats in the house have chopped down ap
propriations for Indian schools , and it is
possiblu that a public subscription will bo
started to mauo good the deficiencies which
must arise in the system , aud to rebuke the
public acts of a parsimonious and dema
gogical democratic party.
The senate committee on publlo lands has
directed favorable action upon Sanator
Warren's bill appropriating ? JI18 to reim
burse William A. Richards , United States
surveyor general for Wyoming , for losses
Incurred by him through u cloud burst on
July 0 , 18U1 , near Fort Washakio , upon the
Shosbono Indian reservation , Wyoming ,
while in tbo discharge of his duties examin
ing a public survey under special instruc
tions of tbo commissioner ot the gunoral
land oQlco. The house , it is said , will bo
slow to take action upon measures of this
clnss , although its success in tbo sonata is
W. A. Preston of Lincoln is nt the Metro
T. G. Kutschraan of Sioux Falls , S. D. , Is
at the National.
George C. Hickok of Deadwood , S. D. , is
at the Ebbitt.
Mrs. Senator Warren will remain In Wash
ington until April , when she will return to
Cheyenne , Wyo. , where her children nro
now , in the care of tholr erandfnthcr.
Representative Bryan has introduced a
bill to remove the charge of desertion against
the military record of Charles Grandersou of
The bill of representative Henderson
granting a pension of $12 a month lo Mrs.
Elizabeth 1C. Wilson of Iowa , late an army
nurse , has been favorably reported from
committee to the house , and that of Senator
Allison to pension at $7J a month Joseph
Parlor Is under consideration now by tbo
senate committed. p , s , H.
TOOK A lUllXK Afl > DIKI ) .
Mysterious Death.of n WIlcoiiHln I'lirmcr
Foul I'luy Suspected.
HUDSON , \Vis. , March 0. David Hoffron
and old resident of St. Crolx county , llvlut
near Iho village of Boardraan , died yester
day under suspicious circumstances , Ho hat
sold a load of wheat Friday at Boardman
and returned to within half a mile of hi
homo. Here ho mot a man and the two so
each In his own vngon and talked awhile
During the conversation the other man
whose uamo Is not yet known , took a bottle
from bis pocket and gave Hoffron something
to drink. Mrs. Hoffron , hearing he
husband talking loud , wont out to sos wba
was the matter. Before she reached them
or got close enough to recognize the other
man they parted , apparently In good humor
IIofTron showed signs of Intoxication , am
soon after went Into a stupor , from which ho
never rallied. No Intoxicants are sold at
Boardman , and tbo drink the unknown man
gave him is supposed to bo the only one ha
had , He was u thrifty farmer and was wol
respected , bis great fault oolng that ho was
riotous while under Iho Influence of liquor
II is understood that a post mortem will beheld
hold and the case investigated ,
Dr. Mendci Out of
NEW YOIIK , March 0. Dr. Henry P
Moudes , pastor of tbe Shearith Hebrew
church , who was shot last evening at his
residence , Fifty-ninth street , by a Hobrov
beggar named Jose Mosracbkl , was some
What improved today. The bullet which was
removed by tbo surgeon * had lodged in the
muscles of the abdomen. All danger Is con
stderod past. The man who did tbo shooliug
has uot yet been found ,
IlUublml at Keu.
NEW YOIIK , March 0. The French Un
steamship Labourgno , wbloh arrived today
reports that she passed tbo steamship Green
vlllo , Captain Jackson , from Philadelphia t
Stettin , 200 miles east of this port on tbo fitb
Instant , disabled by a missing screw. Tb
Greenville was waking about fOur knots au ,
hour , She bolougs to ono ot the Brills !
Hues and is of l,00o tout burden.
Wording of a Beatrice Oontract Liable to
Result in Legal Trouble.
IteRiilntlnp ; tlio D.illy Supply to
He ruriilnlicd Wcro Omitted HfTortR to
I'll the Itc ii inlllllty of the Ml -
tulie Uimiitlllng.
BEATRICE , Iiob. , March 0. jSpocial to TUB
J A raorry war is Imminent between
orUin of the city officials over the responsi
bility for the wording of thu contract bo-
wccn Messrs. Godfrey & Mcnls and the city
jf Beatrice , whereby the now water works
ilant and mains have been built and laid. It
appears that the intention was to have the
ucccssful bidder on that proposition to also
guarantee and provide for a dally water sup-
ily of 3,000,000 gallons from the wells built
n the Paddock pasture. It now appears
hat through some technicality In the ton-
ract that the water supply guarantee was
not denominated in the bond. The plant is
built , the mains nro laid nil right enough ,
and It only requires the arrival of the big
pumps from Dubuque , la. , to complete the
contract on the part of Godfrey & Meals ,
and then the city will bo required to dullvor
un the money named in the contract , water
or no water.
There nro a few Iconoclasts In end about
be city who are free to predict that the Pad
dock wells , comprising n buttery of eighty
tubular bored wells , will not meet the omor-
; ency bv any moans , ami that the city ha * a
big bill to foot without any material benefit
to bo derived therefrom. Others there are
, vho are snngulnti that the requisite U,000,000
aliens will bo perpetually produced without
, ny perceptible wear and tear on tills sec-
Ion of the earth or possible dimunitlon of
> rohibltlon fluid. The point at issue , how
ler , u the guarantee supposed to bo called
'or ' In the contract. Tbo mayor attributes
the omission to the city attorney , nnd now
comes the city attorney who says bo drafted
ho contract vcrbatum as dictated by the
mayor and city council , and thus tbo matter
stands , and It Is liable to cut a big swath in
the coming city campaign ,
llort Hlnkloy of Aslilund Accidentally Killed
by a Young Companion ,
ABHI.ANP , Nob. , March 0. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BUB. ] At an early hour this
morning an accident occurred a few miles
east of this city which resulted in the sudden
death of Bert Hluklay , a young man about
.7 years old. With two companions he had
gene to an island In the Platte to spend a
few days hunting. This morning they
started out qulto early and discovered a flock
of ducks Just in front of thoin. They stood in
a V shape with Hlnkloy at the point of Iho V.
Ono of the boys was compelled to shoot
directly over his ncad. Being a lad of about
14 ho lost his range , the full charge taking
effect in the back of his companion's head ,
i'lio skull was cut open as it with a knife
and every panicle of Iho brain blown from
"Is cavity.
The boys were ever a mile from their tent
and two miles from the homo of the victim ,
They had no moans of trnnsporta-
.ion save a horse and a boat ,
: > oth of which wore at the
tent. Ono of the two went back to iho tout
and making a rude harness out of the tent
ropes fastened the horse to the boat and drew
t to the scene of th accident where the body
where the body was placed In It and towed
: o the shore. Swimming thu horse across
they at last reached homo with tbo lifeless
body of what had a few hours before been
the pride of a well to do farmer.
Silver Crock Items.
SILVEII CRCCK , P < ob. , March 0 ( Special to
Tun Bcn.J M. L. Kor.sitor of Ponca has
bought thu bank of Silver Croak of J. H.
Popo. Mr. Rossltor will tnuo possession
about April 10. Ho will oreiit a brick build
ing for the bank , which will bo known as the
Silver Creek State bank.
Mr. William Senior qf Auburn , Neb. , and
Miss Llllio Schlltt of this place were married
Wednesday night at the resldonco of the
bride's parents. The bride was the recipient
of ninny beautiful and valuable presents.
J. B. Stetson has recently bought E. S.
Bailey's hardware storo.
Several local liorso fanciers and business
men have bought suitable grounds near
town and us soon as spring opens will con
struct a standard guage race course.
Almost every day farmers coming hero to
locate may bo scon unloading tholr goods
from the cars.
Farmer John Smith Is not much of a ca
lamity bowler. In the spring of 1890 John
came bore from Indiana , paid & 75 cash rent
for 100 acres of land ana did not any moro
than make bis rent for that year , He bor
rowed tbo mono } and paid $375 for the some
quarter for 1891 , on which with thoholpof
bis son nnd two teams , bo produced 6,000
bushels of corn and 8,050 bushels of oats ,
which ho marketed In this place , receiving
for both the aggregate sum of $3,100.
Went Point Cololmitml ,
WEST POINT , Nob. , March 0. [ Special to
TUB Br.K. ] Tbo silver anniversary of Nebraska
braska was celebrated Friday evening In an
appropriate way , Tbo Juvonllo band played
several selections during tbo program and
aided in making It a success. All the "old
timers were tbcra , most of thorn having pre
pared to speak , but the program being
lengthy many names were omitted. Three
young ladies of the High school prepared
papers on tbo "Histories of Nebraska , "
"County of Cuming , " and "City of West
Point , " which were worthy of the state's
silver wedding.
It has developed that the $10,003 bonds
given by Contractor B. Rookl for the com
pletion of the sewer nnd tbo payment of his
material and workman has olthor boon lester
or stolen from the city clerk's ofllco. At the
mooting of tbo city council last Thursday
evening tha matter came up for tbo consid
eration of tbo council , and wbilo it Is gen
erally understood that the bonds were bind
ing uvou though they were missing , still to
satisfy the public a resolution was passed In
structing tbo city attorney to draw up dupll
cato bonds and haxo Contractor Hoenl secure
the old signatures or others as equally good ,
I'HIillllun XCMVK Notes.
PAni.uo.v , Nob. , March 0 , [ Special to
Tun BEE. | A fair and oyster supper civon
by tbo ladles of the Methodist Episcopal chuch
Saturday evening , cleared & 5.
Tbo county commissioners are now in ses
sion , and It is thought they will favorably
considerthoputting through of a boulevard
from Omaha lo Builovuoon tbo ridge over
looking the rlvor.
Several boys were arrested yesterday for
stoning windows and disturbing tbo peace.
Being small scamps they were dismissed by
the judge with a reprimand ,
Tbo girl who was so badly beaten by tbo
fiendish woman at Rogers a couple qf weoki
ago , is now bore at the homo of her grand
parents. She has uot yet recovered from tbo
terrible Injuries she received.
A dancing party was given at the residence
of Mr. aud Mrs. J. L. Brown a few nights
ago , by Mrs , .11 row n , Mrs , I. D , Clarke , and
the Misses Nellie Chase , Agnes Hartman
and Josslu Ireland. About 100 of the bosl
society of this place and Omaha attended auc
had an enjoyable time. Tbo Union orchestra
of Omaha furnished the music for tbo ccea
sion ,
Do dee County District Court.
FKBHONT , Neb. , March 0. ( Special to THE
BEE. ] An adjourned session of tbo district
court convenes tomorrow morning at 10
O'clock , when tbo case of tbo state against
Charles Bohrondt for tbo murder of his
brother at tbolr homo uear Scnbncr Christ *
mas evening , wilt come on for trial.
Way no County' * Nmv CltUriu ,
WAYNE , Nob. , March 0. | Special to TUB
BEE.J During the past week tbo Immigra
tion to W yB9 county ln betm without
doubt the largest in Its history ; and while
nany of them have stopped atnoichborlng
owns to unload tbelr goods-yet at Wayne
ilonn ever fifty carloads ot Immigrant goods
tavo boon unleaded And nearly ns inunv fain-
lies have taken up their residence In the
city or vicinity. Many others have como
> vorland , so that tbo number , is swelled to
hundreds. '
\Vnyno Is growing rapidly , and with the
close of the present year the list of improve-
nonta II will far supariedo , Unit of any precod-
ng I year In Its history. Mnny hnndsomo
trick business building ? adorn our streets ,
some of which nro now ul courao of erection.
Omnlia Laborers In Trouble ,
BEATHICE , Nob. , March 0. [ Special Tele
gram to Tnn Bnc.j A batoh of fifteen or
.wontv laborers gathered up at Omaha ostcn-
) ly to work on the Texas extension of the
Jock Island , wcro turned loose In this city
yostorcay on account of some misunder
standing about the transportation of the
larty. The transportation nailed for fifty
non , but there wcro seventy or more In the
party. 1i When thu conduptor began to gather
up i the tickets ho discovered the surplusage
nnd pursuant to telegraphic Instructions
from Omaha , ho would ouly tnko the number
the transportation called for , and couso-
quontly the population of .Beatrice was In
creased Juit that much , Tbo train with the
Ifty pulled out last night and the stranded
'aborers are still In the city.
Tbo Beatrice oat meat mills have boon en
closed , nnd upon the arrival of the machinery
the rojuviuatod establishment will again resume -
sumo operations , The mill * will bavo a
capacity of 100 barrels of pat meal dtily.
Columbus Nuns of Veterans.
COI.UMIIUS , Nob.March0. [ Special toTnu
BEB.The ] Sons of Veterans will have a big
camp flro in this city on tbo evening of
Thursday , March 10. Colonel E. P. Carriclc
of Stockman mid other * will bo prosant and
deliver addresses.
David N. Minor of this city has boon np-
islntod recruiting officer of tha now order ,
, ho Comrades of the BaUloflold , the appoint
ment having boon made by the general com
mander of the order In the United States ,
Ooorgo E. Dolton of St. Louis. There Is
some talk of organizing a camp of the order
in this cltv. The order Is similar to that of
the Grand Army ot the Republic , differing
only from the old ordor' In that It does not
permit any soldier to Join unless bo has
actually boon under lira.
York's Stpntly Growth.
Yonic , Nob. , March 0. [ Special to THE
Bsn. | York Is not being boomed but is
keeping up that steady growth which will
last. Many changes have iakon place In the
city and county this year. York's business
houses nro all occupied , many new firms
having just como in. Real estate men say
there are but few empty dwelling houses for
rent. Many linns have changed hands also.
Land Is soiling within three or'four miles of
town for $30 per aero.
There is great activity among the farmers
who are preparing to put oiifa larger crop
this season than ever before and the pros
pects are for ono of the most successful
years York county has ever witnessed.
Preparing for Action.
GIUND ISLAND , Nob. , March 0. [ Special to
Tun BEK.I The republican county central
committee met yoitorday aftaraoon. It was
decided that the county convention to oloot
delegates to congressional and state conven
tion should bo hold Saturday , April % 3 , and
tbo primaries ono week , earlier. The selec
tion of a now county central-committee will
bo t Included in the calV. % Thoapportionment
of delegates will bo based on the vote cast
for Judge Post. Each preempt will be al
lowed 1 ono delegate at larger and ono for each
fifteen votes or mafdp fraction thereof.
Thoau will bo 114 delegates.
Notes IromStning ; ,
STUANO , Nob. , Maroh-0. ( Special to Tun
BEE. ] ) Hon. A. D. Stevens and S. A. Alls-
man have been visiting friends at Friend for
a few days.
Sneak thieves raided a cave belonging to
S. C. Swett Thursdav night , relieving him
of a larce quantity ot canned goods.
The Fillmore county alliances uavo about
completed the organization of a farmers'
mutual 11 ro Insurance company.
Hebron 1'crionuls.
Nob. , March 0. [ Special to Tnc
BCE.J W. P , Burt Is now the manager of
tbo opera bouso.
M. G. Leach loft Wednesday morning for
a week's visit in Chicago.
O. B. Shade departed -Monday - for St.
Louis nnO Chicago. <
Willie Thomas , son of J. E. Thomas , died
Wednesday afternoon of ; la grlppa. The
funeral took place Thursday nftonoon.
I'uhllc Improvements at Fremont.
FitBMONT , Nob. , March 0. [ Special to THE
BEE. | Thcoity council at a special mooting
passed Iwo ordinances , ono of which submits
lo a vole of ibo people nt the municipal elec
tion In April the proposition to bond the city
for $90,000 for Iho construction of a system
of sewerage ; tbo other submitting ibo ques
tion of issuing $30,000 inbonds for extending
the water works system.-
Ono Actor Kills Another In n Hoaton
Hoarding Home.
BOSTON , Mass. , March K About 3 o'clocu
this morning Fayotto Woloh , an itctor , was
shot and killed by William F. Flannory , a
variety performer professionally known as
William J. Gould. The shooting occurred at
a theatrical boarding house , 10 Dlx place ,
where Welch occupied- front room on the
second floor. Flannory and.hi * wife occupied
rooms nearly opposite on the same floor.
It is said that soon niter Flnnnory aud bis
wife returned homo from the theater last
night they and Woloh bad n discussion over
some personal matters , during whlob Welch
called Mi's. Flannqry" snrno hard nnmos.
Flannorv wont to Welch , and , falling to got
a retraction from that individual , llreu thu
fatal bullet , Just as Welch was approaching
him In u threatening manner with hands up
lifted. Welch fell without a moan or sign of
life. Flannory at onco. rotirud to his room
and sat down quietly , j
The police were on the sconce within five
minutes aud placed Flau'noitf under arrest.
tfo acknowledged doing the shooting , but
said It was unintentional. HU Intention waste
to flro ever Welch's head , but ho missed tbo
mark by about an inch. Bo said ho could
not boar to have Woloh abuse his wife In
such a vile and Ecandalbusimnaner.
Mrs. Flannery is womuniof about23 , and is
very fascinating. Several ) thoatrlcal , people
who were in the house at ttja time of tbe
shooting bavo boon held osiyjituossos.
When Deacon Will JI Tried ,
PAULS , March 0. The $ H 1 of Edward
Parkur Deacon for tbo murder at Cannes , on
th9 night of February 17 , of SU. Aocillo , the
alleged paramour of Mrs. Deacon , will proba
bly open on May 2 , iu the nislzos court of tbo
department of the Alpos-Miritlmos.
Smallpox on Shipboard.
New Youic , March 6. Smallpox was dis
covered aboard the Hamburg line steamship
Dania and the vessel was , detained at quaran
tine today , The disccso broke out among the
steerage passengers.
Her Identity planororod.
PAIIIS , March 0. Tbo "Eclair states that
the mysterlouH blonde tad who assisted in
bringing about tbo oscapa of Padlowskl , tbo
murderer of the UusslaU' general , Sollvcr-
stofT , was the KussUn poetess. Procoplus
Hu U u Churcli .Member Now ,
NEW YOIIK , March , O.r-Provlous to tbo
sermon at Plymouth"ahurob , Brooklyn , to
day , Darwin J. MoneVolo , who killed Theodore
doro Larblg , was admitted ns a probationary
member , '
"Lain to bed and early to nsn will shorter
the road to your home' III tbo sides. " But
early to bed and a "Uttjo Early UUor,1' the
pill tuut makes Jifu longer and butter and
IT rI tiniT * i ntTn i vtn\t
: owa Prohibitionists Were Surprised nt
Senators Gatch and Brewer's Change.
More Liberal Clnna of Itenubllrum Deter
mined to Hiivo the Obnoxious I.uw
llepenled Will Ho Decided This
Week Other I.eKUIiitUo Mitt-
DBS MOINKS , la. , March 0. ( Special to
TIIK BRIC.J The sensation iu t'uo leclslnture
Iho past weak has boon the action of Son-
ntors Brewer and Catch In renouncing their
allegiance to the prohibition plank in tbe
ihuform of the republican party. In view
tf their votes which they explained on tbo
Schmidt bill this action has boon expected
'or some lime by well Informed people , bu
t caused great constornalisn puiong the stat
.ompnrnnco alliance people who were holding
.holr slxtoanth biennial convention In thl
city. Senators Gatch and Brewer represent
sent Polk aud Hancock counties , which bar
always boon strong prohibition , but tbo sen
atom belong to the more liberal class of republicans
publicans nnd believe that it Is for the bcs
titorosU of tholr party thai the liquor quos
tlon bo taken out of politics in this state.
Wben tbo Twenty-fourth general assombl ;
convened tboso gentlemen acknowledged tha
they would vote for a strict license law
which Ihoy could conscientiously support
After the defeat of the Schmidt bill sovera
now license bills were introduced , and it was
well known that Senator Gatoh had a bll
prepared which ho would substitute for the
next license bill Introduced by the demo
ciats. Then the committee on suppression
> t Intemperance , in order to nlvb Senator
Gatch a chnuco to present his substitute bill
reported favorably on sunato file 23 , knowi
ass ibo GronowoQ bill.
Accepted the Chance.
As soon as the Gronowog bill was taken up
Senator Gatch presented the bill now pond
Ing before the senate ; In many particulars
Lhls bill Is similar lo the present Nebraska
law , but Its provisions nro in some cases so
strict that they could not bo enforced. After
careful consideration of tbo bill tbo demo
crats agreed that If Senator Gatch would
permit some compromise amendments they
would support bis bill. At first Senators
Bolter nnd Schmidt wore inclined to onposo
the bill , but with Us democratic amendments
It Is now considered ono of the best license
bills ever introduced in tbo lown assembly
As It now stands there Is no rcasouablodoub
that this bill will bo passed. Whether it
will pass the bouso or not remains to bo seen
Kx-Governor Gear has been bore roost o :
this session lobbying in tbo interest of the
antl-problbltton republicans. Now U is
claimed by BOUIO of Iho well informed anll-
prohlbltlonists of tbo republican party that
four republican members of iho bouso bavo
agreed to support Iho Gatch bill. This
would not bo enough to pass it by ono vote
if all tbo democrats should support it , but
stron * influences will be brought to boar to
have -this bill become a law. Tbo present
prohibitory law has practically divided the
republican party on state issues. By the
passage of this bill It is boned to conciliate
all the members of the republican party. In
presenting the bill Senator Gatch made a
Tory strong speech , -Ho sho\yod up the
fallacy of prohibition , and staled that this
bill was his own , and if any blame was to bo
attached to any ono ho'WHS responsible alone
for this presentation. Ho hoped that it
would become a law , and presented ample
reasons therefor. Senalor Brewer also
made an able address and warmly supported
the Gatch bill. Tha senate will probably
j\oto on this bill about tbo middle of the
week , nnd if Senator Enclo , who has boon
very 111 , is able to bo present , tbo bill will receive -
coivo at least twenty-eight votes. Twenty-
five of those votes will be by democrats , two
by republicans , nnd one Indppondent. thus
transferring Iho great battle on prohibition
into tbo lower house of the assembly.
Temperance 1'ooplo Active.
The temperance folk are leaving no stones
unturned ' to defeat the Gatch oil ! and they
have bitterly denounced Us author as a
trailer to his party and its best Interests.
The problbltlonisls now Ihreaten to with
draw from the republican party , in case this
bili Is passed , and start u party of their own :
but with the withdrawal of the problbltlon
isls it is bollovcd that , wbilo the republican
party would lose about 15,000 votes , they
would regain more than 40,000 of liberal re
publicans who are now counted as Inde
pendent democrats. If such is tbe case the
party has no reason to fear the passage of the
Gatch bill and in fact It would bo a desirable
thing for tbe republicans who have the best
Interests of the state nt heart.
Another state of affairs has arisen during
the past \vook when tbo republicans nomi
nated the appointees for st&to institutions.
It has been customary heretofore for the re
publicans to equally divide , or nearly so , tbo
partisanship of the appointees of such Insti
tutions , in ordnrto bettor satisfy tbo pcoplo
that such places are fairly conducted in re
gard to their best Interests. This year Ihoro
were thirty-live places in the state institu
tions to bo filled by appointment , nnd et the
Joint caucus of tbo republicans they noml ,
natod partisans to fill thirtv of tbcso places.
this leaving tbe democrats live minor oftlccs-
Tlien tlio Democrat * Got Mnd.
The democrats wont Into caucus the nnxt
day and roftfsod to nominate nny ono to fill
these five places , claiming that they had not
boon treated with tbe usual courtesy recog
nized by former assemblies. This now
loaves an open broach which will draw Iho
party lines very close In making up the di
rectory of state institutions , Tbo democrats
claim that they should have had an equal
nuinbar ot places in these institutions , as
they received 8,000 moro votes at the last
campaign on tholr state ticket than did tbo
the republicans. Now that the republicans
have thrown down the bnrs , there Is no
doubt that is Iowa should go domocratio and
Ihoy would gain control of too legislature
the republicans would receive no recognition
among the appointments on tbo directories
of slate icslltutions.
Tbo World's fair commlltoe'rocommonded
tbe appropriation of 220,000 some time ago ,
but now the senate aud house are over
whelmed with petitions from various portions
tions of the stale asking that this appropria
tion do not oxcoud $100,000. While It Is
thaugbt that the assembly will uot appropri
ate the former amount they may compromise
and allow tbo Iowa Columbian commission
considerable more than 1100,000 , There is a
crreat adversity of opinion iu regard to the
amount that could bo wisely expended for
an Iowa exhibition al the World's fair which
would bo entirely creditable to tbe state.
Tbo fight for the secretaryship ol tha sen
ate has assumed a now phase bv the Intro.
duotlon of a bill by Senator Perry providing
for the remuneration of S , N , Parsons , who
has acted as secretary since Lieutenant Gov
ernor Bestow assumed the chair as presiding
officer of tbo sonato. Such a bill will un
doubtedly pass tbo senate , but It is not llkolv
that the house will concur.
llutli llnuicheit Involved.
This fight has Involved both branches of
tbe legislature aud will yet have to bo set
tled in tbo fcupreuio court. Both sides are
defiant and will concede nothing to the ether
in tlio matter. Parsons is doing the work ,
and CHIT Is present each day in readiness to
ossumo the position from which he was deposed -
posed , after being elected , In order to break
a deadlock. He is taking this couwo of ao-
lion in pursuance of adviro from Chairman
Mack of tlio state republican committee ,
Speaker Mitchell of the house , and other
prominent republicans , Just bow It will end
cannot be foreseen ,
The actuation caused by the Fjnn-Bolvel
fight In the senate ten days ago bos about
died out , Neither sldo has npolotrlzod to the
senate for disgracing tbo chamber with a
fight. Senator Finn is actively engaged In
securing evidence In order to prosecute the
suit began against tbe Bedford Democrat
which published the scandalous article
which caused tbe row.
Neither body of tbo legislature can point
to tbelr record ab law makers with nny cou-
stdorablo prldo so far this sonlon. It Is now
qulto likely that adjournment will take
place between tbo 25th and 80th of March.
The politic * ! woathcr vane points to the
probability that the republican state conven
tion which moots on the 17th lust , will have
n sprinkling of Blaluo delegates. Already a
lumber of county conventions and primaries
hove boon hold with Inclinations In
" - -
i : pre Matter .Mlnfdnjr ,
OTTUMWA , Io. , March II fSpoclal Te
to Tin : BKB.J There Is another oxpro
bory sensation at Albla. A package
Is unaccounted for. Frank Lonq
Albla , acting moitongor between Albla
Ccntorvlllo , n few days ago bandlcd'rtho
naokatro from Ottumwa ton Ccntorvlllo bank.
It Is missing and Iho Inspector has not found
it yut. Lonquost insists that ho gave the
package to the 'bus man at Farbush , as was
nls | habit , to bo delivered to the proper party ,
but failed to take n receipt therefor as ho
usually did. Tho'bun
man emphatically de
clares the package was not delivered to him ,
and the matter Is thus pending. Unless the
package is found legal action will follow.
Lonqtiost bas employed counsel to defend
lilm In case iho inspector carries out bis In
tentions. Ho has boon a young man of ex
cellent reputation , nnd the Insinuations of Ir
regularities has produced n great sensation
at his home ,
Known In Dnlmque.
DunuQun , la. , March 5. The telegram
from San Francisco , announcing the killing
of n prominent citizen of Yokohama , by
Llontcnant Hothorlng , of the United States
warship Marlon , of tbo Asiatic squadrou ,
: routed a sensation hero. Lieutenant
llothorlnglon is n native of Dubuquo. Ho
entered the naval academy at Annapolis in
1874 , graduated with high honors In 1878 ,
ivai at once assigned to duly and has been
in active duty ever unco. Throe years ago
lie married a Miss Hughes , of Wilmington ,
Del , Last summer sbo visited the lieuten
ant's relatives hero and was thought to bo
very charming in manner and person. After
tor leaving here she Joined her husband
ind has been with him ever since.
Nothing Is known ho of the tragedy beyond
the press dispatches.
Information Furnished by the Hurciui of
Amerlcnti KepnMlcs.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , March 0. The Bureau
of the American Republics is informed that
19,578 emigrants arrived at the state .of Rio
Grande do Sol , Brazil , during the past year ,
of whom 10,8.18 were Italians , 2,190 Russians ,
1,901 Spaniards , 1,401 Germans and the
balance of diverse nationalities.
The bureau has received by Iho last mull
from Chill a statement containing shipping
statistics for the port of Valparaiso , from
which tbo following comparison is taken :
During the year 1891 000 steamers , of 508,008
tons , and 408 sailing vossoln , of 370,115 tons ,
or a total of 1.048 vessels , of 945,523 tons , ar
rived at the above port , against 781 steamers ,
of 787.794 tons , aud 480 sailing vessels ,
of 410,331 tons , or a tolal num
ber of I'J07 vessels , of 1,204,145
tons , arriving In 1890. Iu 181)1 ) , 599 steamers ,
of 504,442 tons , and 421 sailing vessels , of
375,818 tons , or n total of 1,020 vessels , of
940,200 tons , departed from the port of Val
paraiso , against 7S3 steamers , of 787,12. ) tons ,
and 4S7 sailing vessels , of 415,952 tons , or a
total of 1,270 vessels , of 1,305,037 tons , de
parted from tbo same port Curing the year
1890. Wbilo neither the tonnage nor the
number of vessels arriving and departing
from Valparaiso during the year 18UI was
as great as In 1890 , yet when It is remem
bered that during the greater part of the
year the country was ravaged by civil'war ,
it will bo scon that there was quite a satis
factory progress in tbo shipping of the port.
I'eru nt the World's Valr.
Upon Ihd return of Lieutenant W. E.
Safford , the exposition commissioner , from a
long Jaurnov In Bolivia lo Lima , Peru , ho
entered actively upon the work of brglng the
Immediate action of the government in re
gard to its representation at Chicago. A
meeting was called by Ibe officials Interested
in the fair , and Lieutenant Safford gave all
of tbo latest information , distributed thu
illustrations showing Ibo programs that had
been made In the last few months , and
created now enthusiasm In Us behalf. Ho
says lhat now ovorylhing looks very hopeful.
Colonel Palaclos is making preparations to
bring representatives of all the principal
tribes at Indians of Iho Peruvian forest
region , who are said to bo very interesting
from an ethnological point of viow. He is a
ffian of action , learning aud means , and for
some time was profccto of Iho provinces of
Amazonas and 'Loreto where tbeso wild
Indians live.
Tbo Latin-American department of the
World's fair ha ? Just received information
from Nicaragua fhowiug that great interest
has been awakened in that country in the
exposition. Tbo exhibits of minerals , coffee ,
coal , sugar , wooqs and fibrous plants prom
ises to bo very flna and comploto. Tbo
fauna aud flora will also be well represented.
Petitions bavo boon presented to the presi
dent for tbo appointment of additional com
missioners In the various province1 * , and the
matter Is under consiporatlon.
The English governments has agents trav
eling in thu Interior making Investigations as
to iho natural history , climate , toll and phys
ical characteristics of the country , its agri
cultural resources , bottany , cntonolngy , otc.
There nro said lo bo many valuable indigen
ous trees and plant * , nnd lands suitable for
the cultivation of tea , whoso product is fully
equal to anything in India. Full informa
tion , specimens nnd illustrations of these
things will appear ir. the NicaraguaoxhloiU
AttorneyH for tlio WliUlcy Trunt Trying to
Defeat tlio JCndx of Juntlce.
BOSTON , Mass. , March 0. It is understood
that a general attack will bo made in , the
federal court on Monday in the matter of
Indictments against tbo Whisky trust , and
an attempt will bo made lo show that the
grand Jury now in session Is an Illegal body
and all Its work goes for naught. The
United States statutes provide that in the
drawing of Jurors the practloa ( hull conform
as nearly as possible to the manner provided
by the utalules of Iho state in which the
Jurors are to bo drawn. The charge Is made
thatln , Boston , Southbridgo and Wlnthan
there was an irregularity in Ibo manner of
drawing Juror * . If Ibe allegations in the
plea are sustained the entire work of the
grand jury would have to bo gene ever agaiu ,
The Worst Yet Discovered Today In n
Crowded Tenement.
Nnw YOIIK , March 0. The 'worst case of
typhus yet reported was found this morning
In a 11 vo story tenement house occupied by
eighteen families. Mrs. Nathenson Is the
stricken ono. She contracted iho disease by
coming in conlaot with Immigrants. She
was removed to North Brother Island ,
Abraham Jesse , Iho proprietor of a lodging
bouso where several typhus patlenls were
found , was stricken with the disease this
morning. _
Killed Hlmieir In u Cab.
Bxi/riMOiin , Md. , March 0 , A well dressed
stranger registered at the Carrollton as S.
H. Polbam of Now York. While In a cab
today bo shot himself. On bis person were
found four letters , ono directed to Pel
hum W. Shlpman , Boulevard and
One Hundred and Seventeenth street ,
west , city , and was postmarked Now York.
Tonight word from Astoria , N. Y , , says
Shlpmnn had a wlfo and son. Ho was ox-
JudxaShlptnau's only son and was a lawor.
Homo tlmo ago bis mind became affected
from ovorntudy aud ho was placed in Iho
Bloomlngdalo asylum. Ho recently escaped
from that Institution.
Churned with Mobbing the Mull * .
NEW ; nK , N. J. , Muroh 0. Superintendent
of Mails Hammond has boon arrested on the
charge of robbing thoiualli ,
3ne of Omaha's ' Popular Ainusomont Ho
sorts Oomplotly Destroyed by Firo.
Someone Pushed n Ply too Oloso to
Gas Jot and the Blaze Resulted ,
Handicapped by the Almost Impnssabla
Streets and They Struggled Manfully.
ISilcn Munrn Cnmpnny niul John A. Crelgh *
ton Out of rocket Muur TliouiuuiU
of Dolturi Htory of tlio
Just as the crowds were leaving tha
theaters last night A grout rod shaft of flame
soon shooting skyward from lower
Farnam street. Tuo building occupied by
Eden MUBOU nt the northwest corner of
Eleventh and Fnrnam streets was on llro.
In two or three minutes after the Alarm
was sounded the wtiolo north end of the
iiuildlng nbovo the third lloor wa < ablaze.
3roat streams of rod lire shot heavenward
and the streets for several blocks around ,
were brilliantly illuminated.
Owing to the almost unprecedented condi
tion of the streets , resulting from the storm
of Saturday night , the firemen found great
difficulty In reaching the blaze. Hose com
pany No. 3 was first on the ground , but
when It attempted to run a line of hose
l through the alloy at the back of the bloclc
the horses got stuck In a big snow bank , con
sequently It was fully live minutes before a
stream of water was turned on.
In tbo meantime the llro had snroad south
ward along the roof , aud heavy black clouds
of smoke were pouring forth from the ooniloe
By tbo tttno the boss companies and trucks
boeau to arrlvo tbo sidewalk on Eleventh
street ana all along Farnam were crowded
with people , nnd tbo police bad considerable
difficulty In keeping the throng within
As soon ns possible ladders were run up nt
tbo north end and the middle of the building
and streams carried to tbo upper windows ,
rrom which great sheets of flame wcro pour-
\Vutor 1'ressure Was Weak.
The streams were turned upward from the
street , but failed to roach tlio windows.
They only served to keep the brick wall cool
nnd possibly prevent them from falling.
At tbo Farnam strooi entrance of the
Musoo every thing was confusion. Trunks ,
boxes , barrels and packages of every kind
description wcro being thrown down the
stairs and rolled into the street whore they
were guarded D.V a couple of policemen. The
last , performance had been over scarcely
fifteen minutes and nearly every one hud
loft the building. Detectives Savage and
IJompsoy were standing near the entrance/
when they hoard cries of "Fire , " "Murder11"
nnd "Holp. " The officers rusbod up one
flight of stairs and smelted the smoke. ,
Dempsey rushed for a llro box at the
saino time tuatseveral patrolman on the surrounding - '
rounding boats did , consequently two or
three alarms were sent in at once.
Knpidly the flames gamed ground nnd belong
long the whole root was ono mass of
soothing fire. At the north end the fire wu
the hottest , and the interior looked lllco a
great resln-and-bacon-fcd furnace.
rnvored a Illjf Htn/o.
Owing to the peculiar interior construction
everything was favorable for a big fire , and
tbo dromon knew nt ouco that they bad a
bard fight on their hands , but they wont nt
It will and worked harder than iauny of thorn
had over worked boforo.
There was considerable delay In raising ;
the ladders on now truck No. 2 , but when
once up the men carried a line of hose
nearly up to tbo blazing windows. For
fully fifteen minutes all the streams of water ,
and there wcro seven of them , didn't seem to
have any effect on the flames , and It looked
as If the flro had got beyond control. Three'
more hose companies caino up mm laid la
lines. Than tbo immense amount of water
began to toll and the flames died down , but
only for a moment. They l-rolto out afresh
just south of the middle of the roof. A ladder -
dor was raised and a stream turned on ,
which soon deadened tbo light , but douse
clouds of smoke still arose.
Two streams were sent up the front on-
tranro and Into the building. Notwlthitnnd
Ing the heavy smoke nnd ibo dangerous con *
dition of the floors the fireman wont In and
Cf CI up to the second lloor where they stood and
fought f the flro from bolow.
In loss than Uiroo-quartorn of an hour
from the time the alarm was sent in the lira
was under control and n couple of the com
panies seijt home ,
Sturtoil on the Upper Hinge ,
Monajwr Lawlor WAS seen after the fire
was somewhat subdued and was united tli
cause. Ho stated that tbo flro was first dig *
covered In the files above the upstairs stags
and supposed that it caught from a gas
burner. On account ot the Inflammable ma
terial comprising the stags settings the fire ,
once started , burned aud spread so rapidly
that it was Impossible tor these In tbo build
ing at tbo tlmu to do anything toward ox.
tlngulshlng it.
Mr , Lawler said that bis loss would be
fully 112,000 , with an Insurancn of $5,000 ,
Tbo building was a throe-story brick with
basement and was owned by John A. Crolgh-
All the down town motor and oablo cars
were stopped and the currents turned off ,
and the olectrio llirhts were put out and tha
currents closed in order to avoid accidents ,
Whentruck _ No. 8 , which came In from
Twentieth and Vlnton streets , pasted tha
burning building on the run ono of its horses
stumblad and foil , sliding quite a distance on
'tho sloppy pavement. Fortunately the nnl '
mnl was not seriously Injured ,
Quite a number of telegraph wires running
through the alloy and near the building were
burned off and foil to the ground ,
When the flro was at Its hottest , another
alarm was sent In from Tenth and Dcnl ?
streets , which called away a couple of com
panies , This blaze was found to bo In an
unoccupied ono fctory frame oulldlng ut 103
South Tenth street and owned by John
John O'Connell. One stream of water was
enough to extinguish thin blaze , with only a
small loss. It Is supposed that the house
was sot on llro. Hundreds of people who
woio watching the Museu burn rushed ever
to tha Dodge street flro , but after seeing
what was uurnlui ; hurried back to the bif