1 , ? * THE OMAHA DAILY BKE : SATUiHUY. MAKC1I 5. 1892. fc'THE OMAHA BEE COUNCIL BLUFFa \OFFICE : - NO. 12 PEAHL STREET. tcilvcredby Carrier to any part of tlio City II. W. TILTON , - MANAOEK. Huilncfi Ofnco . . . . . . . .No 41 EllUor . . . . . . . No'il MISUIt .MI N , Y. Plumbing Co ! Council IJluffs Lumber Co. , coat. Craft's clmltcl loans. 204 Sapp blocfe. A mnrrlaga llocnso was Issued yesterday to John Orison and Agnes Hanson , both of this city. The Plwt Methodist church hope to have tholr noxv building completed and ready for occupancy In about two months , A motion fora now trial has liccn filed In tlio district court by tlio plnlnllfC In ttio suit of Dccro , Wells & Co. against Aultman , Mil ler & Uo , Unity Qulld will meet In regular stmlon this afternoon at 2U : : ! o'clock with Mm. Harris , South llrst stroou A full attend- nncols doslrod. Henry ( toss , a colored man who claims to bo from Sodalln , Mo. , was arrested lust evenIng - Ing for tutcniDtlnp to commit an outrageous /rissault on A boy xvho works at tlio I'aclllo houso. Regular mooting of Fidollty council , No. 1W ) . Koyal Arcanum. thU evening at 8 o'clock. All members nro requested to bo present to attend to important business. W. A. Oronowog , secretary. The case of t ho Citizens' State bank against C. P. L.UCC , which has been on trial In the superior court for tlio last woolt , was com pleted yesterday nftrnioon and glvan to tlio Jury just bolero the hour for najotirnmoiiU The Rchool board commlttoo on buildings Biul grounds has placed an order with n New York firm lor oigntocn Hags for the various buildings , In accordance with the onior made by tbo board at its last mooting. The flags will bo hero In about \vodk , and will cost , with the Hag staffs and fixtures , not to } ? xcrod $ .100. The class union entertainment pi von 'last evening at the First Daptlst church by the voung pcoplo of Mrs. Stovcnson's ' Sunday iicbpol class was well uUendod , and tbo pro- prim of musical soloctloiiB , recitations , tab- IrJux , calisthenics and Indian club oxhibl- t .on , was highly enjoyed. The proceeds uf /no entertainment will be used in assisting too poor and sick of the city. An effort , Is being made to Induce the fed- eiil court ofllclala to have thutr prisoners ' : ( . < t in the county } nll in this city Instead of tei. Uiji ? them to DCS Molncs to .servo out tbolr entenccs or uwait Uwlr trials , as Is low dou < i. SherilT Hnrcu has invited the ofll- ilnls to Inspect the jull and if It is found to 'i > o satisfactory It is likely that a now rule .will bo established at the cowing term of tho. cdcrul court , which opens the last \VCCK In' his mouth. Hcv. L. A. Hall and. his followers who loft the First liunltat church night before last have secured the Miisonlotomplo for the next four Sundays In order to allow Mr. Hall to finish the COUHO of evening lectures which ho commenced some time ngo on subjects connected wltn the book of Esther. Morn ing services will nMo bo held. Just.whwt Slll bo done after that has not boon decided definitely yet , butltjs said that Hov. Mr. Hall will stay after the four weeks are up. The boat club held a mooting lost evening to talk over the plan of building a new boat house at Manawu. It tins already been do- cldeiklhat It snail bo built sometime during tliasornlng'Jonjon. and the only question now is whether It shall bo commenced at once or bo postponed until a llttI6"lntor In the season. It was llnally docldod to postpone n decision until the regular annual meeting of tno club , which tali os place a week from next Monday. evening. The ofllcers for the ensuing year will also bo elected at that time. Jurvisl877 brandy , purest , safest , beat. , \ Reitor , the tailor , 310 Broadway , has a'l the latest styles and newest goods. Satisfaction guaranteed. ( block and Wjomlng coal , fresti iiii'iud , rocolveddailv Thatcher , I'JSKSUffAh Mrs. K. Ham.iay of Manlto , 111. , head man ager of the Hojal Nelghoors of America , is visiting Mrs , J. H. Currothers. W. B ; Cuppy wns in the city yesterday on his way to his homo In Avoca after spending three months traveling along tbo Pacific coa'st. N. C. Phillips is confined to bis bed bv a broken leg which ho sustained whilegoine from his residence to bis ofllco on Wednes day. Tlio injury was a very severe ono , sev eral ot the small bones of the foot being dis located In addition to the fracture of thu nuklo ] oint. _ Trying to Cct Uliuiitaiiiinii. JJo definite plans have been laid so far for the holding of Cbautuuqim assembly during the coming season. By this tlmo the arrange ments should have been well under way , nnd u large part of the program should bavo boon proparco. but the executive committee , with which the matter was left , has been waiting for some action to bo taken by the company which was formed some tlmo ego and to which n franchise w-s granted by the city council to Imlld and maintain a motor line between the city and tbo assembly grounds. Nothing hns been done toward getting the line in'readlncss and the prospects are now that there will bo uo assembly this year. The lack of .suitable moans of transporta tion bus been a decided dumper on the assembly every year , and the executive com- tnilteo are not willing to run the risk of piling up still greater indebtedness on the association without Instructions from the trustees , and a meeting of the trustees has accordingly been called for this evening for tbo purpose of discussing matters. So far as can uo learned moat of the trustees ore not lu Tavor of running the assembly again until a hotter way Is provided for ircttliig to and from thn grounds than there now is , and it is protiablo that It will Do voted to close the grounds for the present. For some tlmo past a companv has been In process of organization for tbo purpose of taking thn grounds off the hands of the asso ciation. Who constitutes .thU company Is not yet made public , but they are sula to ho some of the wciiltUlnit and most responsible bUHlncss men of the city. The new company has been conferring with the trustees for some tlmo paat trying to cometo a satisfactory agree ment , and It is likely that the subject will bo brought before the trustees this ovcnlng for llnal decision. It Is stated that some of the trustees are unwilling to loose- the grouud for any long period of years on ac count of the unsettled shnpo the llnancos of the assembly are now In , and the members of the company refuse to tuko the grounds except for a term of years , as the assembly would undoubtedly have to bo run at a loss for the lint few yours. It In stated that If the proposed arrangement U made between tbo now company and the trustees thn a - lombiy will no run on a moro elaborate scnlo than ever before , as It will bo backed by a largo capital stock , hprrlnl INillrt-inrii fur Kindlon. The following special pollcoraea have been appointed to do duty at the polls oa election uav : FirU Ward-W. O. Morrw , republican : D. 1C. Dobsou , democrat. Second Ward-L. C. Dale , republican ; Charles Phillips , democrat. Third Ward-J. SVilllams , republican ; democrat not nnrnod. Fourth Ward-First precinct : J. W. Neal , republican ; democrat not named. Second - end prccluct : A. A. Masslck , republican ; Morris Travis" , democrat. Fifth Ward-John T. Norman , republican ; Michael Boyle , democrat. Sixth Ward-F. Covalt , rcpublicaa ; O , B. Hollen , democrat. Clmntuucjim. By direction of tlio president of the Coun cil lllufTs and Omaha Chautouqua assembly , the trustees are called to meet In special ses sion at the Board of Trade rooms Friday evening , March , 16W , at 7:3U : o'clock. J. M. OU.NSI.EH , Secretary. KUBtorn money to loan on real estate J > ' K. JJ. Sheafo , Broadway and Main. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Proposition to Erect a Gold Storage Ware- houeo Discussed , EXACT DETAILS NOT YET DETERMINED I'rnlt flroworft niul rnrnirn of I'oltnuattn- mlo futility Will He lteiti | < * fttc < 1 to Sulisurlhn to the i'linil for Tlinl I'lirpciic. A meeting of the Merchants nnd Manu facturers association arid the Hoard of Trade was held last evening at the Uoard of Trade rooms , for the purpoio of talking over n plan which has boon developed by J. J , Foaron during the pait few ( lays for tno erection nnd matntalnanco of a cold slorngo wara- houso. His plan Is to organize a stock com pany with a capital of about $13,030 , of which ho wllltiikq $ ,000. Ho will than lease the xvarohouso' for a term of flvo years nnd piy ; the Investors a fair rate of Interest on the money In- vostod. The exact details of his proposition have not ycl boon decided upon , but ho will have nil the profits that may accrue during the first flvo years , excepting the interest ho pays. A committee was nnpolntad , con sisting of L. A. Dovino , W. .1. Davonnort , Alexander Wood , .1. P. Hess. John Y. Stone and Peter Who , to pro sent the matter to the citizens , nnd especially to the fruit growers of the vicinity , and secure subscriptions to the stock fund. The committee will moot the farmers and fruit growers at thulr moot ing In the court house tomorrow afternoon. In audition to the above business resolutions \voro passed urging tinon the legislature the passage of the warehouse- , anil extending an Invitation to tbo republican state com mittee to bold the convention this summer In Council Blurts. At The funeral of Goorpo Frederic Wes- trip took plnco from the family resi dence , 707 Mynstur street , Wednesday , 2 o'clock p. m. A largo circle of sympa thizing friends joined the cortege to FiiirvioAT camotory. Uov. Me 1C. Stewart of the First M. E. church conducted the soi-vicos , which wore touchlngnnu ] impressive , nnd apolto fcolinply of the long suffering of tlio littlo'lifo now departed and yet so submissive - missive to the dispensations of God's providence. The pall bearers wore Masters Bennie Gruhl , Lou Stow.irt , Gus Louie , M. Moxloy , Harry Sackott , Roscoe Loper. Thd floral olTorlnga wore many and beautiful , ono of which was "Tho Gates Ajar" by the employes of the North western Railway company. The light of our life is darkness And with sorrow we tire not done , For thine Is the hlttore.tt mourning , Mourning for u little son. And what slKiHdiCvcr to comfort The heart tint Is dcart t of : ill ? Tooyoiini fur the losses uiul oros-O1 * , Too young fur the rise iinil the f'Ul. Oli , yes , wo own It. waaivn It ; Hut lint too yonn _ ' tor the grace Tluit wns so niineltss : ! : ind blameless , For the yoarnln . nnd tender omhr.ico. Ho hnni ; . he linn r on thy bosotn In thut luipulcst and we irlost huur ; A dcnr llttlu bird to Its blossom , Tlio bountiful , thudutiful llo.vcr. And thus horo.v by Its sweetness ; Ho grow by Us sweetness .so . Tli.\t smile unto Hinlle ro inomled , Hut n little while 11.0. In n little while the. putter Uf two llttlo root was heard , And inuny a look It cheered us , A look that w.is more than u word. In a little while ho uttered t'ho words we longed to liuar. And mamma and papa blessed him With a blessing of none and four. For the bud it never unfolded , The lliihtit Illckored away : And whoso Is the power to utter The grief nf Unit bitterest < lny ? For the bright and cnanllan nngol Who beholiloth the Father's face. Doth stand us a sentinel \yatclilnx O'er our little one's resting plauo. And so he Is gone , llttlo darllii ! ? , And the clre.im BO fair and vain. Whoso tight Was faded to darUnais. \Vu Bhall never dream again. Oli , If thine N the bitterest mourriln ? , Ainu ruing for a lltiln son , Uoiievo that in God the Diver. Our d.irlliu his course h.is Lie un. Ilolleve that In Hud the L'aker , IIU course forever will ho ; For this Is the blos-eil eomfort. The comfort for tlieo and me. Yea. thla Is the blessed comfort. In sol row like that of yore , When the buautlfu. "I'.oucra of the Mar tyrs" Went to bloom on the other share. Money to loan. Lowest rates. John ston & Van Patten , Everett bloalc. Letters From thu Ocild. Coroner Soybert of Council Bluffj Im panel d a Jury yesterday , consisting of O. II. Lucas , James Bradley on < ? JosupU Bradshaw , and wont to the rosldcuco of David Olmstoad , east uf the city , to hold and inquest over the remains of Mary Olmstead , who committed suicideby taking an overdose of chloral. Several wit nesses wore examined , among thorn Olm stead , his two daughters , Mrs. A. W. Dlllor , Mary M. Woodward , E. Daniels and J. Luman. No especially now or sensational developments were brougnt out in the testi mony , and most of It would have been a re hashing of the troubln which has been known to exist between Olmstoad and his wife for so long , had not the coroner ref used to boar evidence- that kind uud bound thu wit nesses down. to plain statements of fools with reference to the death itself , A couple of ! olto were brought forth which had boon written by Mrs. Olmstoad shortly bo tore- nor death , and addressed , ono to her husband and the other to her sister. Mrs , G. B , Bhulos of Irwin , lu. In the first , rofuronco was muao to a proposition which had ooon made by Olmstoad that she submit to bolng confined In an Insane hospital for a period of live years , and If at the end of that time she was found to bo well ho would live with her ngalu. Tno following U a copy of the letter : Fob.-.7 , ISO ) , My Doirest Hmbaud ; You huvo driven your poor , wunk-mlnJod wife to do u very rush not to tiikti her own life. 1 love yon us dourly us over mid prefer death jo the llvo year's sep iratlon you think would bu for our good , I am us you my. of ut > ad and melancholy disposition and maun others feel Imdly too ; you do not nnd cannot love mo and I do not want to bind you to ma nuuln , Bhnuld I hu MO fortiinato UH to have my rensun at thu e\ilrutlon ) of llvo years. It U mv reiinckt that Mrs. I-'fsher oomu buck and make this her liomu. Abslio thinks 11 Rood iluul of Ihiichlldrun Hho will probably bo bettor to tliom thmi ti ulrunvur. I guusH they Ilka her too. You will lll < ely marry nuuln but do not until Uiuv are crown us a stepmother prob ilily woulil not do an well by thoni iiti Mrs. I'Uhor. I uo not want Kvu to inurry too yoniu not until she la SO or' " . ' yeitrsold. 1 hope thu roinulixlur of your life will be comparatively hapiiy , Uood byo. Your wife. MAIIV. Tbo letter to Mrs. Blades reads as follows ; COUNCIL ilr.imv. In. , Fob. 28. My Dear Sis- ten I will bo no morn when von rcoelvo this letter. A divorce und the hospital faces me , HIM 1 prefur dituth to elthor , No doubt but It will bu a hard blow to you. hut It would ho hurdi-r for you to hoar If I should go to the hosnltnt again. You muy t > oiid thu rest of thut money to papa. Uood byo. Your inlbor- iiuloilstui , .MAIIV. Kor soroo reason or ether neither of these letters were over mailed and were found in her trunk after her death , Ono of the wit nesses , was not able to bo present yester day and another session of the Jury will be held this evening to iinlsh the Inquest. Dvillrnteil to.Jiittlec. Those who luft for Hud Oak Wednesday to attend the opening of tbo now Montgomery county court bouse returned yesterday morn ing , reporting n line tlmo. Too exercises wcroheld lu the court house Wednesday afternoon , and were presided ever by Judge Doomerof Uod Oak. Major Anderson of Qleawood laado the address ol the day. lu tbo evening there was another session , and among the speeches made were those by .Tudgo Walter I. Smith of this cltv , Hov. A. B. Shlpman of Hod Oak. Frank * fi Davis of Corning , Major H. O. Curtis of At lantic ana Colonel A. D. Hobbard. In the evening n magnificent batiquot was given at the Hotel Johnson , under the auspices of the bar of Montgom ery county. At the close of the feast re sponses were given to the lollowingtoa < its ; "Tho Lawyer In Politics , " C. S. Keenant "Tho I'rofesslonnl Juror , " L. T. Gonung of Hast.ngs ; "Tho lOnforccmsnt of Criminal LuvV C , M. llarl of Council Bluffs. Hon. Smith Mcl'hcrson of Hod Oak ofllclatod ns master of ceremonies. Among tboso present were n largo number of prominent attorneys of b'romont , Montgomery , Mills , CMS nnd 1'oltowaltamlo counties. HUSTON STOIU : , Council IHun'H , In. , MprliiK Announcement IHtlV. Our thousands of patrons , have boon askitip daily when our spring merchan dise would bo placed on Palo. Most of the Inquiries were regarding dress goods , which wo have at last got ar ranged in sleek and open for Inspection. Everything the latest , the nowoBl , the nobbiest. They have only to bo soon to bo appreciated. THE NEWEST WEAVES FOR 181)2. ) If it light weight material in .silk and woil known "Lansdowno " ns , perfectly plain , weave toscmblingsilk , but drapes and clings much moro graceful. \Vo show the best quality in the mar ket , carried and advertised by nil the loading eastern houses at $1. . ' ! < " > and31.50 ; wo make our price 81.25 goods full 40 in. wide. HENGALINE. A popular material for this season , Wo show a nice line of spring shades , also black ; our price $1.00 a yard. VANDYKE HEOKOKD CORDS. This is a now weave of Hertford cord , wo 'cn with the raised cord , ut ligurod with u Vandyke pattern. Handsome line of shades ; our price 75c a yard. yard.7AG 7AG ZAG .IACQUARDS. The above is u novelty , something en tirely now in olTect and very desirable good for spring wear. The price SI.00 a vard. HENRIETTAS. Wo have them in all qualities and all im.iginablo shades and colors at oOc , 68c , Too and Doc a yard. POPULAR SHADES. Our dross goods department never was so complete , having taken great puins-in selecting for this season , tlio popular shades being , lizard green , gobelin green , pearl gray , ashes of roses , French modes and slates , English tuns and tan-browns. BOSTON STORE , COUNCIL BLUKKS. IA. MrsSinlth'H ICrpntatlon. The suit of Susanna Smith against Mictnol O'Boylo , which was brought by Hie plaintiff to recover J5.030 for a portion of her reputation which she claimed to have loit by reason of some uncomplimentary remarks which the defendant huu made about her , was on trial In ttu district court yesterday nil day. A number of witnesses were put upon the stand and questioned as to what they know about the mutter , but their l-sti- monv was In some respects rather contradictory. Tlio c.iso wns pivun to the Jury at4JO : ! o'clock in the afternoon , and in less th. ten minutes a verdict WHS re turned in favor of O'Boyle. The case of Smith against Grav is now on trial. Petitions were liled yesterday us lo- ! lows : A. J. Wiiy against Alonzo . \Velnon etui ; A. W. Flint aqpinst August Doller el. nl ; B. O. Leonard against William II. Latoy ot nl : William A. Wheel or against William H. Latoy ot at ; Peter Wius against Caroline Widotnan et al. To 50c a day will buy a flrstclass piano fit half price. For particulars write or bee the Muicr.Lr.ii PIANO AND OHO AN Co. , 103 Main St. , Council Bluffs , la. Swtinson Music Co. , Masonic temple The G. M. Dodge camp , Sons of Vet erans , will give a ball in G. A. R. hail on the evening of March 7. A cordial invitation is extended to the public. Jarviswild blackberrv is the boat Wo have our own vineyards In Califor nia. Jarvis Wine comuany , Co. BlulTs COMING IN MAY. 1.1st us Far us ICnuwii of Delegates to tlio Methodist ContrriMier. The following list of delegates to the Meth odist quadrennial conference which mc'-ts in tnia city on the llret of May next , will Do of interest to a great many readers of Tin : BBC. Tbo list Is not as yet completed ai tbo conferences will not all bu held until about the mlddlo of April. The follow ing are those who have been chosen up to date. The rpscrves or alternates are not given here , simply the delegates : Austin : Ministerial David tav ! , presid ing elder , fort Worth , Tox. Lay Ueorgo E. Ncls , railway ofllce , Fort Worth , Tex. Bluu Kid go : Ministerial Thomas W. Matnoy , pastor , Hicovlllc , N , C. Lay James E. Heed , clerk United States court , Asheville , N. C. California : Ministerial Charles V. An thony , pastor , San Joe , Cal. ; James N. Beard , president Napa college , Nupa , Cal. ; William R. Gobcr , pastor , Lo-j ( Jntos , Cal. ; John D. Hammond , aceut Book depository , San Francisco , CM. Lay Ely W. Plater , capitalist , Oakland , Cal. ; Chaunccy Uulnos , ban nor , Berkeley , Cal. Central Gorman : Ministerial Henry J. Llobhart , editor. Sun day school nnd tr.ict publications , Cincinnati , O. ; Jacob Roth- woilcr , presiding older , Newport. Ky. ; John G. Schucl , pastor , Cincinnati , O , Lav Gotllob ' . Goltlor , oaitor , Plttsburg , Pa. ; Hans A. Schroetter , Insurance agent , Cin cinnati , O. Central Illinois : Ministerial Charles O. McCulloch , presiding elder , Pcoria , III. ; Thomus Donoy , presiding elder. Ponttuc , 111. ; Morrick A. Head , presiding cider. Hock Island. III. ; Benjamin F. Tallmun , presiding elder , Kimualteo , III. ; JcrvU G. Evans , pres ident Heddiug college , Ablngtou , III. Lay Mliton Hicks , manufacturer , Strentor , III. ; Thomas J. Hobluson , banker , Hock Island , III. Central Now York : MinUtorlal Luke O. Quoal , presiding elder , Auburn , N. Y. ; Ed mund M. Mltl % p.islor , Elndra , N. Y. ; Edwin - win J. Hermans , pastor , Elmira. N. V. ; superintendent public schools , Srracuso , Central Ohio : Miniatorlal-Loroy A. Belt , presiding elder , Kenton , O. ; Ellai D. Whit- lock , pastor , Uulawuro , O. ; Adam C. Barnes , presiulng elder , Carey. O , ; Isuiuh H. Hender son , presiding older , ICenton , O , Lav Wll- Hum Lawrence , lawynr , llollofontulno , O. ; Alfred G. Williams , murchaut , Perrysuurg , Central Tennessee : Mlnlst rial Joseph M. Carter , pastor , Tullanomii , Toiin. Luy Charles II Mayuard , merchant , Tullahoma , Twin. Chicago Gorman : MinUtorlal Charles llodlcr , pastor , Oshkosn , Wis. ; Charles Iwort , pastor , Wotortown , Wls. Luy Guctavus Seofcld , iiiorchant , Milwaukee Wls. ; Charles L. Gamer , manufacturer , Chi cago. Cincinnati ; Ministerial Adna B. Leon ard , secretory Missionary society , New York Wilson , bank casnler , Urbann , O , ; Jumos M. Gamble , inanufuclnwr , ( Cincinnati , O. Colorado : Ministerial Earl Cranston , agent Western Book concern , Cincinnati , O , ; Nathaniel A. Chamborluln , pastor , Denver , Colo. : Samuel W. Thornton , pruilalng older , Donror , Colo. Lay John Evans , capitalist , Denver. Colo. ; HorucoT. DoLong. reporter. Grand Junction , Cole , Columbia : Ministerial George M. Booth , presiding older. Spokcno , Wash. ; Henry HasuuB , proildlng older , Bpouauo , Wash. Lay-James 13 , bargcut , rauchor , Spokauo , Wash , ; llorlln J. Coil no , wffissor , Walla Wolln , Wash. % „ DtiKntrx : Ministerial Chaio | B. Clark , presiding older , Mitchell , Sj } j , ; Alva W. Adklnson , pastor , Albuquorqufl N.M. Lav Honr.v E. Cratz , teacher , Venn ilhon , S. I ) . ; Edward T. Langlov , Uwycr luron , S. O. Dos Molncs : Mlnistcrlal-WEmory Miller , pastor. Indianoln , In. ; Wil jUi ) S. Hooker , presiding elder , Shcnftndonh. Ja. ; John H. llorwolh , pastor , Bedford , fji , William C. Martin , presiding older , , ( tjiarllon , la. ; William N. Uamsnvv | ireildljg ( lucr , Boone , la. Lay Leroy M. Mann , , r/.il } estate , Dos Mol'ioi , In. ; Leslie M. Slm j wyor , Uonl- sou , In. i , , Detroit : MlnUtcrlal-T.oftfe H. Flslto , presiding elder , Albion collet ; , 'Alblo.i.Mlcli. ; Joseph F. Berry , editor EpwBrth Herald , Chicago. III. ; William H. Shier , p\stor. : De troit , Mich. ; Arthur Edwards , editor Norlh- western ChrUtlan Advocate , Chicago , 111. ; James S. Smart , cresldlng elder , Flint , Mich. ; Matthew C. Hawks , pastor , Bay City , Mich. ; .Tcsitf Kilpatrlok , pastor , Yale , Mich. Lay George W. Hoblnson , lumberman , Detroit , Mich , : Hc.rocrt A , For rest , law } or , Saglunw , Mich. East Ohio : Ministerial-Wlllhtn H. Hldor , prcMdlne elder , Akron , O. ; Hobort M , Freshwater , presiding elder , Sclo , O. ; John H , Kcyos , pastor. Now Philadelphia , O. ; Jay S. Youtnans , presiding older , Cleveland , O. ; John I. Wilson , presiding elder , Cambridge , O. ; Harvey Webb , pastor. Cleveland , O. Lav Lowls Miller , manufacturer , Akron , O. ; Silas J. William ? , manufacturer , Alll- anco , O. East Tennessee : Ministerial Dantol W. Hays , presliilng elder , Cleveland , Tcnu. Lay Hobort Howard , real estate , Chattanooga , Tenn. I'.rlo : Ministerial Francis H. Hock , pre siding elder , ilrookvlllo , Pa. : James T. Ed wards , principal Chamberlain institute , Ran dolph , N. i. ; William P. Bmnoll , presldlt.g elder. Hnndolph , N. Y. ; Alfred Wheeler , presiding older , Erlo , Pa. Lay Truman D. Collins , lumber , Nebraska , Pa. : Gorton U. Chase , merchant , Greenville , Pa. Gcnosoo : Ministerial James E. Williams , presiding elder. Buffalo , N. Y. : Stanford Hunt , ngout Book Concern , Now York ; John T. Cantlold. presiding older , Corning , N. Y. ; ( ieorgo C. Jones , pastor , Hochestor , N. Y. ; Jainon E. Bill ; , presiding elder , Rochester , N. Y. ; Samuel NlcGcrald , editor Buffalo Christian Advocate , BnlTnlo , N. Y. Lav Francis H. Hoot , merchant , Buffalo , N. Y. ; James E. Brlgg" , lawyer , Hocuoiter. N. Y. Germany : Ministerial Ernst H. Gob- hardt , presiding older , Karlsruhe , Germany. Lay Ernst Mann , manufacturer , Rod al bun , Germany. Holston : Ministerial John F. Spence , president U. S. Grant university , ICnoxvlllo , . Thomas Carter ex-cullor Methodist rcnn. ; C. , - odist Advocate , Chattanooga , Tonn. : Lay William A. Gatbranh. clerk , Nushvillo , Tenn. ; Andrew J. Bruner , dentist , Morris- town , Tonn. Idaho : Ministerial Harvey K. nines , professor Portland university , Portland , Ore. Lay Isaac it. Sandora , lawyer , Union , Oie. Illinois : Ministerial Stenhnn II. Whit- lock , pastor , Clinton , 111. ; William N. McEl- roy , presiding older , Sprlneflolil , III. ; Chris. Galeencr , pastor , Qulncy , 111. ; William H. Musgrovo , pantor , Kustivillo , III. ; Marion W Kverhart , presiding older , Jucksonvlllo , III. ; William H. W'obstnr , suparlntondont Domestic missions , Danville , 111. ; William A. Smith , pastor , Blootninnton , III. Lay- Harvey C. DeMotte , superintendent Or phan's Home , Normal , lit , ; ( Asapli C. Von- uerwater , mcrchnnt , Pana , 111 , Indiana : Ministerial Johtj A. Ward , pre siding older , Hockporr , I d ; William H HuUtead. pastor , liloomlnuton , Ind. ; John H. ICetcham , presiding elder , Indiaimpolls , Ind. L.IV Nawlund T. lJ nP4Uw , manufac turer , New Albany , , lmi , ; Jonathan B. Younc , inrrchunt , Petors-bnrs , Ind. lown : Ministerial -Charges L. Stafford , projldont Iowa Wo3lo\au yntvcrslls' , Mount Pleasant. la. ; Ira O. KoinuJcM presiding ci der , Oskaloosa. In. ; Thomajj.nl. Myers , pro- sluing elder , Mount Ple"is.-\nt , la. Lay llc-merlay B. William' , inorohant. Centre- vlllo , In. ; Marcus Simpsun iuerchant , Bur- lint'ton la. Italy : Ministerial Williuni Burt. presiding - ing elder , Horn1 ; , Italy. Lay Mando Lulgl , Postal aeoartinent , Homo."ltal.v. Japan : Ministerial Juitils Sopar , presid ing elder , 1'oklo , Japatr. TJay Yasujl Nlno- mlya , merchant , Yoktihamli-Jutan. Kentuckv : Ministerial-mAmon Borelng , presiding elder , Coviugton.jKy. ; Elman L. Sb.ep.irJ , prcsldiui ; elder , Leitchliela , Ky. Lay Amos Shlnklo , bsiniier , Covington , Ky. ; Jeremiah S. Jones , lumber , Willfarasburg , Ky. Michigan : Ministerial James H. Potts , editor Michiuau Christian Advocate , Detroit , Mich. ; Lev ! Master , presiding older , Kalamazoo - mazoo , Mich. ; William L. Cog- shall , presiding elder , Grand Hapids , .Mich. ; George S. HIckay , presidinij older , Laiibing , Mich. ; Daniel W. Parsons , presid ing elder , 'Wig Hapids , Mich. ; Marshall W. Callen , pastor , .hitikson , Mich ; Nicholas L. Bray , presiding elder , Coldwater , Mich. Lay Siimucl Dickie , teacher , Albion , Mich. : Hiram E. Staples , capitalist , Wbito Hall , Mich. Minnesota : Ministerial James F. Chuffeo' presiding elder , Minneapolis , Mi.in. ; George H Bridgcinan , president Hamlinouniversity , Hnmlino , Minn. ; Henry C. .tannings , pastor , HedWing , Minn. ; William McIUiiloy. presiil- ine older , St. 1'aul , Minn. ; Coursen M. Heard , pastor , MinnnapjlU , Minn. Lay Hast-al H. Brill , judge district court , St. I'niil , Minn. ; Henry Bcemor , insurance , Minncnpolis , Minn. Mnntor.a : MinUtorlal Francis A. Hug- pin , pastor , Fish Creek , Mont. Lay John E. Richards , lieutenant governor , Butte Cltv , Mont. Nebraska : Ministerial Charles F. Crelgh- ton , chancellor Wesluyan university. Univer sity Place , Nob. ; Ilehrv T , Unvis , presiding elder , Lini'oln. Neb. ; UultoSlavius , presid ing elder , YorK , Neb. Lay Burtlott L. Paine- , physician , Lincoln , Neb. ; Archibald F. Coon , farmer , David City , NOD. Nortli Carolina : Ministerial Charloi N. Graudison , president Bennett colluco , Greensboro , N. C. Lav H. Baxter McHary , professor , Lexington , N.C. , North Dakota : Ministerial Jacob A. Hovis , uresiding elder , Devil's Lako. N. D. Luy Fraim J. Young , lawyer , A'alloy City , N. D. Nortli German : Ministerial John G. Bauer , presiding elder , Minneapolis , Minn. Lay William F. Fluke , professor , St. Paul college. St. Paul , Minn. North Nebraska : Ministerial John B. Maxllcld , presiding older , Omahu.Neb. ; John W. Shank , editor Nebraska Christian Advo cate , Otnahu , Neb. Lav Andrew J. Ander son , merchant , Nellgh , Nob. , Jonn Dale , real estate. OirabalNeb. North Ohio : Mii.isteriol .lamoi W. Men- dnnhall , editor Methodist Hcview , Now York ; John Mitchell , prpslding eUer , Cleve land , O. ; William F. W hillock , professor , Di'lawuro , O. ; Garretthon A. Hughes , pastor , Creston , O. Lay Martin M. Hester , farmer. Peru , O. ; John A. Gann , physician , Woos- ter , O. Northwest German : Ministerial Adolph DullU. presiding elder. Hedllold , S. D. Lay Hunry A , Salzor , lumber. La Crosse , Wis Northwest Indiana : 'Klliilsterlal-John L. Smith , suporanuatcd , Vtilpilralso , Inu ) ; John H. Cissel , pastor , La Poke } Ind. : Hillary A. Gobln , dean DePauwMUillversity. Or'eon- castlo. Ind. Luyilluun M. ICendall , merchant , Plymouth , Ii"Vl Oliver Gnrd , clerk circuit court , FranTifprt , Ind. Northwest Iowa : Ministerial George W. Pratt , presiding elder , Stuux City , in ; Wll- mot Wbltlleld , clmnpullor Northwest unlvcr- ii y , Sioux City , la. ; GCO.HUO W. L. lirown , presiding older , Fort Joilgo , la. Lay C.vrus C. Carnenter , poilmiislor Fort Dadgo , la. ; Eugene SBcor , banti'ir , Foret > t City. la. Northwest Swedish : ] < Minlstorlul Alfred Anduroon , presiding ulikr , EvanMon , III. Lav John H. Llndgrcu , banlier , Chicago II olii Norway : MlnlsterlalrrAndros Olten , presiding elder , Krhtlnnln , Norway. L y Martin Svond.ten , merchant , Eldang'or , Norway. Norwegian and Danish : Ministerial John H. Johnson , presiding older , Chicago , 111. Lay Potcr O. Magnuson , stonm laun drv , Evanstou , III. Ohio : MInlstorlal-Davtd H. Moore , odl- tor Western Christian Advocate , Cincinnati , O. ; John W. Dillon , pastor , Lancaster , O. ; John C. Jackson , pastor , Columbus , O. ; John H. Tibbies , pastor , Fultonhnm , O. ; John C. Arbuckle , pastor , Knncavlllo , O. Lay Carml Alderman , merchant , Ironton , O. ; Fletcher C. Coultrnp , superintendent public schools , Nclsonvllto , O. Oregon : Ministerial Samuel P. Wilson , presiding older , Salem , Oro. ; Charles C. Strntton , president Portland university , Portland , Ore. Lay George W. Stnvcr , merchant , Portland , Oro. ; John O. Booth , merchant , Grant's Puss , Oro. Plttsourg : Ministerial-Charles W. Smith , editor Pittsburg Christian Advocate , Pitts- burg , Pft. Asbury L. Potty , presiding cldor , Beaver , Pa. ; Thomas H. Woodring , presid ing older , Wllklnsburir , Pa. ; Joseph W. Miles , presiding elder , Plttsburp , Pa. Lay Jaini's A. Lane , tlmo kcopor , Johnstown , 1'n. ; Vochaol Harding , retired , Washington , Pa. Pa.Pugot Sound : Ministerial Andrew J. Hanson , presiding older , Portland , Oro. ; Thomas J. Mnsscy , pastor , WhatcomVnnh. . Lay David T. Denny , capitalist , Seattle , Wash. ; Frederick S. Williams , physician. Puynllup , Wash. Hock Htvcr : MImstorlid-Frank M. Bristol tel , pastor , Chicago , III. ; Lowls Curtis , prc- slolngelder , Chlcigo , HI. ; Franklin A. Hnr- din , presiding elder , Englcwond , 111. ; John M. Caldwell , pastor , Chicago , 111. ; llenrv B. Kldpaiviy , president Garrett Biblical Instl- tuto , Evanston , III. ; William II. Burns , presiding - siding cldor , Chicago , 111. Lay William Doerlng , manufacturer , Evanston. 111. ; Ben- Janiln F. Slieots , superintendent Illinois State rofornmtory , Poutlac , III. St. LouU Gorman : Ministerial William Kornckc , pastor , San Jose , III. ; John L. J , Barth , presiding elder , Burlington , In , ; Charles Hcldel , uitstor , Warronlon , Mo. Lay George Cress , manufacturer , Warsaw , III. ; Herman M. Jncohy , merchant , St. LouU , Mo. Southeast Indiana : Ministerial John P. D. Jubn , president DePnuw University , Grocncaslle , Ind. ; Jamns A. Sargent , pre siding elder , Connorsvlllc , Ind. ; Enoch H. Wood , pastor , Franklin , Ind. Lay William F. Stevens , merchant , Aurora , Ind. ; Wllllnm T. Fnedloy , Judge of court , North Madison , Ind. Southern California : Ministerial Puinoas F. Brcieo , presiding older , Los Angeles , Cal. ; Edwin W. Caswell , presiding elder , Santa Barbara , Cal. ; Wlnllcld S. Mutt how , vice proMdout Unlvor.-dtv of Southern Cali fornia. Los Angeles , Cal. . Lay Joseph E. McComos , state senator , Pomona , Cal. ; Perry M. Green , banker. Pasadena , Cal. Southern Germany : Ministerial Gotllob Dosdall. presiding elder , Waco , Tex. Lay Henry Wellman , builder , New Orleans , La. Southern Illinois : Ministerial Owen H. Clark , presiding elder , Belleville , ill. : Fran cis M. Van Trecse , presiding elder , Salem , 111. ; John D. Gllhain , pastor , Centrnlia , 111. Lay Albert G. Jcphson , professor , Lebanon , ' III..Milton ; A. Smith , editor , Vienna , 111. Sweden : Ministerial Karl A. Jansson , editor , Stockholm , Sweden ; John P. Lnrssoh , pastor , Motala , Sweden. Lay Jacob T. . .lacousson , mcrcnnut , Stockholm , Sweden ; August Flink , engineer , Sandvlken , Sweden. Switzerland : Ministerial HanuJ. Broiler , pastor , Basil , Switzerland. Lay Wilholm Hitter , professor , JCuricn , Switzerland. Tennessee : iMinistcrlal Crawford S.Wil son , pastor , Murfcosboro. Tenn. Lay Thomas W. Johnson , merchant , Nashville , Tenn. Upper Iowa : Ministerial John C. Magce , pastor , Ccaar Falls , la. ; Aloha J. Kvnett , secretary Board of Church Extension , Phila delphia. Pa. ; Thomas E. Fleming , presiding cldor , Davenport , lu. ; Samuel W. Hcnld , pnstor , Fayctto , In. ; James H. Hhea , pastor , Mnrahnlltown , In. Lav Henry Egbert , booubiudcr. Davenport , lu. ; Calvin Yoram , merchant , Manchester. la. West Gouman Mlnlstciial Charles Ott , pastor , St. Joseph , Mo. ; John G. Leist , pas tor , Kansas City , Mo. Lay Samuel .1. Kiln- schmidt , merchant , HigRinsville , Mo. ; Con rad FrlcK , murcUant , Donvur , Colo. West Nebraska : Ministerial Charles A. Martin , presiding cldor , Holdrcgc , Nob. ; Orlando H. Boebo. pastor. Broken Bow , Neb. Lay Bvron L. Hoblnson , telegrapher. North Platte , Npb. ; John N. Drvdon , lawyer , Kear- nov. Neb. West Virginia : Ministerial William G. Hlholdaffer , pastor. Wheeling , W. Va. : Lorln L. Stewart , uresiding older , Willinmstowu , W. Va. ; Calvin II. Lakln , presiding elder , Hunlington , W. Vo. ; Lewis H. Jordan , pre siding elder , Buckannon , W. Vo. Lay Lewis A..Martin , Cliarloston , W. Va. ; Harlin P. McGregor , merchant , Wheeling , W. Va. West Wisconsin : Ministerial George W. Case , presiding older , faparta , Wis. ; Samuel S. Benedict , pastor. New Lisbon , Wis. ; Man ning B. Balch , presldlngelder , Madison , Wis. Lay Peres J. Lane , clerk of court. Viroqua , Wis. ; James Spensley , farmer , Mineral Point , Wis. En Search You will nnd at Eicclelor Springs , Mo. , one of the most clmrmlng , all-year-round resort hotels lu Amcrlc-i , THE ELMS. Capacity 600 guests ; cuisine unsurpassed. A perfect hotel and complete sanila- rium. Superb bathing establishment with trained attendants. Surroundings pic turesque , location healthy absolutely free- from JIalarla. The fatuous tonic waters free to gucbtB. All charges moderate. For Illustrated pamphlet and particulars ud- gjccclslor Springs Company. ExceSsior Springs Missouri WiardsonDrugCo , , Agis , , Omaha. ol' Tie tarcwt. Fattf t and Flnctt In the World , PaoKeDKcraerumoilAtlonBUUiXctlleu. NEW YORK. LQKDQHDERnY AHO QIA8QOW Kvery Bnlurrtsjr , NISW YOIIK , ( linitAl.TKli and NAPLES , At regular InUrvnls. 8AIOON , SECOND-CLASS AND 8TEERAQE raiomni lowu i termi la unit from Hie principle DJOTCn , EW3UJH , ISI3H t ALL COlIimiKTAL rOIHTD- Kxcuislon tlckutt Available to return by eltlirr theitlo * tinoique Cldo North nf IroUn.1 or Nnplen Ollirallai Drift : : i liiioy Orion for ic ? Anctit at 1 eveit Eitil , Apply to nnr ut our local Anonnorto 1IUOTUE1W. Chicago , 111. Notlcn Id llulhliTH. lllds will bo roci'lvcd up to March IP. Ib'/-1 , for the orei-tlon und complullon of a stone church iMiildlnforSt , Joseph's Itonuiti ( Jatli- olio parish of L'anoll , In. , orunvjmrt of thu bumc. I'lans and Rpeolllcatlonsaro to boscen at I lie olllco of Wulkur fi. r.Uontraut. archl- tncti , , at Sioux City and ( Jairoll , and ut thu rosltlciu'u of Hov. 1.I , O'Connor , puhtor. Cur- roll. All bUU must , ho for furnUhliiK mntorlal und puiforu IIIK all labor und must bo aecom- pinlud Uy bonds for ut least 4V per cent of contract prlcn. The cummlttuu ICSITVO the right to reject unv or all bid * . MSdlt inAe I'riipoxulM fur lloiidx. Feuled bids will bu rccolvod ut tlio otllco of thu ( Jlty Tro.iburer , Omalia , Neb. , up to 1'J o'clock March lUlli , l W , for the purchase of IflT.VOUWiaj year 5 per cent Olty Hull Honda. Thu prlnclp.il nnd Intuiost uru payable nt hoiinKo llros. , Nnw York. Interi'ti payable ( iml-annu < tly | , Kuril lild must u tutu the prlcound the amount of bonds bought for und iniibl Include Intuiost up to date of dollvcrv , Usnutl under anlliorlty of dinner of met ropolitan -Ilies and Ordinance --il'j ' approvo'J .lunutiry IlOth , Ihos. The right Is rohurvud to rcjoi't uny or all bids. HENHY HOLLN , City Trodsuror. front bf rf vVr rl by ilenlcrs who "cut" prices. " Cuttingv pricw lends to "ctittlng" goo < K For this reason and to pro tect the public , the f/rniu'iir nuxll- clnos of Dr. II. V. riorcc , are now sold only through regularly author- ired accents , who can K'll only at the following lonpwtnlHslicl iirlei-s : UoMcn Slcdlcnl Discovery , f 1.1X ) wr ImU tie. Favorite Prescription , fl.lX ) per liottle Ploamnt Pellets , S3 cents per vial. The genuinr inoillclnos.hlcb can Ixj had only nt these prices , nro tno chonjiost yott ran use , for they're ptKimnfmf. It's " vnluo re ceived or no jviy. " In every case where Dr. Pierco's medicines fall to ph"0 sntlsfnctlon , the makers will return the money. 7Jnf , they want to bo sure that you Rft tlirir nioi/i- / ciliM. nnd not their bottles rellllod or tntil- IHTIXI with , or spurloim imitations. JleftiBO everything ofTcrcd ns Dr. Plerco'S medicines nt less than the nbovo prices. They nro gencrnlly spurious. A Written Guarantee SYPHILIS ; to Cure Kvory Case or Money Kofundod. Our euro I'pennmient nml not-i pitj'ilii ui. , Om I enteil fcvcn ycnr nso linvo uover foen n srmntOTi flnce. lly ile'crlblngenso fully wo run ircnt you by ninll.nnil woRlvothosnim strong KUiirnntco to euro om'fuml all money. These ttho prefer tu roinoliora for treatment cnn do Fonml wu will | my ndlronil fnro bolh iMiysnml liotcl tilllnv'.illo here If wo full In curd We. ChnllciiRO tlioVorl I for 11 cnso tlint our M.U11C 11KMICDV will not euro. Wrlto for pnrtlcu'ftn nnl get the evidence. In our seven yotiV prntl23 with this.\lAOIC ItllMUDV U Imi been m < m ilimam t } overcome the projuillo-js ni.ibnt socullol spjolDi Hut under our stroiiKKunnvitua tliomnmlt nro trylnt Hun J lieluir euro J. Wo Kunrnnteotociironrrofu.il every dollnr , nnJ ns wo h ivon rap UVlJi t' ) pri''j a nl'ollnnncHI tmcklnjofJ.V.ll.OM It Is pcrfcctlr rnfc to nil who will try the trcntuiouU llcretofo-j you liavj been inillhiKiip nivl iinilnit outyour inoniy lordlla. * cut treatment * , niul nltlioiicli you nro not yet curj 1 noonu tins pnl.l bac'it your money.Vo will uixltlvolr euro3on. OIJ chronic , iloop soitoJ cn-oj enrol In 1) ) to iO dnj-j. InventUnto our Hu.inclftl utanll'U , our rcpumtlon ni liuslnco men. Wrlto "i for nnmca nml nttdrcHvc of tlio o TTO linvo cured who huvo Klvcn p rmlv > lon to refer to tlio.n. U eosli you only pmV net * to do Ihli. If your .lympto-ua nro sere thrott , inucoiu patches In mouth , rhouiuatls n In bones m 1 jolntuhnlr fnllltiKout , oruptlim' on imy pnrt of thJ body , fcclliiK of ccncrnliloproiMon , iinlus In henl or nones. You linvo no tlma to wn to. Tlioso who nrj constantly UiUIni ; mercury a 11 pot nil sV.ul t illson tlnuolt. Couitnnl u o uf these driuts will MI rely titluj cores nmt cntliiK ulcers In the en I. IKm'tfntl lovrito. . Allcorrciionlcnco | icnt sonlo.l la plnl > onvolupoi Wo Invite the most rujl'l ' Investlitntton un J will do all n our power lonlJ you In IU Address OOOrl BEMEDY 0. . - Onuln , JTebrai'ta. MAGIC CURE KN nee for case of I.O.T or KAIMNO WAN- HOOD , General-ur NEHVOUH DKIIIMTV , woak- ncssof uody orjiilnd , the elTcctsof orroHorox- cebsesln old or younK that xvocannotonra Wo euuruntco every cuso or ref mid every dollar. Five daystrlnl trciitmqnt 81 , full course 9B. Perceptible bcncllts realized In three days , lly mull , securely p ickod from observation. COOK UEMEUV Co. , OMAHA. NEU LADIES ONLY MARIO I'KMAW ! UKSUI.ATOIt. Safe and mnUlU Curtain to a day or money refunded. lly mall $2. Securely oilol : from observa tion. COOK ItK.HtiU V 6' . ' > . OmulKi , Neb LsDuc's Periodical Pills. The French remedy asts directly upon the fcnor ; tivo organs and euros suppression of the mouses. lior three for 15 , nml c.in un mailed. Should not bouso.l diinln iiroiimncy. Jobbers , drngslstsaiul tbo publlo suppllod by Ooodman DrunCo. . f Oregon Short Line & Utull Northurn Kiill way Coinpiinjytockhvldcrs' .Mt > etlii | ; . Notice Is horuby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Oreson bhoit I.lno & Utali Northern Kullway eoni- panv , for the election of directors und such other bus ness .is may loyally cotno boforotho iiieetlns , will bo held at room No. 41 , Hooper Hulldlnz , Salt L-iko Cllv , Utah Territory. upon Wednesday , the IGlh duy of March. 13JJ , at 10 o'clock a. in Stock transfer books will close upon tlio Mth day of February , and reopen upon the 17th day of March. ALEXANIIKH MII.I.AII , Secretary. 110STON , Mass. . Feb. 3. 160J. FlOd.utM _ I'uuml Notion. Taken up and Impounded In the olty of Omaha on the 1st dav of Miireli , IS.1 ! ) , one year ling belfor calf , spotted , part Jersey , which will ho. If not redeemed before snip , sold at public uiK-tion to the lilghc-ttt binder for eahli , on thn Ilth day of March. I8J' . ' . ut 1 1 o'clock In the foicnnon. II. I'UI.A.SKI , I'oundniastcr. OMAHA , March 2. HO , ' . M3d3tM SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCIL BLUFFS. OU SALE At n burualn. 12-acrc fruit and L'-mlen lurm ii'ljolnln city limits ; food dwolllng. K II. aiio.ife. _ Wlltl , trade hoiiho and lot for toim : ; will i1 he Ions tlinoon balance. Call at 015 S. Cth street. _ 171 AH MS. g.irJon laii'U. lionsji. lots tin 1 -L business hlojlcs for silo or rant. U.iy i. lless , 10 I'oarl atroot. Con neil lilulTs. IjlOK KENT Over 10) dwollln-'s of every de- IHcrlptlon at prices varying from $1 to tIfll ) per month , located In all parts uf the elty. K. 11. Shu ifc. 50J Itroadway. FOH EXCHANGE Clean stocU of Ronoral niercliundlsu. invoice about $1,500 , for real estate and sorno cnsli. I'd K. May no , ( HOUroad- ; iy , Council HlnlTd. 1UJ acres of Ian : ! a short distance H. R of Council llluirs and thu I ) , and 1) . Institute at ? ' - ' " > per acre. A .snap. Also Rood IDO-aero farm near Missouri Valley at J. ' . > per acre. 1'osses- blon Klvun at once If sol.I. Fine farms and car.'onsot all slzoa , Johnston & Van fatten , Council llluirs. Sims & SaundcK-aeWy'ihaot federal courts. Ho5ma , t and 5 Ucuoblock , Council Illuffi. Ix THE GRAND HOTEL , Council Bluffs , lown. Now , modern , well-appointed , thor oughly woll-Uopt , $3 u day. E. F. CLARK , Prop. FOUND AT LAST After Years of Unsuccessful Soaroh fbr a Cure , Martin Anderson Gets Holloffrom the Chinas ; ) Doctor A Volintiry Tjat monlal. OMAHA. Nob. . Jan. 18 , 18D2. To whom It May Conoorn ; This is to certify that. I linvo boon a constant sttlToror for many years with catarrh , asthma anil bronchial ulToo- tlons of the throat , and trlotl till the tmtont mcdlcinoa nnd remedies I overheard hoard of , but with no success. I ticntod with doctors in various parts of the country , but none of thorn could do mo nny good ftirtlior than uivlng mo shor temporary rollof. I sulTorod nljrht an- day. and continued to grow worse not withstanding nil the uicdicino I htul tultou. I had almost given up mv case as hopeless when I was informed by u friend of Dr. O. Goo \Vo , the Chlnbao doctor , and advised to go und eao him in the hope of getting relief at least , if not n pornmnont euro for my trouble. I was slow in making up my mind to malto such a radical change in my treatment , ns I know a trial with the Chinese doo- tor would bring mo , but I llnally con - eluded to give him a trinl , so I called at his offlco with thtvt intention. I lound thn doctor a clover , entertaining gentleman - man , thoroughly posted on my condi tion , nnd it took only a , vary short tlmo to convince mo that'ho was the party I was so long in search of. Ho told mo my case was curable , and that ho could euro mo , and prepared uio n sueeial treatment to suit my condition , und in two weeks 1 was to much bettor that I had the fullest confidence in the doctor's ability and committed my case to his treatment. I continued to grow bettor rapidly and am now ontiioly woll. I owe my euro to Dr. C Goo \Vo , and urn not ashamed to admit , it. I advise all who want relief from their troubles to call on Dr. C. Goo Wo , and they will bo cured. For all particulars apply or write to MAHTIN L. ANDEHSOX , ai21 Cuming St. , Omaha , Nob. DR. C. GEE WO , KoRiilargr.iduatoof Ohlncso medicine. oUht years'Htudy , ten years' practice. TriwVi suc cessfully all diseases known to snllerln hu manity. Hoots , plants and herbs naturoNromodlos his medicines the world his witness ; 1,000 tos- tlinonia's. Uull and see him. Uonsult/ulon free. Has also constantly oa hand romod'os for the following diseases ready iirepiiredt Asthma , Catarrh , Ithcunrittam , Indigestion , Lost Mnnhooil. Kcmalu Wo kncss. Hick llo.iU- nchc. Illood 1'urlllnr. und Kldn y uiul L vo.\ PHco , ono dollar per bottle or six for llvo del Inru. Those who cannot rail , enclose ! -ccaj ntninp for question lint an 1 full particulars. Lfflce , Cor. 10th nnl Califs-Ala St3. . Ojiah. Onaha Medical and Surgical INSTITUTE. Hi Eye < Ear INFIRMARY FOli THE TREATMENT II OP ALL Host facll tics , nppar.itut and HoinuJloa forHiiccrsjful treatment of uvory form of disease retiuliln : medical or xur-lcn ! treatment. 50 beds for patients , boird : and attendance. llest acconiodationi In tbo west. Wrlto for circulars on deformities and braces , trusses , club feet , curvatures of mil no , piles , tumors , e.nicer , catarrh , bronchlt.x , In- lialuilonelectricity , paralysis , cpllupty , kid ney , b adder , eye. oar , kln and blood and alt oper.ttloiiH. A si'KoiAi-TY. flP WflMPU - Ut WUllltlN Hook on Diseases of Women FKKIC. Wo have lately added a lylntf- In department for women during confinement. ( Htrlotly private. ) Only Itollalilo Medical In stitute malting u Spocl.ilty of P1UVATK IJISIOASI3S All Illond Dlsitiisos "iiiccoSsfiilly treated. Syphilitic 1'olson lomoved from the system without miTCiiry. Nuw ilestoratlva Treat ment for Loss of VITAIj I'OWKK. l'erons 1111- alilo to vlRit us mav bo treated at homo by corrospon cnce. All communications confi dential. Mcdlclm.'H or liistrnmimta sent by mall or express , securely packed , no marks to Indicate contcnlsor Bender. One pun'onnl In terview preferred. Call and consult us or bond history of your case , und we will send In plain wrapper , our I'llEEi Upon ITlvato , RnnK 77) MPN tfUUK IU men , { { peolal or Nervous Dis- OUBCS. Impotenoy , Hvplilll.s. Gleet and Varlco- celc , with questron list. Ilrace.s , Aiipllunces for Deformities & TriiBOB. Only manufactory In the Weatof n y H/ ' Omana Medical and Surgical Institute , 26th nnd Broa'lway , Oo neil Bluffa. Ten minutes'lido from center nt Omaha on Onmha and Council liluffa electrlo motor line. CITIZENS STATE BAM Uf Council Illutls , ( 'nplUlstoe'J 8tM,000 Surplus und Profits HOOOO Net Capital an 1 Surplus , fVHHOOO Directors .1. I ) , Kdiiiundion , K. It , Slnu.irl , F.O , Cleitsoii , 1C. It. llnrt , I. A. Mlllor , J , V , lllncliiniil unit Clmrlcii II. Ilnnnnii. Truii9iiotKCinor.il b'llik- IIIK biibines' * . l.urKost capital and surplus of any biinlc In Southweatorn Iowa. NTBREST ON TIME DE7O3ITS Chas. Lunkley , Fiincrnl Director and Uiulurtaker. 311 Hroudway , Council HlulTa Tuluphono 31) .