Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 04, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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Charge That Omaha Paid Dearly for City
Hall Vault Equipment.
Mr. llolTnmn Snyi HoVn Hmibboil > r
O.unliii onirlnlft nnil Thnt till *
City ( lot the Worst of
tlio llnrgnln ,
\Vlun the gi-And Jury adjourned for a vaca
tion It VIM understood llmt the alleged irrog-
ulnrltlos In the award of the contract for
vault HxturM In the now city hall would betaken
taken up for Investigation. Prospects now
are that nothing will DO done in the cnso , as
the man making the charges Is too busy to
coma to Omaha to hold a soauro with th
erand Jury ,
II. J. Hoffman of Chicago , secretary of the
Hoffman-JCoofo Fllo company , made the
charge to the city council that the Fonton
Metallic Manufacturing company and the
Ofllco Specialty Manufacturing company
were In collusion , and that Omaha paid very
dearly for her $7,000 contract on city hall
vault fixtures. wraw
"How do 1 know there was a pool ! " said
candid Mr. Hoffman , when nskea to give the
Chicago renrcsentttlvo of TUB Bci : his
authority on this point. "Why , I was In a
pool with 'em myself under a f 1,500 forfeit at
Grand ilnplils. "
I- "So far as my motives in writing to the
Omaha city council are concerned , " contin
ued he , "I do not pretend that they wore
philanthropic. 1 am n business man and I
acted from purely business motives. I un
derstood that the contract had not been iln-
nlly lot to the Fonton company , as I hnd at
flrst supposed , and llmt it wo could show how
the city bad been swindled wo might got some
1 show. 1 flnd that I was mistaken , however ,
and now have tin special Intcroit In the mat-
tor. I have been nsKoa to submit the evi
dence of ray charges to the grand Jury , hut I
am too busv to take a trip to Omaha ,
und as there is nothing to compensate
mo for the tlmo and expense , I hardly
too how I could bo expected to do so. If the
contract were still open it would become a
purely business transaction , und of course
wo should present our case ns > fully as possl-
bio. As It Is , 1 urn willing to assist an Inves
tigation all I can , and will glvo the grand
] ury and the general public what wo have
through the columns of Tun Dm : .
Could Nut Get Information.
"In tbo Ilrst place there Is , it scorns to mo ,
strong ovldonco to any practical man that
things were not light in the wny in which wo
wore treated. I loarncd through ono of our
tounmh that bids wcro to bo culled for at
Omaha , and wrote nt once to thu mayor ask
ing for Information on the subject , and In
closing circulars to show the reliability of
our firm. After waiting a reasonable
length of tlmo and receiving no reply 1 wrote
to the city cleric with the same result. I sent
n half dozen loiters to various city otllclals
but failed to got a reply from any of thorn.
Finally wo learned , entirely by accident ,
When the award was to bo mado. This In
formation came through an Omaha furniture
"Wo at once sent our agent to Omaha. Ho
arrived the day before tbo letting of the con
tract and learned that no bids would bo con-
eldorod unless accompanied by a certified
check for iSOO. Ho wired us and wo mailed
Bucti a check nt onco. The Merchants Ex
change bank of Milwaukee , on which It was
drawn , nt our request , telegraphed the
chairman of tbo commlltco making the
au'ard that such a chock had been drawn.
Tuls , it acorns to mo , should have been suf
ficient , If the matter had been entirely fair
and regular , to have entitled us to a hearing.
But wo were shut out on the technicality
thnt our clock was not in hand at the time
I'lilil More Tlmn Schedule 1'rlcc.
"Now as to ice paid by Omaha , the
fact tbat she paid 10 par cent moro than the
schedule price and twlco as much as has been
charged elsewhere by the Fcnton company
for the same work , both before and since
tbo letting or the Omaha contract , is easily
proven and is a very simple problem in
arithmetic which any Omaha citizen can
figure out for himself.
"An examination of the bids made by the
same company for vaults in the court houses
of Whltoly county , Indiana , Clark count- ,
Wisconsin , Livingston county , Michigan ,
and Kane county , Illinois , will show that
they furnished the same goods at from "jO to
00 pnrccntlcssthanOmahaagrccdtopay , and
this , too , in spite of the fact that the Omaha
contract is much larger than any of those
named. A still greater difference will bo
found between the Omaha Jlgurcs and tbosu
homed' in vault contracts for countv build
ings at Appleton , Wis. , and Hampton ,
la. , made since tba letting of the con
tract at Omaha. So that the Font on
company can hardly claim , as it did at
Grand Hapids , where ono of its contracts
was rescinded on a similar showing , that the
goods provided for are of a later and better
pattern and thoioforo worth'more. "
You've No Idea.
How nicely Hood's Sarsnpanlla hits the
needs of people who fool "all tired out , " or
"run down , " from any cause. Jt seems to
oil up the whole mechanism of the body so
that all moves smoothly and work becomes a
positive delight. Do sure to got Hood's. '
Hood's ' Pills act especially upon the liver
roilslnir It from torpidity to its natural duties
euro constipation and assists digestion.
City I'liglnrm * ICusowutor DlHcu si > the
VropoHuil Jfmv Conduit Scliuinc.
pity Engineer Ko.iowator Is of the opinion
that the ordinance granting tbo now Thom
son-Houston Electric- Light company to lay
pipes and construct conduits in streets and
alloys should bo the subject of the most care
ful consideration. It is , ho says , a most 1m-
most Important privilege and tbero are n
grout many provisos and reservations which
should bo incorporated. The ordinance , In
order to ho considered Intelligently , should
bo in the first place referred to the oni'lncor-
lug department. Ho would also bo very
careful that the bill should bo drawn bv the
city and in the Interests of the city and not
by the company.
Again , bo Is not docldod as to the advisa
bility of the city giving to any corporation
the privilege proposed. Every ono knows
that tbo tendency all over the country Is
toward , municipal ownership of gas , electric
lighting , water works and all similar public
Improvements. With this in view the good
policy of alienating the privilege- con
structing conduits U open to question. Mr.
Hosewater. however , has not seen the ordi
nance arid is not in a position to speak on its
merits or demerit ? .
A Kansas Maii'a llxpurlenco with Couglm
nnil CulilH.
Colds and coughs have bean so prevalent
during tbo past few months that the experi
ence of Albert Favorlto of Arkansas City ,
Kan. , cannot fall to Interest some of our
reatfors. Horoltlsln his own words : "I
contracted a cold early last spring that set
tled on my lungs ana had hardly recovered
from It when I caught another thftt hung on
nil summer and left n > o with a hacking cough
which I thought I never would cot rid of. 1
bad used Chamberlain's cough remedy some
fourteen years ago with much" success aud
concluded to try it again. Wuon I had got
through with ono bottle my cough had loft
mo and I have not suffered with a cough or
cold since. I have recommended it to others
and all speak well of It. " 50 cant bottles for
tale by druggists ,
VUlUul Courtlaml lloucli.
A number of tbo members of the city coun
cil .formed a delegation that visited Courtland
Beach yesterday. The objost of the visit
was to learn moro regarding the proposed
summer resort.
Mayor Bemls , In speaking of the action of
tbo council in adopting the con
current resolution authorizing the ap
propriation of (1,500 to bo used in the con
struction of tbo Amos avenue bridge , loading
to tbo beach , said that no had not yet made
tip bis mind M to whether or not he would
npprovo me resolution ,
i .
Mrs'"p. M. Henry , Norfolk , Ya. , says ;
UM IH .miMii w.iiaf from headaches lu the
Use of Uradyorotine , I am desirous of Intro
ducing it la our now hospital. "
(11CANI ) OViMN : SI'llIMfl 1803.
Oar Tlirco-.Story llulldlng Overcrowded
With llnrgnlnii ,
Wo arc now ready to show you our
sprlnp stock. Wo hnvo a plonsnnt sur
prise In store for you. Wo nro going to
soil goods this spring chonnor thixn any
body. You naturally ask , why ? Wo
pay the least rent of any clothing houses
In town. It Is true wo nro overcrowded
for room and things nro not ns comforta
ble for us us they might bo. Wo nro
compelled to carry the bulk of our lin-
mcnso stock on the second anil third
HOOPS ; It makes our rent cheaper , and
therefore enables us to sell you nt such
smnll mUrgin. Our next reason Is , wo
glvo no credit , nnd consequently don't
lose 11 con ton bad debts. Last , but not tbo
lo'nst reason is , wo pny for every dollar's
worth of goods HB soon as they ronch our
This spring wo have taken advnntngo
of several Al houses that were a trlllo
short for cash on account of slow collec
tions , and Ihoy jumped at our cash of
fers that wo mule : for some of their
choicest spring productions. These
goods are put on siilo today. Wo name
vou a few of them :
Choice of 100 different styles of men's
suits. Amongst them you will llnd plain
gray solid cassimoro suits worth up to
912.00 ; our ouonlng price Is $0.76.
Choice of 75 different styles of men's
suits. Amongst them you will lind
black coritscrow worsted worth up to
$ iaOO ; our opening prico. $9.50.
Russell & Gorman , 724 Bronct\vnyNow
York , had 600 pall1 of pants of two
styles. Wo cleaned thorn out. Those
pants are made of good durable material
nnd are warranted not to rip. No bet
ter working pants were over olTorod for
sale in this city. They would bo cheap
at $2 26. Our opening nrieo is $1.39and
a pair of suspenders goes with thorn froo.
Crush hats in all shapes and colors
worth Toe , our opening price -16c.
Pure fur stiff hats worth $2.00 , our
opening price 09c.
Tock scai'fs worth 35c , our opening
price 15c.
Silk web suspenders with drawers
catches worth 50cour opening price lc. ! )
Jersey knit overshlrts worth $1.00 ,
our opening price 60c.
Wlilto merino undershirts or drawers ,
our opening price 38a
Fast colored black ho3o worth 25 ,
our opening price two pair for 25c.
Socks worth 15c , our opening price
three for ; 25c.
Keep both of your eyes on our show
windows this season ; it will pay you
1803 Douglas st.
P. S. Take any of the above adver
tised articles home und if not satisfac
tory they can bo returned the next day
( providing they are unsoiled ) and money
will bo refunded.
Dr. Cullimoro , oculist. 1333 building
C. W. Hijll Co. , coal.
New I'OHtolllce Notes.
Speaking about the resolution passed
by the executive committee of the Mnnnfac-
tuters nnd Consumers association relative
to tho.Iron work on the new postoflloo buildIng -
Ing , Mr. 'BelhdortT , the superintendent , said :
"Tho Manufacturers and Consumers asso
ciation labored under u mistake in supposing
that the columns known as the Ptuunlx col
umns were a patented arrangement. That
particular kind of n column was iirst intro
duced by the Pha-nix mill of Philadelphia.
but It can bo made now by any mill having
the capacity to make such u column without
paving any royalty to the Pbuunlx mills. I
agree with ho passers , of the resolution
introduced in the Manufacturers association
In ono particular. That is with reference to
letting bids for cnstirou Instead of steel
columns. 1 believe that cast iron column : , aru
just as good \vhcrc thoy'aro raado of hufllcicnt
weight. ThojUeol columns are used nearly
altogether in Chicago because thev get moro
strength for the weight. In a light , high
building the steel column presents
that advantage , hut In. this building
tbo question of weight will not cut so much
of anguro. If castlron columns wcro used
the Omaha'foundrlcs ' could compote , but it
will bo impossible for the Omaha foundries
to compete In the bidding for the furnishing
of steei columns. " ,
Referring to tbo preliminary work on the
foundation Mr UcImlorlY said that Mr. King
would begin xvork within a waulc if the
weather continued luv.orablo.
This is to testify that I have tested the
medical properties of Lr. ) J ? 13. Moore's Tree
of Life remedy to myontiro satisfaction , anil
can most heartllv recommend it to the suf
fering and afllictcd everywhere , to be all
claimed for It In the above statement. Lntt
spring f was suffering from loss of appetite ,
constipation , etc. , originating1 from kiduov
and 11 vor trouble , aim not used ono hot-
tlo of this great lifo remedy until 1 was
greatly relieved. My wife , also , being at a
very critical stage In lifo , was suffering
much at tlmci , and by the uso'of this remedy
has been saved from much suffering and pos
sibly from nrcmaturo death. Our youngest
son's ' health for sovctal years linn boon very
dcllcato. Ho contracted some lung troubio
by tnklngcold with measles , which produced
great nervous debility nnd occasional bleed-
Hie of the Jung * ; ho has used some four bottles
tles of Tree of Lifo , and feels ana looks as
though new ilfo hud been given him. If you
are nflllctod , try it.
( Jio. : MiLi.i-ii , Pros. Elder ,
Box 04 , .Carlisle. Iowa.
For sale oy nil druggists.
of 8ln.
Judge Berlin's court ground out a very
small and very uninteresting grist yesterday
morning ,
John Anderson did not look like anybody's
Jo John In particular. Ho had a rip rearm ?
good tlmo WtfdnesJay night , nnd
there was scarcely a whole sijuaro
inch of . cuticle loft on his face.
"I can remember wheio I got that last
drink , judge , " Im romarkoJ , as ho tenderly
caressed his numerous lacerations , "but I'm
blowocl if i Unoiv where I was fed Into a
corn-shellor. " Ho was allowed a few da.i s to
nurse his bruises ,
Dick Creole iirknowlodgod that ho was In a
light , but left It to the Judge whut her It could
have been helped. Hu wai > not looking for
trouble , but when a dusky bolls of ihoTljird
ward attempted to carve him with a
kntfo ho was compelled to preserve his
dignity. About tlvo years ago Creole slashed
a man with n butcher knlfo and showed his
heels to the officers who attempted to arrest
him. They chased him to the foot of Uodgo
street , when ho plunu'od into the river and
swam his way to liberty. After u year's no-
souco ho returned and was arrested and
orvoJ his tlmo. Ho was given thirty days
this morning with eight on bread and water.
One Minute.
One minute tlmo often makei agroit dlf
fqrencu a one inmuto rcnjo Jy for broachltU
choking up 'of the "throat , lungs , etc. , fo
oursolsa blessing , Qubeb ' 'Cough OurJ la
such a romody. For ale by all druggists.
Cubeb Cough Cure Quamluute.
Druiikoiinivu ,
A disease , treated us such nnd pornui-
nontly cured. No publicity. No infirm
ary. Homo treatment. Harmless and
effectual , liefer by permission to IjQr-
lington Huwkeyo , Send 2o stamp fpr
piunphlut , 8hoko < iuou Chotnlcnl Co , ,
13ut'Unjtou { I , V .
Immense Improvements to Bo Mndo in ilio
Various Packing Plants.
It Will I'Incc Oinntin Near the Top As n
fucking Cuutcr Drtnlln of the
1'liiMH NCHU N'otrv mid
During thopa < t month each ot the four
great packing houses located hero have boon
hard nt work upon the plans for the exten
sive Improvements of the coming season ,
That they have unbounded conlldcnco in the
future of South Omaha Is evinced by the
magnitude of the Improvements contcm
plated. The additional investment will
reach nearly 81,000rOJ and the capacity of
the plants will bo nearly doubled. The ex
tensions will necessitate the employment of
about 2,000 additional men exclusive ot the
largo number who will bo employed in the
construction ot the now buildings and the
putting In of a vast amount of additional ma
chinery. The now buildings will nil bo built
of the host material nnd supplied with the
most , improved equipments.
To dccldo upon the details of so extensive
an undertaking has required considerable
tlmo and an immense amount of work. Tlio
approval of the plans for the contemplated
Improvements of the Gcorgo II..Hammond
company has boon delayed from tbo fact that
the highest ofllclnls of the company , are In
Europe and communication was necessarily
A favorable decision has at Uist-bcoli
roachcd , however , nnd Tun BEE is liblo to
glvo a complete and detailed review of the
improvements decided upon by all the pack"-
ors except the Omaha Packing compan > ,
vvhoto plans are still In embryo. /
It Is the intention of tlio Hammond com- j
pony to entirely stipe-cede the wooden build
ing which constituted the original plant by
a new double brick structure , The exact
ground area of the new uuildlng hnb'not '
been exactly determined , but it wilt bo a
much larger nnd more substantial"strtictunj
than the present ono. It will bo four stories
high , and the cattle and hog killing depart
ments will bo included under ouo.-a'ool , tbut
constructed snparatcly. The buof departj j
mcntwill bo equipped with all modern ap
pliances. The Hilling will be , done on the
fourth floor. Tbo estimated coit of the
building and machinery U $200,000 nud when
completed the capacity of the plant\vlll bo
1,030 eiUtlo , ! IHJ ( ) hogs and 1,000 sheep n day.
An additional force of 400 men will bo re
quired. The pllodtivors will begin work
ou the foundations in u few days and the
beef house will bo finished and in operation
by August 1. "
The Improvements nt the "Cudahv Packing
company's plant will cost about S'30,000 nnd
comprise six largo new bull'ilinITSwhich will
cover an area of three and * ono-hnlf
actos. The largest building will bo
the beef house , ' .Hlxl-5 ! ! foot mut llvo
stories high. This will be erected immed
iately west of the present hoof house , mid
will extend to street. Just
across Thirty-third street nnd norlh of "tho
pepsin works an immense warehouse will be
built. This will bo two stones hlirh with n
ground area of Il5x27t ! > teet. It will bo uscil
as a hide collar und cooperate and for tha
stotagoof canned goods.
A now butterino factory 00x100 feet and
three stoiics high will bo erected immed
iately wcs > t of the present buttcrmo factory.
The new building will huvo n capacity of
150,000 pounds of tno product per week. The
old buUcrinu factory will bo u tided to the
oleonurgorino d'jpaittneut.
A two-story tin shop I2. > xIfiO feet will bo
built west of Thirty-third street and north of
the present tin shop. The additional build
ing will Jpnko the dully product 7.1,000
packages , which is about double the present
capacity. ]
The fcrtlll/er department will bo Increased
by a new building f > OxlOO foot. Tlio old tin
shop will bo added to the canning depart
ment , which will givu thu latter a capncitv ot
I.IO.OOO to 200,000 pounds a day. A now re
pair shop 75x15 ! ) leet will be located immedi
ately cast of the old hog houso. To allow
this the loading chutes of tbo stock yards
company will bo removed and tha tracks
which travoiso the site of the contemplated
building will bo moved north of the' old ro-
Dull1 shops.
Tin additional power required by thuso
improvements will bo supplied by eight now
boilers ot 100 horse power each , nnu an addi
tional 15'J ton ice machine will bo put in.
The total capacity of the plant when the
projected improvement's are completed will
bo : ! , .VJO hogs per day In summer and 5.000 In
winter , l.'JOO cattle" , JVJO sbcep nnd ' , ' 00 calves
The number of inpn employed will bo
incrca = cil from about 1S00 to ilSXV , ) , Work
has nlrtadv been begun on thcso improve
ments , which will make the Cudahv plant
ono of the largest and most/complete in tno
United States
The additions to tlio plant of SwJftoit Co.
will increase their capacity > aoout 25 per
cent.Vorlc is already undnr'way arfj It is
expected that sonic of tha new Ucn.utmnnts
will be in use some tiipo In Muy , . .Tho prin
cipal new huilping will bo sixiatoriet. high ,
with an aicaof lilxl'.U feet.1 It will be rcctcd
tilong the unloading chutes running between
tbo old and new houses r.nd'bo Ldlvlde'il into
three compartments. The southern end will
bo used for cold storage , life lard , sausage
nnd cooperage departments and for general
storage. The next will bo'oocuplbdiby the
smoked meat , department , ' and 'tho ' smoke
houses will occupy thp third/ ' * ' ' ' '
A boiler und engine toorn 80x1,10 , ; fcet will
occunv the slto of tho-old ice homo , A largo
addition will nlsp bo crcctod south of tbo
main building nnil facing the oapt track , to
be used ns phlppinpr'coQlor * for hogs , sheep
und calves. Tim capacity of the plane as im
proved will bo U.OJO cattle , 21,003 , boss und
0,000 sheep poi'-weok. i
\otci aiii'.jl'er
.Iciry Howiirjls seriously ill. ,
( J. A. Andeison'ofJiucas , Ju. , Is the guosl
of James Muxnall.
A li. Collins of Columb'us , Neb , , is the
guoit of his brother , U. iJ.'Coiilns.
Dnrn , a daughter to Mr , 'anil Mrs , Fred
Pearl , T\\ontyffourth nna O streets ,
Councilmin Dougherty Is * eofilincd to the
house with inflammation of the ayes ,
llev. James Leonard of Ord , Nob. , IB visit
ing his son , O. J. Leonard , of thb/iflty. ,
S. D. Steelc , who wa * formerly "in business
In this city , was in town yesterday renewing
old acquaintances.
Mis. J. H. Lonirworth of Beatrice H the
guest of relatives in town. bo will leave
today for Nuvv York. *
W. H. Hirloy was fined $3 and costs bv
Judge King yesterday for an attempted as-
suull upon John Leonard.
The democrats hold'an "exporlbnce" mootIng -
Ing in Judge Lovi's ' oftlco last night , ho
business was transpvtoa.
The toamstcrs o'f the city will have a mootIng -
Ing In Pivonka'K hall , Twenty.fourlti street ,
Saturday night for luo purpose of organbing
a tc.imsteiV un.on.
A mad dog created a momentary nanio on
N street ycstciduy morning. A well directed
shot from Olllccr McMuhoii's revolver soon
terminated hli career.
1C. O , Maylluld has announced himself as
n candidate for police Jjdgu in ttio coming
election. Mr. Mayllcld has many fricnJs
who wUh him success ,
The Ladles' Aid society of the First
Christian i-hurch gave n plcusantsocial at the
rojidcniu of AIM , G , W. Boycr on North
Twenty-fifth last evening ,
An Independent political club of thlitv-
thrco members bus been organised in tlio
Fourth wora , The ofllcers. President , Hcod
Darnell1 vlco p ran Wont , Donnls McLatn ;
secrotiUT. Daniel Of Floury t treasurer , Alfred
Graff , The next mrriln ? will bo bold Satur
day evening at rhlrty-flfth and Lstreets. .
Tlio ,1-yonr-olJ son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Collins
of Forty-eighth and > Q ctrcott wet burled at
St. Mary's cotnotpry yesterday afternoon.
Ho was a victim ofidtphihcrla.
] * rfcln Mrum Merit.
The success of Chamborlnln's couch rem
edy In effecting n speedy euro of la prlppo ,
colds , croup and * whooping cough , has
broueht It into grcattidoinand. Messrs. Pontius
tius & Son of Cuiooron , O. , say that It hat
gained a reputation ) second to none In that
vicinity , Jamas M. ' Queen of Johnston , W ,
Vn. , says It Is the be t ho over used. 1) . F.
Jones , druggist , \Vlnona , Mlas. , says :
"Chamberlain's cotigh rumocly Is perfectly
reliable. I hnvo always warranted It and
It never failed to give the moat perfect satis *
faction. " 60 cent bottles for snlo by drug
-T/jo.w 'itovxn .tnouT vs.
Nt'tiriiftlcn ,
Sneak th loves nro very notlvo at Ashland.
The Catholic bazaar nt Valentino netted
Superior is to have a drunkard reclaiming
St. Stephen's church at Grand Island Is
free from debt.
Wymoro Is to have a now Catholic church
to cost (15,000.
The camp of Sons of Veteran * nt Crawford
hat been rcorganUod.
Wymoro will celebrate the anniversary of
its founding on May 21.
It Is said that the Plattsmouth canning
factory is to bo rcopancd.
Holt county has llvo mills and all are work
ing at tholr full capacity. . ,
Mln Jon will probably vota $10,030 In bonds
to build a now school houso.
ludlanola's paint factory has started up
and employs twelve workmen.
Uobort. Good of Murray chopped his foot
instead of u log and nearly lost bis limb.
Tt took fourteen kegs of beer to celebrate
the nmrrlago of a prominent society couple
at Verdlgre.
The Clay county nlltanco Is to establish a
paper at Clay Center nnd will Invest $3,000
in the enterprise.
The alliances of Drown , Ilock and Koya
Paha counties have arranged to build n com
pany elevator at Long Pine. Stock has boon
The C. S. P. S. ledge at Ilumholdt gave a
masked ball , at which beer ( lowed as frco ns
water and the participants didn't go homo
until morning.
II. T.Vilsoii has said goodbye to the road-
era of the Iloldrogo Progress and has been
succeeded bv Montgomery & Johnson as edi
tors and proprietors.
When Captain Honrv rotirrd as com
mandnntof the Stnto Soldiers' Homo nt
Grand Island ho was presented with an ele
gant easy chair by the inmates.
The half breeds ou the Ponca reservation
have received notices from the Indian de
partment informing tliom that , contests hnvo
been offered by white men upon thalr lands
on the ground that tliov nro not lull blooded
.loo Oborfolder of Sidney Is mentioned as a
coed man for the democrats of tbo Sixth dis
trict , to nominate foe congress. A campaign
with Joe as ouo of the principals would bo n
hot ono. Ho hn been n resident of western
Nebraska for sixteen ycais , is a member of
the Cheyenne county bar aud has large
property interests acSidnoy.
Says thu Nlobrara Pioneer : Nine years
ace this fall the Twenty-fifth infantry was
removed from Fort Itendall to Texas bv way
of HunnitigVater , where thev , .too , k the
Chicane , Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad.
Ouo of the ODloers of the regiment lost a line
buffalo robe on the , train and was unable to
find its That it wusistolen ho was satisfied ,
but ho could uot lay his hands upon the thief ,
though -Jho' promised to keep wntch qf ono
whom ho sfsplclonod. Last evening a rail
road detbotivo rsirao in on the train and ar
rested Johnny Gnfiiid , for years n brakeman
( on this Drtiucivtmnd ordered him to bring
fortbithoTong misijngTobo , waiehulia dul.
Ho Is no .iq the clutches'of tfaff law. " f- - , '
H. B. Berger , a prominent Mason and Odd
Fellow of Itack Va'lioy , is dead , 'u ' -
Hov. Mr. Garlield , a Unlvorsallst minister
of Algona , la dead at thu ago of 60 years.
Scarlet fever , which has been raging at
Tingloy , has subsided and the quarantine has
been raised.
Fears expressed that winter.- wheat had
been destroyoJ by the open winter hnvo
proved unfounded.
A ICcoliuk judge has d.iciJoil that property
sccur dvith pjtislon inonny by Perry John
son is hxsld in common with" his wife and ber
petition for divorce and one-third or the
property was granted.
For the nast lisoal voar Dubuque showoj
not receipts and oxpenditiiriM of & . ' 2OJO. , .
The significant faciis that 210 open saloons
\\oro licensed , the pioprictois paving 100
each for the privilcgo of violating ttu pro
tilultory law without interference bv the city
The Ko30 Hall ( Jnioty companv played nt
Manchester tha other nlnti' . Tho"maunger
of the opera house was arrested at the insti
gation of citizens who though the billboard )
too loud , but was releasoJ on covering thorn
with white paper. Tbo manngora of the show
were then arrested and had a jury trial.
Dr. Carl Binders of Eucalyptus fame has
been arrested at MunlmHtown on a charge uf
conspiracy to defraud the tjovernmuai by
buying $ )00 ) worth of postaeu stamps of ox-
Postimibtor Brush of Dillon for ITOJ. Briuh
secured bondsmun and is at liopiay. Ho tm- :
phatically denies thu charges preferred
uuainst him and declares that ho did uot
plead guilty , as the dispatcher stated.
.A case something out of the usual comes
up nt the present term of the district court
nt Tlpton. It is that of Joseph F , Boyd , who
UrhiL's suit to obtain pose < .sion of the body
of his wile and for damages in the sum of
J- . " > , OOll from Peter McNooand Mra. Catherine
McNce , brother aud mother of Boyd's ' wifo.
Boyd is a prosperous young funnor living bo-
twcoii Lisbon und Mcchanicsvillo. On
October 20. IbOl , Jt Tlpton. ho
was married to M-ir arjt McNco ,
a blushins Scotch Inssle of homo
I' ) summers , who was tbo possessor of
about $ ; r > , uuo in her own right. The marriagj
very much displeased her brother Peter , nnd
Immediately upon thuir return homo bo ut
at work to put asunder the holy bonds of
matrimony with wbich the rood Methodist
minister at Tipton had bound them , Ho de
clared that-Uoyl bad marilud his bister for
her nionoy , and said that whllqjio might love
Mnrgartt ho was cnuy and would not llvo
with her. Neighbors were > called in to pre
vent htm from doing violence in lilt brido.
Tno plan did not work , however , to tlic entire
eiitisfnciion ol thoivratchful brother , and olio
morning at 4 o'clock Joseph was loin from
the arms of his tinOe and rushed to a neigh
boring justice onnichargn of nss.iult. Ho
was acquitted , Ibut the persecution did
notecase , Putermaly worked the harder ,
and at last succocitcd in inducing tha sister
not to livu with lopl , and within two weeks
after Iho marilugo may Boyd was obliged to
go. Ho is not to'.bo disposed of so easily ,
hence tlio suit.
A KagKrhtliuii
Wo wish to miksn suggestion to persons
tiouhlcd with rheumatism. Try a few ap
plications of Chaionarlaln's ' Pain Halm , If
tha * does not brlnz : relief , dutnpan a pieeo of
flannel with the Pain Balm nnd bind It on
over the seat of puin. The lint application
Is almost sure toiiulRivo tno pain and by Its ,
continued use maqy severe eases have been
permanently curedt C'J cent bottles /or sale
by druggists.
\VIiut Jndftc KilnVantn. .
Judrfo.Bllsr of the county court Is not In a
happy mood. Ho states that the county
commissioners made light of his nxjuou
Powder :
Used in Millions of Hfcmes 40 Years tlie Standard * [
tor rcpalri nnd furnlturo In the county
court room.
The Judge Btntos thnt ho has never .vet
n nod for nnythlnp that has not boon nb io-
tutolv needed. Ho hns not cot through with
his demands rot , ta the commissioners will
soon loom. The Judge furnishes the Information -
formation that cro lone ho will sk that the
walls of his ofllco bo papered nnd In addition
thereto he will demand n number of call bolls
to summon the clerks from the private rooms
when tholr sorvlcos are needed. If the com-
tnhslonoM will not furnish thcso bolls the
judge will demand n bailiff to perform simi
lar duties as nro performed h ; the bailiffs In
the higher courts ,
M. A. H. Cochran , Banger , Mich , , writes :
" 1 cannot say too much for llrndycrotlno
Hondncho Uu'ro : it Is n blessing to mo nnil I
Intend It shall bo to others If I hnvo any In
fluence. "
ItulUwiy .Men.
P. A. Steward was appointed yesterday
ns railway mall clerk on the Oinnhn &
Ogtlcn line , vlco Gconjo Kennedy going to
the Missouri Valley ft Long Pino.
W. A. Woodruff goes to the bloux City &
O'Neill , and L. T. Koed , who has boon In the
service for moro than ten years , resigns and
will rottra to n farm In central Missouri ,
where ho will bring up his family of boys in
rural Innocence nnd strength of body aud
M. .1. Groovy , whoso resignation ns travel
Ing passenger agent of the Union Pacific ,
took effect on the 1st lust. , was tendered the
ofllceof trnnster passcngur agent by the Union
Pacific management , but declined it , Ho
goes In n fiixvuays to Sioux City to take the
position of chief clerk In the ofllco nf the gen
eral passenger nnd tlcKot agent of the Sioux
City nnd Grent Northern & Paclllo Short Lino.
This place was offered him by F. C. Ullls ,
prosldcnt'nnd general manager of the com
panies nnrhoil , and is n recognition from n
growing railway tnanagorof which the young
man Is Justly proud. The rood will of the
railway fraternity goes with Mr. Groovy.
General Mnrmgor liurt of the Klkhorn and
his family will leave today in n special
car for a trlurof Mexico and California. Thov
will bo accompanied bv Mr. nnd Mrs , J. G.
Harry of Chicago nnd Miss Ogden and Slg-
noritvAmollo of Omaha.
Thomas Millar , general freight ncont of the
Chicago , Burlington &Qulnoy , is in the city.
Mrs. , it. Pnlton , Jtockford , III. , writes :
"From personal expericnco I can rocomtnond
OovYll's { ' Sarsaparlllo , a euro for impure
blood anil gouer.ll debility. "
Tbo following-permits were Issued yostor-
ilay by the. superintendent of buildings :
Iluruich& tllnsbcr ? , ono atory brick
stonicu bulliUng , Thirty-ninth and
Walnut strcuts . $ 2.503
Mr. . M. llurkhurd , two story brick store.
Thirtieth imd 1'nrk streets . 8,500
K. A. Loupr < ono and one-half story
truii(5 duelling , " 01- Ninth Nineteenth
stieet . . . 1,000
Tlvo minor permits . ' . ' ,100
Total. . „ „ * . 16,100
Whore did James G. Blaine go to when
in Europe ?
AVhere did Senator William M. Evarts
go to ?
Where did Mr. P. D. Armour go to ? does every well-informed innn
or - womanwhoso fayctem wants rebuild
ing go or wish to go ? To Carlsbad ,
whcio exists the greatest health resort in
the world , and ha.s been known as Btich
for centuries. Uecauso by a - wonderful
ful power it builds up tlio body and rc-
new.s the life quickly yet surely. Be
cause Carlsbad Inis become a name sig
nificant of all that is best in renewing
life. If , thcrofoie , anyone is unable to
go lo that famous yes > oit , tlio next best
thing possible is to ut > o its waters at home.
This can easily bo done either by using
the imported wtiteis of Carlsbad or by
dissolving some , of the genuine inipoited
Carlsbad Sprudcl Salt in ordinary water.
In this way tlio same effects are produced
as if taken at tlio Springs. Carlsbad can
bo brought into every home. Buy tlio
genuine impelled Cailsbad Salt only ,
which nuiht have the .signature of
" Eisner & Memlelson Co. " Sole Agents
New York , ou every bottle.
To Cure Sleeplessness
Take bromide of potash , one ounce ; extract ol
' hops/two / drachms ; water , eight ounces ; mix.
1 Takou table spoonful half an hour before eat
ing last meal and at bed time.
, The. nbqyo valuable recipe is taken from the
Illustrated pew book of I'M pages , which
will Bend In any address for 4 rents In stamps.
It ls..fullcf , valuable Inforinatlen for the sick
and tlie\\ellanil Is a most reliable work , bavlnu
been prepared and published by the most noted
antf'biicbessful Specialists In , . America the
laniouiTiuid popular * |
Wioso successful euro of raoie cases of
Nervous 7 Chronic
< t 'i <
Private Diseases
than any other physicians In thu United States ,
Hives them apiestlge possessed by none of ( hilt
professional contemporaries.
) n the treatment of
Syphilis , Catarrh , Sexual
Stricture , Female Diseases ,
Hydrocule , Weakness , anil alt
Varlcocele , riles , Organic
Spermatorrhoea Weaknesses ,
The equals of these glf.u1
Kings of Specialists
nro not to be found In all the length and hre dtn
of tilt ; land. They Ime plenty of Imitators but
nn equals ,
Consultation free.
Call upou or address with stamp ,
110 South Htli SC , N. li Corner
und Uou lm Sts.
if Omaha , Neb.
( 'omul
. up nnil Imnounded In thu city ( if
Oruulmon the Ixt duvof Murcb , ih'Wunuyuur-
llnv hclfor calf , spotted , pnrt .Jersey , which
UIII bo , If not redeemfd before sale , bold ut
fiublle iiui'tioii lo the lilchext bidder for unbh ,
oil tlin Illh ilay of Murcii. IHr. ' . ut 11 o'clock In
rllio foienooii , 11 , 1'ui.AbUli I'oundniustcr.
-ou.tiuMjrch y , itw.
oCthe spring season is always a welcome timq
in a large clothing establishment , such asours ,
to every Individual connected with it , from the
heads of the house to the youngest salesmar }
employed in it ; from the man who buys the
goods to the man who tells you about them in
the papers. After long months of h ar.dlirt
thick , heavy goods in darlc and sombre colors ,
to turn to the handsome shades and colors oi
spring , is like turning from a dead stump in #
pasture to a fragrant bed of pansies in full
bloom. This spring it's a little "more so" than
usual. Such a radical change in styles has not
been known in years before. Particularly ig
this true in
The shades and colors have never opened up
as handsomely as this spring's productions *
New shades of brown and blue and gray ; toney
tans ; handsome modes , and nobby mixtures in
countless blends. New styles in pin-head
checks and -'eighth inch effects. " Mew plaids 4
and stripes. No man can tell , and no man can
imagine when he is told how handsome the
new things are without a look.
Our entire new line of Spring Suits for men
will be ready to inspect any day this week.
Homespuns , Cheviots , Wales , Corkscrew , Di' = >
agonals , "Worsteds , Cassimeres , Meltons ,
Serges , in Cutaways or Sacks , bound or plain.
Drop in bring your pocketbook not much
money you'll have a new spring suit to wear
next Sunday.
Open Till 8 p. m. Saturdays , 1O p.
Our catalogue sent by mail if you spend a cent to mail
postal card to have it sent.
.mini MiiiiimiiuiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiimiiiii.-
! That -whenever n man gets thorough-
: ly into advertising his business he =
: will rarely ever cease using this most c
= remunerative business method until s
: lie retires from busiiiess"a , financial =
j success ; and then , in nine cases out 5
\ often he will advise his successors to 5
: advertise through |
: For genuine success , on account of =
[ unique and' original methods employ-
: ed , which are calculated to reach the 5
: greatest number of people nt mini-1
\ mum priced.
i 60 & 6BW. ThlrdS. . . CINCINNATI , 0 ,
For Consumptives and In
valids must surely be the
most wholesome for those
who use it as a beverage.
la tha b fit for all purposes , b3-
03U30 it la positively puto and m i.
ture. Ici& oxoosdingly plecvrantto
tlio taats ana has a delioiou i bou-
N. B It doesn't byrn nor eca'.d
the throat or otctn toll like inferior
whisk 'yd. It la rocomrnondod by
tbo best physicians.
Sold on y at high class hotels ,
drusr and liquor stores.
CAPITAL : S 100.000.00
. j. E MC&BEW
Ih unsurpassed In tbu tietrnunt of all cases ot
PRIVATE DISEASES , und all disorders
nnd dehllltlesof youth nnd m.mhood. 17years'
cxperlcneu. Ills resources and facilities are
prtiftluilly unllmllud. The Doctor Is rectfrn-
mended by tlio press , und ondoisoil In the
strongest terms by the poop o for falc treat
ment nnd honest professlon'il ' iidvlco. Tha
most powerful remedies known to modern
H'denci ) far the successful treatment of the
followliiKdlscuscs :
GONORRHOEA Immediate relief. A com
plete cum without thu loss of mi hour's tlmo
from business.
GI/EI'.T One of the most complete nnd sue-
cehsiil troatmunts for gleot and all urmoyliiK
ilibuharjos yut known to the medical profos-
sloii. Thu results nro truly wonderful , The
most stubborn amlclmmlu elites where tha
dlscliiirvo hud uvlsted foryuars. untlroly con
trolled Inn remarkably bhort tlmo.
STRICTURE-Ureutolt known ritnody fen
thu treatment of Htrlcturo , without pain , rut-4
tin. , or dilating. A most romurxuhlu remedy.
SYPHILIS No tro.itinont for this torrlblu
blood dlsaiibu IIIIH uvur beun more successful ,
or had Htronser undorsomuiits. In the lliiht
of tno.lorn Miluncu this dlHuuso Is positively
( . ur.iblo und every tracuof the poison outlroly
roiiiovnd from thu blood , The curu Is complete
and purinunont.
LOST MANHOOD , nnd ambition , nervous-
IICSH , timidity , ilospoii'lnnoy und all bllqhtliiK
elfeetsof uuriy vleo.Hullof obtained at unco.
'I he weak Krow strong , anil the despondentbo >
cuniu cheerful iin'.l hupi.y.
SKIN DISEASES , anil all dlsutisosof the
blood , liver , Iddnoyn nndb luddur uru treated
Buccessfully with ihogroatobt known roinedlua
forthe&o d se.iKcs.
\Vrlte for circulars und < | uostfon Hit free. /
Melirew'H trnatmcnt for dlsordiirH of thft.
hlonuich , h us the un < | Uiillflod endorKumont of
those who have been cured , Canes that had
hiiirurnd for yunrs und unable to Wumt or UAT
without inorousliiK tliulr tulhory , entirely
cured , The roiuojles lira plgivsiit and piil-
utabln to the most delloatoHtom.ioh. Kth
und I'linmm Hts. , Omuhn , ISob , l ntrauco ou
Max Meyer & Bro. Co. ,
0011 FAUNAM AM )
t-iill.l liuia fcinclude ! or I'.ja ( Jlumt-a from (3 up.
1 Ino HU'i'l bpoclucle ( lln .
* or Kyu oa from II up.
llyei Ti'ntml l''rou by hklllvd OjitlcUni.
IJrOCUI.IH'l'li J'HKHCKiraONB l'U.1.151)
Ilia Leading /
Third Floor , Paxton Bloak.
< i' m m I IS' , lVi ! ( an I F ir.ivu SI :
A full tut of tooth on rubber furl ) . Perfect II
Toc'tli wllliout platoi or runiuirablQ brlil won
Ju t iliuthhu for ilnyuri or jiuuno Jimalmrj , njfjr
All nlllnt nt ronuiiiblo : r ( i , all w ri
CuttUlsuut tor viililu.
DUGUTA lioit aiiJual ; iwpiului preirltti ) br
regular plij-.klaiH fur itiu can at
Con irrlita n4 licUmrgoi Jrou-tlio urliury orvtoil