THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY , MAUOIT l , 1892. 8PKGIHL NOTICES , ADVKHT18BMKNTS KOU TIIK8H COLUMNS will bntakrn until 12n : p m , for the CTcnlna nnd until 8:30 : p. m. for thn mornlnit or Sunday edi \ tion. All Advertisements In thcin columns IS cents a line first Insertion , and 10 cant * n line thereafter , or fj per linn per month. No advertisement taken for lest thnn 2J cent * for the first Insertion. Terms , rash In ndvnncn. Cotint nlmut seven words to the line. Initials , futures , symbols , etc. , pach count as n word. All advertisements must run consecutively. Artverlhors by requesting n numbered check , can Imve thn letters addressed to n numbered letter In earn of TllK IIRK. Answers so nddreised will ba itnllvered on presentation of the check. - FOHTIICTK BHANOIIOKriCKS-AnVICIlTIHINO columns will bo taken on the nbovo conditions nt the follnwtnH huslncis houses , who are author Iced to Inkn special nntlc nt the tame rntca as can Imhad nt thomaln nnicn : Pouth Omaha llrnnch Olllco No.2023 N street , I.lster block , John W , Hell , pharmacist , lltli nnd Mason streets. H. II. Fsrnsworth , phnrmaclsl , 2I1A CumlnK street. W. J. 11 nulles. pharmacist. 1.21 . N. llUh street , C.K. Hattorfleld , pharmacist , 1718 Lcavcnworth etreet. Utiahes' penrrhncy , 24th nnd Farnam. SITUATIONS WANTED. ItATKR-l.'iCB line Hrst tlmo and lOc n line there- nftcrNu advertisement taken for loss than 25o. nL JiHee or nsslstnnt cashier ; hnd some export ruir , best of reference. K. L. ArgabrlRht , Shubort , Sob , 779 4 A-LADV WHO 18 A IIAI'IU ACCOUNTANT wishes a position In nn ntnco or store ! will tnko any salary named In nnlor to secure steady cm- pluymcnt Ivimcdlatoly. Address L' 87 , I lee . .MIIH C * A VOUNG WIDOW WITH CHILI ) 3 YKAIIS , wishes position as honsukccper. Address I'M llca. MII8.V WANTED--MAI.E HELP. JIATKS Ifcn line first tlmo and lOo n linn there- oiler. taken for Icis thnn Sic. - ) . SALKflMF.N ON HALAIIY OH COM. B-WANTKI handle the now patent chomlcal Ink crnnlnK pencil. The srentcat si-llliiK novelty over produced ; rrnscs Ink lliorouuhty In two seconds ; no nlirnslon of paper ; 2UU to IW ucr cent prottt ; ona nitcnt's sales amounted to HM In six days , another Tn In two hours. Wo mint nun ceneral acent In each stnto nnd territory. .For terms nnd full par ticulars address Monroe Krnscr Mfg. Co , Lacrosse , , -WU. . X 91. 877 _ 1 WANTKD , MACU1NI.ST. illavls ti Cowglll. 75 I'OIITIIAIT A11T1BT3 WANTKI ) TO (1IV1C B our electric Ilk-lit prlntn n Irlal , Kxcelslor 1'or- trait Co. , Ware block. Omnlm. MA14 M13 * T ) WANTKD , MACHINISTH TO KKKI AWAY 1 Jjfroin Inillnnnpolls , Ind. , ns Ihoro Is a strlko there. J. J. Lanib , U. H. Ilimnl. MSiBft * . B-WANTKD AN KNKIK1KT1C MAN IN A NKW linn of soliciting. Call ur address N. Y. Llfo Bldg. room Ml. MUM 7 * B-CANVASSKIIS WANTKI ) TO SOLICIT Oil- dors for our portraits. Kxcclslor 1'ortrnlt Co. , Ware block , Omaha. MM4 MU > B ; -12 GOOD CANVASSKH3 WANTKD. l l N. Y. Lite. J. H. Jerome. 3I71U 5 * MAHONICSALKSMKN. CAl'AULK > mnn makot25ln n slnidnday. Address J. N. .Me- Cllutock , uinimeor , 901 Urundway , Kansas City. Mo. MW2-6 * T > M15N TO TAKK OHDKHS ; NO DKLIVKHINO JJai colli-cttint ; nooxpcrli'iico ; steady work ; best torus : bust specialties : tmmplcs free. Glen llros , llpchcstor , N. Y. JIU.14-12' B , _ \VANTKI > , I'AI'KH HANGK'l TO DO WOHK L > and laku part pay In rent. Onu year's rent uuar- .ntced. G. K llutts , 2VO S. 17th , Hco bldg. 775-4 I WANTKD , F1H8T-CLASS MILKKll. .1. F. Jlloth , 4002 Amos avo. 052 3 B MAN TO 8KW HHOO.MB ON McCOMIi 8KW Inn machine. Omahn Uroom Works , 16th and I'ttCltlC , IW4 4' > 8ALK3MKN. 1'AYS WKLU 401 IIKl ! I1LDG. 10J-A2' B-ONK AND 2 JOUUNKYMAN CAH- penters it once. Address L. llox U7 , Alllnnco , Nob. 1018- B W1DKAWAKK WOUKKIIB KVKIIYWIIKIIK forthocroatost book on earth ; "shepp'n pho tographs of the World , " costing IIOO.oOO : mum- moth Illustrntod circulars nnd terms free ; unpnrn- lellod success : Mr. Thomas L. Martin. Centervlllc , Tax. , cleared nil In 9 dajn ; Miss llosn Adams , \Vooster , O. , fll In 40 minutes ; Her. J. Howard Madison , Lyons , N. Y..JIUI In 7 hours ; n bonanza : luagnlllccnt oulllt only $1. Ilookx on credit. Freight paid. Address Globe Illblo 1'ubllshltiK Co. , Mo..V > H Dearborn street , ChlcoKO , 111. , or 1'hllnde' Jill In , Pa. Ml 2,1 b * > -WANTKD. YOUNG MAN WHO IB A GOOD ) ahd also rapid peuuinn. Address 138 , Deo.MI15C MI15C B WANTKD , A GOOD 110V TO WOItK IN A storu and to deliver Hinall packages ; must ho ncntrrcfcrenco rcqulrcdr J J. Ullss , 1510 Iuugla ) Btrcct. MI255r B-DO MKN , H. H. WO1UC ; INDIAN TKH. ; KHBK fare : ship tjunday night.Vhlfs Luhor Agency , II'JN. IMh street. Ml''M B 'AGKNTS , LADY Oil UKNTS , WANTKD overyn hero for quick sollliiK household article. Kncloso stomp for terms , or call at 11119 > ladgo directW. . Mil ( > WANTED--FEMALE HELP. 11ATK8 15cn line first tlmo and lOc u line there after. No advertisement tnktrn for loss than 25o. C LAlls.DOOlJIlWoKAT easy and Interesting ; day or evening ; noozucr- lenco , no canvassing : good pay. Address with Klamp , Boston Aquarelle Art Co. , 48 Winter street , IlOBton. Mass. M585 M5 _ CWANTKD , GOOD COOK AND LAUNDHK88 , \JlllU 8. 29th st. _ 75J rv-GOOIl GIHL KOU GKNKflAL I10U8KWO11K , \Jlaml\y \ of two , 11211 Bouth 32it street. 78.1 4' C -WANTKD GIHL FOll HOUSKWOHK , 1018 Web- aler. U53-U * AN im'KUIKNCKU COOK AND LAUNDIIK8S , references required. Mrs. J. K. Uoyd , 1VOS Davenport - port t. . 959 3 * /--GOOD ( ( HUE FOll OKNKHAI. noUSKWOHK. Apply 1810 N. 2Gth st. 953 3 < / 1OOI ! ) OIHL FOH GKNK11AL HOUSKWOHK. V/SOJ4 Furuam slrcet. 772 3 * WANTKD , A GIHL FOll GKNKIIAL HOITSK- wurk. Call at once. 1212 Month 31st street. Mrs. J. W. Crnlg. /-t-nniL TO cooir , WASIL AND IHON. mi vyjackson stroot. MUU3-4 * C WANTKD , G1UL FOU GKNK11AL IIOUSE- wtuk.must bo a good cook. Mrs. L. A. Garner.2527 California t. 980 _ G-10 GOOD GIHLSKOH HOUSK WORK CAN GKT places Immediately ; wages (3.60 to U per week. Apply U114I4 Furnnm street. 98ji : * fWANTKD. . GIHL FOU < ! KNKUAL HOUhlC- V norkln small family , 2U'J llurdettu street 111 4 * _ _ C I WANTKD. A aillL FOU HOUBKWOHK IN A prlvatu family. Apply to 5108. sjd st. 1075 * AV-WANTKD. A. COOK AND lI8HWAHHKlt AT V CIty Uutf I , cor. 10th anil Harnoy. ion 5 * C _ C WA-NTK1) , JL COOK. D1HHWABHKU AN1 kltt ben girl for the Houston hotel , Ijothep. burn , 'Mib , Wngus , t.1 per wuek for Hlrli ; cook from i-U to $10 per mouth. M. K. Gorman. Mia FOB RENT-HOUSES. _ _ l < ATtCS-l5unllne Mrtttlmo and lOo a line there after. No advertisement taken for less than 21c , TV- . 4 A s IIOOM HOUHKS , o to tis JU/t denco Huts In city , Moail Inv't Co. , 442 llea bldi ; . -1-v-KOH UKNT. HOUHH 10 HOOMB , ALL MOD- Jurn lipprovomontu , W ) per month ; 32il nud Knr- uaui , DuiturL , Thomas. BU 1\-a-IlOOM IIOUHK. S7TH AND DAVMNPOUT7 - , JL/al' ' conveniences , > 'J UU per nionlh , It' , K. l > r X llnin llnrker blook. B-iU T\-1IOUSK8 , COTTAGUS. 11OOUH , OU N. ITtli st. / 474-uilI * fKOU UKNT , 8KVEN-11OOM COTTAOK. C1T.Y Jvwnter. gaa unili clstarn. 24UI Uadgo st. , fiJ per month. M. J , Kenoard.WJ Nuw VorlbLlfo building fjlU fA-KOll UKNT , CO-ITAGK , IIIUWM8 , HATH , HOT Jml cold water , large store room , Stationary range , curtains , good cellar , WUUO per month. 15X1 bnunuan luenuo. Call at room' Muruhaul * hotel. D KOU UKNT , KllAMK I10UHH. NO. U a 111T1I stfoet , In coed repair , llcnt fl6U ) per uioutli. Call Hi liar „ I u's. . lllil Hnrney streetM7li D-d 11OOM KLAT , Z OS LKAVKNW.OUTH HT. 757ui2i * TWIO-UOOM , ALL MODKHN llOUBli , U 8 , J8TH B morn house , til ? Howard it l-ruom house. Kin u. ibib st. U-ruoui huusa , (100 ( I'ltirru l. It-room hoiiku , 821 8 , iuth st. A largo lint of other hautui. 11. Q. Ol rk * Co. . U13 Harnoy st. 782 t v tXXTTAGK.tTH , KAHT FHONT.l JJ m llu f rum IV o..all mod. Imp. , I.-5. jjoom eotuge , 3VII boward , nuw , prulty , III. 6. room home , Z&th near HI. Clary's nio. , 115. bldeJlly Tru.t Co. , K. oulruuod N. Y. Llfo. 794 M3H _ y-JfOfl HKNT AT IGTIt AND C1I1UAGO 1 rooui IOURBO with water , K. t-ruum Hat vtth wiilur , 110. u-room Hat , stuaui h at , Nuwly popurod and painted , 110. llobcrti , 1613 Chicago strpct. MUTU 8 * I\-TWO VKHY DKBUIAULM FOUlt IIOOM J/moJoru tuts. , stcvaui heat Ono lx room , one B u roow rotUso. TuL J.rjJ. 810 South a itreut. . _ MVS ) BS-4S-HOOM FLAT OVKU 021 BOUTH 10TH tracit freshly papered ; all modurn convonl- cac . Including lame kltcliun ranxo. Auuly Wind. or. Kemp t Co. , a N. Y. Llfo bid. ; . MU7U B-470TT.AUK , y/ril AND QUANT 81U , 119 I'KH mouth , 110 per month to > doilrablo rouuB man nil wit * . 0. F. IlirrUon , till N. V. Ltf * . W ( t Cmittivitil VOU HUNT , 8TKAM IIKATKI ) FLATS IN io I't llbr block , corner loth and .JacXoon Mrcclfl. They have i.ll conveniences and are In Hood repair. Call at llor A Go's. , 1112 llarnoy Mrent. M7U TY-KOIlllBST , MV HifllIKNCKHU DOUCJI.A8 - Vsl. , partly furnished. $100 per month : pos < os- Mon April I Krcil W. ( Iray. MKB-t * -KOK KENT , 4 ItOOM KLAT , KIIONT 1CT11 AND Hickory. 7Z90 * D-frllOOM COTTAIIK. HOT AND COM ) WATKIl , balh.closcl furnacn , bcnutlful lawn nnd shade. Apply nt N. K. ant. ZJnd and MInml. V33 0 * D-Wir.I , LKARK VUll 0 MONTH ! ) Olt MONK well f nrnltticd homo of B or 8 rooms , In Eonil lo cality. Addrnss room M , Dollono hotel. MtlflO' FOB RENT--FURNISIIED ROOMS. 11ATKS 15cn line first tlmo tinrt lOo n line them- nftcr. No ndvcrtlscmont-lnkcn lor leu * thnn 254. E-KLKOANTLV PUUNiatlKII HOOMH FOIIUKN- tletnon only ; all luoilorn Improvements , I4UU Douftlnsst. 170M7 * -KOU HKNT. O.XK LAUGH KtlOXT OH TWO ibnok furnished cr unfurnished rooms , In the bent locntlon In Omaha. Adilross V 19 , lien. 8 < X > DKSIUA1ILK FUHNIB11KD HOO-MS" " . SIZT -Ltn. ! MB3G-4 * 1 N10KI.yKUllNISHKDKUONT IIOOM KOU ONK Jor two gentlemen , 201U Dnvcnport st. H57 TOll HUNT. KUUNISIIKI ) Oil UNFU1L E nlshod rooms forllght housekeeping. 1112 a llth iitrcol , 1039' E-VKKV DKSIIIAIILK KtlllMSHHD FUONT room , nil muilern conveniences , convenient to Hrst class bonrd , U'S ' North Uith slri-nt. Mill ) 10 * FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. line first tlmo nnd lUo n line thoro- aftor. Nondvcrtlsomont taken fur loss thnn 250. Tf-nLKGANTLY FUIIN1SHKI ) 11OOMS , S1NHI.K L or on suite ; nil modern conveniences ; llral-dnss board ; S18S. 2Cth st. 831 I-NICICLV HWiNismiii UOO.M WITH uoAiin -L for mnnnndnlfo or two ladlus , prlvnla family ; to week onch ; modern conveniences. 115 N. JUrd st. | ? -FIMNISHKD 1100.MS AND 11OA11D. 1114 Cnpllol nvenuo. tiOI-3 * IJ-KHONTUOOM WITH ALCOVn , ALSO UOOM L1 unfurnished If desired. 212 Ho. 25th st. ti'l I -1100M8 AND 110A11D , 113 B. 25T11. St. ' L' 42l-ml5 * 17 KIIIINISUUD HOOMH Wl'lU UOA11D. lini'KU- -i. once , S14 Farnam si. 778 4 $ . WITH 11OA11D , A FOItNISHKI ) front roomflull-aulo for two. 2019 California st. MTW 6 F-t'LKASANT FIIONT UOO.MS WITH GOOD board. JOIN , loth Ht. W971 4 FOR RENT TJNFPRNI3HED itATKB-lio ! n line first tlmo and 10c a line thero- uftor. No advertisement taken for less thnn Mo. G-81X ONPtlllNISUU HOOMB. Ml 8. 17Tn avcnuo , between Jackson and Lcavcnworth. ' Ml 4' BOARDING. HATI5S 16c a line llrst tlmo nnd lOc n line there after. No advorttsamont token for less thai ! 2. > c. H-1 > ULLMAN HOUSK , 1S10 IOI ) B , KOU HOOD hoard , nicer-rooms , conveniences , rates and 10- atlun It cannot bu excelled. Mrs. Horn , proprietor XI M ID' FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES. ItATlCS ISc n Una llrst tlmo and lOo n line there after. No advertisement tnkcn for loss thnn 250. - Kol HUNT , 3TOHI3 , 1118 JACKSON 832 T-FOR HUNT , TI1I3 4-STOUY IIHICK HUILDING , JlllO Karnan street. The hulldliiK hns n 11 re-pn/of cement basement , complete Bteam-hcatlnt ? fixtures , water on nil the floor ; , gas , etc. Apply ut the ollloo of The Dec. iilS 1KOU HKNT , HTOlli : , K.21 1IOWA11D. 1 | 883 _ I FOll HKNT , OFFICK8 , VKHY DK8IHAULE , slnKloorensulto.ln Uouglaa block. Kiiqulro J. 11.1'arrottc , room 22. M767 S I 8UITA11L15 IIUILniNOB FOll MAMJFACTIJK- lt\K purposes at Kckurmann 1'lnce , i oed cnglno and boiler , f.U pur month. C. F. Harrison , 912 N. V. Llfo. ! B3nl 1 FOll HKNT , IN I1K8T HKTAII. LOCATION IN Omnhn. entlro second floor or departments In ( inldun KQ | O bhop btoro , 114 8 ICtli st. VJ1 T DKSK H001I FOll HUNT CIlUAl * . KOOM 22 AFrenzer block. MIIUS * 11ATICS 15c a line first time nnd lOc n line there after. No vdvortlscmont taken for loss than 23c. T GA11DKN F AK.MS TO HENT. T. MUHIIAY. " ES4 r UIUCK YAUDS KOU UKNT. T. MUllllAY. MUllllAY.M052 M052 JH 100 ACHKS , HOU8K AND UAHN FOll M UKAD Ilutchlnson & Wood , 1524 Douglas. 101-5 WANTED TO RENT UATKS 15c n line rlrst tlmo and lOc a line there after. No advertisement taken for less than 25c. unfurnishcd house of about 8 rooms , moderate conveniences , In good neighborhood. Stuto loca tion and price. Addrois I1 32 Ileo. M ' .OT ( i * WANTKI ) TO HKNT , SMALL HALL OH OF. flee twU evenings monthly for club meeting. Ad dress , C. M. II. , Glebe Loan & Trust Co. 105 3 * T/ " TWO UNFUUNIHIIKD HOOMB. WITH BATH. JVApply at once to K. C. Thomas , 111 8.10th street Golden Kagla slum storo. 102 4 * RENTAL AGENCIES. HATKS 15cn line first tlmo nnd lOc a line there after. No advertisement taken for less than 25c. T -HKNTAL ACKNCY ; 1IAN1C UKFK11KNCKS. K. Juc.UarvIn & CO , , ZOSShoely block. Telephone. KM } ! 895 L-TO INSailK QUICK HKNTINJ ( , LIST WITH the Kxcluslvo Ilental Aucncy.l'arrotto , Douglas block. Srtil STORAGE. lUTlCS-IDon. line llrst llmonnd too n line thoreaf- tcr. No advertisement taken for loss limn 25o. M OLDKST , CIIKAl'KdT AND' I1KST STOUAGK housolnlhqclty. WllllaniH A , Cross,1214 llarney. 8S7 WANTED TO BTTY. HATKS 15da line Hret tlmo nnd10o * a line thereaf ter. No advertisement taken for loss than 25c. N' FtlHNITUHK I10UGIIT , BOLD , STOHKD. WolU , IHI Farnam U 833 \T-8KCONB-H AND FUUNITUllKllOUOIlT.SOLD -l-ir d exchanged ; highest prices paid for second hand icoods. IlOBton Furnlturo Co. , OU N. Kllli st. . (150 ( M2I N WANTUI ) , 1'Alll OK 8CALKH , 1,000 TO. 1.500 pounds capacity. Addrusi ! O ( VS. Hco. 725 \r-\VANTKD-A GOOD 11IAKTON. WlI.Ij GIVE i ] Kood liuslooss w.-itfon anilBOIUO cusli In uxclmrwo. Andrcaa 117 , Bt-u. ' jj gai 5 * N-WANTin.THIS WKKK , LOT ON Mm HK- twcun Cmtullnr and Vlntun. bubmlt proportion tion ! . Fidelity Trunt Co. , liilt r'nrnnm. ta U i S --VFtniNITtJBE. . IIAT1CS Itaalrnotlnt tlmo'anil ' lUo n Una thorn attor. No nilvortliomont taltoii for luai than 2io 0KUIINITUIIH KOU 8 HOOMS AT HALF prlco. Inquire Bam Olson , 1UM H. ' . ' .Id st stMD7J MD7J 4 * BAIiB HORSES , "WAGONS , ETQ. 11ATK8 I5 < i a line first time and IQou line thorouf- tor. No advertisement taken for leu than .lie. 1 > - KO U S A L t , I IOIIS Krl AND Mil LMS , C11K A M Fidelity OilCo. , B iiUUi and U.'l1. ily , lwf \ FOB SALTS-MISCELLANEOUS. HATHS-lfxi n lln * tint time and lOo u line thoro- after. No advertisement taken for less than Sic. used only u few months , at a sacrltlcu. Ktl ( 'aid well at , _ (41 Q -ONK NK\V UI'UIIIUT 1'IANO. 811 S IfiTH 8T , MKU 4 Q-iKOrt HALK , TWO IIILLIAUI ) ANII TWO POOL , tables , with cues , bulls , racks ; good order ) 7S each. Hull ( iroen. Darker block. M84I1 Q -KOU8ALl5 , A K1NHHALKJK119KVCOW AND : calf cheap. Address I' 31 , lieu. MW-4 * Q-TVl'KWlUTKIl.f-SMITH 1MIBMIKU , " GOOD aB new , only used few uionlus. Cheap. Ad dress I * S3 , Ileo , M'/JS ' 4 * MISCELLANEOUS. 11ATKB-150 a line first time and lUo a line thoro- aflor. No advertUicuienl taken for IBBB than 85c. -llAMH/oN UIIOS. CAlll'ENTKIlS AN1 > builder * . All kinds Jobbing. 414 bo.l | u. Tel. 117'J IUJ11 * U-CLAIMS KOU HALAUIKbSKUVICKSWAf.H. ( eta. , against corporations or Individual * , bought aud advanced ou. V. 1C DM vis , U a ) Continental blk 3U9-MI3 K-CANADIAN ISMl'LOVMKNT- KICK , 3HK B. IVlMh , male nud female help ! orders by ma.ll promptly ttended ta lleferoucai Omaha Nation * tank. Tel.t * . K WANTKI ) . WAHUIMU TO UO AT HOMH Oil wlltgo out by the day. Mrs. llalay , UW ( Leaven- worth , socona Hoor. M1X18-4 * CLAIRVOYANTS. llATKS-lio a line first time and lOo a Hue there after. No advertisement taken for loss than Me. S-MADAMH H1UTZ. SfS ) CUMINU BT11H1ST , clairvoyant and trance medium : independent voices ; tolls pot and future , ; 2 < J1JI' S-MHS. NANNIH'V. WAUUKN. CLAIUVOVANT , rullabU busluest medium , Bfta v ar 11J N. 1Mb. . " ' ' $ < CLA1IIVOYANTS. S-AllltlVAL KXTIIAOUUINARV , WO.N'DKIl UL revolutions. Clinllonscs thn world. Mrs. Dr. M. Ixicrave , deml trnncn clnlrvoyunt , aitrologtit , pnlmlit and llfo render : telln your Ufa from the cradle to grave : unli * the epnraled : causes mar * rln n with the one run love : tells nlinro yon will fiucri'pd nnd In what butlntmi bott adapted fort him tlio cr-lcnrnled Knypllan brcantplato for luck and to deattoy bad Inttncncrc cured fits. Inloinnornnco and all prlvnlo cumplnlnl * wllli maimriira , baths and nlconol treatment. Send tl , lock of hair , nnmn nnd dnto nf blrfli and rocpivo nccnrnto llfo'hurt ; 2centum stump * for ctrcnlnri ( tlvo Initials of onn yon will marry : also photos of psino. Ofllco 1007 tiouth llth strool , flrsl floor ) honm.U n. m to I ) n. m. fomo onp , rorao all. and bo convinced of this wonderful oracle. MWO 4 C-MINDllKADKll AND I1U3INKSS S1KDIUM Oacknowloditod by press and publlr to be the bc t fureensler In the world , has a unite of parlors nt thn 1'ullman homo. This medium linnn trans- mlltrrof thought , with It your life U llk nn open book. It enables the forecaster to see the end nt the bORtnnlnii. Also han Iho wonderful inaulo mir ror , In Ityou cnn sea ytiitr future husband , wlfo , enemies or friends. ( It's free. ) Private parlors C to 9. MMO t * MASSAGE , BATHS , ETC. fP-MA8.1AlB ( TllKATMKNT. KLKCTUO-THKn- J mal baths , scalp and Imlr treatment , manicure nnd chiropodist. Mrs.l > o t,319SS. I5tli\VIthnoll tilk. p MADA.MH SMITH. 1121 lUU01-Afl HTHBIKT , Jroom 7,3d Boor. Alcoholsulphur and sea baths. M834 m7 'P-MA88A015 , ClQ 8. I3T1I 8TIIKKT , Jl ) FLOOH. _ _ (111) ( .M2U * 'P MISS S'lOWK , MAS3KUSB I'.l.KUTIllCI AN 322 llnmsn block. MIV.07' , rp-MADAMULA UUK , MASSAOK. 4IS SOUTU JLIMh street , ? rd Iloor. Hat 4 , nsilstant , M7411 * JttUSIO , ART AND LANQUAOE. 11ATK8 15c a line first tlmo and lOo n line there after. No advertisement tnkcn for less than 25a , r-UKFOIIK IIUYINH Al'IANO K.YAMINR TllK 1 now scnlo Klmlmll plnno. AIlospo , 1513 DoiiRlns. ir-0. F. OKLLKNIIKCK. IIANJO THACIIIU , > with Hospo , orS18 N. 18th st | j \r-FOIl HALK , G1IKA1' FOll CA8II , A FINK ' uprlKht piano , nearly now nnd standard manu- fnctura. Address OM , Hoe oltlca. 434 MONEV TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE. IlATKS-ltaallnoilrsttlma nnd 10a n line tharo- aftor. No ajvcrtlsatuDnt tnkua for lots than 2ia Vr-CKNTUAL LOAN „ TllUST CO. 11KK 1ILUG. \\r-I.OANBONIMIMlOVKI ) AND UNIMPltOVKD ' city property.J-3.UOO and'to 8 per cent. No delays. W.Farnum Bmlth , tCo.,15th andllarnay. W HKAL KSTATK LOANS , 8TO7 I'HH CKNT ; no additional charges for comiulsslon or attor ney's fees. W. 11. Melklc , First Nntloual bank hldu. WO \\T--COATKS , 1014 FAHNAM. EABTKIIN MONKY > > HOI \\T LOAN3.W.M. IIAUHI8,1U20 , FHIINZKUHLK. G. O. WALLACK , 31J , JlllOWN 1ILK. \ir-UHL , UKALKSTATE IrfJAN8,343 UlSK BLIVQ > 420 "IV ANTHONY LOAN AND TRUST CO. , 313 N. Y. < < Llfo. lend at low rates for choice security on Nebraska ur Iowa farms or Omnhn city property. If Al'l'LV TO J. L. IXJVKTT FOR CHKAP money ; only first class security. 231) ) S. 13th. 894 T\r MONKY TO LOAN ON IMl'HOVKIl CITY ' property , low rate A. c ; Frost ; Douglas blk.BUS BUS \\r-MONKY TO LOAN ON LONG Oil SHOUT vl lltuolnsmnsof WOO to flU.OOU. Mutual Investment Company. 81X5 T\7"-C. W. IIAINUY. 1115 OMAHA NAT : UK. DLDG. " Clly morlgages , Lowest rates. Money on hand , fill ? "l\7 LOANS ON HKAL KSTATK AND COLLAT- > ' terol notes and mortgages bouKht. Heed & Sclby. : nt Hoard of Trade. IIUS r-G I'Kll CKNT FlUSr MOIITMAGK LOANS. Ulchard C. 1'attcrson , 1511 Farnam st. 'Ml f LOANS , CITY IMIOI'KUTY. K. NK11. AND W. Iowa farms. K. V. lllngor. 151 ! ) Karimm.H2M ( H2-M 4 * "ITT SCHOOL DONDS WANTKD. It. C. 1'KTKHS. ' T West I'olnt , Neb. ( .44 0 * \\r-MONKY TO LOAN ON IMI'llOVKD OM"AUA TT property ; building loans a specialty , llrcnnan & Co. . Knrboch block. M703 M2I \\r MONKY AT LOWKST 11ATKS , F. F. W1L- V > llnms , First National Hank building. M7.13 W-OMAHA SAVINGS UANK MAKF.H JXJANS on real estate nt lowest market rates , l.onns made In small or large sum and for nbort or luntt time No conimlislon Is charged , and. thu loans arc not rold In the cast , but can always bo found at the bank on the corner of Utli and Douglas streets 7OT \\T L'HIVATK MONKY. FIIlbT AND SKCOND ii rnortgago loans , low rate * . Alex" Moore. 401 Hoc building . iI788 MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS , HATKS 15o a Una first lime and lOc a line there after. No advertisement taken for less than 25c. X-DO YOU WANT MONKYf It so do not fall to got our rates before . .bor rowing. _ , . Wo make loans , without removal or. publicity , on furniture , pianos , hones , wagons , eta. , at the low est possible rate. There Is no unnecessary dolay. unf ? you ect the money on the same day you ask for It. Wo will carry the loan ns lomi' as" you desire , glvlnir you thu privilege of paying It'll ! full or" In part at any limn to suit your convenience , and liny part paid reduces the cost of carrying tho. loon lu proportion to the amount paid. Our offices are centrally located and are so ar ranged that partlescalllng on u can bo walled , on quickly and courteously. " ; ' ' It will bo to your advantage to sea US' ; before so- curing-a loan. ' . T Io' " ' Omaha Mortgage Loan Co. . llooni H , Crolghton Hlock , 15th St. . south or 1'OBtotllco. X MONKY TO LOAN HY K. F , MA8T.KH8 ON household goods , pianos , ortcans , horses , miflcs , wagons , etc. , at Ilia lowest possible rates'without publicity , removal of property or change of pos session. Tlmo arranged to suit the borrower. Payments of any amount can bo mode at any time , reducing both principal sud.Interest . , thus giving patrons all the benefits of the partial pay ment plan. Call and see mo when you want , or If more convenient , call telephone 1M1 and your budncsss can bo transacted at homo. , . Money always on hand ; no delay ; no publicity ; lowest rotes ; business confidential. It. F. Musters , 11. 4 , Wllhnell blk , 15lu and Harnoy. X-WILL fXAN MONKY ON"ANY KIND OK aocurlly ; strictly confidential. A. K.'Harris , room I. Continental block. ' . iioi X \ HOIl'T riUTCHAUL ) , H , 3 , W1T1INKLL , IIMe ! XV , 907 V MONKVON k'UIlNlTUUK. 1IOIISKS , 1'IA.NOS. -A-KeyntonoMtgo. Co. , room W.Hbeuly , block.'KM 'KM V-WUKN VOU WANT A CUATTIJl. LOAN His7 ; .A.W. II. IJnrli , room 2U , Continental blucs.WJ : rMONKYLOANKDONlfUUNlTUUK , L wagons , pianos , oto. Krcd Terry , U , ftt , Uulngu , " ' 1)10 ) X MONKY TO LOAN,30. CU. SU DAYS ON KUUNI- --tnro , llvo Block , elc. Dull Greun , removed lo lloom 8 nnd tl. barker blk 163 "Y MONKV ON ilONDS. STOCKS. -A-iieruonal property.\VuruuAllalleylZ.JJ ( Kurliiich BUSINESS CHANCES , 11ATKB 15ou line llrst tlmo iiuil lOo ulluo there- nflur , No ailvortlDUinont tnkcn for leis limn 250. THK COMMUIIC1AU TUB IJKAMNO -hotel ut llroken How , Ncli , No land lu trado. 1111 Y.-KOIl SAI.K. 1IOTKL , FUliNiHUKI ) , 17 HOOMH. dolHKn Kood utmlnuBii ; tiirmn euay ; location bent , Addrunv'llox Wi , Cimdron Nob. MMI MS' Y KOU HAI.K-HAUJON , DO1NO A UOOI ) 11U8I- nc i good roa on KlTen ror rolling. Add rim tockbox bIJ. Want I'olnt , Neb , Y-Mll BAI.K , A KlllbT CLASS Ol'KNINU KOU n man with snuiull capital ti Invoil In a Block of gunurnl niercliundiBUi well ostulilUhuil business ; Kood proliu. AUdrena Lux TM. Omuha , Neb , Kl in 1C * Y CASH I'AII ) KOU KNIKJWMKNT I'OI.lflKS In old Una coinpunlco. Bend iluicrlptlon A. .1C. llrooklesby , bur m , Hurlfoid , Conn. ( H5 13' Y-KOIl 11KNT. A110UT MAUCII I. TllK 1IO\V rd ligtul , corner Howard and N.UI streets : con' tuliu about W rooun , which uru furnUhod com. iiloU ) . A need opportunity tii the rlaht imrtjr. ror particulars call at Her A Co'i. , 11IJ lUrnoy street. MJ3 | A7l A.KTJJKH WANTKI ) IN T1U ! MANUKA& i turo of brick , bunlneas already established , capacity of plant 4U.UUU pur ctny. y banki of clay , 15 acres clay In all , building nnd iiavliiK. bVliorau power boiler , tt-uor o power fniMnu. Ohio jjflck machine and spread * , and all other tools necessary for * tlrat-rlnss yord ; established 5 year * and have tbutrudanf central Nebraska ; will sell half ur all. Kor further particulars luqtilra of I' , yl. titowart , Hauling * , Adams Co. , Neb. TM u - ALLOKHAIIDWAUK KTOOK- I. flood trudu. good location , chuup rent , and good ri'sious for Belling. Addresi Luck llox Wi , Lincoln. Neb. M8S4 8 Y-KOll HALK , A CLBAN. STOCK Ofc' < HN oral merchandise. Invoice 110,000 to UJ.UM us detlrod. Oldesl business rJrru lu city. Well estab lished and paying irade. Uood renaon for retiring. A splendid clmnoo for any ouo desiring to engage In mercantile biuloum. Address ford & ' 1'ock , UtromburgNQb. Y-WANTKIX AN ACTIVK 1'AUTV WHO CAN Inreit KI.UOO or I4.0UO in > u incorporated company doing a wholesale and manufacturing business , to take an ottlcu poMtlou and become actHoly im. gtged. Uou't answer unless can giro the best of references as to ability Integrity , etc. Address 1 * * > , Uee. MbCJ i Y-13.000 IIANK STOCK IN ONK OK TUB UB9f , bauki la thu city. U. V. UirrUon , 91 ] N. V. UtV. Wl'it BUSINESS-CHANCES. Y - OPI5SlNV'0THmoimKUAIj ' MKIt * ; chandlAO storel town Mibmlnin canning factory and snuh unit iloor fartlinr already flMnhllshpd : iireat Inducements being oRcred for arreamory ; thn best stnro building In tn-n , vacant * , rent low ; rare clianrn. A. IX White lldMlTstnta Agency. HI. Kd- ward , lloone Co. , Nob. ' * \ MiES 9 \ < MKAT MAUKKT FDK .8AT.K IN ONH OK the most thriving towtw of Nebraska. Address Ill-tier I.lTnrlo. , butchers'supplies , 1217 Howard St. , Omaha , Neb. , ! 10-IL. V SIIOB STOIIK FOUi'SAI.rC , AT NOIIFOLK , 1 Moh. flood location , jlino trndn. Ill health crtuso. Ftoro fixtures nriilfil.UUi ) worth of stock. Wo will keep bal. Must sell this week. F. T. and V. A. Campbell. > lv. 101 4 * V-WANTKI ) , nLACKS.MITIt TO LOCATH IN -L now town on now ratlWar ; Inducements to right party. Address Wmt II. ( lunsoll , townslto agent , Savage , Antclopo Co. , Nob. M1I7 II * V TOW SAliK , A CIOAII MANUFACTOIIY AND L tobacco store of Iwonty-oni" years' standing , on recount of olJ ego. Inquire of D. Arnrtt , lllalr. Nob. MI31 a ) * FOR EXCHANGE. llATKS-ISc a line first tlmo and lOca line them- after. No advertisement taken for less rCliHAN STOCK OF ClKNKUALM'IVHKt WILL Aitakc real esUto & money. Uox293Frnrkfort ) , Ind. 913 Z-1F YOU IIAVK A (1OOI ) UIMIIOHT 1'IANO TO trade for lot 40. block 1 , Armour L'lnro , South Omaha ; clear of all Inciimbranoo. Address N W , llcooltlco. S1233 Z HtlNDUKI ) 1IKA1) OF HOK8K3 AND LAND In cnatorn Ncbrnnkn for n stock of dry ( roods , clothlnir , boots nnd shoes , hats and capi. Aclilrojj box IOH , .Nebraska City , Nob. m 3111) ) ' Z-IIAIIOAIN , A 1II < ACK8M1TII AND WAGON shop for salu or trade wltti a rnsldonco ; will soil or tradu for Hood farmliiK land , Tappo llros. . Vor- dbn , Neb. M7U58 * rllUMl.NKsa LOTONN. JlTlt ST. KOU HOMK /Jor vacant lots. U. t' . Harrison , UI2 N. V. Mfc.Ml . Ml 4 Z-TltltKK GOOD KAUMB FOIt SIKUCIIANUISU. U. II. Ulckson , Crclghtnn , Knox Co. , Neb.M120C' M120C' FOR SALE---REAL ESTATE. UATU8-150 n line flsrt tlmo nnd lOo n line there after. No advertisement taken for less than 2o\ AT K. COHNKIl TH AND H1CKOHV , 60X15U li .feet ; n liaroaln'for a-fatr days only. F. K. Dnr ling , Darker block. 914 FOH BALK. NKIlllABKA 1'All.M LANDS. G. U. Wallace , 312 Drown block , ICtli and Douglas. 91 & FOll BALK , I1O5IK9 , ANV I'ltICK , * 7SO. Il,2o0 Dl1 ; easy terms ; take clear property as llrst payment. U U , Wallace , Drown block , loth und DouKlas. 013 rpOH 8ALK AT A IIAIIOAIN , LOT 15 , BLOCK , JW. . L. Bulby's llrst .addition to Bouth Omahn. Small payment down , bulanco monthly It desired. Inquire U. U. Ttsuhuck. umahtt Hon. ! I83 M IODKIIN ID IIOOM 1IOI18K. UOO1) LOCATION ; no trade ; cash bargain. Address O24 , Ileo. M440MIG' FOll BALK 100 ACllKFAHM IN DLUK HIVKH volley , Tlmyer county ; 10 miles nest ofllehnin. One of the very best farms In the county ; Kood house , barn , granaries , , etc. . and an abundance of fruit , timber und rnnnlnu "liter. Also for sale oruxchatiKO fornood lands or city property , n brick pork pncklnir housu nrid fixtures In Hebron , Tlmyer county , near 11. Jfc M. depot- For particulars Im quire of any real cstnto uiiont In Hebron. CM BHAUT1FUL HOMK ON 3iND AVK FACINtJ TllK park ; the houxo Is n KCin nnd the location nil that can bo desired slro of ground tOx''H feet , price , $13,100. C. F. Ilnrrlson , UI2 N. Y. Llfo. P81 4 OUNT/K I'LACK. HAKGAINB , NINK-HOOM house on Wlrt , Jb.SOO : tlOOJ cash. Klcuunt homo on rinkuey , fS.FiOO ; ( rXXIl.cnih . , balance WJOO per month ; other tine humesi would consider some mule. J. J. Gibson. Crrhthton block. FOll SALIC. OWNKIl FliliClSI ) TO SKLI , WITHIN 8 days 43xl7 feet ut ZflSl , llrlstol street. (1,300 will buy It. J. H. JohntiviiBl2 N. Y. Life. M815 & T OT AT COUNKIl OF MUD AND DAVKNl'OHT -L/sts. , SliUU. frontliik-euit Biul south , one block from Mr. Yutos , rcsidcnco , fJO per foot , < i F. Hur- rlson , 912 N. Y. Life. ' ' - " 931 4 FOU BALK. HKllK IB A JIA11GA1N- 7-rnom house nnd bnrn , 2 full lots , one a corner nor , In Walnut 11111,2 feet abavo ( trade , benutlfu1 yard , only K.60U ; * 500 caiirrdown : discount for nil cnsh. 11. a. Clark A Co.iJ21B Harnoy st. 782 4 EAST FIIONT LOT NOlS FAH KIIOM HANSCOM park , J2.100 , very cheap. C. F. Harrison , 912 N. Y. Life , j 931 4 FOHSALK-20ST07-It < XM HOUSKd , J1.20000 TO $3.100 00 , JIOU 00 cash , HP 00 per mo. I house to rent nt 458 Cumlntf at. , JIO.OO pur mu , E. G. MIrrell' 4512 Patrick avo. ' u < r 0 7 * T 6T FUONTING KAST1OX33T1I ST. NOHTH OF JJO. M. farter'H rcsldencerKO per foot. C. K. Ilnr- rlson , 913 NuKiiLiriw > "viiiln ) ' . .liu'fi" 931 4 FOIl'S XliK OU HKNT goVcrar'dcsra.blo'mertlnm | clzeil nnd small houses cheap and on easy terms. W. a. Mlllard. at OmahA Nat. bank. 9SU I7OH , BALK OH TUADK , 1C ( ACHK8 CHOICK JL laud , half mile frpni Orchard , Neb. Address Goo. W. Conrad , Snyder , Nob. M'/W 5 BEAUTIFUL BllICK HK8IDKNCK OF 8 HOOMS , modern , largu Uarn , Kround 40x105. 1'rlco. all complete , fO UO ; f 1,000 onsh , bal. 6 per C3HU C. F. Horrlaon. UUN..Y. l.ltc. _ 1001)5 ) FOll BALK-S-H COHNKIl 17th , POHCAS , I8H. 3 cottoius , stablqor U horses , can bo divided Into 5 lots. Inquire at premises. 112 U * HAIR GOODS. HATK8 16c a line first tlmo nnd lOo a line there after. No advertisement taken for less than 25c -1-Jrlcnl WKS ) and beards a specialty. Wigs , bangs switches , hair chains , etc. . send for catalogue- .Moll orders solicited. IJnvlos , 111 S. 15th St. , Omaha. 910 _ rpHK IDKAL LADIKB' 1IAIU DHK8SING I'AU- JL lors , switches , bangs , wins , toupees , jewelry and hair ornaments In stock ; wigs to order , special at tention L'lveu to mall orders. 903 8. 15th BU , 'Id floor. . MMU M20 * FAWN BROKERS. IIATK3 15a u Una first tlmo and lOc a Una there' after. No advortlaemont taken for loss than 25c. FAHNAM ST. 917 S.SNYDKU'S IXAN OFVICK , 1510 DODGK ST. . M1H3 31' > KN K. MAHTI , 11KMOVKD TO 107 S. 15TI1 ST. > 1)71 ) MB' LOST. TOST. SATURDAY NIGHT AT THK GUANO -LJopern house , on the stage , a ladles' circular , ( llluck. ) I'luaso return to J. J. Gibson , room 3 , Cretghton block. MV7U4 * STRAYED. UATKS--15o a Jlno first line and lllou line there after. No advvrtlsemcnt taken for lejs than 25o STUAYKI ) , A HKD COW WITH 8HO11T KAllS And rope around horns , lloturn to Oth nnd Backott streets and vet ruwiird. Gus Sachs. MH4 U' DRESSMAKING. ENGAGKMKNTS TO DltKSH MAKING IN families nollclted. Miss Sturdy , 30) ) S. 2olh st. MASUUERADE COSTUMES , ETC. LAD1KS & GKNTLKMKN CAN HKNT MASQUK- rado coctumu4 at 114 BICtli , Golden Kaglo stora. ' tibO-rall MANTTFACTTJRING JEWELERS. CASH 1'AII ) KOU OLD GOLD. OAIISON & HANKS , room 30 Darker block , Omaha. 918 CUTLERY GRINDING. SUN I ) YOUIl , SCIS3OIbHllAZOllS ) , KTTO UK ground to Uudorland &nJo , . IU ] 8.14th st. 91tf REMINGTON TYPEWpITER | BEST IN THE WORLD. Jos. E 'MEGEATH ' , 1007J Fora'in Street , Omaha. Neb. Till ! INSTRUMENTS placus'cm roiorJ MurcU 3 , lu'J3 : U * . t WAUUANTIC UKEO.S. Anno. Ward at itl to U MWolslmns. lots 1) . lUund 11 , block ! . ' B oCorinloU's Sad add k 7,503 Krunk Danuk und wlfii to Mntbow Fronk , lot C , Iiook7. | mi Camp's ntld.110 J H Arnola nnd wlfo tnWfctor ( Jlurk. lot 8. blook 4 , Jottor'H adilVA 2.500 K It Woolloy and liualmnJ to Turuzlo Hadlluk , lot Ii lilooK I , Ultnhamu purK II Jottur nnd wlto to l < 'rcd Uloinous , lot r > , block'J.Jettur's 2d udd &CO J H Tlmmpsuti to J H MuNitlly , a lO''ft lul 12 , bluck 14. Itiiprovuiuont uswclu- tlonitad f , . , . . , ; , 7,500 G L QruvoH and wlfo Ui W Ii McC'ttKUO ' , lot 3 , blookb,81ilnn'iiadd , . . . . 3,000 J J O'UuurUuund wlu to Duulul Mo Nultv , lot 1 , blook 10. Ilurr pluc'o a > 0 Ilutiry Mlllor to Murlu Jluuk , w IDOft lots ia und 20. b ook 17 , lliiusi.'oiii plucu. . , , , 1 A A Irvln nnd luulmnu Kt Albert NOD , lot 0 , block S3 , Boutli Oiniiba. . . . . 1.000 W K Uoollttlu and wlfo to M II Nee , lots , block 17. llniiscoin plftco 2,800 Jacob KoDilU uud wlfo to Junior I'hllllps , lot a , bluck S. , Boulli Oinuliii. . . . . 1.0)0 J IlWatklimlot ul to O 0 tUanlu/- , lot 3 , blook U'l , South Oiimlia 1,000 QUIT CJ.AIU IIUKOS. A J T Joslln and nlfu _ to UurJa Oarlton. lot5G , KnlrmouMt nlnoo -1 Tlioinnu K'olluy to Mary Tlffhe. und i lot ablockll2boutliOiu lm ; . , . , , . , . . 700 Totul amount of transfers .t3J,7IO Froposad National Monument to the En listed Mou , GLORY FOR THE BLUE AND THE GRAY History of n Union nmt n Confcdornlo ItpRl- incut , Alniint Idvntlriit In ( ) rlK > n nud Oncn Directly ( ) [ ijio iMt on the Sumo CoiiBrossmnn Vincoiit A. Tftj-lor of Ohio has introduced in tire house a bill for the erection In Washington of a monument to coinmomornto the services of the enlisted sold lors , Bailers and marines who foil In the war of the ro- bollion. Tha bill provides for a proper commission to take chnrgo of and superintend the oroctton of the pro posed monument , and the sum of $100,000 U to bo appropriated , provided the measure moots the approval of con gress. It is a pleasure to note , says the Wash ington Post , that some one has finally proposed to have the government pay such a tribute to the memories of the private soldier. Since the close of the war every public movement , of this kind has had for its purpose the glorification of those who hold the desirable olllcial positions. From the innumerable colonels nels up to the most distinguished brigadier generals has this token of ro- pard been extended.There is no ob jection to'prlying the propbr tribute to the memories of the departed olficors , but it is lilch time that recognition wns given to the fact that there wore also a fo\v \ privates engaged in that mcmora- blo struggle. It will not detract from the honor of the o'lllcor 16' make a little departure at this stage. Congressman Taylor's bill Is but just and proper , and Washington is the piano for such a monument. Lot the gentleman from Ohio press his bill , that coming generations may know that there was a fair sprinkling of privates engaged in the hazardous work of sav ing the country and that their service was appreciated , by the government they assisted to perpetuate. d IMtlny of Opposing Itcilniciitit. Suppose that dueling had boon adoptod/as a method for settling our rebellion quarrel , writes George L. Kilin'pr in fie Now York Morning Ad vertiser. It was not , but there wore duels' 'nevertheless , according to the records. Pennsylvania championed the north for first place on the roll of honor , and a trifle over 7 per cent of lior' quota of soldiers mot death on the battle field. South Carolina led the southern states , and sacrificed over 22 per cent of her military population , as it stood in 1801. Had the combat boon left to these two commonwealths the Keystone would have annihilated the Palmetto , and have come out of the contest - test with an army largo enough to in- timidatn the umpire , if so disposed. South Carolina furnished the regi ment that lost the highest number killed in battle during the war , Orr's First South Carolina rifles , which piled up a death roll of 334. She also furnished one ' for second place on tlio southern side , the First South Carolina volunteers , which scored 281. The first place on the union side was taken by the Fifth Now Hampshire , with a score of 295 , and the second plaeo fell to a Pennsylvania regiment , the Eighty- third , which had a list of 282. Hero begins another duel between Keystone and Palmetto . The Eighty-third rolled up a score of 071 killed and wounded ; the deaths , as before stated , reaching 282. The First South Carolina had 950-killed.and wounded , the deaths scoringvSSl. The Eighty-third Pennsylvania came into being as a reorganization of a reg iment composed of volunteer and militia companies that responded to President Lincoln's first call , and served three months. The colonel at the head of both regiments , John W. McLano , had sorvcd'asji yolUntcer clllcor in the Mex ican war , and distinguished himself as a maater ill organization and drill. The First South Carolina had a similar his tory ; for it was formed out of the dis banded First South Carolina of the Pro visional army , called into being by the convention when the gtato seceded in December , 18J10. That regiment was made up of old militia companies and volunteers on Listed to servo the state six months. This Provisional regiment and the one formed , out of it were created and led by the same colonel , Mnxcy Gregg , who had boon a volunteer officer in the Mexi can 'war , ' and had acquitted himself as an able disciplinarian and master of drill , Anil it happened that at the very time to a month , and almost to a day , whan ColqnolsGrpgg was getting his Palmetto men * out of old harness into now and touching thorn up with his Moxiciin war reminiscences , Colonel MoLano was doing the very sanr.o .thing with his Keystone boys. The "Eighty-third was ready for orders in the fall of 1801 , and the Firat South Carolina also. Each wont to its respective station for as signment to place in line , and both begun , their fighting careers on the same day and on the saino field , within long-ifango > iilo shot of each other. The Pennsylvanians numbered about 050 mop , the Carolinians but a trillo loss , They were not directly opposed upon that Jlold , Gainos' Mill , Juno 27 , 1802 , nor upon any other , except at North Anna , Va. , May 21 , 1804 , but were en gaged for the whole three years in the opposing armies of Northern Virginia. and the Potomac , of ton on the sumo but- tlu ground. No fanciful comparison could heighten the parallel. The regi ments started fairly equal , and both were in the thic'iest of the fight , with varying numbers engaged and varying losses in dilTorout battles against metal tempered by the same boat. They emerged with a not result almost equal. Oh , no , 'twas not a duel ; but 'twas ' "very liko" it. - The South Carolinians struck hard lines in that first fight atGalnes' Mill. They wore .brigaded with -four- other regiments from the same state , and Col onel Gregg became loader of the whole column , .Business opened by an order to charge upon Captain Edwards1 regu lar batteries , supported by General War- ron's regular infantry. As often hap pens , the poor follows wro compelled to stand idly and look death ( n the face a long tlmo before thowordcamo to "go. " The First was in the front line and made it j way slowly under fire from the buttery through a tangled thicket. As POOH as it wua clear of the thicket and about to spring across an open Hold Warren's brigade charged upon it , and with ono deadly volley , like a blast from inferno , swept the front ranks from the oarth. Tli' color guard wont down to a man , and the colonel , II. D. Hamilton , toolc the , ( lag and culled upon tits men to stimd. Gregg , seeing the slaughter , and the .usqleasnoss of trying to advance , ordered the regiment to retire by filing through tao Intervals of the second line. Tho'lfoutentint ' colonel , ono captain and three lieutenants were killed und five lieutenants were wounded , and twenty mon were killed and 125 woundoil Ifi3 in all. The First wns not severely ongapod again until the second Hull linn , August 2il , faring bettor than its union double , which was terribly punished at Malvorn Hill , four days after Guinea' Mill. At second Hull linn the Carolina brigade was ordered to defend the famous rail road cut which was Stonewall J.xckson's kr > y in that dcsporato contest , The First was sent across the cut an skirmishers to moot an attacking column. Retiring stop by atop under nro , it rojoiuod its line behind the cut and helped repulse tlio union charge , at times fighting the enemy at ton paces. Excited men oftun rushed ahead of their ranks and grap pled in deadly combat ; olllcorsuscd their pistols and fought man for mau. In the last hours , or moments , perhaps , of the hand-to-hand struggle the First lost its quota for the dav and came out minus 21 killed and 110 wounded , a total of 14.1 out of 28l ! taken Into the light. Its com manding olllcor , Major McCrady , was among the woutnled. The next after noon the Eighty-third Pennsylvania charged upon that railroad cut , then defended - fended by other troops , nnd lost two commanding officers , wounded in quick succession , and 07 men out of 221. In the Maryland campaign , following second Dull Hun , the South Carolinians shared In the bloodless victory at Har per's Furry , and late on the bloody 17th of September double qulckod to Antie- tam just in tlmo to mingle their dead with the fallen around the Dunknr church. Tlio First lost 31 mon out of its roster of less than 160. At Froderlcks- burg , in December following , it again found a warm corner by ono of those accidonts.of battle that do not lesson the sting of bullets , even if they win no victories , Grocrg's brigade occu pied the second line in frontof a position charged by union troops. Owing to a misplacement , there was a gap in the front line , and a union charging column burst through and struck the First's companion regiment , Orr's Sjuth Carolina lina Rules , so suddenly as to throw it into confusion. The First stood next to the Rifles , and its commander immedi ately swung it around at right angles with the old line so as to bulTot the ono- my's advance. Again the fight raged at arm's length , or a few pacus at most.and the regiment stood its ground until sup port reached the spot. The alTalr cost llvo olficors and fifteen mon killed , and four olficors and flfty-eightuion wounded ; olghty-two In all. Gregg was killed in the gap trying to right things , and another colonel of the brigade , Samuel McGowan , took com mand , giving hia name to the organi zation. The First would have been wiped out at Fredericksburg but for the return of its wounded to duty and the shrewd confederate system of conscript ing into old organizations. By the tlmo "Stonewall" Jackson , who was its corps loader while he lived , was once more on the warpath to double up the union army , the regiment had picked up a fighting strength of 300 , and star'od out on Sunday morning , May 3 , todrivo old "Stonowall's" wedge homo to the heart of Hooker's camp at Chancellor's House. It was not ns plain sailing as was expected , for Sickles' Third union corps was moving in the same direction just ahead of the "Johnnies , " and wouldn't bo hurried oven to suit Loo's "Invincibltis. " The First regiment passed in splendid line over a bare knoll , at the ease of which Sickles' mon .lay under cover. The Carolinians stood it so long as mon could and then ran back , with the enemy at their heels , to. a line of breastworks in the rear. They made a stand at the breastworKs , and the pursuers took a turn at punish ment and then at running away. The First loat twelve killed and eighty- eight wounded , 100 in all , with seven olficors among the fallen. The Carolina brigade marched to the field of Gettysburg Ja July with well- filled ranks. General A. P. Hill wns their corps leader in place of the dead ' Stonowall. " With him they assaulted Reynolds' corps in MePhoraon's Woods on July 1. As at Gaines's Mill , a tory confronted their advance , and rained shell and canister into the ranks , chiefly upon the First regiment. That battery was doomed. Ono pleco was the prlzo of the First , and they dashed for ward without a halt until their banner was floating in tlio town , the first con federate Hag in Gettysburg. Ono day later , almost to an hour , at the other fiank of thosamo , field , the' Eighty-third Pennsylvania fought gallantly to defend Round Top , with success equal to that of the Carolinians in their charge. The First lost ono officer and nineteen mon killed ; six ofilcers and ninety-four men wounded 120 in all , which was more than half its membership. In the Wilderness battle on May 5 , 1804 , the First led its brigade and di vision in an attack on the union loft on the Orange planic road , and at the same hour its double , the Eighty-third Penn sylvania , had the plaeo of honor in a union attack on Jho confederate loft along the Orange turnpike , u couple of miles distant. Both regiments BU Ho red in the ensuing three days , the First with a loss of sixteen killed and Hi wounded , besides six officers killed. At Spottsylvanla a week later the first , reduced'to a handful , entered the "Bloody Anglo" with its brigade in the forlorn attempt to hold its assailants at arm's length. Its cummandur and IIvo other olllcors were wounded , the second in command killed , and the ranks lost 10 killed and fil wounded. , At the end of another week , after almost two yours of this eccentric dueling , tliotwo regi ments mot fairly at Jericho Ford , North Anna rlvor. on the road to , Richmond. The First charged at the lioud of Mq- Gowan's brigade and ran into a battery supported by the PonnsylVanlans. The regiments grappled for An Instant , the commander of the Carolina brigade was captured by one of the Eighty-third , and the loader of the first was killed in the moloo. The first lost twonty-llvo prisoners , the highest in any battle of its career. Bloody Cold Harbor next following , both escaped , and through the slogo of Petersburg their lines ran separate again , though with proportionatolossos , Almost at the close the brigades to which each belonged were mipports to companion brigades that fought ut White Oak Road March HI , 18(15 ( , ono week before Appqniattox. The affair ended abruptly , and neither roglmunt wasBovorely.opgagodljuutho , colonel of the First wasv shot dead by u stray bul let. This was the last death iii tho'rogl- mont , and the score stood 281. The rocor.d of wounded closed April 2 , wlfon the major commanding and ono captain were shot ddwu , making 0501ti all. On March 31 , alee , the Eighty-third scored 281 deaths , and on April f added ono , making 282 , closing its record of wounded at the same tlmo. So the duel- la U stood at Appomattox , 050 against 971 casualties on the battlefield , itlraodt the maximum war strength of a regi ment. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Itathor lie SliotTIutii Suiutruck. During the war'of the rebellion an eccentric - centric colonel , an export at political stump spnaklng but u novice in military mutters , led , with' a big' umbrella ever his head , his regiment to the attack. , The brigade general , knowing that the conspicuous mark would draw lire , re marked to his old : "Look at Hint old .fool now. Go and tell' ' him to' put that umbrella down , " Whoa the Order was delivered the colonel replied "Toll the gonornl that I will not lower the um brella. " The aid returned again with the order , and the angered colonel f > ald : "Toll General Rodoa that I hud as Hot bo killed by the bullets of the enemy ns by the sun , and I'll bo d d If I lower the umbrella , " Dy thnt time the urn- brolla had drawn a sharp lire , and , per- colvlng his mon pomowhnt huddled be hind him , ho shouted at the top of hla ringing voice : "Bulge out there In the contorl" For the third time the aid gal loped to him with a peremptory mes sage , whereupon the Indignant colonel answered slowly and frigidly : "I will lower the umbrella ; but toll General Rotlos it's a d d outrage. " It was low ered , riddled with bullet holes , and the aid who carried the order had his arm shot away. _ Olllrnrn InMitllnl. Hoi.YOKK , Colo. , Fob. 20 [ Special to THU llKix ] Tiio onicors for the ensuing year for Gettysburg camp , Sons of Veterans , was installed hero last , night by W. U , Kelsey , deputy state commander , as follows : Judge 10 , E. Brannon , commander ; G. W. Dick- orson , S. P. C. ; Charles Chanoy , J. V.C. : W. S. Bradford , a ? J. W. Abrams , S. ; Reuben Churning , S. G. ; James Carson , C. S. ; James Oliver , M. ; John ImliolT , C. G. ; George Hill , C. G. and S. E. Koso , P. G. The ceremonies were very imprcasivo and ably conducted by the Installing officer. The llolyoko ladles' cornet band and the Grand Army of the Republic - public drum corps furnished excellent music for the occasion. lion. E. E. Armour of Sterling was present and addressed thu camp in a pleasitnt , Impressive and patriotic man ner , followed by remarks of a like na ture by the lion Jainoa Glynn of this place. The camp is compi-isod of the flower of the youth of this county , patriotic and Intelligent boys , who are in every way capable of making Gettysburg camp ono of the foremost camps in the stale. Ititrimt nf Ditroimi'il Vvtrriin. William Dennett , who died in Lincoln recently , was ono of the oldest Grand Army of the Republic men In Hall county. Ho was a native of England. lie entered the service on January 20 , 1802 , as a private In company E. Third Michigan infantry , nnd remained in active service until the oxpltation of hostilities , being discharged from the' same rank July 8 , 1805. lie was mus tered into the Grand Army of the Re public May 5 , 1802 , and became a member of Lyon post No. 1 1 of the Ne braska Grand Army of the Republic In April , 1888. His remains were interred in Grand Island. Olllriit-H Installed. The following officers of Dradloy post , No. 134 , Grand Army of the Republic , Wood River , were installed for the en suing year at the last regular mooting ; Riley Woscoatt , Com. ; R. Burden , S. V. ; E. Kunz , J. V , ; George Plummor , O. D. ; R. Gillospio , Q. M. ; A. C. White , Adj. ; Rev , Hatch , Chap. ; A. Plummor ; O. G. ; George W. Miller , Q. M. S. The meetings of the post have been changed to the first and third Friday of each month. _ I have suiTorod with rheumatism for qutto a number of yours , and after trying Salva tion Oil pronounce it the bast remedy I have ever usod. Mit * . J. ZIMMKUMAN , Wotborodvillo , Md. Caution Insures safotv , and all cautious people euro their colds with Dr. Bull's ' CougU Syrup. 25c. _ _ STBONGr AS A CHANT. Amazing Strength nf thu Connecticut lIurouli'H. There lives on Pigeon Hill , Conu. , a man who in his prime would have made Sitndow , the Gorman giant , and Cyr.tho Canadian Hercules , ashamed of their boasted strength if they could have scon his muscles put to their greatest tost. . The man's name is Solno Gandri , or , as ho is familiarly called. Bob. In the early fifties ho was brought from the Wnst Indies by a merchant vessel loaded with rum and molasbos , and sot adrift , in Middlolown , on the Connecticut rlvor. Gandri was of nn exceedingly powerful build. Ho stood six foot and so\on inches in his skin , and the upper half'of his body was as massive and as firm as a structure of iron. Ho was always very fond of rum , and would work harder and longer when the wages to bo earned were so many quarts of rum than when the compensation. wn8 to bo dollars and cents. Notwithstanding the man's lik ing for liquor , ho never became a drunkard , and ho was always indus trious. One day Bob was going to the village of I'almortown. On the way ho came across an acquaintance who was laboring with a balky horse at the foot of a stoop hill. The man was taking n load of potatoes to market , and as itVIIH late in the fall and quito cold ho was anxious to got into town with them before fore they'snould freeze. "What's the uso'n poundln' 'im. " said Bob quietly. 'T k'n make 'im pull. " "If you'll make him draw this load of potatoes to town I'll givo-you half tlio.v letch mo , " said the desperate owner ol the horso. Bob said ho could. The village was two miles distant. Bob went to a farm house near by and got a longstout rone. Two ends of this hotted around the ndck of the stubborn horse , and across his shoulders and under his arms ho passed the bight at the other and of the rope. Ho started up the hill about twonly foot ahead of the horfto. The animal planted its four feet and braced ngaiust the man , but it might as well have tried to kick a hole through the aidant an ironclad ship. Bob bent himself to his work and slowly pulled horse , wagpn and potatoes to the top of the hill. From the brow of the hill to thn village the road was level , and the man drew the pnttro outfit into thn town. When the vil lagers heard of Bob's wonderful foit : they requested the owner of the team to put the potatoes up for sale at auction , Ho did so and they sold at an exceed ingly high price , and Bob got well paid for his work. Thin example of a willingness - ness to pull had no tilToct upon the horso. whonn nock was nearly disjointed. It balked as badly ns ovor. i m DIsouso never successfully attack * a sys tem with pure blood. UoWlU'a Saranimrlila pure , now blood and enriches ; the old , A Hurt of OlKltnl l ) ( > | irrH inn. Did you ever notice , when a man emitod his thumb with a hummer , while putting down a carpet under wifely supervision and criticism , how quickly he thrusts the bruised and throbbing member into his ready mouth ? writ'ei ' Robert J.Uurdotio In the March Ladles1 Homo Journal. People think it is be cause the application is soothing , But no ; it IB an involuntary movement , Hiuno as wlnKlng. The man can not help it Nature knows what the man would bit apt to any un der the circumstances , and' BO HIO ! has provided him with a stopper and hqs or dained that whenever ho 1)1 ) ta his thumb hard enough to hurt and It doesn't.lulto . very much to nearly kill a man when ho is doing something that lie doesn't want to by a sort of interlocking nystom thu thumb flies into his mouth and stops him up so that ho cant say anything. Some men whom you and I know bhould bo provided with un extra thumb , whiiih they might curry about in their hand , all the tlmo it wasn't in active UHO. Ik would bo a great thinir , wouldn't It ? Sick hoadaohel Deocbttia's ' nllli vrlll , r - f Hovr