i 1 , 'IH THE OMAHA DAILY NEE : FRIDAY , MAKCII 4 , 1892. 3 s THE OMAHA BEE COUNCIL BLUFFa OFFICE : - NO. 12 PEARL STREET. t'clhciccl ly Cftrrlcr lonny part of the City II.V. . TIT/TON , - MANAGER IInilnc Office .Np 41 . rntmvrxJ . . } N,8)ll , ) , ; , , llor NO J /JA 77O.V. N , Y. Plumbing Co Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , coal. C rnft's chattel loans. 204 Sapp bloctr. For Sale My homo. Mrs. J. Lyinan. Kd MosUll was ctvon ton days In the county jail yesterday for fighting. A mooting of the Pottnwattamlo County Democratic association will ho held this ovcnint ! at b o'clock nt Iho council chamber. Marrlago licenses wcro Issued vcatrniay to \V. A. Crawford and Clara Urown , and to John Hoist and Pauline Kllgoro , all of this city.Thn Thn lecture of Henry Wnttorson Friday night promises to draw u crowd , and these who want a cholco of scats should consult the diagram ourly. A -short mooting of the city council was held last evening In Mayor Macruo's oftloo , and special policemen more appointed to do duty at Iho polls nn election day. Judge Tliorncll has handed down n judg ment fnr21t In favor of the plaintiff lu the case of S. K. Maxon apalnst.T. J. Brown In which the amount asked was $ lV > 0. Regular conclave ot Ivanhoo commandcry No. 17 , ICntghts Templar , this Thursday ovonlnir. A largo attendance U requested. By order of the eminent commander. The case of tbo Chleaeo Lumber company against S. E. Maxon was tried In the district court yoatord.iy and submitted to the jury late lii tlio afternoon. During the evening the jury brought In n verdict In favor of Maxon. rhoSwodlshlCvangolical Luthor.in Immanuel - uel church , which was organized about a year ago In this city , has purchased n lot , from A. Cochrnti nt the corner of Seventh and Mill streets end will ntonco proceed to erect n church building. The last of the ovldonco In the case of the Citizens State b&r.k against Luco was beard In suncrlor court vcstcrday afternoon and the arguments of the attorneys nro now being board. It has occupied the last four days , but will probably bo completed today. Camp No. 7 , Hoval Neighbors of America , Mil hold their regular semi-monthly mcotlug this evoninc In the ICnlghts of Pythias hall , UK ! Main street , at 7J : : ) ( o'clock. It Is desired that there bo n full attendance , ns there is business of importance to be brought before tbo camp. The young People's Society of Christian Kurii-avcr of the Ctiristian church will give a box sociable nt the church , corner of Seven teenth and Broadway , this evening , und at the same tlmo a reception will bo given to Elder Carter nud family of St. Joe , who have recently moved to this city. It Is stated tnat a company has hern formed for the purpose of erecting a cold storage warehouse and contemplates taking Immcdi nto action , A meeting of the Merchants and Manufacturers association Is to bo held at the Board of Trade rooms In the Men tain block this evening at 8 o'clock to discuss the matter. Jim Smith , the colored man who w.is ar rested for fisslng n little girl on Upper Broadway several days ngo , was tried in police court yeiKSrduy morning lor the offense and dii > ch > irgcd on condition that he lenvu town within fifteen minutes. Ho started for Omaha with considerable r.ipidity and IB cents and has not been ho.inl from sin co. Ed Campbell and Ed Yager were arraigned before Commissioner Hunter of the federal court on the ohargo of selling Intoxicating liquors without a government permit. Ho- lanrt Coppick. who lives near them nt Hen derson , Mills countv , testified that the two men dealt out tlio liquor in question under gulsp of an oyntcr slow , but his story was not substantiated , and the defendants were discharged. Andy Taylor , the barber who was -reported to have eloped with f l.VJ of staKO money that cud been left with him by sumo of his friends at the wrestling match in South Omaha , turned up yesterday morning and Is now looking with blood in his eye for the fellows who started the story. Hn denies that ho made way with anything that did not belong to him , and states that if anyone has any score to settle with blm ho can bo found ntWJ' Broadway. An attempt was madolast evening to break up Chamber's dancing school in tbo Uoyal A remain ) parlors ns a result of u suspicion on the part of some of the young men who gave Iho party last Tuesday evening tbal Chambers had worked against them In keepIng - Ing away some uf their prospective guests. V The young men In question stayed in tbo hall and as fast as the dancers catno tboy were informed tbat there would bo no more dancing school there. The proprietor at last found out what was going on and there came near holng n free for nil fight. A report vns circulated on the streets last evening thut W. H. Foster , the missing gardener , had been found , and a couple of en terprising newsboys sold several copies of the regular edition of an evening paper wnlcti they claimed contained an occou.it of tbo finding. It oil turned out to bo a glorious fnko , hnwovor. a * the only foundation the report had was the fact that a man called at the Foster residence during the afternoon tiid .said that ho had soon a man walking nbotit In the Jonnlnirs timber east , of the citv which ho thought might bo Foster , und ho hurried In to tlnd out what the amount of the Toward was. No credit was given his story by the friends of tno missing man , a the pretended clue was not followed up. See the tableaux and calisthenics exercises - cisos at the First Baptist church this evening. _ Eastern money to loan on real estate * > y M IT. Shcvifo , Broadway and Main. Money to loan. Lowest rates ; . John ston & Van Patten , Everett I'JMSOX.ll. V.l Miss Jo Glllllland Is the guest of hoi cousin , P. E. Gllllllaud , 217 South Sovontr fttlCOt. Mrs. Itarm'on of Montrose , la , , who h ! uoun vUitintr liar mother , Mrs. M. A. Ark wright , on Fourth street , left for homo Tues day. ' 0. M. Hnrl loft last evening for Red Oal to nUonil the bar banquet given last evening In honor of the opening of the now Mtntgoin cry county court house. \ Bwnnson Music Co. , Masonic temple Tlio Cl. M. Podjjo ciimp , Sons ot Vnt oraiiH , will glvei n ball in G. A.l \ lial on the evening of March 7. A uoriliu invitation la uxtondud to the public. Jurvlsl877 brandy , purest , safest , best , An Incnrrlgllilo Hey , /.oil Bothers and Uoorge iioiioynian , twi young follows who have boon frequent In mate * , of the city nnd county JalU for ot fences moro or loss serious , were nrrustoi night before last for lighting on the street and were lined (10'JO onoh In police court. 1 youni , ' man named Brotr , who win run In fc drunkenness at about tbo same time , imssoi n brand now hot bo bad been wearing whoi ho awolto yesterday moraine and had nn Ida : that Mothers bad itolou it. When Dottier r6turnod from his day's work on tluj ohali Bang ho was stripped and searched , and th new hat was found hidden Inside his clothes where U hud been over since the niRlit be fora Ho was slated with larceny and wll have a hearing this morning before .ludg JvlcQee. Iethers das boeu continually gel ting Into trouble for the pan throe or foil Voars , although hois not mnre than Hi year of aiu now. It Is probanle that he will b kent to the reform school , as all efforts t ko p him straight bars beretofoiubtoii ( mil less , DraYoodu jrydontl8ts , next to Gram hotel ; line work a specialty. TulaIZ \ Holler , the tailor , 810 Broadway , Jin oil the latest styles and newest Satisfaction guaranteed. Walnut block and Wyoming coa ! fresh mluoJ , roculvoddili : Tbatohor 6 Mftift. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Life of Mary Olmitead Ended by a Doio of Chloral , DOMESTIC TROUBLES CAUSED THE DEED After rigurlngn * Ilio IMnlntIT lit n Srmi\- tloniil DUnrcn Suit the Unlrijipy Woman Determines to Sulc'lilc All In u Letter.- Mary Olbistend , wife of the gardener \vlio llvo n short distance cast of the city limits , tool < n iloso of chloral night before last which resulted In her death yestordav noon. Stio Is well Itnowu in the citv , and at late she has been the object of tnoto than ordinary at- tout ion from the public as the result of her being plaintiff In n sensational divorce suit against tier hug bund. .Sho was kept In the Insuno asylum for some time , and at the ex piration of her term of treatment she returned to her homo in this city , out , ns she alleged , her husband had taken up with another woman and refused to allow her to enter tno house. She accordingly began a suit for n tllvorco which hits been pending in the dis trict court for the past six months. For about three wcolti , however , Olmstoud and his wlfahnro been II vine together , she having stated to a number of her frlondi that she did not want a divorce and thai the suit waste to ho dismissed soon. Tuesday night about 10 o'clock OlmUoad heard his wife got up and movu ubaut the room. Ho supposed she was hunting for a drink and thougnt no more about It. Early In the morning when ho arose ho found his wife was stilt sleeping .soundly , and ho could not awaken her. At last ho uocamo frightened and called a doctor. In the meantime it was discovered that a two-ounco bottle of chloral which she had boon using had been over half cmotled since the night buforo. Every known appliance was used to bring her out of her stupor but to no oiToct , and slio ulod ut noon. It was thought at llrst that there wore cir- cutnstancos connected with the death that looked n trllle suspicious. The fact that there had been serious trouble recently be tween Mr. and Mrs. Olrastoad undoubtedly gave rise to this Impression. An Investiga tion bv Coroner Soy brt resulted In the Hud- Ing of a letter bearing thn signature of Mrs. Oltnstoad , ana evidently written the day before her death , in which she Intimated clearly that she had contornolatod sutcidn. This letter will be brought to light at nn in- quust to bo held this afternoon at ii o'clock. It is probable also that it post mortem ex amination of the bodv will be mado. IIOSTON STOUI : , Council Itlun'o , lit , , Spring Announcement i oa. Our thousands of patrons have boon asking daily when our spring morehan- disu would'bo placed on bale. Most of the inquiries were regarding dress nods , which we have ut last got ar- anged in stoik and open for inspection. jvorything the latest , the newest , the obbiest. They have only to bo fcoon to 'O ' appreciated. : IIE NEWEST WEAVES FOR 1892. Is u light weight material in silk and veil known as "Lansdowno , " perfectly liain , weave loscmblingsilk , but drapes nd clingfj much more graceful. Wo show the bust quality in the mar- ot. carried and advertised by all the oatUng eastern houses at $1.35and $1.50 ; vo make our price $ l.2o goods full 40 n. wide. BENGALINE. A popular material for this season. Vo show a nice iino of spring shades , Iso black ; our price $1.00 a yard. VANDYKE BEDFORD CORDS. This is a new weave of Bedford cord , vt > "on with the raised cord , . . ut figured vith n Vandyke pattern. Handsome line of bhadcs ; our price Too a yard. ZIG ZAG JACQUARDS. The above is a novelty , something en- iroly now in olTcct and very desirable good * for spring wear. The price 81.00 ward. HENRIETTAS. We have them in all qualities and all tn.iginablo shades and colors at 50c , 58c , " 5c and 95c a vard. POPULAR SHADES. Our dross goods department never was so complete , having taken great .mins in selecting for this season , the jopular shades being , lizard green , jobclin green , pearl gray , ashes ol Obes , French modes and Slates , English tans and tan-browns. BOSTON STORE , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA. IT mvinici ) TIII : ciiuucii. 1'iistor nnd SIxty-llvo Member ! Withdraw from Ilio ItujitUt Aitoclatloii. Sltico the mooting li : the first Baptist church last Saturday night , at which it was decided that the pastoral relations between Uev. L. A. Hall and the church should bo dissolved , considerable guessing has bion going on among the church people of the city asj.6 what would be the next move of Iho , wo faction * . List night at the close of the ouliir prayer meeting a business meeting was hold , at which a number of now devel opments came to Unlit. Uev. Mr. Hall slnrtod the b.ill rolling by staling thnt , It had boon decided tbat ho sboultl leave , nt.d ho thoueht the uoxt thing In order was to pay him off. There was $ . ' 05 back salary duo him , and the sooner ho got it the sooner ho would skip. If they would Day him right away he would snip right nway , otherwise he would have to stay and bother them awhile longer. It was flnnlly decided that the committee of the antl-llnll faction should moot the advisory committee and malio arrangements to pay off the debt. L. U. Joseph , the church clerk , then arose anil said ho had received requests fromaoout sixty-live momuers of the church for tbolr letters. lie then proceeded to read the fol lowing list of iminoi of these who had made the request : Mrs. II. S. Dnldy. William Diood , Mrs. Jonnlo Jllooil , Mrs , Lucy 13rooks , Claraliatos , Mrs. Viola Caney , Vlnule Carley , Miss Flor ence CarloAnnotta Dovol , Jessie Davol , iaurn J. Dlcklsoii , Surah Uoodchild , Eliza beth ( Joodchild , William Hurover , MolUo Ilarovor ; Mrs. U. S. Henry , Miss Klla Henry , Misb burah A. Henry , L. A. Hall , Marr A. Hall , Hnncy Joseph , William Joseph , Alllo M. Joseph , Emma Joseph , Louis U. Joseph , Walter Jnsoph , Lcandor .lacobs , Mary Jacobs , Maggie IColly , fiotsy Marble , Frank Marble , John 13. Marble , Mary K. Mo- Ulnro , Wllio Mlllor , Frank Miller , Miss j'nrhoy. Oils Hliolos , Miss Ubodos , Mrs. M , H. Boars , Florence Sours , Maud Sides , Delia Sides , Anna M. Stevenson , Kdward Steopoy , Mrs , Edwhrd Stooooy , Uuth Steopoy , E. E , Ward , Florence Wilcoxou , llolou Wasbbiirn , , f. W. I'ntteraon , J. C. Patterson , Mrs. 1'ut- toiMOit , Mrs. WiUon nnd Mrs. Prlco. As soon as the roadlnc of the list bad been comulotod , Uav. Mr. Hull In formed those present - sent that by the terms of the agreement bo- twooi ) tbonotions they could do nothing but grant the letters , "U was agreed between ns that there wura two crowds in this churcli never could work tocathor and never will work together.und wo won't work together,11 said he. nnu his remaiks were becoming of t decidedly personal nature when ono of hi : supporters , S. F. Henry , called for the qiics lion and the letters were unoaliuo si ) granted. The mooting then adjourned , "Wo nro going to keep ilall with us , " salil ono of these who licit been granted a letter , ut tbo close of the mooting : "It has boon decided positively that ho Is to stay with Ui and preach for u until tha close of his pis toral year , whlo'i wll | bo next December Our meetings will bo hold In the MasonU tomplp , but wo da not expect to form an ) church organisation for the present. Finan cial help is coming In from nil sides , ( ran : men outside of ( ho cuurcb'as well ns from those of our number , and the prasoeoti art that bv the close of the year wo shall be able to orgauUe a nourishing church. " "Undo Tom's Cabin , " a beautiful odl lion , only 23o at Brackott's Corner Uool stow. KCiulillcu | Cmivrntlon. The republlcaat of I'ottawatUtnlo count ; will hold primaries on Friday evening , March 11 , ufplncos to bo selected hereafter , to select delegates to the county convention which Is to bo held In the suoonor court room of the county court house on the 12th. At thU convention twenty delegate * will bo , chosen to represent Pottawattamla county nt the state convetrllon nt Dea Molnoi on the 17th , and nt the state convention delegates will be elected to attend the national repub lican convention at Minneapolis In Juno. Ho ItcriiininoiKls City Attorney Stotvnrt has boon examin ing the o rill nn n co which was passed by the city council at Its last mooting granting n franchise to John T. Stewart to build and operate an electric light and power plant , and yesterday ho handed In a report to Mayor Macrae ns the result of his investigation , This ordinance was the ono which was rushed through the council with such haste its to create nn impression in certain quar ters that ( he nldcrmen had had some htclden motive to guldo them In their action. City Attorney Stewart finds a ntimhor of places In which ho considers the ordinance defect ive , looking at It from tbo standpoint of the city , nad ho recommends that certain changes bo made in It , in vlow of the liability of vox- ntlous and expensive litigation to arise be tween Inn citv and the company as the ro- suit of n franchise which does tint state as clearly as might bo the rights of the coin- puny und Its relation to the city government. Ho suggests that the locution of the polo * , their height , size and kind , bo loft to the dis cretion of the council , nna that n clause bo Inserted providing that the city shall hn al lowed to use tbo poles for wires for the llro alarm and police loloimipb. The ordinance should also provide thut tbo wires to bo used as conductors shall be erected snat not to In- tcrfero by contact , Induction or otherwise , with other wires used for similar purposes , nud tbat all privileges granted to the com pany shall bo subject to the general ordin ances governing such matters. Ho also recommends that the council reserve the right to provide further reasonable regula tions , ana that the stipulation bo made that the nuthoritv granted by the ordi nance to erect poles and lines ccaso upon the passage of any ordinance providing that all wires or other electric conductors bo placed under ground , All tbeso additional provis ions were overlooked bv the council in their hurry to pass the ordinance , but the recom mendations of the city attorney are now being considered bv the miyor. The signa ture of the mayor has not been afllxod to it yet , and it is not likely that It111 bo. Tno subject will come up for further considera tion nt the next meeting of the council next Tuesday evening. Class Union entertainment at the First Baptist church tomghj. Admission , Methodist social at Hughes' hall to night Come. McmlliiK Her ICrpntrttlon. The case of Susanna Smith ngninst M. O'Uoylo was on trial tu tbo district court yesterday afternoon. In the petition filed by the plaintiff it Is alleged thut O'Uoylo , whllo in conversation with Thomas McLaughlin - Laughlin and a man named Miller last Juno , made a number of uncomplimentary allu sions to Mr * . Smith , stating among ether things that iho'had been untrue to her hus band and that a man named Katzcnstoln had been the partner of her guilt. A judgment of $5OOJ 's ' demanded against O'Bnylo ns a balm for Mrs. Smith's injured reputation. The taking of evidence was commenced a short time before time for adjournment. The ladies of Broadway M. B. church will entertain a social at Hughes' hall , 'hursday evening , March 3. A cordial nvitation is extended to all. Could Cirt AloiiRT Without Pr.iyerti. "Want mo to marry you , and you a Meth- dlst preacher ! Well , you know I don't use .ho kind of ceremony the preachers have. For instance , I can't pray very well. " "Tnat's all right , 'squire. Wo'll do with- lut the prayer so long as wo got the knot , ied tigbt. " Then Uov. William Coo and Mrs. A. E. , 21ark stood side by side , while Justice Ham mer pledged cacti to the other in duo form. Jarviswild blackberrv is the host L. C. Dale will give a dumb bell ex hibition tonight at the First Baptist ihurch. An Electrical Scorer. Charles A. Atkins has been working for the past month perfecting a new system of making scores at the rifle range over a single wire. As soon as the shot is fired it registers the score and also gives the direc tion of the bullet. Mr. Atkins has made a number of experiments with his now Inven tion and as soon as the preliminaries can bo gone through uili tauc out a patent. The Ladies Auxiliary , U. V. L. , have just finished a beautiful crazy quilt , which is now on exhibition at Kfnno- han's shoo store , corner Broadway and Bryant streets. They wish to dispose of it. it.Wo Wo have our own vineyards in Califor uiu , Jarvis Wino comuany , Co. Bluffs Th Klru Itccorcl. LA Citossn , Wis. , March 1 , The Minnesota seta house , patronized by farmers , burned this morning and the proprietor , Peter Huldco , perished in the flames. Tbo financial loss is small. I'OllK I'.WKEHS' TltoaJIfKS. Injunction KcstritlnliiK PurclmHO of T.iiiul from Armour , Sulft und .Morris. NiwA : K , N. J. , March S.Two vice chancellors sat to hear arguments in a suit In the court of chancery this morning for something which has never occurred before In the cnancory chambers. Charles Wil- loughoy presented nn Injunction restrain ing the Chicago Junction Hallway Stock Yards company from executtngon agreement to purchase lands of the stock yards from Armour , Swift and Morris , for what is alleged to be a price greatly in excess of the vnluo of the property and Vice Chancellor Green requested Vice Chancellor Vanvleet to sit with him In the case on account of the 1m portanco of the issue at stake. The plaintiff asked for an injunction restraining the Junc tion Railroad and Stook Yards company from transferring to Armour , Swift and Morris over J..000,000 ! of Its stock in exchange for what is alleged to bo almost worthless lands nt Tolleston and a small yard in Chicago called the Central stock yards. The posses sion of this block of stock would give thosu thrco packers control of the Chicago yards , In which about twenty other packers are in < terosted. Mr. Whitohcad read a number of affidavits going to show tbat Armour , Swift and Morris were Impelled to tbo action thov took by the refusal of the Junction Hailwaj company to transport their live stock ovorlts road to the Central stock yards. LOYAL LEGION BANQUET. Aftur u Hluirt Illiniums SoHilon Ilio Mein < lllirH II11 Ml II I'l'llht. Fifty members of the Nebraska command cry of the Loyal Legion mot at the Mlllard a' ' 0 o'clock last evening , and after a shor business session sat down to a banquet it the dining ball. In compliance with tbo ro- ijuost of General G , M. Dodge , president o the Armv of the Tennessee , a committee con sistlng of Captain II. 12 Palmer , Colonel Prlt chottund General C. H. Frederick of this cltj were appolntod to assist lu raising subscrip tlons for the statue of General W. T. Sber man that is to bo erected in Washington Several now applications for memoorsbi ! were received. Major J , W. Paddock of thi ! city , president ot the Nebraska commandcry presided , The banquet took the place ot Iho nnnua January banquet that was postponed till : your because of the illness of many of tin members. It was on a much smaller scale as U was impossible for many of the in member * to be hero , and wus hold In orde. thai the event might not bo wholly ovei looked. Toinpitrnncu I'unjilo in Session. DEB MOINCS , la. , March 2. The unnua meeting of the State Temperance Alllanc was held hero today. All districts were ror resented , Reports from various districts re garding prohibition t > bow a general laxity o sentiment. Officers selected are : J. A Harvey , DCS Moiuos , president ; Mrs. O. K McMurray , tocrcturjr ; J. J. Hamilton , treat uror. This evening n mass UlHllng was hoi J at which several members liulho legislature spoke on the question ot the enforcement of the prohibitory law. St irmly per Dr.xnit , Colo. , March 2.r At 10:30 : tonight Charles Lc under , n storootypor on the Colorado rado Sun , shot and danccrouMy wounded Finnic Primrose , another ttrootyper , em ployed by the Noivs. Tbo trouble occurred at n meeting of the storcotypors union in the Republican office , nt whlca h/jandor charged Primrose with having ompUiv d a nonunion man. This the latter Denied and words were followed by tbo shooting. I'Hmroio's mother , wife and two cliildrcn llvoihV Chicago Killed Ilia DiniRlitvr'ft llotruyrr. SriiiNunr.i.n , III. . March 'J. Joseph Juek- son today accused John Couch of ruining his ( Jackson's ) daughter and ordered Couch to marry the girl. Couch twice refused and Jackson shot him dead. Jackson gnvo him self up. The trapcdy occurred nt the rosl- ilonco of Charles Hopping , near Thomasvllle. LKTTKtt UlST. M t oflplter re.natfllnu uncillel for In the pan- onicc for the week ending MnrcUS , IS ! > 2 , Note Piutloi calling tat llioia letton nlll pletiio nny"A < HrertlioJ"KlTln < thj clito nl lha hovJ oftha Hit , anil luqulro fur srvnj.U tlio l.iJloi * liullverj win- ( low. low.To To nrold mlst-ikci htra jrour mill mlJroJJOJ to jour trcol nrnl number. I.U' A. Anderson O II KahlllJ Keith N W „ , KollcyJ M ( earnsJ Kuunti C W < Kyle J 11 iriiso J Knllcck A J - ' ' .ano M Lavliia JO" Ien K ' l.eu C I.awls II ! > . ! I.cndrol'c J [ , aron O - - - - - Umel'.iri } 0 Lluncllyn U , Mnrtln.I Mnttos H , , , Merrill U P .Matemon Meredith F WOrMlller K W I. Young O ZnsUclmer : L LADIK3' LADIK3'A ' Adams nirs A Allen I Allen mra Q T Anderson K Anderson rarsF Anderson M K Anderson HUB M. Auborc F 13. Dardwell mrs K Harbor mmV Ilanea II llallby.Mll llarkerC llartitlmm mrs O lip ly K lllrkmra.M llowem mru 1. Hrt'omrB U Huiiictmrs I Drown 11 UutteilloldL lluck inre IM U. Cashlnnd N Cumpf jnrn I. Carlson A CnlvInO Carlbonium A Casey mm O CnrtiT It Carl A Calvin 1 11 Clifton M Cooley mrs M J Cottlojlj Corbet mrs K Conrud mm U A Connor mrn A G Conxlll 1 Colly A II Cowln Mm W K Croikctt mm J K Cone iyrs U W CrulB W CummlUK inro S D. Dnnlelson mrs M Day M no Witt mr IS DutllouiMA DuskloJ Drun M K. Kastman M Kdvrard * N Knulcmun H stey miss Uvnns mrd I ) mrs A K K Tnrloiv U Francis mrs M Floak mm M II Forest mm FordinrnJ Fox mm .M A Krlcdrlckmm I Frnner J Finch mrs I JU. U. ( iahn K F Riles M Clllsamann mrsM Ulndwln U Uotr F UUBtafBOiiA n. Hall mrs A Hammoninrs Hanson A Harvey ran D J HendroyJ" Illnoa mm M HlKKlni H II Howard F Hodman l > Hover mra A Hunt II Hunter mr II Hunter mm N Hull uimt , Mnldoll ' Margrave mm K Mntcrudor M Miller uift'rf Miller M Montgomery K llason H' ' ' * Hafeko M Molletl K HuriiliyiilJti llullenll MulluumrsT J .Mtr.nl Mct'niin mm IS McIIugh mrs M K Mcdiinn II K McKey Mlm McKoover mm F BnudemMmJA Sweeney Mm I ) Hott J bcott Mm F hri'iiner Mm N aiioplierd Mra K bhellon Mm K fchenard Mrs K B.IIT win M hlinrpo F bkulton K bmltli S Boniier Mr < L Hlephenion I/ btandUnntcs Mm blroop O Stone. Mm J W ( J HruniherMmMBtrong Mm W fcteniieuA bueetMrt Scott It r. Tnrply L 'Jliooipson Mm Tlioruqultt M 'Jliroiniartln MriV U Thueten U M Tbumiuuu Jj Tbollo L Turtcrla M V. Yu Ynlkvnburif Ii VenlcyMrsn "WtmMonA Whllmoro M Vlillcinnn A Wlillnej MrsJ While Mr I Vhlto Mm A Wlc.'c > frs \VI tran Mm T Vlloon K Wilson H Wll on Mrs W F Mlum Mm M WooiUrd 0VolrotlMrsU 0 VoodwnM MrsO Wrlphl M Wright M V. 'oune L / . ImnicrMm t Klminerinan Mrs M A Tiunn AMI rot IITII CI.A89 MATrr.n. , Hall GK Hyatt Kt.JclllITo ( S llrown C M Iluck ( ! K Kdwnrds It Dorun .lltSnjilcr Miss M Frritnonn ll l.VSIPrn SII K WIIIInmsMlM M bclnod ' Kenney J A Hn refer tcr 1 W 'lhoiup on FOItKiriN IMiSTAt. CAIUI3. iKConto ( itucsppo Droglsto Stephens ft Colbert. Onkford X Lo Kohcr. Monron V Olbbs , Allnn llro , Cutt > ( Iron , K\am Urns. Col rndo liuiubercompatiy , Oninlin Iliitlor nnd KKK ompnny , Western 1 run * company , ( Irnnaliiro 1'low ompany , Stlnton 1'nrklnc compnny , < U > Id Ix < nf trend company , Union 1'ortrnlt roinpnny II , Ininlm Mining and Lumber company , HI Wn lilnn dncblnc company , llnrks Mrdl company , Mnrl > n rriililii company , Western Union 'lea company. A II Ives \ roOmnhnclothlnt : company , Ilancroft Vbltnoi A Co , ( > K Morehonto & Co , Klnumnn A Co , InrySKiHo etroel , tlnclo.Mn , T. S Ci.AiiKsov. postmaster. A Written Guarantee SYPHILIS to Cnro Every Case or Money Refunded. Our cure Is permanent nnlnott pUj'ilaon. to.l tovi-n yonMnjo hnvo never 33i 1 sTniptnii Inco. By ( to rlblntcino ( fully wo ran troit j-ontir nmll.nncl wn giro Ilio mio strong Riinmnti'o to cure orrcfunil nil money. Thosu W lie prefer to conic hero orlrMltncnt cnnilo fonnl wo will ( my rnllront fnro lolli wnys ftnit liotpl hills while liora IF wo full to CUM Vo Cliallcngo the World for 11 r.s-o that our MAO 1C IKMKDV will not cure. Wrlto for iiartlctt'an nnl ROtthocvUlonoo. In our raven yoirV frifillaa wit1 ! hliMAQIC HF.MiiV : U Imi been m > Mt ilWIO lit t ) vcrcumo the projudlojs njiiln't nocttlol < p > onn lilt vinilor our Btroiiu uiKinnlca tliounili nro trylit tixnil liclnucuroJ. Wo Kunmntoa to euro or refill ! vcryilollnr , nnlns wo li.ivo.i roputa'.lni 13 prc.an nlwllnnnclal backlnjof MM.OH U Is pcrfoitlr Ntfoto nil who will try tlietroatmonU lIcratoTo-j you IIITO been puttlnHiipnnl pnylnxoutrour munay fortlller nt trontinetil ' , nnil nlthouxh you nro not yet curj 1 lopno Ims pnlil buck your money. Wo will im ltlvoly uroyou. Uld chronic , [ IcopxoataJ cue curol In II o 91 < lny . IiiTcsttitntc our llniuilal stHiUl u , oar cputttton ns business men. Wrlto us for nnmcs nn 1 mlilrosicsof these wo liuvd cured uho luivo xlvcn iernil Mon to refer to tho.ii. Ueosti you only putt- iitetodo IhU. If your symptons nro * 3ro tMritt , mticotin piitcheslu mouth , rhcuniiitls n In bottom nnl olnt , hair lulllnk' out , eruptions on any part ot tin lOdy , fcclliiK of Kcncrnl depra < slon , pulns In lien.1 or oonct. You linyo no tlms to wa to. Tliosa whonrj onstnntly tuklnu mere irf a 1 1 pot ish ntiout 1 ills-i : Inuolt. Constant u o ot these driiK * will urcty brim pores and ruling ulcers In the en I. Ion't rnll to wriio. AllcorrosponJonio Bent soilol In plain cnvolopoi Wclnvlto the mo-it rUld InvestlaJtlon mil will do. ill n our poncr tq al I you In It. Address OOOJC REMBDI 0. , - Omvhi , MAGIC CURE 880O for u case of I.o T or KAII.IN < I MAN HOOD , Ounnr.tl or Nmvous DUIIIMTV. weak ness of noily or mind , the otleetsjif errors or o\- ccsscsln elder yontiK thutweuiiiinotuiirc. Wo irunratitco every case orrnfuncl every doll ir. I lve duys trial treiitnicnt WI , full course ! * S. I'orceptlHlo bi'iietlts roilleil ; In thrco days. lly niiill. boonruly picUol from oliservntlon. COOK IlEMKtiv Co . OMAHA , Nr.n _ LADIES ONLY ami Certain to a day or money ref muled. Hy mall SJ. Securely scale I from obsurra- t'.on. VOOlt ttEJllZltY Ctt. , Omah i. Neb IS CAUSED BY A COLD which scttloa In nnd Inflames t'.io nlr tubes leidln to the lungs. U IB tlu bcKlnnlnic of Bronchial Consumption And If nexlcctcd lends totlmtdlsenso very speedily. A Kharp , metallic counh ncconipanloi It. Take It In tluionnd you can certainly direct with SCHENCK'S PULMOM18 SY3UP. Which is WKliout nn Equal for BRONCHITIS md for ull diseases Icadlnx up to nud Including Consumption. Ir , Sehpiicks New Uuok on DNeusrs o the Lungs , Lhcr nnil Slomitcli , s-lioiilil be in oirry home. Sent free. Dr. .1.11 * Sclicnck & So ARE THE STRONGEST NONC GENUINE WITHOUTTME6/A LADEL. There are 100 G/A tyla , each at It * cott , the bat you cnn buy. 5/A linker la HCBI of All. 6/A TJxirn Tent rrnks next to g/A Baker. 5/A Horse lilauki L ; bold by ull de&lerb. NR C DH M O. WK3TS NBHVI3 AND nilAI.N TllKAT- MKNT , nspocincfor llyatorla , lliion l , Fit * . Nun- raliila , liendarho , Nurvoui I'roitrntton c.iuiod by ill- cohol or tobacco , WukofiilnuH. Mrntnl Oeproulon , Boftenlmc ot tlio llraln , niuiln < Inanity , misery , decay , death , 1'reiuatiiro Old A o. llarronneis , I < an of 1'owor In either sox , Impotuncy , Leiicorrhoeianl nil Kcmnlo Woubnessoi , Involuntary LOHOJ , Wuir- matorrtioea oausod by ovor-exortlon of tha brain Belf-ttbum , ovor-lnduUonoJ. A month1 ! Iruatnu.T II , U for f'j. by mall , Wo CuarHiituo sl < Imxeit ) euro. Kaoh order for 'I ' botui , wltlii will send written - ten Huarnntoo to refund If not cured , Uiiarantnoi liBued only by A. Schrotor , lnu nlit. tola u anti , S. 1C. cor. loth nnd Fiirnnmsts , , Omnlii. NoK JAPANESE CURB A now and Complcto Treatment , consisting o ! Bupposltorles. Ointment In Capsules , also In llox and 1'llls ; n I'osltlvo Curu for Uxtoianl , Internnl , Illlnd or Uleodlni ; Itchlnit , Chronic , Uccont or llvrodltnry 1'lles. This lltmicdy has never boon known to fall , ( I perbox.il for J : lant by mull. Why milter from this torrlblo dlsu.it ) wlisnn written - ten iiuarnnteu Is positively Klven with U box o , tit refund the mqaey If not onrad. Sent stamp lor free hamplo. ( iuarantuo Issmil by Kulin , t Co. Drut-ulstB , Hole AKonts , cornur IJtli nnd Duiulun reels. Omaha , Neb , GONORRHEA , OLEET ANDcoRRHEA CURED In "iluyB by Iho I'lentli Uoiuody , eutltlud , The King It ( lissolvos aKalint and U absorbed Into the Inllamed purtn. Will refund inonuy ir It doea not cure , or causes .strlcturo. ( Juntleiiient hero U u reliable urtlcle , 4J paetngo or 2 for W by mall prejialil. Snow. Luna & Co , , Omaha. SPECIAL JSTOTJOES. COUNCIL BLUFFS. FOR SALE At a bargain , I'-acro fruit am iranlon flu in adjoining city lliulu ; good dwellliiR. 1H. . Khuafa _ WILL tr.idu house und lot for loam ; wll ulvolong llmoun balance. Call at U15 t > 6th street. _ I71AIO1S , garJon lanli. IIOUSOH , lots and X ? builriosB hlujka for 8 vlu or rant. Hay A lloss , 10 1'oarl straut , Ooiiriall Illulfj , BVH HKNT-or 10) ) dwollln ; a of every ilo- s-rlptlon at prlcua varylnx from ft tu fie ; pi r month , located In nil purls of the ulty , P. TJ UH KXOIIAKUB Clean ttou { of ( .riior.i Jirurctandlse. . invoice about 1 1 , .Mi' ' , ft r run estate und somucusli. Kd K. Muyno , ( il'J 1 road- wuy , Council lllulfd. _ 1SJ acres > f Inn I a Miort illktanud b. I' of Comic ! ! IllnlTs and the I ) , mid I ) . Institute t (23 per acic. A snap. Also coed 100-aoro farm iiUAr-AlUsourl Valley at t ' 5 per acre , rot-am * ilon Klvun nt oure Ifkold. Kine f.irin iiud tear Ions of lilt size * , Johnston it Van I'atiuu , Cuuucll ItluITi. THEONLYCURE Per Ncr ut Proitrntl odSknd Phyut the flick , _ HiulClronlntlon nndcr the ftnil nit nth HIOOll I > | W cr Tli nm health rtttorothn emi 8t .t. . . anil brine thtroscn' flush of health . A VIM. 1'or alc t y , orient t y w all. SAFE , CERTAIN , SPEEDY. noun's niiniriNi3 ro. , OAK FltANUINCO or OIIOAUO. KOH SAI.r. IN OMAHA , SKI ) . . IIV Knhn A t'o. , Co.r I3th & Doncla * Ms. J A rnllrr & Co , for. llth ft liougUxsSt * , A. 1) . Foster & Co , Council IllntT * . In. A OKNUINKMtCllOlIK I ! I I.III III I KUIU'3 OCUU KltAltlCATOIl-uireiMl Oeioaisi lircunn It kill , ho inlcrol-c orK rm Tut upnut retailed Intlnnt ! 5 BIOS , the Kilter lUmillnn * . Scut nnynhore pro- mid on receipt of prlco nr C. O I ) Welutio n unir- anlpo tocurc. Tlio public tr.Uo ntul Jobliort 11P- illoil by the Kins or Dnu Compuny. Oti\liv C A telehor , llownrit Meyornnd 1C. I * . Htyknrn , r-onlh Onmln ; A. I ) Foster nnil II. J. Ullli Conn ell Illuil ) LECTURED SUBJECT : AND BY Mon , Henry WatlBrson idltor : uf the I.oiiliTlllo Courier-Journal. FRIDAY EVENING , MARCH 4 , - - AT 8 .F. M. - - lOHAXY'S TIIEATEH , COCXCIL lliri'FS , IA. ADMISSION 60 CBN IS. TluUut holders can .ecuro reserved souts ut bills' I'huriiiiiL'y , without cxtrn tluirRf. Joiiiin > 3nelnB Monday , IVb. LM. Tlt-Uuts for sale at I'liulflc llousu UUnr store nntl .Moore Ale loinnn'a. . THE GRAND HOTEL , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Now , modern , woll-apnointed , thor oughly woll-kopt , S.J ii day. E. F. CLARK , Prop. COUNCIL B.UFFSSTEuM DYE WORKS Allliliiclsot Dvolnsancl Clennln-donn In the highest style of tlio art. F.icknl nnl stilnnil fabrics made to look ns poml us new. Hod fo.itheracloaiio.l by ttoaty in frit-cl.i ! man ner , Work ptotiiptlv done anil Uelivere.l Inull piirth of vhe country. Sun I for orlco list C. A. MAUI1AN. - - I'HUPIUETOU. 1 OMltroadw iv. Near Nortli vettorn Dopat C'DUNL'U , Itl.U l'l , lOVt. CITIZENS STATE BANK Of Council .i . , .Surplus nnJ Profits . HtHOO Not Capital nut Surplus . $ ' ! ! } Directors J. l > . Kdiiiumlion , U. 1 , Mmeirt. F O , tilcnmin , 15 K. Hart , I. A. Millar , J V illnchiiin and Charles U. llanniin. Transai't eenor.il b ink ing hiisiness. l.ursost capltjl : ind suiplns of liny bunk In Southwestern Iowi. NTBIEST ON TIME DEPOSITS Dr. GLUCK , Eye , Ear , SPECIALIST. GlissuH : iidjnslod to all vlslinl defeuts. Oat.irrh snccessfiilly truutod. Room 18 , Barker Block , 15tli and Farnam ort'iiin Sliort I. Inn & lltuli Niirtlirni Kiill ay Coiiiimny Stcn-UholiliM-M1 .lUM'tlnfif. Notice Is lioiobv ulvon Unit the annual meeting of the stoouholdnrs of tlio Oregon Miurt Line & IHali Nortliurn Unlhvuy ooni- punv , for the election of directors nnd sncli other liib'no > is .is limy legally oome lioforo Ilio incotlii' ' , will ho hold nt room No. 41 , Hooper IliilUlln1. , Halt L.iko . Citv , Ut.ili Territory. iipoii Wodnesduy , tlio 10th ( liiy of March. 1SJ. ' , nt 10 oYlock a. m Slock tr.insfur booKs will rlosn upon ttio " 'Jth day of I'oDrnary. and reopen upon tlio 17th ilay of Match. Ai.KXANiicn Mir.i.An. Hosi o.v. Mass. . Vol ) . : i. IfcOJ Kljid VJt M 1'rnpoMiiln fur I'r bids will bit rocolvod at Ihlsofllee up to 4 o'elool. p. m. . March htli. Ib'J4for tlio lirlntliti ; and nlnilliiK of the unnnlil icnnrls of thuulty nlllceis Speollluatlons on flluln tills olllcu. and hl.ink hlilh will ho fnrnlfcliuj on np- lillc'allon. Tliorlulit Isipsorveil liy tlio nlty cotinoll to rc.lfc't anvorall lildn as In their JiHlaumcnt will best erve tlio Intowsts of the city. ri'Unr.1T1IKO. ' ! . OLKHN , Comntiollor. INSTITUTE. INFIRMARY KOH THIS TREATMENT OF ALL Host fuclllllri , iiptmrutus nnd Uoim < dlo < i forsncTi'ssful tri'uttupnt ofrvoiv form of tllM'tiso rvmilrlnit inodlcal or mr.lcnl treatment. 60 beds fur patients iHmnl'iinil nUi'iidnncO , Host itci'Oinmlnttoiis In tliu wu t , Write for ulrctilurs on dcfornill us nnil br.iccs I times , club feel , ctirvuliiri "f siillio , iillcs , tninor" . cniii-fr.ciitnrrli , bronchi ! s , ln liiiliulonelectricity , piiriilysls , luillciHy , UUI- ni'y , b nildi'i' , uyr. our , skin and b.ood und all inrcl'iil operations. nIfPAlJiQ ( ? OP WDHPH A ai'icoi A I.TY. UIODAUDO Ut WUlUtlH Honk on lllviaio * ot Women rm'.IC. Wi < liuvoliilolv nil led t lj\\\Xr \ \ . Ill ( Icp.'trttnrnl Fur \MUIIOII Out init fotillnument , | ( ilrlotly private. ) Only lieilublu Mudlual ln < stltuto innUliiR n iwcliltvof , ' IMUV.VL'K OiSKAHKS ' All Illood Ilsn.iso4 ) NUi'cnsHfully treated. Svnhllltle I'otsou removed Ciom tno system without in reiiry. Now itcslorillva "front- inuiu forl.o < : iof VlTAIj 1'OWKIJ. I'crMMHun- nbln to vh.t us may bo treated ut homo by I'oirosuon t-iice. All coininuiileatlont conll- ' duntlul , Moillclnes or InstrmnmiU sent t'y tuall oro\iro . scenroly pnckci ] , no innrkn to Imtlcntu conlunlsor aendi-r. One poi-oiuil In- torvliuv pri'foi ro 1. Call unit uoninlt u * or sunil history of your casinnil uu will send In plnlu wrapiioi. nnr 'I nnnif Tn MEN runns utmn BUUK IV Kit : ft , special or Nervous Dis- I'.ises. I m potency , Svphllls , Uluut iiud Vurlcu * ( elu , with iiiostlon | list , llrai't's. Appliances fur Dpfnrnittlcs & 1 ruses. Only manufactory Intho We.stof tmifiiitM- ii- < r i > i it.rniinni.f , itt.tiuritiy ll.tTrilttlKS.lWUlKLTS. / Onnilia Medical and Surgiwl Institute , 26thnndB-oaVway , Co'noil Bluffa. Ten mliiiiti-s' lido from ciMiturnt \ inulia On Onialm and Cotinull llluffi electric niolorllue. W. C. ESTEP , FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EStBALMER 14 N. Mnin , Council B'uffa. Chas. Lunkley , I'unornl Diroctur mid Untlcrtakcr. Illl Broadway , Council BlulTa. Tolofihono ; UJ. RR1LWRYT1MEGRRD Leaves U11ICAUO Arrives j Uinalia \ Depot lUth nnl Mu < o > i.w : p m . . .Clilcujo Vcitlbulo . . . 8UJ n m. UM n in CtneiKO Kxprosn . . . ' . ' .U a til' ' U 20 p m . . . .Chicago I'.rjiron ' IXOJ p ra' B50 p m .Ciilonxu A. Io n Local. . Mi a m' ' Leaven IHUItl.LNOTO.N A. MU. KIV..H Arrives Uniitliiv llppnl 101 b nnil Mnsoii Ms. Orunbn.l 1.PIUU3 K , U. , S f. .1 l ! . II , Arrlv Oinnbn Depot lUt'i ' in I SU On ih d.W n ml..Kansas City Day nrprnis. . . . I fl.65 p l 11.45 p in | K. C. .Might iii : | via U. I * . Trniii | Ii 10 n i LCIIVCH , UNION I'AClKlt.1. I Arrlvejj-l Omnha | Unlon DepotlOth andMarcy Sin.I Umalitt.'J 830 u n Ueatrlco Htpreii I 7 OU p m 1000 a ni Denver r.riiroes AOQpnk 2.16pm Overland I Iyer. t ) Ii p m 130 p m HluebptKB.VKnlrrlelilIixexbiiQ ( ) < 1255 P m 030 p mi t'uclllo Express jll.25 a nil "GolriK I CHICAGO. H. I & PACIFIC. 7 KronvJ'l ' Kan I Union Depot 10th .V Mnrry iilsJr Hastfll lUIXlli m Atlantic. Kxpressi'K \ > p ra < 05 p m Vestibule ISxprca ) 1.10 p 1.10 p m MghtHxprois U.tO I CHICAdU. U. 1 , \ I'Al.lflC. From - I Union Depot 10th anil Marcy Sts Won. I 'JO ] > ml Deny 705 p m' ' Denver Kxprosn. I/eari-B ICHICAdO. MIL. * 6T. PA U IjlArrlve Uiiiali | U. P. depot Hnd Mnrey btn. | Oninhfl 020 p nil Chicago Kxpress . . ' . l.qap in | Chlcaito Kxpron. . . . Li nvm I SIOUX CITY & 1'AClFll. Omaha I Depot. IQIIi nnd Marry St < i.'JU n nil blouxClty I'asscn.'or IHUJp : 5' p in I , St. 1'nul Kxpreas 110 00 a : Loavi'H I HIIJUA IJITV It t'AClKIti Oinnhal Depot. lf > Hi und 5.4" ) p m . . .bt. I'niil Umllod | J.2jq Leaves , CHICAtiO A NOHTIlWlWTIIUNlArrlveiTil Om.ibaU. | 1' depot. lOlli nnd Mnrcy fts OmahlV1 7'JO n in ( Kx. niin'yl Carroll 1'asioiwer. 11.a ) a m . . ( 'liloaiio Kxpross . . . .00 . p m .Vestibule Llmlteif f 15 p m .Custern 1'lycr T.OJ p m ( lx. ! Sat. ) Clile. I'asa. ( Kx M.m. ) 1-onves OMAHA A.HT. LOUIS. Arrives ' UinohnIU. I * , depot. 10th nnd Murcy MB.IUmiibn 4,10 p nil . . . . ' . 't. l.ouU Cannon Hall. . , l.T ) p in LonvpH I P i : . .v"MO. VALL1CV. Arrlvon Oinaliiii Depot , l.'itli nnd Webster SH. | Oinalii > ! i ( J a in D < ! .iilvrood i\prosiT : . . . .I ! > M p m' ! HX ) n m ( Ux. tiaHVo. . llTp. ( Kx. .Mon > | fiMp m fi.10 p nil . . . .Norfolk ( Kx. Hunday. ) . .11.10 n ill 645 p ml St. I'aul Kxpreo . .I llJiam Leaves I t ! . , h'r , 1' . , M. > V O. I Arrives Onmhal Depot. IStli nmlVeb torHts ! Oinulm 8.10 m .Hlclix Clly Acpuiumod.itlu\ , 1.W p m rfluilt City ICfpriJis ( I'.x , Mini I'yi p in . . .S | , Paul hlmltud 5 13 p in llancroCl l'iyi , iiwiirKx.8iinil ( ) i MISSOUIH 1'ACIKIU Omalri Depot I5lli ami WoliitiT HLi. lO.Wu ml" tt. Loiiis Kxpu-is , , . . U.iU : pin I St. Louis Kxproii . . Leaves OIIICAOO , U. I. X I'ACII'IO Triin fnr Union Depot.Council IIIiUN VUI p m Nlliht Uxpress 10.VO n m Atlnntlc KvpiCBH 4.3J p n < Viullbulo LlniUcd. . . . Leai of "K , ( ! . , 81' . .IOi ; 1 [ C , II. Trnunferi Union Dopot. Couiietl IlltilTs fo"ub ii ml..Kunni3 : Clly liy rtxindii lU.lTi | > m . .Kaiihiis Cllv Night lixprju , lA n es IC1IICAIJO , IIUUL'N .V Ql'INOVJArrlvu Traniifpi I L'nlon Depot. Council Illiiili I'lrniisf i M a m , Chlcn o ft.tO p m 10 OU p m , , Clilcnizo Kxprcsi . . . 'l 24 u in 7.0.1 p m . . . . t'rentou Local . . . | 7.15 n m " ' * Loaves I uJIAHA Art'l' . I.UT5. ( | Arrlvci Tianiferl Union Depot. Ciiiinell I'lii.li ' , iTranslor 4.40i in T hi. Louis Canon Hall 1MJ p m I.eavi'11 HIOU.X CITV . Tranifcr Union Depot , ConiK'll Hill Ii 7.45 u in . .Slum City AccoiniiioiMtlnii b..q p in , St. I'lilll Kxpias Lcnven ICIIIUAIIU i .SOUTH WKh ri'.K.S1 , Arrlvoi Trun fer | Union Depot , Council lllnlM 18.01 p in1 & 1.1 p in 10 OU p in BOO p in 7,40 u tu TWIN CITY STE M DYE WORKS , O. A . SonoadssvoVc , Pr'&prietoc , O.Ticas 021 Broadway , Bluffs and 1321 FarnomSt. , O/naha. Dya , oloan and raflnUh of every desopli'Jlion. Packages paoeivecl at ollliei * olfica or at tha Works , Cor. A ve. A. and 28th SU Council Bluffs. Send for prlos Irst. Merchants who Imvo shop-won : or hollotl fabrics ol a y chnrnctor citu hava them roilyod nud fin Is hint equal to now. HE VBATHKIW BKNOVATKD AND CLBANKD BY STEAM , uu th lid most miprovud muchinuryulOJl ut loii cojl lliuu you uvor