Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 02, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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Wheat Wns Quiet nnd Ohnnges WCTO Unther
Crop I'riiipvcl * In Htmln ninl Trance Sulil In
III ) App irrntl ) ( Irtm IIIK U'orir Conlllcl-
Inc Stnt mints Ki-pl Timlrm In n
Cnnillllun ot Unrcrtaliilj.
OMICAOO , III. Murch 1.-\Vhoit wns quiet
mil clmtiRCH ire rather tinnow , but
the iimlerlouo wits linn inul prices
avoniscd u Kimill fr.iitlon hlKhor
nt HID close yesterday. Tliero win nolh-
Itti ? very ilaaUMa In tlio wny of newt
nna It was pretty liiipirtlitllv dUtrlbtttul ,
ouch side Kottln { 11 llttio iMicouuuomont.
Uablos cnmo rather wo ik nnd l.Uorpooi win
lower with n ? fullltuolf In tha de
mand reported , both In the United Kindom
nnd on tlio continent with buyer * ( loin in 11114
collection1) Stocks on Ii mil uoro iilil to lie
utriile , mill ono illspitvh since
Hoptumbor 1 the United Kingdom lind ro-
colvo I So.OW.OO ) bii moro tliiiu Its require
ments for the anne tltnp 'Iho iiinount on
ocean pitssiiKo showed un Inurouio dm lug the
wcukofi WXK ) bn.i which was a consldet iblo
aisuppolntmont. as i do ere iso was ovpu-tul
Tlio continued oxuorta of olil hud u wtlior
ueuressliiK olTcct ( in business , yet the friends
of who it found n UltluuncouriBcmont In the
raet tlrit the Knpllsli visible snptily hud do-
cioiHcil TUl.Miuiit ) during the past vveok ; that
the crop ptoipoclM In HiiS'tla and li.meuworo
HDP ticMitiv plowing woihii and tli it them v > in
no Kroat soiling pressure here homo pilMitu
dlnimtclics from K nisiiu anil MK > .oiirl weru in
Blimp lontr.iillotlon of these ioi l\uil ytslor-
duy anU told of u Ki'oil t u il of iliiiniiKu In
those elites by frierlng and th iwhiK and
iinoted the uune'iil ontlooK us r.ithor poor
Tliuconlllctlnsitateiiicnls l.opt the limit-is In
u s ( itu of uii'urtanty and initerliily rti-
Hilttecl operat ons ! -IIII , Dii'ldfrliu the
Ini'iiU of iesteirtay , the hears din not seem
disposal to prusa their .id vant uo much fn-
thor nnil fin the inotniMit u ratlu'i Ntioni : foul-
ItU tilled mudt of the time , slmrls eovurlnu
frc ol ) , and there also smnu Invoslment
buj IIIK np to the noon hour
Then Iho iinrl.ot became we il > , tlio aiham'o
Bemrcd In the forenoon limuuM out a lai o
ainonntof IUIIK slnll whhh sho\\td a piotlt ,
anil tlio short sell I n { let inn ; moiu .ichicsslvo
l.atooiiblt-s oio also IL-.S .issiiilnir. Iho n--
mil wns thai the a iviinic .is lost , but thoie
ttas seine 10 ictlon buforu Iho close , nliluh Has
ul medium ( iKnrcs May opeiud unehmiied
ul h'JVe , adxmiti d to lli'ji. ' , rucudcd tob'J'iC ,
and ulosid steady at I ) ' L.
Cm M uc-iLLlilcillj struiuatid lil'hei I lin
olltilnpH IMO liL'ht , and wlthiiKiiod dem.tnd
foi cash corn from tthlppt r- > . shot Is aeomod
disposed to covur. and Iho loius HCIO doliu
what they could to Ini-ro iso the flrmno'S The
lltmness In who it tlio stn ill rei uliifi of coin
nnd estimations for lomoiiow wore al oslroiiK
f.ictors It ucikened u llttio in svmpithv
with \\hoat during the hist liotn. lint uln cd
nt about the top Mayoiicncd iinuh in od at
< "ec , adv.uicoJ lo4.lUc , \\e.iUoncil to 4J'/c ' , and
closed at 4J'ic
I IJutK Hjmp ilhlrcdlth nliiul and coin and
closed with ' 40 ad\ante.
Ho , : prcnliiLlH uero nnsettli'd I'orlt oiii'iirc'
hlKher on Iho stnalloi rniopts of hois thin
o\lioctul and .idxancrd fiom 'iu to Ou In
prKrs nnil marKed ,111 liiiproirmrnt of lUc pel
bbl. hut IhtiH u.isan nhsiiic" of liujurj , and
on oilers liy a prominent speculator there uas
n rcLL slon of r > c , then a poilud of > .te.illiiess (
nnd thiu'lose xa i point nltlier thin vestor-
llay's The dclhorlcs on ul' ' of the .11 llclos
traded in tvciu llilit.
Ustlmaloil rLinipts for tomnriouhoit : ,
I.M ) LUIS ; torn , loll card ; oils , lUlc.irs , ho a.
11,000 head.
Tlioloadlna futures ran oJ .is follows :
The-closliiK iuotatlons | on bonds :
Ciiah quotations were as folloxxs :
ri.oun HtiMtlr. iinchanifcd ; p ttotits , ©
4 rn ; sprlus ; intents , l.wt : 53 : b.ikori , J.I JUji
WIIKAT No 2 sprliitt x hoit , 8o" : No. 3
iprlnir xThoat , 8 OSi'jO , No . ' \ c.
COHN lllL'lioi ; No a , 41'ie ; No. J yolloxv.
OAIS No 2 , J'i'Ci ' ) No ' - ' xxhlte , f. o. b , JI ©
ffic , i\t ) .1 \\hilc. . f , o , : ) ® .
H\B-No a. S4'5c.
IlAin.KV-No i .Mio : No .1 , f o. b. , 425)C ) ! No
i , f o. i ) , .wane
1'fjAx brti ) No 1. OOc.
TiMonn SKieii-l'rlino , fl
I'oitK Mcas pork , per bbl , ill 20 ; lard ,
per exvt. . Jii4J'i ' : shoit rllis slilos ( looaci.
liV > 'JliUM : dry soiled shoulders ( boxed ) . J4.75
B. > r' < l : short cloir sltlosho\ed ( ) . II as ,
WHISKY Distillers' llnlshcd ooJs , portal.
bl OAK" tut leif , inicli insad atSS'i'jO ,
Iteeclpts aud shlpnioiils today xvuro .is fol
loxxs :
On the 1'ro hu.o exchaiuo ted ly llio butter
maikotwis firmer ; fincy croumorv8 : line
western. i" > 14 7c ! oidln.ttv.ixlilc : selected
dairy , ' . ' . ' ( S-JiJ. oidlnary , 1S5J.MO. Kgus. uy
Unrcse rinn ; full croiiniL liollursllllJioi
lltitH. li > al"o ; Vuiitu Aiiiurltas , l.Uo.
lliiiEs Unclninjioil.
TAI.I u\r
J cm Voile Markets.
NFW VOIIK , March 1. I'l-cum Hccclpts , 35,415
pkis : exports lWJ ! bbls , lli.'JOJ b icAs ; Bales ,
10.1101) ) bbls.
Cons MKM , Dull ; yellow western , ? ' 75 < ai.lO
WllUAT KutolptH. IT..WK ) bu ; experts , lh , -
014 bit. ; allies , 1.10,000 bu. of futures ; K'.IM 1m.
of hpot. hpot mtirkotqulot , Inegulir , Mother ;
No J rod , II Ol'ittl ' 01S4 In sloie and elevator ;
tl idffSI (7 ( ! 41 OV.jffll.l'H ' f. o b ; No , .1
red , title ; un/raded rod , HlcSttl ui'i ( ; r > o I
northein Jl tUJJil.tH1. : No. I bird , JI.'K.Sdl.tU'i ;
options declined 'i/ti'io ' on easier cables and
Incro.iso on pass i.'e , udvuneed ' 4 ® o In lUhl
deliveries on contracts and decreased vlslhle
supply , declined Vii'no on weak late oahlc'H ,
advanced 't < i6JiO on local liiivin ' . elosod weak
at 'Jo rice Ine to J e advance : Nu ! i iol ,
Maicli. tl.OJ'.OI.O.IS olosuu at HOP , ; Am II ,
(1 O.l > ® i.Ol , closlni : ut { I ( U1 , ; May , fl.tO 1Y-II46
101 1-10 , c OSIIIB ut tllll'i ! June , tH > i.Ml\o ( ,
clnslnit at iw4o ; July. OTUe , okHln ul HTJjo ;
AIIKIISI. Itt' ii'ri e. olosInK utir.'io '
K Qulni uiiil II nn ; v'l'stc-rn. ujcfttl on
IlAiu.rv Dull nnil lower ; No , " Mllwitiil.eo.
HAIII.EV.MAI.T Qulot : Citnuilucountrv nmclo.
B'o.C'oitN Kocolpts , 170,902 un , exports , Cld8 ;
bn , ; saluH , 1 , 4UJ.OOU bu. futiiros ; 14 l,0 ( l bn sncii
Bpot inurkol flriuor. but loss autlxo , No U , H' ' > 'it
< u' ' o In uloMitor ; iiOUQkWju allotit , iiiiKrailcil
mixed , WSttVio ; No. 1 ! nlilto. 5Jo ; No J. W.
MW'.o ' ; htoainer mlxod , Jfl'.df.Uc. Options
iiWic hlk'hur nnil linn on butler calilca , llirlit
ncolptg and KOIII ! oxporl cloinund : Murcli , 4'tlf ' ,
40liO , uloslni : at 40Uo ; April , 40Jawl.o , oloi-
IIIK t No ) ; May , 4'i'4 iJo. closing at
Juno , 4Ha(4t4b > 40 , oloilng July , -Unit
O'io ; closing ut40'io. '
( > \Tb UooelntH. II i,750 bu.i oxiior Is , , M 1,0001)11. ) ;
stilus , 85KX ( ) Un , fiitnrusi lll.ow ini of Mint :
f pot iiiuHol uo ikor , hut inodoratoly iiutUo ;
nptlona , dull .ind irroKUlnr , i'luslnn' utoiul > ,
Muroli. .I74i .ll o , elosliiu' ut .tfl'uj Muy , . .l6'ii / >
B7t' , ole < liitf ut .Wio : spot No. a wliltti. : w > jo :
mlxod nustorn , aiVi3Sc ! ; while \\tHtcrn , Jb
llAV Qulot , lintllrni.
llot'-i Qiiluland easy.
BuciAH-Uaw. cjulol nnil steady ; roQned.milnl
and Btiuuly.
Mdi.AKSKB-l orolKii , ouster ; Now Orleans.
ijiilolund stoiidy.
KICK tjnlot nnd ( Irinidomoitlc.falrtoontrii
HifflHio ; Jnpun now , M tttiJui1 ,
COTTON hkFii Oii.-Qulel and
steady ; tlul11- .
S5V5o ; yellow , aa.0 o.
TALLOW Quint and flrnr olty ( f2.00 for
JlllcllttECS ) , 4 11'llC.
KOMN Qnlct and Btoudyi ttr.ilnej common
to coed , * l. > u4Jl . < - ' ) { .
TiJlii'KNTi.sE-Qulot and s Id adv.
nons hto.idy ; fair clvinand ; western
ICUo ; receipts , IOBI pucknuos
WOOLS Qulutuml sloady ; domestic llucio ,
8tilc ; pulled , iOItilo ; Toxus. lua.'le.
I'OHK Moderate doniutidi llrm
OUT MbiiH Dull ; pickled hollies , O' ei
ploUUnl aluHildorH. MtS'io ' ; pickkd lianm. llti
CUc ; middles dull ! bhoii clo tr , (0(0 ( ,
LAitn-rirmer but cjuloti western , Jil'7'i ' ;
bales , I.SMJ lleit'Ci ; options , no Bales : March.
1(1.75 ( : Muy , M tU bid ; July , a US bid.
IIUTTKIIQulot but alt ) uly : we-Horn d ilry
lf < fl Jo ; vTosiern oroAinory.IJi.UiJc ; westori
fiiLtory. 103-Mc ; Kltfliu , JO JJi.c.
CiiKKSb. Quiet but llrm : pure t > Uni * , ( tlOVic
lUa IKON Qulot and easy ; Ameiloanfl5.7M
CoVi-Kii-Diill ; Irko. HOCWilOCJ
l.EUi-rinn but dull ! domestic. HWil.JJ.
TIN httmtlv but iiulet ; sir tltB Inii.
rxTltoi ttu Opened llrm on tint icuonal o
tome lon accounts In April out I mm , but them
wits no fluctuation lu tirlccB durini ; the duy
( iud tUo market clo eu dull ,
spot sales fit f.7'ic ; April option inlcs , fi
Lima oil , no Nnlo | tolul sales , ? 1.000 bbls ,
KAN AS Ctrv. Mo. M treli I. I'rotJit
In Rood Mom nitt , llrm nnd miclmiiaul : p it-
cms , jiro ; c-vlrn finpy. J.'V ( W.'J5 ; fancy ,
f.'nr.fU.l1' : choice , tl.'iia.'OO.
\\IICAT-NO v , casli. 7 < ' 4ebld ; No 5 rod , eifili ,
Bio blil
( 'cmx "Montly ! No S , casli , : ! ' { bid ; Miiroh.
itl'ie ' asKed
-rirmoriNn I.oasli.MUc.iskoil ; March.
t8o hid.
Kti : Wcnkt No 8. iJo.
ri.x Si FP S7c.
IllHN Woill. ( It RIO.
llAVlottlj and niulmiuoil ; timothy. fM >
tier ton. faiiuy pr idle. JJ.OJ ! Rood to eholco.
Kiids-Stoady at IS' '
HtTTTHt--L'ario nnd nU.incln ? ;
S.'a.'i'oi roll. UJJiWc , . .
CIIEMK Yoiini America. lOe ; Knnsis. TilOo. , IIV-UJ bu ; eoni 1".U 0 bu ;
0 its , HOMO
SIIIP\IK > MVhcnt. . ' . ' 0.00) bu ; corn , JCM ;
oats , .UJ bu , _ _
Onnili t ( iuiln Miirlirt ,
Prices Imsotl on do'lvorv ut xiUiUslpnl rlvor
points. N ) rn ! < i Inijn : tioii , in 1 to-i d lyV
shipment , un usMithorwIstut ttoJ. Cash Kralu
culls for ihlp nontwlililn Iho d UM
WIIPAT--NO 'J spilin ; 8le bid.
\ i.-No U. We bid ; No .1 7fio bid. .
OAT < -NO 3 wli ti.IJ'iO No .1 white ,
Stl'So ' bltl , .Wo nsUoil ; Nn . coloroil. 3io bid. 3Je
nskod , , ,
I'oiis So 'I 01 better. ! H diiys. I'flUo bid ;
30di\i. fiSVMivi No .Iwblte , , .7'ii1 bid
AIIIOIIK the s tit's tterty L'OOetrsNo .Inrlol-
turcorn I'oladontid St. I.ouls ti'ims , .del 141
1 nrs No .1 or bottei Iliirlington terms , UJ du > H.
KniMits City MSton' < Miriest.
Ptrr Mo , Mureli -nvrrt.n-He- I -
oolpls. r.,000 ! slilpinonts , 711 ; c'holco clc-crs
steady nnd others wo ik to lOflottrr ; tons unit
fuutlorsstoulv Sales : Dr. ssod beef und shlu
plnzsluors ? J)714nO ! ; io sintl liolfors , Jl Oi
@ .W ; stocUorsund toodcis , ? . ' .COil.t.M.
Ilol-Uct.olits. | 11,000 ; shipments. f25. the
market oiieneil actlvo and rnliuo liUhor iintl
olnsod woiU ; oMroinu'o , 41 OOOI 05 ] bulk ,
SIIELP Uecolpt' . I.JSI ; shipments , none ;
ttood shet'p nnd Inmbs Horn stronn to lOe
hUhor ; olboi lo ulv. Silfs.jl 10O4.7' ) .
l.lvt-rp ml M ir ( i't < .
I.nritpooi. Murch -WiiKAr I Quh't ; hold-
t-rsolVor iniidui ttnlv lli-d western sprni' , Ss
'itUt s III per cent it ; Nn. - ' "i'd ivlnlor , 7s Ild ®
7s IMjil. locolpts of who it p ist thrio dajs
ll'ion ' funtals. Ineliidlna il.'to AiiH'
CoilN--toiih , ( loin ind f.ilr mixed \\cstiTii.
4s7d pel tent il Ititolpts of Amorlmin corn
p ist tin to ilii > s IH'.l Oienl iK
I'tAS l' inudliin is Id per cental.
llAiN-I.niic ( nnd shoil ele it. SM1)9.14B ) per
ewi ; loiiitcli'tir 4" . Ihs .
Stocks of hn iidstuirslitnl I,4'i4. ' 00 cen-
l ils , corn , .41 Hour , 40OJO R.telts.
I'fMiiln Murlu'tH.
I'l-oiiiA. Ill M iroh I. Co Nloidy ; No y ,
I'M.No ; I , : i7c ; So 4 II ® 4'c
OATS Dull ; No 3 white , , Wj.c ; No. 3 whlto ,
lt\r. Nominal ; No 3.
Winsm rum. Hints , flU ; spirits Jl 1(1. (
Ui Dumb-- Coin ; i.U)0 ! ) mi , o as , "u.OOO bu. !
i } , ' . Viiiwi bu , , h.irlov . ' . 'JO ! bu.
fciui'Mi Ms-forn. " > 1.0 0 bu. ; oats , ,11,000 buT"
Me , none , barli'j , J.OOO bu.
Colt nil Ma l-li el.
NEW Oui.r. .N . I , t . March 1. Not receipts
, " > ! I7b.ilus ; Kinsfi'JOl btln : e\poits to
I'r nice , 4. MH ) halts ; to the lontlnent , 4 , UJ
bales , In stock. 41l.'l04 ' b tics
NkVOIIK. . M irli 1. Cotton futures closed
oisysilos Wh biles ; M ireh. W 7(1 ( Aptll
8d S4 ; Mt\.iiiir \ > , June. $70' ; lulv. 17.10 ; Au-
Kttst. $7.0 , --opteiiiber , K.uM : October , $7.4 ( > ,
Noember. . $7.)0 , December , y7.0 ( . .
Codco .M.trKet.
NKwVonu. March 1 Opllonsouoned steady
and uncli tiiRod to 10 points up. closed steady
tnil tinchaiuod to 5 points up : silos. Mini
bus , Includlii.M.tich. . n 1 1 CO ! I V > ; April ,
$1. OVano. . ; M iv. * U.7 ) © ! . ' . ' ) i ; July , H'4i-
ootemboi , ir.'JVJji ! . ' it ; October. tl-M" ) tpot
Jlo dull and ousy ; No 7. $1" . UO iisUo I.
NCH Vorlc Dry Cxmcls Mnln't.
Ntw YOIIK , Much l Iho duy bolus
tormy business In dry cootls w is .iiroctatl nn-
ivor.ihly us to hpccnl tr in ac lions The
oulhein dem ind shoned lnipio\omcnl.
TcirflKii * > lt
'lsd ' tier quint tl qii irter.
Hi-.tiM.ti I'btltoi.LUU n145' per jiallon
Ti.iilcrit' 'lulk.
CHICAOO , III. March I. Kennoll. Hopkins i.
Co. to b. A. McVthorter : 'Iho fullltiR off In
ho world's shipment of whuit toKuiouols
evidently \ \ tvlng Ils elli'cl .ihroad Though
heir c iblos follow to seine extent tboy are
relatively considerably si'oniznr tb in Ameri
can markets , and instead of ho dlnx bad.
vlicn prices oie iU here they I i' ' e luUantape
if our vAcuuiuss to Inoro iso Ihelr purchases
I'bolr supplies lnuo hi en btoadliy
ItiCtpasInK for feomo time , and It is
obvious that they must soonui or
itt r tal e our wheat on i more liberal sc ilo
The maikol toduy has been a halllnir one , lint
tl no t mo has It looked re ill } w oik , and It
closes slionKor tb in iestc.r.1 iy The elm noes
favor i siibslmtlil rilly bcforo prices go
nateilallv lowei The clem ind for coin lias
boon conspicuously iroo I , especially foi cash
htuir , und futures United no In sympttby.
riio murkct looks sliomror and lira ulor than
for some tlmo p ist find ihcro Is eonlldent tall ,
of considerably lil-'her prices U its .tdv anccd
moderately In Hympalhy. Dill trade was in- In provisions the sllu ttlon
shows some Improvement and H should ho on
coiira iuc to ho dors , but the m irliol is nat
ron and yields re tdlly lo the little raids of
llio he irs II needs more specul illon lo bt Ins
about u Doom und the lad , of it may lesnll In
slight Iv Ion PI pi CPS fora time "
CHICAGO , 111 , M irch 1 ( Joiinselmaii A. I ) ty
to Cockiell llros : Wheat opened quiet und
steady. Outside orders were nomln il und
local traders bearlsli and m t Inclined to cover
shorts until cabluss'iow u decided Improve
ment The statement of I'li llsh stocks and
amount on p tss IKO had app irtiitly no Inllu-
eneo. 'Iho mtirUot closes a little hln'het
In sympilhy with belle1' foreign miirkots
Coin him. with it-ally a cool cash demand
based on slackened receipts at country points.
Door Ki.idlni : of current an iuis , and un over
sold condition of Iho local nuikcl. Oats
oiiiet , and eirly sblpoln1 ; demand only
moderate hut advanced on shoiU coverin. In
sympathy with tlio firmness In other uraln
Provisions opened hUher on a faint attempt
hysoilpois lo bill ! tlio nurkut. I' sold
fn'ely ut the advance and outside , orders lie-
In light the muiUct lluiloned out when
scalpels attempted lo unload. The latui him-
ncss WIIN duo to IMbt eatlm itcd reiolpls for
CiltCAfio , 111 , Marc'i 1. r. 0. Loiin & Co.
toJ bands Comml's'ou Coinii tnv ! The whom
market lias been lathci qulel 1'n llsh and
Coniinental entiles ate steady. The mllllnt ;
Interest complains of dullness anil Iho dilll-
cully of belling Hour with u piolll. This wlili
tlio line we ithcr Is iiu unsl hUhir prices The
line weather may continue and If It doei
wheat will ho 1 lower cm sentiment , hut It
takes moro limn DUO swallow lo make a sum-
Kii , and It Is early In the no ison to Bell our
present resorv os on the prospcc t of tlio coming
crop There m iy ho In store uoinn wintry
wcalhnr nnd If there Is iho change will ho In
favor of hl'h prici H. 'I ho corn market Is de
cidedly firmer. Wo still feel friendly to It ut
about present prh es None In orltm and iho
current demand dupondliiB on fanners deliv
eries should nlve liU'her pilces und \\e think
It will bofoio navigation ODOIIJ. Outsaio
Bto'idy , .M iy solllns at Jle 1'rovialoiiB liavo
been steadv wllh llKla lluutu.alons.
\MillciKci.ilUiitliiii4Woro IIet\y lu nlliiB
hvcnrltlub , I railing WIIK ( ieinirally Dull ,
Nun VOIIK , March 1 The Monk nun hut
fulled todlijiluy ulthur Iho animation or the
stieiulli today of jostordny , and while real
isations were heavy In the stockb ulilcli Imvu
lud the uro itt-dt advance of lain , there was nn
IUCK of slioilh * sales to n'Uo the downnari
movement character und Impetus Thelead-
IIIR fcituru of Iho market today was Now
Knulaml , und while us tlsiul Its movements
uro not accounted foi by any publlshoi
change either lu Its management Its Iln inccs
or Ils prospects , there woie no lacic of iiimors
ulloat looking to that end. Ils advineuoiei
Its lust pilot ) yosttiuluy wui very Hiilistantl il
und motit of the Impiovemont wa i rdtiitnci
nt the Llosu. The only oilier feature
In the market worthy of note was the In
tire isod animal Ion und blrenxth In the Van *
del bill stocks liUho afternoon and lumo
still connects the of those piou-
ortieH with tbohUpposid nuivdual wllh Hola
witro & Hudson , clepplto the repeated olll ! i
denials. The most pronounied movement ! i
them , howinei was In Mlehliun Central
which nmur ed for the time bolni ! from the
most utter obllv Ion tolead the list liibtioiiyth
rUUiK.I percent to 110' , , followed later by
l.jkuMiore. which wiih fotced up to I-7J on u
larger biislnesx llian bin , been seen In xomo
time In th it stock ,
The coalers wore the HO IK points nnd the
react ons fiom the hiph ll.-uiej , attalnet
yesterday were heavy bill mil liy any menus
to bu compared with their Into KUIIIS
Tha geneiat list opened ut liiiUnlllcen from lust n K Ill's -prices , bin
dovoioDid a weak temper whlcli , in o wav to
u fractional advance under tlio Inllucnut o
thefilrenglh In Now rnIand , but Inter there
was n i-eneral decline nnd prices lomalne
for tlio IOM of thed ly below the Imel of llrt >
U nr.6 The htrmiiti ) of the Vuudorbllt
scBined lohave no Influence upon the test Ii
the afternoon und ( ho market Iliuilly u.osui
Millet , und heavy at f i uctlonal losses for the
day. Jersey ( mitral In down 1 percent am
LiiokuwiiniM 14 , Hut Delaware A. Hudson
utter Mime wide llu'-tuiitlons , eliued un
changed , and Koadlnx was traded In will
narrow limits throiighout the day. On the
other baud New EugUud u up 1 per com
bl I Inskp.l
Thu tot il s tlos of slocki to lay were .UOiV )
shares , Inoludliii : Atclilhim , U.J'ii ! Onn iil.i
Soulhorn , d.s.ChlciRo ; Oas , I . ( Ml ; IlclT-
wiirr , I.aokawaniia , * cVstcin , N k * > j
Iicliiwino A. Hudson , U.IM : d o. 10-
4. " ) , I , iko Slioio. IMS. , I.otilsvlllo A. N.ish-
ill If. nil 0 ; Michigan Cent r il. It ) . Now .letsoy
Cenlttil , 4,48) ) ; .Now Vork Cenli il. I''no ;
Northern I'.i-llie profened , ll,4sl. Now mil , 74.fll : ; Keiilln' js.sro ; Ht , 1'iiul. II-
8 ft. Union I'uclllc , .1. IM , Western Union .U1 * " ,
Nr.H VOIIK. Mirch I-1'hu I'o3l B ivss
\ \ hat toda > 's eirly mnrlci'l rnMj ileil s ) f ir us
It iiiuitlu I tinythliu poslllvely waitliedes-
uei ito urop tu of the ti idois to 401 tholi
hands on tlipso Inclp tint comblniloiu The
profession n comnunlty vv is left so com
plute'v ' out In tha cod diirhu tliu Iteidtiu
deal tb u ihcy are loixlng no nooU uncx-
lilorpd for traces of the noM si-nsallon.
\estcidiy they s rniib'od ' o igerly after all
the coil stocks , in whoso bunds the
luliMt Now I'luland niVMtuo w-m then he-
IliHod toie"-t Toluy Ihu scout was cold
I ho chtiso turned auruntly to llio Vanderhllt
stouks mil llltlo but soiling or Itis w is left In
DelawuoiV HiKKon and 1 , icUavvaiinii. Ibis
w is the whole steiry of homiiki't H son hut t.
Ihc-ru is omv stacimtlon crownii Inlo pos we iiitiess is tlio d iv went on. London
sold mojoratoly , and some of yesterday's
buycis roilled , which occasioned u uridutl
c h in o ( hlca.n hud Itsown pocull u troubles
In the news of llio da } * , and Ihu m i nil fuel ure rs
of Mipir trust quotings WPIO busy. Theio w is
not i slun of outside bnvlngan ) whoro. und all
spirit died out of the maiket hour : * before
the close
Vc-u Vcir.c 11 i HIJ M irl.ot.
Nn\v VOIIK. Mmoli 1. Mn.xbv ov CAM.
I'kG-per unit : lust loin. S pr cent ; closed
IFcred at,1 per cont.
1'itivit : Mrtii-ANTii.K IHpEli 4 ® ' > percent ,
bTBin.iso EXOIIAMIB Unlct but slotdv tit
i S' , fen sltjrtnj ullls and Ifl ST't for d > 'm in I.
Mutual Unlii its .IUS
U s ti loan . . . , S I ' ' , Int I crt . \U \
U S 44 re-2 _ . . . . .IOJ North I'nclllo Ute . Il < j
.ioa Nort'i 1'iclll' 'mis 11 PI
Bt unpod 4i . . si N'urthwcHlorn ( .on H"i | .
1(1111 HOW BCMM 101 ' .sorlh Debunt . 1U7
retm ncu nut ' .s St 1 , .t I M ( .en .ri b5 > ,
lenn nu nota \ . . st i. .v s r M 10:14
unad iHo J-uli. . . . it Paul LonsoU IWx
( di racllle I its rtt I'.C .v I'.ie. li-ts 117
Den A It ( ; tits . . IK' , Tc'T. ! 1 el 'lr Itcts 81
Den A. It c ! 4s . SI'i ' let ! It ( ! Tr Itcts 1J'
Krlci.'nil . tin on I'aclllc Ists . 107
M K A I' tic a I s Wu t Mioru IUJT6
M K AT Gull 5a 43'j I ) A IU ( i \ \ ( l Ist.s 7.1
111 NntcH.
I'Aiti" . Mareli --Three I per cent rentes tJf )
1'e ' for account.
KANSAS Cin , Mo , March I The banl. clcar
In s toduy were $ liOjil (
New VOHK. March 1. Hunk cleat Ings to
il iy , IIII , 0 ( jj'J ' , hal inccs. W 4 H.'JxS.
lUl.TlMoiih. Mil , March 1 , It ink cleatInps
toJ iy , t'jJi,4 ( Ib ; biltnces. SIil.JJJ , money , d
; > cr cent.
Ml'Mi'iiis. Tcnn , Mutch I. Now York e > -
ch uu'e hulling at p ir. Uo.iring's , { 0/1,004 ; b il-
IIIICPS , 6UL > ( > < ) )
Oi.MoiNVATi , O , Much 1 Money , 11M per
cent ; Now ork cxclian u , 40iiUe discount
.curings , $ , ! . ' ) 893.
I'nii.AtiFM'iiit. I'L. March l. U ink clc 11-
n s loaiJIJ S77.r.'J8 ; balances , tJJj5.-4" )
Money. Hi percent.
. . _ . Louis. Mo , March l. U ink clo irlngs ,
M.41J , UO ; hiliinecs , $ I7''I Monpy. Mill
cent l\chun.'o ] on Now York , ' . ' "ic premium.
HOSTON , Mass , Match I Hunk clearings
SH.4SI.H70 , lialunecs $ ' ,1'H,781 ' Money. 1'ito- '
uor cent , nxchuiizu on Now Voik , I5c ills-
CniiAnn. Ill , Maicb I. Monnv o isy on call
It ink clcirliiis , H7"KU)000 ) New \'ork c-x-
change , Wf dUcouni , , ' uxchuiuu wo il.
at Jl N''i for s\tj-diiy ; bills and $1 M forsl 'ht
( Ir ifts.
. ( . -id initool. . M.trlcpt.
led It ) ! bi/Ju n M ( timlim Itinntlt ]
- ' . M irjh 1 Contrary locxpccl ulons
this has been un cxlro noly d iy In the
block I'M h iii-'O. otilv a few sjciiilt cs from
1 causes ineollng wllh anylhln , , ' like
active ullenllon. Kuslcr si ite of monev has
c inseil consols to Improve ID per cent. Vtlth
a fovv exeeptfons foreign government soum-
Itlia liive liJiiii tolonbly llrm all clay In
response ) to tno goo I tone on continental
hour- . ! " . I'rhos moved very little , the most
Impoitint belli.1 an adv.nice of I'Jto pel
cent in lireek bonds Homo railways close
moio or less unsettled Caledonians hav o not
fully miilnt Ined the r so thai took pi ace
when the nlvlden I win announced , Noilli
Ittlllsh c ( implotoly lost tlio riseof 'B per cent ,
ItilKhton deforicu ID tvo oil"t per cent hi'liei.
Mutropo llaii Is nt percent un I others closed
dull , most y ' „ to S per c enl lowei. In vlow of
llio uppro idling crisis In iho toil ti.ide.
Amerlcui iiilwavs aflct hong llrm ihu
gru itur purl of the day became somewhat
lieav v during tl o last hour owliv to sollln ;
eiders fiom Now Vor' { . mai kets Ihcio ov -
dnnily bolug liillucnced by fnttlier gold ship
mcnl und the I iuk of Hiistalncd Hiippoiloii
this slili. i here h is been u luigei supply of
lloatlng c ipltul on l.ombn.l street , today so
I liul short lo ins b ivo boun obtained al'J lo . " >
pit con' ells omit , The market , bus been
quiet. Two and threu months bills closed at
' 4 put cent.
I.ONDIIN , M ircli I--The follow In ; were Dm
London sto.'lc ijiio illons elmin. ut 4 p in ;
LonsolH. moniiy ' .1,1 U hll tluxh ! in ( inlinui ) '
Mo HLcnimt , ' . Xlat I'mil ccitii , ,
I'emi .volilo IHU ) , Mutl.Now \ urU I cMtml
t'na I'acltlo , . . . WIS Kaaillnit
I.I lo . . _ . . , ) ( , Vloviciin ( I'litnil l
ex Interest
llAlt Stl VKll 4l1id ,
MCIMIV , " 4 © 't per cont.
Itatoof illi > tonnt In thoopon maruot for both
short , and lluoo monllih hills , 'itei2 * pel cent.
Demur Alining stonier.
Duvxinu Cole . M irch 1 Thofolloxvliullslls
tlinclmliuii tot ttlonio i llio ilium : oxen UIK'O
todny. Hilos .U.1JJ.
I'liu * Himlur
lllu' linlliin
Clumlhi I
Cluy count )
( anil
Dhuiionil II
duhl Hock
Sun I'rincUcii Mining Ouotatlom.
SAN 1'iiAVcio ) Oil , March I 1'ho onicl il
cloiln : nuottllons for mliiln'stocks ted iy
were aa follows :
Alia 7 80 lUpnlr ' i 2uT
lliilncr . . . . * o - '
Unt.v Uolchcr 210 l-itv ue Ilk )
llcKllcii'unnullilate'U i" l lorri " 180
Con 1'uc . . . . 140Jj
Ci.neolliluUit c i V 4U t'luli . Jj
Crown rolnt 101 tidlow Jacket JjU'l
( .mild , \ Curry . . Ml ( o.u , . , , , . 10
II iliuv. .NorcrojB . . . H.J N l >
Mi'ili-aii I7J II , I
Mono . . . . . . 73 N. II Ii.
Nut au f.
St. * Mining CJiinliitliiiiK ,
ST 1,0111Mo , Murch I , The mliiln ; stork
m irKet rather ijuha today bales u'Hrc-
ir.ueJ . ' , 'UO shares. I'dllowliu IIru floi.llB
bids ;
lioitton btouk JlurKc't ,
HOSTOM , Muss , March 1 , The followluj were
Iho closing pi IPOS ou. Mo k * on the lloston
Mock mui ktt to Iny ,
AtchHon A lopr-kn i-"ts7lifint7p
llii'tnn A AllMiir , Hf ) | lioitnn A Mnntma "IM
llcnton A Milnu . IM * lf itlnniPt A UpfM Sid
CIIAt ? ttWfc irn-iklln . . . . MM
I'nMcrn It II bs uKcirnrKO \ . It
Htchliuri : II II r > r PMil ) . . . W
I'llnt , \ I'orp M | , , v ttir i to ( upper . . . SI' ' *
Hint A I't M pfl : ' ftamirnrk IVI
K " ,1 * C II 7 ll i | ' n niotfit I nnil Co 1
'uttli- mid Hnu' ( itrco mill UlRhrr DP.
iiiiind \ < > r > SlroiiK-
OMAHA. Man-h -Two days receipts foot tip
. .VMIiltle , V.'IH ho s .in 1 l.isi shti'U. nsalnit
i'-llo ill e. IV.'liihojs , > . ' ,4rj sheep Mondity mid
nusday of last uoeli
The supply of cittlo w s hotlor than Mun-
lay , but the tnodnvs' run falls " -JO slion of
ho Hist t od ivsof last \\eok. There was u
creator nioporllon of 1 00 l c ittle hero tliiin on
my duy for a hnu l me p isL. mm the .ivldlty
\ Ith which the Rood Imavy IJCONUS woio t ilu'n
n both local mil shlppitu hujers remoMs all
loubt as to the atrrn tliof Ihodomand on thli
niilUet foi liL'i\y oittlo Another ten-load
i iln of c\int | ) e.ittlu wi-ro shlppol hvl.iUo
.obinaii ilhpct to , M ( liildsmlth , the well
mown Now Voru importer Hood ho ivy cattle -
tlo am w inted .mil mitullhst'indliu tlio llbei tl
supply thnre was of 1..IJJ to l.'i 0 pound Demos
> n the miirUct , thov all oi | ro Hilly at uooil
Ktronn pilcoi mintly from W.Ti to * 4 III. A
ninth of xeri l.llii slci-is went to a local
< ller ! at . I'hreo LOUS from tlio same
iniieli of cut lie axcta ed 1,11 ? pounds and
MOIL hi { till I'lio 01 llnury run of 1,01)0 ) to
. " | ( tin stun * sold at about steady prices
loin * i . ' "v u HU'p Irulliuuus moro iiotlvo
hiu for socr il days , local Inner * , ship-
ii'isiuid exporters t iUnu hold fitoly , MlMiin
.ho m irkot a .o id Him tone mil clearing up
he iHTerlngs holtci th in on any day in oor
two weeks p ist.
'I ho market for butchers and eaunors stock
lid nrt show thus imo amount of ni'llvlty
mil while ro.illv dcslr.iblo cimsmid heifers
iroiuht fully stoidy pi lees them was a do-
eldcdlvwev or fo'lln ou Iho under ( 'r.ides
ind prljca sh ido > l Inwtr. Oulsldo of a bunch
ifprlmofit cows th it brought fid ) s ilea of
too < l to choice co s nnil holforsweio larxoly
it from * -Mi > to $ .10 1 Pair to .rooJ stock sold
'loin f 3.Mo $ . ' ,00 and loferlor < tnd e inning
ots from ? l. n ) to - ' U . llul x. o\en and c lives
wore IIIK h uued at from f J W to & > OJ.
1'hoMoi.kcr and tcodtr trade w is dull but
irkeb loin iln fli in for ucsirabio ; ; r uli's b ilos
nuni mostly In Ninall bunches , wllh good
stoc'i from fl 10 to $1 liand loinmon as low as
* - ' 0 Hopiesentallxe silos'
No Av. I'r. No Av. I'r. No. Av I'r.
0 t40 ! ! 75 10 10-8 n 40 II lUU
T 1 170 .1 OJ IS 10ti4 ,1 40 IS IJJM .1 M
1 KTO .1 IX ) 17 l1.- - ' J 40 IU 11117 ULO
0 7l.S .115 SK 1J4J .140 - ' . ' 1-.8 , IWI
J 115 3 T > S . J.M ,1 JO 10 1110 .1(0 (
4 b" > 115 a tlll.5 .1 4J ' 'I U-JO IIC.5
II lluJ , l'J- > .Id 1I4J i 40 1 ! ) 1 01 .I7 <
4 ( Oil .1 - ' ' . ' 1 IIU .145 1 USO .IH )
' . ' U)5 .1 L'j .VI 111,1 .145 37 1171 J ! ) J
15 luid .1 5 .1,1170 J 15 ' 'J 1105 .I9J
17 'H7 ' .l i I ? 117S . ! 45 Jl III ? 4lJ (
I'l ' Us ? .1.10 10 111) ) , * .145 LU 1515 401
6 1 ! : UO 7 1271 .145 IS 1421 405
Jj l.'il .1 U IJ It'll ' : i 15 40 li7C > 410
Jl 1001 .1.1.5 ul r 1.1)7 ) .1.50 7 1415 Jill
1 l.'iJI .1 .Si 15 l.'i.U .1 r.O 1'J IV 0 4 IU
Ul 11.17 J . ) ' ) .5U'J i.5J 10 luJ 4 ( > >
I.I U4I .1 .5 Ul CJll .I5J
1 MO 100 II UiT a 25 1 1210 SCO
4 K0 1 40 1 II U J U5 1 IOJO S U )
a 1010 140 21 i ii , u 21 uijj aw
a b5j iso u ncii a 10 i so atM
( > 700 150 ( > 77U a .15 IS . HJ5 , ' 70
I ! KiJ t U ) 5 HU a J5 10 SSJ a 75
a U 3 1 CO 18 It I/I 2.0 4 101.5 a 75
in < in i ( M in , oi > . . a : ir > u iw,8 a 75
1 7110 1 75 fe 7J ( a Jj 10 105b a bJ
.1 Wt 175 4. Ill ) 240 4 lllOJ 2 bO
2 b > 0 1 7i 5 Mil 245 83 IO.U a M
1 I05J 175 1 MM ) 245 1 11110 28.5
8 0,0 175 5 IKK. 245 I'l IlbJ 20)
1 IIIK ) 175 1 HO 2 5J 5 IOOJ J'JO
I 101 0 1 7i 4 M 2 50 1 UoO II IK )
i 11.1) ) 1 75 -o iojs a'io i im ate
a M5 3(10 ( 17 11. a J 'ifl 25 WO 1UJ
. ' itu : > a oo 10 uoj S-M n uw .105
: > D-J. 200 a n tr. ar.i a icr. .in
I. 1045 215 U II > 2 0 1 IKiO .12.5
j iwj a r > 14 'an a r.j i n m .1 40
1 1 4J i 15 II bOJ 2 .55 5 IJ17 J 0)
14. t5 ? 2 20 15 U5I 2 UJ
MIXL1) .
19 . W > 5 2 75 14 81J 2 SO
III II i.lts.
1. 813 240 2 850 200 24 9C.1 300
3 751 240 2d OU .1 OJ 2J. . U78 J 00
4 VJJ a 5J
2 21' . 200 1 25 J II 2.5 1 15(1 ( 450
J .1X0 2 OJ .1 . 1 7 J 75 J . 87 4 50
1 . .CO 2 00 2 Jl ) 4 00 1 14) ) 50J
I. , lu'i 250 J . IOJ 4 OJ 4 157 503
11111.1 , ' ;
I 1.MO 175 1 1.5 U 223 2.IS55 275
I IWO -00 1 1410 2 J.5 1 TOO 275
1 11 0 2 00 2 U.'i 2 4J 1 IS3J 2 8J
2 1J15 215 1 blO 251 1 Ml ) J 8)
1 00 225 2 1M1I J 5 j 4 1570 .100
2 1215 2 ri 1 1 10 1 2(15 ( 1 1.00 .100
1 1J > 0 2 J.5 ,1 1.7 J 270 1 a .IJ .105
i 11 ,0 ar. i MSI a 75 i i.j .uo
1 1I5J a . ' 5 1 IM ) 275 2 1770 J2i
1 1410 a 25
5 4 U 2 10 1 770 .1 00 fi fiSI .1 10
1 4UO 240 ol DC ) .110 4. 11.18 110
10 (151 ( 2 ( .5 1 81) ) .1 PO 0 77.1 .115
7 5.17 275 2 h , " JtO 10 7J.I .1 \\t \
5 ( .51 U KJ U 7(5 ( 100 4 101. i 121
5 : iso 201 d 5j : i no : u ? ? i .12.5
1 750 J 00 21 : . 'JJ ' J 03 18 1017 .U5
I ! 785 : t OJ
lions The hoff m irl.i-D took i slnrp upwmd
lurn of lOi , on all irulo3 Kocolntsoro only
fair , show 114 a docio isc so far this week com-
puod with last of otorlooi hi' ul and llio
qu illty is rithoi liollri tliiui usual of Into
althoiuh the hojs woio larKoly on the Itchl
mil mi'd order. The run of hi-1 hoay liojs
Is abou I in or .mil the .INOI.I.'O uo'uht ' is. ) Ihs
II litui th in a month ixo I * ist week's u\cr-
, i o was only 23J Ins , uj.ilnst 2liO Ibs the I , ist
ui'o > of ,1 , inn u y.
Dullness opened brisk , with a coed looil and
shlnp'n doin mil. esoi.'clallfor iood 1 Kht
and medium \\eUht hozs Tlio o uoie lai ely
soiled alfioin fl ( > l lof I ( u Htrilflit lots NOI- !
Ini at from $1 > 5 tof I i.u. . Hoi\y anil mixed
siooKorshold from ifl 51 tojl dO wlthonochoko
lo id .it $1 U5 a Kood active miukot
fiom Rtarl to ( Inlili and the pens were clo iri'd
liy 10 o'ciook , the hulk of the Imis soiling fiom
$1 55 to J I ii. " > , aKalnsl from { I 45 to tl Vi Moiulay.
The .ivcr.ise of pi l'fes p ild was $1 Vi ) , .iiraliiht
II 4'i ' > lonihu i nil tl OP * labt Tuesday.
sent'itho sales :
.No AV nh. I'r. No Av. Hh I'r.
4 , , . .41 ? - tl 40 70 ' 'U 800 ft III
5 , U ! 4 45 CJ . .2,11 41.0
I . . 1170 445 ( . „ ' . .2.J 100 40)
U . 115 . ' 40 1 45 51 , . .Ill K , )
( I . , 118 - 4 45 74 , aiS ) „ > ) 4 0)
.1 . 4411 - 4 .50 ta . . . .III IbO 40) )
12 2rl ) - 4 50 U'l ' . . . 211 1JU 41,0
51 VII 4)1 ) 4 ' ( ) KJ .815 U'O 41. )
5S . 2 7 51 ! ) 4 5J 67 214 40 4 1.0
II . 277 l.'O 4 . ' .5 . h ? . IS. "SO 4 00
10 . .211 455 55 , 841) ) 11,0 4 ( U
C ) 220 hO 455 ( ,0 , . . . . 101 210 41.0
> . ' . . .ttl Id i 4 55 5J . . IM ) 1 ta
01 . , ' 70 200 455jlj. M , - 'IS 4J 41/1
M . .5)7 ) UO 455 ffl , . . ,17. - 4M
11 2.4 4 55 ( i , OJ . . . . 2J5 60 4J (
d ? . . .211 UO 4 ; .5.iH .15 . . . 175 40 4 ( .0
Of , .2U 457liv ( .1 . 1M1 40 4 W
1.7 . 258 . ' 10 4. > ? ' ( . > G4 210 40 4 Ml1'
40 . . .HJO 1.0 4 > 7i ! 21 . IM KU'i
71 . 27J 28i 4 5r ) r 111 . Ml 4 IU'5
75 - 4JMO 4 "i4il 74 . 87 ICO 4 ( .
51 . .270 8i ) 4 571V il 01 . 27 80 4 ( . . " /i
87 211. 8) I 57'4oi ' 74 . . . ,27U 18) 4 W
IJ . , SIH 40 40 > , ll * Ul . ' . " .7 4U5
1.7 2-S - - I OjiU ) U ) 210 4115
u ; . an uo 4 ( n ji rs JK ; . . 41.5
7(1 ( . . I IW - 4 (1) ( ) 70 .72 43 4 Ii5
Ul 181 8J 4 0) ) 1 1 i l. . ' JIO 405
' iSV * ' *
1 4'K > -
SiirPP I'lKht lo insof sheep wcro iceohcd ,
but three of them i to eoiiKUnod direct ton
looal p tckiT anil not "TillerMil on
One In id of oommonlsh IJI-tb c es bold for
ttw , but tliurn t woVUiidt vorydoslr iblo&lulf.
bi-liia lar ely on thoMou ( i-r ordor. The de
mand forties rahlu tnultoiiH tOllUlHKIS liellVO
with pih'Oi ntron i.i uot.ttlons ire : I'alr lo
"iiuil n itlea , from Hito 5 40 , wcs cms , from
t40Jto $ > . 5 ; lommini and slock hheou. fiom
f.5ito J-1.7J ; K"l lu ehoito lamuH wet ( hliiK
40 I l.s in OJ Ibs , from $123 to til 0 , Uojuoscn
t ithoBilcs :
No. Av. I'r.
8J lllltl > L' . . . . . Ul (4 UJ
Chli ifo M S'lH-h MarlMtt.
CiiifAfio III. March 1. [ Special Tolo
to'l lib 1IUF 1 The uattlo m.irkot 'uis linn .it
the Hll.hth' reduteJ iiiot | ilions of Monday ,
It was not .lotlvo U r.iroly U on Tui-bduy *
hut It dl I not take MiiiBinon lone to hunt ii |
liuycr * for the uool loihoiio virlutlcs rad-
Ins in the poor and co union was s'on ' , but the
h Idi'ih dl I not Iliul It ni'iosj irv t-i m il.i- any
further s icrlllii'H in the way of pilcoionco -
hluiia I ho to iMtl o Hern n Kind rciii- | t
yi'flBtiliii 'iiud vance of l.o In the 1 ondon mai-
ittl silmuliitliiu' the duiiand , and limit of llio
cnol biters xu-iii takin fi r th it jiidnL ,
\\eioimahnelsoffroiii fill ) I o } , . 'iV ' f or
ton muii to fanc > titicik. fl.iO to M 2.5 for In-
feilor lo choliocoHH mid hciferx , fi.rviiosi. ?
for Dulii- . ? " - \ to f , ? fi forhlo'ki'n .mil fiodcie
ami J'i to O 15 for l'i > u uUlir.
'I luio ueiu iidi ii'x. u.v t'nouuh IIO.'H hnro
toduy to KO 'round mid oompeiillon.IHII : -
nioiu cnouh to tcml up i rlci * w th a rum
Thi y ud\aucod to f rum JiuitoU.UJ for poor
tocuulcu Huht uud tofroiu liUito OOUfor
tncdliim nnrt hoinywclchti The market \ a
O.UIIO tinnxon but Ihonveriite yiiln wnn lOp.
few of the offerings so'lliiR below $175 nnd
from fl 75 to fliti beln l the populnr fUuict
Tlio liter market wns mtoymit. Indeed , some
< ilo innn palled Iho Plnilns prices 5o lower
llriu thooiK'nliu ratP . but nil the oood boss
hail changed h mil * before the teat-lion n't In.
A llltlo pool RtHlT was left In sunculators'
hmuU ,
In ioiKC'inciK-0 of the smnll number ot
shtep olTiTi'd there w is a sttonz mmkel for
htp and Imnlx Ph do nand was by no
HIP uis urgent but the Ml H ihcnp on silo did
not fully meet It and the a\i-r IBO of prices
was ash ulo litxlier than forMondav I'oor to
choke sheep sold tit from jl.Vi to * 40J mid
poor to rliolio Inmbs nt fiom J'lOO to J0.75
Kxlru iiunlltlps would hr u ; a slluhl adv nice
On the mitsldn ( | Uotitlons poor stulT and
culls sold at low as from ? . ' " > 0 lo ? l 80. I'hcro
wasHoino ltiultv ( | for fcndors but prlcns were
nbo\u the view of bu > or4 and not much was
done In that hr.inoh of the m irket
llecolpls XM-io : Cattle , 7.0JO , boss , Itl,000 :
sheep 500\
Tin ) i\unlim : liHirn il reports ! O TTt.r ;
Iccolptfi. 7,00 U shipments. .1.000 ; in irkot
steady : mixed to rholco steers , $4.1 il SOi
itlicr" , M.xr < h4.S5 | stockers , fl ( otj'75 , honxy
oiedro , fLOthtLTAt 'loi.uis , $1,1.5 ® . ! 4Jj cows ,
$1 1ft.
Hods Ilccelpto. inoDOi shipments lO.OCMi
narket netlxo. hlirbiM ! rouifb and coinmon ,
I .50 ® ! ra ; mixed nnd piokurs tl ? o 8ij pr'mo '
irixxy nnd nutchcrs wuluht" . * 4 853500. lliht ,
bltPKf Uocctpts , 0,000 : shipments 3001 ;
n.irkctstion i'r.owc' . , $ l.5iil ? S. mixed. SI K > 5f.
' . ' - ' i : wethors. $ ' > OOtJ3'i. wcstorm J5 1V3155.5 ,
nmbs , t5i ij < ) ro
Ni-xx YiirU l.lStock MnrUrt.
Nr.xx YOIIK , Mnich l.-lli--evi-s-Itccelpts
, l ) hoid , all for osponors mid slaiMhti'icis-
10 tr itlo : foelliu weak , drcscd bief slo idy
tl ( .iJS' o per II ) shliimi'iits today. 1,5'J beexcs
ind f > 45i ( inaitois of hccf ; totnoriow , .183
jcovos and ? , lul iii | irtcis of beef
CAi.VRS-lt.'Cflpts 2(15 ( brad ; market dull !
veal = , > 30i > asoo per 100 Ihs : \xostoriis. Jloo
i' Upt'olpts I.Vnlioid ; nnrkct ste.idv ;
sheep , * 1 OJ < ilii.2.i per lOil Ib ; lambs , W755J750 :
liesscil muttons sic idy nt RIOo pur ib :
licssed I'imbs. llrm at 'ijilli- per Ib
lions Hoi alplH 8H3 | ieid ccmst/no'l dlrpcl ,
nnikct nomln.illy llrm in ifl UJ4i" > 50 pet 100
SI , l.oulH l.lxr Stoek Market.
ST. I.otiis. Mo , M i it'll 1 OxTTf.B-ltooelpts.
I. 00 ; sblpmcnts , 153 ; Moudv , fall to uood
iitlxc steers. * l (101400 ( , fill to Kood ludlin
ind Toxmn. JI.O'ttM . ' 5
lloos Kecclpts , I. 00 ! shipments , 1,103 ;
ili-'hor : lini\y. $4 iUir.ltr > ; inlNod , J4 . ' .5 4 75 ;
Ight , $1 H ® l 75
K"D litt it l I ! > ! < ! > > UM m ol St iot
Olllclul r ijolnts nnd dlspultlon ofsl > jc as
shoxvn hv Iho ho > ks of tlu Union Mock Vnrds
romp uiv for llio I ixonly-fout ho in omlliu at
5o clock p in \l irch I. IVJJ
cxrri t nous
Cars llinil.Oirn lloiil Citrn
iihi.s rou ii mil
It iou are bilious take ncochaniN Pills.
l'a\4 > is nrtccntli Slice ) .
UMUIA , Nub. , Match 1. To the Hditor of
THE Bri : : Cvcr.vono in the south p rt of
Omuhn is oipccially uitotoitoa at Uils tlmo
in the proposed viaducts ever Fiftoouth and
Sixteenth streets It is natural whore ono
has propcttv Interests to xvant as many pub
lie impioveinTil't ns poj3tblo. n'lil xvhen such
itninoxctncnt ismado , and a lllto linpiovo-
mont , usually as necosaaiy , Is spouoti of for
some oilier stivot , a howl is rnisod bx some
and a givai kick is tnado against it foi the
solo reason that Uicv arc not lltiancialH
interested. I noticed in your Sunday ptipor
a communication ftom just such a neison.
Ho is aftald that if n viaduct should bo built
on Fifteenth street the pioptitty on Stx-
fcnth would depLcciato In value ; that
traflle and tiuvel xxoutd bo devoted to Fif
teenth , and that it would worli a Imulship
ai.d injustiLO to those xxbo have businobs and
propel tv intcrols ou Sixteenth slieet , and
he insists on hain ? a naxv viaduct ou Six
teenth bofoin any move is made towards ono
Doing built on Fifteenth stieut. I roali/o
this one tnct , that bKtoonlh sticot has been
built up at the oxpeiibo of Fifteenth sticct.
The Fifteonthsticot people also loati/o this
fact and 0110 other fact , that the senti
ment Is the most puisli and sellish Inia-
inaulo. Had such sentitnent existed in the
minds of tno Fifteenth stieot people xxheu
the Sixteenth stiool viaduct win lirst talked
of beinc hullt , Sixteenth stioot would not
Imvo had llio inoscnt viaduct. Ou
the control r Fifteenth stiect peoplh
\\cro poift'ctly willlni ; bittoeuto
stiect should have n viaduct
with the cxpiess understanding n vla-
durtovr-r Fifteenth should be the next one
built. It is claimed Unit Sixteenth street is
the miucipal tliorouphfaio noith and suiitb.
What has tended to make it so ! The viaduct ,
and uolhiiiK else. Without the viaduct it
xxoultl be no moio a principil tlioiouyhfnro
than Fifteenth street Is noxv. A viuduct ou
Sixteenth street is a necessity , and < vo aio
peifoctly xvilliug they should hive It , out \\o
don't lose sicht of the fact that u viaduct
over Fifleontn Is Just as neccssaiy , nnd has
more to iccomuioiid it to the pjblltj for the
folloxvlnt ; icasoiis : It would bo ion reel
ihoilor ; would cost coirospontlingly loss and
the ronalis would never bo more than Ihtoo-
fotirlhs , n much as a like viaduct ou Six
tcenth sirect ; it xvould bo more dosiinhle , be
cause it xxould bo shorter. The Fifioouth
street people Imvo boon put to gietit incon-
ve'ilonco for vonri pm. They are oulitled
to a good mcel viaduet antl nhouUl have it ,
and navoitr.oxv. Htjuxi , Uiours.
Mrs Wtnsloxv's SoothitiB Svrup for chll-
dim toothlni ; foftous tlio KIIIIIS and allays all
pain , a5 cents a bottlo.
'Iliat' Cause il tlio l.lina National
Hank to Suspend.
LIMA , O. , Match 1. The Lima National
baulc of this cltv was closed this moinlni ; by
an examiner on the older of the comptroller
of tnoticasuir. The trouble xxas biought
about by the speculations of tha piosidcut ,
IJ. U. Futirotvho for the past foxv jo trs has
been ongaRCd In cxtonsixo r.ilhc.ul and land
projects in Mexico , xvhich resulted disas-
trouslv. Ilci bonowed from tlio baulc exten
sively , and although seeming It by ample
mortgages It cioated distrust which bioucht
on n run. The cnpltal slock Is MOO.OOO. The
htockholdcrs belong mostly In this city. It is
uolinved dopoaitois will locolvo their money
In full.
Thirteen Injuri'd h ) u Fnltlnp ; Siiillolcl ,
Li1:111001 : , , March 1 A sciffold upon
which a n'litibcr of moil wuro xvoiKing on or.o
of the doclts collapsed todnv nnd thirteen
were Ii jurcd , Cluhl of the mun nto In u
ciitlcal condition.
Dr. nirnoy euros CiiKirrti. UUK b'dj ' (
Nainr , '
UecumminJrd ( or
Diseases-.M l.lvcr.
As an occasional pur
iative ; in habitual con-
Mipation ; fatty liur ;
in Central adlposis , ilia-
l > ctci > , gout and rheuma
tism , it Is without equal.
What Nature Produced
Man Cannot Improva
Insist iiHiu | tlio ircnnlno Im
ported Cuilbbnd Binudil Hilt ,
which must him ) the elirmituio
of KUiier & Mendelson ( Jo , bolo
Vorlicu o\ery bottle.
KlIIUU rors Jolfa' ' Dir
llin hnnniiick , nil and
rtili'iurploihlni . ) nd for
citnloxii" 111 11 nrmni
Importer * and imntifio-
I'loiir Sni'V * llurlnpi nn I
I n Ino
1(0 ! UoUo ilroM Itlorrlei nnl 1 nn monthly
a\ ] iiincuts
Fenil for our \ ! ;
an I price * Knrnirast , O in'ii
1101 Howarl "tro-l
Tot city eorntr llth unit IMualn > troot
\Vo ire nklnn close pilio tntioi biiyor naliro
ictllna a elm nf eels -rhluh Hcrj s\t-
c 'ile with nicrcht UJ
Whole le Mnaiifarln ri lloot < hoe rutihcri
Atint ( for Uo tiin Hull nod ti It irooiii
ber tiny Co. 1IU3 1101
nnd 110J llnrnojr Ktroct I70I-C llurnv atrjet
C JAL , COKE , kTC. ,
llnr.l mil soft coal * K
Kirnur l > th aJ
Mniiuf tcturt'rt of Hil. Manufacturer. ! unit
vnnlxol Iron Cornice
\MnUow ( ips int'trtllo \ \ hulo'iito Clothier i ,
nkvllklit. , Uu. 1110 uail
IIU liuiUoi-t 1 lltuilirney etroot
Dry K"ti * . notions fur- lr ) uool * notloat ucntJ
ti lns itou-li
Corner llth niul Howanl Cur I i nnd Iloxmnliti
Klcctro lrimnoi : , J.HTTKU , Wire nnd Klcttrlcul i
I'lloi of All Klnil
111. Ilo Tnnt , Oin ilia.
HER & CO , , R. R , OROTTE ,
1 Iqnor Morc < lnnl Importer nn I lob'ij' ot
111 ] lUrnojr trr < t ,
Wlno i\n I Mquori
1070 ninl IOJ1 Inrnimil.
i-i : t Imlls rrlcoll'tion appllOAtlan.
\Vho1o < nle liquor donl er
IOJI Knrnam U
ItnMwooil liiinlar , xrool
cnrpot inil imriitct linportol Araorlcm I'flrt
lloorhiK , Inn I rnmcnt , Mllwatikoi ]
hyilrxnllc rnuirnt and
t < lh nnd DoiiElnr , ( j n I nor white Hire ,
Mllllnon notlun , oloiki
Pimm * ornani , nrtlitV
etc ,
m-itorhli , etc
HO-1I3 S If.lh M Omaha I'd ! )
1'ickors nf nytort , fish Oi tcr , rith and 'a\s'f \ ,
nnit Colorr 319 South lOtli St
( ( .Sl.'j/xvon\vorth / St Daxlil Cole , Mtn\9r
Itcllncil anil Iiilnlcitliu
tills , nxlo rc ! ' > , etc.
Spoclnltlfs luiiter OK Send us your HKK . Hi'
choc o p ultry , eta No tur , I'oultry , ( inrae ,
US Illi Uu ( ill Nat llldos , Ktc
bank. 1TOI-3 St.
Wrnplilii' : paper , nil klnill
full stock of
Carry A
of txTlnen. cto
, wrapping anil
prlntlnit UIW lluirnrdat.
irrllltiK paper , cnrd p -
pur , "to. Tel 1733
Itooui3l Kxclmiuo Ilalhl- Hooms , 11 } and 01 Uj >
UulllliiK Soath c'liuo b ill It i C
Omaha. South OJiilil.
Superior Value.
No other plasters have been produced which gain so many
testimonials of high value as those continuously accoidcd to
AU.COCK'S POROUS PLASTERS , and the only motive for these excep
tional commendations lies in the fact of their being a medicinal
and pharmaceutical preparation of superior value.
Additional pi oof of the true value of ALLCOCK'S Pouous PLASTERS ,
lies in the fact that they are being largely imitated by unscrupulous
poisons , who seek to deceive the public by offering plasters which
they claim lo be the "same , " "equal , " "as good , " "better , " "bet 1
porous plaster , " etc. , while it is in general appearance only that
they icsemble ALLCOCK'S. All of the so-called porous plasters are
imitations of
Avoid dsiten who attempt to palm off inferior and worthless plasters , that are
purchased by them nt low latc for the purpose of substitution.
131O Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
CAPITALJS 100.000.00
In tunr * Iwr
"Itellff furl udli . " ( . . l.llcr , tj return
M ll. Ill HUH TrtUmuiUW Aam < Itofir ,
Clilrti lrr CLtiulcul Cv-UuilU < i Niiuaroi
6 11 fcy U Lwil IXuulu. I'tiUkd * . , ! > .
National Bank.
Cnjillii ! $ JOO,000
Surpliu 0,500
Otllio i > .ind llici.or-llcnr ) > Wntc pronIrtcnl
II C ( lulilun vld ' runldint ( X H MauilroV V
Murte .Icilm H ( ( .on J \ 1 | . I'airlck l/'nh A.
Ilitcl , cn lilpr lllr ,
T 1111 IRON BA.NIi : .
Co ner llHh and Tarnam Bts ,