Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 01, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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Prcsont mid Former Oily Officials In
dicted by the Grand Jury ,
of tlin Ornml .Tiirj's Investigation
Into tlin Conduct of .Municipal
Airnlr/i / During tlio Tint Two
Vrnrs Court Nol ' .
When tbo grand Jurors reported In Judge
Davis' court last Saturday tboy returned
nlno Indictments. Any number of parsons
were anxious to know who were the parties
wanted , but Sheriff Bennett kept the public
guessing untllyestorday | morning , when at nn
early hour ho thnjw out his lines and com
menced to anglo for his game. la this
nnirllnp ho met with remarkable succois , for
bo landed four of his victims before the hour
for opening court rolled nrounJ.
I'our Distinguished 1'rUnnorn.
There was nothing unusual about the appearance -
poaranco of things In the largo court room
when the bailiff announced that the court
was ready for the transaction of business.
Frank Mooros road ttio docket of Saturday's
proceedings , the loungers dropped" * 'n ' nntl
took scats whllo four mon , Councilman
Thomas F. Tuttle , ox-Councilman Moroarty ,
ox-Councilman B. F. Mudson nnd ox-Street
Commissioner Flannory occupied seats
within the rail. Tboy looked at tbo carpet ,
the gas llxturcs , the court and then nl each
After the routine business had been trans
acted County Attorney Mahoney staled tbnt
ho bad some matters to present to tbo court.
The nudlonco stretched Its neck and
turned Its listening oar that It might catch
every word of tbo conversation.
Ttio court announced that It would hoar
Mr , Mahonoy.
Mr. Tuttle I'lrst tu Plead.
Councilman Tuttle was Invited to a posi
tion directly In front of tlio court , when the
Indictment of the grand Jury was read. H
charged that Mr. Tuttle was n member of
the city council and also a stockholder , an
neon i and general manager of the Silicon
Wall I'lajter company ; that when n member
of tbo council nnd also a member of- the
plaster company ho had Interested himself in
a contract with the city of Omaha , contrary
to law nnd contrary to the provisions of the
ordinances of the city , tie bnd furnished
material which was used in n hall.
"To this , what do you ploadl" asked tbo
"Not guilty , " responded Councilman Tut
"Tbo ball , then , " continued the court , "Is
fixed atSI.BOO. "
Mr. Tuttle stated tbat ho had a bondsman.
John H. Butler stepped to tbo front and
signed a paper. In which ho guaranteed that
Mr. Tuttle would bo present when his case
was called.
Tlutt HogiiH Chrrlc ofO. II. Million's.
Ex-Councilman B. F. Madson was next
called , nnd lo him an Indictment , to which bo
pleaded "not guilty , " was rend. This In
dictment charged tbat Madson had mixed
himself up In the Ballou electric light deal ;
that on April 1 , 1891 , whllo ho was n member
of the council , ho had mot. O. H. Ballou nnd
to him had proposed that if there was money
in it ho ( Madscu ) would vote to graut Ballou
u franchise.
To tbo Indictment Madson pleaded 'not
guilty. His bait was fixed nt ? 1,500 and the
bond was sicnod by S. Jaonscn.
The hlslory of this case was given at a
council investigation nnd nt that lima the
testimony showed that an ordinance was in
troduced granting an olcctrlo light company ,
of which Ballou was the president , certain
rights tthd privileges. Tbo ordinance was re
fcrrcd to tbo committee on gas and electric
lights , of which Mndscn was chairman. Thcro
it remained lor several weeks. Bnllou tired
iof waiting , and ono dark night visited Mad-
sen's ' housp , nearSoventh and Pierce streets.
Tbo two men talked about the ordinance and
the franchise until nearly midnight. Madsen
was not enthusiastic over the passage of tbo
the ordinance , but finally Ballou
wrote out a chock , which in flio
Investigation was known as an
"April fool check. " This chock
was Tor the sum of JoOO , nnd was accepted
by Mndscn , after wblch ho made a report
favoring the granting of tbo franchise.
While Madsen was examining the check ,
liullou picked up the ordinance and the re
port ana left the house. When tbo ordinance
reached the council it was defeated.
Two Charges Against Moreartr.
Ex-Councilman Ed I1' . Morcarty was caught
on two indictments , to both of which ho
pleaded "not guilty. " Bail was ) tixed at
$1,500 in each case and tbo { bonds executed
by Andruw Murphy.
Thp first Indictment charges that Moro
arty wont Into a street sweeping deal to some
From the fall of 1800 until a few weeks ago
C. E. Squires , the street sweeping contrac
tor , had n bill of several thousand dollars before -
fore tbo council. It had boon disallowed by
the Board of Public Works anil
also by the council , the grounds
being that Squires had not , performed
tbo work In accordance with the terms of his
contract with the city.
Ttio indictment sots forth the fact thnt on
October 15 , 1S91 , while Morcarty was a mem
ber of iho council , ho went to Squires nnd
offered to do some log-rolling for the bill.
If bo was paid $ .3,200 ho would see tbnt it
was put Into the .November , 1801 , appropria
tion sheet and allowed.
Indiutmcnt No. 2 against Morearty Impli
cates him In the Ballon deal and charges
that ho approached O. H. Ballou for tbo pur
pose of demanding f 1,500 for influence which
would bo used in engineering through tbo
council tbo ordinance granting the Ballon
company an olectrlo light franchise in tins
Charged with , Shooting1 nml .Ualreasmicr.
James Flannory wns also caught on two
Indictments , to both of which ho pleaded
"not guilty. "
In the first the ball was fixed at $1,500 and
in the latter nt tfOO.
The first Indictment charges that Flannory
on the night of Juno a , iblll , with Intent to
kill , assaulted Charles Unuors n policeman.
The facts as published at that ttmo were
about as follows : Flannory was running
u saloon at Sixteenth and Vlnton
streets , Ho drank of his own
liquor until ho became drunk , after
which bo raised a row. A call for tbo patrol
wagon was turned in and Flannory wns
carted to jail , whuro ho was released. On bis
way homo bo mot Baiters , the ofllcar who
made tlio arrest , nnd at once opened lira on
him. The bullets flow thick and fast , but as
Plannery's aim was bad , none of them took
effect. Ho was ro'nrrestcd and taken to jail ,
where he remained until the next day , when
the matter was smoothed over and the prose
cution was dropped. At the time Flannory
admitted tbo shooting , out Dial mod that his
revolver was discharged merely by accident.
Tbo ether Indictment charges that Flan
nory while acting for the city In the capacity
of street commissioner became interested in
work being performed for tbo city. Ho wua
the owner of a number of teams which were
put to work upon tbo streets , ho collecting
iho wages ,
District Court
Julius Altschuler was arraigned Judge
Davis and pleaded not guilty to having
attempted to defraud tbo J , T.
HobhiBon Notion company out of fl.OSO
worth of dry goods and notions. Thu
defendant was in business at Missouri
Valley. In. , nnd last november visited this
city. Ho represented that ho was a mer
chant doing a good business and had plenty
of money. Ho bought the goods , making a
t500 payment. Soon after the * shipment ttio
Hoblnson Notion company learned tbnt
AlUchulor was about to dispose of the prop
erty , caused his arrest and took possession of
the iroodi.
Frldayja special venire for thlrty-nlno jurors
was Issued , returnable this morning , Upon
the convening of tbo court twenty-four of
the men reported. Of thin number llfteon
wanted to bo excused. A few were let out
ana tbo others remained to do duty for two
The case of Ernest Stubt against Frank
Murphy was hoard uudbubmUleU in county
court. Judco Ellor will , band down
bis decision Wednesday morning. In thlt
"baso Stuht brouirbt suit to recover M8.10.
U'bo euit grew out of the Injunction brought
to restrain the city from delivering the $150 , .
000 of bonds voted to the Union D > > pot corn.
HtUbt ttllegos that Murphy agreed to
stand a slinro of tbo costs , but failed to pay
his proportion.
Tfio case of the stnto ugnlnnt II. P. MUR-
pins Is on tnnl before Judge Davis. Tbo
defendant Is charged with having Induced
Ncls Olson to visit an unoccupied building.
Whlloao flitting the plnro , UUon avers that
bo was robbed of J90 ixnd some trinkets tbnt
lie bad In his pocKot. The robbery was com-
mlttod lost November.
The Work of HIP Council.
Tbo city council succeeded In ( jetting n
quorum tOBOthor last night , nnd transacted a ,
considerable amount of business. Council
man Wood of the special committee on n city
hospital reported that tbo Ilnsfcoll hotel prop
erty , situated between the city nnd tbo Bur
lington track : , was available for ttmt pur
pose. The committee recommended that the
question of voting $15,000 In bonds for the
maintenance of n city hospital bo submitted
to tlic people nt iho spring election , The re
port was received mid placed on Ille.
I'ntltlons from property owner * for the
following Improvements were ivnd nml re
ferred : Grueling Thirteenth street to Ar
mour nvcnuo ; sidewalk on west sldo of
Twenty-second street from I to J ; fire hy
drant .it Twenty-third and J streets ; grading
Twenty-third street from .1 to TJ streets ;
crosswalk at the Intersection of Twenty-llm
nnd N streets ; grading I street from Twen
ty-fourth to Twonty-IUth streets , including
the alloy.
John Condon was granted an extension of
tltno of sixty dnvs on his eroding contract.
The reports of 1'ollco Judge King for the
preceding four months were referred.
1) . Li. Waltirmnn , n sowing machine agent ,
said that Olllcor Mlko Hanson had bought n
Bowing mnchino from him for which bo was
unabio to collect the payments. Ills com
plaint was referred to the chief of police.
Councilman Adams offered a resolution
providing that at the regular meeting , March
II , the council receive proofs of circulation
from the Omaha newspapers nnd deuldo
which papar had the largest circulation.
Tins , bo stated , was for the benefit of tbo
applicants for liquor license ? , that tuny
might know which paper to publish their
applications In. After some discussion the
resolution was passed.
Tbo report of the finance committee was
read , and then the question that has pre
vented n quorum of tbo council being pres
ent nt tbo last tbrco meetings crcppod out.
Councilman Walters moved that the report
bo adopted , with tbo exception of tbo Horn of
$20 as salary for .Taller J. I' . Muloiioy. who
was recently appointed by tbo mayor. Tbo
motion was carried.
In explanation of bis motion Councilman
Walters said tbnt ho did not t'jlulc utiy spe
cial police necessary.
"Then I suppose you are willing to dis-
pcnso with the services of tbo other special
police , " remarked the mayor , and tbo crowd
that had been waiting to see n muss wbun
tbo question cauio up wont away disap
The favorable report of the committee * on
the petition for grading Twenty-third street
from J toj was accepted nnd an ordinance
ordered drawn to that effect.
The bids tor gradlngTwontlcth street from
O to Q street were opened nnd on motion
thov were all rejected nnd the city clerk in
structed to rondvortiso for bids.
Grading ordinances No. UOt and No. HCIi
were passed under suspension of tbo tulos.
Ordinances were ordered drawn providing
for n sidownlic on tbo north sldo of ,1 street
from Twentieth to Twenty-third streets and
establishing the grade of It street from Sov-
ontccuth to Twenty-fourth streets.
Wrestling Over the lluci'lptH.
The Ilnrschmnu-Leahy wrestling contin
gent are engaged in the general muss over
the division of the spoils. Under the con
ditions of tbo match the stake money of $ . > U
a side and T. > per coutof thogato receipts waste
to go to tbo winner. Hnrscbman won
the match fatrlv , and Hcroroo Uush gave him
the money. Leahy brought sun. before
Justine Hedges to recover tbo
money , alleging , ' that the last fall was n foul
and that the decision of the referee was
erroneous. Horschman asked fur a change
ot venue , when Leany withdrew the suit and
began another , making Gush the defendant
Instead of Ilurschraan. The case will bo
ventilated today.
Work ol the I'olli'o.
The report of 1'olico JudguKing for tbo
month o f February will include the follow
ing causes of arrest :
Drunkenness 20
Hobbory fi
Vngrnnto L"J
I'otlt larceny 2
Dlsturolng the peace 18
Heating boar.l lull 1
Vlolatlnz ordinance No. t7 'J
IndocGntoxposiuu 2
HoslsUiu nn odleer 1
Suspicious characters II
Obtaining money under falsu pretenses 2
Total 61
No ! OH anil PorxoimN.
J. A. Silver has returned from Texas.
Mrs. 13r. KlrkpatrJeJc will receive from Ute
to 0 p. in. today.
Mrs. U. D. Fletcher of Atlantic , la. , is the
guest of Dr. nnd Mrs. K. L , . Ernhout.
Tnomas Daughorty and Kd Munroo of 1211-
wood. In. , ore visiting Uftlcur Hughes of the
city police force.
Dr. Wilson will entertain the members of
the Trix club at the Meal restaurant on
Twenty-sixth street this evening.
Tbo Kings Daughters of Iho Presbyterian
church will moot at the residence of MM. L.
Householder , Twonty-thiru and I htroots.
Thursday afternoon.
The Seventh ward military band of
Omaha gave a very enjoyable concert at
Blum's hall last night. The musical prosram
was followed by a ball.
Tbo Swedes have accepted the i-hnllongo
of the Gorman carpenters to a tug of war for
$ 00 a sldo. The match will probably bo hold
at Blum's hall Friday evening , March 11.
II. Kerry was lined 53 and coUs for dis
turbing the peace by Judge King ycstordav
mornlnc. T. J. llannagun , who attempted to
commit sulcldo Sunday was clvou ton days
In tbo county jail.
Mrs. John Nolan died SsndayntTwonty-
tbird nnd 1' streets , aged ( M "years. Tlio
funeral was bold lit , St. Agnes' church at 'J
o'clock this morning , after v/bii-b tbo remains
were interred in St. Mary's cemetery.
Mrs. William Kwing died Saturday nt her
late residence , Twenty-sixth nnd O streets ,
aged 80 years. The funeral was held at St.
Agnes' , church nt II o'clooit this forenoon.
Tbo interment was at Council Bluffs coma-
"Uicr Henry , " a coal heaver at Swift &
Co.'s packing house , was found lying on the
Union 1'acillu tracks inn drunken lit last
night. Ho was taken to the police station ,
where Dr. Sullivan succeeded In roiuscltat-
Ing him after half nn hour's ' hard work.
The Lawrence Swoonoy Stock Commission
company of Denver has opened an nlllco ut
the yards. They have associated with them
Jim Horn , formerly of the James H. Camp
bell company , who will buy tbelr'hogs. The
firm numo will bo Lawroneu , Swoonoy &
The Waggoner-Blrnoy StocK Commission
company have filed articles of Incorporation
with a paid up capital of WO.OOO. The oflk-ors
of the company uro : President , Ab Wag-
goner ; vice president , William Wallace of
Coin , la , ; secretary and treasurer , Charles A.
Joseph Nopodoll , secretary of the St.
John's ' Benevolent society , Issued an attach
ment on tbo effects of Joseph Bauer through
Justice Levy this morning. The society lout
Bauer Si' ) , and bay tbat ilia latter Is prepar
ing to leave town without repaying the loan.
Bauer Is a tailor and Is employed by Miles
Coughs and Hoarseness The Irritation
which induces coushing immediately rc-
llovod by use of "Brown's Bronchial
Troches. " Sold only in boxes.
Ho Takes Charge of the Onatle Onn Iu-
stitnto in Omaha.
tie Thinks 111 * field In Omiitri .Superior
to Any Ot'lior llm Hiitl it Number
ol CnlU I'rom 1'nst I'utlcntn
Alrriidy ,
Dr. U. R Monroe , who IKVJ boon in
chiirgo of tlio Kcoloy institute nt Hltilr ,
Nob. , for tlio past your , arrived In this
city yi'sturilny to tuko uhurgo of the
OiiBtlo Cure Instltnto located ut M10
llarnoy street in the Puxlon hotel
List evening ono of Tin : BII : : men
called on the doctor for tlio purpose of
inlorvlowlti" ; him. Ho found the doctor
to bo a preut biff six footer with
moustache and chin whlskors.dnrk eyes
and a very iiitoUipent ( , 'ontlonmti.
In reply to questions the doctor re
marked : "Vus , I lefv Hlulr buetuiso I ,
lioro in Omaha , have u larger Hold to
work in. Hero wo control the world
with the Cnstlo cure , whllo nt Blair wo
simply had this state.
"Then again 1 consider tlio Casllo
Cni'o equal if not superior to any treat
ment for either the liquor Of morphia
or tobacco habitues.
"There are no unpleasant sequels fol
lowing the Castle Uttro such as hend-
itchu' , vertigo , loss of memory , inability
to concentrate one's thoughts , which
innko it very unpleasant for tlio patient.
"With Iho C'ustlo Cure treatment wo
obviate , and in fact can and do relieve
these symptoms , even nftor the patients
have passed through ether institute
"In fact , when u patient is through
with his treatment at the Castle ( ! ti o
institulo ho is physically and mentally
in ills normal condition , and it places
him back to where ho was before ho
over became adOh-ted to oltlior the
liquor , opium , chloral , cocaine or to
bacco habit.
"I am more than pleased with Iho
outlook huro in Omaha , as I think wo
have an excellent field for work.
"A great many of my friends have
called on mo hero today , having lonrned
of my coming through Tins Bii : : of
Sunday. I expect to have many of my
past patients call on me uls > , and would
ho pleased if vou will &o announce it in
Tun Bun
"In fact any trrndunlo is invited to
nail , I\A \ is also every person interested
in investigating any cures. "
Mr. C. A. .larvis. tlio manager of the
Casllo Cure institute , then took Tin :
BIK man through the institute and
showed the dilToruntolegantly appointed
apartments. Tlio institute is located in
what is known as the Paxton hotc-1 an
nex , cnlrnn.'c to the same being either
MKi Ilurnay * trcot or through the Paxton -
ton hotel oillce and elevator. The ollico
is on the second floor , as are also the
private rooms of the dilVcreiit physi
cians in charge , as well as the manage
One advantage of the institulo is the
fact that , it hub any number of rooms at
its disposal for the use ol patients who
may so desire.
.liiilgu Ilrrli.i'M < uo4t < ) .
George BracUett , who appeared before the
police court n day or two ago with hii arm
in a sling and so worked upon tbn feelings of
the court with nn account of how bo lost hlj
HncerJ and was compelled to boglhat ho was
discharged , carao up again yesterday
morning with the missing members
restored. Thin the Judge roio in bis
wr.itli and ga'vo Ocorgo lifty dnvs. ,
with twenty on n bread aim water
Oau Swoany had a well developed caio of
snakes and for tbo life of him
coulun't tell how ho got into tlio police sta
tion nor where ho Irom. Tbo judge
gave him thirty days to figure tbo matter
out.Tho famous "Boston" ( Ircon expressed bis
willing-ness to sojourn lorn Unit ) ntinccouu-
tv jail , but tbo Judge vindictively condemned
him lo one day's hard labor lor tbo city.
A veritable family medicine box , Ueecbam's
_ _
Iliillnmtl AlP.ilrs.
The Commercial association has n repre
sentative in Chicago , who is expected to
bend by mail a review cf tbo altitude of tno
railroad managers in the matter of the 5-cont
hridgo toll , nnu thai report is being awailod.
Secretary iVcller of tbo msoci.ition says :
"Tbo railroads are apparently trying the
old of delay , but it will not do any
longer. 'J'bo managers know what Iho
Onialm jobbers intend to Uo , and they I.HVO
no excuse for forcing us to resort to extreme
mo'.i3urcs. Wo are awaiting mad advices of
the situation in Culcago before tailing
further action. "
Thomas Scbumaebor , chiaf clone of tbo
Union I'nciflo freight department , Sundayod
in St. Lou'r. .
Tbo Sunta Fe railway announces the estab
lishment of a friiliaurt refrigerator line with
10. II. Davis , Into assistant general freight
agent , us its urinngcr.
Vnnlloutoii's Cocoa Perfectly pure , In
Mtiy ll 'i ' .
Sheriff I' . J. llamlll arrived In Omaha
yesterday morning , ami Stark and Kohlnor ,
\ \ bo were captured hero Sunday night ex
pressed themselves us willing , even
anxious , to return with " him , but a
bitch has boon discovered. When
the fugitives were soaruhod nt tbo ml
lice station two watches were foumi In their
pociiots. Tbeso were taken to Julius
Tcoltauhn , of Tnlrtconth nnd Howard , who
Idcnllllud them as his property. Troltschn's
wife was blown January 'Ji nud $7iil ) worth of
property stolen , including ; u pair ol earrings
valued ai.VJU. The uucsilon now is whether
Omaha or Minuen shall bavti the pleasure of
disposing of tbo two criminals.
It la thought that tbo unliro gang wlucli
has boon recently "point ; through" tbo city
U in tbo toils. ( Jntscbu Is in the county jail ,
McOnrmott nnd Wilson uro In jail In Council
Uluffs for burglary , and tbo lust two , Stark
and Kohlncr , uro In a peck of trouble. ,
Why t' " to Kuropo for champagne when
there Is a better article at homo. Try COOK'S
Kxtrn Dry Imperial Champagne.
llrntvn Onl of u It.irK.iln ,
U , L , Snow , postmaster : U Benson , thought
h < ) bad n bargain and congratulated himself
accordingly. Hu purchased n pony for CIO
from n young man from Wichita , ICun. , who
did not care nun-It about liorscu anyhow , but
who did liavo an nmbiilon to carry the largest
jag obtainable In tlio iwo-mllo limit. The
other drty nn Omuhu gentleman snw the
iiniuml mid claimed It , Mr. Snow's ' bargain
went u-glimmcrlng uml tlio thief unu his jag
iu-d still ut largo.
I'rrit Sloiid lor tlin Mmilimry ,
Friends and promoters of tbo 1'rosby-
Powder :
Used "in Millions gf Homes 40 Years the Standard
torlsn Thoolo teal somtnary have roceirod
substantial om-oar.iKomont from ft firm of
stone quarry owners In tbo Dlnck Hills. The
firm hat oftorott- donate all the stone
needed to putnip iho seminary bulinltiR at
Soy mon r panic , The Uurllngton road hail
also npreed ta'limil the stone to Oraahii frco
of charge. Tfia Taturo boclns to put , on a
roseate hue faDthe theological seminary.
The biggcsHJlhlnc out Is what the dhig-
qi t3 term DruJiull'a Couch by nip ; Its snlo
Is enormous nnd it has never been known to
fall. Price SRiccnts.
H Is well to.Tomombor that thn nhlcst cases
of rncumatljin mid ncurol ia have been
speedily cured , by Salvation Oil. 1'rlco 25
cents a botllo.
Dr. CtilHrnore , oculist. building
Then Tlioro A VMS n Soulllp , n Lunge and
Illoiid I'lim'cil ,
The pleasant relations that have heretofore
existed batweoii County Treasurer Iroy and
County Commissioner ! 5tonborg nro consider
ably strained. The cashing of n warrant
brought about the iroublo.
Yesterday attonioon Commissioner Stcn-
bcrg was sluing In Iho county commission-
ors' room when lie apoko to Cleric Stevens ,
saying : "Hero's my salary warrant for
February , and 1 wish you would talto it Into
the treasurer's ollico and got tlio money. "
Mr. Stevens picked tip the paper nnd going
into Mr. Iroy's o.llco said : "Here Is .ludgu
Stonborg's warrant and ho wants iho
money. "
"You loll Judge Stenbcrg lhat ho will tuivo
to wait aiid tatco his Him , as 1 nm very busy
Just now , " answered Treasurer Iroy.
Mr. Stevens wont back nnd made his re
port. The Judge listened and quietly ro-
tuarkcd , "Wo'Ilsoo about that , " and taking
up the warrant started for the troasuror's
oillce , nolnir through the auditor's room.
Upon entering the roam the Judge walked
over lo Troy and said : "Hero's my warrant
and I want my nionny. "
"You'll have to wait , " answered Iroy. "for
I'm busy now. "
"I'll see about that , " responded the judge.
Iroy concluded not to reply.
Just then Judge Stonb rg Inttmalcd lhat
Iroy's head wns lee largo for hh hat.
"What's that you s'iy , " asked Iroy ns ho
dropped his pen and squared himself.
"I said you've ot the big head , " promptly
answered the Judgo.
"You'roa liar , " s.ild Iroy.
' And you're another , " remarked the com
At thn Stenborg reached for a chair nnd
Iroy reached for Stenborg. Slonbonj pot
the chair , but before ho could clcvato it In
order to strike , Irey got In nn under cut on
titenborg's right check , sanding him heavily
against tlio desk.
The blood llowo.l freely and Stonbarg w.v
Just coming up for the second round when
Commissioner Herlin steppaJ In nnJ separ
ated Iho two 1110:1. :
A iiMiiarahlo : ! Cunt ol Itlnniiiiatlsm.
Messrs. Gapoand Slior.-nan of Alexander ,
Tex. , wrlto us rcgarOing n romarkab'.o euro
of rhcumatlBm loere , ns follows : "Tho wlfo
of Air. William 1'ruitt , Iho poatmnslor hero ,
lias been bed-ridden with rheumatism for
several years. She could got nothing to do
her any good. Wo sold her a bottle of Cham
berlain's Pain Balm and she was completely
cured by its use. U c refer any ono to her to
verify this statement. Fifty cent bottles for
sale by druggists.
S.imotrt Will < io to Chicago.
The Samo-ot club U in.iKlntr arrangements
to attend the national democratic convention
In .Inno , nnd to thnt end has been correspond
ing with Iho leading holols of Iho Windy
Clly for accommodations for 203 members.
The Palmer and Cirnnd Paclllc reported
everything engaged. The Auditorium ollercd
to furnish cot ; for l.VJ in the banquet hall ,
but would do no moro. The Lelaml agreed
to reserve ono floor H so notified at once , nnd
thu Sherman mudo n similar offer of I'.fly
rooms , to romalu. open n WCPIC , but all stated
that rooms were in grjat demand. Mat
Brown hai tho' matter In clurge. and will
deal within the nr t few days.
Ilev. 1C. M. Vorltins , Aucustn , Ark. , flays :
"J have used Bradycrotino for hcadacho with
such gratifying losults 'that 1 never fail to
recommend it among my pooplo. "
ThJ following permits were issuetl yoster.
day by the superintendent of building * :
A. O.ivln. nnu and a half story frame
dwo.llng. Tttunty-firih an I Ilrlslol
streets 82.M
I'eti'r Diihl , ono story frame colt.ixo ,
Sixteenth iin'l ' Canton struct * 8)0 )
AiiL''biill , one story rr.iinu fotta o
I'.mhtcontli mid ll.nilovar.lstivot BO
Anna Mclu'o , twntiorv fr.inio dwelling.
TiviMitv-plshlli mid Ittown streets S , " > 00
K < 1 Alnsoow. ioialrs'on | bnllillii' ' . I'onr-
tuiinth and l.cj.ivoiiHoith btreols S.010
Si\ minor permit * I.JBI
Total SD.OJJ
M-ig'ro II wl.xoln Wafers euro ,
all haid.i has in 'JJininutoi. Atnll
Yotr- are on t7io trail to
Iic-nltli nnd longevity if you road
this , it is put liero specially for
yon. Yon nay nothing is the matter -
tor "vvilli you ; you liuvo only a
hliglit hi'ail'tLlio ; Bonr Kloinauli ;
heart-burn ; lilllo catarrh ; slight
touuh nf.rliouinatisni ; weak from
the effects of the Grippe. Still ,
your very life may he in danger.
Why no ! rpfni > o lo take further
chancep , but hqjin to-ilay hy taking
.Tohann Hoffs j\Inlt \ Extnict ; take
it with y nr meals , ti wine-glass full.
Try it Vor-Ti week. Yon will feel
liku a iKMrinnn or woman. Strength
Avill ineroaae. Healthy flesh will
gather , aiul-yon will thank the day
yon hegaii. The genuine has the
Bignatnre of " .fohann Iloff" on the
nock of every bottle. Eisner &
MendelsomCo. , N. Y.t Solo Agents.
M /
ftr t rota Cntftirh
In the Hood.
Thoao who don't
have id tnifTer
from tbono who
do. It'fl a djonua
you can't keep to
Hero am poms
of the symptoms : Headache , olistrticlion of
nos < ? , dl.ecliargos falling Into throat , some
times profuse , watery , nnd acrid , nt others ,
thick , tenacious mucous , purulent , bloody ,
putrid , nnd olTeiislvo ; eyes woolt , ringing in
oars , deafness ; olTonsivo breath : sinoll and
tnsto linjmlrcd , nnd general debility. Only
n few of those likely to lie present nt nnco.
Tlio cure for It for Catarrh itself , nnd all
the troubles that como front It a ixsrfwt
nnd permanent euro , is Dr. Sago's Oatnrrh
Ilcmody. The worst cases yield to Its mild ,
BoothliiK , cleansing nnd healing proi > ortes. !
A rot-onl of twcnty-nvo years lias provwl
that to Its proprietors nud they're willing
to provo it to you.
They do it in this way : If they can't euro
your Catarrh , no matter how bad your cnso ,
or of how long standing , they'll pay you
f.VX ) in cash. Can you have better proof
of the healing ( Kiwcr of n mcdiclno I
A Homo Treatment.
Rosy cheeks , strong
hcnltliy bodies nru the
results from the tiso ot
tlmt iiihnitnblu pro-
duet of imluro
Costs I'our Cents n Day.
5 oar llfo. ymirexIMr-nro.
> \rk'oi ; Is "icirt'il up life.
Von Inhtlu Hi" w.irin , ricli , liun.tli In Icn vnpn
I.IKO nniKlL'lt minus , Honlhos unit mvlu rnt39.
Snvctolu p nml iippplllo conioJ-nnl I rally.
'I tioiisiinili tilths It" tt'im \vorXltiK powrr.
Klmltpri11 prMeins , from l.iiCrlppo , linpplly rjflornil.
Wnnilvrliil fiMitnro lor Ciitiirrii-cmr ' 'sniniy lliilb. "
Httirt.uarnilliuis o cut. )
Hpccino Otyitcn pjsltlvcly enrol ( 'ATAHUH ,
IlronchUK A lliim. Ii ( irlppu , Cnn iimptlon.
lloailncho jnluk or nemiuO , Drspt'insa , Nervous
K.MINKN 1' phjslclnnj In clmrifp of Omnha ullleo. Mnmml Ire' ? , lnlnilntlo.ii froi" lit ollico.
Cullorwrllotorttiyi t > o nrprli cl-ilonso.l |
TIII : srnciFic O.VVHK.V co. .
6IOShco1y Illilit , cor l.'tli ami llownr.l slr oti ,
Oinuhn , NobrAKkti.
Mnln hcnilqiinrlcrii iiii'l l.-itioruorle , .Nn livlllc ,
The liypophosphitcs of
lime and soda combined with
cod-liver oil in Scott's Emul
sion improve the appetite ,
and increase
promote digestion ,
crease the weight.
They are thought by some
to be food ; but this is not
proved. They are tonics ;
this is admitted by all.
Cod-liver oil is mainly a
food , but also a tonic.
In Scott's Emulsion the
cod-liver oil and hypophos-
phites are so combined as to
get the full advantage of both.
Let us send you a book on
SCOTT & UOWNH , Chemists , 131 South jtli Avenue ,
New York.
pliicocl over tlio Chest and
another ono between the
Shoulders Insuies not onlj
Immediate icllef , but ( juliiU.
cst euro for these Muscular .
Talus that nccnnipatir the
Grippe ; nil Khuiimatlo rain *
pass away llko miiRlc. Wcai >
luff IlENSON'H 1'laMcrs prc
vents the Grlppo durinp a
contusion. H Is the only true
medicinal porous plaster. It
Is not anostrum lu any senso.
Indorsed liyover5.000 rhyfl-
clans and Irut'Klsts. Don't
allow Commercial Drusnists
to palm off cheap sulistl-
tutions. Cot the Kenulno
HKNSON'H and you will not
bo disappointed.
That whenever n man gets thorough-1
i ly into nclvertibiiiK his business he =
I will rarely ever cease usiiitf Ihis mosl E
i rcmtincrntivc business method until s
j lie relires from business , a financial s
j success ; and then , in nine cases outs
i often he will ndvisc his successors to E
i advertise through |
: For genuine success , on account ofs
j unique nnd original methods employ-
: ed , which arc calculated to reach the =
I greatest number of people ut mini =
; mum prices. =
i AND Pniccs-FriEE. s
1 OB & cow. Thw st. CINCINNATI , 0 ,
vmiimiiiiiiiiuimi' " ' " " iimiiimiiiini' :
ety M
OUOUS ill all reipci is
. _ hy uslni ! HI'ANIBU
NliUVINK.tbeureat apanlsh llemcdv. YOUNO MliN
OH OI/J > Bulfcrinu- from U KVOU8 IIKIJUITV. JvOST or
1'AII/INQ 2IANHOODniRhtlyt'inlisioiiBronvuldons , ncrvou <
pro traiioncnnsid l > ytb ue ot opmii | , lobarco or alcoholwnkc >
lulncss , menial deuretsion , loss of power in cither ex , ( permalcr-
ilui-a cnused by self abut B and over indulgence or any ptrionalurak
nesu can lie n-slorcil to pufccl health end Iho NOUIylS VITALITY OP STUONO JJI5N.
We glvoaTilltn K arKiia-o with C Loiea to cure any CJtc or refund the inonvy. Ji a box , 6 boieijj
Foe sulo ill Oiniilii by .McCoi'inlck & Lund , ICth & Farnaiii'Bts.
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Tti * eminent ee lull' In nervoui , chronic , private. Wool , tklimnii urinary dlsonnci. A re ul r and
rcRlttorvd Krnilua'e n u Jlpiuuni mill cviillliiilvtMiiitir. li mil truallnir wllh ilia cioitont iicciii
cntarrli.tiienunturrhoiitKm Diitnhoo l.tciiilnul nonknuo. nUUt lonci , lniKiicncy | , srplilllt , itrloturo.ROu-
orrtnen , ( ilcel , vnrtciircie.clc Nti [ i.crinr/r. > ul. Nc\r trunlmuiit fur Ion of \ liul iiovn-r , I'urtles unnlilo tel
l lt muniay buirontetni luimv by curru | > uinlenct * . Htuli-lco or IniliuiuenU tuiit uiullurmproi
eurulypai'kuJ , no ni&iki toliiill'tttu lonlu il in n'lulur. Ouo i > ? r onil Inlurtluir prtferre.l. Conoullnloii
frt-o. t oriu'pDiulMK'o ttilfllpilritn. . UI.IK ( Jlyil : rl i of LI Jo ; lunt fiv . OBIco uyun'Ja. m. lo p. Bi.
cundan tv . ui.toiJiu. svuilnaiuvlur rujijr.
of the spring season is always a welcome lima
in a large clothing esta blishment , such asours ,
to every Individual connected with it , from the
heads of the house to the youngest salesman
employed in it ; from the man who buys the
goods to the man who tells you about them in
the papers. After long months of handling
thick , heavy goods in dark and sombre colors ,
to turn to the handsome shades and colors c t
spring , is like turning from a dead stump in a
pasture to a fragrant bed of pansies in full
bloom. This spring it's a little "more so" than
usual. Such a radical change in styles has not
been known in years before. Particularly is
this true in
The shades and colors have never opened up
as handsomely as this spring's productions.
New shades of brown and blue and gray ; toney
tans ; handsome modes , and nobby mixtures in.
countless blends. New styles in pin-hea l
checks and -'eighth inch effects. " New plains
and stripes. No man can tell , and. no man can
imagine when he is told how handsome thf-i
new things are without a look.
Our entire new line of Spring Suits for meri
will be ready to inspect any day this week.
Homespuns , Cheviots , Wales , Corkscrew , Di
agonals , Worsteds , Cassimeres , Meltons ,
Serges , in Cutaways or Sacks , bound or plain.
Drop in bring your pocketbook not much ,
money you'll have a new spring suit to wear
next Sunday.
Our catalogue---sent by mail if you spend a cent to mail
postal card to have it sent.
To promote health ,
preserve and length
en life , stimulate
and invigorate the
whole system , tone
the stomach , aid
digestion , create an
appetite and repair
the waste tissues
of the lungs ,
nothing surpasses
an absolutely pure
whiskey of deli
cious ilavor ,
g smooth to the taste ,
mellow , mature
and of richest qual-
Unlike inferior whiskies it
will not rasp or scald the throat
and stomach. Call for CREAM
PURE RYE and take no other.
For sale only at high-class liquor
and drug stores.
Sore Ey <
EoM only In our own LM'lej , All druggists.
TU ) Larpctt , Fmid ! und I'lncit In.jfco World *
At rcuuliir Inlmval" .
rntaton l > imiu ternin t nml from ilio i > rlnclilo |
Owen , Kiuunmu \ t ALL coiiiiuzurAL ronuo.
Kicnulunllc'rl4 nrallnbliitoioturn liy clllur tliuiilo
fti.odiui' ciyd < t Nurlli or Irul'itnl ' or Nni > li > A ( IIbraltar I2t Hcr.17 Orir fr isj Accut : t Icvtit Bittt ,
Apvlr tu nnr of our local AKuntaurto
aUtOTilKK-i. CUlcago , IU.
FllplMnff oft the
ihoulilci liupun *
ublr. Aik your
dioltrfoithem or
K ucl ( I M for M"n <
iilo i lr to I.uc
lliilk Mltpciiilrr
t'u. , tit tu III
I'rlixu HI. , New
Isunsurpassodln thotrotiuont of all casei nf
PRIVATE DISEASES , and all distil li-n
anil dohllltlcs of youth and manhood. 17vpiiV ;
cxpi'rlcneo. Ills rusoureos and fucillllos inn
jiraetlc illy iinllmllod. Tlio Doctor Is rei-nin-
mcndcd by the press , nnd endorsed In llm
6troiijust terms by tlio poop o for fair treat
ment and lionusl protua lonal advlrii. Tlio
most poworfnl rotiiuillos known to inoliirn
Bcloticu for the succosiful troatmunt nt iho
followlnxdUuascs :
GONORUHOUA Immcdlato rollt-f. A coin-
p'.oto euro without thu loss of an hour's lliau
from business ,
GLEET Ono of the most eomploto and sue-
ccbBiil troutrnuiits for clcut and all annoying
dlsuliar os yet known to the modlcal ( trofi-s
filon. TlioiofliiltH are truly wonderful. Tim
most stubborn andehionlu cased \\huiu tlu
dlHchaiMO had oxhtod for yours , ontlroly con
trolled Ina loimirUnbly short tlmo.
STRICTUKE-dioatost known remedy fur
the treatment of atrltitiiro , without p'lln , ' "il
ting , or diluting. A limit ronmrkiililu irnu'd- ,
SYPHILIS No troatmunt for this \.un'tfW \
blood tllsaabo liun over been moro r.ui'cohsfiil ,
or Mud stronger cnildrsoniunlH. In thu IlKhO
of modem su'.onco this dlnunsu IN positively
etiniblo and every Ir.icoof the poison t'lillruly
leimmij from thu blood , The euro Is coiiiplrtu
and iiormanent.
LOST MANHOOD , and nmbiilon , norvoi ! * *
IIUSF , timidity , dospon Iwnoy and all hll'4htli ' | {
oll'cctsDfoar'y vice , Uulluf obtained at miro.
The \vouk urowatroiiK , anJ thu ( luspondi'nt Ou *
comochuorfnl airl hapi y ,
SKIN DISEASES , nul all dlhoasos nf llm
blood , llvor , kldnuys andb ladilur are liunlnd
successfully with thugroatost known rumcdlfi
for llioso illso.isiis.
\Vrlli ) for eiri'iilarsand ( iiiosltim list frrn
MvUrow'H treatment for dliniilurt of thu .
stomach , haNtho iniqirilllli.'il LMidorxomenl of /
llioso who have boon cuiud. Oaht-s that hait/r
biiirorod fityoaid and iinablu to WoiiKor DAT
without InerouHln thulr mlbury , ontiri'ly
curud. The romoillus aio plim ut and pal *
atablo to the most dclleiitoKlutimch. lltli
and Kaiiiam Hta. , Omalia , hob. llntr.kni'u uu
oltlior stiout
Wo eeml tlio mnrvr-lnin Kri'nrh
Homcay CALTMOG froc. iiinl u
IcL'ul KUurantouthutUALTiioH will
STOI DUdiarco A Kml.iloni , * J
iarorrhvM , Vurlrix-l-rc !
Use it ami far ( ftallsjirit ,
Aaarm.vON MOHU CO. ,
Kola larrltti 4 ( U , ( lirtuxll , Illilo.
" lif a new pcrfodeil
ecIcntlOo tUt ,
cminut ( all nnlcsu tint
cast ) I ; boyoiia hiiiimu
Hlil. You feel Improved
tliollmilnr.Iei'l lend-
Illuvoryituyi Hoonknuw
yourself u klnn amuiii ?
[ nun In body , mind aim
he/Hi. Driilnsaiidloitca
onilotl. Kvcry obmaclu
toluippyniumed lifare *
innyoil. Norvu Toico ,
wlll , ! nerKy , bialnponer ,
when falllnu or luit urn
restored by tills tmit-
inont , Allmnnllundvfeiiif
iNirtlonaof tUuliotly uii-
Vlctlmi ot abuses nint
cxcomi'i , rvclulm rour
inunltuoil I t uircrcru ( rum
( ullr.ovcrwork.lll hvullb.
H'iiuln your TlKnr ! Don't
dcBimlr.oven U In the ln i
Hajrcj. lloa't bo d Ikbcai t
cnodUquackt buvi' rob-
brd you.
b .ln..i , .till o
T.V . rlo for our HooU wllli trplnnntlon . proof * ,
malloa.enlciirrce. Ovur W.O.IO rcfcrcucei.