THE OMAHA. DAIL\ BEE : TUESDAY , MAftOH 1 , 1802TWELVE PAGES. | 4t8PEGlRL NDT1GE8. ' ' /"A MvnnriSEMKNTS FOH T'IIKSR COLUMNS ' ' . { Vttlll l > n taken until 11:30 : p.m. , rot the evening nnd until 8:80 : p. m. , for the morning or Sundar edi tion , . All nrtTcrtl.'cmfnts In tlicto column * IS cenlti it Xna flrnt insertion , nnd 10 cents n line thereafter , or II per line nor montu. No advertisement token for Jem than 24 cents for the urn Inrcrtlon. Trm , caim In lulvnneo. Count nliout 7 words to tliollne. Ini tials , flBiiron , rymboli , etc , , each count M n word. All ndvcrtlMmicntn mint run consecutively. Advor- tlftrr * . by requesting n numbered check , can Imvo their Jotter * addrcmefl to numbered letter IB euro of TllK HUE. Answers fo nddrenscd will bo deliv ered , on presentation of the check. IJIIANCH OFFIOKS-ADVKItTiaiNO FOIITMK8H JJeolumns will bo taken on llio nbovo condltloni Hi the following business hoimes , who lira author- lied to tnko special notices at the sumo tntos as can le had M the main ollleo : South Omaha llranch omcc-Xo. J623 N street I.l trr Mock. .lolin W. Hell , pharmncUt. llth and Mason street * , R. II , Farnsworth , phurmnclst , 5I1.S Cumtng street. \V .T , Ilinthen , iihannocl lliJI N , Ifith street. C K. Batlcrflcld , pharmacist , 1713 Leavonwortli I root , V pharmacr , 84th and Fnrnnm. SITUATIONS WANTED. IATKS IBc n line tlrnt tlmo nnd lOcnllno Ihcro- after. No advertisement Inken for loss than SAc. A SITUATION WANTKII IIY A 1 CI.OTHINt } iimnt Kood references. Address 110x581 , Hast ings , Nob. 7101 * AVANTE1I , SITUATION IN HANK AS HOOK- keeper or assistant c hler ; had aomo oxpcrl- nnec , best of reference. K. Ji. Ar nbrlglit. Shubcrt , Kcli , 7701 L-WANTED , HiTUATiox HY A MALE TYIMS- writer to do copying nt homo. Address 12)1 ) , Ileo MUll 3 * VOUNO LA11Y DESIHES A POSITION FOU ollleo work of any kind : understands shorthand , typcwiltltmnnd bookkeeping : can furnish best of rsJercncns. Address I137 , Hco. MOIO 3 * A I.IKR A I-03IT10N AS 8TEN- ographer or bookkeeper. Have had thrco year's 01 perUnco. First class references. Address r.M. . Hco. M1I35-3' ' A-WANTED , SITUATION , 11Y YOONO MAN 21 , American , coachmaiii been brought up on a Inrnis by experience , horsoiunni.iuako otter. A. 11. lUoNnll. Mnrno , la. JWI71 * WANTED MALE HELP. HATES ISo n line first tlmo nnd lOo n line there- lifter. No udvcrtliomcnt taken for loss tlmn25o. B - WATJTEDTsALEHMKN ON SA AHY OlTcOll mlnnlon to handle the now patent chemical Ink cirimliift pencil. The urcntcst i-ellliiK noveltyover u > ini1urcli erases Ink thnroiigly In two seconds ; no akvislon of pnier | ; 200 to MX ) per cent prollt ; ono TM nt's sales nmounted to (1120 In six days , another twin two houra. We want ono general agent In caih Blnto and territory. For terms and full par ticulars nddrcss Monroe Ki-nser Mf . Co. , LnCrosio , \V1 % , X ! W. ' 721 B - WANTED , FIRST-CLASS MACHINIST. Davis & Cousin. 75 TJ-lflUTUAlT AKTISTS WANTHI ) TO O1VK J'nurolectrla light prlnmn trial. Excelsior Par tiult Co. , Ware block , Omaha. M3H4 M13 * 15 WANTKI ) , MACHINISTS TO KKKP AWAY > from Indianapolis , Ind , , as thcro Is a ntrlko tlit-rc. J. J. Lamb , O. B. Hoard. M58261 Tj\VANTEDAN ENEHGETIC MAN IN ANEW J > lno ( of soliciting. Cull or address N. Y. Llfo Hide , loom ail. MCOO I B-WANTED. TWO GOOD I1LACKSMITUS MUST ln'o guod reliable men and workmen , cnpabla of duliiK id I kinds general Job work nnd understand plow work well. Emll Snlgus , O'Neill , Neb. U7 < 29' T > - IIAHNESSMAKEHS WANTED AT FALLS JJCIty , Neb. ( Two who can run a 4 'Tlorsort mn chluo , " ) oy Henry Case. 7XM ( B-WANTED AT ONCH , 25 H AHNESSMAKEH8 on light nud heavy harness. To seed men will Blve HtcnJy employment the year around. The Konnnlz Hndillery Co. , St. Paul , Minn. C09-1 B-WANTED , PAPEH HANGE't TO DO WOHIC nnil tnko part pay In rent. One year's rent guar nntued. . K. Hutts , 311 1'axton block. 775-4 -OANYAbHEHS WANTED TO SOLICIT OH- ders for our portraits. Excelsior Portrait Co. , - * uro : block , Omaha. M33I M13 < t > tr -12 GOOD CANVASSKIIS WANTKD. V0.1 N. Y , Life. J. II. Jerome. S173I5 * - . AN ACT1VK PAHTV WHO CAN B-WANTICD. } , nn Incorporated company dolnxa wholosalu nnd maiinfacturliiK business , to take an olllno position nnd uccomo Actively en KUKCd. Don't nnswt-r unlcsi con give the best of references as to iiblllly Integrity , etc. Address ! SO , ll-'u. ' M8C3 1 1GKNTLEMAN WANTED IMMEDIATELY FOI JJa permanent position ; must have hud expei lencb or ailaiitnblllty as snlcsmnn ; $15.00 weekly salary. Apply W. T. Marshall , 12 Crelguton block , Tuesday niter IU- 7SU ! \H * n WAjiTKI ) . 60 MKN. U. 11. WOHK ; INDIAN I H JJTorrUoryi'f roe faro ; ahlp Wednesday. White' ! Lnliur Agency , 11 ? N. lUlli Bt. ' S'-'O 2U- - AND WIFE WITH NOT MOHE TIIA B-MAN .wo children to work on farm ; good chance , Address P2S , Heo. BUO'J T B-WANTED , MASONIC SALESMEN. CAPAUL1 .IHMI make ? 25 In n Klnglmlay. Address D. N. Me Cllntock. manager , V01 Urondway , Kunaaj City , Mo B - , SOME ONK TO TAKK Till ! -Daucncy tor n hoiiBchold nrtlclo , ontlroly now. Unit ii'lullb for l.'jc ; pnys 100 per cent prollt nnd will l > o ltlvi > ly poll to ovcry fumlly. Knelono xtnmp. Iluburt a. Went , Clove-land , O. MJIJ3-1' T > -MKN TO TAKn OIinKItS : NO DKUVKItlNO JJor collecting ! nooxporlonce : stondy work ; best term * ; best npoclultlca : enrnplOB free. Glim llros , r. N. V. M03I-12 * , AENT8 ! WANTED TO BEI.fc 1'ATKNT AH- Icloat rcndy anlo In olllccn , schools and houses. Sun.I Hlnuipcd cnvclupu for circular to John N. ,1 ku , Denver , Colo. S1U312 - ) - MAKKlt. STEADY work to rlKht mall , Address Tlioo. J. Stcen. Dnnnohrog , Nebr. Jt'j-2 : ; ( WANTED-FEMALE HELP. HATKS 15c a line tlrol tlmo and Ida a line there after. No ndvortliemont taken for loss tlmn 25o C * l mKsiV6 \voiiii"ATYouu'iioMKSj L'aay and Interesting ; day or ovonlng ; noczoor- lenco , no cnnvai'MnK ; k'Ooil pay. Address with Mamp , Boston Aquarelle Art Co. , 48 Winter street , llonton , Mass. M&S6 515' I-WANTKD , GOOD COOIC AND tiAUNUUESS , C lliU ; M.28tlnt. 758 - . . . A OIHL FOIIOKNKHAL IIOU81- C-.WANTKD. work ut iiai llarney Btrcot. Mrs. D. 11 , Wheeler. sma " 1 WANTKD , A GOOD FIIIST INQUIIIK ilt 510 8. SHU St. - * ( lllll. KOIl OKNKllAlj UOUBKWOHK , COOOD of two , 1121 ! South 32d utrcot. 783 t * - ' UKNKHAlj IIOUSII- C-COMl'KTKNTOlllIiFOU work. 2113 Capitol vo. M810-1 * C-WANT1CD , QI11L FOH HOUSlt WO11K. 817 S. mill t. 'Jil 2 -WANTKD , YOU.NU IGIUL FOU GKNKUAL C ; housework , 1 If lit work. Apply ut Ibl3 North 27th tCT 2 l T-OOOD ( llllli FOH GKNKUAL UOUSKWO1IK ; ' 'nowaslilng. ' 617 H.IIbth iit. MV38 3 WANTKD , 1MMKDIATKLV. ONK C ri'i't'lvo liiBtructlon , keep books. Wages , KO.OO. f. 11. filiillli , TO N. V. Life. _ M049- 3On HENT--HOUSES. _ nATI15c R line llrst tlmo und lOe a line thoro- uttor. No' advortlf ement taken for lots than We , . /ldeiicu tints lu city. Mend Inv't Co. , Hi Iloo bhhr TU UKNT , I1OU8H 10 11OOV.8 , ALL MOD- atn linpnivemunts , | .W per month ; Slid nnU Far- num. Dexter 1 * Thomas 721 TV-n-HOOM HOUSB. S7TII AND DAVKNPOHT , J-/all conveniences , lu.oo per mouth , I1 * , K , Dar- * lliitf. IJefkcr block. _ 720 k-'J-UOOMIlOUSB. MODHIIN IMPHOVICMKNTS , - ' N , 2Sth ave. It. Knllsh , tailor , 211 N , ICth. 727 V HOUSES , COTTAGES. ' HOOMS , ( ill N. 17lh sU 476-uili' 'TJFOU HKNT. BKVKN-HOOM CO1TAGK , CITY , lxwatcr , BII and cistern , 2401 Dodge st , , 33 per month. M. J , KoiniurU , ftW New York IUu building' 640 -FOIl HKNT , C01TAGK , 0 fKJiJAtS , HATH. HOT iiul raid water , Inrga store NJOUI , Stationary ange , curtains , good cellar , KiO.OO pb < month , IWI iai'riiiun uvviiuo , Call at room 27 , Murvliauts hotel , A'MH ' . TWO VHHY DKSIUAHLK FOUH IIOOM . /mndern Hats , uteaiu lii'ut. Ono six room , DUO UTO tuuiiicottiiBO. 'lei , 1,793. $10 bouth r.'d street. M6b9 _ kFOH HK.NT , KTKAM HKATKD FLATB IN 'thtil'.K. Her block , corner Itith and Jackson klrrets. They Imvo all rouvonluiiocs and uro In hood repair , Call at Her & Co's. , 1112 Haruoy Jtiuut. . M7I4 _ _ . -FOH HUNT , FHAMI8 110USK , NO. 609 8 l"OTH /Ktri'ot , In coed repair , lient f ll.W tier month. full jit Her & fo's , , 1IU llarnoy elrcot. M7I6 JfKOU HKNT , 4-HOOM FLAT , FUONT 10T11 AND J/lllckiiry. _ _ _ 7i\.3 ) 'n-0 IIOOM FLAT , 2105 I.KAVKNWOllTH ST. 7r\-TOIl HKNT , GOOD SIX IIOOM HOUSE , NKAH tUliuilQess renter , f20. The O , F , Davis Co. . 1505 yarnam U 780 29 _ _ TI1IOItUUM , ALL MODKIIN UOUSK , 630 S.13T1I Jyelrrot. - 8-room house , HIT Howard st. 11 room houso. KW H , 18th t. V room house , 60(1 ( Pierce kt. V room liouso. 821 S.-19th st. A largo Hit of other nouses. ' 11. H , Olark * Co.i 18 llnrney tt , 763 i _ \ - 7 ItOOM COTTAOK , 27TII , KAST FHONT. 1 /intlu from P. O.all mod , Imp. , f.5. 7-roiuu cottage , 3211 Suward , new , pretty , III , 6-rooui house , 25th near St , Mary's avo.13. fidelity Trust Co. , K , entrance N , Y , Llfo. | 731 MW _ _ _ < I-HOOM COTTAUK , HOT AND COLD WATKH , t > sthtcloiot. furuaco , beautiful lawn and shade. , K , cor , > 2ua and Miami. V2i 3 * nENT FURNISHED HOOMB. HATliS-lto n Una tint tlmo ftnd lee k line Micro- titter. No mlTortliamenl tnkan ( or Ipsi tlinn 2ofl. " - ttcaion onlri all modern Improvement * , 14U9 Douglnmt. KOM7' _ E-KOIl 11KNT , MCKLY FUI1N1S1IK1) , 8KCOXI ) atorr buck room , nnltnblfl for ttoglo gontlcmnn , wltliout board , la ! a , Mtli atrcet. 2Ji _ " 1KOIl UKNT , ON"l5 I.AlUli : KIIONT Oil TWO Jbnek furnlMicil \infnrnlshoil rooms , In the best location In Umnlin. Aildrc I' Iff , llco. SCO ? -1 > ESIIIA1)U ! KUIIN1SIIED HOOM9 , S4Z7 ttroot. llofcrcncca. M8SO-fi' -TII N.ZaTU. NICK KltONT 1100M WITH At- cove , moilorn convcnlcncoi. Vll I * KOOM8 AND BOARD. ] tATK8"lfio n line llmt Imo anil lOcn nnothcro- Kftor. No nilvi-rtlncmcnt tnkcn for loji tlinn 25c ] 1-KIiKOANTI.Y FUKNIBUHI ) HOOM3 , 8INOI.H X oren mlto : nil modern conveniences ) flrat-elass bonrd. 818 South ! 6th etri'Bt. - -NICKr.Y FUHN1BIIK1) IIOOM WITH nOAlll ) 1- for mnn nnd wlfo or two Indlca , prlrnto fnmllyl K week each ; modern conveniences , ill N , 23n1 nt , 6.15 * 17-KOItNlSHHH 1IOOMS AND HOAItU. 13U X1 Capitol nvcniic. < < & * 1FllONT IIOOM WITH ALCOV1C , ALSO IIOOM JL1 unfurnished If desired. 212 So. 25th st. fi7l 17-FOIl HUNT , NICELY KUllNlSHKK IIOOM8 -L wltli board , btcnm lient. 1731 Davenport jt. P.UOOM9 ANU UOAltl ) , 113 B. 25TH. St , 421-mtS * FUKN'ISHKI ) HOOMB WI'l'II IIOAUD , JUSKKIl- F cnco , S3U Knrnnm at. T78 It [ Ji-KUHNISHKU UOOMS WITH 110A111) . 1711 L1 ChlcnRO at. M874 3 [ ? KOH UKNT , WITH 11OAIIU , A FOIINISHKI ) L front room aultnblo for two. 201'J California nt. BOAHDINO. lATKS---15cn line llrst tlmo nnd lOo n line tlicro' after. No advertisement taken for less than 25o. i . libourd , nicer joomi , convonloncos. rates and 10' atlon It cannot bo excelled. Mrs. Horn , proprietor 'XI M 10 * FOB RENT-STORES AND OFFICES. tATKS-ISc a line tlrst tlmo and lOo n line there after. No advertisement taken for less than " 5o. P HIS 1-KOll HUNT , Till ! 4-STOHY 1IH1CK HUlLDINd , Jill ! ) Fnrnam street The bullitliiff has n tire proof cement hasemout , complete atenm hcntlnt ! tlxturos , wntcr on nil the lloora , uas , cto. Apply at tlio ollleo of the Hue. P19 [ -FOH HUNT , STOUK , 1021 HOWAHI ) . L 704 r-FOll HHNT.TIIK 1AHOEST NNDDKST STOHi : -LbulldlliH Hi the llourlslil'iR town of St. ISdwnrd , Iloono county , Neb. Grand opening for n cencrnl mcrchauillso ntore ; rent low. Addreai A. U.Whlto , real ontnto nKcncjr , St. Kilwurd , Neb. 753 i ) T-FOH HUNT , OFFICES , VKUY DF.S1HA111.K , -LslnKleoren suite , In Douglas block , linqnlro J. II. 1'nrrotto , room T2. M787 5 FOR RENT-MISCELLANEOUS. KATKS 15c a line llrst tlmo nnd lOo n line there after. No ndvertlscmont taken for less than 25a I-QAKDKN FARMS TO KENT. T. MUIIKAY. F UlllCK YAHDS FOK HUNT. T. MUUHAY..MG52 .MG52 J FOU HKNT , KXTENSIVK I'llKJIlSUS , it FT , xlW ft. , corner of Howard and South 13lh street conipllsltiK 3 stores and binoment. Applly Windsor ser , Kemp & Co. , S03 N. Y. Llfo bldit. M'fli 1 WANTED TO RENT. HATES 15e n line first tlmo and lOa a line thereat , tcr. No advertisement taken for less thnn 25c. K WANTED. GENTl.KMAN ANII WIFE WANT room ( could partly furnish ) nnd board In small family. Htato terms , conveniences and price. Ad dress I'23 , llee. JI1U3 ! RENTAL AGENCIES. UATBS-lSa line llret tlmo nnd lOe n line there after. No advertisement taken for loss than Uo. L HUNTAL , AGENCY ! HANK HEFEHENCltS K. C. Oarvln A Co. , 2U3 Sheoly block. 72 ! ) L TO INSUUK QUICK HENT1NU , LIST WITH the Kxcluslvo Itcntal Agency. Purrotte , DouKl'is block. M8 3 STORAGE. HATES-ICc a line Urst tlmo and lUoa'ltrio thereaf ter. No advertisement takenJor.lcss than 2Jc. M OLDEST. CUICAI'KST AND UKST8TOHAGE house In the city. Williams & Cross , 1214 liarncy. 730 WANTED-TO BUY. HATES ISe a line first time and lOa a line there after. No advertisement taken for less than 25c. T FUHN1TU11K I10UGUT , SOLD , HTOrtKD Wclls , till Farnam Bt 791 TV" SECOND-HAND FURNlTUHEBOUaHT.SOLD - ! - > and exchanged ; highest prices paid for second hand goods. Uoston Furniture Co. , 603 N. Kith st. U50 M2I- N- WANTED , PAIR OF SCALES. 1,000 TO 1.500 pounds capacity. Address O 63. llco. 725 N WANTI1D , TO HUY A LUM11EK YARD OR bank , or uood opening to start ono. Address lock box 103 , Ponca , Nob. 721-1' \T-WANTED-A GOOD PHAETON. WILLOIVE 1 good business wagon and some cash lu exchange. Address P 17 , llee. M 85'0-6 N WANTED , THIS WEEK , LOT ON 20TH BEtween - tweon Castellar and Vlnton. Submit proposi tions. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1014 Farnam. IKU a VT WANTED TO BUY. A GOOD FAMILY HORSE -Ll and buggy. Party must tnko nn organ as part pay. Address P. O. Box No. 310. M9 < 2 2' FOR SALE-HORSES , WAGONS , ETO. HATES 15o a line tlrst tlmo nnd lOo a line thereaf ter. No advertisement taken for lessthan , 25c. ) - , GENTLE , BTVLISH , SPEEDY nnd well bred , forsaluor trade for wild prairie laud In Ion a or Nebraska. Address M 00 , 'j01. ' . , , . ) - SALE , GOOD WOHK IIORS15 , * 25,00 Furay's barn , 25th and Cummlng st. E. 8. Jester. FOR 3ALE-MISOELLANEOTTS. HATES 15o a line first'ttma nnd lOa a line tlicro nfter. No advortlsauiont taken for losi than 2jc , J , BTANDAHD.MAKU , vituscd only a few montun , at u aacrlllco. 'IW. Caldwell - well st. ; 483 -ONK NKW UPH1GIIT PIANO. 817 S 1BTII ST. Q - SALK , TWO 111LLIAHI ) AND TWO POOl , Q-FOIl tables , with cuea , bnlln. racks ) good order ; (75 each. Dull ( iroen , llarker block. M840 Q -KODAK , NO. 1 , GOOD AS NJ5W. AT HALF' ' price for cash. Address P 28 , Ilee. MKIT-8' _ MISCELLANEOUS. HAMILTON 11UO3. , CAllPKNTKllS AND builders. All kinds Jobbing. 411 Bo.ieth , Tel. IK'J 1U8M7' | > -CLAIMHFOUBALAUIKSSK11VICI8WAG1SS , JVeto. , against corporations or Individuals , bought and advanced on.Y. . It. DavisIt 20 Continental blk 809-M12 1J CANADIAN KMPLOYMKNT OFFICK. 3UM S. JV Utli , ninlu nnd fuuiula. hulpi orders by mall promptly attended to Itofurcnco : Omahu Natlona bank. Tel. Ml. 7U2-.M-25 _ OLAIBVOYANT3. HATKH 16o B line llrst tlmo and lOo a line there alter. No advertluement token for Ions than 25o ruvelatloiu. ChulloiiKes the world. Mrs. . Dr. M. I < cgravo , dead franco clairvoyant , astrologUt , palmist und life reader ; tella your Ufa from the cradle to gruvo ; unites the separated ; causes mar- rlago with the ono you love ; tella vrliuro you will succeed and In what busluess best adapted for ; has the cclebratud Hnyptlan breastplalo for luck und to destroy bad Influences ; cures Ills , Intemperance sud nil private complaints with massaitu , baths and alcohol treatment. Send 12 , lock of hair , namu nnd date of birth and receive accurate llfo ohurt ; 2 cents In tumps for circular ; Klvo Initials of one you will marry ; also photos of same. Ollleo 1007 bouth llth streettlrst Door ; hour > ,9a. in to V p. m. Co inn one , como all , aud ba convinced of tliU wonderful oracle. il'/'i Ml * S-MHS. NANNIi : V. WAIIHUN , CLA1HVOYANT , rcllablo business uiudluui , tilth 1IU N , 10th. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ; _ 7BJ _ S-MADAM1S FIHTX , 2320 CUM1NU 8THKKT , clairvoyant and. franco medium ) Independent voices ; tells pa t and future. V.JIM24 * S-MINDHKADKH AND' 11U8INICS3 MKDIU.M acknowledged by press and public to bo the best forecaster In the | rorld. has u uullo of parlors nt thu Pullmun house. This medium has n trans mitter or thought , with It your llfo Is Ilku an open book. It enables the forecaster toseotho end ut the beginning. Also has the wonderful luajtle mir ror. In It you can 100 your futuru hubliaud , wife , enemies ur friends. ( If * free. ) Prlvuto parlors 6 to 9. M950-3' _ _ STHAYKD-UAY MA UK. STAH IN FOllKHKAD- , weighs 1KX ) ; had ou halter and blanket ; also sorrel rel colt with white face. Hoturn to U. II. Hurt , 311 North ICth , or 1404 North. 19th at. MOM ! d.NYDEll'S LOAN OFFICK , 1510 DODGK KT. , MASS APE , 11ATKS-150 B line llrst tlmo and 10o n Una t hero- after. No ndvortlsement laken for U > than 25c. J nml baths , scalp aud hair treatment , manicure and chiropodist , Mra. Post , 310HS , 1Mb. , Wltliucll blk 73J rP-MADAMH SMITH. 1U1 DOUGLAS HTllKKT , , L room 7,3d floor. Alcohol , sulphur and batbi. MASSAGE , PATHS , ETO. Cnntmued. rP-M : A8SIAtl K , 610 S. 13T11 8TIIKKT , 20 FI.OOIl. JL BIII.MW * m-MADAMF IM HUH. MASSAClH. llfi SOUTH JL 15th street , 3rd floor , Hut I. assistant. M74i-t * W-MI98 STOWK , MASSF.U8F. KLKCTIUOIANi isn It n in go block. MOT ) 7 * PERSONAL. HATKS I5o K Una tlrst tlmo and 103 a llnoltioro afler. No advertisement taken for lest thanil5o TT-1F THITTWO'ADM ! 8 wi10 STOPPED U their buggy In front of a 8. JOth atroet Satur day forenoon and picked up a pug dog do not re turn samantonco their names will bo published and nrrcBH follow. Wm. Anderson , clerk at Mur ray. MP44'l MTTSIO , ART AND LANOUAOE. RATK3 I5o a line firm tlmo and lOa n Una there after. No odvcrtli'oinont taken forlosai tliimgc. Xr-Hl'.I' " " ! ' " I1UYINO A PIANO MXAMI-N13 THK > new scale Klmbnll piano , A , Uospe,15ia Douglas , 734 \T n. V. ( IHI.LKNUKCK , BANJO TKACHKIl , wllh Uospc.or M3 N. 18th street. 1)43 ) V-M1C PMIl LK9SON FOH PAINTINtl-lN O1L- > to iK-glnnors onlr. Address P21 Deo. P2B 1 * -\T FOH SALE , CI1KAP fOll CASH , A KINK ' upright plnno , nearly new nnd atandard uinnii' 'acturc. Address O U , llco ollleo. 484 V-1.OOK AT HAHOAIN IN I'lANOS ANII OH- Rans taken In oxchnnKO for Yoso .V Son pianos : llallott A Cumston , Rrnnd JIOJ 00 Knnbo , square l.'fl.X ( ) Marshall .V Wondall , square 7r.00 Iloraco Waters , squnro i 113.00 Story .V Camp , squoro , , , 12500 Hillings , square , Hourly new IIVYX ( ) llallott Ac Dnvls , square. ! 140.00 I'clonhot oruati 3.YOO Now Knitland orunn 55.00 Will ho sold on easy payments or rented nnd rent allowed on purchase price. Max Meyer .V Uro. Co. , ICth and Fnrnam sts. 78529 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. HATE3 15o llnoflrst tlmo nnd lOo n line thcro nftcr. No ndvortlsomen itaken for loss than 25a W LOANS , U. Q. WALLACE , 312 I1HOWN BI.K. 711 \\r-ANTHONYLOANANDTHU8TCO. . 313 N. Y. ' Life , lend nt low rates lor eholco security on Nebraska or Iowa farmsor Omaha city property. 739 \r-APPLY TO J. I , I.OYKTT FOll CHKA1' > money ; only llrst class security , ' OS. 13th. ir-MO.NKY TO LOAN ON IMPHOVF.D CITY ' property , low rates. A. C. Frost , Douglas bl'k. TIT" MONEY TO LOAN ON LONG Oil SHOUT time In sums off-WJ to $10,000. Mutual Investment Company. S77 \\r-CHAH. W. HAINEY , 315 OMAHA NAT. HK. ' bldg. City mortgages. Lowest rates. Money on hand. MS17 T CKNTUAL LOAN & THU8TCO , 1JEH IlLD'O. 730 \\r-LOANSON 1SIPIIOVED AND UNIMPHOYED ' city property , $3,000 and upwnrds.O to S per cent , No delays. W. Farnam Smith & Co. , 1Mb. It Uarney. 741 \\r-HBAL ESTATE LOANS , 0 TO 7 PEIl CENT ; ' ' no additional charges for commission or attor ney's fees. W. U , Melklo , First National bank bid ? . 742 W COATE3,1014 FAHNAM KASTKKN MONEY. 733 "ITT LOANS , W.M.1IAHH1S , H. 20.FUENZEK 11UK , \\r-LOANS. CITY PHOPEHTY. E. NEH. AND W. IT Iowa farms. K. F. Hlngor , 1511) ) Farnam.042M 042-M 4 W LOANS ON HEAL ESTATE AND COLLAT- tcral notes and mortgages bought. Heed k Solby , 334 Hoard of Trade. 743 \r-UHL , U1JALKSTATELOANS,342 BKK HLD'G ' 420 r U PKH CENT F1HST MOHTGAGK LOANS , Hlchard C. Patterson , 1511 Farnam st. 745 \V-W1LL LOAN MONEY ON ANY KIND OF ' security ; strictly conlldcntlal. A. E. Harris , room 1 , Continental block. M88I W SCHOOL 11ONUS WANTED. H. C. PETEHS. West Point , Neb. C44 0 r-MONBY TO LOAN ON IMPHOVEU OMAHA ii iiroporty ; bnlldlnK loans a specialty. & Co. , Kurbacb block. 11703 M24 Wl MONEY AT LOWEST HATKS , F. F. WIL Hams , First National Bank building. M73S W -fSOO.W ) TO LOAN ON UNIMPHOYED CITY ; property. Call at 317 N. Y. Llfo bulletin * . , 750 'ITT' OMAHA SAVINGS 11ANK MAKES LOANS 'Ton real estate at lowest market rates. Loans made In small or largo sum and for short or long tlmo No commission U charged , and the loans are not fold In tlio cast , but can always bo found nt the bank on the corner of 13th and Douglas streets 781 ! Tir LOAN ON ISIPHOVED OH VACANT PHOl'- ' crty ; any amount. A. K. Hlley , room 40 , Uar kcr block. MS02 1 * W PHIYATE MONEY. FIHST AND SECOND mortgage loans , low rates. Alex. Moore. 401 Heo bulldlni ; M7SS MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. RATES 15o a line first time and lOo n line there after. No advertisement taken for less than 25c. If so do not fall to get our rates bcforo bor rowing. Wo make loans , without removal or publicity , on furniture , pianos , , wagons , etc. , ut the low est possible rate. Thcro Is no unnecessary delay , but you get the money on the Rnmo day you ask for It. Wo will carry the loan as long as you desire , giving you the privilege of paying It In full or In part at any tlmo to suit your convenience , and any part paid reduces the cost of carrying the loan In proportion to the amount paid. Our ottlccs uro centrally located and are BO ar ranged that parties calling on us can bo waited ou quickly and courteously. It will bo to your advantage to soous before securing < curing a loan. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co. . Itoom 11 , Orolghton Block , 15th St. , south of Pontolllco. M13UMG X MONEY TO LOAN HY H. K. MASTERS ON household goods , pianos , organs , horses , mule : wagons , etc. , at the lowest possible rates wlthoul publicity , removal of property or change of pos session , Time arranged to suit the borrower. Payments of any amount can bo made at any tlmo , reducing both principal nnd Interest , thus giving patrons all the benollts of the partial puy incnt plan. Call nnd sco mo when you want a loan , or If moro convenient , call telephone 1021 and your business cnn bo transacted nt home. Money always on Imnd ; no delay ; no publicity ; lowest rates ; business confidential , II. F. Masters. It. 1 Wlthnell blk , 15th and Hartley. X I-llOK'T PltlTClIAUD , It. 3 , W1THNKLL 11L1C 7(3 V MONKVONFUUNITUIIK , 11OIISH3 , PIANOS , Ji. Keystone Mtgo. Co. , room 3)1. Sheoly block , M480 -WIIKN VOU WANT A CHATTKL LOAN 8KU LW , It. Davis , room 20. Continental block. B'Jl X CHATTKI , 1XANS , IIKNKDI'JT & WHAY. Oil Paxton block. We loan our own money , chnmo no commission ; It will pay you to consult us. M 609-M2 X MONKV LOANED ON FUIIN1TUIU ! , 11OUSK3 , wuKOna , pianos , cto. Fred Terry , r U3 , llainee. X MONKV TO LOAN.SO. CO. ' . DAYS ON FU11NI tiiro , live stock , etc. Dim Ureon , removud to lloom 8 nnd U. Ilnrkor blk 183 BUSINESS GUANOES. IIATICS l&o u line first tlmo and lOo a lln there uftor. No Hclvcrtluuincnt taken for loss than 25o Y FOU SALK , IIOTKL , FUIINIHIIKD , 17' UOOMS , dolDKn good busluess ; terms easy ; location best. Address llox WJ , Chadron Nob. M281 M8r Y FOU 8ALK-SALOO3 , DOING A GOOD 11USI ness ; good reason given ror solllnu. Address Lockbox 813 , West Point , Nob. MiSO Y-FOIl 8AL1S , A FIIIST CLASS Ol'KNING FOU a uian with a small capital 13 Invent In n stock of general merchandise ; well established business ; good profits. Address but 713 , Oniubu , Neb , 417 ra 18 V-WUV TUB COMMKItCIAL , TUB LKADING i hotel of llrokcu llow , Neb , No land In trade. 831 V CASH PAID FOU UNDOWMKNT POUC1HL. J 111 old line companies. Bend description A. K llrooklesby , boxM , llnrtfoid , Conn. 015 13 Y-FOU HUNT , AIIOUT MAUCH 1. TUB HOW urd holel , corner Howard and lUth utrcets ; con tains aliout 40 rooms , which are furnished coin pleto. A Kooil opportunity to the rlclit party For tiartlculnrs call nt Her & Co's. , nu llnrnuy Btrcot. MTU Y-PAHTN15U WANTKD IN TUB MANUFAC turo of brick , btiilnoss already established capacity of plant 40.000 per d y , banks of clay , i ; acres clay In all , bulldlnir nnd pavlue , V5-horso power boiler , W-lioiso power onnliio , Ohio brlcl muchlno and spreads , nnd all other tools ncccssar ; for u tlrst-class yard ; oitabllshed & years and havi the trade of central Nebraska ; will sell half or all For further particulars luuulro of P. . A , titownrt llastUiys , Adums Co. , Neb. 720 u Y-FOIl SALE. CIIKAP FOU CASH , 1IAKKIU iouttlt complotc , In Itvo tuwn , doing L-ood Lubl noun. Address P16 , Heo , ' 117U02' Y-ONK-HALF OU ALL OF H AHIMVA11K STOCK Hood trade , uood location , cheap rent , and ooi reasons forselllnv. Address Lock UQX Wl , Lincoln Keli. , Wi O , street. Mm 8 y-VOH SALK , A CLKAN STOCK OF GKN Xeral merchaudlse , Invoice f 10,000 to EI2.000 a desired. Oldest business Ilrm luclty , Well ostab r.'ihod and paying trade. Uood reason for retiring A splendid cbuncufor anyone detlrlnv loonvaga In uiercantllu business. Address Ford & IVck btrouJSburK.Neb. J13J1 Q -WUIIAVHTHEUKSTOPKNINU FOU A NO t doctor to Nebraska , Address P10 , euro tbo Iloo MSW 1 * n. FOR EXCHANGE. tATES Uoa line Brut tlmo utdnlOo n line thoro- nftor. No advertisement taken Tor lc s than ! 5o. f v uYi siuAnuroMXuA' oi'kiiTYTo" ! ; fJljOS AnKOlcs property or frnlt'Mnch In So. Cull- ornla. Dntlil Jnmlpton , llpojbiilllllng. 7HJ 7-CMUN STOCK OKtlli.NKUAlrM n'Sii Vf\lJ \ , A/tnko real estate & money. Dot ZM , Frankforl.lnd , ' < " ' . 549 V-lFYOUIIAVKAOOODl/VllMlIT PIANO TO Altmdo for lot W , block 1 , Arnl/tir ( Place , South Omahn ; clear of all tnctimbrAri&t ! Address N 13 , llpg omce. MSM T/-FOU TllADH , ONK Oil TWO ACIIF.S Cl.KAU f-Hn Newport for homo nndJof. llronnan A Co. , Ifnrboch block. l * f MH53-1 V-OUU NKW LIST OF PRUPBIlTt FOU EX- clianno la Just out. Send fo > It. Western Kx > chanito Co. , Columlnn. Nob. . , . M9)7 ( ) HUNDIIISU HKAD OF HOflSlCS AND LAND ' -'Inraitcrn Npbraxkn for n frtoclc of dry ROOiH , clothing , boon and nhoo , lints and cnpi. Ail.Iron IPX. 10H. Nobrnnkn City , Neb , 2M MIO -1IAIIOA1N , A BLACKSMITH AND WAGON Miop for italo or trade with n residence : will Veil or trnctn for good fnrmlng land , Tappo llros. . Vcr * don , Neb. M7K8 * V FOU KXCHANHK. NKW UI'IUGHT PIANO /Mot lot , Addre I'ga Hoc. p32 y-LANDH IN NOUTHKIIN NR1IUASKA TO KX. change for Omahn Joti , slnckn of coiuls , or horses , enclose stamp for reply. Address 1 * 25 llco. UM l V FOH SALK Oil K.VOHANGU FOU MIUICIIAN- JJMt.0 , . ' 120 ncren good Innd In Ouster county. Neb , Address llox'IK ) , t'arxona , Kan , Ml'40-1' ' FOB SALE-REAL ESTATE UATKS l. > on line nrst time nnd lOo n line thoro- nftcr. No odvcrtlscmcnt.tiikcn for less tlmn Vic. N13. COUNKIl 291'H AND IIICROUY , WxlW fret ; n bnr nln for n few days only. F. 1C. Purling - ling , llnrkcr block. 751 OU SALK S-K COIINKH I7TH , DOUCAS. Ki < 4K 188,3 cottages , atnbln for 0liorscs.cnn bo divided Into 6 lots. InqiilroatpromlBOs. 81759 * FOU SALK , NKItltASKA FAHM LANDS. G. G. Wallace , 312 llrown block , ICth nnd Douglas. TM M : ODEHN It ) ItOOM HOUSE , GOOD LOCATION ; no trndo ; cash bargain. Address O24 , Hoc. MI40MIG * 17011 SAI.M , HOMES , ANY I'HICK , $760,11,250 Ul' ! -L easy terms ; tnko clear property n first payment. : Q. G. Wnllnco , llrown block , Icth and Douglns. 750 17011SALH-400 ACHU FAHM IN HLUM IlIYKIt JL valley , Thnyer county , 10 miles west of Hebron. Ono of the very best Inrms In the county ; eood house , barn , granaries , cribs , etc. , and 1111 iibiindanco of fruit , timber and runnlni ! water. Alsu for nnlo or oxcbnnge for good lands or city property , n brlrk pork packing house and fixtures in Hebron , Thayer county , near 11. & M. depot. For particulars In- qulro of liny real estate agent In Hebron. & 35 IJ1OHBALK-20liTO7-UOOM ' HOUSES , $1,200.00 TO $2,500.00 , flOJ 00 cash , f 10.00 per mo. 1 house to rent at ISSCumlngst. , 810.00 put mo. K. G. Mlrrell' 1512 Patrick nvo. 070 S9 * 77011 SALE AT A HAIK1A1N , LOT 15 , HLOCK J , JL W. ! > . Selby's llrst addition to South Omaha. Small payment down , balance monthly If desired. Inquire ( I. II. Tzscluick , Ouuilia Hoo. : iji : KOUNTXE I'LACE. 1IAUGAIN8 , N1NE-HOOM hoiiHO on Wlrt , ( li00 : Jl.UOJ cash. Elegant home on 1'lnfcncy , ) ; ffxx ) cnsh , balance 133.00 per month ; other tlno homes ; would cotisliler some trade. J. J. Gibson , Crolghton block. M73.IM35' F | 'OH 8AI.K. WKLL IMl'HOVEl ) FAHM , 1X ( ) -i acres , 8 tulles from Omaha , nt $00 per acre. Oniahn Heal Estate and Trust company. H 4 , Hco building. MSOO 1 * FOH SALE. OWNEH FOHCED TO SELL WITHIN R days 45x127 feet at 2519 Urlstol struct. $ l:00 ; : will buy It. J. H. Johnson , 812 N.Y. Llfo. MS45 6 1710H 8ALK. HEHB IS A HAflOAIN : JL1 7-rnom house nnd barn , 2 full lots , ono a cor ner. In Walnut 11111,2 feet above grade , bcuutltul yard , only $2,500 ; fWO cash down ; discount for all cash. H. G. Clark .V Co. , 1213 Hiirney M. 782 4 77OH SALE AT A SACHIFHJEv HEST STOCK JL farm In southwestern Nebraska ; 1,00) ncres. la acres timber ; good Improvi'dieuts. Address .1. P. Scott , Cerosco , Neb. | t . ' MJU5-2' HAIB GOOUS. HATES 15c n line llrst tlmo nnd lOc a line there after. No advertisement taken for leas than 25e. TAHOESTSTOCK IN ENTIUE WEST ; THEAT- JUrlcal wtus nnd beards a specialty.Mgs , bangs switches , hulr chains , etc. , s6ful for catalogue Mall orders solicited. Duvles , 111 . 15th St. , Omaha , 732 rPIIK IDEAL LADIES' HAIlt JHKSS1NO PAH- Llors , switches , bangs , wlxs.tounbus , Jewelry and hnlr ornnmonts In stock ; wiyi * ti Urder , special at tention given to mall ordors/209 SolStli sL. Sd floor , a i M5 4 J120 PAWN BROKERS. HATES 15ca line first tlmuianit ! JOc a line there after. Nondvertlsqmentiiknn.for less than 25o. B EN IVMAllTI , UEMOYElJi'W'lorS. l * ' 15TII ST. > ' 071 MO' MOIILK , OFFICE 1511 ' FAHNAM ST. 823 STRAYED. HATES 15c a line first time and lOc n line there after. No advertisement taken for less thnn 25c. STHAYEO , HAY PONY WITH LONG MANE mid tall , left hind foot white ; return to Happ & Moore , oust end ( j street viaduct , South Omaha M8I4-1 STHAVED A1IOUT A MONTH AGO A HED milch cow from Kraus llros. ' dairy nt Fort Omaha. Heturn for reward. i2U * 2' MASQUERADE COSTUMES , ETO. LADIES & GENTLEMEN CAN HUNT MASQUK- rado costumes at 114 Slfitli. Golden Earlo store. lWO-ml2 MANUFA OTURING JEWELERS. CASH PAID FOR OLD" OOLD , CAHSON & Hanks , room 30 Harkcr block , Omaha. 754 CUTLERY GRINDING. M5ND VOUIl SC1SSOIIS , KA7.OHS , KTC. , TO BE Jground to Uudorland.t Co. , 1011 8. 14th ot. T5.I PROPOSALS KOK MILfJH COWS AND bulls. IJcunrtmontof the Interior , Ofllco oflndluu A IT airs , WnuhlniUon. U. U. , Feb ruary 1 , 1SIKJ. Healed proposals , Indorsed "Proposals for Cows or nulls" ( its the case may be ) and nclilressod to the commissioner of In dian ull'alrs , Washington , f ) . U. , will h re ceived until 1 o'clock p. in , , Saturday , March 5 , 181) ) . ' . for furnishing und dellveriiii ; n't I'lnn Hldgo , Kosclmd. C'huyenuo Klvor , Crow Creuu nnd Lowur llrule iiKcnelos , Hontli Dakota , Standing Koelc iisoney. North JJnkotn , Sintco : nnd 1'onoii : iK < ! ii3lu9 , Nebraska , l''lanilroan agency , onth iakotn und the Crow agency , Montana , about 11I ( 0 milch cows nnd 40J luilla KoKular blanks for bids are not ro- nuirod , Sclicdiilo.swhlcli ( will bo made u jmrl of the proposals ) sliowlnK the niinibur ot cattle - tlo roiiulrud at thu varloita a'-'oiiclcs. conJI- tlons to bo observed by bidders , tlmo and place of dollvory , terms of contract and pay ment , and all otlior necessary Instructions , will bo furnished upon application to tlio In dian ollleo at Washington , ' tlio coinmlssurlos of subsistence. U , S. A. , at Chicago , St. I'aul , Unialni , Nohrasku , and Ulicycnnu , Wyoming , to the publishers of tlio Stock Oro.vorB' Jour nal of Miles Olty , Montana * and the Journal of lloloiiii. Montnnu. und tlio several Indian uuonts. Tlio rlk'lit Is reserved to reject any oral ! bids , uruny part of any bid , It doomed for tlio best InttirostK of tbo government ; also , tlio furtbor right In making tlio awards to In- oronso or diminish to any extent the unmoor of animals called for In the schedules ; also to lecjulro it dollvory of twonty-Ovo per cent , more or less , tlmn tbo uimmntspoulllod In tiny contract. CKIITU-IED CHECKS. Kach bid rnnat bo accompanied by a. ccrtlflcd check or draft on sonic Un'tod ' .States depos itory for at least llvo nor cent of tbo amount of tbu bid , nindu payable to the order of tlio commissioner of Indian affairs , which cbocU ordraft will be forfeited to tbo United States In CUKO any bidder rooelvJn fitn award shall fall topromptly execute nVimCraut with good and Niilllulunt sureties : 'otl/fcrwlso / to l.u re turned to tlio bidder , TJHlMoKOAN , Com- mlaaloner. - t'JO < ialtM PHOI'OSAf-8 FOK KIEU1 HEEDS-UNITK1) Stutos Indian t-ovvele. . ' 1'lno Kldve Agency , South Dakota. licbHiary llth , IHlti. Healed proposals , endorseil "I'ronosuls for Field Seeds" < iml iulir ae < l ) to tlio iinder- potinds seed oats , 4"SOUO pounds seed whoat. Hr ) > uo pouniia seed corn , A * > , W pounds seed potatoes , l.OW ) pounds Beckl-Jierman millet , UHlpoundH tlmoiby seed , i.'yymAinUii blnograsa seed. Said BO da to tmbruw'iMn tbo Hootiou of country conuguon to tlio pmco of delivery. \ \ | | | bo required lo state Hpcclllaaily in tliolr bids the proposod.'priHv ' at uavb article offered for del I very unUur a contract. The ilxhtUrflsorvod to reject uniir nit bids , or uny parlor any bid , | ( dcun'iud'for tbo best. In terest , of the service. UgrtlflKilf Ot(0cks. ( Kach bid must uo accoinpaiilfcd by"a cerlllicd check ordraft upon somn Unltud Stnlo * Uooosltory or Solvent. National llunl ; In the vlelnlty of the rcsldenco of the bidder , inadn puyablo lo tlio order cif tlio Commissioner of Indliin Af fairs , for at least llvo pur cant -of the amount oflho proposal , which check ordraft will bo forfeited to the United States In otiso any bidder - dor or bidders recolvlnx an awara shall fall to promptly uxceuto a contract with good and siilllrlont surlllos , oihurwltto to bo ruturned to thu bidder , Illds accompniilud by ousti In lieu of aeertllled check will not bo considered. For furtbor Information apply tq OAl'TAIN "KOK15 K L. KOV 1IHOWJ/W. } S. A. , Acting U.S. Indian AifonU K-Il-12-t-m. Stockliulilcr'H . Notice U liorotclvon that4 the regular annual meeting of the"'stockholders of the. South rlattol.itnd company will Uo hold ut the olllce of said couipnny , In Lincoln , Nob.on thu IjrutWediiuiilay lu Jlarcb.lbO.being thoscaoiid day of the month. lly order of the lloafd of Dlroitora. It. U. I'll 11,1.1 I'd , Bocret..ry. LINCOLNNeb. . , Fob. 2. loiij , I'M UJtU I -was llio victim of the \vorst case ot Cnlnrrh that 1 ever heard ot. Iv 3 entirely ilcnf hi ono car , nntl nil the hi- slilo of my nose , Including pnr : of the bouo sloughed off. No sort of treat- mcnt bcncfltlcdmc.mul physicians said , "I would never bo any better. " As n last resort I took Swift's Specific , and it entirely cured mo and restored my hear Ing. I hnvo been well for years , nnd no sign of return of the disease. Mrs. JOSEHIIHE POUIILIi , DOSWKBT. 8. 0. To Cure Sleeplessness Take bromide of uotash , one ounce ; extract ot hops , two drachms ; water , eight ounces ; mix. Take n table upoontul half an hour betoro eat ing last meal and at bed time. The above valuable recipe Is taken from the Illustrated new book ot 120 pages , which DRS. BETTS & BETTS will send lo any address for 4 cents In stamps. It Is full of valuable Information for the sick and the welland Is A most reliable work , having been prepared and published by the most noted and successful Specialists In America tlio famous and popular / \ \ 7i\ DRS. BETTS & BETTS VTiose successful cure of more cases of Nervous , Chronic AND Private Diseases than any other physicians In the United States , Klves Ihem a prestige possessed by none of their professional contemporarlej. In the treatment of The equals of these gifted Kings of Specialists are not to bo found In all the length and bro clth of tbeland. Tliey bave plenty or Imitators but no equals. Consultation free. Call upon or address with stamp , r Drs-Betts&Retts OllSouth 14th St. . N. E.Corner 14t h and Douglas. Sta. A Omaha , Neb. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER IBESTIN THE WORLD. Jos. P. MEGEATH , 1607i Fnrmm Street , Omata. Neb. SANUAIAVOOD C.AI'SULKS nro the DOGUTA bolt and only capiulus prusrlbod by regular pliyalclaiu ( or thu euro of lionorrho ) nnd UclmrcoJ frun.tho urlnnry or iin ; WoritcnidJ InSd.iyj. 1.S ) POf box , All dru * e\ \ RRILWHYTIMEGRRD Leaves BUItl.lNUTON .t UO. UIVrill.1 Arrives Omaha. Depot 10th and Mason i-ln. I Oniuho. leaves I K. I ! . , 81' . J. Ac O. U. I Arrlv Omaha. I Depot 10th mill Mav.m SI ll'kl n m . . . .Kiinsaa City Day Hjrpross. . . . I & . . * ) p m il.4.i p in K. O. NlBlit Kip via U. I' . Trims | .4U u in iMtLVis * | UNION I'AC'IKIO. Omaim. | Union Depot 10th anclilnrcy Sin. S.iiO ft'm ! . . .Iloatrlco Kinross , . , . . . . .01) ) ) i in S.UU p m 0.13 p m I'lM i ra p m i-iicinc I'.iproaa Il.U n in "Going I CllIOAIiO. ItTl. & PACIFIC. I From Knst. [ Union Depot 10th .V Mercy Sin. ! ICnat. IOU ) n m Atlantic ICxpress li.SO < p m VcstlbuloExpre i. . . . . . . . 1.10 p m . . .Night iaxirg | a .1.40 a m CIIICAIil ) , II. 1 , & I-AC'IKH ! . Union Dupot IQth mid Marcy Hts. i.-D p m . . , . , . , . .Denver Limited . . . , p m ' 7.05'p in Denver Kxprim " " " n m Leaves ClIICAliO , .MIL. it dT. I'AUI. Omiihii U. 1' . depot nnrt Marcy Kt . li.20 p m ChlcnKO Hxiirom I'.Ui n m I.OJ p m L'lilciiKO Kxprnn \i.4"t \ p m Leaves I rilOUX ( ! 1TV ft 1'AClKlf. Arrlvuf Ou mha : | Depot. lUlli und Mnrey Mts , Ouialn : M uml . Sioux City I'nssunzor llV.'Jpm 6.35 p m | . Kt. I'nul Kxirca | IU.UU it m HIOUX 4J1TV & PACIFIC , ( Arrives Oinuhnl Depot , 161li and Webster sta. I Omalin 6.15 p m | HI. I'n n I Limited ID.aA a m Loaves ICHICAtiO & NOIlTJIWBSTtSK.N lArrtvei OiniilmlU. I' . Oopot. lUlli and Mnrcy bt I Oinilii : 7.VU u m ( H * . tfuii'y ) Ciirrdll I'assuuvur. lu.VJ p m II.'J ) u in 1'lllCHiro Kxprfna li.Ui u in a.oa p ni VcBtlbido Limited V.II'Ju m V.15 p ui Kuntcrn Flyer 2.1i p m i.m P 111 (1x. ( Hat. ) Chic. Puna. ( UK. M.ill.l fi.Uin m Lenvos T "TMAIIA Is KT. LOUIS. < lmiilmU. | 1' . depot. IQth nnd Maroy Sin.Omuliit | .iq p m | Bt. Louis Cannon llnjl | l2.Vi | i in Lcavoa K , K. .V MO. VALLKV. lArrlvoi Omaha Depot. 15th and Wubalur HtJ. lOinulu ( i-UU u m Deiidwood ICxprust fi.-M p lu 0.00 n m (101. ( Hat. ) Wyo. Exp. ( Kx. Man. ) 'i.'JJ p m 5.10 p in Norfolk ( U * . SunilHr. ) 11.11) ) u m 6.45 p ill St. Pa ul Mtproai 'J.'ii u in Leaven ( I ! . , nT. I1. . St. \ It. lArrlvi'a Omahal Dopot. 15th and WolnterHH I Oiniiha Lcuvus I CHIUAGO , II. I , fi PACIFIC. Arrival Transfur ) Union Depot.Council 111 u IN. Transrur O.liO p m . > . . . . . .Night Kxprais. , , ii.20 a m lO.'JO u m Atlantic Express. , , . . , , , . [ > M p m 4.30 p m Vestibule Limited 12.fX ) ji m I Arrives Tranafer Union Depot , Council iiiuns. ' ri'nuittur i 10.00 n m . . . .Kansas City Day Knurust , . , I i'Ji p 111 JO.I5 p m . . .Kuuaus Cltv NlKht i : | iru * ) . . . | a''J a . . , . . . , . CHICAGO , HUUl..N * QUINOV I , I Arrlr ei Transfer UnloiiDejiot , oimciniliitIa I'lroiu fo " B m 7.T.rchlcaiio Kxprusa I &M p lii 10.03 p m . . . . . ChlcuKO Kxprest . . , , . , . I V.2j u w 7.05 p m Creston Ixjcat | 7.15 u m lAiaves' I UMAIIA .V ST. LOUId. ( Arrives' l rans fe r I Union I lepot. Council Hlugn. [ Transror " 4.40 VIM | Ht. Louis Canon Hall.(12.15 ( p m Leaves I HIOUX CITV i PACIFIC. TArrlvoT" Transfer ) Union Depot Council 111utTt ITransfur 7.45 a iii7".Sioux City Accommodation"MO.OTp 5I 6.0 p m | . . . St.l'uulE < Pl | U.4J u m Arrlvei Transfer Union Depot , council Hluffs. Tranifur 12.01 p m Kxpresa . , 5.W 11 m 6.15 p lu Vestibule Limited U.IO a ui 10.00 p ui Kastern Flyer l.u : > p m 8.00 p m ( Kx Sat ) Atlantic Mull ( Kx Mou ) 7.U it m 7. It ) m . , , Carroll Pasteugor 10.00 p u TAMPERED WITH THE MAILS. Invlil ( Hly lltiMnps * Mrn Ucroino < ; nrolc * nml Tlilovrt rroiprr AcrorillnKlj1. David City tins boon in tested for A montli \vltli t nonk thieves who hnvo been stealing otters out of nmll boxes In ttio postofllco. I'lio morotinnt.t nnd busttioss incn of Hint quiet vIllnRO hnvo. for omo tlmo boon In the Imblt ot Icnvina tholr letter boxes nt the postoflluo niilocltcd , simply r.taK the Itnoli n llttlo to kcop the doors shut. Thlovcs hnvitiR observed thu toolc nil- vnntaso ot the cnrelessncjs and systomntl. cnlly nnrt regularly relieved tlio boxes of Iholr contonU. Tbo nosttiiAstor lltmlly sotnwntoh upon Lho boxo3 thnt had been robbctl , and lust \Vodncsdny ovonlnir ho cniiKht n 13-yonr-old boy immod Andrews In the net ot slenl- Ini ; letters from ono of the boxc * . The tad wns nrrcstcd nnd lodged In ] all. Ho told n curious story to which ho still ntlhoros. Ho anld Hint lie mot n mnn In billiard room under tlio hotel in the sumo bloclt with the | iostofllco , Who mtvo him fil ) cents to po up to the postclllco nntl got the mall out of thrco boxes. Ho said the mnn explained to him how tlio doors could bo opened by simply turning the knob. Ho tint not know tbo mnn but supposed ho bnd n rlRlit to KOt the tnnll In the boxes do.icnbcrl , Vounp Andrews wns lodged In the sinnll cnlnbooso at Unvld City to nwnit the nrrlvnl of the deputy United States uinr.shul. Uoptity Hill went out to brliiKlhoprlsonorloOmnhn , but found , when ho rcnchcd O.ivni City , Unit ho hnd broken lull. 1'nrtlos hud pried open the door of the colnbooso nnd the Ind wns uoiio , The deputy tunrshnl llnully trncod the hey to the hoir.u of n friend suvcn miles In tbo country nnd brought him to Uiiiann. Young Andrews still adheres to the story of having received G ! ) cents for tnlilnc the loiters. Ho wns nrrnlgncd yostcrdny before the proseeutlnR nttorn&y nnd stoutlj1 dcclnrcd thnt ho had told the whole truth in the mutter. Ho snld It wns the first tlmo ho hnd tnxcn nnytblng out ot the boxes , nnd ho would not Imvo done It but for the fact thnt , ho supposed the mnn who gnvo him the money wns perfectly honest , nnd ho simply thought ho wns running nn errniul for the gentleman , Attorney Baker wns thoroughly convinced thnt there wns n lurtro-sized African somewhere - where In the vicinity ol tlio David Olty poatonieo who hits been hiring boys to commit those thefts. A scnrchlng Investigation will bo made before any further stops nro taken to punish young Andrews. Ho Is an Innocent looking country Ind , who has lived In town only About two months , nnd If he has misrepresented the nffnirhols ono of the best actors oxtnnt , for ho made ovcryoody bohovo his story. Mr. nnd Mrs. Andrews , father nnd mother of the boy , nro nlmost distracted with grief over the affair , Our Iti'ttcr Iliilvca Say they could not kcop house without Cham bcrlnln's Cough Uoincdy , especially for the children , in a case it few weeks slnco nt the homo of n neighbor the attending physician had given up a case of what ho called dropsy. Mother happening In , told the parents that in nor mind It wns n cnso of lung favor mid advised the use of this cough svrup. which they did. Hosult , the child is well nnd the parents happy. Chamcorlnin's ' medicines are used in more than half the homos In Leeds. Sims Uro , Leeds , la. This remedy Is not intended for lung fever , but for colds , la grinpe , croup nnd whooping cough. It will loosen a cold , relieve the lungs nnd prevent the cold from resulting in lung fovbr. 50 cent and ? 1.0J bottles for snlo by druggists. I'or Admission ttVI Point. Tlio military board of examiners will moot today nt Fort Omaha and Fort D. A Hussoll to oxninltio applicants for admission to West Point Military academy. Tbo Omaha board will consist of Lieuten ant W. .1. Parke , Major Albert Hartsuff , Captain Charles Keller , Cantain . U. Spon sor. Lieutenant E. H. Wolsell. The board that meets at Fort D A . llds- sell is composed of Colonel G. K. Qrad.V- Major Vallery Howard , Captain C. B. Roberts , Captain R N. Walker aud Liouton , ant Ed. Chynomelh. I have scon ouu doao of Brndyjrotino iv- liovosick and nervous hoailaiho when every thing had failed , an 1 can cheorfnllv recom mend It. M. C. Xoil. Philadelphia , Pn. THE MUTUAL LIFE Insurance Company of Nev/ / York niCHARD A. McCURDY , PRESIDENT. Statement for tlio year ending December 31 , 1891 Assets , . $1.- 9S07,138 OS Reserve on Policies ( imcrloan Table 4 % ) - - - - $ HOnS,322 ! ) 00 Liabilities other than ItcscrTC. 607.841) ) fi- > Surplus . 13,030,1)07 ) 1(1 ( Iterelpts from all ROiirros , . : ,7ill,7il ( ) ! o : | Payments to rollrv-llolderK , . 18iuo,71I 8(1 ( lllsLi ansumcil nml rcnoncd , 104,470 imllcles , - - - 007,171,501 00 Bisks In force , tiL'Ju07 policies , nmouutlng lo C9r , io3 , 401 03 NOTE. The above statement shows a large increase over the business of 1893 in amount at risk , new business assumed , payments to policy-holders , receipts , assets and surplus ; and includes as risks assumed only the uimber ana amount of policies actually issued and paid for in the accounts of the year. THE ASSETS ARE INVESTED AS FOLLOWS : Itcnl Kslatonnd liond .1 Mortgage J.onns . 6SlR4oG10 4S United States Bonds nnd other Securities , . . . . 07,001,4. , 78 Loans ou Collateral Kedirltlos , lU'Jia,00i ; DO L'ash In Itnnks nnd Trust Cor.iim- nlcs at Interest. . . . 6C70lu3 ; 03 Intertst iicrrueil , Premiums De ferred , clc , , . . . . _ ri.30fl.08S II ) I have carefully examined the foregoing statement and find the same to he correct. A. N. WATURIIOUSB , Auditor. From ths Surplus a dividend will be apportioned as usual. REPORT OF TH2 EIIMINIKO COMMIVTEZ. Oilct cf Th3 Uatnil lifs Ituariaca ComptDT of Kow York. lunuj 25 , 1802. At a maetlig of IK ) Board cf Trustees cf this Compsnj , bld on the 23d dtjr cf Dcesmber , ultimo , tha nndtnigned vat tppomtcd e. Com- mittu to enmint tin uunuliUtCDentfcrlliiTur ending Dacember il , 1591 , and to vtnftt cant by comparison with ti iswta ol til iomcan/ , TEi ( jommittM hn cartfilljr performs ! tin dntr nsigasd to Ibcm. ind htrebj certif/ that th tl Umnt il In all fartitnlarj ooiTKt , and Jiat th ) assits cpecinsd therein ut is possession cf tbt Company. la making Uua ccruncata lh Committee bur teEtimouj to thj high iharutcr of tht InTestmscti cf the Company and ezprecs thtir tppro- tiaticn of tbt iytem , order , and accuracy with which the awnnu and roachcn turt bea ktpt , and tht basinas in general is transacted. H. C. VON POST , flooFHT SEWFU , QEORCE DLI , J. H , HcnniCK , JULICN T. DAVIES , D , c. noomeoH , JAS , C. HOLOEN , nOOERT A , ORANNIS3 , Vict-PntsroENT. WALTER K. GII.I.ETTE , - General Manager. FHEDERIC CROHWELI. , ' . . . Treasurer. liMOKV McCtiNiocK , . . . Actuary. W. ! ' . AI.ldJN. Ueiit-ral Axuiit , Ni'liniBKu , North utul South Duluttu , Wyoming nnil IHiili- Cuod. ni-tlve , riiionslii ! | | ! npcu'.s ' wuntui ] , jip DytoW. I' , Alien , unural auriit , Oimilm Nub. MANHOOD RESTORED. "BAflATiyo , " the Womlorfill Mcniilhli ItFiiicdy , Ii Mild ullh a Written Gtinrantoo to cum nil Neivous Ins- I-OKCB , Duch niVrok Miiucry , Iji"d nf Ihaln Tower , Ifcndachc , U'liki-ruliic-un , liowl , NervousnoM , 1 J hllude , nil illftim and Ooforo & After Uao. lust of I'uivcr ' uf llio riiotosraplicd ttom life. Crncratlvo Oitain In rlthtr ECX. cnuwl liy oiri-cxcilloii , jiiulhrul liiillsciclh > innr the evnwlvo isv oflolmmi.iiiiiin | , , or i.tliiiiilniiti' . ivhlch nltlinnlt'/ ! liinl ttt liidrinlty , ( > nxuni | > taii ( ami Ji : inlv ! I'ut up liu'iniiriilciit f"ini M tiim'lii tlir vivt | KKI | , l'llr II n i > iicUii i' , nrofiirf. ! , with i-vny fiiinli'r ueiU ; u wrlttonjiiproiiteo to euro or refund Ilia money. Mnt by mall lo mivjuMu'itf , i.liTiilnr Irtc in I'lulii envelope. Mention IliU | > iiH'l. | AUilini , HADIIIO CHEMICAL CO. , Uinucli oillce for U , b , A. SM I if ni burn Slrcrt , ( 'IIKIAGO , II.I. . FOH BAI-K IK OMAHA. NED. , BY KnliD & Co. , Cn.r ISth fi Dou Uu fiu. JA.Fuller & Co. , Cor. llth & HouuUi Stt. A D Poster & Co. , Council IltuIIa , lu. INSTANTKfeUEF * I'inaicure m luil * ) * . mm iidiui : return * . No HE'S ' READY TO FIGHT PALMER Horizontal Bill Will Probably Go Aftoi the Illinois Sonntor's Scalp. LOTS OF TROUBLE FOR THE DEMOCRATS Plmn fur llnllilliifr Hi-el HtiRnr ructorlrf AhnniloiiiMl t'ntll Allfr ii : < Tlliin-A llrlutltn of 1'roildi'iit Tyli-r llr In tlin Poor 11 cum- , Cmc\no Ihiittut ) oi'TiiH IliSfc , I Cmtuoo , ILL. , Fob. SU. f Much soiled linen will bo wnshcil nt ilia icxt iloniocrntlo convention , ( ulto n batch , vns left over from the Inundr.vtni ; ilotio .it at. Louis lour yours ngo. To tills Rtoru ntich tins boon added , notably State Treasurer - uror 12d Wilson's M.OOO note nnd the true in- wnrdnoss of Senator Palmer's oloctlon to the senate. The quarrels of the democrats to bo adjusted or to bo fought out ilnto back to tlio Morrlson-Lognn light , when Gcncrnl Palmer nnil his friends nllowcil . K , Morrison to nnko his without tholr assist ance or co-operation. The Morri son-Logan contest was clean up to the tlmo Morrison withdraw. Logan and ho umlorstooil onuh other thoroughly on this particular point. The light wan to do lair nnd open , without resorting to outsUlo Influences. It dcccnorutod Into nnottior species of battle subsequently. The npathy of the Pnlinor-Sprlngor faction tit that tlmo lias rankled over since In the hearts of Mor rison's friends , who , by the way , being In possession tit nil the facts relative to the election of the Unltoa Slates senator last winter , and nettled by the JOCM of some of the other faction , nro getting ready to oppose Palmer In the state convention , Xo Sugar I'lirtorlcs TliUVnr. . Cilenn , who represented nn eastern syndi cate of capitalists who Intended build ing extensive boat sugar factories in Unlosburg , Marshnlllown , la. , nnd olhur cltlo ? , says tbat after a comparison of views and Interests , nil parties have decided not to do anything Hits season until after the presi dential oloctlon is decided , Not a single fac tory will bo built in the United States tula season on account of tlio doubt as to whether the sugar bounty U to bo repealed or not. M. II. Weed of San Francisco , who repre sents Sprccitlos , that grunt , sugar man , said ton reporter : "SprccUles Is not going to give In to the trust and the report that ho Is going to sell bis Interests to them and take stock in part payment Is un- truo. On the contrary , ho U at the prosoui limo planning n couu for the trust. Oh , 1 can't toll you what It is , but the next inovo will surprisn some people. I am on my way to Mow York now to consult with certain parties with regard to the matter. " IJieil ul tlio County Hospital. The fact was in nil o public today that on Tuursday last Mrs. Georgia Cooper Duvnl. n descendant of President Tyler , died ut tha county hospital from meningitis , the doctors said. Shu had been nt the Institution but thrco weeks ana the nttondunts know noth ing of her history. Indeed , hut for the of- 1'orts oC n obnnco friend of the deceased an acquaintance whom she mot only n few weeks ago her baby might Imvo found itway to tba public burying grounds. Tlio friend was tlio keeper of n hoarding house nt Thirty-sixth and Armngo Orovo nvcnti'js , with" whom Mrs. Cooper boarded just before goinir to the hospital. Why Mrs. Cooper loft tlm associations of her early life and went away lo die among strangers - gors Is not known. It Is learned that she was tlio divorced wito of n wealthy New Orleans lumber dealer. Her maiden name was Cooper mid nor girlhood homo In Atlauta had been supplied wltli every luxury. Oililn anil Kiuls. Another historical museum Is to bo built on Wubash avenue. The principal foatiiro of the new museum will bo the old ongln'n bouso at Harper's Ferry In which John Brown made his famous stand. Hccent ulium of the Daltilnoro & Ohio railway will tnako it necossnr.v to tear down the old building to malio way for railroad tracks. Aoratn Greonllold , who two months ago sot a date for her death , died of starvation at her l.omu in Mount /Ion , near Dccnvur , 111. , aged OS. She fasted for forty-llvo days , ana could not be induced to Unto nourish ment of any character. During tlio past year about twenty horses Imvo been stolen nnd run off from Pcoria and Tiizowell counties , but tbo thlof could not bo found. Last night bhonnan Wcl- ehor , 18 years old , the son of n rich fanner living near Groveland , was arrested while trying to dispose. of n pony ho had stolen in I'eltln. Ho confessed that four of the stolen horses had been taken by him , nnd tbo police bcllovn that ho Is really re sponsible for nil of them. President linker will start for Washington tomorrow night with the bill asking W.OOU.UUO for tbo fair. Dominic * Uarrott whipped Tom Bangs In five savage rounds in n resort neat the Wells ttroat bridge. F. A. MV.sturn I'unplo In Chicago. Tbo following western people arc in the city : At tbo Grand Pacific Prod A. Bill , Dubuiiuo , In. ; 1C. T. Koch , Cedar Rapids , In. ; U. U. Doiu. .Lioinars , la. ; Mr. nnd Mrs. \V. II. Hounds , C. L. Plxluy , Sioux Falls , S. l > . : G. D. Burnt , L. T. Bond , Sioux City , lu , : Mr. and Mrs. .lohn Clialncs , Rapid City , b. I ) . ' , W. C. Wyman , Ottutmvn , la. At the Palmer- , J. Ilicliardson , Daven port. In. ; Mr. nnd Mrs. .J. S. KIIOX. Otniina ; T. Blnford , Murahtilllowii , In. ; vV. H. TompKlns , Utinid City , S. D. ; Mrs. O. T. Slcwnrt , Council UlulTs. At the Wellington T. Wostlioini , Cherokee. la. ; S. Wcrthum , Hello Plalnc. At the Auditorium Lcounru JOverett , Council Bluffs. F. A. l.ii/irippo Siicfi "I have just recovered Irom a attack of llio grip tills vcar , " suy Air. James O. Jones , publisher of tlio Leader , ftloxla , Tex. "In llio latter casu I used Chamber- Iain's and I think with Cough Humcdy , con- sidcrnlilc success , only being In bed n Httlo over two days against ton days for the llrst , attack. The second attneit I am satlstiod would have boon equally ai bad as tbn llrst but for the nsu of this remedy , as I had to gp to bed In about six hours after being 'struck' with It , while in the case I was ubloo attend to business about two days be f nro goitlng 'down. ' " 5U cent bottles for sale by druggists. Till : IlKAI/l'Y MAHKKr. rNHTHUMKNTS ulaBul : on rosorJ Kobruarr L : > 7. WJ2 : - WAIIIIANTI' IllIKIH. ( UirUtliui ICiuilbur and wlfo to Uli Ch'oi'ii , loth IX M and 15. UlouU VIIInKu i > t MllltirU . t 450 A O l'oi : 11,011 and wlfu In IIV ( Jiirtls. lot ITiindH IDfiiutlot 1H , Illicit 2 , Alamo 4.MO I.H Iloi'd nml wlfo tii 1' M Tolslnip , n 4.MOW ; : : foot lot I , block 4 , Hir/ul . W J O TltiimiiH to (1 K I'rllchett , unillv JJ lot : ' , blowli : r. ' , Souili ( ) iuiliii ; 41H 1' K lliilloy nun wlfo In Christ Innil , part lots IN and liri , NuUiin'undd 2,100 Diuilol O'NuIll and wlfn to .tnlin Lyonn , Ioii0 : , hind ; ; i. \ \ I , fcolby'H llrst mid to South Oiniina fi'i i 1' ' M Wrljjlit anil liusliin ; I to Auuilat Johnson , lot I. hln.'k II , llrowu pirl : ; . . -5 11 O Moody nt nl ID .M A ( jiilhtynuri ) , lot I. blooltll. Portland nlncii MO W. ) Mul'alhroii and u Id : to 11 IIII arc Us r. Idl ill. blooUv. .siiwldnn nluro. . . . . . . . . . B'M 0 J anil 1 < K Iliil lior to ( i W U HuVnoIdH , lot H , blouli ii. : Clifton lllll IXI ( U W I ) Urj nolili In Ii K llarbur. .MIIIIUI . . l.uup LV 1'iiriotiu in ) ; ( J MyurH , lots 10 and IT , lilciuk 4M , ( Jrnndvluw 5,030 , I1' MiiWIIIItinm und wlfo to I' II Juromo , n Vt mid D V of H Ii of lot II , block lhiib- > dlvof .1 I Uudlcli'riuUd 81,000 II l < MoWllllllllllt tOHIIIIU ) , WiiUf 8 / Ut lot.'l , block 1 , banm 7,000 1' II Jurmiio and wlfo to JO ( J Myiirs , i ' / of lot ; ) , sumo , , . , , , C.OCO gtITPr.\IM DKBIH. .1 E Klloy to IW Wukoloy , lots , block'4 , Kuniilzo'dHli add 1 S I ) I'lku and wlfu tu H M Plko , u 11 feet of lot 1 , Olurko idiiuu . - 1 Kll/.ii I'ntvitll nnd liu.iluiud lu lloury lloinbuvk , | > ait of lot W , MoKntou'u udd , I Total , .Vw,7W Curi'il In 1'lfliu'ii .tl Mr , J.S. Slnrtovunt , editor of the. Wuupaoa ( WIs. ) Post.says : "LastnlclilCbaaiuorlaln's J'aln liulm cured my wlfo of neuralgia of tha fact ) and tooth In llflouu tn'.nutui , Wu would not ba without it , " uU cent botUoj for suln Uy druggUU-