THE OMAHA DAILY NEE : TUESDAY , MARCH 1 , 1892-TWELYE TAOES. THE OMAHA BEE COUNCIL ULUFFS. OFFICE : - NO. 12 Ecllvcicil by Carrier lo nny pnrt of tlio City. 11. W. Tli/TON , - MANAOKR Business Otnco . No 41 - Ti-t Pi Tl I.hl , NlRlt ) K)1tor | . NoW N , Y. PlumbltiR Co Council niuff.s Lumber Co. , co l. Ct H' cbnttcl lonns. 204 Sapp bloof. Mrs. Sophia Noyos dlod ftt 220 : ! o'clock yesterday morning. nRod 'J7 years , ut tier rosldonco , 1)14 ) Sixth street. Announcement of the funeral will bo unulo later. A children's party wrxs plvcn Saturday ovonlnc at UhntnboiV dancing academy in the Hoyal Arcanum parlors. A largo ntira- bor of cliildron nml tholi- parents were present and an cnjoyuulo evening was spent. The case of Patterson against the Council muffs & Omaha UriOgo company , In which the plaintiff Is suinu for damages on account of injuries received In being thrown from n train , has bcon assigned for trial In the dis trict court for Monday , Morch 8. Mrs. C. Sprultt was thrown from a bugpy Saturday afternoon whllo driving near the corner of Fourth street and Mntb avcnuo , nna was severely bruised abouttho shouldoi-s. She Is now confined to her homo on Fifth nvcnuobut no very serious results arc looUod for. Conductor Bollls of the motor line Is n proat Fovcr of clgarnUos. baturday cvoiilug bo wns sitting in bis homo on Avontia A , near the corner of Twenty-sixth street , en joying bis favorlto weed , when ho suddenly fell over backward upon the lloor In n lit , which bis physician said was caused by too much clgnrotto smolto. Ho had u bad tlmo Saturday night but yesterday ho wont about bis work as usual. Ills follow worn men arc Mi busy registering resolves that they would MiH quit using cigarettes. h HUSTON STUKi : . Immense Stuck of Spring ( Joodx Just Ite- ci'lxi'd Seu th Dlnpluy. All this \vcok wo have boon receiving coiiHlgnmonts ol Hpt-lng' goods , ami next wcolc wo Hhtiil Imvo on displuy nil the latest novelties in dresa goods , hoaiery , etc. Come in and see the now fabrics. You will bo highly pleased with them , and , as usual , you will Had our prices lower than any other dry goods store in the west. And , by the way , the rainy season is at hand.Vo'ro llxcd for it with thou sands of umbrellas In all lei rids of now designs. BOSTON STOUK. Council BlulTs , la. ITothcringham , Whltoluw & Co. , load ers and promoters of low prices. Mrs. Alton ) Is visiting friends in Nebraska City. City.Mrs. Mrs. S. C. Key Is vUlttng friends at St. Joseph , Mo. Mrs. Dnknn of the Christian homo Is ill with pneumonia. Miss Nelllo Uloason roturnoil from a west ern trip Saturday night. Miss Uulttar of Columbia , Mo. , is a guest of her aunt , Mrs. Horace Evans. Charios . ( acquomln of Helena , Mont. , Is S visiting the family of George Corner. Joseph Drake Is suffering from a severe attack of pnaumonln at bis homo , KJ- ! ( Tenth avctiuo. Eastern money to loan on real ostuto by E. II. Slioafo , Broadway and Main. Jnrvlii wild blackberry is the boat Money to loan. Lowest rates. John ston & Van Fatten , Everett blouk. Looks I.lun Jtcpcal. General E. F. Test has just returned from Dus Molnos , wboro bo wont to attend to some buslnois which Is before the legislature and in which bo Is considerably interested. Ho was asked by a Br.u man yesterday what tlio prospacts were for tbo repealing of the pres ent prohibitory law. "Things look very favorable for the repeal Just now , " was his reply. "Tho Gatcb bill which differs from tbo dafeatod Schmidt bill in a number of important particulars , bus boon before the democrats in caucus 'assem bled , and they have decided to vote for it solidly. I have It from very good authority that thcro will bo at least four republicans and ono Independent in the fonato , and Jlvo republicans in the house , who will vote In favor of the law , and if this is so the doom of prohibition as a stale law is sonlod. "Tho provisions of the law are familiar to the readers of Tin : Uii : : , and the main dif ference between the Gatch bill ana that of Schmidt is that the former is very much inure strict. The rjucstion will probably bo brought up for decision next Wednesday and than wo shall know Bomolhing moro about it. " Mr. Test also states that ho bas Inter viewed a number of the members of the re publican Ma to committee with reference to the dunces of Council Bluffs being oolcotoa ns the place to bold the next state conven tion , ana finds that a majority of thorn nro .favorably inclined to the claims of this city. Look at the lots in Madison Square. An ucro in each lot ; 10 pur cent oil for thirty days. DAY & IIuss. Jarvisl877 brandy , purest , safest , b'est. Ibo SiiHercrn. A committee has boon appointed to circu late subscription lists through tbo city for thovurposo , of raising funds to buy provi sions for tbo starving Russians. All tbo money so raised will bo used in buving corn , as the railroad j and steamboat lines have agreed to transport it to Us final destination free of charge. The following are the mem bers of the committees who are to canvass the various wards : First Ward Rov. QoorgoV. . Snvdor , Mrs. J. M. Flagler , Mrs. Uallingor , F. H. Cuanelhi. Second Ward Mrs. P. M. Ilobror , Mrs. Drown. Hov. U. Hoover , James Million , Third Ward-Mrs. Spies , Mrs. S. Alex ander , .1. .1. Fitzgerald. Fourth Ward-Mrs. C. K. Stoddara , Mrs. Ooorco Phelps , J. T. Mulouoon. Fifth Ward-Mri. A.1C. . Urowor , Mrs. May Brown , llov. T. F. Tblckstun , Jamo * I'rvor. Sixth Ward Will bo organized by Hov , K. M , H. Fleming , Mrs. Davis and Mrs , Ware , I'riinkllii Whore Is It ? Take the Broadway cai to Grave strpot , 'then , # o southeast on Franklin avenue , ' . 'paved , " until yet see our signs. The lots are in slzo 1U ( by HOO foot ; ' good shade trees ; the lines ! lots in the city. Ten per cent olT on ail sales intulo during the next ten days. DAY At Hicss. Solo Agents. Mayor Mnrriiu Mayor Macrae is no longer a candidate for ro-olectlon. Ho came to this conclusion yesterday , and last evening authorized Tin. II KK to make the announcement , This nar rows down the contest among democratic candidates to A , C. Graham and S. li , Wads- worth , with long odds In favor of ( .irahaui who captured a Dig majority of tbo delegates nt Saturday night's primaries. The only other development tbat will bo ivatchod with Intoron is tbo naming of tbo republican candidate. \VoodburydontiBts , next to Grand hotel ; line work u specialty. Tola Hi ic Club Tbo young men wbo gave tbo party at Hoyal Arcanum ball last Friday evening huvo organized themselves into a dancing club ant Will glvo Informal parties every week. A membership of about , twenty bus already boou sccuroi and further additions are ox pcctcd. Tbo dances will bo bold In thnUmil Arcanum ball on either "Wednesday or Fri day evenings. Two apprentice nurses wanted at the W. 0. A. hospital , corner Oth street and Bth uvonuo _ Wo have our own vineyards in CVilifo.- piu. Jurvls Wiuo company , Co. Ulutlu NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS JOT , Mr. Hall Prepared to Abandon His Present Pastorate. IE MAY FORM A NEW ORGANIZATION I'lnnt .Sermon ol tlin JllnUtrr In tlic First llnptUt Cliurcli Seine of tlio fneti In the Itccont. Trouble Itrlclly Iterulled. Crepe on tbo church. H wns n stringy black streamer , nboutfour feet long , which docomtod the floor knob of tbo First liuptiat church yesterday morning. Whether mnllco or mischief placed It thera matters llttlo. It was ovldcntly Intended for a dni-K allusion to the love feast hold tbo night boforo. The black was removed early , and tbo sox- toti's broom brushing tbo snow from tno church stop. , duly announced that iorvices were expected ns usual. There 'was only a fair-sized congregation , Nona ol' the threatened Interruptions or restraints were mtxnlfoit , and a stranger would have glcanod llttlo from the service concerning the harvest of dragon's tooth which lias sprung up of Into. Hov. Mr. Hail tnailo but fo\v remarks concerning - corning tbo church troubles , but ho nutdo many allusions. Ho bas been preaching a series ot sermons on ' 'Christ's Mossngos to tbo Seven Churches of Asia. " By n strange coincidence , the ono for this Sunday tbo last probably of his pastorate wns the last of these messages. It was the ono to the church of the Ltiodlcciins , and opens with : "These things saith tbo amen. " The par ticular passages on which the sermon was based were : " 1 know tny works , that tliou art neither cold nor hot ; ho then X will spew thco out ot my mouth ; bo zealous therefore - fore and ropcnt. " The speaker dwelt upon tbo dangers of In difference , It being tho"chlel causocif nil tbo failures In life. In businojs , In politics , nnd especially In church Itfo , Indifference was most alsnstrous. In mailing tbo point moro apparent ho took an illustration for the history of the church , of which ho has bcon the pastor , until now the cord is KO uncere moniously unapncd. The prayer meetings , tbo mission banus , tbo'varlous ' philanthropies of the church , has boon treated with Indiffer ence by the members , but , when , ns on Satur day evening , some little issue was raised , amounting to nothing us comp.irou with the great work of the church , there was a crowd , and each ono wns working with might nnd main to win his little point. If half this enthusiasm had bcon shown In the prayer meeting ana other forms of church worship and work , they would have crowded several such buildings before this , and boon n power felt through- oat tbo city. "You hauled In everybody you could got bold of just for the ssko of Hailing out ono poor man. You succeeded , and it's all right. " The only other direct reference to tbo storm was the simple announcement that ho had banded his resignation to the advisory committee , and tbat the date of its consider ation would bo mace public Inter. "It will probably bo tnado quick work of. This may bo my last Sunday as pastor , though perhaps I may preach next Sabbath. Then I shall turn tha work over to that higher , purer part of tbo church , who are ho much bettor qualified spiritually than I to conduct the services. " The tone and smile wltb which these words v/oro uttered caused the bit of sar casm to have almost a hissing sound PS it went zipping through the povvs. After the services Mr. Hull was nskod by the reporter for a copy of bis resignation. Ho could not furnish it , us it was simply a verbal one , which was to bo reduced to writing at some future time. "Is the advisory committee friendly to you , Mr. HalH" "Oh , yes , they're all my friends so are all tbo ofilccrs of tbo church. " "May they not report against the accept ance of the resignation ! " "Well , 1 suppose tboy might. I have re signed , though. In no good faith , expecting tbat the pastoral relationship will be savored unless some now circumstances arise to chance the situation. " "Wbatnbo'it tuo report that you intend starting u now church ! " "Well , If there nra enough of the real true Baptists who want to unite In forming a church out of first-class material not such a thing as this church , but a real , enthusiastic , working church why. tbon , I'm with thorn , heart and soul. I don't know whotbor such n church will Do started or not. There's some talk of it , but nothing definite yet. " "When you formulate your realcimtlon will you state In It the history of the trouble nnd your reasons for resigning ! " "I think not. It Is more than likely that next Sunday morning I will make some pub lic statements which may bo interesting. If 1 do I shall have thorn carefully written out. so that tbo press may huvo exactly what 1 have to say. " _ Roller , the tailor , 310 Broadway , lias all the latest Htylob and ncwost floods. Satisfaction guaranteed. Walnut block and Wjomlng coal , fresh mined , rccolvoddailj Thatch or , 1C Main. rouM > IIIK : cuii.u. Jluppy Kinl of : i 1'onr Alotlior'x Hc.treli for u MIxsliiK Jliihy. Several weeks ace a repulsive looking woman called at the Christian homo and left a small child , saying that It belonged to a friend of hers wbo could not take cara of it , and asking tbo manager of the homo to sea tbat It was looked after. Who the woman was or how she came by the child no ono know , aim tnero soomcd to bo no way of finding out , but as tbo llttlo ono showed signs of terrible neglect and there did neb seem to bo any reason for turning It away , It was given a home and lias been there over since. Last Saturday a young woman who could speak but llttlo English called nt the homo , saying aho bad lost her child and some ono bad told bor It might be thoro. She wanted permission to look through the place la tbo liopo of finding It. She told a pitiable story of tbo loss of the llttlo ono. Sbo claimed to live la Albright , and said tbat tha child was out playing in front of the house about six WOOKS ago , when a woman drove up in a carriage and * asked to bo allowed to tulto htm In her arms. The girl who was taking cara of him lifted him up Into the carriage ana the woman hold him for a few minutes , finally suggest ing that ho ought to Imvo nomething moro around him to keep tbo cold out. j\t her suggestion tbo girl went into the houto ana got a shawl , but when she rjuirnod the car riage had 'disappeared , and with it iho llttlo fellow , The mother of the child wns nearly frantic wltb 'oar , but she bad not the slight est Idea what to uountil some ono suggested tbat sbo come to Council Bluffs and go through tbo Homo. Accompanied by Uev. Lemon she made the rounds of all thu rooms In the house , anri when she reached a room wboro thcro were several llttlo children lying in cribs , she pave a suadon shriek and leaped forward , ( 'rasping ono of the babes in hnr arms iind falling over almost Instantly upon the floor In u dead fnlnt. Shu was finally revived , but when she found tbat her child had been taken away from her and placed upon a bed she seemed to bo tilled wllh an unutterable dread that she was not going to bo allowed to keep him. She was finally ) convinced that the people In tno bomn wore bor friends , but it was not for a long time that Bho would allow the cbild to stay anywhere excepting In her arms. It was tha same one tbat bud been brought to the homo six weeks before , but how the woman vibe brouphtlt there got possession of it Is still u mystery. The mother and father of tbo child hnvo separated , however , and it Is supposed that the fattier stole the boy in order to torment Ills wifo. Tno woman left for her homo In Albright Saturday' evening , taking the boy with bor , Swnnson Music Co. , Masonic lotnplo A lllrlhdiy SiifirUe | , Alderman L. A. Casper It one of those un fortunate Individuals wbo can only cnlobrita his birthday every four years , it having been his lot to llrst see tbo light on the 2Qtb day of February. Ills wife arr.uigod a stir- prise party tor hi in and lust tjaturtlay night , lu accordance with bor invitation , nt tbo homo of C , U. Martin , from which they went to the Ornpcr residence on East 1'lerco street. The victim was totally un aware of what vvas coming , but bis surprise by no moans throw a damper on the enjoyment of the occasion. The guests wove pleasantly ontcrlalncd by high five , Mrs , Henry Kcelino receiving the tlrit prize , a beautiful box of flowers , and B , F. Clayton the first Tontlpmon' * t > ri70 , a box of r.jan ! > , At It s'clock refreshments word sG.vcdiv \ the liostoss , assisted bv the Muses Nelllo Young , Mnry Atcn and Nelllo Cauehoy , and Mo < irs. William Martin , O. .T. Martin and Fred Uroon , A number of valuable tokens wcro presented to Mr. Caper before the company aspersed. Tno following guests were present : B. F. Cluyton of Macedonia : Mr. and Mrs. Gentleman , Omaha ; Mayor nnd Mrs. Sloan , South Omaha : Mr. and Mrs. II , A. Caughov , South Omaha ; Mr. and Mrs. Lon. 1'cnnell , South Omaha ; Mr. and Mrs. U. J. Quick , Mr. and Mrs. w. S. Quick , Quick , la. ; Mr. nnd Mrs. Urlmm. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. lj. Felt , Mr. and Mrs. flurry Kcollno , Mr. nnd Mrs. O. A. Keollne , Mr. nnd Mrs. J. M. Homnn , Mr. aim Mrs. Robert Kurth , Mr. nnd Mrs. .7. F. Wllcox. Mr. Mid MM. Bister. Mr. ana Mrs. William I'lunkott , Mr. and MM. .f. F. Plunkott , Mr. nna Mr * . .1. Ilonlgcr , Mr. nna MM. .1. W. Kelly. Mr. and MM. C. II. Martin , Mr. and Mrs. F. Caughov , W. H. Caughcy , A. Young , F. Green of Atlantic , William Martin , O. J. Martin , Otcar. Albert and Ira Plunkott , .1 , Casper , Carl Forborg. Missus Mary Atcn , Magirla I'holun , Katie 1'holan , Nellie Young , Nellie Caughoy. The O. M. Dodge camp , Sons of Vet erans , will glvo a ball in G. A. II. hull on the evening of March 7. A cordial Invitation is extended to the public. runrriil of II. Y. Shelley. The funeral services over tbo remains of the late Dr. B. Y. Shelley took place yester day afternoon at the parlors of Kiel's hotel and wore largely attended. Among these present were tbo Grand Army of the Repub lic , the Sons of Veterans and the Dodge Light guards , all of which organizations mot beforehand and marched to tha hotel In a body. They also accompanied the remains to Walnut Hill cemetery , where they wcro In terred. General Low , Charles Seavoy nud Colonel Nut Patrick , ull of Omaha , served with the deceased as comrades hi the late war and followed bis remains to the grave. TIIKSK UK } * iniUUN Cll.lItCES. Condnet of Dulled Stnti'H TroupH on tlin Mctlenn Itorder Coinpliilneil Ol. NiOIII.P.AXS : , La. , Feb. 23. Tbo Pica yuno's San Antonio special says : The Garza episode now uproars to Imvo bccomo tin issue between the people and thu United States troops , with iho search for the revolutionist chief merely as a side Issue. Since the arrest of Uonzalcs , Garza's father-in-law , yesterday and tbo counter charges made by him against tbo troops , Gonzalcs' grievance has been backed up by a still moro serious aflldavlt made by J. II. Broetor , justice of tlio peace of precinct No. 5 , Nonces county. Brootcr alleges that "various complaints are being inaoo by many of the best law abiding citizens in this portion of the stat regarding tbo conduct , of troops of the Unltod States army , nnd certain persons who claim to bo scouts aim guides ; that ono Captain J. G. Bourltc. the conimuudlntr oftlcor , has bcon especially complained of ns having made promiscuous arrests ot good citizens without apparent eauso or reason , following such arrests with acts of cruelty and at times practicing and permitting acts of In dignities toward such persons while held as prisoners ; ttiat houses have been entered at the dead of im'ht without exhibition of war rants or authority for tbo same , and troops stationed on private property within Inclos- urcs of the owners without consent , or authority ; that should I attempt to mention nil the complaints it would cover many pages , as wrongs have been aono almost as numerous as there are i-iti/.ons living in this portion of my precinct , to say nothing of adjoining counties ; nnd that un less such outrages and wrongs are put an end to promptly so great Is the fear and anxiety of the people tbat many of them will bo forced to leave their growing crops ana starving herds. " 1 further certify tbat many threats of a most seiious character are being made and have been made by the commanding ofllccrs and others with expectation , no doubt , of extorting self-criminating evidence from good citizens whom I believe to bo innocent ; that In this section of tbo state , and es pecially in Ibis county , the civil authorities are in every way ample to preserve peace and citizens. " protect law-abiding Much feeling exists among the people and some excitement has boon occasioned in army circles nid : mi oDlcIal investigation will probably bo ordered. PIHK .IT HOT SI'HIXUH. I'ostolllri ) Illoelt and I'oiirtven llilHlness Houses Destroyed YeHtrriluy. HOT Si'itixoo , ft. D. , Feb. 2S. [ SpccialTele- gram to Tun Bii.j : The postofllce block and fourteen business bouses burned this mom- ing between ' and 4. It Is supposed to have caught from a burning chimney. There were no facilities for quelling Iho flames , which caused a loss of about ? ; 10,000. Too insur ance Is about 17,000. ltlt | > l < lCity's New IndUHtrloH. KAMI ) CITV. S. D. , l''ob. 2 ? . [ Special to Tar. Bii.J : Yesterday THIS Bun correspond ent visited tbo now chlorination works In tbo eastern part of the city. The buildings , which cover about two acres of ground , were commenced ninety days ago and are now completed. They are located In a perfect natural site for clilorinatlon works , smelters and similar Institutions , being built on the side of a high bluff sloping down to the Hapid river. Sevcrrl carloads of machinery have already been received uud placed In position , and the superintendent expects to liavo all tbo machinery In place and to be rnady to treat ere In less than sixty days. The grading of a railroad spur has -been completed and the trackiaying gang is now at work and expect to ha\-o alt track laid within tea days , The two mam buildings of the works seen from the north or east nro apparently live stories In height , but la fact only the north ern parts of theai nro , the successive stories being built Into the bluff , The rail road track is built to the south end of the buildings ana from tbo curs tbo ere will go through Immense bun on tram cars to tbo crushers and then to the rollers where It will bo pulvcrl/3d. Then follows tha nhloriiuition process , treatment to a chlorine gas bath and roasting , and in Ibis connection tlio Hapld City CblorlnationVorkH will have a par ticular advantage over like works situated elsowhero. After experiments and thorough Investigation It was found that the Kupld City gas works , areeted n year ago after tbo latest and most approved inelhoilR , could supply the necessary heat nt a less cost than tbo company could by using coal. Asldo from this the gds will furnish a moro intense , steady and easily rogu'atod boat , Tbo world will employ Illty men and at iho llrst will not treat over I0 < i tons of ere per day. They are so built , however , that ibe capacity can bo increased toUO tons par day and It Is thought that the chaugo will ou mailu wilniu a few months , coxiiK.iift' 1111 : ClileiiKo ( iermiuw Siiy SI cone TlilngH and Ailopl .Memorial ot Sympathy. Ciiuudo , III. , Fob. 2S. Twelfth street Turner ball was lillod to overflowing this ovo.ilng with a domouBtratlvo crovva of Ger- iiians.wlio had assembled to listen tospcocbos upon the recent riots in Berlin. Addresses were made by Hoary C. Bochiol , oJllor of the Fnckrl , Morris Sebultz , editor .of tbo Arbcitcr Xeitung , aud o'.bera. All RuoUo in the mine strain. Kinpiror Wlllii..aM \ denounced In the strongest terms , und ovcry tlmo bo was scored u tremendous shout of approval went up from Uionudlcnco Frequent reference was made to tbo Fioach revolution of ITbU , nnd it wasdocUrcu that tbo Germans were ripe lor a ropllltlon of that event in their own country. What did it matter if blooa wcro sniltoJ in Hio ciusu of liberty and rlgbU Tnubopa was rxpruiscd hal tbo light ulrcady b.'ciin would bo con tinued until iho worklnginoii of Germany would obtain their rights , Mr , Scbultz bald iho riots In Berlin were not an nprbiiiu' for bioa < ! merely , but for entire frtc-dom. Thd uttiludu of the em peror had upturn I tlin eye < of tha people and wllh well directed effort they would bu nnlo to defy bU authority. A memorial lo the Goruiaua of Borllu was adopted. It extended to them the sympathy nnd moral support of thtTTissomblod work- Ingmcn i.nd citizens of Chicago and urged them to keep up tbo llcht 'hgnlnst , the oppressors pressers , Cheer upon tliCdr followed the adoption of the memorial tijd the mooting * l soon after adjourned. WII.T , .ISK riri.Mir.T.ii > x QUTIIKIIIT. { ' J4 ChlciiRo World' * I'nlr f.penl Directory Will 1'rcniitno onTliclr.ImiU'oUKKrrleiidslilpi. CHICAGO , 111. , Feb. 2J.-Jho ! World's fair local directors have prepared a draft of a bill which will bo presented. tt > .Jcongrcis , asking for an outright appropriation ot > , OOQ,000 to bo expanded by the board of directors. Pres ident E. T. Baker will IraVq'for Washington next Tuesday with thu mil ? Ana on Thtirjday will hold a conference tflin'tho World's ' fair national committee , oflKh \ J. W. St. Clalr Isfchairmmi. In the bill there Is no provision for the needs of the national commission , .lust how Mr. Baker nnd Chairman St. Clalr of the commission wilt hnrmoiii/.o on the Joint bill is dlftlcult to predict. Mr. St. Clalr has al ready announced tbat the commission would ask for $ ; i,000UOO at least , to bo expended un der Its own direction , AVII1 lie I.yneheil When Mo. , Fob. 23. Last evening as City Marshal Sprlnklo with n man named Amos Miller under arrest was coming from Justice Toolo's ofllco tboy were met by ono of Miller's pals , name utiKiiown , who got tbo drop on tbo marshal and doim.ndea Miller's release. A. .T. Cooper and Thomas Toolo Heard loud voices , ran out on the ntalr landing of the mill with drawn revolvers and ordered the unknown lo drop his gun. Instead of dropping It , ho tunica the gun on them and a general fusllado began. Toolo bad a llttlo linger shot off by the lirst fire , and the second shot pierced Cooper's heart. Sprinkle was shot , three times and will dlo. The tin- kno'vn was wounded In the hip. Ha ran Into n llelu and shot , himself to prevent capture. Miller wns shot through the wrist. Ho es- caned mid Is still nt liberty. A large posse Is In pursuit of him and bo will bo lynched when captured. The town Is terribly ex ulted. An i\-c\rrimr : ! Iliirned to Death. Ln n.i : HOCK. Ark. , Feb. 23. Between 7 and S o'clock this morning ox-Govornor Elian N Conway was accidentally burned to death In his own residence , a small one-story frame building on Scott street , which was also burned. It Is supposed he was asleep nt. the time. For many years before the late war ho was one of tbo most conspic uous men in Iho stato. Ho was several limes htato auditor and served two terms as gov ernor. Ho was very old nnd feeble , quite eccentric and lived alone , not allowing any one else to sleep on the promises. of nn Old Couple. Four DOWJE. la. , Fob. 23. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : BKK.J Tbo oldest couple over married in thu state have joined hands and hearts nt Jefferson. The trroom , George Thtstlcr , is 75 years old and the bride , Sulllo Barton , only 71. Uov. Lee performed the cerornony. _ _ liEHSOff.ll , /M/MOIMI'/IA. ,1. F. . Hill of Curtis Is at the Arcado. /Cchrlng of Lincoln is at the Arcado. C. A. Wilson of Fremont is at the Arcado. S. .T. Larliin of Douver Is nt the Merchants. J. D. Myers of Ogden Is n guest at the Mil lard. ' F. H. Wilson of Linciln is nt the Mor- chants. , . , Dr. II. Boecher oft Shulton is at the Mer chants. : { . Louis Hold of Coinmhus Is registered at the Arcade. M .N \V. II. Force o Coznd is registered at the Arcade. , , E. N. Botsford ofjlunttncton Is at the Pax on. ! Colonel 13. V. Webster of'Stratton is at the Paxton. K K. Faulkner of Schuyfor is stopping at the Millard. i ' , ? J. S. Woodruff of Ivander , Wyo. , is at the MillarJ. \ J : ' F. W. Llttlo and \vitqflj : Lincoln are at the Murray . . , t Up. H. T. King of Fr.lend-.va3 ot the Merchants yesterday. O. McCanu of Norfolk is a guest at the Merchants. E. McLemon of Sidney is registered at the Merchants. A. .1. Gallcntlno of ICoarnoy Is stopplnz at the Paxton. II. 11. Mann of Buffalo , Neb. , Is a guest at the Paxton. T. H. LuuroDCOof Denver Is registered nt the Paxton. C. D. Byram of Hay Springs is a guest nt the Arcado. J. A. Whlto of Sioux City Is registered at the Arcado. John Bratt of North Platte Is a guest at the Murray. George W. Hobiiison of Plattsmouth Is at 'tho Dellone. ICd Wright of Scotia was at the Merchants lust liveulnir. J. II. Squires of Grand Island is a guest at the Merchants. B. Hoffman of Vienna , Austria , was at the Paxton yesterday. Charles ( . } . Steele of Norfolk was at the Millard yesterday. F. O. Stringer of Grand Island Is rogis- torect at tlio Millard. Dr. O. L. Stephenson of Bonnington is a pue t at the Arcado. .1. F. Paritlns of Weeping Witter is stop ping at the Merchants. H. < } . Bliss and wife ol Fairmont wcro at the Paxton yesterday. John Frederick Flocdor of Helena , Mont. , Is stopping at the Arcado. Georco W. Brown and wife of Choycnno were at the Millard yesterday. G.V. . Irving of Lincoln was among the late arrivals at tbo Merchants. B. J. Tlcrnoy and F. Tiernoy of Brokou Bow are guests at the Dollono. Mr. Elmer Frank's many friends will bo delighted to bear that he is rapidly recover ing from a very severe attack of la t'ripoo nnd erysipelas. A Written Uunuinteo iSYPHILi to Cure Kvery Case or Money KofundoJ. Oiiri-uro liiioniiHiicnt nalaati pi'Vil'ic ' 11,1. ( Uui pnloil siivon ycnr , < a D Imvo ni'Yor 33 j i n urmpt , ) n flnce. Ilyilcscrlliliupi8i'fnll > wa c.m treat jimby innll , anil wcKlvolhu ait nu > lr.ui ; Ru.tratiUin to cure orrorumlnllwonojr , Thoi ) wlio | irof r tu ccunii liora fnrlrfiitiiipntraniliiMiniflnu lll pay rallroal furo liotli wnymui'l liotul bills wlilla liuro If > vo full loc.ira \Vu Cliidlunno tliu World for a tn o llmt our M AGIO 11KMKIIV will not euro.Vrllu for piirtlculn-i mil pel tlio cvUenco , In our novon yoirs' jirnilhj wlfi thl M.\IO ] IIKMKDV U Int4 l ) on nrut .11111 Ml' t } ( ivc'rciimvtlin | ir.'Jullcj nj.vlmt ioci'lal si , < olji ! lliniin.ldr our troni'Ku.ira.illMtli'Hniiili ' : nrj tr/lut llunl being euro I , U'o.uuuranluatu curj orrcfiil ( wry dollar , an lu * wa Invifp roulH'l ) | t ) IID'.U n Albotlnnnt' liajkliuorjJDJW It U poruMhnafuto nil who nlll try HiJtruatu3 > t. Hor.'tofo-j yn'4 htrj I'fcn ' | iiittliiKiip an I imil.uViutyoiirmonoy furilina- L nt trc'MtmfiiH , nail nltliiii/l | ! yu i nra not yet curj t no into Ims | inli | b.ici yini1 irtiwi y. Wo will poiltlvoly tiirayou , Olil clironlcilooi citot cuoicural la'l ) to 91 iliiyi. Invus'.Un iuar iliiivnclil > tiuill'u , nur reputation tui UiDlnuin nu'n , Wrllo u * fur nainai nnd r Mro 'iot iluno woift \ \ > ciiroil who lm\o iilvou | icrail loiilo refer to tlio.11.1 Itcuitt you only P-M'- - iiEoto Mil tliU. If ynjr nyniptuiK nra Dora tlmnt , mucous jiatclios Iri ro'iujli , rliO'liimtlfn In tiunuiiini JointImlr lullliik'out , erjiuni | | | on Hiiy part of 111) boilicQlliwof iccniriilil < iji0ila { > ili.iliisK | li a > or uoriCB. Vculmvo no lipij Jp n tn. Tlio j whci nrj ronttimtly Iukln7 uicrojir/t\l piHitl ) eliO'ill dlijui tlnuu It. ( 'onutniit u o iif tuvjia ilruus Kill mirely bring tores unil oatlnv ulcers In.t'.iu en I. Don't fall In writ ) . All corrosion ton : o jpl li iiluli cnvolojiai Witlnrito tlio mot * rUllltii'cstli.ulon uut wlil Uo all n our power to al I jsu Irt'jf , A JrosJ ' COOI REM D ? rO'.j - Oaialn , Nobnfu. FOR MEN ONLY. snou fora p.xso of I.O..T or KAII.INCI MAN. HOOD , ( iuiii'ral or NVuvoU'i Hmi'iitTf. wouk > ness of uody oriittnd , tlm eireottof error < ere v- rtbaajln o.dor ynuu tlril we cannot ou re.Vo riinraiitruovory finu | orrtifuud ovnry doll-ir. J'lvc dnyit trial treatment ilfilll i-mirsn W3. 1'eicopllh o iKMiisllis ririlUoU In illroo dnyH. lly mull , vooiirjly'p u-K'o I from observation. L'OOK IlUMKUV CO. . ( IMA1IA. .NlUI LADIES "ONLY UAfilP l''i iAti : irvc < ii'i\T ' < > if. , u to mrl ITIHUlu CVrtHui t'i u d ly or miney rnftinUud , lly null T' . bo , ito y aoatol from uliitirvii- t.ucu t/ ' .f V VJ.t Uumua , hub HER SINGLE THOUGHT Waa to Find Rollof , Which Was Ac- comp'ishoci Through the Sk 11 of Drs. Oopolnnd , Shop.ird & Mnnsflo'.d. Mro. Mtxry Nswloii Tolls of Her Da- plomblo Condition and Ro- oovory. Mrs. Mury Ncwloii , IlOJI North SSth avenue , \vlio u IniflKiml 11 foreman : Paxlon & Vlcrl- liiKs.siiys : " 1 had headaches which liinl o\lsllci1 for two yenr-t. They wore vor.v CHUID nt limes lint were constant , Hi-ateoly a ilny pnsM-d without , much Millerliifr , Sometime * juilnscro shimi niul Mioolliur. ami sometimes of licnvy , dull , otmriu'tor. Tlioy worn nt times In from of inv lio.ul , through tlio .vos "oinotlmts in b'u-k of my head , runnltu ! down thuncok , 'riil-teatited KlcknciHof tlio stomach and Rreatly ntreetod my appetite. ciumliiK nlsu u heavy pnln mid ( listless lu thiisioiiiaoh : waaaUo very nervous mid restless. My oymwcroalso nlTooliul. tieh- InBilr.v ini'l nlititt , and softmk tliat I could not nud or do iiny work teciulrliiR tlic special UBL'Ot the eye SUM. My throat was always diy anil Imdly ulcer ated , and at times I could not speak. It , was also sore , and up on taklni ; u Might cold ItunuMHl preat ualn. 1 also lind u harassing cotiKh and pain in my chest and thiotiRli my limit. At times also there \vas ilhijlnj lu my cars and my nosn \vi's ul u ays stutlcd up causing inueh tin- oynnci' . All of those sytuyp. loins completely disap peared under tlie ticut- incnt of Drs , C'opulaud , bhcimrd .V Manslleld. and today 1 am feullun MHS. MAIIV xnvTOX. fculliiT perfectly well , having no heailarhu nor pain of any kind. My thioat and nose me piireil ; tlio iIiiRliiR In the eat.s Is conu. a'so the eoush and pain In my chest. Tim nervous condition has also left ntn and I ameomftrt- alilo and enjoying excellent health. Thn treatment I Inivo roeelMi lot Drs. Cope- Innd , Miopard & Manslleltl. which has niado this remarkable ehauve , has been mild , pleas ant and very skillfully app'lcd. ' I commend these physicians to nil In need of medical help. Mr. Thomas X. Clark , of J010 Douglas street says : "L would not lake ONI ! TIIOUH4NP IIOM.AHS for the lenellts ) I have received from Drs. Copelaml , Shcpard & Manslleld. Mil. THOMAS N. Cr.AIllC. Inm ( Ifty-nlne years old unil had hoxan to think 1 was not long for this world for I was MOlin IIEAII THAN AMVC , hiivlnz still jro.l terrible pain for the last twenty-six years. My nose was always stopped up llrst ono hide then the other ; dull , heavy hoaduclm ju&t over the eves and In thubaok D.irtof the head , loarlnu noises In the e/irs , which seemed to never ceas > e. "I was constantly hawking and splttlnT.try- IIIR to raise the mucus that continually dropped from the head to the throat. lu tho'iuoriilii1 ; upon arising I would ho as tired as when I went to bed ; after eating I would experleueua tense of fullness or hloat- Ine In the stomach , which added consUorablo sutTcrlns to my now Ion j list of symptoms. A SKVKHB COUGH was one of the worst of my symptoms , and : -Uurp , shootliij : palus In the chest extending back to the shoulder blades. This was my condition when I called upon Drs. Copolanil. Shcpard & .Mansllold. They gave mo a thorough scientific itndsyhtonritlc * eoursuof tientiucut which was pleasant and , I must admit , very effective , for 1 am now feo.iiiK liken new man. I cannot say too much lu pr.ilso of-Drs. Oopcland , Shepard & Manslleld for what they have done fur me. Mr. C'lark resides , ns stated above , at 4810 loiiijla'slroet. ) where he can bo been and will icadlly vciify Ins statement. BOTH CUSS PRESIDENTS. A Coincidence In tint Notable Credent tills of tint PliyHlcmns ot the Copolautl Institute. Dr. W. II. Conoluiul waspiosldent of Ills class at liiillevuo llospltal Medical College , Now York , where ho graduated , the most famout Institution ot Us kind In the country , ills diploma bears the written endorsement of the medical authorities of Now York , of the deans of prominent medical cello oi In I'onnsyl- vnnln. Dr. 0. S. Slionnrd WRS president of Ills cliiss at Hubh Medical College , t'hluiiKO , wh'eh Is acknowledged to be the leading In- Htltut'on of Its kind In the west. Dr. Shoparcl's thorough hospital exiiorlon-e and hpeelal study In tha diseases of the eye , car , nose and throat , place him amoirr the leading special ists In the west. Dr. T. II. MunslIGld'R creden tials : ire no less abundant and unrjunllflo : ! . Ho also Is formally Indorsed by the secretaries of various county and state modlual societies. ROOMS 311 AND 312 , New York Life Buildiiu , Cor. 17th anil Farna-a Sis. , Omaha , Nelj. W. II. Coi'HbAND. M. D. C. S. SlIKI'AKI ) , M. D. T. U. MANlSKIKU ) , M. D. I'hyslclaus. Sprolnltes : Oitarrli mil all dls3isi : of tin Kyu , Kir. Throat an I lnir.'H. Nervous I > is- eases , hkln Dlboasis , Uhronlo Dlso.ises. Ollluj Hours 0 to II a , m. , - to & p. m. , 1 tot ) | < , in. fciitiday 1U a. m to 4 p. m. Uittarrhal troubles ami kindred dlsoasai treated Huccoa fully by m ill. Hcml lo In stamps for ouestlon elroulnri. Addrosi all letters to Copolanil Medlo il Institute , New York J.lfu Dulldlns ; . Umuba , Neb. $5 A MONTH. OATAKUH AND KINDUKD D1BKASKS TltKATlil ) AT THK \IKOH MKATIUM' ' * \ A MONTH UNTIL AI'IUL JUTH-MKDI- OINES FUHNlbllED I'HKli GOLD MEDAL , PARIS , 1078. W. 1IAKI3II & CO.'S Breakfast Cocoa from n lilrli Die eicr n of oil li.ui I mi reunited , Is aViuliitrtu jnii-a anil { t In soluble , No Chemicals nro tm'd hi 1U iirrjiurutlon , It inert than thitt tlmtt t/it injlh of Cocoa raised with filarcli , Arrowroot or Hugar , onil IK Ilicrcforo far niorfl ceo * j noiulral , totting lui titan out Ictnliicuji. Itl ilclltlounnotr- ! ' Uhlug , ftrcnllicnlii ( ! | { , BASII.T l ) , anil Bilmlrably ailnjitcd for Invalldi o < well u * for pcnona In lirallli. Sold by flrofcri. . tmywlierf. W. BAKEE & CO. , Dorchester , Mass. AMUSEMENTS. ' A wun BOYD'S Tticaicrl i-e\cntccnth nnd llnrnev streets WEEK BEOINHINO SUNDAY , FEB. 28 , MATINEES WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY , The World Henowned HHNLON BROTHERS UrAiul Tnlry Spectacular FANTASMA NEW TRICKSt NEW SPECIALTIES ! NEW MUSIDI NEW SCENERY ! llov thcctsopcn Saturday iiioinliiK at regular nrh.'cs. PARfJ/TiUHCT / THPATBF I i'oi TiT.\n rAtlnAmoli IntAlnLl IMUCKH Tuesday nndVednesday M lils. Wednes day Matinee. JOSEPH J. DDWLINO AND SADIE HASSOH , NOBODY'S CLAIM. Tliuratliy , Frlilir SiturJny Mntlnoannl NIt'lt THE ILED SPIDER , KDISN MUSlSbir THIS WEEK The Rooster Orchestra lOc Admits to All lOc "LADIES' PERFECT" SYRINGE Tlioonly perfect Vnxlnal nnd Itoclnl Sjilnto In tlio worlil 'a the only frrlnuo n\at Invented bynhlch vn lilnitl Injection ! enn tie niluilnlstcroil without lenhlnv nnil milllrtK Ilio < 1otlilni ! or iiecojaltnt- InB the u > e of n vo" < ol , nmlnlilcti run nl < obo used for reclnl Inject ions orlrrlEivlloii. U Mill thorniiKldy clean Ilia nock ( if Hie "Oinli nml entire viiKlnn , by rt.m.iH'tely ilbtiinilln thov.iKlnnl foliH nn.l ilrnnlnKiill ( llachnrKui out with the Until Into Price $3. THE ALOE & I'ENl'OLI ) CO. , l.Mh St. . next to I1. O. Omaha. Neb. TUE SHORTEST LING TO CHICAGO is via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y as represented on this mao. Steam Heated Electric Lighted , ed Vestibuled trains leave Omaha daily at 6:20 : p. m. , ar riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a. m. City Ticket Office : 1501 Far- nam St. , Omaha. F. A. NASH. Gen'l Agent C. C. LINCOLN , Pass. Agent. Dr , BAILEY r I Iho Leading . j v Dentist Third Floor , Fasten Blos't. „ . „ , . . . . .12 IDS . l(5ti ( ! mill Fariiam Sli A full sot of teeth on rubber for } 3. t'jrfojt nt. Tooth without platoi or rooiovnMo brltt o woric , Just tlio tlilntf for slnzari or publto apoikcrj , nit/Ji Oropilotui. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN. All Illllniti Hi reasonable ratoj , nil worit Wir.'jn'.3l Cntthis out foraKUlrto. wdoD'sC" PENETRATING AND THE comparison nro flow or liuvt'B. C" tiros. All I'rngsUta. Oregon Short l.lno & Utili Northern ICull way CoiniKiny Storltholilrrs * Mcrtlii ) ; . Notice Is hereby clvon Unit the anmml incotliit : oC the stockholders of the Oregon .Short IJno ft Utah Northern Kiillwiiy com pany , for the election of directors and sueh oilier bii < ilncs4 .is may loyally come before the mootlnz , will bo hold at room No. 41 , Hooper lliillillnr. Salt Luke Cltv , Utah Toirltory. niioii Wednesday , the 10th day of March. 181) ) . ' . at 10 o'clock H. in. Stock transfer books will close upon the 20th clay of February , and reopen upon the 17th day of March. AI.EXANIIEK MII.IAII , Hocretary. HOSTON , Mass. . I'ol ) . 3. 169i. FlSil UltM _ 1'roposalx Tor lloiuls. Foalnu bids will bo received at the ofllco of the Cltv Treasurer. Omaha , Neb. , np to li o'clock March lOlli , ISO- ' , for the purchase of J17.V000.002J year .Ipcr cent City Hall Honda. The principal and Intoiest , tire payable at Kountzo llros. , Now York. Interest payable soim-iumimlly. Each bid inimt a ttitu the prlco and the amount of bonds sought for and must Include Interest up to date of delivery. Issued under authority of Charter of met ropolitan RlUcs and Ordinance ? ) l ! ) approve ) 1 January With , 1892. The iljht 13 reserved to reject any or all bids. I < "J2dS7tM Olty Treasurer. SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCIL BLUFFS. oTTrfA. ! . ! } At a bargain , IS-aero fruit and" L'ardon farm adjoining city limits ; good dwelling. E. II. .Shuafo. _ _ KRVT Vacant store , 411 Hroadway FOR . ' by Mrs. Jane llaldwln , Apply to Ucor o T. I'holpsat postollleo. _ 11,1 , trade hoiibo unil lot for team ; will ulvo long tlmeon balance. Cull at CIS S , Cth street. _ FARMS , garden lands , houaoi , lots an I business bloski for s'Uo or r.mU Day & lloss , LU 1'oarl strout. Council _ B 1011 HUNT Over 103 dwellings of every de scription at prices varying from $1 to $100 tier month , locate : ! In nil parts of the city , K. 11 , aiieato. MJ llroadway. _ TOOK KXCHANOr ; Clean stooU of Keneral J ? merchandise , Invoice iiliout JIW)0 ) , for real citato ami some cash. Kd K. Muyno , CI'J ' llroud- way. Council llhill'H. _ ( l ) ncros of land n short , distance H. B. of ] .Council lllu Its ana the I ) , and 1) . Instltutuut Ki per acre. A snap. Also good ino-acre farm near Missouri Valley at , ' ! i per acre. Tosses- Blon given at once If sold. I-ino farms and , L'ar.lons of all slzca , Johnston & Van I'.uton , Council Illulfs. I FOUND AT LAST Alter YO.TB of Unsuoojssfal Siarali for a Cure , Martin Andaman Gets Relief from the Chliuso Doctor -A Volun tnry T ul monlnl , OMAHA. Nob. . Jnn. 18 , 1892. To whom It Aluy Concern : This is to corlifv Unit 1 have bcon a constant sufturor for iniiny vcntM wltli eiitnfi'h , nstlnna niul bconciiinl ttfTou- lions of thu throat , nnd tried till tha tiatont modlcinos nnd romodlos 1 overheard hoard of , but with no success. I t tented with doctors in vnrious parts of thu country , but none of thom could do tnu nny good further than giving mo Hhor temporary relief. I suffered niirht nn day. and continued to grow worse not withstanding all the medicine I had taken. I hud almost given up my case as hopeless wlion I was informed By u friend of Dr. C. Goo \Vo , the Chlncso doctor , ami advised to go and aoo him in the hope of getting relief at least , if not a permanent , cure for my trouble. 1 wiw filow in making up my mind to muko such u radical change in my treatment , as I know a trial with the Chinese doc tor would bring nu\ but 1 litmlly ecu oludcil to give him n trial , so I called nt hisollieo with that intention. I totind the doctor n clover , entertaining gentle man , thoroughly posted on my condi tion , and It took only a vary short tlmo to convince mo that ho was the party 1 was so long in search of. Ho told mo my case was curable , and that ho could cure mo , and prepared me a stieclal troutmont to .suit my condition , and In two wcoks I wns to much better that T hail the fullest confidence in the doctor's ability and committed my cnso to his treatment. I continued In grow bailer rapidly and am now entirely well , t owe my cure to Dr. C. Goo Wo , and am not ashamed to admit it. I advise all who want relief from their troubles to call on Dr. C. Gee Wo. and they will bo cured. For nil particulars apply or WfitO to MARTIN1 L. ANDHRSON. IJ121 Cumlng St. , Omaha , Nob. rm. C.GKH wo , Regular praduuto of Chlncso medfijliie. oleht yoars'study , ton years' practice. Truiitu suc cessfully all diseases known to sulfcrliiK hu- . rnaulty Roots , plants and herbs natiire'sreineillos his medicines the world hU ultnrstvJ.UU'ltos- llmonlals. ( Jail and see him. Consuls ' t freo. Has also constantly on hand rom v for the following diseases ready Asthma. C.iiurrli. Rhuiimiitliiiii. Indigestion. Lost Manhooil. 1-Vmalo - Weakness. Hick uche. Illood 1'iirlflnr , and Ivldn y ami I.lvur. 1'ilce , one dollar per bottle or six for Ilvo dol- Inl-s. These who cannot , call , enclose 2-cimt stamp for question list and full p'rtlculars. OH103 , Car. iOth anl California Sti. .'i THE GRAND HOTEL , Council filuffo , lown. Now , modern , woll-upnolntod , thor oughly woll-Uopl , $3 a day. E. F. CLARK , Prop. CITIZENS STATE BANK Of Council lllulli. Cuplt lstocV $1SO,000 Surplus unU I'rodts HUOOC NotCapltnl nn:1 Surplus OO0 Directors J , I ) . Kdiniinilsun , 1C. I. , hliugnrt , K.O , nioninii.K. 10. Hurt , I. A , Mllicr , . ) . ' V. lllncliiuiiii unit Omrlen u , llnnnau. Transactgenorul bankIng - Ing buhinoas. Largest capital and surplus ol any hank In Hoiilhwestorn Iowa. NTBBEST ON TIME DEPOSITS W. C. ESTEP , FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMKR 14 N. Main , Council Bluffs. Chas. Lunkley , Funcnil Dlreelur nml Undurlukor. 311 Broadway , Council UlnffB , Sims & Saundcrs-fti0"rlr9t.ut . ? federal coiirta. 1 too tnu .1 , i uua Ucnuuluak , Council Iliuff * . lx