Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 28, 1892, Part One, Page 7, Image 8

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Euphrosyno Hustons to Don lier Sackcloth
\ Qarb for Forty Days Forlorn.
of tlio Howling SxvclM Dtirlng Ilio
1'nalVrckAh Wrdin-nilay'uMcnr Ap.
Iiroiich ItorcptluiiH nnd Curd
1'nrtlcs Unluro.
Only two moro days until Lent cast 'ts '
raautlo ever the social world nnd tlro < i beaux
nnd hellos , to say nothing of the .lowngors ,
will seek the seclusion t n boudoir
or something resembling that form of quiet
parties" .
ness. "Health roater-Hvo
ready bolrig organl"-'J atul luo Indications
nro Hint when - < vn Wodnosdny makes Its
ontrnnco , w " nu accompanying dlrgo of
sacKclotli nnu nshos , a great many of the
more fortunate girls will go away for a few
ivcolis to rogatn their strength and bright
looks possibly they will go somewhere
where Lout li unknown and there keep up
the round of pleasures loft behind.
11' , always thei way. Society rushes and
tp'rs around at n breakneck pace during the
, dcason nnd then when Bhrovo Tuesday closes
In everybody settles down to n period of In
activity. That Is the impression that goes
abroad of the followers of the beau mondo.
Of course they don'trcally.boouusotho dread-
lul monotony of Lent is broken by "small
musie-nlos , " "lectures" and "theater parties , "
all these forms of entertainment being nllow-
nblo among thu loss strict observers of tha
Lenten ritual. Hut from the experience of
n Society Woman the fond mammas who
sand away their daughters nro the only ones
who huvo the right Idea of "a complete rest.1'
They have given nil the euro and lovu to the
daughters who nro In the swim ; they have
constantly watched ever thorn , taken care of
their health , looked after their goloshes and
wrap ? , warned tbom of the evil Influences ! of
sitting in draughts nnd generally hnvo boon
the Fldus Achilles of tlioir marriageable girls ,
nnd to these the Lenten rest comes with
thankfulness nnd Joy. It means that for
them the wheels of soclnl nativity will cease
to revolve nnd all social machinery coma to a
Sarah Bornhnrdt's gowns In the "La
Tosuu" performance carried correctness as
to epoch ns well as njsthotlc boauty. The
robu in the third act was of especial elegance.
On n petticoat of white tulle embroidered
with gold dots nnd bordered with n ruche of
tulle in which palo plmc roses wore held at
Intervals by lovers' knots of pink ribbon , she
were nn upper dross ot white satin o'mbroid-
orod with gold flour do lis. This rich fabric
forming the low corsngo swept from the
shoulders down to form the train and the full
ness of drapery on the front of the skirt , a
fiirdlo of cold confining the fullness at the
waist. Tbo sweep of this silk overdress wns
outlined on ono side from the rluht shoulder
ndowu the train nnd across the bodlco to the
edge of the pointed drapery by n garland of
wild roses , a spray of laurel leaves nnd ber
ries of oimmelod gold and diamonds looping
the folds of the drapery on the right sido. On
\ the lelt a double lovers' knot of diamonds
Bought the overdress up to the waist line ,
giving a piquant display of the elaborate
undtirdross already described , which was
worn ever n slip of white satin. A superb
diamond necklace and a bracelet of immense
rubies and diamonds were tbo Jewels worn
wltn this dross. Bornhurdt has a beautiful
back , with dimples tbat reveal themselves at
every movement of her shoulders , nnd she
Blways wears her corsage cut In a way to
show these enviable , beauty marks.
It wasn't to bo wondered at thatour Omaha
girls should rave over Alonsleur Darmont ,
Bernhnrdt's loading man , Just as the girls of
How York and Sail Francisco have dono.
Two years ago ho wns n reporter on ono of
the Purls papers. One night ho took the rog-
ulai'lTltic'a place nt tho'flrst'porformanco of
"Juan of Arc. " The classical beauty of his
lace , the manly strength of his figure , caught
the great actress' eye at onco. Sno ont for
htm , urged nnd commanded him to gtvo up
tils career and let her tutor him in acting.
"Voila ! " as niadamo herself would say.
Ho felt ho had no special tolont for the stage ;
indeed , had no reason whatever for attempt
ing to become an actor , except Bcrnlmrdt'i '
doslre. No man can resist her , they say , and
young Darmont was not nn exception.
What though she bo at least 43 , and a
gramlmothurl Was not the famous Ninon
do 1'Euctos ' so attractive at 80 that her own
great-grandson fell desperately in love with
ber , but committed suicide because of the
hoiiolussuoss of his suit )
3/fas not the great master , Balzac , devoted
yvunty or thlrtyof his masternlecos to studios
* of the women of a certain agdj which moans ,
talto it , the woman of 40 or moro.
Bornbnrdt has lived such n rapid life-
compressed so much of passion nnd excite
ment Into it , that somehow it seems
Impossible to think of her as out
of the "sturra und drang" unshaken by emo
tion , old , inllrm.
But her power , for none will gainsay that
It exists , rests largely upon that clear , low
TOico ( the sivoetostsuroly that mortal woman
was ever glftod with ) and those dark , lumin
ous eyes , that llko the heart brim over
with moisture when aroused. Why , she had
only to say "Bon null , messieurs"'to the re
porters presented during her midnight visit
to Tun Bi'.n , under the escort of Mr. Rosewater -
water , to inako willing slaves of all those
who caino boncalh her gor.tlo spell.
In every century slnco' history began there
Tinvn boon certain women possessing the
witchery of Lillth-tho power to beguile mon.
Lady Alacbotb was such nn ono , Pompa
dour , etu Harry , Potochl.and in o jr own days
Langtry , liornlmrclt , yes even Zolio do Lus-
ean and Lillian Russell all of thorn of this ,
type ? .
It Is far beyond beauty of feature or form ,
Is this secret by which women bcgulio man
kind. You can't dotlno it It Is a trick that
has ballled the subtlest analysts of women.
Mlcbolot , Balzao and do Alaupassaut In
Franco , Thackeray and George Eliot In Eng
I land nnd even our own word-spinning , over-
olaborntlvo novelist , Howolls , bavo had a try
at defining It and failed.
) It is n mysterious facultylnborn nnd not to
la acquired. Culture and refinement mav
enhance It. It cannot bo created.
Now that I nrn talking of Bornbardt
, H may not bo out of plaoo to
ay right here that she wrote her numo on
quito half u dozen tea tray cloths and other
things sent back to the stage by the swell
wo.nen of Omaha. And she signed them
.Without ns much as a murmur , but remarked
Jo a frlond that American women were tha
world's immtest faddists. I wonder if that
true !
A Working Girl , 'not of Omaha's 400 , "
, OH she nnlvoly.saya , would llko to know (1) ( )
.if U is customary In Omaha to reply to an
invention to an evening recaption ; (3) ( )
whuttiur you should leave your cards If vou
: atl-nd or send thorn If you don't ; (3) ( ) if you
s'bave to maUo n call afterwards whether vou
atti nd or not )
Ail Invitations should bo answered
' whether you expect to bo presoat or not ;
cards-should bo luft if you attend , and good
usage satiations , if for an tiftornoon rocop-
, tlou , tl.ut they may bo sent by aservant dur-
ins iho hours of the reception j calls must bo
xnado whether you attend a recaption or
xiol. .
| r | StiMlcully Knturlul'iivil.
( The young ladles of St. Cecilia's church
, , gttvo a very pleasant musical entertain mont
il Thursday oventng , at Exposition Hall. The
program was under the direction of MUs
Pauline tloWltt , organist of the church , and
that young lady deserves much credit for the
( successful manner in which she handled it
jslrs. Joseph Rlttor'B rendition of "Sleep
. "Well , Sweet Angel , " In which her rich ; oon-
trnlto voice wns displayed to much advan
tage , was a trout in Itself , and
won a merited encore. Air. Murphy
delichteei the largo audience by
inulng , in a masterly manner , Fauro's great
composition , "Ramoaux. " Mr , and AHss
. JJorpIii gave a very pleasing duet. MUs
r ultno DoWItt snug "Answer , " in her
wejt , pure soprano voice , very artistically ,
8rJ for an euuoroEvery Rose Has Us
- M ? ' 1' , ? ? O'Grady sang the touor nolo ,
" "
; "Pierrot , In an extreinnly pleasing manner ;
' ] Jo nd friS ? . oaoor ° . "Lovo's Sorrow. " Mr.
1 eph Rltter created & delightful sensation
by singing Mr. W. T. Tabor's now song ,
'Jlarrod Out. " but was too inodost to on-
War a tumultuous encore which was uc-
corded him. After tlio completion of the
musical part of the program , nn olivborato
supper was served , nnd altogether It was a
very enjoyable affair.
The On inlng Dlnnor Unnroi
The dinner dnnco given by Mrs. T. D ,
Cumln nt the residence of her brother , Mr.
Frank Murphy , on St. Mnry'a nvonuo ,
Wednesday evening , In honor of Miss Stolln
wn-J the crownIng -
Hamilton and Miss English ,
Ing event of the pro-Lonton season. While
dinner dances have been particular features
of Now York fashionable llfo it was Its first
Introduction to the swolM of Omaha and
naturally occurring at the handsomest house
in the metropolis the evening couldn't help
but prove delightful. A3 might have been
expected , everything was on nn elaborate
scale. The dinner began at 7 o'clock , the
guests sitting at small tables , ana nt the
close of each course the men , napkins In
hand , progressed upward , "a very enjoyable
feature. " as one fair girl nut It , "for it gave
the women mi opportunity to moot all her gen
tlemen friends.11 The tables \vcro decorated
In wlillo nnd green , tinted tnpcri giving
forth subdued rays from rautt-colorod similes.
After the dinner which served as n charming
prcludo to the cotillon which was to follow ,
the men repaired to the smoking room , iho
women remaining below stairs to listen to
Miss Mury Popplototi's singled.
At 10:30 : the cotillon was Inaugurated In
the billiard room and ball room In the third
story which was canvassed for the occasion.
Mr. Caldfvoll Hamilton leading with Miss
English. In honor of the father of his coun
try the cotillon took on an air of patriotism ,
the llguros were arranged to cover the
colonial , revolutionary ami present period of
our country , the first favors being moccasins
ami pipes , then hatchets and cherries , euns
and sabers , red and white roses and violets ,
eagles and Hags of all nations , The second
Indirect figure might with cntlro propriety
bo called "Questions nnd answers concerning
discoveries nnd discoverers. " It was danced
in this wise. Largo whlto placards were
painted with the answers to the questions
given to Iho ladles In envelopes. Those pla
cards were suspended nbout the nocks of the
men , the ladles dancing with those who car
ried the answers to their questions. Aa for
Instance , "Who nsslatod Columbus In his
discovery of America ! " was enclosed in nn
envelope , whllo on the placard was
printed "Ferdinand and Isabella , " and tlio
young lady having the question danced with
the in n carrying thobannor whichnnswcrcd
the quoitlon. llut there were several lu-
lilcrous mistakes , the young women , In their
hastoto dance , not caring much whether
they dancort with the men who properly rep
resented the answer to their questions or
not. The fifth indirect figure was very
pretty the thirteen orlglual states. The
sixthdiroot was the stars nnd stripes. Amer
ican onglos holding the tri-color being tbo
favors given. The seventh Indirect com
bined two figures , north and south nnd guns
and saoors. Tlio ninth indirect was particu
larly beautiful. Using the May-pole dance as
a suggestion , n largo stuff was brought in to
which wns attached a largo banner bearing
the words , "Tho World's Fair , " whllo be
neath it were countless rod , white ana blue
ribbons. The closing figure was tbo flags
of all nations uniting under tbo aegis of the
starry folds.
Miss titolla Hamilton was prettily pownod
in blue silk , while Miss English , a line ap
pearing young woman with a face that might
easily bo mistaken for Priscllla Mullens' in
contrast with Miss Hamilton , were a red
orono gown nnd red slippers.
Miss McKenna were a handsome costume
of white mullo over pale blue silk , beauti
fully trimmed with lace and tiny blue Bows ,
blue slippers.
Miss Orchard looked lovely in a white
moussollino do solo , with a whlto glrdlo em-
broldorcd in gold bow knots.
Miss Molliora Woohvorih were a pretty
frock of white mullo over pink , while h 3T
guest , Miss Maud Woolworth of Sioux City ,
appeared in pink crepe.
Miss Kawlos won ) an exquisite.costumo of
white silk and wblto passementerie , Irri-
dcscont trimming.
Miss Chambers wore a stylish blue silk ,
blue fan and slippers.
Miss Hughes , white and green velvet and
carried deep rod rosos.
Miss Hnmbloton of Minneapolis were
white pvor pink with lots of lace and ribbon
Miss Brown looked particularly well in a
pink dross with u glrdlo of pearl passomon-
Miss Chandler were a fetching costume of
blue silk and black laco.
Miss Mary Popploton were her favorite
color , red silk.
Miss Doano , n pretty whlto mullo over
pink with quantities oflaco nnd ribbons to
relieve it.
Miss Emily Wakoloy appeared in a hand
some gown of yellow silk with ostrich fcathor
Mlas Nash were nn old rose , changeable
silk which became her well.
Those who danced were : Miss M. Wool-
worth. Miss Maud Woolworth of Sioux City ,
la. ; Miss Yost , Miss Bockwith , Miss McKenna
Konna , Miss Snorwood , Miss Rnwies , Miss
Chambers , Miss Belch , Miss Thedo Balub ,
Miss Brown , Miss Doano , Miss Laura Hoag-
Inno , Miss Hughes , Miss Nash , Miss Orchard ,
Miss Mary Popploton , MUs Chandler , Miss
Emily Wakoloy , Miss English , Miss Hamblo-
ton , Miss Stella Hamilton , Mr. Caitau , Mr.
Garnoau , Mr. Jordan , Mr. Darling. Mr. Mil
ton Darling , Mr. ICountzo , Mr. Coles. Mr.
McMillan , Mr. Drake , Mr. Patrick , Mr.
John Patrick , Mr. Sherwood , Mr. McCaguo ,
Mr. Wyman , Mr. Will Wyman , Mr. Saunders -
dors , Mr. Doano. Mr. Hall. Mr. Wilson , Mr.
Reed , Mr. Gannett , Mr. Tamer , Mr. Voss ,
Mr. Hamilton , Mr. Caldwell Hamilton.
Itoynl Arciimuu 1'itrty ,
Union Pacillo council of the Royal Arcanum
has given a number of very pleasant parties ,
but quite the ploasantost was the muslcalo
and dancing party of Thursday evening.
Metropolitan ball was nouo too largo for the
crowd Hiat was proscnt and the committee
having the party in charge deserves un
stinted praisefor the able manner In which'
the event was'managoJ. Of course It was
annoying to the artists taking part in the
musical program to bo interrupted by thu
constant movement of , persons coming into
the hall , but that could not t > a helped , and ,
all things considered , it was a pleasant suc
cess. The event of chiofcst importance on
the program was the "Andanto and Allegro
from Sonata op. 8 , " by Oneg , piano and violin
lin , Mine. Muontoforlng at the former instru
ment , Mr. Max Lontz violin. Tbo number
was qulto brilliantly played , Mr. Loutz
showing fl'io technique , his bowing too
being worthy of praise. Mmo. Muouteforlnp
as usual with her played musldanly , and it
wns a treat to hear her In Grieg's' brilliant
number for piano and violin , Mr. Lent/ '
violin solo , ' 'Eloglo , " by Ernst , was u gem
and was received with gratifying approval ,
But the complete program was as follows ,
all the participants deserving praise :
n. HormmUo .Schubert
b. Nocturne , . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . , Wolssoiiborn
Dr. A. A. UoliTsmitli.
Tune andT-'ltlu liodtmy
Mr. Thoo. It , Urnimir.
Uomli ) Uapnrluoloso. . . . , Mendelssohn
Mrs. MUontofcrlng ,
Elolo Ernst
; :
Mr. Max Lunt ? .
A Wlgslo from "Wans" , .
Mr. holt Halo.
Zither riolo , t > . . . Selected
Mr. .lullus ronlnur ,
It Was Not do To lie Lolllor
Mr.V. . A. DorrloU.
Andante und Allegro frnmrinimta op , 8Jrlo
i I'luno nnil Vloiln.
Mrs. MilcMitofurlnj ; , Mr. MnLvntz. .
Refreshments were served In the dining
room of iho club whllo tbo dancing was In
progress above stairs , There were twelve
numbers on the program , willed WIM com
pleted by 1 o'clock.
The following guests wcro proaont ;
Mr. and Airs. Aluoutoformg , Mr. and Mrs ,
William Gyger , Mr. nnd Mrs. 0. D. Sutpbon ,
Mr/and Mrs. John B. Sheldon , and Mrs. J ,
B. Sheldon and Mrs. J. B , Ferguson of St.
Joe , Mr. and Mrs. George Hughes , Mr. and
Mrs. L. U. Connor , Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
Stafford , Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Murrav and
Mrs. F. A. Uooilsoll , Mr , nnd Mrs. U. B ,
Horton , Mr. and Mrs. Draper Smith , Mr.and
Mrs. It. H. faailsbury , Mr. and Mrs. W. N.
Babcock , Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Ponfold , Mr ,
and Mrs. J. K. Preston , Mr. and MM. Jerome
belbort , Air. and Mrs. A. P. Brink , Mr. and
and Mrs. C , D. Forsyth. Mr , and Mrs. Lerov
HOURU , Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Shnfor , Mr. anil
Mrs. H. L. Board.Mr. und Mrs. C. S , Potter
Mr. and Mrs , J. H. Wheeler , Mr , and Mrs
A. Goldsmith , Mr. and Mia. M. U. Murphy ,
Mr. mid Mrs , A. J. Vlorllnjr. Mr. and Mrs.
J. A. Thompson , Mrs. , oud Mrs J , B , Porter ,
Mr. end Mrs Julius Koislor , Mr. and Mrs ,
1 * . A , English , Mr. and Mrs. F , W. Gas
man , Mr. nnd Mrs. Eugene Mont
gomery , Mr. nnd Mrs. C. H.
Oration , Mr. nnd Mrs. E. V. Trent ,
Mr. nnd Mrs , I. O. Hhoadcs.Mr. nnd Mrs. W.
C. Bodman , Mr. nnd MM. W. II , Olmjtod ,
Mr. nnd Mrs. F. A. Brondwoll , Mr. nnd Mrs.
O. D. Klpllngcr. Mr. mid Mrs. C.
O. Carpenter , Mr. and MM. Fred.
Alotz , jr. , Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Motz ,
Misses Cooit , Ooodsoll , O. Pike , Florence
Mnynnrd , May Mnynnrd. Grnco Walcott ,
Ella Esmond , Peacock , A. ParKer , Marie
Dowat , Evalyn Houdorion of St. Levis , M.
P. Dakln , li , Treat , Cora Weaver , Etta
Powers. L. Hutchlnson , Irene Dyball , E. M.
Hnrtrnnn , A. M. Messenger , Abblo Holmes ,
Blanche Benton , A. E. Itcdflcld ,
Gusslo Price , Marie Price , Kotchura ,
Allen , Eva Manchester , N. Wilkinson. M.
AlcLolland , Julln Roberts , S. S. Butts , Mrs.
W. J. Smith. Mrs. Dyball. Messrs Harry E.
Mooros , L. E. Drake , Lou Dnlo , Goodsell.W.
A. Derrick , J. W. Maynnrd , F. W. Hills. Dr.
A , A. Goldsmith , E. li , Snvdor , Harry Rood ,
Thco , P. Cramer , C. E. Brown ,
W. F. Denny , C. S. Forsyth ,
Harry Nott , F. Fosbonnor , Julius Fostnor ,
H.V , Shrcvo. F. L. McCoy , Max Lenta , W
Colfnx. J. U. Downr , T. D. Dakiu , A. O.
Potter , W. Tonoyck , W. Burgess , , T. C.
Lalug , U. W. Uybull , jjA. . Sanders , C. A.
Fowler , James Morton , W. S. Heller , J. S.
Clark , A. East , W. C. Unrtlott , U. S. Hor.
ton , F. S. MoCormick , G. B. Dyball , W. O
Morgan , S. B. Koborts , D. G. Bailey , A. E.
Hutehtnson , H , W. Henderson , John E.
AUcblsoii. .
VorSwootOlmrltj-'n SnUo.
Society Is often accused of being heartless ,
but there Is seldom a charitable movement
to xvhlch people of social distinction do not
land a helping hand if asked to. The Na
tional Pageant , which has Just had three
successful presentations In Omaha , wns a
conspicuous example of this fact. Nearly 800
persons gave freely of their time nnd energy
10 its production , and the magnificent result
is a lluttoring commentary upon their gonor-
out kindliness.
The Pagaant represented In the form of
tableaux n number of the Important eras in
American history. The manager of thu af
fair brought n roat many costumes of cor
rect historical design , nnd quaintly curious
many of thorn were , Each tableau employed
a number of persons , who were effectively
posoJ. nnd the scene was frequently helped
out with npnropriato music nnd explanatory
speech. Thu participants acquitted them
selves creditably , and all are entitled to com
mendation for the excellence of their efforts'
The Pageant opened with n scene represent
ing Columbus ( Chnvlo * 11. Sherman ) making
his last plea for help. Ho stands before
Quocn Isabella ( Miss Honn Hamilton ) nnd
IClng Ferdinand ( Dr. B. F. Crummor ) ,
seated on a whlto tut one. About them arc
grouped lords , Indies , pages , monks , the
chancellor und n nun. The queen listens to
the navigator's plea , then arises and pledges
her Jewels , If need bo , to give the desired
rho second tableau represents the landing
of the Pilgrims nt Plymouth roclt. In the
center of the group is the whlto-hnlrod Gov
ernor Carver ( W. 11. Alexander ) with hands
lifted to heaven , and at his side is his wife
( Airs. F. Colpotzor ) . Some of the Pilgrims
are gazing out upon the sea in the back
ground , while others ore anxiously examin
ing an Indian ( Charles B. Nowcomb ) .
The Courtship of Allies Standlsh Is given
in two scones. The llrst opens with Priscilla
( Miss Knio Urndluy ) singing at her spinning
wheel. John Alden ( L. F. Crofoot ) enters
and presents Standhh's offer , of marriage.
Priscilla rejects the proposal and coyly asks
"Why don'iyou speak for yourself. John ! "
John took the hint , and tno second scene dis
closes his wadding in the presence of n largo
company of colonists. Allies Standish
( Chailos Barton ) enters at that moment ,
takes in the situation at a glance and in a
pretty pantomime blesses the newly made
The fourth tableau shows a colonial
kitchen with un nbnormably largo family ,
and is intended to illustrate the sphere of
woman's work in the good old days. The
mother ( Airs. Humes ) Is crooning to an in
fant. A daughter of uncertain ago ( Aliss
Whitney ) is ironing the week's washing and
sings a song full of hope for the lover that
never came. A schoo'linarm ( Mrs. Poor )
has a class df youngsters In ono corner , but
thu unruly pupils ura distracting her with
their antics. The lather ( W. H. Alexander )
bas been rocking a cradle made of a barrel ,
but bis hands huvo oeon busy shelling corn.
As ho takes up the dummy infant and sings
a lullaby bo gets a salvo of hands from his
friends. Other children are employed darn
ing , knitting , spinning , washing dlshot , etc. ,
and the whitohnirod Grandfather ( P. W.
Houry ) and grandmother ( Miss Porrino )
sit peacefully in their midst.
A stately affair Is the Reception of Wash
ton ( W. li. Do.ine ) nndLufnyetto ( Alfred P.
Wolcott ) , who are assisted by Alartha
Washington ( Mrs. D. W. Bunham ) und Mr
and Airs. John Adams ( A. P. Guiou and Miss
Emily Wnkoluv ) . The feature of this nff.ilr
11 a minuet danced by Air. and Airs. Cloraent
Chase , Alessrs. Charles Wilson , Notherton
Hall , Augustus ICountzo , Earl Gannett , C.
A. Wanner. L. F. Crofoot and Lieutenant
Whitman , and Alissos Hoagland , Laura
Hoacland , Blanche AIcKontii ) , Sailio Nash ,
Bertha Yost , Bo-tslo Hall nnd Djisy Doane.
The ladies are in the daintiest of quaint ,
gowns , with powdered hair and fonthcr
fans. Their cavaliers nro in colored knick
erbockers and embroidered vests nnd coats
with voluminous neckerchiefs and white
wigs. As they move with slow , measured
tread to the music of the orchestra auUfcbow
and courtsoy it makes ono of the prettiest
pictures of Iho whole attair.
The Battle of Bunker Hill is represented
bv the scene of General Warren's death.
Warren ( Dr. W. G. Snonccr ) has buon
caught in the arms of General Putnam
( Lioutenaut-.l. S. Mallory ) . A British red
coat is in the act of bayoneting the fallen
here , but his arm is nrrostod by General
Pitcairn ( C.iplaiu C. A. Dempsey ) . Conti
nental und liuglish soldier * ( mi'inbors of the
Second infantry from Fort Omaha ) , nro
grouped about , these central ii urcs like so
many statues , as though they had been In
stantaneously petrified in the mld&t of a
canllict. A commendable quartet sings
"Tho Sword of Buukor Hill. "
The Declaration of Independence Is ropro-
son ted allcgorlually. A group of continental
soldiers occupy the stugo with Amorlcp ( Mrs ,
Pon'd-Pom In their midst. The Trinity choir boys march in singing a
hymn and America rends tbo preamble nnd
the pledge of the immortal declaration , A
second siono opens revealing thirteen young
ladies in beautiful classic draperies of white
arranged in a pyramid with the Goddess of
Liberty ( Miss Anna Bishop ) at the npox.
Columbia ( MM. J. W. Colton ) step ) forward
with a Hug and sings "Tho Star Spangled
Banner. "
The departure of tha Nebraska volunteers
for tbo war Is cleverly imitated. The cur
tain goes un on , a party of boys and clrls
waving handttortmiefi to an approachlnor
company. The Omaha guards under com
mand of Captain Mulfortl marches into view
mill go through a few maneuvers. The war
governor ( Hon. John L. Webster ) enters
upon the scene with this staff nnd presents
the company with alag / , a gift from wive *
und sweethearts. The commander responds
brlolly to the governor's speech , and the
boys In blue nmich awnv to thu tune of "Tho
Girl I Loft Behind Mo. "
Woman's patriotism is illustrated by a
hospital Bcciio from tl.o war , mid it
was ono of the most effective of
the program , It is n bit of realism that
has n sad meaning for nur.v who
saw it , bovoral soldiers nro lying In cots
nnd covered with white spreads. Nurses
( Mlsso-i AlliiuU IC-jiinody and Alargarjt Ale-
Kell ) are busily ongogod in ministering to
their romfort. i'hn surgeon UJr. J. C.
DonUi ) passes through the wnrd. A fallen'
hero ( Uapiulu Mulford ) Is Ivlng un n'
strotclier , und the hospital squad marches
with slow , snd tread lo remove the body.
Ono of tbo boldiors groans , Another starts
up in his sleep nnd calls out "Moths'rl" ' A
( lower girl ( MUs Uortha Clarkson ) enter ? ,
slnslng "Homo , Sweet Homo" In a soft ,
sweet voice , and passes from cot to cot , dls-
trltmtlng her fragrant blossoms. A widowed
mother ( Mrs. Warren Switzlor ) comes in
search of her "boy , " but ho sees her lirat ,
and , rliing with the aid of the nui-so , no
culls In u wouuioiiud volco ; "Mother !
mother ! " They are clasped In each other's
arms us the curtain goes. down. It Is a touchIng -
Ing bcuno and was cluvorly acted.
The Emancipation Proclamation Is Indi
cated by a group of northerners listening to
Its reading by Hon. John L. Wobbler. As
thty leave the stage the scenorv parts and
reveals u party of ulackd. who singu sonic of
pralso. For an encore they dance the Vir
ginia reel , the women being men in disguise.
The entertaininont closes with a tableau
Intended to show that woman's sphere das
boon enlarged until she is engaged in all arts
nnd professions. Tdo scene represents a
sculptor's studio filled with marble liguroj'
emblematic of a lawyer , an actress , aa astronomer -
tronomer , and thirty other callings followed
by women. The characters are clothed in
the pure whlto robes of Grecian statuary and
the effect Is ocautlftil. Th'6y ; > conclude by
singing the greatest effort' 'bf ono of the
nation's greatest women , "Tlfc'Battlo Hymn
of tbo Republic. " >
A Delightful M
Washington's birthday j'V.asj charmingly
celebrated by Airs. 7. . T. Llftd,4oy , ! I12 North
Lowe avenue , by n muslcalMn honor of Miss
Grcono of Kookuk , lown 'il ' well known
pianlsto of the Hawkeye stattSfrrom 3 until
ft , in order that tbo gurstsi.qflpld have nn
opportunity of seeing SnraliMBornhnrdt In
the evening. In addition ti.n"'t\voU ' chosen
program , tbo surroundings lydro bright and
pleasing , oven the programs 'baling n moro
than usual touch of artistic .thought , MUs
Evans , who occupies thopoiltipn of principal
of the drawing school , and nu.hrtlst of moro
than ordinary ability , decorated the pro
grams In sepia nnd water color , all having
suggestive designs which were particularly
fresh nnd breezy. They were very much
admired by the guests , who for once found It
convenient to keep a musical program as n
The program Introduced Air. Ilnus Albert ,
Aliss Oliver nnd Miss Grcono , all thorough
artists , Air. Albert's playing particularly
calling out golden opinions from the lovers
of music present. In make up the program
tt anils as ono of the very best of the season ,
being sufilclcutly light to please those .who
woru liot musicians nnd still hold the Interest
of these who woro. Allss Greene showed a
delightful technique nnd qulto captivated
the guests by her brilliant playing. Aliss
Oliver sang splendidly and added not a llttlo
to n thoroughly cnjoyablo afternoon.
The program was as follows :
Seventh Concerto . . Do Horlot
Mr. Hans Albert.
Love Is a Dream . . . Co won
Miss Oliver.
I n. AbcmlspazlurjMiii ! ; . . .Joof Low
< b. Etude , op. is No 7 . Ohopln
( e. Maiden's SoiiB..Moyor-IIuItnud-Vo rlch
Miss ( Jrcuno.
I'Aiix n. -
I n. 1'rolsllcd "Melstcrslngor1' . Wapnor
I b. Spanish Mnrnurku
Mr. Albert.-
Heart's Uollpht . : . Glluhrlst
MUs Oliver.
bonnotto do 1'otraroa . lils/.t
Miss Greene ,
I mist Kuiilalslo . Surnsuto
Mr. Albert.
Mrs. Lindsay wns assisted by Miss Scott
and Miss Isaac ) , the former presiding nt the
coffee uru with gracious dignity , while Aliss
Edith Evans of Alnlvorn , In. , received with
thu hostess nnd Allsa Grocno.
The refreshments were quito In keeping
with the pleasurable day. AIr.s. Lindsoy
showing herself a tactful nnd extremely de
lightful hostess.
The L'tiosu present were : Alra. Lallv , Airs.
A. Meyer , Mrs. Ojcar Williams , Airs. Henry
Whiting , Mrs. Charles onieer , Council
Bluffs j Mrs. Dr. J. P. Hanchott. Council
Bluffs ; Airs. W. H. Hnnchott , Airs. Kilduff ,
Airs. Newton Borkalow , Air ? . H. G. Burt ,
Airs. J. A. Koblnson , Mrs. Wf O. Ives , Mrs.
G. W. Kellov , Airs. Ewlng Brown.Mrs. C. E.
Johannes , Airs. Eraost , Cole nnd Mrs. Hugh
Cole of Council Bluff * . Miss -Fish of Altchl-
gan. n cuojt of AliM. Henry Whiting ; Miss
Junto Baldwin. Council Bluffs : Aliss Susnnno
Walker , Miss Holoa Lloyd. Aliss Laura
Scott , Miss Lizzie Isaacs , Miss Valentino ,
Aliss Kihol Evans. Aliss Edith Evans of Mai-
vcrn , la. , Aliss ICato Stodilnrd.
51 r < . I.ttkc'rf Koin.
Mrs. G. W. Lake gave two Wiry pleasant
Kensingtons Wednesday , d'lld Thursday
afternoons , the house bcimjatjcdolcnt with
bloom , the sweetest of sprin ujlnwors being
lavishly distributed about ttiG rooms , on
mantels , tnblos and br.iclfats0 The parlor
was nil in whlto nnd wns llgh Sl brilliantly
with waxen tapers In silver ) , candelabra.
Azaleas ornamented tho' mantel while
bunches of hyacinths nnd Mldfof the vnllov
were distributed hero and'th.&b about the
room. La Franco roses ntad azaleas were
used in the decorations df tnb roar parlor
and dining room , whllo shatipa lights added
to the eff < S tivonb'st of the .de'cffratlons. In
addition to the ilowor show was quito
nil of that and the daluty'rofrosbments the
Mandolin club played on bolh'orjcasions.
The following were tho-gifek'ts present at
both- matinees : AJrs. Moof&i'jMrs' ' Welsh ,
Airs. Hitchcock. Mrs. Nq\v'tdH''ltirkalow ' ,
Mrs. Lowe , Airs. Congilonr'Arrs''C'oilL'dnn ,
jr. , AIM. Knight , Airs. W. -Mlllard , ' "Airs.
v'aii Nostrnnd , Airs. Al&glll , AIr.s. Nichols ,
Airs. Theodore Ringwnlt , Airs. John Alonoll ,
Aladamo Alonoll , Airs. Richardson , Airs. Guv
Barton. Airs. Bovd , Airs. Catliu. Airs. Hall ,
Mrs. AIcKel ! , Airs. Smith , Airs. Prltchett ,
Mrs. Cook , Airs. Turner , Alw. Kinsman ,
Airs. Gilbert , Airs. DuBoia , Mrs. C. II.
Brown , Airs. ICIlpatrlok , AIr.s. Sharp. Airs.
.Toioph Barton , Airs. Coutant , Airs.
Stiger , Mrs. Sari/out , Mrs. Redick ,
Airs. Squires , Alra. Wallace , Airs.
Estnbrook , Mrs. Howe , Airs. Pavton , Airs.
Soars , Mrs. Poppleton , Airs. Warden , Mrs.
Hubbard , Airs. Kcnucdv , Airs. Cowin , Airs.
Hibbani. Aliss Alarv Hlbbard , Alrj. Byron
Rood , Mrs. Bennett" , Mr-i. Kitchen , Airs.
Beall , Airs.Valcoloy , Airs. J. J. Brown , Airs.
Will Poppleton , Airs. Bradford , Airs.
Wheeler , Airs. Swobo , MM. Diotz , Airs.
Aluir , Airs. Ezra Alillard. Airs. Lewis Reed ,
Alr.s. Jordan , Airs. Rocder , Aliss Hlbbard ,
Aliss Brown , Airs. Puck , Mrd. Clarkson. Mrs.
Thurston , Airs. A. U. Wvman , MM. Victor
C.ildwell , Airs. Kimball , Airs. Holdruge , Airs.
Brigg * . Aliss Chambers , Alra. Wosselh ,
Allsi Rawles , Airs. W. W. Wyman , Airs.
Charles Wells , Airs. LyloDickey , Airs. Pratt.
Airs. Perrino , Airs. ( Javlord , Airs.Vells ,
Airs. Hoaglaml , Aliss Alary Htbbard , Airs.
F. S. Hopkins , Airs. Ellis Blorbowor , Airs.
Alencle , Airs. John Kvans.
Crlolir.itliiK JIciItlrthiliiy. .
The principal event of the past weak in
juvenile circles was the party given by Mrs.
J. B. Itihm , jJJO ! ) Pacific all-sot , in honor of
her daughter Helen's fourth birthday. The
guests were received by the llttlo 'hostess ,
assisted by Aliss Fannlu Condon. Games
were the order of the evening until all ad
journed to the supper room , where n bril
liantly llghtoil and heavily laden table
awaited hem. The prizes and souvenirs
wcro beautiful , the latter being oxcuptlon-
all.v unique , consisting of tinto.1 ivory nr-
tides , llllod with chonolatov bonbons and
having tha data in raised cilt Hguros on the
outsido. i
Ainoncr those present were : - Aliases Helen
Rahm , Fiiuulo Condon , Murv > Strinpfolloiv ,
Elolso Wood , Vivian MoDanald , Borthu
Shuckleford , AInry , Strlgnlcllow , Anna
Sbackloford , Rouorta Stringfollow , Edna
Johtisou , Ciussio Fr.uiur , Alusters
I'ranltlln Condon , Fred Jolnuon ,
Roy Johnson , Alonzo Thnmpion and Luster
High Five * ill tin' ( ii - Olul ) ,
Thursday evening the German club gave
another very pleasant high live party , which
wus attended by a number of the loading
members of tlio club , their wives and lady
friends , Prizes were wou . by Mrs , U.
Guonthor and Air. Julius Po.v'cUp.
Thnro wore pros'ont : Kit" ' pud AIi-3.
Chnilua Molz , Mr. and Airs. 'Fred Alotz. Air.
, nnd Airs , Aaron Cnhn , Alr.-litiil MM , Alnx
Bccht , Mr. and Alr.i. Con "Wm'domnR. Air ,
"and Airs. Wllljum mayors , JlY. .And Airs. C.
Uuonthcr , Air. nnd MH. Olliiiymtuson , Mr.
unit MrVII1lnm nrrnUin MUJ'nnI AM. , It
Ijomy. Krug , Lund ; Airs , lrq3,1LiiiKOMr.s.
I 'agU William Herbert , MjySwiuomln , F.
Jt Lunte , C. J , Kurbacn./iluiiui / ' Poyokf.
Oscar Puudt , Arthur Smltij.
li'ip : Vinr I'ui-ly.
A very enjoyable leap year tflfty was given
in honor of the Emerald So9f giuli by their
lady friends Tuesday nvinlpxilQt Cosmopoli
tan hull , After dancing unV .ftumhoM ro-
freahmenls were sorvpd nlid'iulunciiig ( was
nguin resumed. I.WIB '
Among those prosen , wer'4''Arrs. ' Dillon ,
Alusos Llda Houy , LizzlHdnnnrd , Alumio
Shannon , Emily Alylus , Olive 'Folio , -
Long. Klla Kirucr , Emm.i Rairoii. Margaret
Uoov , May Grady , Mildred .laclnon , Allnnio
Walker , Aloasrj. Tom Dillon , Burnov Mona-
irban , Harry MuFuddon , B.irnov 'Hurley ,
Irvine Alylus , Cliarllo AicFudden , Henrv
Jlur-U , Toai Hurley , Hon. Thomas Flynri ,
Frank VuudonbUrg of Council BlutT.s , Phil
McMillan , Hany Jack-ion , 'Frank ' Muhohcy ,
Diwlo Stiaimbuti. '
\ I' rut
The pretty kDnslnslon te.t iron bv Mli
Kathryu Prsiton at lur h vnj I'Vl'l ly ahir-
noon was thoroughly o.ijuyo.i by iho Uvorad
ones who WITJ proicni.
Palms nnd dit ! idlU , romliiJlii7t > nfl of the
approaching i-pi-injtlnu , il tJaraMt tha par-
lor.s. Oicof th i | i uiui''i.i f I'urj * of iho
afternoon wiu tln : I up a 11,1 u uni iiuKcon -
ststlng of n piano solo , "Dor Frolschutz , " oy
AlUs KoyoJ , n pretty Song bv Miss Bertha
Clarkson , selections from ' 'Wang" by Miss
Alorton , nnd lastly , the most novel of nil , the
whistling by .Aliss Simons , which sounded
more llko the enroling of birds than might
olso. The selection first ehoson by Aliss
Simons was the "Ermlnlo Gavotte , " mid sqv-
crnl others followed ,
These present were : The Allsjos Simons
of Lincoln , Foyo of Bnth , Ale. ; Koyt-.s of
Philadelphia , Grnco Dotwller , Georgia Llud-
soy , Helen Smith , Edith Alorton , Alary
Stephens , Belle Alorrow , Borthn Clarkson ,
Lillian House , Ada Parker , Alamo Hall ,
Horrnlc Blessing , Wlnnto Kennedy , Helen
Alillard , Allco Parker , Alary Buck , Ella
Alien ,
"Tlio ll.irhdoillopnt tlin ( inrrltmt.
On last Tuesday evening "The Bachelors"
gave the most dollehtful nnd In every way
successful hop of the season at Fort Omaha.
The hop room were a merry nnd patriotic
dross for the occasion , the walls being en
tirely covered with draped flags. Streamers
of red , whlto nnd blue wcro suspended from
each corner of the colling and met at the
center , whore they were hold by n largo
Jnpanoso umbrella , The stage was beauti
fully furnished with Turkish rugs , divans
nnd plnno lamps , where the guost-s were ro-
celvoJ by Mrs. Wheaten , Airs. Parke , Airs.
Spencer nnd Airs. AInllory ; Lieutenants
Wilson , Arrnsmlth , Bookmlllor , Hlnos ,
Whitman , Rowoll nnd Alurquet.
In the billiard room refreshments were
served where n dainty table of pink nnd
whlto was placed. In the center of the
tublo stood u banquet lamp with gorgeous
abiulo of pink and whlto , nruiind the base of
Itsmila.v nnd pink carnations wcro twined ,
from this cantor piece \va suspended n rope
of smllax to each corner of the table whore
It was supported by n tall candelabra lighted
with pink candles.
Dainty silver trnys nnd out glass dtshos
tied with pink bow's of ribbon hold pink nnd
whlto bon bans , nlmOnds and olU'os. Thanks
to Lloutonant Bo'okmlllcr , n most delicious
lunch wns served throughout the evening.
Airs. Wheaten were u velvet gown of cafe
nu lalt elaborately trimmed in black Ince ,
hand bouquet of lilies of the valley.
Airs. Pnrko were u stunning gown of cedar
colorbd silk , bndlc-3 of Irish point Inco.
AIM. Spencer looked her lovliest In n
dainty gown of white silk mid crepe with
ponrl passementerie garniture.
Mrs. AInllory wns nltirod in nn elecnut
Whlto satin , ontraluo.
Airs. Brooke were hnndsomo dnrit blue
velvet h'owu over u light blue brocade petti
coat , with rich point d'Aloncon.
Aliss Piper's beautiful tollotto of gobelin
blue silk with cxqulsito baud ! ) of gold nnd
turquoise wns exceedingly becoming.
Airs. Webster , embroidered crepe do
Airs. Aborcromblo , green silk , black not
Aliss Nightingale , ashes of roses an d pluk
slllc ,
Airs. Harry AleCormiok , rod cropo.
Aliss Orchard , blue embroidered crepe do
Aliss McKenna were a very becoming
gown of red guuzo.
Miss Hughes , invondor crepe , violet
Alra. Wright looked unusually well In
handsome black silk , tbo bodice trimmed in
festoons of black lace cuught with bunches
of violets.
Aliss Balcomun was very handsome iu a
dainty yellow brocade bilk.
Aliss Waring , white Inco nnd crepo.
Airs. Dempsey were a becoming gown of
lavender crepe.
Airs. Wicks were n pretty costume of striped
whlt3 Htiazo nnd lilies ot the valley.
Airs , Van Liow , pli.k silk , gold trimmings.
Airs. Pickering , yellow and wblto cash-
in K re.
Airs. Wllkins were un elegant whlto satin ,
ontrulnu , richly trimmed with duchosso luce.
Mrs. Ulio , whlto crone , white chiffon.
Aliss Halliday were "a simple and .very Be
coming prin ccsso gown of lavender silk.
Among Iho gunsts were General Whoatou ,
Colonel Pnrke , Alajor Worth , Dr. Spencer ,
Captains Keller , Dempsey , Ulio , Warln ,
Turner , Kmzio , Lieutenants Webster , Aber-
cromblo , Pickering , Van Liew , Piper , Dr.
Halliday , Air. AIcDougal. Albs AlcClelland ,
Aliss Heoso , Air. Giou , Mr. Will Doauo , Air.
Stockton Hoth , Mr. ami Airs. Truitt , Air.
vacndii , Captain and Airs. Osgood , the
Allsscs Oitrood , Aliss Chambers. Aliss
Uowles , Plorro Garneau and Captain
Tlio Mill-nil Krci'ptloil.
With the approach of Lent society became
unusually gay the past week , the functions
being upon an elaborate scale , and fair gossipers -
sipors In their pleasant chit-chat have had
abundant opportunity to praise tbo efforts of
hostesses in entertaining their swell friends.
Among the leading events of n very busy
wojk was the reception given by Airs. W.
W. Alnrih Thui-sdiiy from ; i until I ) o'clock.
Throughout the beautiful homo floral dec
orations were observed In profusion , roses iu
vast numbers ornamented the nooks , the
mantels ami tlio tables , while prettily shaded
tapers added to the brilliancy of the oc
casion soft subdued lights. The dining room
was draped in clinging smilax nnd roses , thu
handsumo table being covered bv a heavy
damask with u centerpiece of la Franco
rnbos , and pink tapers peeped from bronze
and golden candelabra. Whllo tbo tublo was
very beautiful , the mantel was ulsonlbingot
beauty , Easter lilies nodding a stately
welcome from a background of smilax to
thu two hundred and odd society women in
attendance upon the reception. Daintily
irowned matrons and fair debutants assisted
in receiving with the hostess and looking
nfttr iho comfort of tbo guests throughout
the rooms.
Mrs. Marsh was aided in the task of .shak
ing hands with tbo multitude of guests bv
Airs. Duryea , Airs , Gilbert , Airs. I'axton ,
Airs. Squires and AIw. Atwood of Sioux
City , whllo Airs. ' .Colpotzer , Al . Estnbrook ,
Airs. Allen , Airs. WortMrs. . Van ICuran ,
Aliss House , Aliss Hamilton , Aliss Gilbert
and Aliss Amy Barker gave their assistance
throughout thu uppartments. A full
orchestra stationed above stairs played dur
ing iho hours of tbo reception , tilling the
homo of ono of Omaha's wealthy citizens
witu pleasant melody.
.Mr. and .Mrx. MitiHy ICn
Air. and Airs. Hy H , Meday , 511 South
Twenty-ninth avenue , gave , on Thursday
evening , an exceedingly delightful card
party i i honor of Miss Ward of Ottawa ,
Cau. , u sister of the hostess. The lovely
homo of thoAtodays was finely decorated
with roses and tu'lfps placed about the rooms
in Jardinieres and rosb bowls. Probably Air.
Alcday has the llnust collection of fur rugs
nnd robe ; in all the western country , und
thcso wcro placed nbout the floors lo the delight -
light of the guoits. The table cards wcro
very large hearts and spades with the data
in cold letters printed upon them , Thuscoro
cards were smaller ai/.os of the same denomi
nation , iho counters bsinggold hearts upon a
black surface. The pri/es were very pretty
and valuable.
Tno following guests were present : Air.
and Airs , J. N. H , Patrick , General anil Mrs.
Brooke , General "anil Airs , Wheuton , Air , and
Alrs.J. M. ThUMtou , Air. nnd Mrs , B. B ,
WondcMr. And Mrs. G. N. Pritchott , Air.
nnd Airs. L. AI. Bennett , Air. and Airs. War ,
run M , Rogers , Air , nnil Airs. T. J. Hopor.s.
Air. and Air * . Lovl Carter , Air , and Airs. T.
Kilpatrick , Air , and Airs. W. V. Morse , Air.
and Airs. Richard Carrier , Air , und Airs , E ,
P. Puck , Cnlonol and Mrs , M , V. Sheridan.
Mr. and Airs , F. W , Weosoli. Air. und Al ,
1) . H. Wbnolur , Jr. , Air. and Airs. ( J. E. Yost !
Mr. mid Mrs. J. S. Brady , Mr , nnd Mr.J ,
AloIC'uinn , Mr. and Air * . C. 1C. Coutant , Mrs
, losoph Barkur , Airs. it. R. Rlngwalt , Mrs
Louis Bradford. Airs. W , W , Owen.
J'liiynd RiiriU ,
A most delightful progroisivo high 11 vo
party wus given uy Mr , und Airs , U. G ,
Truax ai their residence , 4311 Grant street ,
Friday evening. Pri/os were awarded Aliss
Pyfforand Airs. Uurkoo , Mr. Rush nnci Air.
The guests wcro : Messrs. und Alcsdumos
Winning. Brown , Alartin , ( jutes , McCoy ,
Hay ward , itubh , Grucg , Hull , HtfnnoU , Dur-
kcu , Millar , Lavidue , Carson , Ilurronl ,
Wright , Hoffman. Snow , Dillo ; Aliss Do-
Lnihmuttoof Burlington , la. , Miss Pyfter ,
MM , Ilurlico. Air. Davidson and Mr , Will
. A OulctVmldlng , ,
A pretty homo wadding confined to the
very near relatives and most Inlluiato friends
occurred at the resilience of Air , and MM.
Oscar ivr.i'z , JIIJ Curnlng vtroutlau Alon-
day uvuning. It was the occasion of thu mar-
liajo of their dan Ciller , Mist Emma C.
Kratz to Mr , Ttmmi W. Cox , liu well
Unoivn lur.ui'.u mm of iliU city. J'ho mur-
rlngo ceremony wns gracefully performed by
the Rov. David R. Kerr , president of Hello *
vuo college. The brldo was beautifully at
tired In white crepe trimmed In whlto chiffon
fen nnd pearl passcmoutorlo and carried n
bouquet of whlto trosos nnd lilies of the vnl-
ley. The many friends of both families uiilto
in the most earnest wishes for their happi
ness ,
Miss Ilnskrll Ktltortulm.
Last Thursday evening Aliss InezHasM ! ,
the daughter of Air. nnd MM. Henry Haskoll ,
gave \ory delightful high flvo party nt tlio
residence of her parents , U'.M North
Eighteenth street. The Interior of the cosy
llttlo homo bad boon very prettily ilocoratod
with flowers , and refreshments of n most
recherche kind were served during tha even
ing. There was an utter absence of formal
ity about this llttlo social gathering and
everyone present suemod determined In have
n good time , The affair , therefore , wns n
great success. The llrst gentleman's prlza
wns cnnturod by .Mr. AI. Pnlmntlor. whllo
the foriumuo lady wns Aliss Hnumiin. Mr.
Goodmnn wns presented with the gentle
man's booby prl/o and Alls Strnug wns
awarded the lady's booby prizo.
Among those present were : Alissos
Balloy , Wollor , Church , Bnuman , G.
Bnuman , Llvoioy , Rich , Byrne ,
Strong , Bishop , Collott ; Air. and AIr . Fos
ter , nnil Ale srs. Barrett , I'-Utnatlor. Sher
man , Smith , Llvcjoy , Strung , Woodward ,
Dnvonport , Grungar , AlcAInhou , AIcCouuull ,
Goodman anil Knouso.
Thi'lr Clo'lntr Social ,
No accessories were omitted by the Voun
Men's institute In making thnlr closing
soclnblo for the season Inst Friday ovontug
un event that will always elnlm happy ro-
llcctlons and merit the highest npprecintlon
of those present.
The literary program prepared by tlio in
stitute for the occasion wus of thu hlghust
order. Songs by Airs , littler , Aliss Allco
Lowry , Air. Edward Dally unit Air. Joseph
Rlttor were in every way doscrvlng of the
rounds of upplauso that wcro accorded them ,
The past season tins been very prolltablo to
the Voting Men's Institute , both in n finan
cial way and ns u medium to effect u cordial
feeling of sociability among the members und
their friends ,
During the coming season the Institute- will
undoubtedly organize a literary club , having
entertainments weekly or soml-mouthly , and
requests thu presence "of nil Its patrons.
On Sunday afternoon , Alnrch 0 , the Young
Men's Institute Athlotlo club will bo organ
ized ; the mooting will be hold at Young
Alon'.s Institute hall ; the purpose of the club
is to promote indoor nnd outdoor sports
timong its members und a large ultcndnnco is
desired to mnko u good start. Alombcrs and
their friends nro invited.
In Honor < il Hurry MIRO.
A very pleasant surprise party was given
last Friday evening nt the residence of Air.
William Sno in hi * now hutno on Clifton
Hill In honor of ills son Harry. A delicious
lunch wns served , the cntartalntnunt being
high live nnil n banjo duet given by Air.
C. Rowdon nnd Air. A. Beaten , Air. E. Docn
accompanying on the piano.
The following guests were present : Altssos
L. O'Connor , L. Edwards , E. Bonier , Airs.
C. Alorso , Aliss AI. Kerr , Aliss A. O'Connor ,
Aliss I. Eplio , Aliss Edwards , Aliss Yule ,
Aliss Stiles , Aliss Suge , Alossrs. C. Rowdon ,
A. Beaten , G. Sutcr. E. Deon , L. Styles , A.
Harris , Alooberr.v , H. Sngo.
Minor Mriitliin.
Mine. Norris has returned from New
AHss Lizzie Parrotto is visiting friends in
Aliss AleClolland left for Sioux City
Aliss Brown of Chicago is visiting Judge
and Airs. Lake.
Miss Ilambloton loaves for her home , Alin-
ncapolis , Monday.
Mr. Elmar D. Frank is recovering from his
recent severe illness.
Airs. R. H. Davies has gone to Now York
city on u two week's trip.
Airs , . E. B. Mix of Aurora , 111. , Is the guest
of Airs. George N. Clayton.
Air. Picrro Garuoau loaves Saturday for
Loavonworth and St. Louis.
Miss Maud Woolworth of SloUx City is the
guest of Aliss AJ. Woohvorth.
? .liss Mary Black of Chicago is visiting
Air. and Alra , William Wullaco.
Airs. W. J. Broatch will rosoivo her many
friends this afternoon nt ! i o'clock.
The Alisses Polack entertained at tea a few
of their friends on Friday afternoon.
Air. nnd Airs. Henry \V. Yutos have re
turned from an extended eastern trip.
Air. George J. Paul loft , Thursday for a
business trip through Ohio and Indiana.
Air. and Airs. Guy C. Barton entertained n
few friends at dinner Thursday evening.
Aliss Amy Silver of Cambridge , AInss. , is
visiting her bister , Airs. John P. William ? .
Air. and Alr.s. Estnbrook huvo as thnlr
guest Airs. H. J. Howe of Marshalltown , la
Airs. Henry Newman ( neo Luna Dundy ) ,
telegram received yoitorday announces , li
Airs Sophia Lowe is visiting Mr. nnd
Airs. Jesse Luwo at their homo in Denver for
a short timu.
Air. and Airs. W. N. Babcock entertained
the Entro Nous club most delightfully Tues
day evening.
Miss Parmaloo of Nebraska Citv Is visit
ing her friend , Aliss Kuto AI. Wright , nt her
residence on North Twenty-fourth street.
Mr. nnd Mrs. George B. T/schuck , secre
tary of Tin : B'KU Publishing company , an
nounce the birth of a daughter Friday oven-
Air. and Airs. S. G. V. Griswold nro very
happy over the birth of a son last Saturday
evening , which will bo christened Girard
Coburn Griswold.
The Conservatory of Alusic is arranging
for u recital during next month , which will
introduce pupils from nil the departments of
the school , vocal , instrumental and elocution.
Mme. Randall will deliver a lecture before
the ladles of the Cleofan , Alarch fi , ntSiiiO
p. in. , in Knights of Pythias hall , Puxton
block. Subject of lecture , "The French
Novel of Today. "
Alr.s. George L. Barney , daughter of Mr.
and Airs. L. B. Williams , is visiting her
parents on Dodge street this week. In u.fow
days Mr. und Airs. Barney will leave for
Indianapolis , their future ; homo.
Airs. Byron Reed is shortly to bo visited by
two nlocos , well known Boston society young
Indies , tbo Alissos Spitzor , whoso father has
tbo honor of owning the handsomest turnout
in that famous city by the bay. IP n recent
sleighing carnival there Air. Spltzor's high
seated Canadian , light blue in color with a
uold stripe , rocolveu tlio pralso of connols-
Eoursus the handsomest cuttarin that cfly.
Air , Elmer A. Todd , assisted by his pupils ,
will give n pinno recital nt Air. Llningor's
art gallery o Tuesday evening. The pro
ceeds will po to the Homo tor Homeless
Children , nn institution which commends
Itself la ail philanthropic people of Omaha.
Tha program is arranged In tho' following
manner ; Part I. Juvcullo ; consisting of
gnms from classic and romantlq composer ? ,
performed by some very tnlontod children.
Part II. Mr , Todd and bis advanced pupils ,
The young men's branch of thu ( 'atholio
Mutual Benefit associa .Ion gave n most en
joyable dancing party Wednesday evening
last at tbo now Metropolitan bull , and full
live scoru couples tripped it to their heart's
content , The brulco arbitrary didn't nITeet ,
this plsasnnt tmrly. for over twenty young
people crossed from tlio "translluvlul su
burb. " Thu muhln was in the care and exe
cution of iho Musical Union , under the baton
of Harry Irwln , who deserves prnlso for his
excellent and discriminating snioctloii , Thu
sure-ess of the affair , of which there IK no
opinion but one , was duo to the untiring
efforts of Alosjrs , A. J. Bjatots , I'1. A. Koo-
6tor , Maurice Husslo , J , C , Klnsler anil John
Alullnn , and pralso Is tbolr.s.
Miss Yost , Miss Sherwood , Miss AInry
Poppleton , MUs Nash , Miss Donne , Miss
Emily Wakulov , Air. R. W. Patriot , Air.
John Patrick , Mr. Nothorton Hall , Mr. Me-
Alillnn , Air. Augustus Kountzu , Mr. Gannett ,
Air , R. S. Berlin and Mr. Ed Sburwood ,
chiiporonod by Airs , Patrick nnd Mrs. Yost ,
comprised a party who spent Tuesday anil
Wednesday at ICnarnoy , In whoso honor their
ho t , Mr. Bo.vlo , gave a dance Tuesday ovon-
Ing. And what a jolly ilnio they did have.
From start to Rimh U wns a voiltablo lark
and tormlnuted nil too noon. The experiences
ot the ladles with tbo beaux of Kearney
would n > ako delightful reading , ouo young
lady having monopolized n dumuro dapper
young man whom she played with delicious
ofTecilvenem oiilv W Mud out thn , ha was n
student , of thu ministry , a real Eui'll h
curuti' , but then that is another story.
Mrs. Chariot F. Urexol will leave Wednes
day next for Washington and Baltimore
where oho will sueud the coming thrco
months with relatives. She will bo ncco
panlod by her two sons mut daughter.
Air. nnd Mrs. J. H. Allllnrd nnd Mr. n
Airs. Bon Barrows loft for Hot Sprint
Ark. , Insl week.
Mr. AI , L. llocdor , who has boon canllm
to his house for several weeks with '
grlppo , " Is about ngain. I
Airs. L. Orton and Aliss Ada Ingorson | |
Sioux City nro visiting Airs. George Glno" I
mini , 10J North Twenty-second street.
Miss Bcllo Flynu , who has been tha guc
of Miss Cora Weaver this winter , was su
ilonly called to her homo In Rock f 3rd , II
Wednesday evening. Aliss Flynn will I
pleasantly remembered In Omaha , and h
many friends will vogrot her departure1.
Air. C. B. Schmidt , niter nn absence of I
yonr or more in Europe ns the roprosontnttv
of the Lombard Investment compnuy. r
turned homo on Wodnosdny. Ho cnmo ire
Chicago hero , having stopped otT there
look after mutters connected with the World
In honor of Air. Chase's birthday Air. nn I
Mrs. Clement Chase entertained nt dinnerI
Thursday ovoulnp. Aliss Brown , Miss M.I
Ketinn , Aliss AInry Popploton , Miss \Voo'f '
worth , Mr. Plorro Gnrnunu , Air. Augustt
ICountzo , Air. Henry Wymnu nnd Air. Goon
Vos. I
Mrs. E. Augcll entertained n few of he I
friends nt high llvo Friday evening at he I
rnshlonco on Aluploistreet , The ladles' UK I
prlmwns given to Airs. Will Brown , th I
llrst gentlemen'- prize to Air. Harry Hnakol
Iho Indies'booby jinzo to Mrs. Adams an 1
the gentlemen's booby pttzutoMr , AlcKonnil
Air. H , S. ICullogg wont eaU ton days ng I
and returned Thursday accompanied "by till
wife , who tins been in Baltimore seven |
months. They spent several days Iu Wnsl
lugton nnd St. LouU , having hud a very ot
joyublo trip. They will be "nt homo" ntCOl
Farnani street , where they will bo plcaso
to sco their friends.
The annual mcotlng of the Sons of th
American Revolution wns hold February ' . .I
nnd thn following onicers were elected fol
the ensuing year : President. W. W. Cope I
land ; vlco presidents , Dr. A. Bowen und \V \ |
II. Alexander ; treasurer , Paul W. Knlins-l
secretary , P. L. Porluo ; registrar , Rovl
Luther AI. Kuhns ; roprosontntlvo to the unl
tlonnl convention , Air. Thomas A. Crolgb. I
The "Premier" ' high ilvo club wus dl (
lightfully entertained nt MM. Hormail
Colitis1 , South Twonty-llftli avenue , oil
Wednesday evening. The llrst pnzo , nn ox I
qulslto Huvllnml china cuke plato , wns wo
bv Miss Jucobsen. Tlio second , n hnuusoni
blue nnd gold broad and butter plate , won b I
Airs. Polack. The two prizes for the gontlol
men , n pearl handled cork screw nnd sllvol
pencil , were won rospcotlvely by Air. Bl
Kotz nnd Mr. H. Rosotistock. I
A social gnthorliig wns given last week nl
Air. Samuel Drolfuss' rosldonco , 1017 Cns I
street , in honor of their visitor , Miss Honril
ottu Frohllch of Nebraska City. The guest I
nmusod themselves playing curds , nnd nl
10:30 : o'clock rotroshments wcro bervedl
Aihnng these present were : Aliss Henrlettil
Frohlich , Nebraska City ; Aliss Cahiil
Chicago , 111. ; Hnttlo Droifuss , Alinnlo Lcvy
Hannah Mayor , Messrs. Simon Aloyer , Jullu
Dreifuss , Aloyor Klein , Snm' Lazarus , Sol
Frank , Sammy Sonnouburg , Henry Blum. I
Airs. H. D. Nooly entertained n few younfl
people at her pleasant homo on Walnut Hill
Friday evening in u manner pocullnr to il
charming liostess. High llvo and miisi !
served to whllo the IIOUM nwav verv nnjny
nblv. Aliss bchuffer anil Air. Pumpolly woiil
recipients of the pretty nnd appropriate !
prizes awarded for winning the highest numl
ber of games of high live. Refreshment1 !
were served nt 11 o'clock. These proson I
were Altsscs Daisy nnd Corvoll Wood , Jesslil
and Carrie Johns , Schaffer and Jensonl
Alossrs. Ilnughy , Buchnnan , Wilson , Kurnl
Youst and Pumpolly. 1
Kntio Ryan of Walnut Hill gave n hljjtl
iivo party in honor of her friend , Aliss Am > |
Alnddox of LouUvillo , Ky , , luat woetr.l
Among the invited guests were AlisseJ
Laura Hall , AI. Ryloy. A. Nordwnll , CJ
Wilson , A. Konyon , AI. Hamer , N. Humor ]
AI. Hoins , AI. fcihoomakor. E. Andersen nnil
Alessrs. Seaman , Wagner , Anderson. Hcmsl
Spafford , Pantor , Judson , Allen , Whitnojl
nnd Owens. Airs. Hoins and Airs. Ryievl
assisted Airs. Ryan In entertaining th'ol
young folks. The honors were carried luvayl
by Aliss Lnura Hall of Walnut Hill andl
Alastcr John Pnutor of Clifton Hill. I
The Hot Springs ( Ark. ) Graphic of Fobl
ruary a.1 says of Airs. W. S. Suavoy , wife oil
Omaha's chief of police : "Ono of "tho most !
popular lady guests nt tlfo Hotel Eastman isl
Airs. W. S. Seavoy of Omaha. Airs. Soavoyl
is n lady ol rare accomplishments and Is n do-l
llehtful ontortalnor in any social gathorlug.1
She Is a flr.o musician nnd sings with the I
sweetness of a prlmu donna. Slio is a bril-j
liantnnd entertaining conversationalist , and !
her versatility and sweetness of disposition !
hnvo won for her n host of fiionds nnd nd-l
mu-ei's. " Airs. Soavoy will nrrivo homo I
some time during the coming week. I
The Jolly Sixteen mot last Wednesday !
night at , the residence of Aliss Julia Wuot-l
rich. Prosrossivo high live was pluyod nt I
four tnblos. Tha flrst prize for gcntlcmonl
wns won by Air. Fusch. llrst prize forf
ladias by Alics Honriottu Ilix. Consolation L
prizes were won by Mr. AI. S. Rcichonhcrgl
and Aliss Fanny Crocker. After cords danu-l
ing wns indulged in till 13 oVlock. Thosol
present were MOSSM. Fusch , HeuningsBlat-l
ted , Wuathricb.Moyor , Relchonborg , Floseh-l
or and Tobblns , and the Alissos Lonu Teh-1
bins , Trney Jahu. Clara Jahn , Funny I
Grockor , Alamto Hartolt. Emma and Julia |
Wuethrlch and Henrietta RIx.
Tluso who occupied boxes monday evening I
to witness iho grout French actress in "Lo
Tosca" wnro : Governor nnd Airs. Boyd , Mr.
and Airs. Blerbowor , Airs. Ewing , AHss Bur
rows nnd Aliss Boyd , .ludgo und Alr.s. Strawn ,
Judge und Airs. Anderson , Air. Franco uud
Aliss Auelorson , Aliss Stovonn , Aliss Fullerton -
ton , Aliss AInrk. AHss Ada Mark , . Mr , Oiirr I
nnd Air. Cramer , Judge and Airs. Woolworlh ,
Aliss Woolworth , Miss i < JnglHh. [ Aliss H. m *
bloton , Aliss Hamilton , Miss Hibbard , Mr.
Frank Hnmilton , . Air , Caldwell Hamilton ,
Air. Wilson , Air. Hall and Augustus Kounlze ,
Air. and Airs. Lewis Heod. Aliss Bishop. Mls
Bnlcombo , Judge Davis und Air. Crofoot , Air.
nnd Alr.s. Harry AlcConuIck , Aliss Silloway
and sister. Airnnd Airs. J. J , Dickey , Colonel
nel and Airs. Sheridan , MM , V/oolson nnd
Aliss Alnokny , Air. and Alra. Frank Rnmgo ,
Air. nnd Airs. Rector , Miss Hnwka of Ne
braska City , Mr. Clark Redick , Airs.Vor -
den , Mrs. Hubbard of Cedar Rapids , Mr. and
Alra. N. AI. Hubbard , Jr.
Muny Years. All Mumier of Medicines
nnil Doduiv Fall. Cured In Onu
Month by Cnllciira ,
InliMJ liiiilnn eruption ceiiuu out "n 1117 ukln , nii
wlillo lit lh l Ilillil notniiKiu'iit lo luut-li , It uriiw tux ) , I
very HKirrnvntlriK nnJ nt llnios mibcnriiHn. 'lliokkln
would * : " ! hunllnHiuii ( l , nnil pool off li'iivlngt tin en
tlrunuw "kin , iic-tliix KIIIIIU nay for wi < vlm iitntlinu
id u uj's wnr o nt iiUliti. llnvu trio I | UI innnicr ol
nii'illrliicH nm ! hint ili/clurs prm'Tlb-j to nn fillnrt , 1
bouulit n tint nf Cm 1CUIIA IIKMKIUI.4 nnil luuil C'I'TI
ri'iiA ItKsdi.vKVr for in > - blood. I MMI lull > - curi'il.
inn' In Iiwn thiiun inontli , U wiixniiiostnifitrnvntlnt
klii illMLMUH , iiniliinvr I HIM cnjoylnx CIIHII nn < l IIMII-
fort. I lihvu liinl untold lnMietlU. Anyniiei trylna
1'i'rii'L'iiA llK > itiiKsuiiiiiotlic'li ) | hut ilt-rive liani'tlt.
yone ivrlll'iK' niu will rcrt'ltu nn i anil in ;
u lnrroi' ! r.iili | Oililu 1'u , ,
( iiinluiiClly ,
Doctor Uses Cuticura
We linvu eipt'iiii I n ilrni ; Hliirunt ( Id * pliiui unit iiro
hnvlnu rpli-nilM vulii nil Cl'l ICI'K ' v Hf.lKIHKi.
wlildi wn kiM'p lull Hock nr. Iniiul'liiulldHltliDiit '
> inr Ci'Ti' IJIIA Ilium V-KNT , < finii'im. > nniieJin.
e-1'HA KIIAP for ' < ! , ju t lor IhuU'iii'ili H , llil rny llttli.
boy. Wlit'll hu WHH t\x \ inontliiioul , liU tiii-u wiminv-
i ru.i with isrivmn , ninl ejcnri'iiA lU.yi.iin.Hi'uruil It.
liu U now tliruu yunr < ulil , Wu mill u < i tliu eji'i U'l'liA
hiiAl1. Hint Hush lilin Di'i-n luiittily wltlill , liiprnvi'nt
liUwklii fruni tfottlnu niuktliVu liu\u liiinlutiHir |
inuitlclnui lor llvu > eir , uiul nurur luiur.l u com-
pliiliil uxiilint tliuni , Put Hliuiiiliint p.-uli-u WuroM
i > ur ( IniK kturM In Kniinui , mi'l will lonlliinii In tliu
drux limlliem liuiu ,
llwller clly , nQliouil > t Cu. , Wnklilnuton.
Cuticura Remedies.
Aru i'M cverywlioru. I'rlrx , ( M'ni'lNIA , Ilia vruat
Hklnl'uro , HIC.I I'riici'ui biAi' . UN etx'inlii'tu ' Hilu
rurlrtcr Hint lli-iiiiiiri-r , &a.i eriin ; ; A ,
Ilia lllood ' . , ' ! ' ' .
in1 iv 1'iirliliir. II I'ruimruil > > Iliu 1'urri.U
Dlll'd AXIi ClIKSIirAl.Clllll'llllATlllV , JIUllllll ,
* ' 'How iti Curu Hkln l > ltenf < , " 04 Pimm
l'l-H , bLirk-lii-ndi , rcil , reiuuli , vliupi | iHiid |
oily iklin.-urtaijyC'1'iiruieA HuAl1.
Aclilnk'HIiloiunl Iliivk. lllii. Kl'lniiy , aim
I I'uliin , mill Uliuunirtltin IlKl.mvtn-
illMll'f. tiy Iliu CurlflllU AM1I