Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 28, 1892, Part One, Page 6, Image 7

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L'oilttied l > y Carrier to any part of tlio City
11. W. TltiTON , MANAGER
tltistncRs Office . No 41
Enter , . No2J
N , Y. Plumbing Co
Council Uluffs Lumber Co. , coat.
Cmft'8 chattel loans. 04 Snpp hlocK.
I Tlio funeral of Mrs. Helen T. Pound will
accur this afternoon at 2:30 : o'clocK from the
Trinity Methodist church , Uov. H. H. Barton
offlclatlnir. The remains will bo Interred nt
AValnut Hill cemotory.
I Tlio tlemocratlu caucuses will bo held this
evening In the various wards to appoint delo-
Rates to the convention to be hold next Mon
day afternoon at the court house. Tbo piaco
for holding the caucus In the Second ward
has been changed from the city building to
the vacant store room in the Snnp block.
j A small house nt 102(1 ( Eighth avenue , tbo
property of Conductor IJoll of the Wabasb ,
caught llro nt an early hour yesterday morn-
ting. It was unoccupied and no cause can bo
assigned for the blazu unless It was the work
bf a flrobuij. It was extinguished without
Tllfilculty before much damages had boon done.
| The attorneys In tbo cnso of Ueorc , WclU
& Co. , ngainst Aulttnnn , Mlllor & Co. , spent
ill yesterday In mauinc their arguments before -
fore the jury In the district court , nnd they
ire not thrdugh-yoU The arguments will bo
'resumed Ibis morning , and with the Instruc
tions of the court to the Jury will tnlto up the
. 'morning fsosslon nt least , nnd probably u part
pf the afternoon.
Thn report of City Physician Jennings
, hews that there Imvc been but twenty-four
deaths In this city from dlphtherln since
'March ' 1 , 189 ! . In the past month nlonu
oloux City has had twenty deaths and Dos
Atotncs fifteen , from this dlsonie , so that the
'iompnrison ' of the record with that of the
Other clt'ei ' makes a very favorahlo shoxving
or Council Bluffs.
J A strong effort Is being made by the friends
lpf Joe McDcrmott , the IJoston Store burglar
who Is now in the county jail awaiting the
ictlon of the grand Jury , to got him out on
nail. A number of his friends from other
Uitlos are now hero trylnplto nialco the necos-
'inry arrangonicnts for his release. Ills hall
bond Is now llxcd at , $ TiOO , and unless it ts
L-alscd it is Ihoutrht that this amount will bo
nut up by bis friends , ana as soon as ho is re
leased ho will light out for parts unknown.
\lcUerinott is undoubtedly a hard character ,
and unless something Is done to prevent It
j.tioro Is danger of his escaping Justice.
\ The mnrriod Indies will continue their
jx'chnnire tit No. 0 North Mnson street ,
\nd nsk the pntroimgo of the people.
They keep a good supply of fresh brenil ,
brown brcnd , cakes nnd nics. Baked
jicnna on Wednesdays and Saturdays.
All orders promptly llllnd.
Jui'vIslSTT brandy , purust , safest , best. v.itt.iaii.t i > us.
Ben Marks has returned from nu eastern
Mrs. George S. Davis has i-oturncd from n
visit with friends in Maulson , Not ) .
) Alexander Maltliaws of Scotland was In
'ho city yesterday visiting E.V. . Peterson
inu family.
] F. M. Bllsh , manager of the H. O. Dun
ommorcial agency nt Lincoln , Nob. , was in
jho Bluffs yesterday.
J Captain Phillips , the ox-convict preacher
who ran n mission in this city up to about
ilirco mouths ape , has turned up in Blair ,
'Nob. , where ho is pointing out the straight
And.mirrow . path to the people of that place.
.liquifies have been received by some of the
jlerpymon of this city as to his' moral chnr-
Icter. _
Jaryiswild blackberry is the bost.
Money to loan. Lowest rates. John-
ton & Van Patten , Everett block.
Drs. Woodburydontists.noxt to Grand
iotol ; line work a specialty. Tolo. 145.
1'olltlcn Wiiriuliifir Up.
The oloctlon which is to bo held a week
rom next Monday Is oxpoctcd to bo one of
i mo hottest that has occurred in the city for
Hears. Most of the remarks that our floating
jtbout the air have n democratic flavor , from
' \o fact that the
republicans are lying low ,
ailing to sco what kind of men will bo put
! p on the other side before opening an en-
ngemont , Thcro has been some talk at varl-
js times duting the last few weeks of or-
mnlzlncr a citizens' movement lllto that of
[ wo years auo. when tbo present adminlstra-
lon was pt t Into newer , but of Into the talk
I , as subsided , and it is probable that no
I'jchot ' will bo put forward besides these of
republicans and democrats.
fo good share of the lighting will bo done
i { i the caucuses which are to bo held b.v tbo
* omocrats in the various wards this evening
| br the purpose of appointing delegates to
lao convention next Monday. The candi-
rates now in tbo field for tno democratic
I'amiuation ' are practically reduced to three ,
lilayor Macruo. A. C. Urabum and S. B.
I Vnclsworth. Each of these gentlemen has
I'ls staunch adherents , and u vigorous con-
Ibst Is expected. It is understood that n
Ibhemo bns been nntored Into between the
| Hends of MAcrno nnd Wndsworth with , the
I'voived intention of aownlnc Graham , it
I'clng agreed that in case Graham seems
Ijkoly to win Wndsworth's men nro all to
loin blue with Mncrao and renomlnate the
resent incumbent far n second term. An
I Ir of plausibility Is given this report by the
1'Umorous ' conferences that have been taking
I lace of Into between the supporters of the
l.vo candidates on the street corners nnd In
Ino saloons nnd other places of resort.
| l Mayor Macrae's forces ore admirably or-
Innizcd , and oven his opponents admit that
I is chances for getting u rcnomlnation are
loglnuing to bloom with uncomfortable
ligor. Ho bos tbo advantage of having a
Ivoll drilled detective force at bis back , and
Lie of the members of the force has boon 011-
I aged for several days past In working up
I Is case , Ms particular duty being to follow
I p clues ami Hud out what his opponent's
l.-icndsuro doing. Ho was scon at a late
lour night before last hauntini ; the resl-
lonco of Mr. Urnhnm , evidently in the hope
Ir&oourlncsomo Information as to the in-
hntiouB of that gentleman which could not
| : horwiso bo obtained ,
f One of the greatest lights Is anticipated in
1 10 caucus In the Second ward. It wes nt
Jm expected that the city building would
I old all who cared to attend , but lit the last
liw anya It ha : been developed that n largo
lumber will bo present of those who proposu
1 1 sco that Mncrao Is knocked out of the box ,
lud also of these who are numbered among
lla supporter * . On account of the vigor ol light it was decided to hold the mooting
li the Sapp building , where , the voters will
| ave plenty of room to spread themselves In.
: ia 1.3
I'o fiOo n day will buy a flvstclnss piano
It half price. For particulars write 01
I ; o the
103 Main St. , Council UlutTH , la.
Two apprentice nurses wanted at the
IV. C. A. hospital , corner Oth street anil
| th uvenuo _
Swnnson Muslo Co. , Masonlo toraplo
liaby carrlngo week at Crock well's.
| poclul and elegant display ,
J Dr. M. J. Bolhupor and Mis Cora B. Mo-
llanntian , both of this city , wore married at
little UocK , Ark. , at 8 o'clock lust \Vcdnes-
| .iy evening. Dr. nnd Mrs. Bellinger loft for
frhortlrlp to Chicago and other eastern
oIniB , after which they will return to Conn
.1 Bluffs and make it tbulr future homo.
Eastern money to loan on real estate
ly K , II. Slioafe , 1) ) roadway and Main ,
Reitor , the tailor , 310 Broadway , haw
111 the latest styles and newest goods.
lathiaulion guaranteed.
Walnut block and Wjorr.ltiff coal ,
rosh mined , recolvuddally Thuluh or
I'JMiviu ' ,
A > Z , Boweu Must Again Answer to tbo
Cbnrgo of Embezzlement.
Mnrftlial ( M-olts nt Oiikliiinl Ili'ttirm tlin
I'rlflonor Tor Trial Homo Jntrrc-Ktlng
l'illtlcil : Mnttcrn I.lkrly In Do-
vrlnp In tin' .N'cnr I'utiiro.
A. 7. . Bowen , who had trouble by reason of
ils connection as business manager with
Mrs. Nathalie l'ollnrd..was brought in from
Oakland last evening by Marshal Crofts of
that plaoo , nnd dcpositod in a room In the
county Jail. Mrs. Pollard fllod nn Informn-
lon charging him with embezzlement. Mrs.
L'ollnrd learned that Bowen was attempting
.0 transact some business In Oakland In the
, vny of selling farm lands In Nebraska.
When the train came In she was at the depot
waiting for htm , and she had n conference
with him almost Immediately , in the course
of which she tried to Induce him to glvo hoi-
back the $110 which she claimed ho had
stolen from her. _
Tlio G. M. Dodge camp , Sons of Vot-
orana , will give a , ball in G. A. 1L hull
an the evening of March 7. A cordial
invitation is extended to the public.
\Vo have our own vineyards in Callfor
nitu Jarvls .Wine couiu.uiy , Co. Blulls
\VI1I I.nrntn Hero.
At n meeting of the Council Blutfs &
Omaha Bridge company It was decided to
secure grounds for the Omaha Bnso Ball
club on this side of the river on n tract of
land owned by tbo water works company nnd
located near the power house in the western
part of the city. A proposition which was
submitted by the company to this
effect was thoroughly discussed nnd
was finally adopted , it being the opin
ion of the members of the motor
company that larger crowds could bo Induced
to tnkoin the games by having the grounds
on this side of the river than by going Into
the outskirts of Omaha. Whether the ball
club will agree to the scheme Is as yet n
matter of uncertainty , but It is understood
that the management is favorably Inclined.
If the action of the motor company meets
with the approval of the powers that bo the
necessary buildings will be erected on the
grounds at once nnd the plan will bo put
into operation at the beginning of the season ,
The only original Ruth Cleveland
baby coach in tlio city is in the show
windows of Meyer's furniture house ,
Boobo's old stand , and there are more
baby carriages in stock than hi all othu
places in the city.
She ( ircw Tired of I.lfn.
Ora Pnlmor , bettor known as Mrs. Dwlght
Iloggcrty , who lives in the Pierce street
house commonly known ns the "Ark , " tried
to a null I o oil her mortal coil at an early hour
yesterday morning by taking a largo dosa of
morphine. The dose xvas sufllcient to have
almost the desired effect , and it was fully
six hours before the two physicians who
were summoned to attend her succeeded in
putting her out of danger. The woman is
well known hen ] , having had considerable
notoriety not lone ago by reason of a llttlo
affair she had with her husband.ho claiming
that she was trying to iret all of his property
in order that sue might give him tno shako
nnd'marry another man with whom she had
become somewhat intimate.'E * IX IllK SEA.
Sinking of the Forrst O.ucrn In the North
Sen All on Hoard 1'crlslt.
LONDON , Fob. 20. News of n terrlblj dis
aster in tbo North sea by which a steamer
wont to the bottom carrying with her every
soul on board with only one exception , was
received in this city at a late hour tonicbt.
Only rnungcr details of the catastrophe have
been obtained , but from the dispatches al
ready at band it is learned that tlio steamers
Loughbrow ( British " ) and Forest Queen came
into collision "off Flamboroueb , n village
of York county , East Hiding , on the
North soa. The vessels crashed together
with great force , nnd the Forest Queen was
torn apart. The damages sustain oil by the
Forest Queen were so extensive that tno sea
began to rush through the breaches in her
hull in great volume. So quickly did the
Forest Queen founder that her crow had no
chance to save their lives and all hands ,
with the single exception of the captain ,
wont down with her to n watery grave.
Fourteen persons lost their lives.
The dispatches give no information as to
the extent of the damage done to the Lough-
liuslnoHS College MudonlK Spi-iul an Kvnn-
liiK Chasing l'Ioisiire. :
The rooms of the Omaha Commercial college -
logo were thronged again last evening , the
occasion being the reception tendered the ox-
students of the collage by the students of the
classes of ISO ) . Choice refreshments wera
served , and n delightfully informal program
was rendered.
The students themselves acted ns waiters ,
and nttlroJ in unique costumes rendered
very cnicleut sorvicn. Over HUO persons sat
down to the tempting spread and onjovcd to
the utmost the festivities of the evening.
Mr. C. S. West acted us toastmastor. Prof.
M. G. Uohrbough responded to "The Aim
and Object of Business Kducation. " Air.
Axlltig delivered the address of welcome to
tbo ex-students , to which Mr. I. Harris ro-
spondea. Miss Potrio responded to. "Tho
Faculty of the Omaha Commercial College , "
and Mr. Uoorgo Bates voiced the sentiments
of the assemblage la complimenting "Tho
Ladies. "
All the room * were thrown open , nnd the
social pleasures of the occasion held those
present until a late hour ,
TO .1T.IKK .
Kxocutlvo CommltU'o of thn I'coplit'ri 1'itrty
\V11I Meet In Omiiliu 3111tl. .
ST. Louis , Mo. , Feb. _ ' ( ) . The executive
committee of the national committee of the
people's party will moot in Omaha on May 11
for the purpose of perfecting arrangements
for holding the national convention there o.i
July .
Why Tliny Are IiKjiilrliiK ,
[ Coinirtiihltil IKi ! tin Jli/iiM ( lanl'iHfmnclt.T
VAU'AHAIBO , Uhlh ( via Galvcston , Tex , ) ,
Fob. 20. [ By Mexican Cable to the Now
York Herald Special to TUB BUB. ] Tbo
inquiry inlothodolngiof Lieutenant tlurlow
of the United States World's fair commis
sion was Instituted to present the testimony
to the United States government that Its
representative , while in the discharge of olll-
cial functions , was engaged in the dlsseml-
natlon of news prejudicial to both cauniriux.
The allocation of this tlngrarit bronch nf ulll-
ciiil etiquette is strengthened by the charges
made by Chilians that Ilnriow abused his
ofllcial position for private gain ,
Lieutenant iiarlow had a most friendly In
terview with the government yesterday , and
expressed hU regret that Chill found It
necessary to withdraw her
previous accept/-
anro. Lieutenant Iiarlow leaves shortly tor
Washington ,
- '
Stiiamor Arrivals.
At London Sighted , City of Berlin , from
Now York ; Venitalr , from Boston.
AtMovllle-Kthlcipla , from Now YorK.
At Hottordam Seandam , from Baltimore.
At Now York American , Bellso nnd Trux-
illo and Capaulette , from Brazilian ports ;
City of Chicago , from Liverpool ,
School Hound lor l.imlmllli' ,
Loiunviu.c , Neb. , Fob , - 'tl.bpccinl [ lo
Tuu BEE. ] Tuo school board will put up anew
now school building. Propositions fur hunt
ing apparatu * are being received ,
Very Vlattm-lni ; l'ro | ic < U ,
W. T. Coaa , president ot the Dakota , Wy
oming it Missouri Ulvcr railroad of South
Dakota and onu of the loading attorneys of
liapld City , is in the city on uis way to' Chi
cngo. Mr. Cond bring n flattering report of
the condition of affairs in his section of
country nnd predict * thnt the coming year
will bo one ol the busiest and most success
ful over experienced In the Black Hills.
Now mines nro being discovered dnlly nqd
old ones worked and developed and the bul
lion output Ot the country Increasing ni the
years pats on ,
In the tin districts of the northern and
southern hills much nctlvlly Is lining dis
played , tbo prospecting stugo of development
hns passed nnd the producing era Is close at
hnnd , Before the year Is out , Mr. Coad bo-
liovcs the Black Hills will bo ns famous ns n
tin producing cnntor ns over were Cornwall ,
the Straits of Malacca or Bohomla.
1,1st Fur in Known of Delegate * to thn
AlelliodNt Toiifercnce.
The following list of delegates to the Methodist -
odist ijuadrcnnlal confcrcnco which meets
In this city on the first of May next , will no
of Interest to n great many readers of Tun
Bnc. The list Is not ns yet completed ns the
conferences will not nil bo held until nbout
the middle of April , The follow Ing are these
who hnvo been chosen up to date. The
reserves or alternates are not given hero ,
slmplv the delegates :
Austin : Ministerial David Gay , presid
ing elder , Fort Worth , Tex. Lay Oeorgo
E. Nols , rnllwuy ofllco , Fort Worth , Tex.
Bluu Uldgo : Ministerial-Thomas W.
Mntnoy. pastor , Hlcovllle , N. C. Lny
Jnmts'E. Rood , clerk United States court ,
Asheville , N. C.
California : Ministerial Charles V. An
thony , pastor , San Jose , Cul. ; James N ,
Beard , president Nnpa college , Napa , Cul , ;
William H. Oober , pastor , Los Lmtos , Cnl. ;
John D. Hammond , audit Book depository ,
San Francisco , Cnl. Lny Ely W. Plater ,
capitalist , Oakland. Cnl. ; Chaunccy Gnines ,
banner , Berkeley , Cat.
Central German : Ministerial Henry J.
Llobbnrt , editor Sunday school nud tract
publications , Cincinnati , O. ; Jacob Uoth-
wcllcr , presiding elder , Newport , Ky. ; John
G. Schuel , pastor , Cincinnati , O. Lav
Gotllob . ' . Goliler , editor , Pittsburg , Pn. ;
Hans A , Scuroattor , Insurance agent , Cin
cinnati , O.
Central 'Illinois : Ministerial Charles O.
McCulloch , presiding elder , Pcoria , 111 , ;
Thomas Donov , presiding older , Pontlac ,
111. ; Morrlck A. Head , presiding older. Kock
Island , 111. ; Benjamin F. Tullman , presiding
elder , Kankakcc , III. ; .lervis G. Evans , pres
ident Hcddlng college , Ablngton , 111.
Lay Milton Illuks. manufacturer , Streator ,
111. ; Thomas J. Kobliison , banker , Kock
Island , 111.
Central Now York : Ministerial Luke C.
Quoal , presiding elder , Auburn , N. Y. ; Ed
mund M. Mills , pastor , Elmira , N. Y. ; Ed
win J. Hermans , pastor. Elmira. N. Y. :
Uriah S. Beebo , presiding elder , Cu/.onovin.
N. Y. ; Marvin P. Blnkesloe , presiding older ,
Ithaca , N. V Lay George A. Gournsoy ,
banker , Canton , PH. ; Andrew B. Blodgett ,
superintendent public schools , Syracuse ,
Central Ohio : Ministerial T.oroy A , Belt ,
presiding elder , Kenton , O. ; Ellas D. Whit-
lock , pastor , Delaware , O. ; Adam C. Barnes ,
prcsldinir elder , Carey , O. ; Isaiah H. Hender
son , presiding elder , ICcuton , O. Lay Wil
liam Lawrence , lawyer , Bellofontalno , O. :
Alfred G. Williams , merchant , Pcrrysburp ,
Central Tennessee : Ministerial Joseph
M. Carter , pastor , Tuliahoma , Tonn. Lny
Charles H , Muynard , merchant , Tuliahoma ,
Chicago German : Ministerial Charles
ilcdlor , pastor , Oshkosb , Wis. ; Charles
Iwert , pastor , Watertown , Wis. Lay
Gustavus Scofold , merchant , Milwaukee ,
Wis. ; Charles L. Gamer , manufacturer , Chi
Cincinnati : Ministerial Adna B. Leon
ard , secretary Missionary society , Now York
city ; Cnnrles II. Payne , "secretary Board ol
Education , New York city ; John Pearson ,
presiding elder , Cincinnati , O. ; Thomas H.
Pearno , pastor , Xenia , O. Lny William .
U'ilson , bank cashier , Urbana , O. ; Juraas M.
Gamble , manufacturer , Cincinnati , O.
Colorado : Ministerial Earl Cranston ,
ngont Western Book concern , Cincinnati , O. ;
Nathaniel A. Chamberlain , pastor , Denver ,
Colo. : Samuel W. Thornton , presiding elder ,
Denver , Colo. Lay John Evnns , cnpltnlist ,
Denver , Colo. ; Horace T. DoLong , reporter.
Grand Junction , Colo.
Columbia : Ministerial George M. Booth ,
presiding older. , Wash. ; Henry
Kasmus , presiding elder , Spouano , Wash :
Lny James B. Sanrent , rancher , Spokane ,
Wash. ; Harlln J. Cozino. professor , SValla
Walla , Wash.
Daitnta : Ministerial Charles B. Clark ,
presiding older , Mitchell , S. D. ; Alva W.
Adkinson , pastor , Albuquerque , N.M. Lav-
Henry E. Cratz , teacher , Vermilliou , S. D. ;
Edward T. Langlov , lawyer , Huron , S. D.
Dos Mollies ; Ministerial Emory Miller ,
pastor , Indianola , In. ; William S. Hooker ,
presiding elder , Shcuandoah , In. ; John / { .
Horswcll , pustou , Bedford , la. ; William C.
Martin , presiding elder , C'barlton , In. ;
William N. Uamsay , presiding elder , Boone ,
In. Lay Leroy M. Mann , real state , Dos
Moi'ies , In. ; Leslie M. Shaw , lawyer , loni- )
Detroit : Ministerial Lewis R. Fiske ,
presidiiiireldur , Albion colluco , AlbionMleli. ;
Joseph F. Berry , editor Epworth Herald ,
Chicago , III. ; William H. Shier , pastor. De
troit , Mich. ; Arthur Edwards , editor North
western Christian Advocate , Chicago , 111. ;
James S. Smart , presiding older , Flint ,
Mich. ; Matthew C. Hawks , pastor ,
Bay City , Mich. ; Jesse Kilpatrick , pastor ,
Ynlo , Mich. Lay George W. Robinson ,
lumberman , Detroit , Mich. : Horocrt A. For
rest , lawyer ! Sacinaw , Mich.
East Ohio : Ministerial Willlira II. Rider ,
presiding elder , Akron , O. ; Robert M.
Freshwater , presiding cider , Scio , O. ; John
It. Keyos , pastor. New Philadelphia , O. ; Jay
S. Voumans , presiding older , Cleveland , O. ;
John I. Wilson , presiding elder , Cambridcc ,
O. ; Harvey Webb , pastor , Cleveland , O.
Lay Lewis Miller , manufacturer , Akron ,
O. ; Silas J. Williams , manufacturer , Alli
ance , O.
East Tennessee : Ministerial Daniel W.
Hays , prosliiini ; elder , Cleveland , Tcnn. Lay
Robert Howard , real estate , Chattanooga ,
iCrio : Ministerial Francis H. Beck , pre
siding elder , UrooUvllle , Pa. ; James T. Ed
wards , principal Chamberlain institute , Ran
dolph , N. l. ; William P. Bignoll , presiding
elder. Randolph , N. Y. ; Alfred Wheeler ,
providing elder , Erie , Pa. Lay Truman D.
Collins , lumber , Nobrn.ika , Pa , ; Gorton B ,
Chase , merchant , Greenville , Pa.
Gono3co : Ministerial James E. Williams ,
presiding oider. Buffalo , N. Y. : Stanford
Hunt , ngcnt Book Concern , New York ; John
T. Canlleld. presiding elder , Corning , N , Y. ;
George C. Jones , pastor , Rochester , N. Y. ;
James E , Hills , prosidlng elder , Rochester.
N. Y. ; Samuel McGernld , editor Buffalo
Christian Advocate , Buffalo , N , Y. Lay
Francis H. Root , merchant , Buffalo , N. Y. ;
James E , Briggs , lawyer , Rochester , N , Y.
Germany : Ministerial Ernst H. Gob-
hunlt , presiding older , IvarUruho , Germany.
Lay Ernst Mann , manufacturer , Rodalbon ,
llolaton : Ministerial John F. Spence ,
president U. S. Grant university , ICnoxvillo ,
Tcnn. ; Thomas C. Carter , 'ex-editor Meth
odist Advocate , Chattanooga , Tonn. ;
Lay William A. Galbrntth , clerk , Nashville ,
Tcnn , ; Andrew J. Bruacr , dentist , Morris-
town , Tonn.
Idaho : Ministerial Harvey K. Hlncs ,
professor Portland university , Portland ,
Ore , Lay--lsnno H. Sanders , lawyer , Union ,
Illinois ; Ministerial Stephen H. Whit-
lock , pastor , Clinton , III. ; William N. McEU
roy , prcsidimr elder , Sprlnplleld , 111. ; Chris.
Galeencr , pastor , Qulney. Ill , ; William H.
Musgrovo , paMor , Rushvillo , III , ; Marion
W , Evcrhart , presiding older , Jacksonville ,
III , ; William H , Webster , Buporintomiont
Domestic missions , Danville , 111. ; William
A. Smith , pastor , Bloomlngton , 111 , Lay-
Harvey C. DeMotte , superintendent Or-
pbr.n's Homo , Normal , III. ; Asapu O. Van.
uerwater , merchant , Puna , III ,
Indiana : Ministerial John A. Ward , pre
siding older , Rockport , Ind- ; William R.
Halbtoad , pastor , BloomliiKlon , Ind. ; John
II , Kotrbum , presiding cider , Indianapolis ,
Ind. Lay Novvlunu T. DoPuuw , manufac
turer , New Albany , Ind , : Jonathan B.
Young , merchant , Petersburg , Ind ,
Iowa ; Ministerial Churlc-s L. Stafford ,
president Iowa Wuslovnn university , Mounl
Pleasant , In. ; Ira O , ICumlilr , providing el
der , Oaknloosu , la. ; Thomas J. Myers , pre
siding cider , Mount Pleasant , 4n. Lny
licmerlay B. Williams , merchant. Centre-
vlllc , la , ; Marcus Simpson , merchant , Bur
lington , la.
Italy ; Ministerial-William Burt. presid
ing elder , Ronio , Italy. Lay Mundo Lulgi ,
1'os.tnl department. Romn , Italy ,
Japan ; Ministerial Julius Soper , prosld
inn elder , I'oklo , Japan. Lay Vasujl Nino-
mlyu , merchant. Yoknhnmu , Jupan.
Kentncltv : Ministerial Amen Borolng ,
presiding cldor , ( . 'oviUBWn , KIElmun ; L.
bhepurd , presiding elder , Lciicblleld , Ky.
' . .ay Amos Shlnklot oonKcr , Covmgton , Ky. ;
Icrcmlau S. Jones , lumber , Wllllnmsburg ,
' n' 'T '
Michigan : Ministerial Jnmcs II , Potts ,
editor Michigan Christian Advocate , Detroit ,
sllch , ; Lovl Mn .lorj1 presiding older , Kuln-
nazoo , Mich. ; ' Willlnm L. Cog-
shnll , presiding elder , Grand Rnplds ,
Mich , ; Goorgn .Ijlckoy , presiding older ,
Lnnslng , Mich. ; Daniel W. Parsons , prcsld-
ng elder , Hlg IWpltls , Mich , ; Marshall W.
Jallon , pnttor , 'ildiikson ' , Mich. ; Nicholas L.
Uray , prosldlna cVler , Coldwator , Mich ,
Lay Samuel Dickie , teacher , Albion , Mich. :
Hiram E. Stapjcs , 'capitalist , White Hall ,
' '
Minnesota : MlHlstorlnl- James F. Chnffeo'
presiding cldorlMlluionpolls , ; George
H. Bridgcmnn , prpsjdcntllnmllnounivorslty ,
Ilnmllno. Minn. : . Henry C. Jennings , pastor ,
Rod Wing , MlntfAwilliutn MoKInloy , presid
ing elder , St. iJMil1 , Minn. ; Courscn M.
Heard , pastor , 'Mirtnoapolls ' , Minn. Lay
Hascal It. Brill,1' judge district court , St.
Paul , Minn , : Henry Boomer , insurance ,
Minneapolis , Minn.
Montana : Ministerial Francis A. Iln -
gin , pastor. Fish Creek , Mont. Lay John
10. Richards , lieutenant governor , Butte
City , Mont.
Nebraska : Ministerial Charles F. Crclgh-
ton , chancellor Wesloynn university , Univer
sity Place , Nob. : Henry T. Davis , presiding
elder , Lincoln , Nob. ; Duke Slavlns , presid
ing elder , Yon : , Nob. Lny Bartlett L.
I'alno , physician , Lincoln , Nob. ; ' Archibald
F. Coon , farmer , David City , NOD.
North Carolina : Ministerial Chnrlos N.
Glrandlson , president Bennett college ,
Greensboro , N. C. Layt-U. Baxter McRury ,
professor , Lexington , N. C.
North Dakota : Ministerial Jacob A.
llovls , presiding older , Dovll's ' Lake , N. D ,
Lay Frank J. Young , lawyer , Valley City ,
North Gorman : Ministerial John G.
Bauer , presiding older , Minneapolis , Minn.
Lay William F. Finite , professor , St. Paul
college. St. Paul , Minn.
ISortb Nebraska : Ministerial John B.
Mnx field , prcsldinir elder , Omaha , Neb. ; John
W. Shank , editor Nebraska Christian Advo
cate , Omaha , Nob. Lay Andrew J. Ander
son , merchant , Nollgh , Nob. , Jotin Dale , real
estate. On.nhaNnb. |
North Ohio : Ministerial .Inmos W. Men-
lonhnll , editor Methodist Review , Now
York ; John Mitchell , presiding elder , Clove-
and , O. ; William I'V W hillock , professor ,
Delaware , O. ; Gurrattson A. Hughes , pastor ,
Jrcston , 0. Lay Martin M. Hester , farmer ,
L'cru. O. ; John A. Gann , physician , Woos-
tcr , O.
Northwest German : Ministerial Adolph
Dulltz , prodding older , Redliold , S. D. Lay
Henry A. Snlzor , lumber. La Crosse , Wis
Northwest Indiana : Ministerial John L.
Smith , supornnuntcd , Valparaiso. Ind. ; John
11. Cisscl , pastor , La Porto , Ind. ; Hillary A.
Gobln , dean DePauw university , Green-
castle , Ind. Lay William M. Kendall ,
merchant , Plymouth , Ind. ; Oliver Card ,
clerk circuit court. Frankfort , Ind.
Northwest Iowa : Ministerial George W.
Pratt , presiding older , Sioux City , la. ; Wil-
mot Whltlleld , chancellor Northwest univer
sity , Sioux City , In. ; George W. L. Brown ,
presiding elder , Fort Dodge , la. Lay-
Cyrus C. Carpenter , postmaster Fort Dodge ,
la. ; Eugene Secor , banker. Forest City , In.
Northwest Swedish : Ministerial Alfred
Anderson , presiding elder , F.vnnston , 111.
Lay John H. Ltndgrcn , banker , Chicago
Norway : Ministerial Andres Olscn ,
presiding older. Kristianla , Norway. Lay
Martin Svondsen , merchant , Eidnnger ,
Norwegian nnd D.inish : Ministerial
John H. Johnson , presiding elder , Chicago ,
111. Lay Peter O. Magnuson , steam laun
dry , IS van si ouIII. .
Ohio : Ministerial David H. Moore , edi
tor Western Chistidn Advocate , Cincinnati ,
O. ; John W. Dillon , ' pastor , Lancaster , O. ;
John C. Jackson , pastor , Columbus , O. ;
John R. Tibbies , jiastor , Fultonham , O. ;
John C. Arbuckle , j pastor , Xunesville , O.
Lay Carmi Aldornjan , merchant , Ironton ,
O. ; Fletcher CCpultrap , superintendent
public schools , Nclsdnvillo. O.
Oregon : Ministerial b'amuel P. Wilson ,
presiding elder ; Salem , Ore. ; Charles C.
Stratton , president , Portland university ,
Portland , Ore. Lay George W. Slaver ,
merchant , Portland , 'Ore. ; John O. Booth ,
merchant , Grant's Puss , Ore.
" Pittsburg : Ministerial Charles W. Smith ,
editor Plttsburi Cnristian Advocate , Pitts-
bur-r , Pn. ; AshiirylL. Petty , presiding elder ,
Beaver. Pa.Tlioiras ; H. Woodring , presid
ing elder , , \VHiiVsJhure | , Pa. ; Joseph W.
Milo9'presidiuj faldcr , PUtsburg , Pa. Lay
James A. X/aue | time keeper , Johnstown ,
Pa. ; Vaehacl Harding , retired , Washington ,
Puget Sound ; Ministerial Andrew J.
Hanson , presiding elder , Portland , Ore. ;
Thomas J. Massey , pastor , Whatcom , Wash.
Lay David T. Denny , capitalist , Seattle ,
Wash. ; Frederick S. Williams , physician.
Puynllup , Wash.
Rock River : Ministerial Frank M. Bristol
tel , pastor , Chicago , III. : Lewis Curtis , pre
siding elder , Cbicigo , III. ; Franklin A. Har-
din , presiding elder , Englcwood , III. ; John
M. Caldwcll , pastor , Chicago , 111. ; Henry U.
Ridgawny , president Garrett Biblical Insti
tute , Evanston , 111. ; William H. Burns , pre
siding elder , Chicago , III. Lay William
Deering , manufacturer , Evanston , 111. ; Ben
jamin F. Sheets , superintendontlllinois Stnto
reformatory , Pontiac , 111.
St. Louis Gorman : Ministerial WHlinm
Kocnckc , pastor , Sau Jose , 111. ; John L. J.
Barth , presiding elder , Burlington , Iiv. ;
Charles Holdel , pastor , Warrcnton , Mo. Lay
Georco Cross , manufacturer , Warsaw ,
III. ; Herman M. Jacoby. merchant , St.
LouU , Mo.
Southeast Indiana : Ministerial John P.
D. John , president DePauw University ,
Greencastlo , Ind. ; James A. Sargent , pre
siding elder , Conneraville , Ind. ; Enoch H.
Wood , pastor. Franklin , Ind. Lay William
F. Stevens , merchanl , Aurora , Ind , ; William
T. Fncdloy , Judge of court , North Madison ,
Southern California : Ministerial Phinoas
F. Breseo , presiding elder. Los Anpetes ,
Cnl , ; Edwin W. Uaswcll , presiding elder ,
Santa Barbara , Cal. ; Wintield S. Matthew ,
vice proildont University of Southern Cali
fornia , Los Angeles , Cal , . Lay Joseph E.
McComns , slate scmilor , Pomnnn , Cal. ;
Perry M. Green , banker. Pasadena , Cnl.
Southern Germany : Ministerial Gotllob
Dosdall. presiding elder , Waco , Tex. Lny
Henry Wellman , builder , New Orleans.La. .
Southern Illinois : Ministerial Owen H.
Clark , presiding older , Bellovlllo , 111. ; Fran
cis M. V n Trecso , presiding elder , Salem ,
111. ; John D. Gilham , pastor , Ccnlraha , III ,
L Albert G , Jephson , professor , Lebanon ,
III. ; Milton A. Smith , editor , Vienna , 111 ,
Sweden : Ministerial Kim A , Janason ,
editor. Stocuholtn , Sweden ; John P. Lursson ,
pastor , Motala , Sweden. Lav Jacob T.
Jacobsson , merchant , Stockholm , Sweden ;
August Flinlr , engineer , Sandvikon , Sweden.
Switzerland : Ministerial Hans J. Broker.
pastor , Basil , Switzerland. Lay Wilholm
Hitter , professor , X.uricli , Switzerland ,
Tennessee : Ministerial Cruwford S. Wil
son , pastor , Murfeosboro , Tenn. Lay
Thomas W. Johnson , merchant , Nashville ,
Upper Iowa : Ministerial John C. Mngce ,
pastor , Cedar Falls , la. ; Aloha J. Krnett ,
secretary Board of Church Extension , Phila
delphia , Pu. ; TJipmab E , Fleming , presiding
elder ' , , Davenp6f " , la. ; Samuel W. Heiild ,
pastor , , Faycttoi'la. ; James II. Rbea , pastor ,
Mnrsbulltown. Mn. ' Lav < Henry Egbert ,
bookbinder. Diwc'hnort , la. ; Calvin Yoram ,
merchant , Mai'lilW5tf1' ' . In-
West Gomanj : , 'Ministerial ' Charles Oti ,
pastor , St. JosVphL Mo. ; John G. Lelst , pas
tor , ICanans CityJ/Mo. / Lny Samuel J.'Klln-
schmldt , incrcnapt , ' Hicijinsville , Mo , ; Con
rad FricK , murchtiht , Denver , Colo.
West NcbruU M Mlniateriul-Charlcs A.
Martin , proslalnlr ) elder , Holdrego , Nob. ;
Orlando R. Bo'Onp,1 pastor , Broken Bow , Neb ,
Lay Byron L."Rottlnbon , toli-grophor , North
Platte , Neb. ; John N. Drydcn , lawyer , Konr-
uov. Nob. . . ,
West Virginia : , Ministerial-William G.
Hihcldaffer , pastor. Wliefillng , W. Va , ; Lorln
L. Stowurt , prsiUiiig older , Wllllainstown ,
W. Va. ; Ualvlit. H , Lukin , presiding elder ,
Huntlngton , W. Va. ; Lewis H , Jordan , pre
siding elder. IJ.ucJjDtinon , W , Vn , Lay Lewis
A. Martin , Cnarloston , W , Vn. ; Harlln P.
McGregor , merchant , Wheeling , W. Vn ,
West Wlsfonsjn : Ministerial George W.
Case , presiding elder , bpartu , Wis. ; Samuel
S. Benedict , Duster , Ne\v Lisbon , Wis. { Man
ning B. Ualui } , urcsldlngflder , Madison , Wis.
Lay Peres J , Lane , clerk of court. Vlroqun ,
Wis , ; James Himnslcy , farmer , Mineral
Point , Wis.
Wisconsin ; Ministerial- William P. Stowc ,
ngent Western Methodist Book Concern ,
Chicago , 111. ; John R. Croighton , presiding
elder , Milwaukee , Wis. ; ( { oilman W. Bos-
worth , presiding elder , JuncsvilloVb. . :
Charles W. Gallagher , prosloent Luwrenco
university , Apoleton , Wis. Lay Robert
McMillan , manufacturer , Oihkosh , Wis , ;
Ainlicrat Kcllog , bookKuepsr , Milwaukee ,
, Snlui'diy :
John Ilollno the notorious , whoso proud
Kinst is thnt lie never worked a day In his
life , sauntered up to the Judge's desk this
morning with beatific visions of a prolonged
nnd comfortable dolce fnr nlonto under the
eye of Jailer Mlllor floating before his mental
vision. "Four days nt hard labor , " snrdonl
cnllv remarked the judge nnd John tearfully
hied him nwny to Jill.
Jim Jackson Is a youth of color with a
vacuous cnst of countonnnco nnd n wavering
uncertain motion of the loworjnw. Jim 1ms
made n daily appearance before his worship
since Monday nnd has been ns regularly dis
charged In consideration of the amount of
mental vncnncy expressed In his counte-
nanco. Ho "don't live nowhoro. don't know
nobody nnd dutino nothin'1 Ho has boon
threatened with hanging nnd burning at the
italic If ho over npponrs ognln. But ns regu
larly ns the days roll round Jim hobs up
sorenclv. Hence the judge ts In n quandary.
Jim Hnwiclns nn old ttmor will recruit
lilmsolf nt the county jail for forty days before
fore returning to his rogulnr occupation of
Billy Morrow who has consldcrnbto ropu-
tntlon ns n chicken nnd hornets thief ambled
up to thn desk In nn Ice cream suit of clothes
nnd an abundant growth of stubble. Jin
solemnly nnirmcd thnt ho wns taking the
liichlorldo treatment and thnt ns soon ns ho
recovered from the effects of
tils first shot , administered about a week
ago , ho would tnko another. Ho was per
mitted to pursue his studies nt the null-boo/.o
Frank Dtan , the pickpocket , who was gath
ered In with the gang whoso operations were
Interfered with during the holidays , sniffed
the glad free air of heaven for ono golden
day , when Judge Berlin again sant him be-
hlml the protecting walls of the county bas-
tile. _
Citizens Asltpil to Attend tin liiipnrlnnt
( lathering Tomorrow.
Bishop Newman , Henry D. Estabrook and
several of tbo lo.idlng clergyman of the city
will address n mass meeting of the citizens
of Omaha at 3 o'clock tomorrow nftornoon at
the Grand opera house. The object of the
mooting is to impress upon the citizens the
Importance of the MothoiHst general confer
ence to be hold hero In May , to explain tbo
method proposed for ontorlalnlni ; the hun
dreds of delegates who will bo present from
ill over the world , to set forth the many ad
vantages thnt the city will derive from it ,
ind to enlist the hearty co-operation of nil
persons interested in the city's welfare and
in having ihcso important guests accorded
tbo treatment that they deserve ,
No long speeches will bo made , neither
will any collection or subscription bo taken ,
ISxccllont music will bo n pleasing feature of
the program. Ladles are especially Invited
and it is hoped to have n very large nudicnco
in attendance. All pastors lire requested to
glvo notice of tbo meeting nt their Sunday
morning services.
I'rcsldent McT.cod'H Strides from Poverty
to Allliirnrr.
President iMoLcod of tlio Philailol-
phiti & Heading railroad , about whom
the whole country is talking sineo the
consummation of the gigantic coal deal.
Is a self-made man. It ib now re
lated of him that before his connection
with the tnilroad business ho was the
proprietor of a pottery in Texas and had
a hard struggle for several years. Ilo
was sold out by the shcrilT.
About this time Alexander Briden of
Pitt&ton , Pa. , n mine boss , was traveling
in Colorado with u view to investigate
coal lands there for some company to
operate them if reliable. In a small
town homctMeLcod who wasliiiniicially
"Hat on his back , " with no prospect of
bettering his condition , lie appealed to
Briden for enough money to pay his fare
east ngain aim his appeal mot with a
generous response. As ho took the
money MoLcod said : "Bridon , I'll bo
in a position some day to return this
kindness , but I won't forgot you. "
When Iho now great'railroad king
wns placed in charge ot Philadelphia
& Reading interests he sent for Bri
den , who had returned to Pittston , and
offoied liim the Bupcrintendeiicy of the
company's Schuylkill anthracite indus
tries , ono of the most , responsible posi
tions in tlio corporation's business.
Bridon accepted , took the reins for a
year , but found that tlio duties were tell
ing on his health and resigned and re
turned to his place at Pittston.
An K.vpcrt Opinion.
They were two district messenger
boys , and they were sitting in a cross
seat on an "L" car , says the Now York
Commercial Advertiser. "Gee ! " BUU-
ilcnly exclaimed ono of them , after a
silence extending past three stations. "I
iiato wimmin. " "Watch yer hate 'em
fur'j" ' answered his companion. "Ar'r ,
yor can't beat 'cm wuncoin a hundred. "
Wid yo there. " "Why , where yer
skin a man fur a nick or a dinner ovor-
ohango , yo kin git away wid it every
trip , but when a feller runs up do ratoa
on a woman she pulls a toll-booi ; on him
to a moral. An' if she collars him bald-
headed she skins around an' blows to de
manager , nn' ho gits tlio tra-ln-lool"
"Bin tico it mesolf. " ' 'Ar'r , wimmin
are too foxy fur cnny use. " "Chiimnie ,
I'm wid yo'ttgnin. " Then they awak
ened to the fuel that they had been car
ried by their station , and the things ? tliTlt
they said caused four people to move
into the next car.
JlrlnijIiiK Him Down ,
A pleasant llttlo story r-otnes by way
of the Wliito House , says tlio Detroit.
Free PI-CBS. There was a young man in
Washington during .January who was
born and raised in Indiana , and who was
well known there as a boy by Mrs. Har
rison. For 1 wo or thrco years past ho
has lived in New York and has bccnmo
an utter swell , with all the affectations
and other evidences of lofty civilixiUion
incidental lo tlio class. Ho attended ono
of the receptions at the White Iloiifii- ,
and when ho wont forward to Khnko
linnds with Mrs. Harrison ho held his
hand away up high and across his chest ,
as is the custom of some. Mrs. Harrison
noticed it instantly , and with a quizzical
littln smile us she put out her hand at
tlio proper level , she remarked : ' 'Oh ,
now , Tom , eomo down from thoro. You
know you never learned that out on the
Wabash. " Tom came down.
8)10 ) Diilu't Know Him ,
Now York Times : At a recent sym
phony concert whoso program foretold
coining attractions , tlio following con
versation wns overheard between two
fashionably dressed women in tlio
audience. Ono of them studying her
bill remarked :
"Tho next concert promises to ho a
good ono , forPndorowski will play , "
"Who is Paddy RowskyV" asks tlio
"Why , the pianist everybody is talk-
about. "
'I haven't heard of him , and anyway
I don't think there can be much in an
Irishman's playing. "
A Novelty In 1'iiotui'iir.
A decided novelty in footwear , more
suggestive of utility than of comfort , in
the "Orcgop hoot , " eo called , with ono
of which u train robber who lately ar
rived In St. Louis was manacled. The
boot weighed eighteen and a half
pounds , and n detective spent . ( If teen
minutes in opening tlio combination by
which it was secured to tlio prisoner's
foot. Thus hobbled , there would seem
to bo a small chance for a malefactor to
elTecl hid Ilight from custody unless ho
should somehow learn the combination.
Practically , ho might as well bo an
chored to a fireproof eafo.
A lellliurit < ! Opinion.
Many who saw ' 'Tho Texas Stcor" in
ail 1-Yaiicisco no doubt greatly envied
tlio young lieutenant who kissed Bossy
with such evident warmth and uiTeution.
Bossy id Floru Walsh ( Mrs. Charles
lloyt ) . Knvious ones In the company , It
seems , commented on the manner of the
kiss , nnd Flora heard of the talk. So
ono night she Bald to her husband :
"Chnrloy , do you ronlly think thnt the
lieutenant Kisses mo too hard ? Ho haste
to put Fomo lifo In the part , hasn't ho ? "
"Well , my dear , " said Hoyl , "ho'd bo
n foolif ho didn't. "
Thli instrument Is uso-l by the torlnnc toiler
now iittliu t'lilliniui lloiivo , It wim cotteniip
nxproisly for thU peculiarly Rifled poixin. In
addition to this n innKli ; mirror will l.o show n
in wliloli you can sen your future Inislnuul ,
wife , niioiiilc * or friend ! ) , llti free ) , licttuis
cnntalnln tl will receive prompt , attention.
Caller crnnted a private Interview.
N. It. DovolouliiR , Insliuolltrt and furiiMi-
Ini ; outfits to tlmsn who wMi to become teach
ers In thlsOcoultSclenco : that they may tii-no-
fll thomsclvus and others the wlstlom'or the
tine , n IcailliiK feature of my work ,
I * . S. Itoinciubor the place ,
1'rlvntc parlor- and 1) ) at head of stairs ,
( Inftcut ) Ihlsuut as It will not appear again ,
Lullo3 : only. _
Tlic Pain Mutual Life Insurance Co ,
From Organization in 164T to Dec. 31 , 1SU1 ,
To premiums . . . J4l,4Xfl.K : W
To Interest protlt.oiii stock" , etc. . . . J8lls'.4M ( 4S
To Intoiolt neoriiod , utu . ir.l.ixvs : t )
To lniTOi ! o In value of stocks , utu. lif > . 'in "i
To not deferred and nnreportcd
premiums . fi7M84 Hi
IlV death clnlms . tlS.uaUTS N !
lly maimed endowments . 1,1111 , li "i
lly nimtiltlfs . -M'J ' 4'J
lly surplus premiums returned .
policy holders . D.S'.Vi.fUs S.j
Hy.siiriendoriMl and lapsed policies U-1W.i. > ) "II
llyta.Mn . . . . . . . . UWJIM I'- .
liy commissions , niiuncy expenses ,
lent , salaries , etc. . . . 8,120.10323
Italanceof usvots , Jnn. 1st , 183 .
0 ty loans rallrond and water
linnds , liaiili stoelc- , etc . $ 4ti. SKiO .S .
MiirimiKOsnnd ground routs. llMl
lions. . 7 . O.WIA'.J 14
Premium notes , lonns on I'ollal-
eral. jiolley mans , ule . Il.a'lT.IHI 41
Cash In hank , trust companies and .
on hand . : t t.40i 2i
llealostiito , liomo olllcf. etc . Wil.tM l U."i
Aliothursoeurlti'is . .
Not reserve at4 percent . tl3'J3liKU 00
Death elalins reported butawall-
Ina proof . . . UV-.B 00
Genural surplus on t per con I basis
liieliidlii : : returns lo ineniliwti
not yet due , utu . 2 , . tii.nli .
The'TENN MUTUA1. " presents a plain , In-
tijlllKllilo contract , noii-fnifultnhto for "Ho-
sorvo" value , with justly liberal provisions as
to residence and travel.
U claims unassailable SECUKITV , lowe-st
cost and an unsiirpiissed record.
J.iNCOt.N , I'Obruary 1. 18i. ! .
It Is herehy certified that the Penn Mutual
Mfo Insurniico Clompany of t'lilladelplila. In
the state ot I'onnsylvaiiln. hus Illed nt this
olllco thu nppolntinuiit of Henry A. l.yinnn us
thulr lawful axnnt nt. Oinnha. la tliu enmity
or Douglas. In the state or Nebruskii.
Now therefore , the above named ncent. Is
hereby nnthorl/ed lo transact the business of
Insurance us agent of said company In this
btatt ! until the illst day of .lanmiry A. I ) . IS'.Vt ' ,
unless sooner revoked , subject , however , to
nil the restrictions and limitations of the luw.
I further certify that said company has
emnnlled with all the requirements of the law
regulating such Insurance companies In this
In testimony whereof T have hereunto sot
my hand and the seal of tlm auditor of public
accounts the day uiiU.ycaHh-stubovo written.
Auditor of I'nbllu Accounts.
II. A. BAIICOCIC , Deputy.
i fiational Ticket
For President ,
The Royal Hdim Piano
For Vice President ,
You ean fiayo mouov 1 > y buying onu
of these piano's , and bet your bottom
dollni1 on the grand , peed qualities of
those instruments. They have been
tt'led , have the Dost of records , and will
il < j what "is promised.
There are no spoils to bo divided with
agents and traveling men. Fat olliees
nro out of the question.
But it you decide for one of these
pianos for yourself , you will never re
gret having thrown your vote away.
For particulars , sco or address
ler Piano and Dip Co. ,
' 103 MAIN Street.
Of Cuuncll lllul'J.
Oaplt.1 Htoo'f 8t&0HOO
Kurpiitsandl'roflts ' , NliOOO
Not Capital anlSurplns # VaoOOU
Directors-.1,1) . KduiuniUon , K. 1. . Hlnisrnrl , I' . U
( ik'iisim , 1C. 15. Hart , I , A , Miller , .1 , V. lllnclitiiDii ,
and t.'lmrles II. lliinnun. Transact general bunk-
In business , Largest capital and surplus of
any bank In tfontliwcatuni Iowa ,
fil6u"HAT.K--At n bargain , lii-ncra fnill and
J.1 eardon liinn adjoliiliiif city limits ; good
dwolllns , li H. iJliuttfo.
) HBST V'iiount store. 411 llroiulway
FK . by M . Jane Italduin. Apply to
Ucorxo T , I'liulpa at poslolllou.
AX ? llili trade hoiiho mid lot for tuatii ) will
II jlvo IOIIK tlinoon baluucc. Ouil ul 015 H.
Glh strcol.
garJon lands , hunsss , lots unl
bunlneis blocks for : ilo or rant. Day A.
i. i.i ) 1'uurl Hlruot. Oounoll Hlnlfa.
IiKM KBNT-Ovur 10) dwellings of every do-
1 soilpllnn at prices varying from ft In if 100
per month , located In all parts of the ully , 1C.
11 , ri ho .if n. 5UJ llroadway ,
W ANTED Compotuntlrl ( , Imiulro at BIO
4lh avu.
FUU KX'llAKi-tiuan ( ) : ; Block nf Kcnoral
murchiindinu. Involco n\uMttM \ ; > . for real
CHtalound bomocituli. Kd K , MuynoCl'J ' llroad-
way. Council lllulfii.
uuros of land u short distance B , II of
t.'ounull Hlnlluiinil thu 1) , nnd J.Institute-at
. ' 3 pur ucru. A tmup. Also ( 'oiKl inu-auru farm
iiuur WUsourl Vnlluy lit t..l PIT uere. l'ob cb-
Ion clveu nt oneo If sold , I Inn fiirinn nnd
urd3iis < ir all slzw , JuhnslyiiA VHiii'uttun ,
Oouuuil Itlutrs ,
Wns to Find Rollof , Wh'.oli Was Ao '
comp'ishod Through the Sk 11 of
Dra. Oopoland , Shop.trcl < Ss ,
Mrs. Mnry Newton Tolla of Hir
plornblo Condition and Ro-
Sirs. Mnry No\vloii.TOl ! North S th avomio ,
whoso husband U foreman ill I'axton .t Vlurl-
llllTS. SliyS !
" 1 linil lioailnchos which Imd oxlslted for tno
year * . Tliny wo to very snviito at times , but
\\vro constant , scarcely i il-iy pnssod without
much stllTerltij. . SiiinellimM jmln * were sharp
ami RhiMHliiL' . mill sometimes of heavy , dull.
olinrnpti > r. They were ul limes In front of my
lio.ul , llironch the eves , somullmcs in back n't
in ) head , rnnnlni : down tin'neck. Tlil eaused
stekiie-isiif tl'o ' stomach nml ciontly unvoted
my iipucllle. iMirsliiK also ik heavy piiln anil
distiossln tliustomiuilii was also very nervoim
nnil restless. My eves wcru also airecUMl. aeh-
tniMluy uii'l nlKlit , unil su weak that I could
iioti-oml or ilo iiny work tuiiulrliiK thu special
USD o ( Uiu uytMlitlit.
My thtoiit. was nlwnyi
ilry nnil Imilly nlcur-
atoil , tind lit ilmrs I
t'onlil nut speak. H
uas nlso soru. mul nn-
on tiiklnit a Mljtht cold
ItLMiiiM'd irrrat. tialn.
I also hull a harassing
oouuli nnil pain in my
chi-st and thliitiRh injt "
IIIIIUM , At Uinos ; "S
tlioie was rliiKln ? In 1
my oars and my mi-ti
WIIB iilwavs si ii lied
up enusliiK much an-
oyanoi' .
All of those symyp-
toins completely dlsiip-
poiui'd omlurtho tient-
mcnt. of Urn. C'opultind ,
Miupard & Maii'-lh'hl ,
and unlay 1 am ft'ollir
MUM MAUV NiwrON' ; , toollttit pw feully null ,
hiivlii ; , ' no hcndticlio nor pain of
any ktnil. My thioul anil no-o run
rnrod ; thu tlnglm ; In thu ours In gnno. a'so
tlinoDiiKlimnl pnln In my cliiM. Tin- nervous
lOndltlon has also loft m and I am comfort-
al > lo anil onnylnir ] cMMillunt health ,
Thn treatment I huvo reecho lot lr.s. Cope-
iantl , Miopird : > V Maiislluld , wliloli has mailu
this icmarkiihlu cliuiizo. him been mllil , pleasant -
ant and very .skillfully applied. I comment !
thu-u physicians to nil In need of medical help.
Mr. Thomas N. Hark , of 4010 Douglas street ,
says ! "I would nut take
oxi ; Timt'svNn nm.TAus
for thn bi'iiellts I liuvu rocclvod from Dis ,
C'opelatid , Sliopaid .V Munslluld.
I ; im fifty-nine ycVrs old and had bo.'iui to
llilnli 1 wns not long for this world for I was
havliiT sulTjruil terrible iviln for thu lasH
lwnntyslvours. .
My nose was always slopped up first omt
sldu then the olhcr ; dull , heavy ho.idiiche .lust
over the eyes and In the back partof tlie head ,
martin : noises In thu ours , which sociuuJ to
nuvni coaso.
"I was constantly hawklns and splttliu.try-
Ini ; to raise the mucus Unit , continually
dropped from tlio head lo the throat.
In thu inoriilni upon nrKstii ! ; I would be as
tired as when I wi'iit to bed : after eating I
would experience ! ! sense of fullness or
liig In the stomach , which added conslJur.-iblo
suirerlngno my now long list of symptoms ,
A sKvr.iiti counn
was om ; of the worst of my symptoms , ami
sharp , .shooting pains In the uhoit , cMcudlnK
b.iek to thu shoulder blades. This was my
condition when I called upon Trs. Uopuliinu ,
Slirpird& : Jiansllold. They gave mo a thorough
scientific andsystoniatlo course of treatment ,
which was pleasant and , 1 must admit , very
cllootlve , for I am now feu'.lng like a ne.w inuti.
1 cannot say too much In praise of Dis.
C'opeliind , Shcpnrd & Matisllold for what they
have done for me ,
Mr. Clurk resides , ns slated above , at 4111)
DoiiKlas street , where ho can be been and Will
readily verify lusHtaiemenl.
A Coincidence In tlio NViliililn ( 'reilenlliilK of
the IMiyHleliuiH ol' thu Oopeliind
.Medlral Institute.
Dr. W. H. Conolnnd was president of his clnsl I
at Hellovne Hospital Medical Colloid , .New I
Yon ; , where ho uriidualed , the most famous <
Instltiiilon ot Us kind In tliu country , lilt
diploma bears tlio written endorsement of thu I
mediciil authorities of Now York , of the deans
of prominent medical collu oi In I'oiinsyl- I
vaiila , Ur. O. S. Shepard WHS prcsldonl. of his
cbiHS at Hush .Medical College. Chicago , /
which Is acknowledged to bo lliu loading In- >
stltut'on of Us kind In tlio west. Dr. Hhop.ird'fi
thorough hospital uxporlonce and bpoolul .
htiuly In the diseases of the eye , ear , ixiteand
( hroitt. place him iimoii' : the leading Hpeulal-
Isis In thu wust , Dr. T. It. Manslield'K creden
tials are no less abundant and iimiuallllcd.
HualHoIs formally Indorsed by the secretaries
of various county and state medical ' "
BOOM3 311 AND 312 ,
New York Life Building
Cor. 17th awl Farnam Sis. , Omiiln ,
W. H. Coi'ici.A.N'i ) . M. U.
C. S. Suici'Aiti ) , M. J ) .
T. U. MA.VSHIKM ) , M. J ) .
Consiiltlnir I'hys'.clan.s. r
Spoolallost Oitarrh and uli dlsj'isji of t'l
Eyo. Kiir. Throat and I/iinu'S , Nervous I'l' ' .
eases , hk In DlaoasoH. Ohronlo Ulsoasoa. < " < >
Hours 1) toll a. ini to 5 p. in. , f ' " > I'
bI { , ± W ? T 'troli'iilJi' Illld Aiidre , ! ,1No , fi
lo u s to nmnil Mudlcal InitltuUi , .Nov
York Mfo llul""nc. Omahii , NuU.
Hon , Henry Wattsrson
KUItor of lli Loulivllla Courlur-Journal.
. - AT B F. M. - -
Tfckot holders can tqiJiiro rcaurvod t > oatn , iivf
Kills' riiurmiiey , wHhout oxtru churl. " '
Uoiiiinonclim Monday. IVU ' "J. ' 1r'1lo.l5 ) , tr/J / ' !
' .infl Moore H
Hiilu uU'aclllo HoUbO Cl''ur Ktoro