TTIR OMAHA HAHiY KKIfc SATURDAY. FR1UUTARY 27. 1MY2 ANOTHER DRY GOODS HOUSE Omaha'a ' Opportunity for Scouring the Location of a Well Known Firm , HAS A RATING OF HALF A MILLION \Vltli I'rnprr nncmiruunnrnl tlin I'lrin Ulll l.orntn In Thin Cllj-Otlier Jobbers Trll How It Would Help the Triulo. Two woclcs ngo Tin : Bnn ctxlloi ] altontlon to the fnct tlttxt there was n strong feeling miiong the Jobbers of this city In favor of the locution here of another wholesale dry Rood * house , and that the right partial would no doubt be able to secure additional capital In this city. A few days Inter S. S Curtis re ceived a letter from nn eastern dry goods house , unclosing the above mentioned article und asking what truth there might bo in the statement. It is learned that this jobbing house , the name of which is withhold for the prosout , Is very doilrous of locating in Omaha. They have nlrondy a trade which roaches out into lown and they believe that by coming to Omnba thov can hold considerable of their old trade and at the same tlmo odd to it very materially. The house In question has a splendid repu tation among the trade. It is reported by 11. G. Dun ft , Co. ns having n paid up capital of < 3.W.OOO and rntlnrf of $ . -.00.000 to $1,000- 000. It is understood that their Idea in mov- i , , IngtoOmuha is to secure a location more | i lilted to the Jobbing trade aud at Iho sumo lime Increase their capital. ' i Mr. Curtis , who has a personal acquaint- < | unco with the members of the llrm , speaks of them in the highest terms and of the house as ono that Omaha can afford to put forth \ \ great efforts to secure. "Tlu-ro is , " said the L gentleman , "a great deal of idle capital In If Omaha at the present time seeking invest ment. It would scorn as if there ought to bo notroubio ' .o secure all that might bo required - quired to incroauo the capital stock of on old and reliable house llko the ono In ques tion. " Will Wulcnina Thrni. Mr. Smith of M. K. Smith & Co. , dry goods Jobbers , said : "Thero IB room In Omaha for another good dry goods Jobbing houso. Omaha has a coed toirilory for a Jobbing business. Ilosldes Nebraska and Iowa wo have a splen did field to the west mid north west , reaching to Oregon nnd Washington. The trade Is constantly im proving In quality , wo nro selling to the larger retail stores more than ever and each year the retail merchants are becoming more reluctant to go farther east for their goods than Omaha. The growth of Omaha'a Job bing business is phenomenal. Lust mouth wo aid ! iyf : ( per cent more business than for the corresponding month last year. Tbo coming seiuon looks blighter than over. Yes , there is plentv ot room for another dry goods house In Omaha , mid a rood house it would make money from the very start.Vo would welcome such n house , ns it would , i help our trade and would bo a good thing for the entire Jobbing trade of the city. " 1 The name of the llrm in question boinf mentioned , Mr. Smith continued : "I know them well ; they nro bright business men and their house lias a good reputation in the dry goods trade. They would hnvo no trouble In increasing tholr capital If they should so desire. " Mr. Ulbbou of W. A. L. Gibbon & Co. , Jobbers of hais , caps , etc. , said : "It has been , a source of disappointment to mo that Omaha's dry goods market Is i-o dollclont. St. Joseph hns four diy goods bouses that hnvo ? 1,000)00 ( ) each behind them , and they each do a yearly business amounting to from 81,500,000 to $ ' , ' ,000,000. Minneapolis has ono house that does fO.000,000 n year. "At Chicago Marshall Field & Co. do about * UO,000,000 n year , J. V. Far- well & Co.20,000,000 , and there are three ether houses that do in the neigh borhood of $10,000,000 each. "The Minneapolis house was started by four young men with $100,000 and they now have $1,000.000. "Consldoiinghow prominent Omaha is ns n jobbing point for groceries and boots nnd shoes It is easy to bo neon that there Is room for another dry goods house. "Tho boused which we already have nro good ones , but there is too much trade for them to take care of. There was a time when the Mississippi river towns did a good I Jobbing business , but the trade bus moved ' westward and 1 do not bcllovo that there is any point , north or south , that presents as good opportunities for building up a large jobbing Business as Omaha. "I would like to sco a good dry goods house come hero with a good capital that coulu bo rapidly increased to $1,000,000. It would bo hard work to find any investment for monov that would pay better than stock In such a house. " Kxcvllrnt Opening Hurt ! . 7 . T. Lindboy , wholesale rubber boots , shoes , clothing , otc. : "If i had money to In vest I would sooner place It In thu wholesale dry goods business In Omaha than in any thing else that I know of. Omaha dr > goods houses are not able to take care of all the business that comes hero. I spend consider able time on the road and frequently hoar merchants say that If Omaha hud a larger dry goods market they would buy every thing here. Omaha is the best place in the country for n Jobbing business. My business has Increased 50 per com over last year ; it > growth astonishes us. 'Omaha jobbers have 1,500 miles of terri tory to the west of them nnd L'OO miles oast. I have no tioublo In l | selling goods in Washington and 1 Montana. As showing how eastern Jobbers and manufacturer ! ) look upon Omaha , I can say that the American Kubbor Clothing company huvo just completed arrangements lo make thla the distributing point for their western trade , which was forrueily handled from Chicago. " The name of the dry goods house which is talking of moving to Omaha being mentioned , Mr. Lindsoy continued : "I am personally acquainted with the house In question and they are the pcoplo wo want. They are tine gentlemen nnd able business men. If the property owners of lower Fiirnum btrcet would subscribe stock and locate Unit house it would advance tholr property enough to more than make up the cost nf the stock and the stock would pay well in addition. If tbo house puts in $ , ' 50- 000 capital Omaha can well afford to double the nmount. " ItH Ni-ml Well Knonn. IV'r. Stone of the Dewey & Stone Furniture Co. , who was hoard to say , not long ago , thai ho would give toCOO to n good house that woula locate on lower Fanmin direct said : "I was talking with some business men the ether evening about the benolit to tbo city of another dry roods bouse. The right pcoplo would have no trouble In secur ing plenty of capital to enlarge tholr mini ness. Almost any line of business that you might mention is bolter represented In Omuba than the wholesale dry goods busl ness. A good house would certainly do wel to move hero and it would de the city goot to have them como. " Mr. Woller of the Hichardson Urup com puny said ; "If there Is any ono thing that Omaha especially needs U la another good dry goods Jobbing house. Such n house would bnnotlt the Jobbing trade of this city more than ono can easily realize , Omaha Is a splendid point for a jobbing business as wo know from experience. I have uuch confi dence in the opportunities for a piofllablo dry goods business In this city thai I would bo willing to bo ono ot thopartvof business men to guarbntco that n peed houio In that line would make money from the start , " A good many other Jobbers lit , o expressed themselves ou different occasions in a similar manner. The boot and thee men especially nro anxious to see more dry goods houses - OB8TKPOTION8 MUST GO. SldoivulU * Will lie ClrnriMl from Until lo Jlullillniri II ro * llli > . Chairman niruhautor of the Hoard of 1'ubllo Works , Building Inspector Tilly and Chief Soavoy conitltuto a i n board com mittee ana will get together the first part of next woelr anil prepare an ordinance for the regulation of sign boards and ldo wain ob- bt ruction . The chief declares the old ordinance re garding ilen beam and sidewalk obstruc tions to bo defective and ttio contemplated ordinance will remedy all the defects In the present ordinance. For some tlmo pail Chief Hoavoy has had an ofllcor nt work locating fruit otnmlo doinc business on the sklownlk In front of down town places of business and which rrnv n rental to thn owner or occupant of the promises. Tbo report elves ? i.1fl ( ( ) M the total monthly rental of the fruit stands. Douches or settees at the Intersections of the car lines will bo given Homo attention also. Tha chief clnlins Hint the settees nro nn ob struction tothosldowalk , nnd are principally occupied by loafers. On December 4 , IbSt" " , Clark & Donnoy received permission from the council to locate advertising notices nt the car line Intersections , In consideration of nn annual license of ? .r > 0 per bench. ThU privilege was granted for ten years from the passing of the ordinance. At present there are only BIX of these settees located down town and during pleasant weather they nro nmost ! always occupied by ladles nnd chil dren waiting for car-i. It .seems to be the Intention of the chief to clear the sidewalks from the buildings to the curb of every kind of nn obstruction , if such n thing is possiblo. Certain to satisfy you. Ono bottle of Pise's Cure for Consumption will convince or its wonderful ofllcnoy. ' Drujiglsts , 'Joo. Wanted. Lndlcs to distribute catnloguos at prl- vnto residences in Omnhiu Mnntifito- Uirors nnd Consumers association , room 001 LJco building. Apply Snturdny nnd Monday , 0 to 11 a. in. and ! to CitO : p. in. Commencing Sundnv , April 3 , there will bo a now , llrat class Bleeping car line established between Denver nnd Chicago. This car will run daily and will leave Denver 8:80 : p , in , , via the D. & M. railway to Omaha , thence via the Chicago , Milwaukee < fc SU Paul Short Line , arriving Chicago 0:30 : second end morning , making all custom con nections. _ _ LOUD z.v xnr.iii I'liAisn. Gcnova'n Xow Industrial Homo Pronounced rirn-Cluxs by btulo OIllcluU. LINCOLN , Nob. , Fob. 20. [ Spoelal to Tun BIE. : ] Three members of the Hoard of Pub lic Lands ana Buildings , Secretary Alien , Commissioner Humphrey and Treasurer Hill , went to Geneva yesterday to oxaraino the new Industrial homo for girls. They returned - turned this morning nnd nro nil loud In tholr praises of the now Institution nnd assort that it bus boon erected strictly according to the plans nnd specifications. In this respect the Geneva bulldlnc forms n marked contrast to sotno ether stale buildings that have boon erected within the past tow years , the Hast ings asylum building behifrnn oxiunplo of the manner in which thcstntii has boon swindled by dishonest contractors. The board will not dolinltoly accept the building until it meets in regular monthly session some tlmo next week. Due the fur- iltnro will bo moved in at once and the Juildlug made ready for Immediate occu- GosHlp at tliii Stuti ) HOIIHO. Dr. Manning , the now superintendent of ho Lincoln Insnno asylum , filed his olllcial bond with the secretary of state today , The cnsc of the Shlckle , Harrison i : How ard company against the American Water Woiks company was Hied In the supreme court , lodny. The National Luraoor company against Tohn McAllister was filed with tbo clerk of bo supreme court Ihls afternoon. The "case of John Jenny against Will M. Nash was filed in Iho supreme court lodny. .t comes from Cedar county. From DUtrlut Court. The Jury ID the llbol case brought by Edi- or Littlotlcld against Editors Bushncll and Cox returned a verdict this morning , ( hiding In favor of the dofcndant , Tbo court charged the Jury that tbo charges that Llttlolleld had been In the pay of the Burlington and the flankers and Business Men's association ucro uot actionable , but that the ono sutlng that Lltlloflcld had been expelled from the Knights of Labor was per so ; that if the jury thought the defendant had proven by a pre ponderance of Us evidence that plaintiff bad been expelled from the assembly , they should Una for the dofcndant Judge Hall is trying tbo case of John Olson against the Burlington for $10,1)00 ) fora foot which John lost while attempting to mount an engine In Fremont county , Iowa. The plaintiff claims that his foreman ordered him to do so and ho baa lo oboy. The company charges contributory negligence. In the case of Wincgardncr against Burtis and others to recover the value of some land plaintiff claims ho was defrauded out of It by defendants taking advantage of his mental condition ; a Judgment for plaintiff for the full amount claimed was given. Emma L. Connor was given n divorce from her husband , Edward , who deserted her two months after their marriage. The German-American Insurance company of New Yo.rk and Iho Phoenix were adjudged liable for $ T5 each for Iho loss sustained by the burning of a hotel at Friend owned by Otto Covey add occupied by Sarah Sudduth. J. C , Johnston , a prominent attorney , has decided that ho doesn't want a divorce from his wife , and withdrew his petition today. They have sottlcd their differences , and will live together. In 1'ollcu Court , ( Jeorpo Miller , a bulcher , drew $250 from the bank yesterday and before leaving town celebrated witb u few friends , Ho wound up in a disorderly bouse on the botloms , got lee much on board , and was found later in Iho evening lying on a railroad irack. When bo woke up this morning ho wus Just -00 abort. John Johnson , n young fellow with n fully- dovelopcd nerve , who performed Iho feat of of robbing a follow prisoner in the county Jail of some clothing , swore ho wasn't guilty this morning , out as they proved it on him , lie was sent baclc for another month , Henry Bucbnm gave Charles Scvoron $1 10 to buy a now hack with. Sovcron proved bis gratlludo by Jumping the town with tha cash in bis Jeans. Ho loft bis wife behind him , and Monday she started for Kansas City. An ofllccr who had boon shadowing her fol lowed , and Sovcron wai taken into custody yesterday. Ho confessed his crime , paid up the money , nnd the detective came back without him. OclclH unil Kudu , II. F. Boyd , living near Valparaiso , was arrested today nn the charge of disposing of a lot of cattle ou which there was a i OO mortgage. Ho gave ball for his appearance March . Tommy Prey , the boy injured last night by his pony falling ou him , is In u dangerous condition. Ho has neon unconscious the greater part of the tlmo , and his recovery is doubtful. Deputy Sheriff Hoagland closed Kadon & Meier's saloon today under an attachment sworn out by M. Hoffman , a Kansas City liquor dealer , who claimed that his bill for ? .ib'J was fraudulently contracted , and that the saloon men wuro disposing of thnlr prop erty to defraud croditora. Kadon & Meier have scoured an attorney and will give Hoff man a damage suit for bis temerity , The Pleasant Hour club , LlncolnM leading social organization , gave Its last ball of the season nt tha Lincoln hotel last evening. It was a loop yt-ar party , with the young ladies in charge , and proved to bo the social event of the season. Some sixty couples were present. Now WiuhliiKton , 1'cilli. , r < ! ( ipl < i are not slo < v about taking hold ot a now thing. If the article has merit. A few mouths ago David Byors of that place bought his first stock of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Ho has sold it all anil ordered mora. Hosays : "It has giyon the best of satisfaction. I huvo warranted every bottle , and have not had ono oomo back. " 50 cent aua { I bottles for sale by druggists. TOM MURRAY'S ' PROPOSITION Ho Answers n Puzzling Question Which Bothered tbo Pnrk Oommissionors. GIVES LAND FOR A SOUTH SIDE PARK ( Iroitnil > rnlril In Itriulrr the Clark Trart A\allnliln Donated by Mr. .Murray South Hcnllnirnt In Clmnglni ; from Hyndl. rate The Situation. Thomas Murray , osq. , of Omaha has taken stops that may make his n.tmo immorlnl. Uvor since the park commissioners under took the task , some months ngo , of selecting lands for n south sldo purk there has been n struggle going on between the people who favoiod the purchase of Syndicate park and those who favored what is known as Iho Clark tract , oust of Tenth street and south of Volley street , or about three-quarters of. n mile cast of Syndicate park. The tide of sentiment has vibrated back nnd forth among members of the board as the enthusi astic supporters of each proposition rallied the citizens of the south sldo ono way or Iho other. Of into the sentiment has boon tending toward Syndicate park with Increasing momentum. Several meet ings recently hold by south sidors had almost convinced the board that the thing to tie waste to purchase Syndicate pnrlc and mnko the pcoplo of the south sldo happy. Murray TuUnn thu I.uiul. But n sudden change hns come upon the scone. One very potent objection to the Clark silo tins boon ro.novod , nnd the park commissioners now loon upon the selection of that tract in a much moro favor.iblo light than over boforo. The Clark tract lies east of Tenth street nnd nlmost directly east of the north end of Syndicate park. The commissioners wanted u park that should come ns far west ns Thir teenth street nt lenst. ftlr. Thomas Murray owns the lund that , lies between Tenth and olu Thirteenth streets nnd Immediately west of thu Clark tract. Property owners In that part of the city have been laboring with Mr. Murray for weeks 10 tndueo him to donate a strip of grouud reaching from Tenth to Thirteenth streets , but Mr. Murray contended that ho could uot afford to part with his property without a cash remuneration. After ponder ing the matter carefully , however , nud con templating the probable purchase by the park commissioners of Syndicate park , Mr. Murray decided to play a winning card. Ho sent a proposition to the commissioners yesterday offering to donaio a tract of four acres , auo a strip of ground 120 foot wide from IClovciith to old Thirteenth srroots , virtually bringing the park up to old Tulr- lotmih street. Mr. Murray proposes to donate nato this six acres of land provided that the commissioners will purchase the Clark tract and wilt call it the Murray park. Wliat the I.nwjoni Can't Toll , The commissioners were favorably im pressed with thu proposition. Between old Thirtcotilh nnd now Thirteenth street there is n strip of ground ninety feet wide not owned by Mr. Murray. The commissioner * desire to have the right of way for the 120 foot boulevard on entrance secured free of charge through that strip. If that Is scoured the proposition will bo given a very carolul consideration. Ur. Miller said that there was ono matter the park commissioners would like to have settled , but it was a question ever which lawyers disagreed. "If the commissioners know positively , " said Dr. Miller , "lhat the owners of Syndi cate park would not dispose of these lands in small quantities , so as lo destroy Iho p.irk , but on the other hand were obliged to retain those lands as a park , then wo eould decide in a moment whether to recommend the pur chase of lhat parir with public funds. Hilt wo are told by good lawyers that tha owners can , if they so desire , parcel out these lands and utlerly obliterate the park , and wo ore told by other lawyers , equally able , that the owners cannot dlspo&o of those lands in that manner. Wo are anxious to do that which is best lor the people. I believe wo ought to have both Syndicate park and tbo Clark tract. " South Slilo Sentiment. Mr. Tbotnns L. KimDall was present at the mooting yostorduy afternoon and addressed the board briefly. Ho said there was danger of underestimating the necessity for public paries. Ho favored larger parks than had boon contemplated by the board. Ho also favored tha purchase of a rlvo.'sido park for the South Sldo people and thought the Clark tract suitable. Mr. Charles Elguttcr also addressed the boara. Ho spoke earnestly In favor of the riverside purk ns contemplated In the pur chase of the W. E. Clark tract. The dona tion by Mr. Murray , ho thought , made this a very desirable tract of ground for park pur poses. The matter was discussed at length and the board requested Mr. Clark to find out if a right of way for the boulevard could bo socuted through the ninety-foot strip be tween the Murry land and Thirteenth street , as It Is now laid out. Mr. John Hush , Dr. Hnnchott nnd other South Sldn citi/.ens were prcscntto urge upon the board to purchase the Clark and Murray lands for a South Side park. Mr. Hush said that after looking the ground all over the citizens of the South Sldo hau como to the conclusion that the Clark and Murray lands wcro the most feasible and practicable for park purposes. Dr. Hanchott spoke earnestly In favor of the Clark-Murray lands. He snid that from thosu lands an excellent view of the city nnd tbo rlvor valley could bo obtained. The do nation of six acres by Thomas Murray would bring this park right up to Thlrtnonth street and tbo street car lino. The fact that the Burlington road skirted the Clark tract would mnko it an easy matter to huvo a rail road depot at the foot of tbo purk. This would make it doubly convenient , especially for parties from surrounding towns who might wish to visit , the park. The commissioners promised thcso croatlo- mon that they would weigh carefully all these considerations. thn l.ciuc. On motion of Mr. Millard the right to con duct a refreshment resort In the Hanscom park pavilion , free of charge , wus granted to Mr. W. S. Bnlduff. Mr. Llmngar objected to letting the pavil ion free of charge , oocauso , ho said , there were responsible parties in the city who would pav at least tl ,000 for the privilogo. All members of the board , excepting Mr , LI nl utter , voted to grant Mr , llalduft a free lease of tno paMlion for the coining year , ' The proposition to donate aboulovard ; run ning from Ambler Place around past Huscr't park , Elmwood park and up through Dundee to Hamilton street was submitted und the commissioners decided to go nut some day soon and traverse the route of the proposed boulevard before accepting it. A proposition was received from Mr. A , J , Poppletnn and Mr , J. M. Woolworth olforlnj ; to sell nine acres of land at Sulpher Spnngt lor tr)0,000. The commissioners were not favorably impressed with the proposition. Some other lands wcro oflerou for pat k pur poses ut various prices , but , inasmuch us they were farther from the heart of the city than tbo lands alrcnuy recommended by the board the Parkorana Dlstln tracts no au tlon was taken upon the propositions rccontl' ' Eontin. It was the understanding of the commissioners that tbocouncll dld'uot wish to consider any propositions for the bale elands lands for parks farther out than the Parko und Distlu tracts , hence no action will bo Baking Powder : Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years tlie Staudard. niton upon nil Midutiitll | furtliar Inilruc- tons huvo boon rocobrrxl from the council. MM. Wlnslow's Satuhlnp S.vrup for chll- Iran IrotliltiR ro ls tit * elillil nnd comforts lie motlior , 'J5c a bottle. Dr. Culllinoi-o , nmtlist. LJaa building Today Dunlap's pprlng ntylo huts , Ightwoight. I'Yedcrlek Ar Co. , 11MS. 15th A Mliulrc.iilrr i\ndl ( linlnr" .Medium' * Cut will appear tomorrow in apodal coluinn , onu of n Biitioriur order. This wrson's work in oil n > very high class. , 'nrlopfl uro now bding arranged nt llio : iotcl Piillnnn , Dddgo Blroct , bolwoon ; ith mul Mth. The boltor otnss will bo nvltcil. Cullers will bo ( ( rantoil a pri- vnto luulionuo. Tills party cornea well recommended hy woss aiui public. See lotico. riNIIST TKAIN ON KiCHtl : ( ) . ownpnprr Mm Wlm Know it ( liuiil Tiling , ( ll\ii Tluilr Opinion , Tito Now York Central railroad and . \Vagnor Pivlnco Car company have Bcorotl tuiothor great success by tlio imgniflcont tour of the Intortmtloiml League of I'ross Clubs in a complete k'cslibulcd trnlti of Wagner palace card 'roiu ' Now York to San Francisco and return. The ptoss and publlo of the Pa- cllli ! coast pronounce this the flnoHl , rain ever BOOH west of the Slorra Nevada - vada inotintalnB , not excepting the irosldontlat train which vlsltoU the L'.tcillo cotist last your. Tlio following telegram , just rocolvcd , indicates llio success of tlio tour of tlio international otiguo : SAN FllANCisco. Gal. , Jan. 15 , 1802. 3oorgo II. DaniolB , G. P. A. , N. Y. C. & II. II It U. , Grand Central Station , Now York : Tlio International Longuo of Press Dlubd , in convention assembled , direct us , by unanitnoiiH vote , to announce to you tholr safe arrival in San Francisco , ind lioarlily thank you for tlio safe transmission across tlio continent on Bchcdiilo time of the inagniilcont Wagner - nor palace car train BO generously ilacud at tlio disposal of tlio dologatos. 1 may also bo gratifying to you to know hut this train has o.xcitod admiration and praise of all who have soon it. THOMAS .T. KKKNAN , Jit. , Pros. C1IAULES W. PRICE , Secretary. Tlio Prnss , N. Y. , Jan. 18 , IbOii. BunoLAns1 BUSY NICJHT. Saloon , Oil Olllcn null a lll.icldtultli Shop VNttoil by TliloxcH. M. T. Uotcuo , n crook ol considerable note , vas released from the county Jail a few days ago and almost Immediately roarrosled. ursday Judge Borka again sentenced him nnd suspondca thn sentence for two hours , jotcho is known to the pollco as n "box" nan , a synonym for u burg-lar and safe ilowcr. That night two safes were blown open and rilled of tuuir contents. The cir cumstances may or may not have a connec tion. * The first visit of the cracksman was prob ably at the Fidelity Oil company. This safe las been blown lo pieces so often lhat thu iropnotors no longer trust any money In it , lor oven lock the uoor. A hole was drilled list above the lock and Iho combination mashed , when it was discovered lhat thu leer was open. At Twenty-second and Popploton avenue a > lneksmilh shop was visited and a ot of tools stolon. Just around ho corner the Uoor of a aciloon kept ) .v Henry Kolilff bad hood lined open and the safe blown. The explosion occurred at1:30 : voslordny morning , and the report nlmost knocked the bloopers upstairs out of tlielr bods. Vvhor. hey had nerved thcmielves lo ; ntbr the saloon thu pla.ce looked at if it had ) ocn visited bv a young valuano. ili'hu largo 'ront windows' were southed tobpllutcrs ; the Uoor was littered with papers , cigars nnd : Igar boxes , whisky bottles und wrecked 'urnlturo. 'The' iron door of Hie safe had joen blown through a heavy rail- "ng aud through the wainscoting flftosn Toot awny. Heavy bolts had boon driven ntn the woodwork In all directions with the 'orco of bullets , und .splinters of wood and rnn were found half way across the street. Only about & 2J In change was secured. A small bag of money which had been blown lut by ino ex plosion lay boslde the bar nn- tfuchud. The damage to the building amounts to something ovoi $100. In .lull M. D. Uotscho , the youncr man who has figured prominently In pollco coupt circi.-s for the pust two days , was arrustod apuln yesterday afternoon by Ofllcor Curry nnd charfjod with boinif a vagrant. Judge lorl < a iiad give" Uolscho two hours In which to ICQVO town , and as ho failed to cross the bridge In the required time was again placed behind the barn. The prisoner has a record In Omaha pollco circles and Is alwuyn iinUor sorvolllnnco vvhoi In town. When Wilson and McOormott were arrested in Council Hluffs a few dnys ago for safe blowing a line kit of burglar tools wn found In tlielr possession. While undergoing an. examination In the "sweat box" the two thlcvos confessed tlmtGoticho , who is an export blacksmith nnd worker In metals , hud inudo the tools for thorn. At the time of his arrest Uotscho had nothing which could bo used as evidence , though ho is Mis- tooted of hiwlne a bund In the two safe of Thursday night. Indifference * The indifference and willing ness on the part of consum ers to purchase adulterated articles because they arc offered at a lower price , lias become so general that many grocers find it difficult to han dle pure products. If cus tomers will understand that the cheap arc always the adulterated , aqd will pay the fair cost of a ; genuine article , they will Icnfl the only help ing hand tl\at \ will secure a radical reformation. It is a fact that tharc is no class of articles used In the prepara tion of food , tjiat is so com monly and systematically debased as flavoring extracts. The manufacturers of Dr. Price's Delicious Flavoring Extracts invpkc the cooper ation of consumers to stay the tide of evil now sweeping over the market. IFURGATEO YOKE SUSPENDER THE f-ATEST. \ GllHiloir off III9 \ \ tlioukler llupot- mule. Ark your dtaltrfor I Urn ur . mid 11 bO fur natr ) > i lr tu I.nro K Hlk Hii.pcnJcr fa. . CT tu.til . I'rlnili bl , New Yvrb. Ill ffk INSTANT RELIEF , rioilcur * Mil I"X mlOd ) . nu uot r r tuto . Ko llbW lpur euaMlT .ua | ipo it ryr > u { . > rn ola iliaple r m or rr . bf a- Do You Ever Drink Water ? A Rood nppctlto find Improved digestion "result from a morning drink of SUI.VIIO-SALINK. its con tinued use cures biliousness and nil diseases caused hy a torpid liver. 'TIs a mild , suto Inxntlvc , a natural mineral \\ntor , nnd Is only bottled hy the Excelsior , fyrinffj Company , nt Excelsior Springs for Pamphlet. | ln IS S O U CI Richardson Drug Co , , Agis , , Omaha , Neb , HUMPHREYS" VETERINARYSPECIFICS For Horses , Cattle , Sheep , Dogn , Hogs , AND roui/rnY. flOOPngo BooknnTrpnliiirnt of AnlmnlB iiml Chart Hcnl Free , crnr.fll Fovrr , ( ! oiiri'fllon ] .Iiillummiillon A.A.lSplnitl niotiTimltlH , Milk Kn cr. ll.lli Strilltl * , IjllllKMICHH. KtlUlllllllllllll. ( ! . ( /"DlHlvniprr , NIIKII ! IMncliiiruus. ] ) .U.--llnln nr ( iriilm , WnrniH. K.K. C'niiBliM , lli'nvvN , I'liniiiinnliu J'.I'--Colic nr ( Jrlprn , lli'lljnrlu- . < 3.fl.--MliicnrrlnEm Ili'iiinrrlinffnn. II.ll. llrlniiry iinii Kldnny INVIIHI' | . J.I.--lr.rniulvn DIopiiNrH , ntungn * J.K.--IMncniiL ii of lUucntton , I'nriilrNln. SlnRlo Ikittlo ( ovcrWilotcs ) . - - . ( JO titablo Cnnp , with Hpoclflrn , Mnniml , Vctcrlimry Cura Oil mul Muillcator , 87.OO1 Jnr Vi'lrrlimry C'uro Oil , - - 1.01) ( ieM hj-trn tl.U | nr trnl pnp > t < I njnhcr cl In inj quMMllly on Irrrlpt of | > rlff. I.CO. , Ill X lUttltlUmRU.VwT rl. HUMPHREYS' HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFIC No , In uio 30 your" . The only mirrcimful mutely for Nervous Debility , Vital Weakness , nnd 1'roitratlon , from overwork or othir ciiuiwn. VI per xlftl , or 6vlal nn < ! Urne vl l powilor , for93. Held l > 7 lruRKlil f < > r B III | ioell > tl < lu recall t vt | rlc , Iflfll'llllKtS'JlKU. III. , Ill Alia nillliunBl..V.wiotk. Extract of Beat. Do you want a copy of BKHrTKA'r1 Sec that it is do from tlio ' in it OKN'- UIXK. Incomparably tlio best. Pure , pala table , refreshing , Dis > - solves clearly. Pee Huron LlohlK'i signature In bluoon m n.ichliiliol. thus : ff } | To Cure Sleeplessness Take bromide of cotash , ono ounce ; extract of lions , two drachms ; water , cl ht ounces ; mix. T.IKU n tahlo Kpootirul half an hour bctoro cut- lug last meal nnd at tied time. The above valuable recipe Is falcon from the Illustrated new book of 120 pages , which DRS. BETTS & BETTS $ will Bend to any address for -1 cents In stamps. It Is full of valuable Information for thu Hick and thencll.and IB u moat reliable work , liavlni ; been prepared and published hy the most noted and .successful Hpeclallsta lu America the famous aud popular DRS. BETTS & BETTS Whoso successful cure of mote cases o' Nervous , Chronic AND Private Diseases 4h.ui nny other physicians In the United StaM , Klvus them a ] irestUo ; jiossesnc-d by noiiu of tlielr profcsaloiiitl conteiniiorarlus. In thu treatment of Syphilis , Catarrli , Sexual Stricture , Female Diseases , Hydroccle , Weakness , and all Varlcocelc , piles. Organic Sjteniiatorrltoea Weaknesses , The equals of these gifted Kings of Specialists are not to bo found In all the length and lire dlh of thu land. They havu plenty of Imitators but no equals , Consultation free. Call upon or address with stamp , . Belts &Betts 119 South Mill St. . N. K Cornorllth nnd DouRliis Sis. Omaha , Neb. IRSTCLAOO Vie Larst-tt. Fuite t sod Vlattt In Iho World. ruwfcjnKiruraarnotiatlonauneiceUeu. _ . . . . . HEW YORK , LONDONDERRY AND 01A800W NJSW YOKK , ( VlljftAliTlj'l'nnd NAI'I.ES , At rnuulnr lnt rTal . SAIOON , SECOND-CLASS AND STEERAOt ratei un luwant turmilij and from tbn prlncliilo 009TCB , IltlLUn , I2I3U ft ALL COUIWIIIIAL POnilO. KicuKlontlcketi u > ull .l.lo to rtlurn vlliirrllieiilo- - t'lroniuu clydo & North of Ireland or Nnpli'H Olbr ltr CrtfU - ! Uatj OtJin fn ACT Astut it Irrtit tMt , Annlr to nnr ot our local Airantiono 1JHOT1IK1W. C'lilcaico , 111. ft * afrorlnr fro , , , III nt uio trrucu IU jouthful errori rarlrd r , traitlnz trcokncu , lort lunuUixxl , eta , 1 will ncuil valutr/lu trtutlMi Ial < < dl wmululi ( all iiartlculan for luino cure. FIIK of . A lultndM luedlrnl wurk I tJinuld l i rca by ercry man wh U mrvom sn-1 ilelillltutcd. Addrru. , c. w wi. ui. uovaiuit c uu * The champion liar has seen the first robin , The small boy has been seen playing marbles "for keeps" in the middle of the road. Several dudes have been seen without their eyeglasses. February is almost gone. March , blowy , blus tery March , with its weather put up in assort- ' cd packages , is almost here Spring , is near aft hand. As a woman's thoughts lirst turn to an- Easter bonnet when she thinks of spring , so docs a man's mind wander toward a now spring overcoat. As you read the words at th& head of this ad , didn't your memory run baclc. to the shabby old coat you hung away last fall Didn't you wish you had a now oneIf you takp the trouble to look in our show window this week , or better still , visit our "Overcoatcry"oiii second floor , you'll make up your mind to , have a new one right away. The price , not the salesman , will convince you. \ . Our entire new line for lS92will be placed on sale this present week. They come in Box coats , Top coats and common every day Spring Overcoats ; in Cassimere , Cheviots- , Tweeds , Kerseys , Meltons , Homespun , Diago nals ; in black , brown , blue , tan , wood brown > Havana , tobacco , snuff ( sneezy color to sell ) , gray , slate , drab and several handsome mix tures ; for tall men , short men , wide men , thin men for you. Cut an "X" in two , that makes a "V. " That tells the story on All at $0.75. ttio in nowcBt MllllllOS nnd colorH. An Eiegant Kersey To SavcBuy Overcoats- -This Week. Our catalogue sent by mail if you spend a cent to mail us postal card to have it sent. AND COLLARS nro tbo CHEAPEST AND THE BEST. N. B. FALCONER , Sell Them. "LADIES' PERFECT" SYRINGE TJioonly pcrfna Vaginal unil llirtul Hy iliifd In llio wurld 'a ' thu only xyrliiKo o or Invontcil | iy wlilch viO Ijlnul Injection * cun IJD lulinlnliiturml without JpnkhiK nui ] iiulltiiu ttio rluthliuc r ni'i'uinliiil- ( III ! UuMIKUOf IIOISU | , unit which run nliuliu melt for redid InJoU- IOIIH urlrrlk'iiUoii. It will Ihuriiuiihly cloiin thu nciik of Iliu wuinl ) unit i-ntlru viiKliiit , hy Kiiu ili'loly ill ti'nilliu ttio viiuliiul fnlilM , anil driiwliw "M illHtliuriaia Out n till the mi lit Into Iliu liiilli. Price $3. rim AI.OE & i'n.Ni'ou ' > co. . _ ir.lh St. . iiextjUi I' . O. Oimilia , N"hj NEBRASKA National Bank. U. S. DEPOSITORY. , OMAHA , NE3 > . $ /OOD / : ) ' ) onicor iinil OlrootorJ-Henry W. Vutai , primlilont ; U C. Cuihln * . vlo tiroililont. U H Mnurlce W. V ilonu , John ri. Colllni. J. W II. 1'aUltk I < owl S , llcud , Oiilnur. TMIS IRON BA.NK. Corner IHth anJ Farnau SU. jr The Lavllnj Iy. I Dent 1st u Third li'loor. P , xton Hlog'c. lUHJ. Hllli "ml F.mmi Stl / ( utltotof teutli on riilibur tut II. iMrfunt ill Teitli without iilntei or rumovnlilu lirl Inn wdrk , juit lliothliiu of iliuar < or | iul < llo | ii ) ikiiri , Him druiidovrn. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN , All lllllni/i at nuxinntilu ratai , ull ufi w irr lull I Cut till'out lur uxiildu. Allan IIIn e IIOV.U. MAIL HI'liAMISIU. Bill rvKulnrlx diirlni wlnivr from I'OKTLAXD ' lo LIVEHI'OUL ' Pirecl. ( ' bin IIOuiiJ upunrds > coonil cabin , i.'l blvamit ntluwrului. Nil I AIILI ( .UiiiilKli , RTA'TP'P ' * ( Bisrtvioia oi - VTwr-rl 1 AJ LiAN LiINE JLlXJMXl ( BTIiAMSlIIL-'B. Xvw York BUI ! Ol iuow Korlnlglitlr , CaMaMO. fcecond C bln Ii EUior ( IIJ. Apply IOAU.AN AUJ.Utilowa IL K. .MOJ.Cdj , WaUtia Ticket omau ; W , V , VAtliUucllanlva Tt ) . UJl ; To promote health , preserve andlengtH- en life , stimulate ) and invigorate the whole system , tone the stomach , aid digestion , create an appetite and repair the waste tissues of the lungs , nothing surpasses an absolutely pure whiskey of deli cious flavor , smooth to the taste , mellow , maturji and of richest qu ity. Unlike inferior whiskies i will not rasp or scald the throat and stomach. Call for CREAM PURE RYE and take no other ; . For sale only at high-class liquor and drug stores. I1AI.MOMANI ) ft ( n , OIIKUUn. GOLD MBDAIi , PARIS , 107a W. HAKJill & CO.'S Brealfast Cocoa from w lilch llio I-KCI n of oil Ima bt til n moid ! , J iilmnliililijiura it in ttotutildt No Chemicals iinilicdl In lln | iripnrulloil. II IinH tnotf tfiftn t/ttft ! tlintf the tilth lit f'oco.1 mljiil with HlurJi , Arronriwl ur Himur , ntul IN tlicK'foiu fur inoiu rco- noinloil , cutttny lit * tlum ont irntticiijt. Itlmklliloiiiinuur- vj , InlihiK , rtniiKtlifiilni. ) rnurr iilii : TCI ) , uud mlmlinlily "ilajikd for hnulMi on UN for purxotiH In luultli , Kolil ljr ( Jriirrrn I'tiryulirrc. W. B AIOER & CO. , Dorchester , Mass. n il T FHUJC ( lOUUAHO'H OIlllv.VTAl. CltEAM , Oil MACJICAI , lIUAUIKHCIt llcmorci Tan. I'l'iini'i , Krsc * . u Hull Mild rikln Illieaiti. andiverr tlem * * _ , nndiitIfa ] dotco * / tlon , u hii / nuod tuo toil of < U7ean , and U no liarinlem wo tmtc. to bmuro It U proper/ ! ma ilc , Accept no couniorfelt orilruljrinro | , Ur U A B.r.r until to n lad/of . llio limn ton ( IB.lent ) : "A ) ou luiilrs will uiothoiii I ri'cammeuil ' ( juurnud'i I rcnin'nt itiv le t liarmf l of nil lh fkii ! prepnrutloni. " I1 or ln by nil llrUfirliU mid Tuner ( loud * Ioaler > 111 Ilia Ullllo.l Intei , C'nlittOal anil Eurnpi ) . , l'JlitT , I101'KINUl'ruii'r,37UroatJouei EL , N. T. i WEAK ID Condltlrinsof Uiolmmuii form nuncimfiill/ 1 rented tti'Iuvoloii. fltruiivtlittii , I'lilciri'u all wi'iik , ntuntod. iiuiluvvlniMiil , tuuMuorimiiimid I'lirU nf llio ted jr wlilili liuvu IIKI or IIHV T ullulnuil n prnptr anil iiunrul eltu , ilno tn III huttllli , uLuiv , cirtc c > , cr iiiiliniiwii uautv * . 'lliurn In Dim run hud unit only inir , liy nhlcli Hill im > / tin ummipllilieii. ) iiiiii-ntiiill | < iw ( if liliMid l < > uiif purl , prudurcil br lini > lo | ipHrntiiii uilliiK uiilciimlltulljr.rriulnnew lUcuu , luiiuuiid vluur hy Iliu fpuiu initurulluwsai lluilniri'iiiiiiir iiltu mid Don't IMI priOuitlH" ! ixtofUfo III I lo ejuu. * J < ' ' ; Ku\ \ IIUIIIID to ill ) Iliu miinu , 1 N V'HMTKJA. 'riiniii'ii no irnii bin It dfour nllem. Our par "llli'iinu nlini ihu jiulillo liiiiim tloiirlr clciico I ruin friuilVrlla / us for Instruction * , full diicrlp > linn , | ironfii.rriiriincci. tic. All nM you lu piala miiili ll ll r Mh utc < iiitoruiir.klniJ. ERIE MEDICAL CO. , BUFPALO , U , Y. WASHBURN\ Cuitan , Mandollni & Zithert lo Tbluuie and quality ciflboe are ' Die lirir IK TUK WOCLIJ.V r- rmttd to wear la ay climate. Illuilratcd tt/Lkenlr / cat * with portralli of famou * arum will be Mailed FRE LYON A HEALY , CHICAGO.