THE OMAHA DAILY fiEE : SATURDAY , FEBRUARY 27 , 18 ! ) : ; . JPECIRL NOTIGES. AI > V inTlRF..MKNT9 : FOU THKSK COLUMNS will ho tnkcn until 13SUp. : in. , for the otenlnit nnd until BiSO p. m , , for thu morning or Sunday edi tion , All advprtlicmcnl * In thrrn column * IS cents n line flri > t Intcrtlon , nnd 10 cents n Una thereafter , or (2 pi r line per month. No advertisement tnkcn for IP's limn 5.i cents for the tint Insertion. Torms.cnsn In Mlvnrcp. Count nbont 7 words to the linn. lnl > Half , flgiirp' , symbols , etc , , cnch count ni n word. All nrtvntlncmontsmim run consecutively. Adver tiser * , by rcqumtlngnmimhcrr-d chock , can hnvn Ihclr letters addressed to n numbered loiter In cnro ofTiip.l'KK , Answer * no nrtdrc cd will bo dcllv crcd on jnrscntatlon of the check. 'nitANCH OFFICF.S-ADVIMITISINO KOUTHKSK J'eohmniB will bo tnkcn on tlio above conditions Hi tlio following bn lnc houson. who nro ntithnr- Ired to ttiko spcelnl notices nt tlio tame ratei ns can bo hnd nt tlio main ofllro ; Poutli Omnlm llraucli OHIco-No , 20Z1 N street Ltslor lilork. John W. Holt , phnrmnclst , llth and Mnson street" , R. H. Knrnsworth , pliBrmnclst , 2115 ( timing street. W. .1. Hughes , pharnificlst.24 ( ' N , Mill urcpt. C. K. Snttnrllcld , phnrmnclst , 1718 I avenworth ilroct , lllnilipi" plinrmncy , 24th nnd Fnrnam. SITUATIONS WANTED. JIATK8-15C n line first tlmo nnd lOaallnn there after. No advertisement tnkrn for lpi itlmn gic. ' -flIT t jATION W A NTH I ) IIV A 1 CLOT111N ( } jVrnan ; good references. Address Uox&Sf , Hast- Ing * , Neb , 710 I * SITUATION WANTKD , A YOUNO AMKU10AN A of IDyeur * desires n tdtuntlon to finish mnchln- 1st trndcs 2 yonr * experience ! with ft months at a lathe ) con furnish good references ; wages no ob ject. Address A , 11 , llughcr , t'leasnnt Uldgo , Knn. V. YOUNG AMK111CA"N WIDOW , WKLL A educated nnd cnpnhlo , wIMies n position ns fttipcrvltlng housekeeper to widower with children , 01 tu Mnclu gentleman of good standing. Country preferred , I lest of references given. Addrom o , K. O. , postcilllco 1)0X21217 , Denver , Colo. M767 27 * WANTED-MALB HELP. 'IlATKS-ir > < ] n line first tlmo mid lOc n linn thero- after. No uilverllsonient taken for less than Wo. JMinlnlon td hnndlu Iho new pntent clicmlcnl Ink erasing pencil , The greatest tolling novelty ever produced ) erases Ink thoriiugly In Iwo seconds ; no nhrnidon of pnpcr ; 200 to M ) per cunt prollt ; ono ngpnt's sales nmountcd to JiSM In six rlnys , nnothcr It2lntuo ! hours. Wo want ono general agent In cnch stntn nnd territory. For terms nnd full par ticulars address Munruo Eraser Mfg. Co. , LnCrosie , Win. , * SB. 7'l _ B-CITY CANVASBKIIH.SALAUY PAH ) WKKK1.Y , Singer Sewing machine olllce. 1610 Douglas st. C91 f2a T > - WANTKD , F1IIST-CLAS3' MACHINIST. JJDavls.V CoHglll , " 75 1) POIITIIAIT AUTISTS WANTKD TO O1VK J 'our electric light prlmnu trial. Kxeelslor Portrait trait Co. , Ware block , Omuhn. MS3I M13 * -HALU3MKN WANTKI ) , UOOM 17 , WAUK IILK 482 2i * "p WANTKD , MACHINISTS TO KHKP AWAY J-1from Indianapolis , Ind. , ns there Is n strlko jtlicru. J. J. Lamb , O. E. Hoard. M5U2S * E-WANTED AN KN'KltOHTIO MAN IN A NKW line of soliciting. Cull or address N. Y. Llfu Hid * , room 321. MMO 7 * \VANTKD. TWO GOOD BLACKSMITHS MUST bee good reliable men and workmen , curable of doing nil kinds general Job work nud understnnd plow work well. Hinll nlggi , O'Neill , Neb. ( .74 2i ! * "n-nllAUNKHSMAKEUS WANTED AT FALLS JJCIty , Neb. ( Two who cun run n 5 "Plorsou inn- chine. ' ' ) oy Henry Case. 700-1 -WANTED.AT ONCH , 25 11 AUNKSSMAKKItS on light and heavy harness. To good men will plvu steady employment the year around. The Kunntitx taddlery Co. , St. Paul , Minn. 12W-1 -WANTED-A GOOD ; V10L1NKST preferred. Address llox Ii3 , Alnsworth , Nrb. M700-27 * B-WANTKD , YOUNG JIAN WITH ONK Oil two years' experience at harboring. Address Wm. Sulllvuu , Alma , Neb. 7IU-21' , * T3 WANTTTf ) , A MAN TO DltlYU AND TAKK JL > oaro of horso. Apply 1300 Fnrnam street. ' M774 23 B -WANTKD OKNKUAL STATK AGENT TO open headquarters lu some principal city , as- 'eurao control of our business , and appoint local nod nub-ngenlH In every city In this state ; goods In universal demand , and pay n net protlt of.7) ) to 1'X ' ) percent. Thu Union Company , 741 llroadway. Now York. M7U'i S7 * HALKSMKM WANTKI ) TO SELL OUIl goods by sample to the wholesale and retail trade. Liberal salary and expenses paid. Peima- nenl position. Money advanced for wages , adver tising , etc. For full purllciiliirx and reference address - dress Centennial Mfg. Co. , Chicago , III. M7K5-53 * -WANTKD MKN TO TltAVKL FOU OUIl Cunudn uurscrlus. Stone & Wellington , Mudl- ou , WIs. ' ' " WANTED-FEMALE HELP. * 7tATKS 16e a line first tlmo and lOc a line there after. No advertisement taken fur less than 25c 'OH ( SKNKIIAL HUUSKWOUICT Apply at J. A. Johnson , 2SOU Capital arc. 417 -LADIKS. DOOUUWOUK AT YOUIl HOMKS ; ousjr Ulul Interesting ; day or evening ; nocxuor- lenco , no canvassing : good pay. Address with Mamp , L'oston " Aquurello Art Co. , 48 Winter street , llOBton , .Mans ; M5S5 M5 * C iWANTKI i ) , OIIIL KOU 85IALL FAMILY. Kn- quire , uf.1112 Woolworth avenuo. M012 C WANTKI ) ACIUL FOU OKNEHAL 11OUSK- work for a family of two nt 1025 B. 30lu avo. MIM1-28 * 'ri-WANTKD , n APPUKNTICK GlllLS. MISS -V > Allco Isaacs , milliner , ot/J S. lOtli. C'J7 WANTKI ) , OIltLTO W011K FOR IIOAlll ) AND room and learn dress making , nagcs paid If trmlo loarncd. Mrs. U. C. Moses , 22 : > S Fnrnam. 731-2ii * WANTED , A flOOD ( SlllL FOK GKNKIIAL housework. 824 N. 20th street. M751--JSa C I A ( llltli IN A SMALL FAMILY TO DO OKN- uralhousowork. Cull ut551 South 20tli 741) 2ti / 1-WANTKD. OIUL WHO HAS K.V.PJXIYMKNT V diirlug thu day to milk ono cow for her bonrd. O U. l.'i'gg. bet. 43d and 41th on Jackson. 747-2(1 ( G-WANTED , COMPETENT ( Hill , FOU GKNKItAL linusenork ; good wages for small family. 2.VJ5 t Hauillton street. 743-27 / 1-CBNTUAr , EMPLOYMENT AU1CNCY WILL V/furntsh male nnd female help on short notice. Mo : 1414 Farnam street. 755 27 * -WANTKI ) , GOOD COOIC AND. LAUNDHKSS , llap B.y.lthet. 753 /"I A YOUNO OIUL TO 1IHLP AltOUND THU v houso. Mrs. J. F. Wllcoxr B. w. cor. 20th nnd Doiiglus t- Till 2il C-WANTED , A 0001) GlllL FOH ( ! KNHUAL lioueoMork , 1S30 Bo. llth street. 3L A. ( .reeley. 317I1M 27 * Ip-HOI ) ( HUL FOU UKNKltAL HOUSKWOUIC , v'German.laiioor lloliemlan preferred. 31)01 Fur- nnm slrecl M772 2'J * C ! - -WANTKD. fillllj FOUUKNKUAL IIOUSK. nurknt2G21 Haruoy Btroot. Mrs. D. H , Wheelnr. M77II f \ LADIES. 1 WILL PAY LADIEH A 8ALAIIY VAjf tlO.OOpor week to work for mo lu their lu- rallty at linmo ; light work ; good pay for part llmo. Write ; with stump , Mrs. II. U. Farrlngton , box 702 , CliU-ago , 111. ' M7I14 27 * FOR RENT-HOUSES. HA' a line tlrst tlmo and lOo a line thoru- utterNo , nilvortlpemont taken for less than V5u , /ldeiico flats In city. Meud luv't Co. , < 42 lleo bldg i > - ! ( ) It UKNT , HOUSK 10 UOOMS , ALL MOr arn Inu'rovcmeiitB ' , fM pur month ) 32 < 1 and Far m. l.'exter L. Thoniag 721 . "r\-U-UOO.M HOUSE. 27TH AND DAVICNPOHT , .L'nll cnnvenlences , 125.00 per mouth' . F , K , Dar- linn , llurVer block. 720 TV-1MIOOSI HOUSK. MODKUN IMPIIOVKMHNT8 , JL/tB2 N. 26lh ave. U. Kalian , tailor. 211 N. llith. 727 D-HOUBKS , COTTAGIW. UOOMS , ( ill N. 17th Bt. * , 475-IU17 D-KOll UKNT. SKVKN-ItOOM COTTAGE , CITY water , gas aud cUtorn. 2401 Dodgu it. , to per month. M. J. Kcmmrd.un ) New York Llfu bulldlnii . 640 t D-'FOll UKNT , COTl'AGK.OUO'JMS , IIATHf HOT and ruld water , Inrgo Koto room , Stationary range , curtulni , good cellar , ( .10.00 jior aionth , I5U bliuruiau avenue. Call at room27Merchants hotel , D-THUKK-UOOMW ) HOIIBB FOU UKNT , (7.00. No. 23IS So. llth , No , 118 lluiicroll treet.M5UJ M5UJ J7 * PV-TWO VltltY DKSHIAULK FOUlt UOOM J-'iuodoru flats , etenm beat. Ono nix room , one Jivoroouf cottage. Tel. 1,7W. SlUfcoulU 22d street. D I-TWO 10-llOOM HOUSIW , MODKUN Unices , ut til ) and 115. Inquire ut 301 N. 22d it. Mull Ti-FOll UKNT , BTKAM IIKATKI ) FLA'Iri IN JL-'tliu I' . K. Her block , comer IVth und Jackson rlreeti. They have all conveniences aud uru lu BOod repair.Call nt Her & Co' * . , 1112 Hartley l/cet. M7I4 rk-t-OU UKNT. FUAMK HOUSK , NO. 5W 8 1CT11 -'street , lu good repair. Itent Ili.OO per month. CalI at Her A Co' * . , HU llnrnyy ulrceU M7I& rY-C-HOOM CO'n'AtlK. HOT AND COLD WATKU. J-'batl ) , closet , furnace , beautiful lawn and shade. .Apply at N , K. cor. i uil nnd Miami. 72U 2i * n-VOtl HKNI , 1-llOOM FLAT , filONT lilTII AND Hickory. 72U-3 * / D-U UOOM FLAT , J OS LKAVKNWOIITH ST. . 757IU2S * -1'OU HKNT.A KOUUTKK.X UOOM HOUSE AND furulturu fgr * ale , full of rpouion and boarder * , iQCAtlou , beat Aildrut * P ( i. lice. 754 2S * "TVOtt UKNT ID-ltOOM 1IOU8K. ALL , MOUKUN Jl-'luiprovemeut * , uu Mud between 81. Mary's uve- uu * nd How fd itreet. Inquire at 12V7 V ruam treaL wi.xi uu FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. It ATKS 1. ' * a line nm tlmo nnd IUo nllno thero- nftcr. No advertisement taken for le than SJo. " " " " " E " WVWKMaiiKu"W6WlibdM"s""AT"iiiui Harnoy Mffot. M6M 27 * _ 1,1-KLKOANTLY FUUN18I1KD IIOO.MS KOUOF.M- -l tlciucn only ) nil modern Improvements. 1400 Douglas t. 170M7 * _ E-FUUN19HKI ) UOOM WITH HATH , K MONTH I'M Fnrnnm. _ J37J 1FOll UKNT , NICKLYFUUNI8HKD. SKCOND Jintory buck roiini , tollable for single gentleman , wllhout bonrd , 1ZIS , 25th tlrcct. _ 255 1J-OSM OU TWO WKLI. FUUNISHKI ) HOOMS : Jjmodern conveniences ; near motor enr . 620 North ll'lli ' street. M71127 * _ E-SPLKSD1D FHONT UOOM , FIIONT1NO LAWN , with nil modern conveniences , N , W. cor. Jfith and Douglm St. 731-8H UKNT. N1CKLY FUUNISHKD ItOOM ) Jall conveniences. 2I1S Capitol nro. M707-27 * 1FOll UKNT , STKAM IIKATKI ) FUUN1RHKD Jlirooms. 003 So. 18th street. M016 J7 FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. N-KLKOANTLY FU11N18HKD UOOMS , BINGLK Jor en suite ; nil modern conveniences ; llrst-olass board. 819 South SCtli street. M580 | ? -ltOOMB AND IJOAItl ) , 118 B. SSTII. St. J-1 * - 42l-ml6 _ _ 17-NICKLY KIIUNISHKD UOOM WITH ItOAUD i- for man nndnlfo or two Indies , private family ; K week cnch ) modern conveniences , 615 N , 2Jrd st. 63 < 1 _ 1-KUUNISHF.D HOOM3 AND 1IOAUD. 1314 JL Cnpltol avenue. fiOI'6 * iP- WITH A7.COVK , ALSO UOOM u nfurnished It ileMred. 212 Su. y > th st. C7I iPI I -8 OF FUONT. AND ONK SIDE UNFUll nlsl ed If desired. 2017 Hatiioy. MIB828 * | > -FOU UKNTN1CKLY FUUN18HKI ) UOOMS A with board , Stenm heat. I7J1 Davenport st. * - 70J-1 FOR RENT UNFURNISHED ROOMS. ItATEH 15c a line tlrst tlmo and lOo a line thereat. ter. No advertisement taken for less than 25c. " -lOOMHNYjUM lilKlT FUnsi TT TO iTlN Mats , for hoiiHckceplng. Prices away down. U. F. Hulls. 311 Pnxton block. CT.I l'23 i FOU UKNT , UOOM FOH TAILOUOUSHOK 'shop. Kith and Howard. M740 2S G 3 UOO.M8 WITH CLOSKTS FOU HOUSH keeping , JIO. 2022 Howard. 75028 * BOARDING. UATK8fic ! n line tlrst time nnd lOa nllno thcro- nftcr. No advertisement taken for lesi than 25c. -i'ULLMANiousi , IXMHIK , Fo bonrd , nicer rooms , conveniences , rntes nnd 1o- ntlon It cannot bo excelled. Mrs. Horn , proprietor 201 M 10 * FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFIOEsT UATKS--15o n Una tlrst time and 100 n line thoro- nftor. No ndvcrttscmont token for less tlmn 2Jc. 1-KOH UKNT , TUB 4-STOHY IJUICK HUlLDlNd. JlilU Fnrnnm street The building hns n tire proof cement tmsomt'nt. complete steam heating llxturoi , \\nler on nil the Moors , gas , etc. Apuly ut the oftlca of the lieu. _ 1113 1-FOU UKNT , STOUU ; 1(31 ( UOWAIll ) . J- 704 _ T A 1'INU LOCATION FOH A ( lltOCKUV 8TO11U J Cnsh trade. Address N 11. lleo. 31072 M5 * r-FOU ItnNT/niK LAlttll'.STANDUKSTSTOllK ' Ibiilldlng In the nourishing town of St. Kdwnrd , lloonc county , Neb. Grand opening for u general merchandise store ; rent low. Addiess A. IMVhllo , real estate agency , fct. Ktlwuril , Nob. 75:1 : S FOR RENT-MTsCEIiljANEOTJS. line nnd lOc line there UATK3-- a llrst tlmo n after. No advertisement taken for less tlmn 25c ' -aAIU > l5N JT UUICK VAltDS FOU HUNT. T. MUUIIAY.MC52 , T MC52 " O BENT. K WANTKD , AT ONCK , A. Tl'.N OU KLEVEN- room house with modern conveniences , good tenaut , rent by year. Apply "O CO , " UcixoUlcc , - L'NFUUNISHKD IIOO.MS , 10 M1NUTK3 K-30I14 pohtunico Address , P 4 , lleo. M734 27 * RENTAL AGENCIES. UATKS--15C n Una first tlmo nnd lOc n line thero- nflor. No ndvcrtlsciucnt taken for less than 25o. UKNTAL AGKNCV ; HANK UKFKUENCK3 K. C. Uarvlu i Co. , 205 Slicoly block. 720 TO 1NSUHE QUICK UKNTIN'G , LIST WITH , the Exclusive lleiitul Agency. Purrotto , Douglas" block. 31305 STORAGE. HATKS-lSo n line first time and lOoallno thereaf ter. No advertisement taken for less than 25c. ) ! Vcjn l'S"ANIIiilllSTS"TolVAoS M house In the city. Williams & Cross , 1211 Harnoy. 780 WANTED-TO BUY. UATK3 15e a line first tlmo and lOe n line there after. No advertisement taken for less than 25c. AT FUHNltuUK UOUU11TBOLD STOUKD 1 > WollB , 1111 Fnrnam st 731 -VT WANTED TO 11UY , C TO 8 UOOM HOUSE , TO .li movu onto vacant lot. Address O 45 , Due olllce. 530 \T SECOND-HANI ) FUUNlTL'llK HOUGHT.HOLD I'and exchanged ! highest prices paid for second hand goods , Uoston Furnlturo Co. , ( JOS N. Kith st. 050 M21 * VT WANTKD , PA1II OF SCALHS , 1,000 TO I,6f0 i.1 pounds capacity. Address O 1.8. lleo. 725 -\r WANTED , TO I1UY A LUMIIEIt YAUD OU 1 > bank , or good opening to start ono. Address ' Nob. 721-1 * lock box 103,1'onca , AT-WANTKI ) , TO 11UY , A GOOD KNGINK AND J.1 boiler ; capacity not less than 60 ortX ) horse powor. Address , lO'.l ) Douglas street , 31732 28 * XT WANTKI ) . SECONDHAND 5-FOOT APItON i > lop desk. 415 Paxton blolk. 75028 * FOR SALE FURNITURE. HATES IDo a Una first tlmo nnd lOo n Una there after. No advertisement taken for lcss , than 25c. -FOU8ALK.Si'llN\ furniture , etc. , or will rent jiano. | ISt'J ' Chicago st. ' . 740-28 * FOR SALE-HOR3E3 , WAGON3 , ETC. ItATKS 15e a line llrst tlmo nnd lOo nllno thereaf ter. No advertisement taken for lost than 25c. " " .ON , OKNTLK , and well bred , for tialo or trade lor.wld pralrlo laud In I own or Nebraska. Address M ul. lice. . _ 3P.iQ5-.M3 * T-IOGOOI ) FIFTH WHEEL COAL WAGONS FOU I salu cheap , 221 H llth St. , or will trade for other wagons. S. D. Canflold. liitt 20 * ) - HALE , GOOD WO UK HOUSE , (25,00 , Furay's baru , 25th und dimming st. E. U. Jester , 730 2 * FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. UATK8 I5fl u line first tlmo nud I Do a line tbora after. No udvortUomont tukou for less than 25a A GOOD PAYING iBTOCIC IN AN IMPOUT- Q ant compniiy for tale or axcliaugu for city prop erty or goodfurms. Address C. K.Mlllor. . IWti lleo building. j M4I3 _ 2U _ - UPUIOHT PIANO , STANDAUI ) 3IAKE used only a" few months , at u aacrltlcu. 2022 Caldwell - well Bt. 4S3 - NEW UPIIIGHT PIANO. 617 S IfiTH ST , Q-ONK M53.-I-4 * - 8AL15 , HANDSOME PAUUOT : GOOD Q-FOIl ) very tamo. 119 N. 161U Bt. , room 1.MCO21' MCO-21' - BALK. A FAIUUANKS A COLK IIANJO and cuso with muslo and rack for (2J. Addrens P s Hoe. 31742 28 * MISOELLANEOU8. -HAMILTON DUOS. . OAUPKNTEUS AND builder * . AH kinds Jobbing. 414 fco.lttil. Tel. 1179 IU8M7 * " | > -CLAlMSF01lBALAinK3SKUVItE8WAOKS : , -IVeto. , against corporation * or Individual * , bought nud advanced on. W , H. DavisH 20 Continental blk ' 30U31 P. _ _ _ _ _ -CANADIAN KMPLOY31KNT OFKIOK. HK BJ 15th. mala ud female help ; orders by mall promptly attended to Uofortmcu ; Omaha Natlona bank. Tol.bHI. . 7U2-M-25 T > -PKHSONAL ) STOP COUaiUNG ) (1,000.00 HW -LVvrard for nvanoof throat or lung trouble , last tagus uxpeptod , which cannot be lelloved by u proper use of Dr. X. Stone's Ilronclilal wafer * , We a box , nt dniKbdalR. For Biimplu tend 1UC to Htoue Mod. Co. , Chicago , 111 , 3I7C3 28 * CLAIRVOYANTS. S-AUUIVAL KXTUAOUD1NAUY. WONDKUFUL rovolMlons. Challengeii tlio .world. Mr . Dr. M , U'gruve , dead trance1 clairvoyant , ustrologlit , paludU und Jtlu reader ) leUjour llfu from thu cradle to gravel uollus tuo eeparaiedi causes mar- rlaga with tlio ono you love ) tell ) nbcru you will Bucceod aud lu what bualueas best adapluO fort lias Ilia celebrated Egyptian breastplate for luck aud tu destroy bad Intlucncen ; euros UU , Inteiuporauce and all private couiplalaU with manage , balks and alcohol treatment , bend t'l , lock of balr , auuio and datu of tlrtU aud receive accuratu life chart ) 8 rent * lu stamp * for circular ; give Initial ! of one you will uiarry : also pliutoi of tame , Offlco 1007 fioutli lltb ulrcetj first tloor ; hour , i ) a. m to V p. ui. Como ouo , como all. and bo convinced of tbls wonderful oraclq. 31M1 Ml * S-MIIS. NANNIK V. WAltllKN , CLA1UVOYANT , reliable bu lne luedlum , Uf tb 119 M. ICtti. 7ia C > tADAJIB FlllTA 120 CUMINO bTUKKT. k7cmlrvoy nt and trance medluiu ; lodependeut uiiu uut aud future. fillU ! * MAB3AOE , BATH8 , ETO. _ _ IlATKS-l.V ) ft line first tlmo and 10o n line there after. No advertisement taken for loss tlmn 25c. ri'-MASSAOK THKATMKNT. KLKCTltO TIIKIt' X mat baths , scnlnand hnlr treatment , manlcuro and chiropodist , Mrs. l'ost,81S.4S.15th , Wlthnoll blk 733 _ rp-MADAMK SMITH. 1UI DOUCJI.AS STIIBKT , X room 7,3d Uoor. Alcohol , lUlpflnr and sea baths. MS34 ml * fp-MAS3AOK , ClO S. 18TH S.T11KKT , 21) FLOOnl i. UI9M20 * _ rr-.MAIA.MK LA HUM , MAUSAUK. 41B SOUTH treot,3rd Moor , tint 4 , n < l tnnt. M715)B * PERSONAL. HATKS-l.'io n line nrst tlma and lOo n linn there ) after. No advertisement taken for less than 2io S sfm' Y.itNHA"mm : ) Hold Dcllono. Lllllo. M77I 23 * _ MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGE. HATES I5a n line llrst tlmo nnd lOo n line there after. No advertisement tnkon for Ion th n25c. - ; PIANO I KXAMi'NKTHH i now BcnloKlmball piano , A , Ilospelil3 Douglns , 731 _ -O. F , OK1.LKNIIKCK , BANJO TKACHKH , with llospo , or MS N. 18th street. 1 < I3 -FOU HALK , CHHAP FOU CASH , A FINK upright plnno , nonrly new and alnndard innnu * fneturo. Address O III , lleo olllce. 4S4 MONEY TO LOAN REAL E3TATET" KATKS l&c n line llrst tlmo nnd lOo n linn there after. No mlvertlsomon itnken for loss thnn25a 'W ANTHONY 1.0AN ANDTIHIST CO. , 3IS N. Y. ' Life , lend nt low rntps for cliolco security on Ncbrnskn or town fnrmsor Omnlm city property. r APPLY TO .1. I , M > VKTT FOH CH13AP money ; only tlrst class security , ZX > S. 13th.D30 ? MONKY TO LOAN ON 1MPHOVKD CITY properly , low rates , A. C. Frost , Douglas td'k. 1\r JIONKY TO LOAN ON IANO ) Oil SHOUT tlmo In sums off W to 510,000. Mutual Investment Compnny. 877 \ \ -CHAS. . W. UAINKY , 315 OMAHA NAT. II 1C. " ' bldg. City luortfnk'ei. Lowest rntes. Money on Imud. M817 _ LKNTKAL LOAN i TUU8TCO , U15I3 ULD'O. 730 \\r-LOANSON IMPItOVHI ) AND UNIMI'IIOVKD 'i city property , f3,000 and uiwnrdsn | to B per cent. No delays. W. Karnnm Smith & Co. , 15tli & Unrnoy. \\r UKAI. MSTATK LOAN3 , 0 TO 7 PHll CKNT ) ' no additional charges for commission or ntlor- noy's fees. W. U. Mclklo , First Nntlonnl bank bldg. 742 _ COATKS , liill FAUNAM 15ABTKUN 3IONKY. 733 \V LOANS , W.M.HAHH1S , U. 20KKN.I3U 111.1C. > 740 _ \\r-LOANS , CITY PUOPKUTY. K. NKIl. ANU W. > ' Iowa fnrms. 15. K. lllngcr , 1511) ) Fnrnnm.U42M U42-M i -LOANS ON 11KAL KSTATH AND COLLAT- tcrnl notes nnd niortgaxos bought , Itced & Solby , 331 Uonrd of Trade. 743 \\r-UHL , 11UALKSTATK LOANS,342 UKK ULD'CJ 420 W-ll PHll CKNT FlllST MOltTOAOK LOANS , Itlelmrd C. Pnttersou , 1511 Knrniiiii st. 745 \\f--2D MO11TQAUKS. 3IOOUU , A. 401 UKK ULDQ. JJ | 735 \V-W1LL LOAN MONKY ON ANY KIND OF < > security : strictly confidential. A. U. Harris , room 1 , Continental block. M88I _ r-SCIIOOLltON \VANTKD. . H. C. PI5TKIIS. West Point , Neb. 044 U * \ir MONKY TO LOAN ON IMP11OVKD OMAHA > ' property : building loaus a Bpcclulty. Ilrcnnau & Co. , Karbach block. M70ti 3124 \\r-MONKY AT LOWEST ItATKS , F. V. WIL- > Hams , First National Hank bullilliig. 3173S TV-KOO.UO TO LOAN ON UNI31PHOVKD CITY property. Call at 317 N. Y. Llfo building. 750 MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. HATES 15o n line first tlmo aud lOc a line there after. No advertisement taken for less than 2/ic. X-DO YOU WANT MONlSVt If so do not full to get our rates ' before bor rowing. Wo make loans , without removal or publicity , err furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , ctc.,4it the low est posslbla rato. , , There Is no unnecessary delay , but you get the money on the snmu day you-nsk for It. Wo will carry the lonn ns long ns you doslro , -giving you thn privilege of paying It In lull6r In part nt auy time to suit your convenience , and unyl part paid reduces the cost of carrying the loan In proportion to the amount paid. Our oftlces nro centrally located and nro so nr- rnngort that partlcscalllng on us can bo wuttod on quickly und courteously. It will bo to your advantage to see us before securing - curing a loan. Omaha Mortgngo Loan Co. , lloom 11 , Orclghton lllock , 15th St. . south of Postolllco. MONKY TO LOAN MY II. K MABTKUS ON household goods , pianos , organs , horses , mules , wagons , etc. , at the lowest posilblo rates without publicity , removal of property or change of pos' session. Tlmo arranged to suit the borrower. Payments of nny amount can bo made nt any time , reducing both principal and Interest , thus giving pnlrous all tlio benefits of the partial pay ment plan. Call and BOO me when you want a loan , or If moro convenient , call telephone 1G21 and your business can bo transacted nt homo. Money ulwnys ou hand ; no delay ; no publicity r lowest rates ; business confidential. li. F. Masters , U. 4 Wlthiioll blk , 15th nnd Unrnoy. . 747 _ "V ItOK'T P1UTCHAUD , 11,3 , W1THN1CLL BUt -A. 743 _ X MONKY TO LOAN ON CHATTELS 1IOND3 and city warrants bought , lloom 40'Karonrh blk G3.1K2U * _ X MONKY ON FUHN1TUUK , IIOIISKS , PIANOS. Koyslono Mtge. Co. , room 203 , Sticely block. M4SO _ X W1II5N YOU WANTACHATTKLXOAN HUB W. It. Davis , room 20. Continental block. 8'Jt -CHATTEL LOANS , UKNHUICT & WllAY. HI 4 Paxton block. Wo lonn our own money , charge no commission ; It will pay you to consult us. M 8VU-3I2 X MONKY LOANED ON FUIINITUIIE. HOUSKS , wagons , pianos , etc. Fred Terry , r 433 , Itnmgc. 201 X MONKY TO LOAN , so. , no DAYS ON FUIINI- lure , llva stock , etc. Dull Urcon , removed to liaom 8 nud U. Darker blk 183 BUSINESS CHANCES. HATES I5o a Una first tlmo and 10a n line there after , No advertisement taken for less than 25o NN very best'part of Nebraska ; capacity 'J 5,0 JO to W.OOO cans per day ; has mails money last tbrou years ; best of reasons fur selling. Address M 2.1. lleo. _ C43 F2U V-l-'OU SALE , HOTI5L , F1IUN1SHKD. 17 11OOM3. A doing a good business ; terms easy ; location best. Address llox.WJ , Children Nob. M281 MS * FOU BALK-SALOON , DOING A GOOD IIUSI- ness ; good reason given ror Bellini. Address Lpckbox H13. West Point , Nob. _ .M38U -FOU HALK , A FlllST CLASS OI'KNINIJ 1'OU a man with B small capital t > Invest In n stock of general merchandise ; well estublUliurt bunlnoss ; good prollts. Address box 713 , Omaha , Nob. ill m li ( * _ T 11UY THK COMMKUCIALTUB LEADING hotel of llrpken How , Neb , Ho land In trade. ' ' 821 _ _ V-rl'0" SAJ.K-KLliJVATOU AND , LUMIIKU J. yard cheap. For terms , eta , addros j Box 'J , Ltu- wood , Neb. M494 2i > * _ -DllUG STOCK FOU BALK. LOCATKO > N THK best and most prosperous section of ceutrnl Nebraska. Will Invoice from (2,500 to (3.000 , block frvali , Tlio finest opening fora Corman druggist. Parties meaning biiBlness will find It to their Inlereot to InvenUKiito , Address 0 , 4S ( lloa , & 45-2 ( ! -CASH PAID FOU KNDOWMKNX WjTjCIKS In old line companies. Send description A. K. llrooklesby , box 233 , Hnrtfotd , Couiij B45 IS * Y FOU HUNT , A110UT MAUCH 1. TIIK HOW. ard hotul , corner Howard and ICth streels ; con tains about 40 rooms , which are furnished com plete , A good opportunity to the right party. For particulars cull ut Her A Co's. , Ill ] Harnuy ptreal. M7I3 _ -0 UK AT OPENING FOU A DUY GOODB BTOUK lu a thriving Ohio town of 12,000 , For ) partlcu- lam address J , T , Lynch , yy ) Mouroo street. TIUlii. O , M73U-28 * _ _ Y-FOU HALH AT ONCK A FINK STiOCK OP clocks , vrutchcs , Jewelry , Bllverwuro nud fixtures , Will Invoice about tl.MJO. Iteasons for selling , wUh to go lu other business. Tliono , who mean bu lnt'B address N. H , Andrui.VlllJor , Not ) . _ " , / , 722-27 V-1'AUTNKU WANTKD. IN THE 'JlANUFAC- 1 turo of brick , business already established. rapacity of plant 40,001) pur day , 1 bauksuf eluy , 15 acres clay In all , building nnd paving , ( Ahorse power boiler. 65-horou power engluo , OUIo brick mactiluo aud Bprcnds , and all other tools uccoesary for u tlr t-cl B yard ; mtatll lied 6 yuora aniDinvu the tradB of central Nebraska ; will Bell half or all , For further particulars Inquire of 1' . A , Stewart , Hastings. Adaiui Co. . Neb. - 720 H _ FOR EXUHANGE. ItATKS lie a line dret time and lOo u line there- utter. No advertisement taken fur less than 2ic. igele * property or fruit rauch la Bo. Call- forula. Duvld Jnuleton , Ueo Uulldlug. , tcj Z-CUSTKIl COUNTY KAIIM8 ( IMl'HOV SD ) FOK strictly modern 7 or 8 roomed house lu good res- tdeucopart uf Oiuaha ; will MSUUI . lloxyjl. Liu- colu. M215 y-CLKAN BTOCK O OKNEHAL Jl'D'HK : WU.L XJUke real eilate A money. lox2M , FrankfOrt.Ind , its FOR E&CttANGrE. CoTitfntinl , r/-IF YOU IIAVK A U SOI > UPHIOHT PIANO TO /Jtrnile for lot 40 , block 1 , Armour Place , South Omnhn ; clcnr of all Incnmbrnnco. Address N 43 , line ortif e. JJJ MZlt y-JUIWMKNT OK * $00 VS AN OMAHA /Jaltornor for oxchn will take clcnr vacant lots or oqultr In rtcalrn Ip ' residence property ! will tenr lnte Ilnntlon. --ess , O. V. ArgnbrlKlil , Shul.ert . , Xcb. M5S3 27 yr-HUNtmKUIHAU'OP ' ! 11OU9K9 AND LAND /Jin eastern Nclirnskii' for n dock of dry cciods , clothing , hoot * nml nhotK lints anil cnps. Acklren box IQlV. Nobrn lii > CltrJN ti. _ 2M MIU r/-Von KXCItANOK.1 MV 11KHIDK.NUK IS NK- fJmiihn CUT , clcnr , forolonr wotcrn Iniul , or mcr- clmndlso. U , V. Arsribf Uiht ! , Slmhort , Nob. I M53827 _ _ y-FOlt THADK , ONK"6il TWO ACHK9 CI.KAll fJln Newport for houao nnd lot , llremmn A Co. , Knrtmch block. .MGM-1 A IltjACK SMITH AND WAflON for enlo or trndo with n residence } will soil or Undo for good farming land. Tnutio Ilros. , Vor- don. Neb. 3170.1 B _ Fbn 'Al.E..nBAIJ ESTATE ItATKS 15 n linn first time nnd IDa n line thero. after. No mlvertlfcmpnt tnkcn for lens tlmn 2Sc. TACIIK I' . IHK. ( iooci location ! low prices ) easy terms Wright & l.nsburr , 10th und llownnt. M780 S8 NK. COltNICIt KITH AND HlCKOItV , MtlSO feet : a bnrgnln for n few dnys old 7. K. K , l > nr- ling. Unrkor tilocK. _ 7il I Wit SAl.K-S-i : COIlNKlt 17TI1 , DOllCAS. Ki .V 188. 3 cottnxctt , atnlilo for 0 horses , cnn bo dlrliloit Into fi lots , lnqiilrontiironiliio.1. _ 847 W 17OU 8AI.K. NKllltASKA KAUM 1.AND3. U. 0. JL Wallace , 312 IJrowu block , ICtb und Dougl ns , 7M _ M : OIKKN 1U I1OOM I1OUSK. (10O1 > LOCATION ) no trmlot cash bnrKnln. Address 024 , lleo. 3U40MIC. * _ i Oll SALK , IIOMKH , ANV PHICK , f7M , H.S.'iO 1111 ! easy forms ; tnke clcnr property ns llrst pnyment. O , (1. Wnllnco , Drown block , llith nnd DoiiKlns. 7M _ 17OUSAUC 400 ACIIK FAUM IN 1II.UIS KIVKK X vnlloy. Thnyor county , 10 miles wet of Hebron , One of tlio very best fnrms In the county ) Rood hoiif-o. burn , Krnnnrle , cribs , etc. , ninl nn nbiindnnco of fruit , tlinbnr nml rtmnliiK wntor. Also for snlo or exchange for good Inmls or city property , n brick pork packing house and fixtures In Hebron , Tlmyer county , near H. & M , depot. For pnrtlculnrs hi' qulro of any rent cstnto unont In Hebron. t > 3. > 170HSA1K-SOST07-HOOM HOUSKd , JI.200.0U TO JL1 $2.600 01) ) , J 100 DO cash , 110.00 per mo. 1 house to rental 4M Cumlng st. , JIO.OO pur mo. 15. ( ] . Mlrroll1 4512 1'ntrlck avo. CTO gJ * _ FOU SAM ? AT A 11AHOA1N , IXJT 15 , I1I.OCK 4 , W. 1 , . Sclhy'n nrst nililltlon to Houtli Omaha. Small pnymont down , bnlnnco monthly If desired. Inquire U. 11. Ttachuck. Omaha lleo. .133 _ KOUNTZU I'fjACU IIAKRAINt ) , NIN1MIOOM honso on Wlrt , TO.COOf $ I.IW cash. Kleunnt homo on rinknoy , fli.SUU ! J.'iOO cnsh , bulanco J.'l.'i-OO per month ; other line homes ; would consider some trnilo. J. J.nibson , Crelgliton block. M7mn5' : ISO-ACUI : IMPHOVKD KAUSI si Minus KUOM Lumnhn , running water nml tlmtior. fi.'i per ncro CO-opcrntlvo l.nnj and Lot Co. , 205 N , 10th nt.71'fl 71'fl 2S HAIR GOOJUS. HATES 15c n Una llrst tlmo ninl lOc n line thero- niter. No advertisement taken for less than 25c. r AHGUSTSTOCllN Jrlcal wlss and hoards n specialty. Wigs , bunics switches , hnlr chains , etc. . nend for cntaloguo Mull orders solicited. Duvloi , lit S. 1Mb St. , Omaha. _ 75 _ riMIB IDKM , I.ADIHS' 11AIK DHKSSINO I'All- tors , switches , bungs , wigs , toupees , jowclry and hnlr ornaments In mock ! wigs to enter , special at tention given to mall orders. 2U3 B. 15th sU 3d floor. S1SII4 Jta ) ' PAWN HATES 15ca line llrsf l'juo and lOo nllno there- nftcr. No advcrtlsomciit'tnkcn ' for less than 25e , BKN F. 3IAHTI , KEltOVEl ) TO 107 S. 15TH ST. yqi 1171 318 * SNYDKU'S LOAN ( JKIflCE , 1610 DODGK ST. . 77l-l'2U * pUKD 310HLK , OFFHt'MslSllM FAHNA31 ST. T OST UET. 42N1) ANIJ'USD ON BUItDKTT ST. , J-U lady's watch fob nntf iclmrm ; tinder please re turn to 4258 llurdctt sU 14 1 753 211 * STIIAYKD-AIIOUT AijMONTH AO ( A UKI ) mtlcli cow fronL ICtiwH Ilros' . dairy nt Fort Omah.-K Iteturn for reynyd. _ 31770-29' ADltjS&.GKNTLKMJCNCAN HUNT MASQUK- rude costumoi at 114 , SKth. ; ( iolilon Knglo storo. ; . ' -.If " WO-inlg MANUFACTtTRINQ JEWELERS. ASH PAH ) FOIS 'OLD GOLD ; CAIISON & Ilnnks , room UO Darker block. Omaha. 751 S KND YOUIl SCISSO11S , 11A7.OI19 , ETC. , TO BIS ground to UuderlandV Co. , luii S. 14th st. 753 REMINGTON TYPEWRITER BEST IN THE WORLD. Jos. P. MEGEATH , 1607J Farmm Street , Omaha. Neb. RRILWRYT1MEGHRD Leaves lUUltUNUTOIi ' & MO. HlVKIt.l Arrives Omalia. I Depot 10th and Mason Sts , | Omaha. leaves I UNION PACIFIC. I Arrives Omaha. [ Union Depot 10th aiiilMarcyBts , | Omaha. ( Joins I CHlCAtlO. U.I , & PACIFIC. I i-rom Weal. I Union Depot 10th and .Mnrcy Ht . I West. 1,20 p ml Denver Limited 13.40 p m 7,05 p m | Denver Kxpress | 7.3I ) u m Leaves CHICAJO , M1U & ST. PAULIArrlvo Omaha U. P. depot and MarcySts. | Omaha li.20 pm Chicago Express | ' .l.'l" ) a m 1.00 p m Chicago Kxpro33 | 5,15 p in Leaves dlollX CITY A PACIFIC. ( Arrives Omalial Depot. lOlh and Maroy Sis' . _ I Omnlm n ml Sioux City Passenger , . | 102Jp m 5.35 p nil , . su Paul Kxpress . llO.OOa m leaves H10UX CITY A PACIFIC. Arrives Omahul Depot , 15th and Webster sts. Omaha 6.45 p ml St. I'aul Limited..1'J/J.i a lu Ix-avos ICIIICAGO & NOlFfirWESTKHN [ Arrives OiuahalU. P. depot. lOtU and .Murcy Bis. | Omalia leaves I OMAHAtiTlT. LoUlS TArrlvej OmahaU..P. | depot , lOtbdnnd Miircy Bts.Omaha [ FK7FMA 35 YEARS : Mr. HHIAM TIIWKATT , of Olcnn , Pike * County , Alfi. , snys that SWIFT'S SPKCIKICB cured Iilm of n painful cnso of Eczema , , of which lie liatl suffered for 85 years * . Ho took seven bottles. cures by driving out tlio germs nnd pot- 60111 Itjlajcntlrclyjvcgctablc. Send for book on the Skin nnd Blood. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. . ATLANTA , QA. Scott's Emulsion of cod- liver oil is an easy food it is more than food , if you please ; biit it is a food td bring back plumpness to those who have lost it. Do you know what It is to be plump ? Thinness is poverty , living from hand to mouth. To be plump is to have a little more than enough , a reserve. Do you want a reserve of health ? Let us send you a book on CAREFUL LIVING \ free. SCOTT Rt BOWNH. Chemists 131 South sth Avenue , New York. Yottr dmcfiUt keeps Scott's EmuUion of coU.livcr oil all druegisu everywhere do , Jl. 34 PKOI'OSALS FOIt MILUlt COWS AND -i. bulls. Douartniout of tlio liuurlur , Olllco oflmlhm Atr.-ilrs , WmililiiRton. I ) . O. , 1'ob- ritury 1. 1P02. So.ik'd pronosnls , Inilorsod " 1'roposals for Cows or Hulls " ( ns the case nmy lie ) nnd iKlilrcssod to the comtnisslotiorof lu ll I MI iilTiilrs , WiiHlilnitton , I ) . U. , will ho re- colvcil until 1 o'clock p. in , , SiUurday , Murcli 6 , IS ! ) . " , for funilshtiiR and ilollvorlnit at I'luu UldRO. Kosobud , Clioycnno Hlvor , Crow Crook mid Lower llrnlo iiRunclt's , South Dakota , Ntnmllnc Hoclc rxsotioy. North Ialota , Santee nnd POUCH iiRDiialus , Nolirusku , Klandroati nnonoy , Houth Dakota and tlio Orow anonoy , Montana , iibout ll.fl 0 inllch cows and 401) ) bulls. Itcsulnr blanks for bids are not ro- ( ] itircd , Scbcdulcs ( whloli will bo niado a part of the proposals ) showing the nunibor of uat- tlo roijulrc'd at the various nsunclus. coiull- tlnim to bo observed by bidders tlmo and Dlaco of doll very , terms of contract and puv- tiiunt , and all other necessary Instruct toim , will bo furnished upon application to the In dian ollk'o at Washington , the rommluqarlps of subslstenco. U. S. A. , nt Chicago , St. Paul , Omalni , Nebraska , and Cheyenne , Wyoinlni ; , to the iiitbllshorsof the Stock dru.vcra' Jour nal of Mlles City , Montana , and tlio .lournul of Ilelenii. Montana , und the several liullan ucoitts. The right Is reserved to reject any or nil bids , or any part of any bid , 1C deoined for the best intercuts of tlio govorninont ; also , tlio further right In making the awards to In- cronso or diminish to anv extent the nunibor of animals called for In the sclioduloi ; also to require a delivery of twenty-llvo per cent , moro or less , than the umouulspoclUod In any contract. cnuTiFinn CHECKS. Each bid must bo accompanied by a cortlflod check ordraf ton seine Un'tod ' .States depos itory for at least flvo percent of thu amount of the bid , niado payable to the order of the commissioner of Indian alTalrs. wlilob elieclt or draft will be forfeited to the United States In cnso any bidder receiving an award shall fall topromptly execute a contract with good and snlllcloiit sureties : otherwise to l.o returned - turned to the bltldor. T. J. MOliOAN , Com- nilssloner. KlUd'JltM PROl'OSAI-S FK FIELD SEEDS-ONI'l'lCD Htiitos Indian burvole. 1'lno Ulduo Agency , South Dakota , Kehruary llth , 18KI ! Sealed proposals , endorsed "Proposals for Field Soeils1 * qnd addressed to the under signed lit 1'lno Hldgo Agency , South Dakota. win bo icco'-vod at this agency until 1 o'clock p. in. of March Tth , 181)3 ) , for furnishing and - < lollvernp ! at Knslivlllo , Nebraska : : ! 0 .Bounds seed oats , i."i,000 pounds sedd wheat , lil.OTD pounds seed corn. 4\WQ pounds seed potatoes , j.flOU pounds seed German millet. itGO pounds timothy seed , 00 pounds blue grass seed. Said so ds to bo irrown In the section of country conltguoii to the pinco of delivery. Hldders will bo required to state suecllloaily in tholr bids the proposed price of each article offered for delivery under a contract. The light Isresorvcd to reject any or alt bids , or tiny partof any bid , if doomed for the best In terest of the service. Cortlflod Chocks. ISuoh bid must bo accompanied by a certllled cheek ordrafbupon BOIIIH United States Oouosltory or Solvent National Bank In the vicinity of the residence of the bidder , niado payable to the onlor of the Commissioner of Indian Af fairs , for iit least live per cent of the amount of the proposal , which check or draft will bo forfeited to the United States In case any bid der or bidders receiving an award shall full to proinpilyexociitou contract with good and sufllelontsurltles , otherwise to bo returned to the bidder. Hlds accompanied by cash In lieu of a certified check will not bo considered. For further Information apply to CAPTAIN GEOKGH L. UOY 11KOWN , U. S. A. , Acting U. S. Indian Agent. F-Il-12-t-m. BIDS will bo received by the State Hoard of Printing at the ollico of the secretary of state on or before a o'clock p. m. March J , 1833 , for printing and binding In oloth ono thou sand (1,100) ( ) copies of volume IV of the Trans actions and Itoports of the Nebraska .State Historical Society , to bo delivered complete at the ollico of the secretary of tlio society In the State University building , Lincoln. To contain 'MO panes , moro or less. Tlio size of pa o , weight and quality of paper , style and quality of nlndlriir. style of lettering on cover und In all rospccts the work to bo the sumo as the sainplo to bo snun in the ollico of tlio sec retary of stato. Work to bo oomploiod within sixty days from the awarding of tlio contract. Each proposal must bo accompanied by a bond In the sum of $ . > 00QU ItlKltt reserved to reject any and all bias by tlio Htato I'rlntlne Hoard. .loii.vC. Ar.r.p.N , Dated Fob'v 17 , Ib9'i Secretary of Stato. F SO-il 10 1 TJltOl'OSALS FOH GRADING. .Sealed proposals will bo received by the un dersigned until I : 'IO o'clock p. m. , March 4th , IhOi for uncling Thlrty-olisljth avoituo from Half llow.ird street to Farnam street , in the city of Omaha , in accord unco with pinna and specifications on file In tlio ollico of the board of public works. Each proposal to be made on printed blanks furnished by the hoard and to bo accom panied with a certified check in the sum of i'l'JO , p.iyablo to the city of Omaha , as an evi dence of good faith , Thn board reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to walvo doff els. 1' . W UIKKIIAUSEIt , Chairman Hoard of I'nbllo Works. Omahni Nob. , February 17. IB' ) . ' . febrimry 18-lQ-23-2a Ori-gon Short l.lno & Utah Northern Kail way C'Diiipany Slockhnlilci-n' JMiTtlny ; . 7 > otlco Is hereby given that tlio animal moettntr of the stockholders of the Oregon Khort Line & Utah Northern Railway com pany , for tlio election of directors and such other business as may loyally oomo before the meeting , will bo held nt room No. 41 , Hooper Hulldln ? , Salt Lake Oily , Utah Territory. upon Wednesday , the 10th duy of March. 18J.1 , at 10 o'clock n. in. Block transfer books will close upon the COth day of February , and reopen upon the 17th day of March. AI.UXANDEII MIU.AII , Secretary , 1I03TON. Mass. . Feb. 3. 1603. Flfld SlltM 1'ropoHalH lor Itondt. Sealed bids will bo received at the ofllco of the Olty Trousurcr , Omalni , Nub. , up to 13 o'clock Muruh-lOth , Ib'M , for the imrehase of ! 7.'i.OOO.fX)2J ) year 5 pur cent Olty Hull Honda. The principal and. In tu. rest uro payable ut Kountzo Ilros. , Now York. Interest payable Homi-annually. Each bid must a tate the price nnd the amount of bonds sought for and .must Include Interest up ted aloof dollv/orv , Issued under authority of Charter of mot- ropqlltun cities uua Ordltmnco 3UI ! ) auprpvir.l January ; th , 1B92. The right Is reserved to reject auy oral. . Cite ny F > 3d27tM f Ulty Treasurer. _ _ HC' rllHcato of I'lililleiitlon , onice n ( the Auditor of 1'ubllo Accounts , Htuto of Niibriiuka. . - IJINCOI.N. Fub. 1.1HU2. His hereby cortlflod that the Omaha Flru Insurance Coinpuny , of Omaha. In tlio Htuto of rsebi-asku , bus com plied with the Insurance law qf tills state nml U uutliorizi'd to truiisact the business of lire nlsstatu for the current year. .Wllness my hand an < l tie boal of thu Audi tor of 1'ubllo Accounts thu duy und yuur above written , T. U. HKNTON , [ KKAI ] Auditor , I' , A. F-V-d--t-m--o. ) II , A.HAUCOCK , Deputy. Htookholdor'H Notice Is horob/ given that the regular aniiiuil mcotlni ; of the stockholders of the South I'latto ' Land company will beheld at the ollico of said company. In Lincoln. Nob. , on the (1 ( rat Wednesday In Murcli , 18W , being thu second day of the month. liy order of the Hoard of Directors. It , O. I'liu.Lirs , Boorotsry. LINCOLN , Neb. , Fob- . 1KU Fad 3UtM To Save n Fine Joliann Wass Appaars Before - fore n Ohicngo Andionca , HE ACTED SULKY TO HIS MARGUERITE Money ToU IMghtoeu Ycnrn Ago Sow Itrnily to Ho Turned ( ) \ - r io the Owner by lite 1'lndrr ( Innlcn City ( losslp. OIIICAHO HuitKAU OF Tun DRB , I OIIIOAOO , li. ! . , l ob. 215. f A lnust who wns compelled to tnnko love to Marguorlto to avurt n hundred-dollar flno suspondnil over his honit VIM the curious spctaclo prcsontoa to n Inrgo nnd Interested laudtonco nt the CIHCARO Opera lioujo. Uounod's Immortal opera wns on this occa sion presented under the auspice * of Mmo. litro do Marlon , soprano , now locntotl In this city. Minn. Marlon tooic the part of Mur- BUcrito ttnil .lohnnn Wnss of St. Louis ugrood to slue Faust. Mrao. Marlon wns very much rufllod by tlio rouoipt of n note from Fiiust brlclly aiitiouncltir ; thnt ho did not cnro to sine. Mnrgttorlto might got another l ° nust to love her , but ho would not , A constable hunted up Mr. Wass mul took htm lit chnrgo , nut ! n Justice offered l iiust the allot1- tiatlvo of undoreoltie ? lt)0 line or bolng released - leased on his own rccognlznuoo and sltiglne nt Mmo. Mnrlou's nmtinco. Faust did not have to draw n horoscope or consult the stnrs bofnro deciding thnt to glvo up twouty tigrco- nblo"i bills was much raoru of n punishment than to slug with Mmo. Marlon. lie agreed to fulilll his part of the contract , nnd at thu unpointed hour wns bellowing recitatives nnd nrlas with much unction , Naturally the love scones wore n trlllo frigid , nnd the uudionco observed thnt Faust embraced Marguerite as though she might broalc.uud thnt Mnrcucrllo averted her hcna at every timorous on- countor. Faust dcclltiod to sine , ho snys , bncauso his nnmo wns not sufllcloiilly honored on the program. That document made no mention of his past or projcnt ttrontnoss , and Iho pub lic might Infer that ho , Johutiu Vi'uss , was oni ) of inndamo's pupils. Wants to Iteturn the Money. Eighteen years ago some boys wore plnylng tonp-frocr In nn ulloy off llnlsted street , near North tivenuo , whoti ono of them found a wal- lut contntnlug sovornl hundred dollars. The Ind stuffed the pockctbook between his waist coat and trousers nnd ran home. Ho handed it to hU father , Charlo * Schuknocht , a labor er In one of the brickyards in Lake View. It was moro money than any of his family hnd over before scon or even dreamed that llioy would some day possess. Scliuknecht watched the papers for several days , expect ing that the owner of the wnllot would ud- vort'.so for Its recovery , but ho r.ovor heard anything of it. At that tlmo the Sehulcucchts wore in poor circumstances and the money was a godsend. Now that ho is a prosperous undertaker , Senukiiosht wants to llnd the owner of the money and return It to him with interest , and fans loft the roll with the city editor of a morning paper. .Strange 1'lnd la u .Mound. Prof. William McAdams , archaeologist , while digging for relics In a small mound near Alton , found a bundle of fossiltzod vege tation neatly tied together with u small ropo. Near by were furious kinds of seeds , probably of some species of pumpkin. Part of a corncob wns also found , together with some of the grain. Eartnenwnra was also found. Prof. McAdams claims these relics have been there nearly 2,000 years , Odds und JCnds. A now st.vlu of robbery has boon Invented by Henry llawltz and Anton Lowandowskl , wbo stopped an ignorant man named Joseph Juszency , organized a mock court , and by charging him with numerous crimes com pelled him to hand over all the money ho had. The police nro looking for the robbers. The fuel thnt the ofllcors of the directory say they have neither space iior money for an additional World's fair buildinc to DO de dicated to educational interests docs not discourar-p Director General Davis , who says : "In my estimate , that Is to go to con gress pretty soon , I shall include llgurcs on nn educational building. It will answer two purposes the one of leaving up sulllclont space for the manufacturers' exhibit nnd the other of providing atnplo and satisfactory ac commodation for the immensely important educational Interests of the country. I believe - liovo congrois will appropriate & )50OUO ) or f 100,000 for thu purpose. " Sir Henry Truman Wood Informs thoofli- clals that all of the space reserved for Great Britiiu has been engaged by exhibitors nnd hopes that Director General Davis will deal liberally with the Australian colonies and with the Dominion of Canada , both having asked for space in dependent of great Britain. Captain A. II. Bogardus , who has hereto fore hold the championship among wing shots in this country , was beaten by Gcorgo Koxroat , at Virginia , 111. , by a score of 03 to SI ) . The first international conference of the railroad department of the Young Men's ' Christian association is in session hero , AVcHtern I'noplu In Oilmen. The following western people are in the city : At the Grand PaciOo G. E. Towlo , Omaha ; Georpo P. Noclt , Sioux : Palls , S. D. : II. P. White. Cedar Hupids , la. At the Palmer H. M. Crown , Sioux Cltv. la. ; .1. Wolio , Noligb , Nob. ; M. B. Anfbach , Clarinda , la. At the Wellington Mrs. M. M. Palmer , Miss Palmer , Omaha. At the Leland II. ' A. Thompson , 6malm. Hon. William Paxton of Oinnlia Is In the city ou his way homo fnm Now York , where ho has been for the past month for modicnl treatment. lie loaves for Otnaim tomorrow evening. F , A. Chnllcngo The proprietors of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup hereby challenge the faculty to prescribe a remedy moro effective-than theirs. I cordially recommend Salvation Oil to all suffering with rheumatism. Jos. S. Fox , Unttlo Donlor. 117 Is'orth Broadwuy , Haltlmoi-o , Md , IlnllilliiK Pm-initB , The following permits were issued yoslor- day by the superintendent of buildings : F , It. Johnson , two-story nnd utllo , store nud frame .dwelling , Thirty-sixth und Iliirncy BtruoUs , , . . . : . . , . , , , . } .JO,000 F. li. Johnson , two-story store und frumoharn , Thirty-sixth and Kurnuy streets , , , CQOO. Good Hhophord church , one-story frame addition to church , Twentieth and OhlostreoU 1,030 William 11udsnnone-story frame dwell ing , Forty-xovtmlh and | ) ouaturstruuts 1,000 .Icliuol Toner , repairs on dwelling , 8U7 ' Houtli Twenty-eighth htrout' . _ „ Three minor permits , . , . , , . , . GOQ Total . ; . . „ . . , . 139,100 l.u ilrlppu Hurm-Hslnlly Treiitiul , "I have Just recovered from a second attack of the grip this year , " suyaMr. Jnmos O , Jonbs , publisher of the Loader , Moxla , Tax. "In the latter ease I used Chamber lain's Cough Komcdy- and I think with con siderable success , only bolntr In 'bed u little over two days agalnstrton days for the llrst attack. Thu second uttaou I.nm satisfied would have boqn equally us. bid as the llrst but for the use of this remedy , , us I hud to go to bed in about six hours after being 'struck' ' with it , while in the llrst case I was ublu to attend to business about two days before getting , 'down. " ' " 60 cqnt'botUes for sale by druggists. , ' The following m rrlagoillooQ80 $ were Is. sued by Judge Eller yostorday. Name ami Address. ' Au'o. I Walter II. Dulso'n. Oinuliii. , ; . w I Ijuuru E. Obonownrth. Omuhu . 20 j Joseph Munch , Omaha. , , , , . 27 I Annie Hurkhurd , Omnha. . . , , . , . ' . ' 7 j ItobortV. . \V , Ilatus , Omaha. , . . . . 41) ) 1 Hettlo Wagnur , Omuliu , . . . . . . . . W I Itusmus Jucobsou. Omuhu . , . , , , , . , , . , , 17 1 Currie Ohrlatlanson , Umaha. , . , . . , . . , . . . , , SO Gtislor'a M lo Haadaoba Wafers euro. all headaches iuti'JmlnutOi. At all druggists 1 a y Vlolatud Fotlvrul rtwn , A telegram was received yesterday by United States Attorney 11 alt or from David City stating tbat a bo/ named liort An drews had been arrested there for Monllng letters Irom tlio United StMos malls. A deputy marshal was sent nflcr the young offender. John Towns wns brought tip front llttlo yesterday by a deputy Ur.ltcd Suites nmrslml Ho Is chnrcod with soiling liquor .o Indians , Ho pleaded guilty nnd was fined ? iTi und costs , _ _ _ Pomilnrly called the King of mcdlcltios Hood's Snnnpnrlllo , It conquers ttcrottiln , snlt rheum nnd nil other blood diseases , A .v. > o y . > r K.Ui.v rs. Mr. mid Mrs. Sidney Drew close tholr on Kfigomont nt Boyd's thcntor todny by giving two performances of "Tlmt Girl from Mex ico" ono nt UiO : thU nftornoou nnd ono nt 3 this evening. A double , bill will bo presented nt ouch porformaneo the pretty uurtnln raiser "In Honor Bound" nnd "That Cllil from Mexico. " The snlo of scats for tlio week's cngngo- niont of "Fantasmn" nt Boyd's now thontor will open nt U o'clock this morninp. The Sprlnglleld Republican snys of the prodtto- tton of "Knntiwinn" in Hint city : "t'lintasmn , " with H * pretty muslo , its bright costumes nna Its stnrlilng tnechnnlcnl ciTects , charmed the very largo nudlonco thnt 11 assembled In Low's gr.itid oporn house hsl 1 ovonlnp. "Kiuitasmn" Is nn old favorite In ' | Sprlngtleld , and ovou wore It no hotter' than when last produced here It would still attract crowded houses. It has como to bo known nj Iho truth , ro- qinilng no demonstration , that whatever - over the Hnulons do or Identify thotnsolvos with Is always a success. In deed these famous brother * have never slnco tholr boyhood made u failure ) of anything connected with tlm stage , und their names nlune nit ached to the nnmo of "Fantasmu" would be sulUclent guarantee of Its great worth. For many years tlio attractions that have emanated from those remarknblo men have visited Omuhu , nna It is for the reason that their attractions have never dlsap- . pointed their patrons hero that they have t ' | won n popularity suniclont to warrant thorn * playing week stands In Omalni. "tfmi- tanm , " ono of the greatest of the Hnuloti shows , will open nn engagement of eovon night * nnd two matinees ut Boyd's now the ntor on Sunday evening next. Commencing Sunday matln'eo nt ttio Fnr- nani street theater , Joseph J. Uowllng nud Sndio Hasson with tholr big company will present their two grout eastern successes , "Nobody's Claim" nnd "The Hod Spider , " whlchhnvo constituted their repertoire for the past ton years. Everything pertaining to u Hrst-clnss show will bo found with the or- gnmzntlon , Including over n cur load of. special magnificent scenery , nlso Cnrlos , the amazing equine nctor nnd a strictly llrst- clnss company of fimous comedians nnd dramatic celebrities. "Nobody's Claim" will bo produced the llrst half of the weolt and "The Hod Spider" the latter half. Our KlMl Circus. While Omaha muy bo vistlod by other cir cuses during the summer , the biggest circus of thu season will stiow nt the Grand opera house next Friday evening under the nusplcos of the Omaha Press club. "Bill" 11 Nye and his co entertainer , A. P. Burbaiil : , I do the ground nnd lofty tumbling , nnd they : l do say that us tumblers they are Immense. ' " Seats" are being sold by the members of the thu club , but the thousands who doslro to sco "Bill" nnd Burbnnk will have nil opportunity to purchase tickets the day bolero the show. Our Hotter Halves Siiy they could not keep bouso without Cham borlnln's Cough llo'mcdy , especially for the children. In a case a few weeks since nt the homo of a neighbor the attending physician had given up a case of what ho called dropsy. Mother happening In , told the parents that in her mind It was n case of lung fever and advised the use of this cough syrup , which they did. Result , tlio child is well and , the parents happy. Chamt.orlnln's medicines are used in more than half the homes In Leeds. Sims Bro ; , Leeds , la. 'This ' remedy is not Intended far lung favor , but for colds , la grippe , croup nnd whooping cough. It will loosen a cold , rollovd the lungs nud prevent the cold from resulting in lung fovor. HO cent and 81.00 bottles for sale by druggists. OMAHA'S UNIVERSITY. 1're.sldent Krrr Tells of HIM I'rc.srnt Work ami r'tituro I'IUIIH. Dr. David H. Kurr , president of tno Uni versity of Omaha , formerly known ns Hollo- vno college , has just returned from n turoo months' visit through the east in the inter ests of the reorganized university. "I have boon quito successful in securing funds for the university , " snid Proildeut Kerr yosterdny , "and feel very much encouraged at the outlook. Wo have secured nearly money enough to build n now hull for boyg but will tnko no further stops in that direc tion until our board of trustees decide whether they want the college located nearer Omaha than it Is at present. " Dr. Kerr , during his visit in the cast , spent time In examining carefully the work nt Princeton , Columbln and ether colleges , and gained much valuable information which ho expects to use to good advantage In the conduct of the Omaha university. There was recently formed an educational union of western colleges , the object of which was tn secure uniformity In the re quirements for admission to the Freshman class. The faculty of the University of Omaha were able to acrco to the standard llxcd without making a single change in their curriculum. Dr. Kerr feels very proud of this nnd says it is n result of the high standard decided upon as n requirement from students when ho took chareo of itho institution two yours ago. Ho expects great results from the work of the Educational union. It will causa the high schools of thestato to keep the college require ments In view and thus give their students uneven oven higher training with u view to future college work. There nro now eighty students in the uni versity. I feel It my duty towrite you In regard to the bonollt your Brndycrotino has boon to my wife. Kver .since a child she Imi bocu subject to the most dreadful headaches , usually several tirnos n month , Sho'lms trlod doctors from Maine to California , but none ooiild prevent thosu. spells running their course. Brndycratino has not failed to.effect n cure in n slnglo Instance , ono dose Ufiually being sulllclcnt , Ojcar F. Frost , Mon- moulh , Mtilno. OrnnlumiirHii , A dlsonse , troatutl us Biioh nntl pdrnia- nontly ctirod. No publicity. No liillnn- nry. Homo troulinont. Huruilcss anil offoctutil. Refer by pormtHsIon to. Bur- Huston Iluwlcoyo. Send -a Htninp for immplilot. Sliokoquon Chemical Co , , Burlington , In. Till' ; MAUICKT , JN8TIUJMIJNT3 placed n rosorJ Vobrunry M , 1 'J-J ' ! WAItHANTV DKl'.DS. W H Iuw'nnnd wife to 0 K Btrutton , lot ii : , block I ) , Hnnnlii toii. . } 1.W ) Nels 1/uriion to Nick Uhm ot ul , undlv ' / Inloresl In n H HU HW II-U-U. , . . . . . . . 2,000 0 T Harnu.s and wife tu II 0 Humus , w V . lotr > , bloek'J , Bhlnii'tiudd . . . ,009 1'loncer Town Kilo company to W ii J.ewla , Ipt 1U , block U. lleimln/ton. . . . . 1)9 EH Uhundlerto.l W darner , Jr , lot 31 , blooka. Molrosu Jllll . . . . . . . , , 1)00 1Ci \ MuulHby und linslcim ) t/i 0 II uur- tls. lot III. block II , Orchard Hill , , , . . , . J.003 Minna Wlrtli and husband to lOdw Wlrtli , loH. block U , Wlrth's $ tililv. ) | . . 400 M ( ' .Montgomery und linsnand 10 11 O Dovrlns , lot 7 , liloek I , Hunrlso add . 100 J M Sweinam und wife to Ouorgo liurd , w ! i lot : ! , block 10 , IBUUO * . fc , Leiden's add . . . . 2.V)1 Oil aiudouiid wife to Phil D.iniolH , lot I , block ii : , lUtclicoek'u Ut add . 2.00J II K Ualney to U K Ford , lot 13 , ulock 7 , . i'utrlok'H 2d add . . . 2,500 David HcnnMn und wlfetoaaiun , unJlv y lota 1 nnd 'J , llurrUon place. . . . , , . , , . CO ) U UKl'.Ui. I1 M Hrown to 0 K Btrutton , lot 1' ) , block 0 , HonnliiKton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 KHtratton and wife to F J llotchklsj. IIKEDS. i ; I , lllerbownr ( special mutter ) to 0 H Ford , n V of lot 18 , blook 'J , subdlv of J Illedlek udd . . , , . , . , . . . 420 Hume to sumu , n Vi , sumo . t'2) William Ulllerlspoclul mitbtor ) to II H Haxter , lot M , block a , Luke View . CH ! Total . , . , .I8MOJ I have boon occasionally troubled with coughs , and In oaoh case have unod Brown's Bronoblal troches , which have never failed , and I must nay they are second to none in the world. Felix A. May , cashier , Bt. Haul , Minn ,