THE OMAHA DAILY HEE : SA&TRDAY , FEBRUARY 27 , 1892. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS Tired Longs Concluded to Qet Rid of Their Wheat Loads. CABLES WERE GENERALLY LOWER AVIirnt Mc-nhrnrd Materially on Itrports from Knndiis Thnt tlir Crop Had Not nuflcrcd Ironi Winter AVrntlirr hi the Least. CtltCAfJO , III. , rob. SI Wheat was < | itlotand ' dertli of no s of a wo iK today. 'I hero was a character to stlmulato vnluos. Many tlrod lens concluded to got rid of their loads and Btoi ) losses , arid some rallying by boirs us- iinted to wo.tkrn prlcos. Cables were generally lower , nnd domoMlo markets dull and easy. Koports from Now Vork mild that foreigners had turned sellers and were try In { to re-lot llio freight room con tracted for during the last wool * or two Ho- ports from Kansis Indicated thnt winter had been f ivorahlo for wheat , and thatthero was Indications of an unusually early spring , and In fact that tin seeding of oats and builuy had already commenced. A told wave wns reported In the far north- wool , but the Indications were said to bo that It would mo\ eastwai d Instead of southward. Another weak fentuto was the homy receipts in the northwust-ovor TOO cars bolng icportcd Ihiluth. Xllnnoapolls also m Mluneauo Is and wlri'11hi t big lecolpls lire expected thuro for MIIIIO tliiio j ct. eomprlslnir mostly wheat coming warehouses i.lovator men ing out of country "ro bringing the wheat In now. as thfio Is no object In holdlnif. iho cash wheatcommandln , ' aboia M y prices. Later some mor/oi ous coats fouiiil that they had oversold and pro ceeded to uner This with lepolted good export buying hoto and at the uoaboard cau.ed a iiilly , but the 9lru < ? ' \w-Y'tVm ' tcinpoiary. l.atu nib esttore weak and the market being dull , eased oir. May op. nod at fromUIJ.c tolU'SC. ngllnstO.'Jo at tne oloso ycNtenUiy , broke to OI'iC. reuetcd toUiUc. weakened to lie , Iluctuatcd iiarruwly and closed at 01c I'ardrldgo did xeiy little m tlicniaiket. lie lion lit some under U.'e to co\er short sales of yesteiday. Com wusiiu.ctii'id nearly featureless , nut the general tendency was to wo.ikness. I hero was noth ng espccl illy weak In the situ itloi. . us retLlpts were smnlier thin expected and not a single car of contract grade went Into store , hut the market wns Inllupiiced sumo by the weanness In who Hand the rthlpp ng de mand wnsiathcrsliiek , Paidrldgesold some , butwasnotiiggre'S.xe. May opened > , cell at 4. c. receded to 4Jc , rallied to 4J"c , eased oil and closed at 4JiBo. . Oats were quiet and weak , fluctuatlne within a range of He during the entire session and closing quiet , 'io lower than yesterday. The receipts of hois were heavier than esti mated nnd urlces were from 5o to luo loner. This with weakness In grain , scaieil the longs and made the maikol for pioduots weak on thuenny tr.idlng as It eotud not stand up undti the full bollliu orders , lloldcis then btciimoafiald of asevoro break nnd put lu sustaining orders , causing a rallv. This was followed ny another break and free sollln'by brokeis supposed to bo acting for Armour , lint good buying rallied It. again and the CJOMI was at Insignificant changes from that of yesti-r- ' " ' cstlnialcd receipts for tomorrow : Wheat , 120 curs ; corn , aiJ carb ; oats , 170 cars ; hogs , I4.oon. 'ihe loading futures ranod ns follows : Aiirici rK Wni'AT-No.z Kt'bnmr ) . . . . * 8'1-H Mny . COIIN No 2 41H 4141'f March 41tt 41'f ' Mr.y tt OAIH > O t ttV tcbrnury . . V ) 81 SI JtLfH I'OIIK FUiriinrjr. . . II 20 II .10 n : ) tiny . 11 45 n 55 11 M February . . . Mny . 05J OKI BHOKl 1(1113- I ( lirunry. . . . 577 A85 SIX ) May . 6(10 ( S S7 Gash quotations wore as follows : FLOUII Stoiidv , unchnnzcd ; patents , $ -10 ( ® I M ; spring p itcnts , tt.'W&tM ; bakers , LHOifi a.oo. a.oo.WIIKAT No. 2 spring wheat. 8n\'o ; No. spring wheat , BJQSIlio ; No. S rod , Ulc. CORN No. i ! , 4lu ; Iso 3 , 'JXe. OATS No. 2 , Ml4c ; No. 2 white. rio. Ilw'.ilte. JO' 'uVJOc. UVK-NO. 2 , W'ie. HAIII.EV-NO. ' . ' . 'liMonivbKKU-l'rlme. 11.20 ® ! 28. FUIIK Mess pork , per bbl , JI1.2715 ; lard , per cwt. , ! G.4.Jj ! ; short ribs bides ( loosol , | 5.77H.IO : dry silted shouhliirs ( bo\ed ) , 14.71 ; short clear sides ( boxed ) , $0.2.1. WitibKV Distillers' finished goods , per gal. SJ.I4. Hun Alt Unchanged. Receipt * and shipments today we're as fol lows : On the I'roJncu oxohunzo today the bnttoi niuiliet steidv ; fancy creamurv , LTlti'.Ke ; fine \\cBtcrn. SiVit.'Oo ; selected dulrys , aMi-3c : ordlimrv. ima c. KBKS. K ) i7c. ( 'IIEIMEUiicliunKoil ; full Cheddars lll4illUc ? : flats. lIiiU'c ; Youns Americas , U iIJc. T ALLOW Unchanged. Niuv York Murketx. NKW VOIIK. Kob. CO. Vuitin Itcoclpts , 28,035 likes ; oxpoits , y'J70 bbls , SU.OU backs ; market Uuit and heavy : sales. LUC.V ) bbla Co us MK-Ah bfeady and In fair demand. WIIUAT Receipts. IIW.NK ) bu. : exports , 143- OJJ hii. ; sales , l.-'TO.OOO bu. of future ! ) ; : il-lUO ) bu. ot spot. Spot iimrknt unsettled and lower ; fair expert business ; No. 1 ! red , Jl.tllJ4 eil.0l5i ( In stoio and elevator ; . ( ) ? ; ® . ( ) ' allo.U ; fl.07 ( I.UO ? f , o. b No. .1 rod , 1.U1 : ungraded red , OJc4HI. 7y ; No. 1 north ern , Jl.ui/rcU'fl'n ' ' : No. 1 hard , Jl.n'Ji'iai.OS ' : iNo. 2 noithiMii , Jl OJ1J. Options declined ? t < aic on full iccolpts , foroln | bcllliiK and local realiz ing : iidvnnuid ! & < $ " < % olos nit dull ut 'iOMo under jcsterday. No. S r < d , 1'obruary , Jl.uljj ; Muich. lfI.U4UdCI.OI , ' , ' , olosinu at Sl.Olf , ; April , H.oi'Jffl . .0uloslns : ut I.U-U ; May. l.u.11. ) . e oslni ; at ( l.UU ; June , Jl.ulliol.oij , . eloalii' ' ut fl.Ul'-i : .liilr , UUitlll c , elosltiR ut IW'.c ; AIIKUSI , U7 ? aujie. ; olosln atU7\c. Hvn Quiet und ilrnicr ; sales , ID.OOU bu. at ilAiu.r.v Dull , HAIII.EV MALT Dull. 1'OUN IteiulptH. tll.&IM ) bu. ; exports , IBa.183 liu. ; sales , IIMJ.OJO bu , futures ; IVJ.UiU bu. Hiot. | Spot weaker , fair business ; No. 2. 4U&l9I4u in elevator ; olio ntloat ; ungraded mixed. . No. 3 , 43i4 < 3l'i ' > , ic : stoumor mixed , 4Hi ; 4'J3.c. ' Options declined ! i5 lic on very anil trading ; February , 40'fio ' , closing at 40ic ! ; Mnrch , 4'.l'iW ' 4.ic. ! ) eloslng ut 4IIJ4C ! April , 4'J' < 34ltie. HosIng - Ing at 41)\lo ) : May , 40 .l-lixai'JJJc. ' closing ut 49.4,10 ; July , 48y , closlnir at 4840 , OATS Receipts B1.850 bu ; exports , 0.510 bu.i miles , 30,000 bu. futures. 7ulUO bu. spot ; spot weakerund dull : options , dull , und steady : rebruiiry , 3fl'4o ' ; March , im c : May , 37 ! e : No. 2 whltu. April , 3se ; May , 'Mtte ; niUud wost- crn , 30&.l7lio ; white wtstoru , Wiiailc ; No. 2 Unleugo nlluat , nominal. HAV Firm and ijiilot. Ilors Kusy and iiulot , BUOAU RHW , steady and fairly actlvo ; gales. b7 hlidH. and 2.JI.1 bags muscovado. 8'J test. 3o ; l.Ulil bugs centrifugals. DO test , 3 ? e. and 608 bus a centrifugals , ua test , 3 l-3.'c ; 078 bags iiioluBbes sugar , BJ test , 2 2.1-320 , ana 1111.000 inunlllu In port ; rellnod , ( uielur and iiulot ! No 0J7-lio ( ; XXqulot ! off "A , " 3K ® SU-lOc , MUI.ABBKS 1 arclgu , dull ; Now Orleans , quiet and itoudy , RICK Steady and In fair demand ; domestic , fair to oxtrtl , 4HiiUic. ( PETIIOLEUU Hteaify und quiet ) United elated at W.o for March , COTTON HKKU Un. Quiet and stoady. TAI.I.OW Ktoady and quiet. Tuui'KNTiM ! Higher and < iulot at45Kllc. Eaos l.nrgo receipts and lower ; western 17o : roeolptu , 7.GOJ puckaiies. Minus-Hteaily and quiet. Wool/ Steady ; moderate demunat domcstlo Oooco. UOItWo : : pulled , 2 JUJo ; Texas. IMt'JIo. I'OIIK Uood demand ! 11 nn ; mesi , JO.7i4ilO.15 ; extra prime. tlU.Ott OUT MBATS Quiet ana stoadyi pickled bol- llos , 0 > 4uVliu ( ) | middles quiet ; short clu ir , LAUD Loner and dull ! westernatoum oloscii Rt M.75 ; aales. 11.000 tierces at K.75afl.77)i ) ! option sftlei , 4,250 tlorooi ! March. (0.7J. olonlng BtM.o7 aikod ; May , | A.820.b4 , cloaliiK attU.S. ; July , (7.08. eloslng at 10Ul. llOTTKU Quiet ; line steady ; western dairy , ! Ett23o ; western creamery. 21@)04u ) ! ; western factory , 10iC23o : Klgln , IWUJOhu. CHKKHK-Uood demand uud strong ; part iklmi , oQIOKo. l'iu IKON Dull nnd weak ; American. t5.75Q ! 17.75. Uoi'i'EH Dull and weak ; Icke , tlOCOQ I.K'AIV Quiet and firm ; domestic , II.2CK3I.25. " " " " TiM-Kimlor and dtilli i Neiv OrlvaiK Cotton Altirkot. NKW OKLKANS. La. , Feb. M. COTTON- Btoudy ; middling , UHoi low middling. & , < iii good ordinary. Bo ; net receipts , H.tou : bales ; urobs , H-'Ulbulcb ! exports toUreut ) lrltulnU4J baleHj to Krance , 4,0 5 bales ; to the continent , 10.163 bales ; to Iho channel , 7 bales | sales , 8,600 bulosi stock. 441.UW bale * Weekiy not receipts. GMWii bales ; gro s. 7J- W9 buleni export * loUreut llrltatu , to Trance. 5VMO bales ! to the continent. 20.578 biilrs : to the channel , < . : il" balsa ; coastwise , 1I.T07 bales ; snlcs ifl.SW halo * . Nr.\v YOIIK. Tob. sn.t'ntton futures closed Moady : sales. IM.BJII hairs. rchrtinry. Jfl.73 ; Mnreli. M.7.1 : ADI II , flft. < t May , KDi ! Juno. S''fl ; July , ir.nii AIIKIIM , $7.25 ! September , 17.30 ! Oc tober , * 7.47t November. J7.VJ. Onmlm 1'rniltirn Market. I'mitTF Ciillfotnla rherslde ornnces , J/2 ° © 2.35 ! WH&hlniMon navels , t t.VKiW.75 ; California taiiKcriiirt. W.W 110 r box ; I'lorldn oranpe , bright * . UIK ) ! russets. * ! .Goa..75 : riorldu tan- Kcrlncs , f l.f/WM O1 , luilf beMis : went urn niplii | < > . choice , ? . ' .0 , < < W.r > < ) per bill. , fancy stand might bring more ! Now Yoik apples J.'f > a LOOifnncy IciiKiiis. MO ( & 125 : clioliu lemons. M.SOitl.7.1 : uraiics. per bb' ' . , J-UMMU ) ) ; lunaius , crated , 1200118 MI ; cranberries. to.M'R'i.W. VniETAiii.m CuUfornla cnbbnRp. 2'Jc ' iier Ib. hi crates ; liuino grown tettiiie , 45o per do ? . ; potatoes , dull ! California cnullilowcr. Patent , 1160 ! Invtnolblu I'atont. S2 41 ! I.ono Msirfetlporlntlve , ti20 : SnowdaKe , II.M : I'miey I'.nnlly. tl.71 ; S. P. ( illman's Hold Mndnl. tlAi ; hnow While , J2.85 ! Hnowlluko. tJ.OO : low grade. $1 01 | Queen of thu I'alilry. S..GO. Hiin : < t-No 1 green salted hides. 4 > ift4'c ' { : No. 2 green salted hides , illM'io ; No. 1 green salted hides. 2.1 to 4) Ibs . 4'iW.c ! No.2 green Hiiltnl hides , 2.1 to 4) ) Ills , .MJ.Tfr ! No. 1 \at\\ \ eiilf. 8 to 15 Ibs. . Go ; No 2 veal e If , 8 cl.1 Ibs. 4c ; No. 1 dry Hint hides , 7dW4No. ; . 2 > lry Illiit hides. BSOu ; No. Idrv salted hides. f < lGc. Tal low. No. 1 , 3'i < 3 < c ! tallow. No. 8. 3'4c : grease , whllo A. 4c : grease , whltcill. 3Jft3'4C ! ! mon o. vt'llow , 3i-i arcane , durk. 2'4c ' ! old nutter. 2a 2'u ; beeswax. urlnie , Iijcjrciu littillow.llS'iT..V. I'otii/iitv t'hlokons soareo. good stock , 10e ; goose , ducks nnd turkeys. II © 2c. HAY Minkot Hat , Jl MKJ6500 per tun. lliiTTBii Choice country toll. lt > a.IC ! ! lower praties. 17 < fJI8e. Knot Market was n llttlo uneven It wn said that lounil lots wore ulTcrcd at 12140. while smaller lots wont at lie. In a few In- tuncos single cuso lots went ut lie early. Huston Wool Market. HOSTON. Mass. 1'ob. 20 The doninnd for oul wiisiiullo actlxuand sales lingo , amoiinl- : IK toIUIi'i.OiOIbs , of all kinds. The tone of ho market mis woiU and prlees favored uiyots. Ohio and Pennsylvania were -ollliu at 87 < 2,2o for X mm above. 2sUo for and nbmo und -llfc'llo for Nn. 1 Michigan . quoted ut 2iX32fWc. with ales In that angc. but the pun ' business was at 2c. ! io. I combing wools steady ut 3W5lflei Ohio .tindol.ilnc , ailif'-Hf ! Mlehiimu line delaine , I2o ! : nnwashud tombing wools in goo I tlo- nand at 8lU20u ( for ouu-nmirtcr an I 8) ® . ' for hreL-elcliths blool. Homo teed lots of ter- Itorv ttools me boliiK moved on tbo busts of So tor clean , M@ * ( > u foi line tiiedluia nnd JJu for incdlitin. TOMIB ttools ha\o been iiitotlth alt s lies of spring at li10o , and all at K0 Wo. A l.irao sale. .iVOUi IDs , of JruRon , was niiido at IbiJII'i1. ' 01 at about 'i7e iluiin Sprlns ' ( onls mo selllns at U."ic , 'all ' at ISM tltf , as to quality. I'ullud wools nro 11 sloiulv demand , supers selling mostly utlU IUc. an I at ll.teSc. Ohio and Mlchivan ; nwaslind and iiiinioicliantiblo lleeees sell .joll at IMJ'J''o. Austiallin wools nro nctUo ifllli silos of ir.i.lKK ) Ills , at : ilT04.V , utlU lar o eeelpls from the boiulan. I'orolgn earpct tools aio fairly active. Kansas City MirkcH. KANSAS Cirv. Mo. Poll. 23 Pi.onit n uooil dom met , firm and iinuhanccdi pat- nts. $ ! .M ! o\tra fancy , } . ' . JK3.1- ( : > ! fancy , J.Oac.ns choice , JI.OU.UO. WHEAT Stondy ; No V.1. har.l , cash , 78'ic bid ; S'o. ' . > rod. o.i8h,84c bid. UollN Lower ! No. 2. cash. : Clc bid , : LI\o asked ; February , .Uo bid , : t- ! ' o asked. OATS Steady ; No Ueush , JiUu bid : Pobru- iry , y > Xo bid. HVK bti-adys No. 2. Rio. Kt.AX Si'.Ei ) H'OOII the b isis of pure. HltAN bloady ; K > a In 100 II ) . s > eKs. HAV Sti'idy ; tlmotliy , JSM per ton ; fancy ; ) rah Io , $ H 00 ; peed to choice. f"i UOSSVl , IttiTTEH fccarce and Him ; 010 unury , 23. . ' 60 : roll. 14.M . Knns UnulniiiToil : ITiC Yoiitu Americas ICc ; Kansas , llo UCCBIPTS Wheat , 8.70J bu. : corn , 3.80J bu.s oats. I."UI lii. SHIPMENTS Wheat. 11.101 bu. ; corn , 1,400 bu ; oats , none. _ Oinalnt drain Market. 1'rlcos based on dollvorv at Mississippi rlvor points , Noliraskn Inspo.'tlon , unJ ton days' shipment , un Obsothoiwlso state J. Cash grain lls forshlu ncnt wlthlu IIvo nays WIIKAT-- . 2 hprlnB , Me bid ; No. 3 spilng , BOo bid. UvK-No 2. bid ; No. H , SOo bid. OATS No 2 , UJ'Su bid ; No. 3 white , ' ,4c bid , : tlc asked. ( JOHN No. .iMiiruh. r 7lac ; No. 1 uhlto. 39'o bl < l. 40o usUeds No ! ) white. L1)3ie ) nsKcd. Ainoiitbohalos were ! S ) cms No. 3 or bet ter corn , I'ebruary and March , Toledo terms 7Bc. ! iiOAtii ) nc TiiAin ; NOTKS L. It. Cotlroll of the Cottrcll Or ilncomnany ut Sow.ird was on the board r.I\cri > eel Miirkctl. I.lVEHfOOi. , Fob. 8iL WIIKAT Qulot : hold ers ollor moderately ; No 1 Callfornl i. 8s ' , Jd © 8s Hid per cental , Uccelpts of wheat for tlio past three days wcio 17DIKJ ) centals , Inoludtnx JOJ.OOO Amorlcan , OOIIN Quiet nnd castor ; inlved western. 4s 8d per cental. Kecoluts of American coi n for the past tlirco days were 91,700 centals HiiKf Hxtra India moss. 73s lid per tierce. I'OIIK I'rlmomess western , Ms M per bbl. HACOV lion ? and clear , TM pounds , 33s per cwt : IOIIK and clc.ii. 45 pounds .Ms. AMI.IIICAN l.ivu OATILE blnUIng the offal , 0jd } pur Douiul. _ Conuu Market. NEW VOIIK. Peb. 20. Options oponcd steady ut unchanged to II points ; closed steady 10 points up to I S points down ! sales. J4.7r > U bii.'s , Including Kobi uary , JI4.73 ; March , Jl 1.7 © l.l 7i ; April. Jl.l 21 ; .Muv. tl.L VTll.l.lO ) ; boutombcr. II2.W ; October , $12.0I2 : ! : ti ; Novembur. $ 2 2 > : Uecombor , } r..2.i. Spot lilo , ijuloL. lirin ; No. 7. I5.00. _ I'orclKii Oil Markt't. I.OMION , Vob. 20. LINKIKD : OAKK-i'7 for western. TUIll'tNTlNH Sl'IllITR 2Cs per OUt. IloiiN Aniorlc.xn strained. 4s ( id per cwt. LlVIllU'OOL , Pob. 20. TUIU'ENTINE Sl'IlllTS 27s per cwt. Href Market. LONDON. Pob. 20. American refrigerator beef fore qiiirtcib , 2s hd ; hind quiirters , Jskd < t Js 8d per h II ) . , by the carcass Traders' Talk , OutCAno , III , Vob 21. Oounaolman & Day to Cockroll llros. ! Wheat was dull and av eraged about to lower than yesterday , the boailsh Influences bolui ; line wuitlier and woal\ foreign marUets. Occasional lots ate reported taken for milling or oxport. . on all rail fiolghts to the soaboird , but most of tbo purchases arc for Milpmuut after tbo oponlng uf ln o naviga tion , Speculation Is light and ojioiatois u ro taking Miiall profits whono\oi olTored. Corn and oats arc lower bv suinn'e imllboril receipts and futures syn patbl/od. elosltu at ! Wo docllno with eonsldorablu Hulling at times by outside holdein. Wo thlnlc tneso cereals will btrluo bottom for tills turnabout next Monday or Tuesday. Provisions wen hammered severely by shot tb at the oi > onliii ) but packers ubsorbo I thoolTeilngsof pork am ! closed the marKet without change from yesterday. KnuIUh markets were .id higher ( or lurd and bacon but a docllno of too In IIO/H caused an easy feeling In lard and rILu , UlilUAad. 111. , Peb. 2 > l. P. (1 ( , l.o an & Co to J. Hands Commission comimny : Tliu wheat market opened ( julet but tlrni. Foreign ad- vlcos continue dull and rocoip's of kprlng wheat In the noithwobt contlnuo Illiural. The Unlit receipts In the wlntor markets about offset thlu. Per the no\t thirty days weather liilIui'iHTS will bo the Important factor and until we know mom of the condition of thu growing crops i/e belloxo bnyliu on weak spots will bo protltablo. The woalhor at prcs- cut Is favorable , any change to severe freeIng / - Ing would do daiuago iml brlnz higher prices , t\o clmnxo to note In corn. Uecolpls aru llzht , Inspncllon poor , and until these conditions clningo wo furor buying on all declines , Pro visions fairly steady ut about yesterday's prices. C'liiCAna , III , Fob. 20. Knnnott Hopkins .V Oo. to S. A. McWhorter : If farmer Hutch could hu\e looked Into thu pits today he might not have thought It worth hlx whllo to press his anti-option bill , formuohof the tlmo llieio was very llttlo ti adlng In futures or anything else. The easier cables caused longs to drop a good doil of wheat early. but It wiis taken by shorts. Trade ua piotty well evened up and tnuro- nftcr thoiu wan n dull featureless market , Kocelpta are Increasing and olc'minccs con tinue away below w hat are necessary to pet rid of our surplus. Increased activity In new expert business was icportcd and this con tributed materially to hold prices , but inot uf the reported cngacomontH are at out ports and cun not. It Is biild , bo . onfirmud , though they may bo true. Uloslug uabloe weio not as wouk as oMiocted and there Is u disposition to wait for tomor row1 ! advices before taking u decided stand orui wny or the other , Now Vork Is nupposcd to be heavily lone In our market and In try ing to realize on all the rallies Com wiif weak ourly and sold down to 4''c ( or May , bill at tills price It was freely ubhoibeil by the I'lliiuo that Is scalping the market. A round lot of oats supposed to b < about 40V.001 , chuugod hands eirly. Powlor A bterllng are selling and Schwartz & Pupei biirlng. The former lira Is thought to ti liquidating on u largo line bought ome tlnu ngo Ht higher prices. In provUlona thi bears made u drive at the miirUei today mm scored a few polrts li thotr favor. UUbollovpd soinooutkldu longi are bolng shaken out. There scorns io bo m roiuon to anticipate ny inaterlul dcrllui whllo receipts of hogs fall so fur below thosi of the corrospoiiulnii date a year ago. STOCKS AM ) HO.VDJ. IVvv IVaturixot Inturu t Worn DtunlopiMl AIIIOIIK Trudurs V ' tiirdny , Ntv VOIIK , Kcb. 20 , The Hlook murltut remains mains utmost utterly barren of featiirt-a of ln < tticst , To this end the tcglnnlngof the out ward tuovumuut of gold contributes uot llt tlo nnd oven the traders , until the dull effect ' of the movement Is doxolopcd or sotno now excitement arises , nro unw IlltiP to mnko any I Irnportiiit vent uro4 on either side of the ne- coiint. Outsiders com for the time bolus to , hnvocnllioly withdrawn from the mnrkct , nnd once again the profcnslon-il clctncnt Is In control of thn changes In quota tions from day to day nnd bolnx bonr- , Uhly Inclined during the dull period , are intlioly pre\cntcd from making vl.'orous r itds by the uncertainty of the tdlnatlou and the stubborn wav In which sccurlt'csnro he d. the stacnat.on . of today surpissod thnt of any ! day since lust Biiinmer. and the few stocks In i which thrro was spo'ttlntlvo de.illng. such ns Chlcauo Uns Heading , New Knglnr.d. Bl. I'uiil , Louisville .V.Nnsh\IM ( > , Atchlson null Cold igo could scnrcolv ho called actUe. IIiiildalUii | In these stocks has Incluancd , and the nrnk- ncis apparent nt times must bo attributed cn- tlicly to beiirlsh operations on the pirtof the traders , whllo the general list Is utmost entirely neglected. After a firm opciiln : todny prices In some stocks were further nd- taticetl small fractions , but over among the specialties thcro n no inntrrlnl chnii o In quotations dm Ing the forenoon , Lntor In thu dny prices s'lgued in the dullness , but the iin- nouncumentof the Now nnglnnd llnanolnlplaii lialped to place that stock on a f-omeulmt lilgntT plane , which recoiled no reslionso liom the gcnoial market until the last- hour , when some covorliu of shorts Infused a mo- nentiirviinlmatlon Into thu mm net. nnd led to slightly holler figures nil aromul , After Now England. Itoadln : showed the nest strength In this movement , but the only sharp gain for the dnv wns In t'otdatzc. which suddenly moved up teD > 3t. most of which vns rota ncd at the close. Chic igo Oas , how- o\or , was both actlio and strong tliroiuhout ho dav , and , uhllu Its moveniunt uas slon. It ronclied maturlal proportions before the end of the session The close , was dull but tlrni , vllh most stocks at Inslgultlcaiit chntues 'loin ' the oppnlng prices The onlv ohangcuof loluucru udMinccs. however , Oordaso and : iilciuotlas rlslii4 l' ( pur cunt each and Now [ inland ' per ooiit. noietnmeut bonds Irivo bcun dull , Stata Kinds halo been dull and sleu'ly , ' 1 he following nro the closing qiiot-itions for the leading stocks on the Now York Stock c\- chan o todav Atchlson do preferred , . . . Ill . . _ _ CxnruBs . . . . Ul N Y Cc.itrnl II l Alton , T. II .11 N. Y ( hi .V St. I < . . . IbX ilo preferred. . . . Uil do pri'frrrpil . . . . 74 American ixiroi : | > II" Ohio Mlnl"li | | > l. . . . ' 'I1 ! ! II. 1It & . .N . . . 41 do prcturrud H > 1'niiniln I'mlttc , . . Mi Ontario A Wpstcrn . VOM nnndii Southern . . 0) ) linproviniiu t V8 Ci'iitrnl 1'iulllc . . . .0' ' * Orouon Nnv . 87 Clio .t Ohio . . . . VHl KOII 'I ruin . i.M ilu let preferred ( O'n I'ncltlc Mull. . . do ! md preferred , 4i'4 1 * . I ) .V i : CliluiL'O .V Altnn. . . .Ill 1VJ U. . II Jig IDIVi I'lilliiian 1'nl.ic.o . . . . C , U. . U. A t It ' ( I'll ' Del llnnronW \ \ llocic Islnnd . , . . Del. 1. , V\V IVI'i ' M. I. \S K. lilt I'M , I ) All O pfil II fit. 1'iuil do picrorrcd ilo 1st preferred St P. , Mill. .V Man do i'nd iirefcrrj 1 . Mi St 1'iiiil.VDnmhu . . Crlu II t do preterri'd do preferred. _ Tenn i' V Iron. ni < Fort \Vuynu . . . . .IS'i Texas I'iclllc . . . 1UH Chi , V Kmt III Tel AO ( Vn pld. . hi Vnlloy . . . .11 > 4. Union I'nclllc < i' llOllBtOll A.'lOT 19 . .IV ) U S i\ | > re IS Illinois Ccntril . . 101 ( Wabii h M I. .V I' . II ! . ! iVIlnliill ll' l ilo pioferred ? ij KillI'WclU KnrBO Kx 14. ! Jnku Krlu A. West. Western Union . . . . ! -7J < do preferred Am Cotton Oil Ijnko&horo Colorado Coal Ho'iiestnki' 11 ) milsUlle X N' . A . , Iron Hllver. IS ) Memphis A. Char . . , Ontiirli l.-j Mlcliienn Contrnl . . . ID l IS ; Mil I. S AW Oo preferred do preferred . . . . Sutro Minn. .VSt I , llulnur do preferred Itlch * W. r. Ter. . . . Mlmonrl 1'iulHo . . , WI ( ! onHln Central , IB Mobile \Olilo ( ircnt Northern pfd. ' Knvlivlllo Cliatt Clilcnuo lias 'jjjj N .1. Contrnl ientrirun " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' .Norfolk .V Woil pfd \iirar Trust . . . . . . . . S.i'1 Northern I'ncltlo 2-1K O S Ii A U N 2S do piefcrri'd . . . . t.7H Dlxl .M ) U I' . Di'iivor.tli . . . IHH I ) , 11. ( I. \ W H7 Northwislura lll.H do prolorri'd . . . ifi' i The tot-il silos of stocks todav wore 101.107 bhares. Including : Atchlson , 4.3K ) ; Chicago Gas , 2l.'lll > ; Delaware , liiekiwannii A. West ern. 5.2 M : HiIr , li ) 141 : I.oulsvlliu & Naslivlllu. 0.210 : Northern 1'acHlc profoi rod. 4 10 : \HW Kiul.intl , 21.2sO ; Keadlng : tl > , V)0 ) ; Ricliiiiond V West I'olut , O.OJO ; St I'aul. 1J.4UJ. Nun Vork .M Miy Uurkot. NKW YOIIK , I'oh 2H ov UAi.ti-E.isy at 1'50 ; percent ; last loiuaf- per cent : closed ollorod at 8 pi-r i-ont. I'ltiMi : MutirANTiiiR 1'Ai'Eii ' 15I1 5 percent. SiKiu.iM ! C\HAMIE ( ; Quiet hut ste.tny nt ? J 8V. , for sixty day bills and $4.8s for du- mnnU. Thu closing quot itlous on bonds : I'limncl il lte\lotr. NKW YOIIK. fob 211. The I'oat says : The eutliolucKof activity on tbopirt of bc.n loaders encouraged thu professional bulls to UiUiithc market In band during the after noon. They met with considerable success , though of course It was onllrelv a profes sional maiket. Tlio aliened plans foi an In tel n.itloniil silver eonforenco furnished one cause. Tills is undoubtedly , If true , an 1m- noit.uit dexelopmcnt , though tlio ijuery has pocomo more ucncral with excry frusbuar - iintco"by the lioadlnz coiup.iny.whu Is tost.ind gu.u.inty for the Reading Itself. Kcgaidln , , ' thumailtet , which was Rtronu mini theic- turn of dullness and dropping of prices In the last few minutes , it Is prob.tblu Unit the occa sional buying was Influenced In p irt by tlio Idea Unit a strong niiuKet will ho ere ited next week on which to launch the Richmond lor- mlnal plan. This remains to bo seen. I.oniliin Stock .Market. | Cnp//fu't.'c / ' ' < l ISffl by Jamcx Ountun Bomcd. ! IiONiiov. I'oh 2 > I [ Now York Herald Cable bpeclal to TUB HUE 1 As regards the now business , seldom has there been less done than on the block c\ch ingo today. Had It not been for thu buttlcment the majority of dealers and brokeis would h ivo been com pletely Idle. No failures have been announced , which IsHitlsfuctory. Consols b ivolinpiovo.t l-lll per cent to 'c per cent , whllo Indian rupee paper Is 'a per cent easier. Homo r.tllw.ivs mivo tiliown lltt o Ino ularltv. nrlgliton do- fciicd Iliiotuated to some extent , wlilluabovu their wornt. the close was ' 4 pur cent lower. A t > ni ill decline Is established In ( Chatham. Great Westein , Noitn llntlsh and Southeastuin deferred , while R intern , Metiopolltan District and hliolllold dofcirod mo slpilitly hotter A'nong furoUii rillways a fu .turu Is the further niUiince in Aiueutlno rails. McNlc-ins nio well m ilntalnod. Miscel laneous securities ha\o been quiet beyond a rife of from 'i per cent to 'i par cent In East man's. Monov was lu coed domiind In tuird strout today , and from 24' pur cent to 3 pui cent IKIH boon iitild for short loans , but at the close Uiuv could bo obtained at 2 per cent discount. The market has bcon uulut. Two anil three montliH hills me quoted at from 2 ? ; per cent to S'i per COM liONDii.N , l''eb. 20 Tlio folio vln were the Iiouaon stouk qnolatloiii oloiliu .it 4 p. m : Consoln , inunujr 1HH Mexluin Ordinary. . W\ ild. IK count "JiU Pi dt. Paul „ . 7'.W N. V. . T. &O UtH. . . M i New Vork Jentral. ; . lli > ! > 4 Cun. 1'jii-lllo ti2 l'onnslranlu M.'i Illliiiils Central . . . . 1II7H Mexlcna CeiitraUa. 7jtn 1IAU KlI.VUIl II 7-16(1. MoMtVr-3 per cunt. Rate of discount In the open market for nbort bills , 24 per eent : for thruo muiiths bills , 8 , ' < percent. I'liiancl il > otoi , I'AitiB. Pob. 20.--Tlitoo per cent rentes 03f lOo for account. KANSAS OITV , Mo. Pob. 20. The bank clear ings today worof 1,7.1',7'JT. ) Nisw YOIIK , I'ob ' 20 H ink clearings today ill4.42ll,3.'s ; balancns. if > , KW.4IJ. ) HAVANA , Fob. 2l.-HpanIsli ( gold , U.40 > f. ® 2.41 ; exclunge. 10 ; sugar , quiet , llAi/miiiiii ! , Mil . Pub. 2(1. ( ll.nik clearings today , (2,500 , 80 ; bal.inces , l.'l ' . , I'.KI ; i ate , 0 pur Lent. I'uii.AURi.riiiA , I'.i. , I'ob. 20. 11 ink uloailn.'s toduv , Kr..lir..liUJ : balances , H.bUl.wO ; i.ionoy , Wt iiorccnt. AlKxriitB , Tonn , Fob. 2n. New York ex change soiling ut par. Clearings , ibHJ.091 ; bal ances , M.UiU'J. NKW On I.KAN s , L.i. . I'ob. 2(1. ( UloarlugK. II- 84X557 , Now York uxchungo , comiueiclal 50o pur 11,000 premium. CINCINNATI , U , , Peb. 2(1. ( Money , IHiU per cent ; Now 'ork uxchange , 40o discount ; , Peb. 2U. Thn statement of the Im perial Hank ot Uormaiiy showk an incieabc In specie of 7,7GOOJU marks. br. l.ouis. Mo. . lull. M. Hunk clo.irliiKR , fJ.UIU.7 8i balances , I5IO.O.U. Money. OiW per cent ; oXL'huntfo on New VorK. 4'Jc ' iireiiiiuin. llobiov , h. ass. , Tub , 2IL C'lcurlnKs today , . --Ar.yii bulameH , 11,48.1,0. 1 ! rate lor money , VJ pvrcLiit. KMiiunue on New VorkWii \ l&illbcount perll.lMi. CHICAOO , 111 , , I'Vb. 31. Money easy at 4iJQ H per cent , cleuriiilb , JI4CIU07. New Vork exehiume. Mfttxic discount. Mvrllni ; ox- ohuiiiu at Jl N.1U for sixty-day blll and $1.87)4 ) for sliiht dintfi. Nu\v Vork Mlului ; Uui'l itliru , NEW VOIIK. I'eb. 20. The following are the cloblnj : mliilns stooK iitiotatlonsi lloktou Stuck 'Marliet. . Mats. , Fub. 20. The followlui von the cloiln7 prlocM oni tock < on the lloston stook market totluyt i _ Atcliton A Topeko iwTiTonton A Montana. . lP < notion A Albanr . 2U2H faliitnot .V IlcclA. . . 21) ) Iloiton.V Mnlne. . , . lVi'.f ( > Jrntikl1n . I114 rily. . . IOlU'htc-sr nrn . 10'J KnMcrn II It I . IH V iiln . ' ! 1 Itchbiirit II II . . , . UU Sntiln I o Copprr . . . Hint A Vcte M pfil. W 'Taniarnrls ' . . . . . . 150 ' ' ' ' lloitim l.nnil ro . . ' u it'A. n' V : . . . . . Nan llhvo I inil I'n. 17 Mn Crntrnt , , . . . . liM' 'e > l Knil I .ft nil Co. Mr * Con com . . . Ui't ' , ( toll 'loleiihono. . . . SO-i N. Y A. N. Knglr ml. 4'li f.niiivm More 8. . , . . 1.V4J Old Colony K0 ! \ > ntcr I'onpr 4 Ilnllntid torn , pfil . ( v Continpn ft'l \M . Ccn com 8 .N. I ! . T 5IK Alloncf MlnCo now i ( I Uil Atlilillr . _ II r. it. , 1'lvnrlnn huuio Imlnnrcs H.ISI.KVt ; rule , pur cunt. 1 DpiHrr .Mining Stocks. PEVVBII , Cole . I'oli. 2(1. ( Thu following list Is tlinoliMlluqnot-itlonion the .MlniiU excn-in o today. Silus3fim. Sun IV-inclicii AlliiliiK nutations. SAV r.iAvcisOd. Uil. . l > 'ol ' ) 88. The ofllclal closing duiititloiis for mlnliu stooKs today \\LrOllH fol.OWS ! Alia . . . . . . . . to 275 liulchnr . ! J ) I'otusl MM HcKt.Vllololipr . . 4 --.iv.lKO . 110 lloilloConiollilateil 4U ) "lorra Nevada . 110 " ( insollilatcil C X V 4J Union Con 110 ronn Point . 4JUl Utah. " ' > lonlil A Curry . . Ulm Vvlloir Jacket . . . 70 lalo.l.Non ioi . . . li.J Com . 102S ilctlcin . N. Q 2S ilonii . H 1 'iK nxnjo . N II. 1 K > i.ivi : STOCK MAHKITS. attic ; Oiiirt nnil Stca ly-Ho s In Conil ln- iiiiinil und lllRhor. OMAHA , I'ob. 2 ! . Receipts for the put flvo ays , 1 i , < jli t'littlu , S..V'l ' hois nnil 8,077 shtep , C. 1 1 nst i4"l c.i I liu. 2S ° rji lions and ll > .lj hei'ii thn (1orre"pjndlnK il\o days last week. riiosuppy of c.ittlc. while comp irathuiv Siit , XMIS iiniple. considering thu iiuiillty of he olfcrln s i nil tlio oxcccdhr.'ly limited 'In- iiiintl. Per several di > s there lias been a otlee iblo sea -city of KOOJ heavy beexos , .mil nr this io.ison sblpporierunotnblotodo inch outside of buyiiu a fuw odd iiuches. lliesfcl beef IniyeiH wanted some e.ivy catllc. piob ilily lite uise shippers also iiintod them mid tlieiu were MI few here. lei\y "teeis were readily sale.iblo at teed , Inn pilcos. Un ll-'lit and inoJIiitncUlit , leers thoru was a lather woalfei feeling and irlccs sli.uled loner , although s ties rnn ed bout nsiisnal , from J.1.UJ to $ I5 > . A two-load iiineli of piotty uood 1. 1 9-11) . beoes nought H\\ \ but the hu.tvlci steers inld ar ely from Ji.0 to8'i ! About u\eiythltic MIS pleUed up before tlio elose. In bntehers and camiers Htook the tiade ivasery much like Thursday model iteiy icllxo ut ste.i ly pi I ot ( > oo > I lo eholce ows and heifers sold from iift ) to } itfl. ; a r to good KIWS fiom UOJto $ . ' .0' , common nnd ciinnliustull from Jl.-'i to JJ.OO. Hulls. und st ics upiu btioiiK' ut from fl.7' > to M 1 . C.ilus ste.Kly it from S2.10 to M UO. Thu Mucker and leedei tr.ido was hardly as bnsu , IH on 'I huradiiy , and the fcullniMIS iiisii'i. Outs dii bn.uiis did not seem dispose 1 o fmo hold freely , imd rcjju nr doulers , uelni ? . .irettyell louicd up wore Inclined to bo c.iu- tioiis S-ales i , nued nil tlio way fiom 1'J ( JO u > > 25 , but tlie bulk df iho fair to tiood stock 10 d fiom Jj.UO to $ J 'j. KeprosLxitiitlve sales : STBEHS. No Av. I'r. No Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr. III107KU 1(1 ( 1 17y * ! ' . " > 2) ) IUJJI.VJ ' ) )0 .101 11 j 00 1 .1 2J 1ITO 350 D'U ' 310 4jlli 3 35 LO 11,10 .l.r > 0 ui4 32. ) r. iri , 3411 LOU inm 351) ) IJM > 3 JO II llbl 3 40 U 1211 3,0 IUV > II 21 10 IH'.i ' 34(1 ( 21 IIO'J 3.11 1IIU1 321 3 ' 1416 340 11 I 111 I 300 1.1IJ 33) ) IS , 1 b'J 3 40 4 1.I5J 370 1 : > S 3.10 11 ' 1102 341) ) 4 1487 371 IlSi 330 11UQ .1 4J 4 .11(0 ( J7.1 1003 3 3J U bllS 341 8 1370 o8J IIU'I ' .1.1.1 1IU8 .145 10 IIU 381 .8 1010 II. 'It 11tti 341 24.1171 3 Ki 0. 11.10 3.1.1 1. 1144 345 Ib l.iSIl .185 3 10UO 3J.1 32..1JOJ 415 I > vi f 640 125 102J 200 7..105S 2n5 102JW5 liSJ I M W5 2 IK ) 4 .lOCJ 265 liSJK1 ! K1 1 40 ( KM 2 15 21. IU. 2 OJ 11170 1 OJ 17 . KiOl 2 li 21.Hi 1001 20) ) UW 1 W 20 . Oil 8 20 4 . bsi 200 ' 114 10) 2 I \1 225 80 .1108 200 M/i I 05 It , . 1014 2 W 3J . 1)70 ) 801 bOI 1 71 I'l ' OJ1 2 3) UjJ 201 2. lllft 17,1 0 10J1 240 2. . 112.1 205 3 .10- ) I 7.1 9. . i07 2 40 20. .1101 2G1 II. . 1 170 171 2. ItTB 240 3 .IOSO 270 1. MO 175 G 111 I 240 5..10JS 270 10 . ' 118 I 7r > 111. . 07i 241 7..10S ) 871 1 . 'Ml 171 17. . 0.11 2 SO 22. . 8H1 271 I. . 1IUO 171 3. 7-M 250 II. .11,12 27.1 8. . 625 17.1 11. 1.124 2 SI II HVj 275 2 .1 05 1 7.1 U. 101' ' ) 2 K ) 13. 1018 280 1 > . .I005 18) 4 1017 2 SO 1 10JJ 280 1..IOJO 1M 1 1)70 ) 2 fO 7 11117 ' . ' 85 1 10GD 2(10 ( 3H. II 10 8 60 lb..l ) . > 7 281 I. . . 811) ) 800 H. 1022 2 .V ) 18 . IB' ' 300 3 . in I 801 10 1071 26) 1 .1'OJ 300 4 IT2 2 HO 8. . 1)70 ) 8 SU 4.IOU .110 3 1ICO 2 CO 1. 1.40 2.V ) 10..114r .110 1.I 2. . UV ) 200 I 1101 8 SO 1..128) 310 8 U ) 12 . Uflt 85) 3. . 701 8 r > 1 8. . 1210 330 8. .1147 330 1..1100 3 00 CAi.vm. 200 2 TO 2. 101 500 fl. . 155 500 3 .10 2. . 13) 4 00 I1UI.I.S. 714 171 2. .120) ) 221 1..1200 255 010 171 1. .14.11) ) 221 l.KI.'O 2(11 ( 110) ) 17i 1. . 8JO 221 1 101J 275 1470 275 2. 140 835 1700 880 ISO ) 1 bl ) 1.1700 2 .A 1740 281 1100 810 1. 1.110 23.1 IV.5 88.1 1.190 210 I. l.V.O 241) ) 1740 2 IK ) 1610 211 2.1IM 241 2JJO 300 I3:0 : 2 SO 10SI 251 1610 .100 1150 225 1 . 45) .2 W ) 1100 30i ) bfACH. 1. ere 2 71 STOCKI'.ItS AND FKE1IEIH. 570 2 01 1. 010 300 24.I . 714 311 4.'S 220 1. . 603 3 DJ I ) G0.1 315 410 825 I. 1)70 ) 300 1 IHO 311 717 251 2 771 301 8 . 851 32J 470 2 GO 1 151 305 20 Ml ) 38J 4'W ' 8 111 0 . a.8 3 U5 8 b75 3 20 8ft BOO 271 10 b3l 305 ft , 1)34 ) 320 tS > 271 17 018 310 ( I 1)J1 325 0.1) ) 281 2 G70 313 27 . 07U 325 7.17 200 12 778 3 11 1(1 ( , . b88 321 bll 300 2 f ) ) 315 IXJi 381 . 5411 3 10 21. 78) 3 15 Hong Receipts were light and made up liir-'cly of light and light mixed hois. Thu fulling oir In tlio supply to far this week coin- pired with last uniiiunts tonoaily 3,000 head , Eastern advices were bearish In thu extreme but with coed hhlpolnz and local orders for light and butcher ifji.'lit hogs and the supply only moderate , the market opened uatlvo and stion.'iir on tln'su crudes , sales being lurgu y nt from * l 5 to JI.70. A few good heavy hogs went to tlio shipping tradu utery uear- ute.idy pi Ice ? , from ft ( I5to l.t)7 > , but the ship plnr ( lemund for heat Its being limited and packers bearish Rules were largely at oiislor prices weak ut5o lower from * 4.60 tofl.M ) , The weakness In protlblons und unfavorable icports fiuin other inarnets eaiibod a very wen I ; olose. with bids ! in lower than the open ing on all grades. ' .fliVonil loads were unsold , Tradln , ' was luriulyPat from I.U ( to J4 til , the Htnio as 'IhiirsiluyI'ho uvur.iso prices paid beliu * ! ii'-1. , against il iUThur dav and tlMX lust 1'ilday. Roprosdlitutlvn sale- , SlIrTl1 Receipts looked liberal , but 21 of tin 22 ran rotetill ) weru stock hlirep , ronslgned throiuh to llll..ols.fur . . feeilln , : . A doubli ; deck of westerns no d for MIC , The for desirable muttons continues peed und prtcm firm QuoUtlou * : 1'ulr to xood n n- 0yc ; lrrn . tl.OOA.VO.t ; oomtuon and Mock Sheep. & . ! > 0i7.l : ! coed to cho'cn g , welRlilnR 40to W Ibr , Il.25i3a.00. Hop- re cntall\o iilc ! No. Av. 1'r. M woslcrn wetlieri . P3 ( i Id in.encru ) Uothcrj . . . . . IO A 10 llprelplt ii i I llinMtlon | nf Stnntc , OHIclal r. clol Mill dlininltlon of st 3lc a shown hy tlio bo I'M of the Union Plook VnnN coiiip'iuv for the twenty-tntirliourj , ending at Tio'clook p in. I'obriiary 20 , l-'j ; . DISPOSITION , Cblciico I , tin Mock Market. Cnirino , 111. . I'uli. .U ( Special Tulogr.Hn to Tin : lli.K.l , V mitalily largo propoitlon of yestcid iy's recolpts wns taken bv shippers , iho niimbei of cattle h.ulng seldom been oiunlcd | < Consciiuoiitlv there was adi'cromn odivluthe ili'iiiiiud fiom that source , but hedrnsscd bei'f men , imlohois and laniii'rs ere liberal buyers und as the arrivals were nodoratns ilosmoii nlaila ed to ho'd tlio miit- ot tin. It was \\cal ( In siKits , howe\oi. lough ulf flitted steers nnd old tows especially bowing a laek of si length , The ousls of sales was : .t from fl.'rt to J" > mi for Inferior to choice ous nnd holfets , Jl.r.D to f.)7. ) > for bulls , ? J" > to ,171 for -tx'lirs ( and feeders. JJ ( HI to } " . " " > for hipping slciTs. JiS1 ! to $1.15 for Toxnus nnd rum ( .MI ) toT l.o I for calves. There was not inch ttadlng atovcrJI Maud only a little at ess tlnllfl,7\ Yeslerdav'H iidMinco In hogs was not fully list lined lodny. 'I'ho w.uni woithnr , an In- ro iso lu thu urilvals and the dou'tno ycstur- ay In prov clous nil exerted i weakunlng . and within an hour or two after the piMilug of business this morning pi Ices had illun back from "o to lie per 100 pounds I'hu mar' < et continued weak and dually loscd dull anJ we ik at from fl : r > to ? ! > : > for mur to prlmi ) light tind at from $ l.4'l ' to $ I.IIA 'or he ivy and medium weUhts There were , irly s.ifes of hca\y at f\01 A few nssortod Ight were line enough to hi Ing $1.41) ) , but the milt of the stuff -olil below $10) ) . Culls wuio noted anvwhen * fnrii $ . ' .00 to W.'J , " , . The Nheup mniUi't was lUhtly supplied odav. hut thu receipts lri\o been liberal fur oniu dnvs past an 1 the wants of the tr.ido > ere so nearly met that the demand lacked he urgency necessity to nn advance In irlccs The feeling was llriu at from $ l.7"i to HIM for common to choice iiualltlcs. with ilos prlnolp.illv at fiom $ "iOJ to $ " > fiO. There teie onlv a few lambs here and thev sold tionc. being at fiom S'lOJ to $380. In comp-ir- son with hut weo't's prices the aboie quota- Ions Indicate an adx.inco of from lOe to 1. > c 01 lOJIhs I'm good sheen and lamlisthu 111 r ct has been aetne and stion ; all the \ . liccclptscro : Cattle , P.OOO ; hogs , ' ,000 ; hoci | , > ODJ. Tim Kvmilng.founnl reports : OATTLK Ilo * clpts , 8.0JO ; shipments. 4.000 : miirkot steady ; irimu to extra steers , f4.Tlifc1DO : gooJ to holce. $ ,1 S. ' > foi.-"i ! focdors , i jOOJ" " ! stookers. I.7-.3.T.O : cows. Jl MiWJ.ll I Ilo is Kccelpts , 2I.OJD ; shipments. I'.OOO : narKet lower : lough and common , i4.f > .VSI.OO : iiilxc-d , Wtriiff4.Ni ) pi'iiiu ' heavy nnd butchers Aeliht-- . J4.H" > } J4ir > : lltht. 8I.JOT/4S' . SliKEl' Kccoipts , 4.0JI : shlpmenU. 3.00) ) ; i irltcl actiie. sto ulv to strone ; owes. JJft © j.4l ( ; mlxoJ. ? llMSI..iO ! ; wothors. $ o 50S.VTJ : ivestoms , JI.S\'i.40 : lamus , $ . ' 1 > ( iiU . * > 0. Now York I.ltu Stock Mnrlcot. Nfcw YOIIK , I'ob. SO. HnEVKs Kccolpts. i,127 ho id , In ludlnv .7 oars for s ilo : market lull , native st'-ors. W 70K4 < Ji per 1 0 lli > - . ; bulls nnd dry cows , $ . ' . . ' .Vijl l : dres-sed beef steady : itG.S'io per III. : shipments today. 831 beoxeR. tomorrow , l.O'i" bee\rs and 4.70J iunrteraot | neef. OAI.VBS Receipts. 2 K ) head : itiarKot sto idv ; o.iK $ j.OU&SM per 100 Ibs. : barn yard calx os. J ( HI ® I.5U. SiitKi' Kecolpts. II8IO ho id ; sheep stcndy ; iimbs. 'ne per Ib. lower ; sheop. * l.7iii7'i ( : ' ; ambs. tC.7-K37.45 : dressed muttons steady at XftlOc D.T Ib. ; dressed lambs , dull Io per Hi. IIoos Uocelpts. 4..m ho id consigned direct ; [ lomln.illy steady at $4 Oi ® : > .40 Kan * 14 City l.lvotjk Jl tricot. KANSAS CITV. Mo . I'ob 21 OATTI.E Ilo- cclpts. . ' ,200 : shipments. 840 ; the market steady to strong genor.ilh' . Sales : Dressed beef and shipping steers , $ ! KHt.lUi ; cows und heifers , il.'JOi.VO ; stockorsaud totdors , $ . ' .85 ® J PA PAHooi llacelpts. BM8 ! ; shipments , S.330 : the narUet was barely .steady and closed > GilOc ewer ; extreme ran o , JJ ) ® 4t)7i , ; bulk , JI.5J © I .Vi , SIIBEP Ilocolpts. 7'1 ; shipments , O-'J ; good heo | > xveru In teed demand , active , strong iina mostly lOo higher. Sales : $ .10X3)05. cuji.txs irj.vr ix Mniomcnt Torn Kexolution on Toot In Many IM.ICCS. Mnw YOIIK , Fob. 211. Preparations for an other Cuban revolution nro In progress ID this and other American cities as well as upon the island itsolf. The movement is stated on good authority to be the largest and most completely organized over inaugurated for Cuban independence. There are sold to 008,000 Cuban patriots in this country ready to Join in the war. In Cuba the revolution ist patty is actively propariiiH for tbo out break and when the word is given the forces on Spanish and United Stales soil will act in conjunction to overthrow the Spanish yoke. In several cities of this country these revolu tionists are holdini : meetings , raising money , purchasing equipments and planning a cam paign. At thu end of the last Cuban revolu tion tbcro was a general stampcdo of these who took part In tbo insurrection to tills coun try in wlilch their lives were salor. Thou sands ot dclcatcd Cubans settled in Florida where many found work as cigarmakors while others pamo to Now York. These are the people who are now preparing to make lliinps lively in the country fromAvhich they fled for their lives. It Worked WondcrH. The following is un oxtiact from n letter of Rev. J. W. Carter to Hov. J. T. Mumford : "It has boncfltod ray wife so much I want nor to continue- the use of the modlrlno. Tn UI nc Intoconsideratlon htr age 09 years and thu long standing of her Hldnoy and liver troubles the Tree of Life has worked won ders in her case. " For sale by all druggists StairMnkPiH Co Out. CHICAGO , 111. . Feb. " 0. The entire force of 300 staff maliors employed on the World's Juir grounds struck today for on advance of 5 cents an hour in wages. The contractors say the strike will not delay the work nnd tbey will be ublo to till the strikers' places. Van Houtcn's Cocoa 1'uro , soluolo econ omical. The little boy picked himself out of thn pudulo whore his ruilo playmates hud thrown him. Ho wiped the mud from Ills velvet trousers , hio slllc stock ings and his lace collur , nnd straight ened out his long , golden curls us well as their domornli/cd and bedraggled condition would permit. "Thin , " ho said bitterly , "is whut mtunina's little ! " comes ol being pot That Grip ! Have you had it ? Then have you still got it ? If you I have had La Grippe , you are probably no exception - ception to the general - eral rule ; you have probably lost your old time vig orous grip. You need building up. You must eat hearty and well , and your Mood must be prop erly digested and go to make muscle and bone. You need an invigorant. Take the gen uine Johann HofT's Malt Extract ; it \yill do all that you need. Your health , your strength will return in an incredibly short space of time. Try it to-day. Your druggist has it. The genuine has the signature of "Johann Hoff" on the neck of the bottle. Eisner & Mendelson Co. , N , Y. , Sole Agents , OMAHA Manofactarors' ' IA AWNINGS AND TENTS. OMAHA TENT'AWNIXQ COMPANY , Inus linniiiiick ( ) , oil nil 1 iitttiorvltitMnx Snil for llll tnrnim. BAQa DEMIS OMAHA BAG CO mpur r < anil tnuiilfic * tnror- . 'lour SBOK . Murliipi nail Tnlnu MOtlGE-COESIIQECO. ItUl I IOITJM Strojt ! ' * l' n ° T no'iir llth nml IMtuIn * Ktr'ol VJ ! ulni ctoio | ilcoi ti > ca h b iror < , ant nro n clisi of ciioM which l ( M-rr snl- on'jlo Itti niorchinu KIRKEKDAU , JOHES MERICAN HAND SEW CO. , ED SHOE CO. Hoot . ulioi ! ! , rnhlicrs Wholosnlc Mnniifnclu'n nntt felt gooili. Audits for lloston Hull- bor Ht-oo Coai \ \ , 1101 tin. ) u nr . , nnd 1101 tinnier Mrrol. C.AL , CUKE , cIC. , OMAHA COAl , COKE& . LIME CO. , Ilnrd nnl coft coil S K. corner IMti anJ utrrels COKNlCi. CLOTH EAOlEGOnNICEWORKS OILMOREJcRUHL , Mnniifni'.urcri of ( Snl * Mnnufncturcra nnd Tnnlroit Iron Cornice. Wlmlow cun. nicUMo Wliolo'dlo ClothlorJ , etc. 1110 mid O ft. 110J Hnrnoy stroot. GOODi' . M.E. SMITH & CO. , KILPATRICK-KOCH DRYOOnOSCO. , f , notloni , fur- Dry Kooilsnntlons , uunts' fnrnlihlnx lieodi. Cor I hnixlllownnlsts. Hownnl Corner llth nnd ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. OMAHA CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL CO. Klcctro Dynamos , 1-nrnpi , Wlro nnd Klcctrlcal hup- pltosof All Kinds. 1113 Howard alrout , Umilii. WOLF ELECTRICAL CO. , lllustrutoc ! cntnloRtio free. 1G11 Capitol ATonue. FURNITURE AND CARPET5. BONDED PUBLIC WAREHOUSE CAPACITY 6OO.OOO BUSHELS. TUBS for All MONEY ADVANCED OH CONSIGNMENTS All grain weighed , Inspected an-I slori u rata , established by tit.ito ofllccra Write for rates and full particulars and consign shipmentscaici of WOODMAN & RITCHIE co OMAHA , NKIJ. livery MAN can be BE A MAN S'SItUNG ami VIG OROUS in all reiperu _ _ _ hy usiiiR SPANISH NKRVINE , thoKient Hpimlsh Remedy. YOUNG MUN OR OII > Buffernu' from NJJRVOU8 BBBII.ITV , J/OST ot FAILING MANHOOD , nlKlulycniisslonc , convulsions , nervoul t proilrailon , CUUM d hy theuse of opium , tobacco or alcohol , wakefulness - fulness , menial depression , lots of power in chhcr ics , ipermator * - K ANU AfTfK USE , rlicua caused hy self abuse and over indulpencnor weak * ness can be restored to perfect hcnllh nnd the NOIII/U VITALITY OF STllONO MB If. We Rive a wrillcn guarantee with 6 bones Io cure any casu or refund Iho money. $ i 9 boi,6 toim $ j Po.- sale in Omaha by McCormlck fi Lund , 15tli & Furnamata. Dr.DOWNS 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. The eminent tpcclnllil la nerToui , chronic , prlrnle. Llool , tklnaml unnnry dlinnrci. A regular and reiililfreil urnduatoln miMlclno. ot dlplomnii uiul cerilllnitenilinw , liitill treutlnn trllli Ihenrouteit lucoei * caturrli.iperiuiiturrlioca , lux manhuoil , iemliml wonknuii , nlnht lei ei , luipoiuncy , i/phlll * . mrkturo. on- orrhuea , itleet , vartcocuje.ctc. No mercury u e1 , New irextnient forlonof vlnil powrr , Parties unable to vUlt mo may be tronto I at homo by currospomU'iic * * . Modklae or Innlrunicnts ton ! by umllorexiiriffls ourolypockcJ. no marks lu Indlcnte roiitunti or uidur. Ono pcrton > l Interview prrferred. Cnniultallon free. ( orrt punden < trlctlr private. Uook ( .Mj turl i of XJfo ) seat frea. ORlue hours 'J a.m. lull p.m. tuudoy lu B. ui , to 12 m. Heuu iiaoip lor reply. Dr. GLUCK , Eye , Ear , Nose , Throat' SPECIALIST. sug adjusted to all visual defects Uaturrh successfully treatnd , Room IS , liarker Block , 15tli and Farnam 'CURE YOURSELF ! , cV > our Drugt'lil tor a , . bottle ot lli . 1 ho only , , . ' nan poltonoui remedy lor all I . the unimtural diicharges and I privatedlkcrtet ol laeq and the debilitating weakntu peculiar 1 to women. It cures In a few lda > without the aid or publicity ol a doctor. L nt Vnhtrtal Amtriean Cure. Manufactured by k.TbeEviB8 Chemical 03. ' CINCINNATI , O , U. B , * . A , M , HENDERSON ; JtH < ujllnl > od 1UVU. COMMISSION MEnCHANT , Grain , Seeds , * nd Provisions. Noa. 2 and 4 Sherman St. , RoomiGO&69 CHICAOO. n rorllioli n(11ln nf ulilpnientj of ( iralii , I It'll ! mid Klnx Hi'iiU. Hi ( i > ri'ii ( P Cora | { iclinnjivi > iiiMuivrlcaniicliitt > fflvnlloiiulJauki. ! fi Chlihe.lrr1. 1'nclUli IMarauDil Itrtaa. PENNYROYALPILLS , - < sr _ . fi ' . i 'r ! ? ir ciiur . _ * t . Art , . ! / iill U . i Dir , uk Ilruicl.t for Ctiltkitttr Jtupllik IH , utitfllritaj lu Itrd aud Halt utulllc lx t > iiilel vlilitlui rU.lx.a. Tuku nootbtr.u lilnfl / uilutilUu. lioiil and fnfaf ( Jon * Aiprufglill prira44i In il > m.i for | ulKuUr > , D "llrllcr fur l > dl > * , "lnifnrr. I. ; r * I lira / ' Mftll. IO OOO T'llltnobUU Aci * fuftft " * rt kl < hr > Ur I hcuilml Vo.Uudl > ii H mr | Boldly til LM I UiuuUu. 1'lilludit , 4' . 7