THE OMAHA DAILY HEE : ' SATl'RDAY ' , FEBRUARY 27 , 1892. I CANNOT CONTROL ITS FORCES Ooncervalifres iri the English Parliament Hnvo Narrow Escapes from Defeat , BALrOUR'S ' BILL NOT GROWING IN FAVOR irishmen Tn\rliijr'Ov 'f the Custody of tlin 1'nrlii rmld Striinnlilp Owners nnil Ilio New Amnrlrnii Immigration Killing ( Irncnil KiiglUli Jfrwu. / fftn Vorfr Aiwtetatttl PrtM.1 I , fob. 20. TUo conservative com iniisloncrs who nro urglnp tlio Rovcrntpentto dlstolvo Pnrlinniont about Kasler have their reasons enforced oy Iho daily dldlcully ex perienced ! y tlio conservatives lu liccplng cWugh members together to prevent the op position' from snatching victory on a ilivlilon on anything lltto nn organized pnrty struggle. The cabinet can still rely upon 11 majority of sixty butlho unlonlsls , of whom ono-tlilrd doclliio to contest * for Jho Parliament again , will not hang aWn tbo bouso to save tbo government from defeat nt uncxpuctod mo- menu. Tlio opposition members , now greatly inoro nltcntwo to their duties than nro tbo ministerialists , have on snvoral occasions nearly succodcd In defeating Iho government , llalliinr HIM Uimllilitnrf. By the tlmo Mr. Chaplain's small holdings bill is passed tbo house will bnvo no vitality oft for prolonged wrangles ovur tbo Irish octtl government bill. Still Mr. llnlfour shown no disposition to recede from bis In tentton to carry that moasuro. Wilting to tbo Hrlstol Unionist club bo says : " 1 am 'convinced Unit the inoro tlio bill Ifl studied the moro it will bo seen that It contains inu- chlnorv to promote a broad , woritablo system suited 'to Ireland. I hope also to complete. tbo general Hclinmo by Introducing a bill transferring to Ireland prlvnlo bill leglsla- tlon notf tlono nt Westminster. " If this oxprojsion Is sincere Mr. Unifour simply ignores the course of events In every last session known ot protracted Kngllsh parliaments , the dominant faet of which Is that the covorntnents rollnpscd Ihrouuh the apathy of retiring inombors wno failed to support them. > ' ixird Salisbury has informed bis loading supporters of bis Intention to hold a confer ence ot the pnrty on tbo eve of tlio day the Irish local government bill is going to the committee. The opposition tactics , ho says , tinuor Mr. llladstono's leadership , will then bnyo developed and the conservatives will bo cnanliid to decide ou what course they 'will pursue In the matter. Horn not CalirTrli'inH with Time. A close scrutiny of the text of the Irish locul government bill does not , lesson tbo lib eral opposition to the measure. The restric tions with which the bill hampers free action on the port of the country councils nro end less. The Ulster mom bora rojoieo over the powers glvnn to the committee , while the ' morn the ether Irish inombors scan Mr. Hal- four 'a measure , tliu moro tbo bill becomes in- t tolerable to them. The approval of tbo small holdings bill by the built of the liberals will not dotcr a decis ion , a kccond reading , In favor of compulsory powers to acquire land , C Sir William Hnrcourt'n concordallty of ad miration of Mr. Chaplain's proposals was rather Insincere. IIo loolc the chance tot make u covert sneer at Mr. Uulfoiir by prals- t Inir Mr. Chaplain. Tbo advanced radicals attack the bill us using public credit to prop landlordism. Custody nf tlio 1'iirlx Fund. Chancery proceedings nro nbout to open. following a writ served upon Mrs. Purnell mid Justin McCarthy , jojully , at tha Instance * of Redmond and Harrington and others , wllb the vlow to decide tbo custody of tbo Paris funds. A legal declaration of tbo ' chn'ncory court will only assist the subse quent notleu of the ynrty. The proceedings slgnalizo tho' fact that the Parncllltcs have no chance of an agreement with the Mc Carthy lies. Tbo special fund of tlio Irish National Federation , started a year ngo for electoral and other purposes , Is progress ! IIR. The total Is uow JCIU0X | ( ) nml'tha ' fund is growing. The American contributions uro nicrousine. Tbo proposals of Secretary Foster for re stricting European emigration Is being dis cussed ' by tbo Atlantic steamship companies. Tb'o nuggusiod iucrcasn In tbo head tux Im plies increased passenger rates. A biirh steamship authority nays that while the scbcnio will crcuto positions In European ports'for a now class of ofllco hookers , tit the cost of the Atlantic steamship lines , It will Impel Immigration to other countries , and Canada. Tbo exacting ot a bond of fWI.OOO from steamship owners as a plcdgo fet < the rotu'-n of objectionable emigrants within two years , ho holds , will bo luipos- Blbjo of observance. I > lHlll itli Hilling. 1'bo ruling of the United States treasury In refusing entry to animals after April 1 , nn- / loss of satisfactory pedlgrco for llvo genera tions cxcl'.os opposite opinions among the llvo stock1 acalcrs. Ono sldo declares that the export trada is uow In pure bred cattle und that for for several years there tins pr'ictloallv boon no trade with the United States lii cattle whoso potllgroo has not satisfied tlio regu lators. Exports deny that nccura-jy of the treasury , statement that foreign registers have boon established with the solo object ot limiting cross breed , mongrel animals eligible to free entry. They assort that tbo ruling originated In suggestions from the American Importers , whoso utublus nro lull'an'd who wijjh to clear them out. Sir Charles Husaoll , after Mrs. O.sborno plqaiis guilty on bur trial March 18 , will ap pear In'court ' to deal with the ease tinder tbo Hr4t offender's act , which will enable tlio Judges to release thu accused under n bond to reappear und undergo sentence. Thora is & question whotbor the aet npplies In tblscaso. A legal opinion U that , nlthougb the charge against Mrs. Osberno Is not included In tbo net. Judges have povt or to apply the prin ciple. 1'rliifrnn May. The duke und duchess of Took , with Princess May , who have boon unosts of the prince and princess of Wales at Baslbourno for several days , have returned to Whlto Lodge. ' The lord mayor has sounded the prlnco of Wnlos In regard to the holulng of a confer- nnco ut the mansion bouso lor the purpose of expressing sympathy with Princess May. Many wedding presents whlob reached , Whlto Lodga prior to tbo death of the duke of Cluronco have boon returned. Dross- inakurbowera engaged In preparing the I bridal outilt nro soiling the completed per tions. , It la rai'ortcd ' that I'niico Adolphus of Took Is botvothod to tbo only daughter and bolross of Iv > rd liurton. Jnmoj Spurgcou , the brother of the late Charles Spurjoou , has provisionally assumed , tbo duties of ibo pastorate of the Metro- pojltun tabernacle. Uov , Mr. Plerson was the most popular candidate for the paitorato but bo IB u Presbyterian , and the trust deed requires tbo election of a Huptlst Mr. , I'taraon will coutmuo to occupy the pulpit and will probably formally Join tbo UaptisU untl bcromo the ponminont pustor , Major Uruckott U now making a tour of Spain In the Interests of thu Chicago fair Premier Cunovns del Uurtllo 1ms assented to 1)19 ) appointment of a Spanish fair commit- lion. - IN EXCELLENT FOUR. Lieutenant Arnuinltli HoU u Illfh Murk fur tin , Illllluril IMuycm oronmlm. i Lieutenant Arrasmltu was In great stroku last night , and bo set a murk In tbo llruns- wloU-Uaiko-Coilondor tournament for the state championship wblcU will scarcely bo passed. There was a gou'J crowd present when tbo game oppuod. Kcnutou bud thu block , and pluyod a strong steady RAIIIO u good agnmo liu fact a any that bo lias pnl up ID the in tob b.aforo , but U WM overahndowod by the brilliant billiard playing of his opponent , And the good work wltn tbo cue was thor oughly appreciated by tbo keen lovers of the game , whose eye * closely followed tbo whirl- In r apheret HI they darted and curved across the smooth green cloth. While tboro WBI much to commend In tbo play of both inou , the delicacy of the llouton aui'i touch as he carefully nuruod the ualU aoroua ( bo liuo or In tbo middle , III * excellent Judgment of augloi , Eugltib uud foroo , wore the prominent features of what will lonir Hand , undoubtedly , n.s the best enmo of bil liards over PlRVcd by amatourn In an Omaha touroamonl. Several of Arrasmllh's shot * wcro exceedingly difficult , but ho ganged thorn with n nicety that brought forth en thusiastic applnuso. Ono six-cushion drivn. with reverse Knellsh , was a shot seldom eon In n tournament , and a wasso ho' , with both balls In balk on the end mil , drlv * Ing them out and in , received vociferous welcome. These nro only two of several showy shots , but tbo main beauty nf tbo game was tbo excellent position play , and tlio cnrcful advantatro taken of every opportunity. Konlston monnwbilo was sawing and cord. Ing up n considerable pile of wood , as bis score chows. IIo played coolly , attempting no " rand stand" strokes , but executing a number of difficult shots that fell to bis let during tbo course of tbo game. Ho made ono run of fourteen In open tnblo plnv that showed as pretty as anything ho did. His hardest shot was n long cushion draw from n ball close to the rail , bis cue being frozen to the rail. . At the conclusion of tbo uumo Lieutenant Arrnsmltb wns warmly congratulated upon bis great work. The score : ArraNinltb it. 10. 'I , U. 2 , 2 , I , 8 , 4. 8.7. fl. < i , S. 2 , 8. 0. H. 0. 12. U , f. . 5. 0. 21 , n. 1. 0 , 2. 0. 4. I , 0 , 0 , u7 , U. IB. ii. r , . o. 2. o , u. a. is. 2,1. o. : n JJI-TOO. Host rntiH , .11 , : i7,21 ; average , n. KiMilaton-15 , II , 0 , I. 0. I , 11.1' ' , n , 1. 0. 0. 21 , 0 , 0 , 0 , ( I. 0. I ) , III. II , 2. 2. 0 , V , 4.1I.D , C , II. O , 0 , 2 , O.J ) , I , 7. P , 2. , y , u. | 4. , 1.1,2. n. n , 1. nM. \ . Hcst runs. 21,15 , Hj SVOMKC , : i.S. This afternoon Llouteiunt Arrasmlth will plov Hayes of Lincoln , and tonigbt Kimlston and Symos meet , There \vlll bo much Inter est In this evening's game , as If ICenlston should win It will insure a trlplo tlo for llr.'t place. The summary of games played thus far is : Playi'd. Won. I.oit. Symcs 7 U 1 Konlston „ 7 5 2 Amisinlth 7 B 2 tJuliti Hayes MWTII .il.lff/l. I'raspprlii fur Aliitrrlnl lrowlh , That the coming year Is to bo the most prosperous that the Magio City has over known Is tl'o universal opinion of Its citizens. That this Idea Is shared by many otlior.s is evinced by the flood of Inquiries which nro received dnilv by real estate men , request ing information relative to the Industries and resources of tbo city. Most of these are thn result of statements that tlio writers have read In Tun Iiiii : and express the Idea that If South Omaha Is to develop to the extent that these statements lead thorn to infer , they consider It a pretty good place to Invest a little money. Tborovl w given In Tun Bin : some llmo ago of the contemplated enlargements of the stock yards and packing house * 1 quoted by many correspondents , and most dealers are Inclined to think that the widespread press reports of tboso Improvements Is largely re sponsible for the praiont activity. Wiuit to Pull Sumo Moro , The Uorman carpenters' luc-of-wnr team , which won first place in the contest at Blum's hall last week , Is not satisfied with I is present honors. It has challenged Nols Lundnron's champion toiiin of Swedes to a pull for the chiiniplansblp of Noornsltn , $ fiOO a sldo and 75 per cent of the gala receipts. A forfeit of $ . > 0 has been posted with John IA Kitchhart to show that the challengers moan business. NiitnH About tlii C'lty. Mrs. E. E. Hopkins Is on tbo sick list. W. L. Norrls of Madison , Nob. , Is In the city. city.Hobort Hobort Plorson is convalescent after a severe Illness. W. II. Lewis of Columbus , Nob. , was In the city yesterday. F , A. Broadwoll U being pushed by his frlondb ns'u candlduto for city treasurer. Miss Ella Woodurd of Atlantic , In. , Is the guest of her sister , Miss Kmmn Woodnrd. Several good game of htuid ball nro to bo played at liurko's court on Q street Sunday. A little child of .1. Callitmn of Twenty- second and H streets is ] seriously 111 with dlphtboiln. The Young People's Social club will noldja special mooting at the Exchange next Tues day evening. A. N. Millspjuab loft last ovonlng on a business trip to Chicago. Ho expects to bo absent about two weeks. Mrs. Sarah E. Hyatt arrived bore from tbo east lust night and will mnkn her homo with her daughter , Mrs.-H. H. Montgomery. Mr. and Irs. A.\V. Theme of Ottuimva , la. , are recent additions to South Omaha so ciety. Mr. The mo will engage in business on N stioot. Mrs. W. D. Holland has returned from n visit with her parents nt Greenwood , Nob. Hnr sister , Miss Mtnn'o Clarlt , accompanied her. , Tbo ladles of the Prosbytorinu church will pivo a dinner and supper today In the vacant building on N street , formerly occupied by Brewer & Sullivan. The Ladles' Aid society of the Christian church will gtvo u dlmo social at tbo rati- ( tcinco of Mrs. G , W. Boy or , on North Twenty-fifth street , on Thursday evening , March 'J. Sumo ot the young gentlemen ot tbo citv are making an nlTort to organize n bloycla club. Considering the usual condition of South Omaha streets their courugo merits commendation. A meeting of the First ward democrats has been called ut Plvonka's hall , on Twenty- fourth ft root , for next Tuesday evening. The object of the mooting Is to organize a First Ward Uoniocrulla club. Henry Ditzon , deputy city clerk , was as saulted by some unknown man while cross ing the stockyards tracks late Thursday night , . Kohbory ts .supposed to have boon the object of the assault but tno thief was disappointed. R. Hi Boyle of Holdrogo U at tbo Dollono , A , E. Crlttendon of Crete Is nt the Arcade. .T. G. Wolfe of Ilertrand Is a cucst at tbo Arcndo , Frame Hunt ot Madison is registered ut the Areudo. A. Barnett of MeCoolc is stopping at tbo Murray. U. J , Milton of Telmmah Is a guest at tbo Murray. Summer Davis of Grand Island Is at the Murray. ' H , S. Jov ' of Fremont Is registered at the Mlllnrd. Joseph Slmson of Havenna is a guest at the Dollono. Colin Hui\tor \ of Cboycnno is stopping at the Paxton. Miss E. Houston of Boatrlco is a guest at the Paxton. John I , Underwood of Lincoln is n guest at the Millurd. F. P. Voorhces of Cheyenne Is registered at tbo Murray , J. A. Johnson of Superior wus at tbo Millard - lard yesterday , Mayor Frank P. Ireland of Nebraska City Is ut the Puxton , John Smith , and wlfo of Blair wcro at the Dullono yesterday. Mrs. G , U. Boechor of Columbus Is stop ping at theMurrny. S. C. W Inters of Blackfoot , Idaho Is regls torcd at the Dellono , J. B. Loader and wlfo of Chadron are stopping at tbo Mlllnrd. James H , Brown and family of Plorco are stopping at the Paxton. S. W. Wadsworth aud wlfo of Beatrice are guests at tbo Mlllnrd , Mrs. A. F. tal ! ) and Mrs.rT. A. Black of Sioux City are ivtlhu Paxton. J. A. Sullfvan'nnd Joseph MoClougb of Yulioy are guests at the Murray. Editor E. H , English of tbo Altoonn ( Iowa ) Herald and Arthur U , ' English of Dos Moinoj are In tno city , Mrs. M. J. Gilbert and Mlsj Dosslo Gilbert of Butte City. Mont. , were among the late arrivals at thu Mlllardi' Uobort E. French of Kearney , past grand master of the Nebraska Maxonlo grand lodco , Is stopping at tha Murray , Ho Is attending tbo reunion ofho Scottish Kilo bodies of tbo state. President GoorBO W. Amos and Director Uobori Wells of the Omaha Athletic club lott Imt night for Clarks for n few days' shooting. Besides taklnir several hammer- loin guns ana a half dotou dogs tbo two ath lete * were accompanied by a couple of man who could shoot , and they hope to return with a car load of duuki. frnoM TUITMIIUY'B : > EDIT/ON' / . ] TIM in t Tiinii i IXTP c"i'/inv 1ELLS A TIlRILLlNd SlORi Oliver Ourtis Porrj Talks of His Recent Attempt at Train IT IS A RECITAL OF INGENIOUS DARING Coolness Unilrr llin Most Trying Olreitm- stmirrn llthllilled by tlin Itohher How tin MilliliRetl tint \Vholo A Ilii I r An Original Itunciil. N. Y. , Fob. 2.A Rochester special gives an Interview with Oliver Curtis Perry , the train robber In Jail at Lyons. llo told tbo story of both robberies. Of tbo last ona ho soldi "four days previous to tbo last Job I was lu Syracuse. In tha evening of Ibo robbery I wont to tbo theater and enjoyed mvsclf as well as I could. About midnight I wont down to the depot and hung around until Mo. Ill came in. This Is the train 1 robbed. 1 watched the messen ger's ' car and saw tboro was a s.ifo In each end , partly under the freight , and ona nearer the door. I know the safes In Ibo end con- lamed money anil was xura tbnro waa some money In the othor. I did not know Messen ger Mclnorney , although 1 had seen him once or twlco. As the tram was ready to pull out I made a circle around the tracks and getaway away out ot tbo oloctrlo hirbt and on tbo opposite - posito sldo of Iho train from the depot. Mounted tlin Our. "Tho express pulled out , and when It reached the freight yards was going , nbout twelve miles an hour. I Jumped on tbo car ahead of the messenger's , as I did not care to wait for him. I crawled ever the first car nnd onto the platform at Iho head and ot Me- Inernoy's ' car. 1 strapped my vnliso to ibo railing and with an end of Ibo strap at- lachcd my derby hat through a hole In the sweat band to the railing. Then I took from mv satchel my musk and tied II around my neck. I took out my rope lad der , n kind ot lire cscapo. invention of mlno , nnd attached thu hook to Ibo car on Iho oppo site sldo. I strapped Iho big fronllor re volver , which I always carry , through my eartrldtro bolt and then through my overcoat. The other revolvers I put In my overcoat within easy reach In case I dropped the big ono. I got upon the platform ratling , and pulling my hands on the roof swung off Iho car. 1 allaehod the hook to the roof of the car and poeliod ever tbo cdgo to sco If tbo messenger bad taken any tilarm. IIo was all right ; and I swung down my rope ever the edge. Nnrrouly Kseiipnl Dentil. "Both hands were free , ntul 1 tried to bold to the cdgo of the door , but tlio train was going fifty miles on hour , and I several times was blown from Iho sides of the car , and once I narrowly missed n brldgo. 1 looked ahead at Iho limn , and could sco obstructions by tbo light from the locomotive. I were kid gloves and my hands became so numbed with the cold that when I drew my big revolver 1 could not cock It. I rubbed my hands for a while and slapped my sides with ihom until I got up the circulation of blood. Wbllo doing so I looked throucb Iho glass pane and saw Ibo messenger's face near Iho door. IIo did not SOQ mo. When I got iusldo the car I leveled my gun at Me- Inornoy , and as I did so ho raised his revolver ver and leveled It at me. Ho ducked hl.s head as I fired and tbo bull grazed bis fore head. Ho dropped bis rovolver'atid rushed for tbo boll cord. "When ho had pitljod the cord twicer and without attompllng to pull it a tblrditlmo 1 fired and shot him ii : the arm. IIo stopped over lo where his gun lay ou Ibo floor ana us ho reached for It paid no attention to my command to throw up his bands. Mudo No Attempt ut ICeHlHUmro , "I fired again , tbo ball striking him in the leg. 1 stopped down , and fpoliug around on tbo floor authored some way bills nnd paper * ' nnd putting them in a pile struck a 'match and , throwing it upon the " pllo of papers , quickly stopped to ono" side expecting him to blao awav and "biff" mo. 13ut as the papers blazed up and I looked around I could not ECO bun uiiywhnre. Oil the floor lay his gun half cocked. IIo had not fired u shot. I took moro express bills nnd throw thorn on the blazing pllo and then climbed ever Iho express mailer nnd found Ibo mes senger bldlni ; in lha end of tho-car. I saw there was blood on his hands and on his face where ho bad wiped It with his hands. The moment I saw him I com manded him to light the lamps. 'Yes/ said bo , 'I'll do anything you say if you will not kill mo. ' Ho said ho was u poor boy and thought a great deal of his position and tried to do his dutv. I told him J bad no intention of killing biro , but that bo should have done as I told him. I told him to shut tbo door. Ho bc un groaning and I asked him if I had hurt him badly. Ho said , 'Not bad , but for God's ' sake -don't shoot again. I'll ' do anything you ask' , " xur niKiit oirtf t KIIIIHIIS Itiillrimd OlMelnl * llnd Homo 1)1111- eulty In Itiidiirlng Itutux. CmcAoo , 111. , Feb. 'J5. A short time ngo the gonori'1 tr.lungers of the roads interested in ICansr niiflic hud a conference with the rnllron otnmlsslonurs of Kunsus relative to the c , r reducing freight rates of fifth-class in that stato. The result was u compromise. On condition that the order should not bo enforced , the genera ! managers agreed to mnlto u liberal reduction In through rates from Chicago to ICimsas points ou such commodities as sugar , colTuo , beans and canned goods. The proposition was to mnko the ruto on sugar lo Sallna , Hulchinson , Wicbllu and Arkunxas City in cents per 100 pounds above the Kuntas City rate , and ou cotToo , beans and canned goods as follows : To Salina , H'-i cents ; Hutchison and Wichita , 25 cents , and to Arkansas City , 28 cents.- Thu railroad nommlsnlonors consented to Ibis arrangement nnd It 'was supposed the whole matter was settled , but the innnngorH make the mistake of assuming that I hey were actually the managers of , , their own linos. They have slnco bonn reminded that Chairman Mldgloy of the Western assoslutlon has something to say about tbo matter , A protest ugalnH the pro posed reduction has beep made , by certain inombors whose lines do not extend beyond tbo Missouri river , but who were compelled to reduce their pioportions of through ruto under the now arrangement , Th y coil- tend that the Kansas roads had no right lo enter Into an agreement involving a ubangu in rates without notifying Chairman Mldg loy In advance ot their intention to pr'ocood lu the manner provided by .the--rules und agreement of the association. "Chairman Mldfloy has been asked.'fp.r , a ruling on the question , and Is expected to give It within u day or two. ' Ilt-iiry VlllarilTulIm , ' * ST. PAUJ , Mltiu. , Fob. 23r-rHonry Villard In au Interview today , said there Is nothing iti tho. rumored consolidation of bis lines and tbo Baltimore & Ohio , and 'also tbat-tboro is nothing In the report that KUUon is to ba frozen out of the New Consolidated Electric Light company. Ho o ns oulybne-tlficentb of tbo stocK now und with ibis Interest ho U hardly lu It , t > o ho cannot bo frozen , ' uald Mr. Villard , Ho added , that when tbo'i consoli dation of the olectrlo light companion was completed he would resign from the presi dency of the Edison company , Hazarding the proposed olectrlo railway boJAveou Chicago cage und Milwaukee ho suld that in due lima proper announcements would be raado re garding It , ' „ Ignored the Annooliitlou. t ST. Louin , Mo. , Fob. 25. TUo Southwest ern Hallway and Steamship association bv tbo action of three of itA tnorabors today became - came practically an inoperative body * . The Missouri , Kansas & Texas roaq4 , through Vice President Waldo , nolltlodtbo association that bo did not rocoKuuo U as an authprHatlvo oxUtouco , the contract having expire ) and further it would pay no moro toward its support , at least o long us its chairman was J. N. PalthornJ 'wno. WoMo sar . Ijftow * nothing of tHJUcrritory over' which ho Is supposed lo rrcsldo. The Mallory and the Cromwell stcaJU'r linns wore not represented at today's melllli ? * nnd have nlso lanorod in quiries bv tclWrthh as to their Intentions , Waldo says ttffi Intention ot his road ts not lo cut rates.nB * a 8YMEDiUJADS THE 11AOE. I.nnt Night' * Onvn Him n .Hmull M-irghi 111 - Dm < ; onte l , There was lA \ > ono gnmu played In the HrunswIck-Ua p CoUoudcr stain's billiard tournament.voUorday , that In the evening bolwcon Ilnrrjj Symoj and Albert Calm , which Byrnes y ou , nficr a stubborn contest. This leaves but .Jtjreo , ga'nos to play , as fol lows ; This evening , Lieutenant Arrasmlth nnd Prank Kcntilston ; Salurday afternoon , the lieutenant and Mr. Hayes , the Lincoln man , and Saturday ovonlug , Harry Svmos and Konnlston , The peculiar .status ot the tournament makes tills ovonltiK's uamo the must Import ant of the entire tournament , as upon Its result - sult hinges Ilio championship. It Ibo lieu- tonanl defeat * ICanniston In this game and Kennlston defeats Symci tomorrow night It leaves the ihrco a IIo for first placo. Arra- smith nnd ICennlston nro both experienced veteran pln > ars , and ibo result tonight Is a guoss. In the game Kenntston won from tlio lieutenant ho bad but a margin ot three lo DO ou , and tonlghl a batlla royal Is promised , as both realize the Importance of the gamo. Arrangements have been mndo for n largo attendance , and a flno evening's sport Is as sured , 'Iho attendance last evening was very largo , and while Mr. Symcs won by a ralhor lop-sltled score , Mr. Calm made him work for every point. Cahn started out llko a quarter horse , and In tlin llrst string was nearly forty points ahead ot Synici. The lattor's careful play , however , together with his masterly * work when a "sot-up" was ocurcd , soon sent him to Iho front , and llnallv pulled out a splendid victory. Tbo score : Sy mes-0 , 0 , 2 , 0 , 0 , 0.1. 10. 0.0 , 0 , I , B , 14 , 13. 0. 0. 1 , n. 24 , s , ii. i , i , 1.1. o , u. : i. as , o. ) , ti , i. in , u , c , : i. 0 , 2 , 0 , 2. I ) . 0 , 4 , 1 , IN , 8. n , 0 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 1 , I , U. 0. 0 , 8. 2 , 0 , I , I , 0. I1. 0 , 3 , H. 1. II , 0 , 1 , I , 1 , 1 , 0 , 2 , 2 , 0. 4 , D , 1 , n , r > , o , 3 , 20. o , o , 2 , o , i , i aw. Dost runs , 23 , ! M , 22 : average , 3.3. Cahn- p. a , 0 , 2. 0 , 0 , fi. 4. 0,1 , J , 3 , 0 , 3 , 4 , 0 , it , 1. tl , 0. 2 , II , 4. 1. 2. .1 , 0 , ! l. 0 , 0 , 2 , 14. 4 , 0. , 0 , 1 , 0. 0. 7. 2. 0,1' , 0. 2. 12 , W. 0. 0 , 1. 0. 0. 2. 2. 1. 1 , 2 , 0. H. 1 , fs P , 1 , 2 , 1 , 4. 0 , 0 , 0 , 2 , 4 , 0 , 4 , 0. 1 , 3. 3. 1 , U , 0,1,4. I,5-212. Ilest runs , 14 , II , 13 ; average , 2.0. Up to date the summary of tbo contest , is : Played. Won Lost Pymos t Kunlston 0 5 I ArrHsinllh Oalin llaycs 7 0 7 Much Int rimlM' ' < ult. New OUI.KANK , La. , Fob. 25. The change ot dnto for the Ityan-Nu.cdh.nm contest from March 2 to February SO by the mpuagctnent of the Metropolitan club meets with favor among tbo sporting fraternity and their friends , but there is a larger dotnand for tickets. Matter and bis backers aim seconds have expressed their wish to attend. Tbo audience to witness Ibis great woltor-woigbt contest will contain morn noted sporting men than ever congregated at a ring sldo In this city. The change of date makes no difference with Ilio principals , us il saves Ihem lo days' bard worn , and.aa bnlb men hnvo been down lo the weight Jorosonio days no material dif ference or nnnojauco is felt by cither men. Excitement OVQB this contest Is becoming moro generally noticeable und much money is being wagered on the result , tlio odds being about ovpuo When tbo Chicago con tingent arrive. * } bowovor , Hyan stock may go up , but every reason to believe ibo 'Frisco boys \vlll bo only too willing to accept. Pools sold today with odds a lltilo in NcodUatn'a favor. . 'nt GiouritHtor. . , Feb. 23. Weather cloudy , track heav y : Kirs trace , nhlo-aixtcenthsof a mll0 < soiling : Ilarthonii ( tliQ-fA.Vfxrlte ) won , Wlzwum second , Klist Tiinu third. rjUeiiovlovo , Kn Irene IJrodle and Suntii Ulf.i.cqlt dr.iivn , Time : 1:014. ! Second moo , tliroo-clehths of > i mllo. 2-year- olds : CnilskoutrdoltithofavorltoJ'woii , Little bccond. Ruth imjilrd. " Tlmui 40H. Third race. thlrOJOn'slxtcontha of a mile , solllmtu llniljtn flthe , fuvorlluj , wpn , Knapp soc6tid/Ottrwootjtl ! lrd. T-lino : 1.0. : Kourth'raeo , soven-olKnths ot : irinlle. soil ing : t ! ostur wolf , Kqrnwood ( the favorite ) second , Umpire Kelly' third. Hour ! dr.ivn. Tlnio- ! ! ! ? . f ' " " I'lfth race , one mile , solllfiK : .laokstalT won , Hohomliin ( the favorite ) second , Question third. Kingdom drawn. Tlmo : I:5i. : ( Sixth race , six and one-fourth furlonzs. sell- In : Goodly won , Ucbaim second , T.iuptilnlii- noclc third. Passinoio , Skidmoru , Kluhtird K. Ko.x und Teddln ton dniwn. liosu Howard ( the favorite ) run unplaced. Time : 1-'TJ5 : , IlucliiK at Xour OrfnuiM. NKW Om.r.ANs , Ln. , Fob. 25. This was so ciety day nt the races and the local " 400" were out In force , The weather was fair and pleasant und tlio track fust. First race , Bulling , flvo turlongs : Illancho'.s Lust won. Dakota second , Claudlno llilid. Time : liajjj. Hecond race , su lln ? , flvu and one-lmlf fur- lon' : : Hob Jacobs won. Miss Francis bccond , Yankee Hey third. Time : 1:0 : ! ' , . Third nice , solllni ; . bovcu furlong : Sir I'lanet won , Put Oonluy second , American Liidy thlid. Time : 1-M. : Fourth race , onu mile : Gendarme won , Jioimlr second , Flr < jt Lap third. Time : 1:44. : Fifth nice. liontU'iimn riders , flvu furlongs : llnlioi won. Ilatrv U second , Yankee Hey Ihlrd. Time : lil4. : ) ! ut Guttcnhnrg. GuTTENiiEiio , N. J. , Feb. 23. The track was In good condition today. First race , mile : Forest King won. Glad stone second , II. O. T , third. Time : 2:00. : KcconJ race , six furlongs : Uttlo Willie won , I'll , to horond , I'lntlox third. Tlmo : 1:27. : Third , llvo furlongs : lla/.om won , Dixie soiond. Sllvoi man third. Time : 1:0. : ; , ' , . Fourth nice , mile und u furlong : Sir Hue won , UoorgoII. second , Virile third. Tune : " ' "li'l'fth race , flvo fnrloniH : Btratoigom won , Hallanit second , National third. Time : llX : ) > { . race , xovoif fnrlonjjs : Lady I'tilslfer won , Graduate-second , Kotnpluml third. Tlmo : 1:11. : _ Ilildil Won Hi" ) .Mat eh. OWAI.OOSA , In. , Fob. 23. In ibo 51,000 match between 13 add of DOS Molnos and Mursbail of Kolthsburft for 100 live birds , Budd killed ( Hi and Mnr.shall ! K ) , Budd killed thirtv-llvo straight. Want th Kxiimilnrii llnmovml. DBAIIWOOP , S. D. , Fob. 25. [ Special Telegram gram to Tun BUH.J H } 1C. Thurbor of Now York , tbo Grooloy-Uurnhain 'Urocer com pany of St. Louis , ( bo Western Tuba com pany of Chicago un.d the First and Merchants National banks of this city , creditors of the late J , 1C. P , Miller , have Joined In a suit against Ilia executors of his estate to compel them lo show cause why they should not bo removed. Mtllorwho wus president of the Uoadwood CentralHailrond company and a large owner of rcul ostuto and mines ut Uoadwood , died In .California n year ago , leaving n will " -which named K. B. Bocobor of i'PKew ' Huvon , Conn. , and William > mllft and Joseph Swift of WilmljigU > niP < | l , , as executors , His es tate is aiiprais/jiiit | jliO.OOO. The creditors allege In their petliton for removal of the executers - ocutors that ihdtf purposely omitted from the schedule , with ItiWnt to dofrnud creditors , real estate nnd imnihg property in Dead wood worth up\vardstN * ; 00,0K ( > . Arguments on the motion to ro novo were commenced lu the county court tfiday. The oasa is likely to develop Homo sensational facto. } lJtii"Md"a Firm. INDIANA ! ' " ! . ! * ! * W | ; Feo25 , No move vaa made today by tinner tbo Street Hull road company or tlio 'strikers to cbango the position each trdo" ? has maintained slnco Iho beginning of ihtf tMko. Tbo company will niako no iiggroisfvineffort to start cars until It has a full complement of men and this , its oftlciirs sny , they are obtaining. Men from other cities are applying for work , but they uro. required to lgn au agree ment not to Join thn btrcot Car Employes' brotherhood , All labor unions ot the city are standing by the strikers , on tbo principle that tbo light Involve ) their cxlstonoo us well us tbut of the Street Car Employes' brotherhood. , Moxlnuu Ituvolutlunlita. ELPABO , Tex. , Feb. 25. Two troops of Mexican cavalry arrived In Juarez , Mexico , today with 11 fly-so von revolutionary pris oners from Ascension. They will bo tried hero. Of tbo tl fly-so von prisoners there are only twoslnglo men among them. Evidence against both of them Is sufficient lo condemn them lo death , and they will probably bo ex ecuted. A brothqr of the Judge of tbo state su ] promo court is among the prisoners. IM'ltrt/ t TtM PIT 1TPV > P \ I'PT'P DMOCRATS SIL\ER \ CAICLS Free Coinage Hen Wora in rt Largo Ma jority at tbo Meeting. GOLD MEN VERY ANXIOUS FOR DELAY Thi-y rrMllrt l > rfpiit fur DpiiiorrnU Mlionlil tlin Ittnnil Hilt PIIHK l.nt NlKht'it ( littli- < irlng Illil Nut ArcMiinplUli Any. Hi Ins Wnsblngton Nitus. \VASUI.MITOX , 1) . C. , fob. ! J.V Tno demo- crntlo members of the houiu mat In confer ence tonight , pursuant to n cnll Issued by uoprosnntativo Holman < chairman of ibo cau cus , for ibo purpose of considering the fol lowing resolutions , which are now published as submitted to Ibo caucus , having bcoa re vised slnco tbo request for tbo call was circu lated by Mr. Hartor of Ohio : llcsolvod. That wo uro In favor of the con tinued IIHO of both go tl mid silver as money , nnd that we tin ) unalterably opposed to any legislation which Will drive either mutul out of Kcncrnl circulation , Unsolved , That In Justice to the dnmocratlo parly and with dueuunslunrnllon of the min eral business , Industrial and ( Itiatielul Intcr- psts or the nation , wu deem It the duly of democratic inomhursnt the I'ltly-necotul con gress to defer nny dullnltu notion on the Hill- ) Jnctuf fron colimcn until tlm question of Its wisdom nnn Justice Is distinctly made plain In ihu elections of 18DJ. Tbo call continues : "Wo ask you further to Invita tbo domouratla members ot the souato to thin conference. " It was a wet night for a caucus or a conference , its It was called , and members catno to the capital rather slotvly , so lhai It was S o'clocit In stead of 7JO : ! when Chairman Holtnnn culled Ibo caucus to order. At that time many of tbo inombors bad arrived and tha caucus was very well attended. KnmtorH Take I.lttlo Interest. If Mr. Hartor thought the Invitation to the democratic senators to bo present would bo generally accepted bo was mistaken , for Mr. Butler of South Carolina was the only sena tor present. A number of the leading demo cratic senators wcro naked during the day if they intended to attend tbo conference. All declared they would not do so , and that they bad enough to occupy them with affairs on their sldo ot the capital. The usual rule limiting speeches in the caucus to live minutes was adopted. Mr. Ilartcr open oil thai roccedlngs with a speech in which ho stated thu object In vlow when ho circulated thu call for the caucus. In accordance with n program which had been outllnoil at a conference between Messrs. Bland , Pierce , Lanham , Robertson nnd ether earnest , frco silver men , the ques tion was put to the antls whether or not they would , iprcn to bo bound by the caucus proceedings. After some little discussion It , was agreed that the conference should not beheld held as binding upon nny ono , and that members - bors should bo free to vote as they chose. In stating the object of the caucus Mr. Hartor made a speech against tbo advisability of passing a free coinage bill. Wanted it Ditto I'lxed. Mr. Bland of Missouri then offered n reso lution instructing tbo committee on rules to brniK In a special report ordering. March 23 as the data on which tbo silver bill should bo taUon up , discussed and kept beforetbo house until finally acted upon. Against this resolution Mr. Wnvnor raised a point of order , claiming that under the call in response to which tbo members were present the resolution could not bo consid ered. The point of order was promptly overruled , nnd no appeal was taken after this decision. Speeches were made by Messrs. Bland , iSryon of Nebraska and Hooker of Missis sippi In favor of Bland's resolution. Mr. 'Williams ot Massachusetts spoke in opposition' to the resolution , declaring it would bo disastrous to the democratic party in the onst'if adopted. Ho appealed to the southern member * to stand by the eastern democrats , who , ho said had stood by tbo south against the elections bill. Mr. Fowl'ir of Now JOMO.V in his soocch surprised many ofthoso present by the earnest manner in which Ii9 advocated "action on the resolution. Ho said the assertion that Now Jersey could not bo curried on a free silver platform plunk was untrue. Now Jersey was a democratic state regardless of the silver question. Ho bad carried his dis trict by an increased majority with a free silver plank In the platform. Urged Delay. Mr. Herbert urged delay In considering tbo silver question und thought that the In terests of the party would bo served by not passing tbo silver bill now. Mr. Pioi'co answered these who assorted that free silver would hurt the democratic party. Ho maintained that frco coin age wai strong with tbo people end would gain thn party votes. Ho contrasted tbo Cleveland vote In 1884 with that of 1S8S. With a liberal silver plank in ISSt Cleveland had carried Now Yorlt , Now Jersey and Indiana. In 16SS with n hostile silver plank bo had lost Now York and Indiana. In 18S4 ho had cut down the majorities in Wisconsin , Minnesota seta and Iowa to small proportions , and In 1SS8 bo lost these stetos by largo majorities. If a free ullvor bill were passed bo usscrtcd that the result would bo largo gains for the democrats , especially in the west. West Virginia , North Carolina nnd Virginia were all clojo states In which the party would stand a chance of losing tbo presidential elec tion if Ibo pooplo's demand for free colnneo were not mot. Messrs. Wilcox of Connecticut , Lynch of Wisconsin , English of Now Jersey and Mu- Klnnoy of Now Hampshire made speeches against the Bland resolution. Delmte < ! rmv Tiresome. The debate grew somewhat tiresome , and as It was evident thatnny conclusion reached would not bo binding , members were In favor of adjournment. Mr. Outcs of Alabama , a free coinage ) man , moved to ndjourn. Ho said that the unti-frco comago men had stated that they would not bo bound by tlio caucus action. Ho had assurances that the committee o , . rules would , If tbo resolution were not adopted , bring In a rule making the Bland bill n special order. Ho saw no nil- vantugo to bo gained by n row among the democrats. It was evident that the frco coinagu men were In tha majority , but no good could como of forcing a voto. A .split occurred among the free colnngo men over the motion to adjourn , omo favorIng - Ing a caucus adoption of tlio Bland resolu tion , It was finally decided , however , to ad journ , by a vote of eight to fifty-live. Mr. Plorco started to Insist on tbo yeas and nuya being ; called for the motion for tha purpose of putting these present on record , but at tbo personal request of Mr. Bland , withdrew the motion. Tbo result ot tbo caucus seems to bo that the silver question Is loft Just about where It WUH before ib'o caucus was held. The silver men evidently bolng in a majority , but the minority being unwlHIntr to bo bound by caucus action. This laavos tbo matter with the rules committee to decide whether u spe cial order shall bo brought In. Members of too committee huvo assured tlio silver inon such an order will bo made nnd then 'all members of the house uro free to vote iii they see lit on the adoptioa of tbo report of tbo rules committee. MHfNK.tVOI.lti Fl.OUU ( WTl'UT , Production niu t II llentrlfteil Soon ' fl Additional Orders ( 'oino In , MiJiUKU'ous , Minn , , Feb. 25. The North western Miller says ; There was very little obango inthp Hour output last week , The week's production was 171,020 barrels , aver aging 23t'.0l barrels dally , against 17:1,7:30 : : barrels tbo previous week , II'J.UUU barrels for the cotrospondlnir tlmo in IBS' ) and 117,740 barrels In Ib'.K ) , The Hour market basi booii'prbtty ' quiet slnco wheat broke and some millers complain that they are getting accumulated orders cleaned out and that un ? less now ones comn in moro Ireoly than at ' present 'It will aoou be necessary to restrict the production , Tun weakness in wheat since Thursday ana Friday has caused buy ers to withdraw and the market is now far from aotivo. The buy In IT was mainly from domtstto markets. Tlio foreign domuud U largely confined to patents. Direct exports of flour last week were 04,110 barrels aitalust ( Vi.UlO barrels tbo pre ceding wceK. London quotations nor 280 pounds a 1. f , are : Patents , UOi bakers' , B7 j lower grades , 17s. Ther Will Tent ( lie l.uw , Rinn Cirr , B. U. , Fob. 25. [ Special to TUB BBK.J The cuso of the Dakota Water Power rompnny vs the Ilaptd City Land nnd Improvement comi > 4ny , which tins occupied tno attention of the circuit court for two days , was practically decided yesteroay morning when Judgo.Uiirdnor decided that the case should bo submitted to a Jury to up. pr.ilto the land In question and assess dam- ngfs. The i'a o Involves the oxpondlturo of several hundred thousand dollars by the plaintiff , u New York corporation , In the es tablishment and operation of an immense Ir rigation system. Thu ivator rluht bus bcnn seen roil and three miles of ditch and llumo constructed , The defendant company ob- Joels lo tbo cnnilomuitig of mrt of their land for a stnnico reservoir , alleging that forolen corporations have not tha right of eminent domain In this state. A new law of eminent domain was paused b. Ibo last legislature which has not yet beep Interpreted by the supreme courU The case vyill ba carried to the supreme rotirl , mid. meanwhile , work will bo continued , tbo Dakota Water Power comppny giving bonds for damages. 31. 1 r I'Koi" ; i > iiiiu t/.s. St. Cere Inellneil to Ttkn u ( llonniy Vlrir of thn MnindenlMirj ; A ITU I r. PAUIS , Fob. 'Jrt. [ Now York Herald Cable- Special lo TUB BKR.J Wo hnvo received bad news from Berlin. It scorns that the speech of the emperor has produced a deplorable effect. Yesterday at midday the mounted police charged au Immense crowd of work men who worn massed In front ot tbo cn tlo hissing the emperor untl the soldlnrs. Such a sight was never before seen In Berlin. The police arrested n number of the workmen , At 5 o'clock last evening the trouble began again at the Brandenburg gnlo , which Is the principal entrance to tbo city. Tbo shops wore closed in consequence of the disturb ance. The Kolchstag and the deputies are In qulta a stnlo of excitement. Last night the trouble prow moro serious. In the pastern part of the city the police closed all the public establishments. The mob mudo n demonstration ootoro the Wall- nor and theaters. It broke into stores and throw the goods into the street , sinking "Tho Marseillaise. " Tbo police came upon the scene und charged the mob with the greatest brutality , wounding quite a number In the crowd and nuking prisoners of dozens. The whole political world Is in a ferment I'Mo deputies are at their wits' and. The socialists assort that the police are responsi ble for the troubles , because they cxcltocl them. There Is n feeling that the emperor Is In danger. Nu Cnlilnul Yet. Wo nro still without a ministry. This fact , which at the llrst blush has a humor ous aspect , shows that Franco is in u worse muddle than wo bad imagined. No pnrty seems willing to lend a helping baud to another party. No statesman will consent to the sacrifice. Altogether the stnto of affairs ts deplorable. When the crisis ends wo may draw the moral which , I , will hardly redound to the prestige of Franco. A snmmiirv of the speech which tbo little emperor of Germany yesterday delivered in Berlin will have reached you , It has amnzod the political and diplomatic world. A monarch who publicly announces Unit it bis subjects do not like bis ideas they had hosi omlgrato Is a novelty in the history of civili zation. If the ompuror really favors omlgra- tlou , why docs Ibo ( Jorman government oppose Itl The imperial speech sots ono tlilnulni : of tbo persecution of the Protestants by Louts XIV. Nothing could bo moro startling than the little emperor's wajof referring to God In his address. His tone suggests that he Imagines himself tno equal of the Deity. 1 should not lllto to force conclusions , but I cannot refrain from reminding the Herald ot the anxiety felt by the emperor's doctors , three months ngo , when I referred to the mailer. Ills Impossible , however , to attach deep Importance to tbespcocb , which has not caused much alarm. To discuss such .in ut terance seriously would bo mere waste of tlmo. But us the ompcror seems convinced that God Inspires till his actions , it Is of course on the cards that some day wo may hoar tlmt God has put war Into his head. Europe may yet beset uflamo by this sad and disquieted imperial crunk. JACQUESST. Cuitu. IXUITIS THU GIKJIAN LKOPI.K. impcror ; William's Speceli Still .the Subject of tlnfnvonililo Comni'elit. BKHMN , Fob. 25. Emperor William's speech , made at Brandonbure yesterday , in tensely oxcltcs political critics. It being bold by some thai a dangerous crisis Is Inevitable. It is reported that when the sectarian educa tion bill In tbo Prusslau Diet reaches the Oberhuus Prince Bismarck , at the head of the strongest party over known in Germany , will oppose the crovornmcnt. The Vossleho Holtung observes that if all tbo discontented lofl the country , us they nro advised lo do by Ibo emperor In his speech , tlio adherents of Prlnco Bismarck would bo included among them. The Vos- slcbo Zeitung says ; ' % Tbo great employers of labor who are dissatisfied with labor , and ngrlnulturlsls injured through thu now treaties , would also go. Nobody would bo loft but Catholics. " The Tagoblntl reminds Germans that the constitution concedes to every ono liberty to express his opinion , The socialists' Journal , the Vorlwartz , says it declines for thu socialists tbo em peror's invitation to emigrate , adding : "Tho emperor would rule over n desert if all mal contents loft his dominion. " J-JtOM Til 10 CONCO. NIIWH llroitKht liy Itcrcul Triiv- ri In Kuitorliil | : Afrlcu. 'Hbu Jama ( lontnn HeniiM. ] Bitu.saui.s , Fob. 25. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to TUB BHL'.l IhoHerald's ' correspondent conversed today with sev eral persons who have Just returned from tbo Congo , who declare the railway Ibeio which was oxpoctcd to bo ononoJ next year , will not bo ready for flvo or six yours to come. Native laborers are incompe tent for tbo work of laying rails , and while labor Is rare. It , other respects the work Is progressing satisfactorily. Certainly when tbo line is completed it will open up u coun try of untold wealth in mineral und ivory. The Congo company's ' officers have ex pelled the sluvo hun torn from tbo Oubanghi country , also from Arruwimf , which is a great blow to TinpooTib's interests , who has still remained at tno bead of the trade. Travelers assert that they hoard good evidence corroborating Stnnloy'u version of Jnmulson's.shnro of the cannibalism nlfulr , and also point to the fact that though Mr.s. Jnmaison went to Xun/lbar months rigo for thu purpose ot goUinc facts for clearing her husband's character , nothing has since boon hoard from her nbout the matter , LONDONFob. . J5. ! The Berlin correspond ent of the Times soysThe : impression created In Germany by Empuror , William's speech at tbo Brandenburg banquet , yester day Is indescribable. It Is felt that the gauntlet has been thrown down and the slrugglo of Ibo government with the over growing opposition will bo fought to the blttnr end , Tbo education , liquor trnlllo and other unpopular bills will bo forced through the legislature at all costs. The emperor's words have solidified the rad ical coalition. The ministers are now in the presence ot united' opposition of the na tional liberals , radicals nnd , socialists , und the covnrnmeut will bo delivered bound band and foot into the bunds of tbo centarlsts. Should tha upper of tha .Prussian dlot reject tno "T7ORTI2 A GUINEA A BOX. " ' Blind. They arc blind who will not try a box of s PILLS lor the dliordcn which grow Uuy , For n Wcuk > > ltoiiincl > , Couiili > utlou Illiorilcrcil 1-1 re r , Mick lleuducbc , uruoy Illuu uud JVervout ullmeiili , they take tha place of an entire -medicine chciL Of all drupn' ' t . frlce 2S centi a boi. Kc\v York Ilcpol , j j Caiul St. 31 education bill tbo Mythological movement for tbo rennponranco ot Prlnco Ulsmnrck will tniTO arrived , anil the deadlock will bo moro complete , becatiso , If recourse Is had to dissolution in tbo crUis , tbo present narrow nnnrlty | ot twcntv , Riven bv the combined forces of the conservatives ntul contcrlsls , will Inevitably disappear under the coalition of national liberals ami radicals who opposed cacn other nt the last election for the bouso and throw the scats In Iho hands ot the con servatives. " I'lrnl rriMiilcnlliil Hull , ICnpurloMtil tsntiii Jamu Uonlnn < wi"M P.UII ? , Fob. SA ( Now YorK Herald Cable Special to Tun IKR. ] Moro than fi.OOO persons crowded the salons ot the Elysco paUco tonight , the occasion bolng the first grand ball of the season given by President nnd Mmo. Carnot. The latter were n superb whlto satin dress , entirely cov ered with while find gold embroidery : the train was of black velvet , lined with white satin. In her hair was nn aigrette of whlto feathers , fastened with a diamond knot , 1'boso present Included all tbo diplomatic corps , celebrities of tbo political , oftlclal and artlstlo worlds , nnd general * , admirals and other oflleors of the army ami navy In full uniform. The scone was exceedingly brilliant , hut the crowd was rather too great for comfort. The ball lasted till S this ( Fri day ) mornincr , Figaro this morning slates that tbu condl- lion of Ibo duchess doMonlponsior , who Is 111 at hovlllo. Is very serious. She received yesterday by telegraph from the pope his npostollu bcnodlcllon. Knuliinil Won't l.riitn Kgypt , v \irloMettltliaJamet > \ Hnnltnlemietil Onto , Egypt , Fob. 23. [ Now York Her- old Cable Special to Tin : UBK. | Heports nro that the ICugllsh troop * returned from India will bo disembarked hero. Also that oilier changes will bo made In the army of occupation , Increasing the strength of tbo Ilntlsh forces. Everything points to n con- 1 n llnuiinco of English occupation. Probably also England wishes to make a certain display of military strengthen on the occasion of the ceremony of handing to the khedlvo the sultan's llrmlii , which will take phieo about March 15. Preparations for the reception ot Evotib Pacha , the sultan's i-nvor ' , uro actively pushed forward hero. Ey'onb will obtain from the Ubcdlvo a promise of a llxod date for his visit to Constantinople , which Eng lish influences nro anxious to prevent or delay. Ills I'ull .sated Him. ICopyrfu/ifrtl / lKll > u Janus ( Janlim licnnett , ] MAI.-M , Fob. 25. | Nuw York Herald Cable Special to Tun BEE.-Tho ] court-martial In the mailer of ibo stranding of Iho Vic- lorla finds Captain Rurko nnd Commander Tully not guilty of culpable negligence , but ndmunlsbos and warns them lo bo moro c.iro- ful In the future. Uvprontril Hegrrl. LONIIO.V , IAb. 23. Tbo government of Russia Has expressed its regret for the ex pulsion of Captain Yoiinghusbnud and Lieu tenant Davidson from the Pamirs by Uusslun olllccrs. This ends nn incident that at ono tlmo threatened to result in serious cense quences. TOO I'UOtl TO C0.11K. ChlllM oniebil Itcplv to tlio World'n 1'alr CoiillilliKliiiuT'H Invitation. [ CnurttiMciUS)2 ) liu Jttmc * Uimlnn HcmitH.l VAU-AIIAISO , Chill ( via Gulvoston , Tox. ) , Fob. 2T . [ By Mexican Cable lo Ibo Now York Herald Special to Tun Uuu.J Lluu- toiiant Hurlow , the World's fair commissioner to Chili , called upan Iho Chilian officials today. Ho was told politely , but somewhat frigidly , that Chill In her present financial condition was not in a position lo take nny part ofllclally in tbo fair. Several wlno growcis and mining men , however , inform tno that they nro desirous of exhibiting , if a satisfactory representative1 ts sent hero. At least 200 Chilians wish to visit the fair , providing that proper stctltn- ship and railroad arrangements can bo made. Tno Inquiry into the allegation that Lieutenant Harlnw acted as a nons- paper correspondent is still progress ing. Hoccipts for the no\vi > paper dispatches have boon examined and tbo tele graph operators uro cited to appear before the Judge of crimes tomorrow. I am told that the inoulry was instituted on the com plaints of private Cnllinn citizens under tbo law of Iho land. It Is reported thut differences have oc curred In the solution of tbi ) Argentmo- Chill boundary question. Part of tbo commission icuvo for the northern line shortly. Other members will co to Terra del Fuego on tlio cot volte Magallanos General Canto will soon sail for Europe to study thu military tactics , iirms and equip ment of thu European armies. ICIerlrli ! Mxlil M < : u. BUITAI.O , N. Y. , Fab. 23. At today's 808- sion of the electric light convention the fol lowing officers were elected : President , Jumna I. Coyr of St. Louis ; lirst vlco presi dent , Jndgo E. A. Armstrong of Cnmden ; second vice president , C. II. Wilmcidlnir of Chicago ; secretary , GeorgoF. Porter of Now York. Executive committee , Robert Mackio of Cincinnati , Abel of Buffalo , nnd H. II. Fairbanks. The convention closed with a reception in tbo Merchants Exchange rooms this evening. Mailed flu , Aiitl-UiimblliiK "HI , HiuiiMONi ) , Vn. , Fob. 23. Governor MoICin- noy has .signed the anti-gambling bill , It prevents bookmaklng or bolting on horse racing In this slato. The bill was aimed especially at Jackson City , near Alexandria , termed the Monte C'.irlo of America. There nro several turf exchanges in Virginia that will have to give un business. food's No other meillelno over placed hofuii ) Iho piibllo denco so thoioiighly as Hood's Snrso- parllla. 1'rom n small beginning tlil.1 mi'illclne has steadily and rapidly Increased In 'V'fpopiiluilty until now It has the largest B VI ( mid Oj any piepaiatinn of Its Kind. nj-iff Its HIICCUSS It has won simply I LstJc I bccatiso It Is constantly piovlng I . _ flint It possesses pnsltlvi ) nu'ilt , and II dues iiecoinplljli wliatli claimed for It , This iiu-ilt H given If nod's Economy , ! ? ' plep'u-d 'I'/ ' ' I'ecnllar Cnuililimlloii , I'lopor- tlon anil I'rorvsi knutvn only lo " "ll > lt Saisapnrlllii , ni , , , i , > - WIMHI tim tun invdlfliuil power of all llm jngiudlcnts used U ictulnvd. Thousands of voluntary \\ltiirssev ui ] over tlio country tosllfy lo womteilul benefit deilved from it. If you minYr fiom One Dolfiar Kj , K2 C To Get "J' In ilmgglsts , 0. 1. HOOD & CO. , Lowell , Muss. ' TOMilwaulcco is via the Chicago , Milwaulcco- & St. Paul R'y , as reprcseiHed on this man. Steam Heated Electric Lighted , ed Vestibulcd trains leave Omaha daily at 6:20 : p. m. , arriving - V riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a. m. v City Ticket Office : 1501 Far- nam St. , Omaha. F. A. NASH , Gen'l Agent. C , C , LINCOLN , Pass. Agent.