THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY , FEBRUARY 26 , 1692. 8PEG1RL NOTICES. , AlVKim KMK.\TS KH ) TIIKSK COLUMNS , /Y will bo taken until ! ! ) p in. , for the evening nd until t.SO p. in , , for the morning or Sunday edi tion. tion.All fiilTprtlK > mint In them column * 1 * crnU ft line III > t turcrllon , and lOccnln n line thereafter , or ilpcrllni * tier month. No nilvcrllK'mcnt taken for Irrn II nil 2.1 rfnlB for tlic tlr t Insertion , Tornn.casn infidvnnrc. Count nbout 7 words to the line Inl tlal" , fsnrc , symbols , dr. , fach count a n word. All nOvprthonirntB muH run consccullrcly. Advcr- tine , tir fcqupMlnR n numbered check , rnn hnve their IcttrM addrcssi-d to n numbered letter In care Of Tilt : ill F , Answers onddrpMCd will be dcllr- cretl ( in presentation of Iho clietk. TjTl A NCI I 01KICKH A I ) VK11TISI NlTToTlTTl'KHK J-Jcolnmn * will bo tnkcn on thn al > eve conditions at the following business house * , who nro author- Ircd tn tnko rpeclal notices nt the mo rates a * can l > c had at the main oflloo ; Foulli Omalia llrnnch tmc ! < No. 2023 N Mrcct I.IMer Mot-It. John W. Hell , plinrmnclnt , IIHi and Mason street * , R II. Fntnsworth , pharmacist , 21 ! > CumlnK street. W.J HiiHliP.i , pl > nrtnnil l.MI N. letli direct , V. K. Snllcrflcld , pharmacist , 1113 Lcnvonworlh llreet , Hughe * ' pharmacy , 24th and Fnmam. SITUATIONS WANTED. _ _ JIATKS U J n line nr t tlmo and lOonllno Ihoro- after. No advertisement taken for loss than 2. " > q _ posnio.v WA'm iiv A UNU MAN IN J \ procefy store or meat market. Not nfrald of > rork ; used to keep books. Address O , < " > ? . llco. 701-25 * _ -WANTKI ) , SITUATION UV A COJII'KTKNT AWANTKI ahatractcr ; can Klvo references. Address 1 * 1 lleo. 717 25 * _ SITUATION WANTIM ) I1Y A 1 CI.OTI1INO A man ; Hood references Address Uoxf > 3l , Hast- S , Nub. till 1 " _ ' -HlTtlAl ION WANTKI ) , A YOUNO A.MKHICAN J\.uf IU years doslrra n sltnallnn to llnlsh machin ist trndu ; 2 years oxpcrleneo with 0 months nl a lathe ; can lurnlfth Rood references ; TJ BIIP * no ob ject. Address A. I ) , llughor , L'lcasanl lUditc. Knn. A WANTK1) , A ( IOOD ( II lib FOll UKN1MIAL homework. 631 N. Itltli street. _ WANTED-MALE HELP. 11ATKS l.'xi n line llrst tluio nnd lOc n line there- nftor. No advertisement taken for less than 25c. p WAN'IHI ) , HAI.i : < iMi.V ONSAIjAHYOHCOM JJmUMon to handle the new patent chemical Ink etnMnu pencil. 'Iho itrcalcst nelllri ; novelty over produced : cratta Ink thorntiKly In tno roccimli ; no abrasion of paper ; 200 to iw per rent prollt ; one Hcent's sales amounti d to K20 In nix dnyn , another fnin two hours. Wo want ono Kcncrnl uitcntln c-ach Mute nml territory. 1 or terms nnd full par ticulars address Monroe Krascr MfK. Co , I-aCrome , \VI . .y til 7.M -iiTYCANVAS8iilS.SAIAHYrAllWKiKI.Y. : : : . -iJShiKor Benlnn machlno oltlco 15111 Donulns it. 1'Jl fil > - WANTHI ) . FlltS l'-ULASS MACHINIST. > ln\l8 ) \ Omulll. ' ) 'IO JIVK 1J-1'OIITHA1T AHTIbTS WANTKI ( 'J Jour electric Unlit prints a trial. KrccWor I'or- trait Co. , Ware block , Omaha M13 1SALK3MKN WANTKI ) , HOOM 17 , WAUK IIMC 3" ] WANTKI ) , MACIIINlh'lS ' 1O ICKKI' AWAY from Indianapolis , Ind. , as there Is a utrlko thenJ. . J. l.nml ) , ( i , K. Hoard. M5JI26' O -WANTKDAN KNKHIJKTIC MAN IN A NP.W 4'l ( line of soliciting Call or address N Y. Ufa ' ; . I001H32I. MIA07 * > -WA.STKI ) , AFCIHKMAN FOll OUH 1101I.KH 'shiii | ; mine but u skilled bollcrmakcr need apply. I'rkmnnt 1'uuudry and i Machlno Co. , Fremont , Nou. 1,71 25' r > -WANTKD. TWO ( IOOD 1ILACKSMITUS MUST J buo Kootl reliable men nnd workmen , capable of doliiK "II kinds Kuneral Job work and umor.iliiiul ! Jilow nork well. 1C in II bnlKKH , O'Neill , Neb. i 74 1M * Tfi HAUNKSSMAKISUH WANTKI ) AT FALLS JClty , Neb. ( Two whocan run a 5 "Plerson ma- .chine . , ) oy Henry Caso. 700 I B-WANTKI ) AT ONCIJ , 2i HAIlNESaMAKHUS on IlKbt and heavy harness. To KOOd men will plvo sternly omplo > ment the jear around. Iho Konanlr bnddlory Co. , bt. Paul , Minn. OifJ-l 0 -WANTKO-A ( IOOD HAH11KU ; VIOL1NUST preferred. Address HOT M , Alnsworth , Neb M70U27' B POIIEMAN FOU US. OOOD HALAIIY. AP pllennts wlro us. Southern California Tracker Co. . AniiOloa , California. M7I027 B-WANTKI ) , YOUNO MAN WITH ONK OK two years' experience at barbcrlnK. Addrcm Win. ailillinu , Alma , Neb. 7l'.l .V PKIlMANENTOKFirK ASSISTANT. KITIIKK sex ; salary f75U ; faro paid hero. Kncloso rofcr- oncu and HOIaddroE ! > i > d stamped ouvoloio. ) U. Jonca , cecrclury , ChlciiKO. . M7 526 * T1-OOD ! STEADY MAN WANTKI ) AT ONCIC ; J miiHt bo neal appearlnu and haven fnlr educa tion. Apply with rofercncu at t > & ) Paxtun block , .After Un. ui. M73T-2l > * WANTED--FEMALE HELP. KATKS lie a line llrnt tlmo anil lOc a line there after. No advcrllsoment taken for less than 25c C-tiOOD GIHL I-Oil OKNHHAL HOUaKWOHK. Apply at J , A. Johnson. VHhl Capital ttvu. 417 ' /1-WANTISD , ailll. FOU (5KNKKAL "lYoUSE- -V/work ; must bo good cook ; German preferred ; two In family , 27' > U Howard it. M&U ' p-LADlHS , DOOUKWOHK AT YOUIl HOMES ; v casy antl tntcrosllni : ; day or ovenlnff ; nocxuer- lencc , no cuiivusnlnK : coed pay. Address nlth stomp , Iloi-ton Aqiiurullo Art Co. , 48 Winter street , lioslun , Mans. M5S5 M5- rri-WANTKD , aim , FOU SMALL FAMILY. K uvyqulio atniI2 WoolMorlh avenue. MbI2 ' / 1 WANTED ACHIL KOH QKNEItAL V/work forafumll ) of tw o nt 1025 8. .JOtli ave M02I-23 * _ _ C -WANTED I , ( Hill. FOU OKNKUAL HOUSEwork - work ! must bo uood cook. Call at 2537 California WJ - ! ' ; AT 2)15 ) SOUTH C-AfIHM'ODOIIOUhiWOHIC lllh street. I-C I 111 , FOll ( ir.NP.ItAI , IIOUSIiVYOHK : CALL C ii mornlnu. 2iil Se ard. UN ! * 5 * C - ' ) , 3 AI'l'HKNTICK GIIU.S. MISS Allco Isaacs , milliner , 01 S. Ibth , en I WANTKI * . A YOUNtJ I.ADY ASSISTANT IN Ctii ' Krco Kindergarten. Apply after 2 p m. to -n. ( ! ould,2J25 Davenport. M7I22U * - WANTKI ) , QIIUi TO WOUK FOll DOAHD AND mom and learn ilre n makliiK , waxes paid If trade learned. Mrs. II. C. Moses , 2iib Farnaiu. 7. < I2 * jh WANTKD , A OOOD lilltl , KOH CKNKItAl" l. liousework , nanaithlnK , must have Kood refer ence * . Mr * . D. llcnnlsou , 517 South 23th st. 723-25 /1-A OlllI.lNSMAM KAMILYTO DO OKNKHAL v uouscvfork. Cull utttl bouth 2uth uvemio. 31713 2i ! FOR RENT-HOUSES. ItA'l ltd IU ] a line tlrst tlmo and lOo n line there- alliir. No iiitvortlrcmcnt taken for less than 2ic. T\-3. 4 A 6 UOOM HOUSKS , lIOlo J15 ; Ill'.vr HKS X/ldcnco Hals In city. Mead Inv't Co. , 14.2 lleo bldg f-k-l'Oll HUNT , HOUrti : 10 HOOMS , AU , MOD - J-'ern linpro\emcnts , fjO per mouth ; 32d and Far- Hum. Dexter 1 * Thomas T-'l f\-l'-HOO.M IIOUS11. 27TH AND DAVKNroilT , .L/ull eoinenleneea , 12500 pur month. K. K. Dar- IIUK , Marker block. 7-li - > HOOM HOUSK. MODKHN IMI'HOVKMKNTi D-l ft' . ' .V. 2Jth avo. 11. Kallbh , tailor. 211 N. luth. 727 D-HOUbKS , COTTAiiS. ( : KOUMS. Ull N. 17th st. 475 mli- T\-KOH HUNT. 8KVKN.HOOM COTTAdK , CITY 4nterKii and cistern. ' 'IUI Doduo t. , $ . ' 5 per uionlh. M. J , Konuurd'JUt ) Nun York I.lfo building &IO TV-KOH HUNT , corrAOK , n IHW.MH , HATH , HOT Jxanit cold water , larnu tiim room , Jtnlluiiii ranyo , fuitulns , tiood cellar , fuO 00 liar month , I bhermiin avenue. Call ut room 'U , Mori hunts hotel. D - - ) IIOI'SIC KOH UII.ST , 1700. No. ym to. lllh , No. 118 lluncrolt street.M5W27 M5W27 * PJ-TWO VKUY DKS1HA1ILK > XUH ) HOOM J-'inoiletn Hats , steam heat Ono nix ruom , ono Uvo tooui cottage , lei. l.WI. SlOBontU Std street. ili-vj I\-T\VO 10-HOOM HOUSKS , MODKHN CONVKN J lonccs , at IW and f 15. Inquire at 301 N. Kd ( st. MIDI IA-KOH HUNT , BTKAM HKATKD FLA'IH IN Jv'the J1. K. ll r block , corner ! Hh nd Jackson elrreti. They have nil conveniences and are In llbod repair. Call at Her A Co' * . , Ill * Harney treat. Ji7l D-Mlll HENT. HIAM15 11OIWK , NO , 60 IbTIl Btri'ot , In good repair , ( lent (15 Ou per montli , Cull t Her A Co' * , , HI ] Harney street. M7I4 n-f.-HOOM COlTAtlK. HOT AND COI.D WATIIH , J bttli , closet , furnace , beautiful lawn and shade. Apply at N , U. our , 22nd und Miami. 7M 2 j \-FOintKNT , I HOOM F1.AT , VHONT 1CTH AND 'Hickory , 7 8r VOIt RENT FURNISHED ROQM8. 'IIATKtf-l.Vitllnullril tluTu and lOa nllnnThoro- uftcr. No oilvertlsamunt taken for leu thau 25a "HI-TWO FUHNIHUU1) FHONT HOOMS AT Hill JjJIIurncv > tr ( > ot. MUU 27 > If Ul.l'.gaNTLY FUHN1SHKD HOOMS KOKIJKN Jtleiupn cnljr ; nil modern Improvement ! . UfJ Douglas it. 17UM7 * E-t UHNISHKU HOOM WITH HATH , ( ( ! MONTH 1W.I Fnrniui. 17 > XJK HENT. NICKI.Y HIHNISHKD , SKCONI * - / lory back riioui , tultutilo forilntfle gentleman , without board , 1WB , 2Mb strvoL -CHOICB HOOM8 WITH Oil WITHOUT board. tiMlsracllun guarauteed. 2IU N. I'Jth st. E-O.NB Oil TWO WBU. FtlHNISHKl ) HOO1I8 ; modern conveniences ; near motor cart. & 20 NOrth IDIli itruut. MTU n * 17 Hl'I.MNDIUnUiM'UOOJl.KltONTINOL.AWN. AUwlth all luuduru couvvnlunrui. N , W , cor. 101 Ii and Uuugles t. 711.24 F//- / / FOR nENT-FXTRNXSHED ROOMS. 17 FOll HKNT , NICKI.Y PUHNHIIKU HOOM ) lnll conveniences. 2413 Capitol nrc. M707-27' ? -KOH HKNT , STKAM HKATKD FUHNISI1KU ii , tOT Ho , 11th street. - . M6IC27 "FURNISHED 17-KIK ( ANTI.Y FL'HNISHKI ) IIOO.MS , SINdl.ll J orcn suite : nil mo.lern convenience * : Hrst clasi board , 818 South snth ttreot , M2so _ 1 7"HOOMS AND IIO A ft I ) , 113 8 2.VTII. St. 1 111 m5 ! * , . . . _ HOOM WITH IIOAHI ) 1 for man and wlfo or two ladles , prtrnto family ; to week cacti ) modern conveniences. 515 N , Zlnl st. Ml 17-FUHN1SIIKI ) IIOOM3 AND IIOAHI ) . 1114 JL Capitol avenue. HOI 5 * -I'AUI.OH KI.OOH , PUHN1SHKD OH UNFUH- nlnlioil , with board , 5IOi Douglas. 640 tS iJ-FHONTHOtnt WITH AI.COVK , AUSO UOOM unfurnished If desired. 2IZ8o. 2Mb st. C71 T7-SU1TK OF FHO.NT. AND ONK S1DK UNFUK L'nlfhed It desired. 2017 Harney. MISSW _ HUNT , NICKI.Y KUIINI81IKI ) IIOOM8 with board. Steam bent. 1731 Davenport sU - ' FOB RENT-UKFUHNISHED ROOMS. IIATKH 15c n line first tlmo and lOo a line thereat. tcr. No advcrtlsomunllakcn for less than 30c. -ll6Ma"ANY NUMlVKH KUOM 1 TO 4 , IN flals , for hoiteckoeplnit. 1'rlcoi atray down. O. F , Uulti , 311 Taxton block. IM fVi 11ATKS)6oa ) line first tlmo anil lOo a line thero- aflor. No ndvoilleoment taken for less than Me. J Hl'U board , nicer rooms , eoiiTcnlences. rates nnd lo- allen It cannot bo uxcollod. Mrs. Horn , proprietor SOU RENT--STOBE3 AND OFFICES. IlATHS--1o n line llrst tlmo and lOo a line there after. No advertisement taken for lens than 23o. T-ron IUNT , UTOUK , 1113 JACKSON BT KIT. : JL 7 3 T rou HKNT , Tin : t STOUY iiuici ; IIUILDINII , J'JID Karnam street The building has n tire proof cement basement , complete slcam heallnit tlxturcs , uater on all thu Hours , UBS , eto. Apply nt the olllco ofthollco. 1S r-FOll IlKNT , bTUUK , 1CJI IIOWAUI ) . F-A KINK LOCATION TOIl A ( JUUCKKV 8TOUH Cash trado. Address N II , Deo. MUT2 Mi * FOK KENT--MISOEt.LANEOUS. , UATIIS ISc a line llrst tlmo and lOo a line thorn- after. No adrcrtlM.Mnent taken for lent than 2' > c. J -QAUbKN VAUMS TO HUNT. T. tOT J tlitlCK YAUD3 KOH HUNT. T. MUllltAY. V7ANTED TO KENT. K-WANTKI ) , AT ONCK , A TKN Oil KI.KVV.N- room hotiso > rllh uioilcrn convcnloncei , KOOd tenant , rent by year. Apply "O 00 , " lleo olllce . OUt 2' ' ! 1C30H4UNKUnNISIIKD : ItOOMS , 10 MINUTKS walk of poelollleo Address4 , llco. M73427 * RENTAL AGENCIES. UATKS-ISc a line llrst tlmo nntl lOo a line llioro- aflor. No advertisement taken for Icsi than 2jc. IIKNTAI. AKNOY ! ; IJANR U , C. ( Jarvln A Co. , 20b Shecly block. I TO 1NSUIIK QUICK ItKNTINU , I.IHT WITH -Litliu KxcluBlvo Ilcutal Agency. Parrotte , block. r toil ItK.ST. HOOM FOll TAILOR OKSIIOK shop. Ibth and Howard. M740 2b * STORAGE. IIATUS- n line Urst tlmo and IMoallno thcroaf- tor. No uiUcrtlseiuent taken for less than 25c. M OLDKhT , C11KAPKST AND 11KST8TOUAOE house In the city. Williams & Cross , 1214 Uarney. WANTED-TO BUY. 11ATK3 15o a line llrst tlmo ana lOo a line thoro- after. No advertisement taken for lens than 2oc , AT FUUNITUUE BOUGHT , BOLD , BTOUKI ) 1 > Wells , 1111 Karnouist 731 T-WANTUl ) TO BUV. 0 TO 8 UOOM 1IOUSK. TO IMOTU ( into vncant lot. Ailtlresa O Jl , lice oltlce. WJ \T-SKCONIJ-H AND KUIINITUIIKIIOUGHT.SOU ) 1' nnd CYC'ImiiKOilt lilKhust prices pulil for Hitcond- linnil KOU ( In. Huston Furniture Co , 003 N. llitli t. i UV ) MSI * VT WANTKI ) , 1'Alll OK SCALHS. 1,000 TO 1..WO 1'IioiiMila cupaclty. Adclrcsa O Id. llco. 7 5 \T-WANTK1I , TO I1UY A LUMIIKII YAlll ) Oil 1 > bank , or KOOI ! opening to stiirt one. Aildruta lock box 103 , Toncn , Nob. 721 ! f WANTKI ) , TO HOY , A OOOD KNO1NK AND I boiler ; capacity not loss than W arm homo po nor. Address. 1020 DouKlas street. M7.I2 .V FOB SALE FURNITURE. IIATHS Ifio n line llrst tlmo nml lOo n Una there after. No advertisement tnkon for lean than 'Kc. KUHNlTUlin OK KOUIITKKN'UOOM HOUSK 0 filled with roomers and boarders In n clculrublo locality. Adclruss Ot.-Mleo , MW > 5 Mi * FOR SALE-HORSES , WAQONS , ETC. 11ATE9 I5c o line tlrst tlmo and lOc n line thereaf ter. No tultcitlxoment taken for loss tlian 'iHa. l-bTAIT,10N , OKNTLH , BTYLIS11. SI'KKDY 1 and well bretl. for * ale or trailo for wild pralrlo land In Iowa or Nebraska. Addreas M GO. llco. JIU06-MV WIlUKli COAh WAOONS KOU - salochcnp , 211 ri Ktlt St. , or will trudo for other WHKOI * . 8. I ) . CnnUcld. U'.I5 20 * I-KOH HAIiK , CHEAP. ONK 1IOHSK , ON13 llKht MIIHOII. ono top biiKKjr.ono iliiKlo harness and Btablc equipments. Inuulro at 1411 S. 2Cth Bt. 1U03 JU * l-KOll HAl.U , O001) WOitK IlOUSi : , 123,00 JFuray'a burn , 25th and CuninUng ot. K. ti. Jester. FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. HATKS 15o n lluo llrst tlmu and Ida n Una there after. No advertisement taken -for loss than 25o 7Wnn Wnn company for Biilu or exchange for city prop erty or Kood farms. Address C. K. Millar. : imi lloo building. JHl.IZ'J Q-KINK Ul'llICIIT I'iANO , BTANIIAllI ) SIAKK , used only a few Miontllt ) , at a siicrlllcu. Vifi Culil- neil st. 4S.1 - : Ni\V : Ul'HIGHT PIANO. 817 S IhTH ST. Q , , J1533 ! HAI.K , HANnaOMK I'AHHOT ; Q001) talker : very t uuo. H'J N. 15th St. , room 1.MGB329 MGB329 * - SAI.K. A FA1HI1ANK8 A t'OLIJ 1IAN.IO Q-KOll and case nlth music and rack for J.J. Addrens 1' 3 lleo , il'13 S8 MISCELLANEOUS. R-HAMILTON DUOS , CAIU'K.NTUHS AM ) builders. All kinds jobbing. Ill bo.ltflh. Tel. 1170 Ib3\17' | > CLAIMS KOH SAIiAHliriSKHVIi'isWAlKS : : ( , JXetc. , iiKiilnst corporatloim or IndlvldiialK , bought and udvnuct'il onV. . It. DAVISIt 2U Continental blk UOO.MIU CLAIRVOYANTS. S AIlltlVAI , K.XTHAOIIDINAHY. WONDUllKIII , revelations. ChuIlouKos the world. Mrs. Dr. M. I.exravo , ileml triincu clairvoyant , uitralonlst , palmltt and life readur ; tells yaur life from the cradle lo Kra\u ; unites the separated ; ciuibea inur- rlano with tliq one you lo e ; tella nhero 7011 will succeed niulln whnt business best adapted for ; lias the celebrated KVyptlan breastplate for luck and to destror bad Influences ; cures His , Intemperance aud all private complaint * with massuKo. baths and alcohol treatment , fvml * ' . luck of hair , name and datu of birth and receive uccurato life . 'liurt ; 1 cunts In stamps for circular ; give Initials of one you Mill marry ; alto photos of same onice 1007 touth lltli street , Hnt floor ; liourr.'Ja. m to u p. in. Come onecomualL and bo convinced of thu wonderful oiuclo. iU'2i Ml * S 1-MHS. NAh'NJI ! V , WAHKBN , CLA1HVOYANT , rellablu ; business medium , tilth III ) N , 16tb. 7M S-MADAMH KHITX , 23 CUM1.NG BTHKKT. clairvoyant nnd truuco medium ; Independent voices ; tells past and future. MAS3ACJE , BATHS , ETO. HATKS 15c a linn tlrt time and lOa a Una there * a tier. Nu ud\rtl cuient taken for less than 2ic , M ilASSAOB THKATMHNT. KI.KOTUO THKll- I nml buthi , scalp and hair treatment , manicure and chlropodl > tMrii. l'oit,3l9Hib.l5th , Wltbnellhlk tl'-MADAMK 8MITI1. 1IS1 1KUH ( < AH STHBKT , L rouiu7WHoor , Alcoholmlphur mud tea baths. MWI ml * rn-UAt > SAUK , OlQ B , UTII STUBKT. ! l ! ) VIJOOK , * - tflDMAI * fP-MADAMKI.A HUB , MASKAUK. 410 BOUTH -Llltu ilruet , 3rd floor , Hit I , assistant. MIi52ti * MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGE. HATKS l&c a Una drst time and lOa line there after. No ailvcrllieuivnt taken f or IM * th * n J5o. Vr-llUKOHK 1JUY1NU A 1'IANO KXAMl-NKTHB now scale Kuuwill ptaoo , A. Uoipa,151J Uooglas. 791 ir-O. V. QKLLENUBUK , HANJO TBACHKH , Y with Hufpoor i/IS N , I51U street. Srd Boor. Boor.VII VII Y-KOH 8AI.B , CI1KAIFOU CASH , A FINE uprlvbt ptano , noarlr now and tauJ rd uiana facturu. Addrati 014 , UoooOlc * . 484 JMONEY TO LOAN---REAL ESTATE. _ _ UATK8 1ta line first tlmo and lOo a line there fief. No advertisement taken for Io than ISO " \ \ r .IjOANS , O. (1. YALllACK , HI ] 11HO\\N 11LK. > > 741 W-ANTIIONY LOAN AND TIUJ8T CO. , 818 N. V * v I.lfo , lend at low rate * fnr cliolco security on Nebraska or Iowa fnrmsor Omaha city property.7JO 7JO \V-A I'l'I.V TO .1. ti IXJVKTT FOll rilKAI' v ) money ; only nrst class security , 2208. 13th. 080 \V MONKY TO IJOAN INnfMI'nOVKD CITY ' 1 propcrtr , low rates. A. C. Frost , Douglas bl'k. IV MONKY TO IXAN ON MNU OH 8IIOHT i > lime In sums of WOJ to (10,000. Mutual Investment Compnn ) . 877 \\r-CIIAS. W. HA1NKY. JI5 OMAHA NAT. HK. * i tildK. City mortKaKcs. Lowest rates. Money on hand. M317 -CKNTKAL IXAN A THU8TCO , UKK DLIVtl. 736 \\r-IXAN80NlMIMlOVKIAND UNIMl'HOVKI * T city property$1,000 nmlupwardfl to8per cent. No delays. W. Farnnra Smith A Co. , 15th & Uarnoy. -HKAL KSTATK LOANS , 8 TO 7 I'KH CICNTt no additional chargot for commlsulon or attor ney1 * fees. W , II. Melklo , First National bank bldit. -COATKS , 1014 FAHNAM KABTKHNilONKY. 7M W-LOANS , W.M.HAHIUS , It. W.FHENZltll IlliK. 7)0 ) \\r-LOAN8. CITY I'llorKHTY. K. NUtl. AND W. v I Iowa farms. 1C , F. Illnger , 1611) Fnrnnni. Utt-M 4 I ) ANSON HKAL KSTATK AND COLLAT- tcral notes and morlKauu * bouulit , Hcod A Belhy , 311 Hoard of Trade. 741 TIT" UHL , HKAL KSTATK LOANS.3U UKK HLD'U 420 \\r 0 I'KH CKNT F1HST MOHTtlAlH ! LOANS , > Illchard 0. Patterson , Ifill Farnnmst. 74J -21 * MOHTOAUKS. MOOHK , A. 401 HUE I1LDO. 735 W-WH.Ii I-OAN MONKY ON ANY KIND OF v necurllyi strictly conttdontlal. A. K. Harris , room 1 , Continental block. MSsI - SCHOOL 11ONDS WANTKD. IU 0. I'KTKHS. V > Wcs t Point , Nob. , 614 0 \\T MONKY TO LOAN ON IMI'llOVEI ) OMAHA property ; bulldlnK loans a apcclnltr. llrcnnan A , Co. . Knrbach block. M7U3 M2 < _ \\T MONKY AT I.OWKST 11ATKS , F , K.VIIr llnius , MrstNallonal llnnk building. M73S MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. HATES 15o a line first tlmo and lOo a line there after. No nl\ortl5L ir.unt taken for le s llian 25a nYOUVANrMONYf If so do not fall to not our ralos before bor- rowlnt' . \Vo make loans , without removal or pulillrltjon furnlturo. plnnos , hortos , wuKana , etc. , at the low est posslblo rato. There Is no unncccssnr ) delay , hut you KCt the tnoncjr on the same daf you ask for It. \Vo will carry Iho loan as lonit as 7011 dostro , Ktvlnir you thoprlvlleKoof paylnit It In full or In part at any tlmu to suit your convenience , and any part paid reduces the cost of carrying thu loan In proportion to Iho amount paid Our oniccn nrc centrally localeil and are so ni- ransed that partloscallhiK on us can bo waltod on quickly and courteously. It will bo to > our advantage to scous before so- curlnir a loan. Ouia'in ' Mortcnuo Loan Co. . Itoom II , < JrolKhton Illock , IJtli St. . noutli of L'nstolllro. M1.71MO MONKY TO LOAN 1IY U. MA8TKI13 ON household ROotls , pianos , organs , horses , mules , wniiona , etc. , at the lowest possible rates wllhout publicity , removal of property or change of pos- cession. Tlmu arranucd to suit the borrower. I'll ) incuts of any amount can bo made at any time , reduclni ; both principal and Interest , thus KlvlnK patrons all the bcncllls of the partial pay ment plan. Call ami see mo when you want a loan , or If more convenlont. call telephone Ib21 and your business can bo transacted at homo. Honey always on hand : no delay ; no publicity ; lowest rates ; business eonlldentlal. 11. F. Masters , U. 4 Wltbuoll bile , I5tu and Uarnoy. 7t7 X I ItOIl'T PlllTCUAUD , II. 3 , WITHNKLL IILIC 748 X MONKY TO LOAN ON CHATTELS BONDS aud city warrants bought. Itoom 402Karnach blk CAHF2IJ' X MONKYONFUIINITUUK. HOUSES , PIANOS. Kcyslono Mtge. Co. , room 2UJ , Shocly block. .11(30 X W1IKN YOU WANT A CHATTKL IXAN SEE W. It. Dnvls. room W , Continental block. 8111 "V CIIATTKIj LOANS , HKNUDI'JT & WUAY. IIU vl'axton block. Wu loan our ovrn money , charge no commission : It will pay you to consult 111. M 8U ) M2 X MONEY UANKI > ON KUIIN1TUKB , IIOHSKS , wagons , pianos , etc. Krod Terry , r < 3J , Harnite. 201 X MONKY TO LOAN , 30. CO , SO DAYS ON KOIINI ture , Ilvo stock , etc. Dull Green , removed to Itoom 8 and V. Marker blk 183 Y KOK SALE AT ONCK A KINK STOCK OF clocks , watches , jewelry , silverware and llxtnro. Will Invoice about fl , ! UO Iteanons for Belling , wish to go In other business. Those who mean buelncsj address N , II , Andrus , \ \ liber , Nob. 72227 Y rAUTNKH WAN'IKI ) IN TUK MANUKAC- turo of brick , builncsi already established , capacity ot plant 40.000 per day. y banks ot clay , 15 acres clay In all , bulldlni ; and pavlnir. b&-linr u power boiler , B. ' ) horse power onclne , Ohln brick machine anil spreads , and all other tools noccisury for a tlrst-class yard : eitnbllhlieil C jcarn and have the trade of central Nebraska : will nell half or all. For further particulars Inquire of I * . A. Stewart , Hastings , Adams Co. , Neb. v . "JO ! l BUSINESS CHANCES. HATKS 15o a line Unit tlmo and 10o * n line there after. No advertisement taken for lens than 5c Y-iw.irY yuiT'i'KFc TnSrV'VCi'ouYTN very best part of Nebraskn : capacity 35QUO to 30O.X ) cans per day ; has made monoy'Iastthroo years : bcstof reasons forsolllng. Address .MH.Ilee. IM Kill Y-KOU SALK , HOTEL , BIIKl'IIKUD HOUSK , AT Ansloy , Custcr county. Neb , Two-itory frame hulldliiK , about 24x101) ) , with good barn ; 1C sleeping rooms ; hotel well furnished. Apply to Dr. J , a. Thomas , Wood Itlvcr , Neb. M20 M'J Y-FOIl SAl.i : , HOTEL , KUKN1BHKI ) , 17 HQOMH. ilolnia KOOd business ; tcriun easy : location best. Address llox MM. Cliadron Neb. M3J4 M3 * Y KOU 8ALE-8AIXON , DOING A GOOD , 1IU8I- ness : Kood reason Klveu ror solllnif. Address Lockbox 813. West 1'olnt , Neu . MJOO Y-KOIl SALK , A K1UVT CLASS Ol'JiNINO KOU a man with a small capital ! i InvetLIn a stuck of Rencral inurchandlse ; well pAtabllshetlliuslness ; KOOrt prollts. Address liot'ln , Onmlm , Ncl > . ' til m lli * V-1IUY TIIK COMMlillCIAL , THE LEADING 1 hotel of llrokcn llovr , Neb. No land In trade. 821 Y'-KOH SAl.lS-KLK\'ATOIfjANI ) 'LUMI1EH ' > ard cheap , for terms , etc. , address Bor u. Linwood - wood , Neli. M49I 20 % Y lOll SALK-tiUKAT HAUti AIN ON ACCOUNT of lckncss ; 1 nlll sell best room Inn house In Chlcniro , centrally lorated , HU beds , run provo It clears from hOto liu per wook'.i'l r' purtlcularn nddrosi Win. I ) . Cook , 01 audUl WMudluun street , thlcuyo , HI. , , . MMl..V Y-D11UI ! B10CK KOHSAIilLOOATKI ) IN TIIK best and moat prosprrnus , section iKf central Nebraska. Will Invoice from n/kJU toJAUUO , Utvck fresh , The tlnu > topciiluK for a Cierman UruKulit 1'urlles nu'iinlnt ; buiilnvss' will ttml It 'to their Interest to Investigate. Adn' ] 0,411 Iloi' Y-CAhll 1'AII ) * OH KNDOWMISNT.jl'OLIUlES In old linn companies , Hcnd ioicrliitlon | A. K. Ilriickli-sby , box ' . ' .il , llnrUont , Conn. ' J446 13 > Y-HOTUL iiusiNEbS IN O.MAIIA WIU.TAY t bit : tills year ; ( an put ) du Into good i > ayliiK onu : very low rent ; Tl , 10000 required. Alex Moore , 401 llco bulldliiK. . 003 25 Y KOH ItKNT , A1IOUT MAIICH I. VtlK HOW anl hotel , corner Honaid and IClli strewtii ; con tains abont 40 rooms , which are furnlshc'l com. idetc. A wood opportunity to the rlKlit party. For particulars call at Her Co'sHI' Hnrney ntrcet. V < HIKATOI'KMNJ rOHA IIHY GOODS h'lOHK 1. In H thriving Ohio town of 12,010. ror particu lars address J , T , Lynih , 226 Monroe treot.'flllln , O , M73cl 2b FOR EXCHANGE. HATK8-15o a line first tlmo and lOo a line there- after. No advertisement taken for leasthou 2Sc. Z-VEUY iTKsTK nLTMJM lXi oTisUTTj-OK I.os A nuole.a property or fruit ranch In tie , Cali fornia. David Jamlusoii , Duo bulldlni ! , "Hi y-CUSTKIl COUNTY FAUMB ( IMl'ltOVKD ) Ifoli /Jslrlctly modern 7 or 8 roomed homo In Kdod rei- Idoiicopart of Omuba ; vrlll asauuiu , llox 291. Lin coln. M2I5 - HTOCK OK OKNKUAL ' ' y-CLKAN M'D'HK : WILL /Jtdko real Vbtato Si money. llorrJS , Krankfort.lnd , 743 y IKYOUHAVK A GOOD Ul'llIGHT PIANO 'm /Jtrudofor lot W , block I , Armour I'laco , Bouth Omaha ; clear of all Incuuibraucu. Address N 46 , lln ) olllco. M233 I/-JIIDUMKNT OK A1IOUT SOO V8 AN OMAHA / attorney for cjclmnaej will take clear vacant lot * or equity In deslrublo residence property : will bear InviiBtlimtlon. Addrcin , U , V , ArgutirlKht , bhuberl. Neb. Il68d VT y-HU.SIUKUIlKAD OF HOHSKS AND LAND /Jn | eattern Nebraska for a Block of dry loodt , clotbliik' , booU and shous. hati and cap * . Aadrew box I0n , Nebraska City , Neb. 253 MIO * Z KOU KXCHANOK. MY UK31IKNCK IN NK- oiaha City , clear , for clear western land , or luur- rbandlse. U. V , Arvabrlyht , Bhuburt , Nab.M&RS77 M&RS77 Z-KOll TltADK.O.NK Oil TWO ACHKS CLKAIl In Newport for liousa ana lot. llrgunnu & Co. , Karboch block. MO&3-1 Z-UAUQAIN , A IILACK SMITH AND WAGON hopfor e lt or trad * wllta a rotldoocoi will seller or trade for good farming Una. Tapi > Uros- Verde - do o , Neb. UTOiV * FOR 8ALE.-.L ESTATE llATKS-IJc a Una nrtt Tiffin and lOo n line there after. No odrcrtlfonicnl taken for ICSK than 2V. NK. COHNKIt mil 4NI ) HICKOHY. Mil } ) fcot : n bargain for Mew day * only , F. K. lar- ling. Parker block , ' . , " 751 iXH SALR-9-MOOHNKU , I7T1I. DOHCAS. SJ X IM , n cottage * . > t blo rnrjOhorsescan bo divided InloMots. Inquirespr m4 es 81728' 17OII SALK. NKIIHASK'A FAH I LANDS. ( } . U. 1' Wallace , 312 Ilrnwit bloclt , Rib nn.l DOUR ! as. In 7M M ODKHN 10 HOOM ifdljSK. HOOD I.OCATIONJ no trad * ! cash barxauil Address O2I , lice. _ _ _ M iroll SALK , A TWOi BTO11Y 1IIHCK HANK /building , with basement , vaults snfc , furnl- turo and flxttiroKl can control cooil biislncns : town of two thoiicand people : | ) vo railroads ; Rood coun > try ; lar i roller mlllnl .throo elevators ; Rood rea son for present corporation quitting business. Ad' droM T. Lewis , I'reMcIent ; Hlipoilor , Nob. Ml' < 3 3u * 11011 9ALK , 1IOMIC8 , ANY I'ltlCK. t7M. lt,2M tJI' ; easy terms ; tnko clenr property an first payment. G. U. Wallace , Drown block , ICtli and Douglas. 750 F0118ALK-400 ACltK FAIIM IN llt.UK HIVKIt vallny. Tliaycr county , 10 mile * wrst of Hebron. One of the very best farnm In tha county ; snod house , barn , nrnnnrle , rrlbs , etc. . ami an abundance of frull , timber nnd runntnit water. Also for nala or cxclmtiRa for Rood lands or city property , n brick pork packing linuso and tlxturcn in Hebron , Tliaycr comity , near II. A M , depot. For particulars In- qulro of any real cslalo agent In Hebron. M3 T7011SALK-20ST07 UOOM HOUSES , tla 00 TO JLjJ.fiOO 00 , 110000 cash , liaoo per mo , 1 house to ri'ntnt453Cumlnfst. , $1000 | iur mo. K. G. Mlrrell' 4512 1'atrlck avo. C7U 2U' _ T7OI18ALKI 1111)3 WILL I1K UKCK1VK1) UP TO -1 Ieh. . ! S for lots 2 nnd S. In hlock y. Lowu'n ad dition to Omaha. This Is beautiful proiierty , hlah cotnmandlnK a fine vluw of the city ; lias li-rooin cottage and barn , line shade trees , nome chorrlrs , blackberries , curranls , grapevines , etc. Alto lot 21 , block 11 , In SU-elo ft Wood's addition to Kant Omaha. This a very ( Icslrnblolot In this rapidly prowlnie addition , has a 4 rnom cottaue. nnhslnn- tlally built , and other Improvements , nnd Is 1 block from electric motor line. Cnn o of nelllim , III hcallh , compollliiK the owner to remove noutli , Illds received on tlie basis of half cash , balance nr- rniiKe.l lo i > ult purchasiT. 'lltlo to above Is perfect , Abstracts furnished. Address Ob'J ' , llco olllee. fAI2.'i _ Oil BALK AT A 1IAUGA1N , LOT 13 , IILOCIC 4 , W. K Selby'g first addition to South Omnha. Small pii > ment down , balance monthly If doslrnd , Inqulro G. 11. Ttsthllck , Oinalia llco. : S3 _ \\rANTKD. 640 ACUKS IN KASTKIIN NKllUAHKA v * or western Iowa , payable ono-thtrd real estalc , balance cash. Address 1,5 o , lleo. MlJ31'2ii * KOUNT7.H I'LACE , 11AHGA1NS , NINK-HOOM housu on Wlrt , MM ) : f l.UM cash. Klennnt homo on rinkney , ffifiOO ; f , ' < 00 cash , balance f.1300 per monlh ; other line humcss would consider stimo trade. J. J. Gibson , UrulXkton block. MT.11.M2fi * 170U SALK. ACltK I'HOPVIUTY KOK GAHDHN- iIIIK. . Good locution ; low prices ; easy lerms. Wright A l.asbnry , and Howard. .MV.i'.l ' 23 6)0 CLKAIl LAND KOU $75 CASH. ADDItKHSl'2 lloo. M74I 2U * _ HAIR QOOUS. HATES I5o a line ilrst tlmo and lOc n line there after. No advertisement taken for less than 2Jc. JLJrlcnl wlus and beards a specialty. WKS ! , batiffs swltchps , hair chains , etc. , ncnd for cataloauo Mall orders solicited. Davloa , HIS. I5th st. , Oiualm. _ 7Jj rplli : IDKAL LADll.B' IIAIll DUKSSING 1'All- -L lors , switches , baiiKs , wigs , toupees , jewelry and hair ornaments In stock , WIKSIO order , special at tention Klvcn to mall orders. 200 S. lath st. 'Id lloor. MJ'.H M20 * PAWN BROKERS. HATKS-IScn line llrst time and tOonllne there after. No advertisement tnkon for less than 2 * > o. KN F/MAilTlMo 071 Mb * O SNYDltll'S LOAN 6KlfICK , 1510 DODtill ST. O. _ /I _ 770 K 21) ) ' FIIBD MOULK , OKK1CJ3U511K KA11NAM bT. I o 8 LOST. KATKS-15o n line first -tlmo nnd lOa a line there after. No advertisement taken for less than Sic. T OST ST. llKUNAltl ) itfUl' . TltllEK MONTHS J-Jolil. pray ; followed lltllii Klrl from liai S Slat at. to I'ark ave school. Heturn to A. U. Hudson , 1I2U S 31st st. nnd rocelvo rondrd. UJT LOST TWO OKUTIKIUATKS SOUTH OMAHA stock Yards Co. fctok valuable to owner only , 1'lease address I'S , leo. < iltev > ard will bo paid. v ; . M741 2G * UATKS 15c n line flrst tjinb and lOa n Una there- after. No advcrtlscmcm. taken for less than 2Jc IJHUNI > GOLD WA'IWH CIIAINt IIKTWKKN Douglas and KarnaiUton 23th St. j Inqulro UK H 28th nve. I pay for ndvcrllnf luent. i , ) i ,72725 * ' MASQUERADEMDOSTUMES , ETC. HATES 15c a line tlrst tlmo nnd lOe a line thero- after. No advertisement taken for less than 2.ic. LADIES i GENTLEMEN CAN HKNT MASQUK- radocostumes at 111 SlGth. Golden Kaulu storo. MANUFA CTTJRINO JEWELERS. HATES 15c a llnu llrst time and lOc a line there after. No advertisement taken for less than 25o CASH I'AID KOH OLD ( JOLD. CA11SON A Hanks , room JO Darker block. Omaha. 751 CUTLERY GRINDING. 3KND YOl'H HCISSOIlS , UA/.OHS. ETC. , TO I1K ground to Uiidcrlanil& Co. . 10i ! 8. 14th st. 75.1 REMINGTON TYPEWRITER JBESTIN THE WORLD. Jos. P. MEGEATH , ICOTi Farmm Street , Omaha. Neb. I'OH ' AIILOI ! COWS AND JL bulls. Douartincnt of tlin Invorlor , Olllco oflndlun Atrnlrs. WaiihlnRton. 1) . U. , Folj- ruiuy 1 , l ! i Sonlcd proposals. Indorsed "Proposals for Cows or Hulls" ( as tlio case may Lo ) and uUtlrcssuU to tlio commisslonorof In dian ulT.ilrs , Washington , I ) . C. , will bo ro- colvcd until 1 o'clock p. in , , Sutiirday , March 5. 18' ) . ' . for furnishing and dollverlns nt 1'lno Ittdgo. Hosobnd , Clieycnno Ulvor , Crow OrcoU and Lower llrulu a onclus. South Diikotn , btandliiK Hock UKoncy , North Dakotn , Hantoo and 1'onca : i Kiiclct > , Noliraska , l''lnndroiii : nuoiicv , South Dakota nnd tlio Crow agency , Jlontuna , about II. 0 milch cows and 409 bulls. ItuKulnr blanks for bids nro not re quired. Schedules ( which will bo rnado apart of the proposals ) showing the number of cattle - tlo required tit the various uzcnclus. condl- llnns lo bo obsurvcu by bidders , llniuand placa of dollvury. terms of contract and pav- inont. and all other ncccsjury Instructions , will bo furnished upon application to thu In dian ollluu at Washington , tlio co ninSssnrlos ( if subsistence , II , S. A. , at C'lileii o , St , 1'aul , Omaha , Nebraska , and ( Jliuviinno , Wyoming , to the publishers of the Stock Oro.veis' Jour nal of Miles City , Momma , und the .loiirnal of llolunn. Montana , und the sovorul Iiiulnn utoiits. The rldht Is rcsuivod to reject any or all bids , or any part of any bid. If doomed for the best IntereitH of tbo Kovurnmunt ; also , thu further r IK lit In mnklnK the awards to In- creHha or dlinlnUh to iinv extent the number of animals called for In the schedules ! also to rciiulru u delivery of twenty-five pur cent , moro or loss , than the umntmlupoclfied In any contract , CKIITIKIKII CIIKCKS. Kach bid must bonpcompantedbya rortlflcd check ordraft on home Un'tod Stutes depos ' itory for nt least Ilvo nor cent of thu amount of the bid , made puyuhlo to thu order nf the commissioner of Indian ntfiilr.s which check ordraft will bo forfeited to the United Htales In case any bidder n'Hrtvltit ' ; un award ohall fall topromptly exccnlu H contract with Rood nnd sufllolont suretlM : otherwise to lo ro- tnrnod to the bidder. T. J. MOItllAN , Com- mlHsilonur. I'lud.'ltM PUOPOSAf < 8 FOR 1'IK btutoa Indian borvolu , 1'lno Hlditu AKuncy , South Dakota. February llth , 1K'X ' . Sealed proposals , endorsed "Proposals for Field Heeds0 ind ftdnrcssed to the under signed at Pine KldK'O Aironey , routh DiiUutn. will bo reco'vod at this usonoy until 1 o'clock p. rn. of March Ttli , IW : ' , > for furnishing unit delivering ut ItiiHhvlllt ) , Nobraskit : 'M.QU pounds seed oats. 4U,00Ji ( pounds sued whiint. 10,51)0 ) poumla seed corn. 4uoo pounds Heed potatoes. J.OOO poundsjisoed Ocrman millet , Ml pounds timothy Hoed.iI.'OJ pounds hluoiraa need. Hald so ( Is to lo urown In the soctluu of r.diintry contiKiiou tu tlio place of delivery. Illddors will bo required ito state snocllloiilfy In their bids the proposed price of each article ottered for delivery under a contract. Thu lUht IB reserved to reject any or alt bids , or any purtof any bid , If deemed for the best In terest of the service. Cortmud Chocks. Kaeh bid must bo accompanied by a certllled check ordraft upon BOIIIH United Htatos Deoosltory ortjolvent National Uank iu the vicinity nf the resldunvo of I ho bidder , made payable to the order of thu Commissioner of Indian Af fairs , for nt least Ilvo per cent of the amount ot thu proposal , which chuck or draft will bo forfeited to the United a tales In oiiho any bld- deror bidders recolvlnic un award bhull fall to promptly oxnoutOH contract with wood and sutllclontsurltlcfi. otherwise to bo returned to tlio bidder. UliU accompanied by oimh In lieu of u certllled check will not bo considered. I'or further Information apply to OAPTAIN OKOHOK L. HOY UKOWtN , U. S. A. . Autlng U , & Indian Agent. F-ll-12-t-m. I'mjioswU for CHI & Klootrtu l.lcbt FUturoa. The time for nccoptlnic bids for these llx- tures has , by order of the City Council , been oxteiuUxl from March 1st. to 4 p. m. Alaroh"A Ibir ; . Illds to bu In oonfonnltii with former udvertluemonttt. TI1EO , OLi-ON , _ rj5-mJ-n Comptroller. * finnilTi BANUAUWOOU OA yuLKS ra tut UUULII A t t andonlr capiulei ureirlbed bi " * * " reKular phjrslclaas for tuo euro ot uonorrbxaaud lich > rve > f ran. tbo uilnurr orK on Iu5 d r . 11 9 par oox GRAND ARMY DEPARTMENT A Monument to Qonoral Grant Favorably Considered in Congress , SOME PENSION STATISTICS OF VALUE A Soldier llrliiR * Order Out or Clmoi lit Church Hrllllnnt ( ; lmrgfl by n HutiiUMir Ilnr c I'ull of n Wratcrn Army Idol. A favornblo ro ] > ort 1ms boon irmdo on tlio bill nppropriutlntf $300,000 for tv inonuinont to Gonornl Grunt , to bo oroolod in Wnahington , Whether the romnins of the illustrious Qrnnt nrn brourjht to WiishltiRlon or not n noble monutnont in his honor will bo built n inonuinont to show Umt Mio Ainoricnn people hohor themselves In rcmombor- nitf their horooa 1'oiifllnn Statistic' . It la dlnicult to etnto with aceurncy the wliolo number of inon in our nrmy during the Into wnr , says the Chlongo Tribune. Wo know Unit there wore 2,778iOl ; enlistments. The autunl number - bor of inon who served more or loss In the union forces is estimated nt u little ever thun 2,000,000 , us there wore fully 700,000 re-enlistments. Some were for on month , uomo for two months , seine for tour months , some for ono yonr , seine for two , nnd some for three yours. Moro thiui ; ! 00OQO men enlisted just bcfoto the close of the wnr , few of whom saw tiny nctivo Service. But the olnlm ngcntH Imvo innnngcil to got n Inrgo part of then ? oti thopension rolls. If wo citlcu- lute on the basis of three yoars" sorvieo toutiuh inan wo doauco the following Uiblu , showlnp the number of men furnished - nished by the stutes , with the donths from .ill causes , the number on Iho pun- slon rolls from such atutes , the percent- ngo of deaths from till causes to the number of men furnished , nnd the nor- contngo of ponslonors on the roll lust July : The figures in the foregoing ttiblo , giving the number of men now on the pension rolls , nro taken from the report of the commissioner of pensions of July 30 , 1891. The number of pensioners on the rolls February 1 , 18)2. ! ) is fully lot- ) , -OOIJ moro than at that date , as Commis- 'Woner Raum has boon filing otdors tit the rnte of 1,000 per day under the dependent - pendent pension act of' two years ago. The number of persons now drawing pensions is about 800,000. In a year moro they will exceed 1,000,000. The other figures arc taken from a book entitled - titled " Losses in the Civil War1 ' Dy Major William P. Fox. The data used by Major Fox wore obtained by him from the War department. Pie estimates the number of men in the union nrraiea at about 2,000,000 , llrst and last. The highest number at ono time was 1,000,000 viz. : in 1804. "Gcnurul Order No. 1. " John F was a soldior. Ho was n member of the Tot th Maine regiment , and orderly sergeant of his company. IIo was every inch a soldier , bnwo and true , itlboit a little prone to stick to the letter rather than the spirit of the law. The.articles of war wore his study his vutlo mccum. In short , ho was excess ively , military military all through. At'tho close of the war , says the Now York Ledger , John came homo , and was shortly afterward inbtalled into the re sponsible position of sexton of our church , and ho straghltened things out wonderfully. On the very first Sabbath fitter1 hlS'ttiking charge we found posted upon the wall pf the church vestibule an imposing document iicadod , "General Order No. 1. " Tkoro had been trouble in certain quarters resulting from the difficulty which ladles who ciuno to church late fountain gaining their scats when gen- tloinbu-hud got in ahead of them. John determined to remedy this , so ho issued "Gdhgral Order No. I , " which road as follows : ' "ftulos to bo observed when a lady wishes , to enter a pow in which gonllo- mon are already seated : Lot the lady advance Ono p.ico beyond the pow halt r ubpiH JUce and saluto. The pow will ' ' ' bo'vncnto'il'iby the gentlemen by a Hank movement , " The squad should rise Him- * ultariiioli6ly\yhon the lady probonts her- Holf , nnd fare outwatd then deploy into thb.lalo ; the head man facing the Itidy , the others passing to his roar , when , if necessary , the line will bo perfected up and down" the aisle by a right or loft 'Couhttft-tottVch. as the case may require , the right in front. ' "Tho , lady , when the svny is clear , will I'saluto again , and advance to her posi tion in the pew , uftor which the gontlo- inen will break from the roar , obliquely , and resume tltolr places. 'Partlfjs performing this evolution Imvo possession of the aisle until it is completed , and none others will inter- fore. ( Signed. ) "JOHN F. F , Sexton. Things wonf straight after that. I'uxt limtullutlon. The installation of the newly elected officers of the Grand Army of the Jio- publlc post of Button took place on Tues day evening at the hall , Past Com mander Walthor acting as installing ofilcor. The olllcorfl nro ; R , II. Stewart , past commander ; J. LongBtreth , senior vice commander ; M. Tossior , junior vlco commander ; F. Sohroodor , chaplain ; Dr. M. V. Clark , surgeon ; I. N. Clark , quartorinastor ; Charles Newman , ofilcor of the day ; .7. A. Davis , adjutant ; R. M. Thompson , quartorinastor sergeant ; George Rout/el , olllcer of the guard , Hull tu Jlu Ilruvo. What I relate are facts which actually befell mo , says a writer In the Richmond mend Dispatch. The great oat cavalry battle over fought on the American con * Uncut took nlaco nt 13randy Station the Oth of Juno , 1803. At early dawn the fodaral advance guard crossed the Rappahnnnock and o hargcd our out post with fauch vigor that they entered our camp at their hools. Moat of my regiment ( Sixth Vir ginia ) had turned their horsoa out the evening before and not moro than fifty of us were prepared to mount , Our reveille was the crack of the pistol nnd carbine of the foo. The fifty men were quickly mounted , formed , nnd ordered to charge. Not a moment was to bo lent , i as some of the onomy'd ndvanco were in our artillery caniX | I was the unfortunate possessor of an untamed Uucephalus that no rldor on earth could control. I had experienced this on three former occasions. Hut what could I do , charge or not chariro ? that was the question. Although I know full well that my charger would load the van , of course , t must clmrgo. In our front was a heavily wooded forest of plno shrub and black juck , thiough which ran n narrow country road. No tlmo was to bo lost ; therefore there was Httlo ceremony. The usual commands trot , march , gallop , charge were omitted , and the gallant Shumate , who mustorcd the fifty , simply yelled "Chnrjro ! " nnd away we How down the winding road and through the dark forest , all yelling like Indians. My liorso bowed his nock , and plac ing his mouth against his breast , I wai helpless , and away ho fairly How. What could I do ? Pull oil the road I could not ; stop I could not. Away ho wont. I looked around , but there was no ono in sight. Wo had loft the others far behind. I know that in n few seconds ono solitary cavalryman would bo rush ing into the midst'of the foo. Oao moment more , and I siw drawn up across my path a double line of federal cavalry. It may bo , I thought , they will see my predicament nnd lot mo through ; it mav bo that they will not llro , but how could they know that uiy horse was running away. They must have thought , the devil was coming , for up wont at least IOC car bines. a crash , n cloud of smoke , and with ono torrlblo plunge and groan my stood foil in the woods , pierced by sev eral balls. How I escaped God only knows. In n few moments I hoard our boys coining down the road. A volley from the federal line , but on ward they went , and 1 , mounting a horse belonging to a lieutenant of company II , who was killed here , joined in. Wo broke this rocrimont the Eighth Now York Lieutenant Owen Ailing killing its bravo commander , Colonel Davis. Then ciunu the Eighth Illinois , and quicker than some of us cniuo wo wont. That night , aflor the battle was over for it lasted all day the boys over whelmed mo with comulimonts. Never saw such dasht such couragol Charlcj O'Malloyt Mural ! and so on. But what was the laughter and merriment when I innocently observed : ' 'Confound it , boys , my horse ran away with mo. " A West fill line ami Ills Tull. During a lifetime of more than ordi- niary vicissitudes , writes Joseph T. Goodman In the San Francisco Chroni cle , I have como in contact with many bravo mon , but I never encountered but ono man whoso bravery was so resplen dent that oven detraction stood abashed and offered no objection to the absolute ness of his title. IIo was Jim Thropo. I know him in the mines of Caliornia from 185-1 until 1800. Those were rough times , and courage was reckoned ns the foremost factor in the estimate of everybody's character. Jim Thorpe had novcr done anything to earn his transcendent ronutation , IIo was never in n fight ; ho never chal lenged the prevalent nnd roudy spirit of aggression ; in short , his most distin guishing trait was his uniform and providential absence from every scene of contention. But the manner in which ho received the intelligence of an allray gained him his proud etninenco. Dispassionately , but impressively , ho would toll what one of the combatants bhould have done at a certain conjunc ture , or how the other should have behaved at n specified crisis , and how quickly and neatly ho himself would have bottled the all a itif it had been his luck to bo engaged in it. This from a man of herculean build and with a care less repose that somehow suggested the repressed ferocity and unexpected spring of a tiger cstabli&hcd Jim Thorpe's status. IIo was unanimously concodoU to bo the unarouBcd terror of the camp , and everybody stood in dread of tbo direful timO when his sleeping wrath should bo awakened. The war of the rebellion came on and the loyal spirit of the north flamed through all the valleys and cauons of California. In the particular commun ity to which Jim Thorpe's prowe&s gave a bOtibo of security similar to that expe rienced by the Trojans in the possession of their palladium it was felt to bo the proper thing that ho should head a movement for enrolling volunteers , anil after much solicitation ho consented. A hundred names were speedily enrolled under his leadership , and Captain Jim Thorpe marched with his company of recruits to join the army , and they were immediately incorporated .into Colonel Connor's Third Regiment of California Volunteers. The winter encampment at Ronicia , the weary march over the Sierra and across the deserts of Nevada are no part of this narrative. At length the Third California was in barracks nt Camp Douglas. U. T. The routes to the newly dlscovorcd mines in Montana , 00 and more miles besot with . I'lum- away , was deadly peril. - mer's notorious gang of highwaymen and other bands of cut throats infested it , but worse oven than that , the Ban- nack Indians considered 'all who trav eled it their lawful prey atd | raided and without stint or pity. Colonel Connor determined to strike an exterminating blow at the merciless savages. They had gone Into winter quarters about 300 warriors strong on the north bank'of the Bear rlv6r , and in the appitront inaccessibility of the location felt secure from attack. Their boiibo of security , however , but doomed thorn to destruction. Connor waltod for the most inclement floarion of the winter , and in January , 1803 , led his forces through a nix-days' struggle with snow and cold and rnountuiti fast nesses dragging his artillery by hand over ttio rugged and pathless wastes until ho finally reached the In dian encampment. Troughout all the arduous march Jim Thorpe was roboluto nnd indomitable , and his intrepid words nnd example moro than anything olho kept up the sorely tried Bpfrlta of our troops. The battle came , and n fierce ono it was. Our forces in that bitter Junmiry wcathor hud to cross a swollen nvor filled with anchor li'o in face of a mur derous fire , but thoyurosKud it , stormed UIQ llolghts-and left no vestige of Iho savages to ovqr again organize a raid on the Montana road. After the conlllct the roll was called. Fifteen dead , fifty- three wounded and sovonty-fivo frozen , Then 'the ' hoiiortl were distributed. There were some recommended for pro- mutton , there was hgioraby ) ) mention of many , nut Captain Jim Thorpo' was ro- primnndcd for cowardice In having loft his post and slunk to the roar nt the first onset Ilcllcf Corpi , Resolutions adopted by the ninth de partment convention of the Woman's Uollof Corps : Therefore bo It Resolved , first , that OB a token of ruspoct and gratitude wo ewe to our comrades who saved our fiag and country , making us ono of the most prosperous and powerful nations of the world. Resolved second , As a body of Wom an's Relief Corps workers , at our an nual department convention here uxsom- bled at Columbus , Nob. , do roquo&t and urge the chief of departments to glvo the wlvo and daughters of soldiers nnd sailors the preference In the appoint ments where nil nro equally compe tent. tent.Resolved Resolved third , That these resolutions bo sent to the head of each department nt Washington , D. C\ , given to the pub lic press , spread upon our record and published with the proceed ings of Una convention. Thn I own .Montorlnl , M. S. Hulugnor post , Grand Army of the Republic , of liumburg , la. , passed resolutions at a regular mooting declar ing "wo are not in favor of n inonuinont or memorial hall , but wo want an allot ment of a farm of KiO acres in each county in the Htato , already Improved , nnd each dependent soldier to have n horse nnd 11 vo or ton acres lo live on , where ho can school his children nnd live with IIR ! family on his pension nnd what ho can rnlso. When tbo soldiers nro all ( lend Iho slate can soil the land. " OnliiR to Winlilnctoii. The following is a list of the ropro- eontatlvcs to the national encampment of the Grand Army of the Ropub'tlc , to bo hold in Washington , D. C. , in August next : W. II. Johnson , George K. Whitman , J. U. Strode , J. J. Buchanan , John Btxrsby , J. B. Sawhlll , .Inmos Condon , Pnt O. Uivwos , K. C. Parkinson. Alter nates W. II. Widdomnn , John Tnuno- hill , W. T. Dodge , J. W. Tucker , K. M. Shaw , D. G. Rhodes , Victor Vifqitaln , J. II. Stickle. "Whiitdo prcchor talk'bout today , Brud- dor .lulliii ! " "Oh , hu tolo 'bout Snmson boat ( to Philistines , mi you know 1 tuosn cry to till 11 it ilc in poor croc hi ra couldn't got no Salvation Oil. " Huwaro ot now remedies for cousin 1 Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup Inn stood the lost for forty years. lln Ciirrlrs u Itnlililt root. When Governor Jackson of Maryland appointed Clmrlos Gibson sena tor , says the Cleveland Loader , Unit was luck , but no one would have felt like placing very heavy odds on his being elected senator. When it begun to look that way every body said , "Yes , Charley Gibson always was lucky , ' and a few days before fore the election , when Gibson himself was asked if ho believed in his own luck , ho declared a most intense trust in it , "Do you have a mascot1' "No , but I carry a rabbit's foot. " The senator wears a gold chain , run ning from the vest pocket on ono side to that on the other ; on ono end is a hand some trold watch. From the other pocket ho pulled a bunch of keys , a gold pencil and a little silver tube , from ono end of which projected the soft fur of.a nbbit's foot. "That was given to mo ton years ago by a little colored chap who killed the rabbit in a churchyard. IVo carried it over since , and you see I'm called lucky , " said the sonaior. "Do von believe in it ? " "Well , " with a laugh , "you see I carry it carefully. " In another week Gibson's elocllon to the senate from the state of Maryland surprised a good many people who had not calculated on it. When the next senatorial election is nt hand Gibson will bo able to lay up'a small forluno by leasing that rabbit's foot to quaking candidates and nominees , providing ho guarantees Gib son luck with it. Our Hottur IluUi'H Sny . they could not , Uoop liotiso without Chum ' bcrlaln's Cough Hotnody , especially for the . children. In n case a few weeks siaco nt the | homo of a neighbor the nttondltifr physician had given up a case ol what ho called dropsy. Mothur happening In , told Iho parents that in nor ininu It was a case of luii fever and advised the use of this cotiRh svrap , Which they did. Hosult , the child is well and tha parents happy. Uhnmcorlnln's inodlcirios nro uaod In moro than half tbo homos la Loods. Sims , Dror , Leeds , In. This remedy Is uot Intended for lunt * fever , but for colds , In ( jrinpc , croup and whooplnn cough. It will loosen a cold , rollovo tha lungs nni ! nrovunt the cold from resulting , , in lung-Cover. W ) cent nnd SI.00 bottles for > | siilo by druggists. 'I ' Hail IIcrTIu-rn. ' St. Louis Republic : "Yes , " said .a society lady the other night at a fiwol ! West End affair , "I have crossed the ocean eleven limes. " The smart young man adjusted hit monocle and said : "Ah ? Boi-n abroad ? " "No , indeed. Why do you npk ? " M tl "Bocaubo , if you were born in tills { I country and crossed the ocean cloven ) l times you would now bo on the other sido. dontchorknow. " The lady figured a moment on Iho tips of her fingers , blushed violently and then lied. Under all circumstances , under all con ditions , under all InlUonoi , Brudycrotjao will promply euro all headaubus. > Clllilcr In tint IJT. ; One of the simplest and most effective cures for thai often serious afiliction to n traveler , n cinder in the oyo. Is that of a common fiaxscod. Ono or'two of Iheso may bo placed in the eye without injury ; il they shortly begin to swell and exude a ] | glutinous subsbinco that covers the ball j | of the eye , enveloping any foreign sub- htnnco that may bu in it : Ihon seed and irritant may bu washed out. Keep a do/.on of those seeds in a compartment of your purse , and they may provo an Invaluable accessory. Disordered llvor sot right with Boeuham's Pilu > Tim iurth : Tilting. A few days niro it was suspected that the lallludo of places on Iho earth's sur face changes. A number of astrouoioorH agreed to make observations for Iwo years , nnd the result hus jubt boon made public. Latitudes do change. Berlin , for example , was fifty foot nearer the north polo in Soptoiube thuti It was 'In March. . This change is "not , of course , a shifting of any ono point on the earth's surface. It is u tilling of the axis of the earth. Mrs. Wlnsiow's Soothing Syrup for chil dren teething rests the child and comforts the mother. UT > o u bottla. mi : KKAI.TY MAHICHT. rNSTUUMENTH ulaoed on rusord I'obniarf 1 2S , isir.'i WAItllAffTV DKKIM O I' Ilcod taCurrloHlilnn , lot It , blook24 , Wlluoi'.sL'iiU add , lolVi block. ,1.Vost Kliln nnd lot 7 , block 0. Crolgliton JIulKlitlti ( . ; . , 'd,000 Mr * ( 'arrlfl Ahlmi to O K Keeil , lot ID und n7i ! fout , lot 17 , blouK 1 , ArmslroiiK'fl tl mid 5,000 , ; l Hamuul I'riiyn und wlfit to I ? .M Uuutoii , 'I lot II. blocl , t. I'ruyn iurl < WO it M A Wliltnoy and liutthund to.lnmcs McOiiIri' . lotO , hlocU J. Ilnuor pluco.i , CO ! ] 1' W Jllrklmii&or and wlfi * to Mnry I'A- llkrf , lOtli , Illfiolf 12. IllllltUVOIIIOIlt UB- Boultitlou uild . > , . . , C.500 Ititclial MaNahliund liushitad lo Aiinlu Hlulilcr , lot. ) , block 0 , I'littcrsdii park. , 000 81 M Murslmll nnd wife to .Waller I'ur- IOIIK , w-JSfcul , lots 1 and S , block ' . ' , ' llutiin end place . - . , , , . 750 U P Kdwiirdu and wlfo to Thaodora nnd II K llullur , lotri , Dlook 5 , Parker's add 4,030 W B Uudnian und wlfu U ) Armlntu lluinu. m : feet of GO feet , lot : . ' , block SOU' . Omullii , . . , i 1,030 U I' Itoed t It M Ftrimif , lotH , bloolrd , ( 'rolKlitoii Heights 1 ,1 , Allco llrowu and hutbnml to I , 1C and W 'I IKJolu , lot IT , Muynu'd add to Orchard " 1111 ! . . ! . . , . , „ 8.500 ItKXUtt. | l William Oilier ( apeclul administrator ) to 'r ' | II II liaxtur. lot IU , block ID , Ilituh- A cook'u 1st mill Old 'I Hainu to sumo , lot ID , block 4. I < uka Vluw TM 'I 1) II Muroiir ( administrator lachuucury ) I to ( lartmoiith Havlnt-s bank. liU ) 15 , > l and 10 , block 5 , DuugsOc IllU'ti ud urtd. Ift.711 > l Total ,