Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 25, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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    ' Jll
rVheat Showed Considerable Strength and
Closed at nn Advance ,
llunlncst Win Lnrgdy Interfered with hy
thn I > liieti fll < iii of the Congressional
Measure fur tlie .Suppression of
' ( 1'nts nnd dills.
CHICAGO. III. . I'ob. ' 24. Wheat showed con-
ildorn bio strength today nnd closed at an au-
vance of He , Cable ne s win not encouraging
i us Uondon and Liverpool were both lower.
' JJut the olTcrlnes were light mid the general
> outlook for tlui wheat sltiiiitlon In the world
< at largo was regarded ( is rather bullish. The
* decrease In tlie available supply , as reported
, by Hradstroet'Hwas largo , amounting to 1,201.-
, 000 bu. last week. It Is resumed us u slroni
! factor. There was also BOIIIO talk of n cold
' wave In the west , l.ogan , b'chwnrtr-Dupco
i and other prominent dealers hud Rood buying
orders and there was MttloolTered and n strong
i feeling ruled , though without any excitement
The trade. In fact , was not larso or animated
t nt anytime The proposed measures for the
suppression of puts and calls excited much
discussion and possibly Interfered consldcr-
'l ' ably with the regular business. During the
, last hour further reports of weather unfavor
able for the winter wheut crop made shorts
1 uneasy anil they proceeded to cover , addlnz
to the strength of the nnirket. May opened
I Ht l)2'ic. ) advanceil gradually to lllc , weakened
I toD24e. ? rallied lottlc again and held stcudv
1 for a time , then went toI3c. wcakonjd some
, nnd closed steady at 03o against W'ic ' at the
| close yesterday.
i Corn wns moro active and strong , the better
( tone In wheat helped and the receipts were
also disappointing beliiB only 430 cars or
about 10. curs below the estltrate. Shorts
were rather nervous nnd covered a good deal.
I while there was nioru speculative buy ing than
I usual. The export business continue ! ) good
and ltridstrcet's reported a dccrcaso In the
available supply of 22UXX ) bu. last i-ek. May
oponc'J ! ic higher nUI'iO und with liniiii-
I turlnl teaetlons advanced to and closed
I ftloady at42l/ic.
Outs were iiulot but firm tn sympathy with
, whoiu and corn and advanced Uc.
I Hog products weresttoiiR and hlphcr , with a
( rood demand and less olTercd for salo. Hie
niiunliiK wiisatyuatorday'i ) closing price , anil
the price advanced slowly most of the day ,
closing at the top. I'orU shows an advance of
12'ic , lard ? ! ic nnd ribs 12ic. .
Kstlmated receipts for tonionow : Wheat ,
IGo carH ! corn , 2UO ; oats , 1GJ ears ; hogs , 2 > , -
00 } head.
1 Tlio loading futures ranod as follows :
WnrAT-No. Z
Kcbrunrjr . 8rt ! < $ Wll i E'.t'f
tcbrnary * . JOH
Marcli. 414 41 414
lajr 42 424
Kcbrunry . . 59 V )
3I ! <
U > SH I'ouit
fccbrnnrr. . . . u m 11 Mh 11 M
Mar 11 75 11 Kh 11 75
1 uLrunry . . . II M ) 6 47
Jlnr OM
l elirunry. f. W ) & ) 6PO f. no
i Mny 1 , tK'i 5 U.'U
The closing iiuot.itions on bonds :
Gush iiuotiitlons were us follows :
I''LOUII Steady , iinchnnucd ; patents , $4.w : ©
4.S3 : spring imtcnts , JI.iOl.55 : ; bakers , M.40 ®
WHEAT Na 2 sprint who-xt , PO'Je ' ; No. 3
spring wheat , MSb. > cs No. 2 red. mc. !
Cons Higher ; No. 2 , 40ie ? ; No. II yellow ,
OAis No. 2. 20'ic ; No. 2 white. HOiic : So. 3
IlVE No. 2,800.
IlAiu.EV-No.2. 5Gc : No 3. 38c ; No. 4 , : ioa44c.
1'LAXHEED .No. ! . 117'Jc. '
TIMOTHY SKICO I'rlino , fl.anoi.i7.
1'oitK ' Mess pork , per libl. , J1I.SO ; Inrcl ,
per cwt , ifi. . " > 0 : short rllis sides ( loosiM.
" .K7S : dry silted shoulders ( boxed ) , J4.75 ®
6.M ; short clear sides ( boxed ) , Jfi.i\
WHISKY Distillers' Untslicd gooJs , per gal.
IM4.Hecelpts and shipments lod-iy wore as fol
lows :
On the ProJuco oxchanzo today the buttoi
market unclinnzcd ; f.mey creamery , 2l.8j ;
dairy. 18(325c. ( Eggs , ICc.
CiiKESE-Unchnngcd : full cream Cheddars ,
: Huts , Il'/i@l2c ' ; Young Americas ,
HIIIE < Unchungcd.
TALLOW Unchanged.
York Markets.
N Vf YOIIK , Keb. 24. KLOUII Hecelpts , 2P.C47
pkgs : oxportK , 10,287 bills : .r .lnl xacks ; steady ,
moderately active ; sales. 2I.4CO bbls.
Cnits MIAI : , Dull.
WHEAT Hecolpts. 160.000 bu. : exports , 110-
& 15 bu. ; sales , 3.r > bO.OOo bu. of futures ; 110,000
bu. of spot. Hpot marUci unsettled , ( inlet , clos
ing stronger ; No. 2 roil , Jl.U.'i' litl.OT'j In ttoro
and elevator ; * 1.07) ) I2 > 1. ON afloat ; Jl.'fiUffil.lKl1 ;
f.ab. No. 3redI.OH'itl.ii2 ( : ungraded rcd.'J.v.-'ii '
I1.H014 ; No. 1 northern , $1.IU ® 1.0S : No. I
hard , tl.OuWl.COJs ; No. 2. northern , tl.02' , ' .
Options : March , opened ajc lower through
lolling on foreign account , other months un
changed , advanced , iic to l ! o on llrmor ca
bles , thodccroasubhown in llradstroot'sstato-
inont , foreign buylnir , co'.d wave west and
Iteerbohm'K dispatch stating that shipments to
the Unite I Kingdom for cloven weeks were
17.t/0jouo bu. under requirements reacted
HfliUc. closed sloiuly nt ! B@liO ! under yester
day. No. 2 rod , Kebruary. 8IOGI.VOU. closing
ut * 1.0U : March. { | .05U1,00 , closing at .
April. tl.O'iUQl.Oa closluir at 11.05V ; May.JI.03 > !
tol.04 ? , , closing at ( l.04j ; June , * 1.01Jitl.02y ( ,
closing atlJ2i ( : July , W > ic JI.OJu' , clojlnn ut ) ; August , uiW..8io. ; ! closing at08c. !
UVK Dull and lower : western , OJ iatWo.
HAHI.EY Dull and irrogulur ; No. 2. Mll-
wnukec , CNilTUo.
H A in. KV MAI.T Dull.
CoilN Keiolpts. 81.475 bu. ; exports , 128,346
bu. ; salrs , 040.UJU bu. futures ; I5H.OOO bu spot
Hnot. higher , llrm , moderately acttvo ; No. 2 ,
4U,1iiC404C ( ! : in elevator ; n ® 50Uo alloat ; nil-
Kriutcd inlNcd. 4Ti5i.-il'e ! ; No. 3 , 48UU4S o :
steamer mixed , 4SS4i40. ! ' c. Options advaneud
> .Si7ic. closing llrmcr on lirmer CNbles , small
receipts and nnllclp.itod light receipts ; Keb
ruary , 4SVSIU1.JO , closing , 41140 ; March , 41X3
4 < ) ' 4c , closing , 40 > o ; April , 40 < tW.o > ic. closing
& 0hjc ; May , 4UiB4i ! ( c , closing 4 > JUu ; July , mi
40Uc. oloslnu. 40Uo.
OATB-ltocolptv , 38.051 bu.j exports , ZO.a'i !
bu. ; sales. 025,000 hu , futures. 03otK ) bu. spot :
spot market stronger and moJeratnly nctlvui
options , dull , firmer : February , ; m'iu : March ,
UOlio : closing , 30Wei May , 371l-10Oi7ic. ! clos'
lng,37'4o : No. 2 white , : w'i33io ! ; mixed wubt-
urn , 3XJi37 ! ic.
lloi'K Qjllllt.
faiiOAit Itaw. steady , fair nomand ; sales , 27 (
hhds. and 2,010 bass muscovado 8U test , ilc , tc
I'hlladelphlii nd 3.000 bags molasses sugar , 3 !
teat , 2Jc , to Now York ; refined , steady am
Moi.ARHks Koroign and New Orleans , qulo' '
and eteiidy ,
HICK Sutady and iiilut ) ; 4'j ® Uc.
I'KTltoi.KUM Ilusy ; crude. In barrels , Parlir's
15.75 ; crude. In bulk , "J.I/.5J United closed a
& 8he for March.
COTTON MSKl ) Oil. Btllliay.
TAI.I.OW Klrm ; city , 4 li-24o.
KOSIN Steady ,
buns Kulrdcmaud ; state and Pennsylvania
He : weatorn , IH o ; receipts , 5,701 packages.
llinm-fiteady and iiulot
I'oiiK Quiet and steady ; menu , f0.7510.15
extra prime , tlO.00.
CUT MEATH Quiet ana stonily ; pickled bol
lies. tdW : ploklud uhuulders , (5.0J ; ploulohanu
Hi. Ws mldd'un , dull ; Bhort clear , fO.70.
LAUD- Firmer , iiulot : wohtern Eteam , 13.80
Bales , 500 tlercon ; option miles , 50U tlorcea
Kobriiary. K\'H , closing ffi.70 ; March , fab
asked ; May. tf.00 bid ; July , 17,04 bid ,
UUTTKit Moderate demand , steady : west
ern dairy. lft&23o ; western creamery I'liJiOHu
western factory. IGft23o ; Elgin , UOWJuho.
CiiEesE Kulr demand , Jlrmj purl skims , W
PK'I Iiin.t Dull and steady ; Anierloaii
Coi'i'Kii-Qulct nnd weak ; It Wo , flO.503
I.HAD Quiet and firm ; domettlc , 11.20.
Tl Dull and weak ; strultu. IIO.OU.
Oiuuliu 1'roiluce Muikut.
KlttilTS California riverside oranges , t,2Vi
7.U5 ; Washington naveU , IJ.5xil'J.75 ( ; Callfornl
tangerlnei. MOO pnr box : Klorlda ormiiies.
brlghts. Ulio : ruisou.tIGOWJ.75 ; riorldn tan
gerlnou. f-l.50414.00 , Imlf box us ; wcsturn apple :
crapes , per bbl , , f3.0X20.0) ( : bauuuus , jratuc
12.tW2.60 ; crunborrlui. $ d&OQ97.00.
VEIHSTAHI.KB California onbbago , 2Uu pc
Ib. In crates ; homo grown lettuce , 45o pc
doz. ; potatoes , dull ; California caullllowo
12.00 ; ontoni. hJcCiJI 00 per bu , : NubrunkH ban
picked beuna , fl.lKK22.00 ; medium. fI..VXdl.7 :
i-clory , 3 ( [ fi40oi uwcet potatoes , t2,2.VS . & 0.
I'wuu Omiibtt Milling company's ItclUnc
1'iitont , tl60 ; Invlnolblo Patent. f..4Ji I.on
htarHuporluth . I-.W ! tinowllako , tl.K5 ; VHUO
Knmlly , 11.73 : a K. Oilman' * ( iuhl Medul. * iv
fcnow White , -.25i Kuowlluke , ( . ' .00 ; low uradi
ll.03 | Qucun of the Pantry. ti V
HIPICNO I green Halted hides. 4UG4Ui
Ko.Screen nailed hldeu , IKTWHo ; NO , l greo
alted lildca , 23 to 40 Ibi. , 4WC41ic ! No.2 grce
altcd hides , 25 to 41 Ibs , : Mji' : ' < c ; Na I vent
alf , 8 to 15 Ibs . Ac ; No. 3 vnixl onlf. 6 c5 ! Ibs. .
c ; No. 1 dry nint hides. 74Woi No. 2 lry Hint
ihlm. 5ilOc : No. IdrysnlltMl tilde * . ftfiMo. Tnl-
ow. No. I , 3'itlilc ' ! tallow. No. ' . ' . 34c : grcnso ,
Thlto A , 4c ; grease , white II , : ii'iW ! > ic : srot o.
ollow , 'k : grease , dark. 24c | ! old milter , 2Tt
He : beeswax , nrlmo , fa" rough tallow , I ! SS.'c.
PotJIvritv t'blckens sciircp. peed stock , lOc :
cese , ducks and turkeys , llf&r-'e.
UUTTSII I'lio best I'ountry roll is selling to
he retail traito In n small way M lUtuV.'Ou ;
hipping stock. 1M % 7 ( .
ll AI Nlnrkut lint , fl.wavoo per ton.
I.Cdfl-Gcncnilly selling at I4o.
ST. loui . Mo. 1'ob. 24. I't.otin lln-
hnngrd ; family , ft.oo.125 ; choice. U3J
® : i fl ! fancy , } J , 0V. > . ' > : pulcnts , MJvai.Ki.
WIIKAT Advanced under favorable In-
uenccs and cUxod about le above yesterday ;
No. 2 red , cash , lc ; May cloicd Hi5Uc'J" ' > .He ;
uly. ss.JM ; < > ic.
COIIN l.iko , ndvnncod and closed 'So
ibove yi-storclay ; No. 'i cash , ItOiiO-'iajgo ;
lurch , Ja > ( c ; May. OT'uft'BUo. '
OATj-lllRlicn No. 2cash,30So ! ; May , 31'ic.
llVB No K lies.
llAiit.EV Qiiioti sample lots Minnesota , u8c.
IlltAN Nominal
llAV-iaslcr : ; timothy. MMHMS.50 : pralrlo.
? .5'Jffl9.00.
LEAD bteady atf Uk > .
KiA.x < r.Ki > Mrin ntOJo
ItiiTTEit Hotter ; creamery , 24l2Sol dairy ,
5 25c.
KOIH Quiet at lie.
Cou.s MiiAi.-l'Irm nt JilO.
WIIIBKV bteady at JI.I4. Quiet at AWTUc.
IltON COTTON Tirtf-lfl.20iJl.25.
I'novlHloNS Klrmer.
1'oitK tll.HiH for now ; fO.25 for old.
LAIllt-fl.2 : > ® ' ! .3) ) .
Ditv SALT MEATS Loose lots , shoulders ,
1400 ! lon.'s and ribs. fVO s shorts , 10,10.
llAO'i.s Shoulders. tJ.37 ! { ; longs and rlbn ,
H..MKBn.f.S ! ; shorts , WROaii.55 ; hams. f.0i ) ® 10.50.
UncBiPTS-Kloui , 5.00J Ibs. ; wheat , : , OJO bu. ;
corn. 174,000 bu.-.oati , 2H.OOObu. : rye. 4,000bu. ;
barlov , 7,000 b\l
SillfMKNTS-Klour. 13.0JO Ibs. : wheat , O'.ODO
in. ; corn. 35'iojO ' bn.i oats. 44,000 bu. ; rye ,
> , ooj bu.i barley , G.OJO bu.
COTTON Sto.idy ; inlddlliiKs. 0 0-lCc ; sales ,
> )0 ) bales ; receipts , 1,400 ; shipments , 500 ;
took. 133,000 bales.
Wooir-ltecolptB , 2.001 Ibs. : sli'usneats ' , 160-
000 ; inarKot quiet and unchanged.
flmalm ( iruln Atiirltot.
Prices based on delivery at Mississippi river
mints , Inspuatlou , nnd tun days'
liniment , unless othorwisti state : ! . Cash grain
alls for ship iiont within live Hays
WIIBAT--NO. 2 spring , 83u bid ; No. 3 spring.
5c.HvENo. . 2. 855o ! bid ; Louisville terms. No.
, SJo bid
OATS-NO. 2 wh te,3limc : ! No. 3 whltc,30Jfc ;
No. 2 mixed , : ioMc.
COIIN No. 2 , o7ci No. 3 or bettor. 360'lTc.
Among the sales were : lOO.OUO No. 3 or bettor
corn , llurilngton terms. 37c ; W.IXW No. 2 , St.
-ouls terms , 30 days.i7c : : 40,000 No. 3 or better ,
'ubruary and March , -,7o : 5 ears No. 2 , Louls-
vlllu terms. 37c ; n.wOO same , Omaha terms. : i"c ;
,000 sumo. LoillsIllu terms. 37c ; 5.000 No. 3 or
letter. 'Ki'io : 10,000 same , KG.'jo ; 10.000 No 3 or
letter , 3) days. 3G'o : 5.000 same , 37c : 15.00J
ami ; . 37c5lOO ; No. 2 white oatR,3Ic ; fl.0.0 same ,
Ic ; fl.OOO same. 314e ! ; 5.000 No. 3 whlto oats ,
JJ'.iC ; 5uOO No. 2 mixed o.kts. IIO' ' c.
The amount of grain changing h.inds was
ar o , and the market active and excited.
Kansas City Markets.
KANSAS Cirv. Mo. . Kub. 21 Ki.onn
if good demand. ( Inn ; patents , E ; . . " > 0 ; extra
fancy , . ' .20@2,25 ; fancy , wova1- ; choice , $1.00
( S2.00.
WHEAT HUhor : No 2. hard , cash , 77o ! bid.
COIIN Lower ; No. i' , cash and Kebru.iry , 33c
bid OATS Lower ; No. 2 cash , 20c bid ; Kebruary ,
O c asked.
KVB Strong ; No. 2. 80c.
HIIAN Steady ; ( Vic In 100 Ib. mcUs.
lUv Mo\dy ; timothy , fs.50 per ton ; fancy
pr.ilrie , $100 : good to choice. * 5 OOOVW.
IlUTrEH Scarce , Him ; croAincry , 222Sc ;
store packing. HiDlOc.
Eons Klrm at li'ie
CiiEEbU Unchanged ; Voiur. Americas , lOc ; 7Uc
ItEUEii'TS Wheat , 2,00) ) bu. ; corn , COO bu. ;
oats , l.iio l bu.
Siui'MENTS Wheat , r > 3.iOJbu. : ; com , 1,000 bu ;
oats , none.
Tolcilo ( ir.lln MarUct.
TOLEDO. O , Keb 24. WIIKAT Actlvo nnd
ilghcr : No. 2 ( Uish and February 'My > c : ilay.
08 < je : July. ffiTtc.
COUN Oull ; t-o. 2 , eash , 40J4C.
OATS Quiet ; cash. Use.
IlVE Dull ; cash. 85c.
CLOVEH SEBU Dull and sicatlv ; prime , cash
mil Kebruary. $1.85 ; Manh. I5.BO.
HECEil'T.s Klour , I5J.OW Ibs. ; wheat. 10.000
bu. ; corn , 17,700 bu. ; rye , I.OOObu. ; clover heed ,
kk ) bu ,
Sllll'MENTS Kour. 8M.OOO Ibs. ; wheat. 22.000
bu. : corn. l,50Jbu , ; oats , SJO bu. ; rye , 4'jO ' bii. ;
clover seed , 8-2 bu.
Mllwniikeo .U.ivkcts.
MILWAUKEE , WIs. . Kob. 24. KLOUK Quiet.
WHEAT Klrm ; No. 2 spring , OOc ; No. 1
northern , OJJie ; May , CO'ie.
CoiiN Qulet ; No. J , : iiii33lic.
OATS-Qulot ; No. 2 whlto , 31lJc ! ; No. 3
white. : ft IJ',5c.
Quiet ; Na 2 , 52 ! Jo ; sample , on track ,
HYE Easy : No. 1. SHc.
Pltovigio.NS-Klrm ; pork , $11.75 ; larJ ,
HECEll'TS-Klour , 22,050 Ibs. ; wheat , 30.350
bu. ; Darley. 20,000 bu.
tiiilPMENTS-KIour. 36,30Hbs. ; wheat , 50,000
Uu , ; barlov. afl.400 liu.
Minneapolis Whuat .Al
MiNNKAroi.'S. Minn. . Keb. 24. Wheat was
very dull , but firm and strong today. Ito-
colpts ut Minneapolis yesterday wore over
1,200 otrs of wheat 500 Nos. 1 and 2 northern
but traders understood that the liirpo proportion
tion of It bad been sold and v > ould not appear
on the lloor. I'heso receipts had no oiTocton
this market. May opened Ho lower at 874c. !
advanced /c , baek to Uc , up to 88 0 and
closed at SS'4c. n net advance of u llttlo over
lo. Cash was dull on largo receipts to arrive.
Coflco Market.
NEW YOIIK. Kob. 24. Options opened barely
steady and unchniized to 10 points down.olos-
In.1 steady at 10 tiolntsup to 20 down ; sales ,
18,000 haue , Including February , S14.154.20 ! ;
March , 1 1.4 CIU45 ; April , 113.00 ® * 13.10 ; May.
* I2.8 ai2.a- > ; June , J12.IVI ; August , f 12.35 ; Sop.
tembor , J12.20O12.3' ; Decembnr. (11.00. Spot
Ulo , steady ; No. 7. $14.8U'n@l5.oo.
New DrlruiiH Cotton MurUet.
NEW OitLEANs. La. , Kob. 24. COTTON Dull
nnd ousy ; middling , fi 0-Irte : low middlings ,
0 15-lOu ; good oidlnary , 50-lQo. Itcceiots , Otil
bales ; gross receipts. 2.2JO bales ; exports to
Uruat lliltiln , 3.750 bales ; to Frame. 0,070
bales ; coastwise. 7,201 bales ; sales , 6,250 bales ;
stock , 4 8,187 bales ,
XinvYnik Cnttnii .tlurket.
NEW YOIIK , Keb. 24. Cotton easy ; middling
uplands , 1ic ! ; middling orluuns , 7iu ; : sales.
100 bales ; futureulosud ( julot : sales 100,401) )
link's ; Kobruurv , WT bales ; March. OUH : April ,
OS1 ; May , G02 ; June. 70 J ; July , 711 ; August ,
724 ; September , 730 ; October , 742 ; November ,
758. _
Liverpool Market * .
LivEiii'OOL , Keb. 24. WHEAT Dull ; hold-
BIS otter niodoratoly ; California No. l.fsld ©
bs2d percental.
COIIN Klrm. demand fair ; mixed western , 4u
Ud per contal.
LAUD Prime western , 31s per cwu
per quarter.
Tuiii'KNTiNE HPIHITH 2Cs per owt.
Clnrlnnntl Cotton Market.
CINCINNATI , O. , Kob. 24.--COTTON Quiet ;
middling. 7c. _
TriiiliTH' Talk.
OIIICAIIO , 111 , Kob. 24. Couii9clman & Day
to Cpckroll llros. ; Wheat bhowed atrongth
from start to llnUh , and advanced lo In the
face of depriving private cables. Public- ad
vices iiuoted early Iluxllah markets linn at
slight declines nnd closing iiuotatloiiH wore
higher than yesterday. Prolu > bly the best buy
ing wabfor long account , Inlliienced by lleer-
bohm'ti btutoinsut of Kiuopu.ui Impurts slnco
NovomburVU At the elobo holders were In
clined to realize prolitaund a eadvuncuonlv
was established , 1 orolxu buyurs keoin to bo
Indinorent at the moment owing to the week's
IncrOHSo ulloal , and we look forusteudy scalp-
lug markev the buluncoof the month un uss
Iho weather proves an Incentive- the bull ,
Corn and onU were fiom ' 40 to He hlKhor for
hlpmuiits and closed llrm ut the advance.
Kuturos sliowod corrospondlns Improvement ,
and It looki ! llkoBollliig higher before long.
Provisions npenod ( Inner and udvancod trail-
uully 17 > io tovOo for pork , 12 e for ribs and
7iio to too for lard. Closing , with outsldo llg-
ures bid , u prominent pucker lud the buying ,
and oilers note light owing to ipeculittorfl
Iiuvlng realized treaty at yesterday's decline- ,
Old I'Hihlniiod Dulliiesn ChanirterUc'il
TnidliiK ( iunenilly Yvtterduy ,
YOIIK , Keb. 24. Tlio ( took market
today uubslJfd Into roul old fashioned dull
ness auJ , with but u few exceptions , tut
whole list was traded In within the narrowest
limits , prlco.-i for tliu most purl showing nt
tendency In either direction. There win nt
disposition to taku advantage of the buyltit
by arbitrage broker * and put up prlcou , bul
London today becamu a holler , especially 01
St. Paul. The opening of the market re II ec tot
lower on London IlKiiro.-t , nml the selling ol
theurbltriL'o broUera hero put prlcen In
the general list up Immodliitoly , Ucipltc
the substantial dropli. Luckawanna to l''i
Tun upward juovouienMin iwer , reached lie
morn thau fractions and tlio market thei
cropped Into most IntuiiKo dullness , the e < iuu
of wlilcu has not bocu ccu tduco last euiumci
Jhlcnffo ( las broke bAdly In the Inst hour ,
oachlnit 7t'i ( after reniiiln'njt nt 7.H5 ! . OrOat
cthlly provallod for the tlmo being In St ,
'ai.l nnd Northern I'ftdllc pruforled , while the
Amount of business Mono IP the rest of
ho list wns Inr o , Prices declined steadily
indor the pressure and the lowest price * of
ho day were reached In almost cverv onsu. No
ally occurred , althoiun tbcrn was ovidcnce
if covering In the last few minutes and the
mirket clo ml active but weak at Iho lowest
Inures of the day. Tlio llnat chnnges nro
osscs , but generally for small amounts , \uillo
'lilC'igoOns lost 23 * per uonl , li'iek'iwnmin.
Northern Pacllle preferred and Heading
i per com. Hock Island , St. Paul. I/oulsvllln
t Naslivll c , Missouri Pacific an 1 Wheeling &
, 'iko Krlo preferred oich 1 percent.
Oovernment bonds hi : o been dull an.l ons-
or , Stnto bonds have been entirely noitlculud ,
' 1 ho following nro the closing mint itions for
ho leading stocks on Iho Now York Stock cx-
hango today.
The total silos of stocks today were 32I.4S4
hares. Including : Atchlsoii , 10,3 < r > ; Chicago
las , 30.400 ; Delaware , Ij.ickawaiinaVcst . -
rn , 10,450 : Krle. 8,401 : I.oulsvlllu ft Nashville ,
.500 : Northern Pacific preferred. 10,2'0 ; Now
Knzland. 13.007 ; Richmond & West 1'olnt , 4.3J4 ;
t. I'aul , 22,550 ; Union Pacific , 8.J75.
l < ' Notes.
New OHI.KANS , L i. , Feb. 24. Clearings , J2-
PAUIS. Kob , 24. Three per cent rentes OOf
'o for account.
HAVANA. Kob. S4. Spnnlsh gold , $2.40U ©
40i ! ; exchange quiet.
KANSAS OITV , Mo. , Kob. 24. The bank clear-
ngs toJav were (1,184,242.
NEW YOIIK. Feb. 24.-Hank clearings today ,
118.015,081 ; bnliincns. $5,074.070.
UAI.TIMOHE , Mil. . Kob. 24. Clearings , JJ,2)5-
8)j bal inces , tJOJ,214 ; rate , 0 per cent.
Pllll.Apr.LPilIA , I'n. , Feb. 24. CIoarln3SI7.-
631,2.0 ; balances , $ ; , llti,230 ; n.onoy. 3' percent.
Mr.Mi'iiis. Tcun , Kob. 24. Now York ux-
liungc sulllng at par. Clujrings , $038,100 ; bal
ances , $ J1 ' .no.
CINCINNATI , O. . Keb. 24. Money , 3 < 30 per
cent ; Now 'ork exchange , 153100 discount ;
clearings , $ . ' ,455,450.
ROSTOV , Mass. , Kub. 24. Clearings , $10,000-
ICtl ; balances. $2U8iOl)7 ) ; money , H4 to 21i per
cunt. KYvhanco on London. Hi percent.
ST. Louis. Mo. , I'eb ' 21. Hank clearings ,
4U.J5,050 : balances. $55' > .I20. Money , 637 per
cent ; exchange on Now York , Me premium.
CHICAGO , 111. . Kob. 24. Money " easy at 4' ®
; per cent. Hank clearlnas , Il"7il0t : > . ' 3. New
Tork exchange , 5c discount , sterling ex-
chance. $ I.N-i for sixty-day bills and $ l.b8 for
sight drafts.
Now York Itlonoy .Alilrkot.
NKwYoiiK. Kob. 21. MONSYON OALt , Hasy
ut m&i percent ; last loan at 2 per cent ;
closed olTcrod at 2 per cent.
1'iiiMB MKRCANTII.K PAPEII 1U.1 ! ( per cent.
STUiu.iNa EX'IIANQE Quiet but steady at
J4.8H4 for sixty Uay bills and $4.h3 for de-
U.S. titct im ( Mutual Union Oa.IU7H
U.S. 4 coui 11G > { N. J. C Int. Cert 112
U.S. 4V i rait IOJ Iiorth. 1'acltlc lBt . . . .117M
aelfloiisaf 'US lOtt North 1'acillo 2nds..lll ? (
-a. Btamped 4s Sft1 Northwu.iteru Con. .l.iTJ-i
rcnn. new set C,3..IU' > North. Dobcnt. 5s . .107H
Tcnn. now eet 50..100 St. I , A I. M. ( icn. As. 6. ' > ? 1
I'onn. now set : ia . . . . 70 St. U & S. V. Cen.M..107H
Canada So. 2nds 104 St.l'aul Consols 128,4
Cen. 1'aclflc lits 101 ! St. ! . , ( ! . iPac.l ts..ll7
Den. .tit. (1. Ista 1174 Tor. 1' . I * 5. Tr. Itcts 81
Don. AH. O. 4a SOU 'IV t. 1' . It. O. Tr.Ilcts 31
Krlo2nd > 107(6 Un'on raclllclBt8..10iH ;
M. K. AT.Uen.Bs. . . . 8IH \YcntShoro 10JH
M. K. &T. ( icn. 63. . . 4iH )
I.oniluii Stock Market.
18021 > u Jaiw Oinlin nennftl. }
LONDON. Keb. 24. fNow York llorald Cable
3pocltl to TIIE llKB.l The attention of the
Slock exchange was chlelly directed to tlio
preliminary arrangement , whllo the now en-
cagcmonts have been entered sparingly. The
account proved n very small affair. Rates
tor continuation have been generally hlzhor
tnan previous occasions , owing to the short
supply of loanable capital. Consuls at ono
period advanced \ per cent , but the close was
unchanged. Koroign eovernmont securities
have been llnr all day. Good loans were re
ported In continental bourses. At the ex
treme close the market was ijuite buoyant.
Ureuk bonds advanced as much as 'Jlj per cent.
Turkish issues have been In demand and are
substantially blgbor. Iho Improvement extended -
tended to Egyptians , Spanish , Peruvian , coi-
poriulon and urazlllan Issues. On the other
hand , Portuguese has given way ? per cent.
Homo railways closed Mat. The trafllo state
ment was mostly satisfactory. Brighton de
ferred has fallen2S percent , North llrltlsh /
to ' per cent , Caledonian 'i per cent , and
others > 6 to ' .i per cent Underground lines
closed exceptionally stroni Inadvanco. Amor-
leans have been rather freely olTered during
the last hour. The close was dull , though the
chunjes In prices were not all against holders.
Chicago & MIlw.iuKoo show an advance of U
per cent and a few others > to,1 ; percent , but
a declluo of ! S to 'i par cent Is established In
Erie , Norfolk K Western ptoforoncc , Philadel
phia } i Ueadlnii and Wabiish prufareno1. Cana-
Ulnn lines are a llttlo dead. Canadian Pa-
clflo Is % per cent lower , whllo Grand Trunk
Issues were well maintained. Mexican Is
without any particular changes. Money has
been In good demand , bhort loanihave been
charged 2'S ' to3 percent , The discount mar
ket continues llrm , Two and three months'
bills am quoted at 2 ; ; to2'i purcont. CD
LONDON , Kob. 24. The following were the
London stock quotations olostng at 4 p. in
lUn 8ll.VEit-4IU-10d.
MONKV 2',43 ' per emit.
Unto of discount In the open market for both
shorts and throe mouths hills , 2i percent.
Ainount of bullion KOIIO Into the Hunk of
England on balances today , i-'d.OJO.
tlio clntlnx price * rmi blocks on tlio Iloston
stouk innrkal tolny !
Cattle Tntdp UrUld-rjMlut HIIRH Sllll Dull
Tlioiicli ItntigliiK II lull.
OMAHA , 1'cb. : ! 4.-Hcoppts | for throe days ,
.74 , cuttle , U.uSI boss mill -.470 sheep , against
i.O.-.l cuttle , 1(1,14(1 ( ( hogs and tOI sheep , the
first half of last weuk.
After two days' dull tr.ulo In the cattle
fards the comparatively light receipts and
struiucr eastern iidvlcrs led sellers to look
nud hoiio for better thltigs. Shipping nnd
ovport buyers had good orders , but the gen
erally InclllTorcnt ipialliy of the olTcrlnzs
irovonted their bnyinu to an ) considerable
extent nnd lee il dressed beef buyers
iractleally hud a ncul. They
wanted some cnttlo lind were willing to
0 pav a little luoro forstutT that suited them.
( omo sellers were quotltiK u5u to lue iidvniico ,
nil tlio general sentiment was that II was
simply a good , strong market with urlc-os net
luoiumy higher. TradlnK wnstolornbly brisk
c.irlv. but before the close a part at least of
ho early activity was lacking. Homo good
.400 to I.UOO lb ? . beovcs biougbt fiom M.IK ) to
1. 10. 1'nlr to good 1,10) to li'JJ ; ' Ibs. steers sold
fromf.Uto to 1.110 , with common II , lit grndea
iround from t ' .7j to J.l.'ZV
The supply of butcher stulT was fnlrlv liberal -
oral considering the light offerings
n general , but the demand was \erv
; oed , nnd tr.idlng WAS brisk at prices
'ntiglnc ' frotu stoatlv to from Be to lUo higher
ban Tuesday. There Was plenty of good
stock here , but nothing cholco or fancy , ( Jood
cons and heifers sold ut from J.'J toil.ri , fair
to good stun" from * ioo to JU.O.V common an'd
canning lots from JI.40 to $ . ' .00. Hulls , oxen
ind stags were steady to strong at from $1.25
oKl 75. Inferior to good calves steady at
from JI.40 toto.w.
StooUcrs and feeders were In fair supply and
Rood demand nnd Hold at full strong prices.
nostly for $ i"5 to JJ "V liopicscmitlvo sales :
No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr.
1 . 1)70 tl 00 1 .1200 ( .1 110 10 11551,145
1 ! . . M > 5 a 73 7 1U75 11 UJ 1 AIM II 5J
2 , ' . WKt y 10 4 trjA ki ao o .r.'K ) : INI
i. . 070 : i to iu..iu.8 ai5 : 10 1315 : ir > o
8..io7a 21:0 : IM 1017 an : \i. \ itxi : if > o
4. .1207 a 20 20. .1008 II 113 ( i 1120 IIM
4. 1115 : i 25 is. itmi ) : ii5 : 20 1214 3&5
a. . 1105 a 25 s 1:10 : : i 40 10 uiu : i , " >
o . OIB : ir. 21 lira : i 40 20 r.Mo 3do
8. 11JO a 25 45. .1101 : i 40 ( i. 141.1 II IK )
10.1110 .125 10. . ! ! ( > < II 40 0. 1570 400
co 1140 : i ; to us .no * a 45 co..i2 no
W..1122 a 3J l.112fi ! ) a 45
J0..1l5 ; ! 3 25 11. .1100 3 50
0. . MS 140 1. . 050 210 2. . 1270 203
1. . MO 1 40 4 . 005 2 10 0. 074 200
1..H80 1 rO 0.1045 210 10.100,1 203
5. SHJ 1 bO 12 1175 2 10 3. 12SO 265
15 W)5 ) 155 1 OW 210 7.1101 2I > 5
15. . W)3 155 1..11V ) 215 1. 1100 2 K >
1. 1070 1 0) 21. 809 2 15 20. . 044 270
1..118J ICO G..1WU 220 0 07,1 275
3. 040 1 C5 fl. . 031 3 M 15. 020 275
N. . 8HI5 105 18 .10 a 220 2. . MX ) 275
20 818 175 11. 0 J 225 7. . HOI 275
3. .1030 175 S. . 025 2 2 > 8. .1017 275
3. . OWi 175 21.912 225 1..1IMO 275
8. . 010 175 34. . Ml 225 4. .1087 2"75
10 . 030 1 75 15. . Uhl 2 30 1 .K'CO ' 275
2. . Wtt 175 18. . W3 Sin 1..I140 271
4. . S57 175 10 IWJ 235 3 115'J 20J
1. . 8.0 180 14.1071 2 I'5 10 1121 205
1..1I70 1 M ) 2 .1250 235 S2. . )1 3CO
12 . 075 1 M 20. . ttf 2 40 2. 1100 300
) . 0 7 1 85 1J. 1017 3 40 1. 12CO 310
1..11IO 100 1.1170 200 2..l04r 300
0..10JJ 105 17. . 001 3 0 2 12ii5 300
18. . OU5 230 1. 610 , 2 M 2 1153 300
0 . 771 2 CO 14 . 000' 2 50 18. 1101 3 HO
18. . 8')2 200 3 , .1100 255 7. . 010 305
4. . 012 20) 8. 1133255 1G. 1102 3 0"i
2 .1025 210 1. 1310. 2 GJ 5. . 051 305
10. . 373 140 2. . 3.V > 275 1. . MO 400
3. . S 7 2 00 1 . 2MT 3 01 3 . 150 4 00
4. . 20. 200 -003325 2 . 200 450
4. . 305 2 15 1. . 200 4 00 4. . l-'J & 00
3. . 30.1 2 15 t
1..1500 125 1..1200 2 25 1..1II80 250
3..I4SJ 1 115 1..1270 225 1 .15M ) 205
1..1440 100 1..1ISO 225 1 . 121.0 2i5
1 .IKO 200 1. 13W 2 3J 1..IG70 273
1.1110 210 1..1V10J 2 0 1. 11.00 275
1..1810 210 1. .100) , 243 1 1I.U ) 275
1..17W ) 215 1..1610 240 2. 1740 285
1.1100 225 1..I2IO 2'40 1. 12811 285
1..1220 225 2. .1370 250 1..14VO 300
1. 1700 2 25
1..1G10 300 1.1740 350 2. . 2090 375
1..17GJ 3 10
1. . 020 250 1..1J70 2 73
4. . C07 2 50 3..108J 3 15
1. . 020 223 0. . 871 300 20. . 692 315
1. . 540 22 1. OJO 3 00 29 . fi.ll3 15
2. . 570 275 2s. . 744 300 3. 803 315
0. . 571 275 14. . 822 3 0 > 3. . CSU 315
1. . 440 2 75 17 . 737 3 05 10. 10 : 320
1. . 510 275 10. ( , bS 310 10. . 708 320
. ' 8. . 005 273 G. . 851 313 21. . 841 320
5 . 774 2 83 2. 705 3 10 3. . 883 320
G. . 03tJ 293 4. . 7.15 310 27. . 752 320
1. . 010 300 25. . 710 3 10 1. II.'O 320
JJ. . G03 303 84. .1022 3 12tf 18. 89. ! 323
No. Pr.
1 cow and calf . tJS 00
1 cow and cult . 20 Oi )
1 cow nnUculf . 2.1 0) )
1 springer . 25 OJ
1 springer . M 00
Hoes Ollerlngs were only nioaorato , n do-
cro.iso so far this week compared with hist of
fully 2,000 head. Light and llsht mixed hogs
constituted tliu larger proportion of the sup
ply.Tho comparatively high prices prevailing
hero .Monday and 'luesduy luivo hud the ef
fect of shutting olT shipping orders in a great
measure , and local buyers did the Croat bulk
of the tr.ullMZ. Notwithstanding stronger
markets ut other points prices here were gen
erally about Si- lower than Tuesday's average
sales , and on good llgnt and medium weight
hogs prices were from 5o to Uc lower In many
cases. Tliu ran o was comparatively narrow ,
tlio best heavy lions selling at from tt.W to
{ l.)2i ( { : common heavy and mixed packers ut
from (1.50 totl.i7' ! { Light , light ; mlxud and
butcher weight hozs sold nt from $4.52'/i to
$4.05 , while u bettor fueling seemed to obtain
UK the morning udv.inccd. There worusovoral
loads still unsold at thu close. Trading was
larjoly at from $4.55 to $1.00 , nsulnst J4.5 > to
J4.G5 Tucsrtuy. The average prices paid was
4.57M > against $101 Tuesday and SI.49K last
S . . . .MS 4 00 t , , .23) 430
3 . .tOO 4 CO
SIIKCI * No sheep ttcro received , and ns
Mniiilhjr'ft nml Tupidiiy'R nrflvilft worn
tirotnptlv clitntcil buyers hud iiothlni to work
on. I'hc ( Iminnil continues strong nnd ilo-
slrnhlu riinttoni will fliul n roniiy snlo nt
MroiiK tirli'o ' * . Uimt.Ulons ! I'lilrU ) KOOI ! na
tive * . to JV40 : woittiritt. JI.Oi toM-VSj
common utul stock slit'cp , fj.50 to $ .175 ; IrUnus ,
(4.SU to fl.UO. (
UrcclpM mill lMt | iif II c ! .
Olllclnl receipt'Mill disposition ot Mock fit
sliiiwn by llio liooks of tliu Union Slock Yard *
comimiiv for tlio twenty-fourhiviM , pndlns t
5 o'clock ] i in. Kourimry si , I til. .
iiKcrii't .
CATTI.K , Hlltl'l * . 1IOIHJ
Curt. Cnm.lllenil Cnrn
Chlnlijo ll\oMork Mllrhct.
CHICAGO. III. . Kob. 24. [ Special Telegram
toTiir. Ki.1 ThoRenoral cittlo mnrUot was
R trlllo firmer today. There a better de
mand and the arrivals not mpctlng oxpecta-
tlons. tlio tendoney was slightly , upward , At
tractive shipping steers and thn bettor giades
of consand bulls woiuiiulto linn , while for
other descriptions the market no moio
than steady. Thin old cows sold badly
yesterday and equally so today , many sales
being reported nt prices below $2. Choice
cows and heifers sold around fl and there
were sales of cholco to uxtr.i bulls ut fiom
$ J 25 to $ .175. Hlpor.4 were quoted nl fiom t..lU
to } V' ' . ' > , but there us only lioiu nnd there a
lotgooil enough to cull out a bid of more than
$1.50. Stackers anil feeders continue to s > oil
well and KO do veal calves. Tim former were
quoted at from JJ.25 lo $ .1.70 and the latter at
IroinJ..OO to Jll.\
Triulu In hois was active for eastern
account , and although tliu local packing de
mand was spiritless , the market took on u
llrmor tone. It regained what It lost voster-
Uay , prices movlmr up to from 54.40 to I4.U5 for
poor toeholco medium and ho.ivy weights , and
to from $4.3) to JI.H" > for common lo prime
llRht. The weather was uiralnst active
lng. It being too mild to suit paeUers , but sel
lers had the satisfaction of see tie the pens
well cleared and u fatrlv firm closo. Most
of tliu good nogs wont to shippers , 1'rom $4 dOte
to f 1,75 bought the urcaler uart of tin ; light ,
and from $4 70 to $4.b5 the bulk of the medium
nnd heavy.
Sheep and lambs were taken freely by local
and eastern buyers and values \\ero well sup
ported The receipts exhibit a Inrgo Increase
on the uvor.igo for .Innuury , but there Is
much better eastern demand than existed at
that tlmo and present receipts Jo not appear
to bo any ton lurpc. Todays ollorlnis were
taken on u basis of from $4.75 to $ b.OO for com
mon to extra qualities. The lamb marUot
was firm at from $5.00 toG.H ) , thooutshlo llg-
uro calling for something very cholco. Most
of the trading In sheep was at from J.VIO to
$5.55 and the bulk of the lambs so'd at from
V75 to.51. . Hecelpts were : Cattle , 12.UOO ;
hogs. 25,000 ; sheep. 7OoO.
The reports : OATTI.E Re
ceipts , 12.0JO ; shlpmonts. 4.000 ; market steady ;
good to choke steers , $4.034 85 : extra stcer :
$5.0'J ! othots , $ l.00l.50 ; feeders. $3.AXii3.75 ! ;
stceKors. $ l.i02.25 * ; cows , $1.55f2.7a (
lloos Kecelpts. 25.000 ; slilpmcnts. 12.000 :
marKctstcady to higher : rough and common ,
(4.44.i5 ( ( : mixed , $4.70 < Qi4.HO ; prime heavy
and butchers' weights , J4.8V34.00 ; light ,
SHEEP IlccoipM , 7,003 ; shipments , 3.CO ) ;
market active : lambs loner , sheep steady ;
owes. $ .1.7531.5) ; mixed , $ l.50f8l.75 ; wethers ,
J"i40it0.25 : woiterns , J5.1G'J ' : lamps , J5.4J ©
Now A'ork l.i\u Stuck Market.
New YOKK , l"ob. 24. liKKVns Hecelpts.
2,413 head. Including 48 cars for sale : murUet
steady ; natlvo steers , W00l.75 ; bulls and
eous , $ l.50fflJ.02.i ! ; dressed beef , 8&8HC peril. . :
shipments today , 5.IS beeves ; tomorrow , I.Oil
beovps and 50 sheep.
CAl < vns Hucolpts. 50J head ; bulk steady ;
veals $5.00 < tt800 : uestorn calves. M 15.
SIIKKP Hecelpts. 5u47 ho id ; llrm ; sheep.
J'iOi@b30 ; lambs , $ G.50i47.5 ( : dressed muttons ,
steinly at t10c pcnb. ; dressed lumbs , llrm
at 1KB Ik1.
lions Receipts. 0.01S ho id consigned direct :
nominally steady nttlaK54'i. )
Kansas City Mvit htoek Market.
ceipts. 3,300 ; shipments. 2,230. Heavy steers
\\ero strong ; light , steady to weak ; cows ,
steady and feeders , steady to lOc lower. '
Sales : Dressed beef and shipping steers ,
J.I.VOO4.40 ; cows and heifers , * 1.33(3J.-(0 ( ( ;
stockorsand feeders , $ , l,055i3.51.
lions Hscelpts. 0,100 ; shipments , 4,000 : the
market was active and strong ; oxtromu range ,
J300l.024 ! ; bulk , fUVffil.B1.
SIIEIP Receipts. 2.BOO ; shipments , none ; the
mar.\et was unchanged.
St. I.ouls 1.1vii Slock Market.
ST. LOIII8 , Mo. , Feb. 24. OATTi.E-Rocolpts.
2. 70 ; shipments , 540 ; market stroiiKcr : fair
to good natlvo steers , $ . ! viKtiJ.SO ; fair to handy
Texan mid Indian steers. $ .l.dO4 15.
lloos Receipts , 0.585 ; shipments. 2.6S1 : mar
ket steady ; fair to choice heavy , fl.00ii4.80 ;
lulled , ordinary to good , JI.20'iJI.7J ; light , fair
to best , ( i < a > i.05.
SIIEEIRocolpts , 200 ; shipments. 100 ; market
strong ; fair to good muttons , $ .0 & > 75.
Omiilm Shown it ( iixnl Incrciiijo Ainlil n
Uenernl J'llllliiK Oil' .
CINCINNATI. O. , Keb. 24. ( Special Telegram
to Tin : Heal Tomorrow's I'rlco Ciinent will
say : The marketing of hogs the past week
has been iiulto moderate and packing opoia-
tlons arc furtlior reduced , the returns hhow-
Ing 225,000 , nsalnst 105,000 last ycir , milking a
total of 7.070.0JO since Ncvombi'r 1 , against
7,12 * > , UjO last year.
Loading places now operating compare as
follows :
CITIEb. I 18.U-2. I lb'JJ-1.
Mr. nna Mrs. Sidney Drew , two of the
clovcrcst of the younger school of American
actors , will open u throe nights' engaKomont
nt Boyd's Now theater tomorrow ovontnp ,
presenting a double bill at each performance ,
"Thnt Girl From Mexico , " a clever modern
comedy of the society order , will bo preceded
by tuo'Hltlo one-act society sketch entitled ,
"Jn Honor Hound , " Mr. and Mrs. Urow up-
pourlnc in both.
Thursday night nt the Farnam street th'ja- '
ter the old-tlmo favorites will show the poo-
pioof Oiuutm tbntwhat thov doomed perfection -
foction last year in duucinx could bo im
proved. Last year wnon ( Jai'lotta was hero
tier dnnrlnir was pronounced wonderful ; it
was t > ala to bo tbo acme of perfection In the
torpsicboroan nrt. Uut It U conceded by
persons who have seen Carlotta rorentlv that
she has improved Mnco her last visit. She i.s
as pretty , sprightly and Impudent ns ever
and is sure to dance horjelf Into the hearts
of nil her midlonce. 'Tho Cold Day" U well
known in Oinnbn.
The Hnnlon Brothers' "Now Fiintnbma , "
which Is ono of the lurgot spectacular nl-
tractions on the road , and which carries
inoro Ural-class pantomime and trick artists
than any other bis show , opens for a wook's
engagement at Bovd's nn Sunday availing
next , with inatineos Wednesday nud Satur
day. "Funtasmo" mways playa a weeK iu
Omaha , and always to good business , and Is
one of two attractions that can accompliab
this feat.
Wlnol Dnnli Cork's lixtra Dry Chain-
Wlnol Pure Juice naturally fermented ,
Wlnol Of forty years'record. Try it.
00 Cents a pound for VAN HOUTEN'S
COCOA ( "Best & Goes Farthest" ) seems to be
high. Let us compare it with the price of Coffee :
1 Ib. of good coffee costs at least 30c. , makes 31 half-pint cups.
3 ' ' " " " therefore OOc. , " 03 " ' "
1 'V.II.COCOA" also OOc. , ' < 1BO " " "
W T Which is the Cheaper Drink ?
. . . . . . . . . . VKIOE. . ( 93 cups of Coffee ,
OO c nu imr pound. ' " "V.H.Cocoa !
ou "X " ( ISO . .
04 " "X V. Sold by every Grocer. HI
Manufacturers' Jobbers' ' Directory i
KlniK. liiMiinioclti. oil nml
ruMior clothlnir. Mnil fur
cntiildKtip. iil.l l-lnfnani.
linporlrr * nnd minufic-
turorn ,
Hour Socki , llurlnpj ami
110.1 lluw.inl SlroH.
orynornir tlth and Dnimlix'
nlilnt oloi o ptlco < tiici\ih b iyor , nnd nro
a clnsi of itooilt which l < vcrj ni\l-
vntila with luorclrvnU.
\Vholc nla Mnnilnctu'r < .
Hoot' , phocn , ruliticrj
Rinl felt Kondi. Auontu for Huston llnli-
bur Shoe Co , 1102. 1101
1JM ) li-nif sl.-jJt. nnd 11(1-1 ( Humor
C AL , CuKE ,
x LIME CO. ,
tlnrd nn 1 ? oft rout. 9 K.
corner Ilith nnd Ooimbu
MnnufiiLiurori of Hal- Mnmifnctiircrj and
vnnlrcd Iron Cornlco.
Window caps , inptillo Wholesale Clothiers ,
9krlluht < i , etc. 1110 and
1112lod20Bt. |
Dry uood , notions , fur- Dry Kood.notions. Kcnti'
nl"tilnz KOoiH furnltlilcm goodi.
Cor I 'i ' niulllownrdsts.
Corner llth and
lilcctro Dyimmoi. l.nmiu , Wlru nml Uli'Ltrlcikl Sup
plier of All Klmls.
1112 Howard stront , Oaiihn.
Illaatrntcd cntaloKUD
1G1I Cnpltol Avenue
Successors to C A lleebo
A Co ,
Gneii and 11th sts.Omihi
Oent * ' furnishing EOOIN , TIONGO.
rlnthlnz nnd notloni
GcntV firrnlnhtni ! irooit * .
( Jlvu trial Wo
ui n send ' ' -
lu'f'it lcOratcc1 llrand
i fiinlii | cxproi * pru * " "
"Iliickskln" Or cm I I- ,
pnld | mnt , lilrl . null etc.
1111 Ilnrney. Krsl Onnh i.
ISOl-lM'i.lonos street , loth nml Ilnrney , Oui.iha ,
Ormh'i , Neb
215 llonrd of TridB
I'roker In vraln , prnvl-
lom nntlslockH. Prlvnto
wire1' to N. Y. , ChlciKO
nml St. l.oilH
HAT ' , ETC. "H1D6 , ETC.
lints , caps.-.triwwioli . UUJBM ot hldei. wool ,
Klovoson-1 mlttaiu , | tnlloT anl fun
I''lh nnd llarncy , I 511 South
CO. , Iliilltleri' Innl-rirj nl
nor 10th nndJncksonbts tujli.
Onialit. 1104 DoilhU St.
> All > .r.ilii noUliGil , Inspected uiU utor.ijo rU3
established by si.ilo olliueru.
Write for ratei and full p.irtlc'nlais an.l conslgu
ehlpnu'iits cuio of
OMAHA , xicn.
Every MAN hu
BER OKOUSinalf rc.cns | ,
_ by nsitiK SPANISH
NURVINBtbegreat MpHnlfili Remedy. YOUNG M15N
Oil OI.D enderiiiK from NERVOUS DnUILIlV , J/OST or
FAII INO MANHOOD , nlnlitlyemissloliB , convuUlunt , ncivoui
. pioitration , CAiixid by tbcuse of npitim , tobacco or alcohol , wake *
iulnos , nienul depression , losi. of power ill tiiher sci , ipennalor-
AND AfTEK utK , ihiua caused by iclf aliute anil over indulgence ur am pertonnlwrnlc'
ness can l > e restored lo perfect health end I do NOHI/IC VITALITY OF ST11ONO fdr.N.
We give a written gaarantee with 6 boxes lo cure any case or refund the money , jj o boi , 0 boicn $ }
Fo.-3alo in Omaha by MeCorraick & Lund , loth & Farnnmats
Street Omaha Neb.
1316 Douglas , , .
Tb pnilncnl ninutallit In norvom , chronlr , prliHIe , blool , iklnaml urinary illteabo A rojiular and
reElKtrrvil uniduulo In inuilclnu. ilk illpliuuni unl : crnlllc ntc how. u mil tioutlnit with Uiu irieltcil iiiurij
cntarrh , iiiiTiimtorrhoca , lost manhooJ , icmlnal Wunkiinsi. nl.ut IOMFI , luipiilonvjr. irphlllt. trlctiirn , KOD.
orrl.cea. Klei'I , Ynilcixcle.cic , Nnnicri iirr u l , - cw truutmuut fnrloxuf vital puwir , I'arlloi unublii to
vltlliue mat lioirjnloi at IIOIIIH hy ci.rrenpunilunci ; , Murttilnu or luttrumrnts tenthnmlliireiiirvim
eiirelr psckeJ. m > marH lolmUrulo c iHiluuu or ft'ndvr. Uno tiertonul InlcrUo * pri-lerr il. Coniultatlua
froo. tonciponileni-Oilrlcily lirlvalu. lluuk . ( M > ut rl i ui Life ) lout fruj. UWco hourittu. ui , U ) p. m.
buudays ld a. ra.tu a at. beuU ituuiy for reply ,
\Ve urnil 111 * inurtrlniii Fri-nrh
1lcmo < ly CALTHOB f rrr , uml n
h'2 l gntranU-u that CAI.TUUS will
f-TOI > Dl.rhurur * Kroliilunt ,
CL'ltK NprnnnlorrliPiht urlciM'lle
luid HKSTOIli : l.ot.1 Vlfior.
Uie it and fay if satisfied ,
8el > inrrlua i > U , ( Ucliikll , ( JLIo.
Kcinovci inn ,
I'pp > i- Kruik-
US lei , Moth 1'alrlf
I't. Itudl HIlU
Hkln IIUoa ui ,
5nUi\orj tileni
lih on beauty ,
andditlei ili-ivc-
tlon , . It hui
( load IIHI ten uf
IU yearn , and It
no hnrmleiia wu
luite. to bo > ure
II It properly
luado. Attept
no ooun'erfelt
offluilUruuuie ,
Dr. I * A. Hirer
mild tu a lady of
tUi ! limit Ion la
ratlenDi "Aiiuu ladh * UIU utolbem 1 rrcnuuirnd
liouruud'a t rvniii'ai llm loan linrnilulof all Ihu
kjn pri'paratloat " For mlB by L | | Iruiirlit < und
Fuucr Oui.d Uoftlem In Ilia United fctatci , Canada !
and Kurope ,
JfllKOT.UOi'KlNaiVtJb'r.8iare lJliiioi bt. N. Y ,
\Vrnuxht nn I on l Iron
tinlldlns work , cnjlnol.
lirn s work , Kt-nrrnt
U'QUOR ' > .
Mqiinr MrrcliKnti ,
Imporler nnd .Job'nr of
. * Vln i and l.lquori.
' *
AIanufaclur'riK nnody' < IOW nnd IOW Khrnunlt.
Knit Hull ! lllttiM. 1'rlcoll t on appllcitlon.
\Vholciinlo liquor duller i
1031 Kxnunut ,
IlnMnood hiniler , woo
cnrpel unit pnr uut linio-tol Ami-rleml'iirt
tUxirltiK , Jnml ronicit , MllwnukOJ
hydraulic rpmcnl and
Plh nnd Doitulnr , Vnlticy whlto lln-e ,
Millinery , notionsclonks , I'lanoi ortfnm , nrtliti *
etc ,
milcrlnli , etc.
llC-lie S IRth M , Omaha 1M1 Douulni tri'Dt ,
I'nokora of ny < lcr < , flail y < tcr , FIMi and 'ola'
nnd Celery , SI9 Smith 10th SI
ivciitrortli St. D.ivld Cole , Min\iar.
tlcllncd nnj hilitlcntlnu
oils , ailo iironso , etc.
Dealers In roantry prod I'rodnco , fruits of nit
uce , frultj , vonotiibloi ,
etc. > kinds , oysters ,
1207 Hownnl Street. 13th nnd llarncy Streets.
llutter , cheese , OIKI *
Butter , e s nnd poultry .
poultry gamo.
1103 Fnrnnm st. GO ! ) South 13lh Street
& CO. 0. PEOAU ,
RIDDELL& . . ,
Commission Merchant ,
Ilnllcr. tliecso. e iiTOi- Produce , Huttcr , l rfi ,
cliililes , frulU. poultry Clieo-o mh nnd and Howard Poultry til ) , .
nnd cnnio
t-potlaltli'i. linlter. < U4 < Send us your KKIIS , Mut
chec c. poultry , eto. No ter , Poultry , ( inino ,
IS S Illi Hot , UL Nit HlilM , ICta
tank , 170I-.11.eiTenwnrlh St.
. ' n'l kind I
\Vr.nppl"k' paper ,
full stock of
Cnrry n
( t.Tln.-s.
. o
wr.ipplng nnd
prlntlnv , 1103 lluniinl
wrltlns paper , card pa
per , etc. Tel. I7J3
Stones repairs of nl WORKS ,
. Btovo repair * nnd wntor
Cooks nnd llu.lten
altnclunonti for any kind
fur sale uf sto ura tdc
IB7 . 11th Slnut 1207 lioiuilis
S SH. TOYo ,
Manufacturers of unsh. Toys , rtollj , aIh n MM ,
fnney Koods. liomefur-
door * , bllndi nnd
mouldings , llrancu of- nl < hlnK Kooilj , tlillj-
Bco , llth nnd liard bts. ron's inrrlaaes.
1319 Cnrnnui Street.
lloomcU Kxclmnxo llullil- Ituonu , tf ) mill 01 15 !
Suuth uatm Jiulll ?
OuiuhiL tioulli \
jlrMiw\crai \
Tte tarcMt. Piuttit and Flout In ( be World ,
FanMOKor womoiutlon uliolrellc'l.
1 Kferf SMnrdar ,
' NKW YOIIK , OlllltALTKIl Biul NAI'I.EU ,
At regular Inturvnlii.
mtixon Inwott turnu ( j and from Iho principle
KicuiJli.ntfrkt-tl ttvallnhlp to return l.jr either ti ) I'lo- '
tui ( 'lu Clvlti& ( Nurtli < > ( Irulanitt.r Nnplon AllibialtAr
Iriftc ait llcur Otderi fr itj Asset * , tt Icwut Sitii ,
Apflf to unr i.f our local Aiiunli or to
IlltOTlIUUri. Chleaao , 11'
BarTerin ; fnini
Uiu i.iirU ut
_ _ _ _ juutiiful crmn
rarlrilfrny , wa lliiK wenknt-B , lost nianh ( l , rtc. ,
I will luinil avalual.ln IrtatlMi IMBI.-I ) coiilululnj
fulliartli-ulir ri > r lumn cure. l'llii : ! "f rbiuvr.
A tpl nill < l iu cllral wuk t tlmuM h < read by i-vi ry
piitu ului It ncrvniK nml delllltut . > iln ! 4
i'rof , 1' . V , J/MVttaiMooCu , Cvuu *