ll THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY , FEBRUARY 25 , 1892. THE OMAHA BEE. I COUNCIL IJLUI'Ta OFFICE : - NO. 12 PKARL STHBBT. \ > y Carrier to any purl of tlio City 11.V. . Tl I/TON , - MANAOEK. 1lnilnc OITIco . .0A1 MI * on JI/AT/O.V. N , Y. PlumblnpCa Council UlufTs Lumber Co. , coal. Crnfi's cbnltel loans , 201 Sspp blocK. The case of Snyon nanlnU Sayors oocu- pled the day In suporlor court. .1. M. I.nmcko Is a candidate for tUo repub lican nomination for city marshal. Tbo republicans of the Sixth ward will moot to organize this evening at Shubert's hall. hall.A A number of member * of the Flro depart ment of this cltv attended iho nrcraen's ball In Onmlia Monday evening. Corry A. Ujcd will entertain the Mandolin club tomorrow evening it the residence of Mrs. Albright on South bovonth street. Marriage licenses were Issued yesterday to Thomas Tobln of Omaha and Nellie Iloggon of this city , and to Adulph Klopplug und Mary Fisher , both of Underwood. ' A largo company of young people from this city are expected to attend the ball to bo Klvcn this ovonlntr by the members of the CiUboIln Mutual Unnovolunt association of Omaha. I'oltawattamlo trtbo No. 21 , Improved Order of Hod Men , will moot this evening In their wlgwnm , corner of Bromlwny and Main Btfcots , at 7)0 : ! ) o'clock. Visiting chiefs nro Welcome. Special mooting of Excolslor ledge No. UM , Ancient Free mid Accented Masons , this evening for work In tbo first degree. Visit ing brethren cordlallv Invited. By order of the \V. M. The tlmo of the funaral of the late Thomas Hannoti has boon changed from - o'clock to morrow oftornoon to 8 o'clock in the morn ing. It will occur from the residence of tbo deceased , 8)9 ! ) Eighth avonuo. Mr. E. B. Stevenson , assistant suporln- tcndcnt of the American Sunday School union , who is spending a few days In the city , will deliver nn address at the Dolong and Wells mission this evening. Jim Smith was fined In pollen court yester day for drunkenness , tlo will have n hearIng - Ing on the charge of kissing u girl \vhon the Klrl was not willing us soon as bis time is out in the city Jail for the first ofTonso. The regular meeting of the Women's Christian Temperance unlun will bo hold this afternoon at 2:1)0 : ) o'clock at tbo rooms In the Merriam block. Mrs. L. W. Hess will have charge of the meeting. All ladles are cor dially inrltcd. Ladies Auxiliary , No. 17 , U. V. L. , will meet In regular session tins oveulng at Knights of Pythias hall. A full attendance to desired , as business of importance will bo transacted. BUNCH C. LOVEHXH , President. A short Session of the district court was held yesterday , but no business of Import ance was transacted , owing to the inability of Attorneys Sims and Haincr , who appear for the defense in the suit of Ucoro. Wells & Co. against Aultman , Miller & Co. , to bo present. The recent entertainment given by the Ancient Order of United WorKmen for the bonollt of the Christian homo was a financial success , especially as compirod with a num ber of similar entertainments in tbo past -for the same object , tbo sum of $77. ! > U % being turned over to the manager of the home. A man giving his name ab Harry Montacuo tried to dispose of four brand now revolvers f estcrday at almost every hardware and gun store In the city. Ho was placed under nrrcst after ho had made several unsuccess ful efforts to cot rid of them , aud will bavo a hearing this morning on the charge of carryIng - Ing concealed weapons und peddling without n license. It Is supposed the lire arms were stolen , and an effort will be made to lind the owner. Several days ago mention was made In the telegraphic columns of Tnii BEU of the fact that the celebrated Cassick mine , near Hosita , CoJo. , had been sold to a syndicate for (1,000,000 , ono of tbo members of the syndicate being ( Jeorpo P. Wright of Omaha , Many thought that George F. Wright of this city was the ono referred to , but bo states that although ho Is all right he is noi the particular Wright in this caso. It is said that the gentleman lives in Syracuse , N. Y. , instead of in Omaha. A man by the name of Davis , who works for the Vvolls-fargo Express company In Omaha , has reported to the city marshal that ho and a barber at the Metropolitan hotel wore jumped upon last Sunday night " by a couulo of young fellows "as they were walking homo from Over- ton's mission with a couple of young ladles , ana that ho was knocked senseless by n blow from a club In the hands of ono of bis assailants. The barber managed to cot away by using bis logs. Davis says the names of the two follows whs committed tbo ussault nro Sam Teddy and Henry Strayor. ITlio G. M. Dodge camp. Sons of Vot- oriuiB , will give n , bull in G. A. R. hall on the evening of March 7. A cordiiil invitation is extended to the public. F. O. Hotzol of Avoca was in the city ycctordiiy. Captalu H , L. Henry has returned from a trip to Colorado. Mayor T. J. Hartwoll of Oakland was in the city yesterday. Mrs. L. J. Smith of David City. Nob. , is in the city , a guest of Mrs. F. H. Evans on Sixth avonuo. Paul C. Dovol and N. Frary loft yesterday for Amos , where they will enter tbo Iowa Agricultural college. ll. O. UOOK has pone to Fulton. S. D. , In response to u telegram announcing tbo seri ous illness of a relative. J , A. Spauldlng has announced himself n candidate for tbo position of cltv wcighmas- turat the coming election. John E. Allies has gnno to St. Louts to at tend tbo convention of the people's party. Ha will also attend the supreme ledge of tbo ( jormuM Troubund society , which meets there next week. Tlilrty-tliroo unit ( Inn-third To 500 n day will buy n first-class piano at half price. For piifticulura write or BOO the MUKLLUH PIANO & OHOAN Co. , 103 Main at , , Council Bluffs , lu. Wo huvo our own vinoynrds in Culifor nin. Jarvis Wino compiny , Co. Blutls Swnnson Music Co. , Masonic temple Kriimoii of Alumni. The first reunion of graduates of St , Fran cis Xavler's academy was bold Monday even ing at the academy building. None but la dles were invited and these present were all graduates of tbo Institution. The first part of the eviining was occupied with a banquet , and the largo dining room was trans formed Into u bower of tropical plants. One uundro.l und llftoon ladles gat down to the feast , after tbo conclusion of which tUe iloor was cleared aud tbo rest of the evening given up to danclnir. U is the intention of tlio listers who are in cbargo of tno Institu tion to unvo similar reunions every four years. _ _ _ _ _ Two apprentice nurses wanted at the W. 0. A. hospital , corner Oth street and 6th nvenuo _ AVIicru They Will Meet. The following places have been selected fpr holding tbo democratic caucuses next Saturday availing ut 7:110 : o'clock : First ward , VVlioolor As liorold's oflico ; Second ward , city building ; Third ward , No , 11 ? South Main ; Fourth ward , superior court room , court nnuto ; Fifth ward , carper.- tnnnop , corner of Eighth avenue and Six- i' tconlti ktrcet : Sluth ward , tbo uuocoupled brick building ou liroudway between Ttveutlotb and Twenty-first street. Boitor , the tullor , 810 Droadwiiy , hns all the Intent styles nnd newest nor/da. Satisfaction ( ; uun\ntccd. \\foodbury.dentistsnext to Grand hotel ; ilno work u specialty. Tola H5. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Whereabouts of W , H , Foster Still Shrouded in Deepest Mystery. THEORY OF MURDER GENERALLY CREDITED ( imp I'rotoml In Itcllrtr That lln linn Horn Klllnl iiiulllio Hotly fust Into therurnnrr nt III * ( Irrcn IIOIIM' , Yesterday morning at S0 : o'clock the fire > cll rang violently for some tlmo and caused a great commotion , many thinking that the vholo city must bo on flro. A Urge rowd was attracted to the corner of Iryont street and Washington nvcnuo to oo what was the matter , and It wai then Iscovoroil that the alarm had boon given to call together those who wore wilting to engage - gage In the search for W. 11. Poster , the nlsslntf ilorlst. A crowd of sovonty-flvo or 00 was soon collected , m'any of whom vcro mounted. They proceeded to tbo rest- lonco of the missing man , where they divided into small squads and began a borough and systematic search over all that part of the oojntry. Hoforo they started L. A. Casper , who nad organized tbo larty , announced tbat n reward of $50 would paid to the man who should find Foster , dead ornllvo , and the members of the party word thus Induced to put forth cvory effort to niako the search a thorough ono. Ono purtv scoured the whole bottom from the Northwestern depot to the river on both sides of Broadway , : i second took the eastern part of the city from the crcen- louse to the river on the north , while third covered all that section of tbo country in the vicinity of Dig Lake. Every place where there scorned iho slight est possibility that a dead body could bo concealed coaled wa made the object of a close sear en , but nothing was found that would throw any light on the present whereabouts of the miss ing man. As time wont on and no news was heard the wildest rumors began to circulate. It was reported that ho had boon found In F.ilrvlow cemetery , dead , with a terrible hole in his buad , and almost innumerable - numerable similar reports with alight differences of circumstances were heai'd on all sides , while the telephone wires between the city and the greenhouse were kept hot with the iiuostlona and answers that kept rolling back and forth. The disappearance was almost the only subject of conversation on tbo street corners. The question was asked many times during the day why the furnaces at the greenhouse had not boon cleaned out and the nines ex amined In order to satisfy the suspicions th t existed in many minds that , perhaps Foster had been robbud of what monov he had about him and then thrown Into the furnace. No such search was made until the Bros had burned many hours and when it was made of course there was nothing to to found. Tno theory that the man mot his death In this way , however , Is not believed In by those who have b3en in vestigating the affair , us a largo croud was collected at the greenhouse within a couple of hours after ho disappeared , und the burn ing llosh , If there had been nny , would surely huvo boon detected by the odor. Yesterday several people turned up who claimed to nave soon Foster at dllleront times since his dlsnppoarancs , some of them on tbo motor going to Omaha , others having met him on iho streets. One man oven wont so tar as to sav mat ho hod talked with him on the street Sunday night. Mrs. M. E. Wotherbeo will entertain the Roboluih socinl Thursday evening. Oysters und amusements. Everybody invited. E. II. Shoafo has eastern moaoy on hund for real estate loans. Unlun Ui'imt Tulle. A meeting of the directors of the Union Depot company was hold Monday evening for the purpose of hearing a report from George F. Wright and W. H. M. Pusoy with reference to the recent conference they had in Chicago with the managements of the various roads centering in Council Bluffs. This confcrenco was attended by rep resentatives ot all the roads with the exception of the Union Pacific , and Mr. Wright states that they were all very willing to admit that something must bo done before long In the way of improving the depot accommodations or some line morning they would wuko up and find that their headquarters bad tumbled down about their cars. They said they bad been induced to postpone building local depots by sorao of tbo representatives of the Union Depot company , who were afraid that any such move- would result hi tbo dropping of the union depot scheme alto gether. They all appeared to Do willing to unite in building a'union depot or clso put up buildings each ono for himself. After talking over tbo Union depot plan for the hundredth tlmo in all Its aspects it was decided that the whole directory should go to Chicago in accordance with an invita tion extended to thorn by the managers of the roads , and moot tbom to tahc over matters. Tno directors nrcMessrs. > V. H. M. Pusoy , N. P. Dodge , T. J. Evans , John Churchill , Samuel Haas , W. C. James , William Moore , Leonard Everett and Gcorgo F. Wright. Thoao gentlemen will go to Chicago , prob ably next month , n ben a meeting of the gen eral managers of all the roads in the country is to bo held. It Is hoped that some definite conclusion will bo arrived at. Tbo apparent wlllincness of tbo railroads to discuss the maltor at this late day , however - over , Is viewed with distrust by some citi zens \\ho claim to bo able to see farther ahead than Iho ends of their noses. "I don't know as I can sco Just what they are driving at , " said ono of them venter- day when Informed what action had been takfii , "but I shouldn't bo surprised If they saw tbo handwriting on the wall and como to the conclusion that it would bo better to make n show of yielding to the demands of the citizens rather than run the risk of being brought to terms by nn act of the legisla ture. " HODO has been deferred so long that the hearts of tbo public have booomo somewhat uuder the weather , but the future actions of the roads will bo watched with some interest nevertheless. _ Money to loan. Lowest rates. John ston & Van P.Uton , Everett block. Walnut' block and Wjomlng coal , fresh inlnod , received dallj Thatcher , 1(5 ( Main. KnnclUMl .StMinrlrsi. Mrs. H.V. . Hart Is suffering from a so- rlous accident she mot with a few nights ago. She had been spending the evening at the home of Mrs , Lymau on Willow avenue , ana was Just starting for homo. As she set her foot on tbo utdewalk she slipped and wan thrown wltt great furco to the ground , behead head striking on the bard brick .pavement. She was completely stunned , and had to be picked up and carried homo. Ever since the accident sue has acted strangely , and it was feared that her mind would bo affected , but yesterday she was considerably bettor ami was able to sit up for iiwhllo , It Is now thought she will recover before long. Jarvlawlld blackborrv U the boat. Baby carriage week at Crochwoll's. Special and elegant display , lio\c Otr the Olllcers. Constables Evans and Lee Lucas had a lively experience yesterday with F , U. Peter son , who liven ut the corner of T\vouly-tUin \ avenue and Ninth street , and a number ol his friends. Lucas went to Iho plaoo earl/ In the day to levy upou u tiorso and bUk'gy , for wbluh a writ ol HI tttchment bad been nuod out in Justice ( 'ono'R court , but Peterson refuses to lot him have It. After some tlmo spent 111 parleying , Lucas wont back to the court , where bo swore out au Information against Peterson charglns him with resisting au onlcor , IIu took Ev ns along wltb him to assist him in c&so ho should not be able to handle Dim alone , and It proved to bo n who precaution. No sooner bad they HT- rlvod at the house and commenced to icrvo bo papers than tbreo men and a women dashed out nt thorn and i-amo near celling ho upper hand ot the officers. .Ino of the men bad In his land a pair of tailor. * ' shears that ookod as big M a telephone polo to the ex cited ofllccrs , and hu miehthavo cutthom In two or done something clso cqunllv disagree able had not ono of the men put a quietus on him H-lth aclub. Peterson was at last ur- rested , nnd will have a hearing this afternoon nVJ o'clock , Jnrvis 1ST"brandy , purestsafest , best' I.KIIIT AND ro\\iit. : Con ui-l I ( irunU lli i I'rcililrnt of tlir Motor C'otiin.tfiy a Now 1'rutirlilM' . There was a small audionca at the special mooting of the city council last evening and a brief but busy session was hold. It was called ostensibly for the purpose of receiving the plans of competing architects for the on- arircmcnt and Improvement of the city build- ng , but at least six of the aldermen know that something rlso would como up ana ap parently came well prepared lotakocaroof it' Tbo plans submitted by Architect Boll for the city building improvements were exam ined mid discussed and dually approved , aad the clerk Instructed to ndvortlso for bids. The architects estimate of the cost was about 5,00'J , but the changes suggested and desired will Increase the cost to $ il,000. , When tins business was disposed of the council was ready to adjourn , but before a motion could bo made to that effect Alder man Van Brunt Introduced an ordinance granting to John T. Stewart , president of the Council Bluffs Si Omaha Motor company , the right to erect and tnutntaiu nn electric light and power plant for a period of twuntv- five years and to use such streets and alloys us necessary fcr the erection of poles nnd wires for the distribution of light and power. The ordinance was road and n mo tion followed to advance It toils second read ing tuul Us adoption by sections. This created u suspicion In the minds of Alder men Casper and Brown that an attempt waste to bo made to railroad another scheme of the motor company's ' through the council , nud they opposed It with energy. A motion by Casper to lay it over under the rules for two weeks was lost by a vote of 0 to ! i and Iho original motion to read nnd adopt It by sec tions wa * carried by the snmo vote. All the ether uldcrmon were nnpnrimlly satisfied but Aldermen Casper and Brown could not free their minds of the suspicion that it was a now lease or an increase of poxvor of the motor company. The title of the chatter was scrutlm/.od closely but there was nothing discovered to confirm the sus picion. It was simply named " .in ordinance granting to John T. SUw- art , his successors and assigns , the right to manufacture and sell electrical machinery nnd appliance * and to croct , operate nnd maintain electrical plants and works in the city of Council Bluffs to furnish light , heat and power therefrom. " The sections were read nnd adopted with some amendments , Casper amending section 1 by denying the right of Stewart to stretch , bane or suspend nny wires or other conductors lengthwise or across the center of any street. The prices to ho charged for incandescent hgi ts were fixed us follows : For a sixtocn- cnndlo power light butnlnir from ( I until 10 o'clock , 70 cents per month ; from 0 until midnight , S. > cents : n'.l night lamp } of the same power , $1.70. Tbo prices ut whlcn the power is to bo furnished were scheduled us follows : One-quarter horse power , running continuously ton hours a day , $4 per month ; one-half hor&o power , $ ( i per month : ono horsepower , $10 per month ; two horsepower , $18 ; tbrco horsepower , ? i'J ; four horsopoucr , $ , U : six horsepower , f40 per month , and larger motors nt proportionate cost. Alder man Smith offered as an amendment to this section that the company bo required to fur- nUb ten sixteen cnndlcpowor lights for use in the city building free of charge durin ? tbo life of the charter , and tbo amendment was adopted. After the adoption of the sections Alder man Wind asked for the suspension of the rules nnd tbo final passage of tbo charter. Both Casper und Brown again warmly op posed it and wanted it laid over or referred to the city attorney for examination , Casper explaining that while it might bo nil right ho could not free bis mind of the suspicion that it was not which had been excited by the unusual hasto. The vote on the final passage showed only tha Uvodhsentlnp aldermen opposing it aud it was carried by a majority sufficient to pass it over the mayor's veto. Bids were rccolvod for the construction of a bridge over Indian creek near L. Hammer's rcsidonco. The King Bridge company offered to build the structure for $780 : the Missouri Valley Bridge company , through its agent , Gcorga Wise , for $7i5 ! , und J. J. Hathaway for $085. The council then adjourned and Informally discussed tbo electric charter , Iho favorine aldermen assuring all otbers Interested that it only conferred upon the motor companythe privilege of utilizing their surplus power by furnishing cheaper lights and power for small manufacturing plants at reduced cost. , iturs. Columbus Post : "Now , little boy , " said a Columbus toucher , "what does the word 'worship' meanV" Silence all around. "Jimmy , what does worship' moan ? " "Dunno ! " "Why , how dumb ! What does your papa do just before going to hod ? " "Ohl now I know. lie goes into the pantry 'n'takos u drink out'n his "bottle. " Boston Post : "Pupa. " said the little 4-yenr-old Tommy , ' * ! with you would toll mo what ith a proverb ? " "Well , my child , hero is ono which applies to you just now : 'Speech ib sli ver ; silence is golden. " ' "There you go , " exclaimed Tommy in disgust , "bringing up that ovorlathin' question of bimotallthm. " 4f 4f Harper's Young People : "What does your little dog oat ? " asked the isltof. ' "Oh , anything , " answered Bobblo. "Last night ho ate a pair of rubbers nnd a sofa cushion for supper. " * Washington Star : "Johnny , do you stand well in your history class ? " "No , sir. " "Why is that ? " " "Cos I got n Bore foot and huvo to sit down. " W . * * Epoch : "Johnny , what do you say to the lady for the cooky ? " Johnny I say it's a darn good one- has the old maid got anymore ? 'Tin' ) ' Itreuk l.ooso "Perhaps you can toll mo , " oosorvod the exchange editor of the Chicago Tribune , grasping his shears and look ing to see if his paper woi < rhtH were ready for Instant use , "why Explorer Peary should bo u good diplomatist ? " "Certainly I can , " said the real estate - tate editor , placing his heavy cano within reach. "Because IIO'H awuy up in tlia 'Chillyin' situation. And now perhaps you can explain , " ho added , raising his voice , "how he keeps him self warm ? " "Anybody can answer that , " snorted the nxchango editor , "Ho puts his Arctics on and " l No. that isn't it ! " "It Ism'tV" "No. Ho moves about in the highest circles. " "That wouldn't keep him warm. " ' I say it would. " "And J snyit wouldn't. " "Why not ? " "Bceauiio ho would huvo to go in his boar skin. " And they sat nnd glared at each othoi doaiuly , Ilcail Ilin I'apvr , Tlimisli Not a .Sulinrlher A well known gentleman of this city , says the Chattanooga Times , moved into n [ 10110 that had been previously oc cupied by another gentleman who was n subscriber to ono of the evening papord. The carrier of courno continued louring the paper for a space of a year , never having been notified of the change. The collector recently wont arou&fj to collect or the paper , the bill being/ made in -ho name of the pontluinnni who hud subscribed. .Wlion the collector pre sented the bill the gontlWn'an of the house said : | } :5' "Why , my dear air , Um njan has not ivcd hero for over a yoarttjVou , are itt the wrong house. " in "Well , has not the carrier ibeen leav ing you u copy of the pjipor till Iho time ? " ' "Vos , sir. But I did nm' . subscribe , und I told the boy to quit leaving 11. But lie novfif did so. " "You have received thoifiopor every day , haven't ' you ? " "Yes , sir. " "Then you ought to pay for It. " "Well , excuse mo n moment. " nnd the contloman went into the house. Return ing in a moment ho lugged out a stack of newspapers half us tall us himself. "Hero are your papers , sir , I have no use for thorn. " He had rood thorn und carefully filed them away until the bill should bo pre sented. The collector sent n transfer wagon to haul aw.iy a year's accumulation of papers , the pay for which ho fulled to get , because ono man returned them und the man never received thorn , Collecting ll.ii'k UIICA. The charming olondo who presides at the registered letter window of the post- olllco , says the Philadolphiu Record , threw up her dainty hands with surprise a few days ngo when n gentleman walked up'to thu window and , upturning u big grip , dumped its contents before her. Tlib o were -170 letters to bo regis tered. Such n task h d never before fallen to her lot. llor appeal for help brought the chief of the division , who provided help in the nape of three as sistants for her , and the pile was soon disposed of. The man stood by until the receipts were given him. "Tho fact is , " he explained , "I am secretary of n fashionable club , and it's Iho most dilllcult mutter in the world to make them pay up. I solid hund rods of bills , and when I speak to members nbotit it it's always the same old story , 'I novoi1 got the bill , old fol ; certainly I'll pay up. .lust bond mo u bill and I'll BCO Hint you got It. ' There tire 470 de linquents in the club , and I'll bo sure they all got their bills this quarter. " The responses huvo ulrcudy begun to como in in a way that foretells the en tire success of the scheme. Tin- Modern .Moses. In one of the cast side cafes , says tbo Now York Sun , is u remarkable portrait of Baron llirsjoh , the work of tin upnro- ciutivo m.jmbor of hia race. It is made entirely of English letters , which , com bined , give a dutulled history of "tho modern Mosos. " At u distance of live feet It looks like tin ordinary portrait , similar , even in details , to the photo graphs which have iippoured in the ill ustrutod paper ! ) . The work was done with pen aim ink. it would require about a day's careful study , during which either the portrait ! or the student would huvo to ba inverted frequently to decipher the history , u the artist bus hud to turn bis letters \ \ \ .many direc tions to preserve the like.lios'i. A Mighty Siiilrt' | ( > iiii. One of the liroboats in "New York har bor bus recently been cq\tinucd with u fire no//.lo that , throws a fi'trbum iivo und n half inches in diumoluK u distuned of 1280 to ti'JO feet. The manner in which this tremendous stream is controlled may bo gathered from the description of the Engineering News : A hand wheel with a worm and gear not unlike the steering apparatus of some yachts serves to control the no/.xlo , which can bo moved from a Uttlo below the hori/.ontal to the vertical position nnd also rotated in u complete circle. A stream fiom this no/.xle at full pressure would make short work with a solid brick wall. A I. Ion Hunt. A party of hunters in Colorado killed three mountain lions recently in u now , improved and comparatively safe way. Their dogs drove the lions under u ledge of rock and kept thotn there while the hunters dug down into the cuvo fiom above. When they" had an opening to whore the lion ? were a rillo was pushed through. The mu//.lo was gripped sav agely in the jaws of ono of the lions and the gun was discharged. The other two lions grabbed the rillo in turn as it was withdrawn und poked in again , und each was killed by bullets through the head. ( iitin Vermont has become famous for her spruce gum , the gathering und selling of which have grown to bo more than an infant industry. The champion gum picker of the state is said to bo Alin/.ah Bishop of Woodford. Bishop is n Yan- Icoo notion peddler in summer lime , but when the cold wnuther sotn in ho starts out with bag and polo und roattis the mountain forest in search of gum. When the deep snow comes ho gorjs about on snowshoos. The product of his lonely hunting trips ho disposes of for cash at Bonnington , nnd makes a good living thereby. Liquor Krgiiliitioii 111 liultlinoro. It is recommended by the association of Baltimore that in case of hulls , picnic and similar entertainments , whore spirituous liquors uro to bo dispensed , u special license should bo required ; that all IDIKI lido clubs or ether similar or ganisations should be required to ap ply for license , which should entitle them to the same privileges us are granted to hotels. A It IviTof Hriil Ink. In Algeria there is a small river which is really and truly writing ink. Two atrcams ono strongly impregnated with iron , the ether , llowing through the peat moss , contains a solution of gallic acid und when tlioy/.tinito they form the rlvor of .Ink. Unfortunutoly the river is running to waste , because the natives do not write und'cnn't ' drink it. Wlioro ( ; li\i > CJHVi'i ) From. Cloves are the unoifenod Ilowor of a small evergreen tree ( hat resembles in appearance the lnurulbf | the bay. It is a native of the Malacca or Spice islands , but has boon carried tivall the warmer parts of the world , and it is now culti vated m the tropical rdgions of Amoricu. linllilii Kstnanti' if a Dog. Major Peter Ronun.ingt'nt of the Plat bend Indians in Western Montana , re cently purchased a .lud ) blooded and ugly faced bulldog , , ( jijj. to guard his pleasant quarters nCj.tho Fluthoad agency , but to give lis ( Indian wards anew now subject for study in the animal kingdom. The uppourancu of this strange quadruped caused us much ex citement among these untutored sons ol the forest as a behemoth of the paleozoic ago would arotino by : i sudden appear ance on Main street. The chiefs hold a long roiiHultiiUon over the ohuruotuns- tics of the animal , and llnnltv decided to cull him "a good bud dog. " ' The first The ( icnuliio Jolinnu lloff's .Halt K.xtruut. ui i'iiiulh'l | ( as a in- lilul > uvriii ; < ! fortliG wi < ul < and debilita ted , for ludloij UIK children In tlyspc ] ) hi : iml Indigestion lln biiro to buy ilia ( icintliti : vthlch must have thu blsnuturo of "Johaun Hoir'nt i lie ntiuU of boltlo. AFTER THE GRIPPE. The Grippe HcHionslIlo | Tor More Dontlin after Hcoovcry than During Its Coursr. How to Atold thn Dun- lie r. Grippe , In Itself. Is bad enough , dobllltntltxt cnniicji , lutlt Is the nftoroirccts , tbo slowness nf recovery that give It Its grout danger. In nest cases the person did not have siifllclcnt vitality to rally after the dlioaio Itself had inssed. Thoforccsof nattiro were too weak o contend with the dobllltv whlcli the Urlppo lad loft. It Is sad to think how ninny r-cnplo have lied who might h ivobocn saved If nature had > ccn properly assisted and fortified after the 3npo ] ) had been driven from the Fystem Many physicians realized this fact , and as- slstod their patients over the dninwrous after clfects by bracing up and stlmulatliu tliolr sj stems. This was. and can bo done In lint mo way. nnd that Is by the stonily and n od- urato use of some pure yet powerful stlimi- unt. There Is but one absolutely pure and medicinal stimulant known to the profession uiil to the public , and that IB Duffy's 1'nro Mplt Whiskey. The most prominent scientists mid phyitclnnsof the land endorse Us purity nnd vulno. It Is not a now whiskey , it has tjiicn Doforo tbo public for yours. It Is not a cheap decoction , but a pure distillation. It Impirts a torn ) to the system possible In no other manner and Bends the tilood coursltm through the veins \\lth renewed vigor. Ills NitliuHor In every rosuect and l.owevor much nnv unscrupulous drupiglst orKrooriniy : seek to lead you to bollevo to the contrary no not be deceived , A Written Guarantee SYPHILIS CURE EV RY CASE MONEY REFUNDED Our euro h permanent nmlnntn intclilni ui. ; Oiui ontcit povon yeaiM nn > hnvtt never docn n svnipto u since , lly Oc crlbltiK cine f iilly wo enn iroit you by inntl , nnil we ulvctlic Bii'iio Mrorttf Riinnt'itco to euro orrafimct nil money. Thcuowho prefer to oomolicro fortreutiucntcHiulo conntt wo vrlll pny rnllro.nl fiiro both wnynnmt lintel hill'while hoto IT * o full to euro Wo Clmllcnuo the WorU for 11 C.TO that our MAOIU UBMKDY will not cure. Wilto for pnrtlcu'RM nnl dctthocvUlenee. In our seven yotra' prn-tlco wlt'i thli.MAOtCUKMKDV It hai boon most OITlcult t3 overcome the prejudices ajaln't oollol spocl'lJi Hiitumler our strong uuarnntoi ] thn'mnli urj try lilt Itnrul lelnxctircl. Wo guarantee to eurj error in 1 every ttollar. an 1 m wo linvc a rjp UV.I31 t > pritan nlvitlnmiclil bnekliuuf W ) ,0 U Is perfectly snfo to nil who wllltry tliotrentniunt. Ilcrotofo-o you Inrj been puttlriuup nn I piiytni outyoir money forilina * n I treatment' , nml nlthotijtli you nro not yet enrol noonulmi pnhl b.ick your money. Wo wllluo'ltlvcly euro > on. OM chronic , cleo , > soitai cie < enrol In I ) to UJ ilny. Inve.Mlk'nto our Ilinnclal t\n Mm , our reputation ns uuslneM men. Write us for tmmos nn I nilclres ci ot those wo have cured who huvo ulvo.i permission to refer to thoti. Itco'U you only poit < OKP to do ttils. If your Rymptoiis nro * ere thr.nt , mucous pnthes t.i mouth , rhouuKitts n In bonei nil I joint1hair futllni ; out , eruption * on nny part of th5 body , fcclluit of Renornl cloproiMo.i , palni in hea lor iionei. Vou have no tliuj to wane. The o who nri rotxtnntly taking merc.ir/ 11 i > afli houl 1 dlsson tlnuclt. Conitnnt u o of tliese ilrun' will virely brluj pore nnd cutlnu ulcers In the cn1. Don't fnll to wriio. Allcomxpomlcneo sent soilol In plain envelope ! We Invite thomo't rliitU Investigation and will do all In our power to nil you In It. Address COOK REMEDY 0. , - Ornahi , Nebras'ca. UUilL FOR MEN ONLY. W5OO for : i utisu ot Ij ( > iT nr PAIMNO MAN HOOD , Geitoriil or N uvoua DBIIII.ITV. wetik- nesbof Body ornilml. the cirectsof r-rrorsorox- c esses In old or youn : ; that\vocumntutiro. : We iMiiir.mteo every cnso orrpfutul every tlollir Kivo ( liys : trlul treatment SI , full cour-iti n. I'orecptlbo benefits rtullrcd In three clnys lly inrill. souiircly picko'l from observation. COOK UEMEUV Co. . OMAHA. Nnn LADIES" ONLY MARIP I'l'UAI.i : ItlXJUI.ATOH , Snfo : u id IflnUlU Cor lut ii to u cl.iy or money refunded. lly mull JJ. Beuiiroly scale 1 from obsurva- ton. CiiOH ItKJt + 'ltV t' . , Omaln. Neb H VBHHH WEi B H l i g will stop a Cough in one night , ; : check a Cold in a day , and CURE : i Consumption if taken in time. ! IF THE LITTLE ONES HAVE ; : WHOOPING COUGH OR CROUP | Use it riomptly.j A 85 cenrj bottle * may ; jp xsavo their ; t lives. Ask ; iu-Qi r rT li foruH : ! 2 A > ' / It Tastes Gooi : . | Dr. Acker's English : CUKE CONSTIPATION. m Small , pleuritiil. u favorite with llic ludlcft. : W. II. 1IOO1CEH * CO , 18 Wert Hrondwny , N. Y , . For sale by Kuhn & Co. , ana Sherman & McConnell , Otnnhiu LEAVES A DELICATE AND LASTING ODOR. An Ideal Complexion Soap. Fnrsaloliy ntirmiJan ( < t KniioyOoo < 1nnealPrForlf nnnble to procure thin Wonderful Houn nenrt ISf ! cent * In Btampi nnd receive a Cftko by return mall. JAS.S. KIRK & CO. , Chicago. SPEriAL-Shanrton IlPlls Waltz ( the popular Society WaltrlnentKHER tn anyone tending ut three wrappers of Buandon Hells soap. adjcotivo is doubtless caused by a cor" tain Indian SCIIBO of dlploraucy to bo ox- oruisod In addressing tlio animal , while the luttor Is evidence of tlio rod man's regard for truth at all limes. At all events , the name is worth studying , thu , ini < , They wore two lawyers and they had dropped into tlio Imperial to huvo ti friendly chat , &avH the Now Yorlt Com mercial Advertiser. In the course of conversation their mutiinl business af fairs came up and ono asked tiio ether what eases he had on hand. "Only one , Dick , " ' lie nnsworod. ' 'That's a grand larceny cube. " "Not bad , Jim , " bald the other. "What are the facts ? " "Quito simple. My client wont into a jewelry Hloro and ran out with a tray of rings. " "What does ho say about it ? " Says ho know the proprietor and lie took the tray only for a joko. " "How far did ho go before they caught himV" "Ohf about throe blocks. " "I'm wfr.iid , " wild the ether lollectivoly , "that the jurv will think ho curried that joke too far. " Hull There are two factories in Phlladol phia that use up in the season 10(1 ( horse hides u wcok each to cover base balls. Tnov are alum-tanned. Ono hide will furnish , covers for ton do/on No. 1 balls and five to eight dozen inferior ones. Ilorbo hides for this purpose sell from $2.50 la $1 each , as to ni/.o. Kips are also used. They boll at 14 cents a foot and Bheopshiiiui.50 : to $8 a dtuon. The best regulation balls sell ut & 1.25 to $1.50 each. A piece of rubber forms the center , uround which yarn is wound by hand. Then they are covered. They are "dead balla nd won't bounce. " Your next week's washing ' I -I \ Will look whiter , will be cleaner and will be done , with less la.bor If SANTA CLAUS SOAP Is us&dL. The. clothes will smell swc.c-tc.rand Will last lon ar. SANTA CLAUS SOAP Is pure. , it cleans but does not Injure irho. fabric , It does r\ot \ roughen or chap the- Hands , lillions use it. Do YOLL P NK , FAIR BANK aCCO. , M'/'rs. / CHICAGO. To promote health , preserve and length en life , stimulate and invigorate the whole system , tone the stomach , aid digestion , create an appetite and repair the waste tissues of the lungs , nothing surpasses an absolutely pure whiskey of deli cious llavor , smooth to the taste , mellow , mature and of richest qual- ity. inferior whiskies it will or scald the throat and stomach. Call for CREAM PURE RYE and take no other. For sale only at high-class liquor and drug stores. DALiLBMAND & CO. , CHICAGO. IFURGATED YOKE SUSPENDER THE LATEST. Slipping off til8 ilioulder I in no s- ll > le. Ask your dealerfor tncm or . Rend 31 00 for Ftam. l > lo i > alr to Lnce lliitk Huitpciidvr Co. . r.7 to III St. , New SrliKc WOODS'L PENETRATING PLASTER. 18 gi 1CK. Others U comparison are flow or IJKAU. IfBUflcrlnKtry WOOD'S PLASTER , H PonclratOD , lie. Ittivr * . C'm en. Ml /IGOR OF MEN Easily , Quickly , Permanently Restored. . . VeiiUne i , Nervou n ; , Ileblllty. nnd oil tno tram of evlli from early errorsirlnlor oxcvtsra , tbo results of overwork , sickness , worry , etc. Full itrcngtli , doTclupnient , and tone elvcn to ovcrr organ and portion ot tlio body. Simple , natural methods. Immediate. Improvement even , Kalluro Impossible 2.ma ( references. Hook , explanation * proofs mailed ( sealed ) free. Address BRIE MKOIOAL CO. , BUFFALO N. f Dr. GLUCK , Eye , Ear , Nose , Throat' SPECIALIST. Glasses udjiiHtod to nil visual dofocts. Onturrh tmuccssfully treutnd. Room 18 , liarkcr lilocli , IStli and Farnam Morpnlm , ifiit , tllleuri4. THE DREADED "ORIPFL , RELIEF AMD CURE. A HENSON'8 1'I.ASTBn placed over the Chcet and another one between the Shoulders Insures not onlj Immediate relief , but ( julck. cat euro for those Muscular Pains tlat | uccompany the Qrlpiio ; all Hheunmtlol'aln pass away like rau'io. ( Wear IDKIIBNSON'H I'lnstersprc vents the ( Jrippo duriiiB a contoclon. Itlsthoonlytruo medicinal porous plwtur , It U not a nostrum In any sense. Indorsed uyoverWJOO j'hyil clans anri IJrui/pUts. Don't allow Commercial Drut'jrlsts to palm oft cheap substi tutions. ( Jet the Kcmilnn IIKNHON'S und you will not Tutt'sHair ' Orny luilr nr nlilakcru olmncrcl Ion ylonay lilnclc hy UHlnile'i | > plliHtliiuit' I Ills Jjc. It liupurtH it iiutiiral cnlnr , lU'ts limlaiitaiioiiiia- lyunilcontaliitiiotliliiKlnJurloiutotlifiliulr. bold by ilniRKlfcU , or \ \ \ \ \ In , m.nt u receipt of iirlc ? , Wl.OU. Ullire , 3U 1'urU 1'lacv , K. V. COUNCIL B.UFFS STEAM DYE WORKS All kinds of Dvolng niul Claim In : tlouo In tlio hlKliuhthty loot tlio art. Fjdocl anil stilnod fabrics made to look as vood as now. Hod fu.ithum cleaned by stoain In llrst-clnos nmn- ncr. Work pioinplly done und doll vcrud In all jmrts of vlio country. Send for orlco IhU C. A. MAU11AN. - - 1'KUl'IUKTOIl. 101.1 Uro.ulwiy , Near N'ortlinoUurn Depot COUNCIL Iti.uFifi , IOWA. Sims & federal courts. Hoaina .1 , 4 unU lluno block. Counoll IllulTi. Ix SPECIAL NOTICES , COUNCIL BLUFFS. POH SAI.R At a bargain , 12-acro fruit and cnrdon fiinn adjolnlii } ; city llmllH ; good dwelling . R II. Blioafo. HI RE VT Vacant store. 414 Hroiulnay F owno.l liy Mrs. Juno Hnldwln. Apply to F'I' . 1'holps at postuflluo. 'I' tr ido IIOIIHO and lot for team ; wilt illoiu tlinoon balance. Cull at 015 8. Ctli street. FARMS , giirJou lands , bousos , loti uni business blocks for atlo or rent Diiy A lloss , 10 1'enrl Htroot , Counall liluffs. TioRnNT-or 103 dwellings of cvory rtc- I. serlptlon at prices vnrylnn from II to JIOO per month , located In all parts of the city. U. II. Slioifo..r > 00 llroadwuy. tLU'S money on hands for W loans. W. A. Wood & Co. , 520 Main htroet. SALE Konr coed llourlng inllls. Oun FOR homo KOCH ! land IIH nart pay. Johns ton & Vnii Patton. Council Illulfs. la. Good ( tlrl for Ronoral house W work. Mrs. II , A. StoiUlurcl. 7 1 S. lith Bt. IJ1OR H.VLK The Stolllni ? riialdonco , next to J-J , A. Murphy's iiisulonco , on Hth St. , near nth avo. App y to N. 1' . Dod o & Co. " THE GRAND HOTEL , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Now , modern , woll-ivpnolntod , thor oughly woll-Uopt , $3 11 day. E. F. CLARK , Prop. CITIZENS STATE BANK. = = = Of Council Illutri. CaplUI stooV . . . ; , . 91ISOOOO I'rofltB . . HO , OHO Not Capital ami Burplim . WHOOOO ItrcctorB-J. ) I ) , Kdmundiun , K. I. , hliunnrt , K. O ( ilcnsdn , K K , Hurt , I A , Millar , J. V. Illncliainn , and Clmrloi II. llnnnnn. ON TIME DEPOSITS Chas. Lunkley , Fiint'nil Director nail UiulorluVcr. Hromlwuy , Council Bluff a 9 | > tiona 31J. W. C. ESTEP , FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EJliULUER 14 N. Mnln , Council Bluffg , Allan Lxine UOVAIi MAIL u Ball recularly durliu winter from PORTLAND to LIVERPOOL Direct , Catln JJOnnrt upward : ecaiul catiln , ti ) Bteurx * ut low raloj. No CA'iTJ.t CAiuuKIi , Biauvtoia oiv New Vork nnd Ulaixon Konnlulitly. Cabin lln. BeooiU Cabin IJJ. Ktc rKO U. Apply to ALLAN A CO.I.Uloi g IL It. JtJJ liti.Vabiik Tlci ; omoj ; W. KVAtuuurllairuii Vlvti. U.Uj