TII13 OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , FEIillUAHY 2-1 , 1592. 8 PEB1KL NOTICES. _ * " , T"IVKI1TIPKMENTS | KOII T1IICSK COLUMNS ' JVwlll Imtiiken nnlll 1 ! 30 p.m. , for tlio ore-nine unit unlH8.r o p.m. , for the morning or Sunday pdl * lion All nrtTertlfomenU In lh < - < - column * IS rrnH a line nut Inrrrtlon , nnd 10 rent * linn thereafter , or 12 | icr line i > cr month. No fidTrrtlncincnt taken for Irm tin n K rent * for tlic tint Inw-rllon. Terni .cn n InrdTfrrr. oonnl anonl 7 words to Ihollno. Ini tial * , fli iirrs , fyinbolK , cic , . rnrli count a * n word. All ndvrrlli-emcnl * mu t run conxpriitlTClfi Adtf-r * IlK-rn , lijr reciticr-tlti- numbered cliwk , ran hnto tlirlr Irltrrn mldreMpd tti n numbered Irttpr In pan ) of Till : HfK. Antvpra KO nililrpimcd will bo rtpllT- ernl on iirmrntatlon of tliuclieck. _ _ _ 1 > IIAM Jjcolt'iiniK will bo taVpn on the above rondlllnni at HIP. loilonlnK bnflner.fi linnm * * . who am author Itpd tii Inkii npeclril notlppn at tlio naino ralM nil tan l.p had at the main nnirn : Poulh Uinnhn Ilrancb UHlPo-No. S6M N r.trpct Llntrr Mock. John W Hell. pharmnclrt. Illh nncl Mason itrrpta , 8 II. Karnaworth , phnfnincKl. JUS filming street. \V.J. Unction. tiharmaclM.KH N. Ilith utrpot. r K. f-ntterflelcl , phnrmnclst , K1S Lcnvcnwortli Itrcpt. IliKlipV pharmnpr. 24lh and Karnain. _ SITUATIONS WANTED HATKHIta n linn flrnt tlmn nnd lOo tlnn there after. No ndrcrtlscincnt taken tor lo a than itc. WANTKI ) . SITUATION AH TEACH Kit IN A tolrnrnpli upliooli * jrnti experience * In tele- jtraphliiK. Address ( ) , 21' , lira. tUW - WANTKI ) , l-tWITIOsllY 11HRAI ) AND CAKK bnkcr. ( lllck , 1S10 S. 10th. CIS 2.1- i WA.STICU-H1TUATION AS SOI.lClTOit , COL- Jvlpplor or clerk , Ilr middle nged man. lloferen * CCi. Acid-cm QUO , Hoc. MliM 51 * / A POSITION HKCONI ) COOK HKSTAIJIIANT OH ' . /ion Now York hultercnkeM unmethlnR now , Houthrrn , YounK Men's Clirlstlnn nmoclatlon. Mi'-H ) 34 * WANTED-MALE HELP. 1IATKS ISc n line Ural time nnd lOc n HUP there- nftcr. IS'o ndvcrllAciiienl Inken for less Ilmn2jc. Tl--'wA.VrK.nTsALI.HMKN - - ON 8ALAHYOH COM Jml < iliin to linndlo thu new imtenl cbemlenl Ink crnfli I'fnrll. ' 'Jhe trenteat i-elllns1 noveltrm-ur lirudi ceil ! cra-.cn Ink ilinrniiiljr In two -.econdur no ' abrnt-'Hi of paper ; you to Mil per cent profit ; onu 'mienl'ii mlc amounted to ti.'JO in MX dnvs , nnotlinr nzlnlnu liuum. Wo wnnt one ncncrnl nttent In mcli Mate nnd tprrltory , l-'or tprine and lull pur * llcnl-im mlilrenn .Monrou Kinncr SlfK. Co. , LuCrcnnf , . X ! fi _ _ Wl _ T-j-M'ITVnANVAf-aKltH.HALAHYI'AlllWKKKLV. J'Slniicr Sowing nmchlnu olllco. 1510 Doimlnn nl. ml m > - WANTKIl. FIHST-CLAS3 MACHINIST. > l > nvls A Cowclll. l < 75 -I'OIITIAIT AHTISTS WANTED TO C1VK J Jour electric llht ( prints a trial. KxcPlslnr Portrait trait Co.Vnro block , Oniulia. IMW MIJ' 1 > -\VANTKI-tO TKASIS AND MEN AI.HO CON * Itriiclors for Itoek Island railroad work In Indian Territory Address McCurmlck Ilros. . Mlneo. I. T. M4702I * ; - fAI.K9M13N WANTKIl , ItOOM 17 , WAUK lll.K JL" _ 4W 27- jBK p-M'AN'PKD-FIHST CLASS HALIWMAN KOH J 'Onmlm iiKuncj- . Sell lo merchants of nil clanger. Adilren . A , Coon , L L. & T. building , I.'CH Molnes. Give rcbircnces. M4''i 2V 3J- WANTED , MACHINISTS TO KI.I.I' AWAY Jfium Indl.innpullii , Inil. . mi there In n nlrlko tlicr.1. . .1. Lnnili , O. U. Hoard. M.'JSS' "I > W A NTH I ) ItlCOISTl.llKD I'll All.MACIriT : J 'intiKl pin-ilk ( Icrnian. f-tnteni-e , pxicrlBncc. ml- nry. tend references. Addrens OW. lleo. Mil5-2.'i ( * ] > WAKTKi ) , A noon DIIY coons SALKSMAN , J Jonevlio iinderslnndfi drosilni * wlndowH. Adilreas wltli refi rences , ptnttnK evperiuiico and Biliary ox * peeteil. I * o , box ' 13 , Uinalia. lit ? 21' " " B" WANTED AN KNK1UIETIC MAN IN ANEW linn of soliciting. Call or address N. V. I.I To . , rciomim. MCOU 7 * WANTED , CANVAKHI.IIS TO SKCUUK VAL- nnblo territory for the Acnia I'lnlcs : Clevis ; big iirollts. Call or address "Inventor , " room U , Union lcr < -t hotel , 11th nnd .Mason nix. MMVJ.2I * \rOUN ( ] MAN TO I.KAIIN llOOKlJKEt'l.Nf ! In olllen. Ono thatcan n o typowtltor preferred. Jil W per week. Addro-s O6i. Ueo. MIST-tl' .13 - WANTED IMMEDIATELY , NO. 1 1IAKEU . fur one week. Gates A. Hun , David City , Noli. U70-i3- \ > WANTED. A FOIIEMAN FOR OUIl 11O1LEII J'sliopi none but askllled I ollermnker need apply. Vrkmont Foundry and Muclilno Co. , Fremont , .Neb. 073 25 B-WANTED MEN TO THAVEL FOIl OUIl t'nnndn nurseries. Btono It Wellington , Mndl- son \Yls. ' n WANT15D7T\VO (1001) ( IILACKSMIT1IS MUST J/Jit-e f-ood reliable men nnd workmen , caimhlo of ilolin ; nil kinds general job woik and understand iilow nork noli. Kmll fnlgs | , O'Neill , Neb. ( .74 29 T > -AUK YOU A CATHOLIC ? AUK YOU UNHM J 'ployed ? Will you work for IIS pcrweek ? Wrltu ; ta nm nt onco. J. K. ( ; ny , ! li | Madison etrect , Chicago cage , 111. 1 > HAl.KSMKN WANTED TX ) BELL OUIl J'gooilH by sample tu the wholesale and retail trade. Liberal salary nnd expenses paid. IVnuu- .JH'nt position , iluuoy udvancod for w.ige , uiivur tl.olni.ete. . For full particulars and rolurrncu nd- elrcsi Cenlonnlnl Mfg. Co. t'hlc.tgo , 111 , MliSOSI * WANTED-FEMALE HELP. HATKS I.'io a linn llrst thuo nnd lOc a Una there afttr. No advertisement taken for less tlmn 25o C A ( 'COD 8ALAHY ( iUAHANTEED TO ANY Indywho will do writing for meat homo. Ad * < liess In own handwiltlng with uddrcused and tamped envelope. Miss I dun K tmjtlic , South liind , Ind. . proprietor of the famous Glorlu Water. C ! COMPETENT GIBL KOIl UENEHAL JIO1JSK- work. ll'-J.I Sherman nvenuo. _ > rwi C - ( ! ( ! ( ) ! ) OIltL KOIl KENEIUL Apply nt J. A. Johnson , % UU Capital avo. 417 C -WANTED , G11IL KOIl GENERAL iOIJSE- work ; must bo itood cook ; Gorman preferred ; two In family. iTM Howard tit , MM ] C-LADIES. DOOUIl WOIIK AT VOUll HOMES : easy nnd Interesting ; uay or ovenlnit ; noezoer * Jcnec , no canvassing : iiood pay. Address with lump , 1'iiMon AqnarelloArt Co. , 48 Winter street , Uoeton , Miinn. A11.85 Mi' C-WANTED , OIIIL KOH SMALL FAMILY. En * uulro nt : IH2 Woolworth nvenuo. MCli " jft WANTED AJIUL KOIl UENEHAL HOUSE * onorlc for a family of two at 1025 S. 30th avo. Mtr.'l23 C-NICE AMEIlICANOIltLTO DO IIOUHKWOHK In private family , muni ho n good cook , yS S. SUth.cor. St. Alary'-i avo. Ull''l C I-WANTED GIltL Foil UENEHAL HOUSE , 'work ' , . ' < Ilnrnqyst. U4Z si * CWANTED. ! . GIIII. KOH (1ENEBAL HOUSE- workj must be Bood cook. Call nt SW7 California C-A YOUNG aiHL TO TAKE CA1IIC OF CHILI ) I ) oara old , and ussh > t with light housawork. ZRfl Capitol avo. txai'6 C [ -WANTED , HKAMKTUE'HS WITH CITY roforoncea. Mm , F. VT. Gray , .1024 Douglas Ht. U78-3lt C-WANTED. A YOIINOLADY FOIl GENEHAL oflleo work , who In nol afraid to work , State aalury expected. Address O (11 ( lleo. 0772.1 * C-llllErSllAKEHS HELP \\ANTED. APl-LY 1619 Cliurlr-a street. C7i 24 * p-WANTED , LADIEH TO DISTBIIIUTU ( ! ATA- vvOK | e at private rerddenrcn III Oniulia , Mann- 1 acturerH and Connumeri ) n i > clritlon , room CO ) , lleo building. Apply Thursday 'J to II a. m. und 4 lei : ; > U p. in. > UWI 2 } C-WANTED , S3 GOOD. , IIKHPECTAIILE "ninTs ut Iho American and German Employment ot'.lro. MIM ) 24 * 3-A DIHI , TO DO IIOUSEWOHK AT alii SOUTH Illh slreet. .MII I2H * FOR RENT-HOUSES. llATI.'ri-ISe a line tlrsl llmo and lOo u line there after , No advertisement taken for lem than .So. 18. . A 5-HOOM 1IOUSKS. flOto IIS ; 1IKST ItlW 4-/lJonce doln lu city. Mead Inv't Co. , HI lleo bldg ra _ IN-VOH HKNT , 110USK 10 IIOOMS , ALL MOD * .l-'ern ItupmTemem * , M ) per luonlhi Wd and Kari - | i m. le ) lvr KTIioiua * 721 Ty-V-HOOM HOUSE. AND DAVENPOHT. -1-/1I1I oonvonlonces , IM.OO r uonlh. F , K , Dar ling , Barker block , TPl-l-AHGE LIST. UEO. J. PAUI100. . FAHNAM Mom * B-V-KOOM 110UBE. MODEHN IMPHOVEMKNTH , 1 > S2 N. 2ith live. H. Kallih , tailor , til N. 16th. 727 BENT. . THK 10-BOnM IIOUHE 2107 lnuure | S.-Kati , lllTJ Douglaa t. , -HOURKS , CWTAUI.3. IIOOMS , ( III N. Utli'st , 4T6-ml7 T\-FOIC BENT. SEVEN-BOOM COTTAGE. CITY J w-tlcr , can nmt cistern. ! 4 | ) | Dodge t. , IS } pur luonlh , M. J. Konnard , WJ Now York Llfo building SIO TV-FOB BENT , COTTAGE , * BO < JMS , BATH. HOT 4-/and cold water , lame more room , Vtatlonary raugicurtalnt , good collar , ( UO.OO per month. IS'-l bhvruiuu avenue. Call at ruouiT , ilcrclianta hotel. V-THIIEE.1100MED IIOI'BK l-Xll BENT , tt.W. Xo , n So , llth , No , 113 Haneroft street. ' SI5U3S7 * YEHY DESHUBLH FOUIl BOOM Halv , ileaui heat One alx room , ono Ave room cottugo. 'Jvl. I.7U-J. 611 ! tjoulh VSd troot , MASK \-TWO 10-HOOM IlOUttfitt , MODKltN CONY-iN /leocoi , Bl f u ) and I4i. Inquire Bt 901 N. 13d at. Mull \-7ItOOM UOUBK ANDI'AllTOF FUUN1TUHK /for sale cheap. 1618 California it. 6 < i7-i FOR RENT--FUHNI8UED BOOMS. J1ATKS- l&o it line flrit tlmt aud 1U llu Ibera- ftcr , No adverlUocueul takaa far IUM than Uo. W-\tt HKNT , BTEAM UUATKD rUltNISllL'O lliroomi. UttJ SO , 13th itrett ' Htlt 77 FOB KENT-FtrnNISHED HOOMS. . Conltmieil. I -FUIIMSIIKI ) , STKAM 11KATBI ) FllOXV -room for | -cnllcmn 1617 IfiTcnworth ftrrot bath , etc. m It' _ _ J1 TOK 11KNT , KICKLV KIIIINISIIKI ) . SKCOSH -'otorr buck room , inUUMc for Bin-do eenltemiin , wllliont board , 1W P , 2Sth ttrrct. lit _ KL'IINISHKD KIIONT IIOO.M9 AT 1AII .M.V.'j T ' 1 KLKM.NTLY KUIINIBIIKI ) HOO.MS KOIUII.-J- Ijllpmeti < mlr { nil modern Initirovomcntii. I4W lloui-lmiit. 17BM7' _ IIOO.MS. KUIIN1SHI5I ) Oil UN- Tlio Vrcnit'r , 110 Norlh ZStli troc-t. WIT11.I1AT1I , | ii MONTH l llVJ Knrnnra. ' -C1IICK 11OOMB WITH OH WITHOUT J Aboard. Snllsfacllon guaranlcod. 50 | N , lutli st. MfiBfl 20' " "FURNISHED" ROOMS NITBOARDT" I -LAIMIK SOUTH KIIONT IIOOMS , RINOLK Oil Jcn ullo , nlth bonrct llcfcrcnro. 2211 Karnnm ttreol. AH'.rjjj - 1 -KI.KHANTI.r KUUNIH1IKI ) IIOOMS , 8INOLH -L or en inilto ; nit modern ronrenlcncMi flratclnrn board. 818aonlh SCIU nlrt-tl. M230 "i-llOOM8 AND UOAIU ) , 118 8. 2iTH. SI. J ni-mlS' l -NICKLV KUUN1BHK1) HOOM WITH 1IOA111) -L for man nnd wlfo or two lndlc-i , prlrato f-inilly ; K week each : modern conveniences , 615 N , 2.1rd t. 17-FUHNISHKl ) IIOOMS AND 110A1U ) . Mil L Capitol nvenne. OOI-S * U-I'A Ill-Oil KLOOII , FUIINI8I1I.I ) OH UNKUll * JL nlsbod , with board , 510J Donglan. DO K' 1FHONT HOOM WITH AI.COVK , ALSO HOOM unfurnlsliect If ilvelred , 212 So. Utli st. C7I -SUITK OK KIIONT. AND O.VK BIDU UNKUll -Lnltlipd If desired. SU17 llnrncy. FOR RENT-UNFURNISHED ROOMS. IIATKS- * a line llrnt tlmn nnd 10n n line thcreaf. l r. No mlvertlnetnent tnkcn for IOM limn 25o. --IIOOM sT AN V NIJlUllK irTrHiM ( . l TO 7 IN flntn , fur lionM-kecnlng. 1'rlcos nwnr down. ( ] . K. Hulls , 311 Taxtoti block. VJ3 m G .1 ItOOMS KOH I.UIHT IIOIISKKKKIMNU , nlio ono pnrtly furnished. 2512 llnrnoy xt , MB82-25 * BOARDING. HATKS--I5C n line tlrnl tlmo and lOo a line there after. No advertisement taken for Ics * than 2. * > c. * ' H -I'lM.sN'nosBojoim hoard , nicer rooms , conveniences , rntba find lo- utlon It cannot bo oxcollod. Mrs. Horn , proprietor 2U1 .M 10 * FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES. UATl.a--15c n line llrnt tlmo and lOo n line there * utter. No , ndrcrtlsorucut tnkon for less than 2'xi. , ifl 7S8 I KOIl HUNT. TI1H 4-STOHY IlllICK JH1ILII.N ( ! , VIII Knrnatn street The hulldlnx has a tire proof cement basement , complete rteam hcntlnK tlxtiires , water on nil the lloora , Kas , eto. Apply at tbo onloo oftholleo. U13 [ -KOU HI5NT , STOHK , ISJl HOWAIID. 704 I A F1SE LOCATION Foil A OUOCKHY STOH13 I Cash tradu. Address Nil. lice' . M'.ITJ M5 * FOR RENT-MiSCEI-l4ANEOUS. : HATES ISc n line Hrat tlmo nndJOo njlno.there after. No advertlveiuent tnben for less than 25c. I-UAHIBN FAHMS TO HKNT. T. MUHIIAV. Cfi7 T-40 ACHES NKAH S1OTOH LINK , 8JIAI.T. ' ' house , wetland stable. Omahn lloal Kstnto nnd Trust Co. , room 4 , lleo billMliii ; . ( U'J 21 J -IlllICK YAllUd FOK KENT. T. MOIIUAY.MfiM WANTED TO RENT. HATES I5o a line tlrst time and lOc n line there after. Mo advertisement taken for less than 25c. K-WANTED THIIEK Oil FOUIl FUKNIS1IK1) rooms for housekeeping or a furnished house. Address O 67 , Iloo cttlco. (34 24 * RENTAL AGENCIES. UATES--150 n line flrit tlmo nnd lOc a line there after. l\o advertisement taken for loss than 25c. L ItENTAL ACENCY ; HANK IlEFEHENCES 11. C. Oarvln A Co. , 208 Shcely block. 729 L TOlNSUHE QUICK HKNT1NO , LIST WITH the Exclusive Itcntal Agency. 1'arrottc , Douglas block. Mlkij L-LIST I'OUIl HOUSES WITH THE (3ATK CITY llcntal Agency. Itoom 14 , Fro nior block , 458 tu 10 * STORAGE. HATES-15on Una first tlmo nnd lltoallno thereat * U.T. No advorllscuicnt taken for less than 2'ic. r OLDKST , CIIBAI'UST ANO IIKST STOHAQK lliouBO In llio clly. Williams & Cross , 1211 Humor. 7JU WANTED-TO BUY. 1LATE3 15o a line tlrst tlmo and I Do a line there after. No advertisement taken for less than 25a T FUHNITIIIIK BOUGHT , BOLD , BTOttED > Wells , 1111 Fnrnam st 7U : f-WANTKI ) TO WUY , OTO8 KOOM HOU8H , TO I uinro onlo vacant lot. Aclclrew O 15 , lleo otllcc. M'J "V SltfOSIl HAND ONE HOUSE WAGON CAPA * ii hlo of carrying 1,000 pounds of coal wanted for cash. Applr bv letter , O CO , cure Omaha Bco. \T SECONO-H AND KUIINITUUE BOUaiiT.SOI.l ) 1' and oxchaniied ; hli-hont prices paid for second hand good * . Boston Furniture Co. , OttJ N. inth st. 1)30 JI21- SALE FURNITURE. UATES lik ) a line first tlmo and lOo a Una there nftor. IS'o advertlsonienl taken for leas than 2T > o 0-FOll BALE AT A BAHGAIN , BED BOOM KUIl- nlture , good as now. Inquire 1103 S. "In nt.CSS CSS 21 0-KOB BALE , COOK. HEATEll AND GASOLINE stoves ; also hcdrooui furniture aud lampn. M\2 \ Capitol avo. . t | 23 * - OP FOUllTEEN-BOOM HOUSE O-KUIINITUHE tilled nllh roomers and boarders In a doim-ablo locality. Addrcsj OBJ. Beo. WO3 ) FOR SALE-HORSES , WAGONS , ETO. IIATKS 16o a line tlrst tlmo and lOc u line theroaf- tor. No advertisement taken for lets than ZAe. T-STALL1ON. OENTLE , BTVLIS11 , SPEEDV and veil bred , for ale or trade for wild pralrlo laud In Iowa or Nebraska , Address M Ui , Boo , MU.r.MS ! ) FOR -MISCELLANEOUS. . - A ooo' AVINI KTonN A > J ' poiT- ant companv for ealo or oxchanKO for city prop- urty or KiMidinrins. Addroin ( J. E , .Miller. : UK ! llpu blllHIInif. M1I37J Q-FINK'UIIUaiIT ! PIANO. HTANDAIU ) MAKE , uied only a tow months , al n sacrifice. Wtl Caul * well si. . 483 Q -ONE NEW UPIUGHT PIANO. 817 H InTII ST. M5M-4 * QFOH HALE , HANDSOME PAHHOT ; GOOD talker ; very tamo. 11V N. 1Mb at , room I.MCC3S9 MCC3-S9 * n-FOIl SALE , ONE FHK3I1 JKII8KY COW , W ) ; otono Jrrney cow Klvlng 5 quarts of milk. f3i ; ono yearling Jortey helfor , fcO ; nne Ji'rm'y heifer calf , till. . The abuvo are line stock tand very cheap. Apply.dr address 2SD8 Leaven worth U MMI 24 * Q-FOIl HALK Olt TUADli , TWO --MILCH COWS , F. E. Hold. 3117 Ohio etreot. JKVS7 25 * MISCELLANEOUS. > HAMILTON 1IHOS. . CAHl'KNTKHS AND IbullJers. All klndu Jobbing. IK bo.isth. Tel. 1179 ltWM7 | > -CLA1MHFO1I8ALAH1ESSEHYUESWAGEH : , J Vutu. , uk'ulimt corporutlons or Individual ! , bought and advanced ou. W , It. lnvl.lt 'M Coutln ntiil blk SO.I.MIJ 1 > WANTED , fS.UOOOO LOAN ON CHATTELS -IVfurullurii ( ) . Cull at room210 , Kurbach'i block , uvur ( leruiinvlng | bank. Ji7 24 * CLAIRVOYANTS. C-AHIUVAL BXTIIAOHDINAHY. WONDKHFUL OreveUtlom. Ciiallengei the world , Mm. Dr. M. I/egravo , ( load trance clairvoyant , aaliologUt , paluiUl und llfo'rcadvr ; Kill your llfo from the cradlw to Kravv ; uulttx tho'separatodl caunea mar * rluge with the ono you luvo ; lull where > ou will aucceed and In what busluoM bo > t adapted for ; hai ttiucelfUruti'd Egyptian uroastplttte for luck and to dentroy bad InHuencea ; curri ilti. Inlomporanco' and all prlvato ruuiplalnti with maiiago , Uotln uud alcohol treatment , feud IJ. lork of hair , name and dutu of birth and xcceivo uccurato llfu chart ; 2 couti In utauipi for 'circular ; giro Initials uf ono you will marry ; also photo * nt tame. Ottlco 1007 b'outh ' lltb utrcet , tint floor ' ; hour ,9a. m to U p. lu. I'ouooiio , coruo alt and'bo oonvluoed uf this wonderful ornclo. JIMJ .Ml * 0-MH8. NANNIIt V , WAllUKN , CLAIKVOYANT , kJrclloblo builneai medium , llflu llu N.I Dili 731 _ S MADAMK FIHTZ. 23M CII.MINCIS 8THKKT. flalrrorunt aud UHUCH niodluiui ludeiiundmit voice * ; tulli pant and future. 67IP.il > MASSAQE , BATHS , ETO. ItATBd-lte a line tint time and lOo a line there after. No advertisement taken for le than 2&c. fiv. MABSAOE THEATMENT , ELECTUO THKtl. -Luial liklhi. tcaluBnd hair treatment , manicure nd cblropodUt.Mr * . i oit,81II,4S.lith , Wlthntll blk 7M _ ri11 MA DA UK HM1T1L 11X1 DOUGLAS 8T1IHKT , J- room T-td Boor. Alcohol , sulphur ud e balbt. * 610 S. t9TU 8TUKKT- nx)01l. 6WMW MUSIC , ART AND LANOUAQE. IIATKS ISCB line nr i lime and lOc line thero- aflrr. Noadvertlsem-int t kn forlo IhnntAc. V I1EFOHE HUYINII A PIANO EXAMI-NE THE new scale Klmball piano , A , HospelM3 Donilas. V F. OELLENHRCK. BANJO TEACHEIl , with llospe , or 32m N. l.Hh street. 3rd floor. V-f'O" SALE , CHEAP r1)ll CASH , A FINK ' npriKht plnno , nearly new nnd standard manu facture. Address 03:1 : , Bco otllco. 4S4 MONEY TO LOAN--REAL ESTATE. HATK8cn ! llnotlmt tlmo and lOo n linn there after. No advertisement taken for le'S than 2' ir-LOAN3 , O. U. WALLACE. .112 11HOW.V 11LK. \\r-ANTitoNV LOAN ANIITIIUSTCO. . sis N. v. ' ' Life , lend nt low rnles for choice security on Nebraska or Iowa fanusor Omnha city property. 7,10 AY T APP1Y TO J. I. JXJVKTT TOIl CIIKAI * money ; only first class security , 2JU S. 13th , \ \ r MONKY TO "i6AN""ON iMPuovKn CITY property , loir rates , A. U. Frost , Dounlas bl'k. Vir MONBY TO I-OAN ON IXJNO Oil SHOUT tlmo In sunn of f J to (10.00U. Mutual Investment Compan ) , 377 \\r-CHA8. W. HA1NKY. BIS OMAHA NAT. HK. bldtr , City mortunRCJ. l/owcst rMos. Money on hand. MS17 f CKNTHAL LOAN A THUSTCO.I1UK IlLD'O. 7 * ! \\r-HKA 1.KSTATU I/JAN8. l-AUI. . IOB VAIINAM AW na < \\r I.OA.NSON IMIMIOVKD AND IINIMIMIOVKI * r city property , fJ.UOO and upwnrds.0 to S per cent. No delays. W. Knrnnm Smith A Co. , 15th .V Hnrney. \\r--UKAI. KSTATK LOANSt ' ( TO 7 I'KIt CUNT ; ri no additional chnritui for commission or nttor * ncy's fees. W. U. Melklc , Vlrst .Nntlonul bank bldic. 741 wCOATKS.1CI4 FAHNAM HA8TKHN MONKY. 738 \\r-l-OANS , W.M.UAHU1S , 11 , HJ.KItKNZKU lll.K. > 740 \\r I.OANS , CITY 1'llOrKUTY. K , 'NK1I. AND W. i lown fnruis. K. V , lllnuor ; 1519'1'ftnmtii. ' ' 9I3-M4 * \V I.OANSON HliAI , KSTATK ANII COl.tjAT- ' torn ! notes nnd moru-ngcs tioUKht , Hoed & Sclby , ! W4 lloard of Trade. * 743 , IIKALKHTATKJ..OANS,3J3 JIKEDMt ( 420 r fi I'KH CKNT FIHHT MOHTllAOK LOANS , Hlchard ( ' . I'aller.ion , 1.M1 Kurilnnl st. 743 \\r--5U MOUTOAO15S. MOOlUi , A.401.1IKK ' 111,1)0. 7M Ur WILL LOAN MONBY ON. ANY' KIND OF security : strictly confidential. ' A. K. Harris , room 1 , Continental block , M8.il \ r-SCHOOLHONDS WANTKU. H. C , TICTKIIS. V\ West Tolnt , Neb. C44 G * TirANTKI ) . C40 ACHKS IN KASTUIIN N1C11IIASKA * v or western lown , pnynhle ono-thlrU real estate , balance cash. .Address ti5o-llco. M 'MOS1-25 * MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. HATKS 15e a line 11 rut tlmo and 1c ( ) < * "no there after. No udrcrtlsen.ont taken for less than 2je. ' " * --W YOU\VANT'JIO.NKY [ ' If so do not fall to get our rates bcfpro bor rowing. Wo make loans , without romovnl or publicity on furniture , pianos , hort.es. wnnons , etc. , at the low est possible rate. There Is no unnecessary delay , hut you sot the money on tun mine dny you ask for It. Wo will carry the loan ns long as yon desire , glrlng you the prlrjlegoof paying It In full or In purt at any tlmo to suit your convenience , and any part paid reduces the cost of cnrrylng the loan In proportion to the amount paid. Our ofllces are centrally located nnd are so ar ranged that pnrtloscalllng on us CUD bo waited ou quickly and courteously. It will ho to your advantage to BOO us before se curing a loan. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co. , lloom It , Orolghton Illock , 15th St. . south of I'ostolUco. MIIUiMU X MONEY TO LOAN BY D. K , MA8TKUS ON household goods , pianos , organs , horses , mules , wagons , etc. . at the lowest possible rates without publicity , removal of property or change of pos session. Tlmo arranged to null the borrower. Payments of any amount can bo made at any time , reducing both principal and Interest , thus giving patrons all the boncllts of the partial pay ment plan. Call nnd sco mo when yon want n loan , or If moro convenient , call telephone 1U21 and your business can tm transacted at home. Honey always on hand : no delay ; no publicity ; lowest rates ; business confidential , II. Masters ' , 11. 4 WUhnuIl bjk , 15th and Ilarnoy. X \-UOK'T I'lllTCUAUD , U. 3 , W1THNELL HLK. 743 X MONEY TO LOAN ON CHATTELS 11ONDS nnd city warrants bought. Itoom IW.Knronch blk X I-MONEY ON FUHNITUIin. HOUSES , PIANOS. Keystone Mtgo. Co. , room Mi , tfheoly block.M490 M490 X WHEN YOU WANT A CHATTEL LOAN SEK W. II. Duvls. room 20 , Continental block. 6U1 V-CHATTKL LOANS. BENEDICT A WHAY.OI4 /Vpaxton block. Wo loan our own money , charge no commission ; It will pay you to consult us. M 8UU-M2 X-MONEY LOANED ON FIIHNITUIIE , HOUSES , wagons , pianos , etc. Fred Terry , r 133 , Hauige. 204 X MONEY TO LOAN , 80. I * ) . .KJ DAYS ON FUUNI * turc. live stock , etc. Duff Green , removed to Itoom 8 and U. Darker blk ' IBS BUSINESS CHANCES. HATES ISO a line tlrst time and lOo a llnothoro after. No advertisement taken for loss than 25o ' ' V--'LLY 1- very best part of Nebraska ; capacity 25,000 to 30,000 cans per day ; has mmlo money last three years ; bestof reasons forsolllnc. Address M2iloo. ; ! 042 F2t ! Y-FOH SALE , IIOTBIHHEPHEIID HOUSE , AT Ansley , Ciistcr county. Nob. Two-story 'framo building , about 24x100 , with good barn ) 10 sleeping rooms ; hotel well furnished. Apply to Dr. J , 8. Thomas , Wood Hirer , Neb. - > M22Q MU * Y FOIl SALE , IIOTKIj , FUUNISIIED. 17 HOOMH , doing a good business ; terms easy ; location best , Address HoxiMX ) , Clmdron Nob. Y FOIl 8ALE--BAIXKN , DOING A GOOD BUS1 * ness ; good reason given ror selllni- . ' Address Ixickbox b3. ! West Point , Neb. MttX ) Y-FOH BALK. A FIIlbT CLASS OPKNINO FOIl a man with asmall capital It Invest In n stock uf general merchandise ; well vslablliihcd .buslnesi ; good profits. Address box 71.'l , OniaJia , Neb \r FOIl SALE. AN ICE BUSINESS.-ON 'A GOOD 1 paying basis ; best of reason for selling ; require obo A n.UUO capital. Address O 31 , Ueo. ,44124 , * VnuY TIIK COMMKUCIAL.-THK J.KADING JIiolel of Broken How , Neb , No laud in Irodu. ' , n" ' 831 Y-FOH SALE , MEAT MAHKKT , BEST IN THE city , attrnctlvo fountain 'In ' roomi rood brick building , rent reasonable. ' Address 1 > . B'lnghaiu , Hour noNeb. . i ' " " ' no- , - i - 4SS'21 Y-FIIH SAI.K-ELKVATOIU AND --I.UMBKII yard cheap. For terms , otCii odilrutr- ) Box V. l.ln- wood , Nuh , . . ' , j , . AU04 2D * Y-FOH SAI.E-CillEAT UAHHAIN O.V-ACCOUNT of elcknusa ; I will sell best rooming house In Chicago , centrally located. liO heds'ean' ' > | irDra It clears from UBOtp ' , perwecV.i''For particulars address Wm. D. Cook , Cl anditt > W Mndli-on striTt , tlilcugo , HI. VT-DHUO BTOCK FOIl BALK.l C'ATKD IN THE J uesl and most prosperoun .soctlou nf central Nebraska. Will Invoice from 12,100 to.ff.OtX ; ) . Stock fri'sh , The tlneitopenlnK for u ( iortuiin druggist. Parlies meaning business will Hud It to tholr Interest to Inrestlcato , Address O. 40 Boo. Y-CASII PAID FOIl ENDOWMENT POLICIES In old line companies. ' Bund description A. K , Drockleaby , box2 ) , llartfoidiCnnn , CI5 13- FOR EXUHANGE. ' . ' , HATEa I5on line tlrst tlmo and lUa.u line there after , No ndrertlsomont taken for loss than 25o. ' . ' . PIIOl'EHTY F0i Los A ngoles property ur fruit runvh In So , Call * fornla. David Jamloson , Bee building. 7tu V-CUBTEH COUNTY FAIIM8 ( IMPHOVKD ) FOIl AJstrlctly inpdem I vr 8 roomed house In good res idence part of Omaha ; will assume. Box 2VI. Un co In. _ M2I5 Z-CLEAN STOCK OFUErilCllAr , il'U'flEj WILL Uka real eslato & money. .Box 7M , FrankfortInd , tut I/-1F YOU HAVE A GOOD IIPHIU1IT PIANO TO tirade for lot 40 , block 1 , Armour Pisco , Bout li Omaha ; clear of all Incumbrauco , Address N O. Bee onion. _ y-JUDGMBNT OF ABOUT $000 YB AN OMA1U f atturney for exchange ! will take clear vacant lots or equity In deslrublo rcsldoucopropvrty' ; will boar InveMUation. Address , U , V , Argabrlght , Hhubert , Neb. iliaa 27 y I1UND11EDIIEAD OF IIO1LSKS AND LAND /Jin vastem Nebraska for a stock of dry goods , clothing , boots and shoes , lints and capj. Address box 101 * . Nebraska Clly , Nob. MS MIO Z-FOll KXCHANGK. MY IIKHIDKNUE IN NE < maha Clly , clear , for clear wmtt-ru lanil , or luur- chandlse. 0. Y , Areabrlght , Shubert , Nob.M5A3 M5A3 27 Z A COMPLETE BTOCK ( lENKI.Ali MKUOHAN- dlio * nd Uxlures , Invoice I5.000lrado ; established , will nel JS.UUO per year ; good reasons for selling ; will take 11X1 ucnn good land , balance cosht must be taken at uuee. Address O Cl , Omaha Boa. Uesl opening In Nvbruka. G73 2J y-roil TIIAIIK , ONB OH TWO ACHK8 CI.KAH -t > ln Newport for Uonto and lot. Ureauan it Uo. , Kurbach block. Mftjsi-l Z-FOH EXCIIANGK. 0 ACHK8 C1IOICK VAL * 17 land , wed Improved , tlmbor and running tream , In best county In tat , ninety uillei from Oniaba. Want Improved Omaha uroptrtr , Addrtti Otil , U e. HATES l.Vin line first tlmo and lOo n line there after. No ndvcrtlsonrtnt taken for le than25o. AT K. COUNRIl ? .nU.AND ; ; HICKOHY. Mxl.V ) 1'fret j a bargain fof fitlp * day only , F. K. Dar ling. k block l . - * . , i .188. S eottagt-f. , stabl .for nhorspscin ho divided Into 5 lots. InqulrcMyirTulsf-i. . ' WallaHALK , NKnilAl.5i 'VA > V , LANDS. " G. (1. 1 Walla ice , SI ! Drown block , Kith nnd Douglas. ; so M ODKIIN III HOOM HtWSK. ( IOOI1 UM'ATIOM no trade ! cash barcM. Addrrii OSI , DPP. ? ( ) lt SAI.K , A T\Vtl 81X111 V 11IUCK HANK liullcllnc. wth | ba Unint , . Tiuiltv oafo , furnl- thro nnd llxtnrps ; rnntf Mlriil good hmlnr ! " ; town of two thousand poopUH lire railroads ; KUOI ! conn- trri largptolprtnlll | ! 'l'thrpopleT tor < ; coed n- - lion for prptent corporation quitting huslnpn * . Ad * drcs T. lx > wj | , 1'rpnlilpnt , Superior , .Set ) . MlUSti * I"OU SA1.R , IIO1IK8. ANY THICK. I7M ) , II.JM Ul't pasr termij toke clear property ns Orel payiucnt. t > . ( \VRllace , Drown block , IClli and DouKlaa. iOH SAl.K AT A 1IA1K1AIN , 1XJT li. HI/CK 4. W. L. Pelbr's flrit' addition to South Omaha. Kmall pnrment down , balance itionthly It dolrod. Inquire ( ! . U. Ttuctinck , Onmlm Hoc. .141 li'Olt SA1.K-400 ACItK KA11M IN I1I.UK HIVKn A valley , Thayer count10 mllpawptt of Hebron. One of the Tory best larma In the county ; good house , barn , grantinc * , cribs , etp. , nnd an abundance of fruit , timber and rimnlni ; walpr. Also for rmlo or pxchnngo for Rood lands or city property , n bride pork packlna houne nnd fixtures In Ilobron , Thaynr county , near II. , V M , depot , Tor partlculHrn ln > qulro of ntiy real cstnto nnont In Hebron , S.Vi III AVKV. . H 8W. H 8KC. S AND \V. N\V , if SKC. 10. twp. 81 , N , It. 66 , 111 Sioux county. Nebraska , joining llnrrlson , county sent of snld county , suit , nhlo to bo plntted as an addition to said city. Also f. M HIV. V { Sec. 8 , Twp. 8 ! , rt. II. Id , Comnmncho county , Kansas , which Is also nultablo to bn platted ai an addition to Coldnnter , county neat of Com. uinncho county'and Is now partly surrounded by addition * . Kuril pleco li partly Improved. Inys nicely for bulldlnc purposes. Will Boll cheap. Ulvo ( food title. Artdre J.V. . Immbort , ( irand ! land , Nob. Mian 34- T7OH8AI.K-a)6TOTIIOOM ) llOUSCd , ( I.9UO.U ( TO XJ.iX)00 ( ) , flu1) ) 00 cash , flO.tt ) per mo. 1 house to rental 463 Cumlng t. , flU.OU pur luu. IS. 0. Mlrrelt * 43U Patrick avo. Cill 2U' j 1OUHA1.KI UIIS Wir.I , HK UKCK1VKII IIITO - - ' Kob. 2 , " > for lots 2 nnd 3 , In block 2 , tawo'it ad * dltlon to Omolin. This Is beautiful property , liUh. comnmndlnirn line view of the city : 1ms fi-room eottnuo and barn , tine shade tree * , BOIIIO cherries , blnckbenlcs , currants'Krnpovlnci ' , flu. Also lot 21 , block 0. In Btcclo A Wood's addition to llust Oninlin. This a very deslrnhlo lot In this rnpldly Krowlni ! addition , has" 8 ' 4-room cottnep , subntnn. Unity bull ! , and other Improvements , and Is 1 block from electric motor linn. Cause of pulllni * . 111 health , compelling the owner to rouiove south , llliln received on the bnsls of half cash , Imliuico ur * rntiKC.I to suit purehMur. Tltln to nhove Is perfect. Abstracts furnished. Address OOT , lice oilier. ' 6K1 HAIR QOOJJS. HAT1CS ir > o a line llr t time and lOo a line there after. No ndvortlscmont taken for less than 2.r > o. AUoffSTSTOCK'jS" ' K-STlHi. VKSTTTTll-AT rlcal wlirs nnd bcnrds n ppuelalty. Wlus , banvs switcher , linlr clmlun. oto. , send tor catnlOKtiu Mall orders solicited. Vavles , III S. 1Mb it. , Omnha. 7M _ _ MMIH 1DKAI. LADIKS' 1IA1U DUKSSINC ! I'AH 1lors , gwllchoH , baiiKS , wigs , toupees , jewelry nnd hulrornnmcnts In stock ; wlKMto order , npeelal at tention Klvon to mall orders. WJS. 15th sL.id : lloor. " ' M&DIM2U * PAWN BROKERS. HATKS 15o n line Hr.1t time nnd lOonllno thero- nftor. No advertisement taken for less than ' * " > o. , . . B.NK. 971 MB' S. SNYDEU'S LOAN OKl'ICE , 1510 UOIHiE ST. . ' -J 770-F 2 S.FUKD FUKD MOUI.E , OFFICE 1511M FAUNAS ! ST.I SKI I LOST. HATES-- l. > c a Una flrsinimo and lOc a line there after ? No advertisement taken for less tlmn 25c. T OST "ilEKNAttl > ' 'i'Ur ' , I TIlUEE MONTHS Ju/old. gmy ; followed little girl from lift ! S.llst st. to I'urkaro school , llbturn to A. I ) . Hudson , 1120 H 31 si M. nnd receive ruVard. 037 OST , 4-ULADED iVCJY HANDLE 1'OCKET knlfo. For toward. leturu to 1217 Farnam. . ; ; , , BM2.V MASQTJERADB COSTUMES , ETC. JlATES iSe. a line llrst'llmo and lOc a line there * atter. No ttdvcrtlBOiCrttol-oii fof loss than,25c. T ADIES & GENTLEMAN CAW lUCN' MA8QUB- -urado costumes at lU-"t Hth. ! ' Golden Kaglo store. , - KATES 15o a line tlrst tlmo nnd IDo a line there * uftar. So advcrtUomont tnkou.for lois than 25o , . PAID KOIl .OLD GOLD , CAHSON i wllrtnks , room SO llurkcr bjock , Omnlm. 751 CUTLERY QRINDINO. HATES ISc.allno'nrst'tlmo andlOo ri line thereat tor. No.advertlscmOnt tnkon lor less than 25c. s KND-'VOUIl SC1SSOIIS , HAZOIWj 13TC.TO BE 'ground ' ; to Underlaudi Co. . 1X ( > S. 11th st. 7.M P1.0POSA.LS 1-OK MIL01I COWS AND bulls. Uoutirtiuont of tlio Interior , Olllco oflndlan Affairs. WasililnKton. t ) . C. , Kob- runry I , 16'Ji Bcnleil proposals. Indorsed "Proposals for Cows or llulln ( us tlio cnso mny be ) and Uadrcssod'to the commissioner of In dian utTalrs , Waslilriaton , T ) . , C. , will b ro- colvea-'untll 1 o'clock p. in. , "SnturdBy , March r , ISO ! , for furnUhlnK nnd delivering at I'ltio I.Idgo. Hose bud , Uheyonno Klver , Crow Crcok and Lowur Ilrulu agencies , Sou Hi Daliotti , HtandliiR Kock ai-onoy , North Uukotn , Santee and I'oncn apiiiisluu , NobrasUu , t'landruiin aioiiav. South DaUotu and the Crow agotioy , Montana , uboitt 11,0 0 milch cows and 4UO bulls. HeKtiliir blunUs for bids are not re quired , tichcdulos ( whlcn wilt bo made apart of the proposals ) showing tbo nunibor of cnt- tlo requlrpd at tlio various aucncles. concll- tloim to bo observed by bidders , tlmo and place of delivery , toriof ) contract and pay ment. nnd all other ; nccessary InstruutioiiM , will bo furnUbcd upon application to the In dian olllco at Washington , the commissaries of subsistence , U. S , A. , at Chicago , St. Paul , Omaha. Nebraska , and Cheyenne , Wyoming , to tbo publishers of the Stock Uro/rora' Jour nal of Miles Clly , Montana , and tlio Journal of Helena , Montana , and the nuvoral Indian asonts. The right Is 'reserved to reject any or all bids , ur any part of any bid , If deemed for the best Interests of the government ; also , thu further right In making the awards to In crease or diminish to anv extent tbo nunibor of nnlimiU culled for In the schedules ; also to require a delivery of twonty-flvo per cent. more or less , than tho'AnKiuulspoolllod In any contract. ' CEItTIFIED CHECKS. Kach bid must boudcuinpanlcdliy a cortlQcd check ordraft on homo Un'ted ' States depos itory for at least live per cent of tlio amount of the bid , made payanto to thu order of the commissioner of Indian u ( fairs , which checker or draft will bo forfeited to the United States In case any bidder receiving an award shall fall topromptly oxeniito a contract with good and mifllolont sureties ; otherwise to l.o re turned to the bidder. T , J. MOKO AN. Com missioner. - , I'll ) dm M PUOPOSM.S POU P1KI.D SERnS-ONITKI ) Htntoa Indian ' forvcle. I'ltio Hideo A-tency , Hotth | Jukofu. I'ubruary II Hi , IBTJ. Healed proposals , endoraetl "I'roposuls for Muld reeilH'1ind adnressod to the undar- signed at Pine Uldjro Aironay , South Dakota. will bo leco'ved at tliU agency until 1 o'clock li. m. of March 7th , JSU. ' , for funilsliln- ; and delivering at Itushvlllo , Nebraska : : iBtl U pounds seed oats , tf.OjX ) pounds seed wheat , 1(1,500 ( pounils soccf1 corn , ' J. OOO piUindu Hood potatoes. 1.0(10 ( potiiuls seed Oernian millet , Kill pounds timothy seed , 'M > pounds blue grass seed. , r-ald se as to luli-rown In the section of country conuzuaii f-SB-lio puico of delivery. Illddera will be rrqaiHlKl t state spocjUoalfy In their bids the prdpaud prlco of unch article offered for delivery , ttualer a contract. The il.lit ! Isroscr.-ed to nijWft any or all bids , or 'nny purtof any hid , . UHlnomud for the best In- terostof tliOBorvlco.r ) ) rtliol ( ( Checks. Kach bid must tie accompanied by n certified check ordraft upon sotun llultod Status Depository or Solvent National n&nk In the vicinity of the residence of the lender , iimda payable to the order of the OomWJsjIonor of Indian Af fairs , for at least llvo-jior cent of the amount of flid proposal , which fcheck ordraft will bo forfeited to tbo Unlt-tTUtatcs ( In CUKO any bid der or bidders roQeiVlhi ; tin award shall full to promptly oxiiouto'A'fcontruol ' with good and sulllc.len t suritle-i , otlrwi-to to bo returned to thu bidder. lildnacdMipaulod by oash In lieu 'of a' certified check WtH not bu considered. For further liiformatlomzmmly to CAPTAIN , L. HOY JJKfrN.u. B. A. , Acting U. a Indian Agent. / , r-ll-18-t-m. BIDS will ! > cTecel < 5 by the Btato lloard of Printing at the olllco of the secretary of state on or beforeo'clock p. , in. , March U , Ibu ; , for printInz and blndlog In ploth ouo thou- sund (1,100) ( ) copies of .volume IVol .the Trans actions and Htiportsof the Nebraska Slate HUtorlcnl Society , to bo delivered coiupletu at thu ofllvo of the secretary ut the sooloty In the State University building , Lincoln. To contain 300 page * , more or loss. The size of priKo. weight and quality of paper , style nnd qualUy of hlndlii.tylo of Ictterlnu' on cover and lu all respects the work to be the same as thoBJtinplo to boHton In the ofllco'of the soo- rotary of stata Work to bn completed within sixty days from the awarding of the contract. Kach proposal must bo accompanied by a bond In the sum of $500.0" . KlKht reserved to reject nny and all bias by tbo State Printing Hoard. JOHN U. ALLEN , Dated Keb'r 17 , ISOi Seoretarv of State. Stockholder's Mi-ctln- . ' . Notice U ho rob/ given that the regular annual moetlne of the btouldiolrtora of tlio South Platte Land company will behold at the olllco of said company , In Lincoln. Nob.on the llrst Wednesday InMarohl i , being the second day of the month. lly order of iho Hoard of Dlroctori. It. U. PuiLiai'a , Bocrotr.ry. LINCOLN , Neb. . Feb. 2. laOJ. fJd mU. LEAVES A DELICATE AND LASTING ODOR. An Ideal Complexion Soap calobj-nlinrimnnrt KBnerO-HnlnPealc . nnnhle to procure thin AVonilt-rnil SIHIJI send rt cent * In otsmps nnd rccolva n caVe bf retnrn malL JAS.S. KIRK & CO. , Chicago. HPECIAI.-Shanilnn n > ll W ll ( the ropnlar Soeletj W'nltt ) sent Kit r.l ! to anrona nendluK UB Uirco wrappers of Shandon Bells Soap. DOCTOR ACKER : ENGLISH j REMEDY will stop a Cough In ono night , ; check a Cold in a day. and CUBE : : Consumption If takenin tlmo. ; IP THE UTTZiE ONES HAVE ; : WHOOPING COUGH OR CROUP | Use it Promptly. : A C5 cent ; , bottle may ; Ksavo tholr ; ) lives. Auk : -.your : ; Dr. Acker's English Pills- : , - OIIItK CONSTIl'.V'CION. : Small , plramnt , 11 fuvorltu with Itta lnillr . : W. 11. HOOKEIl * CO , 40 West llrondway , N. Y. ; For s\lo : by Kuhn & Co. , ana Sherman McConnell , Omnhn , IS CAUSED BY A COLD nlilch scttloi In nnd Intl-unci the air tubOJ lendln to the lunKs. Ills the hctflnnlni * of Bronchial Consumption -And If neglected lend ? to thntdlioaso voryspoodlly. A sharp , metallic rouith aceonipnnlei U. Take It In tlmo nnd you can certainly euro It with SCHENCE'S PULMONIG SYRUP . Which Is Without nn Equal for BRONCHITIS and for all discuses loading up to aud Including Consumption. Dr , Schenek's Now Book on D kcnses o the , Lung- ; , Liver and Slomnch , should bo in ovevy home.- Sent free. ir. ) J.ir. Schcnck & SonFhiIadnUInrn ] | nnOIITA SANDALWOOD GAI-SITLUS nro the Illlllll I D bojt and only capsules proirlbed by UUUU 1 n rcKuiar phyilclans for the euro of onorrlioo nnd Ischargos frou.tho urinary on-nni : crest cases In5 days. ( I.UJ per box , Alldrui-glxt REMINGTON TYPEWRITER BEST IN THE WORLD. Jos. P. MEGEATH , 1607J Fsrnim Street , Omaha. Neb. RHIL WRY TIME GRRD Loaves ICUIUAUO HUIiUlNlJ I'J.V & g.l Arrlv ) Omaha. | Doiiqt Iflth na I M non Su , Loaves | lUUIINiTON ft MO. HIVBIl. Arrives Omaha. I Depot 10th and Mason tilt. I Omaha. aolnc I CHICAGO. H. L It PACIFIC. , From East. I Union Depot 10th A Merer SU.l l.n.t. 1U.KJ a m , Atlantic Express p m 4.U3 l > m . > . . . .VentlbuloExpros . 1.10 p m C.10 p m . NlBht Express . I 1I.4U a in do Inn , CHICAUO , It. I , A PACIFIC. , Krom W"tI I I Union Depot 10th nndMarcy Sta. | Wost. 1.VU p m . . . . . . . . .Denver Limited 1.1.40 ) ) m T.OS p m . . . . . . . . .Denver Express . . . . | T.3U in Leaves ITllinAdfl MIT. . & ! ST. ! PAUL Arrlvo . Omnhi . P. depot and Maroy Hit. Omaha ( l.VU p ml > < . ! . : . . . .Chicago Eipross , . 1.IKJ p m | Chlcrmo Exprea-i. , ri.4t p m Ix-nves I rilOUX CITY A PACIFIC. Arrives Omaha Depot , 10th and Marcy Ht . Omaha 7.2U nTji.tiHlouxClty | l'ui. uiiiier. IKittjp m 5.3S. p | . . . . . . . . . Paul Express | IU.OOa in W" 1'8HUX CITV A 1'ACIFIU I Arrlv e Omnliat Depot. ISlh and Wtibslur sU. I Omaha ,6.45 PI ml tit.Paul Limited | il.A n ui 'TciUCAOOiS : NOIITHWEBTKIIN Arrlvoi OniahplU , P. depot , 10th and Marcy "Is. Omaha .7.211,11 ui ( Ex.juiry ) Carroll Passangor , IU.OJ p in 11.8) ) , m . . . . . . . . .Chlcni-o Express C.03 a in 6.00 p m Vestlhulo Limited 0.50 n in 11.15' p m Eastern' Flyer , 2.15 p 111 ( Ex. Sat ) Chic. Pain. ( Ex. Man. ) S.Oiu m I.eftve > , I OMAHA A HT. IXHflH. lArrlvei OmahalU. J. depot. 10th and Mnrcy BU.IOmaha I.IQip m--.Bt. | lx > ul Cannon Ball. . 112.3. ' , p Loavui 1 U. . ST , P. . M. A O. ( Arrives Onitlial Depot. 15th and Webster SU. I Omalitt l avei UMAHA A ST. LOUIS. I Arrives Trantlorl Ualon DepotCouncil Hlutfi. iTruimfor 4.40 - | . . . . . . . Louli Canon Ball I12.1S p in I .envoi 8IOUX CITY i PACIFIC. | Arrlru Transfer Union D pol , Council lllulTi. iTrausfor T.4J U ta , , Bloux Clly Accommodation.110.00 p m IM P m 81. Paul Bxprssn \ 9.40 a u leaves I ClilOAGOA N'OUTHWEHTEHN Arrival Traniferl Union Depot , Council llluns. Tranifor p w . . . . . . . . Cblcajio ExpreM 6.30 p u & .1S p ui Ve tltUlo Limited il.10 B 111 1000 p fa Ktuturn Flyer 1.30 p III BOO P tn ( Kx H t ) AtUntlo Mall ( Ux Mon ) 7.35 B m 7.10 B u Cuioll 1'uioDgcr. . . IU.09 P n THE SECRET OF VENETIAN GLASS Cnn-fully Kept In OniKninll.r . for IliunlrfcU of Vrnrn. Kvor-fbodynilinlros Vcnotlnn K-n-l < si tlw product of tlio Munino fnctorlos , but few KBOW "how it Is done , " ixnd ovoii thoao few do Bet know the mil ccoret. The curious mny stand before the furnace nndvntch the whole process from tlio time the llrst lump of j-lnss is put into the \vhito lire nt the lioml of nloni ; hollow Iron rod till the perfect vnso Is put Into the even to bo slowly cooled , lint they do not see below tbo surfnoo. The de velopment of the vessel is before you. The secret of growth is hidden. Not oven the proprietor of the estab lishment knows it. The mystery is in the keening of two men nnd is Imndud down from tfoiiornUon to { jonornllon. The fntlw slmron it with Ins Bon , or with bis ncnrost niulo kin. Tlio oldest nlwnrB hns ono or two y ouni * members o bis family near him ns "upprontleosf who lenrn from him the process of munufncturo nnd who may bo considered "in the line of succession. " In order to provide nctilnsl n misclmiico the secret Is written down nnd deposited in n law yer's archives at Venice. When ono of the two nion dies the other takes the paper , explains it to the nearest male I'olntlvo and than looks it up iirnin. ( , The Venetians of the niiddlo ngos in vented the art and n.iido it famous. Diir- inp tbo tumults through which Venice passed the sccrot was lost , but lOjout seventy years iijo ( an I till Inn gontlonuui , who had pondered long on the mystery , chanced to hear of ati old mun , who it was said had the socrot. U was handed down to him from his fathor. It had survived in a family of peasants who guarded it with jealous care. This old man was induced to try the process , and the result was the ruvlvul of Venetian plass. The old villager's family have been enriched , but they still remain simple workmen. IM ( Irlppo Survi'-Diliill-r Trrutoil. "I hnvo Just rocovorou from n second attack of tbo ijrip this .vonr , " snys Mr. Jumos O. Jotios , tnibllsHor of tlio Loader , Moxla , Tox. "In the luttor citso I used Chnmber- Intn's CouRli Homoily , nnd I think with con- udornblG .success , only boliiR in bed a llttlo over two dnys against ton dnys for the Jlrst nttnck. I'lio second allauic I am sntlsflod would Imvc boon equully its bad n the llrst but for the USD of this remedy , ns I Imd to KO to bed In nboutslx hours after boluj ; 'struck' with It , will It ) in tlio lirst cnso I wns nbloo iittotid to business about two ilnys before palling 'down.1 " 50 cent bottles for sola by drugf-ists. . Only a few years ano there was n sol emn funeral over in Minot , says the Bnngor ( Mo. ) CommerciaL The wife , a partner of years , had passed away and snow lay deep all over the earth , In re moving the remains from tbo house to the hearse the bearers had to take them down a narrow shoveled path past the lilac bushe ? and through the old swing gate , snowed in half opbnand 'so nar row an outlet that when they reached there they could got no further. In the doorway stood the "llrst mourner , " the bereaved husband , watching the pro- crfiss of the cortege and ready to take the first carriage. When ho saw the predicament of the bearers his t > raotical mind came quietly to bear upon it and ho called out in a loud voice with an em inently hearty ring in i , "Rowso her over the fence ! Kowso her over there ! " They rowsed. Now WiiBliliiKton , Trim. , People are not slon- about tnldncr hold ot a now thlnp. tf tbo article has tnorlt. A few months ago David Uyors of that place br.ut-ht his first stock of Chamberlain's Couch Komcdv. Ho bos sold it till and ordered moro. Hfesuys : "It has KIVOII the best of satisfaction. I have warranted every bottle , nnd have not had ono come buck. " 50 cent aua $1 bottles for sale by druggists. Culled Down Iho Lu\vyor. Chicago Tribune : Attorney ( cross- examining witness for the other side ) You say the moon was shinincr brightly at the time ? Witness It was. "You are perfectly familiar with the appearance of the moon , are ' voui" ' "Yes , sir. " . "Can tell a moon as far as you san see it , can youi" ' "I think I can. " "Ever see the man in the moonV" "I've seen what they call the man in the moon. " "OftonV" "Many a time. " "What does ho look liko'r1" "Well , to toll you the truth , he looks like u little , t'wo-for-a-ccnt , one-horso lawyer. " ORDINANCE NO , ii)00. ! ) An onllmmuoto ropcnl S | > uulul Onllimn-o No. l&UO anil to provldo for tlio rn-lovy of the bjicclal tux to cover the coil of chnnRnof < -rido of Douglas street from 10th strool to i0lh street. . \Vhuraui , It 1ms bo'in dcaldml by the court that iho special tax uatl UKSCKSIIICIH upon oor- taln'lotslind real estate Intlicolty or Onmlm to cover llio cost of chiin.ro of rulu ; of Doncliis street from Ifith Rtroot toMill street licroto- fore lovlcil Is InvulM hy roasonof falluro to Klvcn siilllciont notice of tlio uiunlliiK of tlio iKmrcl nf uquallKutlOn nnd for other reiiHons , und Whereas. It Is desired lo prnnorly cqunllzo the post of sild : chmiRt ! of iru < lo and : ( ( u valid iind proper levy of t.ixos upon the lots and real estate Houclully bunullttt'd by reuRuii of salt ) chantioof craile : tluiroforo , Ho It ordnlnod by the olty council of the city of Onmlm Section 1 Tina Special Ordination No. 159(1 ( , ontltlcrt "An ordinance levying n special tu\ and ; iss"nnient on certain lots and rual ostatii In the city of Onmlin. to cnvur the co-a of chariKoof snide of Douglas Htiiutt from Kith street to ath ) street , " bo und thusiinui U here by ropuulocl. rfc'ctlon 2. That the cost of .mid grade bo rn- nhsosscd mill levied nt Hiiuh time nnd In such manner us may hereafter be determined by resolution. Hectlon : t. That this ordlnnnca bhali tulio olfect uud bo In force from Und uf ler Itn pas- satro. ( 'II v Clerk , K I' . DAVIS , I'ro-ildonl ( Mty C'oniicll. Approved February 17. . . , , itKMls JMuyor , IMIOI'O.SAIJH I'OK ( JICAIINO. Sealed nroposaU will he reoolvod hy the un- dorjliuou until IiOo'olouk : : ji. in , , Muri'h Illh , 1HI ! ; , for BrndlnR llanoroft htrpel , from 17th street to 0lh Ntrcet , und Lulio street , from 4.'nd btreel ( 4.'itlihtn > ct , In the city of Oniulia , In iicooidancti with plans and specification-ton 'Ulo In the oillue of the hoard nt pull le works , Illdi to ho inadeon iirlnlud hlAiikn furiiUhod by the houid.'mid lo lie uccompaiilod hy u eer- tlfloa berk In the Mini of f.VW , nuyuhlotn the city of Omiihu , us nn ovlii ( > nc uf irood fulth. 1 ho board resflrvt-s tno. rliilit to uwurd'tho rontraet for the streets toii'tllier orforiiach ono sepuratoly , tp reject any or all bid * nnd to walvodefecu , . IfniK1AI/8lBr. , | Ohatrmnii llourdof I'nbllo Worlis. Omaha , t'obrtinry Slrd WM. l'jMl.J : | rropoHiiU fur llomln. Healed bids will bo roocived at the olllce nf the Olty 1'raiiHurur. Onmlm , Null. , up lo I'- o'clock .March luih. Itff' , for Iho piirclmHo of 117 : > .oao.MI 'J your. > per etuit'lty ( Hull lloinls. The prlnelpal und Internal uro payublo ut Kunntie Hroi. , Nnw Vorl > . Interest payable ROini-ttnnuully , Kuch hid must s Into Iho price nnd the amount of bond * mm u lit for and mint Include Intoreut up to date of delivery , Issued under authority of Charier of met ropolitan eIt.It's and Ordinance > IU anprovoil January 20th , 1898. The right Is reserved lo rejuetanyorullblds. VKATM Ulty Truanuror. Oraicoii Hhurt l.inu K tftnh Northern Hull UHJT G'oiiiuiiiy | KtodtholdiT * ' Alortln- ; , Notice Is hereby Klvcii that the unntial moetlne of the HiocUholderi of the Oregon Hbort Linti k Utah Northern Hallway com- pniiy , for the election uf illrectorn and such other business AS mar legally come before the ineetliiL' , will ho held t room No. 41 , Hooper llulldlnc , Hull Lake tilllltuli Turrltory. upon Wednesday , the IGlh duy of March. 1 * > - ' , at 10 o'clock u. in. Ktock transfer books will close upon the 29tli day of February , und reopen upon the 17th day of March. ALEXANUEU MII.I.AH , Hecrutary , liosiotr , Mato. , b' b , 3.1S02. I'lttd U U1 WHISKY DUINKEnS IN QEnMANY. ICinprror AVIIIInin'n rriiii | < * ilii In HoRiird lo Tholr Trrrttmrnt. KmjJoror William's bill for the re- prcs lon of driinkonnts baa boon revised - vised and clipped pretty enrofully by the federal council , and within tbo last two weeks has boon laid before the Reichstag , says the Now York Sun. Its specific nlms are to discourage "drunk- onnos ? , immorality nnd theft" in the small whisky en loons frequented by the poorer clnssos. After the enumeration of conditions which will prevent the granting of licenses in specified places and to men of a certain character , Iho bill's ironclad provisions for the control of the retail trmlo in whisky , brandy , etc. , nro stated. Thc o strong Hplrltunus liquors may not bo snld in less than half-pint quantities or in rooms occupied for other morcnn- tile purposes. Vjvory landlord shall bo arrested as soon as ho is discovered not to have taken all possible stops to keep bis place clear of drunkards , t Moves and questionable womon. In case n man bccomos drunk iu u BIX- loon ho may bo ejected only when the lumllord has arranged lo have him taken homo in a eabor by aspocially omiitoyed escort. Tlio oxponscs of getting ix ( Irunkon man from his saloon to his lodgings are to bo paid eventually by the man himself. All drinks must l o paid for before the drlnkor leaves thu saloon. Local authot itlos may forbid the open ing of saloons between midnight and H p. m. , nnd may prohibit thu employment ot waitresses wborover strong spiritu ous liquors are sold. All these provi sion's and about ton or twelve moro are to bo enforced with the aid of ton para graphs full of penalties. Most Germans are happy , doubtless , that two or tbreo stringent paragraphs in the law are "not to bo applied to pleasure excursions , "etc , an eminently Hi exception for u , country where , as Schononhauor said ' 'every picnic Is a roundabout way into a saloon. " Wnui'iso WATHII , Woh. , OcU 33 , MM.Or. . ISiooro : My Dear Sir 1 have Ju-it bought tbo third bntllo of your Tree of l.lfo. It is ImlecU a "Treo of Llfo. " Doctor , when you so Idndly pave mo that 11 rat bottle my right sldo wns so lame und sere nnd my liver 011- lurKed so much that could not llo upon my right side nt all. There was a noroncm ever my kidneys all of the time , but now thtit troutOo is all ovor. 1 sleep Just ns well on ouo slila ns on the other , nnd my nlcep rests nnd refreshes mo , nnd 1 fool the bast 1'vofolt in fifteen yonrs , and I know that it Is all dun to your Tree of Llfo. Yours very truly , 1) . R UuDLur. For sale by all dnif-Rlsts. County Prohibition ronvmtlon. Prohibitionists of Douglas county are requested hereby to moot in mass con vention at the Young Men's Clu'istlau association hall , Omahn , Wednesday , February 24 , at 8 o'clock . in. , to elect delegates to the state convention and transact any other business that may properly come before Iho convention. State Chairman C. E. Hontloy will bo Drcsont. nnd also at 8 o'clock in the uvoning will deliver an address on liv ing issues. All welcome. J. PHIPPS ROK , County Chairman. llrportur In tlui Clnss Ilnnm. The elucidator of the mysteries of chemistry , says the Boston liorald , was then Prof. Job Cook , n very soduto mnii and never intentionally guilty of n joko. Ono day , in a recitation , ho said to a student : "Mr. Slack , how do you slack limo' : " ' The student , supposing tbo pun upon his name .to bo intentional , answered quick ns a Hash : "Cook it , sir. " Of course llio class roared , but , instead of enjoying the apt repartee , the professor ser took it as a personal affront and reported - ported Mr. Slack for. a reprimand. , Dun Mlnuto. One minute tlmo often makoi n uroit dlf forcnco a one minute remedy for bronchitis choking up of the throat , luugi , etc. , fo oursu is a Dlcsslnir. Cubcb Cou h Cura li such a remedy. For sale by all druggists. Cuboh Couch Cure -Onomlnuto. Ncuriilf-lu Cnn-d In I'lltren M Mr. J.S. Slurtovant , editor of the Waupnca ( Wis. ) Post , says : "LastniphtClmniDorlaln'B Pain Ilalm cured my wife of nouralRia of the face and tooth in lit teen minutes. We would not bo without it. " aO cent boltloi for aalo oy raruKKisls. I.lid Ol' H ItlllllillK'K. Indianapolis Journal : What uho wrote : DKAUViM.As you nro aware , I shall marry Mr. Gotrox this coining Monday. Will you kindly burn all Iho little notes I have sent you. I shall dose so with yours. Good byol EDITH. What ho wrote : DKAU Miss EDITH Your request shall bo complied with. And by the way , your ntllanccd also holds a few notes of mine that 1 wish you would prevail - vail upon him to let you burn with the rest. Ever your friend , WILX.IAM. 'Tlio Crncli'll Trnt. Epoch : .Peck ( tie ! tirocor ) So you want a job in the store , do you ? Freddy Ga//.ntn YDS , sir , "Do you know anything about arith metic ? " "Yes , sir. " "llo\v much would ton pounds of sugar como to atH cunts a pound ? " "Fifty cents , sir. " "I think vou'll do. " mi : KUAI.TV .11 A Kit ic r. INSTRUMENTS placed on ruaar.l February A Ib'X'i ' WAKIIANTV ll'.r.l > v C N 1'owoll and wife to to I * U l.loyil , lot' M , lilock-I. Thornburir nlaoe $ ROD J 1 * llymer nnd wife toMarlln I.unxdon , loUsU'J nnd ( ii : , Wlndnnr plnon , . . . . .10,000 A I ) lluglie.s toJ 11 McUilllouh , IOIN 15 ano 111 , blocU 4 , Scinimltt add. . . . , ' 1,000 \V II I'aynter und wife to O I' Ullvim , trustee , lot 17 , Arclior iiltuja , 1 I , K Nelson to H M Peterson , lot 1' ' , 'jlook B. Murhli'M add , , II.BOO A 1) ) Thompson to McCasuo Iiiventn\mit \ company , s } j lot 18 , block " 1C , " 1'ros- poet place . , l.MO David Jumleson and wife to ( Jinalia , , HulldliiK liivevtmiiiit voniiany. | n ! i- lots 1 011(12 , liloulc K > l , Omiiha , uud 0 foot Hlrip ndjolnlns n' , , Kiilil lt ) 140,000 II H Palmer und wife to K .1 Itonlnson , n M acre * of no nenw H-iri-ia. 4.MO ( lust liamul iind wlfu to J 1' Jlallender , unillvtt lots | U nnd 17 , block I , llur- lluKtan C'onlor l.'JOU A .1 Dnlchcr lo M F. Diilohur. unit i of s 40 fuel of n HO feet , lots VI , U and IS , bloci' - < Hcdlck park 1 J K Koeers und wlfo in 11 1' Kuhn , n S ] feet , lofi. ' , block I.C'ovell's add V > 00 Llnwood I'ark Land coin puny to John ( iraw , lots 0 and 10 , blouk S , Llnwoud , park. . . , . „ . . , . . . „ . , IiBJ Same to Jacob I'auUon , ur , lot 2 , lilouk ' , Hntne. , . , . . , , , , - , . , .109 Hanmto Annlo lUulson , lot Irt--bliiok J , Bame , , . , VS > J II Thonipson lo I'ranU Corrnlh , lots I , ! . ' , f. and 0. Dloek L' . ( 'lHiny IIIII . . . . . . . . . 4,700 I , J Hpuuldinc and liiiHbaiid to J I' i , llymer , liil 14. Illiiok't ) mihillv. -100 httu llarrlsoifiiJ K MarvinoU.i ) : , t. 1'J , i-JiindlK ) , hloekH , Kclccirnian ) ) liieu 2.530 L K l.onmbtiry In K 1' .Neweonib , n ! M feet , lot-i"i. block Ui. ll-iiuconi plaeu , I , 1 , htcpliL-n- ) und wife loV T riutlnr- fleld , lot-j Vand 10. block B. Wutorloo. , . b A 1'err ! ( , ( ( a nd wlfu to II II Kdholm , u ' , } lot IU. block "X. " Hhlnn'H'Jrrt add. . l,0-,7 AUK Nulhon and wlfo to .1 O Whlddun. nil thai portion nw U-i-lC.I' ! north of Military road Ml * QUITOf-UM IIRK-JH. Wnrren Dutober to M K Dntelier. : iHH feet lots I'J. 11 und l.r > , block V , Kcdluu place. . . , . , , , , I IIKKUH. It F CociirJii. special master , to K French , loU ! > , 1U and II , block 3 , L'eu- tral park tOH5 Joseph C'mw , ipccial muster , to O r Da vis Go. lot 17. block a , Imke Vl w I'M li A Kath , spocUl master , to Vermont Having bank. Lalev'ii * .ub LOOT J F iiuyd. nhurllf , loV U Kills , w / lot . 11. block , " Lowe'ji add. . . . . . . . . . . f.tJW5 O T Llndloy. special muster , lo II V . Thomas , lot 1' ' , block 0 , 1'lultivlbw udd S.S.VI Total * < AQ ]