Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 23, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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Mystery Surrounding the Disappearance of
a Well Known Merchant ,
Strntign Glrriiiintmicr * I'rrfuliiliiR toV. . II.
roller's lpiiirtnri | < rriiin Homo I'ri'lty
Wedding at tlm Holy rmiilly
Cliilrcli Juror * for March ,
jj The friends of W. H. FoMor , the veteran
' , J florist of Council Bluffs and Omaha , nro
( much alarmed over hli mysterious disappear-
nnco Sunday evening. Ho loft his residence
J on Harrison street In the Bluffs at 8 o'cloclf ,
* saying that ho would look after the fires at
! the irroenhouse only a few rods away. That
i was the last heard of him , and ho has dropped
-i out of sight M completely as If the ground
i had opened and swallowed him up. Ho had
f about 1UO In his pocket when hu disappeared
and foul play Is Icarcd.
Mr. Foster li r > 7 years of ago and has boon
In the florist's business for fifteen years. Ho
has had n branch onice In this city nt NW2
Capitol avenue for the past six years nnd is
well known on both slues of the river.
In leaving the house as hu did
Mr. Foster was following out his usual ens-
torn , as ho wns accustomed to rollro early
nnd always tnaclo a visit to the greenhouse lo
sec that thu bollois were working properly ,
When Mr. Foster did not return nt 11
o'clock , the family became alarmed , and it
was then learned from the night llroman at
the greenhouse that his employer had not
boon there. A search was begun and kept
up during the remainder of the night , but no
trace of thu missing man was found.
yesterday morning a party wnsorganlred
to search tlio woods In the rear of the gioon-
house , butnolhlni ; was discovered that could
throw any light on the caso.
Mr. Foator were his usual working clothes
, when ho went out , and no overcoat. The
family noticed nothing peculiar In his ac
tions , nnd nro satisfied that ho was In his
usual health.
The pel Ice have been notified and are on-
, delivering to find some clew that will enable
them to unravel the mystery.
llarnoy ( Jrahl stated yesterday that ho
saw tbe missing man between S and U o'clock
last evening on Avenue A , between Eighth
and Ninth streets , with a basket on his arm ,
headed west. Wuorc ho was going at that
hour or on what mission Is something
, | that his friends cannot imagine.
. The young lady who has charge of the
I' Omaha olllco was across the nvor In the
afternoon , and when she loft about six
, o'clock for homo Mr. Foster stated that ho
lt ( would bo over In the morning with the
li , ( lowers as usual if nothing happened.
I/ / ; \iimriiv-imir.\ii. \
| li | I'lcasiint Wt'ildlnpr Ceremony ( Jolrlirntod nt
Si , thn Iliily Family Olinrcli.
I Yesterday morning as the bolls of the Holy
J' , Finally church called the worshipers to early
'Vt mass a gay and happy party consisting of
Mr. and Mrs. T. 1C. Ottls , Frank Ottii , D.
M. Ottis , C. D. Murphy , J. W. Lynch , Wil-
\ ' llnm Condon , Miss Ll/.zlo Hriinlg , Miss
' ' I3runlg nnd Miss Ottls , all of Humphrey , this
t stuto , were driven to the door of the chapel
1 and alighted.
As they entered the church and walked
down the center alslo , the grand old organ in
| the loft struck up thu wedding inarch.
I Approaching the altar and standing in the
, | presence of Fathrtr Hlllinann , Mr. C. D.
Murphy and Miss Lizzie Brunig were united
I in marriage in accordance with the rltca of
the Catholic church , of which they
nro both mombcra. After the wed
ding ceremony had boon performed
the party mturncd to the Dcllono hotel ,
wlmro tlio wedding breakfast was served.
Tbo groom is a prominent Danker nt Hum
phrey and ono of the prominent business
men of the town. The brldo Is the dnughtur
of ouo of Humphrey's most respected clti
zcns nnd has many friends in this city. After
h | remaining in Omaha for a couple of days ,
\ \ Mr. nnd Mr . Murphy will depart for
IP i Europe , where they will remain several
' weeks , visiting London , Paris and the other
Important cities und points of interest on the
Mon Selected us .luilgrs of Tholr Fellow
Cltl/i'tm' l.CKiil ItlRhtH.
There were no signs of lifo about any of
the courts yesterday , The judges were off
duty to take part in the festivities attending
the celebration of Washington's birthday.
During the forenoon Judge Davis dropped
into the court bouso nnd wns at once pressed
into line for the purpose of assisting County
Ciork Sackott and Clerk of the Courts
Mooros In drawing the names of the ninety
petit jurors , who will report for duty March
, j j 14 and than continue in the service for throe
" WOOKS. The requisite number of names
wore placed in the box and therefrom wore
drawn the following :
Andrew Peterson , D. A. Smith , W. M. H.
Paul , William McCully , Claus Solvers , Wil
liam Ilomola , Uny Peterson , Henry Stein ,
Fred Haploy , Peter Bolgard , Uobor' , Pope ,
I'1. L , Adams , Louis Gutting , John
Hanson. O. A. Lnrlmor , Fred Dalasdt ,
William 1C. Marshall , D. II. . Post , Mlko
Donee , Charles Cory , A. W. Clark , Alf
Vlnoy. W. S. Strcot , M. C. Hamilton , Pat
rick Prlco , Jacob Peterson , Barney Meyer ,
John J. Sexton. W. H. Southall , J. S. Powell ,
M. 1C. Hill , W. F. Bradley , J , L. Stewart ,
H. D. Fitch , John ICrack , Ed Donohuo , S. P. ,
Sorcnton , William F. Hldcr , Frank Spore ,
M. A. Johnson , Uavld Woisman , Uoubon
Yokum , Louis Neoloy , Glou Doyo
John N. Brown , Thomas White ,
Jacob Hoitman. Joseph Ubol ,
Martin Kgan , F. G. Grimtb , W. L. Monroe ,
Stuphen Sullivan , P. H. Lewis , John W. Me
Curn , M. C. Fnxton , C. Gullch ,
J , Epwirt , Egan IClclno , . John
Cnrr , Peter Nelson , George W.
Church , Henry ICnlsur , Thomas Bryran ,
H. E. Brown , James Jansen , John Forbes ,
Louis Willmms.O. G. Fllnk , E. Wroth.Grant
Mooborrv , William Kelley , George W.
Stuart , John Sullivan , jr. , Joseph Uusloka ,
John O'Connor , Fred Miller. Charles I
Smith , Louis Lowry , David Altraan , John II
Patterson , Peter Hanson , Edward H rosin
ban , Charles B. Craig , Carl Newman , Alfred
Jobanason , Frank H , Leo , A , D. Brown.
A Itomurkiihlo Unro ot Itlii'iinmtlniii
Messrs. Gage and Sherman of Alexander ,
Tex , , write us regarding a romarkubio euro
of rheumatism tnore , as follows : "Tho wlfo
of Air , Willtutn Priiltt , the postmaster hero
has boon bod-ridden with rheumatism fo
ovcral years , She could got nothing to do
her any good. Wo sold her a bottle of Cham
berlnm'i Pain Balm and slio was couipletolj
cured by its uso. Wo refer uny ono to her to
verify this statement. Fifty cent bottles for
ale by druggists. , HITS Of COTMlt.
There Is a phonograph nt the union Jono
and it has moro to answer for than olho
ploco of furniture in tuat muoli-abuscu
Yesterday morning a Cumlng county
plug hat nnd Its wearer alighted
from the Union Pacific nccommoda
tlon train from the west , and
> after strolling around for a few minutes approached
preached Jim Haokot at the news stand and
Oomandod : "What's that thnr thing I" nod
ding toward the phonograph that was roclln
Ing peacefully against the wall a shor
distance away , "That , " replied Mr. Hacket
ns ho coolly picked till teotb with tbo stem
of acorn-cob pipe , "Is a product of modern
invention that will give you anything yoi
ask for from a Sunday schoo' ' cantata to
pooch on free silver , free trade or iroc
boodle Jn tbo council. All you Imv
to do is to drop a nickel iu the slot and tauo
youroholco. "
The bat and its humtiti accompaniment
walked over to the machine , ami nftor ab
sorbing a little more Information said he
' 'guessed ho'a put oi ) tto bridle nn' glva 'or
o whirl. " Ho attached the tubes to his well
developed listening apparatus , ami loanlnc
over toward tbo ticket window , ihoutotl.
"Glmtno a brass band. "
Ticket Agent Fonda taw what was up and
after nodding assent hit bis ticket ttntnp u
oouplo of vlgoioui thuuipi. The cylinder
reached the opening bar just at thftt instant ,
and the boatlUo smllo that passed over the
listener's face when ho heard the strains of
"Mary and John" would have cured
n ham. Ha boon tno a fixture from
halt moment , and did not
show another-sign of lifo until fully five
tnlnutns aftnr tlm cvllndcr had stopped ,
When satisfied that the band had passed
around to the other sldo of the block ho laid
down the tubes with a .sigh uncl stopped up
to the window and bopin negotiating with
Mr. Fonda for the lattor's job.
Ho was hard to kill , but ho died compara
tively easy at last.
The next victim wns a jolly httlo Irishman ,
who was still tired from tramping around
Lincoln so much on Monday. Ho evidently
mistook the phonograph for an ultogothor
different animal , for ho Inquired of Fonda ,
"who bcos the man wat runs this tolly-
phone 1
"Oh , It runs llsolf , " was the cheerful an
swer. "Drop In your nickel and you can got
the man votl want. "
The stranger stiffened his rather unsteady
lees and after letting go his coin , ejaculated :
"Jackson street 1 want Jackson street
Jn-a-a-ukson street , "
There wns n moment's pause , nmlj.hon the
tumult began nijnlii.
"I said Jackson street and Fourteenth
Jackson stro to h 1 wlilyor music 1 want
Jackson street. Stop vor d d racket and
talk to mo. "
But It wns no use. They were ovldontly
having a high old tlmo up at Fourteenth and
Jackson , and the disgusted Individual soon
appealed to Depot 1'ollcomun Milt. Joe told
him that bis man was probably enjoying the
wind-up of nn nil-night dancp.
"That's it , " said the Inebriated stranger ,
"I hoard 'em slngln' an' plnyln' mosolf. an" "
I'll go up there an1 drag him outso I will. "
Suiting hu actions to his words ho shoul
dered a small valise and started up the in
cline for Fourteenth and Jacluon , leaving n
hugely tickled lot of spectators howltnp with
merriment behind htm.
Ono certain Omaha attorney first nnd real
name concealed has n fashion of conducting
n doubtful cnso in much the sntno manner as
lie would support n bobtail flush In a cheap
lack pol Not many moons ngo ho was do-
feuding n constable who had levied on a vallso
while the latter wns In possession of its
rightful owner. During the altercation over
the vallso , which occurred In a uromlnont
hotel , ono of the straps was broken. On the
trial the hotel check boy was the chief wit
ness for the prosecution and the lawyer conducting -
ducting that side of the case cautioned him
against the binning tactics of the defense.
Something like this ensued :
"You say the strap was broken I"
"Yes , sir. "
"What became of the strap ! "
"I got part of it. "
"Can you show It ! "
" 1 have It in my pocket. "
"Show it to thu jury. " This in very stern
The boy produced n piece of strap from his
breeches' pocltot and exhibited it to the jury.
A smile of triumph shone from thu lawyer's
"Is that tlio strap ! " ho demanded.
"No , sir. " was tbo calm ronly.
"Didn't you toll mo tba't you had the
strap ! "
"No , sir. "
"What did you tell mol" * ]
" 1 said I had u piece of the strap. "
5kTho grin that had been gathering on the
face of the jury became nudiblo , and the at
torney on the ether side made a sarcastic remark -
mark about counsel mistaking n law suit fore
o poker game. But , with face flushed with
determination , the lawyer persisted ana a
dozen more questions concerning the strap
were fired at the xvitnoss nnd were answered
very coolly. Finally the boy turned in the
witness ctiairdo ho could face his persecutor ,
and in a calm , superior way began explain
ing , as though talulnc to some simple person
who couldn't tnkn it all in at ono tlmo :
" * 'ou know a valise is something pnoplo
carry in their hands a small trunk , you
know what a trunk is. A vallso is about so
long , and about so wide , and ubcut so bl h.
It has a bottom In it , and a top. On the top
is u handle to carry It , It is made in such u
manner as to allow it to open one ha f
swings awny from the other. You can bring
the two halves together. This closes the
vallso. Around one end of the valise is
passed n strap. This strap has u buckle on.
If you buckle it you can hoop tbut opd of the
valise shut. On the other end of the valise
is another strap. If you buckle it , you can
keep that end shut. This tlmt I bold In my
hand is a piece of ono of those straps. "
By this tlmo the court was in a roar , and
the blullor laid down his hand.
Many persons in Omaha will readily recall -
call C. M. Jackson , the newspaper reporter.
"Jack's" many good qualities were over
shadow od by his groat'ovo ' for liquor ; but
oven this did not nlwnvn prevent or maybe
it engendered flashes of Intellect so brilliant
as to bo almost the radiance of genius. Jack
son wont to Salt Lake City many mouths
uco , and bus since ocen prominently con
nected wit' ' ' nowspapcrdoin in the Mormon
capltol. Last spring when the Salt Lake
election had resulted in a victory for the
liberals or nntl-Mormau element , Jackson
early In the evening scheduled" the news
to Tin : BBC , us follows : "Salt Lake election
victory for liberals ! bow rnuchi" Ho was
promptly Instructed to telegraph 300 words.
It was desired to give this important item u
prominent place In the news columns of Tin :
Bnu the next morning. The night slipped
along and the time for "closing up" came
'rouJid and nothing was heard from Jackson.
The night editor , however , was relying on
that message and hnd kept the first page
open to accommodate- . As tbn hour of
going to press came closer , some impatience
was felt , und u litllo wonderment as to what
had bucomo of Jackson. The United States
mails are inexorable , and wait for no ono , so
the page wns "closed" with a brief dispatch
sent by the Associated Press on the election ,
and the presses started. As the night editor
was leaving the ofllce , a messenger boy
handed him u message. It was the missing
dispatch from Salt Lako. Tearing the
envelope open , the editor uufoldoa the sheet
and read :
"Salt Lake liberal. Excuse mo , Mr.
Editor , but there's hell lo pay In bait Lake.
What is moro attractive than a pretty face
with a fresh , bright complexion 1 For it , use
Pozzoni's Powder.
I''or a .North Sldii 1'iirk ,
The following proposition has boon sub
mitted to the Board of Park Commissioners ,
In response to the rondvortlsoniont for bids
for park purposes :
O.MAIIA , Fob. 20. To the Park Commls-
slonors of the City of Omaha : Gentlemen
Wo are authorized to olTor vou at
$ ; J30 per acre , for park purposes ,
the west half of the southeast
quarter of section I , township 15 , range 12 ,
Bittmto.1 upon IDo military road and what
would bo the extension of Ames nvonun.
This Is a most beautiful nnd sightly piece of
ground for park purposes nnd If purchased
for that purpose wo are authorized to say
that the lienson & Halcyon Heights Hallway
company will extend its line to the par ) : .
Kospoclfully ,
In speaking of tbe tract , ono of the
gentlemen who is in favor of the proposition
stated that the land Is 103 foot higher than
the surrounding valley , and furnishes a
view of the country for twenty miles around.
It Is only four blocks from the Benson
orphanage , und half a railo from the oar lino.
There U a small lake on thu tract , covering
about four acres , and this uould bo readily
made three tlmus that size.
Mrs. WInslow's Soothing Syrup for obll-
dron teething rests the child nud comforts
the mother. 2So a bottle.
novnrnor n.tuiiiliirn' Condition.
F.x-Sonutor Snunders was reported consid
erably improved today. Hopes are enter
tained tlmt ho will recover rapidly , now that
the worst of the ot'.ack of grip U believed to
bo pabt.
Jobbora Unsuccessful ! n Ono Assault on the
Obnoxious Bridge Toll.
Central Mnimcor Clurlt of tlm Union 1'ncino
Supporting tlio Onmtiit .Joblx-rn Mr.
l > lcklng < m'n ItntlRril Snitching
.Schedule Submitted.
Overtures have been made on behalf of the
Omaha Jobbers to the Wabash to Join with
the Union Pacific in absorbing the 5-cent
bridge toll , which operates as nn oppressive
discrimination on Omaha shipments to Iowa
points , but tbo proposal has not received a
favorable consideration ,
General Manager Clark of tbo Union Pa
cific , however , has promised the Jobbers to
arrange a conference with the managers of
the Iowa lines. Ho has also agreed to bo
present , and ho has permitted the jobbers to
infer that ho will stand with them iu urging
Omaha's claim for relief ,
Under their trnfllo arrangement for the use
of the bridge the Keck Island nnd the Mil
waukee can mnko the desired concession
without any action of the Unlou Pacific , nnd
It is assorted that tuoso lines hnva such
favorable terms lor the use of the Unlou Pa
cific track that the actual cost of transporta
tion between Omaha and Council Bluffs is
comparatively a trlllo.
The Jobbers do not expect the Iowa , lines to
yield without nitrugglc , but they have boon
led to think that Mr. Clark Is now heartily
with them nnd will swing a powerful Influ
ence In their behalf. Strong opposition IB
cxDcotcd from thn Burlltigton and North
western , which have bridges of their own
and are collecting fat tolls. The proposed
conference will probably bo hold In Chicago ,
nnd the Jobbers , committee is awaiting uo-
tlco of its data from Mr , Clark.
Now Switching Schedule.
The now switching Bchodulo prepared by
Assistant General Manager Dickinson of the
Union Pacific makes the charges range from
$ J.23 ! to M. The rates under the old tariff
ranged from $1.50 to SI , and under the sched
ule now in force from ? ; i lo $ , > ,
Mr. Dickinson has submitted his revised
tarilT to the council committee on viaducts
nnd railways , presumably for the purpose of
Influencing the committee's report on the
switching track ordinance. The committee
will recommend the passngoof the ordinance ,
but may urge nn amendment that , will in
clude the trnoics of other railroads occupying
streets nnd alloys. Chairman Prince argues
that the council should not lay Itself o'pon to
the charge of enacting spiteful class legisla
tion , and ho holds that all tracks in question ,
without regard to which railroad company
owns them , should bo subject to the city's
This Is to testify ttmt I have tested the
medical properties of Dr. J. B. Mooro's Tree
of Life remedy to my entire satisfaction , and
can most heartily recommend it to the suf
fering and alllietcd everywhere , to oo nil
claimed for it in the above statement. Last
spring I was suffering from loss of appetite ,
constipation , etc. , originating from kidney
and liver trouble , ana Ihr.d not used ono bottle -
tlo of this great lifo remedy until I was
greatly relieved. My wlfo , also , being at a
very critical stage in lifo , was suffering
much at times , nnd by the use of this remedy
has boon saved from much suffering and pos-
siblv from premature death. Our youngest
son's health for several years has been very
delicate. Ho contracted some lung trouble
by taking cold with measles , which produced
great nervous doblllty and occasional blood-
inc of the lungs ; helms used some four bottles
tles of Tree of Life , and feels nnd looks as
though now lifo had been given him. If you
are atlllctoJ , try it.
GEO. Mii.T.un , Pros. Elder.
Box C4 , Carlisle , Iowa.
For sale oy all druggists.
County 1'rolilliltlim Convention.
Prohibitionists of Douglas county tire
requested hereby to moot in mass con
vention nt the Young Men's Chvistinn
association hull , Oinnlm , Wednesday ,
February 21 , at 3 o'clock n. in. , to elect
delegates to the siato convention nnd
transact any ether business that may
properly como before the convention.
Stuto Chairman C. E. Bentley will bo
present , nnd also at 8 o'clock in the
evening will deliver un address on liv
ing issues. All welcome.
J. PiiiPi'S UOK , County Chairman.
roHtolllcu Olllcliils catch n ItluII * IMiiu In nn
llleiil rractico ,
Postmaster Clarkson has for some months
been trying to apprehend certain parties
who have been sending obsccno matter
through the mails. In spite of the most vigi
lant restrictions on the pare of the depart
ment some villainous persons htivo every now
and then succeeded in circulating obscene
books and circulars through the mails of
A few weeks ago ono of the clerks happened
to catch a circular sent out by some parties in
Council Bluffs calling themselves the Union
Novelty company. The circular advertised
n very obsoono book which was offered for
sale by the alleged novelty company.
, A number of circular letters of a similar
nature were intercepted the lioxt day and
they were all addressed to young Indies. A
man named J. C. Grason , living at r > 00
Graham avenue , Council Bluffs , was finally
arrested ns the guilty party. Ho was given
a preliminary examination Saturday after
noon and held under bonds to appear nt the
next term of the United States district
Our lluttur Halves Say
they could not keep house without Cham-
borlaln's Cough Homody , especially for the
children , in a case a few weeks since at the
homo of a neighbor the attending physician
had given up a case of what ho called dropsy.
Mother happening in , told tbo parents that
in her mind It was n case of lung fever and
tidvlsod the use of this cough syrup , which
they did. Hosult , the child is wall and the
parents happy. Chamberlain's medicines
are used in moro than half tbo homes In
Leeds. Sims Bro ; , Leeds , In. This
remedy is not intendna for lung fever , but
for colds , la grippe , croup nnd whooping
cough. It will loosen a cold , relieve the
lungs nnd prevent the cold from resulting
in lung fever , CO cent and $1,00 bottles for
Halo by druggists ,
Celebrated Ifcr Itetnrn.
A certain Miss Green , who has Just re
turned from a two year's visit to Lincoln , to
which sbo was entitled , for presenting her
self with dlamods , Sunday celebrated tier
return by trotting hilariously drunk. In
splta of her good clothes and respectable ap <
poarauco tbo Judge gave her the usual unit
Uriiiikunncsi ,
'A disonso , treated ns suoh and norma
nontly curod. No publicity. No infirm
nry. Homo troatmontr' Harmless and
olloctual. Rofof by permission to llur-
lington Iluwlteyo. Send 2o stamp for
pamphlet. Rhokoquon Chemical Co. ,
Burlington , la.
tlio 1'obtolllco Foundation ,
Preparations are being made by Suporin-
tondlnir Architect BelndorfT to drive n few
p'.ln ; in tbe basement of the now postofllco
building for the purpose of testing the sub'
Used iu Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard ,
trnttim. After drWInff flfty or 100 piles nt
UlTorcnt poInU In tii * bisetncnt the solidity
ot the foundation tnn bo pretty nccuratoly
aicortnlnod from -tire roslstanco ortorod In
nonillnp the piles doivn.
The solidity o ( thtnnl strntum under the
: umt > o Is n matter tUiit must bo ntcorlmnod
before piling will bo consldorod perfectly
nfo and relinble * , n foundation for tha
; roi\t structuro.
Work upon the foundation ot the now post-
ofllco bnllilliiK will probably bog In Tory soon.
Collector Alexander , disbursing n ont for
ho Kovcniniont building fund , rocolrod ofll-
clnl notlco yo tnrdoy tlmt the bid of O. < T ,
Clue of Omaha upon the stone
work of the bAtomcnt , had boon no-
coptod , nnd Hint the ostlmntos
urntshod by Architect 13 ol nil or ft should bo
> nld by Mr. Alexander. Stone work will
JCgln ns soon as the piling is dono.
I'rovcntlonls Hot tor
han euro , nnd tlioso who nro subject to
hotunnthm , can prevent nttacks by kooplnjf
ho blood pure and frco front the acid which
rui9os the disease. For this purpose Hood's
Sarsaparllla Is used by thousands with great
uccoss. U Is tlio best blootl purifier.
Constipation Is caused by loss of the ports-
alia action of the bowols. Hood's IMlls ro-
toro the action und vlgornto the llvor.
Stiilus oftho HIM r < irll\liiR tlm KcRorviitlon
to tlm City.
The pconlo of the city often wonder what
ms boon done toward securing for Omaha
ho tltlo to the old Fort Omaha military
Ex-Congressman Connell said yesterday
hat at the last sosslun of congress
10 Intioduccd a bill providing that
ns soon as it was abandoned
ns n military post It should revert to
ho city. Owing to the lateness of the Intro-
ductlou of the bill It never bccnmo n law. lie
understood that Senator Mn ml or.ion now had
such n bill before the senate. There could
bo no opposition to Its passage , ns It would
fllmnly idvo back to the city of Omaha some-
hlng that wai oriclimlly a gift to the United
The question of reversion as between the
city and the original donors , Mr. Connell
suid , had boon settled and the parties who
donated the land would lay no claim to the
Mr. Connell was ot the opinion that It the
don wns followed up n bill could easily bo
insscd by which the land would revert to
the city for park purposes.
II does not pay to let a cough continue.
Stop yours now with Plso's Cure for Con
sumption. 20o. All druggists.
Uiiiiilni'H Oluinccs fiir&ccurliiRtlio
] > rlntc < l 1'ruporty In Court.
Ere many days the city of Omaha will
make an effort to learn who is entitled to
the possession of the triangular shaped tract
of land lying northeast of tlio water works
pumping station at the foot of Izard street.
City Engineer Uosowator is now making a
mrvey of tlio tract and as coon as ho make *
.ils ranort some action will bo taken.
City Attorney Connell yesterday snid
hat much depended upon Mr. Uosowntcr's
report. If that report Indicated that the
city had any right to the land , suit would bo
at once brought for the purpose of quieting
the tltlo in the city.
Ask your grocer for Cook's Extra Dry Im
perial champagne. Its bouquet Is delicious ,
nnd it is perfectly puco. Try it.
Will Cl\u I'rooocilH to Clnirlty.
After settling up the expenses of the con
vention of the National Association of Sta
tionary Engineers hqld in this city last Sep
tember , the local association hnil a little
money still on band , nnd this amount was
turned over to St. Joseph's hospital.
The engineers are disposed to treat all
charities alike , and for this reason the pro
ceeds from the next annual ball , which win
bogivon-on Easter- Monday will bo devoted
to the following institutions : Swedish hospi
tal , Methodist hospital , Child's Uo. ° pltnl , tlio
Open door , the Crccho and the Old Ladies'
home. It will bo distinctly n charity ball ,
and for the present the following gentlemen
will act as a committee of arrangements :
Messrs. James Anderson , Charles Soudon-
borg and W. B. Austin.
Mr. M. A. Marry , Wilmington , Del. ,
writes : "I had ono of my severe headaches
and was persuaded to try your valuable
( Bradycrotino ) medicine. I never had any
thing to do mo so much good.1 *
Her Children mid Furniture.
Mr. John Thuro of 210 South Twentieth
street has boon supported and tenderly cared
for by Mrs. Hosa Thuro for the past seven
years. They have llvod together because
they wanted to and not because nny county
clerk said so. Lately John has licbn amus
ing tumsnlf by kicking the ohnirs through
tbe coiling and making a foot ball of Hosa ,
and on Sunday with a final llourish ho loft
the house , taking one of the two children
with him pnd barring tbo doors and windows
while Koso nnd her ether child were on the
Yestorctay morning the woman \vas at the
police station trying to Und out who owned
these children nnd that furniture. Of
course the police could not help her.
VanHout en's Cocoa Perfectly
JUKI ) .
ffotlcuinf flve llncf fir lexa untlcrthls haulflfty
centu ; each addlttoiutl line , ten cents.
D vTElT-WinianTArrFcTirnirry 'il.'isOjTaTlils
residence , 718 North Thirty-eighth street ,
ngod 48 years. Kimoral Wuilnosihiv , Kobiiiary
21 , at U o'clock . in. , from St. Cocollu'B
church. Intornioiit in Holy ijonulchro.
A Neglected
Quality has been a neglected
feature with many retail gro
cers , and this no doubt , has
had an influence in encour
aging adulteration. It makes
no difterence.xwder what con
ditions adulterated articles
arc'sold or what excuse com
petition may\fiirnish for their
existence , the grocer owes
it to his calling and to the
consumers who trust him , to
encourage the sale and use
of Dr. Price's Delicious Fla
voring Extracts because of
their high/standard / and
purity. Never substitute a
low grade fora good quality.
Cheapness tnaeans poorness
and a loss of business in the
" *
long run.
_ ' Atk your DruggiU for _
f botllo of Ulg < J. The only 1
/ non jtoitoiiout remedy for all V
J ( lie unnatural dliclmrgta and
ebilitatlng vretkceij peculiar
1 to women. It cure * In a lew
1 days without the aid or
\publiclty \ of a doctor ,
i Thi t/nitTiat American Curt.
Manufactured by I
LTh Evans Chemical Co.I
U , 8. A ,
t/reK tmourtlo (1600 (
cr I * ef i * a f + r fcn
n iflord te t * Mlt
s , Guernsey *
. , . - . . „ . , , „ . . 8kf d Product * .
/ is. United States ! > Q
LtH * ft CfcfcU codfl. It ffcy for Itl
f.rlt . tlm. It It uitd , N w tnd en _
dftlen new r.kc t r < vl d to lUtt 4nd
frlnttd IrorD ntw (4ktit ( throv hovt ,
II tomprl t ev ry fc.rtlcl rnNcJc In
thu ctuniry , from . c rp t.t .cH to
Arxl under c\eh trtlcta r o'ven '
tM nirnei ct th but minuf .etur r .
On Vol. . 1300 pSLatv-rVlCG $ IO
The Seeder s , Guernsey Q-
7 DcAviinfl Green ,
Stored up Health
for You--Natures
Concentrated Rem
DON'T como imli'Ksyou wMi n plensnnt euro.
THOUSANDSMeMtlio oiiUer working Oxytion
VOU INIIAU : the unrin , rich , oxy Kvnntoil
IMMEDIATELY It wnrnu , rnotlicj , oxldliirntos.
( llVlM nnpetltciUHl Kircut nleop nnturnllf
IIKSTOHV.M tilt ) Mmttnruil mimun nyMoiu.
HKPAUATK Spi'tlllu fur fntiirrli 111 "lliilti. "
THIS fonturu IB Kr.iiicl unrnlllnu. h'eo cut.
Bpcclllc Oxyitun positively curoi OATAHHII
I roncliltls , Astlinm , Ln ( irlppu , Cnimuiiplloii
temlnclio ( rick or ncrroui ) , Drspupsnn , Nervuus
I'rostrnllun ,
KMI.NHN [ ' pliifllclnns In clmrito of Onmlm olllco * .
Ox ) Kin Mnniml free. Inlmlutloni fruu ntotlko.
Cnllor wrlto tuduy ; bo urprlsc > ti-ploniotl
T1IK Sl'KCtriC O.XVdUX CO. ,
SlOSlicoly lllitK. cor IStli ntul Howard Btrccti ,
Omnlin , Nubrnakn.
Mnln licmlqunrtorn mill liiiburnturtos , Nnshvlllo ,
will atop n Cough in ono night , ;
check a Cold in a day , and CUBE ;
Consumption if taken in time. !
Use it Promptly. :
A 85 cenfj
bottle may ;
K-i L ksavo their ;
. lives. Ask ;
Dr. Acker's English Pills-
Hinnll , plruiant , u favorite with tlio I mile" .
W. II. IIOOKEll * CO , 40 West nroud ny , N. Y. ;
For snlo by Kuhn & Co. , ami Sherman
& McConnell , Omaha.
"SANATIVO , " the
Wonderful Bimntsh
Urnicdy , la Fold ultti a
Written Cuarantae
to euro ( ill Ncivoin nu
rture , eucli aseak
Memory , I < fti r > r Ilialu
1'owor , Headache ,
WnkofnlnCBt ) , Lost 31nn
hood , Nervousness , I jis-
Bltudc , all drains and
Before & After Uso. losi of power of the
riiotoRraphcd from life. Ornerallvo Oipans In
cither ( ex , caused by
over-nuntlon , joiillilut IndHcrcllonsor the excesalvo
190 of tobntio , opium , 01 nlmulunts , nlilcli uulimilcly
lend to Inlliinlty , Ciiisumplliii nud In-null ; I'ut up
InmmrnUnt form tinnrrvln the\i t pockit. nlco
| I apncknceorornrf ) . Ulthcu'i } fJouh'i CRi\ea
written guarantee to cure or refund the
money , sent by mall lo nny nddrcss. C'liiulnr free
Iu plnln cm elope MiMllon this piper. Aduirsi ,
MADRID ClltMICAL CO. , Brunch onice for U. S. A.
35 ? Deniborn Street. CIIICAOO , IM *
Kuhn & Co. , Co.r 15th & DouKlos 8t .
J .A Fuller & Co. , Cor. HIU A DoiiKlas SU.
A D Foster & Co. , Council UluDu , iu.
placi'rt over the Chest nnd
another ono between the
Shoulders insures not onlj
Immediate relief , hut quick-
cst euro for those Muscular
Pnlns Hint accompany the
Grippe ; all Hheumatio 1'alns
pass away like macle. Wear
IncIlHNSOVS 1'lustcrs prc
vcnta tlio Grippe iluilni ; a
contintlon. It Is tlio only true
medicinal porous plaster. Jt
Is not a nostrum In any sense.
Indorsed by over 5.0001'hyfi
ciaus ntul Uiudplsts. Don't
nllow Commercial DruKKlsts
to palm off cheap HUhstl
tutlons. Get the R nulni
IlKNBON'S and you will not
bo disappointed.
National Bank. .
Capital $100,01)3 )
Surplus < W"j01) )
OHlcoriiftnd Dlrootori Henry W. VnUn , nrmldont.
H C. Cuihliur , vlco iiroildont. 0. 8. Mniirlro W. V
Moral ) , John S , Colllni , J , .V. II. I'atrlck. Loifls S.
lived , Cnilnur.
Corner 12th and Farnam SU.
Bull regulnrly durln/ whiter frum
Cnbln IWnnd upward ; nuonnd cnbln , IU Btcora.-a
at low rnloi. No CATTLE CAHHUD ,
cjipA'PT1 ( Biaitvioux oi > -
No IT York nnd UliMKOvr rortiilKhlly.
Cabin (10. fceoond Caldn 125. gtuoravo Jl'J. Apptr
to ALLAN A CO. , Chloxo IL n. MOJ trti , Wa'Jllll
Tlckul UUlcoi W , f , VAUdlurlln toti TIOiDi Otijii
Slipping oft th6
ihcuMer Impoi-
tililr. Atk your
dtalrrfor lUem or
KiiJJlOOfor imm-
> le iialr tu I.uie
1 lulL Huipciidrr
o. . 67 tu til
I'rliuu ht- , New
* urk.
\\'o tend the mirvelnui French
llemody CALTHO8 frrr , mid n
lejil guarantee that C'AUIIOI will
HTOP DUrhariM A Kml. lon ,
rintl ! hpirmiilurrlii'it. itrlrvcvle
and llUiirom : Ix t \ Icur.
Use ft anJ fay \fiatltjiid \ ,
AdJr.ii. VON MOHL CO. ,
Holt iotrri ' | "U , ( U.lo iU , OLIo.
tjVlVll , Others i *
> eoniparUon W ( lower
U1CAD. If luffcriuKtry
It I'cuelrMtei , IlCi.
llurvn. C'urc .
Ml Dru Uti.
The champion liar has seen the first robin ,
The small boy has been seen playing marbles
"for keeps" in the middle of the road. Several
dudes have been seen without their eyeglasses ,
February is almost gone. March , blowy , blus
tery March , with its weather put up in assort
ed packages , is almost here. Spring is near at
Liand. As a woman's thoughts first turn to an
Easter bonnet -when she thinks of spring , so
does a man's mind wander toward a new
spring overcoat. As you rqad the words at the
head of this ad , didn't your memory run back
to the shabby old coat you hung away last fall ?
Didn't you wish you had a new onoIf you take
the trouble to look in our show -window this
week , or better still , visit our "Overcoatery"on
second floor , you'll make up your mind to
have a new one right away. The pries , not
the salesman , will convince you.
Our entire new line for 1S92 will be placed
on sale this present week. They come in Box
coats , Top coats and common every day
Spring Overcoats ; ivn Cassimere , Cheviots ,
Tweeds , Kerseys , Meltons , Homespun , Diago
nals ; in black'brown , blue , tan , wood brown ,
Ha vana , tobacco , snuff ( sneezy color to sell ) ,
gray , slate , drab and several handsome mix
tures ; for tall men , short men , wide men , thin
men for you. Cut an "X" in two , that makes
a "V. " That tells the story on
A Handsome Helton a ! $ § .00.
at $0.75 , the in
newest ;
A Wood Brown Tweed at $7.51 sh and ml oa
An ESegant Kersey at 89.88 ,
To SaveBuy OvercoatsThis Week.
Our catalogue -sent by mail if you spend a cent to mail us q
postal card to have it sent.
To promote health ,
preserve nndlength
en life , stimulate
and invigorate the
whole system , tone
the stdVnach , aid
digestion , create an
appetite and repair
the waste tissues
of tlifc lungs ,
nothing surpasses
j an absolutely pure
whiskey of deli
cious flavor ,
smooth to the taste ,
mellow In a t u r e
nd of richest qual-
ity. Unlike inferior whiskies it
will not rasp or scald the throat
and stomach. Call for CREAM
PURE RYE and take no other.
For sale only at high-class liquor
and drug stores.
Samples ennbohad .it tlio Mlllard hntnl.
nt tlio Murray , nt Thompson , nt J. A Tnthlll ,
J. A. Wood & Co , Hotel Dcllono , Aloymhnn's ,
The Diamond ,
Tin-only pnrfort Vnirliml
nnd llucln ! Syrlnne In
thu world ,
IP. tlio only yrlnca cror
liiTHnieit by wlik'liu -
plnnl Injection * rim lie
iiitiulnlstcreit without
IcnkliiKiiml KullliiK tlio
clotliliiu * T m'
Inif tlioiitoof n vo ol ,
iiinl wliloli cun nliu liu
u a ml for rccliil Inject
ions orlrrlnntluii ,
II will ilioronxlily clonn
tlio nock or tlio womli
unit entlro vaimm. l > y
coin ilctoly itlnlunilliii ; fold * , nnd
iliMWlnKiill illntlinrt'cs
out with the llulil Intu
Die liulli ,
Price $3.
TilK A LOB * I'EM'OljI ' ) CO. ,
ISth St. . IR'M lo I' , O , Oiimlm , Noli ,
The Leading
Third Floor , P.ixton
cpplioii3l08 | > . KUh ami Fiinriu St ) .
A full hot ot tooth on rubber for JS. IVriu.'t t
Teeth without plntM or romovnldo lift hro work.
Ju l the thlnis for ulnjati or publlo jpuaicfJi iu/Jf
All Illllnifi nl ro onallo ratuj.ull work wjrrnt31
Cut thli uut for u Kiilde.
Ur tt now pcrlecton
BClrntlflD luellmd tliab
cannut fall tinlu tlio
cu o la Imroud liumaii
nld. You fuel liniruvod |
thoflrtldrir , fceliibeim.
tllcvcrrd.iyi noun know
yourtclf klnu nmone
incn In bully , iiilnil una
i iicftrt.
> . . , irurr obitaclo
tulmppriiinrrlcd llforo-
moved , Nor vii force ,
will , uucriry , brain run er.
wlniu ( ulllunor loaturo
restored ur tills treat.
luont. All ninallund weak
tbo Uidf on-
Kirtloniot etruniitliened.
Victim ! of ubuicB and
cxcomeii , reclaim your
manhood I Huircreri from
I olly.OTerworktll lienllli ,
rctinln jourvlfiirl Don't I
ilnjinlr.nvoii If In tlio Inet ,
MayOB. Don't be d Ithcart
cutdlfquacki liovurob-
bed you. Letuitbovr you
tlmllunllcol ncleuCDUIid
tnulneitlionor Itlll eilili liero to liand In hand.
\Vrlle for our JlooU wIlU cxplanatlonii * proof ) ,
Bil\lloa culcU/roc. Over , OUO - frrtncn ,
DR. J. \
Is iinsiirpiibsml In thutiutniunt , of allrascH ol
PRIVATE DISEASES , anil all dlHoriltiM
and dolillltlcs of yontli and m.inhond ITyoarV
uxporl nni'u Ills losonri'i's and fai'lllllcs nro
pruo tic illy uiilluillc'l. Tlio Doctor In jiiuotn *
m undi'd hy tlio pros1 ; , and undoisoil In thu
strontUrwsliy ! tlio poop o for f.ilr trnat-
incut mid honest piofcsslnnal advli'U , Thu
most powerful riiini'dlos Unoun to moilorii
srluneo fur the Miueu-Htiil liuatmont of thu
followlngillsoaBos :
GONORRHOEAliiitnoillntii rctlrf A roni-
plcticnrnlthoiil the lo-w of an IIOIII'H lima
fiiiiu bmlimss.
QLEET Ono ot llio nnisl voiniilnlu and snc-
ccssul truiitinunt for Klunt. umJ all annoyliiK
dlMili'ir.iis yut , K'lioun to tlm iniidlc.'il prufes- .
alon. The rusnlts uru truly woinluifnl , The
niixt Miibborn andi'liionlu ousels liorn the
discharge had o\lstnd foryiims , mitlruly controlled -
trolled Inaioinarkahly shnil tlmo
STRICTURE-tJroati'st known luinudy tnt
llio tiuitttiiiint of Htrli'turu , wltliniit pain , cut-
tinor dilating. A most rotnaildilJlu ii'int'ily.
SYriIILlS--N'o tro.itinont foi this lorrlhlo
hlood ( llsiihd him over liccn nioio Hiiucutisfiil ,
01 had xlionsor tmiloisi'munti. In lliu llKht
of nuiilorn suloiiL'u this illHitiihii ID posillvoly
iMirililu and uvery tract ) of tlio poison onllroly
loinovo I from the blood , I'ho rnru Is uiininlota
and imrinaiiDtit.
I.OS1' MANHOOD , and ainlrttlon , nnrvons-
ni-ss , tlnildlly. ilaspoirlnnoy and all lill''litln
iilloolnofiMirly vlco. Itullof olitalni-d at iini'o.
Tlm wi'iiU KrowBtrnns , and tlio ilcspoiHluiit.bu-
foino cliiM > rfnl and li.ii.y. | |
SKINIliaEASKS , und all dNoavtis of llio
hlood , liver , KldnoyN ainlli laddnr mo ticalcil
snt'cussfnlly with Ihuxi'uiUo-itl.iHiu'ii ruiucdlud
for thrso dthoiiNCH.
\Vrllo fnrulicnlarianil quosllon Hit frees
.Mi'tirou'H tioatinonl for illsonlurx of the
hloiiiiich , IIIIH tlm nniiialllloil | iimloisrinmil of
thiixo whohavu liuon cini'il. i'ahi > n Hint nail
hiillt'iod for yoaru and iinalilu l WoliK or KAT
wltliont incioiiHln tholr inlsnry , nntiroly
ouind. The roinuillos aio pli' . and pal-
atahlo to tlio most ilullcato tom iuli. Mill
and Kariwin Hts. , Omaha , .Neb. Iliitiancoon
oltlii'i street ,
c-sinrn nAii /
Grain , Seeds ,
. . ,
NOB. 2 and 4 Shormnn St. ,
Rooms 60 & 69. CHICAGO.
K1"tlni" fuclim r < > rlh < iliuiidlliii , ' < ir ) ilpiii < < nU
of ( , rnlN , 1'lclil iincl Vim Hi < < ! , llcfcrfiufii Corn
IN8TANTHUI.IEF. Fni iiifii
in lUilu > rft anil t.a\vt rutuniMio
Ipiirfre.nof alveniimpp < "il'"ry ' hnf-
riir i.illli > rnofm linpl , rrini > ny ' ' ! * „ ' ' ? , ? . "
' ' - 7 XaM uhU N V.UIty.
Tie lurHtU , Fttittil iM'd , 1'lnnl in the . World.
Auoiwor ecumumitloiu uiii-icelled.
tti\v YOKIC , .
At runular
ratoiunloweitturiuiti Rid fnmi thu Pjlncluje
Kiemiloii tlckeli vall Mo to returnJ-y , o > tlai' a < lt
tuioiuvCIdo & North i > f Ir landur Na | > l < * "lH'lWf
tufts ul linn Otditl ft Acr Aacwt it Iwtit * *
tii aor of ur > H < Ml AK nliorto