Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 22, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE OMAHA DAH/r 1 HK : MONDAY , I'EIWUAKY 22 , 8D2 ,
Determined ElTotta Made to Burn a
Photograph Gallery ,
llnllerril lo Iln thnorl or nil
low Hie AIMlr wns Dclorloil
Inillgiiiitliin of tin ! Cltlrcim
StntoJNrw * .
JlRAtntcn. Nod. , Fab. Slj-ISpoclal Tclo-
/raintoTiin BEK. ] A sensational attempt
was made last night to burn1 the photograph
palWy of A. C. Campbell nnd but for n
peculiar and unlocked for circumstance
would liavo boon successful. That the .it-
tcthptod crlmo was premeditated and born of
innllco is unquestioned , lho roar door of
tbo building was pried open with some im
plement nnd the lira started In n small loft
used for storing picture frames. The loft is
reached by a stop ladder Kept tu the g.\llory
for that purpose nnd contains a small door ,
lho only oponing.Just Insldothls door the flro
was located but tbo Incendiary lost his cun
ning at lho last momotit nnd closed the door ,
Hhutllng of any possible draft , which nlono
lirovonlod tho'llro from extending.
Mr. Campbell visited the gallery early this
morning by appointment with a customer
nnd found the rooms full of smoko. The llro
wns still smoldering and had partly burned
through the colling.
Campbell declines to make any accusations
but many citizens are free In charging ttio
matter to ono or moro of the gang ot gnmblors
of the city.
The gnmbllng rooms that were raided re
cently nro on the inmo floor of the building
in which Mr. Campbell lives , and the parties
arrested clinrpo Campbell with being the in-
Rtigntor of their nrrest. The building it was
sought to destroy Is in the heart of the busi
ness center , and Ihero in no tolltiic thu
amount of damage thut might have resulted
had the llro flends not been felled in their
dastardly attempts. The greatest indlgna-
tlon Is expressed over the matter.
Somci nut , Ititlluiiy I'nilns.
UicnriULD , Nob. , Feb. 1'J. To the Editor
of TUB Bin : : What Is the fnsiost schedule
lime , Including stops , of any railroad train
In the world ! What is the schedule timu of
the Scotch express between London nnd
What Is lho distance nnd schedule time
of the Chicago. Uook Island and Pacific.
Omaha to Lincoln ?
What is the distnnco nnd schedule time of
fastest train on B. &M. , Omaha to Lincoln J
A St'lHCitinmt.
The ISmpIro Stnto express of the Now
York Central is probably the fasfst regular
train In lho world. Us schedule llmo for tlio
4 ID miles from New York to Buffalo Is MO
minutes , including four stops. Tno running
time is no I mlmiloi , or on nvorago of r V < J
miles an hour for the entire distance. Be
tween Syracuse and Rochester the spnod
averages K > t-5 miles per hour.
The t peed of the Scotch oxnross Is adver
tised to nvorago llfty und a half inllo an hour
for 400 miles.
The distance from Omaha to Lincoln by
the Hock Island Is flfty-nlno miles , and its
fastest train makes it in 2 hours.
The distance by the B. & M. is ilfty-Ilvo
miles. Its fastest west bound train cover * it
in 90 minutes ; its hmltou cast bound train in
75 minutes. The latter averages forty-four
miles nn hour , including one stop , or 47 1-7
minutes , exclusive of the stop , but In places
runs at the rates of sixty miles.
Notes Iroin .liinliitn.
JU.NUTA , Nob. , Fob. ! il [ Special to Tins
BUB. J The fnrmcrs nro beginning extensive
preparations tor pulling in an Immense crop
this spring In this locnllly. The snows have
been A splendid protection to winter wheat
and has put the gruuud in the most excellent
condition for crops. Every thin K looks very
favorable for n bountiful crop this year.
Still much grain 1s coming to "market and
much moro Is' being held in reserve. The
farmers uro getting so llxed that they can
hold their crops until prices suit them.
Mr. Hunter wont to Culbcrtson Monday lo
look after his city property thero.
Itov. M. W. Fnshay of Holdredgo preached
In the Baptist church Wednesday and
Thursday nights.
Charles Angell of Holdrodgo is visiting his
parents hero this week.
S. L. Brass , World's fair commissioner ,
Jacob F. Hill , stnto senator , Gilbert Faber
nnd W. E. Shaver went to Lincoln Sunday
iiieht to sen Boyd inaugurated.
Mrs. D. V. Stevens , Will Stevens , O.
Stevens and wife , William Spade und wife ,
wore in attendance nt the Women's ucliel
corns nnd the ( .rand Army of the Republic
encampment at Columbus.
Piipllllon I'crsoimU.
PAIMI.MOS , Nob. , Feb. SI. [ Special to TUB
BRIC , ] Mrs. J. E. Curtl and Mrs. N. E. Pike
entertained about fifty of their friends at
proeresslvu high llvo Wednesday evening.
Miss Mattie Allen and Dr. W. C. Upjobn
carried off th J prizes ut the close of thu
A. W. Clarke's bank is now installed In
lho now buildlntr , which for convenience nnd
cloganco of llnish will compare vury favora
bly wilh any banking house In lho west ,
W. H. Musher , an old resident of Papil-
llon and n highly respected business man ,
died of consumption Thursday evening. Tbo
funeral wus hold Saturday und was > largely
uttonilod by the many trionds of tliu family.
The sugar boot question is being ugitatod
lo some extent In this vicinity.
Fred Harbor rcconl'y ' sold his residence
hero to Fred Hngodorn , who also purchascc
tbo Llnvlllo hotel a few days ngo.
Lou Fields , who for some lima past hns
boon employed as n tinner in O. W. Uoyco's
hardware store , departed for thu lilaok Hills
Thursday mnrning.
Prof. ItuUi'Htnm ' Appointments.
NKIWASK i CITV. Neb , , Fob. 'Jl. fSpccIn
to TUB Bin : . ] Prof. Hukostraw , who now
Has chargu of the institute for lho blind
vosierday made appointments as follows
Airs. U. 1. Bluchdorn , widow of the late edl
tor , nurse and suamslross for lho boys , will
Miss ICato Ilartor , her slslor , ns assistant ;
Prof. Frank of Newport , Conn. , teacher o
vocal und instrumental music ; Prof. Maim
gor of this city , director and instructor
ufbaud , and orchestra.
I'lni ut UnrtlH.
CuiiTis. Nob. , Fob. 21. [ Sjwclal Toloeran
to TIIK Br.n.J About 5 o'clocit thla morning
Curtis wai again visited by fire. The rojul
was that A. F. Keith's Immense gonorn
icerchandlso storu was entirely destroyed
including the stock. Loss on stock is abau
$17XK ( ) , on the building $13OuO , with nn In
Hume drown Tulmcco.
KRAHNKY , Neb. , Fob. at. [ Special to Tni ,
Bun. ] A quantity of cigars manufactured o
tobacco grown In the vicinity of Kearney are
now on tha market. Thu crop , both In lox
lure and flavor. Is excellent.
A .VA O Vf , C'JiU/K.V IS ,
Tbo onlo of gallery tickets for the perform
nuce ot Mme , Bornhardt in "La Toscn" u
Boyd's ' theater , this ovoulnir , will commence
at 10 o'clock this morning. Tbo price o
tickets Is r > 0 cents each. Ladles and ladle
With escorts holding gulltry tickets will bo
Admitted at the main entrance. Thuru nro n
low reserved seats left in the roar of ih
balcony. The nrchoitru will bo put In th
uallory box aud Iifty oxlra seats will ho pu
in front of the orchestra rail. Mmo. Hern
Uardt una company will urrivo by n upecla
train of eight curs over the Missouri Paclti
railroad from St. Louis at 7 o'clock thi
morning , accompanied by Henry K. Abboj
tha manager. _
Tbo Sullivan-Harrison combination is play
ing to standing room only ut the Furnam
Btroot theater tuts weon.
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Draw and thoi
clover company are coming lo thu Uoyd fa
the last throe nights of tbo present weak. A
every performance thuy will present a dnubl
bill "That Girl From Mexico. " preceded b
thn curtain raiser , "In Honor Hound. " Boll
Mr. and Mr * . Drew are splendidly equipped
to- give an excellent pnrformancu , po osslu
ability in remarkable decree ihunuolve ;
and belnn tupporlod by an able company
The coming of the Drews will bo n social
At the Farnnm Street theater next Thurs-
ay night "A Cold Dny" will bo the nttrae-
ion. There will bo upronrous fun , now
peclaltlos nnd now song * In It , nnd Cnrloltn ,
ho celebrated din cor , will nlso appear.
Dr. Blrnoy euros catarrh. Bui : bltlir
Twn r.cttora from Two .Mlnlstcn Itnlntlvo
t < i n Hccrnt Sermon.
Ov utA.Fob , 10. To Hov. T. J. Mnckuy.roc-
or of All Snlnls : Hcconlly you nddrossed
o mo ihrouch Tun BKB n letter in which you
cprctontod that I had addressed to you or
thor Masons through the Midland certain
ucstlons concerning Mn.ionrj. It Ihls were
rue , lho columns of lho Midland would have
icon open for your reply nnd you xvould thu *
invo been saved the advertising ot yourself
0 conspicuously In n dally paper , and nlso
you would have reached Ihoso who hnd rend
tie questions. But your representation ls
nlsc. No questions concerning Masonry
mvo boon writtenor prepared or sclented by
mo for publication , nor bnvo any such quos-
lens ns you quote hcon published In the odl-
orinl department of the Midland. In a re
cent Issue , however , tuoao questions were
mblishcd in a contributed article , signed by
ho writer "Culdor , " ' who llvoi In n , dlstin
state , and who has never hoard of you or of
nny of your sermons , however scholarly or
eloquent they may have ooon. Lest some
wayfaring men should err Ihero was
nsorlcd at lho lop of the column ever this
column tbo sign board or heading with lho
"Our ConlrlhutoM. "
words plainly prlnled ,
To hold mo responsible for that conlrlbu-
lion would bo as foolish , allhough not qulto
is humiliating as lo hold lho editor of Tun
UIB responsible for your contribution. Of
course j ou did not desire lo mlsropurt : but I
disllKO to bo so uncharitable ns In think that
the "n-clor of All Saints" and the
presumptuous correnlor of Christians geuor-
illy-is so Ignorant as not to know lho dif
ference between n contribution nnd nn odi-
lorlal , especially when both nre marked. If
vou uro so lacking tu knowledge orucumon
1 do not wonder thnt you can
not distinguish ovou between Christianity
nnd Masonry.
As to answering your childish nnd con-
lotnpllblo ( lings against United Prosbytorl-
ms , Calvinism and God's own songs , I will
say only that "I am doing a great work und
cannot como down. "
Jlr. MncImj'H Kcply.
OMAHA , Nob. . Fub. I' ) . To the Editor of
Lho Midland Dear Sir : I supposed , in my
gnorancoof newspaper customs , thai un ur-
llclo addressed ns the ono 1 referred to ,
nnmoly uTe some hltth priest of Masonry or
Masonic preacher , " wns nt least meant to bu
answered nnd that the writer really desired
the information h sought so earnestly , i
supposed uUo Hint what ho desired bv such
nn nrtlclo nppenring In print wns publiclty.lf
not ho could easily have found some Mason 'o
enlighten him by word of mouth. I gratified
liU deslro by giving his questions oven greater
or publicity than ho expected. Do you
blnmomo forthib ! It you desire to reprint
them in your columns now you arcs welcome
to do so , ns my statements , if fnlsu can easily
bo rofutcd.
I doubtless erred in thinking that you were
the writer , but tbo faot that only au nnony-
mous nnmo was signed led mo nstray. I
thought and still think , that If the article
was not written by you , it must have con
tained sentiments which you endorsed , and I
answered the questions without ono particle
of that unchristian spirit which now crops
out in your communication to Tin : Bir. : . I
may txi decidedly ignorant of the relations
between Masonry nnd religion , ns you say ,
but 1 am not , I trust , icnornnt of my duties
as a Christian , and will rpfrnin from answer-
vou loiter in the spirit in which it wns writ
ten. T. J. MVCKVY.
Now \Vixliliitoii : , I'riin. , Peuplo
nro not slo'v about taklne hold ot a now
thing , if lho nrticlo has meritA few mouths
ago David Bvurs of that place bought his
llrst stock of Chamberlain's Cough Homedy.
Ho has sold It all nnd ordered inoro. lie says :
"It has given the best of satisfaction. I
have warranted every bottle , nnd have not
had ono rome back. " 50 cent and SI bottles
for sulo by drugcists.
Gessler'sMngio Hcadacbo Wa fcrs cu , "
allhuadauhu ) . in SO minutes. At all drugg' *
To purify
Yonr blood
Take Hood' * Sarsaparllla.
A ICcniiirliiilili ) Cure of Itlioiimatlmn.
Messrs. Gage and Sherman of Alexander.
Tex. , write us regarding a remarkable cure
of rheumatism there , as follows : "Tho wife
of Mr. William Pruitl , the postmaster hero ,
hns boon bodriddenvitti rhoumuUsm for
several years. Bhu could get nothing to do
her any good. Wo sold her n bottle of Cham
berlain's Pain Bulm and she was complutoty
ciiied by its use. Wo refer any ono to her to
verify this slntemonl. Fifty cent bottles for
sale by iudciiM : > r.
At , the business mooting of the Young
Peoples' Christian Endeavor , of the Second
Prcibytorian church , the lookout com
mittee reported the addition of several
members. The prayer mooting committee
In ihoir report stated that n Young People's
Christian Endeavor pledge some two fcut
square or moro , was to bo donutna lo lho
Al the mooting of St. Mary's nvonno
Congregational church last Sunny evening
there were ono hundred in attendance ami not
ono minute of the time wns lost. The society
has been holding short prayer services Do-
fora thu Christian ICndeavor prayer meeting
with about twenty five In attendance. Dif
ferent loadem aiu appointed for those nnd
they have proved very helpful to the society.
Three young mon , ( associate members , ) have
publicly confessed Christ within the past
two weeks.
Interest Is increasing In the Hillside
YOUIM People's Christian lindonvor. The
committee prepares program for each
uvoning which does not in nnv way in tor fore
with the spiritual part of the work. Tliu
meetings nio well attended , nnd the mom-
bari hope for good rosulls in the near future.
Cordinl Invitations are extended to strangers
to at ton it lho niQutlugs Sunday ovcningi nt
ntllfi : p. m ,
The rugultir business mooting of thu Young
Poonlo's Society of Christian Kndcavor of
lho First Piusbylorian church was hold on
Wednesday evening , February 17. nnd about
twonty-llvo mumburs were present , Thuro
is in connection With this society a very In
teresting Junior society The junior society
was led last Sunday afternoon ny the pastor's
little daughter , who gave a vury inteiwtinfr
inlk on "Forgiveness , " nnd lho Joys wo re-
coivu when we have tins spirit of forgive
ness. This society consists of about lilteon
active members and they arc in every sense
of the ward "active Junior Endoavorors. "
A correspondence committee bun been
organized In the Cltv Union , coiiMittng of
thu president and secretary of thu union and
the corresponding secretary of each society
in thq cltv , Tlioy expect to dn very crout
good in receiving and welcoming struuucrs to
the cltv nnd givin'g them Christian fellow
ship and so hnvo them surrounded by ChrU
thin influence * that they may feel that they
aiu not alone in n t ( range city.
The society of lho Control United Presby
terian church is preparing for an entertain
ment to hu ulvon in thu nuar future. A musi
cal and literary program is being arranged ,
This society has boon crostly honored ro
centiy , Miss EUlo Williamson , one of the
loading mcmhors and n daughter of the pas <
tor , bus boon elected as a btbto loader by the
Woman's Hoard of thu church. Her Hold
will bu thu city of Indianapolis and her work
such as ts common to a city mission. She
Itiavos for tier new field about tbo tirat ol
March. The general convention of the socie
ties of the United Presbyterian church meets
in May at St. Clalrsvlllu. O. Thuro will be
delegates sent by the koclutlea of this city.
Dr. Dlriioy.noiu ana tnroat. Hgi : bldjj
Tlio Clolil Leal Remedy company have
opened olllces in 601 Now Yorlc Lift
biiihlliiir , utul will bu roiuly to receive
imtioiits on Tuodilay morr.intf , Februnrj
21. Tills coinntuiy is composed of n num
bar of Onmlw wxpltallBta. Wlllium Co
burn , Thomas Criuio , II. Baldrlpo arc
nmoiifithopo Jtitoi-oslod. This companj
guaruntoes to euro drunkenness , opiun
und lobui'co Iwbits. Tlio first tor
imtiotitH applying at the oflico before
Tuesday morning nt U o'clock will IK
cured free.
fruoM vrsTf unit's SECOND r.nn '
Famous French Author Tolls of the Work
Ho is nt Prasant Eatcagad On ,
Aim of the Great Healist is to "Warn His
Brothorn of Franco.
Hougon-Macquart Scries * to Be Followed
by Views on Non-Oatholicism ,
American TublUhors Do Not Takn High
llnnk In Ills r.Htltiiiitlon Some of Ills
tprrlpnrrR Itccoiintcil
Talk of riillllcliiiis ,
[ Coviirttilitril tKK tin Jitmti Ginlik H'nn'-'t.l
Putts I' ob.'JO. [ Now Yorlt Herald Cable
Special lo Tut : Unr. | The only political
news Is thnt there is nothing now to say of
the crisis. Although two days have passed
since the resignation of the do Froyclnct cabi
net , M. Carnet has not yet maiio Up Ills mind
whom to call In to succeed Ihom. The presi
dent seams much embarrassed. To politi
cians , however , the whole crisis is amusing
cnouRh. Every few minutes some fresh
rumor roaches the clubs , the newspaper of-
llces nnd the ministers. First It is whis
pered that M. Ulbot has assumed the pre
miership , Then wo nro assured that M.
Consians is the happy Individual. Raeh new
report gains credence for n time , and each of
course Is contradicted.
Tha public nnd the president atone keep
cool. The excitement is confined to nolltlcal
circles and there it IB deep , so dooo , indeed ,
that it has almost driven the pono's encycli
cal making peace with the ropublio from
men's minds. Yet that , is moro Important to
the domestic order than the publication of
the name of tbo now minister of posts and
Up to the hour at which I send you this
message things remain unsettled. It is
thought possible , however , that M do Proy-
clnet will retain the war portfolio. Uy so
uoinj ; ho would make It clear to all that the
army and tlio defence of "France nro moro
Important than political rivalries.
The latest news is that President Carnet
merely iisked M. Ulbot nnd M. do Froycinot
to retain their portfolios and that M. do
Frorclnet declined to bind himself till tuo
cabinet is formed. Although M. Ulbot has
as yet received no ofllclal mandate regarding
the matter , a Ulbot ministry Is regarded as
extremely probable.
Kmllu Zulu Talks Copyright.
Politics does not monopolize attention.
Paris is groatlv interested In M. Zola's now
novel "La do Uaclo , " thn first Installment of
which has just boon published. I called on
the famous author today at his house , 21
Hue do Bruxolles. Ho was in his study
when I entered a room lillod with bric-a-
brac , tapesiry and furniture of every period ,
tbo faithful reflection of bis own eclectic
mind. The sludy was well supplied wilh
books. M. Zola were hU working dross. A
watch chain and a gold medallion hunt ; from
ono of his pockets. Ho was drinking lho
third of the llvo cups of tea In which no in
dulges every day. I asked him to toll the
Herald the plot of Ms new book.
"The Americans , " said ho , avoiding n di
rect answer to my question , "aro a.groat
people , but they have queer ideas about
literary property. For twenty years past
they have published my works without pay
ing mo a centime for the privilege. Not sat
isfied with this , Iboy hive oven gone lo the
loncth of putting my name on books I never
wrote. For instance a concoction called 'La
Fille oo Nairn' Is sold in the United States
as my work , though I should blush to bo
concerned in It. I fancied that the copyright
laws would make things smooth , but find I
was mistaken. On entering into negotiations
with an American publisher regarding anew
now work , I was sent nn ngroomsnt to sl n ,
declaring thut if any copies of
lho French edition of my book
wcro allowed to enter the United
Slates my Paris publisher and I would bo
prosecuted for piracy. This was really a little -
tlo too strong , so I tore up lho conlrnct and
concluded another. A second incident then
occurred. The American publishers wno
had undertaken the translation of my book
sent mo a protest , complaining that I had do-
colvfid them as to the length of the work ,
which was much longer than they fancied ,
nnd would therefore cost more tlmn , tholr
original estimate to publish. 1 sent tboso
people to the right about , too. It was , i
think , the llrst tune that my publishers had
complained of getting too much for their
money. As a rule the cry la that they get
too little. " . ' '
II N a Story of War.
Then M. X.oln , who had inada those re
marks without mttornoss , but in the tone of
a man who had been rather put out by some
petty trouble , after a abort pause wont
on : "Hut you wont to kno\V the subject of
my novel. Well 'La do Ilaolo' tells tbo story
of the war of 1870 It is divided into three
parts , each containing otyrht chapters. The
lirst deals with the ovcots which preceded
Sedan , In the second wo come to the battle
and have all the ups nnd downs of the strug
gle narrated with great minuteness. The
third nnd last part narrates the sufferings of
the French prisoners and peasantsduring
the occupation of Franco by the Germans
' "
and bilngs us to the commune. ,
"There \orylitllo love in the story. In
the middle of tbo narrativol have introduced
two soldiers , one a peasant and the other a
lawyer. They swear friendship during the
war. Both nosort , aud the peasant kills the
lawyer. In tboso two characters I have sym
bolized rural Franco , which In the real
* , It has been said that In my book I had at
tempted to defend wur in general. This is
false. I bclluve that war is both inevitable
and abominable. My object was lo bay to
my compatriots : 'See what war means.
Look what awaits you if you rush into war.
Live well that you may bo prepared to die
well. ' I never alined at Justifying wars. It
Is monstrous. "
Wlmt Ills Xcit Will lie.
M. Zola said all this In un excited way and
it wus clear bo was wrapped up In his theory.
In answer to u further question ho said that
"La do Ilaclo" would Do the longest of his
works. It will appear In book form on June 30.
M. Zola's next nnd last work will complete
the Uougon Macquari series. It will tell
the story of u doctor in a small provincial
town and will sum up the author's views on
heredity. The novel will bo bused on the
true tola of thu gieat auvaut , Claude Ber
nard , and bis wife and daughter , who wore
once compelled to destroy some papers
of great scientific moment. When
ho has completed the Ilougon Mao-
quart series M. Zola Intends to write
a novel on French noo-catbollcism.
Tbls will end bis labors as a novelist.
Thenceforward be will do his best to trans
plant tils roallatlo theories to the stage , thus
showing thnWnrn onoof the moU striking
geniuses of hU ceMury.
The nutlior'j/f / pfh s oraolro" should not
bo confounded th some Imitators ot his
work who tmto shelter bohlnil tlio nnmoof
realism. M. Zpjff is ono ot the glories of
Franco , and liis remarks on lltornturo will no
doubt bo quite a * Intcroitlng to readers of
tlio Hernlil ns vrtih gossip nbotit lillo politics.
' ' 'I' ' .TAt-qt' " HT. OEHB.
coxitHisnnuf < n. n :
Tlioy AtrUont ChlriigDimd AroTakrn Ourn
Ol Procrrtiu ot KnliTtiilnmcnt.
Ciucuio , 111. , Fob. 20. The four special
trains ( bsarlng.t/io / eongnmlonnl visitors nr-
rlvod In this oAy , notweon I and 0 o'clock.
The travelers were mot nt the depot ns the
various trains arrived und nt once escorted
to the hotels by the reception committee.
The Grand Pacific , Palmer house and
Auditorium hotels nro entertaining tlio
party In luxurious style , and the visitors express -
press great pleasure over iholr reception ns
welt as ever tholr pleasant and comfortable
Journey ever the Baltimore ft Ohio und gen
erous entertainment en route.
At 11 o'clock this evening the visitors were
tendered a reception at the residence ot Mr.
nnd Mrs. Potter Palmer , the latter being the
president of tbo board of lady managers of
the World's fair.
On Monday a visit wilt bo made to the
World's ' fair , but ono of tbo most important
features of the congressional visit will bo the
banquet which the Commercial club will cwo
nt Iho Grand Paclllo Monuav night to the
visiting .statesmen. All the preparations
made for it have boon on a grand scale , nnd
the visitors will bo entertained in a royal
The president of the Commercial club , T.
U' . Harvey , will , on behalf of the club , wol-
con.o the guests in a brlof speech. Mayor
Wnshburno will follow him with nn nddrcss
of welcome on bolmlf of the city of Chlruuo.
Addresses will also bo made by Franklin
McVeigh and Hev. S. J. McPhorson. The
other speakers will bo four con press mon
one from the east , ono from the west , one
from the south , nnd lho fourth from the
northwest ,
Those congressional speakers have not yet
been decided upon definitely.
J\ THItJl.V.I TlXtt
KiuiitiH rnrmrrn .Sytitcnintli-nlly Wiping Out
\Viil\c unit Other ViirmlnlN.
KANSAS CITV , Mo. , Fob. 20. [ Special Tele-
grnm to THE BEI : . | At 0 o'clock this mornIng -
Ing nn enormous wolf hunt started ever
Crawford and Bourbon counties In Kansas.
As a result nboutHOO wolves Ho ucad tonight.
Both counties , and others adjoining , were
scoured by ever 5,000 men , women nnd cull-
( iron armed In nil concolvnblo ways. Two
thousand Jack rabbits were also captured In
the general roundui ) .
Owing to an error In signaling thcro was
ono break In the line , which reduced the
number of captures , but another hunt will
tnko place next Saturday to finally wind up
the foxes and wolves of southeastern Kansas.
There was but ono accident , Thomas Per
kins of Fnrmltiicloa < being very seriously bit
ten by n couploiof wolves. Ho will not re
cover , as ho was torn fearfully by the
Infuriated animals.
The hunt wasdlvidod Into four lines each
having moro than 1,000 men in Iho lino.
Each side 'jwop iifty miles long ,
the square working to the central
rouna up. U fitter the plans the lines
began to move Joward a hollow square 1 SI
o'clock this mor'n'lng. ' The west end north
lines moved about four miles and then
awaited orders \yUilo the other lines pushed
in moro rnnidlyoif horseback , driving wolves ,
foxes and' Jack rabbits In front of thorn.
rnjtr : -
Thrrn 'Miiuilior , pr , tlio Oiimhit Athletic
Club llficoiMtud Lll't Night.
The first public contest for modals at the
Omaha Athletic club occurred last night.
All the six participants were club members
in active training , and each did his best to
win one of the three medals put up by the
club. " > .
It was ladles' night as well , und moro than
half of the members present were accom
panied by wives or sweethearts. A loncthy
program had uoon prepared , too long In fact ,
but taking everything into consideration the
entertainment was a very successful ono.
The show opened- with ft standing high
jam p. HeinU scored four feet , II vo inches ;
Blair , four feet , three inches , and Doodv ,
four feet , ono inch.
In bnr vnultmc Heintz came out n winner ,
vaulting six foot , . six Inches : Blair came next
with six feat , two inches to his record , nnd
Doody scored fiva foot , ton inches.
Hointz won thq running high Jump , four
foot , ton Inches. '
The polo vaulting ) , \yns rather long drawn
out , but nevertheless furnished considerable
amusement. Hointz won bv vaulting eight
feet four inches , just two inches moro than
Blair made , and boating Doody by half a
Blair put tha shot thirty-two feet ono inch ,
beating HoinU four inches and Doody 11 va
Tbo kicking contest occupied some time
and was an interesting exhibition. Blair
walked away with the best score , making
eight foot four niches , Doody followed with
night feat two inuhns , and Heoso made an
oight-foot kick. ,
At the conclusion of the contests President
Ames appeared in the center of the exorcise
floor and said that ho took great pleasure in
presenting to the Successful contestants ; ho
llrst mcdnls ever awarded by the club for a
contest , and In accordance ! with the decision
of the Judges ho presented Blair with the
first metml , Hointz with the second and
Doody with the third. Tbo announcing of
the prl/o winners was the closing act in the
evening's ' entertainment , and after n round
of npplnuso 'for the fortunate ones the mem
bers left the houso.
SynuiH Still In tlin I.cud.
In last evening's /ramo between Symos
and Cabn in the series of games for the stata
billiard championship , Byrnes , although play
ing in very poor form , won again , but this
timu by n very small margin , boating ills op
ponent but by only live points , following is
a statement ot the gauio by innlnus :
Hyincs- . 3.11,1.0.1' ' , 0,0. 3,0. 0.2. J , 0 , 0. 2 , 0.0
; i. 1,1 , i , u , i.i. . o. i' . : ) , i ) , i , i , u , n. o. 10 , n , i. u. o , i , B.
-.1 , 2. 3 , 0. 1 , 2 , 0 , 3. U. 0. 0 , 0 , 5. 12 , f. 2. 0 , 1 , 0. 1. 1. 1
U , S , 0 , U , U , II , U , l.'l. 1 , 0. 1 , 1. 5,1 , I , y , 0 , 0. 2. 12 , U , U.
0 , I , 1 , 7 , 1 , 4. 2 , U , 2. 0. 4. 2 , II. 0. 7 , 0. 0,1) ) . 0 , 0. 0. lie !
o , 7. P. 4. u. 1.1. : i. a.aiiu i. ' . . a
llest run , 1U ; uvunico. IU
; i. o , s. a , 4 , i
Heat run , 15 ; nvm > so. : . ' ) ; ,
Tuesday ovenWg % a nodal effort will bo
made to bring uib'Jladlea out. Lieutenant
Arrosnnth and lurry Symos will probably
bo the contestant ;
Oregon I'lirillis Complication * .
Poiifi.iNP , Org , flob. 20. Sheriff Mackay
of Honton couutyaado u demand on Colonel
T. Edgorton Hqjjff , receiver of the Oregon
Pacific railroad , far.n balance of $1,000,000 to
bo paid by him ryjd$5tcpheu Job as the pur
chase price of thq read , but tbo raonoy was
not forthcoming/ilGolonol Hogg pleaded for
three days'eraco1 , Milch vas allowed. Ho
has been in seclusion nt Corvallls for
several days , out appeared on tlui
streets this afternoon. The sale will not
unconfirmed until the money Is paid. It
is given out that tbo new management has
ordered work to begin pn the eastward ex
tension , The prospect of this road being
completed to eastern connections is more
alarming , if possible , than those which
threaten existing lines from now projections
to the northward. Excepting tbo crossing
of the Cascades , the Oregon Pacific would
have at loan a level road bed from Corvallis
to the Rockies , offoctinir a system which
would bo very cheaply operated , It promises
to bo a disturbing element in the transconti
nental situation.
Atlmicli'd by Tliouiuuiln.
Wisiuxinov , D. O. , Feb. 20.-Mrs , Harrl-
eon gave a public reception this afternoon
which attracted morn people to tha whltu
uouro than over assembled there before on
similar occiulons. blxty-ono hundred per-
sonx entered the mansion , ana when the ro
ccntlon closed hundreds wore still \vailiug
nd mission. _
rnntnr ( Jim. * * * llrultli.
Wkiiii.NOTON , 1) . C , t-'cb. 2J. Members of
the family of Senator ( Juny now in this city
any tboy hnvo no uneasiness In regard to his
condition , Some of hit frlatuls hsivo Just re
turned from Vlorida nnd viv tlioy left the
tonnlor recovering from n bad cold'but other-
wUo in his usual health
AttiMMl ICmily
WAIIIISOTOV , D , C. . fob. UO The secroinry
ol the navy hut nutliorlrcd the ninth payment
of ? UO,00. ) to the Union Iron works nf San
Francisco for worn on the const dntonso
vessel Montoroy. This vessel is nlnn-tonths
_ _
I.oonl ( loMTiiiiH-nt Tor I'tali.
WASIIINOTOX , U. 0. , Fob. ! ) J. The hoarlng
before tlio sennto nnd house commlttcos on
territories of the o persons favoring the bills
to give local government to Utah , closed
this morning.
Cut Ills Tliruiit.
A tolcgram to TIM : Bur. from Ogallala wns
received Inst night that Hobert F. llnckolt
had cut hit throat while on Union Pacific
train No. 8 , when near Julosburg , Tha dis
patch ulso stated that H. J. Hnckolt , who
runs the news stand at the Union depot , was
n brother of Hobert ,
A BHK reporter tried to find Mr. Hackott ,
but could trot no trace of him. The employes
nt the depot wcro questioned regarding Mr.
Hnckott's whereabouts , but no ono scorned
to know whcro ho lived ,
The trnln in which Iho affair is reported to
ha/o taken place Is duo In Omaha at 11:50 : n.
in , today.
.St rumor ArrluiU ,
At Now York Utrurln , from Liverpool ;
Michigan , from London ; Thingvnlln , from
Coponhnpon ; Escandoa , from Hamburg.
At Loudon Illinois , from Now York.
The British steamer Coroa , 1,11 ! ) tons ,
bound from Cardiff for Uonou , hni boon sunk
uonr St. Vincent In n oolltiion wUh nnothor
steamer bound fiom Valencia for London.
The bows of the Inttor were badly damaged.
She took oil the crow of the Coroa nnd put
into Cadiz.
. lit
Dunrqt'i : , la. , Fob. 20. Dennis Taylor , n
farmer living near Manchester , yesterday
shot and klllo.l his hired man , < J5 Michael
Konna , whom , ho says , wns criminally intl-
nmto with his ( Taylor's ) wife. After the
murder Taylor hitched uj ) n team and drove
to Manchester and surrendered ,
Sent In Si-arch nf u MlisliiK Stoiimnr.
LONDONFeb. . 20. The Britt h warship
Snunnon of tUu coast guard norvlco has re
ceived orders to search for the British
steamer Sir Walter Haliogh. When last
soon the Haliegh wns drifting rapidly to sea.
Hlducll IH Frco.
Losnox , Fob. 20. Austin Bid well , the
famous Amoitcau forger who was sentenced
to lifo Imprisonment for forgery on the Bank
of England , has been released from prison on
the ox-olratton of his commuted sentence.
liuslncsi Troulilai.
BitiDor.TON , N. J. , Fob. 20. Albert F. Ran
dolph , proprietor ol Randolph's pinning mill
here , ono of thu largest in the state , has
made an assignment. The assets lira said to
bo MO.OOO , and the liabilities about $50,000.
Jd-iuoxoil liom Ofllce ,
W\sninoTo.v , D. C. , Feb. 20. The presi
dent today directed the removal from oftlco
tf Collector A. T. V/llberly of Mississippi.
lluslness of tlici School Hoiirtl I.ust Night
Tiuiixiii-tcd in i : i > riitl\n .X'Kslon.
The Board of Education had last nmbt , in
order to have perfect fteedom in bobato ,
decided to go into executive session behind
closed doors while dealing with the question
ot employing nn architect for the year.
President Spalding was absent and Vice
President W. N. Babcock occupied the chair.
Tbo following items were made u special
order of business for the ovcnini ? : The em
ployment of nn architect , the purchase of
.school desks , tbo purchase of a situ for the
Central school , nnd the plastering of Iho
Mon mouth P rk school.
The committee on supplies rccommondod
the purchase of the automatic duiks manu
factured by the Minneapolis Furniture com
pany. The report was adopted. The uverngo
price of the desks was 32.u. :
The committee on buildings and property
could not decide which of the following bids
the board should accept : Henry Voss , $3,0j ( ( ) ;
John Latonsen , $4,500 ; Sidney Smith , SJ..WO ;
Mendelsohn , Fj.shor As Lawne , $ 1,000 , nnd ( J.
F. Bcindorf liner cent of tlio cost of all the
buildings. Thii committee hud selected thu
above from a list of bids suunnttod bv about
thirty architects and recommended that one
of iho five ilrnn bo accepted. Then upon mo
tlou of Mr. Elgntturtho board wont into executive
ocutive session on the question of employing
UP architect.
The board deliberated for twn hours in the
committee of the uholo behind closed doors
and then emerged and reported that the com
mittee would recommend that thu board enter
into a contract with John Lntcnson for the
term of onayaar nt a salary not to exceed
51,500. The report also p ovidod that Mr. .
Latcnsen should servo the board a secor i
year nt the same salary If the board should
so elect.
Morris Morrison opposed the adoption of the
report , Ho declared that tt.oro were other
responsible bidders lower than Mr. Lntcnaon
nnd ho beliavcd the whole sclmnii } to bo n
humbug und n fnrcn.
The motion to ndopt the report was put
and carried. Messrs. Morrison ICIgutlcr ,
Gibson nnd Ponnloton voting in the negative-
nnd the olhof eight members of the Ijonrd
voting for the adoption of the report , and
fixing his bond nt $20,001) ) .
The folloxving sites were recommended for
school buildings : Part of lots 2 and : ) , Capitol
addition , 184x140 , Twenty-second strout near
Dodge , price 14,000 ; lots 1 , 2 and ! l. block 81 ,
cltv , IHSxIIll , Twentv.socond and D.ivonport
streets , price $ ! 3OUO ; lots 1 , 2 and I ) , block C ,
Heed's first addition , lOSxl'J'J , Twenty-fifth
and Davenport streets , price $ .U,000 : lots 1.
2anU8 , block H , Hood's ' first addition , IKx
I''T , Twenty-fourth und Diivonport streets ,
iirico * . ' ( lflOO , ; lots 1 , 2 , ! t and 4 , block 2 ,
Hood's ' llrst addition , 20 xlU ! , Twenty-fourth
and Chicago streets , price , ? HI)00. ( )
The board decided to postpone action on
the matter for ono weok.
John Danfort was nhoi and seriously wound
ed ut a ropnbllunn convuntlon at Wuitllelil ,
Load ln democrats of Minnesota admit that
tholr purty hits formed n fusion with the
furmor nlllnncoof
typlius fovnr have boon
discovered ninnnu HiMiIiin IniiiilgrantH re
cently arrived In Now York City.
The Ulilungo gus trust has absorbed the
Rcoiuniilu g.ti c'onininy of that city , Thu
Kfonomlu wascupllulUed for fiu.uou.ouo.
ArKiiiuonlsns to thorlalit to udiult cortaln
testimony In thu trial of ( In ) ox-ulty ntllclals
of Dunvcr , t'olo. , occupied itll of thu uourt'n
tlmeyestordiiy ,
Domd tlo trouble led Jacob Ilroomuof Snul-
liyvllle. I ml. , to out his ( Ufa's throat , llolliun
uttiniiptcd to rouimlt sululdn. but wns prti-
rented , There uie many threats of lynolilng
him ,
A sensational rumor IIJIH been extensively
olroulutiid to the uircut that I- . II , ( Irronuf
Cincinnati hits succeeded . I. II. Cnionliut IIH
pruulduntof the whUky trnnt. Mr , ( ireunhut
ik'tiles thu rumor flatly.
The Huvorith Day Adventlst [ ircaohors' blli-
lleitl In.lltiitu In now In session nt lluuldBhurtr
Cal. Tim object of tlio Institute In the study
of the lilhlo , Mlnlstnrinf that doiionilnntlnii
frum nu irly all over thu United hluiuj are In
The American Indeinnltr coiupany of Ht.
Pitnl IIIIH brought Hull forJIOO.OOJ iiKulnit thu
United Hiatus Croil t Hysteni coiuijanv of N , J. It Iscluliuud thut thudufaiid-
ant compuiiy tins conspired In various ways to
Injure tliu uuHluuss ot the complainants.
Ily nn explosion of isas In the Orals
pit near Aborduoii. inzl.inU , one inlnur was
killed und. tun seriously Injured ,
It U rumored that either Honor M.irU-
rai , who now hoUU the portfolio of forolgn uf-
fiilrs , cirBunor Htamncona will bu appointed
jalnUtur to England from Muxico.
Tliu rivalry thut fonneily oxlitod butwcun
thntlrand Trunk und Canadian 1'acllio mil-
wiiyH Is ut an end. and thu pros pools uro thai
there will bu u union of lhe o tivu
Delegates Prom Imlustrhl Orgiinizitlons
Qatlicrhig nt St. Louis.
rrolilhltlmi CJiipMlomVI11 rrnlnlily l
lent Ilii'Third Party Mmriiirnl Scnii-
lor Itliilr and Ct-Moiitxiiitnt ( liiv-
rrnof . .loniVrltu t.rtlom.
ST. Loui . Mo , Foo. 20. The principal
event today nmoiK the delegates to the In
dustrial conference wns n mooting at the
Ltndell hotel of representatives ol the pro-
hlbl.lon , the pcoploS pnttv nnd the national
reform party to endeavor to reauh some com
mon ground upon which Iho three could
stand nnd support n single ticket. Among
those present were lioncral .1. O. B ,
Weaver , Ignntlus Donnelly , Miss F. H. Wil-
lard , 12. \Vhoolor , C. M. Mlllor nnd others
oqiinlly prominent In tholr party.
The entire afternoon wns spout in discuss
ing the matter , but no decision was reached
beyond n continuation of the notion of the
conference held ill Chicago recently , at
which It was determined that nboinnuttco
composed of Dr. Di La Mntvr , Frances K.
Wtllard , U. M. Millar , UoncntlVeaver , Mr.
Donnelly , Samuel Dieltlo nnd K. J. Whnolcr
should present to the Industrial confercnco n
series of rosolutlons dcclaiing in favor of tlio
issue of money by the general government
In sufllclent quantities to prevent the In
tervention ot private Institutions , such money
to bo full legal tender ; In favor of tbo sup
pression oftho saloon ; in favor ot govern
ment control of transportation ; opposing
alien ownership of land , with a limitation on
nny ownership , and favoring municipal suf
frage for women , with nn educational qunllll
cation. This committee will thciofore pro
sor.t thCEO isslu's to the eon Terence with n re
quest that they Do ondursed in Iho platform.
Will Split on the l.liinnr Uiu-Ulon.
It is understood that thu liquor plmilc will
bo mot In the confetcnco with a counter
proposition to Iho elloet when a state legis
lutes upon the question that legislation shall
bo regarded by other stntos nnd the federal
government , nnd the stulo protected in Iho
enforcement of Its law on thu qnestlnn. A
lively time is promised in the matter when
the full conference comes to consider It , as
ono wine of tlio industrial people , led bv
General Weaver , nro practically in favor of
straight prohibition und nn alliance
with the prohibitionists , while another ,
headed bv G. F.nsliburno nnd
U. K. Tnubonuck insist that eco
nomic reforms nro sought bv thu bodies now
gnthcring , nnd that the liquor question
should rccoivo consideration later. Still it
is urowlng evident from expressions let full
that the prevailing sentiment will bo in
favor of some nction touching thu liquor
question , though the conference's plunk will
bu more likely to favor the nationalization of
the trnfllc than the immediate absolute sup
pression thereof.
Held u Short SPHHIIII. |
The oxocutlvo committee of the psoplo's
party hold a short session this morning , but
attended only to routine mutters.
At today's Catherine of the National Citi
zen's Industrial alliance , thu lirst held hero ,
the usuai committees were appointed nt Iho
morning session. An adjournment wus then
had until this afternoon , when twenty llvo
delegates to next week's conforcni'o "wore
chosen. These delegates were Instructed
to support independent political action. An
adjournmeiit was then had until this oveu-
iui ! when election of national oftlcur *
was had. The following were chosen :
President , Nonh Allen , Wichita , Knn. :
vice president , E. Gerry Brown , Boston ,
Mass. ; secretary. Mrs. Anna L. Piygs ,
Washington , D. O. ; ticnsurer , P. B. Mnxoin ,
Ktnporin. Executive committed , J C. Cox ,
Massilion , O. ; Branch , Georcia ; Lin
helm , Chicaco ; J.V. . Hines , California ; J.
C. ICelly , Missouri ,
Ciimu Mlthii Slnglu Pniimiid.
It was learned toniuht the National Citi-
icns Industrial alliance delegates will enter
next week's conference , instructed in ndcj'
lion to their support of an independent
movement , to present onlv ono demand to
tno conference , that being that the constitu
tional right of the government to coin money
shall bu recognized und that the government ,
alone shall issue money to the people. The
committee reporting Uie slnglo demand wn < <
unanimous in its favor , and also in favor of
adding nothing moro to it.
The reason fur the strong efforts of the
prohibitionists to secure the adoption by tlio
industrial conference of n strong prohibition
plank , U to secure the exclusion of tlio
nationalization , supported by tliu
Washburnc-Taubeneck element. This
nntioiKili/.ation scheme is practically govern
mciit control of thu liquor tralllc , nnd is
b.vjUcd by the liboinl element of tlio indus
trialists , who believe that they nro snong
cnouch to ptevent any adoption of pro
hibition theories.
1'rcsH Hi'forili Atsoc'lnllon.
The Pres > s Hoform nssoclatiou hold another
open session this morning , nt which ihoiu
wns a much more numerous attendance than
yestordny. Most of the morning was con
sumed in discussing and denouncing the Na
tional Union company as bolm ; connected
with or backed by the cordage trust. A
committcfl of five was npuuintod to invos-
tlgnta the whole subject and report
at tills afternoon's session. Thu rest
of the morning wns taken up with nn
address by Colonel Polk , president of the
Farmers Alllanco nnd Industrial union ,
General A. .1. Weaver of Iowa , General
Slrcetor of Illinois nnd Icnatlui Donnelly of
Minnesota. They all took grounds lor n
third purtv and advised utmost harmony nnd
unity of nction on thu part of the VUIIOUH
elements In order to bunt both of the old
At the afternoon session the investigating
cnmmitteo reported that n lupresontalivo of
the Nntlonnl Union company hud nskod to ho
heard nnd tha a socintlou granted further
lime in which to hear the other side of the
Thocoinrulttco on resolutions , it Is learned ,
hns submitted two reports to thu association.
The nftornoon and evening were devoted
to discussion of tlio reports , but at the und of
the day's labor the settlement of the matter
spomcd us far off ns over. All proceedings
wore in secret ntid it lint boon Impossible so
far to learn thu bono of contention.
UK Will Sunk thu Knpiilillriin I'nMliluntlit
MiM'iir.STiiii. N. II. , Fob. 20. Hx-Unitod
States Senator Blair has today publlulv do
clnrod that ho will bo a o.indldato before tno
Minneapolis convention for the republican
nomination for provident of the United States ,
and Chairman Churuhlll of the republican
state committee has received a letter from
Mr. Blair making the formal announcement.
Ho says :
"Twico hnvo I declined , although strongly
pressed , to nllow the use of my nnmo us a ran-
dldato for thu republican nomination for the
presidency and ut ope tune as I was assured
thut not less than II rty-nlno votes were pledged
to my support In the progress of the conven
tion. This was In IRSI. Yosterduy 1 wns
called on in bolmlf of mun from another part
of the country who will bo momuurs of thu
next convention to consider the name ques
tion agnln , and I have dccldt'd that I t.hull
accept , and deeply appreciate the honor of
any support which may bo given mo as a can
didate for the nomination nt Minneapolis.
"No net of Holiclutlon is pardonable In
connection with this , thu highest oftlco In
the woild , but , ns chairman of thu republi
can fommitiuo of my natlvfe state , which In
the past has ( tone mo such distinguished
honor , und for whoso interests , In their
broader und higher relations to Iho whole
country , I huvu given tha Pest and most
faithful services of which I was capable , I
feel that I owe to you entire candor In the
statement of my position. I will rely en
you to maka the contents of thla letter known
to the republicans of Now Hampihlro in
such public- manner as commands Itself to
you. "
IIII.I , I > > ON TO ! ' .
lie HUM Cmnplfto Control of tlio Coinlni ;
New Yurie Dmnix'nilld Contuiitlun.
AI.IUNV. N , Y. . Fob. 20. Not until this
ovoulntr did Albany ussume the appearance a
convention town. Many delegations imvo
Arrangements for Monday's state conven
tion to elect delegates to the national domo-
critic convention nro oomplotod. fho con
vention will cotMlst ot 1154 dol-
osatos oulildo of the 103 dele
gates from Now York and ICinm counties
Vim > ? ro .V,1'0 ' ! * to o frlomllv to Mr.
-Ml , iMr > . Hm dnlm' ' yo'of ; ' lho remaining
- delegates.
The thirteen delegates unfriendly to Hill
nro tlm-o ouch from Clinton nnd Hssox. the
Iirst ( . 'hnntnumin district nnd thu Niagara
district and ono from the Fulton nnd Ham
mon district , Mr. Hill is nuthorltv for the
Mntflinont that lho Essex delr-gntldn Is un
frlpmllv to him. The twelve doloKntes from
Albany countv , compiUlngono cjiigrcsslonal
immet , nro iinlnstrurtoil
Hill's friends sav the Albany congrosslonnl
district Is the ono which cannot bo contiollod
to send national delegates for him. It IH
known that Senator Hill upliovcs the con
vention will Instruct the New YorK dtiloitn-
t on to present hu nnmo nt. Chicago mid that
the unit \\lltbondoptpd bv the convon
lion. So far ns known there uro but throe
contests. Onn In the Fourth Albany dis
trict , the Second Chnutuunun District nnd
the I Irit Oswego district.
Now York mitl Kings county consent to tli <
instruction of the national delegates itndor
the unit rule for Sonntor Hill nt Chicago.
There nro thosu who fool that Mr. Hilt la
indep'indont of Now YorK and Kings coun
ties nnd Unit the unVot of nn ostensible dlf-
icrcnco hot ween Tntninnny nnd the country
Mouldbo wholosnmonud helpful to Mr. Hill
boioro the nntlounl ronvontlou. Such nn
oMonslblonrrangomoutof the cities ngnlnst
Urn country , It is urged by snmo
would prevent lho assumption in some
q minors Hint Tnmnmny is bound to.
bonntor Hill , nnd Hint Illil stands or fnll-T
with Trtinmnny. Some who weru present ut
the September convention nt Sarntogn , nnd
who witnessed the defeat of HughMi-Lntigli-
Hn'selTortsforMr. Cliaplu ns a Rubornn-
toriol cnndldnto , nro wondering tonlsht U
j\lr. McLnuglilln really hns grnco enough In
his heatt to bind his Brooklyn followurs to
the unit lulu in bnhnlf of Senator Hill.
Ihoothor elomotit of speculntlon tonight ,
the probnblo nctinn of the so-cnlled nntl-HllI
loaders nn Monday , bus boon Intensified bv
the nrrival hcio tonight of Mr. Kllor'v
Anderson. Ho has made n tour o'f
the chluf cities of tlio st.ito nnd expects -
pects delegations from onch to nrrivo
hero on Monday for Cooper union agninst
Mr. Hill. A protest to this so calKl earlv
convention will bo presented to the stnto
committee previous to the inuotliu- Hiu
state convuntlon nt noon Monday , nocoin-
pnnlrd by a romiest that , tlio convention bo
dlsstlvod and n Inter date bo fixed. It Is
known Unit Mr. Anderson 1ms hired Union
hall from U n. m. to 5 p. m. convention dnv.
' 1 ho hall will sent I.fiot ) people.
LOUISIANA l > iMOrit ; VTs rMTl'.l ) .
al I.iiil A-rco ; I'piin ' u I'liiu to SctUn
Tlirlp IHIli'riMlcr * .
Nn\vOiti.i\ . , Fob. ' , ' 0. The rompro
in'.se ' proposition submitted to the two demo
cratic central committous bv lho Joint conlur-
once committee lias been ratillud by bath sides.
The McEtipry coininlttcu ratified the ngrco-
ment last nlBlit , The i ostoritos were I
session nil duy nnd tlioio was considerable
opposilion lo lho inonsiiro ollcrod , as It wns
consldeicd dutrlmuntnl to thu success of the
Senators White nnd GIbion nddics < cd tliu
body during tlio tiny nnd nro supposed lo
hnvo urged hiirmour. The cotnmUtco tiv n
unnuinious vote tonight decided to ncc'cpt
the agreement and tlio MuKni'rvIlos nro
jubilniit In consequence. Thu principal point
of the ngieoinunl , ns nlrcadv stnU'd , Is the
submission of tlio MfKnury and Foster
tirltuts to the primaries , the winning ticket
to bo thu regular democratic ticket at tlio
general election , lho others to bo withdrawn
The confoi unco committees aio In session
nrrangltm the details of pilm.irlos and other
matters in connection with the agreement.
Will .Not > uppilt Illll.
BOSTONMass. . , Fob. . ' 0. The Massachu
setts Heform club had a dinner nt Young's
hotel this evening. Speeches wcro inniio by
Colonel Charles u Cod map , president
of tlio club ; M. Storrs , General
Francis A. Wnlkor nnd Gcncrnl Gcorgo D.
.lolmston of Now Orleans. Tlio spc.ilior bo
rated David B. Hill nnd stilted that the
democratic party must nominate an un
exceptional candidate for thu piesidency
if it desired tlio support of thu
mumbors of the club. Most of the
speakers intimated that tlio democrats must
cither nominnlo Cleveland or incut with dis
aster. Resolutions weru adopted that the
Massachusetts Keforni cluu recommend that
n national conference bo hold in Now Yorlc
of the advocates of a thorough tariff rotorm ,
n sound currency , and ciul service reform ,
and consider by what action thaso pilnclples
can best bo promoted.
Uill Kit the rin. Ml In lho Country ,
CIIK vno , 111. , Foo. ! -Sldnuv A. Deut , n
well knoxvn Board of Trade nmn , today
pledged himself to croct for llio Unlvorolty
of Cliicago a choinlcnl labr.itory which hu
uromisus will bo thu most complete In Amer
ica Architect Henry Ives Cobli is already
ut xvoik on the plain and Mr. ICent has
placed 150,000 nt the disposal of the bnilillng
committee , Ptof. Kcinscn of Johns IlopKins
university , the celebrated chemist , is lieru
assisting Mr. Cobu in olabiiratini ; tlio plans.
The structure will bo ready for occupuioy
whun lho university opens on Outuher I. It
wus Mr Kent's ' brother , A. 11 If out , for
merly of Clilcngn , , vliu gave the Kunt laurn
tory to Yule college.
UH'ill. ltltii /77/.S.
Owing to the fact thut Moiutur is a lopa [
holiday tlio postofiico will DO open onlv fiom
111 to lii a. in. The usual morning delivery
will bo inudo.
A dancing party wns given last night at
lliii Pellono hotel b.1. . 1) . Ilnnlsun ami wife ,
P. T. McUralh , W. 1C. Wood , \V. A. T.ijlor
nnd T. Iv. Sunders. It was a select affair of
foily couples.
The Oliver Mngcard Transfer nnd Furniture
turo Van company Illud its articles of incor-
poiatlon In the ollifo of thu county cleric yes
terdav. The capital block of the company I *
lixoil lit Jlfi.OOU.
A bain owned and occupied by C A.
Hrown , in the roar of 001 b Lake- street , was
discovered to bu o.i llro at Till ) o'clock lust
evening. An ahum wus nent in ami thu
liln/o was extinguished , with a loss of about
Tiinlty cathedral , lllghtociilh street nnd
Capitol uvnnuu , Kuv. C , H. Gardner , dean
Holy communion , H n. in. ; Sunday trhool , 1U
a.m. ; inoinlng prayer , litany nnd sornion.
Ha. m , ; evening prayer uml surmou , 7UJ ; (
p. in.
"Actor" John L. Sullivan , with Duncan H.
Harrison , who opens u hull wwk'a outage-
ment at thu Farnain iStrout ihc.itur , was at
ttio Millurd yesterday , lie snys that ho ii
liKhtliiK-nohody , nnd nil Iho lulk about lilt
mooting Slavln U without t ; ion mis. Lnsl
night lie wux in Fiumont , and will return It
Omaha at 11 o'clock this morning.
Tired Feeling
Is n , diuigeioiu condition duo illrurtly to du-
plctcd or linpiiio hlnoil. It fthmild nut ho
filltmvd to continue , as In lit debility thu
Hyatcm U especially llalilu to Kcrlimi attacks
of lUni'si. It Is n-nnik.ililu how beneficial
Jl Mill's Saisap.u Ilia It in this cm-i > allng stale.
rimi'silng Jiut those clo-
HOOd 8 incnl-i width Ihu
fill a. blimil , and - Imparts u fcrllni ;
of serene btmictli wlili'li H i-oinfoitliiB and
.s.tthfjim : . Hood's 8ar < aparllla Is the bust
H'liu'ily for that ucukiii'ts tthluh prutulltut
liaiiKii of season , climate or life.
"I IMIO IWIMI fomlniTd rjlnkos
that Hood' ' * Karsnpirilla Is , „
onii of thu greatest mccllTnO WODK
clues In thu wmlil. I say Stronc
tldi fur thu benefit of nil
other tired out , run du n , hard-working
women. Hood's Sawaparllla \ not only ex-
lellcnt as a blood purlller , but for nil other \
fi-male complaints , evrn II of Ions standing. "
r , Norlhvlllor.O.Mlcli.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
by ( ' . I. IIOOD.t CO. , Apollief arlei , I/moll , Mill.
1OO Doses Ono Dollar ;