Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 21, 1892, Part One, Page 6, Image 6

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1'cilvcicd by Cntrlcr to nny part of the City
Dullness Ofllco . N..n . .
K(11or ( . No2J
N , Y. Plumbing Co
Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , conl.
Ct alt's chattel loans. 204 Sapp block.
The case of Dcorc , Wells ft Company
against Aultmnn ft Miller Is still on tbo pro
gram nt the district court.
1) . P. O" Donovan nnd Tllllo C. Humbert.
both of Omaha , wcro married yesterday
afternoon by .Justice llnmmor.
The Mandolin club was entertained Thurs
day evening by Miss Audio Sherman nt her
home on South Seventh street ,
M. K. Meyers hns urcbnscd the American
District Tolceraph ofllco from i-'rod Davis
nnd will tnako n number of improvements in
the service.
City Kn Inocr Tostovln has completed the
( tarvoy of Iho site nt the corner of Ninth
street and Klovonth avenue , whcro the Kimball -
ball Bros , factory is to bo located.
A. J. Robcrson celebrated his SOth birthday
last evening by entertaining n party of
friends nt his residence , 1B24 Tenth uvonuo.
The evening was pleasantly passed in various
Miss Wlnnlo Crofts cntcrtnlned'a party of
friends last ovcnlng at her homo on South
Sixth street In honor of D. S. Culver of West
Superior , WIs. An clnuornto tnuslcalo pro-
Krnm was rendered , nnd refreshments were
sorvocl. About twcnty-llvo couples wcro
The regular semi-monthly mooting of
Ktchctnh council No. ! l. Daughters of Pocn-
hontus , will bo hold In the wlcwnm of Pot-
tnwultutulu trlbo .No. 21 , corner of Broadway
nnd Main street , at 7:30 : o'cloclr. Business of
Importance will bo brought before the coun
cil nnd n full attendance Is doslrcd.
Bert Stltnson of Denver nnd Miss Edith
Maynnrd of this city nro to bo mart led toany
ut tlio residence of thu bride , on Washington
avenue. Both tno parties uro well known
hute , the bride being the daughter of n former
proprietor ol tbo Nonpareil , und the groom n
son ot nx-Clty Kitlnccr | { ' F. Stlmson. They
will mnko their future homo in Denver.
An cnclno on the Rock Island road mot
with n s orlous mishap Thursday while passIng -
Ing ulonc Indian creek near the intersection
of Fourtconlh avonuo. The company has
I been putting In n now btidgo nt thnt point
nnd the trial trip icsnltcd disastrously , the
cnglno bolng precipitated from tlio track to
the bed of tli'o creek , n distnnco of several
foot. Gortunatcly no ono was Injured , but
thu pilot of the eiiL'Ino was completely de
molished nnd It was othmvlso badly broken
A horse sufcrlng with blind staggers
yesterday afternoon caused something of n
commotion on Ponrl street. When bo reached
the sidewalk in front of W. W. Chapman's
litoro ho refused to go further and mounted
the sldownlk. Ills master wound the bailer
strap around n telephone polo to kcap him
under control , while Peter C. Miller put a
stop ladder behind the horse to prevent him
from going through his window. Ho nt
length backed through Chapman's window
und cave n cluzlor a job.
The rocolvcrahlp case of Sayors ngalnst
Snycrs was on trial the greater part of the
duyyostcrdav in the superior court. John
Peters , the receiver , who wns shot on Christ
inas d.iv , Is nt last able to bo about , and bo
occupied the stand and submitted to n cross-
examination with lofcrencc to the dis
position ho had made ot the property of the
ostato. The three members of the Sayors
outflt , who nro now In jnll on the charge of
assaulting him with intent to commit mur
der , were brought into court to tojtify , nntl
nt tbo close of their testimony they were ro-
inandocl to jail. _
An I'Icctrle AVomlrr.
When Benjamin Franklin caught colil
l > y Hying his Kite during a thunder storm
on Sunday , little did ho imagine the pos-
Hibilltlcs to which would bo out the sub
tle electric lluid ho succeeded in con
ducting to the earth. Even to this day ,
when BO much practical use is made of
it , many of its possibilities nro only
dreamed of. To most people electricity
is still a. largo interrogation point Wo
know it drives machinery but how ?
These who would like to witness tlio
fact and study the how are invited to
call nt the progressive BEK job printing
olllco of Pryor Bros , at 12 Pearl street
nnd BCO the first electric motor
for driving machinery that hns boon
Botupin the city. The presses and ma
chinery in this olllco are now all driven
by an electric motor , the power being
furnished by the Omaha & Council
Bluffs Railway and Biidgo company.
When , several years ngo , Pryor's BEK
job ofllco put in the first water motor in
the city , considerable surpribo was ex
pressed that so small a picco of mechan
ism should bo able to devolou so much
power , but the electric motor causes
still moro astonishment. These inter
ested in seeing a really line machine nre
invited to call at Pryors Bros. ' Bun job
ulllco and see the little wonder.
Two apprentice nurses wanted at the
W. C. A. hospital , corner Oth street and
lith nvonuo _
Roller , the tailor , 310 Broadway , has
nil the latest styles and newest goods.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
W. W. Loomls is homo from a trip to Kan
sas City.
The mother of D. E. Uloason Is reported
seriously 111.
W. W , Chapman has returned from n visit
of several weeks in tbo west.
Don S. Culver , a banker of West Superior ,
WIs. , Is In tbo city , a guest of Her. G. W.
Crofts and family.
C. C. Cully nnd family are expecting to
leave the latter part of tbo month for Mis
souri , \\hcro they will make their homo.
I' . 13. Olson , who has bcon in business hero
for some time , has bought an interest In an
Avoca store and will remove tboro at onco.
The title of the now firm is Soronion Ai
Olson , the senior partner being his brother-
Wo have our own vlnoyards in Calif or
iiiu. Jarvis Wino company , Oa. Bluffs
Swansou Music Co. , Masonic temple
Jnrvls 1677brandy , purestsafest , boat *
Drs. Woodburydontlstsnoxt to Grand
liotol ; flno work u specialty. Tolo. 145.
Money to loan. Lowest rates. John-
Eton & Van Patten , Everett block.
Not un ( IniiHintl Cunc.
Leonard .lohusnn called at tbo oftlco of the
city clerk yeUerday to state a grievance. Ho
wont out with the boys Thursday nlgut , and
nil that ho remembered about It was that lie
had a mnguillcor.t tlmo , drank lots of liquor ,
and ' .VOKO uu with the biggest head ho had
possessed in a long time. When ho started
out bo baa a pocketbook with about (75 in
It , but when ho awoke the money baa disap
peared , ana not oven the pooltotoook was
left to remind him that he bad once boon
wealthy , Ho conllded his tale of woo to
Cleru btophenson and hud a warrant issued
for the arrest of Dan Ithodes , a burly negro ,
who has bad considerable notoriety of ono
kind nnd ( mother. libodos was arrested , but
It lie ever had bad thu inonor ho had plantoa
U safely out of sight , for bis solo effects
when searched nt the police station were a
Key ana three pennies. Ho will have a hear
ing tub morning before Judge Mctlcc ,
Hoi for the Mil rill Clrnul
At Now Orleans. Ono faro , $31.i5 , for
roui'd trip , Tickets on sale Fob. 22 to
" 8 , For particulars oall on O. M. Brown ,
ticket agent 1C C. , St , J. & C. B.
Jarvlawild blackberry U the best
E. II , Shonfu tins eastern money ou
for real estate Itmus.
Burglar McDermott Believed to Bo n Don-
vcr Murderer ,
Indications Tlmt the Trlnoncr U tlio Oullty
J'nrty Mmnonrl OlllcInUVI11 Arrlxo
Tndny to Drtrrnilnn the Mnt-
trr f.ocnl Xrw * Xatc * <
If oil reports bo true the capture of Joe
McDermott , the Boston store burclar , by
Onicora Loud ) nnd Wells the other nlcht wna
oven n bettor plcco of work than was nt llrsl
suiiposcd. It Is stated that n man of a des
cription which tnlllot exactly with that of
McUermolt killed npollconmn In Denver sorao
ttmo ngo , and n reward of $1,000 , wns oflorod
for him. The same follow killed another
limn In Kansas City nnd n largo reward Is
offered for his apprehension. It Is believed
that McDermott Is the guilty party , nnd nn
ofllccr U expected to nrnvo from Knnsas Ulty
in n day or two to Hontlfy him.
The tnnn whom MoDermott Is supposed to
bo. shot Uollcomcn John Phillips In Denver
on the north sldo. The Indications were
that ho had an accomplice.
IVIIITI : ( iouns SAM : *
In 1'uU Suing.
The white poods sale nt the Ilostoti
Store , Conncu BlttlTs , In. , hits boon a
mnrlccd success. Since the snlo opened
Saturday mornlnp lust it 18 really BUI-
lirlalny the qttuntity of Roods that hnvo
hcen sold ; the store hits boon crowded
day after dny with anxious buyers.
When otto thinks a moment it is really
no wonder , ns the Boston Store never
do anything by halves , never advertise
anything but whnt they really have ,
and that In quantities. Below is a partial
list of what they hnvo to olTor in towels ,
linens , sheets , pillow cnses and shoot
61 and fid inch all llnon bleached Dam-
nsks thnt sold for -18o , 60c , 58c , in one lot
nt Me.
All llnon Damask table linens , special ,
nt Ii5c tiyiri1.
08 inch heavy unbleached Damnsk
( only one pattern ) bold for 75c , sale price
59 a a yard ,
72 inch unbleached till linen Damask ,
sold for SdO , at G74c n yard.
Two patterns of our ur.blonchod linen ,
napkins to match , reduced to 77jc.
00 inch Damask , pluin or with red
border , former price 5Sc and COc , for52ie
a yard.
See special values in unbleached Dam
asks , martccd 4"ic.
60 dozen heavy Turkish towels ( fast
colors ) sold for 2oc , nt le ( ) onch.
200 dozen line Damask towels , over 3o
different styles , border , hand drawn and
knotted fringe at 2oe each.
Examine our HUCKTOWELSnt$2.00
n dozen.
All ready made for use. See the low
prices mostly made out of Fruit of the
Loom muslin.
Pillow cases , ready made , 12Jc , 15e ,
17c , S20c , 22c.
Shoots , ready made , Ooc , COc , 7oc , 8oc.
Bottorgrados in embroidered and hem
stitched goods.
42 inch Oc , 12jc.
45 inch 12je. 15c , IGc.
60 inch 14c , IGc
C-4 J7c , 20c.
7-4 20c.
8-4 20c , 223 c.
9-4 20c , 22ic , 2oc
JO-4 25c , 28c , 30c.
Most of these goods are In standard
grade cottons , such ns Atlantic , Itn-
porinl. Lock wood , Popporoll , Bostons
nnd White Ror.o.
Fotheringham , Whitolnw&Co. ,
Lenders and promoters of low prices ,
Cash and Ono Price ,
Council Bluffs. la.
N. B. Packugos delivered to nny part
of the city during this snlo the snmo ns
usual. Store closes nt U p. in. except
Mondays nnd Saturdays.
Doutli of Jiirol ) If , Munsou.
Jacob H. Munsou died Thursday evening
at 9 o'clock at the rosldcnco of tils daughter ,
Mrs. DIxon , 1710 High street , acrod 07 years.
The funeral will take place tomorrow nfter-
nt 2.30 o'clock from the Trinity Methodist
church , under the I'.iuptccs of Abe Lincoln
poaf , No. 29. Grand Array of the Ropubllc ,
nnd the remains will bo Interred inValnut
lilll comotory. The funeral exorcises will
bo conducted by Hov. H. H. Barton , assisted
by Hov. Joslan Plsk.
The deceased was enrolled February 29 ,
1603 , In company I , First Iowa Infantry , and
was discharged at Austin , Tex. , three years
later. During ; the greater part of his life ha
was a loyal member of the Mothodlst church.
While stationed near Austin , Tex. , ho became -
came acquainted with Miss Mary Harknosa ,
a sister of Mrs. Judge Flsk of this city , ana
the two were married at the close of the war ,
settling in Crawford county , Iowa , wboro
they remained until flvo years ago , when
they tnado this city tholr home. The de
ceased was a member of the John A. Logan
sost , Grand Army of the Republic , at Denl-
ou , la.
Yocul Muxlc.
Prof. T. W. Davis , teacher of voice
and note reading. Lessons private.
Call or address at Grand hotel , Council
Attention , Alia Lincoln I'oat.
All members of Abe Lincoln post , No. 29 ,
Grand Array of tbo Republic , are requested
to meet at Grand Army of the Hepubllo hall
this afternoon at 1 o'clock sharp for the pur-
po o of attending the funeral of our late
comrade Jacob H. Munson at thu Trinity
Methodist church. All honorably discharged
soldiers nnd sailors are Invited to join us in
these services , Ity order
D. MAI/THY , Post Commander.
E. J. AIIOTT , Adjutant.
Walnut block nnd Wyoming coal ,
fresh mlnod , received daily Thatcher ,
10 Alain.
ItoiUod tlio Information.
The hnoeas corpus proceedings which
wcro commenced In the superior court to release -
lease Harry Hamilton , who is in jail charuod
with playing a conlldenco game , had a par
tial hearing vaUerdny roorntne. Colonel
Dalloy , Hamilton's attorney , raised un ob
jection to the information upon which his
client had bcon held , claiming that tbo
churgo preferred -was not sufllclontly ape-
clflc. A day was allowed the prosecution to
remedy this defect , und tbo case will como
up again this morning ,
Willie Doau , tha il-yoar-old Doy who was
loftnlonolu tbo bouso last Saturday night
and bad a narrow escape from death by
asphyxiation , died yesterday noon , As
itnted lu yesterday's DEB , over slnco his
narrow escape bo has been suffering severely
from i bo effects. A few days ago bis sick
ness took the form of pneumonia , and slnco
It sot lu his sufferings have been tyrrlrlo.
TUe funeral will occur Sunday afternoon at 3
o'cloclc from the family residence , Oil East
Pierce street.
Jlrokuu I.iinh ,
A daughter of George Hoffman , a railroad
man who lives at too corner of High street
and Sixteenth nvouuo , mot with u serious
accident yeiteraayafternoon. She stumbled
aim fell while skating and broke tier ankle.
She was picked up and carried to- her home ,
whcro a physlclau attended her. It was a
very bad fracture , nnd will ktop her confined
to her bed for some time.
In Drntlntrj- .
In this ngo of phenomenal progress
there is perhaps no nrt or science thnt
has nmdo such signal advancement ns
dentistry nnd dental nurgory. Greater
progress has boon mntto in the past few
years than in perhaps nil the remainder
o ( the century , nnd now the cnro nnd
preservation of the teeth nnd the moans
of ropnlring the ravages ot time nnd
correcting the mistakes of nature hnvo
reached n degree of perfection that ap
parently loaves lllllo room for future de
velopment , "Among the grontcst tri
umphs of modern dental surgery , " said
Dr. II. A. Woodbttry yesterday ,
the senior member of wood bury
Bros. , the prominent dental ilrtn nt
Council Binds , "is the Crown nnd Bridge
work ns wo do It todny. It has nmdo
grout strides oven during the pnst year.
It Is the most artistic nnd substantial
kind of dental work , Of course there is
no pinto and when properly done nobody ,
nntf scnrcoly the person wearing it , can
dotrct its presence in the mouth , nnd
many people who nro complimented
upon their splendid looking teeth , whom
you know in this city , only had thrco or
four ugly looking snags n few yours niro.
Here nro tx number of onsts tnlcon from
mouths upon which wo nro now work-
Ing. This hns four snags , like broken
posts sticking up , nnd hero is another
with but throe , and hero nro casts taken
from the satno mouths after the work
was completed. They show perfect sots
of tooth , which will last their owners ns
long ns they hnvo occasion to use tooth ,
and will ijivo them ns good every dny
service as tholr natural tooth. Bridge
work is all right when it is properly
donennd all wrong when not , While it
is n little more expensive to start with ,
it is cheaper in the long run. How long
will it last ? Well , that cannot bo defi
nitely answered yot. It may bo of in
terest to know that the llrat case in
Iowa wns wit in in this olllco
when the process was first introduced.
That work is still intact , and is giving
the best of satisfaction. The improve
ments since then mnka the work now
performed much superior , and it is snfo
to estimate its durability for n long
period. Wo mnko this work ono of our
loading specialties. Of course wo are
thoroughly equipped for doing nil other
kinds of work nnd nro abreast of the
times in nil respects. "
A glance around the palatial rooms ,
each department separate for its dis
tinct work , was sufficient evidence thnt
the nscortion wns too modestly made.
; o.v nn : HAXKI > OF TIII. Mt.ixv. no
Irs. Grncritl Crook's Toijr from Guy 1'arln
to Ilciiutlliil ( Icnon.
Gr.xot , Feb. 1. [ Special Correspondence
of Tnc Bni : . ] Comparisons may bo odious ,
yet ono naturally compares foreign coun
tries to what ono sees In one's native land.
1'Icturo the rlvor Platte , with .villages and
churches ono storied , high red roofed
houses , mills and vineyards ( for the road
from Paris to Avignon runs through the
vine producing country of Fiance ) , and you
will have the Saono. It has no proclpitato
banks , but the water runs close , almost oven
with tbo shoro. Wo loft the Saono at
Lyons , and the railroad runs along the shore
of tbo Ubotio to Avignon , then turning di
rectly south through a tunnel four miles
long , to flnd ourselves near Marseilles In a
semi-tropical cliraato.
From Marseilles to Nice , the railroad ,
which is a wonderlul piece of engineering ,
passes through rocky defiles and tunnels ,
giving now and then tantalizing views of tbo
blue Mediterranean on the right , and hills
towering high up on the loft , passing
through orchards ot old ollvo trees , little villages built on a promon
tory , jutting into the sea , or dotting the high
hills , always with a church , and often as wo
rldo along wo hear the chime of the bolls
floating over tbo sea , and ofttimes wo run so
close to the sea that wo hoar the roar of the
waves as they break against the sboro , above
tbo clatter of the cars. About noon wo roach
Toulon , situated at tbo foot of high hills , and
surrounued by a bay that almost encloses It
and makes It an island.
Toulon Is a port of the first class and con
tains nothing of interest but the arsenal
aud ancient nrison. Tbo latter could not
interest me. I wont once in my life to a
prison with Mnry Anderson. I did not have
a good steep for months. Very soon after
wards Mary had a brain fever and has never
returned to the stage. Was she , too , haunt
ed by tbo pale , haggard , hopeless looking
faces that wo saw , and which seemed to say ,
"All who enter hero leave hope bohlna ! "
From Toulon to Cannes the road runs close
to the sea ana wo pass through a
succession of watering places , win
ter resorts for the delicate and
the pleasure hunter. There are many places
worth ono's whileto see. San Rafael , noted
for Its quarries of blue porphcry and as the
place Napoleon landed on his return from
Elba. Tbo most interesting excursion from
Cannes is to the island Saint Marguerite ,
where Iho "Man of the Iron Musk" spent
twelve years of miserable existence , and
later the ox-Marshal Bazaino
- was impris
oned the island of St. Honoro now tbo
abode of the monks of St , Barnard and un in
teresting old monastery. Grassc , the place
whore Queen Victoria stops when on tbo
Hlviora , Is only half * au hour's drive , and is
said to bo very lovely. Wo did tiot go to soc ,
but hurried on to Nice , where wo expected
to flnd eternal summer , but like many ot our
expectations , wcro doomed to disappoint
ment. It rained ono solid week , but as every
thing must have un end , tbo rain finally
ceased ana wo saw Nice in all Its beauty.
If Nice Is , as they say , the .representative
place whore the wealth and aristocracy of
the old world assemble to enjoy their
"dolco far niento , " wo must wonder
why the 'wealthy ' people of our country
should come hero when they can llnd so
much hotter a climate , either on the Atlnntlo
or Pacific coast.
There are many charming climes around
NIce , but no historical monuments or old
churches. From tbo chatou ono has as line
a pauorama spread before thorn as nny in
the worldcomprising the blue Mediterranean ,
the Northern Alps , tbo city of NIce , built in
u semicircle around ; the Bale aes Angos , Its
whlto villas , marble or btucco , Bhiafn/
through the orange groves and fences ot
rnscs. On the bill of the cnatou Gambotta Is
burled , but as yet tboro is no stone to mark
the spot. I know he Is buried there because
Mr. Julius Sussman , n gentleman whom
readers of THE Ben may know , for he has
lived in Omaha ( happy man ) , told mo ho was
nt the funeral nnu saw him interred.
Paris has been kinder toGambotta.forouoof
the finest colossal statues wo have over seen ,
is the ono of him on tbo Place Carousal in
Paris. However , that was erected by sub
scriptions of people all over Franco. Tboro
Is also a Hue statue of Garibaldi. NIce Is
the birthplace of Garibaldi ana Massona ,
who has a sticet and plaza named after him.
Besides tlio tallroad along the Hlviora and
two otbors , the upper and lower Cornlcho
roads , or it ono likes tbo sea there are
steamers plying from Marseilles to Cevlttn
Vecchla. The lower Cornlcbo , from Nice to
Montone , runs close to tbo sea , ana through
uowltchlng and fascinating little watering
places , that ono is constantly tempted to
stop and explore , but the upper Cornlcbo ,
the road Napoleon I. built , Is the mott beau
tiful drive la tbo world. Built along tbo
maritime Alps , almost on the summit , ana
passing through Modlevnl towns , line Kzo or
La Turblo. Ezo , which was fortified by
the Saracens , and whofo inhabitants have
still .tho Moorlsn cast of f natures , .and La
Turblo , another strongly forlllied town , with
nn old mouastary 700 years old ,
The vlow from hero u so grand that it
fllls one' with awe , with tbo blue sea ,
tbo mountains towering above and the towns
lying below. Montonn in Its quiet beauty ,
Monaco jutting Into tbo sea , Monte Carlo
lying at tie foot of the mountain , the icu run
ning up to kiss its foot Monte Carlo , the
jewel of tbo Hlviera , presents a ploturo of
Paradise , wltb the trail of the serpent over
Everything that can make Ufa attractive Is
'held to youi lips , " inagnlllceut hotels , the
most beautiful music , In the Casino , twice a
day , free , ana the linen kept garden in the
world. The reverse of this ploturo are the
gaining tables.
Wo saw , ouo ovcnlng , Christina Nllsson , u
Sir Frederick somebody , two Husslau
princes , a husband and wife , n Now YorK
prince nnd pftftccss , nt tbo same table ,
to absorbed InTtnj gnmo that they never
lifted their eyes. Atnnothor , n Chicago man
Hosenfclt , or 'Jlw46nkronz who won * 7,000
ono night , 6ftty to lose It the npxt ; n
plunger , nairfiftlf"Wolls , I do not know
whether hottf nh American or English.
No ono ovcrvrtiisj ° At Monte Carlo , for nny
length of tlmo.J Tfio lights , the music , the
excitement , the 'gnfoty nil seem hard nnd
cruel , wbon you took nt the faces of the
players , flushofr'wltu excitement , or palo nnd
Urnwn with aAxfotv.
Ono should tffi'frotn the Casino to the cemetery
otory , the sulcldo's'cornor. ' where no stones
mark the crafds 'Only tno shadow of the
tote du chlon-JYcsUng on that desolate spot ,
always In the sHiulf ) . Their burial plucoi ns
gloomy , dark nnd "nbmbor , as their souls , bo ,
fore they look1 fnefr flight to "that undls *
covered counfVy' from whoso bourne no
traveler roturrtb. "
Wo loft Monte Chrlo with regret , because
it was the oniyplaco where wo had found
warm weather.
When wo reached Vlntlmlglla , the frontier
of Franco , where wb crossed into Italy , wo
wore detained two hours for the inspection
of baggago. TIme U no object to an Italian.
A train load of people may wait for nn
onictal to smolto n clear. Here , for the llrst
tlmo , I learned that honesty was not the best
policy. Ton , tobacco anil spirits nro the
three things nn Italian seizes upon with
delight. Knowing wo were coming to n
country where new wines were the national
beverage , and they alTcctcd n
stranger very much ns green apples
do n school boy , wo bad purchased n bottle of
rye whUkoy in NIce to have In cnso of sick-
nefs. Wo foolishly declared It. nnd the
commotion it produced was something alarm
ing. They did not know what it was , the
cork had not been drawn , and they soon had
half the male population of Vintlmtalla
jabbering around us llko so mnny blackbirds
in n buckwheat Hold. They llnnlly carried F
off to sco some ofllclnl , leaving mo nlono , nnd
it wns so long before she ro turned I felt con
vinced they had shut her up in ono ot tholr
gloomy forts , but just In tlmo to board the
train she returned , saying if wo would pay
187 francs , about $17 , wo micht have the bet
tlo. As wo had pnld less for it in NIce than
wo would have to nt homo wo were sure It
was very bad whisky , so wo presented it to
the Italian government , devoutly hoping it
would bo drank by some onlclnl , who would
bo poisoned instead of us.
As soon as wo left Vcntlmlglm , wo recog
nized wo were In Italy. The architecture
the people , the roads , the trees , shrubs , nil
seemed to tell of this land of rom.inco and
mystery. The line of the railroad still ran
close to the sea , always , always , the blue sou
on ono aide , the other , the mountains uplifting
tholr tntnnruts of snow , "throuirh qunltu
old Italian town * , quainter two wheel cnrts ,
drawn by little donkeys , loaded with vege
tables , wood or morchnn.llso. The railroad
still runs through innumerable tunnels , often
cutting off our vlow. We could BOO nil along
our route the udm irnblo Corutcho road , some
times above the mountains that wo plunged
into , sometimes winding around the moun
tain , and we coula not but regret the davs of
the "vottura , " whou a journey from Mar
seilles to Genoa was counted by days nnd
weeks Instead of hours. The votturn bore
you along gradually nnd loft you tlmo to enJoy -
Joy the picturesque effects of mountain nnd
sea : left you tlmo to stop at nnjht at the old
nlborpos and see something cf Italian life.
Wo arrived at Genoa at 5:30 : , but I will toll
you about this qld. interesting and most fas
cinating town in ray next letter.
M. D. CHOOK- .
JIOVGJIT 11Y AX OM.lll.l .V.I.V.
rubiilcmsly Itlch Gold Minn In Colorado .Sold
to' Geonjo Wright.
Pucni.o , Colo.l Fob. 19. [ SpecialTelegram
toTitn Ben. | The-coiobratod Casstclc mine
at Rosita has just jbcon sold to n syudidato ,
among whom is George F. Wright of Omaha ,
Dr. Wnrnor of/Roohester and St. Louis nnd
Chicago parties lor $1,000,000. Some years
ago the property got into litigation and as a
consequence was shut down. The tnino filled
rapidly with waten The water now Is 1,800
foot deep in J the i mlno , and It is estimated
that it will take (0,000 to pump it out. Some
of tbo ere heretofore taken out has sold as
high as $50,000 per torn ,
Steamer ArrlMilx.
At BaltimorcM-Carthagona from Liver
At Phlladelphia-t-Manbattan from Liver
pool , Crimea from liio Janeiro.
At London Sighted : Polaria from New
At Now York Brittanio from Liverpool ,
Pomeranian fromGlasgow.
Minister Itcld Will Not Iti-sign.
WASIII.NOTOX , D. C. , Feb. 19. The report
that United States Minister Reid baa re
signed is denied at the State department. It
is said on excellent authority that Hold has
agreed to continue bis diplomatic porvico
until u reciprocity treaty Is concluded bc-
tweon tbo United States and Franco.
A meerschaum pine trust. It U claimed , has
been orgnnl/cd by Now York parties.
From Fremont and Onry. Colo. , coino re
ports of rich strikes In the mining districts
near these towns.
Already Colorado 1ms tnado arrangements
to liavo ut the World's fair a good exhibition
of her Horn and ID ma.
0. 0. Cninnitngs was Jianjeil at Savannah ,
Gu. , and William Smith lit Now Orleans. Doth
had committed murder.
Senator Quay Is reported to bo dangerously
111 nt St. laicle. I'lii. Mrs. Quay , who was sum
moned by telegraph. Is now with him.
There Is a report that danger of it riot uo-
twcen white and colored laborers nonr Cuttles-
burs , Ky , . Is Imminent , Both sides lire
During an o'ectria storm at Columbus. Kan. ,
lightning struck u largo powder houso. An
explosion followed , completely wrecking the
building. .
Governor Hogs of Texas has Issued n procla
mation to the Hpanlsh settlers of that state.
requesting thorn to remain at tholr homes and
not attend gatherings.
Tno Rio Grande railway and Us telegraph
operators have agreed upon a sculo of salaries
and the threatened strlko Is off. An Increase
In pay has been granted.
Shareholders of the IHjou Itusffrvolr nnd
Canal company of Colorado hnvo brought milt
to restrain the nulo ot tholr stock on which au
assessment Is delinquent.
Colonel O , M. Tonncr , manager of the
Northwestern Kami Land company of Chicago
cage , who lives at Grand Forks , N. 1) . . Is miss
ing. Ho was last seen In Minneapolis.
Governor Hnclianan of Tennessee now de
clares that Holes of Iowa Is hlx choice for
president , and Hill wns Ills choice , condi
tioned on the candidate having to como from
Now York.
It Is said that Tammany hall delegates to
the Now York state convention will go to Al
bany nnlnstrnetcd , They will , however , ar-
runco tholr plans at umuutlnit to be hold on
their arrival.
A larpo majority ot the Thomson-Houston
stockholders have assented to the eluotrlo
consolidation ueroomcnt , tlm assent of moru
more thun UOa.tOJ shares of the total 4W,000
shares of the total hnvo bcun glron.
The fighting democratic factions In Louisi
ana have agreed to submit tholr dltTorer.ceti to
the whlto dcmooruts of the state ut primaries
to bo hold In At > rl | jioxt. Tha tlckot receiving
tbo creator number of votes ut the primaries
will bo the rok'iHur democratic ticket , and tno
other will withdraw.
The mlnlnQetroubles at C'onl Creole have
boon mottled. , The Tennesheo Minim ; com
pany. which oausi'u the npilblnn by placing
convicts In llio'hilnoK ' , which action was fol
lowed by tholr rollmso In Auitust and attain In
October , has about concluded nn agreement
satisfactory till around ,
At Trinldad-titlolo. . the tr.iimnon on the
Union 1'atltlo nillrqud hold n meeting to con
sider what they.pliilm U n systematic reduc
tion of their sulfirlas belne made by the com
pany. The moutlng wusboorot , hut It Is un
derstood If theMiiusu for complaint la not re
moved that a ( trlko will ensue.
John Jay Knotf 'during the last flvo years of
his llfo hud Dnpn. oinciiKod upon u history of
banUliiK In thu Jlnltcd btntos which was about
ready to go to Ho public at the tlmo of his
doath. Mm. Iv mix. will carry out the plain of
her husband by ; in c.irly publication of this ,
his last and moiLiinporUnt literary work.
rlcd out , and the loaders of the proposed
movemont.uro In prison.
Mr , Henry Edward Doyle , 0 , II. , died In Lon
Mr. Gladstone has postponed his return to
England until Tuosduv noxU
A summons 1ms been Issued for nn Dullish
cabinet council to bo held on Hatu day.
Joan llolllnZHhond , the London theatrical
manager , 1ms been declared u bankrupt ,
Thu llrltUh stnnniur Munition , which gulled
from GlniKOW Fubruuryi" . for llrcmcii. put
Into Dover with the cotton seed In her fore-
hold on tire. 'Iho tire wns extinguished und
the vessel proceeded on tier Journey.
M. Isaacs took otlenso at bomotlilnu which
appeared In u book publlnhcd by M. Urnmont
of 1'arU. The gentlemen mot und M. Uaacs
WHS shot in thu nbdoimm und M , Urnmont In
thoaroust. M. Drunioiit-huHyui to meet two
taoro men for the suuio ruatou.
ll I II I IV
Black ami White Sketches From the
Studios of Artists.
I'ntlirtlc ClImitT to n I.o\o Scciip
the llojcott ItellcctloiiR on n Itnll-
ronil Acrlilrnt An Kdltor'a
lloniiltitllty , itc. :
Mabol Walt'/.os had bcon waiting in
the parlor for her lover's return for
what scorned to her an ngo , writes Bob
Burdolto. Her heart turned to blood
stone as she thought of him , young ,
slender , but bravo to rashness nnd reck
lessness , closolod nlono with her stern
father in the grim old library. The
door opened nt last and ho stood bofor
her , unscathed , n flush on his checks
and an oxprosslon in his oyo.
"Did you sco papa , RlchrydV" she
nskcd with trembling eagerness , llo
hold her in his arms for a moment with
out speaking.
"Yes , donrost , " ho said at length.
"And what did ho say , Richard ?
Toll mo what ho said ? Ho refused you ?
Oh , your eyes tell mol Ho refused you ;
ho will not glvo mo to you ? But I will
bo I am yours t do not four his harsh
ness wo will ily"
But Richard looked down into her
pleading face and shook his head slowly ,
llko n man In n dream.
"Toll mo , then , for I cannot waltl
Wns ho brutal and cruel to you ? What
did ho do ? What did ho say ? "
Richard Nobcard drew a loner , deep
breath and again looked down at the
face turned up to moot his troubled
glanrc. Ho sighed and whispered
slowly :
"Ho only said , 'Thank Heaven ! ' and
went on reading. "
Now York World : "Whtir yo gwino
to , Jimmy ? " queried n. Houston street
boy about" 10 years old of another ho met
just olT Broadway.
"To Sum do butcher's to buy meat. "
"Got do money to nay ? "
"Yes. "
"Den do mo a , great favor. Go to
some other shop. 1'vo got u boycott on
Sam. "
"What , fur ? Hain't ho all right ? "
"Not much ! Ono dreadful hot day
last summer I had a postage stamp in
mo pocket. It was sweatin' wid do heat.
I went into Sam's and perlitcly asked
him to put do stamp on ice till it could
brace up , and what d'yo 'sposodo villian
did ? "
"Mado a swipe fur mo jaw wid do
cleaver and run mo out ! He's a bad
man , and I'm a doin' all I kin to kill his
trade. "
FltUED Di : 3IUI.E.
The Wasp : An old darkey , seeing for
the first time an electric car pass , lost in
wonderment , turns to a white bystander
and bays :
"Fo * do Lawd's sake , boss , what make
dat ar car go dat way ? "
"Why , Sam , .don't you know ? That's
the electric car line goes by electri
city. "
"Oh , goes by electricity , docs she ?
An' who got dat ar up ? "
"That was invented by n dashed Yan
kee up north , Sam. "
"Now-you doan' toll mo , bossl Gawd
bross do Yankees ! Dat's , what I says.
Fust doy frees do niggah , and now doy's
freed do mule. "
Detroit Free Press : "I underctand , "
remarked the polite reporter to the
nloso mouthed manager of a west
ern railroad noted for its poor time ,
"that there was tin accident on your road
last night. "
"Oh , do you ? " was the sarcastic
"Yes , sir. "
"Do you know anything about it1' '
"Only that it happened to the train
which was duo hero at 8:15. : "
"That train came in promptly on
time , sir , ' ' said the manager firmly.
"Aro you sure of that ? "
"Of course I am. "
"Thanks. That must have been the
accident referred to , " and the reporter
dodged out safely.
Two men at the stockyards , says the
Chicago Tribune , got into a heated dis
cussion the other flay over the law of
supply and demand , and ono of them
said :
"Thoro isn't any use in arguing with
a man who doesn't understand the ele
mentary principles. You don't ' oven
know what a syllogism is. "
"I'll bet $50 , " replied the other , pur-
plowithrag3 , "that our packing house
turns out moro cans of 'em in ono dny
than the ono you'ro working in docs in a
month. "
National Tribune : Mr. Chump My
dear , you remember the missionary , the
Rev. Mr. Lanlcs , who wont to China ?
Well , this paper says that the natives
of the province in which ho was labor
ing became enraged at him , and would
not bo satisfied till the ollicmls had cut
of ! the rovoronod gentleman's sacerdotal
Mrs. Chump Horrible ! Did it kill
him ?
Atlanta Constitution : Editor I have
invited the members of the press asso
ciation to dlno with mo today.
Wife What on earth have wo got to
sot before thorn ?
Editor Don't bother about that. The
first course will bo green collardd ; the
second , well wotor ; nnd wo might have
seine good fresh air for desert. Will
you ask a blessing ?
A Mother Now , my dour Francois , just
J'rinlc up tills camomile tea nicely , and
ou will soon bo bolter.
Little Francois Camomllo tea ! I
thought I was going to have milk punch !
Mother No , darling , cmnomllo ton is
the best thing you can tako.
Francois ( jumping out of bed in n
temper } Then , mamma , you can wait
a long while before I have a sere throat
again , I can tell you.
bOUK ( lUAl'ES.
Kew 1'iii/c IleraM ,
She spurned mo nnd I lightly laughed ,
"Your're not so wondrous fair :
The world bas many kinder heart *
That I would rather share. "
Wo mot again again J loved ,
( I almost weep to write ) ;
Wo married , and alas I I found
My lirst opinion right.
Texas SUtinga : "You have boon in
the army a great mnny years , but I have
never hoard oi you capturing anything , "
said an old coquette to a faomowhat venerable -
orablo o III cor.
You ought to have a. follow fooling for
mo , " was the reply.
"How BO ? "
"Because wo both know what it is to
growr old without making any con
quests. "
Smith's Monthly. First Lady I BOW
your husband moot you on Fulton slrcc
yesterday nnd I noticed thnt ho romovct
Ills hat while speaking with you ,
admired him for it , Very few men do
Second Lady I rcmombor ; I told lilu
in thu mottling to have his hair cut
nnd ho was showing mo that ho hm
Now York Weekly : Tramp : "Plonso
mum , mo foot's on th' ground ; an' If yt
could mo an ole pair o' shoos I't
" Mrs. Spinka : "Thoro's n , woddliij ,
going on in that big house across the
street. Just you go over there and wait
Whnn the cottplo comes out the fatullj
will throw a Tot of the bride's old shoos
after hor. " "But , mum , they'd ho too
small. " . "Huh ! Wait till you BCO hot
feet , "
Sjndlmtcl'iirk PiiMirrd liy Snulli Side Cltl
7i < nMllli IVw KxcrptloiK.
Mot ? ' now hnll on South Thirteenth street
wns thronged last night by South sldo cltl
zons who are interested in parlc matters.
Heretofore tbo meetings hnvo boon held nl
Eighteenth nnd Vlnton streets , but In ordur
to got n general oxprosslon from these who
wcro unnblo to attend these meetings , the
place wns changed.
Hon. Jnmoi C , Drcnnnn was made chair
man , whllo John Tldomnnn acted in the
capacity of secretary.
Isaac S. Hasonll opened t ho debate by stn'
ing that byndlcnto park wns the only picco of
ground desirable for the park commissioners
to'surtct. Ho-UBS followed by .lames Donn-
vnn who , in his talk , said ho canio to thu
mooting to hear some opposition to Sy ml lea to
park. If no ono coulu make nn objection ho
did not bcliovo there was room for dis
cussion ,
"I want the money voted for parks" snu :
Hon. Ocorgo 1C. Ucrtrnnd , "spent whcro It
ivlll do the most good , nnd for n park that
will bo convenient. I believe the park com
missioners will locate the park whcro you
want It. The Clnrlco tract Is not accessible ,
nnd thnt Is why I am opposed to thnt pleco ol
ground for a park. The best proposition
that hns been made Is Iho ono for Syndicate
park , it is accessible nnd will suit thcllpco-
plo. "
Gilbert M. Hitchcock was next called for ,
and when going upon the platform said thnt
lie was somtnvhat uls.tnpotntcd us thovo wns
no argument to bo mado. Everybody scorned
to f.ivor Syndicate park nnd ho , too , favored
It. Ho thought the south sUc people
could convince the park commissioners
ors tlmt Syndicate park was the
ground for thorn to select. JIo
lurthoristated thnt it was poetical , romantic ,
beautiful and all that sort of thing and came
\-ery nonr making the audicnco believe that
ho really favored It.
Councilman Elsnssor opposed the Clnrko
tract , and In strong tortns said It would cost
$1,200 an ncro while the syndicate ground
could bo purchased for 5500 an aero.
John Butler was the only man who did not
favor the syndicate park. Iio npposod both
it nnd the Clarke tract. Ho didn't think
either plcco of ground was flttod for park
purposes. In fact ho wns opposca to every
thing. Ho was sorry that the bonds hod
boon voted , but If any Innd was to bo
purchased ho thought it should bo gotten
from Tom Murray ou South Thirteenth
street. This ground , ns ho referred to itvns
adapted to park purposes , nnd If Mr. Murrav
would not dispose nl it reasonable ho wns of
the opinion that the city charter should bo
so changed as to condemn it.
Councilman John Stcele , in giving his
views of the question , thought there wns no
liasto necessary nnd eventually Syndicate
pane would bs dedicated to the cltv.
Contractor Stuht was of a similar opinion ,
and said thnt Syndicate would have been
dedicated if there had been no talk of buying
it. Ho was moro In favor of Hascnll's park ,
as ho thought it was moro accessible.
There was much wrangling and debate
when the following resolutions were offered
by Mr. Donovan :
Kosolved , That wo have full confidence In
our Hoard of 1'ark commissioners nnd expect
tlmt they , In selecting u situ for the south
side partf. will , whllo guarding the Interacts
of the city at lanre. take Into duo considera
tion the wlshosof the people most dliectly In
terested In the tuattur , as expressed nt this
mass moetlns.
liesolvod. That wo a re opposed to thoClarko
tract nnd to nny other tract to which there U
no accessor which will require nil oxponshc
opnnlns and grading of sticets to ho made ac
Kosolvcd , That the llaserUt tract on Vlnton
street , between Thirteenth and Fifteenth
streets , will be agreeable to us.
Resolved. That the HynclUmto park is our
choice , and that in our opinion the nark com
missioners ouplit to take tlio Syndicate park
out of private hands , nnd starting In on the
foundation aheady laid , make It the best and
linost park In the city.
Kesolvod , That no park at all is butter ( Man
a patk too far away from the homos of the
people for whose benollt It Is Inien.lod.
Uosolvcd. That no part of the money In
tended and voted for u south slda park can bo
expended In any other part ot the city.
The resolution was referred to tbo execu
tive committee , which will make a report
with its recommendation nt the next mootIng -
Ing , which may possibly bo hold Friday
night next nt Motz's haU.
nnintod Thorn n YVook.
WASHINGTON- . 19. An ntrroomont wns
reached among the democratic members of
the ways and moans committee that the mi
nority should have until a week from tomor
row to prepare their reports against the frco
wool , bindjng twltio and bagging measures
heretofore ordered favorably reported to the
bouEio by a party voto.
Chairman Springer announces that ho In
tends to call up ono of the tbrco bills on
Monday or Tuesday following the submls-
mlsslon of tno report to the houso.
Nominated by tlio i'roNldcnt.
WASISQTOV , D. C. , Fob. 19. The president
sent to the sonata the following nominations :
Nicholas R. Kuntz to bo register of the
itnd ofllco at Dos Molnos. In ,
Major John W. Cloud to bo lieutenant
colonel and deputy Judge advocate general.
fituml OirOnoo .More.
HAVANA , Fob. 10. Stolnltz won tbo twen-
tlotbgam o of tbo great chess match u ith
Tschlgonn. The bcoro now reads : Stcinlt/ ,
8 ; Tschtgonu , 8 ; drawn , 4.
Montgomery & Adams' saloon wns entered
by thieves some tlmo Thursday night and
ono dozen bottles of beer stolon.
Sneaic thlovos entered the barn of Charles
Schnrtan , 12J4 South Twentieth street , early
Friday morning and stole a sot of hurncsi.
Carpenters' union 158 will hold a special
meeting at their hall , 11)15 ) Capitol avenue ,
February 23 at 8 p. m. Every member Is re
quested to bo present.
This evening will bo ladles' night , at tlm
Omaha Athletic club. An interesting pro
gram of sports bas been prepared and n largo
attendance Is expected.
Phil Brady , ex-dump master , filed a com
plaint this morning charging Policeman J.
II. Hussoll with assault and battorv. The
trouble occurred last j.lght on NorthTwonty-
fourth streot.
During the past week twonty-flvo hoys
bavo a.tttcd Ilov. Charles W. Snvldgo to so-
euro thorn work on farms. Ho nas already
sent flvo to Grand Island. Ho Is anxious
that farmers through the state will apply to
him and ho will send the boys.
fT\on HAI.n At a h.ircaln , 12-nuro fruit and
X' garden farm adjoining ulty llmlUj good
dwelling. ] ' - II. ShCafu.
HES'T Viiount store.Ill llnmduny
owned by Mrs. Jane llaldwin. Apply to
Jcor o T , 1'lielps at pohtofllrc.
WI1/I/tr.ulo lionsu and lot for tnniii : "III
viva Ion ; ; tlmoon balance. Call ut 615 y.
HI ) sticot ,
171AHMH , ganlon land * , honijn , lota milL
-L lusliii a Nooks for itlo or n > nU Day &
iloi.3 , ID 1'oiul atroul , Oounoll lllillfi ,
OUNOIh IIUM'Tfl money on hand for
loans. W , A. Wood & ( . ' . . . ' .20 Mulimtmil.
li'OK IlhNT Over 100 d\soliiiij" of ovury du-
-U bcrlptlon nt prices varying from fl totiuo
ier month , located In ull parts of the city. U
l.blnMftMO llroadway ,
EOHHAliE 1'onr coed llourlnK mills. Uan
* ? take tome stood land UH nart pay Johns-
ton fi. Vuit I'.ittun , Council III u If it. la.
Kl'.NT Farm with orelmnl , : i inlliia
17OU O.'dcr. huubf , Council lilulTn. liniulru
uf.'UJKlutiiiiau kt.
Mr. John Hrtfffforty Tells of Ha
Huumrlcnblo Recovery.
Mr. John llngnorty , wlio rothtat nt S.1I3
Mn on strool , suys !
"My tronblo linsnn wltli n sovcro co'd mill I
have not been frro from cntnrrlml trouble *
slnoo. My nostills wcro compli'tnlv closed up.
1 Imd hnad.'ichn * niuln dull | niln oxer niv cv <
nliitoM. nil of iho time. My opoiiiod to
hn full nfthlok mucus and I wns forced toKooii
lmwl.lnfnml | siiltthiB to pleat-lit this woultl
mnko It dry a ml woro. I Imd pains In myvhess
ttlth ] mlltutlnu ] ) of tlio lioitrt. I scnrcoly Know
what It wns to pot u eooil nlchl'a rent , mid la
the inprnliiK 1 was ninro Hied limn 1 wns when
\\ont 1 to bed tlio nlqhl before. My stomacB
wns nflVrti'il , my aictltu | | was poor mid. In
s'jort , 1 did not know \\lmt II was to ( col rulV
.Mil. luiinr.iiTV. 2:113 : .MASON ST.
' Soinii icats nKO I noticed that sumcthlnt
scorned to diop llrst in mm noMrll then tli
other , comnlotolv doslnc the nostril : this con
tinued n-itjl liolh nostrils weieclosed entirely
und I could mil bte.itlic tlnoimh my now.
"I doeloiod for my iroiiblu nnd wns told
that with my cnliitrh 1 Imd
In my nnso that would h.ixo to he removed. I
submitted to suvciil ; p.ilnful operations wh'c
ttoru unsuccessful , loavhu niu In u worsn eon-
union than I was before.
"I bcL'un trcvitnient with Drs. Conolumh
Fhop.ird and .Man llcld KOVOM ! months iisor
und they leimncd thupolypnstnniois ulthont'
tin ) least lilt of pain ; In fact. I se.ircely Knew
tlioy worn loinoved until 1 fet I could
lire the thioiuh my nostril * nyuln Du. Copeland -
land , Shopurd anil .Munsllold then treated my
catarrh nnd nau 1 am entirely cured. 1 haui
no tnoto of the distressing symptoms of
eat.iiih.niynppotltolseood , I s-lccp sound unit
feel lofroslied l > y my sleep , nnd host of all. I
can breathe tin on.h my nee with mv mouth
clo-ed , sonietlilns 1 havn not done In lifteeii
years. 1 nmory ur.itcful to Mrs. ( Aipeland.
Miopird and Munsllcld for the Immense Rood
they have done niu. und I I'liully add my evi
dence a to tholr skill nnd uhllltv. 1 will will-
In ily eorroliornto this stiitomoiit to nnyono
who will tnlco tlio trouble to call on me , or
wilto tome. "
Different Forms of Ontnrrh.
The term catarrh does not nei-essully ra- ,
foi to ciitairhof the head nnd thioat only. It ,
Is nnulTectloiiof the mucous membrane , or to
put It moroolearly. tlio llnins of any hollow
oritnnof theontlre hotly , no matter whuie lo
falmplncatarrh of the head nnd thioat. nnd
Its manv symptons , Is well known. Its preva
lence In th s ( Oiintty Is shown In tliostnto-
mcntofC.irl Solloi , M. 1) . of Philadelphia ,
another eminent specialist In diseases of tln .
throutnnd nose , lie estimates that DOOOODou >
of o\or 1,0011,000 poisons me allllotod wltlv
catarih , und in some locallthM the per cent Is' '
oven Kie.xtor. Sir Morel Maokcn/le. of Lon-1
dan , calls it : i "national American nlteatlon , "
BO piovulent Is It In America us compaicoU
wit n other eonntilos.
A has bjen said , the symptoms of
CATAiiiui oi-Tiii : MDAD
And throat are many and \\ell Lnouii , Tha
stopplnc up uml ficqucnt ( INclririto from the
nose , dropping of mucous In tlie throat , con
stant Imwklngand raising , otlcnslvo breath ,
dull pain In the forehond , uvos weak unit
watery , cr-inulatod eyelids , loss of appetite
and the sense of tusto and smell. Inability to
iiitleu ate distinctly , soreness and tickling in
the , coughing nn > lMiuo7ltii , : . \
Kroqucntl v tlio patlont cgmplalns of lourlnif
ana biizzlngnolsvs In tha ears , often uccuni- *
punled by an olTcnslvo discharge. This Isca-f
larrh of the nnd middle car , which.
If not cured for loiults In Impaired hcniln,1
und In many cases total doufncas. i
Or chronlobronohltls. Is another danzeious
Direction common to many. Thu cuftrrh ex
tends down tlio windpipe und into the hron-
clilnl tubes , which tubc- > convey the all to the
lunxs. Thotnt'es heconio BO filled up with the
mucous thoalrun s.'nrcoly foue it p.iss.ico
tluonvli , nnd thepatient's DrontliliiK IN I
Inboio 1 and dinienlt. There Is u sovuru oough' '
und raising of tough , tenacious mucous of a (
yellow color , '
I'reqiiont attacks of asthma. In some In- ,
BtnnceH tlm mncou Is Ntrotkcd with blond , I
and iho coiiKh te irs the iunzs und ehcst , cans- .
Inz thopitlent Inluiisosullcrln . With bron-
chlaleatarih there Is more or less fever , chilly
oieop iu sensation , hot llasncs over tha bodr ,
and unless attended to In many eases oad to
la another typo of the disease. With this tlion. ' *
Is n formation of tins nnd hlo.itlm : of tho"
stomach , belching , nausea und frcquont vom
it ins : tlintnllKOiiQ or faint fuelln. , dlr/lnesa
nnd n cnnwinc sensation , imor uppcllle find a
heavy distressed fueling after catlns. This
disease may piodnce nlceratlon of the stomach
ach , und n some rasos cancer.
Then tl ere can he
Commonly called clironlo dUspiitoiy.
A Iuno ; mujority of suin dlsuasuj are ca
tarrh il In the mituui , ami many cerebral or
hi a In airoctlons must he attrlhiitcd to catarrh
of the nasul mucous moinhiauo. Amoiiit the
supondury roHiiIlK of catarrh urn retarded de-
M'loiimonts , clironlo extc'iaiil iodnu > > j of tlm
nose , Kiislrtc dlstiiihanees , utorlnu illscliarcrw
neuralxluor mltrialno , clioloiu or f-t , Vltus'
dunce , und epilepsy or falling Ills.
A Ciilnt'ldcnro In tliv Nntahli ! L'rcilrnlhilii ol
tint I'JiyxIuhiiiH ot thu Coprliinil
. Medical Inntltnlo.
Or , W. If. Conolaml wasprcsldontof hl.s clans
nt llolluvno llospltnl Medical C'ollin'u , N'utS
York' , where ho Riadiiated , the most fainoiu
Institution of Its kind In tlio country. Ills
diploma hears the written endorsement of Iho
medical aiitliorltli'H of Now VorKof thedeaiiH
of prominent medical collnoi In I'eiinsyl-
vanln. Dr. 0. 8. fhnpard wns president of hli :
( Inns at Hush Modleal Col 0:0 , I'hluaxo ,
wh'cli In acknowledged to he the lead Inn In-
slltut'on of its kind In the west. lr Miepard'M
Ihorouith hospital exporloncu and Hpeelal
study In Iho diseases of the eye , ear , nohuand
hroat. place him ainonthu leading Hii | > clal-
Ists In the west. Dr. T. II. Manslluld'B creden
tials iiru no less ahnndunl and nniuallllut | ) .
Ho also Is formally Indoisud by tlm seurotfrles
of vurioim county and slate medical to > ics.
Copdand Mwlicfi
BOOM3 311 AND 312 ,
New York Life Building '
Cor. 1 Till uml Fnrnnm Sis. , Oinaln , Nub ,
W. II. Coi'ir < ANi > . M. D.
C. S. Sinci'Aiti ) , M. D. <
T. B. MANSi'iKM ) , M. D.
Consulting I'liyHloliins ,
SpoRlaltos : Oitarrh and all dlso.fOj of tlm
ije : , Kir. Thro.itand Lunits. Nurvonu DU-
I'uhiw , bkln DIsoaHua , Ohronlo Diseases. Ofllea
llonr 0 toll n. in. , 3 to 0 p. m. , 1 toO \ \ , iu.
tunday Ul u. i.i to < p , m.
Uiitarrhal troubles and kindred dUoaioi
treated Hiiccoisdilly by mull , tiondto In
Ktiinum for oiiomlon olroulara. Adclrem t\\l \
letluri to Copolund Medical Institute , .New
York i.lfo llnllillni : . Omaha , Nob.
UIMH ruitNiuiui : ) FICKI-
Of Council U ! UU. ,
urpluB und Profits . , HOfOt
Not Caul tal and Btirplus. .
lllrvctort J It. KiliiUiiU | un , I ! . I , . Huik'nrl , K.
Jk'tuua , K , K. Hurl , I. A. Miller , J. V. Illmlnuia
ml Uliarlci It. HHIIDIIII.