Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 20, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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School Ohildron rind in the Life of Wash
ington Patriotic Inspiration.
ringftiiml Hunting Mnlio ( Iny Ilic Itoonn In
All Our I'ubllc Schools lo\olloti ) unit ,
I.ojally to ( 'ountry A lo-
Irsccnt Patriots ,
Tbo children of the public schools in
Omnho are IcarnlnR lessons of patriotism
along with other useful things.
At nearly nil tliu school buildings yester
day the llttto folks celebrated tbo annlver-
snry of George Washington's ulrtn ilay.
Flags nnd bunting anil pictures of Washing
ton constituted the chief features in the decoration -
oration at most of the buildings , but at some
places lloworj nnd potted plants were also
employed to beautify the rooms wnero the
rtupils , teachers , parents and friends assem
bled to hoar about the events of the nation's
Dirtb and of the patriotic , wlso and manly
qualities of tbo father of our country ,
Tin ; l.lttlo I'llehor Club.
At no school was thcro moro genuine
earnestness than nt the Davenport , corner of
Fortieth nnd Davenport streets. Notwith
standing the fact that the children of that
school are obliged to put up with two small
ono story btilldmcs and hiivo no largo as
sembly rojm for the accommodation of the
literary club connected will , the school , yet
they nvo very enthusiastic > u literary work
nnd the Little Pitcher club of that school has
gained a reputation throughout the city for
very clover work In this direction.
The history of the Llttlo Pitcher eluo Is In
teresting and unique. 1 Ivo years ago , when
Miss Lottie L. Gassetto began touching ill
the Farmirn school , she induced the pupils in
that school to organize the Liltlo Pltehor
club. The name was suggested , Miss Oassetto
says , by something she hud read , In which
children were liUened to llttlo pitchers bo-
causa their cars were largo and their mouths
were always opon. When Miss Gassotto
was made principal of the Davonuort school
kho organized the Llttlo Pitcher club In 'hut
school and It has been ono of the most uono-
ilcinl and onjovnblo features of the school
ever since. The conditions of membership
nro plain nnd equitable for all , but are based
upon that which forms a thorough test of
true merit end earnest offoit. Every pupil
who is hi good standing in deportment , class
work and attendance , is ontitlcd to n mom *
ucr.shlp in tbo club. Thcro are at present
forty two members of the club at tending the
Uavenpott school. There nro n number of
alumni of the club now in the High school.
called " . "
They nro "Jugs.
The club arranged for n special program
yesterday afternoon , in honor of the anni
versary of Washington's birthdiy , nnd at
1:30 : , the hour sot , for the exorcises to begin ,
a large number of ladles nnd n fo > v gentle
men assembled in the largest school room to
hour tbo little follcs in u wall prepared
President Slilrloy'rt AtlclrosH.
Following is the address of 1'liclan Snir-
ioy , president of the club. Ho is u bright
lad about li ) years old :
Miss Cassette and Ladles nnd Gentlemen :
This Is a pro it and glorious occasion wo celebrate -
brato today , the blttlidny of the father of his
country , the uroatnnd noble Washington. In
his Illllo cradle In Virginia , 1UI yi'iirs ago
today , lay the liny baby whoso name Is now
known throughout the length and biradtli of
the olvillzoilorld. . Our class hits .lust finished
thutp.irtof h'story ' known as "The Hevolutlon-
iiiy" period , nnd on every pnpo this grout name
Mimes lllie a star. We see him llrst us a yomiK
man , splendid in connm ; ami in manly beauty ,
promptly and cheerfully obeying the onleis
of his superlois , for ho could obey us well us
command , and muUIni ; Hint Ion. uml tollsomu
maiuh nt Governor Dinviddle'a onlor from hlu
liomo In Virginia to the shorn of I.alio I'rlo.
Agnlii wo see hli.i , marchliu hide by side
with that bri\o : but Ill-futud Ilruddock , and
quietly submitting lilsou-n opinion ( o th . t of
tliu older olllcor , ultlnmsh he knew Unit they
iniuclu'd to almost curtain death KIOIII that
fortunate day for American liberty , when ho
hlood up by ids seat in the Second Continental
congrchs and modestly iiccoptu.l that great
trust of the nntton the command of tie pa
triot iirmy , to Valley Forgo nnd Yoiktonn.
everywhere hlssreat vlrtnesof p.itilotlsm anil
and fortitude nnd ci'iieioslty and eour.ige
plow like Komsaumnd Umthlgh and honored
Our teacher hns tel I us that the noble old
patilol H\\oro on'v once. It WIH : on the buttle
fluid of MonmmUh , uhon lie saw the cravi'n
louder ho hud luft In cliar.'o of nls troop *
butnl > hhliklns Ills duty ; und \\lit-n she tnul
us how the fraud old hern lose In his htlrruus
and ulioiik ills terrible sword over the licucl of
thutcowuid und villiun , Clmtlps l.oe , und
"ensscd"a\vfnllv , uohrnko rlehtout In school
with n " ) ili > ! hlpl Inirr.ih ! " for him. anil sliu
cald she lined lilm nnd us all tliu butter for It.
Slio also told us that although
nnd bruvn. yrt ho couldn't spoil very wcill.
Sliiisi'cmed to kindo'hutn to tell us that , for the old hero would shrink a notch or two
In our estimation , but bless yon I ho rose light
up , higher than ever. Wo honored him bcfote ,
but mm wo love him. Some of us can't spoil
very well either , but if WH o\orgroiv up to bo
Druvo and uoblo cnonsli to be thought worthy
to touch the hem of his old lo Imuntuls wo
Mini I gotuloiu very well without that accom
plishment , lie could spoil victory all right
with a big V , and honor and fame and love In
capital letters , but ho could not spell dishonor
or defeat , and I only WIHII ho woio alive today
to fee how the boyn of this UKO , of this country ,
and especially of this great city , honor and
a Jin I ro him.
1 f > : iy. ladles nnd gentlemen , thut T wish ho
were alive toduv to huur our tributes of honor
nnd praise , but It seems to mo. us I stand here
now. with that pictured face looking down
upon mu , nnd with thut bright Hag lloatln ?
fico from wall and standard thut Hag which
lin so proudly curried to victory In the glori
ous days of old thut lie Is ullvc , or at least
that butler part of him the spirit and tlio
love of Illioi ty which he bus humiuathod us u
loyal blrthilxht tonvery child of America.
Uront founder of our great republic , wo
biilntu thco !
On those calm lips ( hero rests the bcal of
Bllonoe. but thu hero-heart , though moldcr-
Ing to dust , speaks eloso to thu thrilling liuart
of youth , and hero today , us those of old , wo
p'edgu our honor and our youiiK munhood to
Keep this hind so hnidiy won for us the land
of freedom foiover. "
The Hull of Honor.
Thn program was exceptionally Interesting
nil the way through.
At the conclusion Miss Gassotto road the
roll of honor for the past month. This list
included the eight pupils who had made the
highest avcrngo in scholarship nnd deport
ment. Mlss'Uasiotto presented the mums in
this list with cash prizes , Following nro the
, names of the pupils on the roll of honor :
Mnry Kcbort , Phelan Shirley , Nina Stein ,
Herbert Shannon , Llwlo Nuff , Jesse Uasgor-
Hholt. Kultli Snell , Luther Kgbort.
Miss 13 vn Hamilton , who has ontorcd the
High school from the eighth grade during
the past month , was presented by the clut
with a beautiful bouquet as u token of cspou-
lal respect nnd good wishes on the part of
the Llttlo Pitchers \vho\vcio proud ofliot
tuccoas in becoming n Jug.
Toucher's Valentino.
The following Valentino , written by little
Joseph Troiller , was circulated in the mult-
t'nco , but owing to thu oxtroina length of UK
program it was not read :
Who Illls the Idler's heart with four ?
And makes thu hud boy jump to see bur ?
And often uitlla hU llttlo our/
My teacher.
Who frowns If I a mnrhto dron ?
And keeps mo always on the hop ?
And makes mo utuily nnd nuvur atop ?
.My toucher.
Who nnvor lota mo play with the Ink ?
And If my book ain't neat UK n pink ,
Just pounces uu me , ( julckur'n it wink ?
.My teacher ,
Who Rooms a boy who stays In bed
In the morning , lostlng his wuury head ?
And maUus mo got here , 'nlcsa I'm dead ?
My toucher ,
Who shakes mo It I whoop In rank ?
And takes my upplu without utlnink ?
And 11 nOh mo out In cvory prank ?
My tcucher.
Who knows just how my parents write ?
And smiles with scorn when I Indite ,
"Will you pleuth exctith my BOH tonight1'
My tuachur.
Viho smiles nt mo ? but I shan't toll.
And throws mu u kiss because I spell.
And 1 guess I llUohcr um qulto well ,
My teacher.
At the Cuitiillar School.
Yesterday afternoon tbo 600 pupils of th
Qastollar school were treated to an hour'
recreation In tbo shape at a Washington'
birthday celebration. Through tbo effort
9f tbo principal , Mrs. Nowtou , nearly over ,
oem In the building was docorntcd either
with fines or strips of bunting.
At ! ) o'clock the scholars assembled In the
nrgo hall nnd the celebration was opened by
be singing of "Tho Star Spangled Manner"
> y MUs Arnold , ono of the music teachers of
bo school. The eng pleased the children
p much that Miss Arnold had to respond to
ah encore.
Major J. \Vllcox was then Introduced by
be principal and spoke for n few minute *
bout tbo man whoso birthday tbo children
vero celebrating. The major ndvlsod the
toys to follow ns closely ns possible In the
ootstops of Washington , nnd told them if
hey .did so they would grow up Into ( rood ,
lonost , reliable nnd honorable citizens.
At the conclusion of the major's nddrcss
hose present , snug "America , " and then
nnrchcd outside the building and saluted tha
tars and stripes Homing from Ilia cupola
vlih thrco hearty chccre.
Quito a number of the parents of the
cholars were p.csent , and nftor the ling bad
icon saluted nil departed for their homes
veil pleased with tbo afternoon's untcrtaln-
NulirnNkn MiiiiiifiirtnrcM KntliuMnstlritlly
Tutor thu Proposed Inhibition In .tune.
Secretary Uradloy of the Manufacturer *
nnd Consumers' ' association has received the
ollowing expressions from manufacturers
outside of Omaha ns to the proposed mnnu-
ucturer's exposition.
Nebraska City Cereal Mills Wo bellovo
uch an exhibit would result In much good ,
t would hnvo our hearty support , and wo
vould promise n good display of our
Dempster Mill Manufacturing Company ,
Beatrice Wo nro of the opinion that If the
niuHif.icturer.5 would join In this exhibition
at Omaha , that U would certainly bo profit
able to us i.ll. Wo would bo willing to make
nn exhibit nt that time , but Mould not care
0 do so iinlcss they all Join heartily in this
matter Including inaiiufactutcrj outslao
of Omnlm. Wo feel that it Is In the
ntorost of tno st.ito , nnd wo
all should take hold and work tocothor tone
no lutoro.n. If you consider it best to mnko
his exhibit wo would feel llko going into it
vith u view of making it a success nid will
ortalnly do our part by way of sending n
good nnd complete exhibit of our lines.
George F. Wolz of Fremont , manufacturer
f potato chips 1 think such an exhibit
vould bn n grand thing. You can count on
my taking lurt In it , as I tlilncr it would bo n
good wnv to advertise my goods in Omaha as
veil ns throughout the state.
Vltrlllod Paving nnd Pressed Brick com-
) any , Lincoln Wo should bo glad to malto
in exhibit of the goods manufactured by this
omp.iny and the Lincoln Paper Manufactur-
ng company , at an exposition to bo bold some
1 mo in June.
Mi'Elhlnnoy Manufacturing company , No-
iraska City Wo cannot say at present
vhether wo can take part in the exposition
or not , but will douido later.
It may bo said in explanation that
his linn is putting in now
nuchlnery and making extensive alterations
n their plant , and nro not running at pres
ent , which probably accounts for their hoai-
nting nbout promising nn exhibit.
Humphrov'and Kdgerton , Millers , Hnst-
ngs-Wo will exhibit.
A. T. Lewis , Factory , Beatrice I
villdomy best to muko tbo exposition n
Otoo Creamery Company \Vo will go In
on this exhibit.
Fremont Milling Company. Wo nro not
'ully prenaro'Uo say what \\e can do for your
exhibit , but hardly think wo could Join with
vou this timo.
Charles Noldhardt , Oranito nnd Marble
Works , Beatrice I am fully in favor of your
uovo for an cxpobitiouvhich rceots my very
don , and consider it a good move ) in the right
direction. I um willing to take part ,
lowovcr , cannot promise for sure
n Juno as I shall bo most too busy to doynto
any special time to It. Later in the fall
would bo moro convenient for mo.
A number of other manufacturers outside
of Omaha have been personally interviewed
on tbo subject and bavo promised to take
part in the enterprise.
At Wednesday's meeting nearly every
Dmaba manufacturer present promised to
take part in the enterprise.
Letters have been received from the fol-
owing aaditional manufacturers , promising
representation m the exhibition : Poycko
3andy company , II. Str.isshoofer , Russell
L'ratt .t Co. , Stemhaus Engraving company ,
H. H. Mnrhoff , Martin & Morrissey Manu
facturing company , JlcClurs Cracker com
pany , Humscr Si Co.
Our Mutter Unites S.iy
they could not keep bouso without Cham
berlain's Cough Komcdy , especially for the
children. In n cuso n few wcoks since at tbo
uomo of a neighbor the attending physician
liad given up a case of what ho called dropsy.
Mother happening In , told the parents that
In her mind it was u case of lung favor and
advised the use of this cough svrup , which
they did. Result , the child is well and the
parents happy. Chamcorlaln's modiclnos
lira used in moro than half the homos in
Leeds. Sims Bror , Leeds , In. This
remedy is not intended for lung fever , but
for colds , lagrlupe , croup and whooping
cough. It will loosen a cold , relieve the
lungs , and wovont the cold from resulting
in lung fovor. 50 cent nnd ? 1.00 bottloa for
ualo by druggists.
Over 3.000 motx'Iitinta luuullo Union
soup in the west.
Itenieinliereil the .Major.
Major Clnrkson was presented with a very
line badge nt the nnnual encampment of the
Nebrnskn Grand Army of tbo Uopubllo held
during the wcelc at Columbus. Judge II. C ,
Russell of Scbuylor made tbo pioscntntion
speech in behalf of the pi any friends of
Major Clarkson nmontr the Grand Army of
the Republic men. The ! < adgo is a combina
tion of nn eagle , n star tiad crescent , and a
larger star for a pendant. Each end of tbo
solid gold bar and each point of tbo star is
decorated by n hnndsoma diamond , Tt.o
badge is n token of esteem that may well
causa the recipient to feel proud of bis stand
ing in the Grand Army of the Kepuolic.
A KomarUable Cure of Itlieiiiiiatlsiu.
Messrs. Gage and Sherman of Alexander ,
Tax , , write us regarding n rotnarlwblo cure
of rheumatism tnoro , as follows ; "Tho wife
of Mr. Willlum Priiitl , the postmaster hero ,
has boon bcd-rlddcn with rheumatism foi
sovenU yours. She could got nothing to dc
her any good. Wo sold her a bottle of Cham
berlain's Pain Balm and she was completely
cured by its use. U o refer tiny ono to her tc
verify this statomont. Fifty cent bottles foi
sale by druggists.
Union soap Is homo mado.
lliillilliiK Termite.
The following permits were issued ycstor
day by the superintendent of building ) :
Washington County Cronmory company ,
repairs on building , I'ourteonth btreut
and Capitol tivi'niio t 8CK
John A , hnillh. one-story frame etutaie ,
Tuenty-slMh stieot und ( Jarlleld uvu-
nuo fo ;
Total $ 1G. (
"All ray reports co with tUo modest truth
No moro nor clipped , but so. " lirudvcrollm
always cures all honduchos ut nil times.
After Hurry Hamilton ,
Sergeant SIgwart is in Dos Moines , whore
bo went for requisition papers for Harrv
Hamilton , the forger nnd con man now licit
in Jail in Council Bluffs for turning n farmei
In this city to the tune of $10. Hn is ex
pected borne with Ills prisoner in the morn
ing. _
The U , S eovornimmt are using larjro num
bora of the Improved Howoscaloj , Bordcu
& Scllock Co , , ugonts , Uhicano , 111.
Satisfactory nnd Encouraging Conditions
Lacking in Many Places.
Southern Tnido Centers Coin | > liili ! VullUrcs
for thu Week-OniuliaV Iteport a Uooil
Ono In ( \Veeltlj-CleiirliiK
Nnw Yoitic , Fob. 10.-11. G. Dun & Co.'s
Weekly Review of Tradosays : Tha bust-
ness Is not so satisfactory or encouraging ns
it has been. While the gradual Increase in
distribution of many Hues of merchandise
continues thcro Is n shrlnUlnp iu tbo demand
for , nnd much depression in Iron. A further
decline in cotton blights hopes of revival in
southern trade nnd tbo speculative mirltet ,
manipulated by cheap tnonoy nnd by tbo
greatness of the coal speculation , now
extends to wheat und threatens to re
strict exports. Notwithstanding Ibo fact
that exports of have boon
diminishing1 , and for four days of the piosont
week have been only SW.OUO bushels from
Atlantic ports , whllo western receipts coii-
tlnuo largo , spacuUitioi > nt Chlcazo has
lifted the price 0' ' $ cents during the week ,
nnd sales hero bavo been 57,000UOO bushels.
An ndvnnco Irom any c.iuso which etito off
experts ol brcadstulTs nt n time when Europe-
has heavy demands for stocks marked hnto
would not bo wholesome. Corn has declined
li , , cents with largo exports , but very largo
receipts. Pork products , oiUs nnd coffco are
substantially unchanged , nnd oil Is only I1 ; ,
per cent higher on small transactions. Cotton -
ton Is a slmdo lower , receipts uelng ! il par
cent hotter for the week Ulan last year , out
exports I0 ! per cent greater.
In Ihe lluslnesH Center * .
At Boston trade is reported satisfactory.
At Baltimore the lumber trade Is uioro
The movement In dry goods at Philadelphia
promises nn active spring trade , though the
south U still Uuhlnd.
At Pittsuurg trade in iron nnd steel has
grown duller nnd prices are weakening.
At Cleveland improvement is scon In most
lines , and trudo is larger limn last year.
Manufacturing at Detroit exceeds last
yuat's records.
At Chicago sales of merchandise shown
fair Increase over last year and receipts of
\v boat are double last year's ' ; of dressed beef ,
threefold ; of lard , f > 0 per cent greater ; ot
Hour and barley , a third greater ; of hides , 120
per cent greater , and of butter some larger
than last year , while n little dccrcaso appears
iu corn , oats nnd rye.
Trade is good at Milwaulcooand collections
are satisfactory.
At Minneapolis and St. Paul business is
fair and the outlook promising.
At Omaha and Kansas City both trade is
good and collections fair ; money plenty.
At St. Louis business begins to show signs
of a revival , the outlook for spring trade is
oncouraglnr and the corn crop is iu lull
movement , much of it going by river.
Trade also improves at Denver ,
yuiet ut the Smith.
At tbo south business is quiet. At I ittlo
Kock and Memphis and in nil lines rather
quiet at Now Orleans , though sugar is strong
und active.
Savannah trade is good and prospects
brighter , factors advancing on cotton because
money is very easy. But throughout the
south tbo continued depression of cotton is
noted ns a inso of dullness. \
The week has been gloomin the lr < jn
trade from pressure to renlizo on qualities of
iron not well known or produced in excess of
requirements. Moro inquiry appears for
structural Iron , boatns selling at ' . " cents ,
but bar iron Is in light demand nnd weak ,
nnd for finished products generally the demand -
mand is disappointing.
Since Ibo largo solos at 10 cents the copper -
per market'tins been steadier nnd tin nnd.
lend are strobff ,
The coal market is very dull , awaiting
ro-.ults of the combination.
The boot and shoo trade is steady and
growing , though cutting of prices for boots
has done no goou and shipments are still
below tbojo of last year. Trade iu dress
coeds is also improving , although in this city
there is much cutting in retail prices. Cot
ton goods are moro active than in any pre
vious week this year.
The value of all exports from Now York
for the two weeks of February has been 17
per cent larger than for the satiio weeks last
The business failures throughout the coun
try during the past seven days number 2K ! ) , as
compared with 270 last week and UOO for tbo
coricsponuingr week lost year.
Omaha , ns Usual , Shown nn Increase for
tliti Week.
Nr.w Yoitu , Fob. 10. The following table ,
compiled by Bradbtroot's , gives the clearing
house ) returns for the week ended Fubruary
IS , 18H2 , and the percentage of increase or
decrease , ns compared with tbo corresponding -
ing week lust year :
Used iu Millious of Homes 40 Years tlie StRndard *
Stork Vnrttil liniircurinrnt.
The plans for the addition * to .tho
Union stockyards wore comnlotod by EtigU
nosr King ycstcra y. The rnpld Rrowth
of the stock business at this point has moro
, hnn kept nneo wltht the Improvoroonts that
mvo boon mrulo from yonr to year nnd nt the
nro < iotit time the greatest ilinicttlty Is oxporU
cnccd In linndllnR the ilnlly shipments In the
tlilrty-sovcn nnd t\i half ncros of pens nuil
chutes now nvnllaUto ;
The utmost capacity of the ynrds is now
1,000 cattle , ir ,0i hogs nnU 1,500 shcop.
i'hcro nro forty-nlno hog nnil cnttlo chutes
and seventeen miles of trucknpo. Tlio nro-
ectoil ndilltlons will Increase the capacity
J.uOO cattle , afiOO ho s nna fiOO horses nntl
mules. Two mtlpsof additional track will hu
required ana another switch engine ) , mnkliiK
a total of six locomotives bolointlns to the
ynrdn. A now cattle scale Is now In process
jf construction nnd two corn cribs or ! iOOOJ
btisticls capacity oaoh will bo erected.
The onlar umonl will add nbout forty men
to the regular force of the vimls exclusive of
these who will bo employed in construction.
The estimated cost of tlio Improvements Is
Tha now chutes will probablv cover the
ground now occupied by the urosslue , thus
sliuttlnc olT Ivalllo und rondcrliiK n vlnduet
ntN sireol an Imperative necessity. Prop ,
nrntlons nro nlrctidv In progress for begin-
line work , ana tho'mtdltlons will bo com
pleted ns early In the season us possible ,
Ho U Di'iul Now.
Intelligence was rcnolvcd In this city of
lohn McOiinn , butter Known by bis sobriquet
of "Whiskey .lau'.r , " who was u familiar ilg-
ire nbout town. McGanu was a former
nnwspapcr man nnd a person of romarktiblo
iblllty , but fell n victim to his Inordinate
> assion for drink. Ho was a skillful penman ,
nn ! In Ills sober moments some times did odd
nbs nt posting up Iho books in police court.
le was taken sick some time ago and sent to
St. .Joseph's hospital vhora ho died. A sub-
scrlptlon was taken hero to dofr.iy the c.\-
isiises of his burial.
Tire Soclul Air.ili-i.
The Eoclal nnil entertainment given by
Upha Lortjio No. 41 , Uaugtitors of Hobekah ,
nt Masonic hnll last evening was ono of the
> est of tlio scries. The hall was crowded
imt Ilia entertainment was of tlio highest ,
order. Thu program occupied nbout an
lour after which n bountiful supper was
MM. D. L. Holmes ontertnincd nbout ,
thirty ladles nt high tea last evening. Some
xceilent Insirumutitni music wns among
the pleasures nfTured tliu guests.
Xolos Aliiiut til n ; ltj' .
H. M. ( Jurr of Hoglu.v , la. , is in town today.
Mlko Lee is uonlinud to the house bj the
Mrs. T. T. Munpor is visiting at liast St.
The now 11 ro alarm system is now com-
Doll Akin of Atitinson , Nob. , is at the Del-
Curtis Bristol of Grosham. Nob. , Is visit-
ng at Lew Stuarns' .
J. K. Harknoss of the Council Bluffs Illus
trated News is ih the : city.
W. S. Norris of Madison , Neb. , 1 $ visiting
his old friends in this city.
O. C. Millbank of ncalrlco is the guest of
Mr. and Mrs. U. L. Hi vow.
The German sou-lot. * will Ivc a masquerade
ball at Blum's hall tonight.
.lohn Hart of Burlington , la. , Is in town
looking for u business locUlon.
Mr. and MM. S. W. Dennis are entertain
ing Mw. Mary Smith \Vashtnw , la.
The Six Associates are prcnarinz for an
other of their enjoyable entertainments.
Couni-ltman O'liotirko and Thomas Uyan
returned from n visit , to Clretna yesterday.
Uu Johnson , who his boon spending two
weeks at ISxcolsior Springs , Mo. , is expected
homo today.
The pupils of St. 'Agnes' school will give a
literary cntertaininuntjit Blum's hull on the
evening of Wednesday , March 17 , commenc
ing at S o'clock.
The grocery of O'Grmly & Blake has boon
sold to Air. O. Higglns of D.u-id City , Nob.
The former proprietors will remain in South
Omaha nud engage in some bratten of busi
It is suggested that If the arc lichts at thn
intersections of strjots were hunt ; higher
thclricivlce would bo morn effective. At
present they are within fifteen feat of the
ground , so that their rays are diffused over n
comparatively small area.
The Ladles' Aid society and the Junior
King's Daughters of the Albright , Methodist
churcn will give an outurtalnmcnt nnd social
Monday evening of next week. Tlio
will bo given in the btiiiaing opposite the
Union 1'ndtlc depot nt Albright.
Mr. A. 11. .lonos has been appointed assist
ant Kcnoral manager of tlio Struct Stable Car
company. Ho will bavo charge of tlio busi
ness west and no-tnwest ot Chicaco. Mr. will bo located at tuo Kxeuango buildIng -
Ing In this city from December 1 to .luno I ,
and at St. Paul , Minn. , from Juno 1 to De
cember I.
"Life has Dcen a burden to mo for the past
50 years nn account of creat.suffering from
very severe and frequent headaches. Urady-
crotlno has done wonders for mo. I um now
n new man and shall proclaim the merits of
your medicine to all I can reach. " Ocorgo P.
fowler , attorney nt law , Palatka , Fla.
Dr. Ciillimoro , oculist. Uoa building
Union soap is king ot soaps.
" . \bont n year ngo I noticed that my
nnkles and lops worn B elliiig , and n roii-
ciillutioiiwltlilr.G..r.Jliil\aiu > , orToieln ) ,
Kim. , ilex eloped tliu f net that I lind Hrfclit'H
cll ciiec , lila iinnlyslB eliowlnn the prett'iira
of u largo iimount of altiiimrii In my urine.
I continued lo travel , feeling thut I roulil
not nllord I o Rive u p my jiopl Don on t lie road.
1 kipt inygi'U under tlosu mcdlrul Irrnt-
limit , but tliu hwulllng und unfinorulilo
Bymptomslncrcased co steadily tliutl could
iioluiiKcriliiiiiy noik. On belni : re exam
ined tliu doctor hiikl my condition was
critical and udvlsed mu IORO to KxccMor
r > | irliii ( ; < , Mo. I arrived July G , conmllcil
wlllnvreeilc'ntiiliyi ! < lclana\ciijiincMllclnc ,
nnd lm\o useil reuulnrly lliuKerro Jlungnn-
ffu and bulpluiSallnnUUTS and tliu hot
Hi > HSnlilinrllali8dully. | | Wy rccoxtry aa
rapid and liiBlend of being \u-ok , cinicln- :
led , dro ] > lial wreck , 1 nm to dny R hearty ,
robust man , wclf-hlui ; 10 } pounds , nnd with
pplcndld nppetlto and dlircntlon , frclinK lict-
terlliun \ Inivu In ten years. There remains
no trace of dropplcal swelling or itlbumtn-
nrla. 1 believethu / waters and hathx cat cd
my llfp. . 0. II , JoiiNfcO ! * .
With K. T.V. . Mcler'.WIioleale ( Jueenaware. fill
. und ol.t KortU ilulu Street , M , Louie , Mo.
Aut'uttB , lb l.
The uattr arfboltletl only by Ihe Exctl-
nior Springs Company at
str'j'avphM. ' Missouri
eidiardsonDrugOo , , Agis , , Omaha , Nsb ,
p p ? i57WV2''ra'wvw
TiilfHTInyl'llUnctiwUliidlyon lliu
jsrliltil , the ilcllrnto frnialo or Infirm |
" olil u go as iipoit tlio vigorous iiinii.
! tout ) und Btvi'iiu-tli to tin )
' - , 1. Wo fend Hie nmrvolniii Frfnoli I
' UcmcJr CALTH08 free , mxl H I
fl ej
; M NloEalRuarauti > i < tliatOAi.Tiioi , lll [
Till'IlUrliarvci-t nmlulonm
ITltK Hprrmnt rrheanrlrucd
ad ItUHTUlIK I t > leur.
f Vc rt ami fay ifsalisfeJ ,
jUhM. , VON MOHL CO. , ,
slo iurrlcta JiuU , ( Uelunall , Ltla. I
Eye , Ear , Nose , Throal'
Glasses aUjiibted to all visual dufucta.
Uatarrh biicvussfully truatud ,
llot'iii ' IS , luce DM , I5tli ail I'arnan '
Dreadful Skin Disease
AfllictR n Wcll-Kiiomi Mrrclmnt. Hcli-
ing niul Hurtling Terrible. Doctors
nnil All Itcmilirs 1'nll.
Tries Ciillcnr.1. Ucllpic.l . by tli3 Vlrd
AiiplicaUtiu niul Kittlrcly Cured
in Fi > o Weeks.
About clk'MPon monlh * nco n xnmll i > ri > ck nppe
nn in ) ' ntiKli'i It revHiibleil u ll'li "cnli1 ; It Ix-ratnc
HI-KMT , nti'l ' 1 coiiKilllo.l n i > hjrldiui who pioiimmrcit
Uli nrlnlsi > rniniili < il illnemta. tircHimi It ri'M'intilcM
miiiu'y. I iipplleil nn tiHHrnenl Inil It | in < ml unlji
ntlAjl Itrovoreil nlmiKt myentlri ) lunly. Mr Minor.
tni : wns ouiuthlnit tcrrlliju , liurnlnv niul Helmut > cn
atlun niMllir.mlly Uiiul Itlit'iMMio lini t nncnilurn-
l > lo. I suircrt'il tornirc > rpioc-mUy | nt n n'u , niul for
Inn months 1 tvn < rompol.'u t to n ecp will fflovc * on.
I becnmniloipi'rnln. I would ImvoKlvcn mylhlnu to
liorollpvo lot the ItcM'iu i'ii ntlnii. 1 trle.l n mini-
bcrof rciiui Ill's nrijr relief. I wn roiiio | tuil
to ttr L't'tiri'HM' till * I (11,1 , , nnd t < myonrnt Mtr >
l > rlv , I nni rolevel nflor ttio lift iipiillcitlon. 1
U PI | IboUutloiirn , riitlcurt ! * onp nnd ( iitlcurn Hu-
nolvpnt niordlnit 11 dlrocUom lour or nvo
neekK when I vrnn entirely eured Hut wlml n ri > .
llcf It nn to iiu < utter the MilTrr < ti2 1 nont tliriMinh.
I iniiiu't apciil ; with too much fnvorot tnu "Ciillciirn
Ili'liiedloi. " nnd 1 would tuooimucnd It to nil Ihonn
wbo nre 'utreriint froni ttiuuiiiitillvnio t.iit I Inive
iilircrotl JOHN T. .MKI , ) I > V.
of .Voloity llrotlier , Wjixulotiu Mich.
Cuticura Resolvent.
Tlio new tiloo I unit SVIn 1'nrltler nnd im-ateit of
llnninr llo mt > illi > , Internally ( tn rloimv ) tlio lilooit
nt iilllniliiirlllo' , nn 1 HUM ruinnvn lliu CHIKU ) . Hint
I'lllUur.l , thu KrrntiUIn t'nro , nnil t'utlciir.l Soap , nn
cxiiil lto Uln Ht'imllUi-r ' , otternnlly ( to elonr the
akin nnil valp nut io ioro tlio linr ( ) , euro ovury
ncclo of nunnlMntt , ItcliltiK , tnirnliiK. e ly , nnil
| iluiily | illieiiii ! ! ) ot tie ! skin , so'ilp , uml lilooil ,
Soldovorywliuri' . 1'r ci1. OtlTtciit\r | > OcSoAP : ,
Me : Iti oi.v.i.NT , l. Prepared by the Porruii
tV'Ucnv to CtitoSltln ) , ( > ni < s , " 01 panes
noillustr.itloiH. und ttu tosllnionlals , mulled
1M.1C5 , hlauk hoido , rod , roiiah. ch.ippud
an lolly skin cured by UUTICUIIA tfOM\
" " " " "
.Mtrcnps * , \\'enhnt'ilnck !
, . Asthma , l'leiir | y uml In-
by thiirniiTHA ANti-l'.viN PI.AMIIU. :
'or Wenk
When U accompanies a recent cold : Tak' parts each ortliivturoo : blood-root , sjnir.
01 ipecac and squills , llncluru of uid-am ortoin ,
mm D.irejouc , ami take of the compound halfn
ti'.ispoonrnl wlionevor tlio counh H soveie.
Fnim "yCnotu Thiitcif. " lilt , llettm ct Hctt ' iltu-
trntcd niiv tmiil ; it ] no nauct , n Inch u III lie sent
in any nddrcss on tccttpt uf cents tu t > au
Thu book contains thousand * ot Items of In
form itlonuf wen greater linuorinnce than the
uuovc , not thu Icail of wlilcli Is tlio mutlioil or
dutermlnlui ; when ono U allllcteil ultli any
furm of
Nervous , Chronic or
Private Diseases
With rulei for cnarillns aaalnst their attacks.
Anil , bolter man all this , U a ( Turd 3 ctmclnsivo
anil abundant proof nt tlio yu-at ability , liio
wonderful skill , tlio remaikaulu science ana lua
valuable cxjiL-rioaco of
Tlio most Rifted specialists In Amcilcaln tbo
careful ticatmont and successful euro of
Consultation free. Call upon , or adilress nllli
itiimp , ,
South 14th St. . N. K. Corncrl-Jth
and Douglas Sts.
Omaha , Neb.
Lo Inrpent , Fuftcot Iu11 ( 1'n | ' 1l"llSiO { ! Worla <
( Ifcl * IMIIIII flUIWMI < Mbl f n * -
Kvnry gstnrdny , . „ , , , , „ „
NI2WYOHK , ( UllltALTKlt nnil NAriES ,
At roanlnr Intervnm.
ratanunlo autarmiiti mi < t frnm the | irlnclH8 |
oosicn , ZHUISH , mm & ALL eoMUBEitrAi. rouiTa-
> , icu lonllan ! > t arallabln la return liy illlior tlmplo-
liiKiiciuuClviloANorllior | n-lanilorNHilc | * ( lll > riiftar
Ditfts aal Mcnoy Ordsn fct Ac ; Anotat t Icwut B t i.
* , . Apply to nny of our IOPHI Auunts or to
* ytN'L > iitSOX JlKOTlIUUiJ. C'hlcno , IU.
National Bank.
Olllcersnti'l Dlroctort Henry \V. Vatei ,
It C , C'uihliu , Ueu liroilileiit. ( X H. ilaurlcaV. . V
Jlur.c , John S. Collliu , J. N. II. 1'atrick. I.oivli i.
Itcoil , l'a > liu-r ,
Corner l"th anJ Farnuai SU.
The Most Effscviis Tonic in
Thl prrpirntlon slrlkui at the * oat of the mil liy
roKirliuqulvklir unit eitaitinilly lUu nutrltlvj
fuiiclluns u ( lliu Je'jIllf.iteJ lyntuiu.
Boltl bu AU JDruocjlBla.
K. lOUCjl3llA K OO , A-onti forll.
iiU , lit * Ulio islcjilhVtlUtmi Bt , N.Y.
rg riilrliritcr'n KnglUli llUmunit
- T-TTv Orltftuul end Only Genuine * A
/-V > W
* - - - . - -
---f , u j r lUtle. toit
2jeUl fur Ckttkttttrt Xnylttk
J fraud lu Ititl ted O'tfftJ
tuleJ with Hue ribbon.
toM OHj tatttationi. At UiufiUti. or tend 4e >
iu lUnrji fur iiartlouUti , trcilmubltl * kol
* 'H.ll-r fur I'ltdtrft. " < > * ft ff r. b ; rrlurii
.Mull * 1O ( MM * TfiilaiootnU A'amt i\tp r ,
i'bcwtcul Ct > . , MudUoii
That Hat.
This is a hat. That is , the young man who drew the clc
sign , or tried to draw it , rather , said it was. SD we'll have to
call it a hatWe only hnd him draw it , to draw your at
tention to this spot in The Bee , and incidentally to our hats ,
Now that we've got your eye , as it were , we want to work in a
little judicious advertisng about these same hats. We sell
Nebraska hats. They're good hats. We think they're a little
the best hats for the price that can be bought anywhere. Our
customers think so too ; not only that , they tell other folks. A11X
our hats arc made for us direct , by the largest and best hat
makers in the United States. They're made under our own
special instructions. They've got our own special brand on the
inside. We don't charge for the brand , not a cent. You pay us
three dollars for a hat ; you get as good a hat as you can get
at any price. You pay some hat shops five dollars for a hat ;
that's three for hat and two for some hat maker's name on the
inside. That's straight. Ever see our seventy-five cent hat ?
They're as good a hat as any hat store sells for two dollarq
for seventy-five cents. Our new spring hats are here now
ready to look at to try on to admire yourself in to buy.
All the new shades , shapes , and colors are here.
Soft hats , stiff hats , crush hats , with high crowns and low
crowns , hats with wide brims and narrow brims.
Stiff Hats , 7Sc , $1 , $1.25 , $1.68 , $1.9O , $2.28 , ' ]
$2.6O , $3.
Soft Hats.'SOc , 65c , SSc , $1 , $1.28 , $1.6O , $1.78 ,
$2 , $ .2O and $3.
A good week to buy spring hats.
Our Catalogue ready to Mail March 1st.
Kntcrod Accordlntrto Act of Congress In tlio yoir
I8.V. , by lr ) A \VI1.I1OH , In tlio Clerk's Olllcc of
tliu Dlalrlct Court or the District of .MnssnruiiBatli
I > o you n'-k whnt thH Is' No Wonder1 Any pro-
parntlon which ) iij : ! stood Iho tent of
nndhtondlly enlocd In thn Obtliuntlon of piMdnii ! :
ulinrrirnlnrly prt'scrllio It. and tliu public ho on-
dorao Its ondt'iful rurnlUo proporllos 'lliu
iiuiountof s.iliM have niplilly lucre isff.l until Millions
of llott'i-s ' iircnon soldiiiiniinlly. Tldi prrpnintlon Is
Wilbur's ' Pure Cod Liver Oil and Lima.
It is worth ) ' of nil couflibncc. It cures
Consumption , Coughs , Cold * . .Utlmm ,
PnciimiHilii , InlhiL'iixa , Itronehilis ,
Debility , Wnstinif DISPIISCJ , nuil
Scrofulous lit niors.
110 auro ns you vnluc your Iionlth Hnd KCt tlio gen
uine , n * Imto luutntloii1' itnld to be na icooil ns
Wilbor's ' God Liver Oil & Phosphates
nro atti'iuptod lomitxtltutiHl by nnprlnrlpk'd d'nl-
IT < . Tlioy nro not Imt lock lliu p"cullnrlrfioi of
this preparation , If ) oiir ilrutralut clnoi rut Li'i'p It ,
eu < l itliuct to A II. WIMUIIt. Chemist , Huston ,
M-ISK. , the only .Mnufncturer of tlilt I'lcpuralloiL
Sore Throat
Sold only In our own bot'lo , A ! ! druggist ! .
Hill ro.'iilnrly ilnrlru winter from
Ciililn fldnnil npHunli Kccninl c.-i'jln , til. Stl'cra.'o
nl low raiiii No ( ' . \rn.i : IAIIIUIII. :
New York ant tilatk'on KurlnlKlitly.
Cnblntlo. Suounil ( Aliln f2i. btecrne ( U1. Aniily
Id ALLAN A CO , iiilo.uij II. K M Jt'Ii. W.i iiu
Tlr.kel OlllOJiV , V. VfAlMlurluil | J1 fie i ) , ( I U i )
llemnvi-i Tnn
I'liniii H triTic-
lc Mut'i I'Mcli *
( . limn niul
Skin lll > uivt
niul every klmu
Iih nn huaui ) ,
umlilitlo ilelvc
lion , It Inn
Mciud tliutditiif
4Uyt > ur . anil U
M Ijnrinlpjis w
lailc. to IntBuro
It In pri lurly
in a ilc. An opt
n ii I'nua'urfult
ofiliull ir liunu' ,
l > r K A Ntyrr
Miltl Iu u Inilyof
tliu haul ton iu
-AOOII luilio Hlllu'otlipm I rtcoiiiiueiiU
ijourauJ'i treuiu'oj ' the loml haruitul of nil lliu
kn ! prvpamtloni' ' Tor .ili < liy nil Uruyyltli end
Kuucr ( iuculi lu.lir ! ! : i tlio I'nllO'l rUtm , luuuuut
mid Kuropo.
fKKOT.UWIUXtI'top'r,87Ctv Jonei St. , N. Y.
arc the
Sell Them.
m iuuit ) , mm iiuvfar rt'turiiH. No
JH unsurpassed In the Irotmontof nil cascso
I'niVATE DISEASES , and all dlBordrrs
und liabilities of youth and iiiiinhood , I7.veiu '
I'Xi.urii'in'O. Ills lusoiiirus null fin'llltles urn
jintetle illy iinllinlli'd The lloulor In icciun-
inuniled by Iho pn-ss , and ondoiMid In the
ntroiiKi'st ti-rniH liy tlir poop u for fair trout-
incnt und , profehsloniil udvli'd. Thu
inunt iHiunrfnl roincdii's Imoivn to inodurri
Nduneu for thu snuct'sUnl imitinunl of the
aONOURHOBA--Iiiiinolliili ( ) Killt'f A oorn3
litutornri ) without thu lossuf nn lioui a tlmv1
fiom hiiilnuii.
OI/EET IJno of tliu mo'-l comiilolo and uo.
ci'siiil troutinunts fur uli'ot anil all iinnoylnil
iliscliuriiri yet Known to thu tuoillciil prutim-i
hlon. Thu luMilts mu truly wiindutfiil , 'lliu
inoU btnhljiiin andi-liionlK cases whuro tha
dlM'liuiv'o had misled foryoais , untliuly von-
tnilli'il Ina iDinnik ilily shot I Hum
8THICTUJIK UruiioU Idioivn loinudy foi
thu irtatiiiuntof ntrK-tiiiu. without pain , oul-
1lii , oi ililatlna. A mini iiiinaikuliluit'iiiLMly.
SYPHILIS -No llu.itiniint for tllix turrlhlo
hliiod illsjiihu li.ih u\cr hrini moil ) BUi < cihnfiil ,
or luil htionaur uiiilnrii'inuiils. In tliu Hxlit
of modern xuluneu IhU illsu'iHu Is positively
i-nr.lliluand uvitry ti.icuof the poison untlruly
lumovud fiom lliu ljood. | 1'ht ) euro Is toinplctu
and iiHriiiunnnt.
1O91' MANHOOD , ami ainhllioii , nor\on < i-
iiiji-s , timidity , iluipoii li'ny and all lillihlliiic ;
utlri-lHiif curly vli-c. Itulluf ohtitliivd nt iini'u.
'I ho ( ! iil > rowstionx. and thu di" > pomli < ! il bo
coinuuliiit'rfnl nnd hip.y : )
SKIN DISEABHS , an I all illsfiihus of the
hlooil , liver , Uldiiuyi undli ladder art ) tiuated
hiiuees-fully with IhoKi'U.UbalUnuwiiicmuiilutf
foi tllUiO ( liblUlilIi. \
\\illo furc'lri'iilar undipiostion lUt fico.
Mi'liluiv'ij ticatiiiDiit for dlBoideix of tli'V
btoinacli , IIUH thu unqiiatlliud undorfceinunt CA * '
these vvltciliUMi IK-UII uuii'd. C.'HNI > M that Imu '
feiiiriTiid for year * and unable lo WOIIK or lU-r
without ill' leasing tliulr misery , entirely
vuru'l. 'I'hn icniKillci ino ptiiaHiint and pal-
iitahlo to the mott ilelluatotiloiuaeh , Mill
mid raiiiani Sis , , Uinulia , ub , KntruiKoon
elthur -