THE OMAHA DAILY HEEt SATURDAY , 1WBRUAIIY 20. " -8PEOIHL NOTICES 01l TIIKSK C AWKUTISKMKMH will Imtftkcn until 1130)1 m , fur tlio nrcnlng mill until 8 M | > , m. , for the morning or HniHlar cill- - tlon k All mlTortlfpmenUIn t1ip p columns 15 cent" n \ ( line niM. IMM rtlon , nnil lUrrntun line tlioronflrr , i > r f J per lint- per month No mlrprtlncnicnl t kpn for lc ttinnli crntR for tliPllrnt ln crllon 1ornnrn n In nilTiinppi Count nhoiit 7 woriln to tlipllnu. Inl 1lnl < rttnrp : njmbots , Me. encti count n n word. 11 niKrrllfcnionts taunt run const ciillvelT. AilTcr * tlforn by riqniMitlnif unumbpriMl clicrk , cnn lunrn tlidr IHti m nildrcMi > l to n nmfilicrort letter In rnra ( if Itir Illf Ati npf > o nililrcfscd will to dcllv ( led on lucsptilBttun of tliu clirck. _ 1)H\M M 111-Ml Aini'ltTISINOVOIlTllKHM J'columns will bo tnken on tlio nliovo lontlltloni nt tlio following biiftlm-M IIOUKM lie nru nnthor- In d In tnkn fK c Inl nnlln n nt tlia nnnio rntcs as cnn IP Imil nt tlin main nitlpfl ) South Umnlm llrnncli Onice-No JCM N MrpPt I IMcr | ilo < k .lolin \ \ lloll , plinrnincW. IHIi find Mnson Mrppts , S II rnrnsKitrtli plinrnincliit. 7111 ( 'nnilnit utreet W .1 Ihmlipn iihnrniiicltt.MIN. Ktlintrrpt < K Snttirtlcld , plinrmnclM , 17IS 1 rnvunnottli ttrcl. H lichen' tiliirmncr , 2llh find Knrnntn SITUATIONS WANTED. HATK < - Ifp n line tlmt tlmo nnd lOonllnn Ihnre- after No BilTt'rtl'PuiPiit taken tor lp < than 250. -WA.vni : > . "SITUATION AH IKAUIIKU IN tPlptraili | | fphooli 7 jrpnrn experience In tplo KrnphliiK Adilrc , 81 > . lice 471 23' _ ri7AI > rilOOKKKKPKHrK\IMllll5NCKI > AM ) reliable , with lofrrpncos from present nuiilojrur | , will IIP rtlnenitnifpil nhurtljr. ilo lre altnntlnn Ad drnmOat. Hi n [ Hiiro. WANTED-MALE HELP. HATFS IVs n line llrst tlmo and 100 n line llioro- nllur. Ito iKlftrltsumiMit taken Cor ICBH tlmn'A > c. 1 > - WANTKtl , RAIKS MIN : _ . /merlon to bnndlo tlio new pntrnl chcnilcnl Ink crnrlnn pencil. 'Hie iircntiKt pclllim novelty OUT rruilnriil ; ct f ? Ink tlioronuly In t o ncrniuls , no nbrnitlon of pnpcr : ZOOtoHl ) per < cnt prutlt , ono nuirit'fi mips ninountcil toirjU In * lx ilnyti , nniitlicr 1st In two bourn. Wn wnnt ono Kenernl iiKditln pacli Mnlp nnd territory ror terms nnil full pur tlrulnra nJclll 9s Monruo Krnsef MfK Co , UiLriiKne , VTIn A ni 7il _ "IJ-lMTVCANVASBKItS.SAI.AIlVI'AinWhrlKl.V. J'Slnucr Bcvilnunmclilnu olllio IJlii DoiiKlni at i.Jl . ftf ! > - WANTIIO. I lltb-1 UljASa MAClIlMs.r | > -WANT1I1) TltAVKMXO HAI.K8MKN'IO' Kl.t. J > linklnE pimilir to tb retnll itropvrjr tnulo Wn put onr iiotiila up In xlasH rulllnit pins , fc ) month unlnry and vkpcnxun or uimnilsHlun Vn mint men wlm ari'liow on tliu ronil to pnrry as n nliln line ( iooil opportunity for cli rk nnil others lie * nnt to itct on tliu roiclrllo for imrtlinliiri ; ppnil ntnmp Clilcniro 11 ikhiK 1'owiler Co , 7h7 \ n IMirnn ntrci t , ( lilcniio HI M3.2 .0 * T ) IMIIIIIIAIT AHI'lhTS WAN'11'.H 'III (11VK ( J'onr I'loilrli'IlKlit prlmmi trial Kzpi > lslor 1'or trait C'o , Wnni block , Oinnlia JIUI M13 * 3 WANT CD rvMMH'ii rui > s Tr.icDi it , JCnrpontcr I'npur C'o Itti Ilownnl nlruct .M4U 1) WANII'll.'Al TKAMS AND \fl'.N AIHO TON'- J > trn ( torn for Itock lihuid rnllronil vrk In Inillnn 'linltoiy Mclonnlck Bros , .Mlnro I I' M170 21" 15 SAI.ltHMKN' WA.N-PKI ) , KOOM 17. WAlli : lll.K J > 4S2 27 ] > WA NTli > 1 Ilt T C'liASS SALESMAN 11)11 ' ( himlili iikpnojull to nun h.inln of nil oln6P AdiltcsK W A ( oon.l 1 , AT bulldliiK , I ei'MoliiPi Ul\i > rofeienu .M4'"i ' 'I * 15VAN'ir.l > . A I50OD IIAlt.NKSS MAKKU OSK JJiar'H nOrk to the niiltnblu tnnn 11 Dick A Mill , trctiXeb MWi.M 1 > WANTKI ) , AN KNKUOEIIC HUHMAN UKO- JJIsti-red phnrnmdst "Itli n knowledKe < if null piiiiprnnd palnl trade IVrninnvnt nltnutlon to the rlulit iiiiili lli-Kt of lofervncu reiUlrvd | Aildresa A P t miner , A urn , In 6'JO 1'J ' 1 > WAN I III ) ATONC13.0NK rnilfeON' . KKC1 K 1 V K Dlnntructlonn , keep bookn J. II tfinltli , .a'i Nou YorklJfi ) UOVHl * -WAM'JII ) MKN ' 10 THVVKIi rOlt OUlt "annda nurseries Stuno \ Wellington , Madl son , \\ls T > -WA"NTii ) , lX ( ! OOI ) MACHINIST ! } ; ono I'blncksmlth. Apply I'avtoti A Vlcrllnt ! Iron works AJJ 21 \l \ WAnTii : > . H\l.Ki > MF.N CAN KAhll.Y MAK12 J 'from fi'i to 175 per upok uttovo oxpenr ( a nellliiK our Patent Non K.vnporiitlnj Non tret/InK Chetii leal Uro 1'nllH JlOOinn it ty poHilblo : bin deiuund lor thOKO ftoods , no pxpurlciidi Jieoo jnr > Sold only hy neunta , to whom i > xrtual\u terrlloty li tilven Wninnpnivo thN Ftntemont If ) on ulll ndrtn'm 'Jim Worcester 1 Iru Appllanto Co. ( Incur pornted ) , Vorpel ter , Muss \Nohuvo other money inaklntf ! > pechiltlcs MfilO 20' 1J- WANT Kl ) , UlthT CLASS JOII IMllNTlUt , J none other need upply Send specimen of work , references und Hilary WesaPl MtCTens VlK to , MriLoln , .Neb M5.U 21 -tl-'TOtn A DAY TO AKNTS ! SHI.l.INO OUIl Perfection ahoo ( retently ii.ittnted ) , also the 'loylor luljustahlo phoe , ilhect to the coiibiiiner , prolltfrom 75o to it'2J pnlr. Xo iompitltlin | : t'M-ry lad ) n poe lbln customer thin eprhiK bicure jour lerrltorj nt once Addrent. null 2o fctnmp , C'onsothliitcd Adju&tuhle bhoo Co. , lj > nn , Mas M..I7 20' fj THAA'iniNd HAI.KbSinMO SlM.lj IIAKI.SC JJpowdpr to the retail grocery trade. Men nc qiinlnlcd with dllTerent noctlona of the country. A Kood side line , also need opportunlt ) for dirks ornn ) llvo men who want to tro on the rend , ex Iierlenii ! not abxolutely m reaenr ) Wo inciui bunl ncs 'lo the rlKlu men liberal contracts will he rnadn and steady \\ork i/lren. wo pay not less than $7300 month aaliiry and expenaca or 20 permit ( OmmlHalon Addross.ltli BtiiMip , II H Chemical Vorks , blU and 642 Van Huron stioct , ChlinRO. Ill .M5I5 2I 11 AM&MKN : WANTUD , TO sr.M. oiiu I'Koiuls li ) Hiimplu to tliu wliolpsnlu nnil retail trtuli * I ItiirnI nnlnry nnil expense * pnlil IVrnin nent position Mone } iiilMiiu eil for waie . nil\er tlslni ; elc I'or lull partlciilnrs nnil ruferenir nil > ( lit KM ( tntennliil Jliinufuituilni ; Co , Clilruuo , III -v .Mli''l WANTED--TEMALE HELP. IIA'1 15H ISo a linn llrst time nnd lOc n line thcro after MI ndrertlrouient Inken for lest than 25o 7 A 7OO ; ? ] i'sALATlV ( VrAll/LMUKI ) TO A.NV - Indy who will do wilting for moat homo. Ad illcBs In nun hanriwiltlni : with adduced nnil Mnuipcil rmclopo. Mln I'dn.i I. . Sin > the South 1 end , Ind. , pro | > rletor of the famous t.lorla Water MIOU t''i * _ _ C-COMl'BTKXT ( ! IIU , tOH ( JEXlSHAIj 11OUSK norU KJWI bherman n'iiue > Udl CiooD < ouih ion OIMUAL : : Apply nt .1 A , JolnihUii , 28W Capital a o. 417 AFblfaT WITH HOUSUWOllC AND Vyrn of children. Call ut oneo 2110 U. lltli atreHt M42U ! C ! - WA.NTKD.A roMlT.TKNTOIHLl-OltHOUbK wurUt must bUKOOd cook MSbu "Oth t 41.1 13 _ /t-LADY ACKNTH 1 Oil TIl'K JUTT11 K VV ? V rnlent Shoulder llrnce The crcatevt HIICCISB Operulos dlieitly on the tips of the shoulders fiend Mniup for circulars H. K MiitthcHy JsMon roe street , liraiid lliiplds. Mich. M4t'i l C - VVA v ) nee ) < i IIL ou ( iiN i : u \ Imusinvurk In family of thrio. Mrs Nenconib , I'MS Farnam st 4W . ' ! AH ' ' ' Al'l'HKNTIUKb 1O LKAIIN . ( he mllliiory traili * Must brliiK refcrenrit .1 J llllsu 1511) ) Doiiislns st. roi.'l- 'D , CJOOD ( iiiti , ioit ( TKN"IIIAL : k , small family 2111 Maple. 61TJ IP-LA DU : . i WILL I-AY LADIIH : A PALAIIY or $ IOper to ork for inn In thilr locality nt liomei IlKht uorki wood pay fur part time : write , llh xtuiui | , Mrs. 11 , H. I urrinitton , Ilux 711. , cm r t.w , III , M5I321' _ G HIL toil CnNKUALHOUbllWOlIK ; SMALL 'family. ' lO.'U'urk uvemni. J1S.7 JJ " C ) -.OOD hl'OUI' OIHL WANTICD toil GUN- cral housework. 931H , Nu. 15th , Flat DMSiitl MSiitl 2J /-1-WANTKD , ( IIIIli ltll ( iHNKUAL V norki must bo Kood cook ! < ! urmun preferred , two III family. VIM Howard t MS.rj J0"jl RENT-HOUSES. ItA'l KJ-ISc a line first lima nnd Iflc n line thera MfU'r. No iidvcrtUeiiient talieii fur lois tliaii Mo. B-S , IAMIOOM HOUHKS f 10 to 113 ; IIKVT IIKS Idinio Hats In clt ) , MenJ Inv't Co , 41. lleo bldi ; , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7A1 _ 1\ l OH HUNT. HOUSK 10 HOOV.b , ALL MOD JI 'rn Improveitiints , f to p r inunth ; S a und l-'nr- num 1 oxter L. Thomas 724 T"Nr7V I ! HOOM COITAtHCS. MODI : UN llT J/l'ro\miients , "Stanford lliclo. " Apply II S j I m I ter. room I. N. V. Life iiulldliiir. 7 5 T\-IIUOOM IIOU8K , 27T11 AND DAVKNI'OUT. J-'jill coim'iilenres , ) > M pur luunth 1' . K , Dap Him , llnrlier block. 7JO ' I ) ' ' AIUIBLIST. iiKo. j , I'AUL. fWtMIOOM HOUSK. MODKHN IMI'HOVKSIUNTS , J'16JN , 'Jilt ave , H. Kullih , tallur , 211 N , Ifth 7.7 T -'ATS WITH AND WITHOUT bTKAM J'boiit , bulldliik's , stores , clntlllncs and roltnues In all parts uf the city , Kolkcmiey \ Co. , Cuiill ueiUal block. XI Itll-SI D I KOIl HUNT , Till ! 10 ItOilM Duuglus t. Inquire SKutr , 110J Doutilas M. _ _ U3I P -tUlOOM I10U8K.HOIS , 10TII ST. ; ALL CON- vcnlences C. S. l.lvutter , I N , Y , Life bulldlun. , . _ , _ _ _ _ _ Mais 1HHOOM HOUSK 1'AH'ILY * UltMaSIUI ) . ALI J/iuuJcri lunicnlencps. HI a. lllh t H , U. Clsrk * Co , UIH lluriiiiir H. _ MIMl 20 DNKW IIOlThKH. 10 HOOM8 AND 8 ltOOMTT ALT ciiiiveuirnccs , bint locality , llminnu A Co. , 21 Karbaik block. _ 451 34 1VIloubKt < i COIT4UK3. HOOUS. till N. 17lh > l * J llSm * ) - HOOM 1IOU8K , AIJ < MODKHN IMI'HOYK , J4W Capitol nvv , Inquire Stuart Shears . KLAT IN CKNTKH OK i 'city , all cODwnlenees. K. IL Darllug , Darker block , Wlil _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ D-'IHHEK 11VU HOOM IIOUHK8. 10S lOlTsoin H J8th itreut , corner Dud e. is. Will paper fur IUOU Ivaauu. llU8H | lt tlrus , Barker bloc * . Mi.'l ! ! FOR RENT-HOUSES. D-KOIl HRNTBHOOM HOl K. rilOICK Lor\- tlon,2tth and Howard Knqulre JO * So 20th street M.M1 REN TURNISnEirJ UATKS l c n Tine flrsl tlmo nnd lOo a line there after Nu advertisement taken for less than 2ja , pH'H.NIS < Hr.D , STKAM IIl'.ATKDIIONl Ijrooni for itcntleinnn 1817 l-onvcnworth Mreot bath , etc. _ KB 21 * i-KOH ItKNT , MCI l.V HJHM 1IKD , 81'CONH JVmory beck room , MiltaMo for single ccntlcman , without hoard , 122 S. 2Ath striot. 2iS 1/-KLKOANTLY iniNISllltil IIOOMfl MHKN- ) Jjtlpmen only , nil modern ImpruvcmcnU. 1400 DoiiKlas ft. ITUMi * 1-KLK(1ANTLY milNISIUU ) IIOOM4 AT 2m l led ( ( Btruct , M.S2t' 30 * _ _ E-VuitNlSHKD HOO.MS , 2IOU DOUHLAS ST MII022' 1 ? A VUltY HAND'-OMMSUITKOKHOOMSrOIl l rcnt at the .Merrlnm.Iolu and UodKO. MI1S2I1 l.l-liSIHAHLK : HOO.MS , rUKNISHKll OH UN- l-ifurnlshca. 1 bo Frenier , 110 North 23th Mront. .MIDI 25 -rUHNlBHKD HOOMB ; MODKHN 211 N. I9T1I street. W)2 ) lu V KUnNlSIIHD HOOM WITH Al.COVK IJbnth and all raoilorn conveniences , 2J71 Harney street . MSI2 21- E-llOOM WHLt. HKATKD , ALL MODIMIN 1M- provomcntii , euod location , 62U North Hull. M12I 2J * FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. li'-LAIKHC SOUTH rilONT HOOMS , SlNCiLK OH -I ensulto , nIth board Hofcrenco. 2211 Karnnm street MII-.I 23- ir-KLITOANTLY riUNI81IKl ) ) HOOMH , 8INI1LK J or en suite ; nil modern conveniences , llrst clasi bui.rd 818 Smith Jlith street M2sO -A SU11T. OF HOO.MS W11HUII WITHOUT board. HIS So. loth t S'I3 21' A-IIOOM8 AND IIOAIID , 113 B 2VT1I St. 1 HI ml5 ' D , suis DOUCI. 19I22 J FOR RENT UNFURNISHED ROOMS. KATKb 15e a line Hr t tlmo nnd lOo a line thereat , tcr No ndverlNeinenl taken for less than 2ic ANY NUMlH'.ll 1 IIOM 1 TO 4 , IN GHOOMS Hats , for housekeeping Trices unuy down O K Units , 311 INxton block KM l"21 G-i tiNruiiNidiii : ! ) uooMs SUH'AIILI : ro housikeeplnu , 1703 Webster street Mis ) /-1-HOOD UNFIJHNISIIKD OIITSHIM HOOMS T or lo suit n\M \ ( S Uth utriut , loom ,1ifl7 ifl7 I1 ! G -.1 KOOMS WITH CUlSHl'o , toll IIOI'SK kucplnid flO. 202i Howard. . ' .I , 21 * ' " - ! > UNTlijltNISHii"uoOM' ( , 1,11 S. 17th at ho G twiin Jackson and Lcavonworth nOu-yl' BOARDING. 1IATKS-IfiOn line first tlmo nnd lOe H line then ! after. No advcrtliemcnt taken for loss than 2. > c a IT-PULLMAN. 11OUS12 , 1"10 DOIKIH , 1 OH ( iOOD Inboard nicer rooms conveniences rates and lo * utlon It innuolliu exccllud Mr Horn , proprietor : ui M to * TOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES. UATCS ISo n line llrst tlmo nnd lOc n line thero- nfter. No ndvertlsouioiit taken for loss than 'Ju , 1118 JACKSON STHIMIT i-roit HUNT. TIM : 4 siouYiutinc IIUILDINO. J Ulu 1 nrnam Ktreet The bulldlnu IIHI i lira proof cement basement , complete steam hoallUK llxturoi , nnti-r on all the floors , xns , etc Apply at the otlico oflholleo. ' . 'IS ' "I-toil HUNT , bTOHB , 1(31 ( UOWAlll ) . 701 T A MNK LOCATION' t'OH A ( JllOCKHY STOKH ICnih trailu. AililresaN II , lleo. JI'JTJ MV 1 TO linNT , rAIlM IN HAHI'V CO , $ , CJ KOIt HO lucres C lr Hnrrl90ii.9U N Y Life. M4'I7 t FOR RENT-MISCELLANEOUS. IIA'I ia15c : a line Hrst tluiR nnd 10e n line thereafter - after No udvertlsumi-nt taken for less than KM. - TAHMS TO HUNT. T. MU11HAY. J-OAUDUN M T-1CO ACllKS OK ROOD LAND UMMIMIOYKI ) . 8 miles west of Omaha , to Icaao for a term of A mars Call or address The Odell Investment Co , 1011'onrl street. Council lllutls , la. M2I * T VOIl HUNT. A ( JoOD 1'LACH KOH MAHICI.T > 'Kardenlni ; or dairy , north of city limits Apply. ! ( > fti LOLiiit. 47S 111' WANTED TO RENT. ItATlIS IS n line llrat tlmo and lOo a line there after. No advertisement taken for less than 2 > c. - ) UNKUHNIMI15D HOOMH , OH COT. K-HUH n odcrn convenlencin , central locution or mar irnod car line , by couple with no children Address O 2i lleo. .M4Hi Jl * WA.NTKD , A NICi : Sill I'll OK 2 OH .1 UNfurnished - K furnished rooms In nlco locality. Address O , 28 , lioo 471. U' K W A NTH D TO HUNT. NR'IJ KUT OV 1 OUIl or llvo rooms , modern conveniences Addieis O 17 , lleo. 610 J0' _ K"I'UHMSIIKD HOOM WITH IIOAIID WANTIID near llaniconi park. Address O 10. llee ' RENTAL AGENCIES. llATKb15o n line llrst tlmo and lOo a line there after No advertisement taken for loss than 2. > c L HUNTAL AUUNG1 . blockHKl'UltUM I" C ( inn lii .1 Co ,2ossheely block I TO INbUHU QUICK llK.NriNd , Llbl' WITH 1JJtho Kxcluslve Itflitnl Afoncy 1'urrotte , block. _ M.iuo _ -LIbTi'OUU HOUSES WIlHTHi : GATE CITY Iteutal AKenc ) llooui II , Ireurer block 4' < b m Id' STORAGE. llATKS-lScn line llrst tlmo und Men linn thereaf ter. No ud\erttieiuent taken for less than 2 > c OLDKbT , CIIKAI'ICSl' AND HKhl1 STOIIAOI ! M house In the city. Williams &trossl.'U Huniey WANTBD-TO BUY. HATK3 I5on line llrst tlmo nnd lOa n line there after No advertisement taken for less than 2. > c vr r-iViiNiiuuis SoutiiTr ; SOLI ) , | " srauKiV i > Wi'lls. 1111 I uriiain st _ _ 7.11 T -CASfn-All ) 1 Oil DUY COW8. K b JIIM'UH , gilthuvo. 4' -XT-WANTCD-bl-COND HAND I'LAT KOOKOr 1 1 Douulnii and bnrpy lOinulcs , Address O M , llee. , 611 1'J FOR SALE-HORSES , WAGONS , ETC. HATKS-l..o n llnu llrst tlmo nnd lOoallno thereaf ter. No advertisement taken for lest than 2" > c YJuTliToNT ( illNTLK * HrYLlSH. ' HI'KirDY 1 and well bred , for snloor trade for wild prulila land In lowu or Nebraska. Address M l.C. IIuo M1H ) > M I' p-Hll bALK , A ( JICNTLI ! FAMILY HOUSK , It 1 years old , cheap , Apply , HWil Locust bt 177 19' FOR BALE-MISCELLANEOUS , QK , Willow county. S. U bmlth , Iiullanoln Nub .MITJ JO * -A ( iOOl ) I'AYlSo iSTOCIC' AN IMl'OUT ant lonipnny for en hi or P < IIIIIIKO | for rlty prop erty or nouil fiirms AUilrens C' I' .Mlllur. .Uu lleo bnllillni : . \llll-"J Q-MNK Ul'lllOHT PIANO , 8TANDAUH MAKIJ , iin'il only u few iiiontlm , nt u aacrltlcu , Ml t'nlil well lit | 183 -1'IANO , l.r. S 'IIA ! ? > IIAI.l' IMIICKi"NO reanoimblo ofTir rvf a i'il I'M N IVtli -ONK NKW Ul'ltUHIT-l'IANO. BIT ti ll.TH ST. Q M63.4- , MISCELLANEOUS. ) HAMIL'ION 11HO . , CAlUMINrKHS AND Vbiilldurs. All kludu Jobblntf. Ill bo.lSlh. Tel I17U * _ _ _ RCLAIMS toil 8ALAHIl-S,8KllViri.S.WAIKS. R ulo , ociiliiet corporullons or Individuals , boiiilit uml mh limed on.V , H , Da\lsU20 Cuutlnentul blk JOO-MfJ Tl-THK KiiLtV : : INS'I.ITUT15 AT O'NhILL JVNebraska , autborlietlby Dr. Leslie K. Keeluy of Dwliiht , l llnoli , will bo icndy to ri'colvo putlcnts February VJnd , IS/ ' . 1'urtlcs desirous of being mred of the liquor , tobacco or opium habit should ad diessas abuie , 1 u 1 luforiiiatluu cheerfully tilvon. ! 21 _ _ 0o _ 1 -riit : ONAI lilt X bTONH , M.D. , IS A DOU- -IX tor If you have throat or IUIIK Irouhln of nny kind u e his bronihlal wufcrs , 2io a box nt druu- uUls hpeclnl rutu to preachers , tpudicrs , vocal Ists ror Samples bend lOc to btqno M U Co. . Chi catiu. III. Main 21 * IWA Bin IISK Ol1 1IOHHK KOIl KKKl'INO IX u rid rent small express WUKOII uud harness. Add. 1' . O Hux 10-1 _ .Mi.'S 81' CLAIRVOYANTS. HATKb-l.Via llnetlrjt tluiu ami 100 a line there- attun Nu advertlsBiuBijl tatua tor lots than iVi roveUtlont , Ihultvnitus Ihe world Mr * Dr , M , Leurave , dead trnuro clairvoyant , atlrolotilit. palmist and life reader ; lulls yuur life frui.i the cradle tu uraTo : unites the separated ; causes mar rlas with the on * you lovei tells irliere juu will succeed and In what tmnlneu best adaptud for ; has the celebrated Keypttaa breastplate for luck and lu destroy bad InUucncrsi cures nts. Inteniperanco and all private cuiuplalnta with masssiie. baths and alconol trcutiuenl. Miid fi , lock of hair , naiuo and date of birth anil receive accurate life chart ; 3 ! cenu In stauips for circular ; give Initials ot one you will marry ; also pbuto * of same , otlioo 1007 Soutb IHU trvet , Hrst Hour ; hours , Us. m to y p. ni , rumo one , txiiu * all , ad be ooarluced of this wonderful oracle. JlJ.'l Ml * CLAIRVOYANTS. O-MHS. NANNIK V.AVAHIIUN , CLAIRVOYANT , Orcllabtobusiness meilliiin.ntlh 119 .N icth. JTI2 C-MADAMK KIIIT7. . 2120 CUMINdS STIIKKT , Oclnlrroyant and trnnco nifcllum : Independent voices ! tells past and future. A7H2I * MASSAGE , BATHS , ETC. _ IIATKS15c n line first time and lOc n line Ihnro- nftcr Nu ndTcrtltempnt taken for lasi thsn 2c. J mat baths , scalp nnd hnlr treatment , manicure and chiropodist , Mrs. I'ost.SlO'iS.lSth , Wlthnell Mk 71J _ 'I' MAOAMK SMITH. 1121 DOUULVS rtTHKKT , Jroom 7,3d floor. Alcohol , sulphui' and son baths MSJI 2J PERSONAL. -wLLTlKMDY mini nt Miller's , the hnlr dresser , plcaso return une taken hy mistake nnd k'cl her own M375 MUSIC. ART AND LANQUAOE. UATIS-15cn n no flm tlmo and 100 n line thcrp- No advertisement taken f ur IBM lli rtn5 IIUVINU A 1'IANO ICXAMl-NK THU now nculoKlmlmll piano , A , UuBpe,151.1 DuiiKln * T.-O. V. OKLLKNIIKCK. HANJO TKACHKIt , with Hope , or Aiim N l.Mh nlroot.3rd Hour.VII VII T IMINTINU LKSSON8 ( IIVUN IN OILS AND 1 wntor colors Mrs 'Ibouins , IW1 faunthdl t si. iyi in" V-K > " SAI.K , cur.Ai * * ou CASH. A UNK ' nprlKht piano , nearly new nntl ntniulnrd iniinu fncturc , AdiliunsOSJ , lleoollloo , 4SI MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. KS Hcn llnoflrit tlmo nnd lOo n llnu thcro ; r. No ndvnrtliement taken for lann than 2JO ItlVAI.KbTATlS AT lTru UIII- , . 430 \\r--HUAli USTATi : IOAN ( < , 6 TO 7 PKH CKNTs it no nddltlonnl chnrKOi lor commission or nttor- noy's lees W. II. Alulkle , tlrat utlullul hank hJdK ir-COATKS.T. ll'D TllADi : , KASTKHN MON1IV , 7J3 \r-l-OA.N3 , W M HAIIHIS , 11 ) , ! UUNZUll lll.K. 71U r LOANS , CITY IM101M5UTV. 1C. N1CI1. AND W. lena farms K. K KhiKcr. I5I'J TarnnmVliM Vli-M t' \\7-I.OAXSO.V HIIA1. KSTATK AND COMAT ' > teral notes and uiortKauo : ) botltfbt , Itcvd A. helb ) , , il ) Uonril of Trade 74J r I ! I'I'll Cli.NT K1IIST .MOHKACi ! : LOANS , Itlchaid C. 1'iitterson , Till I arnani st. 745 \\r-LOANd , a 0 WALbAClI , .1U IIUOWN 1II.IC 741 UT ANIIlONVliOANANDTHlMITO , 1113 N Y. Life , lend nt low latcs for cholio security on Nebraska or Iowa larmsoi Oniahti city property. AY -Al'l'LY IO .1 I , LOVKir I Oil CHIIAl1 money , on ] } llrst class tiecuilty , 220 H 13th (180 ( ir MONBV'IO LOAN ON IMI'IIOVIID CITY ' propcrtr , low rules. A. U. L-iost , bl'k , \\r-MON13Y IO LOAN ON LO.NH OH SHOUT ' ' time In sums of > l to (10 000 Mutual Investment Comp.ui ) 377 \V-CHAS w IIAI.NKY , sis OMAHA NAT. UK * ' bldi ? City mortgages Lowest rates Money on hand. 31817 W-CKNTltAL LOAN , V THUST CO , UUB 11LD (1 ( 73i ( \\T JllIAI. I'.bTATK LOANS. I'AUL , 11,03 fAKNAM T f o2il t2J * Air-LOA.NSOS IMPIIOVUIl AND UNIMl'ltOVKIl T clt } property , $3 ( ) JU nnd utiwnrils tl to 3 per cent , No delays.V turnnui biullU X Co , 15tli & Hnrney 711 \V"a ° MouroAous. MOOHU , A ioi 111:1 : ; UI.DB. ' ' 735 W WILIi LOAN MONKV ON ANY KIND Ol' ' < apcnrlty : strictly conlldentlal. A. K. Harris , room 1 , Continental block. Ms l MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. IlATLb I5e n line first time and lOc a line there after. No advertisement taken for less than 25c V" DO YOU WANT -.v if so do not fall to wet our rates before bar rowlmr Wo make loans , without removal or publicity , on furniture , pianos hor&es wagons , etc , at the low cst posnlblo rate ' 1 here Is no unnecessnr ) delay but > ou Ret the money on the same day > ou nsk , for It Wo will curry the loan fts Innu Us yon desire , KlvliiKyou the privilege of puylnx It In full or In part at any tlmp to suit your convenience , nnd nny part paid reduces the cost of carrying the loan In proportion to the amount paid Onrottlies urocuntrally located and nro so ar ranged that partlescallliiK on us cau bo waited on quickly and ( iniiteonsly. It will tie to > our advantage to see us before no- curlnif u loan Omaha MortRaKO Loan Co , Hoom II , ( .relKhton Illock , Ijth bt , south ot 1'ostotlice. Ml. Hi Md X' MONM TO LOAN HY 11. f. & 1ASCKUS ON bouaehold KOuds , pianos , organs , horses , ninles , wagons He at the lowest possible rates without publicity. rumoMil of property or chunuo of pea session 1 Imo nrranxed to suit the borrower. Pa ) mints of any amount can ho nnido nt any time , ruduiliu both principal nnd Inti rest , thus Klv IIIK patrons nil the benefits of the pnitlal pay ment plan Call and rco ino when you wnnt a loan , or If more convenient call telephone lt.1 and your business can bo transacted at home Money nlnu > s on hand no delay , nu publicity ; lonest rates ; business confidential , 1) f Masters , It. 1 Wlthuell blk , IStli and Unrney 747 V HOllT I'ltlTCHAHD , It J , Wl'IHNKLL 1ILK A. 718 X MO.VKV TO LOAN OX CHATTBLS 1IO.VDS unil tlty warrants bonnlit. Itooui l02Kuraucli blk - XMONKV ON I-LIIMTUUU. linitSIH , I'lANOa. Keystone .Mtuu Co , room -'Oj , Pliuely blockM430 M430 irHKN \\ANTACIIAT1-KLLOAN HIM ! W II. Davis room 20. Contlnuntal block. 8'JI "V-CIIATThL LOANS , 11I5NHII'JT A WIIAV. Oil -iVi'njeton block Wo loan our own money , charita no coiiiailmloii. It will pay you to consult us. .M W.J M2 X MONKYLOANHDON HJIIMTUUK. I1OUSKS , Miieons , plnnos , etc. Fred Terry , r tii , Itiuiicu. 304 X MO.VHV 'IO LOAN.OO 10. 00 DAYS ON turp. live ntock , etc Ililt Uroon , rcmovcil to Ifooin 8 nnd I' llnrkcrblk 163 BUSINESS CHANCES. HATIIS lie n line Hrst tlma anil lOo n line there after , No advertisement taken for lens tlinn 2Sa Ki OANSINfl very best part of Nebraska , capacity as.uou to jO.OOO cunii per day , lias nmilo money lanttbroa years , beitof reasons forsellliiK Adilross M 2.l.llio tili I'M ' ! , HOTKL , ylllU'llKKI ) IIOUSi : , AT J Ansloy , t'nutiir county , Neb Two utory friima liulldliiK , about SUIOJ with liuixl barn , 10 lt'O | > lcu roonnt , liutul vvell fnrnlHlioil Apply toi llr J , b. 'llioniHsVouii Itlver , Neb M'WO MJ * V HOTICh I'UIINISIIKD IN CO 8K\T"'lYnVN i for sulo ur rent. Address < Urtuld ! Co Hank , llurwull. Nell jjVi w _ _ V n > n BALI : HOI'KL , Fuuwbiuju , K.JWOMS , Idoliik'n U'luil busliions ; terms easy ! location best , Aililloss HOK WJClluilron _ Vub M'Jil W V fOH SALK -HAIXON , DOINf ! A fiOOD lllfSI- 1 iicua , yood reason Klvcn ror belli UK. Aildress Lockbox 61J. West 1'olnt , Neb 'JllibU _ \ ' I'Al'HU 1N ( ! AM ) 1'AINTINU TAICKN KOH rent of 5-room ( .ottu es. Cull ut room 2U7 , Oinnlm National bank I."J JI" Y-l OH HALH , A rillSiT CLASS OPKMNU 1'OH a man mill a small capital t'l Inviot In n sUxk of Kenernl ineriliunilUe ; neil uitubllslii'd'bnslnessi ' Kood profits Address box "II , Omulia , Kfli 457 in 10' _ -HLACKSM1TH bllOl1 , SHLL Oil UIJ.NT. ADdress - dross OVO , lice 4I'J 2I > Y rOll SALK , rS.SCOOU hTOCK Ok' CKNKIIAL merdinnillBO for lush or part on tlmo to rlKlit parly 'IrxioanU cuktom established nail BivunU to none , ( iood reasons for ni'lllmr , ) A > iatlon thu best HnuopcnlnK to make money. Addre sJ H Mltclioll , mniisuiT , Sidney , Neb. Mil.6 ' 'j' V WAM'KD A 1 IlLAClvSMIllI TO LOCATK 1 In llertlm , Hurt conpty , Neb Orcnt Induco- incuts. Address K , Javer , llerllia , Neb , Md. . ' ; ' ! V"I'OIl HAL15-HOTKL rUllNtTUIll ! IN HllbT- J class locality. DolnK t-oud , biitlnuit , Kent reaioimblcllltakoclciirlaiidiiiipurt payment , Olllco Uouri , Z.itl ) toll p. m. lloom li > . Unb | hotel M M W _ V-K" ' HALK , ONK CI1A1U 11AHIIKU SHOl * -Lund I'oalcctlonury combined , K. M , bcott , 'llniiley. la W HALK AN ICi : IIUslNKBs" A OOOD puylnit basis ; te.t of reason for feollIiiK , requlru out ri.UlO capital , Address O 81 , Uci ) . 4 l ' . ' ! V-WANTKD. A MAN WITH A CAPITAL OF 1. fi.UUOtc ) tdOUO. to Invest In a protltntilu , yell established uinnulmturlnx business In Omaha city. Address O ti , care Hie olticu. 4-o il' THE LKADINO hotel of llroken How , Neb. No land In trade.iQI . MAltKKT , IIKbf IN THE illy attrurtlvo fountain In room ; good brick bulldloit , rent reasonable. Address D. ti. luKham , Kearney , Neb. _ 484 SI ' ' \r-Kill' 8A1.K-KLEVA1O11 AND LUMIIKlt yard cheap , ror terms , clc.jclJr < Jn llox V , Lin * wood , Neb , Jllill 2U * V toil SALK-GItKAT 1IAIIU A1N ON ACCOUNT 1 of ill-knots ; Inlll sell best rooming huusu In CUli mo , centrally located , 1IU beds , can prove l | clears from ( aO tu fie | > r week. Kor particulars address Wiu. O. Cook , Cl and 13 W Madison street , , HI. A1WI A * BUSINESS CKANCES. \r-WANTICD.A I'llOI'iCfrlTION TO LOCATK A L RinniifactnrlnR nlnnbthxt will cm ploy-between 2lO nnd ivv men Ilpnth 4nll | Joint conipnny , : XI ( llolio Mil'e , Mlnnpnpolli.Allnn. MU3 21 * .FOU lnonrst tJi'jo ) ami lOo ft line there nttor. No ndvortl cmtiulike.n | for Icsi than 'iVs. V-VKIIV fJM Angeles tiropcrtylortrnlt ranch In so fall fornla David Jntiilo onrltUi3 hnlldlnir ? UJ r o IJST Kuom-Y' W vsi M I'nBn o u ' strictly moilern 7 or fiicoqmeit IIOIIKO In Rood res hlvnco part of Omahni v | | | as iiino llox til Lin coin _ _ M215 ' / - toil TIIADK , A 8TI > illC OF ( IKNIIHM , MKH /JcliBmlhe for lnnd < ntij cnsh. Addron II. W. Wntklns , \ Co. , Franiforulnd W7-PJ3 * T ClIkAN STOCK OF lV.Nl.HA i7M'D SK , /-Jtako real estate & tnonc ) Uov 7.4 , FrankfortJnd , HIINDHKDHHAD OF HOUSHS AND LAND /-ilnpastnrn Nebraska for n Mock of dry uooiln. elothlnit , liootn nnd hoc , hats ntul cap * . Address box I01S. Notirntka City , Neb 2M MIU * r/-IFYOUHAVHAUOODUIMlllHT 1'IANO 'IO Anrndo for lot III , block I , Armour 1'laco , South Omaha ; clear of nil Incmnbriitico Addrets N 48 , lleo ulllce. M23J y-WILL TIIADK HUnniKS Oil A NO I YOUNO ' paclntf hurso for n good ruulo tonui Address O 10 , IIuo aaa 1\ \ _ r/-tOH KXCIIANOK. 11,100 TO 11,700 DHY ( IOODS ' -'and notlaiK to trade fur clear land ur stallion Dux VSb , bhenandoah , town 451 20' r'K IIAVK 110111 CITY I'llOI'KIUY AND Juooil land for oichaimr What have you to oiler ? Western KiclmiiKO Co. , Colnmbiis , Nrb. M4b7SI r/-TllADi : . HOUSK , ( I HOOMS , LOP IM \ , AlOmahn View ; lol.SOxlOO Boutli Omaha , all worth f.1200 ! SI. XX ) niorliiairo-lo trndo for farm In Nub or Kan Address J , I , Kennedy , snlltm , Una Mf)3.'JU * MnVSI'AI'lIH 1'I.ANT , Oil IMI'HOVKKO ' -Jbuslneas property In n Nebraska town , wanted , In exchange for line house nnd ton IICIOH In su burbs of Omnlin Alex. Moore , < ll ) lice Hide. Hide.MitO MitO 21 FOR SAIjE-REAL ESTATE IIATIIS IDc u line first tlmo nnd lOc n Ilnn thcru nftcr. No ndverllscmcnt token for lein limn iSc. N U. COUNttlt Kim AND 1I1CKOIIV , Mxl.VI feet ; a bnnzaln for n few dajs only. ! ' K. liar- . llarkcr block. 751 Ii'Oll HALK-b-K COUNlCIl 17T1I , DOIll'AS. BSV 163 , IcotlaKC1' , ntnblo for ( iliorses.cnn bo divided Into Blots Inqnlront premises BI722' T OT 0 , III.OCK 23 , CAHTHAOK , VIJIIY SlliHTLY -LJaml n barxaln nt JSiOUO , easy terms (1 ( I Will line JI2 llrown block. 8ld 20 l/Oll SALK , HOMUS. ANY I'llH'li , f7M ) . fuVioTI' " JL ens ) terms ; tnkn clear proiiort ) a < < tlrst pnjment O , \\iillnie , llrown bloik , lull and DoUKlas 7M Foil SALK AT A llAIlfiAIN , LOT 15 , 11LOCIC I , W I. . Selby'n llrst addition to South Omnha. Siaull pajment down , halnncu monthly If ilcilruil Inquire ( i II Ttscluiik , Oinalia Ilif .H3.I " l Oll SAL1J. Oil WILL TllADi : KOH PAIIM I'lKU'- L ert ) . n Eood Ini8lnc i plnco Mlxl'l. feet with lirlck biillillnit lostlm ; ? l,0uu , a | ilcndld elto for llrst cln8 hotel , fltunted on block adjoining If I * depot on the south , New nntcr works In operation anil electrlo lights noon. Adilreis oriall un Adolph DnuraK , bthuylor , Nch V4I I/OH SALi : . NKIIHAbKA TAUM LANDS ( TITs - Wnllacc , J13 llrown block , ItitL mill Oontilas 750 MODnitN 10 HOOM iiourii : , uooii LOCATION , no trade ; civh barRnln Address Oil. lli > o MIIOMIG * I OK HALK , A TWO STO11Y IIHICK HANK building , with baricment. vaults sife , ftirnl tnro and fixtures , cnn control need biiMnens , town of two Ihonsniitl people ; lla railroads ; oed conn try , larcw roller iiillln three elOMitort , Rood rea ROM for present corporation qnlttliiK buslnean Ad drois T. Lewis , I'restdent.'buporlor ' , Neb M1M 2i ( * A TIIEIC CLAIM FOH SALK OF ICO ACHKH. AD- Vdre s box Ml , Ho cll ; Neb. 47J IB' FOIl SALK , 21 ACItB FIIUIT KAIIM AND ( JAIl- ilen ndjOlnlriK Nctariu , Mo , n city of 10000 Healthiest cllmato on o iHli. llc t garden land In the west Unexcelled fur fruit Centrally located ; early market north , late .market i-uutli. bplcndld transportation facilities " Will soil cheap or trndu lor merchandise Addref L. N Kennedy , Novadi , Mo ' M1JJ2I * LOST. llAliS--I : > c a Una tlm tlfim nnit lOc a line there niter. No ailvortliomcnt. taken for loss than 2ic , LOST-3T-1IH11NAHI ) I'Ul' , TllllKK MONTHS old. Krny ; followed lltt | ulrl from 11-H : S . .1st st. to Park n\c school. Itctnrn to A. U Hudson , I12u S3lst st. and rccclvo reward 'JJ7 IObT OH bTOLKN AIIOIJT I KlIltUAHY 8 , 1B'I. , Jii tin box containing with other Miliiabla papers a mortcnKO nolo of $1 duo , endorsed b > und due C A. llubbiird who hereby declares It\old to nevo- tlate. A snltiblo rennrd If dul > returned to No. 2011 Nqrth 2eth uxenuo wilt bo Allowed nnd no ques tlons asked .MI'Jl JI * LOST. 1'OCKKT CASK OF bUUCICAL INSTUU ments , leather io\pred rubber case Dr 'lowne , lloom ? . > , Continental block. M4s7 21 * HAIR GOODS. HATKd He u line llrst tlmo and lOc n Una them alter No nd\ortlsement taken for less than 23c f AIKJKSThrOCIv IN KM1HK Wi-il : , ' 1 IlKAT JJrlcal n Ins and beards n specialty \ \ IKbiinirs switches , hnlr chalus , etc , Rend for Lntulojitio Mull orders sullclted Davlus , 111 b. litU st , Omaha rpm < : H > IAL LADIKS * IIAIH DIIKSSINC ! I'AII- 1 lorn , swltchoi , banxs-wlgs , toupees , Jeuulry and hair ornamcnu In stock' nlics lo older , special attentionKlven mall orders .VJ 15th st .Inl Moor , 4M r& * PAWN BROKERS , HATiS IVsa line llr t tlmo and lOcallno there after. No advertisement taken for less than 25c B UN r. MAlU'l , HK510ViU ' 10 107 fa. liTIl ST. 7I Mb' S.SNYDKH'S LOAN OFMC15 , 1SIO DOIM1K ST. . 771) ) F 2U * FIlltD MOHLK , OFF1CK I1I1W FAHNAM 821 MASQUERADE COSTUMES , ETC. HATKS llo n line tlrst tlmo und lOo n line there after. No advertisement taken for less than 21e. LADIIS.VINTLKMKNCAN : : HUNT MAS-O.UK- rudu costumes at 111 S-IGth. Golduu KaKle htoro MANUFA CTURINQ JEWELERS. CASH I'AID FOH OLD ( SOLD. CAIlbON A 11 inks , rooai.J ) llnrkcr block , Omahu 751 CUTLERY GRINDING. s 1NI > YOUIl SClSSOIfJ , UA/.OUS , in't'.TOHK Dcround , lo Undcrlaiid.1 Co. It * ! s lltli Bt 7VI PUOl'OSALS 1 OH MlU'll UUWS AND bulls. Dopui tuioiit , of HIM Intorloi , Ulllco ( ifliulliiii Allulri.Viinliliixtoii. . 1' . U. , rub- run i y I , li-'i. ' . sualcil proposalK , lnlfliucl "l'ioos | ) Us for Con a or Hulls" las tlio CIIM > may Lc ) anil iiUilrcBsotl to tlm commisjlonorof In dian a tlu I IN , Waaliliinton , I ) . C' . , \\ll | bu ro- vuhcd until 1 o'clock p. in. , Hatnrday , Alaroli r > , 18 ! ) . ' , for furnlsliliiK and dolUurlnit at I'lnu ItldKO. Hosubnd , C'huyonno Itlvnr , ( 'row Crook and Lower llrnlu a cnulos , boutli Dakota , Standing Houlc ayunoy , North Dakota , h intuu and rene , i a'oii3leH ( , Nebraska , Mandruan IIKOIICV. boutli Dakota and the Oiow aKunoy , .Montana , auotit 11,0 0 ( inlluh cons and loJ bulls. Itojulnr blanltH for hulu mo not re quired , BclicduloswUluli ( will bo inailo a ) iart of the prrpo nls ) show iv the nnniljur ot ual" tlu roiiilrc | > d at tliu vurluim aiEonolos. condi tions tn bu ohsurviHii liy bidders , tlnioaiid place of dnllMiry , ti'n > | s < ; t contract and pav- in nil t , nnd all ether jicreisary Itistnu'tioiis , will bo furnished upon application to thu In dian ollico at Washington , tlm co i.mlssarles . of fitihalstiiiico. U. S. A , ( at C'hlcaKO , bt I'aul. Oiniili.i , Nohraska , and ( Jhovoiinu , Wyoming , to thu imhllshuroof tlio 'Stock Ore vcrs' Jour nal of Ullus City , Mopl na , and tlio Journal of Holonii , Montana , unct the > > uvoral lii.ilan in nuts , Tlio rlK'it ' Is icsurvod tn rujunt anv or all bids , or any partrtf any bid , If deemed fur thu bcbt Inturcbts of the Kovcrnnuint ; also , thu fnrthur rlfjlit In niililiiK thu awards to In- cronso or diminish to anv.uxlunt the iiumbor of animals called for lii ttio schi'dnlusi also to rtxinlru u dellvury ot tuonty-lho per cent , inoroorless , than thoaiiiounlspuolUud In any contract. , CKiiTinEif CHECKS. Huch bid mint boauVnjpaiilclby | ( ( a cortlflod uheoU ordrafton hoinivUiilted htatcs dopoi- llory fur at ( Ivu tjtrjbeiit of thu amount of the bid , made i.iyal/lu / lo tl.u order of the commissioner of Indlutt nlTalrs , tvhluh chucker or draft will bu forfollLi ) to thu United .States In cube any bidder recolvlnj ; nn award shall fall loprotnptly execute a contract with KOOI ! and Hiilllelunt Niirctlus : othorwKo to lu returned - turned to the bidder , T. J , MOKOAN. Com- nilsiloner. I'lodJHM IDIDS will boiecohcil by tlin.Stafs Hoard of UI'rlntliiB at the ollico of thu secretary of Hlnto on or before S o'clock p in , Maroh a , IblK , for prlntliu and blndlni ; In cloth ono Ihoii- sand ( I00) ' I'oplos \olutno IV of thu Trani- iietloiig iinil Ui'portsot thu Nebraska Htatu Historical society , 10 bu delivered complete at the olllcuof thusucrutary of thu touluty In tuu btatu IJnheralty building. Lincoln. To contain .WO nattus , more or IGSH. The DUO o ( liauo , wol.'lil und iinallty of paper , style and iliiallty of blndlnr. tylo of lotturlnit on cover and In nil ronpoctti the work lo bu tlio same us the simple to bo been la the ollico of the sou- rotary of state. Work lo ho completed within sixty days from thu aw.irdluit of the contract , bach proposal nuibt bu accompanied by a bond In the KUPI of ttoo.00. Itlirht reserved to reject any and all bias by the btuto I'rliiUni : Hoard. JOHN U , AI.I.KN. Uutou I ob'y 17 , b'Ji , Scoictary ot Hutu. STORED"OP'LIFE i ! ' Stored up Health for You-'Xatures Concentrated Rem edy. SPECIFIC OXYGEN ONB WICKK'STlCKKTAIIsOU'TKI.V HIKK. DON'T come unlmsyo i wlih n plennnnl cure ll.SAMivhU-xith wonder wurklns Urycon UMJ IMIAl.i : tlio narm , rich , ox.r Kumitod vapor. . IMMrilltATKI.Y It warms. Koothov oxhltnratoi OIVK- * I pfctltcniM swept - < | pop mttirnlly KKVIUIlr. thn nhnttorcd norvinn riMoni HKI'AUATi ; ! < p clllo for Cnturrh In ' Uulli " 1 1IH fcntiirc In iirind iinrnlllnK hco tut 8 ppplllo oxrecn posltlvtdr rnrei UATAlllllI llronchllls , A thlnn I.n ( irlppo , Cnniiunptlon k or nurroui ) , llripops a , Nervous . , 1IMIMJNT phjslclnn In ctiBntoof Omaha offleei. DU.iynou.M niml free. Inhnlatlona frpuntolllco. Cnllur wrlto toilnr ; ho nurprl ed-plcasod TUB 8PKCIFIO OXYtlKN CO . 10 bhbclr 11W , rot l.'th and Howard ntropt ) , Unnha , Nobrankn. Main hcadquirtcrit and Laboratories , Tl'lHICSSI-O. THE DREADED "GRIPPt , RELIEF AND CURE. A HENSON'8 I'LASTKIl placed o\or the Chest and another ono between tlio Shoulders Insures not only Immediate rullef , but iiulck. cst cure for these Jluscumr 1'iilns that iicoiitnpany the Orlppo ; all llhcumatla rains pass away like tnuKlo. \ \ tan InKllKNSON'h 1'lasters | > rc vents the Grippe dnrlnK a contagion. Hlathoonlytruo medicinal porous piaster. It Is not n nostrum In any sense. Indorsed byovurB.TOO 1'hjfl- dims nnd Druirirl ts Don't allow DrUKclsts to palm oT ( ohuap galnlU tutlotm. Get tlio Bonnlno UIJNSON'S nnd you will not bo disappointed. A Written Puaranteu SYPHILIS CUHE EVERY CASE MONEY REFUNDED. Our euro li pcnnnneiit and nota patihlui ; up. Cno 4 eatcd seven > earn n o hnvo nuvor nuon a svmptoin since. Ily de cnblim case fully wo ran mint you by mall , nnd wo she the AUIUO strong Runranteo to euro orrefundnllmonc ) . Tlnno ho prefer to eoino hero fortreatinont ciindo viand wo will pn > ndlroud faro both way and hotel bllliw.illo hero If wo fall to euro WeClmllenpo the World for 11 caio that our MAO10 1IHMI'I\ ) will not cure. Write for particulars nnd Kettho pvttlonoe. In our aeien > eari' pra"tlert with thlnMAQICUKMKDV It Inn been ni'xt dlUlcult t } OMTiometho prejudleci n aln t aoenlljl poclllai HiitiludcrourstroiiK minrantou thou nnd < aru tryliu Itnml hilnuiurol Wo giuiruntoo to euro or rerun 1 o\erydollaran 1 n wu hi\roa rep ilntlou ti prot enl nl otlnaniUl bncklnuof MOOJO It Is perfectly .info to all who will try the treiitmont. llorotofo-iiyon h ivo been puttlnKUpnn I paying out your money fordlnor unt treatment" , and although jou are not yet enrol no ono hai paid buck > our iiumoy. Wo wltl iiHltl\cly ( euro > ou. Old ihronle , deep * o itu 1 cn oi curoj In I ) to .U dn ) * . Investigate our tlnanclal 'liuulliw , our rejiutatloii .11 buslni" " * men. Wrlto u for names and addresses of lho o wo hnvo cured \ \ h a have Riven permission torefor to the n. It coils 3011 only poi' ' nKotodo this. If your aympto us are sjro throat , raucous pntchci In month , rheumatism In boneiniil JolntH , hair falling out , eruption * on any part of tlu body , loolln ; : of eoncrnl depression , pains In henil or oonei. You ha\o no tlmo to waste. These who ar.i constantly taklni : mercury nnil potnsh shoul I dlscim tlnuo It. Constant use of these drugs will surely brlmt sores and eating ulcers In the end. Don't fall to u rlto. Alliorrespon lenco 'sent aoalcd In plain envelopes Wolnvlto ihumost rhild InvostlaiUloii and will do all In our pun or to nl 1 you in It. Address COOK EEMBDY LO , , - Dinah" , Nebraska. MAGIC CUR FOR MEN ONLY. for u eiiso of I.OsT or r\tt.l.Na HOOD , or Nrnvous Dnnu.iTV , wcak- nessof Lody orinliu ) . the eireotsntorroriorox- ccssesln elder younj ? thutwocannotcuro.Yo iTii.irantui1 every ciiso or rotund every dollar. rive days trial treatment SI , full oourso sn. I'crccptlli'o bcnollis ru illzed In thico dnvs. Hy in ill , socnrely pioKoil frQin observation. COOK llHMfDv oo . OMAHA , NEII LADIES ONLY Snfo anil Cort.iln tn u d.iy or nmnoy refunded. Ily mall 82. bucuroly bo.ilod fruni obsurra- ton. ! CtHtH CO. , Oinnh.i , Neb REMINGTON TYPEWRITER IBESTIN THE WORLD. JOS. P. MCGEATII , WS 1'A.KNAM STREET. OM VH.V RRILWRYTIMEGKRD 1 eaviM JUIIUAIH ) IIL'KI IV JI'O < A. Arrifj Oinnlm I Daput 10th. un I M to i 4t _ Oin ill i ISO p m , , Clilcaio Vestlbula Him n in U 60 a in . . Cluenvo Hxpress . . . ' . > 4 1 n in 931 p m liOJ p m Ota p in .Clilrtiiro X lonu Loc it 8 1' ) n in Leaves X MO lUVKlt I Arrives Oiunhn Depot lUtli and Mason Ms Oiimhu Leaves K. U. . S 1' J , V O II Arrives Omtihn Depot 10th jinl ; Mii'ton Sti Oina lui H , 'U ) n ml . . .Kiuum City Dny Kxiiri'ss , ! iK p m IMS p mK. | C. Nlitht Kip vln U. ( ' . Trnm U 40 n m IAIHVOH I UMO.V I'ACIMC. I Arrives Oiiinliii | Union DepollOtli nnil Marcy Sts. I Oiuahii H nilTIM PXTl'IMMl'P ' I11MM''VPP SAMlhL SNiDERS RliALAGr , His Alleged Robbers Indicted by tlm Grand Jurj nnd Jailed. STORY OF THE ROBBERY RECALLED OIKI iirilio Indicted Stiloim Keepers I'tnrnl lilt Trlul DiinniRo.Suit IliouliiK Out of mi KxploHloK ( Mlicr District Cimrt News. The cram ! Juror stole a inarch on the pub lic when ihoy IndlctiU M Wnrd , mi ox-city detective , and ' Morltr. C5olilon , n pawn broker. Tnoro wore but fovv inon outslilo of the Jury who Know that tlio case was. bolug worked up , Consequently the spectators nbnut the court room were treated to n pen- ulno surprise when the two men , In the cus tody of ShoritT Dennett , were taken before JudRO Davis yottorday inortiltip tu nlond to nn Indictment which charged thorn with hnvlng robbotl Sam Snyder , nether pnwn- btokor , of $ l , ( > .rij. The Indlctmont , which contalnoit flvo counts , was read to the men , mut to each count they plundcd not guilty. Unit was fixed In the sum ol . ' ,600 and the pris oner * remanded to ] nll. The Indictment charges that on December SO , 1M > 1 , the dofeniliuits , AlVnrd and Moritz Uoldon , by putting tha plulntllT , Sam SnyJor , In fear of bodily harm , stole from him WOO. Again , on January 8 , by the same pro cess , they obtained l7ii. This was repeated on January ti , when they got f,1. ( ! On Jauuaty 4 thov maiio another haul , KOttltiB < i > 00. The next rala was imulo on Jauuaty Hi , when they pot the bulauco of Sam's wealth , f.ll'J. Wiilltvd to IIP H Kitililll. The facts loailltifr to the robbery woto pub lished shortly after Snyaor was relieved of his wealth. Early In January the dotqctlvo called upon Mr. bnydor and told him in strict contluunco that tliorq was n gang of train robbers In the party and that they woie eolng to do a job that would pan out $ . ' 0,001 ! or $ ' . 10,000. Ho ulso informed Mr. Snyder that If ho so do slicil , ho ( Snydi'r ) could get In on the cround floor and assist in disposing of the swng. To Mr. Suydcr's dlscrudit at the llmo and his present Inlensu grief , it must bo said tnat hu jumped at the chance lllio a pickerel nt a minnow , but for which hooulil bo a rlflior man today , and this storv would nmor have been written. Siiydor wa * only lee williim to go Into the scheme , and without a thought of .the fiituro cxcoptof the golden reward that ho expected it to bring , ho promptly do- llvcrod himsolt Into the hands of the Pliills- tiDes , then and there rapresontcd by the detective - tectivo alotcsuld. Ho uas lead by the detective to a lootn.tho location of which shall for llio piesunt ro- maln n scotut , ana was there confronted by six masked men , who were introduced to htm as the tialn robbers by whoso opor.Uioiis Ho expected to benefit. II tool ; the Ontli. Ho was given to understand that ho must bo initiated , and all throug.i the night the In itiation ceremonies woto continued , bnydcr was made to take the most wonderful and huir curling o.itlis , but ho stood the ordeal without a murmur braced up bv the liono of future reward. Some tlmo after daylight tl.o hidden trap was sprung. Snyder was told that ho would have to contribute fJ.OOO for his membership in the gang. Sara pro tested , as only a man with an Innate pen chant for money should protest , that ho hadn't a dollar on earth , but it was of no uso. The Kama was too strong for him. Ho was given to understand that ho had money on duposlt at the Omaha National bank and that ho must draw it out for the bencilt of the gang. SIM dor was hold a prisonnr ui.tiL the opened at ' . ) o'clock when ho was taken under guard tope po and draw the money. Throe of the rob- uors , for such they proved to be , only on n different scalofromwhattho victim had been lea to bellovo , showed hu o ruvolveis , while a fourth exhibited a big bottle of .stuff that ho called dynamite , but which might have been an explosive or it might not , and told Snydar that if ho made a niovo ether than as ho uas directed , the bottle would bu dropped nnd Sammy's soul would bo xvalted to the angels. Under thoaociicumstunces Mr. Suy- dor became in the custody of his catitots as pa sivo as clay in the hands of a moulder , nnd he matched to the bank like n little man , drew his checlc for SJ.l'JO ' , had It cashed and turned the money over to his interesting ac quaiutances. Two f'nsps. The criminal court yestotday commenced MALIGNANT ABSCESS. / My little gill Buttered for Unco yenra / from a l.irgo Abscess on her liii ) , tlio I result of a. full ami tlislocatiou. Tlio \ Abscess was large , with openings , \all of which ditcliargccl puss. I was induced by friends to give her S. S. S. , and by the time the fifth bottle wn3 finished the Abscess was entirely lical- cd , and tlie child WHS well and lmppy.v lira. J. A. WIEGNKH. 1 aLATINOTON , PA. Send for book on the Blood and Skin. SWIFT SrEciric Co. , AIXANTA , GAV t.H rourii. JL States Indian rorvt'lu , 1'inu Klclui ) AKuncy , South DalvUtsi. I'obruary lltli , Ih'fJ. ' Sealed pioposals , endorsed 'Troposals foi Hold feeds"inrt adimssed to tlio nnd r- Mliriiucl at Him Itldco Acency , South DiKot.i , will bu toco \ oil at till.- , agency until 1 n'ulnoU p. in , of Maieb 7th , it---1 ' ) , for fuinlslilii < ; nnil delivering ut Uusln llio , NuhinsUa. .18.1.0 DutliidH boucl oats , 4',000 pounds bi'i-cl lO.MJJ pounds hutil I'Din , riA ( ) [ ) pounds hucd potatoes. 1,01(1 ( pounds M > cd Urriniui iiilllut , . ; < ) pounds tlinolhj MM * ( | , ' . ! ) ) poiiudb bluoKrass heed , haldxo ( Is In liu mown In llio sootlnn of country eonliKiiun lullioiiiaio nf dcllMiiv. Hhlcleis will Im | -L'.M | | | | | | lo htatu spuulllcally In their bldH the proposud pi leu of u.icb .irllido olTuri'd for delivery nndci a eunliai't. Thu il-'lil lsres'r\pd to rcjui't any or nil hlU ( , or niiv | ) irt of , iny hid , H dcfimMl for tbo best In tert'st of tliiisorvli'd ( 'urtlliod I'hoi'KH Kuch bid iniisl hu auuoinp iii rd by u cm tilled cluti'k ordr.ift upon sninn rulleil Statoi Douusltory 01 holvcnt Nutloiial Hank In the \U'lnny of thu icHlduncoof tliu bidder , iiiadii pnyiihlu to thoor lot of tliu Ciniiiulbs oniir of I lull in Af fairs , for flvo per onnt of thu amount of Ihu proposal , whloli choeU ordrjift will hu fnrfultud to thu I'nltt'd btates lu ra < o any bid der or bidders turoiviim uu uwiird Hluul fall to ptoiiiptly oviiotitun con ! ) lot-wltb i"d and siillh.h'iit Hiirlth's , olliorwlsu to bo ruturnixl lo tlm blddor. Illdx acciiiiiiinlt | > d by uaMi In liuu of H rcitlllod ehi'uk will not Imiouslduii'd Tor furlhnr Informitlon imply to ( JAIM'AIN OKOHOn IItOV IIUOW.V , U. h A. , Aelliu U S. Indian . ' Aiiunt. I'-ll-rJ-t-in. ( > i Ki > n Short I.Inn A : Utnli Norlliorn Hull YUl } < ; OIIIPJIIJ | Sicllliolili | > rs' AIontlllK. Notice Is liorubv KNOII ! that the iinniial nii'ctlni ! of the btocltlmlilcrs of Dm ( ) ro on Shoil Line K , Utah Northern Hallway com pany , for the election of directors and uucli ether buuliKiss JH limy loyally uoinu bofoiu Ihu muntliiL' , will bo hold ut room No 41 , Ilimpur lliilldlnt" , Halt J.rtko City , Utah Territory , upon WocliicMluy , thu 10th duy of Maicli , ISi.1 , at 10 o'clock n , in htook triinsfnr lioolit * will close upon the Stithday of rohnuiry , nnd roopun upon tliu 17th day of Match Ai.uxANiitu MII.I/AII , Hucrclary , llosroN , Mass. , I'oli. a. IMii KIBd.DIM I'r | ioHiiU lor llondH , Honied bills will lie ri'oulvcd nt thn ollloo of Iioiint/o llrot , Nnw S'ori ; . lulori'itpay.ihlo honii-annually Kach hid iniistatitu thu prku and the amount of Iwnds uuupht for and niUHt Incluilo Intuiust up lo datu of doll\urv. Usuud under authority of Uhurlur of iiiot- ropollfin cIMm nnd Urillti inco 1."JIU auprovixl Juniiary UUth. la'JS. Thu rlulit In roscrtud to rojt'ct any or all blilh. HHNKY IIOIIN , KUd.TtM OllyTro-iHurt-r. JAPANESE ? CURE A uow unit Complete Treatment , cunslstlnit of Suppositories , Olmuiunt In Copnules , also In Hux andl'lllt ; a ruilllvii Luru for Kitern * ! , Internal Illlnd or DleedlUK ItchlnK , Cliriialo , llocunl ur Herudltary I'iles this llumedy has nuvor bi m known to fall. l | per box.II furl ) : sent hy mutt Why suiter from this terrlbto dlseasa whoa a writ ten iiuaranUio Is positively ulven wllho boxes , to refund the mutiny If not cured Hend stamp fur free Sample , Uuarautee ImunJ by Kuliii , \ Cu , DruiivItU , Sole Aiceuti. corner lith anil Duunlat rcuts , Oiuaus , Neb , to wrosllo with the trlnl ol ono of tlio inon recently Indicated by the graiul Jury. The man who wm put tlnou ttic rack wai Ifrnnic Shannon , ono of ttio saloon Kcopora tmon the Iwo-mllo shin \\tin had failed nnd rofniutl to contrlbuto f. " > 0i ) toward tno supiiort of the pitbllu schools In ttio of inking nut n license. In the stnto case ngmn < t Itonry \\lio\\aa chatcod with ImvliiK in tno whole-sail ) oyster house of 1'htt & Co. , tlio Jury iiiturncil n verdict of not BtilltY- llrsiill oT mi Ctplixlini , O. S , Wood has bronchi suit a nlnit the Onfaha Tinware .Matuifacttnlnp coinpanv , nnd In this potltlon ho tillOK'osf.V-'riOdatiiairM' llo nvcra that soinothltiR like two vonrs I\RO ho onRaited In the linslnoss of soiling thu ap pliances known to housowlvcs ns the 1'dJ wards oil Inirnots. They \\oro to Uixvo been made of tlir u.tpablo of stitnillni ; n prossnro of t\\entv-tlvo pounds to the nqimro Inch , Kor n tttnn nil things \\cnt well , nnd until the manufacturing company cotnmcncLM putting In a cheap gtadoof tin , Thou explosions followed , bv roasou of which the plalntllT's ' trade , business anil rep utation was ruined. Claim * Shu'IIH Sliinilrrod , Snrah liornstoln would h.ivo Jacob Klein imv her $5,000 , for eauso of action MIO ollceoi that she lift'Jyears ; of ago and n rospoctnhlo married \\nnian who has ro > ldotl In Omaha lormoro tlimi IHtccn j-onrs. NoUs IthstantlliiK all of this she uvara that on I'obruary 15 , well knowing nil of thU. Jacob , In it public place , upon n public street lu thn prosuni'o of moro than llfty persons , openly chnruil thnt.showas n bad uoiniui , U. V. UalliiKhor nnil the Unlltil Stntoi Na tional bank hnvo biought suits ngalnst ilia Oitmhn Hrlek nnd Terra Cotta Miintifaulur- Ing company. Thuv ulleiro default on thn payment of two promissory notes amounting to WOT(1. ( Hv-diiMTiKir Siiuiidnrs In Court. Alvin Saunders has n crlovnnco ngntnst , It , C. Cuslilnir , John A. O'KuolTe , John A. Tom- ploton and K. S Mot row. Ho alleged lmt | duilnp n portion of tlio sununur ho uas at- icnt , nnd that during that limo , without his knoulcdgo or consent , they dumped .1 quantity of earth upon a lot ihnt ho owned , sltuatod In Capitol addition. The plnlntlll plncos hU danuigcs at , t > * ; > 0. \Vnii HIT Case. The Jury In Judco Forguson's court , In the raso or MatgarctUraig ngnlii'it the Omaha Stioot Hallway coinp.iny , rolurned n vordiut , last night awntdlni ; the plitlntirt ei bS unm- ngrs. ngrs.Matgntot Craig was n passenger on the Nqtth Tvventluth street cnblo line .soinothlng Ilko n , ago. At Cass strrct , in iilii'iitltig from tbo , she \vns thrown to tlio pavement - mont , sustaining severe injiuius. Bho thun bronchi suit , alleging that her Injuries woio of a sufficient character to cniitlo bqr to 57,000. Although many rctnctilcs are pusliod into the uuirkot bjspicj' ndverllsotnents Ur. Hull's Cough tjyrttp taltos the lu.ul and ilrucclsts sell moio than over befori ; . I'llco only s5 ; cents. Mrs. Crow "Chile , bnv n botllQ do Salva tion OH , It euro jour ihoumatls snrV'in. " JJ couts. XATHINAI. CONVi\TION. : Ofl/ilxir Orjruilitlum ( I'oiiplo's i'irtut ) St. l.mili. For the nbovo uoiivontion tlio VVttliash will sell Fob Oth toUlth tickets to St. Louis nnd toturn at hnlf faro gowl roturniiiK until Mnrch 10th. Koinoin- bor the Utiniion Bull Ktcpress with ro- eliniiiB1 chnir. curs fteo and Pulliniin sleeping cars leave Omaha-l:10t : Couiiull UlutTs1:10 : p. in. dailj , arrtvob at St. Louis 7HO : next morning. For tii-Kots and sleeping car accommodations call nt Wnbash ollico 1502 Farnain street , and Union depot Council BlulIV , or write CJ. N. C'layton , Northwestern agent , Omaha. MET TIIK MOTOR. llrs. Kii'ii/rr Sciloiisly Hint In u ColtUluii on Cumin ) ; Strorl. Mrs. M. ICloiuor of 1JU& North Twentieth street , met with n painful iiccidonthllo Urlvinu south on Slxtuonthstrcut Wednesday morning , llor buggy was struck ut the corner of Ciiming strcetby motor No. r going noith. Mrs. Kreii7er states that as she approached preached the evoking she noticed that the motor had run over thu switch nnd was backing up. She attoinpted to cross , when ttio motor started nlioad and passed around tno curve at , i high iato of spued , striking her btiggv and thtowing her out. Hur right foot caught in thu wheel throwing hoc heavily. Kho was picked up by Officer Dil lon and taken to her homo. Upon Uulng examined bv a physician it wcs found that Mrs. Kicnrot's right leg wai broken above the nnKlo , njgash cut in her loft check , nnd she wa otherwise badly bruised , The tiain was in rluirgo of Motor'man Wirt and Conuni'lor Lowls. Mis. Kioivcrsays that the motniman was looulng actoss thu sttcut nt the tlmo nnd did not sue tin buggy until he hc.ird the crash. BLMIUMHOV , la , Apiil I , ISai. Dr. J. H Moore Dear Sir ; llnvobo CD troubled with catnitli In my head mull util for thrco jeais nt times Ansunnblo lo o iik had a constant ringing In myeais in d for ttt o years wts almost ilenf llavo trluds ov oral ho-callcd remedies and been treated by tegular physicians and noted bpeclallsti , but failed to cot any relief. 1 tried ono bottle of Mooio's Tico of Life Catarrh Cure It gnvn immediate tt'liof and elfoctod a pi-rmanont euro. Ibcattil ; , recommend il to nil suffer crs of this disease and will choutfully glvo iiuy further Information on being addrosscd nt mv homo , No. iiJH Swocnoy avo. , Burling ton , la. Foi-balo by all druggists. Hosiieclfulllv , h L. Kent. Ttio following inarrl.iKO llconsas were aueil by .ludno Kller yesterday ; Naniu and Address. , \ ; j ( > eoiii ) M'nkhiiiifui ' , Omali.i I llaih ua Kl onsdiiii , Unialia J A.V. . Uiiiiiu'jull , Om ilia I Xorn Antull , Uiuaha , , , j 1 rick HurzKri'ii , Om.ih.i , / llariin Duan , Omaha ( John Dunkcr , nikhuru , , ( 1'huuho lluhruns , Illl.lnrn. , | AiiKnst .lohnson , ' oiith Omaha 1 Ituthlo Johnwn , .south Oniah.i . . J.i : ( iilppo SiiiiTHslutly Tiinlril , "I have Just icrovoiou from u second attack of the gilp this year , " snyv Mr. JiunoH O. Jours , publisher of llio Leader , Aloxlu , Tex. "In the latter c.iio I used ChainiMr- Iain's Cough Uamody , und I think with ran tuderablc success , only bolng In heil u little over two days against ton davs for llio llrst attack. 'J'hu ' second attncK 1 am uatlsliod would have boon mjuiilly us bad as tlio llrst but for thu line of this remedy , as I had to go to bed iu about siic hours after boltig 'struck' with It , whllo in the llrxl cuso I was iihis to attend to business about two days buforo getting Mown.1 " 01) ) cent bottlcb for sale by druggisls. _ TIII : HIAITV ; \itunr , TNfiTKUMnSTS plaoud on touorJ robniiry 1 IU , lB'l-1 ' I' N Coills * and wljo lo II P ( Jlllo-ipy t ill , KW and w ij H : cl-l'i.U | . . . t 0,033 P t ) ( irabio and wlfo tu 1'iud Hncliei. H ' , lot IX. blouk P. ItodlcK's subdlv of .1 I Knllel.'Budd . . . . . . . J.fWO J A hliliiuirda and wlfo to M J Hlanch- aril , lot : i , bot-k | ill , bouih Omaha . 1,0 JO C , ' K Marvin anil liiiHliand to IHl.i H.II- rlt.oii , lot 10 , block 15. HaiiBeiim plnuu IX ! , ' ) O A KohliiKiyerand wlfo to ti J ( Hun- hui , lotr , , blool > : ' , Moyui K > V T's add ' . ' , ' 00 Mutual InMi-slmnnl eonipany to ftor.t Alstadt , Ntr p 47 fcut wldo ( n iuil ( H ) ni ross M nnd lulu 1 and - , block J.Uumu- liull'ixidd , . I.U30 C l > ll.irlto I I'll.irt. lull 2 to 5 , Hail' * btitdlv . , . , , . . , , . . , . . 1 < juir cunt J II ( lihson .mil vrlfotiid A yland , lot f. hliiuk 8 llnntcorn tilnco 1 II I * KnluhtKiC I' : ind II II Knlihtll.l n. . uerea In and udjolnlnu .ll-Itl-U . minis. I ) II Murcor , master In chancery , tn Mnnlpollur Havhus Hank and Tiiiil conip my , purl loln''U jndI , block 7 , llanncom jiluio „ , . , , . , , 2,103 Total utuuunt of transtorj. , . J i'U.J.'T A dibonso , treated us such nnd puriua nontly cured. No publicity. Nu Infirm ary. Homo truittmoiit. 1 rtirmlum u nd olfoutuitl. Hufor by purmtsBlon to Hur- liiiftou Ilawkoyo , Bend -a btaittp for pamphlet. Shulcoqtion ChomlciU Co. , Liui ling ton , la