Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 20, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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"Wheat Opened Yesterday Morning at Much
Lower Prices.
hrntlmcnt Mil * llcxpiinslbln fur ( lie Du
tMriil < nro . no tinSllniitlnn \\ii
Jtrnllj llnlllKli nnil I'nliiMiriililo '
Autlicr Is
CiitCAno , 111. . I'cb t'l-Tbo stronelv bnlllib
feollriK wblcli dominated tlio whont innrUet
nt tbo rloio ytst ( rduy seemed to bu > o moder-
ntcd considerably during tlio nljiht and tbo
openlna tbls mornlnj ! WHS nt lower niurcs
TliorbniiRonppeared to bo IhrRcly scntlinrnt
nlono as tlio sltnntlon ns n wliolu rcinnlncd
bnlllsli Cables were Kdiornlly stnnp. llio
board's first illMmtili qnolliii ? Liverpool trom
= Kd to In lilRlicr nnil London lid lilKbor. Tbo
weather In tbe west continued unfa\or.iblp ,
tliORlmialsnnlco prcdlctitiR a Renerat told
vra\o for toinorron. followliiK \\tilosprauil
riilnsnf tbo pnst ( ow days. condition of
ntralrs full of peril to tbo winter wbealcrop
On tbcotbor band domestic markets were
weak and lower am ! a KOCH ! in my prlvatu
cables reported tbo foreign markets as sbow-
Ing miicli ne.iUnrss , the ndvanco IrnltiR
chocked biismss New York bad soiling
orders from tbo stint ntul tbo local profcs-
dlonals soon full Into Una Unit led tbo looixl
talent In tills direction , but l.ogan , Htliwiirt/
nnil McDouznil all sold freely. Many do ilort
bud IOIIR MliPiit , In ulilcb tboro wis u ptollt ,
nnil tlioy proceeded to realise. Tbo cxpoit
iiioMMiicnt was llclit , only 200.000 bn of wheat
having bo"n cleated from tbo seaboard
ycstordny , and somn of tbo bli : nouses wltb
close foreign connections talUtd iiiltu | bullish ,
but on Ilir snbseinont | break a good pottion of
theli purelias.esunloerboird. . A proniliiunt
iipurutor. In siimmlnc tin the situation , sild :
"New Yo.-i bus t iki n another trick. This Is
nbout thu tenth tlmo In the last month that
tlioyhiM ) sUliincil HIM trade out of a cent ;
vmf still the stre 1111 Is full of sneUois
1'aidrldao WIIB ronorted to bo somo5ocoOCO
bu short and thoiois some t ilk totheclTect
that he was to he run In ; but ho let It be un
derstood tb it bis line was in ire I necl nptoil IX )
und seemed still full ( if llzht , preillctlim T5c
wheat In llio nuai future. May opened at from
UI'nC totll'sc ' anal nst "lie at the close jcstcrdav.
Bold np to'UV. hroko gradnallv to IkHiC , uil-
\.iticcd totll'4 , became heavy after the noon
lionr brciklnu toKIUc. Near the olosu tbo
in.irUut ( 'iuu itxrltud and llnctnatcdlolontly. .
It wasiepottcd from New YorK that eiizhtj-
ll\o lo ids had b < LII i.iKcn foi export and
that IIIIRO sales of Hour had been in.idu unit
that I'ardrldpo w is toxerlng On 111 s May
jumped to ( He lint broUc acaln toD.ISc. rallied
uiicl closed unsullied ntlU'feC
Coin rnlLiI cjnlLt and easier , tbo woiKncss
ImliiL-diie laitfuli to the softness In whcit
Karly prices were a wbado hlither on the
smaller retelpts than nxpected Tbo free
movement from tbo seaboard also helpe 1 to
oiinsc sonin limitless early In thudiiy , lint the
advaiRO brought out fico oflTerliiKs and the
miirUut si.'gecl oil. Toward the close , liow-
e\ui , there wus u p.utlnl reiotriy. owhirf to
the c\i llcniunt In wheat May opeui d ' (
lower at 4 " , c , ailMitiLLiI to 4J'iC. itLuilod to
4J < , r tilled to 4'.ni ( ' and closed ste idy at 4 'eC. '
Oats wire Millet , HiiLtuiitlng w thin a ringo
of ! ic , .mil closlnat outside H urLsWltha
loss of ic Inalne. .
lid , : produi ts were a llttlo ( Inner at the
openlnu , owlni ; to the higher prltis foi IIOITF ,
but llio we lUiuss In wheit caused prices to
ease oil siime and perU closed 7l o lowei and
liiid S'iiwhile ribs were iinub nui d.
Lstimalid ricolpts foi tomoirinvhcit :
14" > e irs ; corn , 4sp .ais ; oats , v"Jj cats ; bogs , 1.-
B01 bead.
'I hu loading futures raned us follows :
C i h ( imitations wcro as follows :
I'Miun I'lrmer. with an advnncoof
asked : bprln/ items , $4 .10(31 W : winter p li
mits. Jl. 10(054 ( \ ) ; baUors , tl.WiiICO ;'ht ,
II .I3ft4 V ) .
Win\T-No 2 sprini who it. ll'nc : No a
Bprlnn , Mj&h7c , No. . ' rod. Ul'iO/'ljo.
COIIN I'lnn ; o ' . ' , 40'.e : No ,1 jcllo.v.
OATS No ? .L1 < 1i ? i.1 < liJc ; N'o 2 white , , iOs4-llc ;
i\o .Iw'ilte , .IP ftWUe.
KM.-N'o 2. 'k-c
N HAIII hv No 2 , 5Cu ; No 3 , f. o. b , 40QFUc ; No
4 , t. o b . 4fG4Se.
1 LAXSKKII No 3. 17JiC.
1'OIIK-Mess porli , per bbl , fllClj Inrd ,
iiir cwl , ill Si ; short ribs sides ( loose' ' .
tVll'ti ' dri silted shoiihliirs ( bo\od ) . $100 ®
6.2.1 : short ole ir sides ( boxed ) . Ju,20B02"i ,
Wiushv Distillers' UnUhcd Roods , portal.
Itecolpls and shipments todiy vvoro as fol
lows :
On the Piolncooxehanzo today the buttci
niniKet was ( lull and easlor : f incy Lieimorv ,
USt-'i't' ' : line western. 20iS2Co ; orilln iy. 2'(2 ' (
" 4c ; solo ted dairy , ' : : oidlnary , lblbe ,
1.K4S iTft'-'fe.
CiiEUSK-rnchancei ! : full eroani cboddnrs ,
IlViI'H34eIlats ; , ni4iJlllu ( ; Youiu Americas ,
l.dl 1 ic
Hint : rncbaiiRcd ,
TALI owUnchanged. .
Neurk MnrUets.
Nl-w VOIIK , I oh 19 ri.ouil Itecolpts , 22,00.1
pUus : oxpoitt'Xi7 ( ) tibls : 1..W ) sacUs : unsut-
tlid. elos iu Meiulv f ilrly net I MI ; low ovtnis ,
M.IO ® . r > ; rll J mill patents , fi isffjl 4J ; fair tc
fiinii , JIIKXai.Vi ; pitonts , Sia1 ) * ' , ' ) : wlntoi
wheat , low Blades , JLLVlH.N'i ; patenlH , $4 Vt8 )
r > .l } ; Htr lights , { 4 JKtl4 UJi r > o mixture's , { 1.11X1 $
c'oitN Mi'Ar. ijulot.
\\lllAT-liciolpt8. 87.000 bu. ; exports , B.-
2V ) bu , ; sales , 8 , ' , ( ) bu. of futures ; ihS.oiC
bu.oft-pot r-pot market unsettled , modor-
iitely active , elofln stronper ; No 2rod10hi4
© Mis' , In Btoro i. ml oltvator ; Jl OH'.ffJl U > , ; JI.UH'.WI.I1,1' ' , f , o , b. ; No .1 red ,
II UWM Ol'i ' ; nnuriidid red , Olcdlil.ll' , : No ,
1 nui thorn Jl uOS.ii6l.10U : Na I Inrd , Jl.lO'j
( Tcl.llU ; No " . northern , 1104 ; outioiu
tleullnid * ® on vveuk private cables , ad
Minced 'tto'nC on eov urine , declined lfil'cii )
foielKii hiilllnir. and local loius unload Inml -
vancod I'idClWo on expert domtind and larxc
oporaiors west Iniylnc , declined " . © \o on
local holllnK and closed sto ulvittlUe nndei
yostetiluy. rebrnary , Sl.lbU ; Mnreh , tl O7'i '
iiil.PH'i ' , olosing IIOs ; April , Jl.Wi UJi Ob'4 ,
olosliu 1107'ii May. Jl uPudlLO'.1 , , elosliu
IliiVt : June. Jl ( r4 < SI Wuloalii ) ; ll.u.lS , ;
Jnlv.inin < atl.01'jiiiwlngkoi'i.
Jhr I'lnn and iju'ou '
ilAiu.i.v Dull and easy ,
Coiih lictflptg. 151,000 Im.i exports. o,27'
bu ; siilen. t-2,100 bu of futures ; 2I7.00J bu. ol
spot ; f > pot marUet KtrmiKor : KOOI ) doinnnd ;
No. ' . ' , 4n(24S'io ) ( Inolovator ; 4U © 10io alloaii
iiiiKradeit inlxid , 4 ! iQ.4'J' ' u In elevator : N'o.
: i , 4f-e ; Btoanior mixed , -Is' iiMOHc. Options
unchanged to > | 0 up on llrmor oubles and
Coed export demand ; I'obruary , 4S1io ; Murch ,
Iwai'JUc , oloslni ! , 4'iHo ; Aurll , 4U'i(2..Vc ( ' , elos-
IIIK. Me ; May. 43fno ! ; > 4c. closing , 40io ; July ,
UkSIO'.o , closlnc. 4'J' c.
UATH Uocelpts , & 7,400 bu , ; oxportu , Ol,20 (
bu , ; Buled , CA.OOU bu. of futuios ; l.'I.OJO bn , ol
ipot ; spot market ilrmor ; fair domund ; op-
tionu iiulel , Ilimur ; 1'oliruary , , tflo ! : March ,
Jfii < ttJOUc , tlo | nij , ujyo ! Muy. .I7'ta.i7 ( > ie , clou-
IntTi JTVio ; spollxo. 2 while. dSUo ; mixed west' '
trn , 36l7ioi ! No .1 wblto , J7HUOo ; No. 2 Chi-
caco. nllotttia7'4 < a 7Mc.
IlAV bteadv and ( julet.
llors I asy but oulot ; utato common tc
choice. Wf' ] ( ; 1'aolllo coast , lli ' . ' 5c.
BtiOAit Itaw , otilct and Heady ; refined ,
rjulet and tiriu. The outsldo prices are those
posted by tliu truut. Such prices cov or the re
bate : No 1. 3UQU , o ; No. II , S-J-HXitJi-IGo ;
No IV. ja-10 aJ5-lCc ,
MOLABSKB l-'orulyii , qulot ) Now Orleans ,
flrm und quiet.
KICK hioady and quiet.
i'KTiioi.itiTM Quiet and steady ) United
closed at 0)Jo for Murch ,
COTTON brtrn On , Quiet nnd steady.
TAI.LOQulot ; city ( tJ for pauliages ) , 4J , < 8
44 c ,
KOSIN Steady , dull ; strained common to
good , tUUKftl 32.
Tuiii-ENTiNK Quiet , hlicberi 37ii37)ic. )
Lens Liberal i eculpts lower ; western , 10d
10'ic ; ! rtilils ) | , 5,051 jiuckuRos.
Wool/ Kai > y and duluti domostlo fleece , yo ®
UCc ; pulled , 25.Uo ; 'Jexus. lGO.4o.
I'OHK Quiet but steady ; mos * . f0.75310.r 3 ;
cxtru prime , * IO GO.
CUT MKAIS Dull but llrm.
niinw.KSOulot ; short clear , $3.70.
LAIIO IlBsler a nil dull ; wet-tern sto in
closed ul fOb.'ii ; sales 25) tluious ; optloim
Hale * . 2.V ) tierces ; rubruury. MbO , March W.WW
C.HI ; May , KLUJiJ uly , KU7O7.10.
E Moderate ilemnnd , Istroni ; ; purl
iOHc. ,
Qulotnud about steady ; \vcstert
dairy. 1M23c ; western rrcatnory , ClftTlc ; fac
tory. umic ; r.iRin. n c.
JMn Ino.N Dull , steady ; American , tJ75 ) ®
Cori'Eii I'lrm. ijulot ; Irke , tlOT'V
I.KAli-rinn. fair demand ) domnUlc , $1.15.
Tl.s-Dull , llrin ; straits. * m.7o < 81c'.7\ '
Oiniiliil I'rodnt e M rkrt .
llt'TTrii Oooil country roll. I9c ; fair. IflU'So.
rituiTS California rlvcrnlde orantci , iiai
2. If. ; WnOilnitlun navelH. WiviWTM Cullfoinlu
tanrcrlnrs , 11.0) per box : I'lorlda onitiffL * ,
brlirlils , $ .1.00 : russets. } , ' COtiiiTTt ; I'lorldn tan-
Korlncs. t\tifiti4 \ ( in , half boxes ; western apple ? .
iholce , JJwxjT. . " . ! per bbl. , fancy st-ind inlitlit
tir iiKinorotuw Vorknpples , ? J7rV3 ioO ; fanoy
lemons. $ ' > wvfrr > 2i : eholi o stories. $ l 1X-41 7t :
urapen , per bbl . tsuWiOO , bunanas , ( .rated ,
j.oj < a. ! V ) ; eranborrles , f < > © 7oa
VEOITAIHH Callfoinln cabbnKP , 2'S'S-"lio ' (
per Ib , In IM ties ; home t'nuui lettuce , 4e per
dor. : potntces , dull ! Cnllforiila cauliflower ,
Jil.ViW.f'O ; onlonsMcS ! l 00 poi bu : Nebraska
band picked beans , ti.'MftJui : meiilnin , * l vx
1 7 > : celery , Iiviiiuoi swcel potatoes , $ ' /"iJll f > ) .
noun Oni tha Mllllnit uoinpan > 'A Uollnncu
Tatcnt. JIM ) ; Invlnclblo Patent , J,1 40 ; l.ono
' tart-iipeilatlve. ii'JSj Hno\vllal > c , tl OJ ; I'unov
ratnllv. ? I.H1 : S r. Ullman'H Hold Medal , l..V. :
Snow U'hlle , $ ! : ; HnonllaUo. f-'O ) ; low Krado ,
( I GO ; Queen of the I'untry. $ . ' W
limps-Mo 1 irreen salted blilps , 4Uitl4'iei
No 2 crcon suited hldoi. . ' 12 1(0 ( ! Au. 1 K > een
salteilbhlcs , US to 40lbs , 4U < iCISu : No. 2 Ereon
Hiiltoil bides 2T to 41 Ibs. . IliM'Se ; No. l xoil
xulf. H to 15 Ibs , net No 2 veal enlf , H to IS Ibs ,
4cs No I dry Hint bidts , 7 < 2S t No. Siliy nint
bldis. MjMci No I dry salted bides. iVafij. Tal
low. .No 1 , ( P4ii4c : tallow , Nn 2 , Il' c : ureiise ,
wnlto A , 4ftlvio : ere IRC. will tu H , HWtt'l oi
creasp , yellow , , Ic ; Rreaso , i1ar , 2'ic ' ; old but
ler. 22r4c ; ticcsvvnx , prime , ICc ; ronsh lallow.
lVVie. !
HAV The marUot IsovoMitppllod und good
liav went at fiOO
I'oui.Titv I'hlokcns scarce , coed stock inc.
fancy mlebt lirliiR lie ; gicse , ducks an I turKeys -
Keys ,
St , l.ouln M irkels.
ET lotll ! > . Mo. I'ob 10 at
yesterday's ndv ance ; family. W < W@.1 2V eholee ,
HJJ5W40 ; fancy , $ trouW" ) ; pilunls , * 4 l >
. r
\Vnr\T Opened -Ve abovoioslonlay's eloso ,
bill soon liioKe , and aftoi bouncluz about
within a ruiuo of abonl "c , II closed nAC
liolow yestordnj : No 2 c.isb firm it IllUri
May , ttWlKiise , closing at Wie ; Julj , HO
Gl'le. ' closing at fri3- .
to Opened 'HC lielter bill eloscd ' c be
low yosteiday ; eash , .KlVc ; Tebiuary , .I7c ;
May. .I8' i ?
OATS lush liKhor nt : re ; May closed ' 40 be
low jestcrday at r-V.
HVE-IIUhcr. Hie bid.
HMII.UV Mow ; Mlnucsot i sold at7" > c.
MAX Ilull and uiu bunged ; puiltlL , $7.0 ®
B Ml ; timothy. tiiiOXlllii. ( (
HltAv Quint ; 7 < e ut mill.
Li Mi-lllpln-r ; Sltt" , asked.
l'i\xsi m-I Inn. ir.c.
HuTrm'e ik ; cioamery , 2IU.27c ; d ilry , I" > tt
S" > e , ladle picked , Id i..V
I'cus laiwei at ISite.
t'diiN MrAi-rirm at I..IO
\\IIISK\- Steady at $1.14
lUddlsd ' toadj at " > IJ'i ' 7liC.
InoN COTTON rtm-fl.2i ) < Ji. 'i
I'IIOVISIDNS Very ( inlet , and only n small
trade was done at piexions limitations.
Huiil'TS Ploni , , V)0) ) ) Ibs ; wheit , IlsOJO
bu ; corn. lSIOOObu. ; o.its. 2J.OJJ bu. : rje , 1101111 ;
bailey , none.
bllll'MfcNTS rionr. 4 OJO Ibs : wheat. 2fi.OM
bu. ; en i n , 101,000 , bu : oils. 11,000 bu ; oe ,
none ; barley , 2i,000 ) bu
Minneapolis \\hent Murltet.
MiNNEAi'Oi.iM. Minn . Pel ) I'lTho tfonenl
situation was not miiLh changed M.'Sterd.ij.
I'on IRII mail.ets held for an advance , but
vviro not quite vo acllvo peril ins Slav closed
last nlKUt at UJo and opened Ihls moinlns : al
M'ic. 1 radliiK wns slow all lint morning on "
Kencral decline brightened in spots by sm ill
advances The prleu went to ss e and hold
theto on narrow lliiLtiiatlons for an hour.
Then there vvas an imtmnemonl. The 11111-
ket wasalmobtSUe- 01 tluce tines , lint
It u. is not until no irthue'oso that th s was
pissed nnd then the price \vcntup Iu In
live minutes KOIIU to 'li'c. ' ' It vvas rumored
nt this tlmo on piolty uood authority thai
< 0.00fl b 11 1 els of lloui It id been ordered in Mln-
neipolls today for e.\ioit | , ami this stilted
the siioiiu' advance at the close sent M iv
to'iii'fi' ' ifior It had fallen tobS'4e and II hold
for i close atS'l'tC. The c ish maiket vvas xoi f
active most of the time , but vv lic'n the lire iks
e HMO there was an caslmt up In the dom mil ;
No I northern sold even with May. Hecelpts
of vv he it here \vcrc24 icars and al Dulnlb and
bupi riot 0 * > c.iis Close : No. 1 noilhcrn , I'ob-
ruaiy , S7' e : jesterJay , KS'jo ' ; May oponlns at
h'lc ' : hl-'hest , 'lli.fVKI'Vu ' ; lowest. Ssil ( ; ; tloslm :
it i-'l' ' i1 ; yesterday , U < c' on ti icic. No 1 hird ,
tWUc ; No. 1 not thorn , SJj ; N'o. 2 north-jrn. 8)i ) ! .
hbc. _
Onillll CralnMar lie I.
Prices bised on delivery it Mississippi river
points , Nobrasku , Insyajllon , and Ion day > '
shipment , un ossotherwlsoat ilui. Cash griln
calls forshlp uont within tire ( lav <
\ViiB\r--No. J bpilng. SJo bid ; No ; > spilni ; ,
60o bid.
KlK-No 2. N'IC : No 3 S ebld.
OATS-NO . ' , ; il' o bid ; J'c asked ; No .1 white ,
IIJ'jo bid : No 2eol ) rod 01 mlxoil , .We bid.
CollN N'o . ' .hi. I oil's ' .I7c : So I .Milajs or
better. I'i'iC , No. .1 M ueli , Il'e : No 2 vvhlto.
.Dc bld4Uc ; Hskcd ; No J vMilte , Uo bid : ,1'l'jc
Ainonc the sales were : TnocirsNo 2 rye ,
Mi , tOOJON'o , lei better corn , yodajs. st. Louis
terms , .I7c ; 10.000 sune. , l7Uc ; IOOJO sime , , i7c ;
r iOl ) siiiie , lYbruarv , .I7c' 5 i03sime. Maich.
.I7c ; 54 COO No .lor better , llurtliiKton terms , 20
days , .IJ'iO.
J , H. NicholBof Dos Moliios running a line of
Iowa elevators , was a v isltor on the bo ml. Il
isundcrslond Mi. NIcholM uonld not ho
averse lo buy In : a few olex itors In Nebi iska
.1. b. Harkirof the Chicago Ilo ud of Trade
was looklim ovoi llio uiainslluallon huiu.
\V. T Ilainmond of Kluln. Neb. was union , ;
tbo callers at the Ho ird of Trido : bnl.dln , .
Liverpool Markets.
Livpiipoot , I'ob in WIIKAT rirni , do-
iiiand Improvlnt ; ; holders oiror spirln lv ; No.
1 Uallfornla. s I'jdS s 4 2d pur ; ro I
nustuin siirlng. ! < > JaSs J'iU ' ; N'o Srod winter.
8s I'lilftOsIM. Itcccliits last three d iyb lo'i.oaj
cent ils , InuludlnrOIOjJ Ameiloan.
COIIN Strons : demand fall ; mlvod western ,
4s 734d per cental. Kecelpls Amurlean corn
past Ihreodays74s0j centals
I'cta Can idlan , ds per cental.
Tuiii'tNTiMS 'ipli.ts. 2fls per cent il.
DiirlnK the p isl week 11,100 iialcH of cntlon
were takun by Bpcculntoi : . and : iUJJ b > oxpoi I-
ers The amount of American cotton afloat for
Great llilt..ln Ib.'l.OJO bales
Ameilcaii refil 'eratorbuef forcqu irters , 4d ;
hludiiuailers ri d per pound : Ameile in llvo
culllo sinking ; the ollal , ' . ) J4il per pound.
KunsiiH City MnrlictH.
Steady at nboul vesterday's pilees ; Na . ' led ,
h7o : No 2 hard , 77e.
UOIIN htiou : No. 2 , : r > c ; Maich , yia4c ; No. 2
vvhlto. liO'tc. '
OAM I Irmly hold , but buyers were not
anxious to buy ; No. 2. .We : No . ' white , , lljc. !
HE Strong ; No. : ' . hOc.
rihi RD MIC. on tliu b iss | of pure.
IIUAN Klnn : sucked , We.
MAY rirni.
CHII-K : Vonnp Anicilca , lie.
llinTFU-rirm but nnchan ed.
Kdiis We'ii K. at ICu
ItKCuns Wheat , . ' 4,000 bu , : corn.13,003 bu. ;
o its. none.
r-lltt'ViUNTS Wheat. 48.000 bu. ; corn , 10,000 bu ;
oals , none. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
DllllltltVllillt Mm lift.
DUUITII. Mlun , Pub 10 The mnrkiit
wus weak and niiiUodby wldo lluclual ons
today. Hurly In tbo session thoiu WIIH u bl
roactlon from thu bnlue of yusturdiy , the
opening boIiiK abonl U e bid for May , a dttcllnu
of 'ic from vostorday'selosu. I'rlcea eontlnncd
to HIIK oil f rom ihoopcnlnt ; up to noon und tliu
iilmoslduKreo of dullness prov tiled , bnyurs
and sellers l > oln. vvldoly apirt. Hut the re
covery wax followi d by another drop und
vvltbvrldu lluetiiallons , f'loso : N'o , 1 bard ,
cash. t-hUo , Pobrunry , Wiiio ; May , oiiju : on
track , h'l140 ' , N'o 1 northern , c ish and Pub-
ruary , H.u ; .May. D-'n : on track. bS' u ; No. "
northern , cash , We ; No. 3 , cash , 74iu ! ; rejected ,
cash , fl.'Hc. _
MlUuiulieo Markets.
Mir.vvAUKKK.Wls. , Pub 10 WHEAT ;
Na 2 sprliu. fi74i ( o ; May , Ol u ; No. I north
ern , 82'ifl.U.llic.
CoUN loady ; No. 3.
OATs-btoidy ; No. 2 white , UlfflKc ; No. 3
white , 30.unc.
HAHI.EV EiiMy : No. 2 , 53l4o.
H K EaBlei ; No. I , MJC.
a A 1 I'l , L 40 )71 * .
ColU'K .Alarkrt.
NEvr VOIIK , Peb. 10 Options opened sto-idy
nnd uncbaiiKed to 10 points up and closed Hi m
at from 5 to 20 points up , sales. laa Inius , ln-
clnillnt : : Felirimry. HA7Wiill.75 ; March. Jll.lo ®
1J20 ; April , ll..BiXiil'.Ol ; May , ( I2.70/jl..7ii ;
June , UK ) ; Jnl > , $ U'.13 : houtombor. Jl-.i' lo
liJJ ; Oolobor. il..KXTCU 1 : December , $11 U > ;
bpot Kio. ijulut und llrm. No. 7. t4.75. !
FoiTTtfiil ) ! ! Market ,
tttA porquiirtur ,
LINSKKII Oil , 16s 10'id ' porcwt ,
Timi-KNTIHC Sl'IKITh 2 S per OWt.
llosiN American stratnod , 4)s ) 7Hd per owl ,
American lleiirin London.
I.ONPOK , Pob. 10 American rcfrlserator
bcof. foreiiuuiterj , 2s 4a < & ' ! 6di btiidnuarlcrs ,
3 JUftJ * bd per b pounds bjr thu carcass ,
HAVANA , 1'eb. in huRar qnlet ; 10,003 bass
centrifugal , HJii dexreiH polurlzutlou , vvoro
sold ut * J.17i | ( sold iiorqulnlul ,
Ne\\ York lf } ( iiiud * Market ,
NEW YOIIK. Pob. m The demand for dry
goods ut tirbt bands fair and without
much eliuiiju
lioituu Wool -Market.
IlOsTON. Muss. Pub. HI Domeslla wools
buvu been more active. The sale * of llio vveuh
amount to'.StuiKi Ibn of all kind * . Including
Ibu. of doiu bllv anil &IO.WO ll ) . of for-
_ „ I'rlces. whllo not mutorliilly cbnng"l ( ,
fuvor buyers. Ohio sold nts e. while eonsld-
rrivblo XX and XXX nnd abovn vvas taken at
WfiKOoi Michigan sold fairly at 2JS.2flct ( !
No. 1 wool fold nt .14iino for Oliln
and at avS'4o for Mlchkati ! line del line
was Instoady demand at .Jl'i'rVHrt for Ohio
ami aiai'tflWJo for Mlcblcan. Nil. t combing
wools vvoro qniot at afi3. > o ; In vvashol comb
ine there were Rood sales at 245,2iic for one-
qtiartor blood , and tflWo for tnree-clahlhs :
territory wools were quiet , but tinoh iiuod nt
.ViffWo for clean. "iVj o for line medium und
WXiSVio for niciliumi sprliiB Texas uil.ot nt 17 ®
2k % nnil fall at liVt.2.'o. Fair Hilts of But-
crn Orocon wool vvero iniulo nt I45ll7c ;
fall t ! illforula wools sold at lliifc Oc with ono
pojil silo of IW.OOOlbs "prltift'.illfornl'i wools
vvrro ( ) ilol : Ohio ind Mlc'hls in nnw iMio'l ' and
tlnmeichanlnblo lloeco were In stonily request
at I'lft.'Oc. ' nt to quality : nulled wo ils solrt
.tcndllv iitinsiOo for supers , w < w > < for o\-
tri s silos of si-ourcd wools nro reported
ported In the of avff.llo as to quality ;
Atistritliin wools WPIO fairly lettvo at-IM&I.V ,
us loqu illly ; filr to Kood cupot wools vvoro
fr.ulers' Talli.
OlHCAno. Ill , t'oli IS. Uounsolmin A. Day to
C'ocMollros \ \ i May vvhotl llnctuatod nvpr
the saiio ground as on .vostciday , run ilo *
from iWc lo U" > c. Inro'y touching Iho eMromes
nmlclnslnx V lower , ut ! ll' c In Uo Cables
denoted a p.iuso In iniMlniH * ovvliu to this In-
dt'pendcnl attltiiilo of boldeis Mills e uisoil
pnnetal ro.ill/liu and it pitdlollon from
vV'aahlngton that the 11 itch bill would
locclvo fuvoriblo roinhlor illon In
tbo lovrr house of countess , mndo touch the lin point , A 1-
vlces of ii-c.ool bu liken for export e iiisctl
u sh irp 2c rally to thu high point , but holders
iigntii re illfu 1 owluit lo Iho Ihitoh bill , which
Is nndouhtedlv n ( ontlnnil menace to a
sto idy advance ( Join was depressed by
lai o al rivals present and pro-ipeol.vo
Saturday Is usually iidull d.iy with Hhlppets.
nnd as Monti iy Is lo ho a hollil'iy bitveis hold
oir in oxpuc'tatlon of at't'iimulatlnc sutiullps
and a lower m irUctnn Tuesday nc\t. Oils
vu-ro .u.ilu iiilot ] vvlt'iln ' 'io of the c'Sttcme
i iingo and closed steady nnil nm'lrinzntl
1'rov Islotu wcro dull and he ivy , belli. ? devoid
of sppoul itlvo Inloirsl and saving under
Hales by pukliu house' ur.ilnsl euirt'iil
manufacture , rinsing t nno at lusldo prices
UincAH ) . Ill , Poh. Il ) - P (1. Lilian & i'o lo
J , N s inds Commission Comp inv : 'I'ho vvhe it
miikot today ho n decidedly urtal.c
opening al a domino of 'tc'fiom ' last night's
t lose and doclinliu nuolhor Ic1 on quite free
liquid itlon by the buveisof vcsterday Simo
vvliuat loaded al SI. I mils IIIOWU t ikpn
nt Dotiolt and aboul * > ) louls taken on the
si'iho ud , et the tiado In a foimenl to hnv
UK iln. Ohlca.'o bnu.l cables vvoro posted
hlKher nnil vvhc it vvent .it a few hounds to'lie.
selling b.ic'U ' aftonv.uds to "ll'.c. " 'ind closliu
neivousal m'4e , nibci v isy , 'Iho lonlllel
betuuon cnhli s and flush loimnilci-i tli it eon
press Is still In session WIMP proh ihl ) rcspm-
slhio for the eia/od eondlllon of the iifiiki'l '
today , and If auv thin els tobcle.irmd through
observation of it It Is that ptolils .If unntcil ,
must ho t'lkon when Iu sUbt I'lu'sou'tlvo
londllloiii art. llke l > to prevail , and In liuvliu-
on .ill soft spots It Is pieltys.ifo to Ihlni , . If
sold on thesiadvancoi. . b irnilnvvlil MIO-I he
offered In the pit uic iln , Corn and ptov is ons
ale liutb o isv , the formci on i.n jet uitim ites
and the I utcron sti es foroutshln .ii-ioiinl
CIIIIAI.O , III . Pel ) li Kuiiui'lt llopl Ins . ,
Co to b \ Mc\S lioiti'i ' ) | > vvi'io not
nearly so sn mpv'.s inllolp iti-,1 and It.icipis
whoeoverpd > ostenlay 'ind Incici > .ed their
loin lines o i the o\po tallon of in oppii'uv
buUo vvi-ro inxlous sollcM on .1 falllni : mir-
ket. A few monilni'iil louus ehe cKod the
u u Iv decline and lilu tlio m u Km un to 'lISi' ' ,
bill on tiiliu lo uoloiid Iho pi Ice brouii
jh'irply and ro'iialncd woi' ' < most of
the scsilon. rim crowd over-mil lliciu-
solves .in.l when -losing e'ilih-s onnc
in tiriu with loports of o OMIOII oni i'n- (
menu the i ush to covoi nnl btivlii * foi In-
veilmont suuitid the pnce to n'n > selleis
Uoio ihore was Illur il ic i l/niir. lesultliu In a
break toul'aC. hut the miiUet i loseil llrm t
abonl tin-onenliu pi Ices wlt'i ' t ithura ho ilthv
look , I he Ions shlo Is j ilnlnu Inlluenti il IP-
crulls ho holh'Vo In.i fitrtliursuhst intlal ul-
v .nee . Corn , iud o its huvo found quite eood
suuport on all soft snots Poutun
maikels show a stro.i cr touo encore
core It Is picked np heio n Konlroiuil | nt > ,
by stronj p.irtlpwho ire h iiiiiiiuo of iniuli
hlshcr prlcp1'iovlfclons lalht-i t UUP mil'cr fin noappticnt louon llozsvviip tn
sin ill simply .mil hit-In i 1'aukln Is iKofill-
liu' l tplrlly h Mil ml Iho numb < i o ii'Ui d n scu
no The1 outlook f ivois hl hei priei'a for Iho
StioiiiI'liuit I'll HI tiled } \ lib u DiiiilnUIilil
\nlne ol IttislnesH.
NfcW Vo.IK , Poll II ) - I'hoslo-K m pie-
sentcd a sions ; lo'io this looinlnj vvtlh i
diminishing volume of business In evcr > tiling
but llio coil blocks bill , later In the day thu
liking of rOJ.OOOKold forexpoit Imlncud f n u
it ; il I/it Ions ind so no It iinnici Inp by the pro
fession ils with ellcet to miteilillv leducliu
qiiotullons rim ninv anlnmllon In thu coil
stocks vvjs stlmtil itoil by a iiiinot th it He ul
liV had m tdo some advance but the li'dilliu '
np of thestocc by brokeis suppo < el to be
Idontlllcil with the syndicate vvii.eb iiron 'lit
about the i omhln Hum , stilted a llv.ily
runlocovei on Iliu part of the sboils Iho
si'tii'r il 11 = 1. howevei , \vuik In
thu c irlv ilc'nl I n s In sy nip it In with thulovvoi
London tUuies Indueuil by the liquid itlun foi
Iliu iceouiit of n nolul shiikfi'n.r | | there and
which e insed some piessuio lo soil burn foi
foreUn ucount. Wostoin I'nlon. Like llile.
'I ( . iiiiL's-oo co it i ml some othuis weio re u irk-
ibly stiotix and the whoo ! list tmvard noon
advaiicol I hero furlhur aih nice In
Chicago ( Jas and lati r in the d iy sirjiii rose
over 1 purieiit. Thu mat > et. nowevei , pio-
sentidfew features of Interest outsldo of the
Iradlnz Iu coil mil the exp nt of uo'il chockud
tlio rising aftci noon , nftei which there w is
flee iu ili/ulhms o I llio volume of business
which done The e osu. hoivover , was
weak , Iho lowest noiiita hem , ; thu rule. I'ho
whole I st I" lo er this oven nz. but losses are
Eeneiall ) for sm ill fr ictlons , nnlluM 1'iiiils
' 5 pel cent up and Koek Nl mil e ich I'apei
eont At-lilson and Noithein I'ncille stoc-us
u tch 1 pni cent , while -114111 r. so I point
( jovuinmtnt bonds have been dul' ' , ind stile
bonds dull and llrm ,
'I ho following are the closing qnot itions for
Iho loadlnu stocks , on Iho Now \ orUlook uv-
cliiinn'u ted iv
Tluitol il H ihn of stno'.is toJay vvoro 409 ( CiJ
.IKUOH. including ! Atchlson , 1B,4'.0 | l hloauo
lias , r > lr IJ ; Delaware , LaDkawann.i . .Vcst -
crn , 15.000 ; Krlc. 11,10 ; LonUvlllo & Nnsli-
vlllo. S.iiOOi Now .Icisey Lcnlr i | , f.Vfl ; N'oi th
em I'aulflo profoired. 11,770 ; Nnw r.nt ] nrl , 14 -
7.0j lleadliiK. Ull 070 ; Itlchmund i West I'olnt.
4 < KlSt. ; I'.iul , 2\I75 ; hi I'aul i Omaha. 11,200 ;
Union I'.icllle , U.JIJesicin ; Un on , 17.5s\
I'lnuntlal Ileviittv.
Nivv VOIIK , Pob. ID The I'osl sayst Under
tin * oxoltlnK elrcuniblaneos anl In rol.ilivoly
Kosnmll an amount them W.IB a very venoiul
belief today thut llio exiunts had hcon for
hpeonliillvo piirpobi'ii 'Ifio speuiilatlvo L'old
exports | s often alliaotlvu to main theorist * ,
but | l IIIIK nnvor vet hcou show n thai any In-
lerrlallonal export of Kold has been made fur
aueb .
purposes. _ _ _ _ _ _
Noiv Vork Unney Uirknt ,
Nnw VOIIK , Peb 19. MONEV os OAM , Hiisy
nt I'i&J per cent ; List loan , Hi per ccuit ;
closed olfered at l'i per cent.
rillllt ; MbllCANTILE I'Al'Kll-.liiO'Hi per OOllt.
SiKinisn EXOIIAMIE Quiet but llrm at
II S5"i for blxty-day btllsi unU tl bMi tor do-
inHIld ,
ThuolnsliM quotations on bonds ;
PMtoremieqtdtirltiYiUio. early hours but the
( Ictnnml Increased this iflcrnoon ' 1 lie rate
for rtny loin * Incrciucll frnni S't ' to 3 per rout.
In mil * thonitrkct wlo not nnioli ilnln ? . Hills
wore scarce lint tlli nto foi three 111(1111111' (
piper li firm at2'i j > or eonl. with occaslon-xl
huslmssatn friclTtirrit'M. lluslnc on Iho
Stock ovliiiipn lilM > } | ) i'Cn on n very Hiniill
spMolod.iv 'I lie nnrktils shown 1 n ilull liwo
ilnrliiR llio early l\wrs | This afternoon u
linllcr feeling existed oivlni In hluhor qlioti-
lions fioin I'.uls iiiul ( Now Vork. lliiino rails
nro mostly vvo.ikor , . Dover A fnlltiiR ' * per
rout ntul u fi vv others from ' to iippnont.
Americans opined hotter , then bocimo dull
on tlin repotted doaldof u well Itnnwn outside
broker I'lmnKOsof fhu dav In this depart-
iiioiil , linuuvur , arnlilithcr. Ttiinl < lines , iifuir
hcliiKdnll , ami shade In tier. Movie in r.ills ,
( It-spiiu tin' fall In sllvi'r , malnlaln Iholrprlee.
I otolitn Kdvcrniiiciitixti urlHe * IruvoolT vvlth-
oul rccovoiv , althnilxh OiL-oks Spinisb ,
UriiKii.iv , Uilllatt. K yptlan preference. nro
donti. AiBtnllms .trc In good dem.ind on the
full In llio io d prtMnlniii tn } ' . " > . ' . MlnliiR
li irosaitMulr | > t.
I.OMIDN , l n ID The folio Tint v r > ro tbo
London stoe-k i | lot.itlom olmlni nt 4 n in :
liiiunl fn liT-T m $ j ttoxlcsn tinnii.iry T M
On nrr Minis MillH'st ' 1'inl common HM
N \ , . I'&n IM .l * " ( V > \nrk ( Yntrnl ll ! ' <
ftm I'mlilo . , , . uij I'nnn'rlvanln . bW
t-t n-ini.
MOM v-snesv pur ( out
K ilogfdUeotiiit In the open mnrUct for Imtb
sburl and tbnu ino.ilhs hills , S'i ' poi ( cut.
I In inrliil NdliM ,
KANSAS I'm , Mo , Pel ) 1 Ole irlngs , tl.-
1UVA\A IVbSmnlsh ! sold , ill'i&HIlt :
oroh 11130 iiilul.
I'MIIS. Pol ) tU-TlllOMUM COIlt ll'lltes l f ,
72'jo ' for the account ,
NRW VtuiK. I'ob I'l ' II ink ulu.irlnK" , H24-
OlVJITt IlllllllLCs frVt7 ) , II J
lUi.Tiviimi : Ml Pol ) . -0.oiirln.js , } 2ISl >
M4 : Inl int os. ? lij , IHj i.ito , i ! per cent.
I'llllAUl'MMM , fn , , Puli Id. duuiln s.JII.-
; ( i.4Jl : imlniici's. f..o.'j.l'il ; i.inuny. . J'4 ' pur cent.
ST. Lome. Mo , 1 | ih in. I ! ink oloirlims ,
ft. 119.17s ; hil.iin.tfs. JIB 101. Minify. trfilT pel
cunt ; oxchiinzonn Now York Me pii'iiiinin
Nl.vDitl.t \ss | , i. . loll -I'lr uliiRs. $1.-
Sii.lsJ.TI .Sou VnrU s ulit .iO > ! per
SI 001 pieinlninf b ink * l " > 1 per JI.'WJ proiiiliiin.
llfijiON , A'nss. , Pol > . IIC oirliiKs. $ H2i7-
IS.'i l.iil.imos I M..MU7 ; money. a to a't ' ni-i
unt l\ > .li ui.-u on .Sou \ orl ( , l" > to .llu dls-
( mi ACID , 111 IM ) | u. Money. < MSit 4'iQG '
poi tent I'lo rims , j. . ' > ; ; ) , nsj Ncu Voirf o\-
IMI uui > 'iViiisdiiintlei In.cM'linii ( ' . linn :
tl h'ii , fui slMj-d.iy lillis and ? l ' 4 foi sUht
Itiistnii sioi'i , i | irkct.
ItosroN M i s Pub I'Tho ) fnllowlii woii
111 ! ) C OtIIU lllil'LM till < , ljl ) , , oil tllU ItOStOII
stoi I. < n itl.i'1 lol i\ .
Hei\iir Mining st "lc < .
lr.N\niiC i'o. ' I'uli Is. riin followlu : list Is
thi > ulo > lniiiolithiHon | the Mlnin ; oxen 11150
to I iv ' lies l.Tli
Neu V > r's \ \ \ , \ \ if it i n .
Nl w Vuik. I'u > . I1J , fhu follow in arc the
closln. niiiiliusun. . , ijuot it'ons
( 'ill III-SlIpllU lit I ) II I'l l tljl tl > | | | ] DiVlll'll
, ? * * ' 1111- mil Higher.
Ovuitv , Pnb I'l ' lci ! niptso fn this week
foot up 14 , .71 < mil' , ' * . i.'i hu.s ind l.d.I sheep ,
a-raltist n.7''e ' ) ittloO'JIio s ind lOjSahoop
the eoriespond 11- live d.iv s I ist vvcek.
Although the loeelpls of e ittlo weio he iv lor
by no n iv I.WJ head th in I ist Prid iy , the sup
ply lor ill" first t me I'l Is i\ueU appo ired lo lju
about rqn il lo tin uc'tnanil and ti.ulln was
filily aitivr. 1'iicis weio not quolihly
stn.iuor th in Thurslay , hut selleri fouu I
It comp uallvolv t asy to illsposn of
In-i'f MI cii at Thur > il iy'i quotillons
Iliu liui'iso In the supp y of
cattle so f n this nook h is hcen aliout I neil and foi tit- ! , iciiiini lot'il liuvpii vh )
I ) IVH diinu aoonl .ill llio n tdlnj sofirvvcio
uolovcilj anxious fin m uiv c illlc Hul with
oni } i modoiatc supply hcic p stein nrirkols
iu l ill sh ipe and shippers m inlfrstin j a ton-
nrncy to pluk up i fc-w 4001 ! oil ilo they \veio
ulilln'to piyfnllv htuulv in ces foi sto-k
ilipj could use Itusiness u is more active
th in u It is hc ( n my d iy this wci'lc and a
vi I > f ilr c'l"irineo vv is piro-ted Cooil 1,101
to I , " 0-ll > sloeii sold fiom J i III lo Jl N ) tilt
lo ; see 1 lr'l to I'i Mn st PHIS sold fiom lliDtu
M.IO , ( Julio a fi-w piettv irooil ll ht HICMJH
so d to li eilois at pi lee's the dressed hoof men
refused lo p iy.
Thorp wits a llvelv trido in butcher stock ,
and pil PSero stc.idv lo strong on all
Ki ides llolh outside1 a id Dutehcis took
hold fn'oiv. and the moiUialo oUcrln s
ehau.'eil h mils hrisl.lj , f.ood to i holco ( ous
ami noilt is soid fiom'J 7 > to j ! "i."j ; fair to
KOO 1toc 1 .era fiom * . ' 2) toifJ 71 ( omnion and
Infi inir lou i-olil from JIM in Jj.'i Hulls ,
o\rn ami i > tirs weio stoadv to sluing al fiom
JI7'itoi 15. Cilves fiom J.1 ' .o to
Mo-kois mil fcedf > r < snjiply ,
but the Inquliy wiis.icllvc. In fad , the nisi
of the wpoU Uo-'iihii do 11 I'Mnio k'ooil bny-
t is , and outsider- , look qullo a fc-vt 1'ilcos
uoio Kio hln'iic'i than 'Ihnisdny
Kopiesent itlvo s lies'
N'ov I'r. No Av I'r No Av. I'r
1 ( iTiJJIO ) IU 1-W$140 11 IJI.'JIU )
14 ' .HI .1 . ' ) I IIS ) .1 41 _ ' , - IJI7 .II.J
2 110 .1. ' ) .1 I HiO .140 2'i 1170 , l.0 (
2 < r > ) ,1 .1,1 ,1' Ull , ,1 4J U MJ , l'i )
< l 'l-.l ' .1 tf l 1JIO ,1 l'i IU 120. .Id )
2 IIl > > .1 I- . .11 114 ! I 4 > 4 U'H Mii
! , 10s ) , lri 21 1115 .15) ) 20 M7li .175
I'l ' nr.j .i.r'i 21 n.'O .1 r. ) .10 uiij JHJ
. ' > 10 ! I 1J
dopren pso far tbh week rompntcd wllb lait
Imlne fully a.OOJ head. Tboiiitlltv | ol llicof-
forlnB i wn v cry fair , Inkon as a whole.
Milpppri bad good orders ( or the best IIOR *
of nil ivelghti and took fully n fourth of the
olrprliiK * . Prcth meat hnvcM nl'iO bnu llhcrnl
ordoM. o thai packvri h id to hustle nnd pay
the pill-OS to ROI iny at nil. Knsttiin reports
were slroniior , niid with the suntilv only mod-
crate and Iho dPinnnil SIIOIIK tbo ninrkcl
opi ned aeltvc vvllli nrlccs fie loloc hlRhcroii
tno lieilnnd nol tniiili shorlnt thut on otbei
cradei 1 lip hpst he.iv y hosi mtnHI \ \ Ho
II. it ) ; common heavy nnd mlMxl pickets at
SI. M to til , ) ; Ughi. lluiit nilved unU hutihor
nelshts sold fioni Il4iMillsTr.idlni ) ? vvas
active , nlthou li tlin evtreiiio i'ln o vvas weak
and easier. Kv PI vtliliiK sold , the bulk at } I Vi
to $1 W. iiitatnst ifl V ) to II.V ) I'liurtdnv , Iho
nveriuiMif prltes pild bolnK l.n"j. ( aualnst
fl.'il 'I liur-dny nnd tl M j lasl Prlday. ItiMiri-
No Av , h. I'r No. Av Mi I'r
f > 'JM 12J $1 40 ( ill 21 1 SJ } 4 M ) '
10 Uil 4 4. , ' dJ . . .27s M 4 Ml'
, - SI9 I 4" ) lii . .SM " 0 4 If }
11 .VII 2-f ) 4 4 * < 51 .IS ) | UM ) \
' . ' 7 2V ! 4 M Vi . 2 12 8)4 ) CO
21 . 11,0 40 4 VI 71 IIS I'.M 4(1) ( )
I A . . 2l &sj 4 tv. 72 21900 4 00
M . SHI KIJ 4 55 7,1 . -'liT. 4 ( W
70 . .Ul IM ) 4 fr > CJ . . 200 41 4lpO
M 41(1 ( 4 .Vi ( H .211 I JO 40J
70 , yr > TOO 4 TM 71 S-tt 1.0 4 Ml
51) ) . . . ! ! OI 2 > * 0 4 < Vi f'l ' .2 1 HI 4 M )
.Ci I'll ' 21)1 ) 4 M 01 2-J4 40 lOJ't
( . ' . ' . 2 4 : r'o < M ? 4 . un 401 4 t.j'4 '
r > i icw i.'o 4 .v > r , . ' . . ( . ' 4 J'4 '
44 . . .i'lS M 4M fi3 . . . ,2il ( ( 4J 4 t."t
IKI .24H SOO 4 . " > li , ' .2SI " 1(1 ( 4 1,2" i
Ml M 23(1 ( 4 . " ) 74 . . .2.4 100 4,2li (
77 212 I.M 4 fi'i 7(1 ( 241 4' ' ) 4-'f ( !
74 22J 1JO 4M Ci . . 27H 1.HI 4 fli' ' *
71 ilH IM ) 4 .V fJ .297 UJ 4 ITS
SI . ,2i'4 100 4 M 41 . 27fi 4W
sj 244 , V'J 4 , V > W . 2-11 - 4k ( %
l > * .OI 40 4 fi7'j I. ai4 40T.
( A . . .sos : uo 4 'i7'i ' : .s 27 40 4cr.
Ur. ,2fil IM 4 'i7' M ) . 2 < I7 40 4 ftt
(12 VSI hi 4'i7' W . . . : > . ' 120 4C.
m..4ST hO 457' , 77 . 22S 4 liTi
77 2H ) s ) 4 f)7 t ti' . . . .lift fcO 4 ( V.2
7i .177 Ul 4 : > "H liO . . 2.M 4 U * >
M in .HO 4 W ) nj IM - 4 ( k' >
(1 ( 1 2.VI 0 4 1,0 , 01 2M ) 4 to
rll , Sit l.'J 4 ( il u-i . 2771 4iri
! . 218 41) 4 Ml M , . ! " | J SU 4 lo
2"i . . .K ! 4 ( ,0 M ! . . . J.VJ H1 4 ' )
4' . . . . Ul. WI 400 1,0 . : i4 80 4 OS
( ii 'i7 I.'O 4 IO 2l'i . . .I'll ' 40 4 Id
( d 1.7U 40 4 II ) TJ . 'KI t ) 4U >
fj * . ( il VJ 4 dO l,1 . . I4S 40 107' ;
7'i 21' 4 ( i ) ' . ' ) 2 < VI 11.0 4ir'i
14 VN IU ) 4 M 111 . 2 8 KJ 470
I. ' II' ' ) III" " 4 Ul 1,1 .U. ' 2i)0 ) 470
til .211 I2J 4 00
21 7 < i - : : : ) 2 4.ri ( - 4 40
21 . . f7 ! 1 ( k"i 4 . . I8i - - 4M
J . . 400 hO . ! 71 1 IBIJ - - 4 IKI
1 .I'U - - ,1 SI I 1'iJ 4 40
2 .Ul ) M 4 . ' )
ill i I1 Tvvoiloiiblp dieks of Rood \vcMpru
\ \vethei'- ii tlyi'ailur's , \veic ii'iolvtd ind
sold ruadllj nt f > IJ"t. " Coed llrm prices 'Iho
( IcMii.inil iontlnne s aoml .mil the tnarkot llrm.
Qnot itlons1" Pair to udoil nittvis $ I ' , ' > fo ' , ' " > ;
vie-stcrns. $1 ( ljij.-i ( 2'i : loininon and stoc'kers
J'W. ? . ' . : coed lo eholi c lu'iihs t > UliliiK 40 lo
III UK i HMiuol able : il tl.2')3GO ) Heprfenta-
tlvi' s.ilei :
No. Av. I'r.
ld ut'sli'rn vvelbers . in $ % u"J
17vulurn VM'tlii'is . t'2 ' ft I.1 ,
4 > > uisli'rn vvetbiM . U ! " > 1J"
nil lsi | iillloi of st'i k.
Oflklal roc'elnts Mid disposition of stock as
hhoun hv the ho i's of the Union ' lock Yards
eonipin ) foi the1 1 ui'nly-fiinr lio'ir > i > udln { .it
. " .oYlooK p in i'cbiu.iiy t'l ' , IsO.1.
in 1 1 iris
uoi.s sin ri1
HIS ! ' 1.ITH1S
Clili.iKO I.Uc > tiU Marl.ct.
Cinrtiio. II1. . I'ol ) H > C-pocI il TulcRrim
to I'm : It ) i I I brio wa ? > n sti ul\ lone to ihc
e iltio : nar > Lt toil ij ; Indeed , ' ooil lo tholcc
crailcswiro held i ithei more llnnij than
UHS time ian jeslerd.iv nnd the day licfore.
Tlieilemiind itu\olopi d f ill activity ami the
fiesh arrlils wure below tbo iverane , lioth
of which Urciimst , incut were Inorablo to
sollcis , but no iiiot | I'llo adxanttzc resiiited.
HiiKlii'is' anil v inners' sloul. . which Includes
cows hclfeis hulls and ( oinni m mixed lots ,
sold at from $1 ' . ' " > to JlT > : ueneially at fiom
* Jliitof.l0 -io-l eis aiin feeileis i onllniied
In filr iLiinest , it from f'J'i to Jlh ) and
dressed beef nnd shlpp'n ' j stturwi in iiuotoJ
all the w iv from tlui to IJi foi xoiy com
mon to $ "i2"i in V > l.'iforixln
I'rl es foi IID/J weie fiuly I0i > hluhor than
v C H id ly I hu sin i Incss of the n iclplsvus
a a uprise to e1. orvboilv and them was lively
lilddlr. for tin ) n lei inss ondui which mhos
went fiom M4) ) to J"iU ) for ; io i lo iholm
lii'i\i anil mi ilitini in I fro n f4 .1) ) to fl'K ) foi
lliht. ' hlppcrs tool , threo-llfths of vestei-
day's receipts and thu bnlU of the good iio s
were also " -cuund bv them tod. iv. but loc il
| i ii'Uor-t wuro not Id oand the supply w is\cry
so m out of s ilc4men's h mils I'iieru wcro
silos.ill tlin way from tJ5) to f4 UJ for culls
and fi's ' for f incv.
1 1 ulo. In short w m attlvo ted iv iiotwlth-
st inn 114 the wi t we itlioi. and althonirh tnu
receipts won1 fill , the mirl.ot developed a
linnet Ion" , llolh sluop and lambs sold
stronger mil wuie qiiuto 1 the formci at fiom
? 4 'i"i to f < s * > f ir pom to o\ti i. and the I liter
atfiom } "iOl ) lof 1 7"i. This Is an advance on
1 ist weeU's prices
Iteco pis were : Cittle , , 00 ; lio.-s , lO'.OOO ;
sheep. n/DIl
Tin * Kvunln4 louni il reportst'vrn.r lie-
celnts. li.UJ I ; shipments 4000. marKotste uller ;
Hood to pi line. *'l' ' ' ! othoi" . * llUTiii ( | ;
feeders tl i\.lt > . stuc urs. fl.7iti-7 > ; cows ,
l sO/i1J
llo'is Uccelpts.lROOOisiilpments 11roOm ir-
lct in s' , mil higher ; lou li and common
f4'Hll i : mixed an I piilcur- . Jl 7oS4 "
pi him huivy and biitclu'ii' vvuUlus. "
: > u ) , (
fcltrFi' Kccoipis. ( inii ; shipments , , lf01 ;
iimrKot active , sheep hl.'hcr limbs steidj ;
uwiis. JUiaKi ) ; mixed , $ liVft4'iJ ( ; wolhoi" ,
$5 iiOjj."i T5. westerns , $ 'i ) . " > i6"'iU : lames } ' > .OU ®
li .0. _
Ne York l.Uo Still l < MarKrl.
Nrw Yoiiu. Toll. 1' ' ) llitvrs Iteculpts. ' . ' .177
hoid. Inolndliu ' cm for s ilu ; m irKot
stculy ; niitlvu steers , fl KlTc'i''l per nil Ibs :
bulls and cott-i ? . ' liil. ' 71 ; ilnissod bi uf stoiilv
at Wi-S'sC pei II ) ; shlpnionts loinorrotv , IM)0 )
beeves and Illsi ( jmrturs of beof.
OAi.M'.s Ili'colpts I II he id ; market steady ;" , J'i V s 00 per 1UJ Ibs , ; westein cilvts ,
bilKl.i1 Hivulpts. 4.171 he id : mnrUet fctradv ;
sheep , f i OJ410 ' ti per 100 Ibs ; lambs , in It i7 71 :
dressed mutton llrm at MftlOo pcrlb ; ( liov > ud
lambs llrm at MM c.
Herm Uoiulpts "i. sihoid consigned direct :
nominally bto idy at $1 W&r < 40 per 100 Ins
Until is Clt ) Live stock II irknt.
KANSAS OITV. Mo , 1'ob I'l OATTI.K Re-
culpts. 4,000 , bhlpmenls. OJO Ileovos were
btuiidy an I lows and feeders Htron. . In ssiri
beef and shlppliu hteeis sold at 41 ( iwiiil 11 ;
-i'vai/iOistocUorsand lecdors , * . ' . f > fMh\
Hod , l3olpts. { 11,20(1 ( ; shipments , ' . ' .40) ) : thu
marUet wan slioiu and Tie higher ; all Krades ,
iH .vaidl ; bnllc , tt.Uiitt " > ' .
biieisi' KocelpH. 1'JJO ; bhlpments , 700 ;
the miiriot wiisHtnudv.
St. l.onU l.lvo stocU Market.
Sr , Louis. Mo , Toll 10 OATTf.B-Uecolpts ,
OlMioad ; ahlpmonts , bJI ; nnukot hlcudy ; fair
to liniulv nitlvo hteern , $1 UKJ6I.40 : fair to
coo I loxaiiHund Indian slteis , * J hOrir > 1.
lions llccelptb , .M.'iO head ; shipments , lKs5 ; not ( Uu hlo'liiu ; fair to uholie Heavy , iLi a
4 ,11 , nilxcil , oidlnary to Kootl. -03I.7J ; IlKbt ,
f ilr to best , friufii < n.
hlimt1 Roculpts , 1 , 705 bead ; hhlpmonts. .ion ;
iiiarkut bleady ; ordlnaiy to yood inuttoiis ,
Sudclon chatiKOs of ueatuur cause throni
dlsoasos. I'll uro U no meta ulTuctual remedy
for coughs , cold. , etc , than Brown's Hrou-
Ltnal Tiocncs. Sold only in boxes , 1'rlco
Ciil-DIt 1 .11 lie.
The Hoard of PublluVoilw mot yesterday
afternoon to opan bids for tbo construction
of a pllo brldio across Cut-Offlnko urn up-
pioachosou Amos ineiiuo. Only two bids
were suumlttuil ,
Uuytnond Uioa. ' bid vvus M7 per sl-Uoon-
font span , exclusive ! of piling , for which tboy
asked u'7 cents per lineal foot.
II. B. Mttjo bid & 7I.2J per slxteon-foot
spin , and au'rcod to fnniish and clrlvo piling
at .10 cants per lineal foot.
Mr. ftinvo was not In It to any appreciable
extent and look his depr.rturo after KOOI- !
niiiuiodly uniiounclng nlmsolf M satislloa
\\ltti his dofciit.
The contract was awarded lo Haymotid
Stop that Cough , Jl Is n dancer .
1'Uo's ( Jureor t'oimurrptlon never tails.
Pleasant to tako. All druggists.5c. ! .
nnn.NSi ; : niroitTA'rio.\s.
IrN ) W I nin'j , driiK Intpoctur nt llio port of
1'lilUlulphU , nrlloi
X * 1 liutu found thu vunuhio Juhunii llotl Mult t'.t-
tract eapue-Ullj Rood for | iur on L'osv All. ( IMI
from furur In ( i os of inwrti iA. for MuriiHia
MIIIHISU , and In 1111-01 ofVl AKLV Cnn IIIICN nnd
Hum EH Inipnrtodliuvo paued my Imimdlon la the
t'uiUim llouin niltfui.torlly for Hiepmt llruv ra. "
AvulJ linllutloiii 'Uiflicunulue article mint llllvo
tliu ilgnaturuuf "Jolntun Hot ! ' on tliu uuck o
tory bottle.
ietnrors' andUL"
Omii'nt ' Trnt it
Co. ,
tlni. * Imminncki nil nnd
rnlilorilnthlne fond fur
iie Illlrnrimnii
/Ifllfd OtlMlut Itiltl ClV
lniiortcr | nnd nnnific
A U. Itrtyd ( , x Co , .11 0 Itttxnn ,
t < OI Dodk'O tro _ > t ltlc clc j lt on monthly
" xynietif
tend for our citiloiue (
nnd | irlre IQJT'd ' t-ntnnm nt .Umnlin
Morsc-lco Sboa Comnaa/ ,
1101 IIownrdHlrot
1 nctory corner llth nml liiii | n > trpot >
\Vonre nmklnn cloio prlio' In i" li l > iyor , nnl nro
n dim of eoinls wliloh l tcry nil-
cnblonllh incrihnnti
. tniufniii Hitnl Scant Jvir'tfinlnll ' , Jimtf A Co ,
Kline I'o , , '
VA liolc'nlo Mnniifnclu'r *
HootK , MIOIM riitihcr ) Am nti for Doslnn lliiti
nnd felt ( jdodi tier Hlioo Co , 110J 1101
11)1 ) t Ill-nir HtMOt anil lioi , llnrno ) street.
J , COKI- ,
Otinihii C'ddf , t'o/iC / .x
Ilnrd nnd xoft co.i ! 9 1C
( ormr lUh and
( OltNtri : .
A Until ,
Xlnniifnclurorj of Hnl Mnnufnrtnrcrs nnd
vnnlred Iron Cornice
\ \ Inilow capj , iiH'UHo \\lioli * ilo Clothleri
( kllilit < etc 1110 nnd
UK IIUJHnrne ) street
I > HY ( JOOD- .
M h. Sn.i l tinch lrv
flu/tilt / Co ,
lr ) * , nollom fur Hit Kond notlnn * vcnti
nl hln [ nrnlililiiK Koo'H '
Cor Itth tsts
Corner llth nnd llownrd
Omaha Ooiwlidat id Elactt'ml 0) . ,
Kleitru ljnnnio < lnraplre _ nnd Hlectrlial fcup
pilot of All Kind *
111 llllnmird ! < tn.uU Umilin
1'ii.rfmi.l rttillnj lun
Wrnuiilit nnrt on t Iron
tiillMIni ; nnrV , mutual
br ii ndrk , k'cMiernl
n. n orottf ,
Hqnnr Mcrclnnti Importer nnl Inb'ior of
Illillnrnoy street. . \Vlno nnil I.liiuon
MiMinrAClur rs Henna IT'S 1030 mid lo J KnrnitmSt.
Knit indli IHlUrJ l'rln < llition nppllc-itlon.
\\ho1c < nta l
10)1 Pnriinmnt.
( lulltrf It l.rr ,
llnrdwoinl Imiitor. wool
cnrpcln nml | nriuta Iniio.-tul Amprloitn I'ort
Hooting , InnlicMiicit , Vlllwnnkun
hrdrni Ilo ii'inint ana
Pill nnil DoiiKtar , ' o
.1 ir , Jr.
Mlllhury , notion'cl I'lnno ornini , nrlhlj'
etc ,
miterlnl" , etc.
Iin-118 B llth > t 1511 Dauiiln * xlreot ,
A , Uo-tth 1'aelnna t'n nut .t n > .
l'nckor uf ( iy < tor < , MMi Ojntori ri li nnl Cclcrr ,
nml Ci li'ry , Mi South IDt'i 81
cnwortli St. Divlil Cole , Milliner.
t"o ell [ | < ieilVink ( Line
Co ,
nnrt lubrtrntlim
oils , nxlo Hrcnso. etc
A Co , IllliMl A Smith ,
conntrr prod Produce , friilti of nil
uce , frulti , ifoxetiiblej ,
lie. kinds , oyMori ,
IWTlto.rnnl Stroot. 13th nnd llnrncr Streets.
KtrsMirnutiA .s'o Jas. A. Olark & Co.
llultor , chooic , eitKs
Uujtcr , tint nnd poaltrr
poultry nnd tnmo
140U 1 nrnnni it. WJbouth 13th HtrooL
Kidtlcll & Co. , G. Pcgati.
Ilutlpr ilnose rKKi.Te/- I'nnluie llultor KI < J ,
ptnblos , frulU , poultry I lu'CJU and I'oullrjr.
} Mnnd Howard Hit.
nnd iauio Unialii.
Mullin & Binglmm & Son ,
hpcclnltloi huttJr fun boiiit us 3 our Finn , It lit-
ibni'KO poultry , etc No tjr ronltrr. Oiinio ,
1' . - > Illi Uot in .Vu Illdai IUc
bunk. 1701 ) I oivt'iiworth St.
Oarpentor Papar Oo. , [ incf PaoirOj.
( , n full rtock of . \V . ripping . . pat er itllklnitS
* firry n lit r.uv. u of l" ' 1 , ( " " : '
prlntlns. wrnpplnif anil | , , „ , , ; , uur.lst.
wrltlnn ptipor eard pa
pur , utc lei 17 U
James Hughe ? , Oiiiahv Btovo Repair
StoTPircpslrs of nllkUUi Wor s.
Looks nnd lloituri btovc repilri nnd wntcr
forsilo Httiicliinunto for ait } kind
til stove mule
W llt'i Strut IA)7 ) Initial n
S.A.SII. I ' 10 VS.
M. A , Disbrow & Oo , H. Hirdy Oo. ,
M nufnctilror i of snsh Toy .loth
iloori. till nils nnd fnnoy uood * liouiefur-
moulllnKs llrnncli oC- child *
flco , ma nnd IiardMi ron i cttrrl i
1J1U tnrniiQi StrooU
Al'en Root & Oo. Gaaimi & I'lcIniiKO H'll'il- ' Hounis , ( i ) nnil ill
Ihill.lliiK Sou 111
Oiunhik South
m for 111 Kinds of Grain
All i-riln vtoUhctl. Inspected anj btori o rat3
established by hi ituolllcois
Wrllofor rates nnd full paltlctil us and consign
shipments cam of
liven IIAN can ho
OllOU.Sin .ill 'eincrls
_ _ by mans OI-ANifaJI
NI'.KVINR , Ihcfjreat Mpntilnh Itemedy. YOUHO MUN
OK OI < D siilftthiK from MURVOU.S DHnilITV , 1OST or
lrAIIINO MANHOODnl hllycnilsslonnconvuhinni , nervous
protiraiioncnii < iiil by the use of opnnn , tobacco or nlcnhol wake *
ulnecB , menial depression , loss of power in ciihcr tcj , eperinator-
AMI AFTI-H U&E , ihuit cauceclhysellabnte and over imiiilReiirt. or any pertonnl wrak *
ness can be n stored in perfect hialih and llio NOIII/U VITAWTY OF HT11ONO MI5N.
We give a written guarantee wuliC boxes lo cure uny case or refund Urn innney , Jt u boxb bens ) ]
1'0 , silo in Ointvhi by McC'orraiclc & Lund , 15th &
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
the eminent ipcMullil In ncrvnu * ilironlr , prlvalo lOool , Aklnitiid uimurjrill rupc A ruuulor nnil
rexlmircil itriuluntcla nnnlclnu. ti > illpionioiund ciriinonter ilmw iniiil tremlnx wall llirtrrnHteit ur < i >
catnrrli.iipe'rniuturrlinen lo t inunliuoil , vcinlnul vv nknet * nlitht Ioi8 3.lmpniencr. snilillln ftrlilnri ) iioa *
orrliues , fleet , viirllod'lK.til Nn mi rcnry u e I. Now tri'Blnienl furlou of vllnl piiivrr , I'urliui iinitbr * to
Tlult iiiomny tietroalul at lioinu hy corrcupiindi-nci' Medltlne or Inilriiincnu lunt ti/ mull or ciiiroi > >
citri'lif p icke-d , no marli liilnilltiilu ronltntii ur i niler. Cno pinorml Intmluw iirt'lnrrnl. Cnninltklluu
lieu l ( ininponUuniiniilctlv | irl nt lluok ( Myutarlm of Llfir | luat free , Ollloii lioari U a , m. to il p , iu.
buadajr * 1U a lu.iolJiu SeiiU tuup ; for rtply.
JllMtUbllMllBCl lOVtl.
Grain , Seeds ,
and Provisions.
HOB. 2 and 4 Shormnn St. ,
Roomi 68 & 69 CHICAGO.
VI" HI it'll facilities forlhf lmnillninf rhlpmi nil
nf l.niln. Mulil and Kluv Sicit * Hi fen in i > Corn
Kicliiiniuuiiil Anitrlian K
Ptnrnliliin Ilnbil
cunafu 101020 ilii
OK i ITirUKMU Uln ,0
JSrvr , < crlatti lU-uirily.
liiuiurciiovirrBturm I ulllncnl
CURE vcilition Iu tnlart'o miiall , Mtik
par In iiinl rrrlaln cure for JXM (
\ lr > lUlulunikVnrlrttrrlo
J , J > . llUL'st. , JJulAILluu. . JlliJi.
, . .Blf your DniKBUt lor
bottle nJ liln . iheonlr.
. neil putionuui remedy for all
the unnaturul di clinrtCB nna
debilllalln weaLntis peculiar
lo women. It uiri-z In a few
Idas without Iho aid or
bllcllv ol u drrtor
e I ntitrsnl Arrxrhun Curt
Muiiufarliirrd by I
for 108T or FAILING MANHOOD. . „ ,
kaenertUndWEUVOUSDEfllLITY ;
IWtikotM of Body nd Mind , Effect *
Jof Errorior Eiccjif l in Old or Younr.
, bl. A > IIIHIIir llrltr.Urfd. llu In K lti r > 4
H/ . lkr.lKAkIMIl liUlllUlllliVKUlllS.lllllb ( ; ?
IL.vloKlr u flll f IIUIK 1UH7 IVIIII1I. I. i , , ,
Out Itlllf ; fnu ( U hUln 4 r > li l v lrl . Hrllf ll. .
' " ' " '
Ad'kiti ERIE MCo"cAl'cO.7Du"pFAlo'Nly7 !