Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 20, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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Silver "Problem Will Ba Sidetracked by
Tariff Dabato.
Imllr-Ulnns Tluil thn lucllnlis Will rcrinlt
NothltiKto Intrrfprc nllli Thrlr I'ros.
lircts lit thn 1'all Klrrllmis-Otlinr
i I'olltlral ( iossli | ,
\VA9tiiNOTov Iltntctv OF Tur. Her ,
fill ! lAii/iiTcrA'Tii STIUBT : ,
\V\8iiiNOTov , IX U. . Fob. 1U.
'No , sir , there will bo no clash between
the silver nnd tariff lasiies , " said Uropro-
tontatlvo Bryan of Nebraska , n member ol
the committee on ways nnd moans , in toply
to n question this afternoon ns to what would
bo done with the silver problem after tariff
takes the lloor.
" 1 think the democrats In the home , " con
tinued Mr. Urynn , "havo enough parlln-
inontnry skill , as well ns political tactics , to
luuidlo the two great cjuostlons nt ono and
the satnu tuna without limiting the in clash.
The bill placing wool , binding twlno and cot
ton tics and cotton bagging on tbo
free list will bo reported to the
house on Saturday , the S7th Instant , and on
Tuesday , the 1st ot March , they will bo taken
up for consideration , U Is tlio aoterimnatlon
of the committee on ways and means to push
tlio debate upon thuso questions forward
until they nro voted upon , but the committee
does not bellovo that there is nny moro im
portnnco attached to these measures limn
there is to the proposition lu Mr. Hland's
free coinage bill nnu whenever It is decided
thnt the tariff bill shall stand asldo and free
coinage rome to the front the decision will
mcot with no opposition nn the part of any
democratic member of the committee on
i and means. "
Hut Action Will Ho Di-liiyiMl ,
Not withstanding thoofllclal statement from
n democrat who represents the Crisp faction ,
nnd , therefore , the controlling powers ot the
house , there is good reason to bollovo that
ono of the principal objects In determining to
bopln the debate upon the specillo tariff bills
before a day Is fixed for tno consideration of
the silver question , Is to definitely delay , If
not absolutely side trade , the latter question
until after the November elections. It will
bo verv o.isy for the silver and nntKsllver
democrats to play shuflocook with tlio sil
ver nnd tariff bills and defeat an actual vote
upon the silver question before the full elec
tions. It Is Improbable that there nro moro
than two dozen of Mr. Bland's followers who
nro unxlous to bo placed on record respecting
free coinage. Tlio truth Is , almost overv
domocrut in congress would bo glad of the
opport'inlty to dodso the silver question.
Mr. Bland himself is fully determined to
force the light on free coinage , and if there
Is suftlclont power within himself and his
followers the silver question will como be
fore tbo housoat no distant day.
Whllo the free comairo ndvoratcs are clam
oring through their correspondence and press
interviews for nn early action upon the silver
question and are announcing with apparent
vehemence that they uro eager for the fray ,
it is noticed In n lurgo majority of instances
that they are encouragine Immediate com
mencement of the debute upon the tariff.
Democratic members of the committee on
ways und means sav the debate upon the
three tariff bills which nro to comn up in tbo
house on the 1st of March will last nt least
six weeks. This would take the bouso until
tbn middle of Mny , did it do nothing but talk
tali IT. About fourteen upprourintion bills
nro to bo passed before the tliml vote is taken
upon the tariff. It will take moro donate
upon these appropriation bills than it will
upon thn three tar i ft' bills , so that , it mav be
seen , July will como before the tariff bill and
the regular appropriation bills ran he dis
posed of , which will make action on the sil
ver bill out of the question unless the demo
crats abandon their declaration for nn early
adjournment of this session.
XrlirimldiuN on tin' Civil Scrtlru 1. 1st.
A lint of these citizens of Nebraska who
have passed civil service examinations and
are eligible to appointment to thu classillcd
service has just been prepared at the head
quarters of the Civil Service commission.
Following is the list with the percent of
tholr general nvorngo attained nt the exami
nation : William T. Hustings , Bui-well , 7S
per cent : William II. Schnell , Clay Center ,
75 ; Jonn L. Plorson , Omaha , 81 ; Jacob M.
Hill , Omaha , 74 ; Arllncton Jenkins , Lexing
ton , 71Vallaco ; B. Wood. Valley , Douglas
countv , SO ; Kdwln S. Sprccher. Scluiylor , 87 ;
Walter W. Wells , Schuylor , 80 ;
William U. Dawes , Lincoln , 80 ;
John W. Kern. Raymond , 75 ; FrodK. Gohle ,
Hustings. 74 ; Frederick U. Konyon , Lincoln ,
7U ; Alonzo F. Deford , Lincoln , 84 ; William
Highland , Leigh. 77 ; Nathan .P. Colwoll ,
Grand Island , 70 , copyist examination ;
Adrian George , Reynolds , S3j J. M. Hlatt ,
A I inn , 70 ; Mary II. Williams. Honrnov. 90 ;
Ida 1C. Kdson , Omaha , SS ; Klla A. Halln ,
Arlington , 8'J ; Ctinrlotto G. Curtln , Lincoln ,
84 ; Irtu Craig , Beatrice , 77 ; Mary A. Hock.
Omaha , 77 ; Nora A. Cox , Omaha , 70 ; 1C in urn
S. Thompson , Omaha , 72 ; Laura M. Trevltt ,
Crete , 73.
.Mny Hi ) llommilily Iti'lliril.
Another effort Is being made to srcuro the
removal of the sentence imposed uuon Judeo
Advocate General Swaim , who , It will bo ro-
< -allod , six or eight years ago was suspended
for u period of twelve years for some alleged
irregulnrltioi in his dealings with private
citizens. On the 17th of next month , were It
not for this suspension , General Swalin would
bo eligible to retirement under thn rules
which allow olllcors to rotlro tinon their own
applications for a service pf thirty continu
ous ynnrs. At present ttio president is un-
nblo to place the general upon the
retired list unless ho suspends tin ) sentence.
It Is said that the president would bo willing
to retire General Swaim were it not for the
barrier imposed by the court martial. IClTorts
linvo repeatedly boon made to soenro the sus
pension of the sentence Imposed upon the
general , hut there has been ono reason or an
other in the way. it looks now as though In
view of the approach of tlio date when General -
oral Swam may bo placed upon thu retired
list by the operation of the law , the prosl-
dent mav suspend the sentence , nnd lot the
law take Its action , A largo number of
prominent men in congress nnd arrnv ufllcers
have recommended suspension of sentence ,
At present there Is only nil acting judge ad
vocate general of thu army.
MIxri'llani'iHlrt ,
Secretary Noble today took up and dis
posed of the clulm of linrdln county , lown ,
for Indemnity on account of corlaln lands
within Its borders alleged tn ibo swamp and
overflowed. There nro 7,050 acres Involved
In the case , and tbo commissioner of the gen
eral bind ofllce rejected tlio county's claim
nbout two years ago upon the ground that
the lauds are not subject to Indemnity under
the nets of March U , ISSIi , and March .t , IS'iT ,
The commissioner holds that tlio lands wore
not bwamp and overdoivod , made fit thereby
for cultivation , Secretary Noble says the
grounds for I eject ion were sufliclont.
Assistant Secretary Chandler todny ap
proved the decision revoking the cuso of
iiusoni-o of Charles II. Whltaker from his
pro mnptlon entry in the Chamberlain , S. [ ) . ,
district , lie also aftlrmed thn dcuUlon in the
undoslgnated land case of John Lomp , IloUo
City , Idaho , and the surveyor general is
directed to proceed to designate the lands.
The Rccoml assistant postmaster general
has ordered service on the star mall route
between Stuart and Butto. Boyd county , in
creased to six times a week.
In the mutter of the application made by
Senator Manderaon for the establishment o'l
u meteorological bureau at Norfolk the chief
of the weather bureau says thorn is no ap
propriation to cover the exponto and that
northern Nebraska Is at present very fairly
provided for and notes the fact that thov
uuvo a voluntary observer there now , but
that If the paopfo of Norfolk will purchase
the signal Hags , ha will order the dally fore
casts lent by wire.
A Wlutormuto was today appointed postmaster -
master at Platea , Snltne county , vice 13.
Hanetka , roslpnod.
Ktato Senator J , H , Woodruff and J , B ,
Okie , prominent citizens of Wyoming , were
at the Indian oftlue this afternoon with Sena
tor Warren oa matters relating to tholr
MM. Joseph MoC'aroy and Mrs. Warren
held a pleasant Informal reception at the
Arlington today. \ > , s. H ,
WAIIII.SV.TOX , D. a , fob. 10. IHiwclulTelo-
itraiu to THIS Uas.J-Thj following Hit of
pensions er.intod is raporto.1 by Trie Ben
nnd Kxnmlncr Bureau of t Inlms !
.Nebraska : Original Samuel Saundor .
lohn Al. Creafost , Uoorgo W. Millar , J , R
Snynor , Theodore Lasalrp , John M. Hullck ,
Patrick Fitzgerald , Knoch Moore. William
E. Morgan , Simon Klnlon , John II. Close ,
Irn B. Botkln. J. C. Kralg. Grinin Vnndyko ,
lohn Harris. Solomon P. Golgcr. Arlonls W.
Slmklns , Alfred DurnndVllllnin Bnrr. Seth
M , Mason , Vochel W. Superland , Samuel
Andrews , Alison Mvo , Hany Aiuyers , Ad
ditional , Wllllim T. Hiutlor. Norman P.
Kills , William J. Noolv. Original widows ,
&a Minarva Atwood. Alexlcan widows ,
> tc. Wllhelmlo Martin.
Iowa : Orlgltinl-Mlchaol H. McLnughlln ,
John P. Uoss , Joseph P. Wnro , Jacob 1C.
Miller , William Haelofson , George H. Mar
tin , Charles Al. Balloy , Silas Aluthorlv , John
H. Fliimm , Jacoo iV. Clnric , William V.
Palmclor , Robert P. Graham , W. GeorRo
Iloofll , John M. Plbbs , Ole S. Borgstad ,
Adam C. Iliwlck , Peter Clymor , James
Dutobor , George W. Armor , Georeo D. Don-
nldson , James Kuisoll , Joseph T. Souor , John
Coomer. John Osborn , Alex A. Sullivan ,
Prank D. Thompson , John C. Brunch , John
Patterson , Karl Schollffurtb , Lewis Coon ,
Moses A , Jacknmn , Alnthlus Baker , Thomas
B. Dohnrtv , James 1C. Houts , Henry
Sulsgivor , William T. West. Robert Penman -
man , Benjamin Brown , William H. Poster ,
Saniuel U. Rouse , Charles V. Hall. Yost
Schroonfcr , Simon J. Martin , Philip
Hunt , Jnmos S. Tlngloy , Peter Peterson ,
Andrew Lockrow. Aaron J. Jnspor , Eugunu
Prlsbeo , Simon Plold. John G. Carrpboll ,
William D. Graham , Harrison N. Bouncy ,
Tony Gobyl , William T. Judd , John S. Dryden -
don , Jn-jes II. Jefferson. Increase James
John. Original widows , etc. Ann B. Sobolt ,
AHco Alcskel , Anna Al. Hoffner , Laura
Galen , mother. Aloxicun widow Adam
South Dakota : Original James Leak ,
diaries Burnsldo , Jesse D. Alaion , Abljnh
Hubbard , Joseph A. Moore , D. J. Grilling ,
H. D. Rogers , E. L. InenlK William H.
Peck , E. H. Cope , George H. Varlco , ICdson
G. Comstock.
Ni-iiriilglu ruri-il In I'lriri'ii Mhuitri.
Mr. J. S. Sturtovnnt , editor of the Wuupacn
( Wis. ) Post , says : "LastiilghtChamoerlaln'.s
Pain Balm cured my wlfo of neuralgia of the
face nnd tooth In lit teen minutes. Wo would
not bo without It. " liO cout bottles for sale
by druggists.
Union soap Is irmdo of western pro
ducts try It.
Coiirtland lli'ach to lin Orarrd liy 11 rnshloii-
nhlt- SiiiiiiiintHotvl. .
The people of Omaha nnd vicinity have
clamored long nnd loud for n summer resort
near at homo , n resort which they could visit
together with tholr families without being
compelled to contribute largo amounts of
money In paying railroad fares.
On account of the lacit of such a resort tbo
wealthy ones have each summer Hocked to
tl.o mountains , while these or the middle
classes have found ploisuro In sojourning at
Allnnotonka , Spirit Lake and oven Alanewa.
At lust the problem has been solved , and
when tbo season opens Omaha pcoplo will
11 ml a resort not moro than twenty minutes
rldo from the business center of the city.
The proposed resort Is at Coiirtland Buacb ,
on tbo south shores of Cut-Oft lake.
A year or moro ago the Courtlandt Beach
Improvement , association , with Inrco capi
tal back of It , was organized. Thollrst uiovo
was to dredge thu lake und cover the bottom
with snud , thus making n Una and clean
beach. As far as the public know there the
matter rested and the siine public hoped
against hope. Tbo stockholders of the com
pany , many of whom uro among the richest
men in tho" city , were not idle. Ttioy were
busy getting their affairs in sbapo to begin
active operations this 'season.
Some weeks ago they employed nn archi
tect to draft the plans for a summer hotel ,
pavilion , bath houses and pagodas. This
work has been completed nnd the contract
for erecting the buildings has been let , with
the understanding that they are to no com
pleted and ready for occupancy on Decora
tion day , the day on which the pleasure ro-
soit will ho opened to the public.
The plans for the hotel contemplate a
building to cost $1'JOUO. It will oo a frame
structure two storlos in height , with wldo
verandas running entirely nround the first
and second stories. It will bo con
structed similar to the fashtonablo sum
mer hotels r.t the seaside resorts ,
with the reception , dining rooms , parlors and
kitchens on the lirst , lloor. The second lloor
will bo given up to private rooms and par
Tbo bunding will stand about 100 footfrutn
the shore of the lake , upon a high knoll ,
thus maintaining a flue view ot the entire
shoot of water.
Mr. Phllbin says that besides the hotel
there will be any number of bath houses , all
neatly furnished and equipped with all
modern conveniences.
A now steam yacht capable of carrying 100
people has been purchased , to urrivo May 15.
But this will not afford the
only facilities for boating , as l.'O
new boats of modern design
have boon purchased to arrive before the
opening of the season.
A largo amount of work will bo done upon
the luke ns soon ns spring opens. Thu bottom
tom will bo smoothed off and covered with
sand , which will enable bathers to go out
lully : ! ( ) ( ) feet from shore before Rotting
bovond their depth.
Thcso improvements which hnvo all boon
contracted for will represent an outlay of not
loss than WO,000.
How to roach tbo lake Is a question that
might worry the pleasure seekers , but , that
problem has been solved. Arrange
ments have been completed by which
tno Omaha Street Car company will extend
UH Sherman avenue line from the intersec
tion ot Spraguostrcot north to Amos uvonuo ,
aid thence oaat , to the hotel over the bridge
which Is to bo built by the county
nnd city over the west arm of
the lako. Thu cars will maintain
a ton-minute service during tbo season , with
nn-ccntfuro from the business center of the
The projectors of the enterprise ) state that
the resort will bo lii-at-class In every respect
nnd will bo a place that ladles without
escorts can visit without fear of being in
Noiv Washington , I'onn. , I'uoplu
nro not slo'V about taking hold ot a new
thing. If the article has merit. A few months
ago David livers of that place hcught bis
tlrst stoolc of Chnmborlaln'H Cough Romcdv.
lie has sold It all and ordered mora. Unsays :
"It has given the best of satisfaction. I
have warranted every bottle , and have not
had ono como buck. " CO cent and $1 bottles
for sale by druggists.
Union H3ip ! , { , 'U muitood to tioiiso.
A Wagon Load nl thn Coniioiiii | < > I'liKse * the
1'ollru Innprrtlon.
A woman nml live children , ranging in ago
from 0 to 1(1 ( years , drove up to thu police sta
tion ynstorday morning with u demoralized
covered wagon and sadly debilitated horse
and nskod for assistance ,
The woman said that they lived on a
farm near Lincoln , where her husband died
about a.veuragoand they were on their way to
Burlington , In. , where they have relatives.
That they were In destitute aud very needy
circumstances was apparent at a glunco.ovon
before the mother staled that they had had
nothing to eat since Thursday noon. A
rickety stove In the wagon throw out very
llttlo bent and tbo scantily clud children
crouched sblvoringly near it ,
The most repulsive feature of tlio ontlro
outlltwaitbe oldest of the children , a 10-
year-old girl.
Her face was stained with tobacco , and
from either corner of her mouth hud oxudad
a decoction of the masticated weed that hud
meandered down over her chin and down her
neck , leaving well defined narrow gauxo
trails behind. The forward wboul and shaft
on tbo sldo on which sbo sat , as well
as the rump of the regretful
boast that furnished mollvo power ,
were likewise covered with a
frozen coating of browish varnish that indi
cated the strength ana continuity of her
"chaw , " The outtlt was referred to the
county commissioners.
Union soap , inumimclurcd in Neb ,
Kejmlillrun State Com rat Commlttun ,
The republican state central committee will
moot at tbo Allllanl hotel this after
noon. The mooting will bo a very interesting
ono , and several important questions will
como up for consideration.
Every grocer haiuUoa Union t > oup.
Governor Boyd Prepares a Lettsr for Mem
bers of the Leislature.
AllliiMi'p Lenders Arc Kuoun to l'n\or tlin
Iileu lint Them t * Sumo Doiitit ( if tlin
J'or onnl IVclInc' ' r tlin Inilepeiiil.
out Ilpprr r
LIXCOI.V , Nob. , Fob. 19. ISpoclnl to Tun
Ur.n.J Oovornor Boyd lm a * yet mudo no
stntomotit M to tits vlows In rogiud to oAlllng
nn oxlrn soislon , and It mny bo stated that
ho has not determined Just aa to want courao
to purs no. Ho will sound the members of
the leislnturo thomsolvci before coming to
nny conclusion nnd will nslc their vlows upon
tbo mnttor , especially upon the subjects
will oh should bo umbrncod in the cnll for nn
extra session. With this and In view onch
member of the legislature will within the
next few days rocolvo n copy of the following
loiter :
"Denr Sir : Would you hnvo the kindness
to ndviso mo by return mail your opinion ns
\yhotbor , In your JudR'nont , It Is ndviinblo
lor'me to cull an nxtru session of tbo lORisln *
turo , nnd If so , wimt , subject or subjects
should , In your opinion , DO embraced In snld
cnll. Also whether you think the members
of the legislature would ngrco upon n renion-
ublo maximum rnto bill say n reduction from
the present tnriff rntos of It ) to L'O per cent.
Most truly yours , .1. E. Horn , Oovornor. "
It will bo lmiu siblo , of course , to foro-
aliudow the results of the proposed inquiry ,
ns it is well known thnt the members of tbo
legislature are tbomiolvos divided upon tbo
question. Editor Plrtlc , who but yesterday
succeeded .lay Burrows as editor of the
Farmers Alliance , the mouthmoco of the
Independent party of the state , Is known to
bo In favor of nn'oxtra session , nnd said last.
evening that ha ooliuvcd ono would bo callad
early In March. Hoprosontatlvo MoKoynolds ,
an'd Independent member trom Clay county ,
was nt the capital todny , and hu slntod that
In his belief there would bo no session. So
the comments and opinions run , and it is not
Impossible that when Oovornor Hoyil has received -
coivod replies from all ot his inquiries no
will bo as much In the dark asjto the wlshas
of the members of the legislature as ho Is ut
present ,
Mujor WinCim's Appointment.
With reference to the many criticisms thnt
hnvo been gratuitously bestowed upon J. C.
Watson for nccoptinp n position upon Gov
ernor Doyd's staff Adjutant Vif-
qtialn today made the following statement :
"Mr. .T. U. Watson's appointment as Judpo
advocate general has b on the c.iuso of much
adverse criticism against Uovornor Boyd and
Mr. Watson. Tucso gentlemen have never
answered these criticisms because vhoy
Unow them to bo unjust and because they
bollovod that the truth would at the proper
time bo inado public. That time has now
como ana Inasmuch ns I was responsible for
the appointment it is proper that I should
make the explanation.
"You will remember that during the In
dian campaign in the aarly part of last year
a member of iba Nebraska National guard
was ulllod by a comrade. A board of inquiry
Investigated" matter , in accordance with
mllllury regulations , and in duo time tbo report
port of the board , with all the evidence
taken , reached mo. After roadlnc the report
very carefully , I wns of the opinion that the
killing of the soldier referred to was a mur
der Instead of an accident. I feared that
tbo friends of the man might give the state.
some trouble , mid to guard against this I
sent for Mr. Wilts on , then in thosenato cham
ber , and submitted the case to him. I asked
him it he , as judco advocate general , ac
quainted with the technicalities of military
Jurisorudenco , could assure mo of a success
ful defense in the event of the matter ilnd-
ing its way Into the courts. Ho was positive
ho could. After consultation with Governor
noyd , Mr. Watson was Appointed Judge ad
vocate to meet this emergency. This was
the secret , of the whole matter , and I hardly
think it fair to criticise Governor Boyd or
Mujor Watson because they acted with the
best interests of the state in view.
"Tho state first , the party next is peed
democratic doctrine. Wo were actuated by
this nnd this nlono in the appointment ot
Major Watson nnd ho was no doubt actuated
by his sense of duty to the state in accepting
the place , as there are no emoluments con
nected with the olllcc. "
'Money Muni ( > < > In thu Stato.
Yesterday ( Jhtoi Oil Inspector Holmrod ad-
drnsscd n letter to Attorney General Hast
ings submitting for his opinion n very line
point ot law. According to his letter Inspector
specter Carncs bad balanced the books on
February 1 , of the present year , with a cash
balance on Imnd of & > ( )5,09. ) Mr. Hclmrod re
quested Mr. Cnrncs to turn over nil boolis ,
records , moneys nnd other property belong
ing to tbo office. Mr. Carncs at once turned
over the books , but replied thnt the money In
his hands would bo turned into tbo state
treasury according to law. The point
made by Mr Hcimrod in his letter to the
attorney general was that the law requires
all moneys In excess of the salaries and ex
penses turned into the state treasury ut the
and of each ilscal year. The pay of the
deputies and the Inspector is pro rated upon
the total fees collected for tno whole year ,
nnd any action on the part of Mr. Carncs in
withholding a portion of the year's receipts
would seriously embarrass the Inspector and
his deputies in the event that the year's re
ceipts were not largoonounh to pay OXDOIISOS.
It. was Mr. Ileimrod's belief that all moneys
collected by Mr. Carncs during the current
year should bo turned over to him instead of
the state treasury.
Attorney General Hastings today gave it
as his opinion that Mr. Carnos could not do
otherwise than to turn the money Into ttio
state treasury. The gist of bis opinion is
contained in the following sentence : "To
state it another way , in the event ho should
turn ever the money remaining In his hands
at the close of his term of oftlco which was In
excess of his salary and the salary of bis
several deputies , nnd which belonged to the
state , to any person than the state treasurer ,
1 am free to suy that bo and bin bondsmen
would bo liable to the state therefor , "
Uiimlm C.iho In the Hunromo Court.
An Interesting cuso from the district court
of Uougtas county reached tbo aunromo court
today. It is entitled Jensen ngalnst the
Lewis investment company. The point in
volved U the liability of an investment coin-
puny for the acts of n man who is only torn-
porurll.r In their employ ns nn agent , Jensen
fa the owner of n piece of property In the city
of Omaha , nnd In the spring of 1HS7 negotiated -
tiatod n loan on the property through ono L.
A. Stowiirt. This man Stewart was not the
solo aeont of the Lewis Investment company ,
but placed applications for loans with various
companies , according to circumstance * . The
Jensen loan was placed with tbo Lewis com.
pnny of Dos Moines. Jensen signed notes
and mortgages to the amount of 1,200. and
tbo papers worn duly tiled. The Lewis
company forwarded the money to
Stewart , who failed to pay It over
to Jensen , but as alleged In the papers in the
casa absconded. In the lower court the
Lewis company claimed that Stewart was
Jensen's agent rather than tuolr's. Judga
Wukoloy hold In hU decision that for that
occasion at least Stewart was the agent of
the Lewis company and hence tLat company
was responsible for his acts. Hu ordered
the Lewis company to cancel tbo notes and
rulraso the mortgage within ten days. The
supreme court is now usKed to do'cido the
point at issue. The case is much more Itn-
portant than It appears on the surlaco. If
the investment company wins in the su promo
court every loan und investment company
v& &
can escnpo nil responsibility of nnr of Its
nqctits by simply not havinc nnv regularly
appointed adopts. Tjoyvllt | simply ngrco
to receive nnil take under consideration ap
plication * for lonns frohi nny ono who mny
choose to send thonn Tlio cuso will tic
wntched with no llttlo .Interest by represent-
tattvos of largo Investiiiont companies In this
Who llrrchrs lliu Commission ?
The pcoplo of the istnto who have bcon
wondering whether , or not the ofllcliils np-
pointed by Governor' Hoyil n year URO ,
bounced by Oovernor' Thayer In May last ,
and who nro ouce nioro In their old ninccs by
vlrtuo of the rrlnstntotnont of Oovornor
Boyd , will bo entitled to the back salary at *
tuchod to thulr respective positions tuny
possibly roaa an answer to tholr query ho-
twcon the Hues of nn "opinion expressed ofll-
cially by Attorney General Hustings this
nftornoon. In January last 1C. R Cushman
took his sent ns treasurer of Groolo.v county.
Ills o111co was contested by II , M , Milnewho
wns declared by the courts entitled to the
ofllcxi. During the Cushman administration
n certain sum of money wns collected belonging -
longing to the state , the commissions on the
snmo amounting to W.'t3.0'2. The query arose ,
who Is entitled lo the foes Cushman or
Milne ! The attorney genera ! cave It as his
opinion that the auditor should "credit to
such ofllcor ns has performed the services
auch fees as ho would , under tbo statutes , bo
entitled , provided , of course , such fees were
cnrnod while ho actually held such onico and
performed the duties thereof under color
and claim of right. "
( Ictitlp lit thnStnto Homo.
Articles of Incorporation of tno Co-opcra-
tlvo Union of Palmyra were filed with the
secretary of stnlo today. The company has
n cnnltnl of ? T > U,000 and will donl in farm produce -
duce on the co-operative plan.
The VUrlllod Urlck company of Nohr.isua
City was Incorporated today by O. S. Miller ,
H. P. Euan and T. J. Hvans , with n capital
stock of S100.000.
State Treasurer Hill and Secretary of
State Allen roturncd from tholr Texas trip
this afternoon. General Thtiyor will rolurn
Tnonoxtstatotoachers'oxnn.tntUlon will beheld
hold simultaneously at Lincoln , North
I'latto nnd Norfollt on September 1 and 'J.
Representative McHoynoldsof Clay county
visttod the scone of former loglslativo con-
Illets today aim Incidentally predicted that
there would bo no extra session.
No now appointments 'Wore nmno todny
but It 13 conlldontly expected that a number
will bo made Monday.
TlipyMlll riRlit.
The war botxvcon Chief Dittoes nnd the
pnmblors Is still on. Ono night last weeK
the chief and four other ofllcors swooped
down , or more properly speaking , up , as the
pamblors were In the third story , on a party
In the Hotel Ideal. It has lone bcon sus
pected that Rambling was col up on there ,
but owing to the presence of two men nt the
doors and electric bolls all attempts to got In
were balked. Tuts time , however , they pot
n confedcraln insldo the hotel , nnd cntrnnro
was secured through his window , The cnso
was culled before Judge Borgelt this after
noon. The defense sought to provo bv Dlnges
that entry was secured by stealth , constitu
ting tro pass , nnd that to enter a dwelling at
nlfjht It must bo by special lonvo of the court
by n search warrant. The court ruled that
the witness need not nnswor. After consld-
ornb'.n argument the case was taken under
ndvisomont ,
Thilt Clerkship Contest.
The recount of votes In the district clerk
ship contest is proceeding very alowlv. All
ballots In any way Indicating the Intent of
the voter , whether markqd with load pencil ,
at the ricbt or insldo the lines , are admitted.
There nro still seventeen precincts to ba can
vassed , and if the contestant , \Vaito , does
not pain nny ruoro than ho has so far , the
contest will bo useless. So far his not gam
is only fourteen.
from the .Court House.
Judge Field today granted divorces to
Randolph M. Volte from CyntU L. Volk , and
Lena M. Nourso from Fred H. Nourso. De
sertion mid cruelty were the grounds In each
caso.Tho will of John C. Soverin , sr. , late of
Bndu precinct , wns lilcd for probate. The
wlfo guts nil the real and personal property ,
with the exception of a bequest of S1UO lo
each of the seven children.
Emma H. Holmes , administratrix of the
estate ofV. . \V. Holmes , deceased , wascivon
leave to convey twenty acres of land to the
Lincoln Normal university , as u bonus for
locating near nor quarter section.
OildH mill Kiul * .
Ulchard Plowman is perhaps the most
courageous of nil Lincoln men. He slapped
his mother-in-law yesterday , and this aUer-
noon was hauled before the bur of justice for
his temerity. Ho paid n small llnu tor the
N. S. Scott , ono of Lincoln's pioneers , died
at bis homo in this city last ovomn ? . Ho was
formerly county utlornoy of Onondaga
county , Now York , an old soldier , city coun
cilman nnd city engineer. Funeral will occur
Sunday nfternoon.
Articles incorporating the Western Normal
college of Lincoln were llled with the county
clerk today.
Kichard Murphy , proprietor of a South
Lincoln planing mill , will probably lese his
eye , too result ot its coming in contact with
mi augur , which slipped whllo ho was at
worlc todny.
Al Woods was arrested at 1 o'clock this
morning for robbing his brother. Thu latter
lives in n shanty in ono of the suburbs , and
at 2 o'clock yesterday morning Al secured
entrance thereto by u window , and ' setting
upon his brother gave him ngood boatlngaud
took ? 5 , all the money ho had about him.
The prisoner claims that his brother owed
him some money , nnd refusing to pay it ho
took this method of collpo'.lng it.
The police succeeded last night in breaking
upntough resort forlowdcharacters , adunco
hull on South Tenth street , where young
girls wcro nichtly lured.
The Board of Trade todny ro-elotod C. A.
Atkinson as secretary. Atkinson is inter
ested In property on the cast aide , nnd dur
ing the recent war of words between the two
syndicates after normal colleges , some of thn
members of the oonrd took umbrage at At
kinson's oflorts in Oehnlf of the oust sido. A
threat was made to defeat him for re-election
as secretary , but it did not lully develop.
Mayor Weir wont to Oinalni today to con
fer with the railroad managers about the O
street viaduct. Tbo only obstacle to .success
now Is the disinclination of the Union Pn-
olflo to pay two-fifths of the cost , they claim
ing that tbo Hock Island , which has trackage
rights OVPP their road , should pay one-halt'
of their apportionment.
A handsome complexion a ono of tbo
greatest charms u woman can possess , Poz-
zoui's complexion powder gives it.
Dr. Blnioy.nosoiuiU tnroat. Ban bldj *
_ _ _ _ . . . . _ . _ . .
VN - / % - / \ \ N \Xv v v > V- .XS. V. NJ * v y * * v j f
Complying with general re
quest , .
will in future for the United
States be fjfl'yercd ' with a
Quickly Soluble ,
Pleasan1 Coating ,
completely , disguising the
taste of the PjR without in any
way impairiug its efficacy.
J'rice as > fff > itt a Iiox.
New York Depot 36 ? Canal Street.
Slipplnir of th *
inoulder liupos *
alblr. Alk your
dnl r for them ot
witil 21110 for sain
l > h < imlr to Kuca
Hull. iiBpciiilvr
f. . . f.7 lo l
I'rlitv til. , Nea
y.mtliful CITOM
rarlr decay , wantln/woAkiii'M. kft luanbmvl , vto ,
I will wml a valualilu trratlxi lu ulmll coutalnliu
full umlouUra for luma cur. ' . Fllii : ! of rliarxe.
A rpleu Hit mutllcnl wnrlc f ahoulil U ) read by evvry
man whn U lu-mmi out tlr illlUUd. Aililrbst.
Prof. i' . C. i'OU'LUClvMooilua , C'ouuV
Union Pacific Trainmen Submit a New
Stitoment of Thotr Claims.
As < Utitnt ( Irnrriit Milliner DleUltKon
II in Acreeil In Con ller tlin Now
Selieilnlo ( ) nieer < In Connell
> "otoi and l'i > r < niinl .
The Indications now point to nn nmlcnblo
settlement of the points nt Issue between the
Union I'.iclllo railway nnd Its conductors nnd
Assistant General Manager Dickinson ro-
colvod the grlnvanco committees this after
noon , nnd the numerous changes proposed U >
the now schedule submitted by the employes
nro being discussed In detail. Mr.
Dickinson lias expressed n willing
ness to concede the domntuU for over
time , which Is the most Important
point In the revised schedule , nnd the minor
Issues will bo compromised ,
When the commuters began work on their
first sohcdulo each member brought to the
meeting the p.rlevnr.cos of his own particular
division. They worn more Itnnorttint to him
nnd his constituents than the complaints ot
others , nnd , loyal to the IntoroUs ho repre
sented , ho Insisted on having all his griev
ances embodied in the schedule. The Union
Pacific traverse * nn enormous stretch of
country , with widely vnring conditions on
Its several divisions , nnd In order
to avoid discord the cotnifllttlos Incorporated
In their schedule n great many points to
nppoaso particular sections. The result wn *
seven elaborate propositions embodying n
considerable Increase In wages , which Mr.
Dickinson estimated nt fSOO.OUU a yonr.
When the grand officers , Mossr.i. ( Jlnrlt and
Morrlssoy , arrived the schedule was .sub
mitted to them. They undertook to liarmon-
izo conflicting Interests , anilatlio committees
permitted thorn to act ns judges and arbi
trators. The grand officers took
the stand thnt the wages of Union
Pacitld employes compared favorably with
these paid by other railways , and the di
rected their efforts to the correction of Ine
qualities and abuses existing under the
present schedule.
The most Important of these Is the compu
tation of overtime , In which there has been
an unfair discrimination against conductors
nnd brnkomon , particularly on freight trains.
For example , they might bo sldo tracked by
n dispatcher for hours and would receive no
pay for the lost time , while the engineers
und llrcmon would be allowed overtime.
Mr. Dickinson has conceit the Justice of
the demand for a change in the
rules governing overtime , nnd ns
the revised schedule approved by the grand
officers and now under discussion proposes n
comparatively small Increase in the Item of
wages it is nrobablo that a satisfactory
agreement will bo reached.
The conference will bo continued today.
Whllo Mr. Dickinson admits injustice In the
matter of overtime , the committees Insist
that the other demands are equally fair. The
questions at Issue nro being argued in order ,
and the conference is llknly to run ever into
next week.
NotrH anil IVrriointl * .
J. H. Scnnlan , Union Paoilic agent at Kear
ney , was in the city yesterday.
W. J. Niomoyor of Chicago nnd C. H. Mor-
rell of St. Louis , both of the Southern I'a-
clllc , nro in the city.
J. H. Lothrop of Kearney , general freight
agent of the Kearney & Black Hills railroad ,
was in town yesterday.
For scrofula in every form Hood's ' Sarsa
parllla is a radical , reliable remedy. It has
and uncqualod record of cures.
Dr. BIrnoy euros catarrh. BlSK bldg
Aiming Military 'Men.
Captain Quinton of the Seventh Infantry ,
stationed at camp Pilot Uutto , was n culler at
army headquarters yesterday.
Major C. S. Ibley , recently promoted to the
rank of major of the Ninth cavalry , was a
caller at army headquarters yesterday.
Ho was on his way to Fort Hohinson.
The delay in appointing a brigadier general
to 1111 the place made vacant by the retire
ment of General KuuU lias become a subject
of much conjecture nod wonder among army
officer . It Is almost two months .since Gen
eral Kautz was retired , and still there Is no
appointment. In Juno next there will bo two
more vacancies made by the retirement of
two moro officers , and the contest between
aspiring onicor-i will bo continued.
Von Houten's Cocoa "Onco tried , used
Iti'Kiiliir Army nml .Vivy I'nlon.
Several now garrisons have lately been os
tablisbod west of tbo Mississippi und others
will be shortly organised at Fort * D. A. Rus
sell , Hoblnson , Douglas , Sully , Clark , Camp
Pilot Butte , Gatvoston and Huron.
Ho ! Traveller , take Boechnm's Pills with
Vanilla - " \ Of perfect purity.
Lemon - Of great strength.
Eoonomy In tholr use
Almond -I
Rose GtCfl Flavor as delicately
and dollclously no the frooh fruit
from which tlio oicoea of
oil lias IKJO.U removed , la
Absolutely Pure
and It is Soluble.
No Chemicals
nro used hi its preparation. It hns
more than three times the strength of
Cocoa mixed with Starch , Arrowroot
or pugnr , nnd la therefore far more
economical , cos'.iny less than one cent
a cu ; > , It Is delicious , nourishing ,
strengthening , UASII.Y DIOKSTKU ,
nnd lulmlnibly ndnjitcd for invalids
as well ns for persons in health.
Hold by Orooera ovorywheru.
W. BAKER & CO. , Dorchester , Mass.
that fill your
life , If you ro n ,
fccblo , uVi ( < rip.R
woman , ean Ixi
taken out of It ,
The chronic
functional do-
peculiar to your FOX , can lx > taken nway.
The ono mifiilllnjr remcxly for thorn Is Dr.
1'icrco's Tnvorlto Prescription.
It corrects , euro , nnd ImlUls you up. It
Improves digestion , rnriclie * the blood , ills-
l > cls nrhes nnd palna , melancholy nml nci v
ousnoss , hriiiRji refrosliln ; { sleep nnd restores
health nnd strength. Kor iwrloillcat imiin ,
Internal Inllnmnmtton nnd ulccrntlon , weak
back , lencwrlion , nnd nil kindred nllmrnls ,
It's n ixwitlvo specillc ono that Isiinnm ( -
It It fulls to pivo Kitlsfnrtloii , In nny cnso ,
the money pntil for It U roturmxl.
A llttlo IhKik , onVcmmn mid Her IU-
eases , " sent to nny address , settled from < > ( >
serration , on receipt of ton cents for post- .
Address , World's Otfiwnsnry Medical As
sociation , t ! J Mnln Street , IlulTnlo , N. Y.
An Ideal Complexion Soap.
For unto hf nil Tniennrt KnnryOoocNDoulori.nrlf
unntilo to nromro tilts Wonilcrriil * om > spml SB
cvuta In ptiuiipn n'lil rccclvo n cnhc by return mnll.
JAS.S. KIRK & CO. , Chicago.
Mrr.rT\l.-Rlmmlmtn < < IIs Wnlt * ( the nnimlm
Borlot ? \Vi\H7)"i-nl ) Pit P. I" In mivonu scnuhiK UG
Uiruu wrappers of Sli niton IlclN Soup.
The casting out of the devil
of disease was once a sign
of authority.
Now we take a little more
time about it and cast out
devils by thousands we do
it by knowledge.
Is not a man who is taken
possession of by the germ of
consumption possessed of a
devil ?
A little book , on CAREFUL
LIVING and Scott's Emulsion
of cod-liver oil will tell you
how to exorcise him if it can
be done.
SCOTT & ROWNK , Cliemiits , i j > South 51)1 ) Avenue ,
New York.
Your druggist keeps ScottS Emulsion of ( .od.liver
oil til druggist * everywhere do. $ i.
lrimlml.lmilv nnd puree from DIIU.N'IC-
llllt'UMAhriAr.inlin nurcly , nuloly
nnd upetMllly cured by tliu womlortul nuwppfclile
No mnttor whether the pornon H n inodornto or
"pnrlodlwl" drlnUur or n " total wreck , " CIMI.O-
K KHIOII.1 > lie . ( roy N nil niM > fl lie or rrnvlilB
for ulcMlKillu klliniilunti without , harm or In-
comunlenco.unclnssure * the p.'UIC'Titnew Ufa Mint
hnpplncbs. Huliij. lunluli-'x It can bo given hy n
irlunil In ten , cufli'i * . lonionarto , beer , llijuors or
food without the ii ilicnt'H knowluilKU , or U can ho
tnXen hy the mtlent III thu pamo llnuldt , with n
ininrniueuof uvioluto.iiicc .iiiii < l 111'inllciil euro
in either enf.p. Iltmilmilnof eurtMhavo licciiinnilu
with : In llllnnlH nlniio. I'rlrn
within riMiehof nil.only .
can hu linit ol'o'ir iiKeritu < r KL-UC iioNlpitld liy
u > . 1'iuinililel" fiiniHlicd I roc. All corroiiioiiilcnro
rontlilentlul. MA IIKIIX'IIK IIC'.VI.CO. , Solo
1'roiirlctorn for the I' . S. , ! IW Dearborn tit. , Ublcnuu
Kulin & Co. . Co.r 15lh & DUUKIHH t > t
J .A. Tullcr & . t n. , Cor Hlli DouglM Sts.
A. I ) . Foster & Uo , "o-iuell lllulll.l
JjNever folia to Rlvo Injtnnt rclli t In the wont
CH. nml uHVeln oilrm uhrrv other * full.
Trill l'iclit I'HCi : of IlruitiliU or liy Hall.
pit. II. BCmFFMANW. Ht. ! ' ! , Ulan.
To promote health ,
preserve and length
en life , stimulate
and invigorate the
whole system , tone
the stomach , aid
digestion , create an
appetite and repair
the waste tissues
of the lungs ,
nothing surpasses
an absolutely pure
whiskey of deli
cious flavor ,
smooth to the taste ,
mellow , mature
and of richest qual-
Unlike infcrior whiskies it
not rasp or scald the throat
and stomach , Call for CREAM
PURE RYE and take no other.
iFor sale only at high-class liquor
and drug stores.
nMjhr.MAND .t CO , , OII10AUO.
Hiunplu * can ho luul at the Mlllurd lintel.
nt. thu .Mnrry. nt Thompson , ut J , A Tnthlll ,
.1. A. Wood fi Co , Hotel Dullonu , Moymlmn's ,
Thu Diamond ,
The Original and Genuine
Impart ) the mot delicious U to and test
of iLKTT KU from
TLEMAN at M d.
rn . to lila brother I'lHll ,
at WOlUJEtiTJUt ,
May , l L HOT A CO1JI
1EA k PtniUNS' DII2ATH ,
that thftlr aauco IB
lilKlUy esteemed lo
IiidU , and la la cujr
ojiiuion , tbo moat VVKI.S1I-
ralatablo , aa well
w tbe moat whole ,
tome nauo that la
Beware of ImitatJQD.i
BOB that you get Lea & Peirins' '
Ulirnatiira on every Inttle of OrluinaS b Ocinilna.
bait undonlr capiuloi iireirlbud br
fouulur iili > ilrlau > for Ilia euro ut
Gonorrboi and Ueliartfui fr-jiuthii urluarf uu n < :
t ere t f ic * lui iluji , il.ioier but , All flrm.'i.'lnt
After Yei-s of Unsuomssful S3Aroh for I
Cure , Martin Aml-r-on Oots HnHefl'rou
the Chliusn DoolorVolmtir / Taitl
OMAHA , Nob. . .Inn. 18 , 18X3.
To whom It Altty Concern ;
Tills is to eortlfv thnt , I hnvo boon n
constant sulToror for ninny years with
ontarrh. asthma ami bronchial ulTeu-
tltms of thi ) throat , ami tried all I ho
oalent medicines mnl remedies I over
heard of , hut with no "success. I lieateil
with doctors in various parts of tlio
country , hut none of thorn could tlo mo
any ( jtioil further than jjivliifj mo short
temporary toliof. I sull'eroil nichi tunl
ilay. ami continued to grow worse not
withstanding all the medicine I hail
taken. I had almost trivon up mv cnso
as hopeless when I wns informed' hv u
frioad of Dr. O. Gee \Vo , the Chinuso
doctor , nnd advised to no and see him in
the hopoof tfottliitf relief at least , if not
u noi-maiient euro for my trouble. I waa
slow in mnkiny up my mind lo malto
Btich a radical chansjo I'M my treatment ,
as I know a trial with the Chinese decor -
or would hriiifj m > , hut I finally 0011-
luded to ( jive him a tri il. no 1 oillod u * .
hisolhco with that intention. 1 found
tlio doutor u clover , ontortainintffj01'110' '
man , thoroughly poitod on my condi
tion , and it toolc only a vorv short time
to convince mo thai ho was the pnrty t
was so long in search of. Ho told mo
my case was curable , and that ho could
cure mo , and prepared mo a suecial
treatment to suit my condition , and in
two weeks 1 wim s-o much holler that I
had the fullcsl conlidenco in the doctor's
ability and committed my case to hip
treatment. I continued lo grow Lol'or
rapidly and am now ontuoly well. J'
ewe my euro to Dr. C Goo Wo , and am
not ashamed to admit it. 1 advisoall
who want relief from their troubles to
call on Dr. C. Guo Wo. and they will ho
cured. For all particulars apply or
write to MAUTIX L. AN'i > uucov ,
51121 earning St. , Omaha , Nob.
DH. 0. UUK WO ,
KoRiilnr jradnntoof Chinese niodu-tnc. oUbt
yo.irVstiidy , Ion yuarV practice. Treats sue-
ccs-.fully nil diseases known to millerlng hu
Hoot" , planlHiind herbs iiatiiro'troniodles
his ini-dli-lnes the world hN witness ; l.two los-
tlinonla's. Call and Hen him , Uonsult-ithm
fret ) . Han also constantly on hand reniod os
for lliu following disease * roudv prepared :
Asthma , Catarrh , ItlioiiniatKtii , Indigestion ,
Lost Mnnhooii , female Slolc
ucho. Blood I'tirlllnr. and Kliln y ami Mvur.
I'rloe , ono dollar pi > r bottle or Hlx for live dol-
liirs. Those who uaiinot. call , onclosu S-c-ont
stamp for qtuwlldn list ami full particulars
l Iflco , Cor. 10th ami California Sti. . O.naH
Nev/ / L At3 I
Wisatre ,
Seventeenth anil llui ney Stroeti.
This ( Saturday ) February 2O.
I.a t Tno 1'ei foi inance.-f of
Maggie Mitchell
In a new pity , w rltlcn i-viiri- ly for her hy C T.
DA/.ICV. untltliM ,
Prices 1'lrH ( lour , 75c ; linli-uny , f 0c
1'rlcoa'ic. . We , "do uml f I.
til Hi I'KIL'KS
Every Night This Week.
'tho Coinoillan
III tiu ! .Nuw Kiiitluiiil Coim-ily.
SiipjimtiMl liy it xtrimi ; eiMiiimny Im-luilliiic MISS
TI1OJA lilllbWUI , ! ) .Miillnmi huliinl.iy
Monday Ev'ng. Feb. 22.
Kiirowoll Appearance In tills O'ty of
15. SAIUIIM 1' '
Unilnr the Direction of Messrs. Henry M ,
Abbey aii'l ' M inrk'i'Oran , I'lL'suntinn
Drama In Hvo Ai-ln nnd Hlx Tableaux , hy
VlTOtliN ( | : SAIEDOl' .
tain St Theater I'OI'UI.AIt I'UIOIvrf
_ _
JOHN L. rJUIVAN ( 1 4 MKhts Only i DUNCAN B.
Ihu lloj. Hun. Mill
World'H Champion ' Teh , lil , | HARRISON
Hiiiiilay .Miitliivo , iiiiKliir Nlnlit. .Monilny Nlulit , lu
Human II , llnrrlsun'a rii.ccuinful Coinoily Druiim
Tuctilny Nlulil. Wailnunduy Mullnco , Wed
NUht , Thulr IiHtu tlruitt MIOC'OII ,
lil D EN MUS I 1 Ii.
AiiH ] > ni'M nt ! t , -I , 8 , and 10 oYluek.
Krldnr linlli'H' Hiiuvoiilr ilny ; cli'tfiint piuiul pliuto-
uf Mr . How | ir > cnto < l tu HID luillui ,
lOo Admits to All-lOc
i i ' '
'i'lioonly jiorfuct Voalnul
.inil llvclal Kjrrlnvo lu
tlio trurlil
I lli8 onljr njrrlnco ever
Invented \ij \ wlilcli vu-
lilintl Injections on u bo
mlmliilstorocl nltliout
IfiiklMK nml nollliitf thu
r.lotlilnv or ncctiiillut *
lllfftUlUBOO { U VBIaUl ,
unit wliloli can aliu k
mod tor roctnl Inject *
lon orlrrUatluu ,
U will tburouiftily clean
tlio neck of tlio womb
tnil entire Toulrm , t/
cotu lotoly dlituadlmt
lliuvoulnnl fold ! , and
drowlnvall dlirlmrgci
out with lli fluid Into
tlie bulb.
Price $3.
THI : AI.OE & I'ENroLD co. ,
15th tit. , next to 1' . O. Uniulia , Null.
rrojiiiHiil fur Lund fur I'arlci ,
Hoalud proposals for land for I'urk Burnosoi
will l ) rouulvud tin to ( p. in. . Mnroh 4tn. ut
tliuullluu of thu Turk ( .oniinls lonura , Huuh
liincl must ho at nn KrnaliT dlsluncu from llm
city than thu truiai nuw under cuntui.iilHtluu
forniiruhaie. TllICO. OI.HKN ,
rili-SiJ W "oiuuu11 < r.