Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 20, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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OF1 ICi : : - NO. 12 PKAHL STRUCT.
lij t'nrrlcr In any part of tlio City
sOnico No 41
TIM , J i-iinM sJ Htiilnc
NKll , ) Killtur No W
At If , Olt .WKATJOA.
N , Y PlumblnpCo.
Council IJIufTs Lumber Co , cosl.
Cmtt's chattel loans. CO ! Sipp block.
Mrs H. H Pit-Id will entertain u pirty of
friends at high HM > tomorrow ovcnlnt ? .
MM I , W Hess entertained a number of
her Indy fi lends jcsterdav nftcrnoon at a
Kensington ten
The ladies of All Saints' mission will en
trrtidn n social nt the residence of Mrs V
W. Irudo , ! il South Twenty-second street ,
till * cvcnln r.
Miss r.tticl U'cst ctilot tallied n number of
her joilng friends Saturdnj afternoon nt her
home \VnshltiKtou avcnuo in honor of her
7th hlrthday.
The funeral of Mrs Nancy Bonn will ho
held Saturday afternoon at i ! o'clock at the
, refidcnce , 'JJS Harmony street , Hcv J O
Lumen nfllclallnp.
The case of Docro , Well * ft Co. nRaltist
Aultmnn .Sr Miller still occupies tlio district
court. It li proving n great drawing uird to
the representatives of tlio various implement
houses of the cltv. H will piobabl } not bo
completed hofoto Saturday nlteinooti.
Orcn Lamb und Miss Anna Covnlt were
mnrrioil i.lcht before last at the homo of the
bride's patent" , Mr nnil Mrs rriond Covalt ,
on Avcnuo A , .lustico Hninmcr ofllclatintr A
large iiuinhcr of friends witnessed tito ecru
tunny , ul tun close of which an elaborate sup
per was sei \ cd.
Mrs. Nntlmllo Pollard delivered n lecture
laslcvcinng nt the Masonic temple on the
customs of the Chinese. A fair shed nudl-
once was present.flhe lecture was illus
trated with stoicoptican view ? , wlch wcro
very fit o , and Mis Pollard's costumes which
sho'woio added considoinbly to the enter
A son of Abtaham Jackson has at last
turned up , and navs ho will care for his
father , whosu nltinblo condition wits lirsl
cnllril nttuntion to in Till' Bi n. As an ev
en so for hlo neglect ho stales that ho sup
posed his father wns jvlth another son in the
custom part of tlio state until ho saw the
newspaper articles which stated that ho was
laid up at the Woman's Chi 1st Ian hospital.
Tbo case of the state against P. J. McMa-
lion , charged with emher/lcmcnt , in which
thcro wns n disnmcement of the jurv at the
last term nf the district com t , is sot for another -
ether tnul at the present terra A motion
wns Hied jeslcrduy by the dolendiiut fur n
rontinuance. In support of It wasunnflldn
vlt of the defendant's mother alleging that
ho wns ill in Chicago and that ho would bo
uimbln to ho present.
Frank Claik , who lobbed the Boston store ,
wns hound over to the grand jurv veslerdnv
by Judge McUce , and was confined in the
county jail in default of $ TiUU bonds. liu i
ccnsidcicd ono of the smoothest croolts that
has been In the citv jail for n long time , and
it is the opinion of some of the authouties
that his object , in asking for so many contin
uances wni that tils friends might have an
opportunity to pass in n saw to him through
the bars to help him in breaking jail.
Superintendent A. K. Stone of the motor
line mi d tlio do'cctUc foico nro hu\inir n tuis-
uiKlorstiimlair in regard to the ruiininir of
the street sweeping machints. Stone insists
on tunning them early in the evening nnd
O'Comidl of the force is trying to stop him
it is stated that an information has 1/irn
sworn out in hupenor court charging Stone
with \ iolntinp n city oidinanco and that a
wnriant for his arrest will be sprung on him
unless ho mtnds his wa\s.
SheiiiT Ilu7cn has been notified of n
robbery which 'oo't olaco i.cnr Avoca , thu
victim heinir John Jackson , whose family
bad left thu house to meet him at the depot ,
on his icturn from Boston. During their
absence thieves brol > o in and ransacked the
house fiom top to bottom , tnltlnc nwav with
thnm a lot of clothing , a couulo of rings.
Eomo moticv and piobnbly BOIIIC otlies arti
rle.s which have not yet been found missing.
The job is supposed to have been done bv
Tlio case of John Llnder asalnst G. I
Tnmisoi was tiled in Justice Hannnci's
court jestorday nftornoon. The subject of
contioversv is a Lill fnr4 which the
plaintiff claims due from the defendant , and
tlio defendant refuses to pay it because it
was for intoxicating liquors , and thoiaforo
nn illegal debt. The defendant did not ap
pom in con it personally , but wns topic-
Ecntod b ) his wife , nnd the plaintiff's nitor-
ncy demanded n judgment on default. 'J'his
was icfusoil , and tlio trial went on. The case
wns ttiiallv Mibmlttod to the couit and tal.en
under ndviscrociit.
The now directory has nt lust boon heard
fiom. Us compiler , J P Bnshnell of Uoi
Monies , left lioio about thieo months ngo ,
itntltig lhat it would bo icady fet distribu
tion in the nelghboihood of three vveolis.
Nothing inoio has ocen hoard from him 01
tlio boon until a li'ttoi wns icceivod bv a por-
BOtial friend In which ho stated that the
delay had been caused bv n breaking down
of the press. H was brought up to data
thieo or four months ago , but It is foaicd
that by the titr.o it Is 11 mil I v ready fordistn-
bution'it will bo somewhat behind the times.
An l.lrctrlcVomlrr. .
\Vhon Hunjnmin Fmnklin caught colt
by "iing liife Kite during u thunder storm
on Sunday , little did ho iinaglno the pos-
blbililies to which would bo : > ut the sub-
tie electric lluid ho snc-coedcd in con-
ducling to the earth. Even to this day ,
when bo much practical nso is made ol
it , many of its possibilities aio onlj
dtoaincdof To most people olocttieity
is still n Int'Ro interrogation point. Wo
know It drives inuclilnoi.v but how ?
'J'ho-o who would like to witncEs the
fact and study the how nro invited to
call nt tlio piogrossivo HIM : job Diluting
olllco of I'rjor HroH. at 12 1'oml streoi
and BCO tlio oloctrlc motet
for diivlng innchinory that lias boon
sot up in the city. The pi esses and ma
chinery in thla olllco are now nil dihon
lij in olceti'ie motor , the power Ixsing
funilwhcd by tlio Oinuhn & Counei
IllulTH Hnlluny nnd Hildgo company
Wlion , several yours afjo , Prior's Bui :
job ollli'o put in the fltst vvutor motor litho
the city , considerable surprlBo was ox
ni cpf-od'tliat HO small a piece of mochnn-
\ ism should bo able to develop so mucl
pouer , but the electric motor causes
btlll moro astonishment. Those inter
ested in seeing ui cully flno mncliino nrc
invited to call nt Pryors Bios. ' Bin : job
olllco and boo the little wondor.
GoorROVlso returned from Minnesota
James O'Neill , ox-sheriff , was u Illuffs vis
> tor jcstoiday.
Alex Malimoio of Denver is In the city vU
itlng his old trlomls ,
J. N. Casady , Jr. , has returned from u visit
of several \\ceka In the cast.
Mrs. C. II. Clarlt of Chicago is visiting
Mrs.Vllllnm Barker , 101'J Soxcntli avenue
P. M. Gnulthiis left for Huffaloin icspouio
ton tologiam uuuouncing the death of a
Louis Miles of Corydon and D. B , Miller
of lied Oak wore in the city jestcrday on
business connoclod with the federal court.
Mrs. A. M. liattcllo of Oakland Is In thu
city the guest of her son , J , M. Matthous
riho is accompanied bv her daughter , Mrs
U. W , Crossoy.
Mrs.Vllllam J , Irvine and daughter Male
\Voduosday lor their homo in Colorado ,
utter spending aomo tlmo visiting filends la
this city , Mr * . Irvine was formerly teachoi
In the city schools.
Chairman Tullon of the ilomociatlo state
committee is exported to arrive in tlio cltv
next ucek to arrange some of the pre
liminaries for tbo democratic state conven
tion which is tb bo hold iu this city in May.
Ueorgo , Drake has returned from niair
Neb. A story which has boon going the
rounds of late to the effect that ho attendee
church while at Blair and threw the
preacher out of the pulpit , after which ho
jirocoedod to deliver a aermon ouhlsoui
book , is branded by htm a fuko. He claims to
Vo able to ojtabllih au alibi.
Harry Unmilton Will Not Waive His Con
stitutional Eights ,
) niiiliii I'ollio Vhiki- tin iilnrl : to ' ! < nrc
MIC- Mint v li i Is . \ n otl nf Swin
dling due nl tin- ( 'll'N
Harry Hamilton , who is In jail on a charge
of conildoiicing a rural Nebraskan out of $10
n Omaha , docs not propose to leave an.v
stone unturned In his efforts to got out of
standing a trial which will ir. alt piobablllly
scrd him to the panltonttarv in case his vie
I tn can bo Induced to stay in Omaha and
irosccuto him. He Is using up his nparo mo-
nctitB In thinking up moans of escape.
Yesterday aftsrnoon a petition for n wilt of
labcus corpus was filed In the si-
icrlor court by bis attorney , Colonel
l ) . H. Oalloy. allcglnir that ho was
being wrongfully detained. I'ho Qmatm
authorities , bovvovor , had rnado preparation
Tor this omcigoncy and bad loft a wariant
with Marshal Tompleton charging him with
forgery. On the strength of this wai rant tut
.nfo'.matlou . was filed in the superior court
by the marshal vcjtordav chatglng him with
beluga fugitive from Justice , and thcro is
but little probability that ho will succeed in
gcttintr away. Ho will bo brought bcfoio
Judge McGee this inotnlng at 'I o'clock when
tlio application for n wnt of habeas coipiu
will bo heard and argued. ]
\vitn i : ( ( ODDS s \ii ;
In I nil
The vvhito floods sale at tlio Boston
Stoie , Council Blull , la. , has been a
mtirked success. Sim'o the bale opened
Saturday morning last it is ically sur-
prNing the quantity of Roods that have
been sold ; the store lias been ciowdutl
d ly after day with anxious buyeib.
Wlion ono thinks a moment it ib really
no wonder , as the lioston Store never
do anything 1 > \ halves , novel1 advorliso
nnyth'lnir but what tlioj ically liavc ,
anil Unit in quantities Helow is a partial
list of what they have to offer in towels ,
linens , sheets , pillow caseb and sheot-
54 and 50 iiuih alt linen bleached D.un-
usks that sold for ISc , fiOc , OSc , in ono lot
til oe. ! )
All linen D.inuisktablo linens , special ,
nt 25o a jari ) .
OS inch heavy unbleached TJiinrtsk
( only ono pittctnbold : ) for 7oe , sale price
oJc a jard.
7" inch unbleached all linen Damask ,
sold for 85c , at G7Ji : a yatd.
Twoputtoins of our ur.blonchod linen ,
nupUlns to match , i educed to 77jc
dO inch Daniimlc , t > liin ! or with ted
bolder , former pi ice fibc and GOc , foroL'Jc
a i at d.
See special values in unbleached Dam-
ti&lcs , ni'irKed 47ic.
CO doyen heavy Tus kish towels ( fast
colors ) hoid for 2ic , at l'c ' ) each.
200 do/en line Damask towels , over 3o
dilToront itjleb , border , hand diawn and
knotted f i iny0 ; at Uoe each
i\iimino lIUCKTO\VULSiu$2.00
a dozen.
All icady made for use Soothe low
] ) rices moslli made out of Fruit of the
Loom mtiblin.
Pillow cases , ready made , 12c } , 15c ,
17c , 20c , t'2c.
Slieots , ready made , GJC , GOc , 7oc , Soc.
Better grades in embroidered and liom-
stitched fjoods.
NIW : 1'iiiuu LIST ox &iiniirMi3.
12 inch 9c , 12ic.
ir > inch 12c , 15e , 16o.
60 inch 14c , lUo.
0-4 17c , 0a
7-4 20c.
S-4 20e , 22 5 c.
! ) -4 20c , 22Je , 25c.
I0-I23c,2fce , KOc.
Most of tliebo tjoods iiioin standard
giado cottons , such as Atlantic , Im
perial , Lockwood , Popperoll , Bostons
and White Ro o.
Fothcriiifjham , V/liito'awiVC'p ,
IjOadotb and promoters of low prices ,
Cash and Ono i'riee ,
Council BlulTs. la.
N. B. Packages delivered to any part
of the city dm uifj this ' ale the same as
usual. Store closes at G p. in. except
Mondays and Satin da s.
Drs Woodburydentists , next to Grand
hotel , line w 01K a specialty. Tolo 145.
Money to loin. Lowest rates. John
ston it Van Patten , Kvo-ott blojk.
'llll ! I.ust Itllrs. of Fianlc Coolf , the little boy
who VVBS drowned In creel ; , occuiiod
jostorday fiom the family rashlenco on Uast
Broadway , and tbo remains wcro taken to
AILn last evening for Jiitern'ont. The funeral -
oral of Frank Kingsburt , his companion in
misfortune , will occur this afternoon at-
o'clock fiom tlm residence of his pai n ,
Mr. and Mrs. M. A ICmgsouiy , the
corner of Firit and 1'lorco streets , Kev. K J.
llabcock onicinting ,
Tie entoitalnmcnt which was given bv tlio
DUpils of the Plorco street si hoot building n
short time ago netted enough to pay for the
rout of n piano for two jcurs and somewhat
more. This surplus it u as decided to use la
bnving ( lowers for the two bovs , both ol
whom were pupils in the Pierce street school ,
U. II. Shoafo has eastern money on
hand for teal estate loins.
Jut vis wild blackberry 19 the
HD ! liu thu Marill fru ! !
At Now Orleans. Ono faio , $ ' 11,45 , for
i on ml trip. Tickets on Biilo Feb. 22 to
28 , For particulaiscall onO. M. Brown ,
ticket agent K. 0. , St. .1. & C. B
Iliii I Kill.
Thcro Is considerable wotk being done bv
the politician * in the Tifth ward , although
most of it is done so quietly that out little of
It Is heard on the outside , Joun Lobburt Is
prominently mentioned us a candidate for
tno nomination of alderman on the demo
cratic ticket and n well known democrat ol
the wuid 11 responsible for the statement
that ho will without much doubt bit the
nominee. Ho is a rallrond nnu t > nd uorlts in
the ofllcd of the Union Puciliu rcllw ay com
pany in Omaha. Tbo democrats hope b >
nominating him to cany the entire railroad
vote with them. Alaerroon Peter Smith is a
candidate for reelection on the icpublican
ticket , anil so far no opposition has been
brought to light in the parlv. Ho received a
majority of 180 votes nt the last election In a
ward that Is usually noout40democratic.
V. mill Mimic.
Prof. T. W , Davis , tonoher of volco
nnd note reading Lessons private.
Cull or address ut Grand hotel. Council
Wiilnut block nnd coal ,
fresh mlnud. icsceivcd d.illx Thutohor ,
10 Mulu.
MmikrjiMl irlth tlir Hun S.m.
U. A. Homey , who woiks in J. A. Mur
phy's planing mill In the western part of the
city , mot with u borious accident jesterday.
He was operating a circular saw , the gearing
of which had woikod loose and allowed the
aw to wabble , it struck him la the loft
I want to say that I have a fine calf , box-toed shoe , Lace , Congress or Button , the very best
shoe made , and I will warrant every pair. The price has been reduced from $5.00 to $3.50.
All other goods at a discount of almost 50 per cent this week. Don't wait till too late.
F. H. EVANS , 412 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
hand nnd ripped the Mesh open on the side of
tils hand to the veiy bone , and made anntticr
huge fjash on the stdo of hi ? thumb , almost
sovciiiiK it from the hand. HownB taken to
his homo on Tu cut ) -seventh stioot , near
Bioadvvay , where a physician wassutumoned
and the injuiies nttonded to Uunsfcarod
at ilrst thai the injuries would necessitate
the amputation of the whole hand , but at last
accounts he was hnpiovlng and it is now
thought that it can be saved.
C'lillilrrnN Uitl ( lit
Great cut in boys' inifeaob' and ohil
dtcn's shoos.
All boys' $3 line slu-es now $2.r ) .
All boys' $2.50 finu shoes now 5'2.
All boyi' $2 line shoos now * 1.GO
AH bovs' $1.50 line shoos now $1.10
Miisori' tihocs , iiieludinfj cloth tops ,
patent tips , etc. , till bpiinir heels , nt
these prices :
All inishcb' 93. 10 | , .itcnt tips now $2.
All inibsos' $2.50 ] utoiit tip bhous now
$2 00.
All misses' ! ? _ ' 25iuvtetit tips , now $ I.7. > .
All niiases' $175 pitont tips , now
81.25. !
All misses' SI. 50 i > itcnt tin * , now I
MCX's DKISS siiois.
McnS $7 pitunt leitthoi * drobs bhoes ,
now $5
Men's $0 pitent leatlicr diess shoes ,
now SI.
Men's 95 patent Ic.ithor dtcss shoes ,
now * 3 50.
1MvinC. . Burt'h $5 and $ G shoes now
$ ! ! .
Como nnd not my prices. I ahvtiys
have and nlvv.iys will while in business ,
sell you > ; oed solid j oods for loss money
than any shoo house in the city. Ri > -
member jou cannot toll the value.
Thcro mo a many cheap slioob
sold ut n good price This is a. cheap
bulo of ( iood shoes. I am in it.
The old Phillips shoe tlo"o.
Hnek Aft r Alori ! OvercontR.
Several nights ago the hoarding house of
Mrs. Arkvvright , on Tourth stteet , was en
tered by thieves about supper time and a
couple of overcoat ? beloncitiK to the boardeis
ucro stolen. Last nli > ht an attempt \vas
made to repeat the opeuition at about the
same time , but it ended dlMtstiously to the
two men who plajod the star parts. Dr. O.
C. Hazon , A.V. . Johnson and ti coupla of
other pontlonien uero stanJliij , ' in the
street in front of the house when they
noticed a man go up to the fiont
door and try it. Ho evidently saw them
about the tuna they saw him , for instead of
polng in ho turned mount ! and walked tap-
idlv down Fourth street , and his pal , wbo
was stretchea alone the fence , pot up and
followed him. Tbo contlctncn wbo had been
\\utchine them Hacked them down to a
saloon on Main street , where they weio
linally corncicd bv Oftlccis Wells and
llondricks and placed under nrrost on the
ch 11 uo of vacrancv. They ? ave their names
as Prank Platte and U. O. Uarloton. It is
supposed that they wcro plauninir to lay la a
new supply of overcoats had they not been
interrupted by the boardcia.
Two apprentice nurses wanted nt the
\V. U. A. hospital , cornoi' ! ) th street and
Oth avenue
Roitor , tlio tailor , 310 Hrotulvvay , lias
nil the latest styles and newest floods.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
The two chlldion who woto mentioned in
TUB Hph a few days ago as having narrowly
escaped death by usptivxiatlon by being left
in the house alone wlillo their mother went
out with frlonds , nro still BtilTprinB fiom the
ofTectb of their cxpetlonce. Tbo older chila
is now pronounced out of danger , but the
vounpcr Is KuffciitiK from piiciimnnla , which
thu physician pronounces very seiious.
Wo have our own vineyards in Callfor
niu. Jarvls Wlno comuvuy , Co Ulnll's
Swunson Miioic Co. , Masonic tcinplo
Jiuvis 1877 brandy , put est , safest , best *
homo Infoi-mullon.
[ Cowii Wai IS'S } l > u Jtitiiti Gur < lnn llfiinttt. }
PAitiii , l"ob. 18. pJowYorlt Herald Cable
Special to Tin : Jlur.l Jidward Parker
Deacon's ' wife was tbo daughter of Admiral
llalawiu by hi first wife. They wore mar
ried eleven \ i'iu.ago and have four children.
Plio Deacons have roildod at H Hue 1'inrro
Chuilon , I'nrh , for tno past ton vcars. Mi ,
Hc.icon Is : U ycais old and \ \ as much ad
mired in Puns society.
Kmilo Aboillc , the victim , was the eldest
bon of M Abelllo , who died three vcars npo
leaving two ottiorsons and a daughter , mar
ried Jlrst to Cornto Alfred do Jouv d'Arsy ,
and aL'.iin two months ago to the vicoaito do
la Hodotto. VouncAboillo was for a llmo
an attache of thu Fiencn legation ut Wash
ington Aboille's futhor made a great for
tune durinu' tlm omplio , when his hotel in
the faubouig S.iinto llonoro was famous for
brilliant parties. The victim's brother
Adolpho lias a well known racing stud.
The sister of the v icilm arm ed at Cannes
Thursday afternoon.
Pat Her Deacon was subjected to u long nx-
amlnatlon uy the nngistruto In charge of the
case and wab confronted with the coipau in
the presence of United States Yico Consul
Vnlcourt and the muiro. Uo.icon wai por-
fettly composed Ho was leloasod on ball.
Sellout ( lillilri n Uiirni'il ,
CitsroN , I.i , Feb. -tipoeial ( relogram
to TUB Hi'r.l A serious accident occurred
at livitt late this afternoon. The Cjclono
Manu fact ut ing compain luul Juit put In an
cloctiiu engine which t > omo school chilJron
vv cio watching. Ono ol the employes of the
factory picked up wlmt ho supposed to
bo u pall of water , but v , hat
was really a pall of gasoline , and
emptied it into soma boiling water , linmo
diatclv there was an explosion. Some of the
gasoline was thrown into the electric battery
and names scon spread over thu build
ing , baaly burning TranU Jones ,
Arthur ( nraue , Dota ruller , May Hall ,
Normitu Hull , Utittio Heed , .1. H Johnson ,
and ( icotgu Morris Miss ruller is tonsid-
eied to bo Injiued seriously. The hair is all
burned on" bur head and her face lh badlj in-
jutccl The others arc all butned about the
head and shoulders , The building is a total
loss. The damage is not estimated.
A 11/0 % II. Itlltt KM Hi : C'OAKKKSS.
IMIM : ( Inlns tin ; li li > ci > t ' I'lm
I IIHt I > J'S I'llll I IMltllRH.
i r. Tonti. , l"eb Ib. PrcsidoutPil
char called tlio Natioaal Iteul Kstate con
grc < s tootdnreatly this morning. Dr. Kelly
led I.i major ami immediately after opened
thu sesalon with a piper on "i'uo Moral
UlTects of Sifo Investments. "
C S. Dri'jcr of Chicago , chaiimr.n of the
committee on organisation , icported , iccoin-
uipiullni ; that the association oignni/o as a
permationt orgaui/ution , to bo culled the Nu-
lionnl Hcil lislatc asiociation , that the con-
PICS.S moot next , the Hist Tuesday in Octo
ber , Ih'U. and lliereaftor ar.ntnllv , and that
the oftlcors of tno associ Uion bo a president ,
one vicu president lioni encli state and teui-
torv luptesonted , a sectutarv and two as-ilst-
imt sc-crctuiii's , and a troasurcr. The com-
mittcu f'uther i commended the lollowmg
olhcers for the permanent oiganUdlloii Tor
pioaidcnt , U M. Weil , MilwatiKce , for sec-
iei.irv.M. M Klinu , Nn"livillo ; for
urer , William 11 Cutter , HulT.ilo The 10-
poi t was adopted
Buffalo was ovorwhelminglv selected as
the place for tbo nc\t convention.
r. C. Mu'irii-K of Nashville lead popeis
sent bv pi eminent personacen unuolo to at
tend. one on "ITomes for- \\orulncPeo
plu , " ov Hon. Edward Atkinson of Hoston
and another on the "rorron'sSvstom , " lelat-
ing to the registry of titles instead of 1 ard
bv lion Theodore Seldon.
The following board of control was ap
pointed : J. O. Williams , Nashville ; .1. 1 , , .
Lombard , Chicaco ; H. S Hill , Buffalo ; .1. C
Hendnci < , Atlanta ; II. II. Cnshing , 'loleiln ;
J. T. rnuier , Louisville ; A D Agnew , Mil
waukee : i : . C. Holunv , Dtiluth ; O. W.
Cuwford , 'Jexas.
At the nftcrnoon session W. W. Pollock
of Milwaukee offered a resolution piovitlinst
that the president of the congiess appoint a
committee of ono member for each state to
cooperate with tbo League of Amoilcan
Wheelmen in securing bettor loads for the
The toll of states was called and the fol
lowing vice moMdcnts elected. T. C. Hln-
ton. Arkansas ; V. W. Goius , Atlanta , ( ! a ,
Milcolm Now , Chicago ; II U. Hoed , Krins-
ville ; .1. A. Webb , lown ; h S Mod'its ,
Louisville , Kv. ; n A. Mooic , Kansas ; K II.
Pietco. St. Louis , H II. Potter , Now Vork ;
C. E Lavet , Dultilh ; .1 B Turnev , Tonnes
too ; O. W. Crawfotd. Te\.i ? , W. \lotgan ,
'Iho prcbontatlon of impottnnt pipers wa
continued. "Tho Mission ol the Heal Estate
Agent. " by S. C. Sherwood of Buffalo , was
reid , followed by a paper on "Local Ho il
Estate Bourds , " bv Ocoi o E. Pomctoyof
Toledo , O This bioui-bt about much en
thusinbtic discussion , almost the cntiiodolc-
gationt uklng pait. ( Jutslions woto frcclv
asked and much iiibtiuctivo information
' rho Hiplits of Husband and Wife in
Each Othei'i Lands'1 bj Morton H I Ion ell
wuj > lead , followed bv u paper on "Alion
Land Ownership. " by E. C Svers of
Garnet Andrews , Jr , of Chattunoo a read
a telegram from the clumber of commerce ,
which will give the delegates going to Look
out mountain a reception ut Looicout inn
Saturday night.
On motion tlio roadinp of other papers was
dispensed with and the convention adjournrd
until ' . ) o'clock tomonow.
Sccretaiv BartbolotT of the Milwaukee
delegation received a tclegiam from friends
at home.vvho mo Jubilant over the nnnonnco-
inentof Mr. Weils' ' selection as pie.siaont of
the real estate association. Invitations were
extended the vliitois dunnir the day to visit
Yandoi hilt unlvoioity.
The boatd of control this afternoon elected
.1. L. Lombaid of Chicago chaitman and J.
r. Burlholoffof Mllwaukco assistant secre
tary .
One thousand copies each of theptocoed-
ings and by laws were ordoiod printed.
The Realty aim Building Record of Mil
waukee was inatlo the oflicml organ.
The Loimvillo delegation , tivcnty.flvo
strong , and portions of the other delegations ,
loft for homo tonight ,
A recaption to the delegates at the capltol
was largely attnndcd and continued lor
throe hours The governor and his staff
were presented us well ashirlotv representa
tives , numbois of Nasbiille's host citl/ens ,
to extend a social vveluamo to the dolcgatob
and tlm lauk-s who aicompanlcd them. 'J'lio
iccoptioii was ono of the fouluics of the
an A i : t ro//.s itiuit [ .u i UK i : r.
\Ul\VtH \ I ; ) | tO I'lll | } | | | | (0 ( tlllt SlltU-
fui tlon ui' Th r I'nl riniK.
Missr-Ai-oi.iB , Minn , b. 18 The North
western Mlllor saysTtio mills lust week im
proved ugnin on their output , exceeding the
previous week's Jlgures by 10,000 bariols.
The agciegato proilljtuon for the week
cruet ! Saturday , \\t > h li < ) , i'lO bairels ,
against liri.fiUO bnitcls tlio week
befoto and I''VIM obirrols for the
corresponding time in IH'JI The operative
situation is about the sumo as a wesk ago
The millers all want ( lout and ovury barrel
possible is being trade 'Ihoy hayu orders en
their boons ami would liku to till thorn
About overv'joih reports an ininrovoinont In
thu Hour tiado for a week back and
there appears to bj incimisud con-
jliicnco prlcos have touched bottom
Poitigncrs uio bidding moie frecl > undmuko
ofTiiis foi dcllveiy as fur ahead an Maj The
lurno donnnil has been ijulto gooil and
millers are holding prices much II finer. Tha
il licet oxporiH last vvceu weiu it'i..HO barrels ,
agaiiibt O-I.-IJU barrels the last woe it Tor
tlioTi'c k ended rubruarv 1.1 , 10 mills , iop-
rotcntlni : lUJT'J'i , bauels daily capacity , re
port a Hour output of II ) , 1)1 ) barrels , against
barrels the nroi inub week.
Tlm llratli Mull.
.S D.l'ob IS Ibpsclal'icle-
pruin to TUB Brr j- David l''oloy , aseil ( > \ u
contractor on thu Dakota.Somlng & . Mis-
eoiui HUor rullioad , and for over lortyoars
a prominent contractorof Cullfoiola aaU .
i'ork , died hero today ,
In paper boies : enough for two larKt pies
Al a > s ) ; easily prepared.
and only Complete and Satisfactory
Condensed Ml ice Meat In the Marl cl.
Cheap Substitutes anil Crude Imitations
ore ottered vuth the aim to profit by the
popularity of tlio New England.
Do not be deceived bul alwajs Insist on
the New England Brand. The best made
IUK < < I li Ill's ( hi iinisliinlltil Adiiiuit nT
n linn nl lin It nl Miinli' ( mil ) .
A Ciiblnginm announces Unit the
bank : it Munto Carlo suspended ono
evening labt wool : before tlio ovtra.-
ordinnrilj succcshfiil play of an unUnoxMi
Amcnciin. Tint , hns h.ippatiod once lu-
fore = ij s the ChiCiiiro New 3. Two ye.n a
ago otif atlinirabla frientl , Hilly Kno\ ,
htuing litul a viuissiltidlnous o\pericnco
in London , concluded to in.iko u tour of
the continent. IIo was partic'ul.uly
anxious to visit the Khiera , and
Monte Curio was the &pot
ho pined to try conclusion1'
with. So liu hadiim sovereignscli.inircd
into francs , anil oil ho btai ted with mi-
moroiifa letter" of inlteduction to folks
along the p.oposed journov. Hilly made
fiiends wheievor ho went , and at Nice
it was all ho could do to resist the blan
dishments of lo Comtcsso do Bourbon , a
wpalthv widow who wanted to engage
him permanently as her bee-rotary and
typewriter. The comtesso was a fcihtor
of the Cointo do Paris ; the bi other of
her late husband was one l ouis do Hour
lion , a handsome , convivial.careless kid.
who bankiupt in uJi'Uot , had become a
dealot in the Diincol.N gambling house
at Monaco rinding that Hilly Knox
vvai bound to leave hc > i' , tlio iomtco
gave him a letter to her degenerate
biothor-in-law. "He will five jou
pointots , Hilly , " said bho in Kienoh.
So Billy slatted for Monaco , and vvnon
ho got thoie ho called on Louib do Bour
bon. Tiiey bccatno fast friend : ) . Louis
c'.une on watch about 11 o'clock every
night. IIo alwavb took olT his coat ,
necktie and collar when ho sat down to
deal ; every twenty minuton a nigger
biought him a wlifsky bonr. Lenin wiib
contmlcted the crack dealer in all those
parts. Whether ho gave Billy Knox
any pointers or not wo do not Unow , nnd
therefore can not ' ay. But ono evening
Billy had such a run thai the bunk had
to oloso down.
The prince of Monaco himself was
dealing : being blind lie had to deter
mine the" denomination of the caids
simply by the scti'-o of touch. This 10-
( [ illicd bovere hkill , but having been
born blind the prince know his business
Billy kept bolting on tlio queen , and
kept winning , too. Two tnousand
10,000 10,000 100,000 francs ! It kept a
valet do clnimbie busy swooping oil the
Napoleons into Billi's gripsack. Billy
kept betting on the queen and ho kepi
on winning.
' \Vow ! " squealed the prince every
time Billy touched him for that pile.
By and bj the pi inco scratched around
in bib cash box to Ilnd that ho hadn't a
bou left Just then-it being 11 o'clock
Louis do Bourbon came on watch ,
"By your majesty's leave , " flays ho ,
dolling ilia bin/or , "I will relieve you. "
"I have been icliovod already , ' an-
Hworcd the prince ruefully. "Thoio is
not a bean in the drawer ; wo'io busted
turn off the gas and shut up the hoitbo
for the night. "
Of course , there was much confusion
and A vast , amount of scandal. Hilly
didn't wait to participate In it IIo
shouldered hia giipsack and took the
Ilrst train lor Italy. It in cstimiilod that
hin winning reached the equivalent of
$10,000. A month later the 1'aiia Figaro
explained that Billy had impobod on the
blind prince by adroitly ringing a cold
deck on him .1 pack of cards composed
wholly of queenb. Oidtnarily the im-
pomno would have been detected , but of
course his bllndnobs nrovontod thu tin-
foi tunnto prince of Monaco from seeing
thiough the trick.
Now , as wo have said , it is imposbiblo
to determine from the ovldenco bofoio
us whether Louis do Bourbon was pi ivy
to the plot. This much , however , wo
know , and it is signilicant. Billy wrote
to Louib do Boutbon abotiUayear ago
and got him to como over the Heu and
out to Chicago to borvo the
U'orld'ti fair ontorpilso as an nttuolio of
the advertising department. You
may have been Louib around World's
fair headquarters ; a tall , pale , dis
tingue young mun with gray oios ,
Hinooth-shaven face and blac'c ' hair that
falls in a tumble over his while forehead ,
Louib drcbbcs in a stile of bin own al-
wn.\niii black , with a wealth of bhirt
front , n B.v i onto collar , somber ( lowing
bow and u careless blnuch hut. But no
Is a famous raconteur , is Louib do Hour *
bon , dnd the gills udruiro him passion
Sims & Uvr t'rio
stiti ! an I
fedoril lourts Koiun I , t and
lleno block. Council IIin if l.i.
! A 25 cent Bottle may save you :
$100 In Doctor 's bills-may save-
jyour life. Afilc your Druggist !
: for it. IT TASTES GOOD. :
Dr , Acker's English Pills :
Pmall , pit iiMaiit , u liiMirllo ulth llio luillcn.
SVV II IIOOKI < l ft CO 43 V.cst , Ilroailwny. N Y.J
For sale b\ Kuhn & o. , and Sherman
& McConncll , Omaha ,
For Horses , Cattle , Shcop , Doge , Hogs ,
300 1'liso Hook mi Ti ciiliiii-nt of Anlmiila
anil t'liui I NUIII iicc .
CI-ITBJ I'i'MTH'niiL'rMtlnii .Iii
A.A.IM > lnul .Mfiilnuilit , llilk
II.II--siriiiiiN , IiiniiiMirHH , KliriiiiiutlMii.
C.l' . llhlriiiirr , ItlHilniruca.
JI.D. " HolH or ( iiuliHnriiix ,
K.h.CiinuliN , 1 1 i > n > I'M , riK'iiiiinnln.
I' , I' . Ciilic or ( Jrlpi , Hi llsuchc .
( -'VIlNi'iiri IIIKIS lli'iniii rhniicH ,
Il.ll.--l riiiiu-y mill Khliu-y | ) | < ICIIHI > M >
) .l.--l.rilIUivO DlHIIIHt'H , llIllllUI1 ,
.I.K.--ll i'ii i' ol Diuc'ntlun , I'm
bliiBlpllottlo ( ou r 5 ( ) iloscs ) , - - , ( JO
blalilr C'liBl' , "llll Pi clflrs , Mnnuitl ,
Vclirliiurj Cuii-Olliuiil Mcillcatur , 87. OO
Jar Vi'lrrlnary C'liru Oil , - . 1.01) )
Int ! 1 > , llriiitlttM or i-rnt | rfpftld anjnhrrcand IniDf
qum III ) in nrilpl of jrltf.
lit UI Hill IS' JIM ) . (0 ,111 i 113 William SLNr Iorl.
lu ute M Tlio only eiicrcmfiil ronmlyfor
Nervous Debility , Vital Weakness ,
And I'rofttrfttlon , from over work or otlitr tnuina.
91 per vial , or 6 viaUnnd larRe vial powder , for 96 *
hoi t I f l'i uicUl * i r trnl j bit ) l 1 un rcrf I ) t nt frlce ,
lit III IIHJb' BI D. 10 , 1 U X 113 Ullllar.1 M. , New lork.
Extract of Beat.
Do jou want n copy of
HicwTr.Ay hoc th tit
. is initdo from thouKN-
uiNi : . InroniDiiinbly
the boat. 1'uio , pulu-
tnblo , rufioijhing. Dis
solves cloarly.
Pee lluion I.lehlirN X
sUiiiituio In hluoon Si tjl O
eichluhel , thus ; U |
lilt , f C WKdTHNKUVK AM ) 1IHAIV ' 1 UK V f.
MKM' , n > | iucinufnr Ilyitorli , IHiilnuii , Uti , .Nu'i
mlnln lleiitnrht ) Ntrvim * t'ruitratlon caiuul tiy at
toliul or tobaccjiikcfillnuti Muntal lDiruoluii |
buttiuiliu 'it ihu Drain i.imliu Irmnlly inUorjr
Ut'cty ilt ! iii ) , I'roiiitiliiro Ol 1 A o , llirronnoi * . JJi
of I'owcr Ini'lllicriux , liupotuni.y , l.ujcorrliuua ai : 1
nil I uimloVo3kiiosni , Inroluntury Ixjuot Sujr-
inaturrliootciiiiut liy ovcr-oturtlon of tlio brain
H. If-nlHUJ uvor-ln IllUfilol A'U mih'i troatiujnl
II , b fur ( i. lif mall Wo iiuaranioa nix l i i tu
LUra. Knch urJor furil lipxui , with } ) will < ual writ
ten ifuarantea tu n-funit If nut enrol ( Jimrautuui
Imuuil onljr liy A ricliriilur , DruiKlit ulo unenti , d
K cur. lull anil r'urnamiti , , Ouinlia Neb.
All Klmlsnf Dye MR and ( Muanlti done In tlio
hljliist style of the art. I'.iilml tin I stilnuil
fabrics iniiilo to look as cooil : n nuw. lleil
fe ilhiTbClu moil by stoiini In tlrst-oliiss innn-
ner \\orl , promptly douoniul Uulivoioil In .ill
p irtsof th lonntry betiil for nrlus list.
t ! . A. MACI1AN. - - I'ltOIMtiniOH.
1011 llrouilwiiy. N'oar NortliMGUoin DoyoS
COUM'H , III.L'tKi. lo i
Council Bluffs , lown.
Now , modern , well-apnoink'd , thor-
ouglilj well-kept , $ 1.1 day.
E. F. CLARK , Prop.
Or Council BluTs
TAL STOCK 150,031 ,
Dlltrcrnin I A. Mlllur. ( > ' . O. Qlnisiin , II r. .
filui aru U tl II irt , J. IX B liimmlsun. Uharlui
U llannitn. Trmm ict unoril I ) inking binl-
nets oslc qiltil utnl uriiuu | ( tiny | JIIQ
Inbouthwojtorn luwi
14 N. Mnln , Council Bluffs.
Chas. Lunkley ,
I'lincnil Director ami IJiulcrlii'icr.
Jill Hioudwny. Counell
'lul | itlOllu 'AM
TOOK hAIiK At a Inignln , IJ-ucru fruit anil
JJ iriirdcn tiirm adjoining city ilmlm , good
dnollliu , l H bhoafu. _
IjMjiT HUNT Viioant store , til Iliimdnny
Jownnd by Mr * June liuliln n Apply to
( Jiiir/u T. I'lielps at postofllco.
AN IT.D To buy two liu ivy wurk hoisen
Call ul 111" ) b Clli strout.
\\7IIljtradohouhOiind lot for Itiiin , will
> > cl\ii Idiit ; tinieon balance I'll ! at 615 a ,
Cth utreel _ _ >
171A It MS , gtrjim Inndi , lioniii , lulu unil
JL1 binilnun blocks for silo or rinU Day It
lless. . . ! ) I'enrl strout , Ouunoll Itiuir * _
/'UJlJJOlir IHjn3 ! money on hand for
\J loany \ \ A. Wood A. Co. aM Main strcot.
. ' : In a prl\'ito ruuxly uhout
Murcli J , u k'trl for vunur il housowurk.
Must ho a guo < coolc nnd luiindlCMB Ciood
wn ts will bu pitd in u cinnnutunt tflrl. Ad-
iltonb , Divine r crcnuos , llox 4iU Council
TJH)1T HhNT ( Her 100 dvoTltiipii of utury do-
-L1 bcrlptlon nt prltcs varying finm J totlOO
nor inonth. Inuutcd lu ull purtu of thu city , U
II. bho.ifc' , M0llroiidwuy _
HAI < K Tour icood llonrlnu' mlllB Can
_ . . , , o boniu Kood mnd n * oart puy. Johnn <
tou & V u I'utten , Council lllutfa , la.