2 TIIK OMAHA DAILY HKF : SA'JLTHDAY , IW1WUAKY 20 , 1802. WORK OF BEATRICE POLICI They Efiid an Impromptu Gambling Doi Swarming with Victims , SEVERAL KANSAS OFFICIALS CAUGtr John l , . ' Vrmdirn In tlio ClljrVn MM OccKlnu lor tlid A oml > lliiK of tlio I'utirj A nun-il Nmnrs Illvt-u liy tlin I'l-Uiim-rn. DEATRICR , Mob. , Feb. 10. - ( Special Telegram gram to Tin : nr.i l A bis doloRulioii o visitors from Knns-as points , Fnlrbury nnc elsowhcrc , wcro nttrnctcd to the city ted a ; to sco John Li. Sullivan , who nppnarod nt tin I'mldock tonight. AnimiR the visitor * won two or three professional Ramblers , nm these with "Pcnchos" Johnson , n loco KUtnblor , opened tip n canio this evening li tno Klmoro block on Sixth street. The pollci ( jnt on to the fact ntiil raided the cstab lUhmonl while the tfamo was In full bins and succeeded In capturing the entire outllt Tlio it-suit of the haul was fourteen ployur. Rna bnloolcorJ. Ainonc them was n stnti senator , nn ox mayor , a county attorney , i sheriff iind n banker , nil linlllnpr ( mm tin Sunflower stnto. Tim untlro crowu plctuloi sullty and nil wcro heavily lined. The vic tims of the raid gavu assumed names and nl are highly indignant over their anost. I'nr I'HiihliiK Her lliiiliiinil'H Dc.Uh , WiLiir.ii , Net ) . , lA > b. 1 ! ) . fSpecial to Tin Bun. ] In the district court before JudceJ E. Hush of Beatrice , sitting tn p'ucoof ' .ludfi Hastings , the ciso of Mary K. Suwyoi against W. S. Uhowollir , Frank Neuclu Woncll Kuoicok , otul. , has bean on trial fo tno past two days. This Is an action for $11) , OOOdamaRc-.s bv the widow of the Into A. .1 Hnwycr against the defendants , saloon hoopers nt ( Jretf , and their bondsmen , fo the loss of her husband by drowning in th Hluu river whllo under ttio inlluencu ell ll < iuor , nllosred to hnvo been sola by the do fondants. This morning the Jurv brought li n vi-rdlct for the plnmtllT lor fl.SOU. In the dlstiict court today Mrs. M. C Duxtntor gotu vordlct , for $1,000 damngo against the city of Friend for Injuries ro cclved by falling on u dofectlvo sldowallc ii that city. Short Horn lli < - < - < lt-rs In Session. HmTWCK , Neb , Fob. 10.Spoilnl [ Tolo grain ui Tin : 13nu. | Following the adjourn motit of the Improved live stock breeder inooUng in this oily last ovoninir , the Shot llorn Urccdcrs association iliet In niinun session. An interesting paper was read b ; H. A. Talcottof Crete on "I'rotltnblo Shor Horns of Toduy. " This was followed by n gen crnl discussion on the care nnil feeding o short horns. The following ofllrors wen elected I'resldont , J. B. Uinsmore of Hut Inn ; vice presidents , Airs. M. A. Kdward of Fremont , .1. II. L. Knight of Leo Park , I- ' W Upton of Heaver Crossing ; secretary nm treasurer , II. S. Heed. The association nil Journed to meet next year with the Breeder association at Fremont. Tried to Cut Ills Tliroiit. GiiANM > ISLAND , Nob. , Fob. 10. [ Special ti Tins BCK.J A Polo nainotl Llsurlu win brought to this citv by Broken Bow oftlci.il ! and taken to the St. Francis hospital today Ho had attempted to commit sulcldo and un almost .successful , n cut two Inches Ion being on his neck and the wind ulpo parti , severed. Ho in n stranger hero and is prc sinned to bo at Broken Bo\v. Ho hails fron Culcago innd was without work or money which fact is thought to have boon the ciui s ot his suicidal intentions. The nttoudin lihyslcml thinks ho will recover. Ornnil iHlniut'H VUilorn. UiUM ) ISLAND , Nob. , Feb. 10. ( bpoclal t TUB DEB. ] The party of eastern mon o wealth , which is at present visiting llu Springs , will bo here tomorrow anu bi shown about the city bv n citizoim' commil too. The party i omposea of Dr. ( . ! . A ! French , i-apitalist , Mnldeu. Mass. ; .7. M Kinory , retired merchant , Suncook , 7 . ll. A. H. Daltin , broker , Boston ; K. A. Slacl ; broker , Brooklme , Mass. ; A. E. Alvord banker , Boston , and A. S. Mai-dim of ICoar noy , who accompanies thorn. I'liiy County ICi-piililii-mm. CLAY CBNTKU , Nob. , Fob. 10. [ .Special t Tin ; 11BE. ] The republican central committee too of Clay county mot hero today an nuthorl7od the calling of n county couvuntlo to moot April ' > for the purpose ot appoint ing delegates to the congressional and slut conventions. A , , convention of school ofllcors of th c'ounly wus held in the court house today t dKcuss the interests of luo schools of th county , but owing to disagreeable woathc tlio attendance vrns small. Niolinir.t'rt Wiitrr Work- * . NjonitAiiNob. . , Fob. 19. [ Special to Tn BKB.J At a , meeting of the Niobrara Ml und \Vutor Works company It was decided t bogm the erection of the mill building I April and to oil ) for a special election ot th townto vote S4.00J bomb for tno laying o water mains uiul lilting out a syatoia o Wilier works. The artesian well has in cftiiised Its How considerably. The water I Uolnir used for drinking purposes by many o l ho citizens. II. & M. rri-lKht TriilnVrcrluil. . DBU.EVI n , Nob. . Fob. 10. [ Special Tolt gram to Tin : Hun.J Ijast night at 11 ; ; ! o'clock a 13. it X freight , No. 00 , broke li two while passi.ig tins plnci' , ono soctloi crushing into the other , wrecking two cat loudod with merchandise , demolishing on i-ar and scattering crackers , llsh , ciinno goods , sugar mid other morchiindl&o In a dlroetlons , The depot building nurrowl otcnpod being demolished. No ono \vn njurcd. Sot-Ions Am-lilrnt lit I'lipllllon. PXIMLI.IOV , Nob. , Fob. 10. [ Special Telegram gram to Tin ; Bii : . ] A loam driven by i farmer was struck by a B. it M. train thii afternoon two miles east ot Uoro. The toai was killed and the wagon smashed. Th driver Is supposed to Do badly hurt. H cannot ho found and was Jlkoiy taken 01 uonrd thu train , O'.Vi-lll Litigation. O'Nui.i , Neb. , Fob. lO.-ISpoelal to Tin HUB.-District court opened yesterday Judge ICtuuiUd presiding. There are abou IBO easoi , mostly oijuity. The Itoullold as sttult oiiso will ha tried again this term. Th term will last about two wreks. llciilrlco Uarn llnriii-il. BIUTIIICI : , Neb. , Fob. 10. [ Spooinl Toll gram to Tin ; BKU , ! The burn on the prom- Uos of James l oary , West Court street , wa : burned last night , Loss , $ . " ) ,000 : jnsuranci fi',000 , _ ALL OUT OP FORM. Conto.liinlH In thn lllltlnril Toiiriiuinci Not AlaliliiK ( ioixl It.iconl * . The stnti ) billiard tournament still pr < grcssus cnthuslastlcully at room H in the Nei York L\to. \ As yet none of the contestant tmvo been up to tiiotr normal stuudart owing , prouauly , to nervousness ongondore by nn ovorenK rness to win , nna as a const quonco no very romnrkablo billiards hav boon played nor very creditable average niQdo. Lloutouant Arrasmith inviiriubl starts out lllio n winner , executing brilllan and dinicull shots with thu ease anU grace o a Schaffor aud Sloston , but owliuto eom oc-oult cauao never falls to lot down aftu Bcoring a cominondlng load , and succumbs t the plodding poriovuronco of his opponent ! Thus far. deducing opinion from st-ionlill billiurd , he should bo credited with a clou otiilu of victories , iustead of un even divlsio of vlctoritu and dofrals. TUu only man who thus far has played i anything IlUo his normal form la Mr , By me : and yet his victories have noi been of a overwhelming character. Keuistou is 'wa ' below his standard , but will likely improv from this on out. Hayes has played unluckll aud lacks the talent necessary to compel with the loader * in the race. Cahn , consid firing ho does but little playing , has made a creditable a allowing as any. However , tbo touniuino'nt is proving ei coodlDKly interesting , and will go n lone wa toward accomplishing its object , that of re awuVcnlug and fostering a uow In the gcntlomon's gnmo. As yet no one unless It Is the Lincoln man Is out of tin race , and It will take n good guess yet ti locate the winner of the championship. The contestants yesterday afternoon won Konlston nna Hayes , the former winning b ; the following score : Kontston-C , 2 , fl. a 0. 0 , 0. a I. 1 , 0 , 0. 1. 20 , T. 1.1 0 , o , r , . o. o , 7. n. 2 , 4. w. 1 1 , o , 7 , 7,0,1,0,1 , s , o , : t. i a , a. o , 2 , o. a. i. 2. u. o. 2 , o , 7 , a 1 , o , o. 2 , fl , 4 , \ \ c 1 , o. a. n , a. i , : i , a , o , o , 3 , o , it , 2. 1. 1 , o. o , l , 2.ti , c 2 , 1ft. 1,0 , ? , 4. 17-1100 llest run. M. Avernce. n.1 , llnvcs-7. 0 , I. 2 , 0. H. S. 0. 2 , 10 , 0 , 0 , R. 1 , 4. fi. 1 , (1 a 2 , i , o , n , o , 12 , i. : i , 10. 12. o , o. t , 4. i , o , o , P. i. n II. X , 4 , f. . 12. 1. 1. 2 , fi , 0 , 4 , ! i. 1. 1. fi , 0. 3. I. 3. 10 , 0. S 2. i , 10. o. 1. 1. 2. o. 5 , i. o , i. 2. a , s. i , r , i. a , u , i , 7 0 , 0 , 0. 0. 0 , 4 2.V ) . Host ran , 12. Average , 2.0. Last night Sytncs aud Konlston mot bofon a fair audience. Neither mon played tn eoo < form. Konlston'.s work being cspeclnllj wretched. Symos won by the followlni " scorot , Sy mesl 3 , 0 , 0. 5 , 0. 0. 0 , ! . 0 , 0 , 2. I , 7. fi. .V tl 0. iu. . 2/7 , i , i. 2. o. i' ' . o. o. : r > , 7 , o. 2 , 4 , u. o , c 4. n , ? . i , 2. 14. a , o , ii , a , n , o. 4 , 8 , i , 17 , 4. o , 2 10 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 1 , I ) , 0. 4 , 0. 0. ; > . I , 0 , 14. 4 , 1. fl. P. C 2. 0. 2. 0 , 0. It , 0 , 0 , I. 0 , 0. 13 , 2 , 0. 2 , 4 , a , fi , It , C 1 , a. 2. 2 , 0. 1. 0 , 1 , 2-IIOI. Host inn. a.'i : average. 2.l\ ! KcilNlon : 0. 10 , 1 , 1. t" " , 1 , 21 , 1. 1 , 0. 0 , 0 , (1 ( 0. 1. ; i , 8 , 7 , 2. 1 , 2 , 2 , 0. 0 , .VS. I , 13. 4. 1 , P. 1. fi 4. 0 , 4 , P- , II , 0 , 15 , 4 , 3 , 2 , 0 , 1 , 1 , 0 , fl. 0. 0 , 2. ( I C. 0. 1. 2. 0 , 2. 2 , 1 , 3. 0. 0 , 0 , I , 0. S. 2. I , 2. 7 , 17 0 , (1. 0. ( V 0. 2. 0 , 3. 3. 1 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0. 0 , I , 0 , 5. a , 1 , 0 0 , 10. 7 , 2 , 2 , 0 , lr 0 , 2. a , 0. 4 , 0'M. . llest run , 21 ; average , , 2.S. Jti-sultx ill Ulourrfttnr. ' QiouusTfitt : , N. .1. , Fub. 10. Wcalhei cloudy , track fast. I'lrst r.\c , sn\on-i'lilitli9 ot u mile , "ulllne lllchal [ the fuvorltu ) wuti. Klvtnn si-i-nnd Question third , lssiiiumi ] Illly ilruun. Tlinu Sei-oniVriicc , ll\B > olihtlisof n mile , solllnit 1. linn wiili , Corioliiiiils ucond , WIRWIIIH third Iliirry liis ! i < ll , Ilarrlnntm. tillt o Dud. Skhl- morn iind Jnok Mnlllns drawn. I piour cell ( thu fnvorlto" ) ran unulHuud. Time. flsy. Third race , six mid one-qiisirti-r furlongs snlllnit : l.lttlo A ( Ul Id Him fnvorllulm \ Torchlight second , Pretender tlilid , Tlmu I :2 : . I'ourth iiiri' . one mlliv si'lllng : 1-Vrnwooi ! won. Dr. lloliniilh ( Ihu favoiitoi sovonil , Crls p M tlilid. Khln drawn. 'I'linu : l:4H- : > { . I'lflh nicu , nlno sUteuntlisof a nilln : le < femliinlMIII , Austin ! ( tlio favorltu ) st-oond I'lcldcno third , IJniiKU-.I dri\vn : , Tlmo ; f.S'i yi\th race , sl\ mil onc-iiiirtor | furlongs , pnlllns : ' Aunlo P. ( the fnvnrltu ) won. I'rlm-i I'liiirinlni : nccond , linstlc third , i'uobi anil John Arklns drawn. Time : 1:21. : Coins ut tiiitli-iihcru. GCTTKSHEun , N. J. , Fob. UTho ) tracl was in good condition today , hut the attend nnco was small : I'ir-a iai-c , six fiirlnnns : Van Dyke won , II Inilev second , Ski-oa ( leister third. Time 1:17. Second race , four nn I one-half furloiiss iMulnulu won. Wrestler second , Wondnwaj thlr.1. Tlmo : iVi'f. Third race , slfnrlonis ; : 0.V Cook won second , Silver Mint third. Tiinii . I'onith race , live and one-half fnrloncs Once Ac.ilii won , Kolosoconil , San Ardo third Time : r.U'.n.i. I'lftli riiru , ono and out tl\tuontli miles Vosliurg won , Sir Ituu siiconil , IM ( Jrlp tliiul. . Tlii-oi H51H. Hl\th race , seven fnrloiiKs : Lost Ma won. Qu.lbbler second , Majesty third. Time Tips lor Tmlny Ifyouovordo that sort of thing hot- hero are some things the tulout consider ; llrst class : 1. Peralto-Mlsslve. 2. Sir Lancelot MclCt-cver. : i Arncl Magle. 4. UhjucllonNoonday. . fi. llllt/on I'rlnco Howard. C. Tuscu Hurry Ireland. (1I.OUCESTEIU 1. I.ooS Iaur-iS. 2. William lltiiiry-Paolm a. Soarling KO-.O Howard. 4. llollsnrins ITmlita. 5 , Illiickliurn Mnclliige. G. Katie O MacUicor. Mrs. Winslow's ' Soothlnc Syrup for chll ' dron teething , rests the child 'aud comfort ! tlio mother.He u bottle. Ni\VS I'OU T11K AltSlY. Complete 1.1st of Cli.uiKCs in tlio Kt-iilni Survk-n Yoatrriliiy. WASIMXGTO.V , D. C. , Fob. 18. [ Specia Telegram to TJII ; BiE.l-Tho : foilowlni assignments to regiments of ofllcors rocontlj promoted and transfers of ofllcers an ordered : First Lieutenant Wallis O. Clark , Twolftl infantry , will report In person March 1U 1893 , to Iho superintendent of the recrulthij service. Now York city , for assignment ti duty at David's island , Now York harbor This detail is made with a view lo a tour o duty of two years. Captain Chnrle ? Hay commissary of subsistence , will proceoi from Denver to Groely , Colo. , 01 oftlcial business and on the completion thereof return to his proper station. Leav < of nbscneo foi- two months ij granted Majo Krnest II. Unffner , corps of engincors Claptnin Louis A Crnie , Sixth cavalry , nm First Lieutenant Charles ] { . Noyes , Nintl infantry , are detailed as members of tin board of ofllcors appointed Fooruary 1'J ti meet at West Point , N. Y. , March 1 for the physical and mental oxamlnatiot of appointees to the United States millturj academy , vice Uoorgo McC. Derby , corps o" engineers , and First Lioutonanl Samuel \V IJuntilng , Sixteenth infantry , who are re lioved. Second Lieutenunt Powell t'laytou Jr. , Fifth cavalry , will report In person no later than March 5 to the commanding of llcor Fort Leaven worth. Kan. , for temporan instruction until Juno ii , when ho wll bo relieved by the post co i mander am directed to Join his troop. Lieutenant Colonel onol Francis H. Parker , ordnancu depart mout , will proceed from Watervllct nr&onal West Troy , N. Y. . to the Sandy Hook prov ing ground , Now Jersey , on ofllcinl buslnos In connection wltbtholcstof ordnanconnd 01 the completion thereof return to his prope station. "Lcavo of absence for ono moutl from March 1 , 1S02 , Is granted First Lieu tenant Dorosoy C. Cabcll , Eighth cavalry. Cnligraph writing machine is the host fo nuinilolding and lor speed. TH11EE BLAZES. Onuili'.i rimiiu-ii Knjoy ThrniHflvi-4 Tor i l' uv Itrli-l .Moinciitti. The hat store of Wlllian Krcllo , Sll Soutl Thirteenth street , UMS discovered on ilro a 1UO : o'clock this morning.Chemical No. ! put out. the llames with a blight loss. About the sanfo tlmo ODlcor Itussell sav sinoko pouring from n winnow in Oaviii' Installment house , t013 ! Cumlng stroot. Tills bla/e wus put out with only a sllgh loss. The police found pdrtlully burned oh rags , shavings and papers saturated will oil , and it is inferred that the blazu wus o incendiary origin. Hardly had the department reached horai before another alarm was .sent in calling th apparatus to the Christian church nt Hi corner of Twentieth strcoi and Cupitc avenue. A festival was to have been hold ii the church and the Ilro was found In a pll ol kltuhun rubbish. The chomlcal oxtin iruiuhod thn lliunoa with only a a mull lose Thu greatest dumugo will be to tbo carpets Uessler'HMngia Headache Wafer acu all headaches , in 'JO minutes. At all druggis Mla Hi'xt'it Kiiti-rtiilnmiiiit , Ono of the llnest vntortalninonts of th klr.d over afforded tbo people of any commun Ity was given last night ut the Park Avonu United Prosbylorlan church. The chief feature turo of the ovenlnc was the brilliant render Ing of wcll-seloulcd pieces by MUs Uflli Klaln Iloxt , elocutionist. It was her llrst np poaranoe In Om&ba and sue convinced he audlcuco that she IH an artist at high nrdui Miss Hoxt's poslngs In Greek costume were an exhibition of the highest art , A solo by Mnt Church , was wol received. A duel by Arthur and Mabu Henderson greatly pleased the audlonco , aui n quartette , Miss , Porter , Mrs , Spaldlng Messrs. Oration and Henderson , was excel leutly rendered. Vi-trrnn'ltiTfl\hiK Their num. WASIH.SOTOX , D. C. , Fob. 18. [ Specia Telegram to Tins BKK.J The Wnshlngtoi oDIcoof THE HBB Bureau of Claims todai received notification from the coinmUslono' of pensions of the allowance of the pansloi of Frederick A. Nourso , Sllvortoo , Oro. , a the rate of JI'J per mouth from July 18 lust In this case Nourso was represented by UK Washington ottlce of TUB BUB Bureau o Claims , which succeodeit in securing him thi hlirhest rate allowable under the now law The exceptional facilities offered by the Bu. reau aru now being utilized by the oil soldterx , and the veterans are securing thol Just dues prorapUy , Inlormation furnlshei freo.Yrito Tn BKS Bureau of Claims O in aba , frnoM i KSTKKIUY'S sncosn F.HITIOS' . ] T im in i i\i i t n i w vtttvui LIHi IS A PLtASAlNl HUM. At Least That is What Somo-bf tli9Insur- , nnco Men Think , FEAST OF THE LIFE UNDERWRITERS Nolirnsku Assorl'ttlon'A -coiidAiinii.il llun- qiirt Olinnl ( Jrr.lt l.'iijnyiill-nl Sxtnrnl A'crv Wll Turned Sporclu-K Mmlo In ltrsii | > iisn to To.tstA , . . i * The lifo insurance nicii ot Omaha and tin stnto flow in the facaof Provldoncp and then companies' rcsorvo funds Thursday oveniiif wbcnilhoyj | nttemnlod. lo surround all o the sub stnntml.s untl delicacies gproAt before them at the banquet tendered tin Life Underwriters' Association , of Npbraski at the Paxton. It WHS indcoj an occasion to which thi genial Insurance man might well look for ward with keen nnticlp > tlo'iij' aiid In the recollection of Its many jtlensuros they will take equal satisfaction. They may bo par- dono'l for the pride that they Jnuijr feel for Iho sui-rost that nttondcd their efforts and none can realize llns more fully than those who wcro fortunate ojiousli to bj there , The association wasjlratorganlfcd In 1SSI , but interoit was allowed to Valio. and n reorganization was offccteii In .fhtnnry of this year. Membership U opon41o nil llfo insurance ngonts of iho "old lino"compuulos , concral , local and special , ami Ihoi-j ara now on the rolls twenty-six itiembor7all of whom are located either In Omatmjir Lincoln. It was the srcoad aniittal oivurronco of the kind , and It wus well nigh perfect In all Its details , from the beautiful andunlquo invila. lions to the boutonnieres , cigars nlul speeches , The liullatliii . _ The Invitations wcro very prettv affairs , being gotten up on the plan of a lifo insur nnco policy , properly signed , attested am ] sealed , ami in their variety of color nnu rib bon were marvels of the pr1nt6i'4nrt. Thcj read as lollows : The Llfo UnUerwrltcrs' Association ol Nebraska , Second annual i > , miuot. No. - , In consideration of Uioslnlcmeuts and agree ments which herclnaflcr folloiv , and Whlc-1) ) are hereby madn part gf this Uocumetit , doth itihuro llio iior < on of - - , of - , state of Nebriiska , a full and complete participation ia the dividends and hurplu ; arising from their second annual bamiuct , tr bo hold at the Paxton hotel , in thu citv ol ( Jmaha , Neb. , on the uigutr.onth day of Feb ruary , eighteen hundred and ninety -two , at seven o'clock In iho ovenintr of that dav , and which stui 1 1 after its iultlo'mout bo non-for- feitablo. Provide J , always I. 'L'hat this contract shall bo in torco only while the insured is in good health. II. That liny complaint against this assocn- lion upon Ihis policy must bo registered ba- fore midnight of tlmt day. III. Tbnt , if Iho insured survive , ho will bo guaranteed a paid up lifo recollection of said event as un annuity. The association hereby declines to notice any usslsriunoiit of this contract. In witness whereof the said Life Underwriters Asso ciation of Nebraska hits , by its president and secretary , signed nnrt delivered ihls invita tion this tlrit day of Fobraary , eighteen hundred and ninotv-two. [ SIAI. . ] M. L. UOIIIIR , President. W. S.VHAOV , Secretary. The cor.y hotel cafe was the scene of the festivities. The roomv apartment presented a most attraotlvo appearance after tho'mom- bors of the association and their many guests were seated around the long U-shapod tables. Across the upper end of the room were draped a couple ol largo American llass , the familiar colors showing in pleasing contrast against " the softer tints of "tho walls , liunchcs and bouquets of rarely beautiful llowors graced the tables and with the rlch'sorvico of silver , cut glass and china , added to the attractive ness of the scene. Mlllnjrut tlicTalilu. Ninety covers were laid and at each sat n welcome cue < t. President M. L. Koedor occu pied the toustmastor's position , and at his right sat Mayor lieinis ami at hh loft Mr. E. L. Morsoman , president of the Union Life , Omaha's homo insurance company. To the right of the mayor Hat Dr. S. D. Mercer and on the loft of Mr. Morsoman was E. Hose- water. And the cloth was well ropresouted. Dean Gardner of Trinity nud Hev. T. .1. MIICKUV of All Saints were seated on cither side of Hon , .1. M. Thurston , and in the midst of such surroundings that gen tleman was constrained to bchavo un commonly well. With rare dissimulation , ho would have convinced n stranger tlmt he was perfectly at ease , and a casual observer would have thought that ho w s thoroughly used to it. Jubl across the korsoshoo sat Dr. J. T. Duryon , and ho was the lifo of the immediate surrounding circle of publicans and sinners. For nearly two hours the banquoteiM cave themselves to the scientific , philosophical and practical discussion of numerous courses prepared by the Paxton'H chef , and horvcd with faultless slUll. No sooner were the fragrant WCOQS lighted and fragrant clouds of perfume thorctrom rollinc lazily ceillngwaril than a movement at the head of tlio table demanded attention. With n sigh of roqrot for the pleasing occu- palion tlmt he was compelled to interrupt , aud another for the more onerous ono that It wai then necessary to assume , Toastmaster - master Hocdor arose , and after critically surveying the four long lines of sutistiod and contented individuals before him , said : .Mr. IComlt > rH * Well-aim * . On behalf of the Ijlfo Underwriters * Asso ciation of iVuhrasku 1 mil. unly bid you wol- eniiie , but sincerely hope to have the p.easnro of ' 'leullnk' you ii' " .Un at our next annual ban quet. li is not my intention lo take up your time. Tor wo havu with us thlsovviilnsulstlnfiulslied snnakoH who urn always prepared for occa sions of this Uind. 1 will , Inmovur , htato that tlio oU. ] , ct of our association Is not only to ndvnnco thu great Inturcists of llo ( liiMinuico. hut tn promote a more ocinl and friendly business ruliitlonslnii amongst llioso miRagcd thoroln , Inoidei tosouuro jniinnfumorle.4 and like Industrieellles very oflon offer mrint-ya and valuable lands as nn Inducement for them In locate within their hoiduis , un ( icuonnt of Ihu number of pt-oplu that are given cinploviumil and the iniinuy ( ixiiendeil , I am Hiitlrtllod thai yon du n'ol r.pprnclntu tlio llfo liisiir.inco ucents nr yon would long liofoio thin huvo olTi-rud thmn lutti ) > r indnuu- nients to loeiito In Umahii [ liiinvliter. ] lor future reference , the following utatlstles may provo of Interest. Tln-ro tire reprosonte'J here this uvenliiK llilrty old linn cumpaiilus ; tins inuans tlilrty olllces In Umuha ; thirty gonuiitl nuunth , twii elurUx In eauh olllce , thruo iouliil ( unonts , ni.iklng u total ot ' . 'OJ jivoplq employed In Uniulm by these conip'iiues. Then are over 1,001) ) towns , in the Htato , an1' ' on an average iliero mitliroo Jncal agunti. In uich toun , muKlnir Ji lotul of a.U"U iiaents. I'hcru are I'.UOU moillcnl ux- iitnloois ; 1,000 loan UL'ent.H , mid ajj ir.iyellns spcelalH , iiiakliiK a total of oror n.OOO nuoplo umployod In the btalo of Nubrnska hy iho thirty uomp.inli-s roprniontoil libro tliln'pVen- ] t\f. \ At un average of ifl per day ( his 'nitny reijulrus over J..5 0.oou por-yunr for nut mil liv- \Vo will udd to thlsiooO ( ) fet medical examination. 22J.OUO fur'pllleo rents , showlni ! Unit nearly f UkW.OO'l are' required for actual llvliif and business iixnunaes , imU this money U all exponilcd In the slutoof .No- bruhka , and does not Inujudo the luxuries of life , traveling uxpua > cs and nhat we owe , It sestlir.atod t lint 05 per con tof the Ufo in surance now In fori-o has bepn taUon iiiroii''li tlio Intlnonco of ii onts1'or' tlio' liondrods of millions paid to families who utjuld otherwUu liuvti lieen left In dustltnllon th inks uui dun to a eonslderatilo tuleut to th't ) energy and perslstunuy of the agent. Appittulatln the urtiat and neb o work wu havu buforo us wu uropoho thruiigh this u so. cl.itlnn to lirln ; ; about a more ponimon hyslnin of laws rolutlns to llfo liisiirniuie that shall make llio bust Intiiiriinco uct'Cbslblu to all. rionluVlui .MIitHi- l It. The toostmaMcr stated that many invited guests had found It imposslolo to be present , and bocrutary W , S. Wilson was reijuoslcd to road some of Ihu ro/rots. t The secretary than read interesting com munications from several gentlemen who , ho sahl , had beea oxpoctud to bo present in par son , but had come by mall. "Tho first , " said tie , "js from the governor of the state. " "Thayerl" was the monosyllable query of a voice , but the oaro kuggcstlon ot such a state of affairs was manifestly dUtasttjful to thoassombUgo. Lettera wcrJ lead from Uovcruor J , K. Hojd , Br""H * , T.irbcll , mnnnijer o the Uqultablo of Uhtuairo : . .lameV Alexander of the K-iuiinblo LHo ; Guorgo M. Carnom-r. manager ot the Mius.i- chusoiis Mulual Llfo ; Thomas H. Ilcntoj auditor of state ; II A. Babeock , roinnus sloner of Insurance ; W. T. Smith , Chlcoiji manager of iho Massachusetts Mutual Llfo K. V. Preston , superintendent of ngeiiclc1 for the Travelers ; A. W. Kltntnll , superln tendont of ncroncloi for the Northwcston Mulual ot Milwaukee ; Hon , Etonzcr WaKo loy nnd Hlsliop Hlchard Scannoll of Omaha and H. C. LlnnlncoU , manager of ngenclo for the Penn Mutual. CJovornot Bt > yd had boon assigned to respond spend to the toast , "Nebraska , " but l o braska went untoasted. Illi llonnr'n llrnmrlii. Mayor limnlfiwits asked to assume an other of oxyvlavor Cnshlng's old Jobs ono thai ho ImJ not before hud forced upoi him lorcsnoml to "Ontfthn.1 ; The nlayor salil that his first Impression ! of Omalta wore received ; In London in ' ( II , ' 03 and T > 'l , where ho.waa then running llu only American newspaper In Huropo. Slnui tlmt tlmo ho had carofullv watched It" growth and development until il reached 11 ? nrosoiit pupulation of ii quarter of a million ini'ludliifr Council niutfs , South Om.iha , Iho parks nnd camalurlos. [ Lauchtcr. I In ISI1S ho tnadi ) his first trip to Omulia. He Jlrmlv belovoil that' It would bo thu future capital of U in country. Ho rofi.rrod to Ins exportation * with insnr.inco ngonts from the llmo Mr. Llwton saddled his lint polln.v onto him In IS" ) until iuw , when ho hud binked on his existence to thn extent nl ? 7 < > , ( > 0i ) . | A vokv , "Want anv nioro' " ! Well , wo won't discuss It tonight. [ Lnughtcr.1 Now , ucnilcmon , there Is ono thing that us innvor of Omaha 1 fool In tldt.V bound to do. It seems to t > o always In order , and us cltl- ? cns of Omaha Itfoel safe In uxtondlni ; lo you the freedom " ofttio city. " ( Laueutci * and applause. ] v. 'Aliiint I. IfiItMitnincc. . Dr. S. D. Morrrr was asked to respond to "Lifo Insurance. " Ho said : "Lllo insuratico U no iixcoptlon to the gon- erall.iwsofsocl.il and business evolution , and llKo nil ulhor institutions of mui IHU two sides , Iho ridiculous ami tlio sublime. The former Is not bad. ll H made up of the inci dents peculiar to the business , and Is usually visible , ! iko comets , at Irregular periods , and not infrequentlv like the comet , is chtelly composed of the tnlu. To me , llfo Insurance , in Its subllnio sense , inspires ttirco other thoughts , protection , friendship and business. Tuo businessman Mho ilno * not throw around himself a suf e- gvmrd lo protect the accumulated earnings of n life , docs vtolquc-e lo his creditors mid in justice to his fiimilv. Plans , nromotcd In the mliist of prosperity , howuvor Juincious and well orpanfzod , uro always dis turbed by n hUdeii-ii taking ( iff. If our wlrtns ba not inleiveptod bv death the consolation pf.alety ( i.s iimplo luvvnrd lor the Hxpensu Incurred , and wilu siii'li a con science ) wo stand more erect among our fel lows , commamling.moro thoroughly the con HdPiieo of mini and cnjov nioro keaiily the re- spL'L-t and affection of our families. "Tho second thought , friendship , is appar ent to nil , The foundation of lite insurance rusts upon the doctrine , 'Help ono nnutlu'r. ' If a few friends can mutually joi" their m- turests In a common csusi * for the benelit of o.ifh other in turn as they may nerd it , each in turn to bo roivurded nnd safely remuner ated , why cannot the same plan , enlarged and dignillcd. with the pre cautions and accuracies of business , bo tnoio bonellci.iHo nil of this class , carrying at the same | time Iho essence of confidence and emotions o It'KJl Vt-T.V ( lUIKl TIllllC. "This kind of .roasoninz brings the conclu sion that HfOi , insurance is protection aud friendship , an vbat ibrouch its crowth and development , ji ] | nil its ramifying in terests thom ( t ofticiPiit and safest business hasj been developed that over evolved fi-qyi . . tbo miiiii of man. Peruaps I shi\4 ( \ s y something about , the distinctions botivf on what is known asold lino' comnatiiefjundi'assesisment associations. ' This llphl is too 'largo for this occasion , but sufllcc it to SHE , that in my opinion , while the 'old lino' oqincaniGs , rich in experience and ; iccnmnliiqus. ( do their vvorK on safer business pnvfip'os ' , still assessment as cocliitioiis aro1f of a , more fnondlv Itind ; ihut .jsj . , , tlio Iwiiciiciarios are brought moi-o-qltiVjly together on account of thosimujojn.anacf inen.\and free fraternal ro liitlonshijbi'sulei , I'ysching a large class of mon lhat could not bq ronchea othcrwiso and giving protection to thousands lor a consid eration notconsistent withlarKiircompauies. " Thrro'n u hcriiion in It. "Lifo Insurance , a Keligloiis Duty , " was the ' toast assigned Dean Gardner. The dean was certain that ho could find n text and preach from It if not on it. Ho thought that Ihc 8cri.tural ( passage reading , "He that provldi-th not for his own isvorso than an infidel , " might properly be. construed as an injunction to every rclig ious head of a family to got lawful possession of n life insurance policv. Ho thought thai oven if they were not so disposed they would Iind It difficult to dodge the Insnr.inco 1115011 Is , and ho liUenod them lo an oyster. "I hero are two kinds of oysters , " said the dean. "Ono opens its shell and si-.ys vomo and taKe mo. ' "ho other shuts itself surlily in its shell and says "I will sit down hove and commune with mysell smart from all the world. ' The starlisli says 'I will sit down hero too. You will open your shell after a while. And the starfish eels his oyster , and so does the insurance agent. "But there is a serious side to the ques tion. A man who cares enough for others to insure his life thai the o dependent on him may bo protected , is not a selfish man. Ho has a soul In him and so have tbo men who are trying to fnduco him to nuke this provis ion. They are the men I want in my church , iind 1 fool that there is room for them in that hotter world above. 1 am myself dealmsr in futures , .something on Iho insurance lln o. fA voice : -'What line ? " Mr. Thurston : "Flro insuranco" Laughter. ) "Yes , Hro Insurance. If you will have it so , and 1 want no better risk than nou whoso object in llfo is assisting- throwing precautions against distress and want about tiioso who might otherwise/ loft ut any time in want , de pendent mid alono. " | Applause. ] 1'uri-ly u ISUHliifis .Miillrr. Hon. E. Hoscwator was called upon to respond to "Llfo Insurauco and Its Uelalion to the Praus. " Ho said that ho had had n ? rcat deal of experience with insurance men nnd was con siderably Insured. The relation between the liMiiranco men and the press , howovur , was n matter of dollars and cents also much n line and could not bo nroporly discussed at this time and ho would bo comucllod to spcalc from an ethical standpoint. So fur as his own personal llfo Insurance , was concerned - corned , ho had Just loolwd from a fooling of curiosity ami found that ho was car rying policies amounting to $ jSlUOO In old line companies and f..OOO In thu .Mnsonlo Bcnevolont association , Ills Insurance was u matter of bnsmcsii. He secured it to provide for- his fiimilv and for another child for which ho had groal atfeo- lion , Tim OMAIM Hr.u. Ho had sot apart a large sum of this : llnsurancn In his will in ordur that his ojcodstora might carry on the work that ho had -begun until his boya could tauo hold of it , zorthatlhu work of an entire lifetime might nbt tin undone In a moment. The speaker thought that others could Hit n great proportmivtil' their burden by placing It on the hhoulircrs of u good llfo insurance company. Ho Ivfd [ found insurance ugonts : persistent , and tUqiight the relations between editors and lusAU-uniio mon a great deal of a bore , but tH6y ; always got away with the oyetftV. Too press plays an important upprt with lifo insurance companies by , , kpoplng its supervising eye on the gro.iLusandatlon , It was u ques tion of conlliloiicd 'with ' tlio public , and that was necessary befoi'o ' iieoplo would toke a policy In a compatnc Tlio press also sees to it that the logical lyu power of the different states is so dlni'H ) Iis , ( to protect patrons and keep out Peter li'uuk companies , Short nnd 1'itliy I'lilloicnU , Rev , T. J. Mackay was usked to speak un "Bunollts of Llfo Insurnnco , " hut ho thought it rldii-ulous to expert him lo suv anything on ihut Hiibjoot to men ivlin were extolling its vlrtucifsnven days \ \ * . thu week nud every inontti In Ihu year. He spoke of thu changes In preaching volition.i'oll ] < s onca bo- llevod that the only thing wus to got into heavuti iind keen out 01 boll , but mom practical ways of doing things were preached nowadays. People foreot that when CUrlst said. " [ I'aka no thought of the morrow , " Ho did not immii what thuy thoagnt Ha aid. Insurance men were putting IIIDII in condition to do that very tiling by placing him boyoud the worry of the morrow und giving him time to think of laying up treasures wlioro ciolh ami rust doth not corrupt. No man can do that which will In MI it ) till family ugj'i- ho future i.nd still remain u lone , mean and miserly man , It it a buuulit to tli one we love to do tomu- thing lo take wnv thosting from doalh am otiablo us to dm llko mon , Knowing they an provided for after wo liavo pussortawnj from cnrth , Hon. John M. Thurston responded to "Ttu Llfo Insurance Agent ; an Important Factoi In Political Life. " Ho said : "For onto I nin sincerely glad to meet von all , The balance of the your 1 expect tc sDoiid In dodging you. The wav I am pjiu-Pd hero tonight , between two clergyman , clvos tno n fooling of conltdonco Ic the future. If you could Insure against political death I would be glad to Uiko enl a policy overv llmo I road one of Urolhor Uosownter's editorials. I iirr glad to Know ho carrie * so much llfo insur- ntice. It will lessen mv regret In cnso tlu compatilos are suddenly cnllod upon lo pav up. 1 can't talk well on this subject bccaust I am out of pollt'cs , "I have not boon so fortunate ns some of the gentlemen hero ih their insurance matters , 1 have takeil out many policies , but the1 have not brought mo the rest and comforl they toll about. PoHodlcal notices from Ihc agents have caused mo nights of sleooloss- ness. Polities and life Insurance nro llnkoi ! together in my mind. For years all my surplus money wont Into llfo Insurance am ! signatures for political friends. Ono has brought mo about AS much return as Iho oilier , Llfo Insurance Is n factor tn llio politics of n nation. Time spent In politics ia tnonoy lln-Div'ii luviiy , and is a luxury not to be imfjilgeiL In by a man unless wpalthv r 'provided against suddou taking off. Thus thu tnsiiranco companies furnish poor men , anlo to capo with political questions of the hour , nn opportunity to do so. 1 believe that every man ought to be a politician , and in that way oniy nnd uy carrying out their honest convictions Is a good government as- n "Ijtfo luMirauoo n Social Power , " was tnc littt toast nnd was responded 'o by Dr. ,1. T , Dili-yen , ilo thought the Insurance man of llio world had boon uncoM.sclously doing n BiiiaU-r work than thcv Itnow. They wore iidvociitlnp moasunn that would nhlaln nt the ba l of the soelal structure of ijcnora- tlolis > l to be. U'liovsocioty in which wo live will not lust. It Is based on Individualism , nnd any prog- css musl ho on 11 now sentiment. Wo arc ccmlrtg , not to nnttonnllsm but to n true na tionality. Arbor dtiy and the sentiment in favor of foroitry now so conoral throughout the country grow oul of : i slmplo question nskod by n Sunday school scholar ns lo iho lopoijr.iphy of Pnlc.slino. tlmt rosultud lu sondiiiL" nn nijont to Iho Holy Lund. So good i-ountrv roads will bu the result of thu general - eral use. of the lilovclc , and will bring the fm-mer into the currents of roul life , lusur- ntiL-o iimn are teaching true socialism , "Hoar vo ono nnothut's hurduiis , " and are dolnc a proal dunl lo preach llio Kospal of Iho Rood Uuio cominjr. At the oonclusiou of the doctor' > remarks , he was called upon to load the four score or voclfi rous hut untralnnd musicians through iho liimtllar recossoa ot "Auld Liuiir Svno. " This was intended to bo the closing ode , but Mr. M lulcv rcfusud to ba comforti-d until "SoSavuAllof Us , " nud "For Wo All Are .lolly CJood Fellows , " had boon turned loose upon the iiiiUnicht air. Then the builo bounded "hats and overcoats. " and the lights wont out. The following insuninc'- mon nnd their in dividual pnosts were thcro : Murtm Uould , Klliot b. Miller , W. S. Goulu , H. I ) . Xcnly , S. D. Mcn-or , William Henry Brown , W. S. Wilson. William O. Jennings. O. H. Cook , W. F. Allen , J. M. Hishop , S. Uootz. W. M. Thompson , II. A. Lvman , N. ,1. Schmidt , H. S. Mann , i. M. Kdmiston , O. T. Smith , James Halo , M. A. lirovvn , Georpo.T. Storns- dorff , Froil J. Sackett , Charles W. MoVick- or , G. W. Ciorwlg , ( jeorgo T. Parish , Dr. S. H. Patten , Dr. D. A. Footo. William E. Ham ilton , John Steel , W. M. Hut-roughs , F. A. Wnllerstodt , II. A. Doud. John Grant , W. H. Lawtou , F. A. Sprague of Council Bluffi , A. F. Hector , F. E. Moc-kott anil .1. II. Mock- ett , Jr. of Lincoln , M. L. Koedor. C. E. Cur- der. W. S. Strawn , Ur. A. W. Hllev. Dr. O. S. Hoffman , George T. Punpelly , M. tiold- smith , H K. Gould , Goonjo J. Voss , 0. H. Jeffries , A. U. Wvman , W. C. Stone , W. I. Hawks , James B. Brown. S. K. Me- Hurnoy. E. M. Morsman , H. T. Clark , A. Pratt , DJL. . F. McKenna , A. L. Wigton , J. U. HuntHr , E. B. Hall. Tlio guests of tbo association wore : Hon. 1. M. Thurston. Hon E. Kosewnter. Dean LSardncr , Hcv. T. J. Mackay. Dr. J. T. Our- yoa. Mavor Bomls , Clom Chase , General W. O. McDowell of Newark , N. J. M//J ii / / . / , < ; IT nun i No Cll'nrtlll IdMndtt Ii ) OPIUM..Mrs. . Itlnlnp In Court. DIAUVV < IOI > , S. D. , Feb. 18. ( Sp-cial Tole- craiii to Tin : Bui : . J Contrary to general ex pectation lust night , the Irinl of the Hlalno ttivorco case did not begin today , throe other cases of minor importance winch had pre cedence occupying tlio attention of the court. J'he case was reached , however , so fur us to Dlloit a ruling fiom iho court refusing to strike the ctofondiint's answer from thu Hies nnd fixing tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock for the trial to hopin. Mrs. Blalno was not displeased at Iho ilelay. She passed a miserable night and would hardly have boon able lo huvo np- penrod in court this mornincr. There has been no recurrence of hemorrhage , however , iind as she succeeded in resting u tew hours this ai.lornooti slio is much improved in health and spirits tonight though still re maining in her room at the hotel. It is now dotiaitely known thai Iho de fendant 'vill not be represented in court by attorneys and lhat theio will bo iiocllort to prevent Mrs. Blair.o getting the divorce nnd freedom she covets or to deprive her of the custody ot thn child which so long promised to liguro as the only real bone of contention in the case. Nmv Vorlt'x Kill lnK'rc-ted. PAIIKKII , S. D. , Fob. J"Tho Mlnton divorce - vorco case Is in full proj-'ross. All day yostorduy was taken to road complaints nnd depositions from the Now VorkIOU" which were Introduced to show lhat dufondantvis ; an habitual drunkard. Both tbo session of last evening and tins morning was consumed In reading the depo sitions of John Heed , thu family coachman , Miss Pholan , the family nurse , and the family physician. Thu plaintiff endeav ored to establish by these witnesses lhat the dolcudunt was an habit ual drunkard and tlmt ho suffered from n foul disease. The testimony of Ed ward Nicoll , brother ot the plaintiff , cited Instance ! ) when Mlnton was drunk nnd swore at his wife , besides striking her. Mrs. Mntoa | testified lhat tin- defendant failed to support tiori ho always oamo homo frpm iho club drunk. At onetime time they were boarding with her liusbanu's mother nnd could not pay llio boarJ bill , .Sho gave her husband her soil- tiilro diamond engagement rim : with which tie secured (150 and applied It on the board hill. She frequently recolvad inonoy from lierow.n income , which was used to keep up Iho family expenses. iiH ( iiitliirliiK ill I'lnn UlilK- . PixcKinun , fc ( , DFob. 18. [ Special a\o \ ? raui to 1,111 : lliiK.J The Indians from Kose- bud , consisllng of IRU wagons nnd about , riOO Indian ! ! , collected today , and another big crowd is expected tomorrow. The council wiUVonvono at 'J a. in. tomorrow. Major J. A , Connor , special aiiont , has been uelectud : is chairman , The Pine Kidgo agency uml KosetKid InduiiH are holding a big council at lied ( Jjoud'3'Oinaha wigwam tonight. They have sulectod Llttlo Wound , American HOMO , BI ? Koad , Hod Cloud , Ho Dog and Young'Mun-Afrald of-His Horses from this ngonuy , and Swift Uuar , Hoidovv , Horn Bear , ljuick Bsar. Yellow Hair , Sky Bull , Stranger Horse , High Pipe , Two Strikes , High Hawk rind Urow Don Irom Kosobnd , us orators of their respective delegations , From what was said by the Indians ll is apparent that iho best of fooling oxUU between them. honlli Diiliotu'i * Ili-iillli Ili-Hiirl. HurSi-itiMi- . I ) . , Feb. lb. [ Special tc Pur. lliuj There is a grout deal of activity about this delightful summer and health ro- iort , Many things are being proparcu for the coming of the hosts who annually seek It for pleasure , surccasn from butlnuss and a relief from the racking pains of rheumatism ind similar diseases , Work on the new Mlnukauin hotel is being pushed rapidly , It will bo , when completed , bv fur the largest mid handsomest hotel in South Dakota. This , with the present substantial hosu-lrlos , the [ Ji lies pie sod Jarvls , willmako ample accom- luodutlona. FAILED TO GET THE VOTE M. do rroycinot Asks nn Expression of Con fulonco from the French Deputies. IT PRECIPITATED A CABINET CRISIS Alter nil Iiiimsnlon | < - < l Olirimlon the Clinni' ' her Di-clliu-il to t\iirm\IM : I'liltli In the ( lotrrinncnl Kurprlso for llio I'olltlrlnns of I'rnnre. l iKKbyJnmf * nnnlttn Htnnttl. } Fob. 18. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to TUB BKP.I The Chambers have hardly reassembled , and nlroady wo arc plunged Into storms nud conflicts. * Question after question was put to the minister today In the Chamber. Among others ono was asked by M. lo Horlsco , the HoulnnKist , who wished to know why M , Constans had not boon proscnutod for bj | recent onslaught on M. Laur. The minister seemed considerably embarrassed by the inquiry and wound up by admitting that M. Laur tmil n perfect right to prosecute it he pleased. At this the House voted a motion expressing confidence lu the Judicial lustitu lions of the country. The debate was then diverted lo the sub ject of the religious confraternities. M. Hubbard , n. radical , demanded an Immediate discussion of the bill dealing with the tsslto. In reply M. no ITroyclnot tmido a most im portant statement , declaring lhat iho meas ure was not aimed nt religion. Ho pointed out that the pope has assured iho ministry ol sympathy and ho added that the government was steadfastly opposed to the separation o ! church and stnto. This statement made n very deep Impression on the delegates. Coriu-it-il tlin Mlnlxti-r. M. Clomenccau who scorned to be greatly excited bounded into the rostrum and in his usual sharp , Inclslvo language said that thu government might succeed in winning n lot ot headless , hopeless , uospcrnto royalists to thocausoof the republic , but thai It could never convert a spiritual newer like the church. Ho declared that ll would bo play- ii.f the game of the enemy to refuse M. Hubbard's ' request , nud asked what course the government would lake if the motion was voted. On this M. do Froyjlnot , who was evi dently much annoyed at the turn things were talcing , roiuarkod that tlio original question hud been transformed into n formal interpel lation. The government would therefore have to request a vote of confidence. If the Chamber , ho fald , refused to support a min istry which represented a moderate policy , tie and his colleagues would withdraw. At this stage n vote was lakau. While the ileputios were pulling their bullolinn In the urns M. do Froycinot rose for the third time ind clearly stated that Iho ministry wished for peace with the church , based on the su- lircmncy ot Ibo civil clement in the state. Ho iddod that the government also desired to liavo the right to act as It thought most to Lho interest of Franco. Unless , therefore , the H'jombor ' voted a motlou declaring ils contl. icuce in the republic and tbo policy of the : abinot , a resignation was Inevitable. 1'Hlli-il to < : t tliii Vote. The vote of conlidonco demanded by M. do Froycinet was then refused by JiOJ toIS. . M. do Freycinot got up at once and an nounced that the ministers would baud in Lheir resignations to M. Caruot , and Iho liouse broke up in great oxcilomont. The crisis was so wholly unexpected thai the political world does not.know what to make of il. It is plain lhat thn i-onservalivo > r rigui wintr of Iho Chamber objects to fol lowing tno pope's advice by rallying to the cpublic. His also plain that tbo cabinet is ipposod to a radical policy. Under the clr- uimstiuices a settlement seems difficult. The Chamber will not listen to reason. It s thought probable that the crisis will only jo partial. Some ministers may leave the iabinet , either because they wish to avoid laving to face tlio responsibilities of labor lay ( May 1) ) or because they uro unwilling to mi-sue a protectionist pulley. At this moment the ministers are being on- ; ertnlncd at n crand political banquet given jy M. Carnnt. The prcsiiienls of both cham bers are among the guests. Nothing of imporlance has tiikcn place ilncothis afternoon. M. do Froycinot is to mve nn interview with M. Carnet tomorrow. The president of tlio republic has declined to llscuss the situation tonight. It is quite > ossiblo that the ministry may bo prevailed ipon to stay in ollico. JACXJL'CS ST. Grin : . IN Tin ; Ur. Itilliuir Introduces ills Irish Ioral ( io\ < -i-iiini-iit Kill. Loxnor Feb. 18. The talked of Irish local jovornnmnt bill was introduced in the Com- nons today by Mr. Bulfour , amid cheers of .he government supporters. In introducing .ho bill Mi- . Balfour said the present bill was lot merely u county councils bill , but it was ivhat in England would ho described as a listrict and couulies bill. By its , provisions idmlnihtrntivo duties will bu given .o liaionial coiuii-lls , leaving wholly jnloiichcd the judicial duties now entrusted o the grand Jury. The nioinbcis of Iho county a baronial councils will bo oloctcd jvery three years. The govoinment pro- loscd following thu Scotch rather than the English measure. There undoubtedly ex- sled a largo body of people in Ireland who treaded u measuio of Ihis kind , 11 was only ; luo to Ihoso persons to examine Iho fear they mterlalned. They feared the new system vould result in oxlnwagatieu , possibly cor- uplioii. They were afraid they would bo ilundered and oppressed by the now bodies. OlKllllll-ll Voll-l-H. Mr. Balfour did not think there was any veight to HIO.SO argumonls which could not land iho brunt of hostile criticism. In the irst county councils , he said , there would bo our ex olllclo members the lord limt"iiuiit ! if llio county , the shuriil , a nomliiuo of the rrand Jury and a nominee of ' .ho present e.ssioiib. The qualltlcntionR of voters for iounly rouncilirion and buroninl couiicilmcn vould bo Identical. The persons enlillod to oto for both tiuts of oflloers would to the iiimn us Ihose having Ibo rlvht * o vote for nombers ol parliament , except that the for- ner would include also women and peers. Laughter. ] illitvato persona and persons vbo did not pay county tuxu * would have no nilo. nilo.Mr , Balfour said thai Iho couuty councils vould have to comUino the duties of county mil proi utmonl councils and of grand Juries CRarding admluUtratlve affairs. They will dso bo empowered , If necessary , to takeover ho diilien of rural sanitary authorities. The councils will appoint the county coronurs. They will bo onipoworud to acqulra woods ind plantations ami thus assist the opoi-nlloii if tht ) land purchase act. Thirteen ixistlng municipal boroughs wilt bo made eparato counties , having all the powers if counties. Thu council , where a 'ounty is too largo , will 1m divided lo cor ns pond with ( iivHlons of the county , each livUlou uleollug llfleiiii morntiers. The sys- nm of f ranch Uo suggested , suid that Mr. tulfour would givu iho minority a vote In ho county councils , The councils might ute their powers to ippress a small minority and might bo guilty it wilful and persistent corruption , liilsh 001-3 , ) The history of Ireland proved ihut hcsu remote daugori * nud a roallty. Such langord did not axlm In England. I'or tliu Itumutul ol Cuiiiii-llliirn , Provision was made to allow twenty cess layers to apply to u Judge of assize * for loavu o petition for the removal of the councillor * ifi baronv nr county 1 Ironical oppo itlnn iheers ] on the ground lhat tlio councillors vero guilty of persistent dlsobadlenca of ho law against corruption und oppression , I'bo matter would bo tried like an iloctlon potttion , aud if tbo uuai-go wus cs tnbllshed the guilty councillors wouitt b ro. ii'mced by nominees of the lord lloutcnhiit , ( Ironical cheers. ) If malversation nnd op pression wcro possible It vvft * the duty of Iho house to provide nn adeqimtu roinedr. Such dangers existed In Ireland to nn rxtoilt vinknown In Knglamt nnd Kcotlahd , / In order to prevent extravagance on tho/ cart of the councils , the bill would provide tlmt land owners should have n deciding voice In permitting capital expenditures , n * distinct from tlio current oxitondlturos , It was proposed that n commutes should bo np- pointed which would consist of seven members bors nominated by iho council , und seven nominated by the grand Jury mid sheriff of the county. Ho could not conceive of nnv danger of the councils becoming contor.s of political agitation to further the views of ai < y particular party. Opposition lo thr Itlll , In reply to n question asked by Mr tlraly , JOatfour snld that Ibo bill would not effect iho police system of Ireland and that the Incidencoot luxation would lomatn as It was nt present. Ho did not rognrd Ihls of equal importance with the land not and other im portant measures , but ho thought Unit It would Incur the distrust of the Irish ponplo In fact on the iusmnption tlmt tuov were "dobasodheloU. " The whole opposition brolto forth Into cheers when Mr. Morley oAilod on the gov ernment to go before the people on the meas ure. In concluding ho Mllrmed tlmt the bill was n mockery offered to the House , thnt It was n falsltlcation of the pledges of the gov ernment and lhat 11 turnishod grounds for the manifestation of further irritation In Iro- liind. John Hcilmoml protested against thomo.-isX. urn us 11 "stmm hill.1 Ho stud ho nnd hU \ colleagues ciitnn unprepared lo ncropt il. ovou if it had uccn n good bill , but the bill Was one which every Irishman would strenuously ously ro.slst. The manner in which It was proposed was an Insult to the Irish. Justin McCarthy ndvlsod the government to burn the Dill , declaring the nationalist * would reject II "as nn unclean thing. " Mr. llculy said ho novrr know of u moro contompltblo bill. It was nn absolute fnlluro nnd uiud In the mouth of its proposer. Ulilli-nli-il liy Iliiroonrt , Sir William Vcriion Harconrt said that n bill moro Insulting to tbo Irish ho could not conceive of. IIo ridiculed the iuo.i of u county council of tried Judges. Mr. Ualfour denied thai llio bill was Insult ing to Ireland. The opposition speocuns , ho said , .showed the Insincerity of the crv of local government for Irelnml. If , owing to obstructions , the present bill should - not bo passed , local government for * Ireland would bo Indefinitely postponed. The only reason why the Irish parties should obstruct - struct the bill was Unit it contained mnuliln- ory to stop corruption nnd omircssion. Tlio only Infcrunco was that they doslrod to nmlto somutliiiig out of the councils. At this the whole opposition Joined In crv- ing "Shanio , shame , " while the conserva tives cheered. The bill uasst-a the ilrst reading and Air. Hallour Il.M'd the second rending for March i. Uonsorv.itivcs for the mast part dcvllno lo criticise iho bill until it hai been urintod. Some .steadfast supporters of the ministry , howe-or , confess the measure needs much nmondiiig. Thcro ivus n notable alisonco of consorvatlvo enthusiasm while on iho other hand the lib- jrnls were exultant , regarding the bill ns Iho final blow to the government chances In the Doming general election. IJotli hcotlons of the Irish members Intend [ o oppose the hill to thu utmost. : I ; \viiti : : I'litut Arclil nt on tlu > Sun Antonio XArun - NIIS I'.tHH Koiltl. Hot'srosTex. . , Fob. 18. An engine on Iho San Antonio & Aransns Pass road Jumped , iho track six miles from this place today. 1'tiore worn u dozen friends of Ihc engineer ) n board uiking a ride. When Iho engine lumped the track it lurned completely over , I'he killed am : J. O GIIU-Sl'li : . thooiiKlneor. TOM liUUMAN. wlner. I- ' tit KM AN HIJOTT. The following \\ofo wouiuloil : Mils. J. O. Gn.i.KsiMi ! , badly scalded. Htinir Wu cox , right leg cut off. WII.M.OI BIUDI.KV , colored , scalp woun I. I.oiililuini'4 IVojilcV I'urly. Ai.csA.vnr.il , La. . F < ? o. 18. Tlio state cou- enlion of the people's party of Louisiana not here yesterday. The .following state icket was nomluiitod : Governor. W. O. Jru.-e ; lieutenant governor , M. J. lllls ; ourotary of stiile , D. M. O. Stravick ; Iroas- u-er , John M. Thonev ; auditor , John Hen- Iricks ; superintendent of education , J. IX 'atlon ; attorney general , Juiigo Uado lough. Mr. Hrure xias placed in nomination for ovornor , but declined the honor. A state xecntivo conimlltoo was appointed and the onvontlon adjourned. Is a dangerous condition duo directly to dc- pleti-d or Impiiio blood. It hhoiild nut bo allotted to continue , as in Its debility the system Is especially liable to serious attacks of illness. It Is ii-maiUablo how hcnoiu-lal Hood's Karsaparllla Is In tlih cnervailni ; state. , . . , 1'ossesslng Just those elo- llOOd S incuts which llio sjslem SarSOpa- > CL'ds anil leaillly bt-iics. . . . thU medicine pin Hies the PI Im Mood , nnd Impnils a foellng of si'ieno jitreiii'th which H comfort Ing and satlsfiiii ! . Hood's .Saisaparlllii Is the best ri-iiu-ilj for lhat veaKiiess vvnk-li pieiullsat i-linnco nf .season , climate or life. "I liaio been convlnred that Hood's Haisap.ullliils ono of iho gu-atest iiiiilitho Weak clues In the vvoiM , 1 say this for the benent of all other tired out , inn down , hard-working women. Hood's Saisapaiill.i is not only ox- celli-nlas a blood pmlfior , liil for all oilier fcm.ilu i-oiiiplaint.s , even If of longstanding. " SIKH. M.A.Si'\iii.ifi-r , Nmtliv ille i'.O. , Mich. Hood's Sarsaparilla . gl ; u ! > ) C' . 1. ' ( ) . , y\ilii'-.illL-i | , I.nni-lMaa8. ] IOO DOGOS Ono Dollar 'HE.SHORTEST LINE TO CHICAGO s via the Chicago , Milwaukee k St. Paul R'y , as represented > n this man. Llcctric Lighted , Steam Ileat- d Vestibuled trains leave ) maha daily at 6:20 : p. m. , ar- iving at Chicago at 9:30 : a. m. 3ity Ticket Office : 1501 Far- iam St. , Omaha. F. A. NASH , Gen'l Agent. * . C , LINCOLN , Pass Agent. s = S Dr , BAILEY Tlio Loading Dentist Th.r I Fioa . P.ixton 13103 t. Kitli an I Faniim SM , A lull not i > r U-Jtli un rubliur lor ( . cell ) nllliuut pliltJ ) ur rum < irao | | Irlu.i work , in ilia ililuu ( ur ln/or < ur puh.io ii'jjiurj , uj' ' " " ' "Vt'tTH EXTRA'.T 3 W'THDUT ' PAIN A'l illluiKi : tl roi un uio rntuj , ulljtrur * * ut till' out tar a xulilu. % htorkliolilor'n Mri'llli ) , ' . Notu-ii li huruny Klvun that llio ruuular n n n.11 inuotiiu of Ihu ktocUlioldors of the mi Hi I'l 111 | J. < IH ! uunip.iny will bo liuld u | , iho Illcii of mild eomp my , In Lincoln. Nubon llni isl Uc'lnisuliiy \laiclilbif-lulni ) ! ihobiiuoud n y ( if Ihu nujiilli IIy order nf iho Ilnurd of IHroztora. U. U. riiii.i.irri. tivuroury I LSI oi.v , Neb. , Vob. S. IfJ. . TJJ &