G THE OMAHA DAILY HKK : TKItUY , KEIUU'AHY 11) ) , 1892. HIE SPECULATIVE MARKETS Bonrd Operators Wc.ro Interested 5n the Wheat Pit Throughout the Day. ffllCES RANGED AT AN ADVANCE liilliifiillnl I'mlnn. In tlio Itnlllsh Slliinllon \\in- the PiihllHlHil K p rts Cornrn- hit ; tin- Plum of n Oljjantle Hull Clliiic. | C'nicAiio , III. . IVb 18-Thn wheat pit WHS the renter of Interest on the boittil todny nnd In fact nearly momipoll/ed Iliu trading , oper- Rtors in the other pits waiting for the out come of Iho excitement as they feared the In fluence of that miikoton the other commodi ties dealt In on the lloor The dealings uoro accompanied by u good deal of o\eltemcnl nnd much nervotiMi ( .s with inlets ninglng at a decided advance. A very Inllncntlat factor In the bullish situation for u tlmo was the published statement that thu market was In the control of ahull clliino with Standard oil , the nitrate beds and the bomiiua millions at Its command. There wi re other causes of sliongth. how ever Cables were strong nnd higher , litvoi- pool was 1 id up , London was Id hlghui on cargoes nearly duo nnd 'Id on lbo o thai were two months out , hut .d lowci on llioso for Immediate shipment according to the Hoard of Trade cables llradslreefi showed a de creased nllahle slock of 2,210,000 bit. on both eo ists The weather , too. was tine itching , a eoltl v > itM' being expected to follow the vvaim rains which weio leporled fiom most of the winter wheat men Then thuie was thu Cln- clnnatl Price t'nrietil's crop snmmai v , which said that thu li : t vvcok was the most tiyluvt one the crop has yet cvpeileneo'l. In addlt on to this then-was a minor that the Illinois hlaleciop inpnrl would give the condllion of wheat as 77 per cent , against si pei cent In December May whcit closed vestoidav at OJ'io. On the curb this niornln - Itsold asbltih UHlM'io The opening on the boarJ w.is some what rngced wllli stiles at lll'tito ! 4e Iho adv nee wns mot by n Hood of sales of long wheat which ns hold at a prollt ami of sales ngalnst calls , and alllion li mnny shorts were scared and coveied , they ollerc-d very heavy and the maiket sagged oil tolUo. Then tbotu was a reaction to ! MV. another icccsslon to UlUc followed by a little mote llrmncss. Dur ing the last hour Hie market continued un nettled. May sold off tulli'ic , 10 icled toli"c. ) held for some time around that llgnrc , then closed lit nlc , tlio top fUutos fur the dav The canto of the Biiddcn hull news attributed to higher closln ; cables and the fact that some opcratois hid Hold thein .elves short eailyln the day went ( o co\ui , not caring to ilsU having thulr duals oncnovur night Inlow of the bullish tp- pu ii.im.uof the situation Among Uiu I ust hellers today weru liwln , ( in en. l.o an. Illgelow. loiinsolman A. Day. ( illlord , \ \ rlghl and Mitchell Iteam was on the door for the llrht time in some weeks and sold a good deal of wheat between Ole nnd lUUc , but covered most of It on thusubscucnt | bicak Pnrdrldgu continued to sell short and vr.is called hcav lly for margins. loin was tjutct and with llnctiiations con fined to a eonimratlvoly | narrow range and closed steady. Values at Liverpool wore hl.'b. hut llr.idstreet's reporled an Incicasoof I.IIJ.OCO bn In Ihe available snppl ) . May opened ' 4e hlghci at 42c , lluctnalcd between 4l\c and 4JliU and closed steady at the top. Oats iulot | anil steady ami closed at the highest lUurcs of the day. Hog products llrm on Ihu whole through Kvmp thy with the ranee of prices foi grain. May potl. closed at ill SO ieslerday and opened at ? ll 1W , sold at SI2.00. weakened grid- uiilly to$11 81 , rallied and elo-cd at Jll.ur't. lari and ilbishtiwcd slight gains nstlmalcd receipts for lomoirnw : Who it , IS , ) : coin , 425 ; oath , issj ho s 21000. 'Iheleading futures ran.'cd as follows : Lush iiiolatlons | were us follows : KWIUII Nominally unchanged ; spring p it- enlslf4.iOia4iO ; ( : wliitur patents f4.lit4 ( r ; ba-K- urs $ l .Wliil CO ; blraUht , Ul : iJ31.ri' ' . WllKtx No. 2 spring who it , 'U e ; No. 3 pprmg wheat , M'0 : No 2 red , Ui'iQIlij. ' COIIN llighei ; N'o. ' . ' , 40Uc : No. II yellow , 37' , < a.the. OATS-NO i.SDUditi'ic ' : No i while , .X\.l.'e ) : I > o ; i white , i'OVi'iiJji c. KVE-No i. ' , H c lUtli.KY No. I' , 50c ; No 3 , f o. b. 40ffl5 c ; No I , .li © 4le. TIVIOTIM bFri ) Trlnio , Jl SOJil.Od I'OIIK- ' Mess pork , per bbl , ( ll.bT'i ' ; Inrd , pei cwt. , 10 'to ; short ribs sides ( loose ) . r-VbiH ! dry s-tlted sliouldnrs ( bo\od ) . J" .003 5.r > ; short clo ir sides ( boxed ) , feaiatl.- " ) . Wnibur Distillers' llnUhcd goods , per gal. Hecolpts nnd shipments ted iy vvoro as fol lows : On Ihe I'rolnco ovch.tncu today tlio bnttoi innrkot nnuhnnie ( l ; fancy crotmorv ! . ' 7 ® 27'it i line wc-slcin. 'tfWOii ( ; oidln .iy. a © " 4t" htilcuted daliy , 21&"jut ordinary , ! ( © 'I c. KCKS. ITftlfc- . CiitKHb Uniiliniici'dnil : cream ohoddnrs , HUfOll'aC ; Hats , ll > 4lliu ! ; Youiu Amorle-as , 1.4tillo linn s L'ncliniigLil. TAI.I OH I'nulinngoil. Now YtirU llnrlu-ti. NhVV VOIIK , fob IS. KI.OUII Itceelpls , il,74) ) pUgs : ex poi Is , : , , W)4 bbls ; M.7oOsaclis ; ( Irmor , fairly active ; bales , --,130 bb s. COIIN MKU < rirm , \\utAT I'.ec-elpts. 1'B 000 bn ; exports , KA- B.V ) hu.j sales , 7.415,000 bn. of futuies ; 1W.UGO Im. of hiiot bpot market higher , quiet ; No. ' . ' red , Jl ObiJffil.O'i ' In store i.nd ele- vulor ; tl iiS Ol loy nllo.tl ; * l,07J ( ai.lli4 f.o h. ; No. 3 red , tl Oi | j ; ungraded ted. UJ'SefB H.ll'i ; No , 1 norlhein , ? l.lii ; No 1 hard , H.tl' ' , < iilll'4 ' ; No. ' . ' . noillierii , J.DUQ1.04 | ; op tions advanced lo to I Ho on un unfavora ble western ciop icport and a sharp ilse In California , loirether wllh reporls llint t-nn PrnncUco speculators and the titnnd- ard Oil compiny vvcro long on May , and as atTected by the decrease In supplies khown In UraiUtrcelB , beitei cables and for eign buying declined 'tit'ie on sotlplng , nd- Minced I'tgl e with shorts coverliu ; linn ate o over lesteidny. hales Inclndn No.J closing il.o. KtK btruiiKtr ; western , ( ieeQ.JI.0 , ' . llAiu.ht Dull und weak. llAIIIEVMAl.T ( JUlet. OOIIN HecelptB , 18lb7S bu , ; exports. 1.V , | B' ) Im ; sales , 655,000 bu of futures ; 'JiO,000 bu. of PIIOI ; hpot market firmer nnd fairly active ; No. I , 4b'4 < 3IO'i ) Iniilevutor ; 4--'io allnat ; un graded mixed , 4K3r > l'iC ! No. .1 , 47'4a4hie ( ; ; Htotiincr [ mixed , 4hid l > I4'c , Uplkmson light urrorlngs and better nnhles advanced ! iftijc nnd o used linn , robrnary , 4h ? e' , closlns,4s o. Mutch , ' . ( { ' , ( ilosliu , 4q'Bo ' ; Aurll , 411 ® Mo , cloning , i iWoi May , 40 41) ) 0. closing. 4'He ' ; June , eosng. 4s--o - ; .Inly , 4l ai9'c , closing ll ) ' l Aorll , 4 i45'iOo ; , closing Mo ) .May , 4U14tS 4U5 c , closing 4U1 c ; June , eloslng 4h ie ; July , y4t40'e , elOhlni:4Uic. UATH Hocelpts. 11,075 hu ; oxpoits , 1BS.S17 bn , ; Bales , 110,000 bu. of futuies ; Jl.OJO bn , of fpot ; hpotfiulft but tinners options dull but ( Inner ; leluuniy , .KSu ; Mareh , .Kl SWti'iC , elthlng ) , . ) { e : May , WUii.l7iie' ( , cloklnir. .I7'o ; snot No 2 while , too , iiiixod vvcatein. 3'j ® l7Hc ; No , J white , U'SKiboi No. 'Jt-'hlcuBO , allo.it. U7a il7'40. llAV-Qulet but easy. lluis Kasy but ( iiiloti state common to Choli-f. ava-ViitUI I'aclllo coast. IDg&Sc. fiuOAH Kttvv. moiouctiTO Hiul steady ; sales , lUOhhds. iniiscovudo , OJ test , nt .i"-10c. u.810 bugs centrlfiiKiils , DO test , at37-ljo ( and 4.750 bags moliifcscs sugar , hOtcsi , at ' 'Vo ; ri-llncd , iiulot but flrm. 'Iho outside prices are these posted by the trust , hnoh prices cov or Ihu re bate ; N'o I , : iUtM\e ( ! No. II , Jl-RUJa-looi No. is ; , iia-irvaaa-ao. Sloi.AhsKs New Urlouns quiet. KlCK-CjUlOt. I'KTHOI.I iiM-Stuady und quiet i United closed at Die for Murch , CorniN h'iKi ) ( Jii , hull. TAi.i.ow rinui city ( * J for paokages ) . LmiB-Qulet , lower ! MuitcrnIi4 ! --'c ; re- celpu , 4ui'J ; pacUai.es. reillK ( Julct but btuudy ; mcsf , (9.7510.50j extra prime. * IO no. Cur MKATH I'lim. nulct ; middles dull. llt'TTEit ( Julot , kteudy ; rollu , K4tJlu ; iigln : , I.'O. t'HFFSK Moderate tlumand , ttrong ; part Iklma. leiOlic. l'il ( IttoN Mcudy , fjtilot ; Amerlcau , $15,75 ® 7-75. Coi-i-Eii Dull , firm ; Irko , fia5. I.EAD-Quiet ; doiuestlt. * l K'ij 4.15. TlN-Qiilot. Hun , btralti , (10.fuOl.75. ! ) LAUD Higher ; web tern stimui. cloicd at I KS'iJ ; opt'on snle , SBitlnrco : en y nt IO.SO ! Marcll M. ! * . ' : Mny , Hill ! .Tilly , 7 11' Onmliii I'rmlnce Murkrl * , ( ! ( HI | chic-Kens , ! > 3IOc : ROCSC , ducks -tnd tnrlioys. llliU.V. Hi'TTHi-iJood roitnti v roll , I0oair. . IMfc "IP riii'iTs-ralirorn'a ' r.\erslile OMII o.s , ( . ' : .va 2 5s Wnsiiluuton nave-Is. Mit-n.l7.ti ritllforniii taiivt-rliKi , Mm pe-r boxi 1'lorldtt oratice" , brlchts. J.IOJ ; ru e't . * -Tii'ftti1i I'lorlila t.iii- gerlnt" " . Jl < iM 10 , Imlf t oxi s ; vve-stern apple- * , rlinloc. 1.H ( ( , , ' ' > 'IK-I ' hhl. . fatu'V stand might br lu mnio. Now Vork npplc-s , K1 iVfUOOs fnney Intiion * t OW ( " ' 'J.i ( hoh-oi stories fl.AK > ll7A : Tipc , per bhl. isttHMioo , hnnairis crated. ? \niKTW > Oi cranberries t 5 < ftoo. California cabbage , ' "jW c pet Ib. In er itos. Ixime grown leltiti-e 4ic-per do/ . : lintilics , dml ; ( 'allfornla eatil llovver , fj s ; ? 1. ' V ; onloni , fdcliltl IKI per bu . Nebraska band pltkerl benn" , Jl ! iKi.il' ; medium , tl.iVKi I 75 : celery , iVTJIOci sweet potatoes. \.VSyt > j. I I ot'll Oniaha Milling comp'iiij s Itnll-nico I'atent. IIMl , Invlnelblo Patent , T. ' 40 l.ono Mar Miperlatlve ti'Ji , "novvllaUc , tl ill ; 1'anev Ptimllv. tl slj ( . 1' Oilman's Cold Medal , $ JiV > : Miow U'lilti' . * I'H | nowllal > e. WU ) ; low Kt-uli ! , $1 (10 ( , Qneen of tin I' miry , } . ' .M > Iliin-H-No I green s-itllcd hides , 4'iit4'ic ' ; No a green Hulled lildei. .Kiil'ioi ' No. I green < < illod hhlCH'J.'i to4lbstVM'ii1 ( ) ' ; Nn. a green silted hides Ti to 4i Ihs. , liti'ie : ; No 1 veal calf , ! * to KilbM , fie ; No veal i-nlf , H to I5 Ibi , , 4c ; No I dry Hint hides 7i3.Sc ; No. Odiy Mint hides , 'fl.nc ; No I ill v salted hides V&fa. Tal low , No I , .I'i'iUc : tallow. No 'J , il'ic ' ; grease1 , VTlilto A , 4ai'ic ; grease , white It , uroase. yellow. , le-i KICIISC. dnrl , . S'Hold : hill- lor. ' . " Wiu ; hcesvvaprime . Ifies tough litllow. II vvTim maiKut ! < ; overstippllod nnd good liny wont at } \K ( ) ItdosMarUet we iU. A fen round lots went nl tinto hlppcM ' liinlpc.'iso lots to Iho rts- tall trndo went as nUh as l"t' SI , l.nnlH M irlti-N. FT Loins. Mo. I'ob IH ri.ntm-imiicr ! faintly , _ J.looais : > i ehqlco. UldZHO ; fntioy , lftsKi ( ilJ" ! , ; pitotits , f4 4V&lri5 ? \VIIHT Opened exoltcd nnd l"c hlaher : u luaellon of " > c fol Ion ed wllh a very unst-tllcd fcullng , Iheii pihissholup "rand iln pd ' . " o nhovo ye-sioidni ! No i ! re-d cash HlffrHI'iO ! Maic-h , tfi'jchliljMaj clostil ut lio'ie ; July , Ul'sc. ( oils I'.isli , stimdv ; No I1 , 'invc : optlnns bluhei , closlnt : Sc above ycilerd iv : closed M\u hid ; .May , : w > tf. ( ) \rs-lllKhui nnd steady s No. 'J cash , J ! © ll'icj Mny , .X'Ui- . ItVK-liull : .Tolilil. H Milin Dull ; ni ) sale-s ri porti d lUv Hull , imilllt , i'&UftH.Y ) , l ninlhy. t.0.00 W 11 d. HIUN Mu.ulj , TJfiTi'iC. IHO IJulet ; jlhT'j nsked. I'l.\\SIHI Higher. U.e. lit i rill I ne'hingedi e'rcamcry , r > 32"o : Indloti luUud , KfolSa roll , IJ&lHc1. I'llds I.OVVU1 III KlC- . Cdiis Mi.ti.-ririn at $ . ' .10. \VIIISK\-steady at tl.11 llAiidtMl-Qulc-t : it ri3jri7'ic. lunt ( Joints Pus ji.'o'iti.v" ) I'lHiv.sioNh , Veiy qulul , with only n Job Iraile ( linnv. I'OIIK Jll li."j for new : t'W ' ' ! for old ln\ ) -S\I.T \TR-Lonso lots shoulder- " > 0j longs and ribs , mc < Tt < VCO ; shot is. } ; wjyj , Til ; h.ims , JUOOfM Ml' . ItKKii-is-riotli , 4,000 Ills ; wheat , 41.001) ) Int ; corn. 214.000 bit : oats , l.i.iHW bn. : lye , oono ; li.irloy. H.tlOtl bn. blltl-vii-NTS riotir. tl.OK ) Ihs ; vvhe.it , I.I ,0)0 ) bn. ; corn , 1111.000 bn , o.its , 21,000 bn , rye. 1.0JO bn. ; barley non < j MlniicapnllH Ulual Mailtrt. MiNNPAi'Oi.lP , Minn , 1'eb. -Hind been three months to a day since vv heal sold abov o t-'lc ' In this inarUct. hut It so'd there today and went He above. a2e advancoovoi last nlRhl'i cose. I'lit'ie win . i good deal of axoltement In the pit for lon'-s were anxious to close out on uny Inducement The nrlco went oil ' o then It c.imc bacK to S'ic. ' laidildgo nniler- tooK loeover In t'hlea o IK at Ihe close nnd the market , ndviinvcd on bib bnvlng. The local maiUcl went to S'l'tC.ind ' tfionas his buying stopped the mice would bre iU .t little. lint It Mi.ippid up nnleUlv to a c ese .it OJe , a jir ee mil reached In Ihls mtirUet since November 10. The cash in.irKct was very .ictlve and mlllerb appe ircd niiNlons logot hold of till tin ) .No. 1 northern the v could. The pi lie was hid over 2o .ibovo last night's e.i she ese , and today No. llnorthein sold re trill ) .it fromSsc tobViU Ho- celptshoieciu JT'.i e-.irs and : it Dnlnth jnd Superior 11 1 e. us Theiew.isa l.trge udvance In the m.irUel hetwcen vcstcrd ly's close and today's opening , 1'loslng pi Ices' No. I hard. cash , Ss'iirobin ; iry. siie ; llnv , It4' e ; No. 1 northein , i ash. ST'jc ; I'obrnary , OT'ic ; Maj. lU'to : No 2 northein c-.ish. HO'-c ' ; No. J north- oin , Tic , lojectcd , Ulc On tracl. : No 1 h.ud , Mio ; No. 1 nortlit'in , frH * . Omaha ( iialn llaikrl. Prices based on dollvcrv.it Mississippi rlvor points , Nohr.tska Inspojllon , an.l ten days' shinmcnt , nn enothurnlsost itoC.isli grain c ills for shin ncnt within live ( lavs \VHEVi--No 2 spring. 8Jo hid ; No. : > , TTo 1)1(1. UiK-N'o 2. 'o bid OArs-No. 2 white , .lie No II white. TO'jc ' bid , . II1 , o nskoii ; No. 2 , ml\ed. , > 0c bid ; No. J , colored , , iOc bid. COIIN N'o. ! 1 oi bottor--,0 days shipment. Wiy : No. .1. whlie.i'Hi. ' Among the sales were : 23,000 No IlorbottcrJ corn , lOdajs. M l.ouls , tcims , , ITc , 10,000 No ex. corn , rebrnaiy , St. l.onls terms. , t"c ; .l.OUO N .lor better , St. I/on is terms. . .d'H-j WI (100 ( No. II or heller coin , .W days , . .Iti'lc'JO ; No : t whllo e-orn , U9l.jc IK ) MID OI- Tit A III' NO IKS A Nolle. niKliorn , Nob. was on the boiul. William Van Dolnen was In looking over the train s in illon. J. II Nichols of DOS Molnos was among Ihu vMlorson iho bo.ud. Ituns n Cit > llarkets , KANSAS ( Jirv , 51o. I'ob. IK WIIKVT Went calling nnd hold genorallv at prices lo toUio bettiM than ycstei.li'y ; No 2 hard , bOc ; No 2 led. Nc Cons Wtis steady nnd prices vvoio nn- eliangod ; No 2 mixed , ,14'jc ' ; No J white , choice , .lo'ie. OATS Wanted and higher ; No. J , mixed , 2' ' i © .lie. U\K Strong ; TXc for No. 2. 1'i.Ax Si'ho silc. on the h.iMs of jinro. HUA.N rinn : ( )5c for backed. HAI.litli ) lirmer but unchanged in price ; llmolhy , $ x.riO per ton ; pialtlo. ri.ouSao1) HUTri it The maiUet had a higher tendency but prices ate not chinked. Knot * In good demand and Him at ICe. CIILKSKvonng America , lOc. KhCMMs Whcal , Jl.OOJun. ; coin , 4,003 bu. ; o ith. none. biui'Mcvrs Wheat , ai.003 bu. ; coin , none ; onls , 2OOJ bn. _ l.lverpnol Markets. LtMJHi'Ooi , 1'ob. IP. WIIKAT felrong. do- inand poor : holdeis olfur Hpitrlngly ; N'o. 1 California , hs 2' d per cental ; rod vveslern spring , Hs. 1Hii.ss2'Jd ; No. 2 ted winter , Ds 4iHJ. Os Id. COIIN I'lim : demand fair ; mixed western , 4sHVI pei cental. liAiin Prime wcsteiii , .Ms per owt. Tuiti'KNu.NKSi'iniT.s d porcwt. N'iYork lr.units . llarket. Nivv : YOIIK , Poo. IS- Trade In dry goods was of a btcndy eharncli-r with Increasing ten dencies , ordeib being larn-ui in homo Instances , with deliveries hllll In arionix. Iliihlnesa In prlnta plckou up considerably , especially In Iho way of delivery of goods hold Biibject to delivery onluis lllanl-ets woio more In re quest. The Johblnx trade was fair lu all de partments. _ _ Milwaukee VI. u I , vis. Mir.WAUKKK. Wls. . I'ob. Ih. WIIEAI I'll in ; Nx 2 spring , Mlc. UniiN > > tculy ( ; No. i ) . : iSo OATS ( Jnlet ; No. ' . ' while , ai'ic ; No. a while , HAIII.EV D.isy , i I Tile. UVK Plrm ; No. I , &uc. llav.iiu Snifar Vl.uJuit. HAVANA , 1'cb. 18 Sugar firmer , but not ( inotahly higher ; sales , l.Mjlmgs ci-nlrlfngals Utl'i toliidosreespolarl/atlon bold at tJ'.MU ® a 22" . , gold puriiulntali l.tOObaga ccntilfugals do rccbiiolailz.it Ion Hold at Sagnu at i gold per quintal. C'olti 11 Nrw VOIIK. Teh , Ib Option ) , opened steady and unchanged to 10 niiints uiis ; lies. K'iV ) lms , Including ; .March , fli.in ; April , iU'.bJ : Mav. 812.70 ; June. * li4lfer..M ) ; Jnl > , Jl2..Wr. > : i.i December , Jll.h'.Sill.Uj . ; spot UIo. hle.uly and ijulot ; N'o. 7 , 41421 , Clniliin.itl llarket t , ( JlN IN.VATI. O. , Tub. 16 WllKT-fatroiig : No. . ' roJ. W iCe' . DOHN Stronger ; No. 2 inUeil , Ifl ailu , OATH stronger No.mUcd , Jc. \\HlbK\--ll.M. _ _ Ttili'du ( .inlii Vlarl.i'l. TOI.KDO. p. roll 18-WntAT-HUher ; No. Soashand I iihrnmy e. COIIN steady : .NO. 2 , cash , 41c OATs-ynU-t ; No 2. cash. , Ue. Ti.idi-iii' Talk , OiuoAoo. 111. , Ifeli. Ih. Uonnsolman A Day to Cockiell Ilios. : Wheat opcneil oxeltud ut Die to Isic , linked on higher calilcs A Imlllsh tone to ihe Pilco 1'nrront'n biimnutry. a de- croasoof 2.250,1 HO Im In Moc-ks reported by llrudHtreet's. iimL.i Nunsational press report Inllinutlng that vvlieat had advanccil on ma nipulation , caused considerable oarlv bell- Ing. I. ate cablecjiiotcd opening nd- vancta siibtalnoil and winter wheat markets ronorled it good export demand , which ennsed actlvo buying later and gavn the market a strong olosln at 2 ! o advanin. Uotlilnk that thu prominent bhnrts In vu been skeptical of any biiitatnud advaucu und liuve not yet begun to cover Corn and outs were iUlet | hut ruled ( Inner on satisfactory export dumumi and closud re- fcpeutltcly iio and ' 40 to , o higher thun > usterday. Provisions opened higher In Bym- p.tlhy wih | grain inarkcta but lost the ad vance on a lureo run of hoJloslng ( r - celpts at ihe yards , however , wore about So hluhor with ho si all sold and the product re covered when grain rnded up strong , lluylug WHS light itad the inarKet promiseb to rulu rattier ijulot for the bnlatice of thu month. CiiiCAiin , III. . IVb. lb-Konuett. HopUliib i. to , to B. A. Mu\\hoitcrt \ A kcnsutloual ttury I In n inoTiiln piper thnl tlio Mnntlnnl < > ll } > e-o iilo nro toni ! fii.UJti.flJO to si.ooo.'in bit. of vvlioitt 1 In American nmrkoti nncncil nhcnl very I it roil'On tlio limn liriMiUs thorn wni nmo i entering , lint ninny | itc-s t-l their rtoulH mill snlil more. Nowotk wits a con iilcnous ollri unil ' cut ovi-riil vvc ik cubic * for llio | nirin i-of lirc.il\- 1 Inir Hit'mnikc-t. but vvlllionlj tinipiirir ) ' niir- ti s They vveru Imillv lu-iiton lit tin-r trntno mi I wore pruHv good bttyurmil lop IIvino- ' I'liii-lKi ! in n , < t-l < i c'onl IMui. lo it1 id In stronislli. nnd \ viouk for liliflirt prlrrs lint It Is n pond llmo lo < - \ ori'isonntlnn. . nii'l It vrnii i | sot-in udv lin'ild to 11Utt iirnllls on Iniu stun on tlit-so Mrirp r ililM t orn nnd outs Imve tin n dull nnd no-H'ctoil. following vvlioit In a ftrlilc wiiy All cliHi'd IH-HI-I , c ppclmly cum but with no Indications-of nmtuilitl sln-nulli I'lo- v l ilons vvi-ru fu it lire-less1. Inii'llM1 uii'l very dnli. allhmijli tlioj close I with tin | > in-nl strrtiirtli ulc'int-1 from xyinp thv In wlm it , UIH tie Hi. . Pel ) IS.-I t ! , l.rwnii A. I'o to ' .1. " . -'HUN ( ommlsMon Coinp.inv : 11 vvhutt i iiiiitkul today li id ti portion if the mlvniic'p 1 we httvii lii'i'ii lonUIni : foi and Hoss-d nl thu , top prk'o tiflt-r scoilnu an ndvunt'iof nriry I S'ioovci ' voMonliiy'i hiRhpst fUim-s l'ii li ' vvhont vvtis taken nt tlio si-nlmud and ut l ! l.onN and w is w.intrd liuto and -it Mltitienpo- ] IK tint nnmuit C.-HMV to olitnln In quantities | Public rallies were llrm and liltflicr All tills I ' shows that Iho IcKltlmalimltuatlmi is healthy j I nnd lo tliN wns added spoi-n alive conditions of lut t weather nbro id nnd the mild to lie fo lowed by ( old outlier In thlsi'imnli V called attention to Ilio tneenrloils condition of our \vlntc-i wheat cropVo look foi stron er for eign m irkcts tomorrow and h ulicr ones here , as timid holders sdd out templed by so rapid nn advance , and we think It has irene Into sttoiiKer bunds Corn and piovlslous were Una but more In sv mp.itliy with who it than any stii'imtb of the' ] own , thniith this soft weather will bo against i.idlnt ; of Ibn fornuT. SIOCKSM UONDs. 1'lriiK-r Temper I'ictiillcil with slight and limliiilllc int rinctiiatlons , NKVV VOIIK. Pel ) IS Tlio stock market to day continued to diminish In Its volume but a linn lumper pievulleil with slight and. In most caselii"l nlle ( int line-Illations In the Ec'tic-r.il list whllo thu Important movements were L'liiillnod to .t half dorcn slouKs , tmuod by speel.il cause. Thc-io w is less heard about pold shipments and thu appiient buying for forelui. account st'mulaled ' a somewhat bet * tci feelliu nmoni ; the professionals am ! the market , despite Its dullness pics-cntod during the most of thu day a stionc feeling. West- cm I'nldtiMISOIIU of thu most ptomlnent fc.it u i es of the day II tffco sto.idll } . though s only , and retained most of Us Impiovc-mcnt at the e ese of the d.tv. the U elimond \ . \\est Point stocks sunk Into oblivion , and I ho Centers , , with iho "In lo t-M-c-ptlon of Itu.id IIL' . which sho\ed only .in otdlnuj amount of Imsltuss , were < | iillc mviui-teu. AIHOII. the actlM1 shares Northern I'aclllu prefoiied was tlio nnlv one which n.ive e\ldencu of helm ; subjected lo any prcssuie , and thu declara tion of the iistiil I poi tent , failed to illicit any rcspmsu oilier thin the rccoxciy of _ thu early find unit I loss. The Now Kn and failed to show any of Its late strength , but the gi.inzeis weio quint , throughout wllh tbu e\ceptlon of St 1'aul Tliuio wcio it fovv m itorlul .idvnnc'en niuoni ; the low prlcud shares , and the > e conspicuous vvoro 1/ako I r o and Western , whlc-h icspnmled tea dividend on the piufoired. thu lattet rls Ini.l'.i per cunt 'I ben coal w ts especially conspicuous In the forenoon by a rlso of 'J pel cent on reported sottlumunt of ( iilllenlllcs with mlnois i\nntlic-r fu.itutu was llouklni ; Valley , which losu nearly i ! pet cent on what WHS considered Insldu bnyltiK , but a stop or- dcrof MO shares nroku Kdlson 1'j pel cent , only a portion of which was reco\cicil. The general in irkct opened ( Irmly act \e and btroiiA at adv.ncesteiullnz to * * per Lent , but the subsciienl | dealings failed to 111- cicaso thi" adMintiiio much , mid whlln , i Inicer niiinbor of thu stocks were traded In , the tiansaellons wuro of the bund to month older and II nut nations were on a strict pai Ity with tbu business borne chance In temper occuricd dntlng the day , but thu close w i ijiilci and firm , generally at smalltiactlon.il gains iixet last night's llguics Tlic only Im- poitanl advances , howuxcr. wutc I'blcaJO las. ! which was subject to thu usu il man I mil itlon ( io\ eminent bonds ha\u been dull and easlci. Male bonds have been dull and steady I he following aru the closing CIHOI nions fo- llio leadiiu "locks on the Nuw Vorlc Mo ck c\ ch ui c today Tin ) total s ilos of stocks today were . ' 11B 400 shares , Including : Ati.'hlson. h.Mil ; Chlengo Qas , 4",40l ) ; Delitvvaic , I. ickuwanna. & Wext- crn , .1,100 ; Hrlo. I.IO ( ; llooUIn V.tlley , 8,15lj Louisville & Nnshvlllo. II.'JOO ; Northein I'aclllo prcfciiod , 10,000 ; Now nnzlaml. 14,000 ; llo.td- IiU , .17.001 ; Kli-hmonil .1 West I'nlnt , 1.4 10. St. I'.tul.in.ooo : Union r.ielflc , 7.7H.1esteru ; Un'on , 'J8UI. ! rinanil.il llrvluvv , Nivv OIIK. I'ub 17 The Test says ; Just now thu most Inloiostlng fitcioi In Iho stock in irUot Is the struggle of the bulls to support Iho marlfe-l siilllelcnlly to inako It absorb at peed ink-OS tbo iiiniultlos | of OIIK hlocUovoi- imiurnz \Mintovei bo their altltndo Inwards tlio foiolgn sellers of our seeurliles. Ihero can bo no doubt that the l.ugo Mn.iiiel.iI Intcioslb heio are oxorlln j Ihemselves lo the iittorniost toholil iho in irlet strong. Tkiclr position Is not o.isy , for by the untlio nhseiie-o of onllinhl.ibtic buying from tluiout- sltlo , ono extensive professional Inloinst on the Ionic Bldo Is eloboil hut only by thocroa- tlon of another. The eovurlni : of shorts which mailo this morning's mm l < ot has bucomo an Inslgn llcant factor , llcne-o all elToi t mo bent lovv.ira nltrnctlng ng.iln to thoonlsido Itivcstme-iit Intoiost which vvns so Ininoitant a factor in thu market it month ago. This | ios- slhlllty porlmpsoxpliilns tlio picsont e-aiillon of tbo hu.irs. Vniv Vnrk Miimty Mitrlcot. NKVV VOIIK. I'ob. 18. MONEV ON QAM , Kusy nt I'iii.par ' conl ; lust loan , ii per cent ; ulosod offered atpur eent. 1'iilMK MMK'AMII.K I'Ai'KH ' 1'J1 ' percent. INH IJxoiiAsoB Quiet but stoudy nl for blxty-duy bills and * ! bti for do- mnud , The closing notations on bouds : II s li rex I ) S 4 eiiiiu U rl 44 ; rcc I'llClltCIBUf 1 l.ii etninpcil In 'lorm m-w > i > 'le-im nan net 'is 'lumi HUH not In Cnmiitti ho Jiul Con 1'ttcllli ) lulu lien & II ( i. lulu IICMl \ It Krlo Sinlii . M K A T ( it'll ( la MK\T _ _ _ ( ! tm bid I'llllllK 1 tl .NlltCS , NKW Oiti.i-ANH , Li. , fob. 16 t'lojilngs , Jl , . ILAMIAS UITV. Mo , I'ob. IK Today's i-It ar- cre IUB.I.4'11 tirw VOIIK. I'ob , -Huik cluaiings today , . ' lialiMices iunntiu' : i.i'i.MMi ; , , , llAt.iiMoiit : , Mil . I'eb. 18. llnnk today vverur.,4JIHI5 ; balances , Hllp57i rate , U put cent , I'IHI. viua.1'iiiA , I'.i. , Knti 18. Il.ink olearln.'ti today , * l.l.OIUiOj ; bulnnces , * MWo7a Money , * > ! i per cunt. MhMl'tllB , Tenn , I'ob. 18. Nov Vork ox- elianito fcnllliih1 at par. Cluarlnr's , JCI\V ) ; hul- ancos"jj.5 ! > l CINCINNATI , O. , Tub. Ihr-.Monoy , UtiO per ( out ; ! Sow ork exchange , "J uo premium ; uleailngh , f2Gti7HO. Hblii.iN , I'ob -Thostatonuint of tlio Im perial Hank of Ceriminy bhous uu Inero.isu In tjHH-lonf , ? , OJO inari.s , KT , l.ouiH , Mo , l < ob , lh IUnk ole irliiK's' , fl.AW.tni. ' ; balances , J.i.ITl. | Money. 04,67 pur eent ; oxc-haiigo on Now Vork , ( > 0u pfeiiiium HAVANA. I'ob. 18. Hpanlah ; < > lJ.-.4iit ) < ii ! 4U'i ' ; uxchango on tbo Tnllud bt.itus , ihurt bight gold , B e promlum ; on London. Ib'jdiiyi ) pro- iiiluin llOsioMana. . , I'ob 18Itank clearings today , ll,4G7bili halunces , fl.tr , , U'.M. It.uo for money , H to J nor cent. Kxeiiango on Now Vork , 15 to''Ou ilUeoiint. ' I'AUIB , I'ob. ] 6. Tlnoo per t'eilt "rentes inf. BTtio for thu neeonnt , Tnu wi okjy Btatement of the llanU of 1'rane-o nhows uu InetOHnc of t , liU.OOO franeb cold and 4J.'J.l/OU friini's bllvor. QUICAQO , 111. , Tub. 17-Mouoy , percent. ( 'learliias.t' ' II New Yoil. ex- chiniec. .lie ( ll < cuiintt i fitrilng cvelian ; c. linn , ? l.siV for slMj-dnv itilllR and fl NS for nlKht dr fts. , , , , i l.nnilini snlj , < J trkel. limit li < Kiiov. Tob H l.NViW York llcrild t'ablo -fncel'il to Till. HKBI NO ohm ewasmnlii ted iv in the bank ralii..wlilcli leinalns at .1 per I ( cnl. A leaards neu.Unslni'ss this has been . aorv quid daj on f-fliek ( "lelninge. Tiiken I n n whole DIP mat Kelp Jiar pit s ( nleil a mote I oi less fa\oi.ili c apfrtnirntici' , Indian rupee paper hus iiUcn Wa < 'tto'ilicr ' ' iint Homo | mils lin\o IHHMI dull ( HlVim itne to the want of Imsini vs. uhl iv iho rctiim of w nlry | neiithci h is not I ivn wltli'iut ( ffivl Metro politan and Mit'MIe d ( Isfi I red ha\u iiUcn way ' 4 1" r cent nnd most tilhuis 'j ' to , pei cent , t'aiiadl in lines mo iJepuoscd in sjmpithy , ( speclailj lliutul Trunk NSUOS , wh r bire sub- stintlally lower > lsielinn ( > otis sccuiltld * have neon eoniparatl > elv ncx'cctdl ' Money has not been so much WiinUd In l.ombiud sticut today , while the suppl ) o ( Ho itlnst cap ital h.is been Increased In the pa > meiil of tbu \Vesleriinllwijdhldcnd. . - < lioit loins ha\o bcon ohlalncd tit fiom ' . ' to ' . " pit cent dlaeonnl. I he inarKet his been < | Uiet. Two nnd tlin e luuntlis' bills me quoted at fiom - \ to ' "S nor emit. I.ONliON , lob IH I'liu follonln : were the London stock quotation ! cKnlnit utlpm : imunT iiii > iiy.TirHTrtT1lliiiilTri'ntriri lO 'j ( Id nipaniits ' .r > 1 | St I'nnl lOMiinnn 8llt N \ . I1 , VO l < it . - ; ' \iMv\ntk Centrnl I11H Cnn I'ntlilc t.Pi , l'cnnnlMiiiln . Mt , Prlu . . . iti | Itexlliii ; iHH Krli Ki'dimln . I'.IJj Xlct fell IICHT 4n < l llAlt s ! | | , > nt 41 1-ird. MDSKV ' 'iiffl'J'i pet cent H iteof ( Hit-mint In the open niuruet foi both shun -mil time months bills , ! ! Vfr'.Mf pel i cut. The bullion In the Hank of Knglatid in creased UI71' ' Ui du i in.1 the wi ek. lhepioioi- ] t'on of Iho llnnk of I'li/land's reset \ lo lia bilities wh ch last week was 41 H'i per cent Is now 4 .lt ) . llostoii Stul < M.nltpt. HOSTON Muss I'ob IsTlio following worn the closing prices on stocks on thu lloston stock maiket ted iy Aulil-cin \ lopckn. ( U'v ' 1 rnnklln M'l lluoton A , Alliiiny All'f ' Kcar-aruu . . . . IU llooton \ Mnlno . \t \ ( Oiicola . . VI ( ' II , V L ) . HH' ' < -niila 1 e Onpin-i . . . IB1 * I'liKtern II It la 111 IntimruLk . 14hV $ HRhlHHk- II -.Ml Amilnton Land Cn . ! 'lli I Hut \ Peru M pfd T'.l HiKtnii I anil Co . I Mnm ( cntrid Illci-o Krilid Co Mc tent coiamim VO l\\eil I nil limit ( o \ A .N I iiulund nell loleiilimio . . UH ilo ; . . . . 131 I.iitnviiitnru S . ISVi Olill-uloii ) I7U \Vnte-i I'ovvt-i I'd \Vls ( en roiiitiiun IS'J C M 8 Allnner Mln ( o new IH \ K T . 5 l' ' < i Allmllc II , V 11 . . ll'i ' ! Mntittimi ItuiiMnn Ilioinson Wi UMntittimi Cilinni i \ U Mm 1'ianeUen Mining OnntatInns. SAM l'ii\Ncnci ) . int. , 1'ub ' IS I'ho olllcl.tl clnsln ; nit'ititlims for nilnlii ; blocks led iy vve-ro , is fol ovvs : .TIui 7T.T lee fxIvTlTf llnlne-r . . 4i t A Ili-lrlier I'otusl 1u > llodlcl imsollilatmt M stivaxo . . . . . . 110 ( liollnr . . . I7I ) Merrn No\adi . . . . 1W Conaol IH | A Va 4r Onion Cull . . . . 114) ) ( rown Point I.'D I lull . . . . ,15 diiulil A ( uriy III \ello < r Jnckul . b * > II ili'.V Norcru < it . 'U V o 2"i Muxlrnn . . . 180 II I SO Mono IW ( .S II 1 ' . 'U i.m : STOCK .M Cattle still rlcntj and Hugs Sittue lit Omaha Pi Ices Miulj to IliKher. OVUIIA , I'ob IS. Pour days' icculpts foot up I-,4IS cattle , I.M..WI ho s and I.J.IT hii : | ) , agaltibt I0.i"ll catllo. 2. ' . ai hogs and H.W.S sheep for the satno foul da\s lust uc ok. Plieio was a fait ttvor igo inn ot cattle bore tind Iho general iinaittV of tlio olluilngs was much the same as It has been of late , i uher liiillllciont shippers toot , two 01 three lo ids of llic best hea\\ cJ.lt',1. but thcli ntiiuliascb were to IU lit they h id no perceptible i llect on the iieneial mailicl Dressed licet bujcts had thu m irket pi icllcaliy in thulr invn hands and , the ovinur could t ikit his choice of Celling at ihclr prlco or ndln , ; on to ( JhU'ib.o. Illds were so muan th it man\ took thu lattct oml of the dllctima and shlupod tholi tattle through Tiadlng wjs dull and drafJIiu' all moiling and at noon only a small proportion of Iho steers on sale ban changed hands. In the afternoon thu trade w is d little moru llvulj , hut at un improved pt cos ,1'hu , _ cneral maikut was slow and weak throughout , bulhardly enough dlircient fiomednesdiy \ to nuolu deed l.lUUlo I , lOU-lb htcers bold fiom W4J to J UJ , while ovi to 1,1 ) U-lb Ste/oirt / tola from HOD to tl 40. There wuio plenty of docenl cattle still In llrst bands at thuc'osuof ' tUMiio- The mote disliuble ( Jriideb of butcher still ) weio In good demand and llr.n. Out-llc : butchers wanted .1 few eattlcand Iho local de mand was actno enough lo enablu Hollers to rcall7o blu uly prices on lie irly u\ cry tiling In this line. Tlieiowasa tolerably free move ment ana a fair an I reasonably early Clear ance was ellecteil ( "Joort to choice COUK nnd bolters sold from tTU to J.I.4J , fair to good stall fiom JJ in to f . ' ( j. " > , common and canning block from * l."i to f-'OJ. Hulls , o\cn and stags were slow .u from il.lJ to f ly.'i Uatves wire In moderalo supply , fair demand and stuady al from fl.'i lo $ > w ) for poor 10 good \ eals. 'Ihostockei and feeder trade was Il htaud at prices stc.idy to a shade lower than j esler- dny at from J. 0 to W'-'J. KcprcsontatUe sales : No Av Pr. No Av. Pr No Av. Pr. I llifiO & 1 00 HI lOWti.WJl li.'OTJ45 s ! i7u : i u'i i'i. ' 'oas ' .i : io'u uiu : i4. 18 1K.8 .1 3 < fl 1114 .IX ) Ib I IT 1150 n ui jjo 7 11 % " : i , n i MOO a so 4 1IOJ : i ao 4 110' ' .1.1- ) It ) It'll J5u ItlOH I 'J' ) 1 ° ) 1 W .140 2J 11M7 J .V > 10 1 1 a 'ri i H2J a 40 in 1.70 JOT ' . ' 1071 ,1V ) 14 1104 .140 II 1.107 J71 U1 I04S .1 i'5 Ml ) 1 147 a 40 37 1U44 .1 75 T > 101J J . ' 5 4. ! 11-7 J 4. , } J7 1.U3 3UJ MIXI'.I ) . u i.ui a 10 No ui Av. Pr. 15 ftodors . , l . 7IH Hlfi 2J fecdors . I. . . . I'll ' J 20 lions DID run of hogs was llt'htei than usual , 2,0 K ) ahoit of liibt Thursday , and tlio rocelplhho fin this vretik fall about that miiuh bhorl of thus tmo four days last weok. As to quality tbuie wan no material cli.uut , but Piiisoiib , liniur for.ldlm P. Miulies of Hohtoii , bayh bogs arc not rnnnliu as good hero as at fhlcago. Thuif Wlm an active shipping do- iii.uid for cooj hogs of all vveUhts and as iho local demand was oed and the btipply only fair , Ihu mnrkot was autlvo and sliongor from Mart tu finish The best ho.tvyhoss sold at from $1.55 lo Jl < M. with one uholeu HOI ted load al II ( I.HI , 01 strong to 5u Higher , Thuiuwim about Uiu HJIIIO udvanco on common heavy and mUed p ickora ut fiom fl.5) to 1455. 1/U-lil , light mUud and butuhui weight hugs ( old In many ca us froinSu to lOu higher than Wednesday , at from tl 5i to tl.bO , with bomu common light btulf at fiom JI.40 to * .41. It wa > > .1 iiooU iiLtlvo murkut. and uvurvthlng sold In good so.non. thu hulk at fi-Jin W 50 to tl 51 , agaliibl at from U.45 to ti \Vudiicuduy. . The uviir.uoof prlcob paid wun J4 51. ugalmt Jl.l'J' ' . Wednusdnv and II 5. \Veducsilay Huprchuntallvn bulei > : No. Av rilt Pr No. Av hli Pr. 2 . . . .410(4iO : 75 214 lUJil.Y ) 01 101 120 4 40 47 4JU - 4 51 10 410 - 4 4J 01 . 214 140 455 t . 2e > 0 4 i5 C7 . 2j bO i55 3 Is * 4(1 ( 4 41 57 . XI ISO 4 M 4 S.tll 441 ( AJM M ) 4 M 5'l ' 1X ( ) 4 SO SU 277 CO 4 M 14 .ail am 4 vi 7i , ,110 120 4.M 71 . . .X7I SHi 4 ( I . " > ' ! 270 l0 4 M 7 ; 2.11 l.M 4 fiO 70 UN 2UO 4 V. 141 H2 2.0 . 4 .VI III 214 - 451 21 211 vn 4 53 77 SIN - 45,1 27 . 'U4 4 VI ( s Jl | b1 4,11 7(1 ( IWt 11,3 4 Ml 71 311 4) ) 4 .M fi.1 . 17(1 ( - 4V ) ( , 'J . . 2117 4 Vie ( o . . , .a.-2 V ) 45) ) 7H . . . . .v ) hJ 4V , 57 ; 7o MI 15o ri , at 120 41 > fil III. SXI 4 WI fT 21(1 ( SOI 1M 5J , S"s A3 450 Ti.77 M ) 4M 5' . . . . SIS - 41) ) 7 . . S1I 411 4.M II' . . .S07 M 450 ,1 BIT l.M 40 311 SO i 4 53 fi , . . . , l'l ! so 4M 71 . 272 Kfl 4 53 .li 3111 81 457't 7,1 Sti ' 'so 4.11 M . : . ) - 4Vi'i f > 1 SJ VI 4 52'S ' 7S . S.ill ISO 4.17'i ' 7i ( . . 241 ISO t Wi 7s . . .211 IfiO 4,17'i 71 SIS l.M 4 .I. " , f l . 271 Will 57'j l.s S.ti KO 4 .IjiJ Kl , .Vi8 211 4riT'i t S aiil 210 4 IJ'i ' lii 207 ISO 45V. W 2114 110 4 5J'i 01 . .Kill 200 457't ' 5'J ' , l Kj 4 52' , tit . . . .111' , 40 4.17'i U 2W ( 210 I .IS' ' , M . 2o ( - 4,17'i ' I/I 2b7 21(1 ( 4 U'i ' 4'l ' .Sill 4tiO 77 . . a I' ' ) I ( XI I , V. " , 1,1 . .112 SO 4113 75 Sib 100 4 5.'t IK ! . .2,1) ) 83 4 M ) 0.1. , 211 103 4SJ' ' , 07 . .23 12) ) 4bO ( > 7 voi 41 455 : , s . .ait ; 41 , ) 57 . . ' 70 I 5.1 d7 271 4 no 50. . . SSI vntl 451 HI . ISJ 185 4(11 ( 01 .247 - 4 M Ml . . SsS - 4 tr'J'i i ins AMI mumii. 1 4S1 SOI 8. . . .261 4 ) hill I pHi ceipls weie I gilt , two double decks or eoin-fod weslera wotbeis , mosily jeanlnsh. tli il sold readliy foi tl In. Nime common uw i s. culi" . sod for -ft 0. The de mand continue- , goo I and thu market Is utioiie. Ouot'itlonsPair to good mtinci , Jl SVifuSl ; wesleins. M t'tfT,1.2l ' ( ! iiiniiniin nnd stockeis. t-.Vll.7.1i ) ( lambs. } 4.o fel.OO Itepru- setitallve sales : No. Av. Pr. 10 western owes , talllncs Ill ) } IOO I I nek . 11,3 , 3 HO W ) wodorn wethers 121 f > 10 S'l ' west orn wolhers 123 510 104 western wethers R'l 513 Iti" elpts n-t I DNpiiltli-i ol StocU , Olllelal tuciidpts und dlspinlllon ot slojk as shown bv the bo > 'js ' of thu Union Mock Vards company foi the twenty-font bo'irs unillnj at 5o'clock p m I'ebiunry H , i-u. ' . UK 1 I IT" ( 'bit ago Livestock llnrket. III. . I'ob. Ifl. [ Special Tolegrim toTiiK Hm.l S ilesmon had to accept lower pi Ices forc.itt.o today. There were too many c ittlo here , the yauls containing at least 20,101. The dcninnd vvns weak and tlie recent heavy supplies have "choked up" some of the channels of consumption. All ti ides of cattle sold slowlv and lower. The (1'iy'swoM was done it a decline from Tuesday's quota lions of fiom lOu lo Ho which lust about equals vvh.il was gained al the hexlnnlng of Ihe week. ( Jood to choice cows , helfeis and InilU showed less change than did common to fair shipping steers and poor stuirbnt there vv is no grade foi which former prices could bo reall/ed. Tradln was on a b-islb of from $1.21 to $ .121 for Inferior to choice cows nnd holfers , JI.V ) lo f I ( ! 1 fet bulls , t.'Jl to M 71 fet stockeis and fecdois , Woo lo14foi ( shipping slccrs and tt'J > toJMO for Texas cattle. Of iho laller about 200 head an Ived. The receipts of ho svvero some 10.010 bond les. than \\ednesd.ij. . hut Including the stale ho.'s the numljei actually on sale w is Inrghi than for that da > , amounting to aOont rOOuO. The supply lonsldeialily exceeded Ihe vv nils of the trade , and Iheieforo the market ii'in , lined we ik Theie was an average de cline early of from 2' e to .lo per HO Ihs . quo- l.itlons being fiom ft , U toil .5 for light and tnnn iM I5 lo $1 s.1 foi medium nnd hcavv- wolghls Poorstuir so'il ' at fiom $421 to Jl .III nnd tin re weie sales of culls at from i.'Oltn $4 , 0. whllo one or two lots of choice hoivy Inns brought $ l'n. Ihe in irket closed stronger th in It opened Saks of sheet ) were not as free as on the preceding days of the week , and allhnugh the supply vvns vvllhln moderalo limits , the tone of the market. Ilka that for cattle and IKUS , vvasheavv The wet we ilher hurt ti.ido unit eastern advices wore not nartle-iil irly encour aging. ( .initiations are fiom M.2.1 to $ .171 for poor lo choice tii'illlles ) There were few s lies below If I.T.I and not many al better thin ? 1.I5. humbs wem quoted at from $ 71 to Jii 0.1 , ac cording to quality. Ifecolpts were : Cattle , 1(5,000 ( ; hops , ,10,003 ; bheep , 7,000 The Evening .lourti il reports : CATTLE HO- celpts. lO.OJii ; shipments. 4,0(10 ( : m.itkotslow and lowei : good to i liolce steers , $ )4S,10i ) ( ; ; oiliois , J.I10I.J5 ; fcedcis. $ 1 4 > dt.l 55 : Btcl < ers. blibEl' Kocctpiji , S.OOl ; shipments , : i.00l ; m irket steady : owes. W 104 I.I ; mixed. * IS ) ( TtlOO : wet hots , $11)1X3171 ) : western , f 101X2,1 .10 : lam us and } c trllngb , $1 HCrO W. N -vv Vorlt Live sttnk Market. NKVV VOIIK , I'eb. 18. HKCVKS Itcculuts. 007 lie-ill , all for export ; no trade ; feeling tlrin ; dressed beef stcndy at ( XiiS'sC nor Ib ; shlji- inonts today 3U beeves and 41 bfieep. CAI.VTS KL'celpls. 177 he id ; marUel flrm ; veal' , Jl 'lOiri'i.oi ' ) per 10J Ibs , ; wcslirn calves ilK'i&l ' 17'i. SliM.i' Heceipls , 5 , U ) held ; marKet c peril ) , lilghct ; sheep $ -1 00b 7 per 100 Ibs. ; iambs , $ fi 'K.7 ' , i : dressed mutlon Unit at tffilOc per ib ; dressed lambs steady atlKiMlc. HoosIJe < elpls , 4. Mi ) ho id consigned dlicct ; nominal ! } llrm. $ I.W@ 1 40 PCI 1001ns. Kans is City Live Mm It Market. KASHAS CITV. Mo , I'ob. 18 OATTM : Re ceipts. 1.000 , shipments. 1,100 Hooves and feedeis were steady an I cows strollSleers i.l , mir 1 8.1 : cows , * „ ' ! IOS.)20 ) ; alockcrs and feiduis , if I.255VI71. lion lieiplpls. ( i,700 ; shipments , .1,600 : mar ket steady ; hulk , $1 40 l 5 ; all glades , HU.- & 4 11. 11.biirKl' Hecoipls. 700 ; bhlpmonls , 1,000 ; mar et unchjiiged , St. l.onls l.ivn Mock llirknt. Sr. Lotus , Mo. I'eb 18 O UTi.B-Uecolpls. 1.1)0(1 ) ( ho id ; Hlilpmonts 100 ; miirkot firm ; good to choice nallvo sleers , $1 Wii'iOO ; medinm , J.I 7 toi.n : loYitns , tJ riW3 jM Hoes Hecolpts , 8UJ ) head : hhlpmonls. 4,20) ) ; m tiKuteasy ; heavy. 14.50S4.7D ; mixed , $1 00 ® 4 CJill ht , JI20QI .1) ) . Sni'EiItoco'pts ' , b03 lie id ; shipments , 100 ; market steady and unchtngcd , good to de sirable millions , $ „ OOB1 10. Mr. John 0. Fflriman , Albion , III , writes on January 10 , Ib'JI : "My wife has boon n grant sufterer from headaches for over tvvontv yeais , nnd jour Bradjcrotino is iho only incdicino tiint has over relieved nor. I can eot you all the recommendations you want fiom liore. Wo take great pleasure In recommending it on nil occasions. Kii > r nr.it IIKUKLT ni.i. HK.HII. A ' 1 eniichsnc Woman \Vlio Had l.ivrd In .Male A till ii lor Vuars , CiiAiTAVfKKU , Tonn , Fob. 18. Henry AunstioiiK , nged (10 ( , nn old ROltlor of Junto who died n fovv days ngo , proved to bo a wo man According to an old diary found among her possessions , tier nnmovas Myra Law- runco. Juslbofoio thu war she was deseit- od by liar lover , who afterward onteiod the uonfodorato army. Thou she uonned mule attire und onlhted in tlio sumo regiment to bo near him. Ilo II n ally died in her arms fiom n bullet wound. KoUiiiunn her niasca llnodttlro , Myra Lawrence then began anew life aba man und Uojit her tocrot until tno ond. _ Ollll lllllllIK , Onn minute tlmo often miltat agroit , dif foruncea one minute remedy for bronchitis choking up of the throat , lungs , etc. , fo ourso is u lilonsiiiL- . Cubeb Coti h ( Jura is such u romody. For solo by all drtiURlsU. Cubeb Cough Cure Onemiiiute. Third Dlhtilet Cnniniltlrii rail , I'lisniiii , N b , , I'ob 15 There will bo a mooting of the republican congressional com mittee of the Third Nobiaslca dlstnct at ttio I'acitlo liouso , Norfollt , Wednesday , 1'eb- ruury 'J4 , at 7t30 p m , for tbo purpose of naming Iho time and place for holding a con ventton to Kolect two delegates to attend tlio republican national convention at Miuncapo lir , to lix tlio basis of representation to tbo convention to bo called , and lo attend to such other business as may properly coinu before It W. K I'rum.i n , Cbuinniiti. ( Jusbl i'sMagioIlondacho Wafer euros all lu V.'v ) minutes. At all druggists. Tlii | ( ,1-111111111 linportfd ( aiUliad bprndel Salt. Is nf trri'at hohf-llt In temporary and liabltnul ( . ( Uit-llpallon , livwr and kidnuy diseases elium u valaiih of thu stomaih and boni-U. rlii-urlialUmi diit , A.C. , and should Lo used lu thiMiiuuiIng Lcfnro Incakfust. Obtain Ihu gunulno ui tide , which must bear the signature of Issuer & MtudcJuou Co. , Annuls , Now Vork. OMAHA ' and Jolliers' ' Dire AMI Tl'NTi. Oinnlutoil A . Co. I1n > l' lii\iinniick > . till ni I iiililM-r ilntliltiK . ) tiil ftir rnlnUiuiii' till I'nrnvn MAJS AM ) TVVI.M'N. lltinlt OmitlniJdU CD. Iniimrtors nntt man if IP hirers 1 limr uink llurlipi ami T lnc- .1 11. frnfi/o.t Co , fiirmi ) , 1(0' Dodiri' ttro-t lllcn lc unlit on tnnnthlr lament. frond four otluio , nn.l . | irlio lj ( ! ; > I nrnnniM .Uinnh-i tutors \ \ i snoi'H Morsoco SJDJ _ . . 1101 ItnwinlStro-l Knrtory dirni-r lltli mill Onmtlni ntroott Wnnrn umklntf clo o | i-lio toe-iih lijjrn , i , nml nro he-Hint ; n < lij of nool4 ( vvtilrh Is ve-ry nivl. pntilu nlth inun' Ainttlcnii nan I P / virhrmliillinfs / ( , t Co , .s'/ioc / Cn , ' Whole'nlc Mntiufncln'ri Knots , nitons ruliticrj Aitcnts fur llnMim Uiih- mitt ti It k'oniti her shmo , 1IUJ 1101 Itll - llfit-r unit HO1) Iliirney ulreot COAIOOKl' . , 7lm-C . . Ilnrilnnlnoft coil HK cnrne'r lull nml ntneli CMJ11IINO. Knijlc ( ' ) i"r U"nr/n / ( ( illliiiiic A lixhl , Mnn'ifnclurcM tif ( Inl- MumitmtnriTt nml Minl'eil Iron Cnriike INIttiluw Clips met ilto \Vliolc nle Cltithlcn , nkvllilil ( . ill- 1110 nml 111 ? liudtio t. 1101 llarni'j- Direct DHY GOOD- . KI.KCTItlCAIj S Omaha Go isolithtsJ Eleotrinl 0) . , Electro Drnnnm < l.nmiii. Wire nnd Klcclrlcnl Slip lilloiof All KlndH 111. llunird ntrunt , Umaliii IltO.N U'OIIHS. /Vtrfoii . ( ( r.iii VS'roiitfld nn > l rn t Ire I liullillnir norlc , lirn work , Un n > / / . It < } > < > llf , I.lqunr Mrrrlinnti Importer nnl Inh'nr of 1113 llnrnpy nrcnt , WlniM nii.l l. | ( iiors nmitaelnr tt hcnno.lr's IOW nnl0ll \ t-Vnam-ll. ICntl Until DIIMri Prke-lliliea ii | < | illiMtlOB. IV rAA \ \ hulc no ) tliunr tie itorl 1031 Knrnnnut , ( lull Irs l ( lc , Jotill A. llnrilniinil In nil or woe I cnrpoli unit furiiu't tinro'lol Ainorloin Port HlxltlllK InnlreiiH'Tt Vtllnnukpn hvitrni.llc ipinrnt nnj Ptli nnil Dniiulnr. LJuInc ) nlilli' li'i e Mllil INP.IIV. AIUUli X C. .1. Mmif/nK , A lltiKrJi ) Mllllnir ) notUiinclinks IMnniM ort'iii" iirtlitV etc , mtterlnli , i-l , < 11(1,118 ( H lull H Ulinhn IMI Duatlni MriH't , OYhTl'.llS. .H. /'iir'iini ; ( IfH'IA Co. Pact orn of oy lc-r , KldinnJ olo' nml Celery .111'H ' mill lilt i Mt IVSLuivonnortli S Pnvld Cole , Miniior OILS. iiink ltitt Cn , Itcllnod nml liitirlc.ithiK oils , nile urmge , etc Pitonuci ; CO.II.MIS io\ . Illillicli A O ) . . , t Kmllli , country proit I'roilnre , frulti nf nit lire , fruit v ve'Kulnbloi , rtc klnrts , oj'lon , 1M7 Hoivjvnl Streot. Iltli nml llnriu-K Htrootl. Jos. A. Olark & Co. llutter , clicoio extf ] , Butter , nun And poultr/ poultry nml time UICI lurmm st. fW south Utli Street. " " Ritldell & Co. , G. Pogan. Ciinnnli'lnn M err limit. lltitlpr thcosfl cuii.voi- Prnilurp Iliiltcr Kutt , rtublos , frnlu , poultry ( IICMIIO nnd I'miltryt nntl unino Uth nml llnniird tf. _ - - Mnllin & MoOlain , Biugham & Son , f-pcclnltli't lintfr iVJi Send us your PIHM Hill * clieoHc poultry , etc. N'o tor , Poultry , l.nuio , 15 s IHi Hue If. Nit lIUIuj ICtc 1701 .1 l.oivonwnrlli St. Onrpouter Paper Oo. , I KinS Pa' Cnrrr it full .lock of | Wrapping | n | r all Miidl 5 printing wrspplnu nml ! ! ' ' . , „ , , , - , I40S llunnnl Ht i wrllhiK pnper , caril pa- per , ola le.1 171) JslOVIO KKI'AIKS. James Hughes , Omaht Sto/a Repair BtOTC.9rc-imlriofnltkln.il Wor s. Cooks unil II water J Stove repulrj md water for stile nitnctiiiiontH tor nny klnil ot atove midc WS nt'i Strait I.'JT llmiKll- = a s\sn. I 'I O S. M. A. Disbrow & do , I EEir(17 ( ( ° 3- Manufat turori of To7 . doll * , n I b u rni | d oo n . blinds n nrt funcy ffoodi house fur * moulillnK Ilrnncli of Dlhlntf KOO I-i , tlillU * flco , 12th und IznrdSt * ren't cnrrlfttfei Arniun Streot. _ SOUTH OMAHA. UNION STOCK YARDS CO , LIMITED COMMISSION MERCHANT' ' . Al cn Root & Oo. | Qasma'i & ' lloum II ICiclmiiKU BuildItodiui , i > ) niH 111 ll. llllnx Uoulli ch in o t ) illill i ( . Om-vlij. boiitl. On , i'i u randreth's ' Pills were introduced in the United Stales in 1835 , and since that time over 100,000,000 boxes have been used. They are now and always have been the PILL OF Tin : PROPLI : ; they arc safe in their action nnd thoroughly reliable. They cleanse the system of all disease producing matter , and by this means not only cure our ills , but when taken occasionally , in moderate doses , insure us against attacks. The same dose will always produce the same effect , no mat ter how long- continued , and for this reason , a pill taken every night will thoroughly cure constipation and many forms of dyspepsia and indigestion arising therefrom. Sold both sugar-coated and plain. The sugar-coated pill is especially adapted to women and children. In small doses they arc a wonderful complexion pill. n EVERY REASON TO BELIEVl/ 'I HAT THE COUNTRY AT 1ARGE IS EN I BRING UP ON AN ERA OF GOOD BUSINESS. The bubincss outlook was nne brighter. Substantial gains eiery- \vheic , proof of an expanding - uitic of htisjncRF Kailtoadt ? are chokcilvitli tr.iffie in main places nnd arc unable to handle UK littsi- nc-bs offering New railroads are bcini1nilt and old ones rrc dcclar uijf dividends The fanners are ticttiiii. "toney and are ( .IA ndinj , ' it Large harvests of grain nnd good prices Wieat , Oats dtid Corn ptff > Miig for tratibportition to the beaboard and tliencp to Europe Money th in ample suppK at low rates at all important cente-rs H appears to us that thib is your opportunity for newspaper advertising if you intend to do any and It will be htr.mge if vurannot convince you that we should do join vvoil : . NEWSPAPER ADVCRTI8INO ACI-HT8 , { 66 & OB W. 3d St. , Cincinnati , O. " e o e 0 o JOSEPH EILLOTT'S ' STEEL PENS. GOLD MEDAL , PARIS EXPOSITION , 1889 , THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS. SliKkliutilci'H .llu lint , , X Tiolu Is lie-roi/ i-'lvuti Hut tnn annual incellnof thu btoe-Ulio ili'rx nf ( lid * . houili I'lnttu l.iinil fiiinp my will Inihuld nl tlio t olllu ) i'f s.ilil roiiiiiiy ) | , In I.lino n. N''l' , uii llnj' lli l\Vtlini8Uiiy ! ( lu.Maitlilb' , ljlni ! tli ilny of tlio innnll Hi onlci eif llic Hoard of 1 ! I ) , rnii.LU'B , SUCK Ury. J.IM.OI.N , Neb. , I'tb r. lew. TJU MI 4