rid G TITK OMAHA DAILY BKF : THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 18 , 1892. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS Oonsidcrablo Nervousness Was Still Appar ent in Wheat Ycaterdny. A GENERAL TONE , HOWEVER , WAS STRONG Itrport * of KiiMln'ft InlriillniiR to ll the lUotrlclloni Prnlilliltlnt ; tin-I portiitlon lit Mhrat Mini lt iirc ; < t Slo < li mid Ilondi. CmcAfio , 111. , Tub. 17 Conslderublo ncr\oii i- ncis wns still npp iront In the nhcat nmrkot today , but thn Kcnernt tone was one of ittrun th on the bullish clmr ictor of tlio news rtcolxed r.nd the close w s firm nt an advaiao of lo coniuircd with the final lluutcs of yesterday Mny oncncd ic higher nt 'M'nC. ndvnnccd toVQ'io ' , broke to Ul'io , reacted to Ki'iC. wtnt olT tolllVc , roniiilncd stendy for n time , then touched 01'ic ' , but Rrew xtronn nR'iln , rallyInz to 0c. ! nnd closing firm ut O2'c. The higher uponlnit anil ndvntico early In the session duo to the stronger nnd higher English cibles , which ncro ratlicr n , Hnrprlao after the notion of Ameri can markets yesterday. Oloaranies also wore rather larger nnd n Rood Inquiry was ngaln reportnl lint operators Rot fairly well londud up with wheat and then n moro Rcn- cralelllMK pressuic started In , which ennscd the suhsciiuent decline , lioluod nlniiR by wojUor eontlncnt.il cables l.ocnlopcritois evidently sold Uiotnschcs short on the bro ik ' 1 liny lice inio uneasy In the last half hoi r nndstarted lu loto\i.r , the market respond- lim with a Htroni ; upward inovcniont. The ad- \nncowiN attrlhnted partly to rumors that rrnncu was iiKltutliu thoquistlon oftaklnK off thoduty on wheat. The e irly news was mostly I ulllsh , built \VIH some time 1 cforo the operators c.ired to risk hundllnR loiu lines , as there was a feel- InKof mistrust In rejrnrd to sumo of the bull nous which has | ) LCII received within the past dnv or two. It bollix fcaicd that It was in irin- faeturcd 01 Liiloreu to nmko n strong in irkut forloimsto sell on. Tne stronu' cables , how * n11 , In the face of onrwcnk market of ves- tcrdnv , tended to Mir.fy the statements of heavy ovports. ItwasNtlii that , H.i boat loads , carry IIIK..W liw liu , hnd been taken for ex port on the Atlantic ho.iboird nluno during the past two da > s. Ulcar.mccs from Now York today were also larger by 2.17.- W)0 ) bit of wheat and 2\ODO bbls. t/f ( lour. Antwcrn was quoted nearly I'd per tin hlchor , Minneapolis reported liO.OJO bu. hold for export , and a car o wus sold Mllwankco tepoited an Inquiry for two lots of 100,100 bu , each. A rumor was stirted that Husbla was about lo lo'novo thu rostrlctlons prolnbltliiK the exportation of wheat , but this did nut receive conllnn itlon and Lould not bo trued to any rcllablo source , llerlln and 1'arls weroiinotod lower. Theio was some de mand for Hour bore from Trance for April and Al.iy shliiincnland several lots wcro reported bold. Domestic irmritcts wore lilehcr. Ar- rhuls In the northwest were rather smaller. Com u.ia quiet and ste idy with lluctu itions ronlined to n r inRoot He ( Uirlns Ihe ontlro icsslon and the close was unclinnccd. The receipts were somownnt lursor than were looked for. but there was a fnllliiR off In the er.ulliiK. Liverpool quoted pr'cos Ud hlKhor The tr.ido w.is slnck nnd prices wcro not materially .iircclcd by the llucluallons In Abe it. Oats were lunctlvo and steady and closed ! 6d lower. llojr products were qulot nnd wo ik most of the session , but 111 mod up towaid the eloso mil closed without ( .hnngo compired With festerd.iy Estimates for tomorrow : Wheat , 141feirs ! corn , 2H.1 c.irs ; o its , 1'H ) c.irs ; IIOKS , J.'OO ' liL.ul. The loading futures rained us follows : AIITK1 FS IIIOII LOW CIOSI \\IltAT-J > O i I-uliruiiry fSV ! Mny t'US ' am , Cons j o i I < tirtmry. Mnrch 4UH ' 41 V OATH Mi 3 1-cbrniiry V ) 211 Mny MFHS 1'oiiK Kc'brnnry 1 ! tO 11 45 11 & > Mny. 11 60 11 75 11 W Kbrnnry 645 B 424 May . dU ) 067 BIIOHT Kins I ibrnnry SM t , 75 6 s : , Mny 000 S 'IJX ( i UO Cnsh quotations were as follows : I'LOtm Meady and unchanged , spring p it- mlsl J04 ( iQj w Inter patenti , H.ao4 r > . > , bak ers 8iiOB4GO : ; straight , J4.IJ3IVJ. WIIKAT No 2 spring who it. fi'l' cj No. 3 prlntf wheat , Me. No S rod , 'esjii'tje. COIIN Stc-ady ; No S , 40oi No J , yellow , J7'4 B-ISc. OATS-NO 2. eo&S'iV ' ; No 2 white. SO e : t\o 3white , i'l''BJlc. ' ' U\K-No ' - ' . 81"o. 11AIIIK1 No ' . ' , f,0u ; No 3 , 4GQMc ; No 4 , . ' 17 © 51o. 51o.I'IA \ SEFII No 1.07c. TIMOTHY SJKKI > I'rlino , Jl 21511. ? ; I'OUK Mubi pork , per bhl , tS M ; Inrd. cwt , $04'i. short ribs sides ( loose ) . Eer ! ' / ; dry nailed fihotildi rs ( hexed ) . $5iHXQ > 5.2.1 : short elo ir hldos ( boxed ) , * 0.'Joao 2.1. WIIISKI Distillers' finished goods , per gal. Hicolplsaiid shipments today were as fol- lous : On the Pro loco oNclninco loilny the bnttoi ninrKot w is wo.ilt ninl lower ; f incy croiunorv , r7@7'ic ! line western. 25'@JO ; orrlln ry. 21 ® - ' 4u ; suioctul duliv , 2.VS25C : ordinary , lhO2lc. ( 'ilti'sE-I'lrni : full crcnni chcililnrt , Ili4a I1340 , Hals , 11'tQ.II'sc ; Venn Anioricu' . , l.a l.lc Non V'urk H irluiH. Ni > \ Vninc , I'ob 17 I'LOUII llecolpls. 2Hill : pkKHt oxpoils L',005 bhls : ISAM sacks ; hold Irmly , iiulut ; sites. lOO.'Oa hh H. COIIN Alt AI < Mora aetlio , steady. WIIKAT Hecolpts. IBS 700 bit , : exports , SVi- 10J bu i sahH , 8 775,000 hu. of futures ; ' 'I..UOO DII. of spot , boot market tinscttlcil , cloiliiK Itionzor ; Rood doniand , adtanoo , cliocK- liu linslnvss. No 2 rod , ft dOliffil 07 In itoro i.nd oluxator ; SI O7'81 Osji allo.it : II uoa.ftj WU f.o ii. : No J red.il oi'iwi.os ; un- eradcd red. OJctStl.oo ; No. l northern , $ l.06\ ; No I hard , Jl.liy'i ; No ' . ' . northern , * l o.'lj ; ou- llons ndviincod Vie to yo on hotter forol.-n nun kots and coed hnyliiK , declined " 10 to ' eon on weaker cnntlnontaloables ; advanced ? so to l'uo ' on Increased exports ; hiislness and coi- erliu of shorts : closed stonily at ' o tolzoior vosloiday : llaieh. fl ( )1'4@ ) | Oli'j , closing M0 > 4 : April , Jl.O.va.fl.O' ) ' , . oloslns tl US' , . May , U.03 > < T < H.04. o ostiiB * l.i4i.Iune ( , II 01 > I BI o."s. uloslnt ; tl.CS'i ' : July , 09iia l.oi ) > , , cloj- Ilic JI.WS. KVE btronger , wanted ; sales , 10,000 hu. , at II 01 f.o. b HAIII i.v Dull ; Milwaukee , coii'Oo , HAIII F.Y MAI.T Dull. CdllN-Hocolpts , 1VI.2I4 lJU. ; exports. 0.,0.7 hn ; sales. SO\WX ) bu of futnros ; 2II.OOJ bn , of inoi : hioth | unsnttliMl , closln.llrm ; tiilrly ait- UoNo. ; 2 , 4SUO4HSO In elevator ; tflSiSI'i'.o ' ullont : nnirailed mUed , 47't < ii"le : No..I , 47 64 ( Hi1 ; stoiiincr inlxod , 4r4&jy'4C. Options uo- olincHi from l o lo 4o on Ilhi ral rocolpts , re acted with wheal und closed unchanged to 'to UATB-ltecelpts , .11,000 , bu. ; exports. S.1.000 hu , ; Balcs lO.Ouu hu. of futures ; luLttJO bn. of HAY Ptomly nt J2e. ill187A.y ! : , "l,11 ! " . , "lut ! st"lo common to ' tliolco , 2iVit21)iot ) I'aolllo const , | iXitJ.lo. CUT MKATB-Diill und linn ; middles qulot. I'i'i7,1'owo.r' ) ll"1" " "stern sto i in , closed U N.7TK : Halos m tlorers at ( U,0 ; optloni loa , 4,0 iO tlorcos ; 1 obrimry } (1 ( 771 il iroli M.7H wiuy7w ' ' bUilAU-ha'w.'oulot and steady ; s lies , 1,100 bans centrifugals IHJ test nt J7-10o ; rtllned Itoiuly and quiet. MoLABSKS-rorelgn , quloti Now Orleans , Brni anil qulot. Iticx-Qulet. 1'ETimt.KUMQuiet andsteady ; Unllodolosed 13 ' 40 for Murch. CorroN bbEii Otr , Dull. TAM.OW btcady. qulot ; city ( f ; for pick- I4cs ) . 4'c. KoiiN Steady ; ttrilncd common to good , 3 . 'KNTiM ! Dull und firm nt Ni'JQ'Wc. Kailur ; western , I5 ci receipts , 4,176 . I'oitic Qulot but steady , HtiTTKit I.ltiht ilemund , euiy ; western dairy. 15'3.3ci rreitcrn creamery , 21llc ; western factory , ir > H23c. CIIEISK btrong , fair ilenmndi part swims , . 1'id litON-Dull ; American , Il5.7.4tl7.7'v. foi'i'kit-Qulot and llrm ; Icko , (1070(310.7.10. ( I.CAII Quiet nnd llrm ; tlarueillc. JI.I5. TI.N Dull but tlrm ; atrulti. tlO.70. Oiniilui I'roilutu A1nrki < t . POUI.TIII - flood cblckvni , U3lOoi KCOSC , duck * nnil turkeys. lUKT-'o. HunEii ( iooil country roll. 10o ; fair. lOItlho. I'm ITU I'allfornlu rlvcrbldo orunitt's. IJ..friiJ t ' < & ; WunliliiBlon niueli. IJ.fiiviU.75 : California tanrurliiiii , fj.0j per box : Florida orunai1 * , brlgbtm U.UO ; rumcti , t.COiii75i Florida tup- ccrlnc1 , f.Ui(24 ( 00 , linlf boxes ; w rholcc , * J.OOirj5) ( tier bbl. , fnnoy Mnml nilKlit br nit moro : .Now York npplc , ( i7VJt t.00 : fnncy lemoin , I100ifw.2.it iholco itorii-s. ( iMCtlTli crape * , nor bbl . HCW.OOO ; baiiiiniii , i-rntoil , J.'OiVsafiO ) crinbprrlrs ll'i.ia'.oo. VrnfcT\iii.r -'iillfornli c.ibbnuo , 2'i ' t'Uo ) > cr Ib. In ur.itc * , homo crown lottui-o , 4 c per do ? . : imt itcco , ( lu I ; Ciillfornla cnullllowcr , .vvsjs.V , ! onloni. fOcffltl no per hu.j Nabrn Kn hiind picko l lio.ni > , tl.ItK . ' .o ; medium , M 'frfi , 1.71 : celery , JC/illOc : MI cut iwlntoi < s IVJIIWH Ki otiit Uninhii Mllllnij comp iny'n Upllnnco I'alont. 1V ) : Invlnclblo I'Ati'iit. $1.40 ; l.ono Mar Mi pcrln t lip. JJ.21 ; nowll-iko , Jl OJ ; I'ancv ramllv. $1 \ * . V ( lllmtin's ( lold Mcilal , ti1 : hnorthlKv rl'kh * < minllnko , fJOi ) low grille , Jl ( iO ; Qiipi-n of the I'.inlrv. t.'TO. lllliKS-.Vi I trci-n sailed hides , 4Vd4lc ; o 2 crron taltrd hlrifj. W/l'ic ; .No , l Krcon inlU'iMililpi , 2.1 lo40lbs.4i4y'J'So ' ; .No.a ricn i lite I hlilci. 21 to 41 lb . . lltM'ic ' ; No I \e < l cnir. S to lllh , Cci No 2 xealcnlf , B totllhx , 4el No I dry Hint hdb ! , 78c : No. 2dry Hint hides. Ml < k' : No 1 dry malted hides. < Vfi" . Tnl- low. No I. .fifties tallow. No. 2 , : iUc : urcmc , wnlto A , 4l'iPi crctifc , whlto II , Jl'ifl ' l'o ( ; Kronic. yollotttlc' ! Rrcusc. dnrh. 2'ic ; old but' ter. 2 ( < i2fic ; lipcswnx , prime. IGc ; iouih tiillow. \WV2f. \ HAA The nmrkot Isoxoriuppllod and good hay went at $ .100 hems Mnikct \ pnl ( . A few round lots went nt Ific to Milpppr * " 'Inplr1 i'n n lots to the re- tall trade went as nUh im 17c SI. I. null M irknti. ST l.outf > . Mo. I'ob. 17 i'l.uuii-riniii but \ery slow. WIITAT Uash lower : No 2 red 035Jl3Ui' ! op- tlont opened > i < ilXchlclioii liitnr this AMIS all loil , but prlcos adiniicpil again and closed lo nho\o yesleidaj : March , Hi'Uo ' bid ; May eloped atui'ae : .Inly. MKQiMiii ) | < bid. Cons I'.ish n thado oir ; No 2 ml\o 1. .Ta Mcoptlonsonly lluctuatcd Uu durlne the day and clovd llrm and sumo as yustetiliy ; March -DSc : May. II7V. OAT -Stcaily : No. ai-iwli , Ili'jo ' ; May , : il'Jc' ' . llKMer \ at ? ie. iKi Lonur ; sample lots Mlnnneiota , IU\ Dull ; pratrlc , } 7 V > 3'.00 ) ; timothy , flOOO ( iil 15' . l'iAK Frii-l Inn ut flic. IIIIAN I Inn ut ? Jd7l'4c. ' I.IAD 1 Irnicr : $ I87'4 nihpil lltiTTt n Uncli umcil ; cic.imnry , IVQXw InilleunuKcd , IWi.'Jc ; roll. IJftlNc1. Kdiis I'ncli inncd at I7c. COIIN MlCAt.-rirni at SJ 10 \\III8K\- ' to uly at $1.14 IlAndii.d-btontty at fili 'ic , nccordhiR to uolght. IltOM COTTON-nm-Jl.2031.21. I'lioviHioNS Cnslor rnitK-fll loailW'i ' for now ; } ' ) 10 for old. IMUI-0 JO. DUY SALT Mi ATP loose > houldor J4 10 ; longs and ribs , $1 til ; shorts , } 1 00 ; boxed lots , He more. IlAnis Shou dcrs , } 110 ; IOIKS. } 050 < SO .15 : ribs. M 5.vallJ ( : shorts. $ l/i.lS0.70 ( ( llAM- . 'ISIO'.C' ' . UElKll'TI'ionr , 2,000 Ihs : whoit , Ill.OOO bu : corn. 2M , OJO I'll. ' ; oats. ' 'J 000 bu. : rye , 2.000 bu. ; barley , Jjnin bu bllil'MRNTS riotir. 80X1 Ibs : wheat , 81,000 bu , scorn , IMOjObu ; oats. 20,000 bu ; rye , l.OJO bu. ; b irlcy none Kama * Ollj H irkt-U. KANSAS Ciry. Mo. Pob. 17 WIIK T Mar ket was strong ; No 2. hard , 7Sc ; No a led , K5 O'-fio. CoiiN--Was nrm ; No. 2 wltlto. M'ic ; No 2 inlxod , : )4lc. ) OATS I'alrly nctlvo : No a white , aijjc ; No. 2 , mixed. SW'tc. ItiB Htronp ; No 2. 77c. TI.AX bEED S5c. on the basis of pure. HitAN Klrm : sacked , ulc. HAI Lltllollrincr but unchanged ; timothy , t * V ) per ton ; pialrlo , M 000 OJ raoa Weak nt I7c. OiihE-K VOUIIK America , lOe. KhCEii'TSheat , U.OOJ bu. ; corn , 7,000 bu. ; oils. 1,0 0 bn. bitii'MtNTS Wheat , 10,000 bu. ; corn , none ; oats , 2OOJ bu. Oin.ihti ( irnln Al Prices biicd on dollierv at Mlssisslpol river points , Nebraska Inspojtlon , and ten iluyV shipinent. unless olheiwlsostitod. Cash grain calls forshln neiit within live days WIIKAT No 2 spring. Mo bid : So o , 77c bid. H l.-No 2. 83o bid : No .1 , 7 Ic bid. OATS No 2 uliltu , .llo No .1 white , col ored and mixed , IlJc bid. Con v No. J or bettcr--cash : tO bid ; February JCi'4c ; 3J diiysUi'ii ; No. J white , : i'l'o ' bid. 40e asked. Among the siles were : 11 000 No 3 or better coin , February shipment , .Wj'5c ; 47 , ICO No. J. or better , Toledo tennj , , .10 d lys. .Ii' ' e ; 5,00" same , bt. l < oius torins , .Ki'Jo ' , 5000 No .1 , or hotter , 1'obruurv shlpnieiit.G'c : ' : 7.100 No 3 or belter , 20 days , llurllngton terms. JOliC , I.liorpool lurkets. Li\Eni'OOt , I'eb. 17. WHEAT rirm. dc- mand fallen olT , holders olTorsp irlnglv ; No 1 California. 8s I'idiissa'iU percental ; No 2rod winter. 8s } ' , d. Cons Sto.idy : dcinand fair. lU EK Kxtr.i India moss , 71s per tloree. LAIIII I'rinio western. Jls Jl per owl. UIIFIIF Amoiican finest white and colored , .17s pei cwt. I'LAa-Canadlnn , 5s lid per cental. Milwaukee .Markets. MILWAUKEE , WK , Teb 17. WHEAT rirm : No. 2 spring , 88c ; No. 1 noitbcrn , U.'lic ; May , O0'/c. ' Cons Has or ; No J , : i7'5c ' OATR ( Julot ; No. 2 white , aiffiJl'Sc : No II white , : iO.HHc. IlAiti.EV Qulot ; No. 2. ll'ic ; sample , 302-lOc. UiE-rirm ; No XorthiicHtcru Mlie.it Stock. Minn , Keb 17. The North- wcslorn Miller reports the total stock of wheat nt Mlnneipolls nnd Duluth us 18,407,8JJ bu. 'Hie Market ItecorU ghcs the stock of wheat In country olointors of Minnesota and the two Dakotas as 11,071,000 bu . making the aggrce ite northwestern slock . ,0 , 70 ,0 1J bu. , HII Incio ibo Tor the week of 214'JOS bu. Colluo M irket. NEW VOIIK , Tob. 17. Opllonsoponed steady , 5IO points down ; closed steady , 5 points up to 2) points donn ; sales. 0.000 bugs , Includln , ' : March. .2.aill 00 ; April , ( I. > .Ui ; May . 'SIJ 00 ; June. J1J 41 ; , luljIJ H ; teoptomhor. $1J.J1 ; Docoinbei , jll.85 ; spot KIo. dull and btoidy ; No 7 , $14.75. Clm Inn ill .Markets. CiNCiNNn , O , I'eb. 17. WHEAT Strong : No J ro I. l lo. Coit.N ' trongcr : No 2 ml\cd , 40tlo. OATS bteidy No 2ml\edi.U-JJ : c. Jl.14 Toldlo ( ii.iln Market. Toi.rDO. O , Tob. 17. WHEAT Higher ; No. 2 eahh und rehiuary Ofic1 , COIIN steady : No 2 , cash , 41'ic. ! > Quloi ; No 2 , cash , .He. > ou Ytirk Dry ( iooils Ifurlicf. Ntw YOIIK , I'eb. 17 The dry goods market disclosed no now fontnro The mirkot uas iinchiingod In tone and prices ruled btouc'y. riHi'lgn Oil .Miirloit. LONDON , I'ob. 17. OAI CUTTA Li > 8Lt 39s Od per quaiter. J ImiiiLlal Kuilcii. NEW YOIIK , I'ob 17. The 1'ost says : Of course , the prosucctl\n gold export was brought up again by the beat rumor-monuerH. At the moment It IH not eaiy to say how much plausibility there Is In Iho expectation of an early outward movement London has not been a buyer of our securities within the past fortnight ; It has hold enormously , and it Is Im possible to estlmalo how iituch of tlio stock now coming In the market Inuilons quarters ts foi foreign ai count. Vet the ques tion of an export of gold rests largely upon this Out runeral exports uro continuing nt an undlmlnlbhed rate. January's total bread- MtnlV.s export \MIS nearly equal to that of Docembei , though fiouthorn ports &ent otil n inucli larger proport'on. Just now the one chlelly cncourugln element In the situation Is the fact that wo aroioducliu our forolzu Indobtednebs at un nstonlslilnly rapid rate nnd prcpailiu the way to financial pouor , whli'h , an n nation , wo liavo noxer before ttn- _ _ _ .S10CKS AM ) 1IONDS. Trailing AVns AItliin Niirron l.linlts nv Coin- liuieil With l.iiHt AVeuU'u I'luctiiiitloiiH. NEW VOIIK , I'ob. 17. The stock market was compardtho'y qulot today and moved within nanow limits when compsrod with the wldo lluctuatlonsot the last two weeks , and whllo there was considerable h uiijnerlng by the boars , prices were generally strong In the forenoon , but yielded moio readily later lu ihoduy. The substantial part of the move ment waa the toalUutlon In Heading and the pressure of short blocks In the remainder ot the list. Iho market wus rather irre.'iilnr throughout the greater part of the day and despite the weakness of the general list In the afternoon , specialties like Tennessee coal , the Lake Krlo & Western stocks , and thu C'hcsa- ponkeA. Ohio , made substantial progress to ward higher iirlccn. After Heading , AtchUon wus the weakest stock for u while , but It wus ponhitciitly raided and Us tlnal loss ls Inuig. nlllpint. bt , I'uul wan piesacd for bale ulso. nnd Ii made uo reiponnu to goud showing of the earnings. In the forenoon New Kngtnnd wus tho&ueclul ttiong uoliit , and It ccorod n rlsoof Hi percent , but failed to bold It In the late trudlng , On the other hand , Chicago HHS was made the special point of attack by the bears In the curly dealings , und It wa " 5rt ° " "a "oarlyl'i ' percent frpm Its lust night a llguros The genornll'Kt opened with contliiiiod pressure , and tlrst prices wuro ull lower. Keudlnii bolng down 1 nor cent , but the strength on Now hiulund rnfllod the cntlro murk nt ( lostiito Ihu prt'bstiro In Chicago ( i.n and udx unces of largo fractloni were madu all . "F , " " " .Ino itltlioutHity Hpeclnl fenturo outsldo of the low prlcoa hitrc'i and New Kng- land. Thu forenoon was marked by n tlrm temper and the butt , prlctof the day were generally reavhed toward U o'clock. After 1 , liowojer. the market drlfteu Into dullness and the prices begun to move off under the itluiului of thu wuakue * * iu Uuadiug aud the pnco wi < i aooolerntod In the Inot hour bv a vlgorinisilr\o bv the bpirs. The pre stile was romoicd towarJ the end of thn session , bonnier , nnd n Mlcht rilly wus permltlcil , causlnt the mirkct to eloso wllh n ( Inn tour on n light business. Thu flnul ilntucs tire eoiior illy < m ill ! oi cs but Itcadlnz Is down \ \ percent , l.ickiuv.uinu I" , per cent and Delaware A. Hudson and Northern 1'nclflc pro- fcrtcil inch I per cent. ( loiernmenti h i\e been dull nnd V.o'idy Sl lie bonds ha\o been null but IItin 1 ho follow i MC nro the closing iiuut'itions foi the leading Mocks otl Hit ) New \ ork Mouk ex change toiluv 1 hlil t aiked The tot il silos of stocks today wcro 410417 shares. Including : Atchlson , Hl'tij ; IhloiiRU Oas , 24,11' ; Delaware. Iitiukawanna .t Wesl- ITII. 11.21)0 ) ; Krlo. 2.,7S ; LoillsMllo A Nash xllle , (1101 ( ; Northern Pacific profcirod. IH.KO ; Now Knsland , 1818.1 ; Itoadlnir. IO.1IO ; Ulch- niond A. West Point. 10.141 ; St. Paul , 27'K)0 ) ; Union Pacific , 11.101estorn ; Un on , 10.IJO Now York Mnnoy Market. NEW YOIIK , Poh 17. Moxcvos OAl.t , K.isy at l'i ' < B2 per cent ; last loan , l't ' per cent ; closed offered at 1'J per cent. PutMi : AlmifASTli. ! ! 1'Ai'En 1"1' ' , percent. bTbiutNM nxciiAMic-Uttlpt but steady at J18V for sixty-day bills and tl bx for do- inand. Tlio closing quotitlons on bonds ; riimtuhil > , ot < > . 1C ANSI'S CITV. Mo , I'eb , 17 Today's elear- Ings wcro $ l.l.U,4uo l'\liis I'ob 17.--Thieo per cent rentes ) lf , fiOc for the account. NEW VOIIK. Pob 17. Hunk clearings today , $ I4S,00'IK.4 ' ! ; balances , f7r > .Jfl,2)4 ) IUI/IIMOHB , Mil . Tob. 17. Ilink clearings today were J.ld,4JI ) : bal inces Jy.74 | . ; rate , 0 per cent. I'mi.un ii-iiiA , I'i. , Pelt 17. ll.ink eleirlu--s today , $ H , ICO.'Jl I ; balances $1,714JI7. Monoy. J4 per cent. CINCINNATI , O. Tub 17 Money , .IS per cent ; Now 'ork exch ingo , .5.l.ic premium ; elenrlu s , , 'I77,400 NJ.W OiiLi.ANg , Li. Kob 17 Cleirlngs. SlKi7hOOOO New York exchange , umimcr- ctiil , 50c per 1 0)0 ) premium ; b in , . 11 ST. Louis. Mo , I eb 17. I ! ink eloirliigs , $ I'UI , Hi" ; balances. $ I1J7 ! ( ) Money. OTA7 pel cent ; exchange on Now York. We pfemium lltmON , J'abs , Pob 17-ll.ink clearings today , J17.5II I4J ; balances. Tl.b05.ll. . Honey , 2 nor cent. Kxihanzo on Now York , KffiJUc discount. CniCAno , 111. Pob 17. Money , easy at 4 ® .l per cent on call nnd 0 per cent on time loins Clo irltus , $1.1,501.211 Now York o\ch inge , pin to Ido discount Blorlln exchtinge , quiet and unchanged : Jl.81'5 for hIMy-day bills and f4b7'4 forsln'ht drafts l.nmliin Stock .Allirkct. \CopurtjMcd \ { J6 3 by Jainc * aonlon lifniictt. } LONDOV , Poll 17. [ Now York Ilerild Cable Special to THE DEL 1 Ilnsinesb on the Stock exchange has been on n comparatively hinnll Male. The markets have boon mote or less unfavorable. Punds are 1-10 pci cent higher. Porolgn govcnmcnt sccuiltles arc dcurcsscd us lo/ards International Htocks. bminlsh has fallen \ pei cent. A decline also occurred In lU'yptltuis , Italian , Portugal. Rus- hlan fours , Greek and several Turkish Issues. On the other hand Ilrn/lllau Argentine Issnos were linn. Homo railways h ivo been ex tremely quiet , the only movement of Im portance being in Northeastern Americans Imv o shown considerable depression , the close bclmr he ivv. There were numcious rcall/a- t ons which bn\o given rise to u crop of ru mors regarding the coil coiiulnatlon which nppoir to bo drawn from Imag ination rather th in any real fact. Anoaily general decllno was cstuhllMiod , Incliidtni : 1'j per cent ; Philadelphia A. Reading , Hist In come , l'i per cent ; Northern 1'acillc prefei- cncu and Louisville & . Nahhvlllo , > < per cent to * i percent , and nearlj all olhcis , the excep tions being Denver preference , \VabjMi dc- lionturi-S , which were ' 4 per cent higher. Canada lines followed the course of the Amer icans Canadian 1'aclllc and Grand Trunk Issues leave olT U per cent to ! i pci cent lower. Moxlcin closed Him , on liu to the rlso In sil ver. Pioforenccs were l > 4 per cent to 1'i per cent hlghei and ordinary " , per cent. Money Is wanted , \\ltli the dlinlnlshcd supply of Moating canlt il , short lo ins have been chat god 2' per cent to ' . " - per cent. The discount m ir kot was tlrmor. two nnd three months' bills lining quoted U121 * jtcrcont toVB percent. LOMJOV , Pob. l/--Tho follonliu vvoru the LonUon utock quotations closlnu at 4 p in : IIA1I .Sll.VFH-41 11-IOd. MDNKV 2fflSU 1'or cent. H do of discount In the oponmnrUet for both bhort and Ihreu monlhh bills , ' .itt-'S pen out. Amount of bullion withdrawn from the Hank of England on balance ted ly. JLOJ.OOJ. Denier Mining Stock * . DKNIEII , Oolix. I'ob. 17 The following list Is tlinoliHliuiimnatloiHOM the Mining oxuu iiuo loday , bales 2.JOi San I'nuu IKCO Milling ( > iiiliitl < ) nn. SAN riiASCtsro. Oal. . 1'oh. 17. The oniolal closing niiotatlniii for mining btooka today were as follows : Ne York .Mining nuot.itloiit. NKW VOIIK. Tob. 17 The following are the closing mining stock rjiiotatlonsi ht. l.onU Mining Oiiotiitlon * , ST , Lotus , Mo , I'eh. 17. Trading today wa at a btandsllll. t-ali'a 101 slur us Ailnmi ltd Montrote 7 Nettle ltdJ M. llreen V 111 Metallic . .1 65' ) ,1'ut , Miuiili * IVntrnl Slltcr 41 fellterllell VJ VJW ( Irunlto. , , , UU ) Muall Hupoi W ) llopo \ uiua , 6 Mtlla Albvrl llonlon Stock .Market , ' DUboTOM , Mass , Toll. 17. The lollonln ; wore the closing | irlcosjlri' ' stocks on the lloston stock nmrket ted iJA 4 ' ° " AtrhlvmA lopok * . HB 'cnlnTpn -7j IloMon A Alhiny Wlj | l-rnnklln. , 12 llnklon A M-iIno . Ml , Itff O pcola . . . l.mttrn It II l 1J "nnln I o Copper Illilitiiirif IIII S * > X "Inmnnck I lint A l'in > M pfd W AnnlMon l.ind Co MUM Lcnlrnl . 17 ; , Huston lntnl < o Mux Cent , common JniiiNin Illeiro l.ind t'n N 1 A .N KnitUml \\est I'nil I.nnil Co do ? * . . . . . Hell leliMdione Old Colony . . 171) ) ' l.stiifon "tore M \M i ( n common \VnliT I'owcr . . . . Allonof Mln ( o now C. M Atlantic . . . . U [ ItouMon Iliiiinson IliiMnn A Mnntnni XJ- , A II C . . . . Cnlnmel A lleiln 1.11 i : STOCK \UKliS. : . Mix-nil Unii mill tinMilpphiK Ormnnil lr- iiiiinill/it < ( ( in ill : , ( J.itllc Vilmi , OMAHA , I'cb -llcirlpt'i "o far tins \V PK. ( Mr.1 lent l IP. in.HO luus ttml MlIn op. ncalnst 7.712 ciittlo. KUIH lings ind VU'4 slici-p for tlio II r t tli i no ( I n VH of I ist ttccK UlTuiln h of cuttlcni'tu ai'ilti ititlu-r llbornl , I iicars , mi IIIUIIMSO In tluoudiijs. ( .unumrrd with tlin Hist liiir : ot limtwcok , of ovi > i s.ioo lioiul. As irmiti ftiiin custom iinirl.cts wore ( ll coiirimliiK. slillM > t-rs uiiiiot-iiurnllv wuru not In It. mid with no oiitMcli'dotimml tlio supply ofluef Mcuituiis niiiro tlnin sulllcioiil fur loonl ioiilruincnt | < < I In * uctlvo duinu'id for foom-rs ucpltlie ll lit bei'f strotaullltii' t ( onipiiiutlvolv coed prices Inst wouk nnd tliu oirlv p in of this MOCK , lull fnriiilnv nr l o HIP ilcniiind for fpcdors Ii is falli n off nnd us n tcsult lljrlit stcL-rM sold ut from J'.tlJ tu * ( .2l , nr l.la to LAD lowot tnun llondny. On other Crudes of steers the di'cllnouns fullv .isitenU uood I.Ill to l.4VJ-lli.stuciAsolllniiit Moinfl.40 litMiU. Triullu w is l.irgolv ut from $ ( . .10 tof.1,0 It wus us inpiiii u inurKot ns nolniNu had In u lime UnuConernllv HpoiiKliut , prices ueru from luu to Me lower tlniii I'liesdnr unit from IV toSlo lower Hum Mi.ndiiy. HitsliiCM wasoxcecdliiRlv lifpliss , nnd tlio close found n \cry n spectulilu notulier of cuttli ) iiti-old. In the line of Imtulieri' nnd canners' s til IT , tniile was model itely nctHe InitpikeH on all lint thi ! beit sto'U were fioni.luto lo ( lottoi. ( Itiiid to eliokoeons nnd holfcrs weiu In .ic I ho ( lenuind and Mild folly ns strung .is I iicsdny , lint tlio medium nnd 10111- IIIDII slock licliiLIn llhotal sunplv and lull. f.ill dcinand , sellers xxoro forced to t il > o olT a sh ivlnj 01 tuo. ( ! oed to cholcu cows nnd hoiteissold tit tioni t.71 to tl 4U. f ill- to Rood cows at fiom fi''l to f2 71 Inferior anI ouniiliiK lots went at from fl.2.1 to } . ' . ' * > Hulls , o\un .mil st.iKs nern slow at fiom fl "fl to > isi 1'ihcsuiu stu uly at fioin J..UJ to t\)0 ( ) 'I he supply of stoclcors itiil feeders was. ns usual of late , r.ither lur u. bexetal louls of fiosli ealtle Hero lecohed und In addlllon to these 11 jnlar do ilers wuienrottx well stoeUid up Outsldo orders wore o\tremely lltnllol nnd liujers hnd Illtlo trouble In pcttlni ? pod feeders at fiom Ide to lly lower than last wtek. Hi'iiiusetit.itlM's lie- : MIXKt ) . 20 807 : i 00 HKIttKS. 2 < J 72J 2 71 2 1041 U CO CAM KS 2 .Ul 2 01 4 101 : i no 1 210 4.10 1 100 .1 Ull i r > o 4 o ) 1 1'K ) 4.10 1 71 .1 SO rV I7S 4 21 2 . 1C. , 4 50 5 14b J 13 IIUI L,1 ? IVtt 1 71 IJTi 2 10 1 1810 aw 1VO I S3 1110 2 10 2 1S-W L'10 10JO 1 81 1J.O 2 25 1 1110 201 1170 1 ! ) ) .1110 2 SI 2 IJ50 2U1 1110 1 ' 10 UIO 2. 1'rtO 270 UIO 2 0) I CIO y . 1 I )9 2 71 11M 2 00 Id'O ' 25 i 73j sai 1. 1110 2 00 1100 .10 i ijoo : iou 2 1210 2 03 1. 1700 2 40 1 UIO 2 10 1..1JOJ 2 7i S1OUKFUS AND HEDEU-I. 470 ! 03 1 070 II 00 7M : uo 'U.I ' ! 00 10 J UO . 8117 .1 Jl ) fi7r > 1 50 12 Tito .1 00 . 871 .IJO s fi'Jl I 00 1 U2J .IUO II'M ' ' i.o . Jl ) 21 OH : i uo 1170 )25 ) i.n" JM 2 03 .1 1140 J 00 804 J2.1 n" 714 2 71 14 81S .1 0) OJ7 .121 8. . 727 2 71 1051 J ( X ) 818Mi .125 4. fit b.11 .1 10 Mi .12) 4.J. . . IAG J 85 .14 .1 10 015 a jo COI.OIIADO CATTMI. No Av. I'r. 24 feeders . . . 07S | j 40 MII.Khlta AMJ hl'IIINCLUS No. Pr. 1 cow aad calf Uu 03 1 cow and calf 1500 1 cow and calf J.'Ol 2 i ons and calves , oac1 2210 Icon and calf 2400 1 springer 28 UO lions The supply of hess was not unii'-ii- allv laiKe , 8.'can , receipts so fai tills week buinL' about the biuno as hmt week , 'I lie iliiallty of the ollcrln-s was.haidly as 0-ool lib on Monday and Tnchday. Slilppers woio not wuntin ? ainanv hoes us nsti il , and whllo fresh meat and packing orders wcro fair huycra neto all moro or let > s beailsh , nnd bids at thostarl weioSo lo Ho loner th in'I'uc'tiilaj' aMruRi ) s lies. As the tnurnliiK' ndvanced Iho we ikiiess IninovN- IOIIH and icports of a bad lueak In IIORH at ClilcaKo produced a decidedly o mlei fooling hole , and foi some llino bofoio noon bills woio a Hat lOe lower than Tueidav and what ho t bold had to boll al that decline. 1'ho best hoaxy ho s sold ut from * l 50 lol,51 , with two uhoco ! loniln at MOi'i ' : ( joiiiinon hea\y and inlxod | IIIC' | < OIH ut from ft 41 to H 1l > . l.lu'ht und llelit inlxud liocs and hutuhcia' weights hold uleiy lie.uly tlio ONtlomo raiiRe. fiom $140 to f I 51. Hiisltioss was ( in Iho dull and diacKlnu onlci all day nnil ut the eloso 8ov in nl loiulH loinilned un sold bales were largely at from { 141toM.1l. ucnlnsl } 4 10 to } * t < 0 'I nesdm ; thoiuoraco of prices pnld built , ' * l 4i 'i. acalnhl tl.W , Titusday and JI.DJU last Wcdiiebdiij , Heprn- t.itUo hales No. Av till. Pr till.no 1)3. . .228 : no n 4i ) hO . 208 200 4 4) ' . .107 2"0 4 40 2.10 2"08u 4 40' ' . a-is 8u 4 46 ' . .117 4 41' . .211 4hO 4 4) ' 1.17 4 401 70 201 ' 'JOUO 4 4JI ; rtf . 187 UO * ( .0 J17 4 4V 10 4 4V 10UJ UJ 283 * 1.7 JUI 12J 4 4S1 , 73 . ttM IUO 4 45 CO IdJ 4 4fv COUS , , * 200 4 4. so. 2.Yi IJO < * 5i fll , . 2110 4 45 tu , . iJio 40J 4 41 6H .I.'U 4 41 0 XiJ IUO 4 rl5 , 40 241 4 4)1 ' ' 2J8 - sttong prices , siiiolntlons : Pair to coed 1111- tlves from } l 2.1 to $ V 5 western" ! f rom Jl 00 to ? . " > - . " ' , common nnd stouk sheep from ? 'T > 0 to t 71ltooil , to cholco forty to ulnelpound liimfis from H ' . " > to HO ) . anil l > Ni.Mtll'in | or Stunk , Ulllclal roepluU und ( llsipotlt'on nf steak ns shown In IliobinUsof Iho 1'tilon Stock Yards com itmn ) for the twonty-fourho irs ending .it S ' jloeU p in I'obruary IT , 169. . IIKI HPT SMI rr , M IS Cars . 1 loud Cur llcnd 11 insi'oslTlov ( 'lilinti > I.Ui-Moi'k Mnrlu't. CniCAno , III. Tob 17. [ fepucl'il lolc lo Tin : III c.l I'lio ciltlo niarkol. whllo with out fnrthoi luUaiifu , was hrin for good r ides Thrri' was a fair Rcnural doniund and Iho IVUOc itllo In the yards pnnc'd to he none too lariro a supply. Shipperwoio willing to p iy from J.tlMoS1 Cli foi coniiiuin to cholco stei-is and local dressed beef linns worn free liujers it f 10111 41 2.1 lo $4 .ft. I'ows , heifers anil bulls continued In acllvo tlqinand and iiKiiln showrd llrinni'ss. They told anvwheio fiom IU VI lo HTthut'-'Pitcrully nl from $ 'OJto JldO The doin.ind fori-altlo suit iblo for f'erilni pnr- posps was aKiilit ( iiillci uctixo and salt" , were made on a hails of from $ J.1) ) to $ . ! ' ) ) for mor tises of from 'ill ll-s. to l..Oil Ibs. Tor poor nnd common cattle the m irUet was dull nnd closed rather weiK , lm\ci intlclpatliu un Incio isinl supply of low grades as a icsull of the ad- \ nice 1 prices recenllv paid for such. Cholco ho ivy ho.-s soul at from Jl 81 to $4 00 today , und the hestllKhtsoi ts wcro not wuntod at ( > Mr $480whlo ) the Kroitoi part of the forty odd thousand In the pens were wol ho 1 boloii tl Si'i. lurRoly at from Jl 05 tojl sj 'Iho m uKel was lOc lower th'in yesterday's rloso , and He lower than nt the day's opening There was Indlflorcnco on the put of local IthcUotsind but for the o\lstoncoof nn ac- llMjshlpplncoeni mil the decline must luxe boon still moiesexeie. Not nearly all of the oirnrliiKS were taken und the llnlsli was dull and weak at from $4 40 to f I 83 foi common to prime ) lht. and at from $440 to $400 fur ho i\y and medium u eights Porshoep , prices were without Import-nil variation anil the chur ictni of the Mipply nnd iloin ind was nKo without radical cliunse. I'.it. llcht und medium wel.his continue to rocoho * the prlnilp'il allcntlon of btuers to the neg lect of the heavy sorts Mies were on n 1) ) isls of from J4 71 to * l 'i for pool to oxtia qu ility. culls being limited at from f.2.13 to $ .IY ) Tin demand for lanilis was lu excess of Iho sup ply , ( .onsoquentlv prices were quite strong. 'J hey were quoted at fiom MOO to id0.1 for common to cnolie Itcie pis were1 C.iltle , 11/00 ; hnjs , .L10J3 ; bhcep KOJO. Thenvrnlug.lourii il reports : OATrr.E Re ceipts , 11.1WO , Hhlnments UOU : m irkot steady tosironcer : good loehoko sleers $ lfiiiJ.10i ( ; othois f.L.'l4 . ' 1 ; feeders tT ) > ' ' 4.l71. stc.oKcis , Jl 71fc. ill : cows. Jl dO.i.iM Ho is Iteeolpls , , l.lUJrt ; slilpments , 12.001 : market slow , lower : rou'h ind com.non.4 I0it ( 4 U : mixed and pnckois. tlHKfl71 , pr'nio ' he ivy and biitcburs' wcUliis. S4 Sj@4 UU. ll ht:4 : 1034.71 fciirhr Kecoipis , S001 ; sblpnients ! , no > : market stendy to n shiuo blghor , ewes t.1 lO ® 450 : mlNod. * 4 liiKTtl SO : wotbois , iluO3SD. western , JJ.71 © ! 40 : l.uuo < . Jl OOJJU y > > o Ynik l.i\c stnrk llurket. NFW Yniiu. I'ob 17 HI.KM-S liecolpts 16 % ho ul. Including thirty cars for silo ; ni.irl.et stouly : nitlxo stlers $4 lr.1.00 per HO Ibs. ; bulls nnd cowa $1 7.V < 5 I ID ; dri sscd beef steady. Office pel 11) ; shipments today. 870 beeves and 7.000 quarters of beef CAMPS Receipts 0,770 he id : firm ; veals $ KXXa.l7) ) DOT 103 Ibs. ; western calves } J K ® J.50. J.50.Sun Sun P Hecelpts 401) ho id ; sheep firm : l.imbs , > iu per In hljlier : sheep , M OiXBo 10 per 100 Ibs. ; lambs. { GriT7 71 ; diessed million linn , KiilOe ner it ) ; dressed I units hUher , 0llc. lions Ho < nipts. II.O'KMioid ' conslRucd direct ; nominally linn , tl 'OBI 10 liar 100 Ins St. I.mils l.lvii stock Uurknt. Sr. Lotus. Mo. I'eb 17. O\TTIE Itecelpts , 2000 head ; shlpiiiont" , . 'M , maiket uitlvo at , i decline of lOc , falrtogood nutlvostcors. } l ! JK6 ? 4 CO ; oed to handy Indian and roxans , $ 100 ® $170 lions Hcootpts , 1570 head : shipments 2.401 : mil Uot lOc lower ; fall to clioiee lioivy. 4 00 ® 4 81 ; mixed ordinal to gooJ , $1 10SI.70 ; light fall to best , $1 , ' .VI dl hiu FP Hccolpts 101 be id : slilpments none : market steady ; n'ooil to desirable muttons , t > ooa.1 no. KnnsaH Cit > ll"ituclt llnrkot. KtsfiAS ClTV. Mo. Toll 17. O\TTlfc Re ceipts. .ISOO : flhlpments. 2,100 Heavy steers were dull and JOc lower ; 11''ht anil feeders sto id v nnil cows stroiu. Dressed beef and hhlDDlng stiors sold at J.50171 ) : cows and holfcrs , $1 852.1'Jl ; stoeUers and feeders , J2.MMll7ri lines IJecelpts. 11,700 : shipments , 15,800 ; nil Rindes. Jl ( , ® 4H ( : bulk. l I'.iil 41 hllKKP Receipts. 2.100 ; shlpmcuts , 700 ; good sheep woio steady and In demand. wi.sriiiN : Tot.lU Still Show 11 rulllnc OH Omilm'H liicrmno Contlnnes. CIACINNATI , O. , I'ob 17. Ibiti'clal Telogrim to'I HI : ItM' 1 Tomoriotv'M 1'iiiu ( . 'urrent will sny : MaiUctliig of bogs has been furthei 10- diiccd. I'hu week's p ickln. ! Is ' 'tiO.OOO. against ; f > iOUl ) ( last voir The totnl from the 1st of November la 7,411,000 , against 7,51100) ) last year. I ml I c it Ions favor a further decided dccrcaso dur.ns the next two weeks. I.c.idlng places now operatlit ) ; cnmp ire ns follows : Use Union soup UbO Union aoap. Xiitlon.it Coin cut Ion ut St. l.onU , Ilo. For thin convention tlio Missouri Pit- cillo will bell round-trip tickets at ono fiuo. TlclcotH xvlll bo on feiilo frou. Fob- iiiir ! , > -0 to " - ) , good to rottiin until March 10. Also on account of MiudlOrnaut Now Orleans will Hull licltota at very low rates from Fobruiiry 21 ! to 28 , limited for return tmbsngo to and inuludinu March 28. For furthur information call at the com pany's ofltccs , n-o corner l.Hh and Far'iiam and depot at 15th nnd Webster btieots. THOMAS F. OouruKV , J. O. Pmi.ui'i , P. & T. A. A. O. F. i\i P. A. Union son ) ) is homo mado. VAN HQUTFJ PLEASE READ THIS. Conte a pound for VAN HOUTEN'S GOCOA ( "Best & Goes Farthest" ) seems to be high. Lot us compare it with the price of Coffee : 1 Ib. of good coffee co > ts at least 30c. , makes 31 half-pint cups. 3 " " " " " tliercfoicOOc. , " 93 " " 1 " " V , U COCOA" also OOc. , ICO ' " " & 0&'Which is the Cheaper Drink ? QOo -I 93 CUPS ° f C ° ff ° 0 yuc > (150 ( " "V.H.Cocoa ! Sold by every Grocer. OMAHA MAf I ( til UK AWNINGS AND TKNl'S. Vtnt ,1iinlni \ ] ( ' , Hnv < Immnuickr oil nml nitil > cril < ithltm tnl for ANII T\VIM2s7 lltintt Umnhii Una Co. lniHirtrr | niul nnnifxc- turur 1 lour MM ks llurlnpi-mil Inlno A. II. 1-trrlanA CD. M U I ) < iriili , 1,01 IKiilKJ Uroot lllc'rlc * milil on niontlilr ml lnunt | Peml for our oiltliiitiio nnl prkes Ii0 ( * ' ( hnrnimul , Omnhn itoors AND snons. Morse-loo 1101 HownrilStrO'l K i t or > rornpr llth ntiil l ) < iiii ln ntrroti \Vo ire niatilni clo > o prlios tu Mill ti ijor < , nn I nro ft elm of Komi' which Ucrj nil- en'.ilotvltli incriliniitt IMnl Srnol Tfolitnittill , Jontt ,1 Co , sfine Co. , lidlcmlo Mnnufnctn ri Ilnol * . fhop , rutihors Ati nln for llo tiiil Huh- nail felt cooiH tur Shun Co. 110-2 , 1101 1JM I 'U-iur * troel nnd 1101 Itnrncy "triol COAIlU'i. . Onnififi Cnuf. Cohc.l Wiii'C . . llnril nnl Koft conl Pit riirniT lutli and louitln < Ktrcota CI.OIHIM ; . cG H'orfcn A Itnhl , Mnniifntturcrs of ( , nl- Mnniifncturora nnd viinlti'l Iron CorniceS \S IndoM riips inptivllo \\lioloinlo Llotlilcrj , * kvllKlit < ntc. 1110 nnil IIOJ llnrncy utroot I > KY GOOD- . M. K.Siiit'hACo. /til"l'irh ) ( Knell Garni * Co , Dry Bond , nnllon , fur Dry liooiln notion' k- Cor llth nnd Howiinlits. Corner llth nnd llownnl Omaha OoaiDliditid Elaotri3\l 0) ) . , Ulcctro DynBino < , l < nmt , IVIro nnil Elcctrlcnl bup plloi of All Klnili 111. llonnnl ntrunt , Unnlio. IVolKlcc t Hill Ol , HUiitrutcit cntnloguo frio. inn Cnpltol Avenue I UltNllUKt : ANII Ueetie /iinil/iiii Fur- ntsiirc Co. , Succcisori to 0 A Ileclie .V Co , Qricc and llth nts Onnlm KUUMblll.NG GOODS. , /JIi ( hlsiiA Cilicn , J T. tiotitiisnii Kattini CVi. rlothlnz unit notion' Oonts' fnrnlililim uooil' Give us i trl U \ \ o ovnil in'fK calotiritul llrnml pniiiplea cxpruu i > ri > "llucktkln ' Overall" , pnlil pnutt ) , nhlrtn , roata etc. 111 , llarncy. Krst Ounhti S. A. J/ 215 Honril of Trido llrokor In Krntn , ( irnvl- Blnns imdatnck 1'rlvntu wires lo N V , ChlniKO nnd HI Loiili UATa , IM'O. I HlDK.S , I01U' . II' . A. L. Otblinn < l Co. Hen Otierii' .1 On. llntfl , cnp , ntniw irools nuicri of hi 101 wool Klovas nnd mitten ) . tnlloir an I fun 12th nnd Hnrnoy , M , ) bOHtrilJth-sl IIAHDWAKi : . Ilcctci A miliclinu C > LnliccHA L'nri , Cor lUlhnndJnckionSta mrrtwtra an Oinnln HOI Uoulni ht IIUIN WOItKS. ration A Vinllnj Irjn UrniiKht nnd rn t Iron liiillilliiK iMirk. rnzlnni lrns ) work , ttonurnl igunit.s. tin . ( Ot It. I ! ( } nttr , , Liquor Morclnnt * . ItnporliT nnd .lobbpf ol 1112 llnrner Street , . _ vvinoi ninl Mqiiori MMnifnctiir rnK'i'nnoilr'i I07U ( in I inn UrnnmSI. KA I in.tli Illtton 1 tin'll'timi nppllcatlon. I'rrkA llflltfltf , \\liolr nlo liquor donljri 1001 I'nrnnnnl , lilIMltlOlt. .lulin .1 irlfV ) , if , llnrdtrond liinil nr. woo I cnrjii-n nnd | nriiict tiniorlol Amprlcinl'nrl lUmrliiB , Inn 1 ( iiinc it , Mllwnukpn hrdrni HP lenirnt nl)4 fill in I llonuUr , ( Jnliur wlilto liu o , ftlllil.lXHItV. c. .1. ffll .1 r , Jr. Millinery , notlont.cloak * I'lnno nrtlitV etc , raitiTlili , dc llli-118 S llth ft. Oimlm IM1 Dotinlnttroct , OYSTittS. : A. lit /'Jd'f A Ot. I'nckomof oy lnr > , llsli Oystcr , i in I Cclcryt nnd Celery , .11' ) South IDt'i St HSI.oivonworlh St. Dnvld Cole , OILS. 7"utik l.tnc L',1 , Itcflnoil nnd hibrlcntlni ; oils , nxlo irroisu , v(0 : i : COM.MIS i ox. /JrdiicJi , t Co. , IttMicllA Smith. Pouters In country prod- I'roiluco , frulti of nit ncu , frulti , voifotablei , etc. kliuli , oy tori , 1207 Ilownnl Stroot. 11th nnd llnrnor Street ) . Kinliliraun A &OIIK. Jus. A. Olark & Co. lluttcr , cheoio o.'KS , flutter , eggi and poultry poultry nnd KOHIS. 1400 Inrnimst. ( Wboulli 13th Struct. Eitldell & Co. , 6. Pcgau , tomnilii'lon er olinnN Duller rticoio OXII.TOI- 1'roilucu llutlcr Kent , ctnblos , fniiu , poultry Choixo nnd I'nultry. nth and KdiTHrd Sts. nnd gnuie Unmha. Mullin & MoOlah , Biiig'anm & Son , Spoclnltloa bnttjr. ojll Send ns vour | 'UK * , Mut clieCHL poultry , etc. No ter , I'o ittrjr. lame , 15 S MU Hof lj. Nit llldji , r.te tank KOI-3 I oivunnorth St. I'AI'Rlt. Carpenter Paper Oo. , King PapjrOj. Carry a full Block of WrnpphiK paper nllklnill lit IWlllLS tU prlntlnu. wrapplni ; nnd I HIH HounnlsU wrliliiK paper , card pv pcr , olc. Icl 1711 IlIJPAiUS. James Hughes , Ouialn Sto/a Kepair BtoTon repairs of nil * ln Ii Wors. Cooks und lloatorj Steve rcimlri and wntcr for sale ftttnchmuntn fur nny kind of stoic in ulu Cff ! 9 11th Street I2J7 liniikli SASH. 'JOYS. M. A , Disbrow & Oo , H. Hardy Oo. , Mannfnctureri of s.vil ) Toyi , doll * u I b n mi , doori. bllnils nnd fancy goodi liounnfur- moulding ] Ilrnnch of- nl-lilnu Knoli , ( .hlld- ' flco , 12th nnd ItaM Sts ron''i carrHnu 1J1U I .irnuin Slroot. SOUTH OMAHA. UNION STOCK YARDS CO , LIMITED COMMISSION MERCHANT ? . Aen \ Root & Oo. Gasiin i & Dalh/ . lloom.il KxchanRO llnllJ- Hoomj , tl ) nnd (11 ( Kx > HulMlriK South Omaha , South Oil ilit THE GREAT LIVER and STOMACH REMEDY Cures all di orileis of the Stouucli , Liter , Ilomils , Kilo'i } Hlidhr , Nervous si'sLoss or Apuotllo , Hrnlndic , Coiiilipitl HI , CostlriiiiHi , lalip , I > i , Sl > u- IIPSS , Fetor , I'Jlcs , IHc , , nnil rentiers tlio sjstom loss liable to eoiilr.iut dlieiso. EXYSPE1PSIA. UAnWAY'P rililfi nro euro for this cotnpl lint. Tlioy tons up Mrs nM-ni suritlonii ' faltliy notion , restore utroiuth lo thu stomiioh , in 1 on iblo It 11 nurfor n in f i-itl in 1'rlco'j'ioiilmx. f-o\d \ hy all i ' or milloJ KUWAV .t UJ. . J ! W irrj i HtrJOt , York , on rocolntof pr co. I'vcry MAN can bo SVHONO anil VIO- BET\M i OROUS in all retpccts _ _ _ _ _ _ _ hy uslni ! SPANISH NURVINB.thcsreQt Spnnloh Kemeilv. YOUNQ MltN OR OI/D sufterinir fioin NURVOU.S DHUILITY , IOST or FAII/CNO MANHOOD , nlfthtlj ciuissioin , conmUioni , nervout protirailon , consul by lueuse of opium , tobacco or alcohol , w.iko fulnesi , menial depression , lee of power in elllier bcx , > | ierniaior- _ _ AND ATTKK USE , lima caused by self abuse anil over indulgence or any personal weak * ness can tie restored lo perfect health and the NOHI/15 VITALITY OP STUONO MltN. We give a written guarantee with 6 bozes lo cui any case or refund the money , Jl a bos , 6 bozct | } For a ilo iii Omnha by McCormick & Lund , 15th ft Furnatnsts BQNDEDPUiSLG CAPACITY OOO.OOO BUBHBLS. | Siorap for All Kioto of Grain HONEY ADVANCED ON CONSIGNMENTS , All vriln woUhoil , limiiovtod und Btori7o rate iblabllkhcd hy Ht.ituolllcurii < r \\rltoforn\toiiind fu.l imrtli'iiUri ninl coimlza hlllllllK.-lllHl-lllO Of WOODMAN & RITCHIE CO OMAHA , NIJH Dr.D 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. The eminent iio < lillit In ner oin , rhronlr , prUale tlool. iklniinJ urinarr dlicnn > A reyular anf rcelitrr il nrKdimto In nuHldmi n > illinonim imJ ccrilllciiltiilioir. Itttill Iroatlnv with the urejtoit iticretl ratarrli.ipcriuutorrliiita lout minliuud , teinlimt wiukntiti nulil lo iiliiiiitency | n/inilit ilrlolum. jroai orrluui , Kloil , varlro lectc' No uienury utel Nuw irvntiavnl lor loin of vlul imwir , 1'iutUi untDUi U l lt m mu beir.mtul at liume Ii ; corr > | iondrnc < * MoiHUno or luitruminti lent hy Juullorf > ; ir i i cureli imckud , no niarki lolndlruto loniHiiti ornnilcr. Ono iiernonil imcmew ptjfeniul. Uuniultttloi free i orruii ndi > iiiii wlctly prirulu lluok ( Myuturl < ot 1.1(0) ( ) ioiit true , Ulloo ln > nr < y * u.uup.ttk buudujulua m.toUui aeua iUiuj-Uir riplr. Wnrpniitn Ilnl.ll n ODE cur ufo lotoildd.ji Koplftlllf mi fl\ INSTANT nELIEF.l'iualcun Ull MX ni ! * " ! ) . " " " < " ' "turiu .No IbbVlpuri e.i > u ave ) nosui'iuitUprjr huf furtiri. willlHarn of a iliuplf , remedy 1 ri , by nil * drunk's ' 1 Ul"l l.li JtCO ,7tjNawaubt .It , Y.Oltj. I crlptiuu lu wek tarn ami rlnl culu let t " Vlfjrb iiilaalmu , li'Tlroc