' [ TIK OMAT1A miT.V 11KH VRHH1TAHV Ifl THE OMAHA BEE. COUNCIL n " \ OKFIOK : - NO. 12 PEARL STRUCT. by Carrier to any part of tlio City II. W. TII.TON , - MANAGKH. HuVnc Ofl1co . No 41 Elor , | . No2.i N , Y. J'lumblng Co. Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , coal. Crnti's chattel loans. ' . ' 04 Sapp bloou. Mcutlncs nro being hold every evening in the Horcan Unptlst church. Jiilluf.Kanplo.vnUh took out his llnftl natur- attrition papers yesterday In the superior court , The monthly report of City Treasurer Klnnohan hews the following llguress To tal on band , (8'JMXK2 ) ! ; overdrafts , * > , r > 2J > . : ir. ; balance on banJ , t"AWI.S7 ) ; amount paid out , fMP.b'J.03. James O'Hrion WAS arrested yesterday afternoon on a charge of stealing n pair of rubber boots from K. H. Pcttlbono. Ho was given n lienrmtr bcforo Justice Swoarltigon and was lined $ . " > end costs. All members of the Council muffs Hobckiih lodeo No. < l are requested to meet at Odd Fellows'hall atlyO ; o'clock tuls afternoon to attend the funeral of Sister lUtrcnliolT. Lilian Huff , N. O. The Indies of the "S" circle or the First Unptlst church cave avorv pleasant public social lu the church last evening. Supper was served to a largo number In the looturo room. Besides tbo pleasant social features a literary and musical program WUB given. Tlio regular council meeting of Pot- tawattamio Trlbo No. il ! , Improved Order of Hod Men will bo bold this evening in their wigwam , c < rner of Broadway and Main streets , nt7iUO o'clock. It is'desired that thcru be a full attendance as there will be Important business brought before the trioo. Mrs. Mary S. Hlt/Ptihouso , wlfo of S. W. Hitzonhouse , died yesterday mornlnc about ( iiO : : o'clock from blood poisoning , She was US years old and loaves u husband and two children. Tlio funeral will occur this after noon atl ! o'clock from the residence , fill ! Pearl street , nnd the Interment vull bo lu Fairvluw cemetery. It Is said that the sign "Smallpox Hos pllal" ordered by the council at the last ses sion to bo palnte'd over the portals of the city post house was regarded ns n necessary schemata keep tha tramps out of iho plain. It Is nn elegant brick uulldltig with slate roof , provided with stoves and everything necessary for the comfort of tramps as well ns patients , und afforded nno quarters for the wanderers. Tbo fence was necessary to keep the four-legged cattle out of thn nlaco Objections were filed yesterday in the su perior court by all the parties to'tho suit ol E. K. Savers apalust K. H. Savers , to the report port that was made by John L. I'oters , the receiver. It is alleged In tbo objections that the receiver connived with his bonds . . .ianVllllnm Plunior , to cheat beta tbo plaintifts nnd tl'o defendants , nnd had failed to give them tbo full credits to which they were entitled , and tbat in gatbcrlng the crop ho nlloucd n largo part of It to bo de stroyed or wasted. They demand that the receiver bo ordered to turn over to tuom the mercy and the property due them , and that damages bo awarded them for the wrongful detention of the same. Mrs. Yuncoy Bean died very suddenly at her residence , 22 $ Harmony street , yesterday afternoon asred SO years. Sbo was ap parently as well as usual until the earlv part of the afternoon , when she complained of sllcht pains In ber head and shoulders. Sotno simple remedies were given her vihlch appeared to relieve her , but later the parox.visms returned turned , and while ber son was giving her somomoroof the medicine she gasped and oxplrrd In his arms. She was a lady of lovely character and bad hundreds of friends in this cily , where she has lived for the past seven teen years. She leaves three sons aud three daughters , all grown. A Itiirit Chance. Dry poods ut cost or less. Wo will discontinue ) business in this city , Fob. 2r > , nnd will make jroncrnl murk down nrico on till goods in the storo. Sale be gins Saturday morning and will con tinue ton days. Wo mean what wo say. Call and bo convinced. Open every night till 9 o'clock. C. C. Cully , ! ! 2H Broadway. _ Money to loan. Lowest rates , eton & Van Pntten , Everett block. Jurviswild blackberry is the boat { . l'Alt.tHttl'IIH. A. II. Hoolier is in Avoca. F. Hollcubeok left yostordav for Nebraska City. J. J. Stcudoian leaves today for IJes Molnos. Ex-Governor John II. Gear was a Bluffs visitor yesterday. H. B. Westcott has gone to St. Paul to lo cate there permanently. Miss Ertlth Floyd of Lincoln is in the city , the.guest of Miss OlaOgdon. W. II. Lowe , n prominent business man I'f Cumberland , la. , is in the city nn busi ness. WylioTomploton of St. Joe is in the city , the guest of A. W. Johnson of the Keystone manufacturing company. EdS. Hohr left last evening for Sioux City , where ho has spcuiod a position with nn ab stract tlnii of that place. Mrs. Kohr will not Join him for several weeks. Vocal MUHC. ! Prof. T. W. Davis , teacher of voice and note rending. Lebbons private. Call or address ut Grand hotel , Council Blulls. The Boston Store , Council Bluffs , la. , clobcs every evening at 0 p. in. , unless Mondays and Saturdajs. Mondays 1) ) p. ni. , Suturdaya 10 p. m. Fothoringham , Whltclaw & Co. , Council Bluffs , la. Two apprentice nurses wanted at the W. C. A. hospital , corn or Olh street nnd Otli uvontio Over till ) Slutrrs' Krliiinl. The idea of having the stars aud stripes Hying from every school building in the city was promptly endorsed yesterday by these in charge of the Catholic- schools , their buildings being the first in the city to bo thus graced by the national emblem. The -Istt'rs a long time ago provided u bcautifu ( lag and stair for St. Francis academy , and us boon as they learned of the action of the bchool board they ( lung the banner to the breo o. St. Joseph academy is also provided with n tlag , nnd these two buildings will continue to fly the colors every day wlillo the diools nro in acsbion. Ewnnson Music Co. , Masonic temple Holler , the tailor , 810 Broadway , has nil the latest styles and newest goods. Sntlbfnctioii guaranteed. KntliiiKlni ; Hit' Vctrrmn. Hon. J. H. Morao addressed a fair sized audience In Masonic hall last evening on the 'Kocollecilons of the War. " The lec ture was given under the auspices of the Union Veteran Region and their frlonds , Com riulo Morse In nn eloquent and brllllan ipoakcr and for nn hour and n half hii Iugtni > nlllan thunder thrilled the blood of tin volorani as ho held up in vivid word painting the thrilling events of the war. Ills pictures of the storming of Lookout mountain , the capture of the rebel iron clad Tennessee and the car' ' nago of Llttla Houudtop were BO vivid Urn the ola vctarant could scarcely retain thoii touts , The address was Intensely interest tutnnd the speaker was rouarded , by Ire juont and hearty applause. 7ll IIIC.HIIST AWAUIIS Fri'm r-ilontlBc ocloUt > [ irovu tlio lilitH excellent * K the Kcnulue Jobmui lion Mull Hitrart. iircr nil jiilutloiin whli li Imvtt bt-en tirnuclil boforutlio i > ufa ll J. - \ Tunis Nmrltlvi' . for the weak mill Dvblll thtud , anil fur Mutlivr * white Nunlnn , tor routlia : , loliin , ninl pulmonary troubloi , luepluiiiioti unit ICTVUI. tl'iurtlon ' , It It without mjunl. Tlmru li 1'Jlulni : "Jiuiji ui.ud" hou you can net tlio lB ! > - flNK artlclt whidi mint linve 111 * tlKUalure of Votiauu ilou ' vn lliu t v'k or every bulll * . NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Great Capture Made1 Yesterday Morning by Officers Welh nnd Louch , TWO BURGLARS TAKEN WHILE BURGLING Vicinity of HIP lloHton Moro tilt Srriii * ot l.lti-l ) Iliicdiinloi- U'lilcli tlio I.MM CHIIIP OIV ( in Tup An exciting time w&s had about 1 o'clock > ostorday morning boUvcen Ofllcers Wells and Lcuuh on the onu side , a gang of burg lars on the other , nnd the residents In the Iclntty of the HoMon store In iho mlddlo. "he ofllcors worn tramping through Iho alloy n the roar of Main street when thov hoard a luplclous noise coming from tbo rear end of , he Boston store. They nt once surmlsod hat burglars were at work , as a crowd of usnlcious looking characters had been potted earlier In the evening by the police. The burglars socmcd to have caught sight of ho policemen In the moonlight at almost the atno instant that the policemen saw them , 'or they wore still nearly half n block away , vhen the burglars broke and ran for dour ifo out of the alley and down Fourth street. IVells started In pursuit , whllo Louch took ho alley , thinking to Intercept them In case hey should leave the street. One of the fellows ran for some distance Jown Fourth street. Wells nrlng his rnvol- or nt every few Mops.Nono of the shots took effect , but just ns the last chamber of the revolver was emptied the burglar wont to TOSS the purklng In front of one of the rosi lionces and fell to the ground. Wells drew his club , but tbo tnau surrendered at oiico and begged him not to use it. Louch in the meantime had not been tdlo. Ho followed the second burglar down the alley , firing throe shots from his revolver , nnd at last bagged his game. The patrol wagon was summoned and both men were taken to the ulty Jail , where they were slated with burglary. An soon as they wore captured a thorough search was undo through their pockets for any woupo they might have. Ono was found with a large revolver In his pocket , whl'.o the other had thrown his away ns soon as the cbaso com menced. It was picked up later in the morning. Wells' man gnvo his name as .loo McDor- mott. When ho reached the station it was discovered that ho hud sprained his wrist badly by his fall nnd had also hurt one of his ankles. In his possession wore found a com plete bOt of drills und a drill machine which for Ingenuity and general effectiveness boat anything that had over beau cornered by the marshal's men. It consisted of n clumn which was intended to fasten to the doorknob of n safe and when placed in position it kept the drill perfectly straight , so that a hole could bo made in an iron door in a very short time. An experiment was made by Marshal Tomplcton on his own ofllce safe , and the machine was found to work like n charm. A heavy sledge hammer , a crowbar , brace and a number of uioro drills were found lying near the window of the IJostou store whore the pair had boon atvork. . Thov had suc ceeded in getting the Iron window shutter and the cellar door prlod open , and in a few more seconds woulu have been pillaging the Interior of the store had tlioy not been in terrupted by the arrival ot the oftleors. Theio was not a cent of money in the sufe , but there xvas about ! d IK the cash drawer which the burglars would have been very ant to get if they had gotten inside. WIIITi : ( iOOIs SAI.K In I'ull h lnK. The white goods sale at the Boston Store , Council BlulTs , la. , has been a marked success. Since the bale opened Saturday morning lust it is really sur- pribing the quantity of goods that have been sold ; the store has been crowded day after day with anxious buyers. When one thin UK ti moment it is really no wonder , as the Boston Store never do anything by halves , never advertise nnyth'ing but what they really have , and that in quantities. Below is a partial list of what they have to off or in towels , linens , sheets , pillow cases and sheet- in ge. MNKNS AND TOWKIA 51 and .30 inch all linen bleached Dam asks that sold for -lye , 50o , 58c , in one lot nt 8'Je. All linen Damask table linens , special , at tJoc it yard . 08 inch heavy unbleached Damnsk ( only one pattern ) bold for 7oc , sale price , Vc ) a yard. 712 inch unbleached all linen Damask , bold for 85c , at 07c a yard. Two patterns of our unbleached linen , napkins to match , reduced to 77jc 00 inch Damask , plain or with red border , former price Site and OOc , foroSJc u yard. See special values in unbleached Dam asks , marked 47c. { 60 do/.on heavy Turkibb towels ( fast colors ) sold for 2"e , at lc ! ) each. 200 dozen line Damask towel j , over I5 ! different stylob , border , hand drawn and knotted fringe at 2oc each. Kxamino our HUC'KTOWKLSai .OO a do/.on. RIIKKTh AND l'IUO\V CASKS. All ready made for use. See Iho low prices mostly made out of Krult of the Loom mut-lin. Pillow cases , ready made. 12c } , loc , 17c , 20c , 22o. Shoots , ready made , ( ! 5c , < io ! ) , 7. > c , 85c. Better grades in embroidered ami hem stitched goods. NKW I'ltJCK UhT OX SIIKKTINGS. Bleached 12 inch Oc , 12 Jo. Jo inch 12Jc. loc , ICo. CO inch He , KJc. ( i-1 17c , 20c. 7-4 20c. 8-4 20c , 22 ic. 0-420o , 221 i,25a : 10-4 2.rC ) , 28e , HOe. Most of thcso goodb nro In standard grade cottons , such as Atlantic , Im perial , Lockwood , Popporoll , Bostons and Wluto Ko o. HOSTON STORK. Fothcrlngli.ini , Whltolaw&Co , , Lenders and promntoraoflowprices , Cash and Ono Price , Council BltilTs. la. N. B. Packages delivered to any part of the city during this sale the same as usual. Store closes at ( i p. m. except Mondays nnd Saturdays. \Vaiil llrltcr The question of securing better train facil ities over tbo Uock IsUiul roa-1 , which was brielly referred to lu je&terduy's ' repnrt of the council proceedings , Is exciting consider able public Interest. A train running from Davenport to this city was discontinued some time ago , but lately bas been put on again , the western torn.lmib , however , being At lantic IntteaJ of Council Bluffs , as formerly. Ju t what the reason for discriminating against Council Bluffs la this way is cannot bo learned from the management of the road , and a conference- to be held soon with t view to trying to induce the superintendent of the road to extend it to this city. These who are taking the load are very hopeful ol Dra. Wood burydentists , next to Grand hotel ; iino work u specialty , Telo. 14a. Jnrvia 1S77 brnndy , purest , safest , best Caught n ( 'nn Man , Harry Hamilton , a well-known cotindcr.ce man who has been suspected ut working his favorite game In this city a number of times la the putt , but hn always managed to eiaipa detection , was arrested yesterday nflornoon by Deputy Marshal P. P. Fowler on a charge of being a fugitive from Justice A Ulepbono message waa received from b-VI If" OF Goods ular Prices after Saturday , Feb.20 TO AILROAD MEN I want to say that I have a fine calf , box-toed shoe , Lace , Congress or Button , the very best shoe made , and I will warrant every pair. The price has been reduced from $5.00 to $3,50 , All other goods at a discount of almost 50 per cent this week. Don't wait till too late. F. H. EVANS , 412 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Diuuhti utHiHO o'clock In the afternoon stnt- n that a man bonrlne the somowtmt tin pro- nounccnblo imrao of Henry Mloyliek had 'nllen a victim to the wiles of n confidence man nnd furnishing a description of the Utility part } ' , which win nt once recognized is bulonplne to Hamilton. A warrant was ssucd for his urrcst , anil in an hour after the message came from the other side of the river ho had boon found at , his residence near the corner of Avenue C rmu Twenty- third street nnd landed in Jail. The man with the big nnmo was notified and as soon as ho had tnlcon a square look at Hamilton tie stated that ho was thn ripht man. Ham ilton states that ho will not return to Ne braska soil without a requisition. Mlaoynok returned to Omaha last ovnning with a lighter heart than a man usually has who has been through his experiences , for al though Hamilton had only K in his Docket when ho was arrested , it is thought that the rest will come to light in the course of u "lay or day. _ E. H. Shoafo hits eastern inonoy on hunt ! for real estate loans. Ho ! for thu .Mirill : ( .nisi At Now Orleans. One faro , $31.45 , for round trip. Tickets on sale Feb. 22 to 28 , For particulars call on O. M. nrown , ticket agent K. C. , St. J. & C. B. It's Sure to Come. The special coraaiUoo which was appointed some time ago by the city council to look up the advisability of orectmp a now city hall or remodeling the present building so ns to make it adequate to the city's needs , has before fore it two sots of plans , both of which are being ( ximincd with a creat deal of interest by outsiders as well as by the members of the committee. Since it has boon definitely decided not to submit to the people the ques tion of voting bonds for the erection ol'a new hall the councilnion are becoming more and inoro in favor of patching up the old build- in cr , and the probability now is that some definite action will bo taken in this direction * In a very short time. The two sets of plans referred to were drafted by Architects Bell and Scbmook , and are considerably alike , although each has Its particular admirers. The men who drew the plans state that the cost of the building as remodeled will not exceed $5,000 , and a well known plumber has agreed to take the contract for putting In a system of heating apparatus for Jl.OUO , although it is thought that by advertising for sealed bids the coat will bo reduced far below that llguro. 'Tho proposition which was made a month or so ago , " said a member of tbo council yesterday , "to rent quarters for the city oflloos until wo feel Ilka putting up a perma nent city hnll would certainly cost nearly $5,000 the first vcar , and it is not likely that uny man would root oftiecs and make the changes that would have to bo made for less than u live years' lease. Ko it will bo consid ' erubly choa'perin the lone run to repair and enlarge our present quarters. The plans provide for plenty of vault room , which is ono of the great inducements for agitating the question ut all. It is almost certain that ono or tbo other of tboso Bets of plans will bo adopted by the council boon. " The Robolcah social announced for Thursday evening at Mrs. Wcathorbeo's has boon postponed ono week owing to the death of Mrs. KitzontroiT. We have our own vineyards in Call/or nia. Jarvla Wino company , Co. Bluffs Walnut block and Wjoming coal , fresh mined , received dailj Thatcher , 10 Main. I'ottairiittumlo Democrats. Tlio Pottawattamlo Democratic association held a mooting in the council chamber last evening to shuno up matters for the coming campaign and anything else that might turn up. The meeting was largely attended nnd was presided over by President Doltriclnvllh H. N. Whltlossoy ns secretary , A committee of twenty was appointed to make arrange ments for the entertainment of tbo delegates to the coming state convention. Thirty-two now members were enrolled anil u good deal of enthusiasm awakened. After the dis patch of nil thu business that could be dis covered the mooting adjourned to ono week from today lu the sumo place. Tno 1.111 In Dunces , A leap year party was given lost ulpht at the Dellono hotel , at which there were about fort ; ladies and their gentleman friends , Twenty numbers were danced , including the latckt fancy dances. The reception committee comprised Misses Hrady , Koenters , Swift und JJwyer. The floor committee was com posed of MUses McMabon , Uiley , Lowry , Mullen , Paul and Shannon , 'J ho Emerald Social club gave its fort- nlk'htly ilanco nt Exposition hall last night , About seventy couples worn In attendance and twenty four numbers were danced. Their masquerade ball will bo given within two weeks , after which lent will be ob served. An Informal Muslciilt * . Among the pleasant events of the week , was the Informal muslcalo given Tuesday afternoon by Mrs. Ezra Millard nud Miss M laurel at the Millard residence on Capitol avenue , A selected few with musical tendencies cies wore invited to assist at ono of the most charming afternoons of the season. Herr Hans Albert , whoso playing of the violin has become the talk of tbo town was heard at his best , playing brilliant obligates for sev eral of the vocalists in addition to appoarini , ' in duels with Miss Ponpleton and Mrs. ( ill. bert M , Hitchcock. Hans Albert , although young , plays with the Ciod-pivx'n soul of true , si n tore feeling , Historic is broad and full , his bowing steatlr , and bis phrasing large * and musically correct. .Miss Mary I'oppleton , although an amateur , sing * with the ease and griro of the professional vocalist , and Is an uuquUI- tlon upon any program , whether given by aniavour or professional talent. "Dreamt" was the tubject of her song on Tuesday , and she sang tbo pretty ballad tunefully and in telligently with technical skill und ugreeablo evidence of sentiment. Mrs. Pcrc.\ ford gnvo two vocal numbers. "Angol's Serenade" and ' 'Forgot-Me-Not , " tbo former with violin obllcnto. Miss Popploton anil Mrs. Hitchcock's play ing was musicUnly , tor both ave cultured planistoj. Amoug these who enjoyed the charm of the afternoon were : Mesdamea Mclntosh , Kill- ptitrick , Udo Brachvogel , J. .1 ! Drown , Kwlnc of Oecntur. 111. , Lovl Carter , Ford , Hitchcock , Alfred Millard , Dr. J. T. Durvea " , Misses Popploton , Mary Popplo- ton"Chandler , Brown , Boyd , Uurrows. TALKED OF PBOQRESS. iH , 1'olltlrul nnd Social I'ollltorn ( ilvon'to Oinnhn I'onplr. Kcv. Washington Gladden of Columbus , O. , lectured last evening al Unity church tea a largo audience. His theino was "Progress. " ' The speaker maintained that the world and civilization are going forward. Much of tbo opinion to the contrary Is duo to the news papers , which seem to bold that mis deeds of men constitute news , nnd good deeds ate not nows. Owing.to this many get a wronc opinion of tno world. Ho thought the next stop in political progress should bo backward , ns the present alarming feature of politics is to repeal and annul the fundamental principles of repub lican government oy scheme's to disfranchise many voters. The gnrrymaudor came in for a seorchinir. Micbiganizlnc was denominated the "gerrymander of the 1Micbignndcr. " The Australian ballot law was approved as a great reform , nnd the speaker advocated as the next step a law to require candidates and political committees to publish a full report of oven cent expended ' for campaign pur poses. Tbb holding of passes by public ofllcials was strongly denounced. Socialism and nationalism were each touched on. The speaker favored government owner ship of tbo telegraph , telephone and rail roads , but not government operation of the latter , which , ho thought , should bo leased in geographical , noncompotltive systems , under government supervision , us national banks are now. Ho advocated municipal ownership of cas , water works , electric light plants and street railway systems. Ho knew that the millennium could not bo brought on at once , and was of the opinion that tbo laboring man would find that iho royal road to comfort and plenty would never appear , but that incessant labor and strict economy would still bo necessary. They would reap the widest gains from wlso fru gality and proper employment of their mo ments of leisure. Ilotiirnml to tlio hurno of Ills Crime. CUESTOX , la. , Fob. 10 [ Special Telegram to THE BEU.J Sheriff Wray brought J. L. Lorimer , the forger , from Missouri today. On September 19 labt , Loritnor Drokn jail in this place with several other criminals and escaped from the country. Saturday last thosboriff of Warrenton , Mo. , tolonraphsd Sheriff Wrav that ho had Lorimer , and the latter Immediately wont there and got his man. Lorimer is wanted hero for the forgery of several notes which ho sold to ' person's bore. Ho was indlctoJ several months ajio bv the grand Jury nnd will be tried at tbe March term. Miss Alice Isaacs has gene east. C. C. Morse of Lincoln Is at the Murray. H. C. Hanson of Hastings is ut tbo Millard. I. W. Lansing of Lincoln Is at the Millard. M. T. Connor of Auburn , Nob. , is nt the Arcade. John K. Olney of Norfolk , Neb. , is at tbo Paxlon. N. S. Harding of Nebraska City is at the Paxton. D. W. Cook of Beatrice la registered at the Paxton. Juan Boyle of Kearney Is stopping at tbo Paxton. J. F. Allen of Fremont was nt the Murray yesterday. J , P. Latto of TokamahNob.is stopping at tbo Millard. D. C. Franklin of Atlantic , la. , is stopping at tbo Paxton , H. M. Uttloy of O'Nolll.Nob. . In domiciled at iho Millard. Charles G , Steela of T Norfolk Is registered at tbo Mlllard. ' ( C. Allen nnd wlfo of Ll'ucoln are registered at the Dellono. ' ' Tom Cooke of LIncoiis'aw ) , "Wang" at tbe Boyd lust night. , H ' E. McDonald of ValpftUuo , Nib. , is stop- Ing at iho Dollono. „ o W. S. Dolslor of Holdroge , Nob. , is rogls. terod at tbo Arcade. iLi.i F. J. Wellbnum of Wayne , Nob. , Is registered - torod at the Avcado. > if James Holland of Broken Bow , Nob. , is a guest at the Paxton. * " C. H. Vonnor of tWe American Water Works company dopartda last night for Now Vork. i L. A. Povnoof tranlslsland ! , who accora- paniod Nebraska's aciy\rMsiiip train east , u in tbo city find roports'that tevoral families have nlreaav located lii'UU town as a result of the train. To usosliis own word * : "I think that train wus rene of ibo best things that was ever done for the state und It U bringing lots of people to NobrasUa. " RHEUMATISM THREE YEARS. After suffering untold ngonioa three yeara from Rheumatism , liavlng had much treatment without relief. I decided to take Swift's Specific. Eight bottles CURED ME EHTIRELY nnd I wish other sufferers to know of the value of your great remedy for lihcumntisui , JOHN ML-DO.NALD , McDonald's Mills , Go , 6 < nil fcrno T.-cttlM ou Uio Blood end Skin. SWIFT ePECUflO CO. , AILAMTI , Qi. A Written Guarantee to SYPHiLIS CUKE EVERY CASi or MONEY REFUNDED. Our euro H permnm-nt ml until putchltu up. Ciioi cntoil Msvon jcnrs ngu Imvu novur noon \mptim flncc. lly ilcscrlblnica c fully wn ran trout yon by lunll.unil wo L'lvellio nnu\ \ strong Kuiiruntca to cure orrofunil nil raonoy. Ttoiwo lie prefer to rumo liero fortn'iitmcntc'imilc ) soiiml wu will p y nvllrcm'l fnro lioth niiysnml hotel Ijllls whllo hero If we full to cum We Chnllcnpo the Worlil for 11 cvio that our MAGIC HKMKDV will not euro. Wrlto for piutU'ti'an nnd get thu evidence. Incur jevcn yonri' pra-tlco with thlOlAQICKKMKnr It lini bcon most dllflcult tj overcome the prejudices nualnst 'ocallol pcClH3i. lliitunilcrour tronRKUUrantoii thousuiidi are tryliu Itiuit bcluxcurcJ. We Kuarnnloo to euro orrufmil every dollar , nnd ni we huvo a rep itatlo i 1 1 prote Bl otlnanclalb oklDKof $510,00 It li perfcctlv snfeto all who will try the treatment. Hcretofo-o you Irivo been puttliiRupnul paylim onlyour mousy forilinor ent treatments and although you arc not yet enrol noonc has pnl 1 li.ic'c your money. Wo will positively cure you. Old chronic , deep so.ito 1 case * cure ! In.U to ! IJ ilny. Investigate our llnanclnl < tan > lln'i , our reputation as business men. Write us for names and addresses of the o wo hnvo cured ttho have Klvcn perml < i > lim to refer to them. It costs you only po < t- ago to do thlt. If your sympto.m nro sere throat , mucons patches Iti mouth , rhcumatls n In hones nnd jolnlA , hair fulllnu out , ertipttons on nny part of tha body , feellim of KencrnI dopre lon , pains In heart or Doncs. You have no tlma to wiwto. The o who arj constantly ta'iliiK mercury n'ld iiotash sho'il 1 dlscou tlnue It. ( 'on tnnt use of these drum will surely hrliu pores nud catlitK ulcers In the en > l. Don't tall to writo. AllcorresponJenco sout sellu.l In pl.iln emolopet Wo Invite the most rlirl I InvcstUattun and will do all In our power to nU you In It. Address COOS REMEPy 0. , - Oimlr , MAGIC GORE 5OO for : t case of LOT or KAIMNQ MAN HOOD , GeniTiil or Ninvous DiiutiTV. weak ness of body or nil nd , the iMfucts of errors or o\- cessesln elder younu tlmtwocannotcure.Vo cuurnntco every case or rcf mill every doll ir. Five dnys trial trcutmcnt 81 , full cour o W. 1'orcoptfblo bcnollts rualbcd In thruo cluys. Hy mull , fcociirely p.icUod from observation. COOK UEMCDV Co. . OMAHA. NEII _ _ LADIES ONLY UARIP FEMAI.K KKCUr.ATOK. Safe and nlnUlu Cortaln to n day nr money refunded. Hy mall 82. Securely scale 1 from obsurva- t'on. ' C'OO/i ttK.1ltCit\ . , Umaha. Neb E. O. WEST 3 NEHVB AND IlltAI.N THKAT- MENT , a specific for Hysteria , Ulzzlnoii , Fits , Nou. rnlKln , lle.idache , Nervous Prostration caused by ul- cohol or tohncco , Wnkef ulnoss , Montat Depro-tslon , SofienliiK' of the llruln. ciuslni ; Infinity , mlsory , decxy , < leath , 1'rematura Old AKO , llarranness. Lou of I'ower In elthcrsov , Impotency , Loucorrhoca nnl oil Kemalo Woitinomot , Involuntary Losses , Sojr- matorrhooa ctusud by orer-oxortlon of the br.iln , Solf-abusa , ovor-lndnlx no3. A month's treatment II , ( i for f"i ; , by mnll. Wo ( iuaranteo nix boxei to euro. Knchordor forli boxes , wltlifi will oonrt writ ten Kuarantee to refund If not cured. Guarnntiiai iHeued only by A Schrotor , DruKKlst. ole axents , S. K.cor. ItUi nnd 1'arnamaU. , Umalm , Neb. CURB A new untl Complcto Treatment , eonulgtlntf of Suppoulturled , Ointment lu Capsules , also In llox and I'llls ; u I'onHlvo Cure for Kxternnl , Internal , Illlnil or UlceiHiiK ItelilnK , Clirunlo , Ileaent or llurodltary I'llea. TliU Hemedy lius never noon known to full , tl I'cr box. II furfj ; Bent br mall. Wliy sutler from this terrllilo dlseim wlien a writ ten Kimrnntoe lfi positively Klvcn with 6 boxes , to return ! the money If nnt curoil. ( ieuil ntnmp for free Snmplo. Uunranteu l stio 1 hjr Kulin * Co. , DruvKlbts , bole ents , corner 15th nnd Doiitflna rectH. Omulia , Neb. Tntt'H Tiny Pills act nsklnilly on tlio Irlillil , the ili-llcntu ffciualn tir Infirm ( ' olil iigo ns upon tlio vlKorous irmn. ' 'Tutt'sTiny ' Pills ; t Biro tone nnil Btrmictli to tlio wills \ Ntiiinni'li , bowelH. kldnoysiinil liloililrr jBCHIFFMANN'8 ASTHMA CURE hevcr falU to ulve Instant itiHc'f In the worst cotes. nl i-ITfcl. rurr * nhere other * foil. Trltl r < rl > n KitKK f Ilruitlil. or br n > ll. r * , . DR R. UOniFKMANN. NI..ol. . III. . . Dr. GLUCK , Eye , Ear , Nose , Throat' SPECIALIST. GlMftsus adjiiRtnl to nil vlnu-u clofects. Oatarrh ( .uceessfnlly trontnd , Room 18 , Barker Block , 15th and Farnam KBX rr.SKit.iin.Ks , Undo Jimmy I anu claims to be tUa oldest settler in Chicago. Ho was born In Ireland anil U US years old. Tlio oldest man now llvlnir who was an American soldier In tliownrof 18131s tlioupbt to bo Benjamin Poor , of Haymoad , N. H. Ho is now 07 vcars old. Philip Stoblor or Marino City , Mich. , wbo died tUo other day , aged 05 years , was buried In lilh weddlujj shirt , nparment which ho hod kept sixty-three yoois for that purpose. Mrs. Ell/aboth Liggett JotiKins , ono of tha oldest rcbldcnts of Hi , l.ouls , died rorently In thut city. She was born on January 10 , 1709 , in Woodstock , Sbonandoah vnlluy , Va. , and nag the fourth of nitio children and tbo daughter ot Jacob anil Kathcrino Llt'Kelt. "Undo Hilly11 Hullivnn of Fulrport , N. V. , 107 years old , Is hnlo and hourly again , after a tuHslo with tha Krip. Ho BUYS bo owes his t'ooil boalth and loup Ufa to winding lil own business and alwayy troatltii ; his nclKhbars as ha would have them treat him. Tbo old man h d llvo soni ) In the union army. Mr ; Itobort lirucoof No , IS'i Soulh Fourth street , Brooklyn , celebrated the ninetieth onnivursary nt his birth oi ; Fenrtiary 0. Not puly was tbo occasion Interesting by reason ot the preat UKO of the celebrant , but also on account of the fact that Mr. Bruce Is tbe anther - thor of a inachmo for type casting tbat U found li every type foundry throughout the vrortd , "Dcerc.Wells&Co . ' Agricultural BUYER'S Implements of lniyorK Uo rci'oni- muiiil thuni us thu etc. . Soulli .Main tit husl bouses to do'il Council HIilHs. with InConnellllllTs. tecll & Co , , KeysteM&Co W , A , Council Itluft ) , In. 15JI to ir > J7 S .Main Importer -Manufacturer * of- St. Council lllilin. ber Farm Engines Jobbers of full line Crockery Cyclone Thresher of AKrlculturil Implements Qli Carey A Wooilbury plements , volilvlo * , Horse I'oxori etc , etc. Council siiiiirtSee'acif Wcir-Sliu Council HlulT' , la. uo. Council 111 KM South Main St. , Whole'nlo and re- Council BlutN Jobber tnll ( innlen , Kluld * Western llrancli monta , anil Flower Seeds. WMi Hoiiso- Jobbers In rlntioi. in lllltbcit market SiirliiR ' - Drlco paid for seoili Agrti'Uttin-itl Karmi'rV Write for entaloituo Hteel I'lunl CITIZENS STATE BANK Of Council Bluffs. T AL STOCK $150,03) SURPLUS AND PROFITS 70.005 TOTAL CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $22j,03J Dmr.CTOns I. A. Miller. P. O. Gleison , H. r , Shuimrt , E. E. H irt , J. D. KlinuixKon. Charloi B. Hannun. Trans lot K0iior.il bjnUlnij bml- nos. LfirKOituuplt-il and surulus of nny bane In Southwestern Iowa. INTE.REST ON TI.VI3 DEPOSITS THE SHORTEST LINE TO CHICAGO is via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y , as represented on this map. ilectric Lighted , Steam Heat ed Vestibuled trains leave Omaha daily at 6:20 : p. m. , ar riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a. m. City Ticket Office : 1501 Far- nam St. , Omaha. F. A. NASH. Gen'l Agent. C. C. LINCOLN , Pass. Agent. L M , HENDERSON , 1873. COMMISSION MERCHANT , Grain , Seeds , and Provisions. Nos. 2 and 4 Sherman St. . Roomt 60 & 69. CHICAGO. Fl"t-eln8sfncllltle"fortholmmlllni.0f slilprnnnU of uraln , Flclil und Klnr Hfc'iU. lli'feremcx Corn l xcmni o anU American Kxclifumo Nutlunul Hunks EP \\/ARM. Protect your lungs by wearing Chamois vest. For cold feet buy a Hot Water Bottle , We have all sizes , at low prices. Physicians Prescri p- tlons prepared at low prices. The Aloe & 1'enfolrt Company 15th Street next to ! > . O , NEBRASKA National Bank. U , S. DEPOSITORY. . OMAHA , NE3 Capital . 77TT. . $ IOO,0 ( ) : > Stirjilus . . . . . . . / . 00,303 Olticera unit Directors llcnrr W. V'ntni , protMent , It U. t'U'lilnvies | ire lilent. ( i H. Maurlon W. V. Mur t , Julin H. Colllni , J. N. U. I'm rick. Ui Koed , I'uiluer * THE IRON BANK , Corner 18th anil Fanuini YOKE SUSPENDER THE LATEST. Blll'plntf oft 1h ihoiililtr litiiui ili . Atk jour Urvltrfor them ur krnd tl 0fu | < im l fl t ( > I.tll'll lull , t-u.licnclrr l' . . f.J 1" . Ill I'rli'iv ' ht.i ttsvt Yvrk. t I " 1 a : III o SPECIAL NOTICES , COUNCIL BLUFFS. ITOIl HUNT V.icanT , store , 4\t \ Hni.iiUui ) A' owned by Mrs. .lano Itnlilwln. Apply M Ucur.'o T. IMii-lus at posloflk'O. lirANTHH- buy two liu.ivy nrli .lujifei T Call ut 015 S. lllli stroBt. V\7 HJ ! tr.tdc > house anil lilt for tu.-im ; will ulMilon liineon balance. O.ill m (115 ( a 6th street. IOKKKIt the fjllowln : eliolco h.ir iilni 17 fruit and votfutsible UtiiUi : 57 neres s'l ' roil ] north of the C'liitiitntniim Rrounits. rasturi slopu , flnusprln and line snrlnx-hrook , liiua very rich und ni > ll udnDted to fruit. .XI acres on Grand stronuo. fine oiclmrd , windmill und HuoKroru ; sltuiilod on Mynstet proposed motor line , nnd oriu ono-li < lf mllct from Coniiull Illulfh ixmofUce. li acres of very < > huluu plowed l.in I on ( Ir.nul avenue. 1 miles from uoslolllce. 110 aerus : i'i nillin from cltv limits ; gooil house , barn and oiiilnillctlnKs : tlnu oroh-irj ; a K ! eat bargain at f > . : ID. Kasy ti-rms. "Hacres , eliolco fruit farm , n aurui in bluek- bcrrlcs , 00 } yniini ; fruit trooi , : i,0uli2iiiu ( | VIIIBS. House , harn and outtiiilkllius A very uliuluo biirKnln. 10 acres ad lolnliiK city limits , --atoiv oils c , giunl bain , nruhunl , Drupes and small fruits.V. . u blnuy , Itoom 4 , Uper.i Ihmst blouk. Council llluirs. la , FARMS , punlon lands , hoiisns , Tots and business blocks for i\lo or runt. Day lloss. 19 1'oarl stioot , Oounoll ' " ' / 1OUNOll > IIM'ITS money on h.mil foi V Joans. W. A. Wooil _ .t Ca , v0 .Main stiert. WANTEIl In a prlvito fuinlly about Murcb I , n girl for coner il housework. .Must bo n good cook and luiuuliuss ( Jood wages will be p vld to a eoiiipiiluiil ulrl. Ad- dtesb , Divine r urunoui , Ho4 .1 ( Jonnull Itlnffi. . TJIOlt UKNT Over 100 < l elllirs } of ifvery < le- -L' hcrlptlon at prices vmylii ; : fiom $4 lolX ( nor tnonth , located In ull pnrls of thu city. 11 II. Shoifo : , 'iDO llro.idwuy. "I7IOK SALi : rourcood lloiiilns in lie. Oan -L tuKu some peed land as nail p. iv. Ji ton & Van I'atlun , C'otinuil 11 1 u IN , la. THE GRAND HOTEL , Council Bluffs , low.i. Ne\v \ , modurn , woll-appointml. Dior- oughly woll-kopt , $ ' { a day. E. F. CLARK , Prop. ' COUNCIL B.UFFS STEAM DYE WORKS All klmluof IlyuliiK and Clounln ilonti In tlia style of the ait. K.nlyd an I hlnlneil niuUu to lixiU an food us iinw , lied clemiud \ > y stoivin In llrkt-cliiAs man ner Work pruiiii-tly ilonoiinilUiil vi-rorl InaU liuits of ihu country , end for nrico list. 0 , A. MAlMIAN. - I'ltOI'lllirroK. 1013 llroailwiy , Nuiir .Norllino-li'm Depot 1 ! < ) UN CM. Ill.Urfl , Xr Illlllllflrc Atlornoyi.it IIHY OC OdUIIUtlS tco | lu tha ut unit federal rourla. Koiiil ! , I uuil .1 lltnu Uluuk , U'uiuiull DlulTi , li. W. C. ESTEP , FUNERAL DIRECTOR AN'D EMBAI.MEB 14 N. Mnln , Council Chas. Lunkley , I'liiicnil Itlrector uiul Unilerlnkcr. 811 Urondwuy , Council Blulta.