Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 18, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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Presiding Elder Mooio Meets with a Hot
, Reception at Genoa.
Mnmlicnnr tlinOrKanlrntlnii llefiHC to III"
celvn Hnrrninrnt from ttin Olijrctlttn-
nliln I'rmrlnT or Attrnil Snrv-
Icr * U'lilln lie Pro-ilclotl.
OBNOX , Nob. , Fob. 17. fSpoclftl to TUP.
, tlBK.--GoiiOil3stlriVl ] ! M slio has not boon
ilnco the Chasn ilofnlcntlon. This time It H
U church row. Presiding Etuor Moore , who
rccontly nikcd up some old chixrRoi of
Immorality a Alnst Hov. II. 1C. Plorco ,
pastor ot the Methodist church here , which
bad boon settled during the almlnlstratlon
of Elder Shank , arrived In town Saturday
Inn for the purpoio of holding n ( junrtorly
jnootltiK nnd making ; arrinKOincnts to send
nnothor minister horo.Vlion ho arrived at
Una church ho found nearly lOJnwaltlni ; him ,
and n demand was raado that ho state the
uround of the clnxrgo against , Mr. I'lorco.
Alter nttomptlnff to convoy the Itnprosslon
Hint the ohiircei were very serious , ho was
forced tD admit that ho had invoUlirateit thu
matter nnd was convinced that Mr. I'lorco
was Innocent , but that until so proven ho
mood convicted nnd that ho could
no loniror preach In a Methodist
church. This started the fun and
Presiding Elder Moore will not soon forgot
the roastltiR ho received nt the hands of nn
Indignant public , irrcipcctivo of church or
creed. The entire church refused to attend
'service Sunday or to receive the sacrament
from Mr. Mooro.
Monday a mooting was hold at the church
to consider the matter. Moore attempted to
nmuo a speech derogatory to Mr. 1'lorco's
character , but was warned to doslst. Ho
called upon the city marshal for protection ,
and upon bolng refused , ho seized his hat
nut ! rushed from tlie church In alarm , only to
moot tin olllcer with a writ for money which
ho was owing ono of the bankers and which
was long past duo.
After the withdrawal of Mr. Moore , stopi
were taken to organize a Baptist church ,
Which nearly nil the motnbers pledged themselves
solves to join. The church , which Belonged
to the Methodist conference , was stripped of
Us onllro furmturo , Including the bellwhich
is the property of the society horo.
The membership of the church U about
"lOO " , aiRhty of whom have joined since Mr.
I'iorco came. Mr. Pierce is thought very
liiuhlv of here , and the entire community is
standing by him. Further developments are
eagerly awaited.
IT WAS A i.iviiv : snssiox.
Null rusk ii ImpriMiMl Stork llrrrilori IHs-
CUIH SnliJwtN of Spi'vlnl Interest.
BiUTiuui : , Nob. , Feb. 17 [ Special Tolo-
pram to Tun BKB.J Thosocond day's session
\hpNooraska Improved Slock Breeders'
association was largely nttodncd. This
mornlug's session was opened by the read
ing of a bill which it Is proposed 10 huvo In
troduced In the next legislature. The bill is
to secure n state appropriation for the
furtherance of experimental work In the
. treatment of live stocit. A committee com
posed of the presidents of the various state
brooders' associations was appointed. A
'paper on "How to Put the Greatest Number
of founds on a Hog at the Agoof'J Months , "
was read and discussed. Following the ills-
'cussloi : of a paper on the "Hog In Ilia Various
Stages of Growth and Condition , " F. E.
Brown of Syracuse read n paper on
"National and State Experiment Stations , "
hi which ho reviewed the work of experi
mental stations in this and foreign countries ,
beginning with the year ISO'2.
1 Hon. Charles H.Valkor of Surprise road
n p.ipcr on the "Protection of Our Live Stock
Interests. " It was inainlv laudatory of Ne
braska's experimental station and Dr. F. S.
Billings , the wull known voioriuariun whoso
| , recent bout with Secretary Husk and the
Illinois otlioials. Chancellor
Canflola of the Nebraska State university in
I the discussion which followed severely
bandied the National Department of Agricul
ture. Tin argued that the state departments
should bn entirely divorced from the depart
ment at Washington and criticised ttio tatter
for sending out information tending to crcuto
fiilse impressions when experiments inada at
state stations. If secured , would gi von clearer
idea than that convoyed. Ho cited facts to
support his statement of tbo loose business
methods of the department.
The papers read this afternoon were ,
"Sheep Uuising. " Richard Dibble of Be-
atricn ; "Tho Draft Horse and the Farmer , "
, F : W. Upton of Beaver Crossing ; "Tho
' ritandaul Bred Trotter the Proper Nucleus
of the Coach Horse of the Future , " A. Ashby
of Beatrice.
' At tonight's session the "Treatment of
. Sterility of Breeding Animals , " was the
'subject of a paper by Dr. M. H. Knowles of
Terre Haute , Ind. , which was followed by
n paper by Dr. F. S. Billings on "Agricul
tural Colleges. "
Among today's arrivals was Dr. Noles ,
state veterinarian of Indiana , and I. U. Heaps
of Chicago.
Conrcriiliif ; World's I'ulr Kxlilliltx.
GitAND IiMXn. Nob. , Feb. 17. [ Special to
TUB Bin.l Hon. Seth P. Mobioy , as press
committee ol the World's Fair commission ,
haa prepared for the press of Nebraska the
following circular concerning exhibits :
( Jndor the rules adopted by the national
board of control , as interpreted and declared
by Director Uonoral Davis , exhibits of the
following class will have to be made in their
roHpactivo department bulldines of the ex
position pro'por , 'and will not bo permitted in
statu buildings : Dairy products , apiary in-
torostB , manufactured goods anu products of
every lilud , textile fabric. * , the llsh industry ,
machinery , women's hantjlwork , poultry , and
nil kinds of live stock.
These are facts important for intending ex
hibitors to know.
Director Uonoral Davis states in a letter of
Jaiuiury 'M , that "no exception to these
central rntOA has been made lor iuy state. "
The exhibit * In state buildings will under
the rules be conllncd strictly to products In
their natural stato. Illustrating the natural
resources \hostatu , agricultural and min
eral , and historical and educational exhibits
of non-compotitlvo character. It Is well to
romomoor that all exhibits of every charac
ter intended to bo competitive , and to bo
caulojttfed and recogul/.od by Juries of award
must bo made In thnlr respective depart
ments by the exhibitors and not in tate
buildlngH ,
By bearing tbeso factx In rnlmi disap
pointment In the future will bo avoided.
Circulars giving full instructions can bo
Imd by applying to any member of the com-
J mission.
' , In fJr.iml Inliiml'x Inlnrviit.
Gtu.Nii ISIANH , Neb , , Feb. 17. [ Spe
cial , to U'liK IJKK.J Last night tbo Bust ,
ndsiMnn's association , organized about
uli wuoks ago , bcld another meeting.
Stops were taken to secure both the inde
pendent and repunllciin state conventions.
Urnnd Tulnnd claims iho honors as a conven-
i Unn city unit no olTort will be spared to make
iUploasunt. for the guests , siionid their action
moot with .Hiiccesi. All the accommodations
nskod for will bo forthcoming , Action was
taken looking to thoegtablishmont of a chtteso
, factory and n packing house. Tbo pavement
, committee which was to have reported lasl
iilirlit wan given further time.
The following resolution was iinnmmo'.ulv
adopted :
ItrMilvi'il. That we. the Iluslnom MUM'S aio-
ulRtliin of firand Island doijlro to nvm > * mir
nupreolatlon ut thn kindness of thu now olll-
umUof tlioHu JostiptuV ( iniiul Island rullrir.ii
In MI promptly granting Incnnibuil fri'VKlit
paasuiiicttr and mall * * In uceorUuni'u
with mtr wiliest.
TJilril ll.m-lir Comm7tli * full.
PKXDKK , Nb. , too. 15. Tbera will bo n
mooting of the republican congroMional com
mittee of the Third Nebraska district at tbo
Puciilo hnuso , Norfolk , Wednesday , Feb
runrv 24 , at 7:80 : p. iu. , for thn purpose of
naming the tlmo anu place for holding a con
voutlon to select two dulegatos to attund the
republican national convention at Mtnueapo-
II * . to MX the basis of representation to the
i-oarantlon to bo called , and to aliomi to uch
other busliiMs as may properly couio before
IU W. E. PKKt-i.K ! ' , CuHtriuan.
i Injured In it Haw .Mill.
IH'so-S. Nob. , Fob , 17 ( Special Tolo
gr .rato TUB DIE.-J. ] F , Uerbar , wbllt
worklntt n n saw mill near this place , today
mdortook to romavo a ( tick of wood which
ltd fallen batwoon the snxv nnd n board Just
sawed off. The stick , catching In Iho saw ,
struck him under thn eye , rendering him un
conscious for some time , and cutting tils
head nnd cheek badly. Ho Is very low.
Two I.OIIR Trains Stirl : llr.irliiR roiiil for Ihn
LlNCOt.v , Nob. , Fob. 17. [ Special to TUB
Nebraska's contribution to famishing
tussin started on Its Journey to the so.thoard
ast night In two long trains. The work of
collecting nnd preparing for shipment tbo
sixty car loads of corn has boon n stupendous
undertaking much proator than the pro-
octors i-oallzcd when the work was ln
augurued. No ditllculty win experienced in
securing the donation of the corn , but the
abor tins boon Jn preparing the corn for ship-
nont , securing the CD-operation of the rail
road companion in transporting It to Iho sea
> oard free of cost nnd In loading the corn on
.ho curs. Much of the corn has boon trans
ferred from the cars In which It was origi
nally loaded Into now nnd clean cars , and nil
this work has consumed tlmo.
The peopla of Nebraska have contributed
very nearly li.0.0,000 , pounds ot ciru meal to
.ho fatnlno-strlckon people of the Russian
irovincos. The corn will bo shipped from
Sfobnuka directly to Akron , O. , where It
will bo kiln dried nud ground into meal.
1'nls work will bo dona through the goner-
oslty ot Ferdinand Schumachor , ono ot tha
[ > roinlnont mlllors of the Buckeye stato. The
lucnl will bo shipped in sacks , each labeled as
follows : Contribution of the state of Ne
braska for the Kuaalan famine cargo. " Cir
culars will bo placed In each sack printed In
the Russian language , giving lull directions
for preparing the meal lor food.
rtio corn xvlll go east to Chicago In two
trains ono over the Burlington route nnd
the other over the Northwestern. From
Chicago the donation will proceed on its
Journey eastward over the Pennsylvania ,
LaknShoro nnd Now York Central lines , all
of which , together with the Nebraska roads ,
carry the trains free of charge In Nebraska ,
the B. & M. , the Union Pacific , Fremont ,
Elkhorn & Missouri Valley mul thu Mis
souri Pucltic roads have pivon every assist
ance posslole in gathering nnd transporting
tbo corn to a central point. The Burlington
train In which the corn will go to Chicago
will bo made up of entirely now cars , nil of
unlfqrm slzo , and each with a carrying
capacity of 1,080 bushels.
Donations have oeon received from the fol
lowing counties : Hod Willow , ono car ,
Hicthcock. ono car. Thayer , two car.s , south
ern part of Nuckolls and the northern part
of the adjoining county in Kansas , ono car ,
Gojper ono car , Hamilton ono car , Konrnoy
two cars , Adams ono car , Dundy ono car ,
Custcr ono car , Clay two , Sowaru two , John
son ono car , Lincoln two , Garlleld and Loup
each one-half car , Lancaster county three
cars , Gape county , Beatricoand vicinity ono ,
Gaso county , vicinity of Pickroll , ono car ,
Polk county ono car , southwest corner of
Butler county ono car , northeast corner of
Harlun ono car , Doucl ono car , Washington
cuunty two cars , southwest corner York
county two cars J. P. Larson & Co. , Fre
mont , ono car , Hou. William LoudenUniahu ,
one car.
Muru Tlnin OnoThoiiHiiiiil VotiTiins Assem
bled lit Columbus ,
n , Nob. , Fob. 17. [ Special Telegram -
gram to .Tun BBE. ] . The fifteenth annual en
campment of the Department of Nebraska ,
Grand Army of the Korublic , mot In the
opera house in this city nt 'J o'clocic this at-
tornoor. , being called to order by Commander
Tcotor. The address of w.olcome was deliv
ered by Mayor Henry Hogatz and was ro-
spondea to by Coinraanaor Teeter. A num
ber of-001001111003 were appointed , resolu
tions offered and ronorls submitted , afttir
which an adjournment was > taken until 7:30 :
this evening.
The availing session was taken up with
resolutions , reports and tbo appointment of
committees. A ringing and eloquent reso
lution was passed , requesting the Nebras
ka Columbian coinmisnoa to do Us utmost to
have Nebraska well represented ut the
World's fuir.
A $ -10 collection was taken up to assist the
Sons of Natcrans at their next annual camp
at David City. An adjournment was taken
until 0 o'clock tomorrow morning. The
various candidates for department com
mander are on the ground and are working
bard for the prize , but it cannot bo said
with any degree of certainty who will be the
There is ciuito n strupirlo among the com
rades for the privilcpo of representing the
order of the .stato at the Grand Army of the
Republic encampment , nt Washington , .ludgo
Pnt O'Hawos ' being one of the prominent
candidates for the position. There aroaoout
1,000 delegates to the Grand Army of the
Republic ami Woman's Relief Corps in the
city besides n larpo number of visitors.
Tbo Woman's Relief Corps held an en
campment meeting at Oolrick's hall this
afternoon and nnothor this evening ut the
Muthodist church. Nothing but routine
business was transacted at those meetings.
The Woman's Relief Corps will meet again
totporrow morning at 10 o'clock in the
Methodist church.
.Fho hotels are crowded , but all are being
cared for comfortably. The weather grow
cold about 10 o'clook and some unow Is flying
Allttcml Itur hu'M Captured.
* CIAY CK.NTiiit , Neb , , Fob. 17. fbpecial to
TUB Bii : . ] Three unknown men werolodged
in Jail here yesterday by constable fetowart
of Sutton charred with , breaking into the B ,
M. depot at that place. Soon after their
arrival hero some ouo broke open the cash
drawer of tbo Commercial hotel nnd ab
stracted * 10 therefrom. Marshal Gardner
of this place followed and captured the sup
posed guilty party at Falrlield. Ho was aUo
lodged In Jail unu Is supposed to be connected
wltn the outfit of depot breakers ,
The first three were tried today and sen
tenced to thirty days In Jail. The other ono
will bo tried tomorrow.
Shut Willie Hunting Ccrsc.
CIIAMUN , Nob. , Feb. 17. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BKE. | Whllo riding inn cart
on their way to the Platte river to shoot
geese today , two young men , Fred Uico nnd
his cousin , ( Jlnrk , who la visiting with Rico ,
met with a very serious accident , which was
caused by tbo gun .slipping through the foot
slats ana being discharged. The full charge
of shot entered Clark's right arm near the
shoulder , completely shattering the bone and
necessitating amputation , which may prove
Keet Culture ( irowlnj , " Int r Hlln .
GIUNII Isi.ii.ii , Nob. , Fob. 17 [ Special to
Tnu BKK. ] The Oximrd Beet Sujjur company -
pany has prepared nnd wilt , In n fexv days ,
I'suo ofllclal instructions to boot rulsors for
the culluro ot the sugar boot. The circular
xvill bo Interesting nnd Rood results are IMC-
pocted. Tbo Oxt.urd company has nlrouily
secured a largo nutnbor of contract ! , and
where it took considerable eollcltlui : lust
your ttio farraora are coiniiiR tu the contract
ors , sookltiK contract.
1'lllcd Ill-i I.'JCH with i > i > iip r.
GniNii ISLASU , Nob. , Fob. 17. [ Spooial
to Tun JlKK.l Txvo Union t'acitlc workmen
named Lainburt uud Snath , machinists In
the local slmpi , got into a quarrel ycstorduy
ever tome xvnrk , Smith doclurod ho xvould
suttlo xvith Lambert buforo 7 o'clock. As the
latter was rotiirnlntr to hUvorlt at that hour
last uvunliiK Smith auddonly approacnod
I.iimbort and tilled his oyoa xvlth popper.
Kmlth pus loft toxvn , ' ,
oiii Muiilun ' Ii | Cuatody.
Far.MONT , Nab. , Fob. 'l7. [ Special Tele-
praui to'l'MK BBK.-Charles | Francis Wilson
was before thn cornmlislonora. of insanity
to.iay for evnnlination. Tbo board declared
him Insane and bo will bo taken to too Nor
folk nsvlum tomorrow. Wilson It the young
man who yesterday created such a furore ot
excitement on Muln street unu who Sunday
took morpnine with iulci-Jal intent.
Alter Mi
VOIIK , Neb. , Fub. 17. | Spcclal to TUB
B > : r.J The county Rlllonca member * are
making preparation ! to uo County Clerk
Header mid the Uouril of Supervisors for thn
return of (400 allowed Ueauur by the board
for bit services M dork of the board.
frnoM rr. enniv'fl > i
. .w.
His Holiness the Pope Thinks Her the
Greatest of Republics
UtteraiirrN t thn Holy Sen Prmif I'onltlvo
Thill I'mnrn Will Hrrolvi ) tlu > .Sup
port ol tlie Vlinrrli In Any
( Ionianll'nnfll. . ]
1'Aiiis , Fob. 17. [ Noxv York' Hcrntd Cnblo
Special to Tim Br.i.J Tbo Potlt Journal
xvlll this ( Wednesday ) 'morntiiff publish a
declaration of the popo. An ndvnnco copy
has been kindly and exclusively communi
cated to the llernld by our courteous contem
porary. It Is the substance ot a statement
made to M. Lnllet , the ex-dopnty. The au
thenticity of tbo utterance Is proved by the
matter nud Its manner. The uaop Importance
of the declaration Is self evident.
'My dcslro , nnd the wish of tbo church Is ,
that Franco should bo happy , She Is a nation
xvhoso pious mind nud KCnorons cbaraulor ,
though they may not always keep her fast In
the straight path which Is boat suited to her
Interests , soon repairs nil faults and snoxx-s
her the clear truth. I pray ( nnd I net In ue-
cordanco with my prayer ) that despite nil
rosistnnuo there may oouio to an end the dis
sensions nnd the storllo iuarrols xvliich
xvoakcnod her. All the citizens should meat
upon the ground of locality , Each Individ
ual may cherish bis own preferences , but
when in the domain of action nothing else
exists but the government winch Franco
has chosen. The republic. Is as legitimate a
form of government ns any. "
11 on- America Hits Flourished.
"I have Just received n communication
from the president of tbo committee oltho
Chicago World's fair asking tbo holy sea to
take part In that preat American umlortnit-
Ing , and the United States , xvhtch constitute
a republic , grow grontor every day dosplto
the dr.xxvbaclts Inctdoutal to their boundless -
loss liberty. There , too , the Catholic
church develops xvlthout clashing with
tbo powers , nctiiiK In perfect
harmony ns they should In nil lands xvbon
neither Infringes upon ttio rights of the
other. Liberty Is Indeed the base nud tbo
foundation of relations between the civil
poxver and religious conscience. The church
asplros before nil to liberty. May my voice
which speatts xvith authority bo hoard nnd
may my aims and attitude no longer bo dis
turbed by unfounded attacks.
"What suits the United States is still
more suited lo republican Franco. To all
Frenchmen xvho visit mo I speak the snmo
language. I wish that language lo bo known
bv nil. Irogrot that certain parsons in high
places should not dare to proclaim publicly1
ns they should , the efforts that I innlco for
the peace nnd prosperity of your noble
nation , which I regard over as the eldest
daughter of t ho church. In this course I
persist , nnd I encourage nil xvno outer on it
steadfastly to help mo in my task.
MlKslon oi thu Catholic Cliiircli.
"Tho church should keep to its true mis
sion. It should reform souls , inculcate tbo
spirit of self sacrillco nnd devotion. The
church shotiM take an Interest in the condi
tion of tha xvoalc. My assertion of the rights
of xvoruingmen should facilitate and hasten
the restoration of In torn ill peace nnd diminish
the insignificant minority which strives to
disturb the publlu mind and prevent
union in your country a union
indispensable to the fulfillment of its high
destinies. Thanks to bor strong constitution ,
Franco will rise to bor old groatnosa desuitu
of tier foes. 1 learn xvith joy that , though
sno botxsts such abundant military resources
and such valiant Mins , , Franco h"as not Int-
torod in her prudence ana patience. If aha
will but free herself from the dissolutions
that cheek her influence ; If she will but ab
stain from vnin harassing and persecuting ,
she xvlll soon regain the conspicuous place
anu glorious ranlc In the world xvhich of right
belongs to her. "
This language of the pope will roako a
great impression in Franco where the adhe
sion of bis holiness to the republic xVllf cause
widespread satisfaction. Kurppa will now
understand that the holy s > etis. > . for Franco
and against tno triple alliance. It xvill no
doubt bo gratifying to the United States to
find that , the sovereign pontiff , takes them
as a model. Liberty of con.scicnco is nowa
days the highest title to lory-a country can
. -t
produce. ,
The ministry has persuaded M. Carnet to
sign the bill authorizing the vote of ! ) , : > ! )0,000 )
trance to nssuro n proper representation , of
Franco at thu Unicapo World's fair. *
At it dinner given yesterday by Herr von
Boetticber the oinperor is understood to
have expressed his regret the state of
European politics xvould pro vent his attcnu-
ing the Chicago exhibition , mid this although
the conclusion of tbo commercial treaties
make pouco more probable to Europe.
Interest Aroiisril In IComo O\or it T.c-ttur
'Written from Aiuerlen on tlio Sulijrct.
ROMK , Fob. 10. At the Catholic congress
at Lialticioro in 1S59 a committee of prelates
and laymen xvas appointed to nrrango for a
Catholic congress to bo hold nt Chicago in
connection with tbo Columbian exposi
tion. The committee xvas nlso charged
xvitb preparing a program of matters
to be discussed at this congress.
Among the members of the committee
was Jiidgo E. F. Dunne of Ohio. Under date
of December It ) Mr. Dunne wrote a letter to
Mr. Coude 1 ! . fallen , editor of the Church
Progress and Catholic World of St. Louis ,
giving his vioxv.s regarding certain decisions
of this cnmmiltoo. This letter in Rome way
cume into the bunds of Hov. C. Kuhlmun ,
who sympbatuizcd xvith tbo vloxvs expressed
therein , lie had ttio letter put In print and
sent copies to all the cardinals. The letter
was recoivuii hero in Homo n few dars ago
and uas cheated no little sensation iu ecclesi
astical circles.
Mr. ICuhlnmn prefaces Mr. Dunno's letter
with n statement orur his own name to the
effect that tbo decisions reached by tbo
American prelates xvith reference to the
Catholic congrtuH , to bo hold at Chicago.
were displeasing to him self , to Messrs.
Pallon ana Dunne nnd to many other Cath
olics. The authorities at Homo are therefore
Invoked to overrule tbeso decisions.
Mr. Dunno's letter gives u rovloxv of the
history of the committee and Its meetings.
Ho savs that at the Baltimore congress
a committee was appointed to .organize n
congress at Chicago. This 'committee
bed mooting * at Boston and Noxv York for
the purpose of settling preliminaries , arrang
ing u program , etc. It was makiiuj'lia'rmou-
lous progress in these directions until , at an
inauspicious moment , It offered to submit Us
decisions to the appeal of the archbishops of
the churcb , xvho would bo assembled at St.
Louis on December 1 , IS',11. in the proposed
program of subjects fordiscusslon Mr. Uudno
has asserted as questions of vital Importance
the temporal power , ant ] the question of
Catholic education.
Cri'iitcil a Sentmtlnn ut Iloino.
The correspondence has been translated
Into Italian and has boon received. not only
by tlio cardinals , but by many , leaner
ecclestlostlruls at Homo. Special Intorett
attaches to it at this tune because Arch-r
bishop Ireland Is now hero. The betiding of
tha corespondonce to Homo is regarded as n
continuation of the Uahensly movement ,
Kinco last year hundreds of docu'bionts
have been circulated in Rome from America ,
declaring tuut thu Catholic ohurob. would Uio
if the process of Amerloa'ul/ing- church ,
xvliich Archbishops lilubnns , Ireland and
Williams are said to be leaders in bringing
aoout , should be allowed to proceed. Moan-
wlilla tlio ecclesiastical authorities' at the
Vatican deny that the questions of tbo tem
poral poxver and Catuoliu education ut to be
omitted from tbo program of the Catnollo
congress. _
Her II unbiiml Kculruluoil Croui
Au4trlun Wltiii-KkCD. , ,
LONDON , Fob. 111. In tha divorce division ,
ol her majesty's high court of JuUlco today
Mr , Justice .fonnu granted an order restrain.
ing Captain Armstrong , wlio ! ai petitioned
the court forirTlli'orca from bis wife , Mmc.
Molbn , thn well known sliiL-iT , naming the
ilnhe of Orleans us corespondent , from pro
cecdinc before the Vlonnn tribunal nnd from
oxnmlnlne the servants In the Vienna hotel ,
In xvhlch It Is alleged the respondent and i-o-
rospondcnt lived for n tlmo us man mid
Cnptnln Francis Noshit Armstrong , the
petitioner In this action , xvns lorrarrly n
.sheep farmer In Australia. Ho charge * that
his xvlfo and the duke of Orlrans lived
openly together nt the hotel Hoau Rlvngo at
Oncliy in August , 1SIK ) , the duke bolnir knoxvn
ns M. Kuvilto. Madnmo Melba claims that
her relations > yth the dnko xx-ero perfectly
pure and p'atonlo.
The order gran toil by .liutlco Jotino today
was made on the application of Mine. Melba ,
who tisnod for .a rule prevontlnn Captain
Armstrong frim { taking ix parto evidence In
Vienna by commission until the court shall
have uocutcd whether bor marriage came
within English jurisdiction , the ceremony
having been performed in Australia ,
/.iii7to.s.y/.v nv n/i/.r.
I'lols to AstiiNslniiti * I'ronlileut .Aloult nud
( loin-nil ( 'unto Dl-icovrrecl.
[ Cnjti/rftfhtot ISlibiiJiimsi Hortlnn llennflt.\ \
V.xt.i'.xiixt'o , Chili ( vln Oalvo-ston , Tox. ) ,
Fob. 1(1. ( [ Uy Mexican Cnblo to the Noxv
York Herald Special to Tim IlBi : . ] Plots
lo kill both President Moult and General
Canto have been discovered and Unvaried.
The attempt on President Monti's life took
place last Sunday night. Ttio miscreants
engaged in It removed the rails three lillo-
motors north of Maulo station. Their inten
tion xvas to xvrcck the train which President
Montt win announced to take. Fortunately
tbo president .stopped off at Chilian , nnd
moreox'or the removal of the rails xvas t'ls- '
covered by the railroad olllcials bofuro nny
damage xvasdono.
When the Santiago express for this city
arrived yesterday nt Lnllah yesterday Gen
eral Canto , xvho xvas ono of the passengers ,
left his seat In the Pullman car to tnko his
breakfast. Upon returning he found that
his seat xvasstituratodxvllh kerosene. Uurnoa
matches xvoro dlscovored near by. There
was no cloxv to the perpetrator.
The Austrian corvette Fasana arrived hero
todny. She xvlll remain at this port for n
week nnd then sail for San Francisco.
Consul Llniuch questioned her captain
rolallvo to his stories about Johaim Orth
bolng In Chili. HP says that there never fern
n moment has been any thought on his parlor
the Austrian government or navy that Orth
was In this country.
Afire in the mining deportment of the
Monoda xvas extinguished this morning.
The damage xvas slight and the cause is un
Yolloxv fever Is reported to bo abating nt
Guayuqull , Ecuador. Quarantine Is main
tained at Peruvian and Chilian ports against
vessels from Ecuador.
Bi'BXoi AvitKs , Argentina ( via Gnlvoston ,
Tox. ) , Fob. 10. [ My .Mexican Cnblo ly the
Noxv Yorlc Herald Special to THE HriE. ]
The conference betxx-eon President I'ello-
UUlnl , his cabinet and Generals Kocca nnd
Mltro , resulted in un agreement to support
Senor Perra for president. '
There is n strlico at the 'moat works at
The police shot three mon during the Sunday -
day elections nt Mendoza.
Hoseliud mul PIAo JCulgo Indians XX'iil Hold
u.drlinil Council.
PINU HIDOK. S. D. , Fob. 10. [ SpouialTele
gram to THE Bwij.j A council of the Rose
bud and Pine Ridge Agency Indians xvlll be
held at this place commencing Thursday , the
IStb inst , Wrtghbof Rosebud arrived today.
His Indians are coming about (100 ( strong.
They will arrive1 Wednesday morning.
Agent Brown o'j ' l'hls place , Agent Wright
of Rosebud anjl "Special Agent J.
A. Cooper xyjll , convene the council.
It is called for t'hppnrposo , of settling the di
viding line botwequ , Rosebud and Pine Rldco
agency , xvhich xvasj" formerly Pass creek , out
xvas changed txvouty miles east to Black
Pipe creek by the/Foster / , Crook and Warner
Sioux coinmlssupjn ) ) ISS'J. By the change of
this dividing lirjoji. considerable portion of
the Rosebud rojeryalion was added to thn
Pine Ridge aggjcyjcesoryutlon , The Indians
of ootb. ugoncfci ! nave.coniplnii.od moro or
less over since tliii * dividing line has been
changed ; in fact sorao of the principal In
dians at Rosebud claim .that it tbeso lines
bad not been changed there xvould not have
Dcon any trouble last winter.
TI1llll > I'AltTV COXl'BKKAVK.
Iroin Kofurui mul Iniliistrlal Or.
KUnl/tltimiN to Aleut lit St. I.ouls.
ST. Loui" , Mo. , Fob. 10. Up to today ton
reform and industrial organi/atlons have
notified the executive committee of Iho so-
ca'.led third irarty conference , to beheld
held In St. Louis , beginning Monday
of next week , of their intention of
beiiic officially represented. Nearly all
railroads having mudo ono faro for the
round trip rate , a very much larger attend
ance is expected than was at llrst anticipated.
The total number of applications lor hotel
and boarding bouse acramodalions exceeds
Ifi.OOO , and telegrams from California anu
other distant states' have been received an
nouncing the starting of very largo delega
tions for St. Louis. The silver commission
at Washington has telccrnpbod an offer to
provide a silver gavel and the local committee -
too has accepted the offer.
Unless the ten organizations can unite
upon ono ticuot , It is not likely a presidential
nominating convention xvill bo bold , but if
harmony prevails the ' managers ot the con
ference state that a' very strong ticket will
bo put In the field.
Xuxv Io u Hallroiiil.
DAVENPORT , In. , Tab. 10. [ Special Tele
gram to THE Biiii.J- Articles of incorporation
of the Illinois & Iowa Rallxvny and Terminal
company xvere filed here today. Tbo incorporators -
porators are mon of Clinton , Princeton ,
LcCluIro and Davenport , la. , and Molina ,
III. Tun capital stock is * lr,00,000 nml the
plan contemplates the building of another
double track brldgq across tbo Mississippi nt
this place , largo transfer nnd storage yards
in Mollno nnd Davenport and a line of road
to Clinton , thirty-four miles north ol hero.
The latter xvlll bring Into Davenport. Rook
Island and Mollno , the Chicago & North
western and the brlilgo xvill admit the Bur
lington , Cedar Rapids t Northern to the
Illinois side and bring the liock Island &
Peorla , the Santa Ft- , the Milwaukee nnd the
Burlington to the lown sldo from Rock
Island. The construction xvill bo xvlth capi
tal locally subscribed. Tlio Northxvostorn
line lo Chicago xvill bo shorter than any
other routo. _
Uli-xr Out Hit Itru .
DKS MOI.NKS , la. , Fob. 1(5. ( ( Special Tele
gram to TUB BHK. | Ferdinand Fontiuello
tbo'Siiidortakor's with imllot
lies dead at , a
through his brain. . The young Frenchman
had boarded at tlio Hardin house , nnd last
night xvbilo the qthors were eating supper he
shot hlmsolf. ana "was not dlscovored till
after midnight. Ho died at 0 o'cloctc this
morning at Cott&Rtt- hospital , lie had no
close trlonds and nothing is knoxvn of nis
connections. Hoiistuimed to have plenty of
money and xvas undoubtedly slightly Insane.
iv tiotnt
JCobort It. HOBO of Muaourl ( tallied u f.uxr
Nult uii4lA > < > t HIMind. .
ATCIIISO : * , Kan.JJNb. ) } 16. [ Special Tele
Bram to TUB BKK | Eight year * ago Robert
R. Rose , a poor matl'rotldliig at lalau , Mo , ,
fell through a ho | lfia } | sidewalk in this city
unu sustained pe roauont Injuries , Ho sued
tlio city for Unnmlitsiind a jury allowed him
f..WK . ) . The uaiO'xvunt to the suprnmo court
and buck three times and xvas finally decided
in favor of the plaintiff. The money
xvas paid to tbo plaintiff's ' attorneys
last xvook amivlieu they notified
their client of his good fortune ho became In-
anne , nnd going to the county , jail In this
city surrendered hijnsej ( to the sheriff , slut-
lug that bo wus a perjurer nnd xvanlod to be
punished for the crime. Ho denied that ho
had received any injuries and said ho planned
the accident to defraud the city. He will
probably bo sunt baru to Missouri and trKii
for Insanity. j
III ! ! In thn T-cR-J.
AMI tsr , N.Y. , 'Fob. 10. Tha foUowlnir Is
laid to sboxv boxv tbo democratic ) convention
outlook appears up to Uat/u : Hill delegate ? ,
l i ; Cleveland delegates , : i. Tuo tottl num
ber of delet-'atej U U-il. UnploditeU delegate i
xvero today nlcuied from ; bc > 1/ait agtombly
nlstrlrt of Nlaj : ra lour.ty.
Oorbott mid Multloou finna Little "Barnoy"
for Now Yorkers' ' Benefit.
* .
llo rinils l.lltlr Trnnliln In "Stopping" tin *
Thrpi ! Men I'lrkcil Out lur Mini lijr
" \X l c" Illtly Miildoon ( Hlicr
Nnw YOIIK , Fob. Ifl , James .1. Corbott ,
bcax-yxvclcht pugilist of California , made a
mistake tonight.
To all nppoaranco ho knocked out txvo men ,
each In ono round. But thn majority of those
present , and especially those near the ring ,
sized it up ns n palpable f.iko. Ho failed
to knock out .loo Lannon , xvho stayed to the
end of tbo third round , when Corbott's man
ager , William Muldoou , very seriously an
nounced that Corbott had fulfilled his Inten
tions , viz. to stop three mon within nine
Long bafora the hour sot for tha enter
tainment the garden xvns croxvdca. There
xvore nt least 15,000 people present when at
8:15 : o'clock the llrstpairof lighters were
Introduced. Among thn box occupants were
many monbcrs of llio Manhattan , New York
and Buckley uthlotlc clubs. Brokers , men-
nboul-toxvn , business men nnd members of
various professions xvoro present. Tl.o ring
xvnij n txvonty-four-foot ouo nnd the under
posts xvoro not pndacd.
Muldoon acted as master of ceremonies ,
timekeeper and general overseer. Corbolt
xvas seconded by .Htn Daly of Philadelphia.
Ho appeared smiling and conlldont and xvns
rounuly choered. Ills llrst opponent was
William Spllllngs nf Rochester , N. Y. The
gloves xvero xvelghco four ounces. At the
call ot lime Spllllugs looked somawbul
T'ltpd Txvo Very Ka.sllv.
Round 1 After a llttly wary feinting
Spllllngs led , touching Corbott's xvind. A
clinch folloxved during xvbicb Corbott slrucic
Spilllngs txvlcoin ttio face xvhich proceeding
xvas deservedly hissed. Whi'ii they broke
Corbott sprang at Spilllngs nnd knocked him
down wltli n right bander on the jaxv. Spll-
llngs arose ana xvas promptly knocked down
again. tCorhutt turned nnd walked
to bis corner t and SpUlmus leaped to his feet.
Ho jumped doxvn the stops from the ring
very lightly nud people xvero surprised xvbon
they found lhal II had been decided that
Spilllngs xvas knocked out.
It xvas apparent that ho had made no effort
to guard against the txvo bloxvs delivered by
Corbettnnd many in tlio crowd thought it n
fake and said so In loud loncs.
Bob CnlTroy of Philadelphia xvas Cot-bell's
next opponent. Tlioro xvas some sparring
ana CatVroy touched Corbott's noso. ( Juick
ns lightnlnu Corbott struck C.illrey xvlth his
right behind the oar and then delivered txvo
bloxvs , one on each side of the faco. Calfroy
dropped on his hands and knees and stayed
in that position for ton seconds , ilurinu
xv hi oh time ho glanced around to see what
effect it produced on thn audience.
Ho xvns declared Knocked out and he liko-
xviso leaped xvith agility to his feet and left
the ring. There xvoro loud hisses from every
pan of the garden and moro outspoken
charges of fako.
I.nniion Wasn't rued.
When .Too Lannon of Boston came in to
face Corbott the people yelled "No faking ,
no tricks , give it to him , Joe , " By direction
of Police Captain Raitly the gloves xvere
changed for others weighing flvo ounces.
Round 1 Corbott came up smiling and
Lannon watched him closely. Lannon did
most of the loading , but the first good bloxv
xvas struck by Corbott xvlth his right on
Lannon's oar. Several clinches folloxved
and then Lannon received a left bander full
in the faco. Lannon guarded xvcll and fre
quently recoix'cd applause for his work.
Another clinch followed anu Corbett slrucic
short ! Again they clinched nnd Corbott
railed to put in a tolling bloxv. At the end
-of < the > round. Corbett xvas fresh , while Lan
non xvas xvlndod.
Round " Both came up sprightly nnd
Lannon led , falling short. Ho led again and
a clinch folloxved. Corbott then landed n hot
ono with bis loft on Lnnnon's face , xvbicb
droxv olood. Another clinch folloxved aud
Lannon landed on Corbott's xvind nnd
succeeded in getting xvell axvay.
After another clinch Corbett got in
again on Lannon's ' face and swung xvith
bis rlsht for Lannon's oar , but missed. Lan
non then did a little loading and landed once
moro on < orbott's face after xvhich they
clinched. Give nud take bloxvs then fol
lowed Lannon lauding lightly on Corbott's
face. Corbett irled several times to land his
right on Lannon's oar , but the latter's guard
xvus too secure.
Couldn't Knock Him Out.
Round 3 After considerable feinting Cor-
botl led and the txvo clinched. Breaking
nxvay near the ropes Corbett struck Lannou
against the ropes xvlth a bloxv in Iho faco.
Ho landed a second bloxv , xvhich Lannon re
turned. Then txvlco in quick succession
Cornell got in on Lannon's face and the lat
ter landed on Corbett's xvind. .lust nt this
limo Lannon lookoo1 rather groggy , but ho
guarded well and kept Cot-boll's right bund
idle. Ho received nnolhor on Iho jaw and
then n clinch folloxx-ed. Breaking axvay Cor-
belt struck Lannon txvlco in the face ana iu
return the Boslon boy landed ono on Cor
bolt's wind.
Time xvas called as Corbott xvas forcing the
fight. Loud anpluuso folloxved the conclusion
ot the bout. The croxvd surged forward and
gathered about tbo ring xvhilu , though Lun-
non did not oven pretend to bo knocked out ,
Muldoon declared that Corbotl had succeeded
in doing what ho hud sot out to do.
The promoters of the affair xvill probably
clear on their venture something like $10,001) ) .
ll'/A/j JIK < 11VEX VI' .
Moxlriin MimlcrerH Will l > Turned Over
to Thiilr ( iiivt'i'iiiuriit.
SANT . FK , N. M. , Fob. 10. The case of in-
tornallonnl Import pending buforo the United
Slates court nt Las Cruc-os for Iho past three
weeks and Involving the oxlradition of Rctnljio
Sainz Mondosn and SUlos , charged by the
Mexican authorities with leading Iho mob
that murdered Mayor Anchlla nnd two ' others
ut Ascension , Mexico , lust month , was con
cluded this afternoon , Judge McKlo onlcn ,
llio discharge of Sain/ and holds Mondosa
mid Sillos for extradition in compliance xvlth
the request of thu Mexican authorities.
lllrlilorlilii of ( iild OliibM' Coiixi-nllon.
Dxviour , 111. , Fob , 10. At the ran volition
of Blchlordo of Gold clues today resolutions
were adopted expressing confidence In the
treatment and respect , for the discoverer ,
Dr. Kecloy , and enunciating the bpllof thai
' . ) . " ) par cent of the patients iretUod havn been
cured , The Banner of Gold of Chicago xvas
made tbo official organ , and Rev. H. W.
Davis of Charleston , III. , xvas endorsed as
club lecturer ,
Morn Typhus Knvrr Vlclliim.
NKXV Yoitir , Fob. 1(5.- ( Two Italians , sup
posed to bo suffering from typhus fox'or , xvoro
brought here last night from Trenton , N. J. ,
and are now under observation by thu health
authorities , Twoailditonal ! cases worn reported
ported herd today. Total numoer of cases
detained , eighty-six. , N. Y. , Fob. 10. Them are Jlvo
coes ot typhus foyer In Velatio , Columbia
county , In the family of a Russian Hebraxv
The village Is xvlld xvlth oxoltamunt. Tbo
stricken family came over on the slimmer
Massllla. Workmen In n cotton mill have
been nxpascil , toonor ! with flvo other Uiis-
lnn families
Pint uifl.rim , Pa. , Fob. 10. Health oflh
cors .stated this morning that thov have
located fourteen of the thlrly-tivo emigrants
from the fever Infected .stcnme. " MvsMlla In
the llnllan quarto N , hut discovered no uvl-
dcneo of typhus among thoni.
Cult uic'i. 111. , Fob. H ) . After n r.ircful In
spection by thp pity hoiilth nuthuritlos , the
following statement wis given oili
"There is no typhu fever In Chicago.
The deportment Is watching nnssetipors of
the MasslIU closely. "
Killed Illmvir ,
SHUT , Colo. , Fob , 1(1. ( Charles McKlnnoy ,
brother of the stntlon uifont here , killed him
self with n Winchester last night. Ho wni
n c.trrlngo pnlutorby trndo. Contlnuod ill
ness Is thought to liavo cuinot the act.
lliiiiiplir .v .Mn.vnlliiu : Sulil In lip nn ; \ Still
Hunt fur t tut I'liivc.
Htimphroy > loynlhnn of Chicago Is In the
city. Mr. Moynlhnn was formerly manager
of the Omaha Dotcllvo agency nnd was atone
ono tlmo an nsplraut for thu position of chlot
of police Ho has boon running a saloon In
Chicago for several jcars.
The presence of Mr. Moynlhan in the city
at this tlmo has given rise to the report that
ho is again seeking it place nt tbo of the
Omaha police force , ns a result of rumored
changes to bo made by Governor Boyd In
the Board of Fire nnd Police Commissioners.
Friends of Mr. Moynlhtn ovldontlv have
faith in the report. In foot thny give It out
as settled that Governor Boyd lm docldod
to completely rcorgnnlro the Flro nnd Polloo
Board , appointing four now men who will
tnvor Mr. Moynlhan for chief of police.
Section 17 of the city flint-tor , however ,
throws n wet blanket on the hopes of Mr.
Moynilmn nnd his friends. The sec-
lion provides that the mayor nnd
council shall have power to create any oftloo
or employ any agent they may doom' neces
sary for tno' ' proper government nnd
best. interests of the olty. The
Important provision , however , is made that
"all such ngonts , ollloori and servants em
ployed or appointed under this net so far ns
practlcablo must bo qualified voters of the
city. "
riic ut
Coi.t-Miifff , Nob. , Fob. 17. [ Special Tolo-
cram to Tin : UCB. | A Dro started in some
unknown way this morning t S o'clock In
the house of titis Wliidrisch. The members
of the family were all out except a small
babe , but the bla/o was fortunately discov
ered soon enough to suvu the child and ex
tinguish the tiro.
The Dalnmlcr trial K still In prozrcss nt
Tbo I'nltod States steamer i'riinulseo
xvlll fi m IHogo. Cat. , for Honolulu.
Thu main building of the Insane nsylniu nt.
.liicksiin. MI-.S. , has lioiMi liiiriifd. Hut one of
tlioiiJJ Inmuii's perlshnd.
SamnnlT. Wilson him been scntonced In he
luiiiii'd Muroh IS iio\t for Hie murder of his
mistress In St. I < ouls In tin ) fall of ! ! ) .
Henry A. Hcclniond , living no.'ir ( inthrlo ,
OKI. , hii-i leun ) clmnti'd w Mi ini'est bv hN ! . " -
vuiir-old dauglilur. A mul ) has trlod to lynch
Tin- Chicago Ulalno clut ) will ntti'iul tbo
Minneapolis convention piuparud to push the
elnltiHuf tlie Maine state-small fora presiden
tial nomination.
The null tu restrain the public printer of
lumtnck from printing tli now constitution ,
has beun durldod analiist the portion askln ; ;
for the restraining order.
The McHnery ilomocr.its niu In session nt
Now Orients , l.i , . and II Is Iliounht a conipro-
inlsn vtlh hu cirrctud xxlth the other deino-
urntlu faction of Louisiana.
This rok's li'iiriniTs Koviaxv will suy ; Win
ter wheat has not yet passed the critic il state
and tin ) next few weeks may make consider
able cli.ur.'o Jn the situation.
TlioKiinunl elections forcnunclliuun , aldrr-
nicii and sL-liotil ( I Ircetors. held In PlMsbnig
nnd Allezln > ny. I'i. . icsulti' ! ! In it sueunlns
victory fort IIP regular republican candidates.
( Ji'oi-Ko Jy.inir. tibliixrliiuiiniwi-rut t'allstiiita1
Cal. . has Ui-oii nrrosted for conloiupt of coin t
In attempt 111 : to lirlbo a witness In u ciiso non
licndln axuln-U lilm for violation of I hi ! rev
enue laus.
In tbo Curl Is murder trial at Sun Kr.inclsco
tliri-o wllni-ssosliavu testllled tlMt I'ollcninaii
Onint wasstru jllcixvllli two mnii nlion lie
was Ml cd , and that CitrlN did not flru the
fatal shot
KiiKL'no II'ond. . until roucntlv llio aRont of
the Alin.i Milling company of Itnll'-ilo couiily.
Wisconsin , Is chursi'il wltli eiiiliux/lomant of
J , " > , tou of tin ) company's fundH. lie Is pjoml-
ncnt In society.
The convention of bichloride of gold clnhi ,
In session ut Dtviglit. III. . Imvo Invltivl oliiri'v-
mun and religious nnd philanthropic soclolics
lix-oopuarte xvlth thuin In tliu work of leform-
In ; drunkard .
Tlin st.ilo drmocrallc coiiunlllcii derided
upon March il as Ihu time and M. I'anl : is tliu
place for ho dint : the Mlinu-sot.i ( ! oiuoi < r.ile
onvi'iitlon to mimlnttto ilok ? iites to the
L'lilea-'o convRiitlr ) ) ) .
Kiyiuonrt : ind James IHillry. ox-
city olliululs of Denser , have beuu itrraUnuil
on tlio ulmr.'o of raisins city warrnnts Thu
trial promises lo be n sens ulonitl unu n nil to
Implicate many prominent Denver people In
the steal , which Ins lieon jrolni ; on fur years.
Tint joint conference ot WorldV fair com
mit tves lias aKicrd that thu national coin-
mission is lo control all thu matters of lians-
portatlon , but leaveIhu unrV lo bu ilono by
persons appointed liy the dlroctoi-v wltli the
approval of the dliuclor mineral nnd Iho
national commluce on tarilT and transoorta-
The famous llurluy Iron i\eliiingo : li.inlc
robbery easi * Is aguln ittli-.ietlng all tlieitttun-
Uon of cltl/ciis of that scutlon. Tim case now
being t'lud Is that of I ) . W. who was
before found guilt v of grand laictioy ami .sen
tenced to live years at Wiiupun. but who
lately secured a new trial on the grourd of
erioneons admlsilon of evident' ) .
All ( hi * cut mill munufauturcrs of Canada
liavu : tilOttil | n uniform canl list of extras
and luivo adviinced prices sllahtly.
It U leixnli'il thai the Canadian govern
ment u III order thu InsDuellon of Aniurle-in
perU In transit thr.null lhaL country fur lai-
rupean inarUuts.
Thi < oiuetlon N In progress In Japan ,
anil reports fiom Iheie say that till ) cleetlnn
Is u prolllle.soiiK'oof ( llsturlain-u. t luting and
lUhtlng liDlni ; common In every dUlrlel.
liivesllmttlnns by llrlttsli consuls In I'rair'd
show thai , the Dude of Hint counlrv has
linvuly ilecioasod with It Hie past vuar , nnd
the Mi-Klnley act IsIveii by them as thu
source lot siu-h dccn-aso
As a pinlesl against the Imposition of a fuel
tax , the Inlmbltants of I'olen/a , a fo tilled
ton non the easlmn clccllvlly of I lie Apinin
ii'tios , Italy. Inviuli'il the town hall In u body
.Hid sacUau tbo building.
It's { tttJTretivf , I'Kivpt for the
monmit/ the ordinary pill , Il -
: cause it iij'sati jour whole inU > r-
unl pcoii'jin ? , yo-i needn't think
it's ( lolu ; { you good. It only
hliocks mill xxetikans your KVMMII.
Toke wniotMtig ( hut's ( letter.
Or , 1'iiTCoa rcaRiit : IVllcts do
gfjod that It-flu. They nyvlnt *
( hi Hysloin , us wll n.s clcmi'o mid
reiiorntn it ; mildly nnd uently ,
but tlioroughly nnd ell' 'lively-
no gripbiK , \Ioleucn. . Thi'y'rti '
tb'j tiiiallast nnd tliu itisicst to
take , puivly vigrluble , t > orfei'tly
luinnliw , mill tsij l't liver piU
lover kn.jivn. Oily ono Illtlo
Rl'ellct for n laxutix'etbiw for
, \a \ ratlai-tle. f > ! rk or HiHous
Mloudjchit , Cou-rtljiiition , Tiidigni-
f tion , liill'Hij AttJi. Vs , ail' ! till do-
' runjjwiiontsof lh ( > llx-ir , [ tom.'n.h
and Idj.vcU jxro j < iv 7iittsl , r <
lloveil and < mv < l ,
. Thoy'ixj tlio chfiiiifit ] iHU you
ijcan | buy , for ( hcy'p gi'iiianlrfd
H to jix'o halls fcrt ion , nr year
rnicnioy h rcttirnal. Yon ) uy
| only for tliu i w.J jon jet.
Can you usk better in-oof of tit
uuper/ority of tliCwt lii
1 S
Lr t. VmU.t slid Flrtit In the Wurll ,
! T seUK r ( c < Hi iil llonjui'i.'wH < H ) .
\t7CTf Hixturday ,
At rcBulnr Interrnt * .
mtu > iinli > Tii > l loruutj unil fnini Ilin | irlncl | > lo
DSOTCII , raauan. IBIJS AL : , csirrntivtTAi , rcmia-
hzc'i 4lun if it araltiiltU t-i r < turn 'if ' rllht-r lln i liv
UHilrJJi.Niuin | < ImUnil'ir Nn | > ViMikitlirlur )
ul U i7 Mm ta in icwl it I rant Eitii ,
Auvli til nnr i > ' our I'irjil AKen
llio Ctlppn UcHoiiRll | > lo for Moro
I > nn1lis nfiri * llccovt ry Itinn Durlnil T ,
Us Coins' . How to Avoid thn Dun
ne r.
"rlppp. In IHolf. It ( mil cn iiRti. dohllltatlnft '
enough , liitlt N th nficreJecU. llio slowncM
nf recovery Unit clvo It Its tfrout dmiRcr. In
liioHuiisus tlio poiii > did nut liiivosnfltclent
vlttllty to wily nficr tlio dlsonvj Itself hud
p.isjfd. The forctM of nntiini xxero ton wcnk
tiirimtcml xTllh thodoblllty which Ihn tlrlppe
hint left.
It It s-xd to think Mow mnnv tiooplo liava
dlod xxho might ! ) ivoliiMMi suxcd If natiiru hud
been properly nsslMoil mul fortified after tha
Uriipn | had heon driven ffdin the fystutt
Mliny physicians roiill/ud tills fact , mid ns.
slutod Iholr patients ever the dan nnina nftui
oltccta by bracing up and stliiiiiliitliu tholi
a ) stems. Tlili xvns , and unu bu do no In but
ono XMIV. and Hint Is by the steady nnd n oil *
eratonsoof soinn pure yet powerful Mlimi
liint. There la lint ono nlmolululy tinro and
miMltclnal Httiiiulnnt Known to the ptofossloi
and to HID public , and that U Duffy's Pun
Mnlthlshuy , The most prominent sclontlnti
nun pliyslelnnsof the land ondorin HH purllj
nnd value. U IH not a no.v xvhlskuy , it Inu
been nefore the piihlto for years , U Is not I
elicixp decoction , hut n pure dlslllliitlon. Il
Iniinrts u tone to llio .system possible In in
other iiianner nnd en nils the blood conrslni
UiroiiKh tbo veins with rcnowed viuor. It b
Hiitiorlnr In every loMmel nnd l.owcveimlict
iniHorniHiloiis ( Irnt-xMtor ro ermuyseok
to lead you to bellevi ) to the contrary do nut
bodocinvod , 4
There Is ease for those far
gone in consumption not
recovery ease.
There is cure for those not
far gone.
There is prevention bet
ter than cure for those who
are threatened.
Let us send you a book on
Emulsion of cod-liver oil ,
even if you are only a little
ScoiT&llowmi ! , Chemists , 131 Somh 51)1 ) Avrniie ,
New York.
Your druggist keep * . Scon's l-jnuhion ofcoiMiver
oil all UrugB l > everywhere do. ( i.
"SANATIVO , " Ilia
Wonderful xpnnhli
llriniily , la wlilnltli a
Written Qunrantoo
tn euro nil Ncivuu.i Illi-
( ixscs. putli as XX'rak
Jli'inory , Ixwi iif Ilraln
1'uxvcr , Ilcndaclic ,
XX'aKi'fullieiUi , I.uHtMnn.
BltuilF , nil ( I nil in'nnj
\nn \ o ( pon'rr f ttio
OencrnllM ] Oiitnus In
cltlicr ecx , caiiiod ny
iitiM-rxtitiMii , .iniilliful liiillitcrclloiiinr llio cxrciiho
I9 < 'nf liili.'U'lO.tphiin , 01 itlliiiiilutiti , nlilcli liltlintttely
teiul In Inllrtnlty. ( 'iilisuin | > tliin nlul IilMinlU 1'lit lip
llicixitrnlpiit fdrni In cnrrr In HicXi < l pm ki-t. Pllco
Jl a iniiltiijii1 , or ( i fur $ > . Xvltli e iiy { 'inntci neil\m
written ( ninrnnloo to cum or refund the
nionojr. front tiy nt.'ill In anv julttrrsf. ( . 'iuulnr ficn
In plain ciivfliipe .Xlcnltun tills p.tper. Aildirs.1 ! ,
MADRID CHEMICAL CO. llrnncli Oiilct ; fur I ! , a. A.
SM Iifiirlintn strcst , CIIICAOO , IF.U
Knhn & Co. , Co.r IStll & Douglas Bt .
J .A Fuller ib Co. , Cir. 14th Sc DciiKUaSta.
A D Tester A Co. , Council Uluds. Iu.
'Illroc Mtliti mill hntiinlay .Mullnoi' , lluvliiiilni ;
Thursday , Feb. (8th. (
Auerlo.1.Kurorlli * , tliu Inlinltablu CoraedlBnno ,
Maggie iitcliell
In : i new play , written nxiinH9lr lor liur. l > y O. T.
lA/iV. : unllllotl ,
The Little Maverick.
riuli-r tin * iiLiiiueiiiviil. uf Mil. CI1 AS. A1IUU1T.
l'rlii" < : i n-iiut.
ParnaiD St. Theater i'oi'ur\it
. I'ItK'1'.S
Every Night This Week.
In li ! Niixv Kiivhinl Coiuoil > .
Siiintt"cl | | IIJT ii Htroni : uniiipHny , Incliiillni ; MI& )
TIIDJA lilll&XVOI.I ) . .Mntlncu b.ilunlny ,
Monday Evrng. Feb. 22.
I'lircwoll Ainioarjnci ) In tliN O ty of
llio Dlicetlon of MOSSM. llciu-y M
Abbey nn I M iiiilco Ui-nii , 1'ii'soiitlii ! ;
Dniinu In 1'lso Acts ami Slv Tiibloiiiix , by
Tliuonlu uMnnit'J | : o'clock 'I hnrvlnr miirnln. ,
I 111 ! llO..fillll. .Mill
Worlrt'rt ciianip'on ' ' I'uli , 'I. ( HARRISON
Hnniliiy .Xlullinc > , hilinliiy NlKlit. .Xtiiinliiy Nluht , In
Iuii'n II. Ilnrrljon's Hi.c < 'i. ' rnl ciunnjy Druuiu
Tiii ilay NlKlil XVL-ilnoKiliiy Mitlnuo , -ilnoiiluy
Nlvlit. Tlmlr l.iituiilllrcnl Mirre s ,
ltID LsN MUS IA b\ .
THK I , > LIIN ! ; or UA.NUIIHS.
Ajipc.u's at I ! , i , 8 , ! ) anil 10 d'tlne
Krlilny Inillek xiiivuulr > ln > ; i ICVMII !
of Mr * . I ) H pri'nciitiHl to Iliii luil
lOc Admits to All'-
IIOVAIi > IA1I , hl'l < ; A.\tii.S : ! ,
K.ill nyiilnrlr ilnriiK lnler frirn
( iibln SCJninI niiwantt 'iT l i-ttilu. t.'i
til Ion ralui N'uni.jc I
NUIT Vork ami ( llnik'ow forlul.-htlr
Cnblalln. HtHMn'l CatiluHX ! Uour < 'l IU. Apply
tu ALLAN , i t'O.i'lilcini ) II , K. JI ) J l.U U'
Tlrkol omoei XX' . I" VAIIiiliirlliutJ'i I'l.'d