TITE OMAHA DAILY HKK : WMDNESPAY. FEIWUAKY K. NOTICES. AIViilTI : KMKNT8 FOH TIIK9F. COLUMNS nlllbetnVonnntll H TO p m . for thn ovcnlnir unrt nnlllS.nu p. m , , for the morning or Pumlnjr edl- \ tlon. \ All nilvrrfltpmenl * . In tlirim column * . 15 conUv n linn nut Insertion , nnd 10 rrnt * n line thorrnftpr , or f J | > i r linn rcr month , No advertisement tnkcn for Iff * limn t > rent * for the tlrsl lni prtlon Tpnn , cn.n In ndvnnco. t'ounl lionl7 words lo llio line Inl llnls , flmirp" , ) nil > ol , plr. , pf.cn count ni n word AIT hilvortlcmpnt mu t run conKcrullvplf. Advcr Ilirr * . tir mini Mine fi nnmbi'tpil ctioik , r n hnvo their IcItoM nc1lto' p < l to n nunihcrcil lotlcr In cnrn of'I II Mil r Atuwpm co ndilrmicd will I'O dcllv rn-cl on propntKtlon of the clirck TMtAMII OKKIt'KSADVKll'rilNO 4 'coliinnn will Ixt tnkrn on tlm nlxite comtltloni nt the follonlnn liiinlnonn IIOIIKCK who nrn nullinr- Ifrdto tnkn rpoclitt iiotlronnl ( ho fiitno rntcs m tnn I/O hint nt the ninln nlllio : fmith Oinnlin llrnncli Onicn-\o 2 < O3 N elrort Hnlcr Mork .liilin W llPll.phnrmiKlnt , Illli nnd Mnnon utrocU" , K.II Knrinwurlli.lihnniinclfl.2lir > Cuinlne otrout. W J llinlir , ) iliBrnincl ti l N. Pith Uri-cl. < K ! < nttcrncld , plinroinclftt , 1TI8 lnronnorth Itrr-ft. Illiohc ' plmrmnfy. 8 < th nnd Fnrnmn SITUATIONS WANTED. HATKS-1.V ! n line nr t limn n < 1 lOonllnn tlicrc- flor NondTortltPinQnt tnkcn for Ui thnn 2. > c. " ViWiriON 'AH ' HTKNOllYlA'llHH AND TVl'K' writer liy yonnu Indr ; Z yrnr cipcrlonw ! rco- oinnipndMlonn AddrcusOSU , llco. 477 1C * _ KM'KHliN'KI : ( ) HAKI'.U WANTS A SIT II- A ntlon Well up tn rcatnurnnt liu Ino llritt of rcfcrcnics. Addrcn J O. A. llox .M , Contrnl Cltr. Iscb 426 K * A WANTl'.l ) . POSITION AS PTKNOOHAP il K U nnd typewriter br jonnu. Ivlr , ] tcforcnrp . Ail- rirnnnO SI , Her. 420 10 * WAHTED..MALE HELP. _ _ ltATiS-Ko : n line tlMt tlmo nnil 100 n line thorp- utlur. .No nilviTllncMH'iit InVfii for less tlianZ.'io. " 1VANTKlH AI.KSM KS .S AlA ltvoico M J'mlMlon tn linndlo the new pntcnt cliomlcnl Ink crn > IHK puirll. 'I lie tirmti'Kt nclllliK noritlt ) ever piodtKril ; crnpm Ink tliDniuiilf In tno ncrnnils. in ) ntirnntnn of paper ; vra to tilt per rent priitlt ; one cnt'Bi > nleiinmoiintrd tn ( iCUIn olx dn > K , nnothor filt tn two limits. We nnnt otic ginunil nuentla CHCI | cliiti ! nnil ti'rrltor ) 1 or tiTinn nnd full | mr- llciilnr ndilt < > 99 Monroe KniMT.Mfn Co , l.nL'roxv , \ \ l \ Wlj _ 7SI TOl'l rU NVAC8KIMHAIiAUY ( I'Altl WKKKI.V J'SlPKCr HowlliK iimeldnu oltlco 1510 DoUKlns st , ( Jl m ) - WANTKI ) , Flllfa'l t'LAM MACHINIST > llnvl \ Cowclll. 175 1AH1'.NT8. . MINKIIAIi I.AM1' WI''KS Nl'.Vnil J'burn out ; no ninokp , no pool , no trimming ; llk'bt rqual to KO.I ; : < nnnipliB lUc , RSMirtinl dort'n S.'c T Stn > ncr A Co. , Providence , U I. .MIM. 18' "I ) SOLICITOUS Kill A 1IAHIIWAHK SI'i- : J'olnlty of mc'rlt I'rofltn gnod llxporlouco not liKcf.inrj Cnll on W A. I.ounn , ltoom.1 , llti hmnn blk MJiht IS' BA COMl'KTK.ST MAN WITH KKt CIIKNCKH .ind rxpertcnco ax n nollcltor for tiulldlng nnd loan or Illo limurnnco rompan ) < an pcouronpi-r ninni'nt und prolHuhlu tonnectton bycdllngnt 141 11H > bullillnif , 1 tonp in .M207 Ib * "i > cniCAT HAM : or sTANDAtti ) 11111:0 : Titer J'tlnx nlnllloim , ioll nud Illllc * , nil niti'K , thn Kct of tlio lelebrntid trotting Btulllon , Iowa Miimbrlno ZfvS ulroof Clmrlo ) lllckii , 4-ear old reuird t K i , nlxo Htnndaril lireil nnd Ktiindan ! pruduclng maru In foal to Miimlnnl bred hor-cs ; nl o a lot of hcav } farm geldlni : nud miiren tofi'thi'r with n lot of liu ported anil rrKlntiTiMl ( iallonny runn hiillx and srndoH sale near Knrlhiun on Hock Island H It 118 miles vnktiif LoiilK.ll Illulls , l-ib SO 15 nionlhs' tlmo Mill MitlnfiiLtor ) niuilty John W ( ilvlu. T > WANTKI ) . TltAVICl.tNC SAl.KsMKNTOSKI.L J 'linking powder to the rctnll grocery trmlo Wo put nurgoods up In gla < rolling plnn. til ) month nnhny and expenses or commission Wo want nun who nri'non on the nnd to carry no n nlilo line Coed opportunity lor olnrKH nml ollioni who want to get on the road \\rllo for pnrtltuhirs rend ntanip Ohlciik-o Unking I'omler Co . 7li" Van Iluien struct , tlikngo. Ill JO * -l'OHTKAlT AHTISTd WA.N'I F.I ) 1O C.1VK J > our electric light prims a trial Kxcelslor 1'or trail Co , Ware blockOinalm M.WI MI3 T > WANTti : ) . MOUK bAl.HSMKN , (1OO1) TKUUI , 4'tory not taken In western lo n and Ncbrnnkn- r'alesiuen ' lit workjcportf.'i to HO n day profit Ad dtexi. with stamp , J. A. West & Co , Jewell , In > WANTKU , TWO COAT MAKKIIS AT ONTi : . > ( ! . A. ( iolT , Allnntlc , In. MI1B 18 T > -WANTKI ) . 3 COOI ) MEN TO THAVEL ON J 'commission In .Nebraska. lown nnd Minnesota , for n InriH ) eastern steve manufacturer Ad- rircti * .1 A. box 11 , Cameron , Neb. 424 Id * O-WAM'El ) , MEN TO TltAVT-L FOK OI'll JJCnnniln nuraerles. Stouo A WellliiKton , Madl roil , WIs. -TU.Vin.I.SO ALiiMEN : TO SELL MAKING J'pouilertii tbo retail grocery trade , men uc- iliinlnled with illffiront ncttlonn of the country. A coed sldu line , also vood opportunity lor clcrkn or nny live men who wnnt to uo on the load ; i-tporl rnce not nbHlnlul ( ) nccpNiur } . Wo moan buslnesi. U ( i tbo rlkht men liberal contracts VTllI be rando and nil nil ) workulven ; o pur not less than $75 month piilnrj anil expoimes or JO per cent commU'lon Adilress. vtlth ntnmp , U. s Chemical Works , 840 and b4J Vim lliiren etrect , ClilriiKO , III. M44i 17 * BJITOJlfi A IATO AGENTS SELLING Ol'H ' I'urfectlon Hhoo ( recentl ) patented ) , also the Uulor ) ndjimtnblo llOe , direct to tlio consumer ; prollt from 7.p > c to FV25 n pair. No toiupctltlon : pvorj Inily n posslbla customer this spring , bet lire your territory at once. Aildrcsi with - ' cent stamp , ( oiuolldaled Adjustable Shoo Co. I.Jim , Mass SI414 17 * } WANTi3i . ANEMMHIENCII : ; ) iiiiv coons 4 N ilesmnti that can speak Gorman preforriut ; jniiBt bo n ( tend salesman and not nfrald of work , o Inn ncid not npil > A I reference reiiulrid fiom last employer Apply perfionally , If piistblu , t T U Davlos&CO , Yolk , Nib. JUI'i III * 1 > \NTJCD-MKN OK WOMEN WISHING 'JO Jl' Invest or set u position In Chicago , scud ntnmp lo llii lnc'fH Men'it llurcan of Intormatlon , ll'i ) Hntliorn street , ChtcaKO , 111 M4II17 * n Aiti : MtJ A CATiULicr AUE voir UNIM : J'plosed ? VVIII ) on vorkfnrl8)0 ( ) per week * Wrlto no ut once J H. Cay.lUI Mudlsoii street , Chicago , { II M44I1 17 * q > I WANT'IWO IIOYh AllOl'P 14 YL'AHS OP 4XiKO lo nork on a ilnir ) fnrin nuiir ( iriiml Inland UmrluH W Mivlilco , Lvavenuorlh nnd Sltli avpniio _ _ _ M4JJ ; 18 * _ 'i ' ) II.M'HIIIKNCKI ) 8ALfHMAN WANTHI ) IN Jinc-rcbnnt tntlorliiK C'btnblliiliiiiuiit. Addri-ait OZ1 , llco Ml 11-19 " | > WANTlID-llOVlNSroilK CALL IIKTWKKN 4 > J unit 10 n m. IbOi. bt. Jlnry B itvcnno , MKIi ; * WANTED--FEMALE HELP. 1IA1 ES 15e n line first tlmo and lOo n line thcro after No ndvertliement taken for less than 2So /-1-A COOI ) HALAHV CliAItAM'KKI ) 1O ANY V Inrtjr who will do nrlllnw for mo nt homo Ad ilu'ps In own lintutttrltlnK wllli nddrcmcd nnd fitmupcd cnvolopc. Ml * ti I dun Ij. hiurlho , houth Jkncl lud , proprlitoi of the fuinoliB ( Jlorlu Wntur aiUW PJ5 * COMl'KI'HNT ( illll , I Oil ( ilCNICIIAI. HOtMi : oilt liil/J bhcrumn avc'nuo M13\ \ C WANTUI ) . A fOMI-K'l K.N-i' ( JIULToll ( JIIN prill hoiit-uHork "Uht I'opi.h'lon ave. ,112 WANTKI ) , Ulllh ATMUIS wiTilSTlill SJ'ius j ius _ _ rt-\\AM'ii : ) , voi MJ ( inn , Aiiour is urn V- Unlit homework In Kiunll family. Apply 1110 H llth t OHQ | * C"WANTIID - COMl'hTK.NT NUIlhi : . ( illtL Oil \\unnill Cidlnl Si.71'iilirurnliiH ) Mil : . C" ( . ' ( ) O < ! 1HL KU ) ( IKNHIUI , IKlUrfKWOItK Apply ni J. A. JoliiiKin , ysl Cnpltnl BVO 417 C WAN1'I5 . A YOIINI ! ( Illll , TO ASSIST IN light Kocoml work. 200.4 hi. Mur'B avo. 4IU la * C-\VANTIi ) . fiiiu , i < ou CKNKUAL noiisi : work. 81T f. lUlh 1. 43(1 18 ' WANTKI ) , A (10OI ) COOK AT 2418 DOIK1K hi I I'd. .MJS IV -WANTED. AN EXI'EIIIE.NfEl ) WOMAN 'IO c < ioU nt tlrnt class tioardlntf house ] liberal wnpps toilk'ht pornon : leforeiues required. Imiiilr Pouth l1tliBtroct,6toip. m MII7 U * " C tilltl. ' 10 AbhI.sT"wUH IIOUSEWOHK AND me of children. Call at once 2110 S lltlmtrt-et. . M t i. ! U FOR RENT-HOUSES. JIAIEd-i.V a line tlrsl time and lOo a line there- nftor J > y ndverll'emenHnken for let' than 25c . . . . K , flllto US ! lllCHTUITS c-ncu il t In cllr. Mend lov't Co , 4IJ lloo hiIK ( Ul HUNT , 110USK 10 HOOMS , ALL MOD prn liiiprovcnicnlii , ffl per month ; Ku ; unit Hur. pain lloxler l 'lhoniu ; . < ( > -NKW BIIOOM COTTAHKH. MODKIIN | lf piovLMiieuli"htnnford Clrclo. " Applyil 8 T , room 4 , N. V. Ufo nulldlnit. TJJ \ li-BOOM I10U8H. ITTII AND DAVMNPOIIT , 'ull ronvculcnrci , i:3X ( ) per month. K , K liar- llnirJlnrkor block. 7 , > u LAHOK7.1BT. OEO. J , PAUL. 1C05 FA UN AM \-UUIXIM HOIJSK. MODICUN IMl'llOVKMKNTS , 'Vfyfi , Will ave. It. Kultih , tallur , ZII.V , lull \rt - 1'l.ATBIT1I AND WITHOUT hTE\M lit at , InilldliiKs , stbres , OwcllliiKs anil cottaM's nil n rts of the city , Kelkvnncy A Co. , Conll k. _ Mllil21 UKNT , THIS 10-HOoM HOUSK 2107 i > t. Inquire HKuK , 1IITJ Duuulas tl ' _ , _ _ _ YIIOUSK SITUATE AT TUB N011T1IKAST JA-or. 17lli aud Davenport st Inqulro 1'utrlck tlru. . . mom y. I5ia DodKu st. _ Jill 17 * MtOOM rOTTAOK. t t tj , ilBVHT. m 10 * V.-HM IlKNT-illOOM H.AT WITH BTKAM 'lint , Wl H. 16th > t. Inijiitro of Iho ouglncvr D IHIOOM 1IOUDK. 1101 H. IOTH BT.t ALL CON- venlenccs. U , S. Eluutter , 4 N , Y. Ufe tiulldltix. L _ _ ln-14 HOOM HOUSE I'AHTLY FuTlNISMKI ) , ALL . /modern conveniences HI 8. lllb si. II. u. CUrk ICe , 1 > I lltrnuy t. MJol 20 Tv-.MOUElltrHOUbKrL.AHaE , NO UABK - 4/uieiit , Sroouii ; partly ( urnUbod. Addr uO25 , JJco. U411 1 * FORJtENT-.FURNISUED ROOMS. UATK9 I So linn nrst tlmo nnd lOc llnft thnro- after. No advertisement taken for IOM thnn 2t , Ft7iNisirEi ) . 'STEAM HKATBD"FHONV jroomifor Rcntlcmnn 1817 lavenworth street bath , etc. tSOS 20 * FHOXT ItOOM WITH ALCOVE , 721 N 2IST. M4I4 17 * I ? 1-OH KENT , NICELY 1-UHNI8HEI ) , SECOND --'slory back room , suitable for slndo iicntleman , without board , 12-JS , 25th street. 2SS I/-KLKOAMLY FUHNISHED HOOMS HIIUIEN l tlcmon only ; all modern Improvements HIM Douglas st. 170M7 * -ELEGANTLY 1-UHN18IIED HOOMS AT 2t7 l : > Iodiro street. MKX'20 * l5NT , TO MAN AND WI1-E , HOOMS l-i w lib prl vale family , with or without table board ; lovely hoii.p , alt modern Improvement * ; no qupn tloni asked ; you wilt like It. Address ( T 15 , llcerlllco- ; 1 FUIINISIIED HOOMS , 2IOD DOUOLAS ST. M4I022 * I,1A VEHY HANDSOME SUITE OF HOOMS FOH 1-ircnt at tbo Mcrrlnm , 2.ith nnrl Dodxu Mllr > 2l * I , ' ' - rOll HENT , FUHNISHED ItOOMS 1811 I J llavenport street Mttl l * FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. If 1'LKASANT HOOM WITH I10AHI ) , 5UH 1 > OU ( | . "Ins 191 J L-ELK(1ANTLV FUIINISIIED HOOMS , BINOLK JL orcnsiillot nil modern conveniences ; tlrst class board. 818 South 2Mb street. M2HO L"-A ' SUITE OF HOOMS WH H OH WITHOUT L'board. HISSo. Itlth st. AO 21 * AND IIOAHD , 118 H 2VT11 St. l.'l in 15 * i : * DESIIIAIILE CENTHAL HOOMS , WITH -L IwnrdforS ; referencesoxchanued Add OP. ' , lice FOR RENT-UNFURNISHED ROOMS. HAT ES 15c n line tlrsl tlmo nnd lOo n line thereat , tor No ndvortlsetnenl taken for 1es than 23c , p HOOMH ANY NUMHEIl FHOM 1 TO 4 , IN ' -tlats , for houvkccplnit Prices uwny down (1. F Units , 311 I'nxton block. t'J.1 F23 G -4 tiNnntxisiini ) HOOVIS BUITAIII.K FOU honsokwpln . 17U2\Vcbiter direct. M160 G ItOOMS 51) I'LOOTI IN MOD crn hoiisu. Iteferences required. U)7 ) N suth st. ; ( JOOIU.NHIINIS11KI ) ! ) OUISIIIH ItOOMS IN number to i > ult at Wi S Uth strueL , room .1 G-.1 HOOMS I , WITH ci-osurs , ton > aplMKIIU. SIWJ Howard ! iU7 17 - ' ) UNFUHNIHTlKI ) KOOMl , all S I7th nt. he Gr ncen Jnckiton nud l.envennorth. . ] % ; ! HOARDING. HATKS 1'ion line tlrit tlmo nnd lOo n line Ihero- after. No ndvertlaomtnt taken for lens than 'Kic a 11-IMlT.l.MAN UOUSK. nin 1 > OIK ) , 1 Oil ( JOOI ) 1 1 board , nker roomi conveniences rate * itn I lo ntlon U uinnot bo excelled Mr Morn , proprietor FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES. ItATKb l.'io a line llrst tlmo nud llo ) a line there after f\u advurllscmuiil lalion for less than . ' * > c Jr 1113 JACKSON bi'iinr.T 72S I-roil UKNT , ' 11113 4 STOUVUKICK IIUII.DINO. lull ! rnrnain street Thu building ha1 * n tire proof cement bnxcmcnt ( omplcto steam heitliiK llMurei , v\nter on all the Moors , K'as , eto Apply lit tbo ofllcu of the lice ' . ' 13 I-FOU K13NT , & 10KB , lSl ( 11OWAIU ) . 701 -A TINi : 1.0CA110N Kill AGUOCKHYSlOIti : Cash trade Adclreis Nil , llco M'l7i ' .M5 FOR RENT-MISCELLANEOUS. HATKS I'M n line tlrst tlmo nnd lOo n lluo there nfter. J o advertisement taken for less than 2" > c. I-UAIUJKN TAUMSTO H13.NT. T. MUUUAV. > l ( M T-IOO ACUKS OF GOOD I.ANI ) L'MJtl'ltOVHI ) . t > ! t miles west of Omaha , to Icnio for n term of 5 soars Call ornrtdnss The Ortell Investment Co. , 10.11'enrl street. Council lllulTs , la M'Jii.'ai * WANTED TO RENT. 11ATK8 15c n line llrst tlmo and lOc n line thcro- nfter. No advertisement taken for Ice * thnn Joe. - ) - * UNHIUNI-IIKI ) UOOM8. 8 , OK R-WANTKI- lloor. In ROOI ! location liefer- cnces excliaiicod Aodresn OI8 lice J14U 17 * - . UNFL'IlM'SllKI ) HOOMS Oil COT K-1.OUH , nioilcm convcnhncct. , lentrnl location or near coed car line , by couple with no children Address O SJ , lite MIJWI- RENTAL AGENCIES. llATKb15c n line llrst tlmo anil I0o a lluo thereafter - after > 0 advertlcmcat taken for less than ? } c. HKNTAlj AIJKNCV ; I1AMC HKFEIIUNCKS -JK. C ( larvln A Co , 2 < H hhec-ly block 7 L-TO INbllllK QUICK llftNTl.VO. LIST WITH the Hxcluslvo llental Adcncy 1'arrotte , Doujln * block. STORAGE. HATKb-15cn line first tlmo mid IDcnllno thereat- lor No ndvHrllaenient tnkun for lesa thtin 2oc iYLlioiiro In the city. Wll'llaiua'A. Cross , 1214 llnnipr WANTED-TO BUY. HATf.S lie a line tlrst tlmo and lOo a linn thcrn- iiftcr. No advertisement taken for less than2."io. AT MmMTlIIlK KoUUlir , bOLD , bl'Olti : ! ) IN Wells , 1111 KBTiininjit iM _ AT WANT 131) . biCONI-IANI : ! ) FLAT TOP MT lilliiKdcsk AddiensNI. , lice. Mill V-CABlfi'Ali ) fOll 1HIY COWS 15. S. JKSTI3U , i > 1113 N ZOth live 4W K ! FOR SALE-FURNITURE. ItATKb ! ' n lluo tlrst time nnd lOe n line lucre after No advertisement tnkcn for less than 2ic -FOH SALi-THE : FUHNITUHB OF A sfv 0 roomtlat , ull new US Capitol ave M ,1W 17 * FOR SALE-HORSES , WAGONS , ETC. HA'I ES l.'iu u line first tlmo nnd lOc n line thereaf ter. .No ndvertUement taken for less than iu Phl'ALiriNGlTNTLlC Bl'VLlbli , Sl'EEDY I and well bred , for Knlo or trade for lid priilrlo land In lena or Nebraska Address M U , , Ike JUKI. ' . Ml * FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. Q FOUHAl'r. CIIEA1' , riN13 SET AI1STHACIS , lied Wlllon county. S 1 ! Smith , Indlunoln .Neb .M1TJ3U * - ritEbll MILCH COW 1-OH .SALE , CALF 5 Q-l dnyn old : prin' f''iOU Inipilro 1'alrlck llroi , Ioom 2. ISIIDoduust .ill 17 * A CiOOl ) PA INfS ISTOCK IN AN IMl'OHT Q nntiompaii ) for saliior oxthaiiKu for flty prop ert ) or irood farms Address C. E Mlllei. .iUi , lleo bullillnfe M4UVJ MISCELLANEOUS. K ATKSir.cn line tint tlmo nnd lOo line thnro- uflur Ao udvcrllsumcjil taken lor Ic-ss limn 2.Vx "Tr AffL'ToNiWOS'AIlI'LNTlIltH ( AN ? ) II bullUciti. All kinds Jobbing 414 to Itlh 'Icl IIT'J ; P.JM7 * HCLAlMbtOll8ALAIIIi : ( < .81'.UVITSWAUS : , etc , UKntuiit ( or.orations ( or ImtlvIduiils , bought nud ndv tinted on W. It. Dnvli.lt JU Coiillnc-utal blk .tn MIJ CLAIRVOYANTS. llATKh ISon line llrsl tlmo unit lOc a line limit nflvr No mlvvrtlneiupm taken for less thnn - ' . " > S- ATttlTvATKXTIlAUUiMNAHYl WONIKUKi7i < ri'velMlinn thulluiitfOH the world ilr . Dr M l-t-tfrnvt * , Uetd tmuct ) clnlrvo/nnt. uMroloulst , pnlinlst uud lift ) rondyr , tells your life Iroui tlio crudlo to crave , unites thu supnrutuU. cnuscs uiiir- rlaKOvrlth tha ona you luvoi U'lls wlioro you "III ( iicrvcd anil In lmt busliipsi best ndaplod for ; lins the coh'brnlcd Kxyptlnu brc'UHtpluto for luck ami | o dftitriiy bud Iulluenr- curi'x tin , Intompornnco and all inlvato complaints with maskSKU , butMs nnd ulconol truatmunl. honil f't lock of hulr , nnmo and dutu of birth und receive accurate Illo jliurt , Jccuu liiktaiups for circular , nlvu Initials of onu you will nmrry.i also iiholos of mmc onico 1007 r-outh llth Htreot , tlri > t tloor ; huur > , tia m to U p. m Comoone , c-omoall , and be convinced of ilili wonderful oracle. Mil. lil * D--MI18 NANNIK V WAHIIHN , L'LAIIIVOVANT , OicllabljbutlnossiupdluiilHflh jour , al lit ) N Plh S-JIADAMl ! FitlTX. Z3JO CUMINUS BTHKKf , Llulrvoyuut and trunco mudluiu ; ludcpcndont volrcs , tells past und future iTIP.'l * MASSAGE , PATHS , ETO. llATES-lio a line tlrsl time and lOo n line then ) . alter , No uJti rllruiuvnl taken for lu > s tliau2ic. ' " " " " " " " " ' 'i M'ASSAtili "VuKATMKOT."iSTKmio"7i"nKlt' I uial baths. * calp and hair treatment , manicure nuil chiropodist , Mrs. I'ost.SUDyS.lMli , Ultlincli blk 7J4 fIADAME SMITH. IUI DOUGLAS srilhlET. Iroom 7,3d door , Alcohollulpbur and a baths. PERSONAL. U-W1LLTIIK I.ADV WHO EXCHANGED SEAL mult at Mlllrr's , the hair dretvier. pleaiv return one taken by mistake und lift her own. AU75 MUSIC , ABT AND LANOUAOE. UATKB-I.Sn a lluo flrst tlaio nnd Itto n line llicro- nfter. Ko udvcrtl euieiil Uken tor U i thtn Mo. " " " " ' ' " vs .ijKKOUKlIlYlVlNU Jt."rjJANO KXAMbNK T11K new cul Ktmball piano. A , Io i > el513 DouvUs. VT- . V. UKLI.KXI1KC1C , HANJO TKACIint , I wlllt Ho r i.or SVI.4 N , litli ttei't.5ra Cuor. MONEY TO LO AN--RE AJ. STATE. _ _ n VTES l5on Una nrst tlmiTnnil too ft line there after. No ailvertlsomont taken tor lg . than 2ia IT no additional chared for commission or attor ney's fees. > V. II. Mclklo , tint .Sallousl , bank bldir I -ANTHONYljOANANDTlUSl CO. SIS N. Y , ' I.lfo , lend nt low rates for choice security on Nebraska or Iowa fnrmsor Omaha city property. 7 S3 \\r CI1A8 W IIAINKV. 8l'i OMAHA NAT. MIC. ' lilrts Cltjr niorlKKKei. Luireat ratoj. Moncr on hnnit. MBIT \\r-CKNTHAIj LOAN .1 THUS TOO. HKH I1I,1) ( ) ' ; .iii \V-.MONKY TO 1XAN ON I.ON11 OH 811OHT ' ' time In mini * of fax ) to 1UOW ( Mutunllnvi'sttncnt Coiupnn ) 77 \\r-HRAIi K8 TATK 1.OANS. 1'AOU IB FAUN AM 1 6il t21 * AV-COATKS.T , It'll VIIADIC , KABrKltN MONKV Al'I'M ' ! IXJVKTT KOIl CI1KAI1 \\r inAl'I'M 'IO J. ' I inonoy ; onljr first ctnns eocurlty , W ) S. ISIli. TV-LOANS , ciTvriiopr.iiTV.K. Nr.n ANDW. > lonnfarms K. K lllnKcr , 15IV Knrnnm.H4JM H4J-M 4 \ -IOA.NSO.V UIIAI. KSTATIS AND COI.I.AT- * ' torn ! notes niul mortKiwci bougbt , ItDod A , 3.11 lloivrrt ofTrndo , 7U r MONKV TO 1XAN ON IMI'IIOVHI ) CITY propcrlr. low rnloi , A. C. 1'roal , DoiiKlas bl'k. A\r-I/ANS\V.Sl.HAUItl9 , II. M.VUKNZKll lll.IC. 74U V-H PKIl CKNT FIIIST MOHTOAOK LOANS , ' Illchnrd C. I'nltcmon , 1511 Fnrnnm nt. TU ir-l.OAN3 , O ( J WALLAC15 , 81J UltOWN lIMt > 741 \\r-UUNSON IMIMIOVKI ) ANI ) IINIMI'HOVKD < > clt ) prnpcrtr.fJ 1)00millntivrnriNfi leaper cent. No dolny . W l-nrnuru tiniHli A. Co , I5tli & llnrnoy. 741 r-.2IMOIlTOAOKS.MOOUi : , A 401 1IF.K 11LIH1. \\r-WILL LOAN MONKV ON ANY KIND OF M Bpcurllvi Klrlclly coiilldcntlnl. A. It. llnrrls , room 1 , Conllnunlal block. Mb31 \\r-UKAl. 15STATK LOANS , U11L.3IJ IIKB BL1) H ' > 420 MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. HATP8 15e n line llrat time nnd ICc n line thoro- nllcr. .No tulvvrtlnctr.ent tnkun for less than 'i' > c. X-l If so do not Tail to KOt our rates bofora bor rowing \ \ n nmko loans , nlthout romovnl or publicity , on furiilturo. plnnos , hor&cs. WILKOILI , etc , nt the luw cut po'slblu ratu Ilicre Isnn unnccpniarjr dplnjr tint you cot the luonoy on thn sninn dny } * ou usk for It \Vn will cnrry tlio lonn ns lonit an yon ilp'lro. RVIIK.OU | | thu prlvlk-KOof paying It la full or In part nt any tlmo to milt your runvonlenco , and nny jturt paid rpilucos the cost of oirrylng the loan In proportion to the amount paid Our omccs nro contrail ) located nnd arc so nr- nnKi'rt tlmt pirtleioiilllint on us can bo walleJ on quickly and lourtooiitly. It will lie t your Hdvantago to scons before so- curlne a loaa Omaha Mortirngo f.onn Co. . Itoom II , crclghton HI oof. loth St , south of IMstolllco. MIHOMii V"-.MONIY : a o LOAN nv n r. MASTIIHS ON vhounehold aoodi , piano * , organs , horses , mule * , nngnin etc , nt the loncst pos < lblo rates without publlclt ) , ri'inoval of property or change of pus Bt'i'lon Tlmu nrrnimed to suit the borrower. I'ayincntBof any ninouut can bo iniulu nt nny time , reducing both principal nnd Interest , thus giving patrons all tlio benotlU of the partial pay ment plan Cnll and ncc tne when you want n loin , or If nioro convenient , call tclephonu Ki2l and your buuluess can lie transacted nt homo Money alwnrn on hand ; no delay no publicity ; lowest rntus , business ciintldeutlal , II r Masters , It \Vltliuell blk , I5th and llurney. XUOK'T I'lU'lCIJAHU , IS , t , WITHNULL lll.K. 743 X-MONEY TO LOAN ON CHATTELS ItONDS nnd city warrants bought. Hooni ll)3Knrnach lilk X-MONEVON FUHNntniK. IIOllSKS , 1'IANOS. Keystone Mtgo. Co , room 'Mi , fliooly block.M490 M490 X WHUN VOU WANT A CHATTEL LOAN 8KB W. It. Davis , room -U Continental block. M -CHATTKL LOANS , IIHNKDIOP A WUAY.M4 1'axton block. Wo loan our own money , charge no couimlsslou ; Until pay you to onsult us M W/J.J12 X MOM1Y LOANED ON FiniNITUIlH. HOUSES , wagons , pianos , etc. Fred Terry , r J3J , Itainea. X MONEV TO LOAN , 10.ro. ! X ) DAYS ON turo , llvo stock , etc. Dull Green , removed to HOOIII 8 nnd II. llarkor blk . . , , , , 188 BUSINESS CHANCES. HATES 15c a line llr t tlmo nnd lOc n lloothcro after. No udverllscment taken for less than Sic y' IIUY THE COMMERCIAL' . TMK LiTviTiNG hotel of llrokun How , .No ! ) . No trade < . 834 Y-FULLY KQU11'1'KD CA TNING KA1OIVY IN vorj bust part ofNolinisku : capacity JWWI to 30,000 cans per day ; has made money Jastthrco years , bcstof reasons fornQlllnit Addrosj MXl.Huo ja rx Xr toil SALE , MOTI3L. SHEl'HL'HU HUUSK. AT A Anslcy , Cuiter county , eb. Two-story frnmo bullilliiK , about'JlxlOJ , with iiood barn , 1C nK'i'plns room * ; hotel well fiirnl l.ud Apply to Dr J ! < aiiomim , Wood Illver , .Neb .M2JJ Mi ) ' Y-HOTEL l UItMsIlEI ) IN t'O SEAT TCAVN for ale or rent. Address Onrflold'C'o Itank , llnrnell. Nub " ' jsu w y'-HOIl SALE. HOI'EL , Fl'llNIbllKD , 17 HOOMH. dolnitu need tnihlni'ss , terms easy , lou.ittun bent. Address IIox WJ , Children Neb , MWI MS" V DIIUC H10CIC ANI ) 'FTXTUHKH FOU SALE : J- nil now ; Illicit In : oiith Iiitkotn , crnnJ opunliiK for right party , nrlto for particular * . N 7 , lice , Omaha M VU 11 * Y FOll SALE-SALOON , IOIN ) ( ! A COOI ) 11US1 J-ni'ns ; Kood reason Klvun ror soiling. Address Lockbox SKI. Wcsl 1'olnt , Neb M N ) V 1-011 HALE -AN 13STAIILIBHK1 > DltUtJ 1IUS 1 Iness In weitprn Nebraska. Invoice $ . ' ,500. Cash sales In 18'JI , W.W878. Address O II , lieu. MJJ1 17 * Y-liEsT IIIITCHKII IIUSINK8S IN FAIIUIUIIY. this In a rare chance , cause of solllni ; , poor health , will take actual cost of fixtures A , J King , holrlmrt , Neb. 402 17 * V rAUTNEIl ADVEIITLSKH WANTS TO ASM ) A clati ! himself with 1111 architect with nn ohtnb llslu'it tuiMncns or with u competent man to build HUM business. Addiess O 17 , llee 401 I'j * l-Al'IMtNGANi-AlNTINO V TAKEN FOH I rent of ! > room cottnues. Cnll at room 207 , Oniiihu .Nutloiml bank I."J 21 * FOR EXCHANGE. HA'lES l ! > o n Unit llrst tltim and lOo n line there nftur No advertisement tukun for II'BS than S. > c y-VlIHY DESIHAIILI OMAHA I'll 'TiTt'rTVoTk /-'LosAiiKules property or fruit ranch In So Cull fornla Davbl Jniuluuon , lieu bulldlnt ; . TUj yctsTEit COIINTVKAHMS su'iiovioi /Jstrlctl > modern 7 or S roomed IIOUHO In i oed res Iduncu part of Omuliii , will UBSUIUO. llox. "Jl. I , In coin , M8I5 _ _ ' /-I OH THADE , A STOCK OK GKNEHAL MEJl / Miandlio for hinds anil cash , Addiuss U. W , Wntklns At Co , ] rnnkfort , luil t'J7 r * yi OH i\ci i AM.U , A'VBIIV HTYLISII CAH- /-Jrlnfi' U'lun , A r\o. 1 roadatora , can trot to tbo pule In thnu niluuloi , nc'ntlo and sound ; good wherever yon put thorn , tilnulo or iluublu 1 lll ujicliani'e this bandsomo team for il tiood lot or land In eastern Nebraska hakim or trade shares need not apply , ror further particular ! nddrem 1-rrcl tonniMisi In In , Wont I'olnt , Neb , Ml PI rCLIJAN .STOCK OK (1ENEUAL M D'SK'iv7LL /Jtuke real e > tnto A money , llox i'JJ , trankrort.lnil , 7IJ _ r/-flOOO H10CK M'D'.SE. WILL TAKE HALF / < ia b balnucp clear real eitnto. Hox'oUScliuyler , Neb M2W1 IT * r/-lliINOHKDHEAD OF IIOHSBH ANIJAND / Jin ouitern Nebraska for n Block of dry irooitu , clolhlnic , boots and shoe * , lints and rapt. Addrets box IOH. Nebraska City , Neb J\t MIO * rIF YOU HAVEAGOODUI'IIIGIIT I'lAMO TO A'tradufor ' lot 4U , block I , Armour I'lucu , . South Omiiliu ; clear of ull tncuiiibranco. Addtes * Nil lluo olllce M3JJ r1O EXCHANGE , Cl.KAH LAND AND CASH /Jfontiukof mi-rcliHiill ( o C. U YounJ : . Shi-nau Uouh , Iowa , A\iU \ lb r/-WlLLTllAIEHUUaiESOHA NO 1 'YOUNG /JpaclHK horse lor u good mule team Address O It ) , llet ) . 4TJ3 21 y WANTED , DItY GOODS AND NOTIONS.V1I.U ; * -puy one third cash , balance wood clear neil c.lnto. Write mo hat you liovu ; iqnlldentl l Alex Moore , ( Ul Wee H'ld if. ' 41S U FOR fl ALE-REAL ESTATE' ' IIATKS ISo ft line Itrst time and lUoa. . line thnnn a fler No advertUemeut taken for lets than J.io. " feet : n bargain for u few Uuy ualy. F. K. Dart llnK , darker block , 751 | ? ' OH"sTl7lirNHllHASKA FAHM LANDS G , U. 1' Wallace , 312 llrnwn block , 1Mb iind Dougl as. T4'OH RALE. A TWO bTOUY IUUCK 1IANIO 1 kulldlnn , vlth basement , vault * . afu , furni ture and Ilituroi ; can control tiooil bu taetown : of two tuoutand people , flvv rallroada ; good coun try ; large roller mills ; three clorutcri ) vooit run- ou for prenuut corporation qutlUnv builnua. Art- ilru T. IxinU , 1'renldunt , buputlor , . " > eb. MlUiu * FOH BALK , OH WILLT1IADE FOU FAHM I'llOI'- tirty , a good liutlnvai plac Wi33 | tnt. with brlrk lulldliiK conlnu tl.uuu ; u splendid ilfu.Jor hotel ; ltu to < l on block udjulliliuj U. 1 * . depot on lha south , Ken water wntks In operation ud oleclrlo lights lonn. AddreM ut cjill on Adolph llw > ir , Hcbu ) ler. Neb. w ( 14-011 BALK. IIOMK3. ANV I'ltlCK. | 7. . - ! eair teruit ; Uke clear property as tlrtt payment. Q , U , Wnllace , Urovifi block. | OtU and. Douglas. TOJl SALE ESTATE. rmiffmifif. ISO At'llK IMPIIOVKI ) tMIlM , * l MILKS FUOM I Om ilia , runnlnx wnioriupj timber ; prlru (23 per nrr Co opcratuu iJvtiOiuid Lot to , ZJj N , lull M. „ i M SUl 17 "Poll SALE AT A HAW.AIN , IXT IS , IIUK'K 4 , I w U Felby s llrtt 'u'Mltlon ' to "outli Oninhn Mnmll payment down , n | Airo monthly If der-lrH Inquire ( I. II. Tfschn6k ( Ulxhlm lice RS.1 _ _ _ r _ _ _ _ - - - - 7OH < * MK. SltOOM K AND1OT , MODKHV L Improvements ; 1311 i su , liaiiscom 1'lncp , 80 ACltr.HlJ MILKS I IMM | LINCOLN IW 1'EU rriMiii tlmn Co opei'alMo Land nnd lot Co , Mi North 111 si nj' _ MJWI7 I OIt SA1.K-S-K fOlt.Sliil Kill , DOIU'AH. Jt \ t 1MS coltuBCB , stable ( or , fihorsc , cnn bo divided Into fl lots. Inquire fit prff jjjlsc * 84722 * 1 OTB , IIIXcirn. ( * AUTrfAIK. ( VKIIV SIGHTLY 1 Jnnd n linritnln nt (8-iUOU easy terms (1 ( I Wnl laio 312 llrnvin block. .TiA vn _ i ; < mr A1.3fTlKAJ ! % KASV TEHMS. LOT IS. J block 22 , Oinnha Vlow facing south on I.nko st. Aildress , .1. M OusU'r , Council HIiilTs 418 18 V " OANllUV rilOlCKLOT.S ll < WALNUT 111I.I , I nt 110 down nnd 110 per month l-nr Information rco Adolph Mocr. prrslitcnt , Ibth nnd Fnrnam 8ti or II. M Mulir. iccietary Walnut Mill Saving nnd Investment Co , N i : corner loth nud Webster ht . MI48 IS * ODEIIN 10 flOOM IIOUSK. GOOD LOCATION ; no trade ; cash bargain , Address Oil , lloe MIIOMIfi * LOST. HATKS"1'K3 n llua llrsc tlmo nnd 1Ua n line there- nftcr. No advertisement taken for less than i > c. OST old. Rrny ; followed little Klrl from 1120 S .list st. to I'nrk ave school , llelurn to A. U. Hudson , 1IW S3lst st. nnd recelvo reward , iU7 LOST DIAMOND KAHHING , HCItEW SETTING on Sunday , between .I'Jtli nnd Fnrnnm st < nnd Mlllard hotel. Ituturn to Mulr A. Gnylord , 1701 1-nr- nam street and rorclvo reward , 40717 IOST-SKYETEllHIEH. ANSWEHS TO NAME I of JcMlo llotiirn to drui ; sloro cor. 12th A Cap nvc. , nnd receive reward Mill 18 * HAIR GOODS. HATE1 ? 1')0 n line tlrst tlmo nnd lOc n line there after. No advertisement taken for les than ' . ' .V LAUGESTSTOCK IN ENT1HK WFsi , THKAT- rlcal wins nnd beards n specialty , \Mif < , t > anus switches , hair chain * , eto. , send for catalogue Mall crdcrs solicited. Davlos , 111 S. Uth st , Omahn 7'.2 rpltE IDEAL LADIES' HAIR DUESS1NO 1'Alt- J-lors , svrltchos , bangs wins , toupeen , Jenelry nnd hair ornaments In stock ; vhs to order , special attention Klvon mail orders WJ S lotli st , .tnllloor , 4VI F2K * PAWN BROKERS. ItATES-lSon line llr , t tlmo nnd lOoallno there after. No advertisement inkon for lo lhau 25c. EN ' V 'M 971 Mb * Q SNYDEU'S LOAN Ol MCK. 1510 DOIXSE ST. O. 771) ) 1' ? J * MOHLE , ornci : IMIK FAUNAM ST. MASQUERADE COSTUMES , ETC. HATES 15 < - u line lint tlmo nnd lOc n line tberu- after , No advertisement taken for less than rude costumes nt 114 titGth tiolden Unirlc store. tK4) mi MANUFA CTURING JEWELERS. HATES 15o n line first tlmo nnd lOc n line thereaf ter. No advertisement taken lor les than & > c A H PAID FOH IHT ) OOLa CAllbON Hanks , room 30 Itarker block , Omahn 7u ( CUTLERY GRINDING ; SEND IOt'11 SCI9SOIW , HAXOHS , ETC. , TO HE ground to Underland 'Co , lOil > . 14111 st. 7J.1 REMINGTON TYPEWRITER BEST IN THE-WORLD. Jos. Fr T MEGEATH , OM V HA. NHB RHlLWHYtl.MEGRRD Lcnvcs i UUOTUNlSroVt.t g | Arrlvj Umnhn DeMt | 4 X ) p m SOU i m I'.Vl n m f * * JUlK " 41 n m yja p m " . . . . . - . L'hleaKO fApreV.1. ! ! . h IX ) p In b M p lu Clilfiui'.v. lUvviI Local. . . . . . 8.15 n m LenvKS | UUIILI.M.-1ON A. MOrlUYUKJ Arrives Oiunliu. i Uc-pot lUth ftud Mason M . l.Omnhii. * , c-s I UMO.N ,1'ACIHC. , | Arrlvei Im | lTnlon IR'i'Qt 10th nnil.Marcy Sta.I Omiilin 8'to"n nil UciitrtCG Kxpross 7 00 p m 1000 a m . .Denver Kxtiross . 500 p m 2.15pm Overlandl Ijvc'J ' la p in 4 fa p m.Hluubp'i.'s.V. FitlrHuhlKx ( x9unilJl ! ) > j p 111 o JO ml . ' . ll''ja _ ) p .I'aclflc.l.ixprcss [ n ' "Uolnis I ClTlCAJO. ( K. 1 \ 1'At'IFIC i tiom ' ' lOlh A atB | EiiHt il"iL'I'nlon Oopot Mnro _ _ 10UO a m Atlantic Express , 1,20 p ui 40"i pint Ve-tlbnloE\pru , s 1.10 p m d JO p ml - . . .Night Express .110 a in ( loins I C1UOA.O. II , 1 , \ I'A ( IHC I From Won I Union Depot lOtl/itml Muff y sn | West 1 .D p iu | UciiTor Llniltpd " . . . I ) lu p""m 705 p ml Denver Hprfl * . | 7 10 a in LciiVL-B IClllCACO , MIL i oT. 1'AULIArrlvo Oiiiiihnl _ _ Ul" _ . depot nnil .Vlnrcy t-ts | Omnlm G20 p ml . . . . ClilcnKiTKxpross . . . . ! | u m IIX ) pm ClilmiKO Kxiu-c-sa . . . . | .14"i p m leaves I rilOUA CITY A 1'ACII 1C I Arrives Omaha I Depot , 11)1 ) h andMaioy Mi. I Oinnlut 720 am , . . . . iouxClty I'nsecnvor | lilip ( m 6-85 p m ) St. 1'iuil Kxproa JIUIXI n m Loaves | hlOUACH'V " .PACIFIC. ( Arrives Omaha ) Depot. IMIi and Wcbiter t I Omaha St I'niil Llmltud | 'J Jj u m Loaves { CHICAGO A MJillJIWHsl Klt.NIArrlvun OinalinlU I * depot , 10th nnd Marcy Ms | Omabu Leaves | OMAHA A hi' . IXLls. ) Urrlvcs OniahajlJ I' , depot , lUth oud Marcy hts lUmqhii 4,10 p m | hi Louis Cannon II ill. . . ' | 127Vi p m I.envi's I F. , E , V MO YALLI'.Y. I Arrives Omalial Depot , lilh and Webster HH. lOmiiha MW n m | Deadwiiod Expres's | . . . .I f > VOi | lu 900 n m ( Ex. SatlWyo llxp ( K\ Moil ) A20i | in ft 10 p ml Norfolk ( Ev Sunday ) , 'lllOn ' in fi 41 p m . . . t I'Atll Kxpro s I tfrtn in I.piivoi | I , S T P , M. A O { Arrives Omaha * lci > ot. 15lh nnd VVelintcr Bt I Omaha 8 10 in m Slcnx llty Acviiiiiuiodiitlon . ! UUi p in I UO i > ni.Bli.ux City Hkire | 3 ( I'.K himI yi.li 41 p in fi.45 p m1 . . .HI 1'unl Limited , . . UUuiii f. 15 | . ui linn croft liiisentforIIic ( Biiad'5 r B.I5 a lu IJITOS I MlbSOUIlTl'AOll 1C. Omnlm I Depot litli nud Welistur ht > 10. > 0u in ftt Ifljiils Kxpress tilU p ni St. Louis Kxpn-ss "AGO. " H t A l'ACiriC.n Arrlvi-1 n Depot , lloiinrl ) Illiitlii iTninsrer . .Nkht , liipri ! a . tl-juiiiu ' : < M i > m , . .Ve llbu .liiillnd . _ . . l.'W | i in If C , S 1' . ' fk C. II. I Arrives" Uplnn Depot , ( iincll Hlulfs rlranster 10UO a m . . . .Kun i , Cltriliiy Kspruss . I & 'i. p ai 10 15 p m UMneinlltv.tMlit Kxproii I (13 it in V. LOUld Arrives tljilou Depot.Kuhncll lllultn. [ Transfer 440Mill St Louis tfiio Hall p m leaves I MOU.X ClTXj.V-l'AClFI C. ( Arrives Translcr ! Union Di'pa .rmincUllliitTs ITraiisfor 7.4J n m bloux ntr'A iniiiodatliin IIOOU p tn t&O p uij . 8UI'nu rSiprsin. _ . . . _ . . | U4U a in . Transforj Union lppot.yiuiicll lllulfs I'l'rainfer 1201 p iu | & 15 p m Voillbulft'I.luiltoct 10 W p m l' ste . | JHler I..O p in BUO p in iKr cat ) AtldntlitMatl ( Kx Mon ) 7.i" > u m 7,40 a ui 10 Otl p ni Ori < K"n hlinrt Mile & I'lnli .Niirthrrn Hull vvity Coiiiinuir St < i9 1iolilfr ' Jlfnllm- . Notice ) U lierubv plven that tlio iiniitul inuotlinr of tlio Btockliolili'rs of tlio Oregon hhort Line & Utah Northern Jtutlwny coin , puny , for thu election of dlreotors mid such ether hiialnc'ss as inny lo itlly oonm boforotliu tnuotlni : , will bo Itolu at ropnt No.41 , lUwpor llullillns , hull l.ulfu City. I'tiili Territory , upon Wednosiluy , the lOtli Uity of March , lit/ . ' , tit 10 o'clock u. in t-tocK triuibfur books will ole o upon tlio Lilt h clay of roliriiary. and reopen upon the ITtli clay of Muruh. > AI.KXAMJKII MII.LAII , . r-ecrctury. IIOSTON , Mas * . , Tob. 3.160i I'M .HIM Mockliolller'H Notlro U huronKlvon that thu rrgular annual ineotlnz of the stooklinldors of tlio houtli I'lutte Lund company will bo held at tlio olllco of said uoinpuny , In Lincoln. Nub , oa tlio llrst Woduoidity lu Muroh.tSbcInK vhe vecoud day of thu numth. liy oraur of tbo Uoard o ( Klroctora. IL I ) , riin.i.ii'i , SeureUry. LINCOL.V , Neb. , l' Ula'J. . ' . lvja jJt M 'IMPROVEMENT ' ( bo ORDER OftilUGE THE BEST. WHY ? IlPC'insu wo bavo profited by tlio shortcomlnzs or ttio old typewriters. anil have overcome ninny defects and. between oitrslovos. wo havunddod tunny Improvements of which their Inventors never dreamed. Alt type cleaned In ton seconds wltliout soil- In t" tlio hi'idi. Mure manifold copies onn ! > o inndo at ono Im pression on tlio Smith t'roinlor tluin upon any other typewriter manufactured Send for cniniogUQ. TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT. The Smith Premier Typewriter Co. 101)0 ) } rnrnnm Street , Onmlm , > 'cl ) . n. it. MAi'iiKii ; . . . . M.t\A < uii. SPEC IAL OHDINAXCH NO. 1080 An ord tmni'o levying u special tax mid as sessment on coi tain lots and roul estate In tlio city of Omiilni , to cover the cost of Jmln- munis for danmucs for ( trailing 2flth street from Doilce to Capllnl avenue : IPIlh street from Loavcnvvortlilo Park street i I'opplcton uvcnuu from aith street to 2.'nd street : lltlh street from luuvetiuortli struct to I'luicu street. Whereas ; Ithavlng been and being horn- by adjudged , deteimtmMl nnd established Unit tliosoveral lots iind pieces of roul estate here inafter referred to have each been specially honollltpd to the full amount hott'ln leMoil mill assessed against each of said lots ami pieces of teal estate , rospoi 'Ivolv , by reason of the Judgment for damaKcs for giadlng that part of 2iilh stjcctfrom Dodge stiect to ( apltol avenue : .ISthstreet from Leavonwortli street to I'ai k street : 1'oppluton avenue fiom 2'lth street to 2Jnd slice ! , titul 1'itli ' street from I.onvenvvorth street to I'lerto street Theioforo , for thu purpose of paying the cost of such Judgments : lie It ordained by the city council of tlio city of ( Jin iliu. bectlon I. That the cost of Imtinrnl for ilnm- agps for -'ratlin. : tint partot.'Glli street In thu flty of Omaha , from Dodge stieet to Capitol avcnue.s ild cost being thosiitn of Kill.'U ( , said judgment helng In favor of Anna I * . Mntiay , lie and tlio s 11110 Is lioroliy lev I oil and av > ossod , according to special benefits by rea son of said grading. upon the following dc - ci luod lots and re.il ust.itc. as shown by the generally rucognlrod map of the ellv of Omaha , IsMi , lithographed und publtshcd by ( ' . n. Maj itr , sajjd cost being so lev led on said lots nnd 10. il estate , respectively , as follows , to wit : Mao 1' Mount w 13 ft It It hilt . - > ItccdsJst Add 2 " > do o. .Oft It 7 blk 5 " 7 12 It II Itoblnson w 1(1 ( flit 7 hik 5 " : i U do o 2. ft US blk.1 " f > 4S Uowii : lialph vy-imllShlk'i " 172,1 Kutu Uillett etal vv IS ft It 0 blk 0 " 2 M ( .coSJrotlH7 ( blkti " 1021 ( Ho /.Iniinot ! tlt8 Illicit " t M ADotwIllorw > ilttli'kO ) ' " 1410 John S Wood It 'J blk i ! " 22 71 Henry Klock It 10 bIK 0 " tn 24 Chas U 1'iirney vv Is ft It 11 blk fl " 2 M lllchord Jlullen vv IS ft It 0 blk 7 " 2 t'l ' Kit vlTukoylt7hlk7 " 1171 do till ) ft Its blk 7 " 71 O \\TIeld WCC ft HHblk7 " 2.1.17 ( . rnrlscolllt'Jblk- ' " 2l ! 03 do It 10 blk 7 " 11 73 Anna I , Murray w 55 ft It 11 blk 7 " 21)1 ) .Mm Groves n 18 ft ltd blkS " -12(1 ( MaiyACdtiolm H7blk8 " IB 0. do It H blk 8 " 2M5 James P. Kbursolo tr It 1 blk 9 " 23 Ki do It 2 blk I ) " 12 'IS M A DotwllorotalolSftHBbllcO " 325 Sarah Koddls It t hllc 10 " ai 08 do It2blkl0 " 117.1 Thos McQovern o 16 ft It II blk 10 " 2 l Patrick Mahon y e Ibftlt 14 blk 10 " 2 Ut Hoiaco I.iidlmUim It 13 blk 10 11 7n \VJ iVItljlfuufStu\Onsltli ( bllvlO " r OS John C.MbiiiW It 1 blk 11 " 2171 do H2blk 11 " 10 24 Prank Ui'ugliuiBftlt/lblk II " 2 M SirahHocldlsotsfUtU blk 11 " 255 Ooots Uroll It 15 blk 11 " JO 24 do Itlilbllflt " 2i71 HOSnart7lamlerltltlk13 ) " 2271 Charles U Unnvi ) U 2 blki " 1U 21 l'.imlltiiSmfpot ) j7tlt'Jhlkl3 _ > rj IT Dr.ikoo is ft I * 11 blk 1J " : ill Jlutt K Diako It IS blk 12 " 12 50 Annlo L Mm ray It Ul blk 12 " 27 7o 11 T Ol.irl ut al vv lb ft It 0 bile 9 i ' bvMu/y's Add 2 r1 * " 10:14 : do IthblkS " 22 T > \Vm Vtfvmery It 1 blk-0 " 2. IH \VM M.i\\vollcilftlt2blk9 : " r > 73 \VP t L-c/y vv .U ft 112 blk 9 " 4 M do olSftltliblkO " 2 Ml II n.lamlson vv Ib fUftB1) ) ft sub 7 t\ 1 snc 21 NI' Hydos vv 0 < i ft ijilb 7 t\ 1 sou 21 in 21 A II IS.uisvriii.nl siiljStxlsco21 2. 71 Total Ji'.lil 94 Section 2. That the cost of ImlKinriit foi dainuKcs foi r.idliiK tbat part of Mill stieor , in the city of Uinaha , from Leavuuvvoitb sticct to Paik Hticet , said cost belli ; ; the sum of * it.M6.4l , said lodgment beltis In favor of Allan luuh and II TUturkc , bo and UIUMIIIIO Is hereby levied and usschsuil. according : lo special Dpiioflti by reason of sild Knillug. upon tile frtttowln ; lots and ical estate ns shown by thn generally ruco nlred nmp of llio city of Omahn , IM ) , llthozraiilied and published by V. r. . .Mayno. said cost belni ; M > levied on said lots and ie.il estate respective ly , as follows , to-vvlt : II T ( Jlatkelt 1 Aicadu Place 131 do It 2 " 1 'H WTMaxwell H3 " I . Allan Koch 114 " lit ) do It ft " 1 ICI do ltd " I Id do H7 " 1 'CI IITOlarkkHS " 1 : ci ( Jhas II Dewey H1 blk 1 Dcmslaa Add 1 4'l do II 2 blk 1 " 1 4tl do ltiblk : 1 " 1 4 < l Hen II Wood t r It 4 blkl " 1 48 do Hflblkl " 1 43 do HI. blk 1 " Win It Williams It 7 blk I 1 4S DoilL'lus Uo ItSblkl " 1 4- W I Kioistead HP blkl " 1 VI Win QyKur.lt 1 blk 3 1 41 ! 1 4. du IIJ bll,2 I 4J do It 4 blk 2 J IJ do Itr. blk 2 1 I. do Itl ! blk 2 1 It do It 7 blk 2 1 41 do It H blk 2 do tit ) blk 2 1 41 do Hll blk2 1 41 do Hll blk 2 1 tt do H12 blk 2 1 41 do Hll Ink2 1 41 do Hll blk 2 1 47 11 M HIMPIS It 1 blk.'I I 41 VVIlMtHeislt2blki | ( : 1 4. } DoiiXlns I'oHli hlli .1 Hose K looro It 4 blki : 1 t' > DouKlasCn It.1) 1)11II 1 40 do lu ; Mi , : i 1 411 1 4(1 ( UM nyiisltH blk 3 1 411 do * ltd blk. I 1 411 Jqlinrislily H inhlka 1 4S DongliUCoJt U bikt : 1 IS AimMlhtDoll l.'blk.l 1 411 DouglisCoJt I blk 4 1 4r > jlo It 2 bl 1.4 1 f > do It ! 1 blk 4 1 ft Mniy KCostllolt4blkl ) 1 45 Douglas Co It 5 blk 4 1 4(1 ( .lolin O'Di. nahiio lti ( blk 4 1 4i ( Douglas Co It 7 blk 4 1 4(1 ( MMCiiUtKbIk-4 ( 1 40 Douglas Co H H 1)11(4 ) t 4V do I tilt lill,4 1 43 do It U blk 4 1 4U AuciiBtDoll Itl2blk4 1 411 L'caion 1'mco 31 Davis UK 31r. . do II ( > r.r. 57 do It II G1) ) do It IS i n i r. cl i It 10 1 14 do It 17 i n Uo IfJO 1 14 1 14 tiuniuul .Montgomery It 34 " I II do U'fi " IIUI John L.McC'asuuwl.Vl ( t 112 Orllln&.HinllliArtd K 44 r.lUabuMi Onlllpbcr w 150 f t H a II 4. W .1 .1on ( 11 el I w 15) ) ft 11 ( i " H r.i ) WinOnslliili wliOftltl ) | ; T' , do'I'M ft it 11 H in . . . Oak Hurst do It 10 blk 4 71 do' It 11 blk 4 " 71 .du It 12 hik 4 " 71 dodo It U blk 4 " 71 It 14 blk 4 " 71 -do It 15 blk 4 " 7. nil HlOmk4 " TJ U'KaM Kocliiiatuan _ cW ) ft It I blk 29 West Omaha 511 Mill y S thiudlo alM ft tt 4 bill ? " " fiSl OHUowoyi-KLhtono > ' olMftltlblkai " fitt flo ' olVlft-ltlblkM " 5 61 P. O Cbcllrun vvl'U ft sub It 1 tux27 sco SI , 1 4.1 ItL'ivcliiun wlii It bub H a tax 87 see 21. . . . 1 4J Charlotte A Uocliruti wlU ft sub It i tux X7tec l..vt.- , 1 13 KK Allen wUi ftsubllStnx S7 BOO 21. . . . 1 4J It V Uochmn w 132 ft ub It fl tax it BUO VI 143 warren Ctwuran vvlE ! ft nlS7 ( t tux 27 John a 77 MarL 1'curon tvtiU ( t .Wd n tax 28 see Ut B 70 ' Total . . , . . , . .W4l pjctlon a. TliatUio cost ot JuJtmuut for ilnmnetc * ) for cr.trtltt ! tlint ptrt nf 1'oppirton nvi'tnto. In I ho XMty Ot Din.ilKi. trttin 1MI | < street to ; itli strrol , tahl ( list linlim the RIIIII of < I.V3.s.l. nld judpiiioiitLoliiic In fuvorof II. 0. Toinplnr , bo nnil tnu iiimo Is huroliy luvled nnd ftssp od , lu-oordliiK -nicelM honcllN liv ro t- vin nt said crndttiR , IIPDII tun tdllnvv- lti lots and ronl < > * ilntp , ns shown bv tlm ROII- orally rooosnl/od innii of tlio oily of Oinnlin , ISsn , llthoeniplicd anil published by 1 % i : . Mnv nr : s.ild cost liolni' so Invleil on i < rttd lots nnil tciil oil n Ic , respectlvt'ly , IIH follows , to- vvlt : Chrl-t Mudson It II blU5 Sliiill'sSnd ndd { : fil Adnm Uotlitt ISbllcA " Tfil Anthony Slrlo It 1 1 blk A " T ( il llulrsof.1 .sshilll HllblkS " 701 lli-nry Hold , ItnblkA " 7 fil Ili-lrsof .1 hShulllt Ifi blk , 5 " 7 ( .1 Jucobl'ntibirlt 17 blk " 701 do It It blk " 7 01 do U IV lik ft " 7 to Otnnlin llrouluv : ASSII cVlfl HSOlilkS " OS7 .Itlllus llitilonsl.r vvIOft lt'JOblk-5 " 1 .7 llolrs of . ) S s-lmil nl W ft of t \ It ! ll see ' . ' " 1.V1.1 bt'twouii Mill and Nil street 7rt 43 Total . TlSJS.1 Section 4. Unit the cost of In lenient for dnnuiRes for arndliiit Umtpitrt of liilbstrtHit In the city of Oinnlin , from l.iMivonmirtli strict to fierce strrot , suld cost liclnu llio NUIII of $ .N.L4M.uil ; JiiilL'inoiit luiln : In favor nf Kimnno M. Karlc , bo und the satno Is linruby lovli-d and nssi.spd. . according tospocliil bmioflts by roa- Bonotsnld Kr.tdlne. upon the following lots andronl ostnloiio shovvnhr the Kuiuirally roo- ojiilrvdmiiiiottlie ultvof Oninhn. Itv-n. iltlio- Kiaphud and published by O. ! ' „ .Miiyno , sulil lost holtiK so lovlod on snld lots and ru.il estate , respottlvoly , as follow s , to-vvit : A } , Itced otOUttUSIilk IOlCnnnt70.V Ulttli'sndd tl M Simon W Croy tv4S ft 112 lilli 10 " 1 Sll do nlOfl vv4Sflltjbk10" : ! UU Ulllltun Ilonnan siott wmt itniiiicto " i ii do ultiiiftlt.lblkblK 10 " \M r"A " iioninol itr , blk 10 " : : w l.llzaJ I.orln lt7blkl0 " ! 1 ! W tiiislavcokhaoklt 10 blk 10 " : i M John O Peterson It II ink 10 " BUS do tiMll , 14 blk 10 " 1 M O A llonipel s' , U 14 blk in " 2 .M S \V Piusb Church It IS blk 10 " : i : C.iroltno lITrlctsclikolllSblk 10 ' 3 If ) do U in blk 10 " : in : tlniinii O Schvviutr UKilllk 10 " B l I' M iarlolf-Mblk : III " B.M Wllllain MacDIiimld It Sfl blk 10 " II .M do It WblklO " aai Martin Diinliuin It 1 blk 11 " : i .W do It 4 blk 11 " BUS liosiina Daemon It. Milk 11'I US do it 8 blk ii ' : IH : do 111) ) blk II " BIS Patrick O'Donoll It 12 blk U " II : do It U blk It " BUS , T Hart It 10 blk II " B.I ) John Ui'Ktinlt 17 blk II " BBl do It 21 blk II " UU1) ) AugustusKoiinto It2I blk II " U if ) do lf.4blkll " B.n rrcilMnchli-rlt r. blkll " B : a It 2s blk 11 " aai Mans .lo'isun e's It 1 blk 12 " 1 w ) biirnb Alnsiovv w , It 1 blk 12 " 1 M lolinvvecnoy o'a It2 hll < U " lit W .N Andurson o'S inhlM 112 blk 1' . ' " UI ( Mara Itanmnti u'i nilil'j It 2 blk Ii" M .lohn Ileii\iil ( \ t wb It2 bik 12 " 1 bO .lohuSueiinov o'a It Illilk I-1 " 7 W&N Andeison n < < mldS'lt : ibl' < H" III Clar.i How nnn vv'J ' nild'i , lti : blk 12 " f Carl Carlson vvM H-lblk IJ " 1 so John M Mieoloy oH II 4 blk 12 " 1 Ml Snail Aliisrovv W , It 4 blL U " 1 f'S Wll Suidfoid ItSlilk U " U..S Aii.Miatus ioiiiii7o Itr , blk 12 " : i : > > Jacob Pfluilt7 btk 12 " U ! IS John O'Neill ItSblk 12 " B.S : do n 'J It I ) blk 12 " 1 d'l llotiryVKInRHii Ullblk 13 " II.1) ) AndroH llcnry It lOblklJ " .1 .Is do It II blk 1. " : i .S lleniy Knodell It 12 blk 12 " B US Archibald Molvuy It 1.1 hik 12 " U M ioolvnui9oltllblkl2 ; " BIB llurinaiiSc-liam-rlt r.blk 12 " : i .U August ( lahburl It iRhlk 12 " B : iu do it 17 blk 12 " : in : CluisT Taylor HJililklJ " BID 11111 blk 12 " IKPl Mary ReosltSOblkU " B .71 Joseph l.cls It 21 blk 12 " B : Timothy t. Parsons It 2Jhlk 12 " : i Ifl IM WittlRlt Jl hik 12 " Bit1 ! Joseph l.ols It : 4 blk 12 " II.W < lo It 2.i blk 12 " U IB ) Siinil Katet al 1120 hik 12 " : t M do It27blkl2 ' BIT. AuciistusDonwulil ItSSbllclS " : t 2' . W&.M lliyltSblk II " B.tS Mary W Hayes et mltSblk 13 U tk Lilthor Ivoiint7clt ( . blk II " BBS O lIlvountrolt7blkM " U US L'alliurliiii Kennedy It 10 blk 11 " U : ih do It II blk 13 " B BH WIlMlllatdTrltUhlkll " B .h do 1 15 blk It " B : John A vVukolluld It is Ink 13 " a .i1 ! do UP ) hik I. ! " B : ei id it 22 ink 1,1 " au : do it2.ibikii : " a : w do " itanmifi. ! " : iei : do It 27 blk I'l " B 2. " . S W I'lvsbOlinicli Itl blk 1 Mlllard Place 4 ( X , C J Kaibncll U2blM " IJ .ft do itatiiki , IM : E. Mlllard It4 hik 1 " .1 30 do ItSblkl " B , ride do ItHblkl " B , K ) do It 7 blk I " B.B IlinrletN Preston ItSblkl " : i r ) n iicoius itu idk i * a. i1) ) L'.MIllarJ It 10 blk 1 " B1 do It II hik 1 " 3 .M OcohchiiPldui It 12 blk 1 " 3 : ri C Uriels IM ito nS7 ft i 13J ft tax It .Usoa vr.u . . r.ss Total aiiioiint . $ .M4S Fpttlon 5 That the special tu\ci nnd asspss- inenls lev k'd nnd nsspssi'd HH uforos ilil. sh.ill hodiio Immediately upon the passn o and up- jiioval of this oril iiiincCi and shall hocoinode- lliKiiiHiit If not pitd vvlthln llfty days there after ; and thereupon Inloies , ! hluilt bp added at the rain of one percent a mouth piynblo in advance from the time nald linen become so doliiniuent. Section U That this ordination shall take elTu.t and lie In forue fiom und af tin Its pass- . .Tanna.yOth , , Ve President Olty Council Ajijirovcd JaiinnryWtli. . wu cio. : P. IIEMIS. Mayor. Thoabovo tax Is now duo and piynbloal tinoDIce of theultv tronsnicrand will become dellmiuent and henr Interest aftei March 21st , Isl/2 , as seen In section . " . of above ordln mco. IIIMSV : KOUJN. Treiisuier. _ PUOPOHALS 1'OK MILL' II COWS AND - * - bnllH. Doii-irtinunt of the Interior , ( Jllluo oflndlaii AITuIrs , WaiililiiKlon. D. C ! . , 1't'l- ) rnaiy 1 , Ifi- ! . healed proiiosiila , Indoinul "Pioposals for Cows or II nils" ( us the euso may be ) and addressed to the comniissloiiorof In dian a II a Irs. \ \ aslilnuton , 1) ) . ( . ' . , will b 10- eelved until 1 o'clock p in. , Sntuiday , March 5. Id1) ) , ' , for furnl-liliiK ami dollverlni ! at Pine KldKO. Koschnd , Clioycnno Klvor. Crow Urcok and Lower llrule iiKoiicIes , houth Dakota , htaiidlni ; ItocK money. Norlli llukotti , S tnteo and Ponea iici'iislut , NohriHl.a , llandieau ii si ncv. hoiith Dakota and the Urow nKoner , Montana , nhonl II.U 0 milch OOWH and 4M bulls liPiiului blanks for bids ate not in- ( lulled. Bchcdules ( wlilcli will he iniulu a part of the | ) ii'jos.il'i ) bliowlii'- the iiumher of cut tle required nt tlio vtiiloiis au'cncks , comll- llons lo bo ob uivod by bidders , llmoniiil place of delivery , tiumsnf contract and puv- inunt. and all other nctcssaiy liihtriic-tnniH , will bo furnished upon application to tbo In dian oUIco at WiiklilnKlon , the co iimlssailos ofnubslbloncB , IJ. h. A. , at C'lileuKO , St Paul , ( Jniahu , Nebraska , und ( hovciineVvoiolni. . ' . to the publishers of the Slock UiovuiV Jour nal or Mlli-s C'lty , Mont ma , and the Journal of Hntonn. Montana , und the Hnvoial In Han uioiits. TheiUht Is lenoivcd to reject any or all bids , oriiuy paitof any bid , U doumed for the best Interests of tlio Kovernnicnt ; also , tbu further ilKht In imikliiK tbo awards to In- cru.ise oi diminish lo any extent the number of animals culled for In the Ruliodiiles ; alao to ieiiilio ] n dollvety of twenty-live per cent , more or less , than the amount HiievlUod In any contract. criiTii'iui ) cur.cus. I'acli bid must bo avcoinpiinled by a certified chock ordiaft on oome United .States depos itory for Ht least llvo nor cent of the ntiioiint of the bid , made pnyablo lo tl.o Older of the coiiniil sioncr of Indian ulfalrs vvlilch checker or draft will bo forfeited lo tbo United Ktatex In case any bidder recolvliiK an award mhail fall toiroinptly | onoeutu a contruct wltli Kood and Riilllclont sureties : olliorw-lso to I o to- tut ned to the bidder , T , J. MOICUAN , Com- nils loner , 1'ludJli.M PROPOSALS FOR CONSTRUCTING A HUTUGH. Sealed proposils vvlll bo iccelvod by the nndorslunuii mull lBJo'oluck ] i. m. I'ebrnaiy llith , ivi. , for the construction of u brldvo o't Ames avenue , lit llio city of Oinuh.i , fromu point about 00 feet uaut uf llio alloy Letween lOlli and 11th btrooU east to thu ( taste ty llm- Its , adistanoo ot 440 foot , mom or less , eon- ne'-t'iii ' ! with the wont end lif Die bild e buln { ooiibtruetod by Douglas county , accoid- IIIK to Dl-ins nod specifications on Illo In the oUIco of the board ot public work * , r.ncli proposal to lin m.idc on blankH fiirnlbhuil by the hoard , and to bo buconip i- ulcd by a certifliwl obeek In tlio HUIU of t-VX ) | inyiiblt to tltoolty of Uuiuliu , UH ovldenoo of L'ood faith. The hoard rnEorveii tbo rlilit lo reject any or all bids und to waive defect. P. NV. IllKKHAUhr.lt. OliHlriniu Hoard oPublic Works. O mail a. I'olii iiury 15. leiij. l < 'uu. 1.1-10-1 rropomtU Tor llundu , Healed bids will bo rocelvod at the nfllco of the City Trflaiuror. Onntllu , Nob. , up to 12 o'clock March IQlh , ls-J2 , for the piirchuso of I175.OJO.UO 2) year Spur cent Olty Hull UoniU. 'llio principal und 111 to lent uru ( inyabln at Kouiilzo Hros. , NBW Voib Intercut payable lemi-annually. Knch bid mutt tutu tlio Jirlcu und tbo amouutof l udm ouht for und must Include Interest up toilatoof dollvtirr. Issued under authority of Charier of met ropolitan cities ana OrcUiiMiuo 1)40 ) apurovud JqiiuKryaotb , 1892. The right U reserved to reject any or all bid * . ' I1ENHV ItOLLN , CUy Treasurer. SPKCIAL OUDIN'ANCn NO. 10it5. An ordlnanin levy Ins u npfcmt tnx nntl nsies * . mrnl on eerl tin lots and real e t te .n tlm cltytiCOmnba , In cover the co.l of Jildenu tit for dam ut s for vvldpinn , ! Pacific nlrprt fr m B.M list reel to.I tbstroi-t \\hrress It bnv nt ; been and Icliu here'iv ' ndjudtied. deliu mined and established that the uv et al lots und pieces of re il est tteboro- In.i tier referred to. hive etch boon spo lallv benelltted to the full nmoitnt lierxln lev led and asses ed nen nst euoh of stld lols and pleoesof r . l eslatu , rosprctlvoiv , hv reason ( if thojiidumotit fordamasps forvvldenliii ! Pa- 'Illo street from .Mb mn-oi to .xith slrpol : Jud'ineiitln favorof . \V. I'ocbran. A Dili , and O Utsiiuis uii , Tliprefore for the purpose of pitying the cost of such IndRiiiitnt. lloltutda nod by the city council of tbo oily of Omaha ; beet Ion I. That the cost nf Judgment for ( lam-iues for wldpiiliu Pai'llle street. In llio elty of Omahn , from-.Mh | stnot to.Kilh street , said co t buliiit tin ? sum of fl.7.v > U ; Hiildjndi- menl beltu In favor ofV , W foclirin , A Doll nnd I' . Itasiniissen ; bn mid the naino Is beniby lev led and nssesxed , aecoitllm ; to special ben- ollts by ro isett jf snld widening , upon the fol lowing lots and real cstaie asnhown by thn ciMiciall ) leco nlrpd niupot thocltv of Omii- bn , IMI , llthoitraplipil and publNliVd bv ( ' . K Marnc , wild oust liclnu no levied on tulil lols and ro.il estate , respectively , us follow * , to- vvlt : Oil Dcwoyltlblkl Douglas add fir. 2 * do Iteblkl . . -to nloftllBblk t h 4 < < 0 W Do ino ot al nin ft H 10 blk t 5 48 do It 17 blk 1 8U ( . . . do It IS blk 1 1(1 ( 27 OH Dewey HI blk a 1(1 ( it do It 2blk 8 8 ( t ! do titflft It It a block fl A 4S John A Oi.union nlf , ft H | fi WK 8 f. 4S Mark M Coad it IT blk H M IIJ do It IS blk H KILN John Illiinan It I blk U * . 10 2S do It 2 blk I ) 8 ( tt ItovH Doberly nlll ft HI ! blkl fl 4s a U 11 Clark It 4 blk 1 Kiiclld Plane fl sit do llflhlkl do ltd blkl 11 til do It 7blUl 15 III do It M blkl 7 Si do 111) ) blkl r. wi do It 4 blk 2 7 70 ItPiitim W llrovvn nin ft Itr.blk2 7 71) ) .1 WSInlerslOft 115 blk 2 2 .Ml Jennie M blaturll ( Ihtk2 SO .V ! do It 7 blk 2 22 : i S U II Clink It 8blk J 11 II ) do It II blk 2 " S .IS ( ' fl.ciiiiii | nn It 1 blkt : llansMiu Place 17 M John A Muihull 2 hlk'l " 810 .lolin A .s\vobeu47ii fl lttblki : : " ( MS Kllen.M Wllrov nl7'4 ft It 2. blk 3 " C. IS Alfred Mlllard TT H..lblk.l " 8 HI W UPatlersonlt2lbtk J " 17 NS Kiln .1 UOKOIN It i biu I " 1H 7il do It 2 blk 4 " 8 IH Alices Holers ns.1 ft Iiiblk4 : " fi ( U dt u4S ft It 2J blk 4 " ( II ,1 I Hakoi 11 21 hik 4 ' 8 OS do H.4bk4 " 117 | GN Hick-HI hik 1 " IS ill do nlflfl It'-'blkr. " 2 2S A PHillvorslOft It 2blkr. " 0 7H John AVlith nlim HIIblkB " 1174 Ann t-ll\ei nl'l ft It 2J blk 5 " 074 do H23hlkr " 1) ) I'O O N Illekslt 21 blkr. " 18 M do II 1 blkO " is ; i do H''blk (1 ( ' 1) ) IT. Win P DPV erell H.I blk 0 " ( i as Wllhenienn llaniiier U'bllcfl " 0 8.S .lolin P Co id It 2,1 blk0 " I ) I.r. do H24bik ( . " 18,1. ! P W Itirkliaiisei H i blk-7 " , ' 0 S8 Ouo.lelTioy H2 blk 7 " 1011 A N Vnnilulcoutl.lt 'llilk 7 " 781 Adtill Klceut : \vS7ftlt 2lblk7 " i" . | .S David I. llr.icp w4l ( ft e SJ ft H2.lb7 " 2 71 O.I PickardelOft Irillill , 7 " J 71 Adoll Itlcovh7 fill 24 blk 7 " U 1 > " . David I. ltiacMv4lfl ( oSO H2I blleT " 1.41 . O.I Plckard ein ft 1124 blk 7 " 0 41 Lena Mead s4 4 ft It 9 Illmubaiisb Place ( I 52 Helen L Locknool It Id " 2J 25 \\llll.iniHusi ) fl It II and nll' ' ft vvfio ft It 11 and hi. ft niVJ ft of OlJfl vvdOttlt II " 18 BO G N Illcks e. ) tt who ft s20 ! ft It 11 and w.M ftsl.C-'ftot It II " 12 70 Henry M Iliirlliiul s I 4 fill 12 " II fill Ilnberl Jacobbcrfioi si I tt It 20 " 0 Til AKiiesPTrall o4 It 31 " 18 (10 ( .lolin PCo id vv > . It.10 " IS 00 August Doll H II blk 3 liny no Place 10 : u do HI2blk.t 10,11 do It 11 blk : i 10 .10 ICCilhln Uo3-.lt 14 blk.l " 10 31 do It 11 blk .t " I ) ( . . ! do It It. blk.'I " U 02 Ansust Doll It Ilblk4 11) ) 111 do It 12 blk 4 " 10 .11 do Hiiblk4 : " 10 111 Heiiben lioss It 14 blk 4 " 10 110 W1 Kelsoltr.hlk 4 fl ( .2 . do It I ( ill ! If 1 11 ( U .1 KSiinnuers tl III blk 1 Oakhurst Add 11. IH1 J M Wool worth 112 blk I 711' do n > , II.I blk 1 II 10 do n > t It HI blkl II III do It 17 b k 1 71U do It isblk 1 1C 'Hi do HI blk 2 1C. ill ) do It 2 blk J 7 02 do n ii It..11)11 ; 2 il40 do n ii It Ifi blk 2 II 40 do It 17 blk2 7 02 do It IS blk 2 II. 117 do HI hik.I 111 < m Clar.i i : Livvton It 2hlkU 7 92 J \Voolworili n 'i ' It .1 1)1 ic a II 40 do u 'ilt 14 blk. 1 3 40 do It r. hlil.i 7 ni do H Ifi blk 3 IB in do HI blk 4 IB 117 do H2 hik 4 do ii > iH.lbk4 ! .1 40 do n > ( It 14 blk 4 3 40 do HlM > lk4 7 Itt do It ! ( > blk 4 1G H7 Anna nDnnilys Ib f t It S Hoes' Place 2 77 .1 .M Ku's-llellsof , Hll H O'l ' do it 10 24 ( IJ do Hll M M do It 12 1) ) 25 do slh ft H II 2 ! 10 K 1' C ivloids K. ft H2H 2.ill James Lhldell n 'i ' R- > 4 21 UhailesO HiiKhPss : It 20 r. uo \V .sl'oppleton 11.10 'M 51 I ) C Patterson It II Illicit Pluco a 1.4 do It 12 U .11) ) do It 1,1 II .10 do 1114 II .I'l do 1115 0 II ! ) do It Ifi : i'i do It 17 it : i'i do It 18 o BJ l.Uzlo W ls.iai.ot al K 1".0 f i o IM ft II 3 blk 27 WestOm.iliH 22 IK ) ( liv HlflOfl It 4 blk 27 . ! " 78 Clmilt's \Veluei slSJfl H3blk2S : i7 71) ) do h IV ) ft It 4 blk2.S " 37 70 C H He toy und P I-Momi s IWIft IIBDlkBO " 117 70 do elVflH4blk.1l ) ( " 37 71) ) i : O Cochrnn mil ) H I tx 27 see 21 " 3. 24 KC'ocliinil Hill ) 11B tx 27f > 'c2l " Ifi U Cbarlolto A Coulnan sub It 4 t\27sec21 " I , ' 10 Warren Cocluan H I.VJ ( i : ci ft tx It 27 hCP 21 ' ? M t'lirlst ItiisiniisBun s 2.1 ft 11 7 Dcv- ilcs hub Dlv vv ' , l\ It 3) sec 21 2 OJ C'hrial Itiibiiiilbsi-n It S Dovrli's Sub Dlv tec 21 4 M do H I ) Dnvrli'n hub Dlv seo''l 0 80 du II 111 Deviics .Sub Dlv seo''l it : > i A Doll s l.Y ) fto 'J tx It 31 MIO 21 : t7 7o DoilKlasCon Tilft of that p.nt of u o 'i see l"l lylin ; .letnecn Holt Line ry H DiiiiRlas Add IH 8fi Total , . . ? I,7M 3.1 Hut Ion 2. Thai lliOh'MiClul taxes and IIHSOSS- inuulhluvlod and assessed as afonisalil , nb ll bo iluo liiimediiilely upon the | i iss mo and H | > - iiroval of tills ordinance , and Nliall betoniudo' llmiiipnl If not paid within llfly dav-h llipiu- afti'i ; and Iliereupon Intiiiesl Hnall be added nt the rain of one tier pent n inonlb. | iayablo In advance fiom the tlmu mild luxes bccoino hi i dellniiuent Section 3. Tint this ordinance shall tike nlfect and bo onfotcod friiin und after Us pus- hiiue. Passed January Kith , IK'U. ' JOHN OUOVEH. ( Jlly U.ork. Pn sldent City Ootinull , Approved January 3Jib. Is'rj. nio. : P. HHMIH. Mayor. The above tax Is now dun and payable at thoolllcoof tbo city treasurer iiml vvlll bncoiiHi 'dcllii'iueiitaiid ' beat Interest after Maicli lut , 18U2 , Ub cen Induction 2of above ordinance , Iir.MtV 111)1LN , Treahitror , .State * Indian r-urvele , Pine Klduq Acency , South Dnkota , Pebrnary lltli , I8U2. healed prniios.ilK. eiidoi d "PruiiosuU for Pleld Scuds' -iiiil adutciiBcd to the nndni- Kl 'ned at Pine lld'ii ( ; Avunoy , houtti 1) ilioia , will bo tecu vod at this u oncy until 1 o'clock Ii. in , of March 7th , 18 < i2 , for furnUbliiK and dollvcrliiK at Uiislivlllp , Nebraska : : > 8.0XI uiiunds hoid oats , 4\OIK ) poiiixhi H nd wheat , lli.r u pounds bocd eorn , 41,000 pounds HOCI ! ii ) I u toes. l.UOO pounds need ( Jcrinan millet. fifiO pniiiulH timothy HOOII , 'Ml poundx bluiiRroti tpcd , h4ld so an to lM > grown In tlionoollonof country coiuiKuou to the piaco of delivery. Itlddeix will bo required lo state NDoclllcally In their bldHtbe proposed prlcoof uaeh arllulu ollerrd fur delivery under u contract. Thu llzht la reserved to ipjcct any or all bills , or any part of any bid , II deemed for tbo bcit In- terrst of ihcscrvlcc. Certified Ohoukfl I'aeh bid must l ) iiocompKii'cd ' by u certified check ordr.ift uixm EOIUK llnllod Hlatot Douonltdry or bolvent National Hunk In thu vicinity of thu residence of Iliu bidder , luadn payable , to the or for of Iliu CoimnUilomir of Indian Af fairs , for at least llvo per cent ot the amount of llio proposal , which check or draft will bo forfeited to tbo United HttUc.s In CIH.B any bid der urblddeni rocolvluic an award shall full to urumpily oxociituu contract with uoodund Kiinlclcnt&urltles , olhcrwUo Uilia returned to Die bidder. Jlldn accompanied \ > y oauh In lieu of u certified cheek will not liocunildurod. It'or further Informtitliin nrinly to O APT A'IN ' IJKOKUK i < . itoy iiuowN , u , b A : ; Autinir U , H.Indian Aguat. I'-ll-lM-m. 8ANDALWOOD CAl'dULKS u IU tiott auil eely opiulii srpirluail br reiiular phystclaat tot ( ho euro of Gf.notrUie and IscharKei fromtha urlaary orgiaii