Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 16, 1892, Page 3, Image 8

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by Carrier to tiny pnrt of the City
ii.v. . TII.TON , - MAN A ana
11 i riiiiriN.rO HiislneM Office No 41
01 lI.I'IIOM.sJ
NKll | | Krtllor No SI
Ml * till .W/.W77O.V.
N , Y. Plumbing Co.
Council Hluffs Lumber Co. , coal.
Crnfl'i ' thnttel loans. S04 Sapp block.
A inootlnp of the school board bos been
cnlled for tills evening.
The U'hlst club will bo entertained by the
young men of the club next Friday evening
at I ho homo of Mrs. S. C. Key on South
Seventh street.
Uev. Dr , Htoiihcn Pholpsof the First Pros-
bvterinn church spent Sunday In Corning.
Ills pulpit was occupied yesterday by Hov.
T. D. llwing , who is connected with the
Corning ncadrtny , and was for some years
president of Parsons college at Fnlrliold , la.
The Dodge Llpht guards have given up
the USD of the Masonic temple held as an
armory , and have leased a portion of the
brick building , corner of Filth avenue mid
Pearl street , known as "the rink. " Their
furnlturu and equipments have boon moved
Into their new quarters , but not yet put to
. /The Jury In tbo case of Wallace against
Is'Hunter , which tins been out over since Frl-
dav noon , reported yesterday morning nt
Hil : ! ( ) o'clock that they were unable to como
to an agreement. On an order from .ludgo
Thornell they were discharged , anil the case
will have another hearing at the next term
of court.
The llro department was called out lost
evening by on nlnrm of tire from SU Her-
nnrd's hospital , It proved to bo nothing
more serious than u burning lluo. although
the grout climms of burning soot that
emerged from thechlmncv led tun people of
that vicinity to bollovo that the hospital was
on lire. No water was thrown , and the llro
athist died out of itself.
The Fluctuation club was entcrtalnr-d Fri
day evening at the homo of Miss Minnie
Ilnnscn. These present were Mr. nnd Mrs.
lluutloy , Omaha ; Misses Clnuson , I-onn
Clausen , Moore , Hrltton , Goff , Pile , .lonnio
Pile. Mclntosh , Aton , Clorko. Armstrong ,
Nulllo Armstrong. Messrs. Davis , Dunn ,
Armstrong , Van Patten , Gray , Saumtorb ,
West , Pryor , Powell , Tomploton , Chambers ,
Ilnnlhorn , Dobbins.
The clock which was stolen from the
Pacific house by sneak tbiovos Friday night
was found Saturday uflornoon in Slytur's
barn on Scott street , wticro it bad been hid
den under an old bob sled , The item in yes
terday's Bin : was the information the
Under of the timepiece hnd os to the owner
Hob Tracy , n colored man who has been
uorkingln the Paullic house , for some time
past , was cornered bv a detective and taken
tothoolllcoof the chief of police , wlioru ho
was put through a pumping process of two
hours' duration without inducing him to con
fess. The detective dually had to let him go
without placing him under arrest , hut II. P.
Nilrs , the proprietor of the Pacillu , has a
new bootblack working for him.
( yftlOHHUl Ulght 1 > .I3' Sllltt.
The colossal A'hito goods sale opened
Fob. 13 nt the Boston Store , Council
. v BlulTs , In. , where everything in the
Nwhito goods line is displayed. Bargains
in muslins , sheetings , linens , towels ,
table napkins , oinbtoidories , white
aprons , white .shirts , handkerchiefs , etc. ,
Uclow wo quote only a few of the
many bargains that will bo offered dur
ing thlH sale. Sale continues for eight
days. Intending purcliusers bolter to
come early and avoid the great rush ,
and got the bettor selection of the bar
Ono oase'blenchcd muslin ( almost free
from dfCBsing ) a yard , beautiful soft
finish , worth ( ii.
Another case of the Ellorton muslin
that IB usually sold for 9c will be on sale
faino as before , ( i ! .
Lungdon muslin , sold all over the
country at lOc n yard , during sale our
price 112 yards for $1.00.
All linen damask tnblo linen , special ,
2t > u a yard.
51 and 50 all linen blenched damask
that sold for 4Sc , 58o mid 58c , in one lot
at 8c. ! )
08-inch heavy unbleached damask
( only one pattern ) sold for 7 < " > e ; sale
price , 5c ! ) a ytu d. 50 dozen extra largo
nnd licnvv Turkish striped towels
( fast colors ) that sold for 2oo , sale price
/file. 200 dozen fine damask towels , over
35 different style borders , hand drawn
nnd knotted fringe , at 25c each.
Examine our line of buck towels nt
52.0(1 ( per do/on.
Sheets and pillow cases all ready for
use ; BCO the low prices ; mostly made out
of the Fruit of the Loom muslin.
Pillow cases ready made , 12Jc , 15 : , 17c ,
20c nnd 22c. Sheets ready made , ( Joe , ( ) ! ) c ,
7f)0 and 8oc. .Bolter grades in embroid
ered and hemstitched.
WlllTK Bill ) Sl'ItKADS.
Lot 1 A good bine crochet quilt , will
compare favorably with 75e goods , bale
price , 50c.
Lot 2A heavy , full si/.o crochet
spread , sold always for OOe , during sale ,
Lot 3 Bates damask quilt , sold from
Maine to California for $1.25 and $1.50 ,
our price " during sale , 98(5.
Wo put on sale the most colossal stoelc
of ladies' misses' and children's under
wear ever shown by us. In fact , wo
don't driiw the line hero , but are bnfo in
saying over shown in western Iowa. Sco
show window for prices. Largo display
on second door.
Just received fur white goods sale. 100
dozen children's collars at 50c on the
dollar. Special numbers at fie , lOc , lilo
and 25c , cquiil to any 10o nnd 50o goods
over shown in that market.
200 do/.on more of ourflo Inco bordered
handkerchiefs , which wo will put on
enlo at lo ( ono cent ) each.
Fothcringhain , WhltolnwiV Co. ,
Loaders and promoters of low prices.
Council Bluffs. In.
, I'AllAUlt.ll'IIS.
Miss French of Cedar Krmlds Is visiting
T S. Couch nnil family left Saturday for
their now homo in Milwaukee ,
Mr. mid Mrs. Suk'og of Duluth , Mum. , nro
vsltlnp ! Mr. and Mm. C. R Bell.
Miss Ollio Cook returned Saturday from
Lincoln , where stio has been vUltlni ; friends.
Mrs. J. II. Iluldwin loft yesterday for
Sioux Falls , S. 1) . , to attend the funeral of
her brother ,
Mrs. I ) , a. Clark , who has been visiting
rs. W. O. Wlrt. left Saturday for her
homo in Duluth , Minn ,
Ofllccr Chiirlea Claar of the police force
bos returned from Jncuson , O. , where he
a counlo of weeks visiting bib old homo.
JnrvUwlld blucUborry i the boat.
A Ituic
Dry goods nt cost or less. Wo will
iiscontinuo business in this city , Feb.
25 , nnd will make general mark down
price on nil goods in the store. Sale bo-
fins Saturday morning and will con-
Untto ton days. Wo mean what wo say.
Call nnd bo convinced. Open every
night till 0 o'clock. 0. C. Cully , H28
Broadway , _
The Boston Store , Council Bluffs , la. ,
. clobcs every evening at ( J p.vm. , unions
I ] xMondnys und Stitunliiya Mondays U p.
Its m. , Saturdays 10 p. in. Fothoringhniu ,
Whltclaw & Co. . Council Blulls , la.
.Swtmson Music Co. , Mnsonlu torn plo
Until Mnroh 1 , inolei without hair re-
jioved free by Dr. Cupell , CIO U-way ,
Bishop Newman's ' Patriotic Expressions Win
Merited Applause.
iin : < | iidit Tribute * I'nhl to tlir llra ry of
ltn l rl > nilriIn tinDiirk l > iij < it
HIP lldirlllun l.urnl Noted
nl Intrrcnti
Tlio First Methodist church people Imvo
bscn bottling their service * In Hughes' hull
whllo waiting for the completion of their
splendid now church building on llroadwny ,
jut the sotvlcos yesterday were hold In the
Masonic temple. This hull souls between
, 'JOO and 1,500 people , nnd the mem bora
Ightly bcliovod that the crowd that wanted
to hear Bishop Newman , who Ulndly agreed
to lake the placu of tbo pastor 'during hli ub
ciice , would bo sufllclcnt to 1111 all the seats ,
Inco It was Boncr.illy understood tlmt a
spoclnl invitation bud been extended to the
Clnmd Army organizations to bo present with
their llnRs nnd regalia * , mid the bishop
night bo expected to say something patri
otically Interesting.
Uoforc the hour arrived for the commence
ment of the services the hall was packed to
the doors , nil the windows were occupied and
a mass of humanity was stanalnp In the
aisles and around the walls. Ucforo the
hall was entirely tilled n full corps of the
Grand Army ana Union Veteran league
members marched in with their Hags un
furled nnd were conducted to the front of
the hall , where chairs hud been reserved for
them. Iho Hag bearer was Invltod to plnco
his banncron the rostrum in the roar of the
pulpit nnd was requested to spread It out on
Lho wall. The Invitation was aceuptetl and
the banner was quickly unfurled and drawn
full length behind Iho pulpit. The ox-
tr.iordinnrv spout ado was too much for oven
the decorum of a staid Methodist congrega
tion nnd It was grouted with hoartv nnd pro
longed chners. Hishnp Nownian was in his
happiest mood , ana when the cheering
CCBSPCI and nftor tbo usual prayer nnd snip
ing preached ono of his most powerful and
aloiiucnt. sonnotn.
Ilu found his text in .lohn II. , 2STho :
Master is como nnd cnllclh for theu. " It
was an eloquent and prnctlcal disquisition
upon Iho present necessity for active and
positive work bv members of the 1'rotusttint
Christian churches. Toward the end of his
discourse , when ho hnu wrought up the con
gregation to n high rltch of Interest , ho
turned to the great ling on iho wall and
apostrophized it in most eloquent lantruage.
That ting stands next lo Iho cross lo mo , "
said ho. "Ncxl lo the cross of Christ It is
the idealization of Ihn pure and beat , the
noblest and highes.l human aspiration. 1
love it. and where I go I want it to go , and
when I die I want It to bo wrapped around
my collln and carried with mo in to the church
and lo llie grave. "
This was followed by n burst of applause
that shook the building , and bcforo It ceasca
ho tutned lo the soldiers below him and paid
an eloquent Inbulo le tholr bravery nnd sac-
rill cc * .
This brought forth another outburst of ap
plause , and ror a few moments almost every
sentence was received with a similar demon
stration , until the spoiltersomowbat checked
the enthusiasm by requesting the congrcgn-
llon to manifest its approbation by the good
old Melhodist response of "Amen , " and for
the next ton minutes men shouted "amen"
who scarcely know its moaning.
The lesson of the sermon was keenly appre
ciated nnd the seed fell upon fertile ground.
At the conclusion , the benediction was pro
nounced by Hov. Dr. Crofts , tbo Coucaoca-
lional poet preacher. All the old soldiers
then passaa forward and heartily shook the
bUhop's hand.
Notice. To whom it iniy : con corn : I
wiirn all persons not to trust my wife ,
Minnie N. Skunnfult. I will not'be re
sponsible for any dobtb contracted by
No Kllil of
Everything1 is bargains nowadays , and
a dealer who has no bargains might just
as well quit business. Another thing is
to lot people know where to lind _ them.
The bt.Ht bargains in the music line can
bo procured just now with the Mueller
Piano it Organ Co. , 103 Main street ,
Council BlulTs , In.
Almost AHphyxlatoil.
The two llttlo children of Mrs. Doano , who
lives at the corner of Pierce and Prank
streets , nad a very narrow escape from death
Saturday night. Mrs. Doane spent the even
ing away from homo , and before sbo loft she
put two children to bed , ono u girl of T
and the other a boy of ! > . U'hun
she returned nbout 11 o'clock she found iho
house full of smoko. A lot of wood that had
boon put Into the oven of the cook steve to
dry out had caught tire and been burnlne
slowly during the greater part of her ab
sence The two children were unconscious
from iho fumes. Dr. .T. H. Cleaver was
culled in great haste , and nftor several hours
of hard work Ihoy were placed out of im-
mcdiato danger. If they had Inhaled the
smoke half an hour longer they would bolh
undoubtedly have boon asphyxiated. As it
was they were in a. very critical danger
yesterday morning , but it is now thought
they will como around all right In the course
of a day or two.
Lost Gentleman's watch charm in
shape of horse shoo , sot with diamonds
and rubies. Finder leave ut llia : olllco
and receive reward.
The Ladies' Social circle will give a
HUnpor and enturtaininont at the First
Broadway church , Tuesday evening ,
February 10.
Hi'lictuluil by a Train.
John O'Shoa , a car cleaner who lives in
Omaha nnd works for tbo Union Pacific
company on this side of the river , was killed
yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock by bolng run
over near the passenger depot. Ho was riding
on overland train No. 1 and attempted to
alight. Instead of landing on the lirm ground ,
as ho expected , ho fell ou a pile of sawdust
and ihuvlngs which lay near the track.
Losing his foot hold in tbo soft stuff , ho full
over onto the track and iho wheels of the
engine nnd several carx passed over him ,
severing his Head and both arms from
his body and breaking his back. No
ono wilnpssod iho affair , but he was found
almost immediately after the train had
passed. ' Ho was picked up and laid on ibo
pile of Btiavlngs which had caused his death ,
Coroner Waterman was noiitled and repaired
lo ihc srono. Tim remains were taken to the
undertaking rooms ofV. . U. Eslop , where
an Inquest will be hold IhU morning , The
jury consists of V. Jennings , .1. Cuslck nnd
F. H. Ouanulla , nnd after Iho remains had
been viewed Ihoy were taken lo Omaha ,
where they will bo buried. O'Shoa was 115
years of ago and single.
Miss Muv Davenport entertained a party
of friends Saturday afternoon in honor of
Miss Hanks of St. Josouh , Mo. , who is visit
ing her.
Vocal Alutld.
Prof. T. W. Davis , tenchor of voice
nnd note rending. Lessons private.
Call or address at Grand hotel , Council
Ii H. Shoafo 1ms eastern money o n
hand for real estate loans.
Ho ! for til n Mimll Grunt
At Now Orleans. Ono faro , $31.45 , for
lO'ii'd ' trip. Tickets on sale Fob. 12U to
" 8. For pnrticulara call on O. M. Brown ,
ticket agent K. O. , St. J. & C. B.
Tliu Salvation Army.
An oyster supper and band festival for the
bonetU of the Council Dluffs Salvation Army
brass band is announced for tonight In the
army ball on Uryant street. Captain and
Mrs. Llndsey and tbo soldiers of the Omaha
corps are expected to bo present and the
bund men from both cities will unlto in u
Krand musical festival and meeting at lor the
-T T TT / T"fc "t" " A T C T TVT" C A T T
Program for time Week :
My sales have been farge the last week , lout I have thousands of dollars worth.of shoes that are clean and new. I have
bargains to offer that have not been on sale before. Shoes of all kinds and1"prices. . Fine shoes , medium priced shoes ;
cheapshoes , and all of them good shoes ; they will will bs sold cheap , and cheap means at a lower price than ever of
fered in Council Bluffs or Omaha. I HAVE NO COMPETITORS. There is not a shoe stock in the city'that has the good
solid , serviceable shoss in it that mine has.I have never had a cheap or shoddy shoe in the storeand as no one can compare -
pare prices with mine when , they can't compare goods. REMEMBER , all these goods will be sold at old prices as soon
as this sale is over. It will pay you to buy now.
TO RAILROAD MEN. You can buy the $5 calf box toed shoo , in lace , congress or oulton , for $3.50 , and it is the best railroad shoe on earth. These
shoes have not been on sale the past week , but they will all go this week for $3.5o , und every pair warranted.
MEN'S PATENT LEATHER SHOES. I have a few dozen of those fine silk vesting top , patent leather shoes , the same shoes that would you $8
and $9 in Omahn , for $5.50. If you waut a dress shoe don't overlook this chance.
LADIES' PATENT LEATHER SHOES. There is a few dozen of the choth top , button and lace , patent leather shoos left , $5.50 , reduced to
4.50 ; $6 , reduced to $4.
A FEW OF THE BARGAINS YOU CAN GET THIS WEEK. Lvlias' 93 s'ior ' for $3 53. L-ulb ; ' n 5 s'.oa ' ? br $3. L-.idies'$3.50 shoe
at $2.5o. Ladies' $3 shoes at $2. Ladies' $2.50 shoes at $1.75. I also have a few doxen of Laird's hand turned shoes. The ones Morse of Omaha sells for $8 ,
for $4.50. These are all genuine bargains , and these go jds wi'l all hi sold at regular price as soon as this sale is over.
THURSDAY. All $2.5O shoes go for $1.75. These are as good shoes as can be bought in any store for $3.OO. I have
a big lot of them in all sizes and widths , but they will all go for $1.78. /
I HAVE A FEW OXFORDS LEFT And they will be sold at sold at some price this week. You will need them soon.
Get a pair now and save half price.
STACY , ADAMS & CO. Men's $ S.OO calf and kangaroo southern ties at $3.5O. Everyone knows that Stacy &
& Adams' shoes are the very best.
best.F. . H. EVANS , 412 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
supper. Captain Smith nnd wife of Iho local
corns are anxious lo realize enough from Iho
suuper to enable ttiom lo pav oil n liltlo
nnco duo on the instruments belonging lo Iho
corps here and al o lo purchase Ihroo or lour
more nnd Ihns enlarge Iho band. Tickets ,
including admission to the band festival , will
be - . " > cents nnd can bo obtained of the ofll-
cers and soldiers nl any time.
We have our own vinayarda in Califor
nia. Jarvis Wino comtviny , Co. BlulTa
Walnut block and coal ,
fresh mined , received dailj Thatcher ,
1C Main. _
THK rAiTiirui. riw. :
Itcv. Mr. Hull U Tlmnldill That They Aru to
llt < round In III * Chinch.
There are some fearfully sere spots in the
First Baptist church , and as they have boon
exposed to the public , there was naturally
much curiosity yesterday lo see whether in
his Sunday morning mmistrallon , Iho paslor ,
Hev. Mr. Hall , would follow his usual heroic
treatment , Mr. Hall believes in caustic
and always has n supply on nnnd. Honro
the church yesterday was ovidonlly pervaded
by an nlmosphero expectation rather than
The incidents of last Wednesday evening's
stormy meeting , when the police were ap
pealed lo In vain lo disperse iho gnlhorlng of
Iho members , were still fresh in the minds of
many , and all evidently listened with eupor-
ness for what the outspoken pastor would
say about it. He , no less evidently , had Ibo
samu subject uppermost in imnd , bat in his
sermon there was more force In his allusions
Ihnn in his direct utterances.
Ho once dliectly spoke of last Wednesday
evening's meeting , calling atleuHon lo Iho
fact that it made a great difference whdthor
church members got togelher lo pray or to
bray. With Iho oxcopllon of some such
touches Iho sermon would not hnvo been
considered us "a striking" one , hud not the
listeners been so fm iliar with the details of
Iho church Iroublis ns to easily delecl the
unspoken thoughts between the uttered
words ,
Rev. Mr. Hull's discourse was based on the
lotlor lo Ihe cunrch in Sardls. Ho pirturea
the condition of that cnurch as wealthy ,
fashionable and popular , but spiritually
dead. Ho especially dwelt upon the pas
sages "I know thy works , that thou ha'st a
name that thou livest , and art aeud. Bo
watchful and strengthen the things which
remain , thai are ready lo die ; for 1 have not
found Ihy works perfect before God. Thou
hast a few names , oven in Sardis , which has
not defiled their garment. "
In bis opinion tnc Darwinian theory of the
gradual and natural development of maa was
disproved by Iho Historical showing lhat dc-
gonorallon was Iho nalural course pursued.
It was only by conslnnt fTort that progress
was made , even in the church. Ho did not ,
believe in the idea lhat "onco in grace , al
ways in praco. " There were some who do-
lighled In singing. "Oh , to bo noth
ing , " and who found their greatest satlsfac-
lion In remembering that "Jesus paid it all ,
all Iho uebt I owo. " That sort of religion
will do very well for a man who was
brought up on a dry goods box. Sucli a man
would enjoy looting around Ibo throne
whiltling and singing. A hcavon whcro
there was anything to do would bo n hell for
such a man. Men who are satisilod with
simply having been converted some time in
the past rapidly degenerate and soon become
dead. Tholr names might bo on thn church
rolls but not on the boon of life. God kept
an eraser as well n& a pen nnd ho coma
scratch out a name as well as write it.
Some folks had an Idea that all they
had to do was to take out a policy ,
and pay ono premium ou il and then stop ;
God would soejlo It lhat Ihe policy never
lapsed. That was n fearful mistake , for God
had said distinctly lhat ho would blot out of
Iho book of his remembrance Ibo names of
those who did not prove faithful.
Jly neglecting the moans of grace , by
losing interest in the missionary work unit
other conc < > r > is of Iho church , llioso who haa
been truly converted would soon become
wrapped in selfishness. Truth would become
no distasteful to thorn ttiat the preacher wno
uttered It would bo hated by thorn.
They wouid gradually scolt the back
pnivs , and at last the door of the
church would close behind thorn. "I am
hero as an ambassador of Christ to bring n
mcbsago of truth lo you. f thank God 1 did
not make the message. My duty Is simply to
utter It fearlessly. "
Then the speaker paid a special tribute to
"tho faithful few" to bo found in every
church. The paslor was simply ono nnd of
himself could do nothincr , but his power and
usefulness could bo increased wonderfully by
the help of other * The most humble mom-
bo r of the church , ono who deemed himself a
mere cipher , could help mltrhtlly , Tor if n
cipher was on the right side of it single unit
It increased it from ono to ton. Two such
ciphers on the right side of n pastor w mid
Increase his power n hundredfold. God
would remember and reward tha faithful
few , Tholr prayers would bo heard and
thulr cause would bo finally successful.
Two apprentice nurses wanted at the
W. ( ! . A. hospital , corner Oth street and
Oth avenue _
Unite * , ' the tailor , 310 Broadway , has
till the latest stylcH and nowoat goods.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Money to loan. Lowest rates. John-
Bton & Van Patten , Kvorutt block.
Why Tlii-y Arc SiilillrrliiK ,
Whllo ho was In Dos Moines last week
County Auditor Hondricks took un oppor
tunity of sounding u number of prominent
politicians with a view to finding out what
the probable result will bo of iho olTorts
now being mndu to repeal the piohlbltory
law nnd enact something which shall bo
moro salisfactory to Iho residents of the
cities of the stuto.
"Tho vole on the Schmidt license hill
which is now before 'he loelslaturo will bo
u strictly partisan ono from the present out
look , " said ho in a conversation wilh a HKK
roporlor .Yesterday. "Tho republicans are
apparently trying to put off the considera
tion of the iiucitlon , and lhat Is Iho
only really hopeful thing In connection wilh
tbo whole business , It U supposed that Ibeir
object in trying lo buvo tbo taking of the
vote postponed'is to wait until tlio republican
state convention , in the hone that some no
tion will bo Uikcn ut Hint time which may
guide them lu the present diniulty. If the
state convention lanes a stand opposed to
prohibition , of course the republican mem
bers of the legislature will fool at liberty lode
do the snmo. From nil 1 could learn that is
about the only hope ttio nnti-prohlbitionists
have of notlinR a now law qnnctod. "
DM. Woodburydentists , next , to Grand
hotel ; line work u specialty. Tole. Mo.
Jurvis 187 ? brundy , purestsafest , best'
Can Nut Accept tin ) ApoliiJiy.
At n regular meeting of Abe Lincoln i-ost ,
Grand Arm ? of the Republic , last Saturday
evening iho following resolutions were unani
mously adopted :
llesolvcd , lly Aho Lincoln post. No. l0. ! that
wo hcartllv endorse tliu culm anil dlnlllod |
conduct of ro'iiniamliir Malltiy of this post
ntiil our comrades In thulr action at Iho C.illi-
ollc church lu this cltv on the occasion of lliu
burial of Comrade McU.inn as nxemiillfvlni ;
tliu teachings of tliu tiraml Army of ilio Hu-
piilillc :
Hcsolvoil further. That as : i post wo oiinnoL
accept thn . inolnvry mailu liy tlio 'assistant
Driest for tliu Insult olTurutl tliu IliiK whu'h en-
hlirouclL'd tliu collln of our ( load vninrudc. hut
must Insist thut wliutovur rnll lous or scotar-
itin boil y seeks tliu protection of thullaenf
tins lopiibllu shall not close Its doors
against It.
.Serious ClinrK Mmlii Against tli Cltl-
7IMIH Of Ituttl * , Mtlllt.
llui.KN * , Mont. . Fob. 15. Pung Wang Yu.
Chin "so charge ndintcrim nt Washington , has
complained to the secretary of stale of
the treatment of the Chinese residents of
Bulto , nnd Iho mailer was referred by Mr.
Blaine lo Governor Toolo.
For some lime n boycotl has been In force
in Bullo against Chinese and all who empty
them , and the information upon which Iho
complaint is made comes from the Chinese
consul general nt San Fruncifco. It is
charged lhat various citizens of liutte "havo
obstructed in their lawful business
and outrageously treated Iho Chinese sub
jects resident in lhat placo. In November
last vnrioti'j labor unions of Butte City
'passed n regulation prohlbi'inR Iho people in
the vuid city from aeuling with Chinese sub
jects resident there , and ut Iho same lime
placed guards at the front of Chinese stores
to arrest and punish any native who should
bo found lo infringe on Ihc regulation. Sub
sequently the labor union forbade the native
landlords to hlro any more of tboir
houses lo iho Chinese and ordered them lo
raise rents of houses already tcnnnlcd by
them. They further require the Chino o
laundrymen lo regisler their names , and at
tempted to extort from them $10 each for tbo
same. Upon their refusal lo comply wilii
their demands Iho lawless pcoulo lircd
at thorn and assaulted some of them about
Iho head wilh Ihoir pistols , so grievously
wounding Ihem lhat their lives were imper
iled. "
The newspapers of Hutto have published
isolated casas ot outrages upon Chinnincn by
hoodlums , but it is not creditable lhat Ihoy
were instigated by the ropulablo citizens of
Iho place.
A few davs ago a burly rough In Hulte as
saulted a celestial on oneof the main streets ,
knocking him down and cruelly beating him ,
knocking him through u window.'then drag
ging him out again across the broken glass.
Weanesday nignt Ah Sam , a suburban
laundryman and his crew came to Butte to
participate in Iho New Year's feslivilios and
loft their wash house unguarded , ana
when they returned the establishment was
a tola ! wrock. U had bcon visited by
a band of men and destroyed ; Iho
doors and furniture were smashed am ) Iho
clothes scattered and ruined. During the
procoedincs a largo crowd of lookers on
cheered the work of uostruction , and an
nounced lhat the Chinese must go , peaceably
if Ihoy would , but go Ihoy musl.
Tbo laboring men of Ituilo are circulating
a memorial to congress , In which they say :
"Your petlllonors , ropreseulinir Iho wage
wnnters of the state , are oapoclatly nnd
vitally concerned for Iho prompt solution of
this most important question. Tbo
immigrants are forced upon us
In great multitudes. The situation
is alarming. Wo afo bring deprived of un
opportunity to earn our daily bread. The
conditions are too hard to bo patiently with
stood , \volheroforo pra/ your honorable
body to give us prompt rolfof by Iho onacl-
incnt of laws clearly designed to restrict
immigration and roslrlct Chinese. "
til'.tllliS OF Hl'OHT.
Cleanly Knocked Out.
LiFAvr.TTC , La. , Fob. H ; Tbe long looked
for fight between Michael Thomas of
Lafuyollo nnd John lOvorharts of New
i Orleans came off this evening before iho
' Lafayette Athlotlo club. It was spirited
from iho start. Evoruurls : won in tbo six
teenth round by a clean knockout.
I'udily SI 111 MJ Iyat.
Loi'isvn.i.i ! , ICy. , Keb. | 4T-Frank Slavln
tonight sent a telegram Icr.lhe Olympic club
of New Orleans In which'ho says he will
fight Corbott In Now Orleans on March ! t ,
four-ounco gloves , six rouilds , for a purse of
(5,000. flu leave * for Inulaiiapolls toolgbl
and usxs thai an answer bo sent there.
Knlilcmlii In .Nr\v Vorli ,
NEW YOIIK , Fiib , H. Two additional cases
of typhus fever wore discovered nt 10IO ; !
tonifht. This makes sovenly-lwo announced
cases In this city.
The first regular service * slnco the dodloa-
lion of Iho now PioibvturUu church ,
Twenty-fifth and J streets , were hold yestor-
The Empress Elizabeth of Austria ,
liberal yours 111:0 after u oiivero spell of sok- !
nvis was ailvlsod by bur hound plij'hlcliiiia to
USD Jolmnn Holt's Mall l
weakened i-oiiKtltulliiii , Hue led t > o admirably
that In appreciation Joliann llofT received the
Order of the ( iolilen Cross 01 .Merit. There
IN nothliu "Just usKood" when you oan obtain
the la'iinlnourtlulu. which must havu iho HK- !
nuture of "Johiinn Hotr" on the Jiuck of uvoiy
bottlu. TaUu no other.
"SANATIVO , " tlis
Wonderful Spinlsli
Itpttipily , Is foul nltli a
Written Guarantee
to cure nil NCIVOIIK Ills-
ca-in. fiicli as Wrale
Mrinnrv , IAISI of llralii
Tower , llcnilai'lic ,
Wnkofnlncs5I.o8l Man
io < x , cnousncs-
filiijo. nil drains nnd
Before & After Use. losi of poncr of the
rbotosrnp'icd from life. C.fneratlM ! Oicnnj In
_ rlthcT i x. mu cd by
ov < i-rsrilloii , youthful IndlKirllon , or tin * rupsme
aaeof tobnao. opium , m fttnitilunt * . uhlih iiltlinntcly
lend to liilinnlty , Ciiii'inniitlnn mid In : mltj I'm up
In coincident form tn cnrrvjftn tlic fst p H.Mt. 1'ilcc
| lauickiEe | , orGlorJ'i.Vlth VM-I.V J3"tin ! wi-Rhpa
written Biinrnntoe to cure or refund tbo
nionoy. Mint \ > \ mull lo tint i\tlutrs . Clitular nee
In I lain ciHolo.p. | .Mcnllim Ilili pn | 'r. .VMus' ,
MADRID CHEMICAL CO. llrnmli onicefoM'.H A.
3M Drniliorn Street , CllirARO. II.U
Kuhu * Co. . Cn.r 15th & Dnuclns St .
J .A Kullcr & Co , Cor. Mill A. Ilouclai SU.
* U Fost r & Co. , Cuuuill IlluHa , In.
Tulfw Tiny Pills net us Ulnilly tin the
fh chllil , tlia < li-llriiti < f < > nmu or Inllriii
< il liHjuiisiu im tlii'ilKuroiiHinini.
jtlvo toiinnnil r.triMlKlh to tint
Is U1 liKOtlicrs It
cornpnrleo i mo slow or
DKAU. If buffcrlnRlry
. It Penetrates , Iti
llcvcCures. .
day. In the monili.s Hev. Mr. AVhoolcr
spbko upon Ibo law of Sinai ns compared
with ino l w of Calvary. Tno speaker drew
nn eloquent contrast between tbo conimand-
monls pivon lo Mosus and Iho Inws lhat were
given to the world by Christ ns ho buffcrod
on the cross. In the evening Iho sermon
wns addressed lo the young mon , whose at
tention was directed lo snmo of Iho lessons
laught by Iho lifo of Abraham Lincoln.
.li.lill lloiiuh Tries In Hi-it : Ills U'lH-'s Hralim
Out oil u ClilciiRii Street.
CIIICAOO , 111. . Feb. 13. John HouRbHis
under arrest charged with assault with in-
Ipnl lo comiml murder , and his wife is lying
at Ihc poml of death , unconscious ami with
a fractured skull. Late toniirht , as she was
steppinK aboard the slrcet car al Monroe and
Green slreets. Hough approached , grabbed
her arm nnd dragged her down Iho slroet ,
telllnlha bystanders that she was drunk
and ho was going lo take hoihome. . Sud
denly throwing I'er to the ground ho sebod
her head between Ills hands and commenced
to beat it furiouslv upon the pavement , not
stopping until a policeman pulled htm away.
The only excuse ( jlven for attempting to
murder her is that she was unfaithful lo him.
Thin Number Is 11 Hiiniloo ,
"Didn't I toll you that somebody would bo
hurt before nlghU"
"That's what you did , old man , nnd you
hit it right , too. "
Two of the eldest switchmen in the Union
Pacilic yards were silling il iho shanty at
Ibo stock yards crossing when the question
was asked nnd answered. They were speak
ing of the accident which occurroa at Ito Q
street crossing Saturday and Iho reporter
who occupied the nail keg in Iho corner ven
tured to ask where tha llrsl speaker acijuirod
his rift of prophecy.
"No prophecy about It , " replied the
switchman , "it Is a dead sum thing. Just as
soon as a Missouri I'aclllc car , No. ( Vtin ,
came into the yard .vostorday morning I
know somolblng was golnir lo happen. Talk
about thirteen being an unlucky number , it
isn't a circumstance lo lhat ordinary 0415 on
the sldo of a car.
"Do you remember that mornlnir two
voars ace lost summer when two men were
run down and killed by a freight car over on
the Block yards tracks I Wall , lhat car was
0,415 , and every time that number turns up
in the yards look out for trouble. I Imvo
watched for it over since and I never know
U lo fail.
"Ono morning not a great while nfiorthat ,
I saw a car with that number. I didn't lliink
anything of it until about an hour utter
when iho half finished Q street
vluduct collapsed , burying half a dozen men
In a mass of broken limbers and twisted Iron
work. Since then I Imvo always Uopt an
eyu out for 0,415. Last bummer a grader
tried to steal a ride to Omaha on a freight
train und was thrown under the wheels anil
ground lo pieces riglu In from of iho dopol.
Not half a dozen rods away wasn Burlington
car bearing the fateful number. Along in
September I saw it again , and
the aamo day an Italian who
had been working for Hugh Murphy
on the Q street paving was run ovnr and
killed up nt the north end of Iho yards ,
Yublerday mornluir ono of the llrat can wo
bltrucd on to was Missouri I'aclllc stock cur
No. UI15. I told 1)111 then lhal somebody
would get hurt before night and you unow
how neur I como to being right. I toll you I
am mighty careful when 1 see that number ,
and 1 can't help feeling relieved when I hear
that tbo cur.Ho thai 011.1 Barrios wilh it
has fallen on bomoono clso besides wo. "
Just then Iho swllch engine loolod an Im-
iterative summons and the speaker hurried
away lu gel u string of empties oul of west ii.
Steamer Arrluiln ,
At London Sighted , Georgian , from Bos
ton ; Helvetia , from New Orleans ; Mojnphls ,
from Baltimore)1 ) Virginia , from Baltiinoni.
At Philadelphia Lord Uough , from Liver
pool ,
At Quconslown Lord Clivo from Phila
delphia ) Auranta from Now York.
Al Boston l.aku Superior from Liverpool ;
.Scandinavian from Glasgow.
Al Now York Bolnenland from Antwerp ;
Vigiliaiicia from Samoa ; La Uaecogno from
Tbo Fnntrftt end Flneot In the World *
Kvnry Bnturilor ,
At rnunlnr Inturvnln.
rates on IOWGH tnrniit ti nnd from the prlnclplo
033TCB , El3LI3n ! , I3I3U t All , COUIIKEHTAL FOI21IO-
KicuiKlon ticket * nvnltal > lo tu rctnin tiy f Itlirr the Itlo *
tilif ) | ile Civile , t Not III i > f Irulntulor Xajilcs Alllbrnftnr
Drift' nl Ucnt7 Orders ( : : A&7 Anout it I evtit EiHi ,
/ > , Apply to nnjr if our local AKOIIIII or to
* * * NUKUSON IJKOTUKUy. Uhlcnso , 111.
IB BBHI iasuby ttuBaywiij
Nos. 2 and 4 Sherman St. .
Rooms 68 & 69 CHICAGO.
ll'T"tcln i fncllltlPftfnrtlichunilllncnf shipments
of l.rnln , Klelil anil Klnx SCIM | , Itrferetici's Corn
xclmicniiil Amurlfun KxrlmiiKfl.N'nUoiml llnnks
any time wi
A 25 cent Bottle may save you
$100 in Doctor's bills-may save
your life. AsU your Druggist
Dr , Acker's English Fills
Smnll , plciiBOiit , H filMirllc ! nlllillio Incllcn.
W. II. IIOOKEU & CO , U Wcit nroartwny , N. V.J
For snlo by Kuhn it Co. , nnd Sherman
& McConnall , Omaha.
Before the cause of con
sumption was known ( that
was only a few years ago )
we did not know how Scott's
Emulsion of tod-liver oil did
so much good in consumption
and in the conditions that
lead to consumption.
The explanation is inter
esting. * We send it free in
SCOTT ft DowNB.Chcmiiti , 13 j South 51)1 ) Avenue ,
New York.
Your druggist keeps Scott'i HtnuUion of cod-liver
ellll dfugKiiu cvtrywhere do. | i.
A new mill runinteta Trealuiont couilitlnK ol
bui > po > lturle . Ointment III Coiuului , ul u In llux
unit I'lllii a rotltlvu Curu for Kxtcrnal , Inturnal.
lllliul or Illi'intiMk' Iti'lilntf , Cliroali ) , lloooiit ur
llcrcclltnry 1'llei. 'J'lilt Itumn'ly hin nvror buin
knunn in full. II nor buz. U turf ) : lunt bjr limit.
Why minor frum I'll ' * terrible ( ll uin i w lien n nrlt-
ten ifiiurnifloo In puiltlraljr Klvon "Illiij huxui , to
rnrunit llu > niouur It nut curuil Horrl ntninii ( or
frmi haniitu. | ( iiiarantuu Uinul by Knlin A Co ,
lrn kfli > lH < oto Atfont * . corner IHIi nnil Douyla *
ri'ci. , Uiimliu , Neb.
Eye , Ear , Nose , Throat '
scs uUjustoil to ull vlHiml ilufiiotj.
Calarrli uiicfessfully trout nil ,
Room IS , Darker Block , IStli , itiJ ! I'lrnain
Council Bluff - , i \ aNew
Now , modern , woll-nptiointud , thor
oughly wall-kept , $11 a dsiy.
E. F. CLARK , Prop.
All Mndsnf Dvoins and Cleiinln idono In the style of tliH ait. Ruled anil sttlnud
fabrics made to look as good as now. Hod
feathciK eleano I by sto.ini In Hrst-dliiiM tiiiin-
I ncr \\ork promptly ilonu and dul.vonsd In all
I put ts of the country feud for urlce list ,
U. A. MADMAN. - - I'ltUIMtlKTOH.
101.1 Itioudwav. No.irorthnuit em Depot
Or Council Bluffs.
1AL STOCK $150,03)
UIIIEOTOIM I. A. Miller , P. O. Glo.ison. n f *
fihiiirart , E. K. U irt , J. U EJiniuuUon. Chariot
K. llanniin. Tr.ins.iot h.inltliu bnil
uevs. Ijiriosteapltil ami surplus ot any bnat
In Southweslurn low.i
14 N. Mnln , Counoll Bluffs.
Chas. Lunkley ,
Fiincnil Director nnd Umlurtukcr.
311 Hroiulwuy , Council IJIulT ? .
Tuli'iilionn Sl'.t.
llt,0 t.ito uiil
federal courts. Urn in -I , I uud Shu.irO
lieiiobloclc , Counull Iliuff * . Ix
Mnritiiliifi tint- . .
. eur > dfnIOto2 d j >
op ytlllc r d.U .J.ITIJ > UEtB.L.b.uvnn
Lr ANTED To huy two ho.ivy work lioreon.
Call at 1115 K. Oth Htiout.
tr.irio huiihO unil lot fur team ; will
lilvu Ionx tliuoon balance. I/all at 015 U.
Oth tdreot.
- ' thn folluwln. cholci ) bargains In
fruit and veritable lands ; fi7 acres SO rods
north of tliu Uliuutamnia Kioiimlu , mistorn
Hlopo , Hnu sprln Hand line mirliiK-hrook , land
very i It'll and wull iviUntod to fruit ,
! 1 ucrui on ( Jr.inil avonno , line orehar ( I ,
wliidinlll and MneKrovo ; Hltnalud on Mynstor
proposed motor ilnu. OHU nnd onu-h ilf milua
nomCoutnjIl Illulfh postolnVo.
U iiiTi'tiof vuiy clioiuo plowed lunl on Unind
avenue , \'i \ in HIM fr.Mn uuitolllce.
Ilu aciut Il'i ' lulled from city limits ; need
lioiue , barn unit oiithiilldlnua ; llnuiiroliur I ! a
Kreathar nlii nt $ .V.r > JJ. lurnn.
I'H aoros. choice fruit farm , fl ucriH lu hluuk-
borrleH , GO ) younit fruit trout , > JtM ) > : r.iu | vlnus.
lioiue , ham and oiithuldliun | A very clioluu
ImrKaln. 10 acres adjoining city HinllH.u'-story
ons o , tined harn , orchard , urapi'A and Himill
fruitB. W. O. fclauy , Kooin 4 , Open llouvu
bloolf. Council HI nil's , lu ,
T71AHMS , gtriton laniU , homos , lots unj
J2 buslneu hlookj for atlo or runt. Day Si
IIess. . .U I'onrl utruuU Uounoll Illillfi
lowi farms und Kurduns for ulu , Several
stocks of inarc'liundlso to iiMinaiiKU for
Counell lltnir * property or Iowa land. John *
hton ix Vnn 1'iitten. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
iflNOIlT iTMMM'H inonoy on hand for
O loans. W. A. Wood &Uo , fi'0Jlalii _ Btrt'CU
"jjloitr'M/n ' CJornur lot , lUixLiS fl. , with two
J dwtillliiKB , oneO rogniH , new , with every
convuiiloiicu. hlBam hiiut , onun tliu place In
( i.ioh room , tlnhdiuil In hardwood throiuhout ;
rent SVlj ( ithurT rooinn. runt < .ii , with mmlum
convunlenccs , li. II. aheafo MO Ilioudwgy.
vi ANTKD-In a prlvnto family ubout
Y > March 1 , a girl for houkOworU.
Must ho a good cook and I au ml run , Good
wages will ho pUd to n comuetunt Klrl. Ad-
ilrtibs , ulvIiiK r urcnocs , Ilex t'-i-i t/ouuull
Ij'UK IU < N 1' Over 1UO dwolllngi of every de
-K bcrlptlon at prices varying from II tullOO
per month , lonitcd in all part * of thu oily , li
11 , Bheafe , WO