Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 16, 1892, Page 5, Image 6

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Btaivitvj Peasants Will Receive tlio Full
Benefit of the Donation ,
Onii-lnl lippnrt Miulr to Senator MiniilrrAiiti
TinAihiTtlftlni ; In ( 'iiiiiicrtlnii With
tliu Affair Will fully Iti-puy
for HIII Clnirlly ,
WASIIISOTOV llfiir.u' OF Tun fir.r , )
Bill FoL'irrr.r.NTii HriinKT , >
VisiiiNciTox , U. U. . l ob. 15. I
Today Charles MeC. Ulovoot Minneapolis ,
n uiomhcr of the Minneapolis relief commit-
' lee to toke chnrao of the praln donations
from the citizens of thn west for the stnrvlnc
Kcuinns. made a vcrhal report to Senator
Mnndoiyon. It will ho recilted that when
( jovornor Thayer Issued his proelamntion to
the citizens of Nebraska , appealing to them
for donations of corn for the starvinc peas
ants la Kuisin , thnt Author P. Ludilcn of
I lncoln was designated as chief of the commission -
mission to receive nnd forward the donations
upon the strength of Governor Thnyor's
The clll7 < ins donated fiO.OOO hushels of corn ,
.which WHS tahon in char o by the commls-
, 'slon and forwarded lo n committee composed
ofV. . O. HilRar nnd Colonel Charles MoC.
Ulevo nt Minneapolis , the rendezvous of nil
the -loni.tions of the northwest. The com
mittee during the collection of the donations
were Informed that thu Itussinnn were unac
quainted with the manner in wtiteh our corn
wns converted Into food ; that there were no
such limits in Russia in corn mills or mills
of liny character which could urlnd corn into
the consistency of meal , tind stops were taken
to provide for the milling of the cqru before
Amount or Xrlir.mkn' * Pollution.
A philanthropic miller at Akron , O. , offered
to Ki-ind the corn mid t.iko ns his remunera
tion a sulllclcnt amount from the rnin itsulf
to cover the aelual expense of primlitiR and
b.i'L'liu' ( . The ( tonai ions from Nebraska
whnn uround Into corn meal ugercKntcd 1-
: i..lKK ) , ( ) pounds. This was sacked nt Akron
nnd In each sack was placed a circular in tlio
Husslan huiKUniio clvliitf full instructions as
to how I ho meal could no converted Into
hread , cakes and other forms of food. Upon
each sack was branded in larto letters
"Nebraska's Donations , " nnd the advertis
ing ; which the state will net by this announce
ment upon cneh suck will hu crcat.
Tlio meal has been shipped from Akron to
Isew Vork , where the ship Missouri of the
North Atlantic Transportation company will
tulto it free of chnrpo to a port of entry In
Kushln , whcnur Ills to ho distributed to the
ilisiitnto peasants , ' ' 'he railroad transporta
tion fiom Akron wns free , the wharfnco
In Now York and the handling of the meal
was free , and since the milling was prncti
cully lieu nml the OCCHII trunsnortution is to
ho trie , the donors In Nebraska xvill have the
untisfaclion of knowing that the maximum
amount of their contributions will rcaeli the
hands of the starving Hussians.
Thu report of Colonel Met ) . Itlovos is en
tirely batisf.ictory to Senator Manderson and
ether Nouraskans Here who are Interested ,
aim it tb to DO hoped that it will prove so to
the donors. There has boon no delay In the
\ work of shipment so far.
As St'imtor 1'i'ttlKri'W VlinvH It.
Senator Polttgrow of South Dakota was
nsked today by TUB BKC correspondent what
be thought of the proposition of Governor
Mcllettn tu call an extra session of tne legis
lature in his state for the purpose of securing
nn exhibit at the World's fair , together with
the governor's effort to limit the proceedings
of the extra session to action upon a bill pro
viding thu exhibit.
"I think the governor has mode a mistake , "
said Senator 1'ettigivw , ' 'In his effort to
plcdgo n. embers of the legislature in advance
not to attempt any legislation further than
that which will provide an exhibit lor the
Btato at the World's lair. It looks"
to me lilu n .proposition to com
pel members of the legislature to
curb their own inclinations even against the
demands of their constituents , and it might
create thu impression thnt ttio legislature
could not bo trusted. "If 1 was the governor
1 would unhesitatingly convene Iho legis
lature in special session and in my message
to that body , after pointing out the wisdom
of nn exhibit at the World's ' fair for the
btatc , nrgo that no further action bo taken
in any direction and then leave the work of
the session to ttio legislature itself. If mem
bers wanted to take the responsibility of
going 'nto other legislation , I would lot them
do it , for it would be their own business and
tnoy would have to stand the responsibility.
Importuned of I'ropor KihlhltH.
"I have for manv months taken the position
that it was very Important to South Dakota
to have nn exhibit nt the World's lair , and to
have a good one. Being a new stuie , the do-
nil ability of , I might say Iho necessity for ,
'un ' exhibit Is very great , because wo must ,
in n Inrco measure , depend upon thu tid-
vcttlsinncnt of our resources for iinmi-
Rrution and Internal developments. I don't
thlnlt the possibility of unwise action in
other directions ut lliu hands of the legis
lature bhquld cause the governor to U .sitatu
a moment about the extra session , "
Keprosontativo Plcklor was asked the
same question propounded to Senator I'etti-
Btovv and salu : "In the capacltv of a mem
ber of congress I have , of course , nothing-
say In regard to it. 1 wish the people of tlio
state to take their own course. Individually ,
I should rcirrot very mucn If South Dakoiu
la not represented at the Columulan exposi
tion and ihink it would be a grout loss to tlio
Btato. I nm In favor of any ncco.ssary means
to bring that about , "
Sontli Diiltolu lur lliirriNon ,
liopresontat'ivo PIcklor of South Dakota
said today In discussing tlio presidential out
look : "South Dakota will again bo for the
uoininattun of I'rosidont flnrrison. Yon will
rumenibcr thnt wo voiod sullilly tor him tu
thu last in the convention In ISSS. Thnro is
a strong Blame oiomont In South Dakota ,
but slnco Mr. iilalno has retired from the
Held of presidential possibilities South Da
kota will undoubtedly bo solid tor thoIndi- _
iinn man from llrst to last. I bciluvo that
General Harrison will bo nominated by ac
clamation and re-olectcd by as largo a major
ity as ho had in 18SS. "
Inwii rolltlcM DIsniHxcil.
Ex-Congressman J , II. Sweeney of Iowa is
liorn , and snys : "lowu has always boon very
strongly alturhod to Mr. Hiiiinu. The stale
supported Senator Allison , n presidential
candidate , in ISSS , but wltn that exception
liaa for years boon la.fiivor of Mr. Blalnt * .
> \ Now that ho is not a candidate , and recognl/-
tiir , as they do , thnt Mr. Harrison has given
the country mi admlraUlo administration , ho
will receive the support of the stnio In the
Minneapolis convention. Governor Uolos will ,
In my opinion , receive the support of the
lown delegation nt the next nnttcnal demo
cratic convention , nnd I deem dim much
more uvuli'iblo presidential timber , than a
number of othcrb whuso names are men
tioned In that connection , Tlio fact that ho
has twice teen elected governor of Iowa together
gothor wltn the furtuor fact that ho U n man
ot anility , will nrrcst , the attention nud ro-
colvo consideration from delegates from the
whole country , "
Assistant Secretary Clundlor anirmod the
decision below In the homestead entry con-
to t of William T. Guldcr against Mivlmol
Dunn from Mitchell , S. I ) .
Senator I'eltifirow today Intro'luojd ' a bill
directing the cocrotnry of the Inturlor to
uncertain tbo amount of mouuv duo and nn-
iiuiu to the Indians residing ut Klnndrcau , S.
1) . , known as Flundroaii Sioux , for land ,
unpaid annuities and money forfolted nn ac
count of the pavticlpatlou of some of the
fciuntoo tribe In the Minnesota njassacre of
IhOJ , nd iippropriatlng f . ' ( M.WJO to pay the
sum found duo , also a bill removing the
cuaiya of desertion against tbo military
record of Ulclmrd M , 1'ierco , and appointing
Dr. Ira L , Sanderson nn assistant surgeon
in the army.
Senator Mundarson presented in the senata
Urn ay ijulin a number of petitions from rail
way mall clerks In Nebraska In favor of the
bill to rocJosslfy the postal clerks n measure
now boforu thohousoconnnitteoon postolllccs
mid post roads ; also a petition from the beet
HUgar convention of Nebraska In fuvorof an
appropriation of iOOOO.for a school in which
thu beet sugar Industry is to bo taught , unit
tbo resolution of the Onmtm Board of Trade
uguinsl the anti-option bill , taking thu ground
that to slop upeculailou m farm products
would bo to the disadvantage of the producer
nnd consumer allxo.
Senator Wnrrcn presented n petition from
Mil burn nnd .Icfforson counties , Wyomlnir ,
In favor Of ceding certain government fan'Is
named by the Salt Lake Irrigation congress
for Irrigation purposes.
W. T. Hlchardson of David City , Nob. , is
nt the Johnson ,
C , A. Stnnton nnel wife of Centervlllp , In. ,
are at the NntlonM.
Senator .Miinderson has recommended the
establishment of n medical pension bonrd nt
I'endtr ; , ThtiMton county , and the nppolnt-
nient of Drs. .lohn K. Garvos nnd .lohn
stout of Ponder and N. U Hildroth of Ly
ons to compose the hoard ,
Notwithstanding the recent statement of
Secretary that there Is no inonny with
which to p.iv for additional meat Inspectors
nt South Omaha , applications for thnso
places continue to pour In ny the dozen. It
is utterly useless for anyone to apply for ap
pointments of this chniurtcr , us no appoint
ments will bo mndo except to fill vacancies
ns they may occur.
Hoptcscntntlvo Plchlor of Sr'oulh Dakota
today secured a favorable report from the
committee on public lands upon his hill , pro
viding thnt settlers upon tlmbnr culture
claims inav , nt the end of eight ycar.V r.isl-
donco upon the sarao , prove up , regardless
of the number of trees growing upon their
Secretary Noble hns dented the petition
for n writ of certiorari In the homestead ciso
of William D. Uenm against Frank Larson
from Blackford , Idaho. P. S. H.
yi\vs : rou TIII : AIUIV.
Complete. I.Ut of ClrmgiM In tlut
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Fob. IB. iS
Telegram to Tim Ben. | The following
assignments to regiments of ofllcor * recently
promoted and transfers of ofllcers nro or
dered :
The general court martial appointed to
incotnt thu mllllarv prison , Fort Leaven-
worth , Kan. , October II , IS'.II , Is dissolved.
A general court martial is appointed to moot
nt the military prison nt Fort Leaven worth at
11 o'clock n. m. on Thursday the ISth day of
February , IS'.t'J ' , or as soon thereafter ns
practicable , for the trial ot such prisoners as
may bo brought before It. Detail for the
court : Captain Samuel McConlho , Four
teenth Infantry ; Captain Hugh G. Brown ,
Twelfth lnft > ntry ; Captain David , f. Cragle ,
Twelfth infantry : Cap'.nln Edward L. linn -
dnll , Fifth infantry ; First Liau'cnant Fred
erick von Schrniler , Twelfth infantry ; First
Lieutenant Alfred M. FiillerSecondcavalry ;
First Lieutenant Charles J. T. Clarke ,
Tenth Infantry ; First Lieutenant John F.
McBlnin , Ninth cavalry ; Second Lieutenant
Walter II. Gordon , Twelfth Infantry : Second
Lieutenant Francis K. Lacey , Jr. , Tenth
infantry ; Second Lieutenant Oren B. Myer ,
Second cavalry ; Second Lieutenant William
J. Glasgow , First cavalry ; Second Lieuten
ant Alfred W. Drew , Twelfth Infantry ;
First Lieutenant Charles \V. Mason , Fourth
Infantry , judge advocate.
A general court martial is appointed to
meet at Davids Island , Now York harbor , at
11 o'clock a. m. . oa Tuesday , February Hi ,
Ib'.tt ' , or ns soon thereafter as possible , for the
trial of such prisoners as may bo brought before -
fore it. Detail for the court : Captain ICzru
P. Ewers , Fiftli infantry ; Captain Edward
Everts , assistant surgeon ; Captain John
Mcl3. Hyde , assistant quartermaster ; First
Lieutenant. ) . Hosier Clogpott , Twontv-tliird
Infantry ; First Lieutenant Charles B. Hur-
dlii , Eighteenth infantrv ; First Lieutenant
William B. Koynolds. Fifth infantry : Second
Lieutenant Charles P. Uuss , Eleventh infan
try-.First Lieutenant Howland G. HillTwen-
tioth infantry , Judge advocate. The follow
ing changes in the Fifth Infantry are mndo :
First Lieutenant Hlchard K. Steedinan , from
company C to company I ; First Lieutenant
vVulkor 1C. Wright , from compauy I to com
pany C. The leave of absence granfeu First
Lieutenant Carroll A. Dovol , Twenty-fifth
infantry , February 8 , 1SU ! , Department of
Dakota' , is extended ono month. Colonel Al
bert P. Alorrow , Third cavalry , is relieved
from further uuty in the Department of
Texas , and will proceed to his homo where
he is authorized to await retirement nt his
own request. Captain Crosby P. Miller , as
sistant quartermaster , will proceed from this
city to Fort Monroe , Va. , on olllcial business
connected with the quartermaster's depart
\Vo4torn POIMHIII ; .
\V.\SIII.VOTON , D. C. , Fob. 15. [ SpecialTele
gram to T.IE Bsa. ) The tollo.vinj Hit of
pensions grantoi is roporloj by T.iu Ban
and Examiner Bureau of Clainu :
Nebraska : Original William Hay , Zirdus
Jewell , Charles . Farrinrlon , Frank Carter -
tor , Francis M. Young , Thomas Inks , Granville -
villo Wood , Joseph D. Dodge , Mlle Mnrtin-
daje. William Scoring , J. L. Uutchins ,
George W. Frary , Nathaniel .1. Young ,
Cnarles Tinsl&y , Itlehard Miller , Levi
Phillips. Aurelius Bowen , Jonathan Pcioor ,
Nathan Ong , Louis Kolcnsloin , John \rin-
cent , Stephen B. ICtrkpatrirk , William II.
Kellv , Jacob Vosburg , Thomas Murphy , John
B. Halpb , Charles H. Davlo , l-ioren M.
Wuldo , Joshua Ladlcy , David 11. Goarhurt ,
John Applogate , William J. Bobout.
Iowa : original Michael Goodwin , Charles
E. Lane , Samuel Dresner , Charles Launs-
oack , Wesley B. Arnold , Elisha A. Crary ,
Lyrann D. Hoar , Pater C. Eborly , Jacob
Valentine , John Shields , Henrv Soedt , Louis
Pollnp , Charles II. Dickey , Laivls Hines ,
Jasper Karnes , Mortimer D. Boyce. John
Kirlin. Jessu Detrick , Allen E. Holmes. Mor
gan Pratt , James H. Tanner , Louis HeUoll ,
Jasper N. James , John T. Croon , Lovl
Lountaln , John J. Sebring , Thomas A. Fiil-
lerton , William H. Davis , dairies E. Fisner ,
Erastus B. Horton , William Lynch , William
Freeborn , William H. Woadman , Philemon
HIdgowny , John Ivonncdv , James Stieeloy ,
Simeon Myers , Frederick C. Kriti , EncOlo-
son , Alfred S. McCrcary. Michael Mugan ,
John Wright , Jonn Finnigan , Oren Ivco ,
James Wyckoff. George E. Parrish , Eli
Warner. James A. Nickcrsou , John \Vooil ,
William Bolnr , Herbert Sccor , Honbcn W.
Knndall , George Wagner , John W. Phillips ,
Jacob A. Sanders , Caspar Heller , Nathan
Davis , Jnmes W. Merrill , Jnmo ) C. Mason ,
Adam Ely , Georga Wilson , jr. Additional
Bnnjamin W. Tinehor. Helsiuo Taylor
Vance. Original widow Anna E. ICuhn.
North Dakota : Original Martin V. B.
South Dakota : Original- Charles II , Uov-
nolus , John Lucy , Cnarlos W. ll.ills. II.
Lounsbury , Warren Page , Lewis D. Baker ,
Chunncoy Morey , Samuel W. Williams ,
.loromo Tllloiv.
ni'x.uiiTMHft : MICS. sxir.r.
Tliuy Dt'iniind Wi.OOII unit Tliri-nrun to lllow
llrr Dp UllliMH It IN FiirlliL-oniliig ,
Cllicido , III. , Fob. 15. Mrj. H. F. Snell ,
widow of Millionaire A. J. Snell , who wns
murdered by T.wcott , has beor. In u fervor of
nervous fear for some weeks as ttio result of
having received anonymous letters donum- !
ing the payment of 52,01)0 ) on pain of being
nlown up with dvniiinlto. Thu fact has Just
transpired and detective * are busy on the
case , but have been unable to cot any clew to
the dynamiter.
Kmility ratlrnU in Convention ,
DtviiiiiT , 111. , Fob. 15. The first world's
convention of delegates from the bichloride
of gold clubs , composed of persons who have
been cured of the liquor , opium and tobacco
habits at the ICcoley sanitarium in thU town ,
assembled here this afternoon. Delegates
from thirteen states , < f the union , England
and Scotland were pivsont and many more
tire expected. S. E. Moore of Plttsburg
occupied the chair. Tbo examination of
credentials was the first business : n order.
ieonoiilleN : |
PiTwnuno , Pa. , Fob , 15. Tno eighty-
eighth anniversary of the founding of the
Society of Econnmites wan celebrated at
Economy today with religious and social ex
ercises ,
I'hu threatened trouble over the admission
of now mom bora did not materialize. Tnoro
were onlv tbroo applicants , and tnoy worn all
admitted. Dr. TcciU' friends made no effort
to get In the ioc'oty ' and ovcrthlng passed off
pleasantly ,
o '
Sunk on thn Ml slnnlpiil.
MKMFiiia , Twin. , Feb. 15. The steumor
Eugene , running between this city and Ar
kansas rlvor points , sank late last night at a
point live miles above Helena , Ark. , on tbo
Mississippi rlvor. Ni > lives worn lost. She
was loaded with cotton , principally for Mem
phis purttcs. s.iU together with the cargo was
valued ut f 15,000.
A handsome complexion is ono of tha
greatest charms u woman can poisoss. Poz-
zoui's complexion powder glvej tu
Dr. Uiruey ourea oatarrlu BEE
Omnlm Preparing to Eutortain the National
Pan-Eopublio Congress Oonvcntion.
\Vlnit till' Olijcct of till' COMRI-C" N III
I'nibiililiiilcct : on Iliuniinllj OnmlmM
Muirc lit tin1 Allulr Commit-
ti-ct Alipulntrd.
General \ \ Illlnm O. McDowell of Nownrk.
N. J. , cnmo In jostorday morning nndlsslop-
pingatthoMillatd. Thogentlomnn 19national
secretary of the pan-Kopubllc Congress and
Human Freedom loaiuo ? , Iho national conven
tion of which will nieot here April 10 to prepare -
pare for the pan-ropnbllu congress of Iho
world that will assemble nt some plnco In
this country not yet determined upon next
General McDowell left Newark Satur
day and was accompanied by K. Ander
son , chairman of the antl Hill movement in
New York. Ho went to Nebraska City.
'Tho pan-roinibllo congress , " mild the
general to n , But : man , "differ.- * from
the pan-American congress whose plan
was n. geographical one of the American con
tinent and limited to commercial maters ,
while the pan-republic congress is created to
assure to nil men of the world ttti'lr tibsrly
nnd freedom. The moH representative
minds of the world favor the idea , nud next
year wo will meet In some great city to con
sider Iron Institutions and the liberty of the
"I am hsro lo meet the committees at your
Hoard of Trade , and will makonn address set
ting forth the objects and nlms of
tlio congress. The n.iti-rapuhllc move
ment grow out of the orectlnir of
the stntno of Llbertv EnllKlitciilnir the
U'orld. It was presumed to our people by the
republic of France in commemoration of the
centennial parioil. The contributions to the
fund for construction and to the pndostal
amounted to over a Imlf million dollars.
"Tho gentlemen who have been nctlvo In
the work roalUed in the llrst century of the
htstorv of the United States for the
seventy years that wo endured human slavery
and that fit the end of slavery for twenty-
live years sectionalism divided tun nation.
Tbo centennial period brought about n re
union of the people for the Drst time slnco
the revolution. Thls.thon , was commemorated
by Liberty Enlightening tbo World.
' The last mooting of the ! ! ( ) ( ) persons or
ganizing the pan-renublk'ijoimross was held
at Independence hall , Philadelphia , October
1'J , IS'I ' ) , thoUJ'Jlh ' anniversary of the discov
ery of America. At this meeting the Human
Freedom league was organized In conjunc
tion with the congress. It is to bring about ,
In so fur as work for liberty nnd n higher
manhood is concerned , united action
by all the different fraternal
societies of the world , as a fundamental
principle of adherence to liberty nnd free
instigations , sympathv with all causes which
tend to promote and maintain the same
ii'iiong ' the people. It is a united uttort to
better the condition of all mankind , regaid-
less of sox , race , color or creed. "
General McDowell is n cuost of Colonel
Champion S. Chase , who showed lilm over
the city.
Talked to the CommitITS. !
The meeting In the otllco of Secretary
Nason , of the Hoard of Trade , last evening ,
was attended by representatives of the Uoard
ot Trade , Konl Estate exchange , Ueal Estate
Oxvnors association , Sons of the Ameri
can Revolution and the several Grand
Army of tbo Republic posts ot tbo city. The
meeting was called to order bv Colonel C. S.
Chase , and Major D. II. Whealer was elected
chairman and C. F. Goodman socrctarv.
General McDowell was Intro lucsd to present -
sent tbo question to consider which the
assemblage had gathered.
Tno general gave a necessarily brief sketch
of the events tbnt led to the formitur of this
republic and the Inter nlimimition of human
slivery as an American Institution , nnd
touched on the cireumsinm-os that had sug
gested the holding of a pan-republic congress
composed of delegates from all the republics
of the woild. The speaker paid n very pretty
tribute to republics and their fet mot govern
ment , which now obtains over 1UOU'.HI,000 of
people. Ho thought that the only way to
satisfactorily solve the emigration question
was to give Iho emigrants republicanism at
Among the benefits to bo derived from
such n congicss as pioposcd , was the know
ledge that could bo gained of the experiences
of ether republics. Switzerland's delegates
could toll how that republic supported 1U in
stitutions nnd govern input on u tax of - ' , " >
cents per head instead of SI. If such a move
had boon carried the recent trouble with
Chili could not have occurred. It would huvo
been settled in a court where both stones
would nave been told In the presence of both
nations instead of each side being rehearsed
to its own sympathi/ers.
SiiKKrxtlmis for IMti-K.
Thospeakersugcoited the national conven
tion to be held In Omaha to prop.ire for the
par.-remiblic congress nnd choose a place for
holding It be hold on Aoril 'M. the KKId an
niversary of the inauguration of the first
president of the United States , instead of
April 10 , us heretofore planned , liu said ho
hail conferred with Bishop Newman regard
ing the matter , and the bbhop suggested the
holding of nn immense meeting at Iho Coli
seum on the following day , Sunday. May 1.
to bn devoted to patriotic addresses.
The speaker said ho took occasion to ask the
bishop to preach a sermon on that ilav from
the text added on the now Liberty bell to the
old , ' Proclaim liberty to nil thu world nnd to
all the peoples thereof" by the Quakers
"Peace on earth , good will to mon. " Ho rend
an extract from an original letter from
Cardinal Gibbons on freedom , and which
created u sensation throughout the old
world. Ho stated that the April convention
would probably bring 1,0011 delegates , ns
every Grand Army of the Republic post ,
Sons' of Veterans camp nnd pt-riotio fralor-
nalsociety would bo ontltloJ to reprosentaj
lion.Tho congress will bo hold next year In
Washington while the Columbian imposition
Is open in Chicago , nnd while congress was
not In session , and It was the munition to
hold the sessions in the halls of tbo United
States congress.
Oiniihu Commit teen.
The nicotine then got down to tbo consid
eration of di'Dnlto arrangements , and the
chairman appointed the following com
mittees :
Executive T. C. Clarkson , Euclid Martin.
St. A. D. Balcombo , W. H. Alexander. S.
K. Snnuldiiif. ' , J. B. Curmlchnol , Frit/
Financo-H. G. Clark , E. K. Bruce , G H.
Bo gs , W. W. Copoland. u. U. Ball , , f. U.
Sawlilll , .1. W. Paddock.
The mcetini : approved the suggested
chimgoof date from April 10 to April ! IU , ami
the convention will bo hold on the latter
dito , subject to the action of the executive
The secretary was Instructed to notify the
committees appointed nf n moating to bo hold
at the Board of Trade rooms at I o'clock this
afternoon , and the members are roquostud to
bo present.
The executive committee was authorized to
take full charge of affairs when the whole
committee was not In session.
Tbo meeting adjourned subject to the call
of the chairnidn.
Mrs. Winsltnv's Soathlnir Syr p for chll
dren teething , rests the child ana comforts
the mother. .Tic a bottle.
Worlilne lor thu Cunfrri'iit'tt.
The finance commi'tio ' having In chnrpo
thoalT.ilMot the Mothodln ponornl confer
ence mot last night , in IJUhop Nowm in's
room In the 1'axtrtn liotol. A permanent
orpinl/ntton win offautr-d mid the following
oftlcers were clcclciU .Chairman , K. A. Uni
son i secretary , A. T , Hector : treasurer , .lohn
Ij. McCnpno. Oilier member * ot thecoramll-
tee nro Clmrlcs F..vVellor ' , Kuwiira Uoso-
xviiler , U I ) . Fowler , W. 1C. Knru. .1. O.
Phllllppl , O. M. Ifttchcock ntul J. . Oor-
tclvou. '
The contract for i ithi ? lo.isoof the Hovd
oncra hotiso for Iho njontli of Mny for the
Use of the conference was road ntul np-
proved. .A i1l cas loii nnd c.mvius
of the business nor.talnlng to the conference
was then Inul nml.tovcral nutter * of 1m-
pnrtnnea wore ngi'iied upon by the com
mittee ,
Murli Tniiln
snys "somo folks urn so stubborn that nil
they ticod U four IORS unil 'hoy would pass
for u mulo. " Mnyuo it poonlo itso more of
Hnllcr's Uarbcd YV'iro Llnltuunt mules
wouldn't bo so stubborn.
Dr. Uli'iioy.nojoand ttiroit. HUH bldjj
Olllrrr Von Mnggn In Trouble Afiiln ( Mny
liirrriiin thr 1'ollri1 I'orrr ,
Mayor lli-mls presided nt the regular meet
ing of the Flro nnil Pollco commission lust
Sergeant Grnvo : ) preferred charges mjalnst
Oniror Von Muirge. The sergeant alleges
that Von iMinigo wns drunk while ; on duly on
the niulit of February 8.
Fire Chief S'lltcr stated that the roar
wheels o1 hose cart No. 1 wora In bad ordor.
A new pulr of wheels will bn purchased.
Tloknis to Iho Dromon's ball on Fobruarr
U-J were furnished the commissioners , who
accepted tne'in with thanks.
Ofllccr Clmrltn IJloom made an anpllcatton
for n position on the duloctivo force ; re
ceived and Died.
Chlof Saltor.wns Instructed to prepare an J
submit a fireman's manual.
The question of policeman's bond- " was
brought up nnd it was decided to recommend
to the council that tlio bonds nf nn officer bn
renewed nverv three years and that an ofll-
ctal bo designated to Inspect thu bonds an-
Mr. Smith brought up tbo question of
bonds for fireman. Mr. Gilbert thouirht thnt
the fact that Urn men nassed the rigid exam
ination of the board wns a stifllru'nt curt 111
cato of their good stnnding. It was decided
to write to other cities and ascertain whether
It is customary or not lor firemen to clve
In executive session Iho-Jlnaiico coinmiltco
was Inslructcd to report "how many now pa
trolmen could be put on May 1.
Tho' , board adjourned to moot Tuesday ,
Fobrimrv ' , ' . ' 1 nt 7ii : : ; p. m.
The IIowo Scales , ttio oniv scale with pro
tcted bearings , is'o chec.c ro is. Cata
logues of liorden , \ : Selleck Co. , Ants. , Chicago
cage , 111.
Kii.i.r.i ) i..1 .uf.v/ : .
Tliri'ti Aim llurli-d Ili-nratli u Mils * i > f iiirlli :
unil Hock.
AM'iColo. . , Feb. 15. The Mollle Gibson
mine was the scuno early this morning of a
terrlblo uccldont , wl ich eausod the death of
tbreo men , n fourth man escaping by inero
The men wers enlarging the snaft , ana in
order > o got rid ot Iho dirt ami rock tboy
tulkheadcd the shaft ut the fourth level and
made a chute to n Idwcr part of tlio adjoin-
IUK workings. The hnto became chokou up
and water was poured on .tbo Minlo and rock
In it to make it movo. Through carelessness
of some ono the men stood on the mass of
dirt , taking no prcciiutlon for their safety.
The body o I iilrtaiitt rock suddenly started
down the chute , carrying Michael Kggcr ,
aged - I'V. . L. Snarl ) , aged 24 , mid Michael
Caples , nped ' , ' 5 , witli if. They were entirely
covered with the slide and suffocated. Wil
liam Dul'.oy ' was hlso on the pllo of dirt , but
caught hold of a timber in tlio roof and saved
his > lilo. I'gger leavc a wifoand six children ;
the otner men aio UnnfarrlcU.
13uy itUrink | itvt \ VhattVhv COOK'S
TCxtra Dry Imperial Champagne. Once tried
always preferred. Absolutely pure.
iw c/
lini > iirtiMt ( > uiMtlin till ! 1.111 ; lllly "I tin1 .Mr-
Kinli y AilinliiNtr.itliin Aft.
Cnicioo , Jll. , Fob. K. The constitution-
nil ty of the McKlnlcy administrative act is
to be attacked. Thu first move was made in
the United States circuit court hero this
afternoon by the 111 ins of a motion to dis
miss the appeal of Collector Clark from a
decision of the board of general appraisers ,
assessing certain duties on dross coeds be-
louglni ; to Locke , Hulcatt it Co. Tbo motion
is on the ground that the administrative act
is void and a number of points nro
raised in support , at tlio position taken. Suc
cess would moan that the present hoard of
general appraiser. * would bo abolished and
the administrative net of 1SS3 be revived.
The attorneys interested nbscrt that the
present statute is burdensome on importers
rnd Its machinery too complicated.
'Don't lot thai cougti continue. Stop It nt
once with Piso's Cnro for Consumption. It.
never fails. " 3c. All druggists.
Nebnisl.ans HiitrrUiinril In Tuviih.
( , Tex , Fob. 15 [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Hm.JA large pjrty of promi
nent citizens of Nebraska and Kansas ,
headed by General Thayer , arrived here
this morning and spout tlio day in examining
the deep water harbor work , 'lonight the
party was entertained by the Chamber of
Commerce. General Tbnver made an ox-
tendi-d Hpeacn upon the importance ot deep
water ports on the Gulf of Mexico nnd the
benolit thereof to tbe poonlo of the west.
Addresser , worn also mado'by fJonornl Itico
of Fort Scott , Kan. , nnd by several Nebraska
members of the party. The visitors will bo
enlertainud tomorrow by Iho Cotton Ex
change , after which they will return to the
VnnHonion's ' Cocoa Perfectly pure , In
I.KiiKiiii ol Ainorlriiu Whri'lmi'it.
COI.UMIIUS , O. , Feb. 15. The annual moot-
inir of the League of American Wheelmen
convened hero today. An invitation to a re
ception was tendered by Governor McKinley
and accented by the dolugntos.
lieechmun's Pills euro billlous nnd nervous
- \ Of portoot purity.
- of great otronath.
Eoonpm > 'ln thelr usa
Almond - (
Rosoetc ? ) flavcao dollcatoly
Rnd dollcloutly as the froth fruit *
National Bank.
Capital . . .
Surplus . . . IOJ !
Officers nnl : Director i-llenry , .H
II C. Cu-lilni. vlcj lir.iiI'V.Mit. ' C. H . ) ! mricuV. . t' ,
Mur.u , John tf. L'ollliu , J. N. 11. 1'a.rlci.M d i ,
Ktud. Caihier.
CJoruor lUth anvl Faruaoi Su.
Use of Liquid Slate Provokes n Lively
DrfrclHo Atiitorbil Allognl to ltnItrcli
t'srcl In tin , flooring ol tlio Krllom
school llntltliii-oilirr | Item * of
Intcrrit C'oiiNldrrrd ,
Mr. Wenrer was hungry for information
Instnlghtnt the Board of Education meet
ing. Ho wanted to know how It happened
that the blackboard spice at tlio Kcllom
school had been plastered with silicon
plaster and then hard coated ready for liquid
slate , whllo the board luul oxprosslv deter
mined that the selection of blackboard material -
rial should bo left until Iho time arrived for
putting on the material. Ho wanted to know
by what authority the work hail been done
nnd urged his renucst for Information to the
point of hnvliiL' n committee , consisting of
Powell , Elgutlor nnd Wohrer , appointed to
Investigate the matter.
But tint wasn't nil of the Kolloni business
before thu board. Just before adjournment
David I , Hayden presented an nflldavlt In
which he alleged that , detective material had
hern mod in the flooring of thcKellom school
nnd thnt the .spccillcations had not been com
piled with. Ho charged Superintendent of
Buildings Hamilton with being nwnro ol Iho
lalluro of the con'ractnrs to perform their
1 his nflldavit was referred to the commit
tee on buildings nnd property.
On resolution of Mr. Martin , liquid slate
was ordered for blackboards nt tlio Kcllom
Mr. Martin offered n resolution , which was
adopted , instructing the attorney of the
board , with the committee on juoiclarj , tel
l also the necessary stops , legal or otherwise ,
lo n&cortnlit what rights the board may have
Ii : regard to Its selection of sp.ico in the now
city hall.
l'lnii for tlin City SHiools ,
A comi'Minleation was presented from a
number of citl/ons demanding thnt the stars
and stripes lie floated from every school
building in tlio city on February ± i. Mr.
Powell offered a resolution nuthori/lng the
uurchasu of a Han lor each school bulidlnu
not alrcadv supplied.
The resolution was debated for a half hour
nnd then referred to the attorney for his
opinion , to bo given at the next meeting of
the board.
Bids for school desks were rorelvca from
twelve different firms. The trust was rep
resented but wr.s not the lowest bidder. The
Heroin Mai.ufiictiiriiig company of Omaha
bid the same as last year , n blmdo below the
trust Iliiures , nnd two other firms were
equally ns low as the trust. Tlio bids were
Bull were received from the local archi
tects for drawing plant , and superintending
work on the proposed school buildings. Some
of Iho nrchiti'cts bid on a per cent unit others
brd In n lump for the year's work. The bids
were as follows :
C. F. Bvlndurff , 2 per cent ; Charles
Gerald , Ii per cent : W. Woodworm , 3 per
cent ; D. B. Chase , 1 per cent ; .lay Good ,
Si.SOO ; Fmlcy & Shields , fTj.OOO : II. A.
narrow , s.uu ; J. A. Berllnghof , $ ' . ' ,000 ; W.
11. A 1 font. 4UO , < ) ; .1. I. Watt , & 4t00 , ! ;
F. M. Kills , $ IISOU ; Sydney Smith ,
$ , ' , Qu ; A. B. Howatt , S10r > 0ll ;
.lohn Latcnsen , $ l , . ° iJO ; Bnrdick & Bnilur ,
? .VOl > ; Lbluerbrlnlc , $11.8 HI ; ,1. E. Doitrich ,
$ , ' .4n. ) ; Fred K. Smith , W , lull ; J. W. Boileau ,
sil.OuV ; Blake & Zander , STi.OJO ; McDonald ,
* 4.liuu ; Walker , t Kimball , fcv'MiS ' ; G. W.
Field , ? 3r > .1 ( ) : Mendelssohn , Fisher & Lawn -
n , ? 4ouy ; Henry Voss , N.UOO ; Joseph
McUor.ol , t7i.U ( ; 1. Hodson , ST.r.Ol ) .
Utility ot Srliool 'I'liom-s OncstloiKMl.
There was n lot of eloquence wasted over
the proposition to remove the telephones
Irom'ti number of the school buildings. The
committco on supplies reported in favor of
keeping Iho 'phones now in use , the tele
phone company offering lo reduce the pricoof
telephones one-half during the vacation
niontti'- . Some members of the board wanted
'phones in nil of the sUiool buildings , and
'others wanted thorn taken out altogether. It
was llnallv decided to instruct the beoretnry
and the principals of the various schools to
keep a record ot the calls maao on each telephone -
phone for a month , showing the purpose for
which the 'phono was used , In order to ascer
tain ot just what vuluo the 'phonos are to
ttio schools.
Thu committee having in cbnrpo tlio bids
for n bite for tliu Central school asked for
further time in which to prepare ii report.
Upon Iho recommi'iidation of Superin
tendent FiUpatrick , the committee on text
books reported in favor of establishing an
ungraded school at the Uurd building. Ex-
County Superintendent Matthews is an ap
plicant for the position ns teacher of this
Mental arithmetic was added to the course
of the study and hereafter pupils will put in
fifteen minutes a day in the study of Green-
loaf's work in tilts line.
Two additional teachers were decided upon
for tbo training school. Miss Jennie Fail-
was elected ns one of tbo teachers. The
other teacher will , not bo selctod until the
return ol Superintendent FiUpatrick , who is
now in the oast.
Estimates in favor of F. Mcnpcdoht for
M.TTil fill nnd Theodore Ilonck for SJOO for
work on ICeliom school were allowed.
The board will meet again ou Saturday
ovnmng. _ _
Over Il.OfO morolmnts humllo Union
Huap in the
. CUAULKS 1i.\v > ni'.xcn , of Aslilnnd ,
Kub. , Pays that Swift's Specific cured
him of severe Tiliciiinatisiu of which lie
liml suffered for over Kixinontlia _ , T\itli
vain efforts to get relief. Uo recom
mends it lo all milTenirH from Ulicunm-
Scud for our book on Ilio Hlood mid
Skin mailed five.
To promote health ,
preserve and length
en life , stimulate
and invigorate the
whole system , tone
the stomach , aid
digestion , create an
appetite and repair
the waste tissues
of the lungs ,
nothing surpasses
an absolutely pure
whiskey of deli
cious flavor ,
smooth to the taste ,
mellow , mature
_ anil of richest qual
ity. Unlike inferior whiskies it
will not rasp or scald the throat
and stomach. Call for CREAM
PURE RYE and take no other.
For sale only at high-class liquor
and dnit ? stores.
Samples u in.lin .it thu Mlllard lintel.
at Dm Murry. at Thompson , ut J. A Tnthlll ,
.1. A. Wood & , Co , llolul Dellono. Movnllmn'K ,
Thu Diamond.
Illlllll I A l > * ' lnr"lonlr rapiului priiirliiocl by
uuuu i n ri.aui | ih ) UI n < tut tha curu of
OiU3trliu > and dl clmivu fruuitUa nrlimry uriiiait
5duy . t\M \ y f bo * , 411 dtugglil
/ Jostlifrki ) nr
not mndo from
1hoout id6 1'nro
Mood , nn iictivo
liver , cixnl nptxv
tito nnd digestion
tbeso. nro the
things thnt rlvo
them. And thcso
nro the tlilngstliat
yon got with Dr.
rirrco's ( Jolden Moillcnl DKco cry ,
First nnd foremost nnil nbovo nil nii
it inirllkN tlio blood. Not only in Marc ,
April , ntul Mnio , hon the tnrMipat illas claim
to do Rooil , liut nil the yonr round , It clonnnrs ,
rcnomi nnd Invipornlw flio systcin. rousca
every orpin Into healthful notion , nnd driven
out hlood-poteoiw of every nntr.o nnO nature.
Tor the voret forma of Bcrofnln , the most
BtublMirn Bkln niul Sculp Diwnres , such ns
Bnltyihciim , Kcrcmn , Tctt r , Kiysipclas , nnd
nil diseases or disorders cnuswl by n torWcl
Hvor or impmo blood , nolblng cnn equal It
ns n remedy ,
If nny thniR could , it would l e pitman-
tcrtl , just n the "Discovery" Is. If ( hat
fnilB to IxMiollt. or euro , yon hnvo your money
linck. Is any tiling that i n't told In this \ > ny
liUoly tl ) 1)0 ) " jUSt 118 ROOU / "
Sco Umt you got the genuine medicine.
An idea ! Complexion Soap.
r'nr'mtotiy nil Trim nnd KnnpyOorMlqDenlpri.orlf
ntmlitp to nriourotills Wintilrrnil SIMIK ppiid aS
fen ( In stumps nnil rccolvi ! n cnkobyrrturn mull.
JAS.S. KIRK & CO. , Chicago.
4lM'.ri lT.-Plnni1nnlt"tl Wnl& ! ( tlio imimlat
Bni'lotvVultr.1sont V'iri'.t ! lo nmnno scnJInt ! UE
Uireo wruppurn nf Sliunilon Delia Soap.
Dlt. K. ( ' WK3T8 SnitVlJ AND llltAI.VTUUAT-
MK.VT , ii | n-clllornr llr torlt , Illmntxi , Klti. Noil-
r UI.T , lloailiirhu , Nerv MM I'rour.itlun c.umuil by al-
colnil or loliiiriM. WiikcfulrnM. .Munt.ll li'iruiilnn. |
Mirii'iniiK of tliu llriiln. oiiMliu liuinity , mlierjr ,
dnc ly , lUtitli , Pruinaturj 1 > I < 1 A u , n.irroinoi * . LtJii
( if I'ower In olthcrflft. liniKitoncy. Lajrorrhooi ati t
nil I iMimloVaiknpsiai , Involuntary I.CHHM , Hlnr-
nmtorrlioo.iciiui'.l liy ovi-r-uJtortlon of III lir.iln ,
Holf-uhiiMrt , ovor-lii'tulirono ' > A nunlh'A trentnuat
f I , II fur > "i. liy in.ill.Vi' ( iunr.inU-a l < c bxtai to
run1 lliiPli inilur fori ! IH > XP < , wlthfi will son.l writ
ten KUnr.iuteo to rcfnnil It nut iMired. ( * nnriintjui
IS IIIM ! unly by A. Hflirolor , Unik'tlit , nulu luontJ , S.
i : . cur. liilli null K.mmmst ! . , Uuiih i. Nob.
/ /
f / Who Shall Wear tha
i / f
Shall It be he who founOs cities , builds rail
roads , develops new countiies , amasses a co
lossal forlunu In the money centers and fills a
position of honor In the councils of the nation ?
Or shall It be those vho devote their time , their
energy , tholr talents , their very lives to the
\\clfaio of suffering humanity ? Shall it be
such meu as
Drs. Betts & Betts
who , In their philanthropic endeavor to bring
health and to the aHlicted , li.-ue at
( fie same time won fnmu and fortune for them
selves , ns well as that Mil ! greater reward ,
the gratitude nf the many thousands they June
rertored to health ? Let tliu answer come from
those happy people themscUes.
In every case of
Chfonie OP
They effect speedy and permanent cures.
Send cents for handsomely Illuslraled 120
page book. _
Consultation freo. Call upon or address
with stamp ,
Drs. Betts & Betts
110 South 14th St. . N. K. Corner 1-KU
nnd Douglas Sis.
BulTorlns from
tlio mi'ccta ot
jout'iful ' errors
rurtjrdecny , wi tlnn wenhncRs , l < * t nmiilioo't , ptc
I will xcnil nvnlunliln Ircntlso dunU'ili contnlnln ;
full iiirtlrulara fur Inino curi' , Mlii. ; n ( rhnrnn.
iiiuillral ivurk slnmM ri'ou liy '
A riilenillil : lift fri'ry
innnlu Iti ncrvoiii nn < l ilpUllllfitfu. Aflilrocis ,
1'rof. V. c. l'0\VI.J Ilo JlIooUuu. Cuuui
Sore "inroat
Cat ,
6d ! only In cur own bot'les. All druggliti.
"HMO'S EXTRACT C0..7G5lh Ave.K.Y.
U7II V ,
iuiud ) aiiuuoitr cuturio
B B lit vlHireuuu [ leeuu uH'f"'ilir.bu- [
rorr ullH > rn ol * ihuii'
druulngl'U'n'I.K 4 UO. ,1
After Yoai of Unsuocisifnl Search fjr
Cnro , Martin Amlarsan Gets Helloffrom
the Uhlii9sn Doctor-A Voluntary T-atl
OMAHA. Nob. . Jan. IS , 1802.
To whom It May Concern :
This is lo certify thnt. I hnvo boon n
constant HUlToror lor many ycaiM xvltli
t'littirrh. nstlitna and bionclilal tilToc-
lions of tlio throat , and tried all tlio
tmlont medicines and remi'dios I over
ht'fird of , but with no siuvosg. I Uonlcd
with doctors in vnrimtd purls of tbo
country , but HOMO of llii'in could do nip
any jjood furllior than tflvliip mo short
tumpoiMry roliof. I htilTorod niirhtand
day. and ronlinuud to nrmworsu not-
withbUindiiiy all the inndirlno I had
taken. I bud almost jrivon up mv cuso
as hopuli'ss wbon I was infonnoii by a
friend of Dr. C. Gee \Vo , tbo Chinese
doctor , and advised to jo and i-co him in
the nope of tfuttititf rullof at toast , if not
a pormanopt i-nro for my trouble. I was
slow In unking up my mind to m ilto
such a radical change in my treatment ,
as I know a trinl with tbo Chinese decor -
or would hrlnjj nv > , but I finally IVMI-
hided lo olvo ; hiin a tri ! , so 1 cillo 1 at '
hisnUu'o with that intention. 1 found
tlii- doctor a clover , onlort'ilning'pontlo-
man , thorouj > hly posted on my condi
tion , and it , toolt only a wrv short time
to convince mo thai bo was tlie party I
was so ion" ; in M-aruli of. Ho told me
my case was curable , and that ho could
euro mo , and prepared mo a stiecial
treatment to suit my condition , and in
two weekh 1 was M > much boMoi1 thnt I
had the fullest conlidonco in Iho doctor a
ability and committed my cas , < to hirf
treatment. I continued 1o ijrow 1 ol'.or
rapii'ly ' and am now ontneiy well. I
ewe my euro to ffc. ( J Gee Wo , and am
not asbtimeil to admit it. I advise all
who want relief from tholr troubles to
call on Dr. C. l5coVo. . and they will bo
cured. For all particulars apply or
write to MAHTIX L. ANi > nn oxi ,
IJ121 Cumin" ; St. , Omaha , Nob.
nil. c. OKK wo ,
eriuliintu of Ohlnrsc inedliMnc. elzht
years' sluily , ton yo.irs" practice. Tri'B'H sue- ,
all diseases known to snirurlnq hn-
Itiints. plantsand herbs natiiro'sremodles
his medicines the world his wltinsI.UiW ; tos-
llniDnhi's. ( ' .ill and sco him , Consult it Ion
fri'i' Mas a'so ' < oiislantly on hind roinnd es
for the folloivlir , ' diseases roiidv pri'pnroil :
Asthnin , Cniarrh , IthtMiinatisin , tndlgosiliin ,
l.nst Miinhno , ! . IVmiiio Wo-ilsiif-ss Sick Heul-
nehp. Illnnd Pitrillrr. : ind Kldn y mid f < vcr.
l'i lot1 , one doll ir pet botlleor sl\ for live del
lars. Tlmso who ciinnnt call. < > ni' use --'I'lit
stsinip for lint's t Inn list , ami full p iitlen'ars.
i fflcu , Cor. 10th nnd California f ! . . Omaha
Boycl's ' New Theater.
NIC ! UTS OM.Y ( ( Mil - / , / . , r
> il .NL'IMi MOXI'AV J tu' JJ
fn I Ills Merry Uomimny , 1'iesuntlii ! ?
Norn Owlnir to tliHonsthof tliupeifiiniiimeo
the enrt ifn will rlsu inoniptly iitbu'ulucU , >
Tho'ilop ' li > oi > iii < A"
. I'KK-'IM
Ono \Vf > oi > , Itiiirinn u : Su.-id ty .Mat-
iiH-p , I- * * l > ru ry I I
'Hill ( ' ( IMK'lll III
In fin NOW lii | > litni | f ( iini'ilr
t ( ! by n iMiu cainj > uttIni'ltnUiic
TUh\ ( J MiitiniiMVoJ.anilMt uIijr :
Extra A nnouncew enl /
First a'ul only appearance of
Ilov oflli'ii niiw npnii ,
Ili'lir Ilii ) " . ' phinof nsoil ut nil S liaruoni.a
Max Mi-yi'r ft Uro Co. .
New SI'KC I A I ,
Tlisater ,
Mniiilny Kvfiiing , IVIirnar ) t ! .
I'aruwull Apliuar.incu In this ( ' ty of
VfJ \
IJmlur the Dlriiutiiin ( if Messrs llnnry C.
Ablioy uinl M.iniliiii Until , I'u'sunllnn
Drama In Klvu Actx and Klv ' 1'iibluaiix , b/
Special Scenery and
Thu al of < n11 oil' ' upon Tliuniliir inornliiK al 9
nVliick. l'rlii' Klr t Hour , ll-if ) anil ll.UI , luilctiii/ ,
K US Is ! H .
Aiii'ars | | ut , 1 , K , 1 > "ml 10 o
Krl'lnr Imlle * ' ompiiir iliix. i > ni > l | ili n > -
nii'luof Mr "uw imountvil In tl > u Iml
JOc Admits to All
Nr , ( Vrlulit llrnu'iJ ; . Imit.
IIIKLUII.uv > irrt-luiiu. f iviJI uH
n-ri'tl"ii | l < i tnlarni mull , uiuk
rarln ami rrrlnin tun iiir IM !
Ylir ii-siul : * l < > tin.Vurii-i rrJi