Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 16, 1892, Page 6, Image 5

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Wheat Was Somewhat Nervous Yesterday ,
but Generally Strong !
Otilftltln .MiirkrtN Were AI no Ilii
mill Operator * WITH Ilimy l.utcr till )
CromlVIIH llrmoriill/ctl liy
I'lTI" Selling.
o , 111. , IV1) . 15. Tlio wliont inniKot
wan fcotnnwlint nurv us tortuy lint pcnornlly
itroiiR on Iliu litilllili clmnictor of tlm news
rrci'ltuil nnil rlosoil with 1'io Rftlu voinparad
with Hntilriliiy'miiH prices. Tr.itlltm oponort
nt mi iiilvniiccofUc on wilder wrathur In thu
west mill xtroiu cables with morn b.iil crop
reports from franco. OiiMdu market *
ito fiotiur.illy Mroiiz Aflci opcnltiK
higher nt Olio Miiy Mild oirly ; us hlRh us'
from OI'Su ' tolll V. with Schwarti'-Diipoi' , Cos- .
tnr-Miirtln , Mitchell A. Uliror.l noud buyers ,
presumably on Now York orders bill
on tlio iidvnnce I'ar.lildpo pu\c
hi * Inokors selling orders : tbc crowl
was Mioiiilciitornllrcil liv tlio freedom wllb
which the \\hcut was oR'orod and bORan to
draw out vhllo oilier * lost conUdeiico and
boxnn to unload. This nsslstcd to wnukon
the innrliet und thuro was no reaction until
tlio prlcu louclicd 1UV. I'urdrltlKo tbrn
called a liall und tliero was .sonio iccovery.
Anotlier tiutuli of ( Inn cables \vllli still tm-
other Installment of Trench oiop duinaso
reports and n rumor that Antwerp wa ex
cited and foreigners peed buyers at Ihosoi-
bciird. soon carried the pi leu IwuU to from
OlVie to 1)1V ) , w hero It held fora time iiitlto
.Tho vlslblo supply flaures liezan to u.xcrt a
BlroiiK Inllui'iieo. botno ilocmiso Had been ex
pected but New VorU emitted soinu alarm by
hlioulnu overSJO.OX ) liu. deeiome.lilln othur
points also reported moro decline tbiiii looked
for and II uus quickly rumored that the de-
cri'iisu would piobubly roach l.UJ'.UOO ' bn.
I'rlmaiy ni-itKets eru reportlns only small
urrlvnls and tlio cold \\avoHoaro Rot Knottier
Mart and this , with the report about the s.nnu
time that thu visible supplj showed ndi-cre IMS
of uoatly I.WO.noo bu more thin oxpeulril ,
caused iiulto a llniry. Shoits undo a rush to
cover ; Hiicculatlon crow sharp and then-
was u < ] UlcU rally toli.'c , but the iuxrUt.1 soon
( liileled ( town and the prlcu fell tolil'jc. Tim
market had another strong spurt after tin1
noon hour on the higher elnsnip rabies iiml
thu liberal export entitlements at Now Vork.
Jliiy sold up sharply to ' .U'&i' ' . sold olT to tll * r ,
reacted to Ol'ec ' , thuii just heforo the t'losn.
apparently as thu result of the combined
euett of ilia day's bullish news , a sharp buy-
In K movement set In and the prlco wasiiulcUy
advatieed to tM.u ) and the tuailift closed
steady tiUL'V JlulioiiRiill had some buying
ordeis after the marki t went leow ! Die on thu
flist break , but so'd freely on the subseiiieiit |
upturn to the vicinity of'.Ce. A Mlune.ipolls
illspatch nill : ( that .illOO.OOO linshuls of CUNI )
wheat had been taken durlni the last ten
days for export. Indian ulieat shipments
showed a falllui ; olT. '
Corn HIIS svL'aU and lower early , Liverpool
wns 'id lower. Thu local recoluls were In e\
cess of the estimates and showed a decided
Improvement In quality Tne weather wiH
favorable to a betterment of thu ( jr.ulliirar
a tiiiii ) aftui thu openlns corn was wuiKaiid
thocvports were 11-lit. M-iy
opened \o lower
at 4Pc. wunKened to41'i' ' . lo.iclcd to ll'.eon
the advance In , airaln weakened to 41 je
and In synip.ithy with tlioflnul Imluo In wneut
lulviinced to 4jBc | , cloiliu ; steady at I.V.
Oats were quiet within nairow II net nation * .
boliiR aireetcd very little by other grains , und
closed 'so lower.
Hoc products weru comiiarntho'j ' steady.
Jlw > hojrs at ( he yards wore liUhor and It wns
rumored thut Aimonr WMH on the bull side
and thrri was not much disposition to M- ! ' ,
and after lUietuatliiK within a r.ui'o ( of fioin
7iic higher to'J'je ' lunut. May norU clo-ed at
thu bottom ; May laid Is 2'ic lower : , ml May
ribs unchanged.
Kstlnmted receipts for tomonow : Wheat ,
MJ cars : corn , "iGU ears ; oats , IJO. c.nsj hoes ,
L'rUWO ho id.
TlieluadliiK'fntures ranjed as follows :
fri'liriuiry K8
K'tirunry 40X ( OK
Mcicli . . . . Wfi 41W 40
Mny 12
Fulirunr ) 20
helirunry 11 BU 11 SO 11 TO 11 TO
Mny. . . . 12 10 12 10 1. OJ 12 OJ
1I'lirunry . KM r , M KM
May ( i7J o TO 0 TO
BlioilT Kins -
Kolinmry . . A ! ! . > S tli
Mny K 131 , I ! U" > 1. OTXi
Cnuh quotations \vuro us follous :
ri.ouit Nominally iinehaiiKod : sprint : piit- : > 0 : Inter patents , $4.'JK24..Vi ; u.iU-
ers. 9\MiH.U \ > ; str.iluhl , * l IIJiil.M.
COIINI.oiver : No. ' . ' , 40ic ! ; No. Iyellow ) , a ? ' .
CfW'.c. '
WIIKAT No. 2 sprlnj : wlioat. HT'u ' ; No. 3
nprlni : wheat. Hl'ifcv.'e ; No li rod , ! ) .V.
OATS-NO. 2 , aiii-li'.tc ; No. a wnlte , : ile : .So. a
wliltu. yVtTWie.
HVK No. - ' . hie.
IlAiu.r.v No. X , fiKJ" ( > Sc ; No. : i , f. o. b. , : i < Wft
' '
K'I.AX SKKII No. 1. IKi'Jc. '
TiMiiiiiv HKKII I'rlino , tt.yMll.1H.
I'oincMess pork , per bbl. , } " < .M ; Inrd.
per cwt. , Jii.Vi : short ribs sides ( lonsui.
I.'i.O ; dry silted Hlioulilors iboxoill , Fi.uoffi
0. :1 ; short slili-s ( boxed ) , $ [ | . .Mtl.\ (
Wili'-KV Distillers' llnhliud goods , pur Kill.
ItrrelptH und shlpiiicnta today weio as fol
low H :
On the 1'ni liicii Dxuli.inco today the buttei
iniirlKit unuhiiiiccdi fancy " '
eiuamurv , "bCC-'Uc ;
linn wsturii , ' . ' " . ( ffiL'Tc : ordln ryax'ffi'.V ' ; selected
( liillV. BHaSi'c. Kuns. VlQ 'c.
CIIERSB rirtn : full cumin cliocldiirs , li4ia |
ll'.io : lints , ll'iftMl'iic ; VOUIIK Amurleas , IV ®
Iliiii'.s-Uncliiiiigoil ,
TAI.I.OW I'lichiiu ed.
Ntuv York .Murkiiti.
Nr.w VIIIIK. Kub. IS. .
Ki.nim-Itccnliits , 27.r : > ; i
jilitts : cxporlH. ! UO bills ; 'Mf [ & sacl < ; untlvo
und HiioiiKor ; sales , IIITOO bbls.
Cons MI-MI , Quint.
WIIKAT UocalptH.iil8.SJO bu. : exports , 210-
3' ) | bu. ; suli's , ltiwo bu. of future ; iwi.wu im ,
of fcliot. ripot market duuldcdlv hlchur ,
Koaiclty chetiklni ; biiRlnosa ; firm. No. 2
rod , fl.n.liil.UT'j In toro i.nd elevator ;
tl.iMifCl.Oalt ; J1.0"i5iicl.0'jit ' f. o. b. ; No. II
red , tl.UISiCil.O.'i ; iiiiu-rnilcd red. ' ( I'Jt'it.fl.OS'J ' ;
No. I nurtlicin , tlM'ldbl.W ; No. I hnrd ,
U.OT'i'ftl.lWi ' ; outlonsnothc , hlKher nnd llrm ;
opunliiK nt from ? o to ' .o up on hlxhor
cables , luportud IIIIKU ox port puri'lmses
ut tlm ontports and an udvniicu
of ! ! o In the California inarKuts ; ( tucllneil'4(0
I > 4iion heavy solllni : for weHturnaceouiit. fiuu
lolling by forolKiieu and local toulmiii ; ; ad-
viiiiccd I'ifi.'U" on decieuso In thu vUlblu
iiiliply , late eiiblos higher , short cnvorluxs
nnd forulpnerg buylnc , oloslng I'.Oi'Jc mer
dutiuday. No. 2 rod , I'uliriinry. nloslnir ( I.UT1 , ;
* " *
UVK stronuor , iiulutt westurn. K > & 0'i' .
btouknofiiraln In Htorunnd alloat l'1elirunrv
1.1 : whoiit , 4M.IOS bu. ; corn , 1.0 4,4X1 bn. ; initb.
1.4IS.04Si liu. ; rye. 740.UI8 DILI burley , &Kli.l ( ) > bu.j
pous , ( WOJ bn.
lUiit.Kv MALT Quiet.
OOHN-Hocclpls. ibl.22S Int. ; exports. 1I.IHH
liu.i HBloi. U4.\000 bn. of fiunnis ; 1I7.UOJ bu. of
not ; market vtouker nnd iinloi ; No. a , 41k * In
elovutor ; IWu alloat ; tinKrmled mined , 4T ( , < T&
6lo ; No.3 , 4Hliiiot ) Bteanier nilxuil,4i > ) i@4'l ' > 4c.
Options opened > 4 < aSo lower on weak eiiblo ,
Inruo receipts In the Host , better wimtlier und
nn inereiise In the vUlble iupplv ; iidvanctul i4
CASu with uhoiit nnd closed btuiuly und un-
chniiRca to , a down ; robruary. 4' > u.401.c.
closing , 4 < > oi Jfarcn , 40Uffi4iiHe , ckwintr , 4 " , o ;
Aurll , 401ijOo , eloiiliii ; , Mot ; Mny , liato c ,
u'oll'IIBl 'C ! J"'y '
' ' '
% <
48U , < 24 o. oliHliiT. . Uo.
OATH Kocolpts , hS.lM tin. ) exports , i. x
liu. ; sales , 7t > ,000 Ini. of futures ; liu.WO bn. of
ruury , J'\o : No. vtlnto , mixed
wederii. UO Q17 > o | while wciteru , UT
No. achlcaio , ; i7Jic.
llOl'S Kasy andqulpt.
ii Haw , more active ; sales l&Q hhds.
nnil vlxty-olirht lui 8 uiiibcov ado Ml ti'st ut Uc ,
< U.t 0 bags oeiittlfUKalsOfi teat at a 7-16oc. I. f ,
and fltty-nlnu bass inol.ibsci snunr 6'J ' test ut
. ll-ICo ; ro lined quiet anil steady.
Aloi.ASDES 1'oreljiii , iiulot ; New Orleans ,
toady , quiet.
HICK Steady , quiet
I'KTitoi.Kuu-yiilet und steady.
TALI.OW ju y.
1I ( ) 1N- Steady , dull
Tuiii'ENTt > E-ririuor , quiet. :5 : < ie.
tons Dull , weaker ; wunturn , 7oi receipts ,
3OH'J juckauBs ,
ronic l-'lrm and quirt ; mess , ta5aiO..V > !
cxtru prime , (10.UO ; middles , quiet ; .hort
clear. W.W.
CUT MKATS Dull anil firm ,
LAUD- Firm ! fnlr demand ; uestem Btoam
closed ntW-Wj kales , Ubitf llorocs ; oytlou mlei ,
tlcrcrs , IVbrnirv * Vh. " > , eloslnir
Maich plcHPil nt JT,8iild : Mny ir.aniif.ut.
Ht'TTKtt Quirt und steady ; western d lry.
fU.1'i wostein ereatnrrv. 21 ® He ; wcotorn
'actorv. ir. stiKltrlii. . aKiKD'ii1. '
CnKr. K I'lrnr fair deiiinndi part skims ,
Vjin'f. ( '
I'm IHON Qu et and steady ; American.
Coi'iTit-Dnll ; Irko. Ill.'iOaiO.c : . .
I.CADQnloland linn ; domc tle. II. IS.
Ti.y Dull nnd itoailv. straits.
Uniiilui I'rodiice
I'oui.Tiiv ( lood flilclicni , fftlOc ; Reese ,
lluckv ; uid Inrkeyn. IIWI-'O.
lliiTr > : u-cwid ( ! country roll. lOu : f.ur. ina.lSp.
I'ntJlTS California riverside oraiues. tS..Sf3 >
2.WVa ; hltiirton na elK. f.l.MW/l.TT.i CKlltoinui
tansrcrlni's , { .1.01 per lioxl Plorldu orance ,
brUlitH. Uoo ; russets. $ JC04J.2.75 : I'loildn tan-
Kcrlnes. M.K4I.OU , half boxes ; Meslern apple" ,
iholce , ? . ' .ro M.53 per 1)1)1 , , fanoy stand might
bruiB moro : Now York apples. ii'.Vit 1.00 ; fanoy
lemons. tfOKKiiUi choice storlei. } | .Miii'i :
arapes , IMT bbl. . Isioft'ltX ) , ImnaiMS er.ited ,
' . iffja. ; > 0 ! cranborrlci. tUi.filT.VO ,
VFOKTAIII.KS California cabbage , 2'JHJJic '
per I b. In crates : home uroun loltucu , 4ic per
lor. ; potatoes , dull : California cauliflower ,
. ' .Vfi < ita.iO ! : onions. per bu.j Nebraska
hhiiil pickcrl bean ? , ll.'xxiiiu , . : medium. II. Vtft
1.7.11 celery , ICifitlOct nopt polHtocs. l..aa'.Tii ,
ri.oun Umalia Milling cinnpiiny's Hcllance
I'almit. IIM ; Invincible Patent , f..4U : l.ono
Stnrftiprrlallvp.fJ.iSl HnimlliikiH.OJ : I'nncv
riiinlly. ti.Hlt S. rMlllmanNOold Medal. IJ.Vi :
Snow White , UiO : ! Snowllake. titlij low KtM\v \ ,
I.Bfl ; Queen of tinI'.intrv. . . ' . ) . -
.llniKB-No. 1 unjpn salted hide * . 4'ttl'ic :
No. a urton .sallid hlrtpj , IKiti'Jc ' ; No. 1 preen
salted hides , ffii to 401bt. . 4'4ritt'iu : No.acrecn
salted hides. ai to 4) ) His. . IliiM'U'i No. I
calf. 8 to 13 His , . Co : No. a veal calf , a to 13 His. .
4c : No 1 dry Hint hIJts , 7iSc : No. 2dry Hint
hldcB , WOc ; No I drv salted hides. .VftBc. Tal
low , No. I , : i > 4fr4c : tallow. No. ' - ' . : i'4c ' : crease ,
wtilto A , 4/atli / ( ! ! Rrcaso , tthllo II , : i' { < ! VWp |
Crcnsp , yellow , , iu : pieasc. dark , a'e : old but'
ter. L'ji'J'ic ' ; | jcosna\ , prime , IGc ; roir b tallow.
llrlVc. !
loH : MiirKot. l7ISc The latter price was
obtainable only for mtll lots to the retail
HAV The market Is o\oriiippUod and Rood
IlllV WctltlltJiOO.
St. l.imls Markets.
ST. I.OUIH. Mo. . Pub. I ft Pt.otni A shade
bettor In sympathy nltli wheat and demand
WIIHAT Opened ' 4e hltrher. then declined
34chnt i allied later and closed P > e atiove
iMitiiiday ; No. a red cash , llfant'Sc : March
closed D/'Sc ' ; M. y ! lp4 < a'JJ'.c ' , and closed Uc ;
July closed Ml'te.
COIIN lllc receipts and lower cables caused
K decline and after con ldcr.ihlc Iliictuatlon
the mat ket closed c below S.ilnrdav : No. a
cash. ; i)5ie ( ) ; Marohi7c : ; May : i71'Bl7 ' ? c.
OATS Cash hcltei ; No. a mixed , .lOffGlllo :
May lower , III V-
HK Dull : No. 3 cash SOo asked.
lUni.uv Quiet : -.amii o lots Nubiaska , II9e ;
lovvu , iV > i't Minnesota. iVi ' 7c
HAV Disici ; prairie , $ " .50Si.OJ : ; timothy ,
lliiAN Plini ! sacked lots , 72tt7.V.
lKM-lnll ) at W.S3.
Pi.\x Kiiii Stu.uly nt Ole.
Iti'TTi.n ( jiili't ; creamery , aKSi'Sc : dairy ,
MWie : i oil. r-Miiv- .
Koiis Lower at IsSIS c.
ruovfiDNHPirmci but um > haniod.
I'OIIK JII.73 for nc , } U50 for old.
fMitii tnia3ar : : >
Hit v SVI.T MtiATS l.ooso lots , shoulders.
M r , ' . " , : lenis and rlhs , JO UO ; khorts , Jil.'i ) , boxed
lots , I.'IL' more.
II MO.N Shoulders , fftOT't&'i.ftO ' : IOIIRS , $ ar > 0 ®
O..V , ; ribs. JHfiO : short , JO 70 < ai,7.\ (
IlKUKll'iH 1'lour , 11,00) ) Ibs. : wheat , 4. > ,000 Int. ;
corn. 3I.OIO bu. : oats. 4II.OOJ liu.
Snii'MKNTS I'lonr. O.C03 liu. ; wheat , lO.ono
bn. : corn. 110.000 bu. : outs 1H.OOO bu.
niMpnllHlieiit Alarket. Minn. Pcb. 1 ? . -It has been
a Ion ; tlmp since wheat she o 1 as much
streiiKlliiistod.iv , May opened at hii c , > o
iiliovq Bnluiday's close , and the advance was
Rradiuil , The vellois were pietty llrm In their
olluis and shoi Iseiu Inclined to ralsu their
bids with each refusal. The feeling ut the close
was strong and a few predicted dollar
\\lieatliiChIcaKolnsldeof three days. The
cash market was -ictlve , the demand fet No. 1
northein heliu stionv. Oier ninety cats sold
at 8U'tC and as much more sold a little above
or a little below this price. Kreo ptsof uhe'it
hero weie 474 eat- , and at Dululh anil Superior
at1) ) . Close : No. 1 nortbein , Pohriiary , MIC :
H.itnrdiiy. SI ; .May opened hie : behest. h73 ©
87'ac ; lowest. Mj'ic ; closing. fe7"4e : b.iturd.iy ,
Wi' e. On track No 1 hard , ss'ic ' ; No. 1 north
ern , h74e : No. a northci n , hailSle.
Oniiilni ( .r.iln Market.
Prices based on delivery at Mississippi rlvor
points , Nebraska puuUon , and tun days'
shipment , unless otherwise stated. Cash gr.iln
calls for shipment within live nays
\ViiKAi--No. a sprliiR. MJc bid ; No. 3 sprlne ,
77c hid.
Ill K-No 2. 83o bid : No I ) , 7.Vc bid.
OATS Nil. 2 white , : i ) ' o bid ; No. : i white ,
riOc bid ; No. : i mixed. ! i'Jc bid ; No. : i colored ,
; tOc bid. : ile asked.
COIIN No. a 01 bettor. : ( Ti'4e ; No. a white ,
Tl' c.
Amoir- the sales were : : UVO No. II or bettor
corn , 'M days' shlpmont. 'M\u : 40.000 same ,
IH'j'i'c : 2,590 No. ! l white , ill ) days , St. Louis terms ,
J Harris of Chicago was amoiiR the grain
men on Ihe bo.iid.
C'lilU'e .Market.
NEW VOIIK. Peb. lj. Options opened barely
steady , 10 to 20 points down ; closlnjt biroly
stnadv 15 to 20 points down ; s.iles. Ifl.2."iO bnKs ,
Incliidlnt ; : March. Jiaioai ! . - > : April. gILMU :
May. SI2.flVSl2hS ; June. ai2.Vtfol2.70 ; July ,
* 12.4.vai2.Y > ; September. Il2.40ai2.4ri ( ; spot Kin.
dull and steady : No. 7. * l ! . ? . ' > .
Kin JANhiun , Peb. n. Kesular Hint , nom
inal : u'liod .seconds. lO.iXH ) rels per 10 kilos ; le-
cclpts dnrlii' ' the week. f 7,0JU D-i s ; puichaucs
for the I'lilted Slates 7.1,000 ; shipments to the
United Status , 74.0.0 ; stock , I9J.OJO bass.
SANTOS , Pcb. 15.-Ooort av crane , I i.HJO rols
per 10 Kilos ; receipts during the uook. 4l.niiO
l.i s ; purchases for the Pnlte I .Slates. 2il.OOO ;
shipments to the I'nlted States , IH.OOO ; stock ,
4.2.UOO bans.
III HUli ( iraln Trade le\lr\v.
LONDON. Pel ) 15 The Mark I..ino Kvpross
In Us eekly lerlow of the Ifrltlsh gialn tiade
says : Hiuli'li wheats have rocmoied ( id ,
Trade in the rise Is % ery slow ; foiolirn wheats
aio less depiessed ; the continent Is Imylnj ;
fieoly of Cullfniiiliin , ArKcnttno and Indian
utld adv.nice ; Callfornlan sold at li'MOd ' , and
American red winter at 117s 01 Plotii Isiiulot ;
the supiilles are abundant. Ametlcais In fair
demand and prices are ( id per 3ick better.
Corn is weak. Now American sold ntaOsOd ,
llailey and o.its are Him , but today's market
the tone was Ki-'iuir.illy bettei. CiiKllsh and
foreign wheats rose 'Id , and coin , oats and
grinding barley lid. Plour was weak at ' . ' 03 od.
Uoans and peas were iiilct | ,
Iliilutli Wlieal Miuket.
DUI.UTII. Minn. , Feb. 15 Pncos opened
stronger hero today at an advance of 'noon
May. Kccelpts heio and at Superior : Wheat ,
K > , ai2lu ) , : llnx , 2.017 bu. .Shipments : Wheat.
4i.i.0 ! ( ! bn. Weekly retioit of stocu of Rraln In
stoio hero for wcolc ended Saturday last
shuns : Wheat In 'store , H.ViO.CS'i bu. ; afloat ,
41 ( VK ) I hit. : total nhcut * ti,40l.i-8 ; bu , , Increase
of 410,457 liu. for the week ; barley In stoic ,
l'0,17 ! ) bu. ; llax , 2Ili.6hO ; bu. Pollowlntr. were the
doling prices on haul : Cash , t > 0te ! ; Kehinaiy ,
Ki e ; May , S2u ; No. 1 northetn , cash , b.'io ;
May. K > lti't No 2 northern , cash , 70o ; No. II
northern , 7i' ; ' c : rulcctod , ( il'Jc'on ' tr.ick , No.
I hard , b7'iu ; No. t northern , KJc ! ,
Kansas City .M'irketi ,
KANSAS Cirr. Mo. . Peb. IS , WHEAT Good
outside demand at hntier prices ; No a. hard ,
7bc : Nil a iod,84'iCsKic. '
OniiN' lrrnsnlnr ; local mixed,3414j ! ! local
white , ai&Jiii'.c.
OATS sto.idy ; No , 2 , mixed , 2aS20'jc ; No. 2
white. : iO < aiJ'Jc. :
llVK StroiiKl No. 2 , 70c ,
I'I.AX hKiu : siosso , on the bails of pure.
ItiiAN-Weak : sacked , OiqO.V.
HAV Weak ; tlinolhy , tiM per Ion ; prairie ,
J5.ii ( ( < an.OJ.
UECKIITS Wheat , 21,000 bu. ; coin , 6/00 bu , ;
oils , l.OCO bu.
Silll'MKNTS Wheat , 01,000 bit. ; corn , 2'JOO bu , ;
oatu , 2,100 bu.
Nmr Vork Dry < : oml Mnrkut ,
NKW YOHK. I'oU 15.-Tho dry pooJ market
opened with more iincour.icliii ; Indications.
'Ihe tone of cotton poods , especially apprec
iated. CondU a. c , t. and Tnoiinfylui tluks
ndvancod ' 4e aiidColiimblaeliovlolh worn also
advance. ! ' 4c peryard. Agents of popularKOods
whether stapio or fancy wtro more anxious
tOKetuoods fiom tlm mlllH to meet the de
mand foi Jellvorles than tlio extended busi
ness There wan coiiEldor.iblo Inquiry for
heavy sheetings and drills.
, Fob , IS WIIKAT I'lnn : de-
iiiiiuil poor ; holders olTer spnrlnulyi .No. 1
U.illfornlH , TH lldifs poruontal ; red west
ern spring 7s lO'irtttTi * lldj No. 1 ! red winter.
7s MiddlTud ,
CHUN Quiet ; demand poor ; mixed west
ern. 4sM..d pi-i cental.
I.Aim I'd mo weitein , IIU yd per owu
Tuill'Evri.M ; a.u CO per ot ,
C'lncliiniitl Miirkrts.
.ClljClNNATf. O , IVb. n.-\VllEAT-Stronier ;
Iso. - red. UI'Qi'Ac.
COIIN Wo.iki'r ; No. S mixed. 40o.
OATtf l.oweri mlxvd . ' ,
, D. ,3Si ! ; .
WII18KV 11.14.
Tuleilo .UiirltftM.
TOI.EIIO , O. IVb , IV WIIKAT Hlghorj Nn. Z
cusli and rehriiury I'I'H' ' .
Cons I'iiin ; > o.Sctt h , 41)ic. )
OATJ Quiet ; No. i i-.isli. XV.
11 uu mi S n uu r .Market ,
HAVANA , Feb. 'J , Kuiuriiulton ; Saturday
nt Ctilbiirloii ' .00 hints ceutr.fiik'als ua ; ; de-
Kreoa pol.irU.Ulon were sold at Jl.1" " ! mdd pur
( julntnl.
TiudciV Talk.
CIIICAOO , III. , IVh. IS. Couiibolmtin k Dny to
foe K re 11 llroi.Vhoiu ruled tlrni und KraU-
unlly void im uftur a dull upnnliiu to n Urong
cloiluK , IHo uJvuuco. O blea nro higher
with t'oitlncntnl markets lendlni In t.cccpt * |
ncci to free piiichascis for May shipment ,
l.ocil tiaders evidently i"cpeotod that S itttr-
lav's tidviinco would chock exports nnd
were Inclined to sell at the open-
Inn on what they eons ilt-rcd merely a
we Ihcrhiilcp. Tho\l lbpsupplvflSiir. ! ! > sllru
Induced a Rood demand to eo\rr o.irly . sales
nn'I disclosed the fnct houses with for-
elan connrctlons hud nb orbu.l most of the
( ( Tarings. Private advice * nnoto rather hlcher
tirlt.pi for whciit than public cables , tint ll'
nlds are ci'ticrally below a worklnir basis.
I'orn opened weak and declined " c on lower
cables , bolter xrndIni. and an lnrrea o In the
\Mnli ; Mipplv , hut lalllel with when
New \ 01 K roportirl a good export drni Hid at
tliodppllnp. Oatu wore dull und featiirplos * . ,
declining c and recoxeied I4i' . both In sym- i
liJlhv with corn live was scarce and wanted
small trading earlv al > 4C advance und liter
li ds raised 2c without atTciMIn : purchases.
Pioilxlons weio laiiio after a llrm opcnlns In
sympathy with n hl hci-hog market. Packers
nre \ eiHrm In thnlr xlews but buyer * aiu
lioh'lnp oT. ( Wu Incline lo purchases on unrill
ireaks , believing In : i pee I rally before the
end of the week.
l periitors Were Acllxe Ve terd ij lint tile
Volume of Iliinlness Was Siniill.
NKW VOIIK.Poll. 15 , The stiH ( nnrket today ,
while not showing the Immense volui 10 of
: > Ublncss which marked the tr.idlng last week ,
was still niHMiinlly uotlvo and presented n
sluing front aliniHl throughout the entire
session , placing most of the stocks traded In
jn a materially higher plane lust week.
The Interest In the market has been moio
Kcncra to lay and some of the largest bank-
In ? lioiiM-t In the street wore buyers of stocks
to a largo extent , their pnich.iscs being for
the most part In sliuros which have for sonio
time lain quiet , The fact Is thai the feeling
of iliieaslno's over the coal divil has subsided
owing to the w.iy In which the coal stocks
h.ivo held their ndvances and because the
facts aio now betterundcrs'.o.xlby the public.
The icport this inoinliu that the Pennsyl
vania stale olllecrs h.ive refused to Interfeio
vrlth the new lo.iscs u.insed n rush to
buy Hi'idlnc In the early dealings this morn-
Ingand for oulte a time qiilto an oxelto uent
was seen In the stock. Later In the dny , how
ever , this sensation subsided and buyers
turned their attention to oilier parts of the
list. Heading for the Hrst time In O\IM a.
week shoned only a moderate volume of busi
ness. The opcnlnir this morning was stimu
lated by BOIIIO buying for foreign account and ,
while the coalers still led , the general list was
materially blither During the early dual-
Ings Kc.idlug and Jornov lose over 2
porcenl , but afterw.iids leaded on wh'it ap
pear i' . I manipulation to buy The sUcngth
of the general list was In no way
Imp.iircd. though progress during the
forononn wns slow , hut nhoii the excitement
In Keiidlng died away Union Pacific. S.I Paul ,
Atchlson and Richmond .x. West rolntcamc to
the front and all Hindu sul Ntanllal trains , the
Atelilsou lo.idlnz. The earnings teporlcd on
the last named road for the last week In Poh-
rnai V did n uch to stlmuliito thu moxcment In
the stock , but the other * name J were not fur
In the rear. Among the low priced shares the
bnsiinchann.1 , t Western slouks ucro again
specially strong and the preferred ma'lo a o adv.ince. ' 1 here uua only ono weak
point In tlio market Distillers. It yielded
steadily In the way of the advnncin ; market ,
though It was kept company foi a I line by
lena Contial piofcried , which dropped some
of Us late handsjmo adxance. Chicago Gas
andCoidage were both active and slrim * ,
but the other industi als wore quite
neglected , remaining without feature
throughout the day. In the late
tradln : there renewed buying an I the
shin ts took a bund In adding to the unmml
movement , the latter closing very acllxo and
strong at about the top llguies of the day.
The advances Include : Jersey Central. 2' .
percent : t'nloii I'aclllc , 2'S ' per cent ; St. I'aul ,
'i\ per cent : Atchlson and Keadlng , each 2's
per cent ; Canada b'oulhein , lj per I'i'iit ;
Cold ige.1J per cent : Clovelnnd , Clnclniiatl.
Chlc.-i'-o.x. bt Lou is. I \ per cent an-l other
smaller amounts , while Ulstllleis Isdonn'-'U
tiovernmcnt bonds have I'oen dull and
Siato bonds hu\o 1 ecu dull nnd steady.
The following are the closing iiuot.itioin for
the leading stocks on the Now Vork Stock ex
change tod.iv
Atrhlson 4m do preierred . . . . Hi'I
Adams Kxiirixs . . . . 114 I N. V ll.M |
Alton , T II 114 N V Clil * ht. 1.
ilo preferred . . 12(1 ( do prclcrro.l
American UxproK III ! Ohio MlBslsalppl. . . . Vi
II. r II. A , N ilo preferreil 85
Canada I'nclllc . . . fc'i ; Ontario \ Western . 21
Canada Southern . . . t3 ! Urevon Imiiroveino't S7
Centra ! 1'aollle . . . . : ilk S7b'J
Ches A Ohio M'J J Oregon Trans.
< 1o 1st preferred. . iiUlll'nullle Mull .tru
ilo''ml preferred . 42V 1' . l > UK awi
" : Alton. . . .141 I'lttibnr.j IW
( ' . .11 \ < 1 103H IMilluinn 1'ulacu IS'.i
( ' . , L'.l' AM. li V.'Ji Ite.iit'ni ' ; I4J ? , ,
Dvl lllnlildll 11' Itock Island ' . 'IH '
Dili. l & W IS'J M. I. . A ft. K. 1st pfd 7 ( .
I ) A II. U , pfd i'.H Sit. 1'iiul 80 < <
Hast TeniH-isco. . . . 7 do preferred I27'I
du 1st preferred. . . 47 St I1.llii. . AMnn..lU i
ilo Slid . . IS iSI I'nul '
preferred. I'nulOimlm . I'.I
lrlo : i.lHI ilo prufurrcd. . . IKi
do preferred T.'i lTonn Coal .V Iron. . 4IW
KurtWnyno I611 * Texns I'acltlc ll ° i
Chi ft Knst III l H To I AO.Cc-n pld '
. : Valley . . . . 11 Union I'ailtlf 4'IH
Houston fi 'I oxtis . . . . ' U S. Kxpru > 9 47'u
Illinois Central. . . JOi's U'aliusli , St. I. .1 I * . IJ-i !
! -t. I'nnl ft Duliitl ) . 44 ito preferred .to
Kanant * .V Texns. . . IThi Wulli rnriro Kx . . . .IIU
I.nko KrloWest. . 22'f ' \Vestein t'liion ST
do profarreil . . . . T.1'1 ' Am Cotton (111 . . . . : < !
lnho > lioro l.4 I'olor.iilo Conl 1T4
l.oulHTlllc.v Nnih. "i.K , Ho'iidtake 12
l.uillMllli'A N. A . . . 27U. Iron Sliver Ui
Memphis A Char. . . . 20 ( Ontario
MlchlKan Central. . lOJ'ii'giilckillver ' ' : | i <
Mil L N A W ' .li do preforreil 20
Mo preferred . . . I''i'jiitru ft
Minn. .ISt. U . . . . fill llulwer 4.r >
do preferred 20 Itlcli. A. W. I' Tor. . . 1T
I'aeltlc ( Jt ) Wl oiiBlti Ontriil.
.Molille AOhlo. . . . 41 ICreat Northern pfd. 1
Nashvllla Chiitt . . Kfi'4 Clilcniro Uas .
N J. Ccntrnl . I Ml Load Trust
Norfolk , V Wo l pfd Mlh Sumir Tmat , . . . S2 > <
Nortliprn t'acllle . . 2i Southern I'neltlc . . .i'IV ( ,
do preferred . . 7U' ( , O S I , A. U N . Ml
V I' . . Denver At ) . . . 2IS , tit. U. W . 17
Niirttim ntvrii . . ' H W ills _ . i.'i
hlil t asked
The total H lies of slouks to lay weru Mil.d1) ) )
iharcs. Incllidliu' : Alchlson. 4u.iro : ; Canada
i-onthcin , ! ) , ' .H ) ! : Chicago Gas , SI.Ml'i ; Delawaic ,
l.ackawanna it Western , II.OOJ ; llrlo , 2. > , :0) ) :
Louisville A. Nash vllio. ia,2liU ; Missouri Paclnc ,
fl.4 0 ; Noilhuestern. aCi : ) . Now.letsoy ,
4.SI2 : NowVorc : i..lJO : Nortliem I'.i-
clllc profeirod. 2..10i ) ; Now In < l mil , n.VW ;
Ko.iding. 212,570. Klchmond & West Point.
20.100 ; St. I'.iul , 110,101 ; St. I'aul * .Om.ili.i.fiaoj ;
Union Pacific , 4.1.400 ; Western Un on , 1.J.8U5.
rinancial Iteiiew.
Nu\v VOIIK. Pob n. The Post savs : The
pioblom on which the market's Immediate fu
ture largely depends Is thai of tlm short in-
teicst. It has been very generally believed
that mi uiiiHually huge shoi t Inlercst was
outstanding thiouuliout the miiikot. both
heie and In London. So far us I-midon
Is concerned , the uneventful foitulghtly
settlement last week Indicated pietty clearly
the .ilisoncu of any evionslvu shott list , In
New Vork the situation Is moru pur/Jin , ' , lie-
eauso It IB perfectly oasv liero to borrow largo
lines of stock through ptlvatu urrangomci.U ,
to which actual bourd-ioom lo mliig rat.'s will
afford no clow. It Is c ear that the o.d shoit shares WHS pretty much
eliminated In the exciting advance of lust
week's earlier days , and It Is not ptohable ,
considering the amount of lecent sales clearly
traceable to cold deal "Insiders" and to
London , that a now short Interest of any kind
of equal magnitude replaced It iisuwhoro :
In tlio maikot theru Is greater doubt over
the question. Today's operations , hououir ,
showed that the wholesale hammering of St.
I'aul a week aso , and of I'tiion I'aul liu before
that , was a reckless plecu of bear bravado. In
these stocks tliero was shoil Interest enough
outstanding to load ( ho bo irs u furious dancu
in the hour before the oloo. .
New York Money M-irhot.
NKW YOIIK , Kob. 15. MONEV oOAII. . Easy.
at Hit/- " per cent ; last loan , Hi per cent ;
closed olTored at Pi per cent.
I'IIIMK MKHCASTII.I ; I'APKH ; i'iivi ' percent.
STKIU.IMI nxiiiAMlR-Quli < t but steady at
HMU for sixty-day bills and fl W4 for de
The closing quotations on bonds :
. IIIM ! K AT ( It'll , An , ill !
Mntuiii ilnioii i IB . . .lus
KA.NSAS CITV , Mo. , I'ob. O. Clearingstl.404-
CHK.AOO , Jll. . I'eb. 10. Money on call , 4ti5
percent ; time louns. Mt'l percent. Clearings ,
| UI.'W5SJ2. New Vork exchange , par to lOo
premium , ntorllng oxchaiue , dull ut fl.fiy ;
for sixty-day bills anil Il.h"J4' lor sight drafts.
ST. LIIUIH. Mo. , ID I ) . 15. Hank clearings ,
tl2 < V.2flj balances. tIJl.Citt. Money , ( iiC7 per
cent ; exchange on Now Vork , 75o premium
NEW VOIIK , Pob , 15. Hank dealings to lay ,
; r.or.i.iir , ; ; balances. Jl.6l4.0ll ,
llosinv , Mass. , Peb. 15 Hank clearings
today , fll.KJI..xU ; balances , fl.l < 5..U74 Money ,
1'4WPor cent. Exchaiuo on Now Vork , I''Vu )
15o dUcoiuit.
I'IIII.AIIEI.PIIIA. Pa. , Peh. -Hank olo.irln a
today , I17.20JGM ) ; balances , flUj7r.'a. Money ,
U4 ! per cent.
ilAi/riMOiif. Md. , Pob. 15 Hank clo.irlngs
today , * -,5G'J'JjJ ; balances , ti'l..llU. Hutc , U per
PAUIR. Pob. 15. Throe per cent rentes. Wf
l)5o ) for the account.
NEW OHI.KAN8. l\ . , Feb. 13.-C'lonrlngs.
( I.0a5.705 ; New Vork oxcliuiigo commorclul
paper. 5j per 1,0)0 ) promlum ; bunk , 11 per I.OJO
CINCINNATI , O. . Pel ) . 15 Money , 'A'SA per
cent ! New 'ork exchunco , 25o promlum ;
clciirlntis. tJ.H7,75a
Fob.SpanUU gold , t2.i9,3 }
2.4 ' 4 , KM'hair cn.itcton thp 1 nllrd
short sight cold ; il fll1 preinldm , on
London , l'i'4 ptemlitrit. ,
l.otiilini siiirU .Murket.
\t \ * < il > Vittittt < tl inri liu .Mirfri Hiinlm
l.ovtiov. Pcb. IV INvt York Herald Cable
Special to Till ! IlKK 1 The stock markets
ucio not act > \o tod.iv. tiaitly owing to thu
Inclement wnathcr. liooi'inlly peaking , thu
tendency lias Upon goodi Prices as a ruloshow
an linimnuinent. Amerli-aii descriptions eie
di-eldcdly llr u , Itcatl n : ls uos. I'nion I'aclllc.
WnliMsh AtcliNon mid , Norlhern Pacific prc-
fcrrel ailvnnclnj I to 2 jicr cent. In the fot-
cUn markeu llra lllau.bunds roco\crcd on the
asMirnnccs vlvcn tlutpii rcMiliillon uas not
Inipcn Hug Purtu.iucso'Mind Argentlno Issues
VPIO also stron jor Auiillmr faxoralilo feature
ras the llrnines' of the Afilciiua maikct.
lump lallways were dull , Siher Imptoieil
id. Consols wore Intlucnced by the llrinur
ondpney. Tlif money market eiospd from
nip-olBlith of I per cent to three-sixteenths of
per cent lower. A further withdrawal of
X'.MnOT. ) from thu for llnssli had thu
ITcct of strt'iiglhcnliig the discount r.ites.
'hrce monllis bank bills are now quoted at
rom 2' ' , toa'i ' percent. Call money Is also In
eiy fair ili'inMid ut from 1't ' to 2 per cent.
iiiler thi1 oirQiimslaiK'es the dlsrount houses
c o\cd ! this afleruoon to raise their deposit
ates by one-fourth of I prr rent.
l.nviiiiN , I'ob. 15 The folio vln < were the
.nnnon stook quo'iitlons doting at 4 p. m :
'nnsiil nionjy. i'l ' iTTo Me ordliihrj' . . . SliT
tlo , .icjntils . . . . iiiH it. I'nul common , sol *
N. V. , P. AO Istn. . . : t : l Xuw Vork Central. . II7H
'nn I'aclllc . . . . Wit. IVnn'ylvnnln fi7i ( ,
Crlc 'im Itcvllnit III ) ! ) ,
rle MTiniilK . . . Mil Alex.Ccnlrnl n 4 * . 7.1
IMiiMl , Central HWj I
MONKV I'jffilV per cent.
Amount of bullion withdrawn from the Hani ,
if Kngland on balance today , X'lt/.V.OJ.
Driner .Milling Stock * ,
DEVVEII , Colo. . Peb. n The following list Is
hneloslniiiot'illonsoti | the \lln In ; even 111 0
oijay. S' lies ; i7IOJ.
LlU > i > himjr . . T. . lo ! 77uiii IUICK . . . . iii J
AinltT . 2 < ( llronrlnd . ll't '
AriKiniuit . 15 .lonh ,1 . I
hilliuat . VI ( JiiKllrv . U , ' ,
Inrniknt I'or.i II . . 5l ( l.cxliiutun . 4 !
Intcs Hunter . . in .l.tttle . Hide . 75
' . I' ' ) Mat Xlareppn . fa
Ilk.hi x . A Moinlni ; lilltii . 41) )
Irownlotr . 44 Ore . . . . . 400
Calllnne . II ' 1'nrk lVin olld.iteil. . 4
l.iudhi . Kock
'entiiry . K"i I'ot'nl . pj
'Hy County . 40 JI'AiiUlolil . 10
llniiinnd II . 4 llccd National. . . . iJ
> ( . > nverias ( unit Oil 'i'4. ' III ilto . til
Ciumon * . I 'i il'.uunliu 1.0,1 ! . . ill
tettTsliurir . HI IWIuilp . . . . . 5
iulilcn Treasiiro IU Isntton . " 1
N'ew York Milling < juJtatloni.
NEW VOIIK. Pob II Pliu following are the
lining in nliii sto-iv ( | iiit ) itlons ;
Anpon 7. ! . T7J Mvxlcin. 7. . . . liu
lent . { Ih'h'her . . „ . ' ( ) Ontario ! )
Chull.ii r..O . Onlili- ril
rown I'nlnl . . . l."J 1'iv.iiotith 171
'on Cal A V-i . . . 475 sftvi.ii' I'-'J
> eailnood T .W sierra Nevada . . . ll'i
lurekn Con . . . I7i Sta 11 ird 1)0 )
lOidd \ Curry . . . I t't inidl llopm hJ )
Inle A Nortroin . . | 7 > Union Con ] " ) J
lurn Silver l Vellon ,1 irket . . . IVi
s't. I.ooU Mining Oniitiitloiis ,
Sr. I.outs. Mo , Pob. 15 Stocks wore mod
erately active today. Sales .500 slures.
Adiiino luu I. HiliiMiiert
Anieili'im Neltlc . . . 'A I'al.Xlinphy
Vmnil Sitter 15 1
: ilr'ihcth . . . . 4U silver Uell . . . . : ! l't
Irnnlte Muuntaln .IT.'J ) sniill llupcs . . . . ' . ( >
lMll 110)109 ) 2JO Vnin . , n . 5
Om.ihi'x Wfi-lc Opens U'lllin llc.n.i Kuii ul
( 'little I'rlrrs Strong.
OMtltt Keb. I. ) The \\eek onons with lib
eral receipts of c itllo and n moder.ito run of
IIORS and sheep.
Tbi > supply of c.ittlo was the heaviest for n
Monday In ten necks , and. wlillo there noru
no 10 illy choice loppy beeves hoie. there HCIO
plcntv of nnlin its u'ood fiioiiKh for any m ir- Notnlthstandhi ! : favorable lopoits fiom
Ublcasio , shippers were not Inclined to do
anytliltr. . and loc il buyor- > for dieted boot
hcusos neio Inclined to lie rattier IndlnVient
and bearish on account of the liberal offering ,
nhlio salesmen talc UK the stronger custom
advices as tholr Clio were asking bUlior
pileos from thostait. The icsult wus It tool ;
Mime tlmo for dealers to come to terms. Vho
forenoon's tr.ullns wils \tri > inuly llmlltid , but
after dinner thu tr.ulo braeo.l no considui'.i-
bly. attlioush thurovas no porceplible 1m-
provcinent In prices. TJio Konoral miilcet
uis : a shade c islcr tlrin Saturday oven on the
best Blades , while Vjoirso ho ivy and roiuli
uiilliiislii'il sti-ors were hard to work ( ill ovuti
at a substantial loduutlon from Saturday's
figures Good 1,200-lh to I.4JO-lb beeves sold at
from $ .Ui ) to $4 ' 0 , f.ilr to cooj bO'J-lb to I.JJJ-lb
btoers at from ) to Jfl ! ) .
In butchers' nnd c.innerV stuff tr.idln ? was
active , with prices Jrnng lo fls to lOc hi'hur
than la-t week. There \\as a mocler.ilo ship-
plus demand and loc il kl IOM had teed
onleis. Comuared with the gross ro-
celpta the supply of cows and
mixed htock not largo nnd
with a peed demand tb'i inntemoiit WAS free
and an uaily effected. Unr.d to
choice-eons nnd ho.fcrs sold .it from $1.7.1 to
$ 12.1 , fair lo rood M ulT at from t.40 lo } 2.7.r > . and
thcrouasory little stock hero that Had lo
soli below $ . ' .0' ' . Un Is. oxen and stays nero
llrm in from fl.liO to $3.10 , calves sto.idy at
fiom $ . ' .01 to it vi.
There nas notjx very nellvooutside Inquiry
forstockcrs and feeders , nhllo tbo Minpiy wns
i.ithor moro llbeial than usual. Hood stock
sold .ibnnt as usual nt from J.1 00 to { .l..l. but
common nnd Inferior stock nasa slow s ilo and
at lower p Ices. Hepiesent.itlvo sales :
No. Av I'r. No Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr.
2 1)J" ) > $ .1 15 li IIH ! ) * I 4" > : i2. UI7 J.l 111
H nil : i vo 2.1 iii-M : i 4."i ID 1:111 : : ic-
1 7'IJ ili'i i.M 1.U7 II M 40 I-.87 IKlTi
M ss ( , : i 21 21. 10 ; : i 60 7 i.v.i ; nn
'j UN ) : i : ui ( j' > 1110 ; i M ni nw : ; u" >
14 s"j : i : io i I27o a " > > 21 i-w ; itki
2 ion : i : D 17 tu4S a MI "u nu air >
1:1 : f. ' . ? a .10 2.1 .10.10 : i flj 21..i24 > : i70
xi : ; : : o ' . ' " > 11,11 : i r > i u I.'M ; : i7o
4 0.7 .1:10 : : w. rj.c : i fis .11 inu : i 7,1
24 sur a.i ) M ivn aw ) 21 1208 a7.1
20 wa a .10 7 rjrti ari ID t.'jij a 75
n iu2o a ir > 17. . 12a atio 2. r.'ia a 75
48 8so a ai > M. UG : : i.o ( 4 r.'i'i ' : isu
22 iH'i a 40 i i. " > To a m 21 ur > ; a 8.1
2.1 lO'io ' a 40 in IH.O a do it .10- * aim
7 ii r. a 40 in i44i a M ir > .I.ITI ; 401
I ! I70 .140 21 .lltil Jt.O 2U U"J > 400
7 1UOI a 45
MI.XII ) .
4 av ) a ao 41. ii.ii a 7 : >
1 . " > 0 1 03 a .10JO 221 0. . 0V ) 2' )
a. 7Hi ( till ) 4..1HOJ 2115 17 . Ull 2W )
2. . MM I ft ) 10. . 70.1 2i.l : U..12I1 2K >
4 017 1 .10 2 . OJo 240 a. . 1170 2 Kl
2J. . b S 171 4. . OJi 24) 1 1IUO 2 Hi
1..IUDJ 175 7. Ilu7 240 Kl M4 2 h5
5. . OM IS ) l..l.00 2 SO O.MS 2 JJ
a Kill 2 00 3. . tllli ) 260 7 SU7 2(10 (
1 .10WI 200 4 .11S7 2 SO " 7. 1104 II03
1..11011 200 b. IHi.l 250 II DtH a 00
II. 108J 200 1 .llliJ 2 50 2 107.1 a 00
a. 7.1(5 ( 2(10 ( 4. . hi ) 2 M 1 1010 ao5
2.1,00 2 UO 11. . 10.12 2 5 > 21 103 , ' a 01
a iuu 2 ui 14 .loo.t 2 GO 10. tun a io
a..1.1.1 2 aj n loi.i 9M ) : i ? .iww aio
20 . OJ'l 220 21 'Ml 2 05 a 100) ) a 10
1 , , 570 221 15. . B.H 270 fl. 12.11 U 10
2..10H.1 225 11 ! . . 1140 270 4. 1141 .115
1. 10SO 2 Sf > 21 % 0 270 a. 122J II15
1 1V40 225 10. , 0 > 4 270 G 12:11 : a 2U
2. Ill ) 225 1I..1UUG 27.1 2. 1475 a 45
4 , BUT 2 23 10 1003 2 75
4 741 285 10 1025 20) 17. . 031 a 10
24..1055 2 UO
i . aao 2 r > o i. . no 4 25 4 , ir. ooa
2. . uj a'oo . .
1..08J 17.1 8..1JIW' ' , 2 01 3 TI03 2 R5
1..1240 203 1..WO 2(11 ( 1 10SJ 2 Rl
1. 12(10 ( 200 1. 11)70.271 1 .1070 II OJ
I l.'iM < i 15 1..1I4' ' ) , 2 75 1.1010 a03
2. . 16M 22.1 i .Kin ; 2 5J i mo aoo
I. I2-.H ) 22.1 1..WD 251 I 1070 11 OJ
1 IhSO 2 IiO 1..1-5Q 201 1 IGitl a 00
l..lttlO 2110 1..1.W.U03 1 1740 U2i
1..I570 250
G 1109 2.1
STJUKr.llS''A ' ) ll PBBDKIU.
i so ) 2 ao si.Vid'aoo IB. . 77.1 aio
27 7111 2 iji ) at fat a no 2 u.u .1 n
211 M-l 2 ( II 8 T.M II 00 II MR a 15
I ) U'li 2 11.1 Kl 7H1 , .1 UO 4 7.7 .1 15
1 57J 2 75 1 7H ) , a 00 5 M a 2J
2J . KM 2 IK ) 1 . CM. U 14 1 7ID a 20
G sue a oj i . Alfj a 10 2. uj a 2.1
i icjo a 03 7 , jJ' ! ) aio 5J 11 o aa
HOUR There ttii , > od uvoraco Moiuljy'a
run of liojs , 51 cara ; itb < i iiu.illty , , is bjyer
.1 B
usually e'nlm It Is on Monday , rathoi Inferior ,
llnstorn ndvlccs were bullish and the grn-
cial muikct wui act I vo nnd stronger from thu
mart. Hotli ( hlppei-s nnd frcfdi meat men
wanted itmnl light and bulchei welgbl hogs.
° 1 IICSP grades sold strong to 5c liighrr thin
Saturiiiy Un licnxy hogs the feeling WHS
not so strong as thu shipping demand was
light and puckers ucro as usual bearish.
KuTj'llilne. howexi-r. * ol l stiongor. Thobcs.
heavy lie snild at from Hi ( ) to Jl.KV common
ln-nvy mlxi d puckers at ftom J4.M to l.fio.
lilffht mixed Mill butchri wolght hois sold
at from $ l. . ' > 3' ' to 14 ( jJ'i. ' Tradliu was niodor-
ntelv acllxe tlirougliimt and the poof weio
cleared In aood season , the bulk selling at
fiom f4 .VMo > fl.Miiiiilnsl ? i.3iol WSatiirdav ,
The axer.igoof price * | i.ild waslLVs' , ainlmtt
Mftl' s.iuuy , ) , , m | H45 < 4 last Mundiiy
KoiHi'Scntnthe sales1
No. Av. .sll. Pr. No. Av. Sh I'r.
n 242 4 41 ( .7 BTfl 120 4.7'i
r.4 . .ISO 4 r > 2'J 07 . aw 213 4 V.'i
. .SB 4 iV. d'l . . . .2411 im 4 mi
. . 2li : 4 K fi2 . : ii8 2UJ 4(1) ( )
.at ! 21X1 4 M . . ' . ' 42 400 4 no
. . .Vi4 : 120 4 Vi ' . .2-4 hJ 4G1
. .250 ' . 'I' ' ) 4 65 Til. . . . ' . ' 10 bO 4 no
ra 4 .V , 7fl 2JC 4 GO
. 2s | 2tO 4 55 52 .111 ISO 400
. . .XI 4 Vi ao . .Ill 40 4 Gil
. . .22S ivo 4 frt mi . . 2V ( > si 4 Gil
. . 2.VI 4 , Vi 67 4dO
. .21(1 ( t no 4 51 71) ) . 200 4 lit )
. . .2'U 1MO 4 V , 51 4W )
ait 4 ; : . r.n inn 4(0" (
"C ! 4 r > ' Kt : ti7
201 4 . ' .7' , KtCl 40 4 tfl
120 4 rn'i ' Cl 20J 4(10 (
. . .as 243 4 rij ; 7a 2:5 40 , 4 GO
. . V > 0 12) ) in . .an IG3 4i1 (
. . .212 - i : .7 IV4 200 4G2' ' ,
. . 2.C.1 IV4Ml I2J 4 G > i
. . . : c 4UO 4 - > 7'i HI 4 lu'Vi
. . V44 HO 4 57'i ' 40 4 ( ,2' '
. . .am SJ 4 57 'i ' . 240 4l > i'i '
. . .a i 120 4 ftt'i 74Ki . "il 2 II 4 ( > J'i '
. . a , fi I2J 4 57 > , i Ki .110 SO 4M
' ! AM > Itomill.
I 420 - - 2 00 1(1 ( . 121 - - ' ! !
-A few sheup neio ri'CutM'd but they
\\oiorathercommoiislitlT nnd doilcrs could
not ncico us tu the price. Tliero Is n strong
demand for doslrahlo muttons , uclhers much
prefcrtcd. and Ntieh would sell leaill.y nt good
sliong pMe-s. 1'n I r to u'ood iialiM's aioi"ol- |
nhlont JI.2 6J.1.2.1 ; wcsleius JKXKii 1.21 ; common
nndstocker < . $ . ' / > Jt L7.1 , good to choice 40 Ib
lo'JMb. Iambs. $1 2.1SAfO.
Itl'i'elptl ll'l'l IHsp ultlim of Stiifli ,
Olllclnl rn.'oltils Mill dlsiiHltlou | iitstn-'C ns
shown hv the hoo'.sof ' tlio I'nlon ilocU \ nrds
company for the twonly-fonrho ir < . ending "t
, ' ) o'clock p m Kebruary Hand 1.1 , bn. ' .'l-l.
Cnm.lU'.ul Car . I lleiul
.1.118 I Ull
nt'vriis. ( ATI t. nous. sn i r.
Dirndii ! I'ackhiK coiupnii )
C. it , Hammond company . I.I. '
Sn'.tl \ Co . 1,1.7:1 : . ' VI 1117
Cmlnhr I'aiklnKcunipnny . . 1.V.I i.v.v.1
spL'rrj .x II . '
1(11 (
Hhliierij | | and feeders
I.ftl over . ,
Total. ID ;
t'nltle. Shi c | >
Oninlm 1'atklnir compan } . IIU 4.H li' '
( ! . II Iliiiniiiond ( onipmi ) 1.7.VI
Swift A. 'o 1 7S.1
I'ndali ) Talking eunipnii } 0711
Others 4.1'iV H..M7
Tola ! 14'IIKI
l.lie'.toek Market.
OlHCMlo. 111. . Pel ) . 11. [ Special Tolngrim
to "nn HIK.- : | Per c iltlo today advances of
from lOc to lie and "i ! > ; uen > demandu-l. and
although ihi ! train did not hi any case amount
to as much as20c the general maikot was lOc
hl'jliur thin l-ist Prldav. lluyen did not
eliuet fully p ly thu higher pi Ices and sale *
dragged , hut sellers did not llnd It iiecessiry
to earrv over ancattle. . The closed
Him nt from tl..Y ) to Ml I for poor toe.xtr.i co s
and heifers. 11.71 to & 1.75 for bulls , f.00 to JI si
for stocUi'rs and feeders and at from Jl.llj to
JI.M for dicsse I bjef andslilpplni steels. The
bulk of the si es to the dressed beef ( Inns
weio below fl.w and fiom f.'ni ) to $ .01 was the'o n ihl bv butchers and ejimets foi Ihe
hulkiif tlmli takings
I'ho hog maikot waf S'llisf.ictorv
to tlie selllni Interest. Itvas from lOc to 15c
hlgliei th in S ituiday and was active i ml firm
at I ho advance. It did not take a very aood
made of hogs to brim fl 75. and tlio bulk of
thoolTeiltus sold above that lUuie. ITOIII
$1.7.1 to Hs" < were the jirexallliii prices for
light ivcrages of lc-s , thnn.2 ) Ibs. and from
$1.81 to tl ! k1 took the gio itrr part of tlio hoavv
and modlum weights. Tlm extrumo lati.o of
sites was from } 2.00 lo V > OX Sains al less than
ft.'i ' ) woio for jounj pljs and culls. Tliure was
n lirm close nt from SI HI to $5 00 for heavy and
medium and at from H50 to 'or light.
There was n sale of lie ivy boga at $1.05.
I'rlees for good to choice slice ! ) were llrm. If
anything a trlllo hlghci than at close of last
week. The supply was light ; demand reason
ably aetlvo. Common grades sold mi betlei
than before The ran-'o of quotations for
poor to oxtni qualities was from Jl.u ) to f5 r\
fcoino rubbish sold below JI.O ) and fancy
qualities would irivo hroirjlit blihcr Ilgures
than quoted above. The lamb maikot was
Him at fiom SI.75 to 11..V ) for poor to choice.
Itoi-olpts wcie : Cattle , 12,000 : hogs. ' ,8.000 ;
sheep. fl.OiO.
The Kvenlng .louru il reports : C vrrr.n Ite-
cclpls. I.VJOi ) ; slilpinoiil8.a5)n ) : mnrkot sto.idy
to higher : extra steers. J4.V17M.10 ; fn'r to
good. $ l.t'0(3l ( W ; others , $ J.50l. i ; stockois ,
tf.'VV ! ft : cows. ? l.t ( a-'l.OO
I Ions I.'ccelpts. 21'KK ' ) ; snlpments. ll.'mi ' :
market ncthe and higher ; longh and ciim-
mon.fJ.G.I'BI.70 : mlxcil aiirt packers , J ( 71ff4 M ;
prime heavy anil butchers' weights. t4 UJ1iMi ) :
ijhtSI.0'iJ4.h5. |
SiiKEi' Uccoipis , nfl01 : shipments. ' . ' ,00' ;
market slow : lambs stuady : sheep lower :
owes. $ I.)03l.aO : mixed , } 1 505C4.PO : wetheisand
yoarllnus. $5.003".SO : wostoin , Jl.0'ii.)40 ( ;
lambs , J1.01Q0.21.
New York l.lvu stuck .llarlcet.
NKW YOIIK , Keb. 15. HKKVIS : Itecelpts , r.2j ;
bead. Including thUtv-four earn for Rale ;
market lOc per 10) ) Ibs. higher ; nut vo steers
$1.0034 Mj Tox-ntis. $ , ! U7'j : 'Jtllls and cons , j ; 4)
< ai.25 ; arosscd beef steady at OQS'Jc ' per Hi.
bhlpments today , 4S'I ' hooves ; tomonow , 1,270
beeves and 2.ail ! quarlois of beef ,
CAI-X'KS Hecolnls 570 head ; market 'Jo per
pound hlchcr for choice veals ; western calves ,
Wh71ftl.0. } < per 10) ) Ibsveals ; , f5.MX < iW50.
S'liui.i'-Kecoluts , 8U17 bead ; market , stoiirty :
lambs , " 30 porlb. higher : sheopI.Gj'/@li.45 jior
100 Ibs. : liimbs. i050i7.40 ( : dressed mutton ,
steady al70Jo ! porlb. : dressed Iambs , llrm
ut i tlfiV1.
llORs ltccolpts , I0.0'i2 ho-id : all consigned
direct ; nominally stonily ut Jl ! K5 ) . ! 0 pel 100
Kansas City lUe Mode Alitrket ,
KANSAS CITV. SIo , Kob. i.'i ' UATTMS Tie-
celpts. IWM : shipments. 1.S10. S'tcers wore
strong to lOc to higher ; cows strong to loc
higher , and foedois steady. Diessod beef
and shipping stcorti sold at JUI.'ip.l.UO ; cows
and holfers , 2.75QIUO ; stocker.s and feeders ,
lloos Itseolpts. G.OOO ; Bhlpments , a.100 ; the
market was steady to 5o hlghnr ; ull grades.
M.nixBI A3 ; bulk , tl.40l.47K.
HIIBKP Uoeolpts , 1100 ; Nhlpmcnts , 1,500 ; the
market was quiet nnd Htoady ,
St , I.nils l.lie .stork Market.
Sr. I/oiiis , Mo. . Pol ) . 15. OAITI.B Koeolpts ,
1,810 ; market higher ; fair to good nall\o
t-tcnrs. ? " > lixijJl.40 : fair to handy Indians and
Texan1 , f-.Bj'Jil.ns. ' . * ,
Iliids Hocolpts , 5.015 Iidail ; mnrkot n shade
Higher ; fair to prime heavy. $4.7oa4.Kl ; , i
ordlniiT to good , } l UKQJI.iO ; yorkors. fair to
hestl.l/ai.70. (
1 TtoJoipts. 4GJ head ; market aetlvo
and strong ; uuclungcd prices.
SpoopeudjUo HUH Antlimn
nnd lie spent thirty-two minutes trying to
tell Ills wife to po to thundar and KOI his bottle -
tlo of Dlxoti'b Asthma Guro , and she ( poor
tbinc ) llutterod around nnd brought somu
broth and a hair brush and things , und
Spoopcndvko nearly died , but ho fet the
Asthma Cure Jlually and lliun well , I'm
orry forhU wife , . .
I'limlne III xlolltenrKi'o ,
VnsN'S * ! Vob. 15 , OwliiR to the fiiiliiro of
the crops and the lack of customary Russian
succor , famine Is cam I UK wldoipioud Ois-
tress in Montenegro. This state of affairs
has resulted in a wholesale emigration of the
people of the country to Turkey.
( Sujslor'sM urioHoi'l utio Wafer UUIM all
boudiichos in 'JO tniiiulos. At all druggists.
Cents a pound for VAN HOUTEN'SJ
COCOA ( "Best & Goes Farthest" ) seems to bog
high. Let us compare it with the price of Coffee : ?
1 Ib. of good coffee costs at least 'Me. , makes 31 half-pint cups. J
3 " " " " therefore OOc. , < 03 ' " " 5
1 "V. H. COCOA" also OOc. , " 150 "
f Which is the Cheaper Drink ?
RKTAIL VKIOE , j 93 cups of Coffee ,
IIO ctnti l > ir iiouuu < " = " "
* ° . ' . ' " { * " ( I6O "VHCocoa !
s . . ' . ' . s . . Sold by every flrocer , in J
' andlnllU"
( Imnli i Tent it .Hi Mini ;
HA/I * livmnooV , oil nil
ratilior rlothlntf S > n > l for
llcnlf OHM/HI / llttu C < \
mporlrr < niut inanific-
turi < ri > .
lour A < k , llurlnpi nnd
.4.n. Vcn tin A n > , I M o.
llOl Doilitu lro3t. lllc cle "olit en monttilr
olltl for inir eit
nml price * 1 liWJ'ii r'nrnnm M , Omnlm
noors AM > suoics.
Morao-lce Siioj Comoai/ ,
1101 lldwird Sttff'l
Knctiirynirncr Illh nnil IMiinlRi i > tri'CH
We nnlunklmi clo'o ptloo to ( " \ < li ti ijri'r , i >
rl M "f iio < uH Hlilch l < vcrr s
Omaba Ooa3jliUt nl Elactrhil 0) , ,
Klvilru Djimnioi Lnrapi. Wlro nnil Kleclrlcal Slip
pllctof All KlniK
tl\l \ llownnl "trc'il , Oniali i.
IIViIKhc t hill t'u. .
IlluMratcil I'ttnKuiic
Kill Capitol Ayi'ine.
A ittiiuMii rut-
niMirc Co. ,
"uccps'on tor A Ilecbo
.v Co ,
Ur.K u and I.lth itx.Omiha
I.'UltMSllING . GtOIS.
fWirf WtuA C..IICH , . / . T. lliitilnnnn fCntliin
( ! ont ' furnl'ldnz Bonds , fo.
< Inttitnn and iiotlon1. Opntn'
fnrnl liln i/ood
( live us a trialVo cn t '
in'IV ct'letirntoit llr.iml
unmple-l exprj3 pru- "lliik kln or c i n I Is ,
jmlil pnntH. lilrt1" . ioits ote.
111 ! llarnoy. Cor. Utliaail lion aril tits
1) . M. Sitcrle & fit . Ulaltc , llriicc A to ,
lail-ILWtJonoi street , lOtli nnil.HarncT. Ouiab i ,
Om ill i , Nob.
Him , S.A. UcWhwtrr.
IlrLen * nndenah luirpr ,
I'rlvntu wlto ) toew 215 Hoard of Trilo
VorL. LhlcAKo , and yl. 1 rokcr In ir.iiii , prot !
1/iuK Hi-It 1'oird ( if 8lonsnnditiii'ki PrU.ito
Trade , wires to N V , Chlcnuo
nnd hi Loilll
IIAI'a , Kl'O. | IlltlUS , KTC.
II' . I. I , , fiili'nn A Ci > . I tlm. Othcin-.A C > . ,
Hat' , capi , ttr.iWKDii la of hllai. woil ,
nlmoi and uilttcni , and fun
l.'th ami lliirncy. Ml'-oiitimth-st
Urdu A HWiflwy Co.
Cur loth nml JnckionHH lliilldrri > ' hnrdworfl
luc.iinloi t > il .
Omnhn St.
ll'iwf. * ,
Wroniilil nnd CMt Iro'i
hnlldlnit work , ( < n lno < ,
brnii work , Kuncinl
IVrA.t llniicitf ,
\ \ hulG ilti liquor ilo.ilorl
1031 I'nrimniKl ,
INIn : v.
( ' . .4. .1 ffu'pr. Jr.
Millinery , notion' clonks
, 1'lnno' orK\n ; . n
etc ,
milcrlnl * , etc
llii-113 B IIUli H. O.imhn l.'dl Douitlni utri
.1. OiMfi f'nrViiiu Oi. f'ldlf ,1 CD. .
, Fliii nil 1 CclO'n
PnoLum of oy < lcr , lltli
nnd Cclcrj , .tin South Hill St
urlli SI ln\td Cole , Mnanter.
C.i. ,
Uctlnpd nad hibrloatln
oils , nxlo Kroiso , etc.
llniiicli A Co. .
tcnlcr ln country prod. I'rodiirr , frulti nf nit
11 co , frulti , vonotnbloi ,
He. klnd , oyslen ,
1J07 llownr.t Street. I3th mid llnrncr Hlrcctt.
n , ( mi . Jos. A. Olark & Co.
Ituttcr , clipeie , '
Duller , CCKS nad poultry
poultry nnd unm .
HIM I'nriKini st fO-J soulli Utli hliocL
Ridtlall & Co. , G. Pegau.
CMiiiiiil.tHlon At u r c It n n t.
IHitlcr cli"oio OBJ1.VOJ- Produce Mutter. KK.M ,
ituble , frulti , poultry I'lici ! o .ind I'oullr ) .
I''lh nnd llmr.ird ht3.
and u'.init' .
Mullin & MoOlah , Bin'jjant , & Son ,
pwlnHk't Iniit9r. OIK Send us > our Tints II it-
eluii'Ki' . putiltrr. oto. No ID.I'ouUrr. . liamc ,
liS lltl llof til Nit llldoi l-Hc
tiniik. ITUI a Luivoimortli St.
Oarponter Paper Co. , Kiu P.ip r Oj.
Cnrrr A full itock of \Vrap | > luKmper | nllkhuU
Of tITllll f. I'll'
prlntlnx , wnuipliiK nml
HOT llovTiinUt.
nrtttnK iiapor , cnrit pi'
per , oto. TCI I.D
James Hughes , lOmahx Stova Eopair
Stores repairs of nit kin li | Wor" S ,
CookK nnd IliutorJ Stnvo ropalrj and untor
foraile nttacliinonlH for uti ) kind
of Htovu ui do
Hth Slroit UJT lioiiKlti
itoori. bllndi and
moulding' Ilrnneh of , nl hlnu KUOH , child *
Inrd bU
Al'en ' Root & Oo. &
Iloom3l ni lloomi , II ) nnJ fil tic *
llnlhlliiK South chitua li illl : ! H.
Omaha. Soiilh O.n ill i.
All i-raln welKhod , Inspected anJ rate
l by st-ite olllcerd ,
Write for rntoi and full piullculais and uonsljn
Ehlpinentscnie of
r.\ct ) MAN can bo
OROUS in nil reipccli
r _ _ _ _ _ by iiiinij SPANISH
NlCKVINE , tlicRreat Spanish Remedy. YOUNG MBN
Oil O&I ) fculferhiir from NKUVOUS DI5BII.ITV , IO3T or
PAULINO MANHOOD , ninltllyemissions , convulsionK , ncnouj
> rottr.iiioncnus > d hyllicuse of opium , inbacco or alcohol , wake ,
llncis , mrmal depression , lost of power in tilhir fici , snerniator *
ANII AFIEK ubr , tliu-acaiiEcdhyetlfabuse nnd over indiilKciicuor rfiiyptisonal wrak *
ness can be restored lo pi-rfecl healili nnil lliu Nonivlt VITAMTY Ol' STUONG MItN.
fjlve a written guarantee v/nh b boxes lo euro nnj-cito o [ refund Urn nmncy , Si f bo > , b bojoj | j
Vo. . sale in Oinaliii by McCortniiik & Lund , lotli A ;
I'lie business outlook w.isne\Ci
brighter , Substantial gnini. every-
whuru , proof of an ejqnimling vol
ume of business , Rniliond o ire
cliokodvith tr.ifTu' in ninny places
nml nre nimble to Jimulle die Inisl-
IICBS offciinj ; . New railiotidp are
being built nnd old ones me dei'lar-
ing dividends. The fannei s are gcltitiu tnoney anil ar aj/unding it. Large
harvests of grain and good prices Wheat , Oats and Corn jircfisiiiK for
transport.ition to the seaboard and thence to Ktirope. Money in in ample
supply at low rates at all important centers. H appears to us that this is
your opportunity for newspaper advertising , if you intend to do any and
it will be blraiigc if x\e cannot convince you that we should do jour work.
{ 6G & 68 W. 3d St. ,
Cincinnati , O.
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. \
cni >
il < tl nio'iiiiiVbelrantuI ttl lioine by curre | ioiiUeiiriMuiU'in or lintiutiiiiiu Vulit uinaij urviprFii
eurelyiMtkdJ , lion arkttuluUI-utu tuiiit-iiu urtfiidfr. ono ucrnonal liilcrvle * pn'Ierruil. Contiiluiloi
tea. ( > > rre | joiiilciiio itrlully prlvuiu , lluok ( Myiturlvt of Life ) ivul fr * . UIQu * bouuVa. ui.loU p. U
IllOtt. iu.toi2ui , b uJit mu/oi ftjiljr. ,