THE OMATTA DAILY HEE : TtrKSlAY. FKlWtrAKY 1 { 92. SPECIAL NOTICES , ) * ' ' < KW TIIKSK COU MNS AIVLiniKMI'NT' l TO | i m , for tlm ovrnlnir nml until 8 v p in fur the morning or Sunday mi All nittcrtlK-inonlK In tlir o columns I. . c nt n \ HnaflrM Incettlon nml UUintin line llu rrnflcr , or ta | n-r tine iicr motitli Jsti nilrnrll i > nitMil tnVn for liTBthnn ! ' < inlo lorllir llrst Invrllon IrriiHnmn In mlviirtp lotinl nlmut T wonls lo lhallno. Inl llnl flpiirrii , nymMil * , HP ( ncli count n n noril ! Atl nciv rli imenl intit'l run lotniTiillrclr. Ailvor tlMtlirriiinaMlns n nnmni roil check run hnvo tliMr lilum n < l < l rev 0 lo n mimhfrprt letter In rum nf'lHHllnAiiimiM'onildrc'Mrt wilt bo rtellv nril tin IIIIM ntMlnii of HUM link _ DIMM ti in m rs-A \ LHTI'MMI K ITHI-SK .1 IrnltmiliK lll I < InVi-n on the nliovo condition * nt HIP followInt ! | IIII > | IIP- hon p who nrn nnthor- In it tn Inker ] < < lil imlltpsnl the same rales nscnn Ir hnil nt Hie. innln nlllrc Hindi omnlin llranth Office-No 2021 N Mrect I I K r Mm V John W llctl jilinrmncl t. llth arid Mnion Mrrrtii S II rnrimwoitli | ilinrmncl t.Sill t'unilnit Blunt W .1 Iliiklied i.linrnilrl t.rJ4 N IIHIi Mrret ( I ! stttcrflrlil. | > himunclM , 1718 lonrcnviortli ItreiI lliuihp * | > lmrm cr 3Hh nml Fnrnnm SITUATIONS WANTED. ItAThi Ifo n line Hint llmo nml lOo n linn Ilierc- nfter No mlvcrtl < i'inciit taken for lo .s Ihnn a o " WAvmTHiiv A LADV or lUi.ruijK. A -/Vlinmo hcri > Instruction mar lie Riven In inn T-npllnh brunches In cxclianico for hoard Ail < lre N it , lice Mm in * "I"WAMKIl. . 1'OMlToN Ah llOOKKUKI'I'lt Oil J nny kindf ilerlcnt noik , lient of references Aililrem O 13 llee * ' > WANTED-MALE HELP. 1IAT1 s- | > n line llr-t tlmn nml lOo n lint' Ihcro- nflcr No nilTortlti mcnl Inkcn for | I > M limn Zoo. 11 w'A.N'i 1:11. : HALi'M IN : ON HALAHV on TOM llmli'liin to hiimlli ! Ihn now pntcnt chumlinl Ink erniOna lunill The crc-nlcot vi'lllnii novillyrtiT proilnicil crafcn Ink thnroiiKly In two fccmiits , no nbrnslon of imprri 2UU to MO per cent prcillt "no cnl'i > rnlfi > nmoiiiiliil lofiTUIn fit iln > nnntlur f.iVlntwu hour * Wo vtnnl nun Kimrnl iik'rnlln inih ulnto nml territory I r li-rms nml full | mr llcnlnrs mlilic * * Monroe Kniscr Mfit. Co , IjiCrns'c1 , % Mi \ 1C D CANVA'-ai'U' < , ' AL\UVI'AIIW'liiCLV : ) ? cr SunlnK miichlnu ulllcc liiii Donulns si iiilfH DWAMIil ) . iTltSI CLASS MALI H M ST 1) WVSTI'I ) , 'IHO * ! : U III ) lIAVi : LO T A LHJ I > or armlostnd Ihelr names and aildrcss In dee II HUSK-IIU , nrlllkhil limb innnufHi Hirer New Ilinen tutinoniithlng of Inlcrest lo nil crip pies nheievcr located M14J Hi * - | ) A ( TFvi S. MIMiltAL LAMP U 1HM NT \ K II 1 > lmrn mil , nn smoke , no noot , no tilmmlng Unlit niiial to gas , I snmiilcs IDc , ns orti d doren S.'t 'I Stnjncr A. to l'ro\ldeme , Jl I M'K , IS * T > ( ii K ITOUS Pnii A TiAitmvAiu : si'i- : J' lhilt ) of merit I'rollts gnod Txperlence not ( all on U A I ogalt Hoom J , llnshmim bikBT \ roMI'LTI M MAN \\I1II HDVKItLM ' KS ml pxperli nci ) as a Midi Itnr for building nnd In in or lilt limiramc uimpan ) can MI nio a per minent nnd piolttnble tonntctlon h ) i.illluu at "Jl Hie building Ito.lp m MJI.T Ib * 1 > RHP.A'IALII " - \NDAUI ) HHii : > TIIOT I 'ling Klnlllons cells nml tlllli , all agea the vet of the eeletirated trotting stallion l" .i Mamhrlno ZK.s > li < otllinrlex llkk 4-M-ar old nconlt' 'V ( nso ! nlamlard bled nnd Klninlnnl proiliulng nnies In foul In Mandvd bri d horses nl o a lot of hi ivy Jnrin geldings and mires together nlth n lot of Im ported nml registered ( inllown ) oowt , bulls and krndos vn | | . nu ir Kirllinui on Hock Island It II II i mill K cast of ( ouncll lllulN 1 1 h SO 1 ! > months linnnllli Millafnilory fiinilt ) JolniY I.UIn Hw \ \ rrn 'i HA\ List ! hALi > MiN'Jo5ii : L biikltigponili > rte the ritall grocer ) tradeVo put ouri-ooils up In Kliis lulling pins ( Ml month alary and expensts or ( ommlsslonVo vxnnt men who are now on tlienuid lo carry us u side line ( iiioil opportunltj for cli rks and others who anllogiton the mud \\rlto for parlU nhirs , rend stamp Chicago Haklng 1'owdcr to . Ti > Tan llnren street thlcngo III M3M0 * POHTHAIT AH1IST4ANTKI ) 'I O lilVK r\ I'oiirelerlrle light pilntHii trill llxeelslor I'or trnll Conro llockOmahn MT3I MU * "f ) \ \ AN'I Kl ) . A ll < > \ KiOH 1C. VI5AIIS < > K A ( IB TO 1 'drill' our niUorltslngn ngon references ieiiilrcd | XniMlur llros , IMU Dougliis st 4UI 15 A COODIIDH AT II C IlAHIH < i 8 I > ( Igin Ktoro 1117 Mjiilli 11th st 4GI in * 3 > WANTKI ) , MOItU SALKsMKN , fOOI ! > TLIIHI , 'tor > not taken In western lima and Nebraska Salesmen at ork reporl t lo 11) ) a iluy pritllt Ad dress with slimp , J A. West A to , .lencll , In 4 Id IT * p-WAMI.I ) . TWO CO\T .MAKKHS ATOM I ! > ( . A. ( ion. Atlantic la .Mill. IS WANTED--FEMALE HELP. IAliS ! : IV. a line Hint time and lOc .1 line there nftir Nu ndveitlMiuient taken lor less than ' . ' > cpA p-A ( iOOD SALAHY ll ! AUANI I'.KH 'IO AM' v Ittd ) who will do urlttng for me at home Ad dtcss In nwn llnndniltlng with addiessid and slampdl cn\elope. Miss 1'dnn , L hm > tbe , ' until 1 iiiil. Ind , proprietor of the famous dlorln Water , MIWO 1-JJ- i roMi'in'nvr < ; IHL ion OK.NUIIAL 1101 HI : work 1M/J shi'riu.m KM miu .M Sl s p W\NIII : ) . \ c oiiir , roil uiv : S V < eral honsenork -U > j Popplutim ive ttl p J i UU A HAY 1O AIM N i S-LADII > > OH.l-N s V gl\lnir siimplcHiuiil sellln. medicinal tollcl Minti to lamllles crofts A , Heed Chic uo , 111 Mil. II , ' p , WANTII : ) ( jiit V. work , iiiiirt hiixo referinees .Mrs 11 I ) l-rost Mii li , 1 W AN 1 hi ) , ( JIIIL AT 11,18 W 1 ! i 13- . . . . , 'iOITNO ( , IHL AllOlir 15 I Oil Ilk-lit liniHcmork In minill fiilully Apply 111 ! ) S lllh t 403 Hi' WAMii-roMiMrnNT : : ximsiiiui : , on woman Call ut IJJT ( ullfurnlas ) Mil. FOR RENT-HOUSES , II'l I.e-lta a linn llrst tlino and lOc a line there alter Nu aihertUc'iiujnt tnkun fur less than iie " i -i , < A s lioo' I'libiisi's " "tiu'to Us , HI ST iVis JI Idenco Hats In elt > . Mead llu I lo , 44J lleo bldg - 72. _ _ _ "jy Kii niiST , notJSK 10 mxn's , ALL MOD 1 'ern lmiro | > emenls , ( Kl per monlh , UU and 1'ar nnu Dexter U Minimus r.H "i M w ij.uooM : , J/proveiiients 'Stanford Clrile. " Appls C S rigiiller room I , N' Life milldlng. li , -U HOOM HOUbi : Sllll AN'I ) DAVK.VI'Olir nllconvenlenm , K'iOU per month llnic Ihirker bloek _ i \ UKOJ " _ TT-ii HOOM uoiihi ; . . J-dti , ' N'jlh ave. 11 Kallsh , tailor illN II lit T.-i " 1 ) - 1 L VT > W'lTI I ANI ) WI'IIIOUT Kl KMI J'huil , buildings , storis , dwellings and coltatis In nil parts of the ells KclUnney & Co. , Cnntl IH-lHMl IllOCk J | ] | , j Jl 'i \ roil iiiiNT , i in : 10 HOOM J 'Uunglas rl. liiquliii toUnU , 1 1 If. IlougUm t I ) MH HI'.N'T. 8 HOOM 1 -I/ corner IJtli and Juiksun streets Mill 111 ] hllLIATK AT THK NOIITUKAS1' tor lith uml lu\uuMiri | n * Iminlru I'nlrkk Hi os loom . ' , Ill I m > ilKu nl .llu 17' \ 1j' irnooji ctrpiMor , sai 107 1C * 1) ) Kl ) ( HUNT S HOOM H.AT Wl 1II SI'I.AM hcnt , Tlrt.N Uitlint. Imjulru uf lUu umlni- 1)D .M.l.3 18 * D U-ltOUM IIOU8K. IIO ( 8. IOTII hT , ALL ( ' ( I.S vunlc-ncc'i ! l0. . KlKHUur , I ti \ Llfo hnllillm ; Vim 1) A 5IIOI.M MIIIMMIKD COl'TAUlC M.ATl IIn , lo Inmlljrltlioul cIllUrcMi. clii'Ui ) Aililri-im D > . Ili-ourlUe. M SiiT Hi * 1\-UHK1M ( IIUI'rIK I'AHIIA I-UIIMsMKD. ALL 4/moiU'r'i lonvuntiMicri. Ill 8 , lilli at II ( , dork X On , IJI8 llurriu ) it. Ma 1 'M _ POR RENT-FURNISHED ROOMS. IIATKH IVi n line nrt llmo uml IOa n linn there" after. No aUvurllncmont tuki'ii fur li > tlmn Ka EHJIIMhllii : ) , hl'KAM IIKAIICI ) KIIOV'I roomi , Hilt lA.'iiv ui orth mrvul bath , etc. fjuj . ' 0' T ; J.'HONT'HOOM WHII AM.O"VK. fJT N isr JM _ .MIII j ; 17 Milt HUNT. MCin.V I IIIIM8IIKirM ; 7)s'il v torr Lnrk room , aullablo for lnkle Leutluiuan. without bvarii , l H , istli lrocl. jjj ] , KLKUAM LV ! IJllNltfllKI ) 1IOOMH HWU fT 'lluiuon ooljr ; all modern luiprovouivnlH Itw DoiiKlaitst. KOMt * KLKUNI'LV KJHMailKII HUOMb AT JiS7 iJllo.lfO . ( treit. iU.V . < ) 1 ? IrOll HKJiT , "no MAN AM ) W'IKK , | lOl Is julth prlratefamllr. with nr without tablubcmril ; lovely Iiuukti ; all uiuilerii liutiroruuionu ; no fiues Hum nuked , > ou will llku II. AUUrfiviO 15 , Uuectlli 4UO I' * UOOMS , IKJUOLAH BT. If A VKUV HANDSOMKHUITK OK IIOOMS KOII Vrvnl m the Merriam , 2JIU aud Dodiio. Wdi-Sl * FUBNiaiIED GOOMH AND BOARD , _ iI'LKASANTTtOOjrwiTU ilOAK T l tWVi FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. Tj * KIiKIIANTIiV Kt KNISIIKI ) KOOMH. tMNIll.n orVn ulle ; nil modern conveniences ! flrntcliui board. BUMiiith Jfitti slrtet. MJtH ) "iT1 LAIKIi : OOI'TII KHONT KnoMS.'qiNCHiK OH I cnsnltp , wltli honnl Hcfcrcnco 2 14 1-nrnnm M. M9I2 Hi * 1'boA tTK | OK 1IOOMS NMlJtOll WITHOUT 1'bo aril fllSSo Ilitli nt W3H' FOR RENT UNFURNISHED ROOMS. HATI'.s I5o n line llrst llmi > nml lOc n line llicrenf. tci No nihrrtl-cmcnt InKon for less Ihnn 2'ir p HM > M A.S'V N'IMIILH 1 IIOM I TO I , I.N VJilntu , for hiuiKokcpplntf 1'rlcos nwny ilnwn ( I r Ilnttii , 3111'nxlon hloek irn I'M TtLNTtJllNlSHKI ) IIOOMS SI ITAIILU 1 ( Ul houBekccplliK. I7U3 W'elisler slrccl Ml1 * ! p -HNHUNimiKl ) ) ItOOMS 21) I'LOOIl IN MOD * crn house Jtefercncos rviUlruil | CUT N Hltli l ri-HOIUM-tntMSIIKI ( ) ) OUTSttlK IIOOMS IN V.Intimbc r to ull nt W t ) 13th mrcul , room I IKJ7 , KJ7 ! ! ) -IOUH NICK UNKUHXI9HKI ) IIOOMS VOK VJHiihl hrinrekcenliiK , also Iwo bnocmenl rooms1 21.0 Doimlnmt M , > Tii | l > * Gke IIOOMS WITH cixmn'o , ion railingMO 20M llonnrd .WIT * GMNH'iiviaiinnuooMi ; , MI s nih si , to ineen Jacksun and Leircnworth , 3n)2l * BOARDING. KATKS lton line lint time anil lOo n line ( hereafter - after .So advertisement Inkun for Icsi Ihan 25co I I PULLMAN HOU9K , 1310 IOIK. Poll ( KOI ) Jl hoard nicer rooms , conrenloneei ralo nnd lo nllon 11 cannel bo excelled Mrs. Horn , proprietor 20IMIO * FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES. ItATKS- a line llrnl llmo nnd lOc a line Ihere. u ft or Nu niUertlsfniunt laken for lesi Ihnn ' . ' > c J i mNT : , srout : , ins j7\ci < soN STIHIT T2S : : l-roit HUNT , Till ! 4STOUV I1UICK lltILIIN(1. ) ( lul'IKnrnaiu ' slreit Ihobullillnir Imnn Hro proof ctnienl hnsement complete stunin hejillnu llxtnrev unter on nil the Doors , KHS , eto Apnl > nl Ihe otllco of the llee Bin . I-ton HIM : , bioiin , iwi HOWAUD. I T04 f-\ I INK LOCATION I OH A ( IHOCCHY HTOHH ltn h tinilo Aililri' N II Dee M'T. ( MV FOR RKNT-MISOELLANEOUS. HA I KISo n line MrH lime nml lOe n line lluru nfter Nu ml\i rtliciiicnt tnken for lesi HianZoe I-OAIIDKN bAHMS'IO HUM' T MLHHAV I WiT i-Kfl A uri or ( iooi ) LAND trNnirnovno , * ' . * i mlleicsl of Omnha. lo leiixo for ntcrmof.'i cnrii Cull oruddriiH The Odell lincMment Co , lUII'enrl ptriel lonnell mulTc li M'.x ' Jl * WANTED TO RENT. IIATI'.S 15i n line llrit llmo nml tOc a linn there nfter. No adtirlUomenl taken for loss tlmn . ' "iO K -WAN'IIIK TO HUNT , I HUM f. JO M ) AOHKS of garden I.ind with house on Address N Oi lleo ,1111'i KWSTII ) TO UKM' IIY Alll-Mf.LMVN and wife liuul-hul hoilie , modern IOIIM.MI lenccs state location Address Oil lice M > sj Ib * K-WANTMI ) HY A TIKHlOLlilllA 111 1'ONH bio fnmll > tonnt a plino will have best of curoAiIilio i I"O. li\ . ' ! MlTJIb _ _ K W VN n7i > r ) o Hisr : i iisijiini ) norsn with It or T looms < i ntrally located W K .V Co .DIN \ I Ifo building M.UI li , K WAN I ii-4 : I SI I HNlMIHIt HOOM9 .1. OK all on ground tkior In gimil locution liefer- onees exchangi d Aiidress OH llee M4II IT * RENTAL AGENCIES. UATKS-I5o a line first llmo and lOo a line lliero- afler No advertisement taken for less III in - ' " > c IILNI'AL AliKNtY : MANIC IIHFKKIINL lid JIT. C ( inrvln A Co aheel > block T-"J 1 10 IVI Hl { QUICK HKN11MI. LIST W'11'11 -IJtho UxcluslvU llenlal Agency. I'nrrolte , Douglas block. MJijj STORAGE. UATKS-Ific n line llrsl lime and Hioa line thereat tor No advertisement taken for leas than 2fc Mir 'irciTiTATn r ANl ) " "ilKs I' " loTlA'tlll house In the city W lilt uns A Cross , l.'ll llurnoj Till WANTED-TO BUY. HATi:3 r > on Hue Hrst time nnd lOo a line there after No advertisement taken for less than 25c .T-M'HM1I IIP IKRt.lir , bOI.IjIOHKD Wcllf , 1111 l-iiriiniiiit Til N'-WAN'i'ii : > . SKOJNIl HANI ) I LAT ' 1O1' ' IP ting desk Addiess N 4. , lleo M214 TOR SALE-FURNITURE. IIATI S 1'ic n line first time and lOo a line tneru after No uihertlsemcnt taken lor less th in 2oc O-Kii svi.i : iiu : njiiMii'iu : OF A six room lint all new I > , > 2 l.ipliol me M o'2 IT * FOR SALE-HORSES , WAGONS , ETC. HATKS lien line lltnt lime and lOc i line theieif- ler No .idvertUement Inkcn for less than 2ic . I-STALLION , ( , lNTLl' : , B1YL1S1II'UIIDY L and well bred foi sale or trade for wild pralrlu land In Iowa or Nebraska Address M U. Itce MV'j ' M3 I ) 1011 ' Af.K. 'liAM : WTH.Ill "i3flO fiANDA I > earsotd , perfect In even partlculai undue eustoiiud In hem street woik Addiess A 1 Chldlslir. Kuuiiu > \ Neb Siilli ( _ pioiiLr cows' , iioiisr AM ) ni'\ , I stmes tables , Ice bo t and hou for lent good barn , Ino lots knrden , must go , piirtle > s milng awns I'JS Sen.ird street > 0 It * FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. Q -Kit ) SALI : CIIIIAI' , UNI ; MU- lied Willow counts S Itinllli Indlanol i Nib MIT I 20 * - HIL-II MILCH COW I OH KALI ! . CALF 6 Q-I iliiys olil.iirlio I.'jOU Inqulro 1'atllck llros , room . ' , 1511 Dodge si JII IT * "X fiOOl ) 1'AYIMI iSUICK IN AV IMl'OHT- nit complins' for sno | or exchange fur city prop erls or good farms Address C. K Miller. .Jlii llee building MJUI'-'J MISCELLANEOUS. ItA'l K-t-l..i n Hub nisi limn and lllo a line Ihoio nlfcr N' > .larQrllKmuciu laken lor less than M % IIAMII.'IONtlllOS , t Altl'irM'I.MIS AM ) LhulIiUis Attmnil ] ollln 414 bo t th 'Inl IK'I I ) ( 1.AIMS10HBALAHII h HiHVI'l.i : > , WAL- , IXelc , giin | t loipiirnttons or Indlvlilua's , biiught andiulMinicilon , W. It Diuls.H J Coutlmntul bile WI Mil CLAIRVOYANTS. H \TICs ! & < u line llrst llmo and lOe a line there nfter No iidMirllsement taken for less im S-AHHIVAI. i\lll : VOHDINAIU W OMIKlfMTtj rti\elhltoiii ChitllcMiges the worhU Mrs IJr M I egiave , dend tninut elalr\oyant untrologlHt palmlit and lite leader , tells jour life liiuu tbo cradle to gr.i\e nnlleM the hepiiiated , ciuibes mar rlni-o with Ihu on" )0li IOMI tells \fhcru sou will MICH i d and In what business best adapted for has the celebrated Kgspthin bienttplalo for lurk and to distros bail Inlluemesr cures tits Inluiuperaneo and all pilvate lomplalnls with mai > ii : Imlhs and alcohol treatment send M , luik of btilr inimu nml iltite of bitth and reteuo niinrale life , 'harl , 3 ii'iitsln stnmpe for clreulir ghe Inlthils of ono Sou nlll mniry almi phiitns ol' same gtllre Mil -onlh llth slreel llrst Hour , liour . ' .i m to U p. m ( lime ime ( nine nil nnd bu con\lnced ut this wonderful made M > .i 1 * SJills NANMi : \ WAHIILN. CLAIinoVNT , reliable business medium , illllt roar , at ll.i N Iiilh - S-MADAMI5 HI ] IV. , r.SJ lUMINds h'HIKKl' ilnlrmsant and triinco medium ! ludejicndenl \oljiij , tulli puitl 01 id future fiTIP.'l * MASSAGE , BATHS , ETC. A'I'lIV. ; u Jln llrsl time and I Do a line there after No uiUuitlseincnl laken for less lhairJ5e. -MAHhAI.H 'IIIHATMUM' , LLI.CIIIO 'Illicit 1 mnl liullijt , mnip nml tinlr triiitinunt , niiiiiliiiro nnd Llilrunjj.t\lr | | , I'cist.JU S lith , VVllhnvll hlk 7AI I' JUAMK | WMIl'll 1IJI DOIKiLAS Hl'IIUKr , L room"Jildour Alcohol tulpliui * uiiUnua baths. Mb94''l U-WH.L'lllKI.Ain WHO I'MMIAM.KIIHKAI , mutt ul .Millur'n , the lialr itrtoKi'r , | > lt'niiu ret uru ona takou hy Dllntaku mill KOI liur un n .MJJ5 amSIO AlTT AU'DLANOUAOEJ ltA'IKS-15c lluenrnl tlmo nml IOa n lliio thoru- iifl r , M ) iiiln'rlliie-iiiuiil tfkn for IBM than * 5o. ' new MnloKlmlmll | . | ano. A , llo | io,13I3 jfouulna V ( J r. (1HLLHNIIKCK. IIANJO 'JKACIIKIt , > with llob.ior J.'m A lith trBBl 3rd nuor HI. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MONEY TO X.OAN REAI ESTATET" UATKH-lio n llnoflr.t tlmu am ] IOo'iTiinn"llierr after .No ailYfftltaniBiit ufcuii for Ja llian iio A ir-Ui : AL hb I'AI U IXIANH. 0 To f I'KU ( KNTl < ' no nilalllunal chariui for iHjuimla luu or attor ney ' Ic.i W 1) . Molkiu , Urm Mitlonul liauk UUUr. _ _ \Vr.N'UONV1'OANANI } > 'l'ilUS'l ( O , 318 K , V. J ' 1 Ifu , Ivnil al liiw ralea for cholcu ix.urlljr on Nebrubka ur Iowa furmior Ouiatia city proiicrlr. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7-Q \\r " UK Al , Ktyj'AT B IXJANH. 1'AUU HWi fc'AtlN AM D * . HJ- _ \\r .AOATKS.T , U'IJ TUAlK , KABTKIIN jfO-sirvT TA MONEYTO LOAN BEAT , ESTATE. w.KNTIlAIi LOAN X TltUST CO , MHK IlLIVcl \\r-MONKVTO 10AM ON UN ) ( ) OH SHOUT lime In minis of IJIM lo tlO.OiM Mnliml Invrslnicnt Compnn > . 177 \\r-APPLY ro , t T LOVKTI" MIU riiKAi * money , only firstclnss security , 229S. 13th INO \V-1OAN < , CITY PHll'iitTY. : K. MKII AND W. ' I town farms 1C. R Hinder. 1MV I nrnnin nrnninWlM Wl-M I * \V LOANS ON HKAIi I'SPAIK ANI ) COLLAT ' Icrnl notes nnd morlRnitoj l > ou ht , llecil A fcclby. 111 llunril of Trnde. 74 < Ay MONK.V TO LOAN O TMPHOYKI ) CITY < ' propcrlr. low rates A , U. Frost , Donglns lil'k ( u .j r-I.OANS.WXIHAHHlS , It W.I IinN/HU IH.K. > TIU \\T-n I'KIl CK.ST KIHST MOHTOAHH I.OANH , M Illclmnl C Pntlerson , IMI Kirnnm l. " 45 \V-IAUNS , ( } ( I WALLACK , SIS IIHOWN HLK ' 711 \ \y-OIAS UAIMCV , 31 % OMAHA NAT. HK. ' bldx , City inurlxnirc'B. Lowest rnle Moin'j- on lintnl , M8IT \ \ -LOANS ON IMl'HOVKI ) ANI ) UNIMI'IIOVIII ) ' ' clly property , f I OM nnd upwnritaa loSpor con ! No delnyn. W" l-nrnnm Smith X Co , 15th A llnrnoy. 741 -SI ) MOUTU AUKS. MOOIli : , A 401 lIKi : 1II.1K1. UT WILL LOAN MONI5V ON ANY KIND OP recnrlty ; alrlclly cuntldonllal A. IS. llnrrls , room 1 , Conllncnlal hlnck , M83I MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. HATI'S-ISe n line llrsl llrno nnd tOp n line lliero- mfler. No ndvertlscn.ent tnken for ICM thnn 2'w X I > ( ) YOU WANT MONK\T If so ilo not full to k'c't our rates befora bar rowing We makelonni , without romovnl or publicity , on furniture plnnos , horn's wnitnns , clc , nl Iho low out possible rnlo , 1 here l nu unnecessary tlcln } . hut you ifot the money on Ihu snmu ilny you nsk for H W'o will cnrry ihu lonn ns lomr ns yon desire , Rlvluirjou Ihn prl\ liege of pnjlmr It In full nr In pnrl nl nil ) time to suit your convenience' , nnd nny parl pnld reduces the con of currying Iho lonn In proportion to ihu amount pnld Onroniu nroicnlrnll ) locnled nnd nro so nr- numi'il that imrllt.'si'allluit on us can bo nnltoit on quickly and courteous ! } . 11 will lielo your nilrnnlnKO to pee us before securing curing n lomi Onmliii MortitnKC Lonn Co , HODIII 11 , ( .relKhlon Hloek , Ulli bt , south of 1'nstnlllec. MlibMil V MONIA ' 1OIOAN HY II K MASTIIHS OV household goods plnnnn , nrgnnti , horses , males , "turoni I'lc , ut tlio lm\e > t iioMllilo rntcs without putillclt > , remnvnl of propeily or rlmim'n of pus session 'llnii ! nnniiKoil lo Hull Iho borrower I'nymenlHuf nnv nniuunt cnn ba mnilu nt nny lime reducing both principal nnd Inlerisl , thus giving nations nil Iho beuetilsof Iho pnrllnl pit ) tnent plnn ( .nil nnd sen me when you wnnt n lonn , or If moro convenient cnl ! telephone' HJI nnd your business cnn bo transacted nt home Money al\v.i\i on bnml , no ilc'lny : no publicity , lowi'tt rnles , business cnntldenllil , H b .Mnsleis , II 4 W Illinull bik , loth nnd Harnny 747 V HOHT I'llllCIIAHI ) , H 3 , W'lrtlM.LL HLK \ vnMOM'.Y TO LOAN ON ( Ml VT1 KLS HONDs vn lid city wirrnnla bought. Kooiu 40JKni niirh hlk oi i tiisitum : . noiisis : , I'IANOS. Kcj slune JtlBe Co , roum .Dj , yheoly blockM480 M480 X WltllNIJ WAM'ArilATTKLLOAN 8K12 W' 11 D-ivls. room so. lontlncmnl block 8J1 X-CIIATI'hL LOANS , Hn.SKDIUr .V W'HAY ti4 ! 1'uxtoN block W e lonn our own money , chnrtta no commission. ItHhlpns you to consult n M6IUM2 X MONKLOANISDON KU11M rUIUC , HOIISHS , wncons , pianos , clc lied Terry , r 4J3 , Hnnme. 204 V MOVK10 LOAN.3U (0 ( 1IA\S ( | ON HJHNI vtiire. ll\u stock , etc. Dull Urcuu , removed to Hoom 8 uml U Hurker bik IRS BUSINESS CHANCES. HATKS Ilo n llnii tlrst time nnd lOc line th Pro nfter No ndvertlncmenl tnken for less Ihnn 25o V HIIY THH COMMHHCIAL THK LKAlTl\ ( ! J-hotel of Ilrokcn lion , Null No Irmlc 324 YI ULLY 1'QUiI'l'MtTcVLNMNO I'AnollY IN I-\cry bent part of Ncbrnnku , cnpiclty 50110 to WOW ) cant per dny , hns m ulu monej Instthrco > cirs : , best of reasons forBOllIni ; Addreas M 2.1 lice 01. t Jii \r-lUlt.MSIlKI ) IIOTIIL I'OIl SALi : OH Itn.NT. J Ihu only hotel In city. Apply to Tlldun Mutu bnnk , aKe > ntIlhlun , Neb 4'iJ-f2J i ) . AT inioMi'HLO. : . NIH , A splendid loc illon Ml 1. ) 10 V-IOUSALI * IIOTIIL Slllll'linill ) IIOUSK , AT JAiiHlej , Cuslcr count } Nub 'Iwn story frame bullillnir about 34T1UJ , with KIIOI ! bnrn , K. sleeiilm ; ruoiiM. holcl well fnrnlsl eil Apply lu Ir ) I , b Iliomas , Wood Illver , Neb MJ2J M'l ' * ' -11011:1 : , tuiiNisiini ) IN co bii\T TOWN for mlo or renl. Addrens ( jiirllcld Co llnnk. llurwcll , Neh idt li * \r hoifALi : . iioi'KLHji.Nisiini ) , n HOO\IS t iloliiL-n uooil biidlnpss , terms can ) : locution beta AUdre-s llox Wl , I hndron N'eh MB * \ imun STOCK AND IIMIMIKS ion MALI : ; J nil neu , rlnevl In FOiilh Dakota : ernnJ opeiilnK for rl ht pnrty , nrlto for particulars N 7 , llee , Onmlni. M IM ) | ij \r KH ) bvi.n SAIOON , DOINC A ROOD ntsi I nc s , food reason Klvin ror ecllliiK Aihlicss 1 ockbox bl I West 1'olnl , .Nch MdbO \r i on SALIAN ISI'AHLISIIHI : > imro nus InesH In western Nt hranku Invoice # -,501) Cash biilc-H In li-Jl , $ J ' 178 AildreslOH , llee M-.ll 17 * Y-lll'ST HUTCH I'll HI bINLSS IN' FAIHHUll\ , thlH Is a rnro ehnme ; inline of tolllm : , poor heallh , will t.iku actual cost of ll.xtlirts A. J Klnu , i'ulibnr > Neb w > i ; > Y' rAinNin ADvniiTitMi WAN-IS TO ASSO elntii hlniHelf with nn urdiljeit , ulth nn enttib Ilidied btihlness or with u competent man to build lieu bUHlnuis AildrcaBOl ? , lleo. 4UI 1'j * FOR EXCHANGE. HA'I I'.S I'HJUlino tlrnl llmo uml lOc u linn Iheru ufter No ndvertloemenl tnkvn for lens than > c. ZVIIHY IK&lllAHLiOMAHA ) : I'ltJi'KlVTV'li 57v | j < ) s AiiReles property nr frnll rnnch 111 ho , Call * lurula Imvld .lamluxiin , lleo bnlldlni ; . 71. . ' iy-1i sTiiiumT.vrY rAHMslisH iiovKDri'Tm / > Hrlcly modern 7 or 3 roomed IIOIIKU In KOOI ! TPH hleneo pnrlofOmuha ; " 111 usstimu llox fit. Lin coin M.'lf. y ion IH\DI : , A hTocic oi' ( JK.NKHAL MIJH- f Ji huiullflo for InmU nnd cimh. Addrunn IIV * Wutklni.v. lu l-rjinkfcirt. lud l/.iT-r.'l1 rCLIJAII OMAHA I'JIOI'ICIUY Kll Ml'7lt /JilmmlUi ) fiom * I IX)0 ) In tlWIW ulll pn > tmuiu cnHli lor tiood blot ks I ! r lunger , IMJ rnrmim Ib'J I5 y roil I\CIIA.NCK : , A viny : ' -'rlnsn Hum , A No 1 rondstum , can trol in pnlii In thnu mlnutoH , uenllu am ) notiml ; iiio. | wherever > oa put Ilium , ulnulu or double 1 will t'Xi hnnpc this Iinndsoinu tenni for a KOOI ! lot or I ind In I'lhti'rn Nebrunku Inklm nr irmlo nlmrks in eil not nppl > I'd i liirther p.irtlcnlari address I-red huniunschi In , W'cit I'olnt , Neb , bSI 10 y-CLIIAN SIOLlv orCiI'NKUAL M'l ) HI ! ! WILL /vtiiku rial i tnto , v munuy llox fJJ , I ruuktarl.lnd , y-iooo hioci : M'DMI : . WILL TAKK IIALP / ciiHh balnnco clear renl entntii. llox 7 0 schujliir , Neh MJiM II * ' / HUNDItl.UllKAD Of HOIt.Sl AN'I ) LAND /Jin iMistoru Nebraska tor a stock of dry goods , clothing botlts nnd shoes , hats and cnpi. Address box ion Nolnnsku City. Neb 5S .MU- | y - IKou IIAVI : A noon ui'iiuuiT IMANO 'jo /Vtrndutor lol 4i > , block 1 , Armour I'lnco , South Omaha , ( Unit ut nil Intiimbrunco AddresB N ( S , tlco otlli e MUJ * rTO KACIIANOK , CLh'AH LAND ANDCA H /Jtor "tin kot merchiindliiu C , C. You UK' , Mii'imn doiih , lo > va. .MJ.'J 1H' y-tOll H\CHANii ( : , A KINi ; PAHU NKAU"ltKI > /JCIouit , Neh,211) acre ne-ll Improved nllb KUud UwellliiK , well , timber puetnru uml ruunliit ; wntcr. nil nuder fume , nlll lake di.liu ) Blink clean mur ihnndhiu and pu ) BOIIHI cndi ; ene'limbi'red for oim- IhlrU Hanluu Aililri'ba d Y. ArKilUrlnht , Hhuberl , Nub MSO 111 yW'U.I. . ' 1 HADi : llIIIH.IKs OH A NO I t O1INII /JpucliiK hoihii for u t'ooil mule leaiu. Addremi O ID , FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE _ UATI'.ri- u Mini tlrsl time umT 10o a Una Iheru nfter No adverllM menl laken for less thnui.0 J. > , | uot , a bargain for few ilays only , 1' , 1C. liar- ling llnrker block T51 I'OIl HALK. NKIIKAhKA .KAIl.M LANDS. ( L G. I. Wulluco , 31S llrntMi block , l' < tl. und Douulaj i 7M l.Vllt HALK , I1OMKH , ANY 1'HICK , f7W. HVM IJl'i J ea y luruiii tuko clear property ua tint paymoiit. R , d. Wallace , Ilrowu block , Ulh uml Douiilan ! IH ( ) HAl.K. S K COHMIH I7TII , DOHCAB. Hf\ i IbH , 3cottamn , tlablt ) for blior u > , can bu dlvlduil Into & lour Imjulrtf al premises 847 1 * TITHA"LK , 7itoo\riToijHK"AMi LOT , MODKHN I liuproiuuienli : 1341 d ? Jtti X , llou com 1'lace , IMW 2J1 III- I/OH BALK. ( Ill WILLIHADK KOH KAUM I'HOP- i urty. a vnod biitlnot place Wil32 feel , with brick biilhllnii co.tluK IIMW ; a plendld ulto for dr tcln bolell Ituuti'it onblurk atllolnliiK U. r. depot oa thu > oulh , Now waler worki lu operation ml electric lUhti nooii. Aildrem or call on AdohiU Jwora > , bchuylor , Nub. I'll ' 170K HALK. A TWO 81OHV IlltICK HANK J bullilln _ . with ba > onienl , vuulu , > af , fuml- luru and Itxlurui ; ran control need bimlnu > i ; town uf Iwo thousand puoplu ; IITB rallroadi ; good coun- trr ; Urnv roller mllli ; ibreaeliivator * ; need rea- on for Jirmeut corporation qullllni ; bunliivim. Ad- druti T. UmU. 1'riulduut. Huborlor. N'ob. U1U 2b * TOR SALE .I'-RE AL ESTATE. ( ' AT A llYlS'ATv , I.OV IS HLOCK 4 , 'w Ii. Celby A flrnl lidillllnn In onlb Omaha "mail pnymrnl ilnnn b'llnnci * monthly If ilcnlrnd Inquired It. lncniick Umalin Hw , ! . ( IV ) ACHK lMI'IIOVKIfVliM7 , | ir".MII.r. HIOM I Omabn , running null r and tlmbert prleo I ' . per acre to-operallvo LarVil find Lol Co , 2tl * > N lull . . . St. i M 17. St.oiT I * MII-aiiHtOM MMOt.NKII I'l'.ll CV ern on time , ( o oHrmilvn Land nml l < nt Co , I.Y IJntnl n hnrenln nt tffflffl.fa sj tornu. ( I ( I. Wnl lain ! tlj llruwn block. I , - Trt ! ll -tte a line llr t'llino | ' nnd 1le ) n line ther nflcr. No ndvorll orn nt Inkcn for lins than S' > e. I Jnlil. Brnri follom-d Illlle Klrt from mi S llsl t lo I'ark nvu nchool , lleluru lo A II Hudson , 1120 81 lint M , nnd reoolru rownnl. WT LOST-IAMONiKAHNl ( , fcninW 8KT1IMI im Sunday , hetwecn 1'ith nml hnrnnin ntn nnd Mlllnrd hotel Itctnrti lo Mnlr A da > lord , KUI tar- nani treet nmlTCCvlxo H'wnnl UT IT 1 OST.8K V iTTKHliillH ! AN5w'lnS ! TO NA"MI ; J of Jensle , llelnrn to drim eluro cor 12th A Cap nvo , nnd rervlrw mward. Milt ! ' HAIR GOODS. ItATKS- a linn nrnl tluio and lOo nllnn Ihero nfter No adrortlnenlAnt laken for leo Ihnn 2r > c. LAIICKSTHIOCK IN KN'lllliVKST : : 11IKAT rlral lu > aml licardii n KpccliillyMKr htmts nwltclii'H , hair chains , etc , Kiind lor eatnlouuo Sliill orders nolleltod Davlor 111 M 15th t , Umntia ' rpllti IDHAl , I.ADIKS1 1IA1K DtlKSSINd I'Alt- LlurK.nwItchct , liiinuo , wlus , toitpeos , Jewelry and hair ornaniciita In Block ; > % IKH to order , sperlal nttenlloiiKlTcn mall orders IVJH 15th at , 3rd Hour , PAWN 13ROKEKS. 11ATKS IV a line ttrst llmo anil lOenllno Ihcre after. No advertlnciiient taken for le Ihan J5c BI5N K MAlin , HKMOVnU 'iO IOT 8. IWII ST. UT1 .Mb * Q SNYDKH'S LOAN QVl ICB , 1510 1)OI ) > ( II ! ST O. TT3 r w % Tj'llltll MOlli-i : , OKI ICE 15im I'AHN'AM Ril MASaUERADE COSTUMES , ETC. UATKS-l5nn line llrsl llmo nml lOoitllno Ihere iiflor No ndtDrllaumcnt Inkcn for less Ihnn 2.1c ' ' " vmiiH fNrKMKNc'AN' KNT IJrmto costumes nl lit BICtli. ( loldon Kaxlc aloro M ANUFA CTURINO JEWELERS. HA'I'DS 15 n line tlr t tlmu and llu ) n line thereaf ter Noadvurtlicniunllaken for k" < 9 tlmn i > c iA ll ) ITl ( Joi.l ) C room 10 llnrker hloek Umnhn CUTLERY QRINDINdT SKNIJ lOllll S ( IHSOIIM , IIAXOHS , 1 ! I 0,10 IIU Kroiinil to Umlerlumli. Co , U i t 14th ft 7M REMINGTON TYPEWRITER BEST IN THE WORLD. Jos. P. MEG HATH , I ? < MS3 ' ) I V t A NEI1 RAILWHYTIMEGRRD i U n mj . . .Kansas CUjf Day llxiiress , | SSo p m ' .141 pin 1 1C f Night Kxp vli U. I'.lransl I , 40 a in "LeavcH f UN ION ) 1AC ! | ! 1C. fArrl\i-s Onmlm | Union lepot\0tl ) ) and Marcy bt I Omaliii. 810 a ml. . . . . . .Ienlrle Kxpress T 1)0 ) p m IOOD am . Deivver Kinross t fiUOpm 2 15 p mj.-.j . OrerlnnUb Iyer. . „ . U 15 p m 4 10 p mjllluoSpuXA bjijjllcigi\tox nw > J2ft5jj in .til 'iit : m tinOACO ! li'I : A 1'ACIHU I Irom E asl lUnlon OcpJl roih V Miircy ts | Ka s t 1UUO a mj . . . .AtlnutlA Kxprtss. ( . 'JO p m 4IX > pni Vestibule Kx press 1.10 p m IllOpml Night Kxpress ' 40 a m lining I ClIlCAt.O , H I , AI'ACIIIC I 1 rom West I Union Depot IDlh amlMaicySls | Wosl 1 2U p in ! Denr Limited . | < 4U p in 70.J p in Denver ICxpress. . .IT W a m Len > es ICIIICACO. MIL. A. PAULIArrltn Omaha I IJ P. depot and Murcy Ms I Onmlm ( ISO p in . . Chicago iTprei : * | 'J1" > m 1 ( K ) p in . . . . . . . .Llilea/p Ktpreaa . . . . . . | 'i4' > p in Ixa\m I mot'X CITY A.l'ACIHl1. " ( Arrives Omnhnl Dt pol | lti ) ) niul MnrcyMs , . | Unighi 7.1) nml. . .T.EtonxTlt > Pnssenior . . . . .Tutisu p m i.l.i p ml . . . , bl Paul I xpre 3 . . . I lu ( X ) .1 m Loaves I CU'A 1'ACII 1C. I ArrlveH Omaha Depot 1'ilfi and Webster sts I Om ilia 645 p m -t I'aul Limited . Lea\cs I CHICAGO A vmrilWHSTlSUN Arrl\es Omaha I II I' ilepnt , lOlli and Mnrct * ( Omaha T iU a m ( Kx inn y ) CWroIl Passenger m H 20 n m Chicago KxprOMs 0 > n m 500 p m . . . Vestlbnjo Limited , . . . ' .UOu m 'J 15 p ro tasturn Hyur 2 H p m TOOpm ( Ux Sal ) ( hlc l'u s ( lx ! Mon I 8U5n m OMAHA A-SI' . LOUli lArrlves IU j' dcpol. IQIb and Marcy Sts loinaha . , SI Louis Cannon Hall . . | IJ l'i p in Leaves I1. , K A. MO ; VALLWY I Arrives Omaha Depul 1 jth and Webster Sts Omaha 000 a m . . . . . Dcailwooil Ktpress r > 2i ) p in POD u m ( Kx Sat. ) Wyo l xp ( Lx Mon ) ft JU p m t , 10 p m . . . Norfolk ( Hr < bunduy ) II10 u m 5 45 ji m . . . st I'aul I'xpross II .J > n m Leaven I C.hl" . I'.M A. o I Arrives Onnihaj Dopol ISth and Wolislor 3H I Omaha Uivcs 1 MIsSOL'IH PACII 1C | Arrl\ei Oinnhal Depot Kith nnd Wulmter His I Omaha ItTSTtt ml . M Louis KxpreiM . . . U10 a m VM p iu | . . . . l. Loulu Kxjire | s . _ , fi 10 p in Leaves "T aill'A(7u7 ( II l77FACI1 1(7 ( | A7rlin 'Jrnnsler Union Depot Council HlntN Transrer il.JJ p in' ' . . .Night lixpress . . .120 i m lO'.llaiu AtluntlnUxprc-sB . , ! > ' & p m 4 M ) i in " ) _ _ j.Y"l.lbUlaJ ! Imlted . . \i \ iO p m " Leases" I K. C , Hi\"jOI < ; A. C , II lArrUm" Trniuferl l.'nlou Hi pot. Council Hlulfs 11 raimluf 1000 amj . . .Kans is City lny ) K press I V. > p in lMipni ( ! _ _ | Knnsj ( ItYNIgbt l'xiros | < _ li ) it in I .I'm us ItlllCAiiO. IIIHL ! N A yl \.ArrlviH 'Irninforl Union llujioM'oiincll llliitts I'lntiisfi ) a m . . , h'xpress 1IIIM p in . ( hh UKO Kxpiesd TOJ p in ( ri'Btoil ' luiil 11 IIVCH OMAIIA AHl1. LOIJH Tinnaferl llulon Depot Council mulls _ _ _ _ , .M lxTii8Canoii _ Hall . U I'P _ _ m Leuvis f STol'V 'cil'V .V TA"Tl'IC ( | T7rlvoT * ' 1 rainier _ Union lleput , Coiiucll Illiitrs I riinsfor " . ( . ' > a IIP Mom ( Ity AecoiumudiKloii llljUO p m ( j 'iQ p ml . . . .bt PAUI KxprnBj . . . . . | i ) 40 a in reav"ia | ClllCATA7 ( ( > ( ) lTTTl'W'fisr"iiT'7Arrlviii ' | Trnnsfnrl Union DeiiotjCouncil Illuifa I'lrannfor p m ( hh ago llxpresH A a p ni 6 15 p m YcMllntlnLlmlleil .I III n m 1000 ji m Kastuj'.u , I Iyer 1 10 p in SIX ) p tn ( Kx but ) AllaJiUtM ! ( Kv.Mon ) 7 Jj a in 7,40 u in Carrel jT4 ' 10 U ) p m puoi'osAi.s if'ouT'J'jiiU'iT : OWH AM" ) -L hulls , Duiiartiiioil't.of ' thu lutorlui , ( Jlllcu ufljiilhin Atriilrn. WTO iliiKlun. I ) . U. , 1'uh- riiaiy I , If'I. ' , baaliraj | iruiosulb | , Indorsuu "I'lopotahi for Cowa u'rTlulls" ( u tlui uiiho may tic ) .mil nclilresnod to the c-uiiiinissliinorof In dian ulialrb , Wiibhfrrtdun , I ) . ( ' . , \\lll ho ro- cultcd until I o'uluuU p. in. , Sutiinla/ , March fl. Mi ! , for rurnlshliiKrfinfl clulUurlnu at Pine Hlilgo. Itnsuhud , Cheve.nnu KUnr , C'row ( Jroek and Luwor llrulu iii'cnelDs , hiintli DiiUota , btanillni ; Hock ii enryl North DaUuta , bantoo and I'utio.i uK'iusluftiNiihrusUa , l Inndroau uuciiuv. .south DtiliOticiind ( ho Oro\v aKonuy , Mntitu.ii i , about H.O milch ouns and 401) ) Inilla Itogulnr hlauK/ < fur hula uru nut ru- iiint'l. | ( Hc'heilulu4wmuli ( will ho mudo a part of thu invjmsfUbl Bhowlni ; thu iinnihoi of ( uit- tloroiitllriMl nt tlnr 'AiVluuit azi'iiclus. vunell- 110114 10 ho olxtorVWi iby hlcldorx , tlniunnd nlHco of ilnll\urv. torni'j ' cif contract and puv nionl , and all ollier-nc-eostiiry lii tructioiis , will ho furiil.shi'il mum npiillrullon to thu In dian nlllcu at W ushluh'ton , Aho. co iinilsgiirles of suhslstonco. IT , b. A' , ' ut ChlcuKo , * ( . I'aul , Oniulia , NoUraska , nnd Cheyenne- , Wyoming , to Iho puhllshorsof ( ho Stool ; ( Jio vcru * Jour- nul of Milt's Olljiv Myjitifnat and tlio .luUrnal of Hulonn , Moiiinnii , SnTl ; thu saram ! In Hun Tbo right U ; nUerved to rcjuut any or all lildx , ot any parfof nny bid , If doumutl for tlio bunt Interiibtaof tliuuovurninunti aim ) , Iho furthur right In ntuklii ) ; the awards to lu- uro.isu or diminish ti ) anv uxumt the unmbiir of nnlliiaU called for In tlm HchuduU'X ! also lu roiiulro u < lolvi | > ry q ( tuvnty-ll\o per cunt , moro or less , than the niiuiunlspooUluil In any contract , i1 < . CFUriHJU ) CHKCKS. Euch bid mint bo accompanied by n corlllled ohuck ur draft on Wunq Un'leil ' Htules ilouus- Itury for ut luiiht live norcont of the uiuount of ( ho bid , inudo paylililtfto tro'Ordcr of the coiiimUftloiior of | iilan ( | utfalr . which chuok or draft will yo foifoltod to the United Sditca In case any bidder rpcolvliiK an award slml ! full lopromptly vxouuto a contract with BOOI ! iinil sulllclunt miretlvc otliorwUe to lo ro * turned to tbo blddur , T. J. MOlMiAN , Uoni- mUsloncr. SPP.C'IAf , ORDIKANCn NO , 10SO. An onltiinnco lovylnir , i vpoelat ( ax ind as- " cssmvnt nn certain lots nnd rral ostnto In thcclty of Oiuniiii. to cover the cost of undid idIn erndln' illsirltt ( ) . . ' * > . lOeniK froni'JUQfpot outhof Ainus itxcituo in Toil si not , wheroai It Imvlng licoii iinil brim hereby ndludund , dilvrmlni-d utiil cvluhlNlird tluit llioseMMiil lots and P'I-CCM nf n < iilMl tu horil- Innftcrrnforioil to , h MO i-acb bcoit tiiccl tllv bunullttod to tlm full iimuunt heroin liIIH ! find ai io < isi > il aKitliiHi nii'b of mid lots nnd | ( ( < nf roil OHtiti' . rospi'1'llu'ly , by tuH on iif Ihn ur nl Inn of Unit putt of Micrman IIMMIIIO f rum-IM fee t south nf Ames iivriiun to 1 ott street. ilomMindnrcontract wllliJ \ \ , Crofl , Therefore , for the purport of | > : iy In it tbo ( oil of stub itrndlntf neil ordiilnol bv thoclly enniicll of the pity otUninhn : Spdlon I That thocostof Kradlnsthat part of Shot ma n nveiuio , in thu rlt v uf Om ilia , from ' . onfcet south of AniuiiiMMiuc to Tort struct , slid rust bolnit thn sum of f ; , I'JI..l ' , said griidluir being iluno nnilur coutrict with .1 W Croft , bo Mini thu sunn Is hcioliy lorlcd and ttssosvod , : u't'or.lliu to sticcliil bunvllm bv lu.Konufsnlditridtntr.upon the followlni ; lots nnd roil ml iti < us shown by tbo font-rally rnooitnlreil niap of Ihocltyor Omnlin , issil. IllbnRraphol nml publlshnl hv P I. Mnjnu , sild coil lii'tiu so linloil onsild lots nnd real est-tto. rcsp ctlxoly , as followj , tn will I'rod LIIIR o\ debt of w v wlMftlt7ltnrkcr'ssilb ) $03 I" 0 bt I' M A. O lly Uo rlKht of way In w IV ) ft It 7 " S571 Joseph llnt-Kiir utnl ox rt of way w IRO fl It 1) ) " 101 2S OSt I' rt of wny w 150 U HO " 0 G-l Joseph tlarkcrtital wlM ft Itill " lai M do 110 ft It I : " IM M do w IV ) ft It 13 " 1U 4J OSI I'M A O Tty Co rluhtiif.iv IH ) > t Win Ilituodorn's nd 0 * 41 Abncr Travis It 1 bik I " IIH do If'bik 1 " II 0) ) do HllblUl " II ( W do It 4 bile I Irt H I.ydla A DullonoOTft It It bik 1 " 1 10 JosloTCiitnsiocLo 10 fl It I''bllt I " U 17 Annlo O I'niilscn ut ui o dO ft It 11 b I" : i in do 070 ft It 11 bik 1 li H do ! ) ) ltr blk 1 " 0 47 do o toil ft It 10 hlk 1 " U .U John CJ 1'olenon It 1 bll < 4 " U 01 J .IMcLiliilt.hlk4 " r.7l do It II bik 4 n 71 O WUiirilKmilt-lhlk 4 " Ti 74 J J Mcl < tin US 1)11.4 ) " 1174 .1 T I'aulsi-n ol al U li hlk 4 " f > 74 nimorliJiiyitcsltThlk-l " r. 74 .1 WMcUinloil It 8 bik 4 Ifi 71 .IT l'nuKunotalltlblk4 ) " n 74 I'aullnoGont/kuctat It inblk 4 " ir. 74 do It II bik I " 1(1 ( 51 C St I1 Jl & O Uy Co ilKhtof way IlTblkailllleki ? mid 0 72 lilcliardli Ktiukln oit of unvlt7blki : ' R 7J do Its bik'I " < i | i ilu It lUhlk.'l " u II llu It II 1)11. ) .1 " 041 du It 121)11..I > ' 'I 41 ilu II II hlk 4 " ! ) 41 du II ISIill. 4 " f ) Jl Louts i Hlllel > olt mill. 4 Add 1)41 ) do It 14 hlk 4 " o 4f do It IT hlk 4 " II 41 ku R Id 1)11. ) I " ' ) 41 do It IT hlk 4 " | ) 41 do It IS hi 1.4 " 1141 ilu It I'l ' 1)11. ) J " 1) ) 41 do lf.1)hll ) , 4 " 1007 CPl I'M i. O ly cut I of'v.iv it ft hlk 2 intht Ada ic si Ch.irlosll r lluohnc'ro\ riot \\.iy ItohlkL' " 22 10 C "t I' M & O i y c' < ) 11 of w n y 115 hlk.'I " 'H 13 ( J D llntchlilson crtof w ly It I hlk ,1 " s 20 P M Croft o l.M f | u It 21 sou H-Ll-Ll " 401 II I ) T Mills u I'm ft ltL1a-c1oi-lJ-lt : " 10I S 1' Croft Holr" ot rl of w i\ o 1.111 f ( tII Jihcc.l-n-l ) " or 4J 1' 11 & M V rv eo rt of w i v o no ft iv it 2-1 roui-n-ii : : " o 41 I' K& M V rv curt of w ay Ino ' { of thatp irtoflx 1121 hto Jlylnit north of Amos nvo " 51 53 Oinah.i licit ry e'u rtut w ty In o Vi of put of t\ It 24 see .1 1 } \\M \ \ ninth of Aloo-i iivunno " 43 'I ! Onialm lrl ) > Inir 1'nik A-s'n exit way o V of th it p ul oft\lt 2lee I lylnj ; nurlh of Anius au-nuo " 02 43 Omnlin Drlvlns I' irk Ass'n c 110 ft of 11200 ftof th it p irtof tIt 24 socll lyln , ? south uf Amui luptiuo " fi2 91 .1 A bmllt-y w 110 ft n J ft t \ It 21 sec .l-ll-l I " bJ Omaha Holt ry ou-t uf uuy \ \ 110 fttx lt.'JUsi > ol-n-li " 1048 J A cnilloy ortof .iy H IVft ) t\ it.ia-.oo i-n-ii " rii 8- K n A , M V n' i o rt uf a v w no ft tx it.n sou.i-n-ii " 1003 Oiuuh.i Itc'It ry c'u rt of \ \ ay w IM ft U It III sc-u ,1-1 j-I ) " T > "il J J' Morton ov rtof w ly w nn f 11 \ it .u . .ec 3-n-i ) " 14 o. ) r n A. M V i y en 11 of. ii v wl5'fttlt,2suu. ' : . > -n-I ! ' 21,10 ,1 A bmili-y ot uluxrlofway w llu fl ix It.ti suc.l-11-13 " 2JO 71 XJorgunscn \ \ UU ft I \ It : i ! see 1-13-1,1 " 41 Id . . . . . . . W. I'll ' 21 Pec. 2. Thn' o.ilil spool il t.ixc's li-vloil afore- sald.nn sild lol < i icipeetUelyhill lii-como dollniUi'nt | as follou : One-ttMilh o Iho total ainouut 10 lovlcd lit o.ich of s Id lot ahull hccoiiiodullmiuont In IIft > dnis from iho p.issnuu.iml npproiiil of this ordliriuee , ouc- lonth In ono > i : ir , ono-lunlh lu tno \ i , irs. otio- lontli lu llirei-yi' u-otiu-ti'nlli lu four yc- irs , oni'-ti'iilh in lixi'ye irs. nrio-tonlh lu slyunrs. . onc'-touth In stnt-n joiu , one truth In oL'lit. voiir-i , nno-toiith lu ulno joiusnftvi alit Un > . , ind hoini from the p i s inn , iuil ippiovil of this uiilln uieo J tc'h of s ild lust ilhnonts , o\ciM't ' the llrsl. ) > lialI illin Intc'restut Iho into of smuu pori cut per annum from the t line of Iho levy .ifoiuiald , until the saiuo sli ill ho- uoruodulliiiiuunl IiiliMe-tittho i lie of one puroi'iil pui mouth , p lyaoluln advance' , shall Do paid on i > .ieh dollmiuent lust Sri11 Ion I. That Ihn untlii > , iinount of 11so li'Tlod , mil assessed on any of said lots may he p.ild bv ihe nuiior ot any lol , or Iho tnllri' canal pin i.itii prupoi lion of-iiilil l'ion anv of siiidlots n < ly ho pilil hy any porsnn on any pait of said lotsulthln fifty dajs from ould low. nnd theieunon sueh lotsot units of lots shall ho oxomut trum niivllunni charge thc'io- for. for.fci'O. . 4. That till * urdlnnucosaull tal.oiilToot and ho In force from and aftui Us p iss.iio. l'iisod January l.'tli ' , is' ' ) . ' . JOHN GKOVI > , ( Jlly ( lei I , . T I' . DAVKS l'i nsldi'iit City Cuunoll. Apnnned J.inaarnth. . IM ) , ' . UKUltRi : 1' HKMfS Mayor. The ahnvoa\ ( now duo mil p Iho iillk'ootthocllv troamiici ind lll lioeomoili > - llmini'iit and hoar Inli'iust aflor Al tr.'h 5th , IM ) . ' , asuvon Iiiseutlon2 of ahoxn ordluanc'e , lliNltV : IIDLLN , Tin isinur roit riiijfLLii-iM : ) ) i u > X Stiitc * fndbiii hurvelu I'luo Kld.'u Ageiuy , houtlii Dakota , rebiunry llth , IV' ' . ! . Coaled proposals eudoiseil ' I'roposuls foi I'lold t-eidfl" 'mil addressed to tlio nndji- Hlgued at I'lne ltldr'e Aceuey , Ninth I ) lUoln. will be tocood at tills iiitciicj until 1 o'clock p m , of iMarcb 7tb , I Hi , ! , foi fninlshliu and al Itushvllle , Nubi.iska I' 0 pdiinds sei d oat41,000 pounds seed wheat , Hl.fiOi ) ' puuuilH hui'il corn 4lbOO pounds seed polatocH , 1,01)0 ) iioiinds seed ( icrmaii mlllnt. .Kid pounds 1 1 moth ) M.nil , ' 'Oi ponndK blueKuisH seed , "aid So ds to be fiown In the section of country I'onliguuu tothepiicu of ilnlhmv. lllddeih will bo iciUlied | lo sluto hiinciriu illy In their bids tbu ptoposcd price of o ich artlele otleidl for delhtry uudei a cimliiirt. J'ho lU'lit Isreserxtd to lejtul any or nit lihls. or anv part of any I Id , If deemed foi thobist In leiest of Iheservke Cuitllled OboeUH Cacti bid must bu accomp in ed by a cut tilled check oi draft upon MIIIIO I nllel .status Depository 01 Solvent National Hank In tboIclnlty of the residuncuof tin ) blddor , made payable to tbo order of the Commlhs oner of Intll in Af- f n Irs , for at lu.iHt IIo pur cunt of the amount of tliu proposal , which cheek oi diaft will bo forfeited to tbo 1'ulud stales In o.isu any bid der or blddum loi'ultlntin award shall fall to ptompily uM'cutuu con ti act with good and Hitlllclunt btirltlcH , olliurwUo lo bo returned lethe the bidder , llld accompanied by < ish lu lieu of a eei tilled cheek will not bu considered I'or further Information npp.y to OA1TAIN CioiOR : ! \ , UOV HJtOW.V , t' f A. , Autlux U S. Indian AL'UIII. _ l'-ll-l2-t.m. 5RU1NANCK NO. 5JU5U. An ( iiillnunco to amend bcctlnn ! . ' of clmplorSI , entllled pollen courtcluik llu II oidalnud by thu city council of thu city of Omaha : i-ecllonl , ' 1 hat hoctlnn 2 of chapter 51 , en titled police court clerk , bu and tno sumo Is hereby amended sous to lead us follows : Section" That tlm v'leikot the police court Bhall bo rc iuli | > nl to ghu bond In the MINI of Iliteo thousand dollars L I.OO'J ] conditioned for the fultbful purfoinir.nco of tlm dutli of lil > olllcu. and snail iccoho u salary of if 100 per month .sect lou 2. That H.ild section 2of chaptei 51 , as oil.'lnally o\IalliiK , bo and thu biiine Is hereby repealed. Heclloni. : Tb it tliU ordinance take olTuut and bu In force fr ( m and aftu | lu pans ijo. ; I'I ' I " " ' * ouy Clprfc r. iM.Avfa I'roaldent ( Jlty Council. Approved 1'ubrnary lOih. I ' Uio. : I' . IIHMIh. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .Mayor. I'mpuxilU for llomln. Scaled bids will bo received at thu otllco of the ( Jlty Truabiiior. iXn.ihu , Noli , , up to 12 o'clock March ) Ulh , lt > W , for the purchase of * 17\OiH.iK)2) ) yniirO per cent City Hall Honda The prlocfiMl and lulniubt uro'paynblo at Kountzo lro ! < i , Now Voik Inturoxt payable aeml-anuually. Kuch bid must a tate the prlconnd tbo amount of bond * nought for and must Include Intbiost up todatoof diillM-rv , Issued under authority of ( Jhariur of mull ropolltan cltlts nuu Ordlifinco .010 unpriced January UOlb , ItiU'J. Thu right Is rosur\od to reject any or all bd ! , . ( y no KI2d27tM CltrTroasuror. OKDINANCn N'O. SO An nrdlnaiiiH' muldiie tbonnnunl lory for tlm city of Omnlin for the yoir lW. Ho Itoidnlncil uy the city ( . 'oilncll of tbo city ofomilmt t-ectlon 1 That ti\ui for itonornl purpixos of thncityof Dm ih i for the year lkU | bo and the ntno uro hcroliy lovloil on nil thn teal ottato and person ix I property wllbln the cor- poratellnntsof sild city , tnxnblonccordlntt to the laws of the slate of Nobr iskn , IncluiUni ; a'l ' Interest or huslnc s so t ixablo In the sum tifelcien III ] mills on the dollar valuation thereof tecllon 2. That taxes for the solo ind oxelu- shu imitKxn of lepntrltitf , modifying and re forming or clmnitlni : and nialnta nhnr eitrbt and guitars , nnd for clean hit ; nnd repining p ivomcuts In the clly of Oiimlta for tluMo ir Is" ) . ' , bo and thus imo nro hurutiy lolcdoii all there il estalo and paisonal property within Iho cnrpoiuto limits of said city , taxable 110 uirdinis to the I iwsof the stnto of Nobriskn. tiolinllnR all thn Intoto.sis or business so t \\n- ble. In the sum of one-half ( . ' 41 mill on thoilul- lar valuation thereof , and tbu taxes sole le\ led be nnd tlm sumo are herebv constttuteil a special fund for the purposu fur which said levy Is made. boctlon I Tli it taxes fur tlio solo and ox- cluslxe nnrposo of mulntiiliiltu nnd cloanmt Honors In the eltv of Omth i for the year l 'U. ' lioand Iho same are berotiy lotted uunlliho ruiil ustalo and personal properly within the I'onxmito llmllaof said city. I ix iblo accord- luit to thu laws of the stutoot NnbriMkii in- oliidliiL'ull Intereslaor tiuslncss so tux ilile , In the sum of one-half [ HI mill on the doll-ir valuation thereof , nnd that tbo tuxes so Invlcil bound ti osamnaiohuroby consilluted aspeolalfund for said purpoio for which said lot v Is made. Section 4. That t axes for the sole and oxoltl- slvo purpose of innlntnlnltu the police do- pirtmcnt for Iho oily of Om ilia for Ihe ye ir is W bu and Iho same are lieiuhy lev led on nil tbo nml estate and pmsoiinl property within Iho corpor ito llmlls of said otty , taxable nc- eordliu to tbo laws of thostitoof Nohr.'isUa , Ineludltm all Inlutestsor business BO tixablc , In tbo sum of Iho ! * > ] mills on the dollar \il- : untlon thotcof , and that the taxes so levied bo uml tlio sime are hereby constituted a special fund for tliu utt for which il.l levy Is made Section A Tlmttaxes for the sole and oxclu- slvo purpose of iniilnt ilunu and pijlni ; the Iliodenirlment of the city of Omah i for the ye ir is'ljbo ' and the > .anio archeioliy levied on all the it'll osttto and prison il property within the out porato limits of s ilil city , tax- abio aci-ordliitf t > tholaw-iof thostitoof No- buisku. InclitdltiK all 'Intiirosts or business so taxable , In the mint of font and oue-n.ilf [ 4'tl mills on tlio dollar valuation thotcof. and Unit Iho luxes so levied bu : ind Ihi'simcaro lictohy conslitutol a spculal fund for the pui- pose for which mid Invy Is " tide. So"tloiiu Th it taxes for the s ) lo unJ exclu sive puiposodf const I tu tint : u sin I. luc : fund to redeem nl maturity the bonded Indebtedness of tliueliy of Om ilia , and also for the puino-io of piylnt ? the Interest on the bonds of s-ild city as such Interest may mature , bo anil the same tuo herein levied on all the estate and ] > oMmal ! ptopeity within the corpor ito limits of s'lld city , t ix iblo accoidlna lo tbu laws of thu state of Nebraska , Includlui : ail Interests or business so tuxti'ilu ' In Ihn stun of live (11 ( mlllson the dollar v A nation thereof section 7 That laxes tot the sole uml exclu sive purpose of pavlni' the tents foi wutor. for lire pui poses and for public1 us of the city of Omihi for the year IsOJ bo and the s unnnro heiobv levied on nil tbo roll estate nnd per son 1 1 ptopotl } within Ihe eoiuot ito llmltsof s ild eltj.t ix.ib'e accordliu to the laws of the stale of Nebriskii Includtii ? nil Inloiosts 'ind business MI ttxnhle , In Ihu sum of four and oue-b ilf [ l'3 ' ] mills on the dullai valuation tbcieof "eitton i That t ixcs for the solo and ex- elu-lve purpose of est ibllsh'n _ and maln- l ilnlnj public llbiatles and reauin ; rooms mil for piircbasliu books , p ipcrs , maps and mnnuscilpts uiid iiruvidliiK tbo uecu-'Sirv' L'lounds mil buildlni ; thoiotor In the city of Omaha for the je ir IS1J ho md the s imo ire hureby hnlid on all Ihu leal usl ilo and p T- soiinl property within the corpui ito llmltsof slid city , t ix ible iccordln to the Itwsoflhe si ite of Nebrisk i Ini'ludlni ; ill Interestoi business so ( axiible lu the sum of onuil ) rulll on thu dollar valuation thereof " cctlon ' ) That tixes for the support of schools , for the puri'h iso of school sites , the erect Ion and fin nlslniu of school buildings , Iho p ivmeiit of fnleiest upon ill bonds Is- sut cl for school pni poses and Ibo creation of a sink iu fund for the ieir Is ! ) . ' , bo and the s imc no hereby levied on all the real estate and person il property within ( ho coiporito limits of sikl oily of Om ib i. except such properly as now Is or in ly beroifter he ox- implfiom luxation , in thu sum of two (2) ( ) mlllson the dollar valuation thnruof suction 0. I'll it tuxes for the solo and ex clusive purpO'O of p lylni the s ilurles of the bonid of pirk commissioners , providing funds for 1 i > io out , Improvlii ) ; or beautifying p irks and pnhlle L'louniK. ami niov nlliu foi tbo | ) lymcnl of tliTi silarlos mil w ues of the i mp o > cs of > nd board for Ihe ult ) ofOmihi foi ( he veil If-'U. ' he < iud the same uro. hereby lev led on all ( boreal est Ho ami | ieto m il prop erly w Itnin Hie 'ornuialo limits of H ild cltv. I ixable acciiidlu to the laws of the htitu of Tsobi.isk.i , liielndlii ' ill Inluresls and bnsl- ! H > > - -u t ixulilc. hi the sum of two nnd thn e- Ol hls r.'V ) mlllsou tnodoU.ii valuation then ! of , nml Ibo tiNus so | e\ lull be an I tlm s nuu aiu herebyconstltuteil a specl il fund fur the pui past' for w blc'h s ild levy Is made { eclion 11. That t ixes for the -olu ami ( \ - cluslvc ptiipOM ) of ti'iyliu' | u U'meiits an' ilnst lliucltv of Onmha for the 3011 I si. ' , uuiinl ihe s nuo are heioh } lovli'd cm all the roil i - . - tile all pc'1-.ouul ptopotly within iho corpur- iitn limits uf sa d cltv , t \ ililo aeriuilln to the 1 iwa of Iho si lie of Ncbiiiska. liii'luillu. all Intuiests oi business so I ixable. In the -,11111 ot two ( -'I mills on the dollar vnlui'tlou thereof , ami th it ( axes o levied be and tin -imchcich } are o insllluted a spot Inl fund tors ild pnipose foi ivhlcli Slid levy Is made section U I'lietaxfs for t in hole and ex- oluslvo imrpuso of tbo conduct of the nlTalis of the buatd of ho lllh In ( be city of Omah L foi the ) viI I U , he and the s imu are beiehy lev led on all tberuil cst ito and peisnnal propuity within lbi > coijioi ilo limits of s ild eliy , tax ib e ic- ( iiiilln. 1 1 iho luusof thu st itu ef Nobiisl.ii , Inclnillni ? ill Intoieslsoi business so tux ible , lu ihesum if uno-elKbtb of a mill on the dollar lar valuation thoicof , mid th it thu lixes so tovlodboaud thy mine no hureby consti tuted a spiclal fund for s ild purpose for which s ild lev v Is m iko Sictlon H I'll it taxes for the solo and ox- cltts ve piiiposi' of p ivln thu cost of street IlL'htlu. : In the city of Omaha for lhe > > eir IMJ , bo nnd the s ime tire iierohy levied on ill the real estiile and person il pioperly within Iho corpoi ilc llmlls of said cliy , t ixnhlo ac cording to the I.iwsof the st itu of Nobrihkii , Inulndln ; ; all luleiesisoi liuolnoss sn lax iblo. In the snmof Iwo ami onu-lmlf mills on the dolhii vain it Ion tbercuf , nnd that thu tuxes so levied In' unit his ime are hereby consti tuted n Klii ) ' III fond fot. said purpose fet which silil levy Ism ide et' th in II. That this ordinance sh ill t-ike elTecl and be In force from and afler Us patS > - -S 120 l'lv ( Jicri. . K. P IAIS. . I'lOslili.'llt of Cltj CoiuiL'll Apptoved rchiiiniy lOih. bu.1 ( jIJOHOi : 1' HIIMIS , Mayor. SHI3\VAMC CONSTHUCi'JON. Bcnled piopoals will bu received bv thu nn- dcrxUueil until l0 : ! o'emuk p , m , , rehruno 21 , is ) ' , foi Iheconstinellon of all permnm'i > t sidewalks oidered laid by thu ma > in and oil } councjl until JIIIIL I , | S')2 ' ) , In tliucllj of Omaha Such slduwalkH to ho constructed of Muoe. nrtllli'lal ntumt , brick or tlllnuui'ordliu to plans and hpdulllc ! itlmTs on lllo In ihu olllcu of the Bond ol I'uDllo Worl.s. Kuch hid to spcolfy a pi leu per hiipoil'lulul hiiiuu | : foot for iho sidewalk complete , and to bu accompanied hy u ceilldoil churl. In ilu > HIHII of * " ' ) , p lyablo to the city of Omah t\n \ 1111 * uvldouce ot enod faith Illddurs must fin nlsh a H imple of stone , In lul. oi tiling Thu huaid reserves the rlnht toawiud a cou- liact for all Ihe dlirenmt kinds of matonal. lo 'olhBfor Hep irately , or for any onu Kind of m iterlal , to lujuct nnv or nil bldxnnd to waive dufucls. I' . W' . Ill UK IIA I SKI ! , ( hnltmnn'of thu Ho ird ot I'nblhi Works Om aha , Nub , Tub. f < , lh'J2 I'-O-Ua A BUIIJGE. propos IH will ho rooil\od hy thu tinUiiislirned until li'Do'olool. p. m riihrunry Ilith , P-'i ' , ' , for thu construction of a hrliUoim Anns n\emir. In thu olty of Omaha , from a point aliuutliO foot unbt of Iho alley holni'un illtli and llth Htri'uls east to thu oust , u ly lim its , n dlvtunou of 410 fuul , morn or le , i m- Hud n with iho west end uf thu hild.u Uuliu ounsirueloil by Douglas rounly , MIMII- ) | IriK to uluns and buuulfluutloiis nn Illu In thu olllco of the bo ml of iiuhllu wi.rl-s Iliiuli proposal tu Im niiiilu on lilnnks fnriilshuil'by Ihu Dijuid , nnd to bu IIOIHIUIUI n led hi nc'urlifhtd i-heuk In Ihu hum of jvw pnyiiblu to Iho city of Omaha , us ovlduiuo of uoud faith , The bond iiiso'vcf. the rl ht lo reject any or ull bliUuiid to walvodi-funt. I' . \ \ . llHliltAlJSii ] : { , riialrman llourd ot I'lililiu WOIKK , _ ( ) riiiihaJohrnnrv'l\hW I'uli ' l'i.l'1-l ' Ori'Kon Sliurt I.Inn .V IHuTi .Von'tirm TtulT. liny CoinpllllJ Stni'liliolilcin' .MrflllKf , Nutlcu Is hoiubvoit \ that iho minimi iiioollui : of the Htnckholdurii uflhu Oio un Hhoit Una A. Utah Morlhoin It illw.iy uuni- p my , for thu u'ui ' lion of illruetoru and Much otlior hiHlnosi JH may loyally comu boforu Ihu ineotliiu' , u III l > o hold at room Ttu H , llouper HullilliiL' , halt I < iiku City , Utah 'lurrlloiy iilKin Wodnui > ilay , the IClh day ot Alaiuh , Hu , ut 10 o'clock u m Mock Ir.uiHfor hooka will olosu upon ( ho 0lhday of I'obrnury. and roupun upon the 17th day ut March , AI.EXA.NIIKU MII.I.AII , Sueii-liiry , I103TON , Mass , Tub. 3 , IKri. 1'lCdutM HloiikTVoliT 'r' Jli" itiir. Notice Is liorobclvun that the rn-'iiUr annual mcollnu' of the stouUliolJir of thu bonih I'luttoL mil uimpiny n 111 bu hold at iho olllco of aald company , In Lincoln , .Nobon thn IInil WeHlnosUuy In Muruhlti'i2holiii ' { ihu scuund clay of the inonth Uyurdoruf tint Hoard of Dliui-lor . R O. l' , .SOCK t , ry LINCOLN , Nob. , I'ou 2. Itc/J IMJ V > \ , M IN THK COUnTS. v Itynn * WnUh nml Nets O. llroun Wrcillo \ \Vllh freillliiM Other 1,11 lf ( tIon. Thocouts rosuniod work > cstordnv mom- IIIR with a fair ntnount of hiislnoss In sleliU JtulRO Dnano's court iittrnrtod'tho ntlontlon of the attorneys us tlrero I orcnro .x ; Urandt wcro itilne to recover thn sum of $ ltlootl from the Kansas Cltv invostinonl compRiiv. tjlko most cii'os In tha district court this onu has n history. When the ronl estnto boom \vns on , the plaintiffs In the prowtt suit , sold Nets O. Hrnwn n iiinnbar of lots tn Ottlalinnia Park , nlonp South Twentieth street , H round Id not hnvo tha nionov to pay , but ho wanted to build n row of cotttu'cs nml In order to ilo so ho harrowed the ntonoy from thu Kansas Cltv Imostment company , Riving thru concern u llrst Miortcaifo anil Inducing the plilntltTs to tnkon socontl mortgago. As the work of building progroisod , tlio inochaincs Illcd lions , while the Investment . uompnny foreclosed its morlgaso. This courio troro the plnlntllTs out nnd loft thorn with nothing to ito but to mourn thu loss of their lands. Thov now bring suit In which thov allege Hint Drown and the ICiiusits Cltv In vestment company conspired lo Uofraud them out of their possessions. Itjiin.V U'aUh'H fuses. This morning Judge Ilopewcll will call up the colcbratocl cue against the linn of Uynn . .tVnlsl ) , the contractors who erected the Douglas hospital In this case the sum of $ .17,01)0 ) Is involved , It being iho amount which Douglas county ncUnowl- edges that It owes Itvnti .t WnUh The PIOS- out suit Is for the purpose of ostnbllshtni ; the priority of the lions of the workmen nnd making nn cqultnblu distribution of the money duo the original contractors on the Judirmont.nijiilust iho county. Any mimbor of cieditors are Intctcstod In thu distribution , but before Ihoy te'celvo any of tha proceeds thcro will bo n tight , us Iho Hank of Com- morcu claims the wholn amount , nllogliigthit motioy was ndvnnecd to Ky.m .t Walsli toon- nblo thorn to ciuy on the work. Mi o III Name Olllj. Ill cilmlnnl court , before Judge Divls. the case of the stnto against I'r.tuk NiceIs on trinl , John Carlson , the complaining wit ness , chtitjres that on Pobuuirv 1 nt South Otiinha , Nlco nnd three compmloi's , Induced him to take n walk. The five partners walked to Sviidlcito pink , where t'mlson was robbed of n gold watch nnd Jl'l of money Trod 11 igorm in , chaigod with Jiolng ono of the parties who luducud Carlson to visit Svndlcato pmk nml ihcro robbed him , wllluhow his plea of not gtiiltv nnd acknowledged that ho ivasonoof the pirtlos connected with the commission of tha crime He w is lorn mdcd to Jail to nwalt sentence- . \ siUtrlini HI'S Cliilm fur lnorli'i. | Knlph t ! . Vitiiloss has uioughtsult against the Iturllngton tend nml seeks to room or ? i1'OJ. ( ' Ho nliegos that on Suptctnber i ho was in the employ of thn compatu as fore man ot thu "brlii o su Itching gang On that d.iv while cutting out oino cats , owing to n dnfoc\t \ In some ol the appliances , ho win thrown bjnoith n car , tburoby losing his tight las nnu arm. A \Veitini Alt'illelne Im \\it < lein Illseises A laigo mijotttv of tin ) diseases in tbu west nro caused iro.n u ilisordcrcd liver and kldnov. " .Mooto'sTiocof Life" will positively cuio jotiol liver nnd kitinor trouble , constlpition , sick hcadaoho and nil blood diseases , iudigo tion , dyspopslii , sour stomach nnu biliousness , pains in thu sldo and back , the s-inptoms of which nio nisu- ing for bieath , yawning , stretobing , Hashes of cold and , sensations of chilliness , otc , ciusiug tno patient to wonder what the trouble is. \Vhilosomaasciibo il to one thing nnd some to another , tow know that it is fiom a disordered liver and kidney Again\ may bu troubled vvilh , i ill v , harking cough and think your throator lungs arc diseased vvliilo thu fact is your double is indigestion arising from a diseased liver arid kidney. Thu salu throughout the westoin state. of Ibis wonderful remedy , "Moore's Tioo of Life , " hns boon immoitso , thutisands ot bottles tles being sold every day nnd every bottle making now fi lends Trv n bottle nnd convinced Fur sale by all druggists , . > VTIO.N.M. ( O\VIN : rioN. Of Liilmr ( ) IK ml/lit Inns ( I'cnpli'N i' ) SI. Liinls For tlio nbovo oonvunlioii tlioV.ibash will soil Fob. I'Oth to Hli tiflfctti to St. Louis uml loturn nl linlf f.uo uood roturiiint ; iinlil M.iu-h 10th Hcinoiu- Iior tlio C.innon 15ill : IXpruss with 10- cliniiiR1 clitiii- curs ftuo and I'ulliiKui sluoiiii | uai'a lodvo Omaliii 1:10 : , Council Klulls 1:10 : D in. , daily nriivcs at St. Ijouis " ' . ) ( ) nc\t inoniiii ) ' . For ticKets and stooping car accointnoilationh call s.l Wuljtisli olllco 1'jOJ Faninin street , and at Union depot Council UluIN , or wrilo ( i. IN . Claj'ton , Noi'tluvostoni iiis-oiijof ) ; , Omaha. ! Si cil ol n si\li-entli slirel \ Imlni'l , ( Jltv nngniccr UosmuUor stated \osloram inn tli.'t lno mulortitl Tor strcii lliunlng the Sixteenth sticctiscluct Ind boon oulutoil nnu that the stiuctuio would Do lapiitou Witliln the neAt tun iln\s Tlio topiius , no said , ivoto only for llio totnporniy tafutr of the viiuluct nncl niiBht tide ever the ocumenuo of u tuinblo ac'c'l- dent for u low months lie stated tliut tlu onlv w.ij'Iho Sixlconth sticol viaduct could bu inado iafo was to ronhtcu il bv a tuns' one , similar to that over tbu rullioad Hacks tilont ; ttio line of Tenth sttcet. TIlK IlllllpO ItllKllIK III \llllllllll. ! ! "La grippe is rngliiK huto mid 1 find Ch.itnboflnin's conah roinuiU to bo a corlitin euro for it , " sn\-i U. ( J. .Johns ol Ttiin- blo , Uillmuii company , Ala. Mr , Johns otdaicd a supply of the ii'tiR'iH to bo shipped by axmosii u ! > ( jiilcUly ns posslhlu 'JlioroU no qiio lieu but this rotnuuy is ol luii1 vnluu In the treatment of the jjiip I'spocinllv on lucountof itb coiintuiiiutliti/ . tondenry of the disease toward p oumcmia It IH also n pinmnl nnd mi tain euro foi tbo lOiiKli wlurli usually follows an nttnuU of K > ip ' - ! * > uid " > ' ) cent bottlei lorsulo uy dnitigM' . , h si , i I I ) In' . " 'l'\voiit.\-foui * hnuis * time ahi'iid of all roinputitioii into J'ortlaml , Onon , from ( 'hicjiffo , Oinnlia or Siou\ ( ily Tlif Union I'aciflr , Ilio ( irittinal Ovorluml Houto , is ( loiii llil oor.ila . \ on ( nit lay oil ono dnj , aiiywhoro alony tlu > lino. and ; , ' ( ) lishinjr. and sllll yet : In IIH IIH tlio otlior num. ' 011 c'lin gn through mid makes I'oi'tlnntl uuo uliolo day alioiul of all coiiiulitH'h | See jour iioaiciht Union Piu-ilio ajronl , or K h. J-AIIIIIIK , ( ioiil. i'ms. & TKt. iifont , Omalia. Xol ) , TIU. KI\I.T\ : M.\iicir. : rNSTUUMKNTS planed on I II , Ih'r,1 ' : AltllNTDKKIH Andruw In lii Ki Sadlo InKle lot MnitiMi'h Hub In llovd'h , \S I ) i1altbiw-iaint lfii lu.Iulin .Mi' ' Inl U , bloek I. ' , Kltcliun X W.u ill's Mill ) , uo OW V niDiiin 'inil liiitiinml to K M III ! liiusliiili , lilock 7 , Walnut HIM rni John MeNu il tohllus .Sinlnu'iir 1 1' ' ! .ion's In .ll-in-IU , . A I'Tiikoy and wlfo to I' II l.lbby lot li , bloc-U T , Clifton Illll U ( < I'litturhOii mid wife ) In W II Minvait lolx 1'iaiid "i ) , hloek ' . ' , Armour ( illicit Mill lt ( ) l.uwls. mil wlfn to Kuwait ! MuWII- llnniHH'i ' lut I. bloul ; l > , I'IUU'H hub 1)10 I ) ( ) I'atuirsoii anil wlfn lo I * Illirillb lut 7. bloi KH , I'litttTM ) ! ! purl , 800 I ( i Mii.'di.lli uml ulfii to II I ) Cuilu lot Wlnduur iiluco , > . 2.100 Ir.i Van ( 'imp and ulfqO ( ( II an ( 'imp , lot .1 , block 2 , Van Camp'i il \ \ I f f-ii'iiiioniitiil ' to I * 11 Kuul 11 > " ' - ' block 1(1. ( Uichunl Illll , . , , . I.WM J I' llainlltDii ul al to > ' H Utmt , lol 10 and II , b oeu 41 , Hiiulb Oinalui . , . U.VJO Biiniiol Morlunsun and wlfn In J ( J WhliltU'ii , lot I , bloulc II , Urammuroy , \IU DUKIH 0V Mc'fntlio and wlfo to I'A"niltli " , lots l , Dan I U , block 110. lot .1 , block Id. lu ! Ill , block III ) , lol 10. blnel. Ill , lullI ) . 10 , I laud 10. block HA. lot 14. block IH. loth J and i' ' . bloL'k 1-1. lots II , 17 and U' , blouk l4 , Dunduu plaoo. I IlKBDA. 1 N WulBun ( spei'lnl m.iitor ) to J 1' W Klluy. > ut ( > , block 11 , HoJfcinl. 'I utaI nmutint of trimsfers. . huuduti changes of vvnatlmr caiiso throat dUoasos. Thnro U no moro ofToutual romudy Tor couKhs. cold , eto , than Ilrown's Ilron- elualTiocui'v. 8olU only In boxes I'tlc * 25 oil.