Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 15, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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YPSTKttiui's r.cost > nniTiov.j
iCe i
5vottnro3 Looking to the Eovival of the
Eternal City's Ecclesiastical Glory ,
Ul Kuropn Would Trel Itpllctrtl Itllio
linit anil Viitlcah ( 'ould Aunln lie
Itroncht In tin tliulrriitaiiil-
Frlenilslilp ,
[ Co ) > vrWitc < l1ir > ! l > l JinM Utrlti
PAUIJ , Fob. in. fN'ow York Herald Cable
Special to TUB UEF. ! Incredible though
It may seem , nosotlntlons with a view to the
adjustment ot the Homnn question have been
opened by the pope nnd King Humbert. The
iiorson who Is acting ns the Inter-
iiedlnry Is n Roman prince whoso father
once occupied n high position ut
the vntlcan nnd whoio wife Is very close to
Queen Miirghurltta. Ho bin boon charged
by the king to discuss matters wltn his
hollntm. According to trustworthy Information
mation ho has already hod n short Interview
with the pope , who has assured him that ho
Is ready to enter pour parlors with a vlow to
making papo with Italy , If Korno Is restored
lohlm. Ho Is said to have expressly ro-
mnrkod :
"Tho real solution of the liomnn question
Is the restoration of Uomn. This question
once resolved , Italy cojld devote herself to
\holmprovoinentofherllnaucos nnd might
> H'en disarm. No ono would think of attackIng -
Ing her. Far from weakening Italy , the res
toration of Homo would strengthen her. You
ice wo nro quite ready to bo reconciled. "
Won't Cet All lloVillllM. .
The roynl delegate wns so astounded by
Ibis answer thnt ho could mnko no comment ,
nnd loft the pannl chamber. The pope smllod
when bo told the cardinals of what had oc
curred. But the negotiations will not end
thero. The pope , nucordlng to the dlplo-
rontlo custom ot the Vatican , will
demand a great deal to obtain something
less. Nobody at the Vatican believes that
the talked ot restoration of temporal power
us Itwas before 1870 is possible. The Idcn of
the pope Is tnnt reconciliation is upon nn-
ithcr basis , however. It is oortnin thnt the
court nnd the Vatican nro muttiniiy prejn
diced ; that they have feelings on account
of supremacy and p.-ecedonco. The pope
cannot leave his palace prison without run-
.alug the risk of meeting tlio king in thu
itrcot. The latter micht feel himself
obliged to uncover bis head , and bend tbo
< Uncu to receive the papal benediction. On
tlio other bund the sojourn of the pope in
tlomo 1 disngreoablo to the pope , because of
the impossibility of avoiding a conflict.
PropoHiilx Iriiui thn I'opc.
The diminution In the number of pilgrims
to the city following the Into disorder has
mnila tradesmen grumblo. The workingmen
are organizing nnd working to bring about n
revolution which will swoop away ooth roy
alty nud the papacy. Hccognizlng this dan
ger , the pope makes these propo- *
sltions : That Homo shall continue
to bo the capital of a shadowy
Italian kingdom ; that the king should keep
the Qulrinnl and come there occasionally ;
that part of the administration should re
main there ; that Parliament should bo
opened In Homo In presence ot the king , so
that the nation should not have a pretext to
Orotost ; thnt , iho pope should maintain his
'loverclgn prerogatives at ihoT.vntican and bo
nn titled to the existing boiofi | , of oxtrauitnr-
lailsm uiurkccp up'his-liouseliohl.
The papal court' wonfd regain' ( ts former
tplcndor oifco it bad ceased to bo embar
rassed by the prosencoof u rival'couit. All
points of precedence would bo settled by a
diplomatic conference. The policy of the
iriny and tha municipal government would
romam under the control of Italy , but tlio
pope would Idivo his palace when the Italian
court was not in Homo , nnd ho would regard
himself ns being ib bis own city.
The ulng would muko Florence his
headqunrtcrs and thu heir apparent would
Inhabit Naples , The other members ot the
roynl family would _ mnko Turin their plnco of
' residence. Homo , Ills thus supposed , would
, 'got back its magnillconco mm once more bo-
Co , mo par oxcollo'ico the ecclesiastical city of
Italy , much ns certain quarters in most
cities are cblolly coloni/.ed by priests nnd
pious people.
This plan is the popn's. It has until now
bcon kept a secrot. What hope it has of
being adopted Is of course unknown , for
there are countless Interests and Jealousies
to think of. liut if any plan at nil has a
chance of being adopted it Is this ono.
The European diplomatists are working
hard to bring about-a solution of the irritat
ing question which is so dangerous 10 the
religious peace of most of the powers , owing
to the fact thnt many millions look up to tlio
1 pope as their spiritual chief. Tl.o high
Cuthollo dignitaries ( or at all events the
: arillnals ) are loss conciliating than the
popo. They feel that something should bo
jono ; that the church is not to be hampered
< by t-ndltion , and that If Pope Leo XIII
i cannot bring il about one ot his successors
may ,
Koltlieil IIU IMrmU.
' 'A great scandal has' Just occurred in Purls.
The son of u deceased member ot a big firm
has gene off with sojurltius to the value of
50U.OOO francs belonging to his mother , and
ttocks and bonus of the father representing
2iW,000 francs , The young man , ut the request
quest of his mother , hud boou In
churgo of a counsel Judlclnrc. Ho
U 23 years old. It appears ho
has spent the money with n woman known
us Mine , do Salute Megriu. The lady Is 5
years old , the daughter of an architect and
legitimately married. Her Inmily , which
now reside in England , can.p Irom Mauri
tius , Her father was ono of the first con
tractors' who took part In the Panama canal
Will I'roHi'euto Her Mm ,
On hearing of her son's disappearance , the
mother lodged a complaint at the ofllco of
\\\o \ commlssulro do police. By tbo French
uw , however , mothnri cannot prosecute
; helr sons for theft , The disappearance of
the woman with the son will uono the loss
illow the affair to be Judicially handled , as
She woman can bo prosecuted for complicity
in the theft , but It U doubtful whether any
ronult can be arrived at. The missing pair
lave left for London , trhero , after disposing
> f the stolen securities , they uro supposed to
aavo embarked for America.
1,1:0 : AND Tin : WOULD' * r.uit.
lla ( ! l e Special Audience to UoinniU-
ulnner llryan ,
KOMI : , Fob. 1U. The pope gave a special
ludionco today to Mr. Thomas It. Bryan nnd
bis ton , Colonel Charles P. llryan , the Chicago
cage World's fair commissioner ) * . The pope
listened very attentively to every word
uttered by Mr. IJrynu und when the latter haii
tinishod hU holiness said ho would be de
lighted to take part In the exposition and
would contribute as much us possible to the
business fund. IIo a < uro4 his hearers that
bo was moved lu the matter by a special love
tnd admiration for the American people.
Mr. iiryan sug led that hu holmes *
Uiuea pontifical letter embodying the sentl
oonts he had expresied , He argued that it
would bo n powerful aid in lecuriug coopora
tlon. The p.ipo . promised to comply with the
request of Mr. Bryan ,
Mr. Hrjan nftorwnrds had n confotcnco
with Cardinal Uimpolln , the ni'ial secretary
of stntc , In which arrangements were made
In regard to the details of exhibits.
llloinlern In I Inly.
( CnpurtgMnl I'm ! Inliimw fforlivi 7l nu ' /.l
UoMr. , Feb. 1 ! ) . fNow York Hor.ild Cable-
Special to Tin : JliiK.I Count Herbert Bis-
tnnrck arrived hero today from Munich.
crlous"troubles have occurred nt the uni
versity hero today. A body Of MO students ,
rrltnted at thu punishment Inflicted on three
of tholr number for taking part In the recent
disorders , Invaded the lucturo rooms ,
smashed the furniture nnrt prevented tbo
irotcssont from lecturing ,
A mob ot workmen nt Turin todny com
menced r Inline , but wns dispersed by thu
roops , _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Sovros Pottery Hunting.
Idnpi/r/oMcd / ? / > ) / JiiniM fJoruVm RruneU.1
PAHI. , Fob. 10. fNow York Herald Cable
Special to TUB Bii.i Haron do Strnvo ,
Russian minister to the United Stntes , sailed
todny from Havre on the steamship La
rctagno for Mew York ,
Thy nntionnl nnd celebrated Sevres porcelain
celain factory caught fire nt 11 o'clock this
[ Saturday ) night , nnd the thrco floors nro
now ablaze. The entire llro brigade tins bocn
cent to iho scene , which Is two miles outside
tbo city limits.
I.po'd PrUiito Seerntnry
tCnpurtiiMul 1S9J Inl J.tmw Unnlm Itemieft. ]
KOMB , Fab. I ! ! . [ Now York Herald Cnblo
SpcclnlloTimlJr.i : . ] Mgr. Boclall , private
secretary and Inttmnto friend of the pope ,
died tortny from Influenza. His loss bus
cnusod great grief to his holiness. In Vatican
circles it Is said that Pore Lonsnbro , the
famous French Dominican preacher , has
great chances of bolng made cardinal.
Still Out on n Strike ,
Los'DON' , Fob. 13. The report thnt the
striking coal porters mid tholr employers had
settled tholr differences nnd that the men
would return to work on practically their
own terms wns prematnro. It wns snid last
night ttiat the masters had ftcrccd to dis-
chnrgo the nonunion man In their employ ,
but todny they deny having made any such
agreement. _
111 tlio Ureel.m Cluimhur.
ATHENS , Fob. la. During the session of
the chamber today the premier donouncad
thu intrigues of the trlcoupis party. He
charged them with being responsible for the
linanclal crisis in Greece , nnd declared that ,
In order to n\ort bankruptcy , the nation must
submit to fresh siicrilloes.
Can You lOnt
tle.irtily , with relish and without distress
afterward ( If not wo recommend to you
Hood's Sarsupnrilla , which creates a good
appotllo nnd so invigorates the stomach nnd
bowels that the food is properly dicostod nud
all is nutriment assimilated.
Hood's Pills are purely vegetable , pao
feetly harmless , oftoctlvo , but do not causr
pain or gripo. Bo sure to get Hood's. '
roitiirN I.-I.VANCIAL ntviuw. :
( iooil Demand For aioney Developed Dur
ing : the Week Throughout Kill-ope.
LONDON' . Feb. 14. During the week past
there was a good demand for discount which
was firm aty per cent for thrco months , and
i % per cent for short. The Stock exchange
loau rates for discount , were 2Jf
per cent. The Kuabiu nud Aus
tria continued to buy gold , but the
decline , was moderate ana did not affect the
situation. A report that 300,000 wn coming
from Now York assisted to oasn the market.
Silver was notably depressed. The news of
increase in the rates from New York caused a
rela1so | to the previous lowest figure , with
small chance of revival. The stagnation of
business In India and tbo cessation of
continental demand for silver will
assist to maintain , this depression ,
and without there is some luvorablo
developments In the United Slates or n
sharp revival in tbo cotton trade it will bo
difllcult to ralso thu value from the present
lovol. Kupeo paper in sympathy with silver
fell 7-S per cent. X ho chief Interests in the
slock exchange during the weak centered in
American railways and coal stocks. Head
ing was In the lead witb Erie and Now
York , Ontario & Western the next favor-
lies. Dealers expect n further rise curly in
the coming week , especially ns tbo floating
stock hero Is known to bo very scarce. Outside -
side of coal stocks speculation is timid.
The week's variations' in prices include
the following : Increase Erie , 'i % per cent ;
Now York , Ontario < fc Western , tK ! per cent ;
New York , Pennsylvania & Ohio. 1JJ/ per
cent ; Louisville & Nashville , iVf percent ;
Northern Pacillc , 1 per cent ; Mexican Cen
tral , Norfolk & Western preferred , Union
Pacific and Atchison , % per cent each. Do-
creabes Denver & Uio Graudo preferred ,
1'J ' per cent ; VV'obash preferred , Lake
Shore , Missouri , Kansas & Texas and Ohio
& Mississippi , ' < per cent each. Canadian
rad'\ny securities weio quiet. Grand
Trunk , first nnd second preferred both ro o
Ji per cont. Thn securities of the Moxloan
railway were weak. Firsts declined 1'j ' per
cent on the week. The feature in the de
partment of foreign government securities
was the decline In Greek bonds whluu full
0 % per cent on the strength of a report from
Athens thnt the treasury was on tbo verge
of bankruptcy. The Morgans will issue
$7.000,000 gold bonds of the St. Louis Ter
minal .
_ _
On dm llerlln llourxo.
I5imiN' : , Feb. H. Business on the bourse
wns dull du , 'i"g tbo week and par
ticularly in tlio foreign bccuritics.
Bank shares were llriner , but Indus
trial and mining stocks were weaker.
Yestorday's closing quotations include :
Prussian 4s , HKIW ) : Mexican ( is , bl.bO ;
Doulscho bank , lOO.IiO ; Bochumor , 111 ;
Hnrponor , IDS : short exchange on London ,'.l ' ; long exchange on London , 20 ill ; pri
vate discount. P-j , Tbo Jones failure in Mum-
phis , besides involving certain Bremen linns ,
nffected houses In Telchon , Lariro drafts in
llctltmus cotton cargops have bocn dishon
ored. Tlio Ueich bank has received from
America , by wuv of Bremen , boveral eon-
slgnmonis of gold oag'lus in excess of the
bullion legally required us security for tbo
Heich bnuk's ' note issue , which nggrogatus
(50,1)00,000 ( ) mark * .
On thn I'niiilunrl lioiirno ,
FiUxroitT , Fob. II , The bourse was quiet
during the week past. Today's unofilcial
closing includes : Hungarian gold rentes ,
9J..10 ; Italian 5s , 11.20 ; Portuguese bonds ,
40.10 ; Spanish 4s , llL'.UO ; Uusslun Is , ! ) ' . ' . TB ;
Austrian credit , -111) ) ; short exchange on
London , 20.40 ; private discount , \f \ percent ,
On tlio I'arU Hour < e.
P.IIIH , Fob. 14. The bourse was quiet
during the n.vit week , which had a dull end -
ing. It 1s now proposed thnt the French ,
English und Gorman bondholders appoint n
committee for concerted action in Lisbon.
Mrs. Winslow'8 SoothltiB Syrup for chil
dren tcothlng , rests the child und comforts
the mother , " , r > o a bottle.
lleiipulli thu Ire ,
CIIKMOO , 111. , Fob. 1U. This afternoon
three boys started to walk across ono of the
ponds in Humboidt pane when the treacher
ous ice broke , and all three were drowned.
Up to midnight but two bodies had boon re
covered. These were identilled as Philip
Pritif , aged T , nnd Frank Scholl , aged 10.
Tbo mUslng uody Is believed to bo that ol
the Jailor's 'J yoar-ola brother , Willie.
At JCden Mutee ,
Cottiinonoinjr todny , Mrs. Milllo
Prlco-Dow , the Dancing poem. She up-
ponrb in lotip bklrts only , which aho
nuinipulutoB with a grace nnd pictur
esque freedom none but herself could
display. She appcnrbi ut 3 , 4 , 8 , U und 10
o'clock , except Frltlny , then S , 3,4 , 8. 0
una 10 o'clock.
Another Victim of T > plan I'm or.
PHOVIDBSCR , K. i. , Feb. 13. One of the
Italians who oamo over on the foyer ship
Massilia is sick with typhus fever at the
Ithode Islaud Hospital. lie was accidentally
discovered In a bonrdlnir houso. Flvo nro
quarantined In a boardln ? house on Wash
ington street.
IT ir//// fJ/Mi ;
South Iliikolii t'ltlrpn , I'l-i-parlnc to Tnko
Ailv.uitnee ol Iteeent Deelslon.
Dr-uiwoon , S. D , , Fob. l % ( TPC- !
Bram to Tin ; Him. ] The United Stales
supreme court has Just rendered nn opinion
that is of vitaliuiportnnco to the taxpayers
of this ( L-xwronro ) county. It wns in the
case of the district township 6f Loott , Lyon
county , In , , ngnlust Cummins , tlio mun who
Holds n Inrgo share of Lawrence county's
bonded debt. The notion was brought by
Cummins upon coupons attached to bonds
Issued bv said district township. The do-
fondnnt dpuliul the vnlldlty ot the bonds on
the ground tbnt they wore Issued In excess
of the limit prescribed bv the constitution ,
which prohibited municipal corporations
from Incutrlng ludobtcdncjs exceealnp fi par
i-ont of their valuation. The court sustained
the view , and its decision U adverse to Cum
mins ,
The territory of Dakota was under n hko
prohibition by net of congress , which forbids
nny county or other political or municipal
corporation Incurring debt In excess ot4 per
cent of its assessed valuation. Thl.s net of
congress stood tu lieu ot a constitution ntul
wns the supreme law of the territory. Not
withstanding the prohibition , however , the
countv commissioners Incurred Indebtedness
on behalf of the country to the amount of
fJ ! > 0,000 or moro In excess of this amount nud
then issued 5 per cent bonds to the
amount ot MOO.OOO , ostensibly to fund the 10
nor cent bonds outstanding but rcnlly to pay
off illegally Issued county wnrrunts. The
result has bacn nn Increase of 50 per cent lu
the connty'H bonded indebtedness in plain
violation of the not ol congress prohibiting
such increase. The troasuior is to bo nt
once enjoined from paying any ot tbo
coupons attached to thcuo bonas nnd suit
brought to Imvo their issue doclnrcd illegal.
Tno effect will bo to to greatly lessen the
county's burden ol debt and to reduce taxes
not loss thim 50 nor cont.
Nebraska I'UKltUe Ciiptnrvd.
OUMIICIIS , S. D. , Fob. 13. ( Special to Tun
BEE.-T. ] H. Heck mid II. J. Bellcrbeck
came In yesterday morning from Osmond ,
Nob. , nnd arrested Bill Slrlke , who loft that
pine * some weeks ago with mortgaged prop
erty to secure the payment ol $003 at thnt
bank and also loft accounts urpald nt the
hardware store to the amount of over $150.
Ho wns nrrcsted twenty miles west of hero ,
where he had been for thrco weeks , nud
brought Into town last night with another
young man who accompanied him on his
western trip , but was not connected in the
frnud morn than to have como awny without
paying for a $10 gun , which wus settled by
turning over & ! 00 worth of threshing ac
counts tor collection to secure his r'lcajo.
Some of thu stock had been traded oil , and
In n few dnys more It would all have changed
hands. Sti'iko wns taken east and some of
the recovered horses were shipped baclt
today. _
Settleil the Klnlne PUorcu Stilt.
Sioux FAI.I.S , S. D. , Fob. 13. The famous
divorce case of Blaiue against Blnino Is prac
tically settled. The defense wiU not put. in
nn appearance nnd the decree will bo granted
to Mrs. Bltiino by default. This nf tornoon
Judge C. S. Palmer , attorney for Mrs. Blair.o
served notice an McMartin and Curlnnd , at
torneys for the defendant , of nn order issued
by Judge Thomas asking him to show cause
why the answe" of the defendant should not
bo stricken out. The defendant , so
suys the judge's order , has disobeyed
every order of the court and is now In con-
tbmpt for having failed to pay the suit I'eos
nnd alimony. Tbo order was returnable on
the 10th but tbo lime was extended to
the 17th. The order also asks for Immediate
trial. The attornovs for the defendant will
not go to Dcadwood and will put in no answer
to the order. This simply moans that , tbo
case will go by default , giving Mrs. Blaine
her decree nud probably the custody of the
- o -
Howe scales , trucks , coiTco mills , car-
starters , Harrisoi. conveyor. Catalogues of
Bonicn & Sclleck Co. , ugenis , Chicago 111
StutuTroonH ut Coiil Creek Itetnrn the 1'lru
of Drunken Miners.
KXOXVII.LK , Pa. , Feb. 13. ft was learned
bore hut nignt that on Thursday night about
10 o'clock n number of drunken men , tboucht
to bo miners , fl rod upon tbo pickets of tbo
state troops nt the Coal Creek convict camp.
The gulling gun was turned on the men and
two of them were crippled. Several houses
in Coal Crook were Hllod with Deaden mis
siles nnd the inhauitnnts were badly fright
ened. Commander Auuersou has telegraphed
General Carnes at Memphis for moro ammu
nition , nnd arms.
Flvo hundred miners did not work yobtcr-
day , but hold a meeting to celebrate Lin
coln's birthday. Some very llory speeches
were made and the miners were told to defend -
fend themselves agains the troopj and wipe
them oft the earth if any blood wns shed.
Crowds of men were seen niong the
hills in und around Coal Creek
last night , but tno usual daylight
quiet surrounds the situation at Conl
Creek todny. There was no attack on the
troops lust night , but as many minors are networking
working and a low are drinking freely , it is
feared trouble may occur tonight.
Governor Buchanan received a dispatch
last night from Coal Crook stating that &omo
unknown parlies fired upon the troops Thurs
day night , but nn one wns hurt.
A handsome complexion is one of the
greatest charms n woman can possess. Poz-
zoni's complexion powder gives it.
Send toTlui lieu Hiireau ol'CliiIniH lorSol-
iller ' 1'enslnii Ouextlon llliinlc , Oiniiliu ,
Null. .
ot thu llljf tin.
Sully is coming back. Ono week from this
evening bo will again clootrlty Omaha by hi
histrionic ability. It ts said that ho lias Im
proved wonderfully ns an nrtor during the
lust eight mouths , and can now say "Let mo
think" in n munner as traglg ns Booth's.
But this isn't what people care for.
P. J , Kennedy , business manager for
Messrs. Harrisoii and Sullivan' snid
to Tin : Bici : night that John L. , had not
signed nrtlctos , conditional or otherwise , for
u light with Peter M.iher , but that he had
Issued a general Invitation , open to the
world , to con. e and bo knocked out. Actor
Sullivan does the thinkitiL' , Pugilist Sully
does the rosl. Ho would prefer that Paddy
Slavin or Charley Mitchell accept his invita
tion ; ho burs Peter Jackson , and if ho can't
gel uny one oUo , why , he'll take Peter Matter.
Now , this is the sort of talk from John L.
Sullivan that sporting people like to hoar.
For they know the big un means it , and
when ho commences to talk light somebody
Is either colim tu run or.gnt hurt , it Is not
thought probable that u match with Slavin
will bo mane , for the party think
that Jackson will 11 x Frnncls- Patrick in such
shape that his stellar aspirations will bo
quenched , and oven should Slav.ln win
Charley Mitchell is too "wise a guy" to allow
the Australian to got , hurt , us ho surely
would If ho mot the Boston boy. f t
rjcu.M TUK uitnnit.
eiigerH tinier Their Co
nlth the Itrotliurliooil.
ST. Louie , Mo. , Fob. 13. Suporntpndont |
L. A. Fuller of the Paciflu JBxprass company
has received a communication from twen
ty. n Inn messengers , members of the broth
erhood , against which a crusatlo' r is
now being waged , declaring that they
eutorod the order under a mtsanprel/dnston /
us to Its alms ana objects , ' ahdJiuil , Ing that
tbo organlo law thereof ii objectionable , und
being entirely satisfied with tholr own situa
tion , havd forwarded their resignation. , ns
members m the Express Messengers broth
erhood. The company claims that the IKU- !
ers include all the members of tlio brother
hood in its employ In this district.
It AVorkeil Wonder * .
The following U un extract from a letter of
Hev. J. W. Carter to Uov. J , T. Mumford :
'It has benefited my wlfo so much I want
her to continue the use of tbo medicine.
Taking Into consideration bur age liU yeurj-r
ami tbe long standing of her kidney and liver
troubles the Tree of Life bnj worked won
ders in her case. " For sale by al | druggists'
Ol'lt _
Ho Marriyi American Girl' and Is Dig-
irthritad by His Father.
1 ari
* i -
Allhr * l > y Ills ( Mm mill Ml Wife's
-lln 1 Titkon III mill
ifles'ln ii ( ; hVit | l.oilliiR |
" ( { HllUROi
vsl -
/ >
Nr.w YOHK , Feb. 1 ! ) . The Count von
Hluchor Is dc'ad. His sensational marrlngo
last July In MUwnultoo to Miss Alma Loob ot
HrooUlyn nntl practical ( Uslnboritanco by his
father In consequence niul ttio youiiff man's
Indecision M to what ho Btioultl do nootit It
all Imvo Riven litm 11 ( treat deal of notorloty.
After his nllcnvmico was cut doxvn to f30
per montti and Ms mntrlmonlal oxporlonco
hnd inndo him so much troubla the count loft
the fashionable Dorwlck , where ho was
boarding. Ho declined to glvo his now ad-
drrss , nnd few had known that ho simply
rented a room nt No. tfi West Fifty-eighth
street. Ho cngbRocl the room nearly n mouth
oen for u week , but bcforo the tltno expired
ho wns taken 111 with a kidney affection.
Grip took hold of him a woolc n > ? o , nnd last
( Sunday utpilit the last sacraments of the
church were given htm by Father Goyor , who
was summoned by telegraph.
AH Aloni' AUIOIIK StrmiKors.
AH alone , save for Baron Mullock , who Is
well known nhout town , the younc man
awaited death. Ho n.issod nwny Wednesday
1'ha count 'was recommended to Father
Goyor , who was In charuo of the Leo homo
for Gorman Catholic Immigrants , when ho
came to America' two yours ago. Tboro the
body wus tnUon after death " " -
In youtiK lUuahrr's troubles and approaoh-
IIIR destitution ho went back to the priest.
The latter notlllod the count's father when
the son wns taken sick. His answer came
yesterday Just before hlfib mass was cele
brated over the son's dead Uoily. It snid ho
hud disgraced thu proud numn of lUucher ,
nnd tin should cast him oil. When the young
man dlod Father Goyor cabled ngulr for In
structions nboiit returnlne the body to Ger
many. The answer was severely short. It
said : "Bury him there. "
A small sum of money was sent to defray
the expenses of a modest funeral. So in an
immigrant's lodging house the son of a Gor
man prince , with half a million crowns a
year , lav dead until yesterday mornlmr.
Thou thu body was taken Into the chapel for
mass. Hut four friends ot the deceased wore
there. The colUn was necessarily a uhaap
one , but it was decent , Thu duad went to
ttm Catholic 'cemetery of St. John's.
NoniS of the Loob family know of the
count's * sicknojs. The countess who has
maao up her mind that aho is butter off as
Alma Loeb , bus been lu Denver since last
September. She went there to live the neces
sary year so she could iram a divorce. A
reporter carried tha news to the Loob house
hold last ni gill' . ' Mi-a. Loob received the re-
rlnUCiiillls WlfuM Ki'liitions.
"Bluchorrdoadi" , she incredulously re
peated , holding1up both hands In astonish
ment. Thtitr * she made anxious inquiries
about the circumstance.
Her husband was less demonstrative.
"Then Al'nm ' is n widow , " she remarked ,
turn ins towar'd bor husband. She folded
her arms anil settled back in u chair with a
long breath. hiif , nu Immense load bad been
lifted from thu'family.
The countess has heard by telegraph before -
fore this moVning that her suit for divorce
need never bd Brought.
Tne bistdricHl Tame pnd wealth of the
count's fnmllv jent nn interest to his suduon
marriage.Ils'full name is Fqrdinand Granz
Gebhardt toMberreeht , Couut Blucher von
Wahlstadt. ' MOWIIB the' third son of Prince
von Blucher pfCasto ) Ixrioblowitz , I'ost
Uauth Schle wij , Germany , nnd wns,2l. years
old. His father i ossesl _ > os the estates granted
to the faintly utter "thu count's ercat grand
father's participation in Napoleon's rout at
Waterloo. j
The count iwos , educaU"1 at Ktan nnd
Heidelberg , bad uouo servlco as a midship
man and was on tbu retired list of the Ger
man army as a lieutenant , his retirement
being caused by an Injured foot , the result of
R fall in cavalry maneuvers. With an allow
ance of SOOU a month the count started out to
see the world. The Loebs says that ho
claimed bo came to America witb a big title
to get n rich girl , as his older brother would
inherit the bulk ot property. As ho lost bis
bond and bis heart temporarily to ono not
rich , it has made lots of trouble.
How I ll < ; .MnrriilK" Was llroiiulitliout. .
Miss Alma Loob was visiting her bister ,
Mrs. Fitclionbcrg , In Milwaukee , and at a
summer resort near there mot von HUicher.
The next morning after the marriage , when
the slslor heard of it , she telegraphed the
parents ana started the countess homeward.
Meanwhile tuo count had been compelled to
Men a pajior that ho was unable to support
her. and if her parents refused consent to
the union bo would not oppose her Retting
n divorce. Ttio count followed his wife
to Now YorK , but tltno and the news
of his allowance being cut down and disin
heritance promised had cooled his ardor.
Then ho claimed that ho had bean tricked
into the marriage. Ho said that Alma had
made love to him , and that when hemet
mot her in the parlors of Scblltz1
hotel in Milwaukee she begged him
to remain there , instead of leaving at
once as no Intended. Ho engaged a room
there. After Alma had gone to her room , ho
claimed ho wns summoned there , as
bo was told she was crying for
him , and when ho went there
the landlord demanded why ho was in
a lady's room. "To save the girl's honor I
replied that 1 was engaged to her and had the
right to bo there , " was the count's story of
thfl event. This cdmibfikni. ho said , was
taken up afterwards by Miss Loeli and ha
was pressed Into the match and in three
hours ho wus married.
Con If 'i-tctl tint Counts Story.
Hov. M. M. 1'arkhurst , the Methodist
minister \ > ho performed thn ceremony ,
after hearing the statement , wrote a letter
to Mrs. Loob. In it ho said the couple worn
married at tuo parsonage , and that instead
of being n bold sfilioiuor , tbu brldo was difll-
dontnnu fainted lit tha close ol the ceremony.
Thu Loobs claim that at different tunes ,
the count , who had little sulfrellnnco , di.-
clurod ho would support hlmsolf , In response
to bis wife's ' consent in livewitli him , juiit as
soon ns ho could Jo no. Hut ho changed bis
mind under stinging rebukes from bis
father. Four jvroks ago , the Loobs say , ho
visited his wnp'rf"brolhor and offered proofs
which could bt't/sod ' / ngalnt him In a suit tor
divorce for stfttiltory reasons. The family
spurned the fcftur , Then the count said ho
Intended golub" to' South America to engage
In military sorVlW.
Father Cioy or says the count assorted on
his deathbed Jhat the marrlago was a trick
and that , botli'ntl''liiQ ' request of the dying
count und his fntliur , precautions wore taken
which should preclude any possible- claim on
the nnco.strul-t nutos by iha American
countess. . , , ( , i
| ' Tj rk Tiiuln
says "somo folks' urn so stubborn that all
they need Is four-logs aim they would pass
for a mulo. " Mayoa it people use more of
Ilailor's Bar Una J Wire Liniment mules
If you ili'SlrlP'iiny Information or uilvlro
ri'Kardliif yoni"Hllnliii iiKiilimt llm ITnltril
Slutrs jfoin7nloVit Tim I led Iliirruu of
Claim * Mill Cumuli ,81111111 Iruu of rlmrgu.
Kiillroiul llii
BiouxUiTV , la. , Fuu. 1U. jtipoclal to THIS
BBK.J An elaborate brganization of railroad
omnloyos for political purposes Is bomg ef
fected hero. It is substantially the aamu or.
gn.ilzution which Is credited with having
taken so Important'a part in tbo lust Iowa
election , and which certainly did secure the
election of 1'otur A- Day as member of the
StatuBoardof Hailroaa Commissioner ! , Sucr
cess in that case has been followed up witb
indistrious extension of the organization ,
For a wooic too work has been in progress
here , Ono of the prime n. overs states that
several railroad employes hero are
enrolled. Honuyf : "Tho object U political
rather than partisan. The organization is
being pusboil In all tbo western states , or
tboso icnowu as granger status. Tbeom
ployea are tbo firtt to buffer from roaucod
railroad rntoa , nnd If the farmer. * can tnko A
hand In reducing vatps the employes can also
tnko a hand in their own Interests , They
can scratch the name of n candidate whom
they regard as unfriendly to their Interests ,
no matter on what ticket It may bo. Wo
will Imvo Kovoral hundred votes right hero
In Sioux City. "
If j-nu u re thn lirlr of n ilrrrasi > d xolillcr
xvrllnto 'I IIP Hco Itiirrnii of Cliilins nun Ri-t
ii primlou iiirstlon bliink.
u is i ottti ) 7M > i.v .s.
ilnlin .Jnrolt Aslor'n Old Ti-.uMiij ; Tort
TltriMitrnril xdtli Di triu'tlnn.
DUI.UTII , Minn. , Fob. I ! ) . Stops nro being
taken to tear down the old John Jacob Astor
hoadiuartors ] fur trading house nt Fond du
Lno and enough Interest has been arouieJ in
the prcsnrvntloo of the oldest building at the
head of the lake tit call out a vociferous pro
test. Ills probable , liowovor , that unless tbo
protest takes the form ot cash to buy
the old log trading house mm fort , It
will bo torn down In n few days. This fort
wns bul t In the days when the Aslor Fur
company was the rlvnl of the Hudson liny
company nnd It was tbo ho.idiiuartors for nil
furtradoln tho'roglon west mid northwest of
the hoa'J of Lake Superior , us well ns the
upper Mississippi valley. Goods worn
brought hero from the uist through the
Inkos In small schooners that could bo hauled
above the r plds at tha fool of Lnko
Superior , und from hero distributed. Thu
vuyngors reached all parts of the lalto uy bark
cunoos , and not n few portaitos were In the
Mississippi. The building has been the sccno
of many council * , and much of the history of
tbo northwest has boon made within Its
walls. It Is proposed to dumolNh it to make
way for the Immeuso water power Improve
ments which are baing fast carried on on the
St. Louis river. 1'lans uro drawn for the
dams that will develop nboilt 100,000 horao
power , Dnth the Edison nnd the Thomson-
Houston electric companion are Interested , !
nnd nro ready to furnish power to all sorts
of manufactories nt Uuluth nt a very low
Om < Mlnutr.
Ono mlnuto tlmo oftun mnltoi n groit df !
foronco a ono minute reinody for bronchitis
choking up of the throat , lungs , etc. , fo
ourso Is n blosslnc. Cubeb Couih Cure Ii
such a remedy. For sale by all druggist ! .
Cubeb Cou gh Cure Onomlnuto.
ir.vou urn thu hnlp ol u ilcccimoil Holillvr
urltoto Thu llro lliirci\i : ol' l'ltilii < and K''t
n iicnolini iiic | < .tlou lilunU.
T.IJ.Lir JOIIXSOX'ft C.ltiK.
Her Attorneys at Memphis Apply lor n
Writ of Habeas Corpus.
MllMl'ilisi , Tcnn. , Fa'j. 13. Judge Duboso
lius granted a writ of habeas corpus , prayed
for by the attorneys for the defense in the
case of Llllio Johnson. The process Is di
rected lo Coroner Strickland und ho Is
ordered lo "produce the uody of Lillie
Johnson before Hon. J. ,1. Duboso , judge ,
ote. , nt SliO : o'clock a. m. on February U ,
1S02. " The coroner in such a case executes
tbo process of the court , as the shuriiT is'
made defendant to the writ. Miss Johnson's
counsel have no doubt of her ngbt to bail
nnd are hopeful of n successful issue for
tholr application.
Tbo law admits for ball In murder , except
where ) the proof of guilt is evident or the
presumption great , and they claim
thnt there is no such ovidmico against their
client. A motion was served on
Attorney General Peters today noout noon ,
calling upon mm to produce in court , any und
all loiters or other evidence ho mar have in
his possession , by the attorneys of Miss
Johnson with n view of securing ball , If the
facts upon which thu indictment Is found uro
'deemed insufllcic'nt.
The criminal court room in which the trial
will bo held is bolng repaired .and enlarged
to twice its capacity ,
Send to Tlio Hen Korean ol t'liiiniN for Sol
diers' Tension Ouestioii liliink. Omaha ,
Their Second Chili > "lRht.
Last night was club night at the Ouiabu
Athlotio-club , and as usual the attendance
was very largo and very enthusiastic. The
lirst event on the ove'nings card was the tug
of war betwenn the Danish team , of Coliseum
fmne , and the Omaha Alhlelio club team.
Theru were two p'llls , and , as incredible as it
may seem , the club ooys won both handily.
Tbo fencing bouts between M. Deuercher
and Mr. Alvord , and Ciarlt nnd McDonald
were spintou and Interesting , the French
man nnd Clark carrying off tlio laurels.
The boxing wns tame and tiresome. Prof.
Hlchtowor's pupils , while evidently malting
rapid progress in the manly art of self-de
fense , uro troubled with n timidity about
hitting from the shouldur that must be overcome -
como before they can hope to give n credit-
nblo performance. Two kids from the out
side wound up the evening's attraction in an
eventless slapping mutch.
Gi.ouccgTini , N. J , , Fob. III. The track
today was in excellent condition nud there
was a large attendance.
1'lrst raco. six furlongs : Anoniiilly won ,
It.'irly II hucond , Flniiibciiiix ihlid. Time :
Second rarp , flrofiirlones : Onuo Again won ,
Tvjinlioc second , Marie I.ovoli third Tlmu :
'Third rare , nun mlle : Hiiucocus won. Hllt-
zcn hccond , Vlrulo third. Time : l:4ii. : :
I'ourth ract ) . llvc-olghts of a mlle : Tnano
won , liuioviitlon Kceonil , r > ervns third. Time :
l-MV .
I'lrth nirc , ono mlle nnd a quarter : Drns-
puls won , Vim second , llrojklyn thlid. Tlmu :
Sixth race , seven furlongs : Gllnmn won ,
I'ns etl second , Huh Arthur third. Tlmo :
if ; ut sloitv ( ! lty.
Siof.x CITV , In , , Fob. 1 ! ! . [ Special 10 Tin :
Bui : . ] This city has gene wild over the "tug
of war" sport. National teams were organ
ized and drilled and ( tils W02k the contests
began in n large public hall. Immense nuui-
iMices have thronged to sou the teams and ns
thu scries of lugs advances thu enthusiasm
and excitement break over all bounds.
With poiiUists to bo buttled , the
record now stands :
ToaiiiH. Won. J.ost.
Anipiluun n : i
Httmlo , 1 a
NoruA Inn ; l u
Dane a t
? , 'e\v Ol leans Jtnelng.
NnwOm.Ki.Vf , Lu. , Fob. lit , Fair weather ,
a fust truck nnct good nttondanco were the
conditions of today's races.
Vlrst ritci1. si'lttnp.Ivofurlonss : Miss I'rnn-
els won. Wlnnlo Duvis sceond , Deb 1'unly
thlid. Tlmu : l-M. thu tautest live fnrlungs
run : it the mi'Ktlnv.
Second nice , soiling , six fnrlinins : Bum
PIUTW " , I'rltico Wlilium fcovuml , Olvo Away
thlid. , Tlmu : lir : > .
Thlli ) , ftiCK , soiling , mllu and sixteenth :
Wliittlpr won , Grandpa second , Maud llon-jrd
tnlrd. Tlmo : lM. :
I'nurth iMt'p. hailicap , mlle and , seventy
yards : Mnrln K won , Sunnybrook suc'unil ,
first J < up third. Tlmu ; 1:47. :
Send to Thn lieu Iliireiiu ol CliihiiH for hoi-
< ler ) ' I'vMxIou One llun Illuulc. Oiimliu ,
. .uii'.iiiu.ixfii' / ; / < co.tii'.txr.
11 MHVH \ u 1'ropoHltloii to IH | Oriiilltort
Looking ton Iteaiiinptloil ot HilhlllexH ,
I.\iiANArous | , Ind. , Fob. 13. Tbo Ameri
can Wheel company has prepared u proposi
tion to i Its creditors , which is ; That if thu
creditors will ngrpo to allow It to resume
control tlio company will pay In cash 10 per
cent of its aggregate indebtedness on or be
fore'March 1 , 1IJ9 , ' , and 10 per cent on or be
fore September 1 , Ib'.i. . The balance of the
indebtedness it olTors to pay in Install
ments of 10 per cent , the last to bo paid Sep
tember I , ) bl)5. ) The company's promissory
notes , bearing O'por cent interest , will bo
given for all deferred paymunti. The total
indebtedness is $ I.MtJUO : ( and the gross
value of the plant , stock manufactured nnd
raw material is f.1,000,000. Hecelver Uutlor ,
with a committee of the creditors , has , after
n consideration of the company's status ,
found that the assets exceed the liabilities
by about { 700,000.
Kfl'urt * of lotru Lutvycrn.
Sioux CITV , la. , Fob. 13. ( Special to Tun
llnn.1 ThoSicux City bar is taking great
interest in the bill nowbnforo the legislature
to create an Inferior appellate court for the
purpose of relieving the supreme court of
the state. This is the largest judicial dis
trict In Iowa , and an additional district Judge
U Impornliruly ueudcd huro. Tuo mproiuo
court Is a year bshlnd with Its business , As
the Judges In this district nro overworked
and nlso behind , the delays of Justice are
more severely felt hero than olsowhoro. It
Is Impossible to enlarge the supreme court ,
ns the constitution llmlt.i Its mumborshlp.
The bar association will bring every possible
pressure to boar to secure relief ,
Teviis i'dlllles ,
ArsTiK , Tex. . Fob. ll. ! Hon. O.V. . Clark
of Waco , one of the most prominent lawyers
of the state , wns today announced as n candi
date for governor ngnltiit Hogg , the present
governor. Ho favors n railroad commission ,
but wnntslho present laws chnngnd , tnklujr
the appointing power out of thn bunds of the
governor. His cnuvnss will , It Is thought ,
h.ivo some affect on the United States sena
torial rnco In this state , nud will defeat
Chllton , appointed by Governor Hogg.
If you nrr the lirlrol u ilrrenicd noldlrr
\\rllc to Tim Hen Iturriiu of Clultns nnd tot
u licnsloii question liliuik.
.lames nnd John Haley Thomas Coleman -
man wore bound over to the district court
by Judge Korku in $1,000 bail for highway
robbery. Thu gang robbed Loon Bound ! o'f
fill on the night ot Fobruury ID.
Instead ot iurnUhlng the prlsonora in the
county jail with full sulti of clothe ? , us hits
heretofore been the custom , thn commission
ers this year will clotbo tha men with
denim shirts , jnukuts nud overalls.
I3y n mlstako In Tun Her It was announced
IhatGovnrnor Hoyd would rnspoml to the
toast , "DfltnocrBcy of Nebraska. " „ it has
since been learned that the toast to bo responded -
sponded to by the governor will bo ' 'Citizen
ship. "
There will bo n musical entertainment und
suppur given nt the ICxposiUon hull no\t
Tuesdny evening by the young people of St.
Cecelia's church. A first class entertain
ment mid u good .suppar nro guaranteed. The
funds will bo devoted to the church fund.
Trinity , Klghtoonth strpot nud
Capitol uvciiUP. The Very Kov. C. U. Gard
ner , doiin. Holy communion t ) u. m , Sunday
school 10 a. m. , moinlng prayer , lltnuv nud
sermon 11 n. m , . evening prayer and sermon
7ll : ! ! p. m. The Hov. Dr. Footo ot St. Joseph
will preach inorninc nnd ovculng.
At u special mealing ol thu lournoymcn
plumbers , steam nnd gnsflitei-s bold liut
evening , William Thompson wns endorsed
by the order for tlio oil lee of plumbing In
spector. Mr. Thompson is n pracliuil
plumber and stcamlltler and Is consideied
bv his associates ns being well qualified to
1111 the position.
The Samnsot association hold a well at
tended meeting nttbeir hull in Iloyd's theater
last night. U was decided to employ the
Seeomt InBintrv tand to accompany the as
sociation to Lincoln Monday. Tuo band will
moot tbo Omnbn cimrds nt their armory nt il
o'clock ntid then march to Snmosot linil ,
thence down Furimm street , past the Jnck-
sonlnn ( mil , which organization \\ill full in
hehi'-.d thoSamosets and march to the dupot.
The lirst section of the .spm-ial n. & M. 'rain
will tcavo at ' .ItilO n. m. und the second section
will follow at'-)5. ) : )
TyplitiH lut r In Ne\v Vork.
Nr.w Yonn , Feb. 13. The physicians of
tlio health department this afternoon uiscov-
covt < rod two moro cuscs of typhus lever in nn
Ksscx street lodging house. "They are Rus
sian Hebrew immigrants und were removed to
North nrothors Island. Four cusu.s were re
ported from Nowburgh , N. Y. , all of them
having landed from tbo steamer Massilia.
Johnson Conulj-'s Cliurlty.
IOWA CITIIn , , Fob. in At the lirst uwei-
ing of the Johnson county Russian relief
committees this afternoon , with only halt
the township heard from , SJ.iVJd bushels of
corn nnd $ i'M were placed to thu Russian re
lief fund.
* *
\Vaniniul < cr III.
ATLANTIC CITV , N. J. , Fob. 111. Postmas
ter Genera ! Wntiuninkcr arrived at the Hotel
Windsor tonight. He will remain several
days. Ho is. not well and will take a rest.
IT you are the heir ol a ilereiised soldier
write lo The Iteu Iliireiiu of Claims anil get
u pension question Ijluulc.
\Vliut thu Soeielie * of tinViiilous City
C'hiirehes Ain lloliif ; .
The prayer meetings nt 0:1.5 : Sunday even
ings at the St. Mary's Avcnuo Congrega
tional nro growing evun moro interesting ,
with an nttondanco ot from eighty to timoty
each evening. At tbo last meeting ono younir
man. uu antoclnio memlmr , rose to confess
Christ. This is felt to be only tlio lire I of
many. Tno prayers of the Christian people
of the city are asked that in the absence of a
pastor to , this society may not fuller ,
but press forward in the right way.
On Friday oveniutr , February 5. the Young
People's Society of Christian Endeavor of bt.
Mnry'a ' Congregational church Held n oaikot
social which wis enjoyed by a largo number
of young pcoplo. A short but interesting
program , consisting of muslu anil recitations ,
was carried out. The young ladies had
broutrht baskets containing lunch lor two ,
which the gunllomen were privileged to buy
nt the nominal price of 111 cents u bnsjtet.
Thov then found their partners by tlio cards
Inside the basket and all seemed well satis
On ChrUtlun Endeavor day , February ii ,
the society hau n very nice servlco , consist
inn of papers on "Tho Society nt Largo , "
"Our Own Socmty and Our Thanks Offer
ing. " A collection amounting to Wvas
taken , which is to bo sent to u village school
In Turkey or Africa. This wns followed
witb a consecration survico.
Seeoud Presliyterliin ,
The Young People's society Imvo now
about eighty active members. A few weeks
ago eight new member.- , were added lo the
active list. " '
Si'uiuil Melliotllst iplsci : > pi | ,
The Christian Kndnnvur society of this
church keeps up the usual interest. The uv-
prago allenduiu'o being about eighty-live nnd
the average number of testimonies forty-
I'lrsl C'liilsllun.
The Christian Endeavor society of thu
First Christian church has nssUtod In the
torvlce-i nt the City Mission twice during the
past month , Thu meatlugs are very Interest-
Nuillliueitl I'l-esli ) teiliin ,
This society is growing both in numbers
and interest. Tno nvoraeo attendance Is
about twenty.
rii-Hi it.ipiui.
The YuiiniT People's Hocioty of Christian
Kndeavor holds its mcelingj on Friday oviin-
ings. Thu short prayer service Just before
the regular meeting has proved to bo very
benellclal to the members of the society ,
Knnv .J'reili.Uerlun.
The Christian Kndeavor society of the
ICnox Presbyterian church lias ulrnost fifty
itctivo mombors. The society has n mission
in North Omaha and n number of the mom
bora conduct services them every Sunday.
Wiilliut Mill.
Tne Young People's ' Society of Christian
Kndeavor of the Lowe nvontio Presbyterian
church , celebrated CUrUtlan Endeavor day
on Wcunosday.luking thu hour of ino regular
church pruver iiu'eling , A very Interesting
missionary programme was pruparou by tlio
missionary committee. A collection was
taken for thu foreign missionary board.
IIIIUIilo < ! onreiitli | ! > iml Sorlely ,
The Young Popplo's Society of Christian
Endeavor of the Hillside Congregational
church , Thirtieth and Ohio streets , obsarvcd
Christian Endeavor day or the eleventh
anniversary of the society In u very becom
ing manner , Thu program \vui the ono
adopted bv thu Unite 1 society , copies of
which had been secured in advance. It con
sisted of tnuHiu ( special ) , blblo reading ( re
sponsive ) , recitations , otc. The incotlir. was
well attended , not only by members , but by
otherd. This society extends n cordial invi
tation to all to attend tbu meetings every
Sunday evening at ( lti. : !
YOIIIIKMoil's Day ,
YoUurdny was' young men's day nt the
Young Men's CbrUtlau association , It is
tbo custom of tiost of the ministers of thu
gospel to preach a special sermon on the
work of the association or ut least refer to
young men lutcrosted lu the good work onca
every year , and yesterday wu : no exception
to the rule. A great many of thu minister *
in thulr morning aonnoua made mention of
the association and Its wort of saving younj
men ,
The event of the divy , howovor. WM th
address to men by Hishop Newman nt tb
regular-I o'clock mooting.
Concert hall wns crowded by monition am
their friends. SUto Socrolnrv Nash cot
ducted the services. " t
HUhcp Newman delivered nn eloquent nri
very interesting mldrnss , lie spoke ot th
work of the nssopintioa nil over the \\orl <
nnd ot the hundreds of young people wh
bud been kept In Ihn straight ami tinrro1
path by the You tic Men's Chrlstlnn nssocll
At the conclu.tlon of the blshop'.s nddroi
the work of raising money for tlio cnrryli |
on of the work for the unsulni ? year cor
monct'd , nnrt by the tlmo the mooting close
several hundred dollars had been subicrlbai
John G. Mnhor of Chadrou Is nl the Pnl
C. W. Cnrr of Dow City. In. , Is nt tb
D. F. Smith of Wllsonvlllo , Nob. , Is nt U
F. 11. nnrrlngton of Kddyvlllo , Nob. , Is \
tbo Millurd.
E. P. Rovnotds , Jr. , of Wymoro , Nob. , |
nt tlio Piixton.
J. S. Morris of DoWttt , Nob. , Is rogUtora
nt the Arcade. '
Arthur Rum of North Platte Is stoppln
nt the Arcndo.
E. J. Halnorot Aurora , Nub. , Is rogistord
at the Mlllnrd , , ,
.1. F. Daniels of Kearney , Nob. , Is stoppt > t
ut the Murray , ,
William H. Hayden of Hnstlng.s Is atop
ping ut tlio Pnxton.
D. M. Strong of North Bond , Nob. , Is sto |
ping at the Millard.
O. P. Glover of Long Pine , Nob. , Is reel )
tcrcil ut the Pnxton.
Milton Moolittlo of Atkinson , Nob. , Is
guest nt thu Piixtou.
J. H. Murphy , n stockman from Sheldel
In. , is at the Arcade.
William W. Cronn of Shounndoah , la. ,
scqtit'storpd at the P.ixtou.
Jumps Nelll of Uclfast , Ireland , is nmoij
the lorolgn urilvuls nt the Murray ,
S. V. Pitcher nud Ii. J. Uoscoruiibof Husl
vllle. Nob. , nro stopping at the Pnxtim.
Hurry F. Peterson and J. W. Hergou i
Plaltsmoutb nro registered nt the Dcllono.
.1. Woods Smith and \\llllnm Robaro <
Galloway , Nub. , mo stopping ut thoArcnd ,
R U. Myers , George S. Taylor nnd Arthi )
W. Tumor of Pendor , Nob. , ute registered |
thu Arcade.
Frank P. Ireland , mayor of NourasUnCtti
was assigned to unluckv "it" : ut the Pax
ton lust night. v
John W. Smith , a politician of Chndron
.lumos C. Dahlmnn and J. I. Lous , mayor o
Clnulron , urp domiciled ut llm Paxtou
No other im-dlclno ever
placed hefnip the public
l nas " " " lhu
ianeople's conn-
deuce so tliiiiunghly us Hood's Sars.v
pal Ilia. Kiom n small beginning this '
"lci"lllc ! llas sU-mllly
; , „ , ! rapidly increased In
popul.ulty until now Ithas the largest
sale tu any picpaiallon of Its hind.
Its MieccHs it lias won simply
because It h constantly proving
that ft possesses positive meilt , and
does nccomplhhv lint IH claimed for It.
Tllh mollt U lvc '
Hood's Sarsanaillla
by the faet that It ,
JR. j 1'eeulliiV ( 'oiiihlniitluii , I't opor-
/ SlBCi lion uiul 1'rocess known only to
Curative Hood's Sarsaparlllii ,
and by which tlio full ,
72)f\nftv ) medicinal power of all thu
\ * *
a OWeil iiiKieillonts used It ictaineil.
Thousands ot vohiutai y itm-sscs
all over the countiy testify lo
\\omleilul bcncllt dcilvcd
from it. If j'ou suitor fr.un
One Dollar SUST
S . Mi- by Iinpinu blood , lake
B 0 3 > wrfc. Hood's | ;
To Get Sold
by all
drnggNK 0 I. HOOD
/t / CO. I.imell. Mas.
\ Habb's Ata the Best on Eatlh.
s. Act gently yet prompt *
"My on the Kin.
NK1S ami IIOH IU.S , dis
pelling Headaches , Tev- { ,
ITS and Colds , tlioroiigU-\/
LITTLE ly cluanslng the system ,
of disease , and cures '
habitual constipation
TUoy are sugar coated ,
do not grlno , very small ,
easy to lake , and purely
vcu-olaljlc. 15plllslnc.icli
vlnl. Perfect digestion
follows tholr use. They
utisohitolr euro hick lii'ml-
nclin. nnd aroifTonimi'inl-
cd ly IcaJliiff iiliyslclnns. For salu l > y loading
sent by mail ; 2'irtn. u rial. Aililruss
KOBB'S MEDICIHE CO , , Props , , Sin Francisco or Chicago.
t'oa HAU : IN OMAHA. NED. , BV
Knhn A To. , far 15th & Dnucliu St .
J .A Fiillor < V ( . o. . Cur. HI Ii * ImuKUl tile.
A U llci & Lu. , Council Dlull < . in.
One Minute'Remedy
I'or nil nlVeellonsuf thu
Throat , Langs and llronchiil Tiibei
liTjA.NIJ bO OlflNTS.
Tor hulu by
AIKNTinin'clllofiii' lljraturli , lllinu , I'll * , Neil
r liilii , lIs.iOiu.lii ! , NiTVinii I'rujlratlon c.iuioj lir ul
coliol nr liiliiiceuViikiifidiiui4. . Mi-nlul lliironlun )
MofiiMilna or thu llriiln Minliw ini'iii'iy ' , minor/
ilreay , iloilli , ITiiiiiiitiirJ OKI AKU , llnrrjinioi , l.uij
or 1'owor In ellliin tiux. Inuioti-iii.'jr , l.ujLiirrlniiiii in !
nil Kpiiialu Woikiiomoi , Involiiiitnry l i , hiur1
ninlurrli"0'iJiiiu I liy ori'r-uxurllini ( if lliti hr.iln
Huir-nliuiiiMiiur-lniliiluimci A HI mill's truatniiiil
II II fur tJ , by mull. Wu Ijiinrjuli'ii U IMUOIIJ
emu Kanli nrdor furl boxu < . IHiH "III enl writ
len k'uarantno ti rurmiil K not ourt . ( Iinir.inltio
loiiuilnnly l > r A Hc'lirnUT , IMiiKtUt Milo ii.'unti , <
K. cor. Hill ) mill Kuriinui U , , Oiimliu , N'el ) .
A niur mi I Coiiiplclu TruutniiMil , uiimlitliiK < 1
hupio | > Uorlui , ( 'Intiiiciit In I'uii.Mit' * , iilnu In llo
mill I'lllis 11 I'oMllvu Cum fur l iUTiiul , Iiituru.i
Itllnil or Illc-oilliif lluiln ! , I'lirmilu Itmrnt o
lliiitulltury rilu . 'IliU lii > tm > Uy liu no\vr l > u\
known lo full , II nor liy * H fcirli ; nciit Ii/ unit
Wliy HUBur fniiii tliU tur IUU' itlni.ia ) wlien n rl
It'll ' Kiiurnnliiti U iiunlllvolr Kireu wlllift lionfti , t
nil mid llm luDiiuy If mil I-IIMI ! . * " " ! lmiiP III
Jreo Miiuiilii , ( iunr.iiiluu Uiuul I'X Kuliu A ,1'ij
llriiMlttB Holu Auuiiti , ouraiii1 lilliiina Dguglij
lieuu. Uiiiuhu , L ll t _ _ _ _ _
A HNlllNTnMiril(7llKT.Ti.l.KK ! ( II Kfllll'd HBIli
IIItAlill'ATOII .1 nri'.nll ile o i beomij Uklll
lhu inU'riikuiirk-or'ii rut ri'lillwl In * ! , * l UM
15 unit , thu Inltor 1' ' Kullnni. haul niiywlioru pea
palrton roi-olptnf iirliuortl O. U. U't'luua a
unli-u tut-uru. TJioiml > llo UilB ninl Jubtijri .ip
ullu'l ' liy tlni Kin' r Ufiu Couiiiiiy. | O unlit ) ( I A.
Mulfliur , HuvinnlMi-yiiriina IJ. I' , tiurkorn. toiill
Oinulni ; A II Koilur unit II. .1. Kllli Council HluH |
Lo Duo'3 Poriodloil PJllj.
The rruiich rumudy nun dlrjutly upon the
iminstH. i.'or throu for 4i. nnd l < niallinL ,
.Should not lie usuil ilurnuprii 'jiaii jy. .loUljari.l
' noj
l/ru.'Uo , , Omuhi (
A day for toil ,
An hour for sport.
Carlsbad Sprudel- Salt in tht
morning ,
And your life will not bt