Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 13, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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Activity Ohnracterized Onttlo Operations
During the Past Week ,
MIIRB UroiiKht 1'nlr l'rlrr , Onf l.oiitl Urine-
Inc the lr ! t AiernKeof Any In the
J.ucul .Market During tlic I'rea-
rut hi-mton.
OMAHA , fob. iz-l'lvodays * rccolpts foot un
11,702 cattle , 28,072 hops and : UH8 sheep ,
tgnlnst 0,057 cnttto , V.11,704 liojjs und ' . ' ,401 sheep
fortlio same five days of Inst week , nn Increate -
create of 2,750 cultlo unil COJ sheep and a de
crease of l.MJ liogi.
Activity chnrnctorljcrt tlio cuttle nnrkot
throughout , and nlillo tlioro WUH no iiintnbln
Improvement In prices , there , wain ( Inner
feeling than him inovallcd for so\ ( lays.
This wnBolilolly attributable to tlio relative
tmiullncss of tlio receipts , ami not to
any marked Improvement In tlio do-
mnnd. Hhlpncrs bouslit a few heavy
beeves. Ono load of smooth hoi ? fat
] , % 0-lb bouves went to a tdilppor nt JI.M , tlio
best price paid hero In many weeks. Dressed
beef biiyeif v/oto active bidders on nice handy
fat cattle , but thorn was aery general In
clination to neglect the medlnni grades of
Htcora cattle that were not lioitvy or fat
enough for shipping and too heavy for the
present rciiulromunts of the dressed beef
trade. ThoKonertil market , howetor , was in
very respectable Miupo mid with moderate
receipts prlecu Mill itndoubtodly ImproM1.
OiiUldo of the (4.50 cuttle and ti lend of prime
llicht ntecrs that brought (4.20 , Rood l.axi to
) ,4UJ-lb. Htoernsold atfiom W.O ) to 41.01 , good
lluht ulcers nt from $3.40 to f.1.75 , fair to jzood
Ilghtr50to 1,10-l-lh steers at from U.35 toJ.UO.
A good clearance was biri-ctcd und In good
ten son.
Uf the Unlit receipts of cuttle less than
thirty loads were butchers' und ctinncis' stnlT.
This diet , together with H good demand fiom
shippers und outside butchers , produced an
ncttvo market In this brunch of the trade , und
H general Improvement In prices all along the
line. Good to choke ecus und holfurs Hold
fiom (2,75 ns lilvh IIB J.4U ! , fair to good grades
nt trota t.'JTi to tJ.75 : common und canncrs at
from il. 5 to J..lo. Hulls , oxen und stilus wuiu
In coed deniund und siroiu ut fiom ll.f-O to
t'.I.IVi ; calves firm on the basis of from U.RO to
85.00 for good to choice veals , Jl.SO to 53.0U for
laruocrUvcs and yeurllnxs.
The better grades of stocUcrs and feeders
were hard to IInd and soul readily at wood
stiff priies , but commoti light , rough and un
even eradcH were Blow and sold ut slightly
shaded prices. Uood to choice ( > 'M toWKI-lb
steers sold ut from J..OO to 11.40 ; Infoilor to very
fair Mil IT all the way from IJ.UO to S..OJ. Ken-
resontatlvo sales ;
S..1040 323 1..1010 3 50
1 , . 34) 2 50
Doll Akin.
65 cows , fed 800 1225
HOOR With light receipts , u decrease to far
this week compared with last of 1,500 head , a
8ood demand from shlppcis and fresh meat
ciilers the miirkut opened active , with prices
utrung to Be blither tnan Thurbduy , Early
trudlng was brisk , rccolpu changing bunds
rapidly at the unevenly higher nrlcos , but
yrliun probably two-thirds of the hogs hud
been hold and tlio frorfli meat und shipping
orders hud been filled beuilsb ndvlces
fiom Ohli-aga und other markets be
gun to urrlvc , causing u decidedly weaker
reeling. 1'uoKcrs who had been exceedingly
bcurlsh all niornlnz now Logan to get In tholr
nork , bidding Ou und in some onsen from 5o to
Hie loner thun the curly mtu kot. Tr.idlnir wus
slow from this ou to the close , but the pens
were finally cleared , the bulk of the Into sales
being fully 5o lower thr.n the early market ,
the oloao being weak , with tlio tidviincu com
pletely wlnod out. The bobt heavy hogs sold
at from tl.53 to I4.b0. with two prime loads at
11.05. Common heavy uud mixed puckers sold
ut fiom 14.50 to 4.55. light , light mixed nnd
uutcucr weight tiogH Bolliuic from $ l,47 i to
M.iiUt A loud of JGlb 1)1 8 brought H UQ 'I * mil *
J"1.wi'lHn'ar'Iel/ ' W.M tofl.60 , uifiilnst $4.50
toM.M rimrbdiiy , thoavorugeof prices being
H & . ,55 lnllA.-W Thnrsduy nntt
1 . 450 a 60 . , , . . , 375 *
fantEi1 There worn no sheen received. It
eccnis to bo either fcnbt or fHinlno In the sheep
inurkot. liocolpta arc either too eontlnuouidy
heavy ( or Innul requlremuutH , or , u Ib tnuro
frciicntly | thu oa o , Killers uro uonipelled to
cither buy them elsewhere or do without
thei.i. An uvoraco supply or 4,000 or 6,000 u
week or front 700 to l.ooou duy Mould keep
puolicra RDlni ; . nnd that Jiumbor ould Unit u
ready vitle ut bitUfuctory : prlcei. bwlf t & Oo.
cnn dully kill 600 uduy , orU.000 a weuk , the
Hilda by racUIng company are prepared tu
handlu frnui 1.600 tu 2CM ) u week uud the U. II ,
lluminond vompany from 600 lo 1,200 a week ,
Uuyeni hero ondttuvor tu pay piltc within 25o
pf UhlcaiiQ the dlllorouco lufrolnht charKes
> nd shrinkage. QuotKtlonbt I'alr to good na-
live * , ll.toa\2.'i : Hostcrn * . Jl7.'i4M.03 ! common
tint ! utoekero , J'i.WWiL.Vl ; good to cholco 60 to
W-lb. liunbi , ( ( . r yTR. '
Itcrrlpli mill Illiji xlllon of Stnnk ,
Uniclnlrocclnt Mid diiposltlon of stock s
xhoirn by the book of thu Union flock Yardi
rompany for the twenty-four ho'irs , ending ut
5 o'clock p m. IVlirnary 12 , IS'Ji
IIK Ml'-Tf.
Mir.ri' .
Cam. Head Cam. Head
I'M l.MI T8
CliluiKo I.ho Mcx'U Market.
CiilCAfio , 111. , Keb. I ! . ( Special Telegram
toTi B Itr.K.1 The fact that tlio fresh rccnlpts
of entile were exceptionally lluht toiluv did
dot innKo it nosslhlo for sellers to recover any
part of the decline urrrtd during the pn-
coding twodHys. as tliopen < icontained several
thousand stale t-nltle. nnd the arrivals for the
week exhibit u heavy IIICIO.IM' on thu priivlutts
week's total , They managed to : uort u fur
ther decline und t hut HUH nil. The demand
did not develop much ticlhlty , unit yet In u
quiet way about everything was picked up ,
Niilcs m-iKlng on u basis of from ti.SS to J.UO
for Inferior to oxtru cows , f I.AO to fclffi for
bulls , J'.CO to J.1.75 for stocKor.t und ecdcrs ,
M.W ) to J.V.V ) for common to fancy shipping
stoBis and 1J.SS to $1.10 for Texan ealtle.
Today's trading In hogs was ut u fuither
decline of 60 , inlcos dropping to fl.KO for
choice houvy und loil.S.'i for prlmo assorted
light , with the bulk of tlio sales ranging
downward from J4HV Thorn was not much
llfo In the p.icUIn j demtiiid but eastern oper-
atorB coiitlnncil to biiv right and left and
holders did not Und llnocomrv ttx-urry over
nny good slock , llo.ivv sold it from JI.40 tu
M.l-0 and light nt from'jl.v , toH.Kl. I
Fat light nnd men urn weight sheep sold nt '
stonily prlrcHlnlo heavyweights wcretigutn
neglected nnd weak , Lambs Hero lower anil
dull. In comparison lust week's prices
wo notounmu'l advnnuu In the sheep market ,
whllo iHinlm htuo made a gain of from 2.1C ti >
a c. Wp qiuito the rjngo of prices of poor to
oMru sheep ut from $1 tu to J- ' > . .5.lumbs sold
lortny on u busls of front 14.7S to i t.UV
Ucoulpts weio : Outlle , 7.00J ; ho s , 35,000 ;
shteu. II.IHW.
The nvt-nlng.loiiriml inports : OATTI.K lie-
celpts , 8.000 ; slilmueml" . 4,1)00 ) : mm Lot slow und
lower ; nutlvci. 100 4.40 ; .toekei-s. ll.7.vaa.'aj
cows. JI. iO < a2.S-i.
Hoys Itocolpts , M,000 ; shipment14,000 ;
murKotslon ; longli and common. t4.4"Q > l.50 :
mixed und pucKeu , J4 IXX-14.75 ; pi line heavy
und butchers' weights , J4.Hjai.b3 : light , * I.054J
SiiEEiHccoipii. . 6.000 : shipments , 1.00' ;
market steady toouk ; owt > - > . W.2.Vit4.l ;
mixed , tl.noU5.tO : wctlidn 'and yearllncH. * 4.75
( S.0.00 ; wosteins. li.lO'i..Vi ; lambs. $4.75 < ill ) ; > 0.
Now Vorlc flv Mtock .Murknt.
NEW YOIIK. Tub. 12.-IlEEVKS-Hrcoluts. 2.4HS
head , IncluUlng thlrlv-tbreu ears for sale ;
market lOo per 100 lb . lower ; native steers.
J38.V34.tx ) pur lou Ibs. ; bulls uitil cows , . ' .co ®
3.2J ; arcsscd bt-ef stcnny ut 2.8Se ! per Ib.
bhlpments today. 200 beo\us ; tomoiiow. I.U77
beeves nnd 3.3IH quurtois of beef.
( JALVK8 Itecoluth. 38 hetid ; market steady ;
veals , $ .VSO < a,8.00 per 100 Ibs.
SHEEP-Uccelnls. 2.2.H head ; market firm :
lambs , 1,0 perlb. lower : sboep , I.OJ'Jin.53per 10)
Ibs. : iHtnbk. JBOO : m-essed mutton htcudy tit
7Q. ' 4oporIb. ; dressed lamb . weak ut IOOS
lions -Hecelpts , 3,70ho id ; consigned direct ;
nominally steady uttl.Ui530 tier UO Ibs.
Kun-in City U\i < Stock M irkit.
KANSAS Otrr. Mo. , I'eb. ! 2. CATTrK-Ue-
colpts , 2,80'J ; shipments. 1,700 ; market was
fairly active unil stcudy to sluing ; drcs-cd
beef und shiinilng steers sold ut * .IU. ' > { J4.2."i ;
cons nnu heifers , $1.2.)3'I25 ; stackers und
feeders , f2.00543.fiO.
lloa-i Uerulpts. U,200 ; shipments , 4,100 :
"lights" weio uctho und steady ; "heavies"
dull und 5c _ lownr _ , eloslng .Viiluo lower ; nil
Sneni > liocolpu. 2.IUO ; ' shlpinentB , none :
the market was about steady ,
New York MurkttU.
NKW YOIIK , l-'ob. 12 KMIUII llcceluts. 29,203
UtickHges : exports , ; jfOO bbls. ! I. J7 sacks ;
miirket quiet and stn.idy ; hales , 20,2V ) bbls.
Cons MEM , Dull.
WHEAT Kocolpts. M)4.000bu. ) ; exportn. li : > , -
COO bu. ; Bales. 2,7a" ,000 bn. futures. 127,000 Du.
spot , bpot market higher , but dull No. 2roil ,
tl.02'iffll.0.i In store rnU olevntor : 1.04Bta !
1.05 ? > ; * l.U.I'tai.ooil ! f. o. I ) . : No. 3 red ,
* I.OOJ(3I.U1 ! ( ; nngriidcd red. UI3.'cl.05H ; No. l
riortborn , * l.ii.V { ; No. I hard , Jl.07il.07Vi ! : ; No.
2 northern , tl.OU. Options opiincU ' , c lower ,
udvunced lif.l'icon foreign nnd bolter cables ;
reports of damage to continental crops , shorts
covering and a leading operator buying ; re
acted W4c ! on roull/ln ? . closed Htoady at iQ }
. ' { o over yc-terday ; No. 2 rod , l-'e'jriiary.
J1.0IX ; March , Jl.u-Vcfcl.O.IV , eloslnz II.0.1 ? , ;
April , I.O."iSll.6.iol'iisii'H ( ti.6J , > l ; "Mi'i'y ,
81.00 ll-llill.ui ( costni ? II.OO ? . ; .lune ,
II.OO'.J , closing ! lOUUJuly,071s'itWJsC ; ,
tUYE Dull und on lor ; western , 03 < alljie. !
ItAiiLEr MAI.T Quiet.
CoilN-Kecelpts , 1II8.IOJ bil. ; exports. 30,83:1 :
bu.i sales. UW.WW bu. of futures ; 2.M.OOJ bit. of
spot ; spot market hUhor , full demanil , closmR
Hnu : No. 2 , 4Ul@4Ue ! } In-olmutor : 5j > 4ariO ( io
afloat ; nnKruUod mixed , 4bVo ; No. 3 , 48 > ie :
steumer mixed , 48v.vj'Sc. ' Dptlons ml vunuod
fiom Jiu to ! ic. closed Urm on better cables
und increased export demand ; i'obtuury.
4U 4 ® Hc. eloslns. 48o : March. 4 ! > V50 1-lUc !
closing. .We ; Auril , ftO-'jiii.Vl'jo , clo-jlns , 50Wu :
May , 40J,46.-)0BC. ! HoslnR.OUeurio,4 : ! ' .Qi4afc ,
closlnic 48'-c , July. 4D W01e. closing 40'4e.
UAis Uocolpts , 77WO ! bit. ; exports. OOO.OCO
1-u. ; bales , 2J.OOO bit. of fuluios ; 73.0JO bn. of
bpot ; suet inurket firmer und quiet : options
HAV Steady and quiet.
Hors IJusy und quiet.
SUOAII Uuiv , quiet and steady : sales , 200
hlids. muscovudo , 8J test , at3c ; letlned , quiet
ana steady.
MOLASSES 1'orelsn. ( Inner ; 50 test at I2\fe ;
sales. 2o-ir0'oostit , 12'iu ; New Urleuns , steady
und quiet.
Iticc Quiet and bteady.
1'KTiioi.KUM-QiiIet und steady ; United
closed at 5U' o for Marjh.
COTTON SKID : Ou.-Ikill und Hloady.
TALLOW Unll ; city ( tJ.w forpaekiiKOs ) , 4 0-10
UOSIN Stoaily nnd quiet ; strtilned , common
to coed , JI.3 @l.ts. :
Tuni'it.STlNB I'lrm. more demand.
Kaos Kalr demand , linn ; western , 20c ; .ro-
coluts. 2,113 pacUiiRcs.
. iXJol4 yH.lo.t n"u hleiuly ; domcbtlc llcece ,
30Q3fio ; pulled , ItQUi * ; Toxus lUtfi'Jtu.
roiiK Dull ; inc b. t ! ) 7&aiO.M ; extra prime ,
OUT MuATB-nrm and qnli-t ; pickled bel
lies. to.5U ; middles , ; rather easy ; short
clear , J0.73.
LAIIU Unsy , qu ct ; western steim , M.85 ;
sales. 76U tlercos ; option uulos , 2.VI tierces :
February $ l l ; March , JIH.I ; MuyfilOH.
lIUTTKit Aboutsluudy ; iiulctiwohtern dairy.
l8VJo ; western creamery. 2l@lle ; western
faotory. lt 2.'Uj ; Illsln , uniiOsilc ; Imitation
creamery , IsttiVj ; rolls. I5'lc.
OiiEKSK-ilodoralo demand ; firm ; part
skims , c10Vtc.
.I" " " I'lON-Quiet und uteudy ; American.
Cori-Kit-Diill , firm ; Irko , J10.70Q10.75 ,
LEAD Dull , woau ; domestic , 11.05.
Tl Qulot undgtuiidy ; ntrult . ll'J.60.
Nt , I.iiuU .Mill-hut * .
ST. Louis. Mo. , Kob. 12. II'J.OUK Unohaniod.
WilKAT-KIrm iind lilnhur. but slow ; Nu 2
red , cush.fcO'iy ' ; May , ! W . ® itic , eloscd , Ol , e ;
July , Wlfc87'ic. ? olosod , h7 < u.
UiiiiN-lllKliur No. 2 cimh ©
; , M7i37e | Kebru-
ury closoJ , J7e ; Miiron , 3i'io blu ; May , M"tu.
OAT8-Hotlot-dummiu ; No. ScttBli , 3oobld ; ;
a } uy , J e.
KVE t-toiidy.
IIAHLBV Quiet ; b.implo lots , 42o ; doincstlc.
IIAV ririn ; top Rrunc. prairie , 7,038.50.
VbAXHEKU-rirni at Die.
LKAU-Dutl ul W.iv'i usUed.
IIIIAN Klrini sucked lots , 7073c
lIunnil-UiioliaiiKcd ,
K < l(18-205o.
COItNUKAf. l-'Irill.
\VniSK > .Steady ut 11.14 ,
llAOiiNi-aieudy nt f.vao'io ; provisions
quiet und nnchuuKt'U.
J'oiiKll,75 for now ; M.50 for old.
LMUW.'M < ill\M \ ,
Dny SALT .MUAis-Looko lots. BhoulderH ,
M.02i ! : Ionics and rlbu , laoo ; ihorts , tu.20 ; boxeii
lota , 15u more.
lAcnj-Slipui { < loM , imSj : longs. JO.5tKSO.55 ;
cribs , ttt.60 ; short , U.7o < ao,75.
. . . .
BCBll.-T8-Hour , 5,0001bB. | wheat , 44.000 bu. ;
BiHfiiieNTS-riour. S.COO Ibj. ; wheat , 21,000
uu. ; corn , 1CO.OOO bu.s oats , ll.ouo bu.
I.l\t > r | > iii > l .Market a ,
I.ivEiii'oor , I'oli. I'-WitEAT-Steady ; do-
man.'lll,1Fov.1' ! " : ! "oldoru otfer moderately :
Na 1 California. 7s Itd4c7s ) lid per cental ; rod
wi torn sprlnn 7s li'id4D78 ' iod ; Ho. 2 rod winter.
is 7sdSr. } , 8d ; receipts of wheat for the past
three duyswuio HX'.Ooi ) centals , of which IU7OJO
were American.
UOIIN ririni demand fain mixed west-
urn. 4n5)idpur ) toilful ; receipts of American
corn for the pan three days , UJ.700 centals.
I'BAS-UunHdlan , 5s lild uur cental.
IMIIU I'rlmo wcbtern , 45s 3d pcrowt ,
St. l.ouU ivool .MtirUct.
ntfcrInOUIS ! , Mo" 1'ub' > iWooiUocolpt
US.wJlbsi ) slilnments , 3U.OO. ) llm market qulo
prloos0' y " R UUBUCSS * unchaimed
Coltvii Market ,
Jy-w VOIIK. rob. 13-Outlong opened steady
at from 5 to 10 points iiown , closed utOHily una
uncnungod tu lipolnudoHnjialti , 29,600 tuij ,
Including ) February. trl7.1i Mnrch. t .115
< MMO : ; April , tiv.u ( iiano ; MIV : , :
.lunc. II , G.'i12.Ri ; July , 112.0 : September ,
II2.4.VZJ12.M ; October , JI2.rl2.40l : Dccemberr
. . spot Illo. quiet nnd steady ; No. 7 ,
( Imnlni 1'rodnrn Market * .
I'ons Tlio market was lower , und a Croat
tunny ecu * wcro offered at 17i' . tlion h In some
Instances single case lots n Illtlo
I'oUf.TUY Oood chickens , 0IOo ! Rcc e.
ducks and tnrkcyx. llfML'c.
IIDTTKit-tlood eounlty roll , lOc : fair. IflBlf'O.
rnuita California riverside oranscs , } s.-5 ®
2.JSViisnlnitoii : ; navels. tI..M'il ( 1.75 : Cdllfoinia
tnnsrcrlnes , M.OI per boxt Klorlda oratikre * .
brlfthts , MOO : ru sut > , tJ.fiOi < i2.75 ; I'lorlda tan-
Rerlncs. M.Miff.l.Od , hnlf tioxcs ; uaslpm applco.
choice , ifi.ttife'.fitliipr bhl. . fancy Mund mlcht I
br nc more : Now York : ipilc | . JJ.7WI.W ) ; fanoy
lemons , $ Vxl\ttit ( cholco stories. tl.5i@l75 : '
iruie.s , linr bill . 13.101411.00 ; bananas , crated ,
l..Oma'i.'iO : crnnbi-rrlrs. $ .r > .XiUl California cubbagr , 2'iifiyo ' ( :
per Ib. In cr.ites ; homeuroun lettuce. 4V ; per
dor. : , dull ; California cauliflower ,
Si.'i'' ' ' , : onlon , tOcatl.OO per liu.l Nobritska
hnnil picked beans , U.nwav.U'i ; medium , $1.50 ®
1.75 : celery. : ) , V.40c : sweet put n tons. $ .v.'SJMnj.
rt.ouit Omaha Mllllns ; company's Reliance
I'atrnt. } 1M ) ; Invliiellilo Patent , ? . ' .4Uj lone
HturSiiDPilultvc. IJ."J ; Snowlla\e , } | , OJ : Pannv
Pumlly. $ I.MJ : S. K. Oilman's Gold Modal , ! 55 :
fciiuw U'lilte. ? i'JU ; Snow Hake..U ) ;
f l.l ; Queen of the I'untr.v , S2M.
llltiKH-.No. 1 Kruen suited hldi-s. .
No. 'J Krcoti suited lilde.i. IKftVic ; .No. I grcon
sallud hIJcH , 25 to40lbs. . 4'iWIHc ; No. S uri-on
salted hides. 'Ji to 4 ! ) Ibs. . : i l'i ' < > ; No. I voul
calf. 8 In 15 Ibs. , fie ; .No. xealralf. 8 to 15 Ibs. .
4u : No I dry Hint hides. 7 < S c : Na L'dry Hint
hides. S51 ! c : No t dry suited hides. 'VBOc. Tul-
low. .No. I. : i'i(54o ( : fallow , No. ' . ' , JlUc ; ureaso ,
white A. 4ai'io ' ; riiiisi > , white IJ , .MWloi
asc. yellow , ilo ; Rteuie. dark. a'io ' ; old bit t-
tur. -'TiSSio ; beeswax , prime. lOc ; rough tallow.
Host on Wool Market.
MORTON , Muss. . Teh. IS. There has been a
steady demand for \\ool , und the sulcs for the
week uinottntto'.WO.OOO Ibs. of all kinds. In
prices thi-ro Is very little elianco , but the
tcndoney Is In fuvorof buyers and junto sales
cun bo moved only ut concessions. Oood Ohio
X IUIH been ficllliin nt "Sc : .XX and XX ami
ubovo atu > 1.c ; Mlehl.'iin has been selllns at
27e. und No. 1 ut. : riS ( l4 So : N. ) . I coin bin ? wool
Ins been steady ut : ' &i | so ; Ohio line dolulno
at 3.l'ia34c. ( and Mlch'gan nnodeltilno ut CI''U
3.10. unwashed combing wools have been fair ;
trade ut SUITS of one qnuitor blood lm\ebccn
inndo at .Mft''Cc , und of three-eighths htont
ul272Hc. Ti-rrltory wools have been In good
deman' , nltb sales of line on u scouiul basin
of .Y4itn'o ( ; Hue incdinm at 557 ( , and medium
ut Miji.V ) > e. Sprin s Texas eel has sold moder
ately at 18B'4c , and full ut ITCfiXlo. Oregon
wool bus sold ut 15 ® 80 for eastern , Cull-
fornla wool has been ( | iilrt. I'ulled wool h-is
been In good demand ; choice Miners sold at3S
® 4.'e ; fair tu goo I nupois ut 'I @ "H.- , mid e.\tr.i
at I24j',0e. Domestic scouiod wools have been
soiling frouly. Australian wonls have been
In demand , and the sales have boon qitlto
lur/e at 333l2c. 1'oiolsn curput wools have
been dull.
Om.ilm ( ir.ilu Market.
Prices based on delivery ut Mlsslsslpnl river
points , Nebraska Inspoutlon , und ton dayV
shipment , unles-iotht'rwlsttstiito : ! . jtruln
culls for shin nonI within live Uuvs
WHEAT NO. 2 spring. 8'e bid ; No. 3 spring ,
75c old.
UVK-No. 2. B3o : No 3 , 7.Vs bid.
IU-JS-NO 2 white , 3li ! ' bid. : Uc asked. No. 3
white. .10'Jo bid.'HHiasko.l : No. 2 mixed. 3le
bid ; No. 3colored , 3 ! ( e bid. 3lio ! asked.
, CoilN No.2r ! bniiiiy , 373.1'e bid , Uio i-skt-d ;
No. 2 white , 39i ! < > lild , 4lo asked : No. : i or bet
ter. : i7Ue.
Amoni : the s'llcs were : 5 cars No. 2 rye. 8He ,
S 1.000 No. 3 or belter corn , truck Cnluugo. 40Ue ;
211.000 same. l"ic ; lO.tflJ sumi40ie ! : f.o.D.O No. 3
or better , at thu rher , Now Yorlc terms , 37'ic.
. O. Gilllort of West I'olnl. Neb. , wus on
tininiirUut. .
1' . V- White , riuttsmoutli. was up ) ooUliK
nflor his grain Interests.
II. ( J. Wright. Scbuylor. Neb , was among
the visitors on the tioarJ ,
i here wns no Chicago maiKet , It being a
tmlliluv In Illinois.
Kuinus City MarkaU.
KANSAS Cirr. Mo. . Kob. 1. ! WIIKVT Cash ,
qiilet ; lUtlo wheat offered ; No 2. hard , 77e ;
No 2 i eil. Sic.
t'oitN Wiis strong ; No. 2 mi.xi'd. 3lc.
DATS Wt'io stroni : ut at 2 < < Mi > ! { c for No. 2
mixol : Hiid : > 0ift.'l > lic for No. V white.
Kvu Weak ; V-lo for .No. 2.
FlAX M'K1 > Me. on the bu ! s of pure.
Hit IN Weuk : saekcd , ( i > c.
HAV Weak but itnohanccd In prices ; tim
othy. KSOperton ; fanay prurle , tUX ) ; geol
to rholcf , * ' > . " > 0.
ItECKii'TS Wheat , 9,000 bu. ; coin , 1,003 bu. ;
outs. none.
Smi'.MK\Ts Wheat. 28.000 bu. ; corn , 1,000 bu. :
oats , I.COJ bu.
lluiTEti Steady ; creamery. 2J7o ; store
packed , KXfilOc ; roll. 14Q20c.
C'IIEKSK Young Atner en , lOe.
Now York Dry ( ioiiiU JIarkct.
NKW YOIIK. Kob. 12. Hnsinoss In drv goods
wns fair , but without much change us to
temper nnd spirit of buyers. More goods are
m'oJcd und to that extent transactions uro
Hindu without hesitation , In some directions ,
N ties of 109 to 20J pauuages of cotton goods are
leported , hut they ute infrequent und prin
cipally to the maniifiieliirlnz trade , bleached
goods participating chlctly.
Mllwauki-e Markets.
MILWAUKEE. Win. . I'eb. 11 WHEAT I'lrm :
May. BMiii > ; .No. 2spring. 81(0 ( ; No. 1 not them. Otic.
CKis ijulotj No. 2 white. 3J'c ' : No. 3 white ,
IIAIII.KV Firmer ; No. 2 , r > 4@jJic ! ; sample , 4"
HvE-Dnll ; No. I , file.
I'orelKii Oil .Market.
I.ONDOV , Fob. 12. CALCUTTA IiiNSEnn 39s
"lid porqnurler.
LINSIKI : > ( MttE i'll 13s per ton for western. NciiiM.
rilir.AiiKrl'lliA , I'a. . Fob. 12. Hunk clearings
totlay were il.'S.ti'Vi.l 4 ; balances , JI,5IUhJ7 ;
money , : ij ! tier cent.
llAi.mioni : , Mil . 1'ob. 12. H ink clearings
today were ! 2iVi,427 ( : bul-inces. JISI.710 ; rate ,
a Vi'r"8' ' " - . - 12-cl0--
MEMIMIIS. Tenn. . I'ob. 12. New York ex-
clnnao sell u s ut par. Ulc.irlius , 45I2.0J4 ; bal
ances , JMl 1.
ST. LOUIH. Mo. , I'eb , 12. Hank olo'irlngs ,
$ J , ! > .UMi ( : balanceH , $ . : )0.CO ) ! ; nionuy , 0(3)7 ) pur
cent ; exchange on Now York , 5lj ) per JI.OOJ
1'AitiP. Feb. 12. Three jior cent rentes. BJf furlheaccount.
KA.NSAH Oil v. Mo. , Fob. 12. Clearings touiy ,
hlght'ii ; tclogmphlc , 30 ,
YcHtoribiy Murkrcl Another Lively Ilay on
thu KxchuiiKC *
NKW YOIIK. Fob. U. At the Stojk oxulmngo
this was unothor oxcoptfonally lively day , al
though thorii W H no comparison either as to
the amount of btislnois done nor the oxclto-
uient uttondunt upon the tr.idlng yeslertlay.
The culmination of the deal win fol
lowed * by IJT O roull/.it'ons by the fol
lowers of the s > nillciitu , and thiiro was
considerable prossuru on the coal Blocks from
boar souiccs , Iho advocates of the lower llg-
urus being upeiilully iinxlons to rotiiuvo In
Homo other way their losses by the recent rise ,
and rumors were circulated to this end , and
thut legal proceedings would bo taken to prevent -
vent the consummation of the urr.ingomnnlH ,
Tlio tumors , howu\er , hud no effect , the Im
pression being that such proceedings , If
brought ul all , would bu unit ely for u HPOCUIU-
tlvu pnrnnso. and the declines effected In the
stocks of these roadH today were not nntlroly
due U > the Director the selling ' 10 renlUu by
speculative buyers.
I'liu coat shares weio the most proinlnimt
group In thu maiket but their position wus
not MI uvershuduwliu us yustcrdav. und ether
stocks thun those which .110 Biinnosed to bo
bonullled by the combination weio luigeiy
traded In at times. London WIIN a large bu.lur
of St. 1'iinl unil soma otlnns bqiieht u Illtlo
Krln. chluuvo bought Uhlcugo ( Jus , hut lot It
otr In thi > late trailing with the rest of the llht.
Thu Klehmond & West I'nlnt Htook * wuro lory
proinlnont on the runidrs that the rcorganl/a-
tlon commlttco'H report to bul ! icd In u short
time , would bo > ory favorably. The hour *
mudo eon-ddernblo capital out of thu position
of forolgn murketii , pointing out that
demand bllU aru now dnngorotiBly near
the go il axuorilng point , und still
tonnlng upward. The transaction ! ! In Iteading
weio of course moat striking and the trading
In thu lull liour.wuueqiiul to anything scon
veeteriluy u5lor the ilr t Jioqr , whllo It fell
rupldly overs nor cent. The t-urly dealings In
all thu roalers woru marked hv great Irregu
larity , and whllo .Ini-Hoy Centiul rose3 per
cent and Lnckuwunnu 4 t > er cont.tholmpiovo-
mont was more than wined out during the
day. A 6h.rj : ) rally inJeixoy Contrul In thu
lust few minutes su\ed It from scoring
a material Ions for the day Now lliu-
Inml followed thp It ) ud Ufa closely , but
other stockE were trailed In wthln |
narrow limits excout Iowa Central preferred ,
whluli wus tbu strong point of the day , i Islng 7
pur cent to W. nnd closing pnly ' , J nor cent
bolnw Its best U nieA In thu early dealings
after u strong ; opening Heading fell r.inldly
wnllo Jcrsoy und Luckawnnnu advanced , the
general list also showing Irregularity
of movement , without ccoiln any material
changes. Jersey Crutri'.lafterwurds guve uy.
but the btronxth In L'hleugo u'as piovonted
any stampede In the marvels for'sniuo
tlmi- . Later In Iho day Heudlni ; uguln
dropped suddenly and everything followed ,
the transactions ut the time befits extremely
heavy , The mnrkot under thU Inlliu-nci )
closed ucthound weak , nut ltli tandlnv tbu
rally In u few tdiures in the last few mlnut .
The loBse of notocomnrlbo only Itinullng 4 > i
pur vent ; New England 2 } { percent ; Delaware
and llnd on 2 per nnt : nnd Cordage I'i per
cent ; *
llovcrnmcnt Iiondy'liavo been dull anil
sto'idy. Slates have licsn dull and steady.
The following nrc the tlof > ini ini > tatlon for
the leading stocks oit-tliD Now York Stock cx-
tbiin/o today , . , ,
. . .
.o .nju | * vrinaiiu IX. il tll * IIIV * iMS | iltl j 1111 HI"
western. 4,110 ; North Amoilcnn , S.m : ; New
Jcihoy Central , 8. ni ; Northern I'liclllo pro-
ferred.SH.li2.1 > : Now Kiriltiiid , 4i ! . ! > 07j Iteudlng.
28(1,710 ( , Itlehmontl & West Point , 41,703 ; St ,
1'uul , 31,1.10 ; llnlnnl'aeHlc. IQ.h.'O.
l''ltmncial Itcvlnvv.
NKW YOIIK. Fob. 12. ' "he Test savs : Two
facts tttutid out ulcarly fiom the puzrlrs und
anomalies of thu stock market. The success
ful oigunlrcrs of Iho "coal deal" have under
taken u bullcumpulgnon the general market
and speculative outside buyers have not
greeted the movement in rushing In a body to
\tull street. There tire n score of theories
offered to explain the ubsonco of the usual
phenomena of great stock deals , but the fails
are unmlstakablo. Outlmlstle observers still
hold out the hope that the presence and uc-
tlvo oticrallon oJ llicso faclors are only de
layed , but tbo market of lodiiy reflected no
such feeling. The onescntinicnt-mudo ulalnlr
discernible In the general movement of prices
was that of disappointment.
Now York .Honey .Market.
NEW YORK , I'eb. 12. Mosuv ON CAM , Easy
at 1'ifc'J per cent ; lust loan , 2 per cent ;
closed ottered at 2 per cent ,
I'niMts MKIICANTII.F. PAI-KII 3iJV,4 percent.
STKIIMNCI EXCIIA.NOK Quiet und steady at
4,81V foi sixty-diiy bills und Jl HS'i fordo-
n wild ,
The closing quotations on bonds :
„ ' < (1'iitlo'i lit'in'tt.1
LONIION , Toll. 11 ( Ntiw York Herald < ; able to TUB HKE ! The stock markets
lm\o been less disturbed todav by wild
flucluutlons. In thqlAuicrIcuns.even Heading
Hhatcs moved In uu ordinary way , opening
somewbut hrmur altut uloslng fractionally
weaker. Other Americiiiib , howuvor. loftoil
better though not as a rule ut the best points.
Drum ! triinkR , uro ( Inn.In sympathy. Foreign
cent. Kupce p.ipur Is oliivu ! to'4 pof cent.
Hlds were rathcrmoro ollnred. Three months
hank paper Is stendy ut 2JJ to 2'i percent. moiiov Ustionc In demand bwlnir to the
Modi exchun u salt einent. rates ranging
from 2 to3'i per ion t.
I.OMKIN , l-'ob. IJ.--Tho following were the
London stock ijuo'atlons cloilni ; at 4 p. m. :
UAH Sn.vKit 41'id.
MO.NBV 2 percent.
Hates of tllsjiunt In tbo open market for
short bills. 2'S pir cent ; three months bills , '
2affl2U ! ner tent.
Aiiioitntof bullion gouo Into the Bank of
England ou balance todtiy , 3.'itOJ.
llonvnr Minlni ; Stocks.
DENVKII , Colo. . Feb. 12 , The following list Is
thficlosln.'quotutioiison the Mlnin , ' oxunango
today. Sales 2:1,700. :
Xniv Vorlc Mining Onot itlonn.
VOBK. Kob. 12 The following uro the
closing mlnins Htoau quotations ;
Allco Ill ) Horn f liver MO
A | ) cn SOD Iron Mlvor 110
llckt , V Bolchcr. . . . VV ) Mexican 175
Chiilhir IliO Ontario 4100
Crown I'olnt 1.11 Ol'hlr ' 235
Con. 1'nl.A.Va Mi EMrmmith 185
Dcoilwood T .IXJ .savaua 1i0 !
Knri-kaCun. , M Slerrn Nevada 1W
( Joiihl.v. Currr > " > Standard 110
Halo A .Norcroii. , . . VO ) Small llopoi 1UU
Iloineitake 1AW Union Con UU
Chaiiilutrliilii'H C'oiieh Itninudy.
Mr. C. V. Davis , editor of ttio Uloomfleld ,
la. , Farinor , says ; "I can recommend Cbntn-
borlaln's cough remedy to all stifTorors with
colds and croup. I have used Itln my family
for the past two years und have found it too
boat I over used for tlio purposes for which
it U intended. " 25 nnd 50 cant lioitlos for nalo
by Uruftgtsts. _
Union soup IH kintr of
A .v.vo i/A VU.UK.V m.
Ono of the most RlVlklntr novoltles of the
is M. I ) . Lc '
season . ijt's spectacular panto
mimic burloquo.bjiulor and Fly , " which
will ba presented t.'j ' oyil's Now theater this
cyoiiluK with SutuMJjy matiuoe.
Ab'oo.v & Orau aj nountlnijr "Lu Tosca"
In u manner thut U pcrfcctly unauproacha-
blo , und Onutlia tUoatur Koors who see Sarah
Uornhnrdt in Hardoti's great plfty , will bo uti-
exceptionally favore'ili
The comedian , Aiji ) ( . Woodhuil , In the suc
cess fill New JJyxlWitl comedy , "Undo
Hnutn , " will nmkojliis llrst appearance in
this city next Suntlav ut Puruara Street
tboator unit bulancVpT the woolt ,
The Eden Mused tUls ween Is doing an
enonnous busliiessrry night ,
Do Wolf Hopper , ' anil his opera company
will bo the attraction nt Iloyd's Now theater
the first tlireo nlilu of next week.Vutn ; "
Is an operatic ) burlelta ivrltti-n by J , Choovrr
Goodwin , who is also tbo author of "Evan-
KelliiD. " "Tho Merry Monarch , " and "Tlio
LIon Turner. "
The Paris Ualetv Ulrls Btcr Durlosquo com
pany Is Ihe title of one of the leading vaudo-
vlllo attractions under the maimgetnent of
Ilubb & 1'loKett ; . They will appear at the
Grand Qpcra housoforllvoper/ormQncos , bo
' ' " ' with a matinee toduv.
Kl ) ku I III * Aithinit
and ho spent thirty-two minutes try lap to
tell his wife to to to thunder and Kot his bot-
llo of Dlxoti's Asthma Cure , apii she ( ooor
thinir ) llutterod around and brouKht some
broth and a hair brush and things , and
Spoopondvke nearly dlod , out bo got tbo
Asthma Cure llnally and then well , I'm
orry. > ' ut w ifo.
Nu NepolUlil About It.
Anoftlcial at the court hojs > o calls attention
to uu error ID the matter published concern
ing tlio reduction of Deputy Boerlff Krnost't
alntv ntul the employment of 1-rcil Tlmmo ,
n ncphow of Uoinmlsilonor ' 1 Immo , us n Uop-
tit.v iitiorllT , ThuoDlclal In question allcgo *
tliatOominhsionerTlmmo had nothlnj ; what
ever to tin with the appointment of hl <
ncphuw , ns thnt wns n matter entirely bo-
twccn SherltT Honnctt nnil Trod Timuio's
fBlhor , who rotulorcd nld lo Mr , Itennott dur
ing the rnnitmlRii. Commltslon Tltnrao Know
nothlnt ; of hi * nephew's nppointmont tintll it
hna been ni&do by HherllT Hcnnott ,
Mrs. Wliislow's sootulr.p syrup for chit ,
tlron teething produces nulol sleep *
8f cents n bottlo.
Union soup is mndo of western pro-
ilucts try it.
iv.Major ; t'l-aiunn Ai-iultted. |
PiTTsiifiiti , ! ' . . Feb. la.UxMuyor Pear
son of Allegheny , charged with cmbcrxlc-
inenl whllo In cdli-o , was acquitted this morn-
Inp. Mayor W.vmali , who was coiivir.lctl
yostcrdny of extortion , wn * nt hte olllco todny
exorcising all bis prerogatives.
Lndics who va'iuo n reilnoJ complexion
must mo I'szroni's Powder. It produces n
noftaiul beautiful skin.
Union soap , tjuiir.tntood to p'.ouso.
7KO.ii 'ittntxn .tnovr * ; . > .
An omnlcur horticultural society has bcqu
ovganizoJ nt York.
A bible society has been organized at Clay
Center nnd n depository established.
A sneak thief pot away with $ ; . " > from tl'o
1) . & M. freight ufllcu ut Grand Island.
Hov. Edward S. Cross has assumed the
duties of rector of the Episcopal church at
rho Kxotnr Eye is a now pnpcr started by
George H. iloltuu. It will bo "fearlessly inde
pendent. "
_ The three men who robbed the depot at
Norfolk have been sentenced to two \oars
each in the penitentiary.
The Nollgh Advocate is out In a now dress
nnd is as bright ns a MU dollar. Judsou
Graves is still at the helm.
A rabbit bauo stuck In the throat of a
young mon named Ring , residing near
Utiudllla , and caused his death.
The farmers and merchants of Long Pine
and vicinity have subscribed several
thousand dollars to buila nn olcvutor.
William McLnughlin , who broKe the llrst
sod in Surpy county , sttil resides upon his
original claim , laud taken in 1851 in La Platte
Uriah Sullivan , n resident of Pawnee
county slnco ISM , died nt his homo in Paw
nee City after an Illness of throe weeks with
pneumonia ,
Charles Kinney , n Grand island wrestler ,
has been arrested on the charge of forgery.
Ho boughtsomo cigars with a checu osten
sibly signed by Phil Bulls ,
The directors of the Long 1'ino Chautnu-
qun have decided to hold tnisyear's ussomblv
Irom July 21 to August 1. The program for
the meeting is well undnr w y.
The Chailroti Advocate and the Dnwes
County Journal have consolidated , E. E.
Etii'i , editor of thu latter paper , retiring. It
U said that a dally paper will soon bo started.
The McCook Ancient Order of United
Workmen has incorporated for the purpose
of building a threo-stor.v block , with opera
house 0:1 ground floor and lodge and olllco
rooms above.
Valentino citizens bsd the pleasure of wit
nessing u ghost uuuce mirticinatcd in bv
Chief Two Strike and liftv members of his
Dana. The Indians were treated to cigarettes
and tobacco in return for llmir exhibition.
A. J. Kuuody has paid u poetic adieu to the
readers of thu Craw for a Clipper unit bus
been succeeded by Ko'ham & liruinerd.
Colonel was formerly editor of the
Clipper and has spent years in elo-
vaiing journalism in IJawos county.
The millinery establishment of Miss Efllo
Adams ut Grand Island , part of which wus
occupied b > Miss H. Watkins with ladies'
furnishing LirJ fancy goods , was consumed
by lire. The tire is supposed to nave been
caused by u coal oil lamp exploding. U'ho
total loss will reach ? < ; ,000.
Tbo Saoula packing house is to be removed
to cither Lyons or Clinton.
A Panora poultry buyer handled eighteen
tons of chickens during January.
Burlington- issued 100 saloon licenses
this month , thus securing nrevenuoof ? iMK ) .
Mr. and Mrs.V. . W. Stinewator of Cass
county have just celebrated tbeirgoldcn wed
The Iowa Sunday School association will
hold Its annual convention ut Marsballtown
Juno U , m and It ! .
John Corcoran , living near Pocahontas ,
seized with an epileptic tit , fell Into some
water and drowned.
The plans and specifications for Wapollo
county's now court house have been adopted.
The oullding will cost Ji4OtX ) .
The little 5-year-old son of Henry Shobot
of Grunvlllo sovcred the thumb from bis
hund while playing with a spndo.
There were llfty-oight deaths at Davenport
during the month of January , a majority of
which were from grip and pneumonia.
During tbo past year ns many as ton dogs
have gone mad in Hancock county , und the
county nas paid out over 1,81)0 ) for'stock ae-
stroyed by them.
Tbo coptnln's ' commission given by Presi
dent MndUon in 1812 to Robert Lucas , who
was the llrst governor of Iowa , Is still pre
served by his family in Davenport.
The northwestern Iowa fair speed circuit ,
composed of the Uucna Vista County Agri
cultural society , Cherokee Union fair and
O'Brien county fair , has boon formed.
The Council Bluffs presbytery has sum
moned Rev. Mr. Walker to uppear before
that body and defend himself against the
charges of housobreukiiig , drunkenness and
Ilay Brady and Dick Bid well were arrested
at Oltumwa on u charge of blackmail. They
had written a letter to Mrs. Melrma Spours ,
n widow , threatening tbut unless Mio depos
ited ? r > in a givou place whet e they could
got it her house would bo burned.
A strange condition of a corpse Is reported
from Hondall , Friday morning Chris Omvig
died of consumption , but Ills body' remained
limn and relatives questioned his'death. Sat
urday eight they sent lor a doctor , who ex
amined the remains , applying the usual tests
for tbo purpose of ascertaining whether or
not life was extinct. Ho decided that the
corpse wns in fact a corpse , and advised
them to bury him if no ether signs of Ufa
wore shown.
H | > ooiriull < ( i'H Trollhli'M.
Have I got a cough f Do you think I'm an
omnibus and can't cough ! Woll. of all tlio
uodgastcd women I over saw here I've '
coughed for seventy days and vou want to
know if I've ' got a couirh. Now Mrs. Spoop-
cmlyko , I want that bottle of Hallor's Sure
Cure Cough Medicine you hoar !
'A Cheap Imiciln Tuki-N .Money
from thu 1'nrKc , "
ImUiitiitioiiH may bo cheap ,
but thoynro worthless. Bos uro
to buy the genuine Johnnn
IIolT's MuK Kxtraut only. It
will glvo you the best Biitlbfno-
lion. Tlio guntiino must hnvo
the Hitfiinture of " .Tohunn lloll"
on tlio nccU of every bottlo.
' i
3 >
In paper boiei ; enough for two large plei.
J Alwayi ready ; easily prepared.
J end only Complete aid Satisfactory
J Condenu , ' . Mince Meat In the Market.
j Chcnp Substitutes and Crude Imitations
J are ottered with the aim to profit by Iho
J popularity of the New England ,
2 Do not be deceived but alwpyi Insist on
: tbo New England Brand. The lies ! made.
rvwvww w wwwv w w wwwv
11 I'C'I'S' ' ' ' a
Tan A .
Co. ,
Kl i : . lianinioek * . nil and
rnhliertlotlilnii Send for
entnlofiii' . 11 I.I ( amain.
llcnlt OiiMhtl llatl Co.
Importers nnd innn'ifio-
turor * .
iki , Iliirlnpi nnd
T Ino.
.4 . II. ftrrlaiA C' i , 'M U. Huron ,
1(01 ( lolie ; Itlrveles pcitd nn inonlhlf
Send for our ent
nnd prlfoi. Wi Knrnaninl.i Omaha
Morao-Hce Shoa' ' otmm/ ,
1101 Howard Htroit.
Kactnrr eorner llthand lmilla ) utreoti.
Wo am maklnn clojo prleon to ea h hurorinnd are
a tliist "f iiond which Iscrj > nl-
eaUlonlih merihant .
Af / tfildiillimc < A Co ,
Shoe Co. .
Wliole nlc .Mamifnelifrt.
HooK rhoot , rnhhen Attcnm for Ho'tim IUil > ;
and felt iioodi. bcr J ! ioe Co. 1KB. 1101
IIII.'I ili-nir stroet. nnd 1101 ! llariipj cticol.
Omilin Coat. Coltt it
l.tmtC . . Hard and soft coal Mdp-
Hard anil itoft coat. S K. per .
corner lull and Douiili * IS08 Karnnm f trect ,
etrects. Umnhn.
Jll/IIIH'lll III < > ! : ,
11)14 ) rarniim i-tro.'t ,
Omnln Neb.
| CI.O I'll ISO.
Kaolc Coi litre H'or/tn / , A l\nlil ,
Alnnufnciurerj of ( lal- Mnniifncturers nnd
v.inliod Iron Cornlee.
WInJoiT caps , mct.iltc Whulc'ido Clothtors ,
nkTllirht , eto. 111U nnd
II1S IIOllk'OBt. 1101 lliirtioy atrcol
IUIY O001)- .
M. K. Sn i'll A Co , A < ( } Nitnc7r Knelt f > iu
( loialt Co. ,
Dry K0 ( l , notions , fur- Dry tfood * . pcnts'
nulling KOQds
Cor llth and llownnl ati.
Corner llth and Howard.
Omaha Omulirhtid Elsotrbil Oi. ,
Klcctro Dynamoi. Lampi. Wlro and Klcctrlcal Sup
pile ) of All Kind * .
1113 lluurard stiuiit , Ouiiha.
\Yu\l \ \ Elcc rtott Cil. ,
llliiHtrntcil citaloxuo
" * frco.
ll14 ! Capitol Avcnuo.
CocJtrcll Urns , S.A. Men'luirtcr ,
Drokcrs and cash buyer * .
1'rlvatn wires to New 216 llonrd of Trade
York , Chicago , and St. 1 rokcr In gram , pruvl-
Louis. M-ltf L'oard of ilonsnndatncks. I'rlvato
Trade. wires to N. Y. , Chicago
and St. Ixmli
rfiVTn , ETC. | HIiiKS , HIV.
' . A. L. atblinn A Co. Urn. Oubcriu A Co. ,
IlaK cnp , straw liurcn of hi ID i , wool ,
gloves and nilttcni , tallow and furj.
12th and llnrnoj- ,
Iltctti A irillittmy CM I. 1irct ,1 Milll ,
Cor 10th nmt JnckionSI * IliilMors' Imrdnora at )
'luc1l nlol lul .
ration A I'lcrllii ; JIMII
Wroniiht nnd ra t Iro'i
hulldlnir work , ennlnni.
brn s wurki Ronural
/if / r , , It. ( irnltf ,
Manor Merc-liMit' , Importer and .lobher of
lilt Unmetj-strrot. Wine * and Uquori.
MMnifmtvir'riKonni'ilr'i ION and 10JJ Karnnm it.
Kail India lilturi. 1'ilcolhti on nppllc.Uljn.
I Inherit ,
\Vhule > ale ll < iunrdeulerj
IXI ( ) rnrnrihii.1.
IM men.
OKI lies It. lff , Jii/ill / .1 \rt\Kc.ft \ \ . ( I ,
llnrdtvooil himbrr. wool
carpi-ln and parquet Import * I. Ainerlcin I'ott
Homing , land ci-nmnt , Mllwniikpq
hydraulic ciMiirnt ami
Plh nnd DoiiKlnr , Qulnoy white liivo ,
AllljI.lMOUV. | SlUhlOAIi.
C. .4. .Sfiuichill , .4. ie , Jr.
.Millinery , nntlon clonlts
lnno , ortinu . artUtV
tic ,
milorlnli , vie.
IIH-II8 S IMh M. Onmhik Ull DoviKlni treet ,
.4. UoithVieftina t'u. I'liM A ( % i. .
of oyMorJ , Hah OjBler , rt h nnil ( 'etc'/ ,
nml Cclerjr , SIOHuuth lOtli Ht *
iWlI.e'ivoinvorth St. lnId Cole , Mnni cr ,
Cortiliiliitcil 'Junk IInc
Co. ,
lleMnert anil luhrlenllnR
clli , nxle Krcn c , etc.
IMt01)UCl < ; CO.H.MIH-10N.
Hiuiri ? A Co. .
Denlori-ln eountry prod Produce , frulti of all
uce , fruits , T Kot btoi ,
etc. kinds , oystcri ,
1S07 Howard Slreot. 13th and Harne * Hlrerti.
KlreMirnunA i'oim. Jos. A. Olrtrk & Co.
Duller , ehcoio , eitK' ,
Butter .
, PKRS and poultrr.
poultrj and game
HU-i rnrnim > L CWSouth llth Street.
Riddell & Co , , 0. Pegau ,
Commission M o r eh a n ,
llntter iheoie. CKHI.TO - 1'roducc , llutter KKHS ,
etntilea , frnlu , poultry < 'heo o nnd Poultry.
I1-'tti nnd Howard Stu.
Mullia & MsOlaln , Bingham. & Son ,
Speelnltles. luitnr. vjn Send us j onr KUK" . Unt-
ehccre. poultry , etc No. t.T , Poultrr , linme ,
15 S lit i llof 1st Nit. Hides , IHc
bank. KUI-3 I.oaTcnwnrth St.
Carpenter Paper Oo , , King Pap ir ( b.
Carry n full stock of Wr.ipplne p iper , all kln.u )
twines , etc
printing , wrapping and uf .
writing paper , card pal - HOJllonnrdst.
l r , etc. Tol. 17.11.
James Hughes , Omalii Stove Repair
StOTearepairs of nllklniti Wor's. .
Cooks and llonten Stovn repairs nnd vr.ilcf
for salo. aituchnienls for nny kind
of store made
l'C7 S. llth Street 1207 ItOIIKl.lH.
M. A. Disbrow & Oo , H. HardOa. . ,
Manufacturer ! of sash , Toys , dolls , n I tin ml ,
doon. blinds and fancy gooda. houie fur-
nfhlng goodi , child-
mouldings. Draneh of-
flco. 12th and Itard Sts.
Al en Root & Oo. Qoaaiian & Dill37.
ItoomU : KxclmnKO llulld- Hooms , IV ) and 01 Hc
lIulldlnK South ClltllKO llllKtllf .
Otnnho , South OHM In.
Storaic for All Kinds of Graio
All uraln olihcd ; , Inspecti-d and rate
established by state olllcon.
Write for rates und full p.u tli-uluis an.I consign
Evciy MAN can ha
BE R MSN I OUOU8 in nil > r | > eru
_ J by usiiiR STANIBn
NKHVINK , thegreat ispnntuh Remedy. YOUNG MItN
OR OI,1) kiilfenntc frnin NKRVOU8 DBBILITY. LOST or
FAILING MANHOODnighilycini , iun > , convultion , ne\nin
f prostration , caiisid by Ihe use of opium , tobacco or alcohol , wakefulness -
fulness , menial depression , Ion of power in cither > ci , tprrmalor-
i AND AfTiK utr , lliaucaujrdhysellalnmo nnil over indulKeiiioor any | > rr oiiHl weak
ness can bo restored lo pciffcl health and iho NOHI/Jt VITALITY OF 3TJIONO MBIT.
We give a written guarantee wnh 6 hexes lo cure any caic or refund the money , Ji boiCi , liuiet | J
Fo. ' sale in O in till a by MoCorraiok & Lund , 15th & Fai'nittn.sts
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
The eminent upodallst In nervous , dironlc , prhalo. line I , tklnanil urinmj ( ] | ? BP'I , A rejulAr rind
roKlsteri-d urnduutelu lutilclnu. as Ulilin | > "nil o'rlllk.Hcii > lnnv. IB still truulliiK with Iliuirrcttutl lavcttt
catarrh , vperrautorrhui u , li l mHtihuo I , lomliinl woukm-ir , nlUit losses , Impiitancr.iyplillls , klrlilurt ) . von <
orrhtea , iduet , TnrlL'Ui't-lo.ttc , Jso mercury useJ. .Ncir trratniuut for loss of ilml iimver , J'urlles iiuatU ) to
visit mumiiy helreatalui hiimu hjr eorr pun'li-rui ' > , Mu.1t Inc or lnftrumi-nt * nt > iy n ull itrrtprrrs ie *
curvlrimckud. nuiaarki lolnillcntu cuiiteuts urarmlcr. Ono inrtiiual Inicrvlew prcternu ! . CouiullMlon
free. CorreipuiiJt-iKuslilitlr prlrutu. lluuk ( llstu.-us | of Lifu ) aunt free. OIIU'O IIOUK'.IU ui. loll p.m.
bundays 10 a. 12 m. Sund sump lor
jHMti4biiMiiaci anva.
Grain , Seeds ,
and Provisions.
NOB. 2 and 4 Shormnn St. .
iioomieaaco. CHICAGO.
ifl' tflifncllltlcd for tlio liBnUllMi-'o/ shipments
of l.raln. Hclrt und llax Hci-ili , ltrfrrciui- > '
kCiclianuv nnd Amtrlcau K * < haiuo Nullonul
I > MM ( V J tsWW W 4H
| 0.oer l.BdMEHV003UEBIUTY
sYRENBTH We knes of Body and Mind , Kttttti
Jof FrrorsorEscettu la Old or Yo > " " -
KftBwi , jitnif iklllMIU r ui llMUntf. ll l > K.ltrr a a
AbMluUlf I.AMIUB IIOXK IKkAlMl.ftT' HfMAU U iaj ) ,
Ut.imir/rn > M i > r > li ( t lrl < > . nrlll-ltt .
P * rrlpU * V l ( tlt > t4iilllH ud prM'f Mtlt4 ! ( trt'tljrfttv
iV your Drugglit < or a
bottle ol lilK . 'ine only .
neil ixiiionwu ronud ) fur nil
the unnatural dluhuritf ; ml
I ( labilltatlriK wcnknus pcrulliir
I to woniin. It curu In r. f w
dayn without the ld or
putllritv of A doctor ,
k Ilit rwtttA Amrrirnt , Ctirr.
HnniifArliinil by
U , S. A ,
r Oo
riilrbf.Ur' * Kill llth ItUmunil ! ! .
B 14 k