THE OMAHA DAILY HEE : FRIDAY , VEIJllTARY 12. 1802. SPEGIRLNOT1GB8. _ _ _ l VKHTl ! tMKNT8 KOH TIIKHK COLI'MNS A will tin taken until llSOp ; , m. , for Ilia cvpnlng nml until 8'iO ; p , m , , for tlio morning or Sunday edl- lion , All mlvortlirmonlii In those column * IS rents n tine flrxt ln rtton ! , and 10 ccnt n linn tliorroflor , or tx per line liar month. No advprtlvtnent taken for lem tlmn 2.S fpntt for the tlrst Insertion. Temn.cmn In nrtvnnco. Count about 7 word * , to the line , Inl- tlftli. flKuro"'yiulm ! * , He. , each count fit n word. All dvortli'cmontii mutt run rontrrutlTeljr. A Over tlscru , by rcquei'tlnB a numbered cheek , cnn have tholr letters HiMroMpil to n numbered letter In cnro ofTMK llr.K , Answer * n artdrcMPd will bo dellv- crcd nn presentation of the check. T > HANCII nmiT.S ADVKUTIBI.NII FOIITIIKSK J > colnmn will bo taken on th above conditions at tlie following bimlnroi houses , who are author- Irpd to tnkn special notices nt llio aamo rate * cnn IP" tin ( I nl the innln onloo : Poiilh Omaha llrnnch OniroNo. . 2G11 N street LIMiT Mock. John W Holt , pharmacist , llth and .Mason strode , H. II. Farnsworth. phnrmaclst , 2I1S Utitnlnit street. W .1. nnKlips.jiliBrmsclH.ia4 N.JMh/treet. ( ' K. Hnttorllcld , plinrinnclst , IJI9 l.patcnworth It root ! Hughes' pharmncy , Jllh and Fnrnsm. SITUATIONS WANTED. HATKK Ite n line llrsl limn and lOonllnn thnrp- after. No ndTertlsomcnt tnkcn fur loan than Kc. " " " - ' . llOOKKKKrKIt IKS1 UK8 I'D sltlou with good rollnhlo house. llest city refer- rnccs , Afldress y , llee. 187-11 * - ' ' WANTS POSITION AS A-I'llOTOdllAl'IIKIl operator or gsnornl man : host reference ! mar ried , Address , A. 1C.,7:1 : W. First st.lndlanapolKlnd. 1W II * "POSITION WANTKD UY KXI'KUIHNCKD bookkcoiicr ! hcstof referuticc.i. N (0 , llci'onici1. HUH * SITUATION UY AN Kxi-KiiTiiooKKKin-Kit ; licit references. Address "W , " IV2.I Farnnm st. .M 200-12 * - . 1IY A LADY OF CULTUIIK , A A-WANTKD. homo where Instruction may hp given In the Kngllih branches In exchange for hoard. ' " N 41 , lloo. ' AdOOII. STKADY MAN WISHKS POSITION AS waiter or bartender ; best of references. Addren N fill. Ileo. MSW 12 * CHA.MIIK1IMA1O WAITItlWS. uir- : urenci1. Address N M Ileo. M2IO-U' J newspiitier man and printer of thirty years' ex perience desires uood position editorially or mechanically. Address Mu.v F , llowelln , Neb. M'.Mii li' A'WANTKI ) . 11Y YOUNC.LADY. POSITION AS copj 1st and itenernl olllce work ; references glren. AddrosH N K. llee. ! ! 5I-II * -A LADY STKNOOIIAIMIKH 1IKSIUIW A PKlT- miinent po ltlon , experienced ; can Klvc best of n-fereneeii. Address N 67 live. 2JS U' -COl.LKlil" STIIDIINT WANTS PLATK TO Lnork nlKlit nud liiornliiK. Address N . " " , Ileo. A"i7 II * WANTED--MALE HELP. HATK9 I5o n line tlrst tlmo and 10e n line there after. No advertisement taken for less than 2'x ! . T > WANTKI ) , SALKSMUN ON SAIiAlir OU CO.M J'mlnKlon to hnndlo the new patent chemical Ink crnxlnt ! pencil , The xrcatest rclllng novelty ever produced : ernses Ink thoroiiKly In two necondu : no abrnslon of paper ; 200 to ! M per cent prolll : one auent'H salUH ninounted to ( ISO In six dayx. another fiiX'Intwo boum. We nnnt one Kcnenil aitent In cnch state nnd territory. For terms nud full par ticulars nddtcsff Monrou Mrnser MfK. Co. , LaCro ie , win. x a ; . 7 1 > CITYCANVAS-BKIIS.SALAIIY I'AIO WKHICLV. 'Singer Suwlng maclilno oltlcc. IJlli Donglai st. ii'.ii n * B - WANTKD , FIIIST-CLASS MACHINIST. ( J75 > CANVASSKIIS WANTKD. CALL Oil AD- 'dresiff-'I . Y. Life building. M2SIFI4' pWANTIID. . FINK CANDY AND IKK Clll'AM I 'innkcr. must bo thoroughly llrat-class. Address NS. lice. 11(0 ( II * -WANTKI ) . THOSK WluTllAVr. LOST A LK < 7 or arm to send ther names and address lo ( ieo. II. HoiiKMin , urtlllolM limb inaniifactiirer , Now Haven , Conn. Something of Interest to all crlp- plen , wherever located. SIII3 Ki * " AiKNTS , MINKIIAL LAMP WIOKS NKVKU burn out : no smoke , no soot , no trimming ; light equal to gan ; :4 : samples lOc , assorted do7pn 2.V. T' Stayncr , V Co. , I'rovldence. U. 1. MW ! IS * B WANTKD , CO.Ml'KTKNT COACHMAN , 124. S 17th st. . SM . NKIIUASICA HII111T B1IOYAIIOUT18YKAIIS. Co. .MKKi 13 -AtlKNTS WANTKD IN KVKIIV COUNTY. For partlcnluri enclo-e stauip. Address M 4' ' > , Omaha Ileo. M".t. > 12 * T > WANTKIl AN ACT1VH MAN TO TAKK AN IN- J > In nn I'stabllshed provision liujlncns. unu ncc-iifUimcil to huylnit ami xellluu country iiroduco ili'Hlrod. Aildrcss Chamberlain , Lock llox ! ) ? . West lliilntli.Mlun. MLV.'U- 1 > SOLICITOUS FOU A IIAUDWAHK SI-K- J 'dally of merit. ProtltH iiod. Kxpcrlonro not iieci'ssiiry. Cull on W * A. Lopm , Itooin ) , Itiislimiin blk. M''OS la * 1 > WANTKI ) , AIJT1VK , INDIISTItlOOS MAN ; J'iuti < * l bo sober , Htcady and rcllatilo ; f.'iO.OD per month and permanency for suitable man. Apply at & ' . * 0 I'mtoii block. Mail I 12 * B WANTKI ) , KXI'HHlnNCKI ) 8ALKSMAN IN merchant tailoring establishment. Addrcris N lil. fee olllco. M''i'.l Ii BA CO.Ml'KTKNT MAN WITH HKFKItKNCltS iiul oxicrli-ncc | an a solicitor for building and loun or Illo biHiiranco company call Kerure. a per- imincnt and iirolltablo coiintictlon by callhif at (4)1 ( Ileo hulldlnu , I to 3 p. m. M2'i7 ' IB * 3 > WANTI'.II HHI011T. 1NTKLLUIKNT 1IOYH Ifor mesKCtiKPr work ulth a luu-klm ; hoiiso at h-onth Omiihn. Must know how to write. Salary ll n dollars i.i.UO ) per week. Prospect for advance mem to KOOII hoys , Addruns N .M , lice oilier Mlta 13 * WANTKD-FEMALE HELP. UATKS- n line llrst tlmo and lOc n line ( hero after. No advertlBement taken for It's1 * than S.C. ri-AOI ( ) SA1.AJIY V. 'lady ' who lll do urltlni ; for mo nt homo. Ad dress In own hamlwrltln ) ; with addrrcHcd anil stnmtioil pnveloie | , Miss Kdna L. Kmythe , Eolith Uoml , Ind. , proprietor of the famous lilorlu Water. ' CWANTKI ) . FlltST 1'l.AbS COOK AND LAUN ilrcns ; Kood iviik-m ; 2416 St. Mnry'ii live. ISli U * CWANTKI ) . A ( JOOD LADY I'lANIST AND AC ciimiatilttt ) for a very tine Concert company ; good looker preferred. Address , N 37 , llee. _ l'.i | II * ft WANTKI ) (1IHL FOU CKNK1IAL IIOL'SK V ork. Mrs. ( L W. Looml . 1014 .South HOth uvo. uvo.IUI t-WANTKI ) (1IUL FOU ( JIINICIIAL 1IOUH k ; piniill family , 24J. > Hartley. IM II * TWO KXI'KIUKNCKDSOLIC'ITOltH FOU CITY C trade. Salary weekly , lluslness lexltlmatit. Ad- drosB , N 4i ( , llou. 4 II * lKs'KC'AllLi : ( ilitL WA.NTBII FOll LIHIH hoiiMJMork. Mti .4. list ovc. 2:1 ! is * WAM'KI ) , ( Mill , TO IOKNKIIAL I ( ! IIOtlflK work ; liurman preferred. Apply to Mid Topple ton are. CWANTKD , A (10OD ( COOK , MUST UK ( iOOl : laundress , at No. 11411 Fnrnam Mrcct. 2I'J 13 T vAN'r K i CAN KNKUUKT i c LADY , AMKUI can ; not too young ; coin | > etent to act as sales lady ; salary ( ' . ' . ( id llrst week ; Increase , | [ suitable references. Call after 10 , superintendent's onicn. 1 : Crolghton block. 1'S'MI * /1-WANTKD. < ! 11IL FOll liKNKUAL 1IOUSK V. work , Apply 1ISO South 30th avo. M270 l * n FWA.NTKD , A ( lUUlfrOUK. Mlt.l. J.J. DlCKKY VA'IIH DodKO street. M''i' , ! ) 13 TOR RENT-HOUSES. HATIM lie n line llrst tlmo and lOc a llnu there after No advertisement taken for less than 'K > v ldence Huts In city. Mead Inv't Co. , 4J lloo bldi ; 7SJ VWFO llU KNT , 1I011SK 10 HOOV.S , ALL MOD J-/ern linprovuments , MO per month ; Mil and Far num. Hotter It. Tlioumi 724 T\-.NKW II-IIOOM COTTAtlKS , MODKIIN 724TM" .1'proveiijciits , "Stanford Clrclo. " Apply ( i rt Kliiutlcr , room 4 , N. Y. Lite inilldliiK. - -H-ltOOM HOUSK. 87TII AND DAYKNI'OIIT , J'ullfonvcnU-nc-i-5 , fi'i.oo per month. F. K. Dar ling , Murker block , 7 U _ - - _ COTPAIiK. 25TH AND CLMINC treet ; IVi. Kn.ulro8-rt . | S IMh. J-V-LAlKiH LIST. UKO. J. 1'AUU FAHNASI I v-VUOOM HOUHK , MODKltN LMI'UOYKMKNTS t/iyj N. 2ith nve. It. Kallsh , tailor , all N , Itjji. r.7 | \--MMH > M HODSK 1017 DOIH1K bT. 1' U-room house HI ) H. 18th kt. U room house 821 S. UHh kt. V-rooui Housu IM ) I'lerco st. it. ti. Clark a Co , J31H llarney st. J ) --0-KOOM CO'ITAOK , SM H. 2IHTST. 1OT IS * f\-FLAT IN CLINTON HLOUK.II 1IOOMS , STKA J-'lieot , water , k'as , baths. All conveniences : li jiood repair. Inquire of John llnuilln , VI7 W. 1311 t. , Oaialia. M a/J "I'J-FLATS WITH ANII WITHOUT STKA& J-'hcnl , buildings , stores , dwellings and cottage lu nil purls of thoelly. Kelkcmicy ACo.Contl nental block. M ltil-21 "I Y - IlKNT , 8UOOM FLAT. LANUK 1ILOCK -I corner 18th and Jackson street * . WWI 1C 1"-AT KU KAUNAJI bTUKKT A TKN-llOOi J-liou u ; modern conveniences and In ttood repair luqutru of W. U , Dosne , 615 N. Y. Life bullJhiB. _ _ _ _ _ MM'JU "IkFOll IlKNT. THK 10 ItOoM 1IOUSK ! 1P -UDon Us si. Inqulru 8Kati , I1W Douglus l. _ _ _ _ W4 _ 1112IIOOU HOUSK MODKIIN CXN VKNIKNCK ? 4-'fiiriitshcd or unfurnished , Kouutie IMaca , cor list and tllntieyi also furullur * aud Udlot drlitni burte for < 1 * at a b rg ln. Mrs. J. i' . Uay. 144 14 * CotiKnifnf. | -FOll RKNT , 9HOOM 1IOUSK , NO. 2JI3 IAV- l/rnport utrcot. tpry chcnp to tlrst cln > tenant , I'JKgs A Hill , I40S Fnrnam street. MIW Ki FOR , KENT-FUKNISnED ROOMS. lATIIS 1.1o n line flr t tlmo and lOc a line there after. No advertisement taken for lc s thnn 25o. p-3 IIOOMS. "llOCSKKT'UMWsf. MAHY'S AV13 STKAM H KATKO KIIONT , 1817 lx > a eni orth street bath , etc. 8H8 30 * itoml WITHAI.OVI' , 724 . ' -FOIt IlKNT , NICKLY Ft'ltNISHKI ) . SKCOND Vntory bnrkroom. siillablo forslntlo Kentlcnian , Ithotit hoard , in y. th street. 2Vi in-KI.KUA.NTLY rUHSlalllitl UOOMSKOIltlKN- Ijtloiui-n onlyi nil modern Improvementn. 14U3 ) oimla * Hi. 170M7 * I/--FUllN'i ? ! 1KTTUOOMS. 31W DOL'OLAS. IJ M179 IS * | , i 2 NICK FltONT HOOMS CKNTHALLY LO- I Crated , furnished with bonrd If desired. Amity South 13th strcut , 2M 11 * FURNISIIED ROOMS AND BOARD. 1IATH8 I.'KI n line first ( lire and too n line thorn- after. No advertisement taken for less than J. > c. 17-KLKOANTLY KtJUNISHKD 1IOOMS , HINOLK -L or en suite ; all modern conveniences ; flrM-class hoard. 318 Mouth Kith street. 1,1-1'LKAHA.NT UOOM WITH 110 A 111) , SOU DOIK1- I las. 193 ZV * n-LA1llK HOtlTH KltONT HOO.MS , HINOLK OH cnsulto , with hoard , llcfcrcnco. WI4 Karnsin St. -M3U Pi * Ii'-KUIlSISHKH HOO.MH , MODKltN CONVKN- lenccs. nonrd If wanted. IMd DuilKo street. FOR RENT-UNFURNISHED ROOMS. IIATKS 1. ' > c a linn tlrst time and lOc a line thereat , ter. No advertisement taken for le. ' < than 2Sc. p-IIOO.MH. ANY NL'.MIIKIl h'UOM I TO 4 , IN vJllalu , forhin ekeepliif. ) I'llcoHiiway down , (1. F. lliilti , 311 I'uxton hlock. lift ! KM 4 lJNFtilNl : ilKD ItOO.MS HL'ITAllLK FOll G hoiisckcoiiliiK. 1701 Webster street. MIHO BOARDING. _ ItATKS-IAcn line llrst time nnd I0o n line there- nller. No advertl.Hemunt tnken for less limn -'O.n - . iiousK , nio Doiin , Fol H-pin.LMAN , rooms , conveniences , rates nnd lo- ntlon It cnunot bu excelled. Mrs. Horn , proprietor FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES. IIATKS He n line tlrst tlmo and lOe a line there after. No advertisement taken for less thnn 2 , " > c. JACKSON STHKKT. -FOll IlKNT. Till : 4-STOHY IllllCli 1UTILD1NC , 'Jir Farnam street The building has n tire proof cement bnsement. complete steam hcntlni ; tlxturcs , wnter on all the Hours , Kin , etc. Apply nt the olllco of the llee. ' -13 1-FOIl IlKNT , STOltK , ItBl IIOWAIH ) . 701 I-A FINi : LOCATION FOll A ( illOCKHY STO11H J Cash trade. Address N II , Ileo. JIU72 M5 * I -KOH IlKNT. STOHKS , SOUTH. FIIONT. 1SXM 1 w ith steam heat. 1418 llarney. Mill 14 * Foil itlTNTi PAH'f OF uT P. TIlACKAi ; K wiirehoune , 1015-1017 .tones street. Will Klvo low rent and share expenses. M17U 12 * FOR RENT-MISCELLANEOUS. HATiS---I."o ; n line tlrst time nud tOc n line there after. No ndvertlxement tnkcn for less than lie. I -HA11DKN FAHMS TO IlKNT. T. MUIUIAY. I IW7 \-\CO \ \ ACIIUS OK ROOD LAND UNIMPItOVKD. " ' 5 miles west of Omnlm , to lease for ntcrmofj years. Call or address The Oilcll Investment Co. , 10J Pearl street. Council lllulls , lu. M'.Wi 21 * RENTAL AOHNOIES. 11ATKS-150 n line Itrst tlmo nnd lOc u line there after. No advertisement tnkou for less than 2ja. - ACKXCY ; HANK UKFKUKNCUS L-HKNTAL RC. OarvlnA Co. , 'JUS Shvely block. L-TO INSUIll ! QUICK HKNT1NG , LIST WITH the Kxuluslvo Itentitt AKency. Parrolle , Donglai block. Mi3 STORAGE. IIATKS- a line first tlmo and Wen line thereaf ter. No advertisement taken for less than -'Jo. -DHYrci.KAN rND IMtlvXTKLY STOIIKD furniture. OmahaStovoltepalr Work , 1207 Doug. 7J ( f 13 M -OLIIKST. CHKAl'KST AND I1KST STO11AOK house In llio city. Williams .V Cross , 1214 llarney. WANTED-TO BUY. UATi:3 : l.'oa lluo tlrst time nnd lOo a Una there after. No advertisement taken for less than 2. > o. T KUIINITUUK ItOlKJUT , SOLD , bTOUKI ) > Wells , 1111 Farnam st 731 \T-aKVKIIAL SMALL IIOUSJP.S IN HOOD LOC A- lotions ; must ho convenlunt to motor line and prices must bo low. If you have aiiytliltiK to olTer wrlto description ucil lonust cash prlco to N ' 1. Ilea 1IU 14 * XT' A IIUILDINC TO.MOVK ONTO A LOT COUN K Itt -t of 33rd and lllondo to bn used as a niNslon clinpol. F. W- March , SiilSDecutur. UK 13 * -\r-WANTKD , SKCOND-HAND FLAT TOl > SIT- 1 > ting desk. Addrcaa N 42 , llea .M3U V"ANTKD TO ni'v FI'UNITUIIK AND UN- K dcrtnklng In eastern Nebraska or western Iowa : about * M.UOO stock ; good town with Catholic church and school preferred ; answer with particulars. U. II. , llowolls , Neb. M2II-1' ! ' " \T-TO IlTiV HOL'SK , COIl 7 IIUOMS , WITH LOT. i > ( ilvi-location , description nud price. Address NM , live. M2WI4 * FOK SALE-HORSES , WAOONS , ETC. UATKS-l.loallno Mrat tlmo and lOcnllno thereaf ter. No advertisement taken for leas than 25c , P-STALLION. ( ilfNTLK , STYLISH , Hl'KKDY 1. and well breii , for Milo or trade for wild prtdrlo land In Iowa or Nebraska. Addtoss M CO. llee. MM5-MS * IFOll BALK , TKAM , WKKJ11T 3.SOO ; fiANDfi L years old ; perfect In uvcry imrtlciilar and ac- custoiupd to heavy utrt-et work. Address A. J. Chldlster , Kearney , Neb. .M2ii : Hi FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS , llATKri l.'xi a line tlrst tlmo and I0 a line thereaf ter. No advertisement taken for \etr \ than i'5c. ' - "A"ttblJ ! 1'A VIN " STOCK iV N 'l T'OUT Q ant company for sale or < * xchanto for ity property or tiood larma. Address C. K. Miller , Ileo L-iilMlnic. -MW74 13 Q -FOU SALK. 1 FlltST CLASS I'OOL AND 1 II ! L- Hard table , I30i > DoiiKlss st IU7 11 * FOIl HALK CIIKAI * . FINK SKT AHSTKAOTS , : lied Wllloir county. S. It. Smith , Indlanola , Neb , .M 1 78 'JO * - COLU Mill A SAF KT Y FOll HALK. OWNKll leaving town. A bargain , Address N 1.1. Ileo. MIB4 12 * MISCELLANEOUS. R-rilYHIClAN WANTKI- ( iOOl ) I'HYcilClAN can Ilml a deslrahlo location by addrusshiK H. K. llcaehler , Illii f prluns. Neb. MiHilflS' 11 HAMILTON 1I11OS. , CAlll'KNTKItS AND builders. All kinds jobbing. 411 Ko.ieth. Tel. 1I7'J ' III8M7 * CLAIKVOYANTS. S AltlHVAL K.NTIlAOUDINAItY. WONDIJIIFL'L revuUtlons. Challenges tlio world. .Mrs. Dr. M. l.i'k'rnvo. iluad tranr clairvoyant , mtrolo lst , palmist and llfo reader ; tells your llfo from the cradle to grave : unites the separated ; caubcs mar- rlujto with thu olio you love ; telli nhero > ou will succeed and In what buslm-a * . lx > st adapted for ; has thu celebrated Kifyptlan breastplate for luck and to destroy bad Influences ; cures tits , Intemperance and all prlvatu complaints with massaicu , liathx and alcohol treatment , bend It , lock of hair , name and date of birth and receive act-urato llio . * hart ; Scents In stampa for circular ; ntve Initials of ono you will mnrry ; also photos of tame , ottlcu 1097 ho uth lllli street , llmt door ; hourr , ! ) a. m. to u i > . ID , Come one , como all. and bu convinced of thin wonderful oraclo. ilWS IS * SMUH. NA NN1H V. WAIUIKN , CLAHIVOYANT , reliable huslues * medium , dfth year , at HU N. I Cth. MADAMIC KltlTSI * CIIMINHS HTltKKr ! clalrToyaiit and Irauro medium : Indejivndunl volci-si tells past and future. 67IF24 * MASBAQE , HATH8 , ETC. M151A8SA1JK THKATMKNT. KLKOTUO TIIKIt- J-iaal baths , scalp and hair treatment , lunnlcuro and chiropodist.Mrs. I'uit.arJHS.litli , Wlthnell blk 733 'I1 .MADAVK LA UUK , MABSAOKTHKATMKNT L 4ltiio , IMhst , 3rd Hour Halt. S1SAII3' ' IM A DA M K HM ITlT. "mi DOL'tihAH STUBKT , -I room 7'Jd Hoor. Alcoholsulphur ud u baths. MbJ4 It * \r--IIKFOUK IIUYINOA I'lANO K.VAMl-NE THK new scale Kluibull jdnuo , A , lloi | > i > , lllJ DouKlas , 'M V -I. ( K. OKLLKNUKCK , 1IANJO TKACIIKIl , 1 with Iluspeor Xilhi N , lAtb street.3rd floor. _ JfltONEY TOLOAN..HEAL ESTATE. \\r-HKAL K6TATK IXANa. o"ro"f I KiTciiNT ; 'i no additional charges for cuiuiulsilca or attor ney's foes. W , It. Mclkle , First National btuk UUIj , 748 Ur-ANTHONYt.OANANDTllUSTOO. . 818 N , Y. " Ufe , leud al low rates for cbolco iccurltr oa nubraika ur luwa farms or Ouialia city proptrty. proptrty.Ut MONEY TO LOAN-HEAL ESTATE. _ - - , . . - - - - - - Cnnt'Mtftl If. . 1'KIl CKNT KHIST MOUTHAUK IOANS , > Itlclinrct c. I'MtPMOD , IM1 Fnrnam st 715 LOANsToTd WATiTAacrsii HIIOWN HLK" > 711 \\r-C1IAS. W ItAINKY , SIS OMAHA NAT. UK. IT bldv. City mortgages. Uiwost rates. Money on hand. M817 /KSTATK 1ATANS. I'AuLTltVn VAHNAM A2il Fit * YY r-COATKS.7 , ll'D THADK , KA3TKHN SlONKv ! YY r-CF.NTKALIXJAN .t TllUat'CO. IIKK Ill.IVtJ. A\r-MONKY TO U > AN ON LtNO Oil SHOUT time In snmi of IWO to IIO.OUO. Mutual Investment Conipanj. H77 \\r-AIM'I.Y TO J. L LOVKTT FOll OHKAl' ii money ; only tlrst class security , 220 S. 13th. \\r-wLl ' ' necurlty : strictly confidential. A. R Harris , oem 1. Contlnontnl block. M891 A - , CITY IMlOI'nilTY. K. NKI1. AND W. lown farms. K. F. lllngor , I5IP Farnnm.IU5M IU5-M 4 \\r-LOANSON IlKAL HSTATK AND COLLAT- ' teral notes and mortgages bought , Itped A Splby , 934 Hoard of Trndo. 7IJ AY ' MONKV TO LOAN ON IMI'HOVKI ) CITY proicrtr. | low rates. A. C. Frost , Douglas bl'k , AY 1r-i.oANS\v..M.iiAiiuis , it. : III.K. 740 \\T--LOANSON IMPUOYKD AND UNIMIMIOVKD ' city properly , ta.000 nnd to8per cent , No delays. W. Farnnm Smith It , Co. , ISth .V Hnrncy. AY r-21) MOIlTOAtlKS. MOOU1C , A. 101 1IHK IlLDd. 733 \V-XIONKY TO LOAN ON CHOICK IIUSINKSH ' property at lowest rate of Interest. Ground leases madv on lnsld properly. ( IcorRO .1. Paul , tixr > Farnani street , Hoard of Trnde. MI2I 111 * AMOXHY TO LOAN ON IMPItOVKI ) OH UNI.M- * * proved Omnlm property 111 nny amount ; quick , MUO.OiU.uo must bo placed at once. Loans on Inslda vncnnt lots n specialty. Don't fall to come nnd scu us before placing your loan. Fidelity Trust Com. puny. Kill Fnrnam street. ' .M.'i 11 A\r-TO LOAN , tt.SOO ON OMAHA UKAI/KST XTK > > nt 8 percent. Address N CO llee. M2'iO ' It' MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. ISo n line tlrst tlmo nnd lOo n line there after. Xo ndvcrtlsen.ent taken f of leas' than 2. > c. "VDO YOU WANT MONHVT - < V If so do not fall to gut our rates bcforo bor row Ing. Wo make loans , without removal or publicity , on furnlluru , pianos , hor&es , wagons , etc. , at the low est possible l Hi LI. Them Is no unnpcessnry delay , but you Rot the money on the sumo day you ask for It. Wo will carry the loan nn IOUK ns you desire , KlvliiK you thn privilege of paying It In full or In part at any time to null your convenience , nnd nny part paid reduces the cost of c.'irrjtntf the loan In proportion to the amount pnld. Our onices are centrally located nnd nro sri nr- ranKCil tliut | nirlte.sealllnuou uscati bo wnlted on < | iilckly nnd courteously. It will be to your advantage to sec us buforo so- curliiL'a loan. Ouinlin Morlg'tgo Loan Co. . Hoom II. I'reluhton Illock. IJtli t-t. . south of Pnstotllca. M13CMI' V-MONKY TO LOAN BY n. K. MASTKUS ON * Vhoutuhold Kooil.i , plnnoi , organs , horses , niiilus , MiiiionK , etint tlio lowest possible rates without publicity , removal of property or chnngo , of pos session. Time arranged to suit the biirrowcr. Puyments of nny ntnount can bo mnde nt nny time , reduclnir both principal nnd Intermit , thus Ulvlnn luitrons nil tbe benetUs of the partial pay ment plan. Call nnd tea mo when yon wnnt u loan , or If more convenient , call telephone 1C21 uud your business can bn transacted nt home. Money always on hand ; no delay ; no publicity ; loucl rates ; business conlldentlnl. II. F. Musters , 1C. 4 Wlthuell blk , 15th and llnrncy. 747 X IIOK'T PltrrCHAHD , U. 3 , W1TI1NKLL HLK. \r-MONKY TO LOAN ON CIIATTKLS 11ONDS -.Viuul city warriintH bought , lloom lO..lvaroarh lilk X-MONKY ON FUUN1TUUK , HOIISIW. PIANOS. Keystone Mt o. Co. , room 20i , tfhcely block.M433 M433 X WHKN YOU WANT A CMATTKL LOAN 8KB \V. li , DuvlH. room 0 , Continental block. b'.M -y-CHATTKL LOANS , IIKNKDIU'L' A WHAY.f.II Vpnxton Mock. Wo lonn our own monojr , chnrKC no tunuillsnloii ; It will par you to consult us. St 8 1)-M2 ) X MONHY LOANKDON I-'UIINITUUK , 11OUSKS , wiiKcins , plunoa , etc. Krcd Terry , r 43 , ) . llumirc. 201 % * " MONKV TO LOAN. . . BO , ! K ) DAYS ON KUUNI- . - > vturo , live Block , utc. Iiuil ( irvcn , rcmovoil to Hoom fl nnd V. Darker blk. - . I&S BUSINESS CHANCES. ItATKS I5o n line llrst tlmo anil lOc a llnotliuro nflur. No uilvurtlBonicnt tnkun for left thnn 25o v nuv THK roMMKitciAL. TiTk " J- hotel of llrokon llotv , Nob. No trade. V KOH SALK , MKAT MAIIKKT ; UOINO JLtooJ ( Inmlness. ( looil rcttaonn ulvon'fnr ni'lll 1)0x231 ) , Fremont , Nob. 709 11 Y-FULLY KQDll'I'KI ) CANNINd KACTOHY IN very bt-nt | > nrt of Nebraskn ; 'capacity 25.0UU lo 30.000 cniiH per iliiy ; hoa nmrlo nionoy last ttirco year.t ; Ucalof reasons CurBOllluc , Acltlrosa M 2.1.Ileo. * ( US KM V-KIIHN1811KI ) IIOTKL KOll SAW : OH KENT , I Ihu only hotel In city , Apply U > Tlldon Stittv bunk , uKCiit.Tlldun , Neb. > 4'.1-f-l ' ( ! ' STOCK AND FIXTUIIKS FOll SALK -L nil now : lliiost In f outli Dakota ; grand opening fur rlnlit party ; wrltu for jinrllculnrs. N 7 , lieu Omnlm. ' . ' 31 II * Y-WANTU1) , AT HltOMFlKLI ) , NKJI. , A HANK , spluinlld location. Ml.tO 1G * V-i'o" SAM : , IIOTKL , BiiKPiir.iti ) UOUSH.AT J. Annley , Cnstor county. Nob. Two-story frame biillillnir. about SIzlOO , with Kood barn ; IG ulvcplut ; rooms ; hotel well furnlahuil. Apply to Dr. J , b. Thomas , Wood Itlvor , Neb. J1220 M.O * VKOll BALK. THK ONLY MII.I.INKIIY STOIIK I In Crali : ; Kooil rciiHOiiH for soiling ; nooil truilA , low rent. Address JIuttle Olbbs , L'ruli ; , Neb. * il U * V-FOIl SALK. FIJIINISIIING ( JOOlS DKl'AKT- i nipnt In best locnU-il etoro In Omitlin , YI1 | rent the PJUICO on porcontaitu bnsls ; llnu stock and line truclu. Address N 47 , I lee olllco. % U ) 12 * V NK-.VtJl'Al'KU S1AN Arf | ) i-itlNTHK OF ' thirty ycnr ' uxpcrkMico desires rstahllsliln/ local paper In seine good town whcro eupport will boKlvcn. Address llox F , llowolls , Nob. .MVIi-li' AT l' H BALK -IJ.MO.OO STOCK OK CKNKItAL .1 incrclmiiillsii forcuxhor part on tlmo to rlKht pnrty. 'J'rndo and ciiitoin imtabllHht'd and svcuml to none , ( iood reasons f < ir soiling. Locution the best. Kino o | > enhintu innko inonuy , Aildrcsn .1. II. .MHchi'll. iminnKor , rililney , Neb. .M3II- | : | * V-HOTHL ruiiNidiiKi ) IN co. SKAT TOWN J for i > ale or rent. Address ( jurllcld Co. Hunk. Ilurwcll , Neb. 2iii 'fi' V FOll SALK AT YOUIl OWN I'llICK , ONI ! A Tiifl'n AhiHkn hoila iippnrtitu In perfect order Hliu'o not to ua , II. C , &tokos , Harvard , Nob. | 234 I.V V A YOUNd MAN WITH TUN YKAltS1 KX- 1 pprliMiru In It. II. lii'iuliniirttT | . HUB cash to Invest In Kood hustnciis. Address , N W , Hoo. M2IM 13 * FOU EXCHA.NI3K IIATIM l&oallno tint tlmo and luu a line tlinni after. No advertlsenient taken for less ihan 1'ic y-i'LKAN STOCK oVTllCNKIlAL W'ii'SlTr WILL ' tuko real cslalii & moituy. lloxr.i5 , FrankfortInd , 71 ! ) V-VKIIY lHnlllAIILKOMAIIA , 1'HUl'KIITY KOu /JLos/iiKeles property or trull ranch In So , fall- ferula. David Janiloson , Ileo liullillni : . ; tij iylciUSTKU COUNTY FAH.Ms'fTsil'UOVKl ) ) tTMt 'strictly modern 7 or B roomed hoiiiu In k'ood rei- Hluncopart of Uuiaha ; will iissumu. llui r.u. Lin coln. jU'li rFOll TIIAIIK , A STOCK OK UKNKUAL JIKIl- /-/chnmlliu for lands nnd rash. Address U. w , Watklns & Co. . Frankfort , Ind UU7-P ! * y-K.\CIIANUK , CASH AND HUAL KSTATK Foil /-'mercantile or urulu buslaus * . 11I3U K sircot , I.In coin. Mlfri 18' y-CLKAIt OMAHA I'UUI'KIITV FOll MKlt- AJrliiindlro from tl.OUO to HOU.UOJ ; will pay Homo caih for Kood ttocks. K. F. Klntur , 1519 rariium. ' * Ib'J-li y-FOIIK.XCIIANJK ( , A VKIIV bTYLlSII CAIl- -'rlnj ( > team , A No , I romlitors , can trot to Iho polo In three mliiulu' , Kentle and sound ; Kood > here er you put thum , olnido or doublii. I will uicliauiie this handsome team for a Kood lot or land In eastern Nebraska , Fakirs or trade thurks need not apply. For lurtlier particulars addruss Fred bonnuinihc'hi , West 1'olnt , Net ) , Kill 10 y TO ICXUIIANIJI : , BOMIS OK THIS /JIKTO properly In ChlraKO , 111. , located on the Chicago , HurlliiKton A ( Julney railroad , which runs &A | ia > svii > iur train * each way dally , and Is reached In El minutes from Union depot ; fun bo had In quantities from St acres and upwards ; want good docks of merchandise. Address W. X , Y. , room 31 , 164 Dearborn trei t. fhlcano. III. MISS 13 * * y-FOIl KXCIIANtiK , YALUAIILK IXT IN SIIIITH AJOmahn for double carrlatre or coupe , or rarrluuo Icamj also clear lot to trade f or itooa t um and uillk cow , L. Waterman , 305 New York Life , 7 y lK YOUIIAVK Ai001)UrillUUT I'lANO TO / truilo for lot IK , block 1 , Armour I'laco , tio'jlli Omaha ; clear of all Incunibrauce. Addrais N Id , llee ottlco , Mylj y-IllINDllKUHKAl ) OK HOIISKd AND LAND ' locttteru Nebraska for a slock of drjr fooiln , clothliiK , boots and shoes , hats and capi. Addruss box IOI\ Nebraska City , Neb. 2ii MIO * y-A FINK FAItM OK 240 AC.IIKS IN 1'LATTU ' 'rounty , for good Omaha rental property. I * . W. lU'iirk-li , Columbus. Nob. JJ 12 y-Fo"lllXCHAN(1K , A NUMHKIl OK NKAT , ' 'welt built and well located cotlaKes , guod title. In tin * city of Kearney , Neb. , for a clean stock of goods , worth from < UouO to ti.uoj. For partlculare write to f. A. Collard , liearuey , Neb. U-Ci U * FOR -ffil. ESTATE IIATKSIV a line tlrot lima and lOc n line Ihero- nfter. No adTctllfempp akfn for IPM tlianUc , * N K. CO UN K It WT11 ANII HICKOIIY , MtlSO trot ! a barxaln for. / ! ; days only. F. K , liar- Unit , llarkcr block , v"M ' J'AUM. 21 MILK I Omnlm , running water nud tlmbpr ; t > rlcti $ W ppr acre. Co-OperatlTb Land ajirt Lot Co. , aW N. Pith l. 1 < 'OH SALK. NHIIUASUiWAKM LANDS. O. 0. Wallaco. 312 llrowh l > K > clr , Kill and Oouglav j.ii - 7'fl iroit SALK.CHKAl' HO fjiiN STKWAHT t'LACK , J. tipar Lowe nvei good hbuV. full lot , will ho sold fortLOOHIU , IPM than cOfLjf taken thl * . month. II. O. Clark A Co. . 1213 llarilgpl. nil 11 . 1-Olt SALK , Oil WILL'VllADi : VOll FAHM I'lKir- Iprty , n good builnpwt .plaoo . ' 4X1.12 feel , with brick building costing tjMUi a splendid site for Jlrst-rlsM hotel ; sltnatpd unblock adjoining U. I * , depot on the south , New \ratpr work In operation anil plpctrle lights soon. Address or call on Adnlnli llwornn , Schnylpr. Nph , \ \ \ \ l Oll SALK AT A HAKOAIN , UT 15 , HLOCK 4 , L'v. . K Splby's tlrst addition to South Omaha. Small payment down , tmlaiico monthly If desired. Inquire , H , Ttschiick , Omaha lice. Ss3 I foil SALK , 1IO.MKS , ANY IMI1CK. 1750 , | l , 0 Wl'i easy terms ; tnko clenr property as ttrst iiayn : U. U. Wallace , Drown block , luth and Douglas. 17011 SALK. A TWO 6TOHV 1IU1CK HANK JL bulldlne , with basement , vaults , safe , furni ture nnd fixtures ; can control good business ; town of two thouiand people ! ( Ire railroads ; good coun- trr ; large roller mills ; three elevators ; itood rea son for present corporation qiilttlnit biislni > n5. Ail * dross T. Lewis , ITosldent , Huperlor , Nob. HIM Sti * iron SALK-S-KCOltNKH 17T11 , DOIIOAS , 821 < X I 1M , 3 cottaKes , slablo for II horscs.can bo dl vldcd Into Mots. InqulroKt promises. 817 15 * pOOl ) 11OUSK WITH 1.KA9K I'AYINd U PKIl VJcont on prlco asked nnd Rood prospects of ix'lllnit lateral nice prollt. KOU sacurcn deed. Cldvllty Trust company. MWJ 12 NKW 110MK. ALL MODKIIN l.M- provenient , to ho complatpil about Xtnrcli 1st , near Ilnnscom imrk. Hicks , ngt. , 'Mi N. V. 1.1 fn li AltnLlAllLI'.OKHMAN OUSWKOK MKCIIAN1C cnn n-ciiro Imrfnln In dpslrnblo homo. Hiisy payments or vni'ntit lots tikun. Fidelity Trust company , Itili Fariiam M20.I I' ' AIK1AIN , IL' ACIIIW CLOSII TO C1TV , ONI.V tnWU. lllekii , ttflM N. V. Life. 8J7 ViI _ I rail SAI.K CIIKAI'.MV HKSIDKNCK I'ltOl'ltllTV , onoof the best 10-room 2 story houses In Coun cil \Vouldtnkosiunllhouseln lown or Nebraska braska In exchange. Address , Addle M , N 45 , Ileo ! _ M 18' ITM.KIiANT FAIIM. tXW ACHKS , SAltl'V COUNTV I-Jnlnu mllei from South Uiunhu. lllcks , ant. , ,105 N. V. Llfo. 327 12 _ 17OII SALK , 8-1IOOM 11OUSK AND LOT , MUDIillN i. ImprovumenlH ; 1311 ri ? .ith St. , Ilnnscom I'lnco , fl.TO. 3.11 lij HAIR GOODS. ItATKS-lSc n line tlrst tlmo nnd llc n line there- niter. No Rdvortlsemeut taken for lees than 2C > c. * AuToUIcN lIN'TlUKVKST : ; T1IKAT- rlcul wlcs and benrds a specialty.Vlns , bnnus swltchon , hnlr chnlns , ota , xi-nd tor cntaloitue Mailorders solicited. Dnvles , 111 S. IStli st. , Ouinlin. _ 7M riMIK IDICAL LADIIW 1IA1U DUKSSINO I'.VU- 1 lors , wltohiH , buiiKs , wlu.s , toupees , jewelry nnd hnlr o rim men ts In stock ; vina ] to order , special tention Klven mall orders. LWSlltlisl , .irdlloor , PAWN BKOKEKS. 11ATK3 IScn llnu llrst time nnd lOc n llne/tliero. after. No nilvertlvpincnt taken for le.s-i tlmn 2. > c. BKN ! ' . MAUT1 , HUMOVKI ) TO 107 S. I.Vril ST. 1171 Ml' . * SNYDKK'S LOAN OFFICC , 1510 DODCK ST. 77U-K2y * MOH1.K , OFl-'ICK 15111 $ FAHNAM ST. LOST. UATl S"15e n line tlrst tlmo nnd Iflo n line there after. No advertisement taken for less thnn 25c. TOST BT. HKIlNAKIirPIJP. TllKKK .MONTHS Jold.ruy ( ; followed lltllu'Rlrl from USO S ,11st t. to Pnrk ave school. Itefeurn to A. U. Hudson , 1131 nnd receive rownril. 0,17 STOCK WINTERED. HATKS-lSeallne llrst tinle nnd lOo n line tlioro- nttcr No julvortlaemi.'pj'jaken for less thnn 25c _ _ HOHSKS AND COLTS < KKD AND TAItUI ) FOll nn farm two miles * 6f Omaha Irom $4 to J'J ' mouth. 411 S. llth streeti Tel. 15W. M2tM Fl * MASQUERADE"CJOSTUMES , ETC. IIATKS 15e a line lint lime and lOcn line there- niter. No advertisement 'tuken for lead than iKic. LAUIKB * C.IW < TLKAIUJ < ( ; AS .tJwrtAsjjB- ruileco tuiuQsat 114 S Uith. UoldeJi Kagl store. JtiO-uiS MANTIFA CTURING JEWELERS. ItATKS-15r n Unit llrst tlmo and lOo a'lino thereaf ter. tor leas thnn 25c. flASH PAID FOll OLD ( iOLD. CAHSON A Ollnnks , royjn O llarker block , Oiunha. 751 CUTLERY GRINDING. IIATKB IfiOH line tlrst tlmo and lOc a line there after. No advertisement taken for less than 2 > o S IKND YOUIl SCIi'SOIl.H , IIA7.OHS. KTC. , TO 1115 ( , . round to Underlain ! A Co. , lot ; B. 14th st. 7.V1 'IMPROVEMENT ' the ORDER oftU3 AGE THE BEST. WHY ? llooaiiso wo have prollted by tlio shortcomings of the old typewriters , and have overcome many defects and , lntween oitrstuvus. wo have addoil many Improvements of which their Inventors never dreamed. All type cleaned In ten xucoiid-t without soll- 'ln > ; the hand * . More iiKiulfolii copies can bo made nt onn lin- lire.-sliin on the Smith I'romlnr than uon | ) any other typewriter manufaotuied ( f fo TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT. The Smith Premier Typewriter Go , lUIMIJ rurnaiu Strool , Oinnliu , Noli , i : . n , .u/ir/iKir , . . . . M < tx < mmt. PHOl'OSALH 1-OIt MILCH COWS AND bulls. Joparlmunt of the Interior , Olllco oflndlan All'alrs. WanlilnKlon. U , U. , 1'ch- ruaiy I , lelU. Sealed propo-ials , Indorsed "I'roposols for C'ows or Hulls" ( as the ease may lie ) and nudrcbsdd lo thu commissioner of In dian all airs , WaHhlnuton , I ) . C' , , will h ro- colvcd until 1 o'clock p. m. , .Saturday , March fi. IS ! ) . ' , for furnlshlim and dollverln at I'lno Kldco. Itosebud , t'huyiijiuo Itlvor , tJrow Orcol ; iind Lower Ilrulu agencies , outli Dakota , Standing Jtock uKuney , Nortli Dakota , Hanteo and 1'onca ii'Mi3legVKilirasl ) ; < a , I'landroau aueiicvouth Dakota kiid the Crow iineucy , Montana , about II. n Urtmllch cows and 400 bulls. Kegiilur blanks , for bids am not ro- ( | inred. dclicdnleswhlillj ( will bo made a purl of the prcposali ) Hhowhij ; the niimUer of cal- tlu reijufred at thu vurUius agencies , condi tions to bo observed "by bidders , lime and placoof delivery , tortnSif | contract and puy- ment , and all other iltrpsjary InstrnoDonii , will bo furnished npanHilMillcatloii to thu In dian olllce at Washington , HID cotnmlsmirlci of hilbslstonco. U. H , A. < "lit UliluaRO , HI. I'aul , Umaha , Nubrasldi , nuilUJhcyciiiiu , WyomliiK , to tliiipublibhersof theirilock ( JroA'eis' Jour nal of Mllcn t'lty , Montruia. and the Journal of lloleini. Montana , untl the Mjvorul Indian iiuonts , The rlKht Is i Borvod to reject any or nil bld < i , or any paruuf any bid , If deuined for the liel Intcrobts oJFitho government ; also , the further rUht In iuullu the awards to in crease or diminish to uiir extent the number of animals called for Innho schedules ; also to roiiutro u delivery oi-Vvo"y""vo | I'ur ' cent , inqru or less , than the amount bpuclllud In any contract. CEIlTlflUI ) CHECKS. Kuch bid must bo accumpanled by u certified check or draft on some Un'tod ' States depoi- Itory for at least flvg nor cent of thu amount of the bid , mudo payalilu to tl.o order of thu commissioner of Indian affairs which checker or draft will be forfeited to the United States In case any bidder ibcolvlng an award shall fall topromptly exoculti a contract with Rood and 8iilllelent Kinetics : otherwise to l.o re turned to the bidder. T , J. MUlKiAN. Com- mlsslonor. I'll ) dm M rroioii | | fur Iliniils , Sealed bids will bo received ut the ofllcu of Ihu Ulty Treasurer. Dmuhu , Nob. , up to 1- o'clock March loth. ! ! , for the piiiohuso of ilT.VOiiO.oo i'J , year 0 per cout t'lty Hall llondd. Tim urlnclpul anil Interest art ) payable at Kouiitzo Ilros. , Now York. I Ml crest paynblo nmui-annunlly. Kuch bid must atiito the price and thu amount af bonds souKht for und must Include Inleiest uptodittuof dullverr. ] 8stiud under authority of Uhnriur of met ropolitan cities ann Ordinance i"IU ) approved Junuary uutli. WJi1. The right Is reserved to rujucl any or all bids. IIKNltV ItOM.N , M CltyTrouburer , nnt. Max Meyer & Bro. Co. , SCIENTIFIC ANtl OPTIGIMNS PSACTkAL OMAHA COR KAUNAM AM ) , titXTKKNTII STd. Ptillil < lold Spcctnelen or Hyp Olas-ies from * 1 up. Film Step ! spectacles < ir Keltassei ( ! from $1 up. Kyes Tented Frpp by Skilled Opllclaiu. Ci/-ocij.isT'8 ) ru.i.r.i ) REMINGTON TYPEWRITER ijBESTIN THE WORLD. Jos. P. MEOEATH , | lfi07 l-'AKNAM STUEKT. OMAHA , NKH RR1LWRYT1MEGHRD I/caves ICIIIUAtiO UUIlUINiro. ( < ( .V O. . ; Arrtrj Oinnlia. I Depot lUlh aii I Muon jt < . 4.W p m Chicago Ve'tlbulo . . . BUU n m ! * .M ) n m ] .Chtpigo Kxpress. . . . 9.41 n m p in Chicago I'.xprpM I1.1M p m D.fiO p m | Clilcngo A lown Local. . . , . . MS n m Loaves IIIUIU.IMITON MO. IllVKIt.l Arrives Oiiiaha , | _ lepiillutli _ and Maspn Us | Oinalui 0.15 n ra1..Denver Vestibule Limited. . , 4.IU p in 10.14 n ml Deadwood Kxprcs ) 4.0A p m 710 p ml Denver Kxpress VM n m 7.10 p ml Denver Kxpasss 11.00 p m , ' . .li ) p in .Lincoln Limited ( KxceptSun. ) II.U : ) a m B.I5 n in jlncoln Local C.20 p m IK-IIVCS I K. C. . ST. J. AO. II. Arrives Omaha. ! Depot lUlli and Mason Sts Omnlm I n mj. . . . Kansm City Day Kxpio.i fi.M p in > p in ! 1C. C , Night Kxp via U. i' . Tram 11.41) ) a m I/eaves I UNION PACIFIC. Arrives Omahn , [ Union DepotlOth andMnrcy Sts.l Omaha , R.IO : n in1 .Tilimlrlco Kxprcss 7.00 p m HI.UU a m Denver Kxpress S.UJ p m 2.15pm ! Overlnmll'lyer. 9 15 p m 4.30 p millue.Sp'i.sAFnrtlolii\exSiinl12.M ; ! : ( ) p ra U.IK ) p in | I'nclllc Kxpress ill.2. ' . n m ( iolrin I CIUOACO. U. 1. , V PACIFIC. From Knst. | Union DepotlOth A Marcy Sin Knst. 1U.IX ) U Atlantic Kxpress U.M p in 4.05 p Vestibule i\press 1.10 p m (1.10 ( p Nliilit lixpreas I ) . 10 n in tlolng I CIIIOAdO , U , 1 , A. PACIFIC. From Won. I Union Depot loth and Marcy Sts. West. 1.20 p in I Denvur Limited. ii.4il : p m 7.05 p in I Denver K.\pre.s. J7.JIO a in Lehves | CtUCAiO , M1U & STTT'At.'LIArrlvo Omnhnl V. P. depot and .Marcy t-ts. I Omaha (1.50 ( p m | . . . .T. "Chicago Kvprom . ( ' . . > n in l.UU p nil. . . . Chlc.iio Kxpresj . | fi.4'i p m Leaves T SIOUX CITY , V PACIFIC. ( Arrives Ouiiihal Depot. IQUi nnd Mnrcy bts. | Omaha f3i ! n m ! . SlourClty Pusscngor . IHi'JO | i m S.H5 p in | . St. Paul . llO.OOn in SIOUX CITY , V PACIFIC. I Arrives Omnlinl Depot. 16th nnd Webster sis. Omaha 5.45 St. Paul Limited . . | 'J.'A > n in Leaves ICIIICACO.V NOllTllwBSTrtllNArrive * OiiiahnU. | P. depot. IUlhniiil _ J arcy hts. lOnmlm _ iii'iives i r. . r. . x jiu.iur.i. . i kiiij Oinalml Depot. 15th and Webslur Sts. lOmalia Leaves C. , hT. P. , M. i O. ( Arrives Omnlinl Depot. I Mil nnd Webster Sts I Omnlm I.BV09 I M1SSOUIU PACIFIC. Arrives Omalial Depot 15th and Webster Sti. Omalm 10. : < 0a nil St. Loulx ISxpresi O. : < 0 n m fl.IJO t1 nil St. Louis Kxpress 5.10 p m Leaves cnicAdo. it. Arrives Transfer Union Depot.Council HIulK. Trnnsrer V. : p in Night Kxpress 9.20 n m 10.20 a m Atlantic Kxpress. . . 5.55 p 111 4.30 p ml Vestibule Limited. . . . . . . . I2./ / > 0 pm _ Leaves 1C. C. , ST. JOB * C. II. [ Arrives Transfer Union Depot , Council muffs. iTrnnslor 10.00 n in . . . .Knnsns City Dny Kxpress..I 5.23 p m 10.15pm . . .Kansas City Night Kxpress. . . ! 11.20 a in Leaves ( CHICAGO , IIUKL'N .V OUl.NOV.jArrlvos Trnnsferl Union Depot , Council UlutTa'l \ riinsfo ! i..riO n ml Chlciis7Kxpress . . . . .TTTl 1C40 p m 1000 pm ChlcuKO Kxpress ' . ) .2. " > n m 7.05 p ml ( 'lesion Local I 7.15 n m I.OIIVGB | UMAHA\ . LOUIS. ( Arrives Trunsferl Union leiot. | Council HI HIM. [ Transfer i740 'fiii.7..rrst. | Louis Canon Hall. . . . . . 112.15 p ra Leaves | 'SIpUXClTYA ; PACIFIC. lArrfroH Trnnsler Union Depot , Council Illulfs. iTrniisfer 7.4J a mlt.blouj : City Accommodation..Ilfj.00 p m 5.50 p | . . . . ' . . . . . . Pnul I .4Q am leaves ICIUCAOO.V NOIlTUWKSTHllNIArrlvos Transfer ) Uulon Depot , Council lllnllH. ( Tranifor 12.01 p ml , . . Chicago Kxpresn S.U : ) p m fp.l. > p ml Vestibule Limited. ' .i. 10 n m 10 00 p m Kai-tern Flyer. l.ii'J ' p m BOO p m ( Me Snt ) Atl.intle Mull ( K.v Mon ) 7.'I5 a m 7.40 a m , . * . ' . . . . .Carroll I'umjenger 10.00 p m PROPOSED CHANG R OF GRADE. ORDINANCE NO. 180. An orilliiiuico , cloclarlnR the necessity of elinimltiK tlio Kriido of Cumins htioot from a point , 'KHI foul west of I'Jfl iivonuuto 45th avt-nno UMU the IntorsL'ctlii } ; strci't , uii'l ui- | ] ) olntlnK tliri'O UlsliitoiGsted niipnilsur.s to assess and ( lulorinlnu tlio Uiiniii uu to piop- orly ownura , which inny lie caused liy tncli chiin u of snide , and ordurliiK the city en- Rlni'cr to nmlcu u prolllo showing such cIlllllKC , Ho It oidiilnurt by tlio city council of tlio city of Onmlm : Poutlon 1. Tlmt It Is proper apil tiocoasary , and It Is lioreliy dciilnrod propur and nucos- hury to uliuniro thu Ri-udu of C'liiuliiK htrcut from a jiulnt : ; o fuut wi'st , of Knavunuu \ to 45th livcnuo and tlio IntomectliiK at rent , so thai uuld urado ulovatlonn will l > o as follows , the Knido botwuou the uolntsoltud liolng iinlforin Htr.ilKlit lines. Elevation of Klovatlon of Soutli Curb. North Curl ) . tirade of Cuinlnj ; strcut Kast uitrbof J.'ith uvoniiu.lC4.0 Wustciirhof 4.'itlistroit. ! .17(10 ( 174. d Kiist euro of 4. " > th sti-eot . .lTii.5 ? . ' ) . : 1'olnt 'WO ft west of 4irtl : avoniK ! . formerly Halo Ktruot . Kstabllshcd srado. Section " . Grade of 4.1th struiit Kluvallim of Klnvatlonof \Vo.stUiirb. ICust Curl ) . South curl ) of /.aril I .strc.'ot.lUJ.O 1UU.O Norm tuirbof CninliiRBt..i7i.ri lT.ri.i : South onrh of OiimliiKht. . . 1700 170.0 North curl ) of Hurt street , oxtoixled . IC.VO 101.0 Section : i. That thu city liiiRlunor bo , and hereby Is. Instructed to malce a prollle showing Riich proposed ehauutiof Kt'adu Auction 4. 'I'liut the mayoi with the np- jirovnlof thoelly council ap | Int three < ! | H- iiitLToituil appraisers to appraise , IISSI H ami doturiuliu ) tlio dainaL'o to jiroperty ovvnerx which may bu caused by Mich change ofirnulo , talcliiK Intocoiislderatlon in ninUIni ; such ap- liralsoiniiiit , the special benefits , If any , to such property , by reiiMiu of such clmiiju ) of Section 5. That , this ordinance shall take elTout and be In force from and after Ita pus- 1'ussol rebruuryi'nd , 1R ! > 2. JOHN OltOVES. City UU-rU. K. I' DAVIS. I'ruslilcnt of City Council , Approved February nth , isw. UKOitOK I' . IIKMIS , Mayor , ORDINANCE NO. 'J55. An ordinance nuthorlzhiR the city onulnuor and the board of public works lo doslnnulo certain additional employes for their re- bpectlve dupartmonts. He It ordnlnud Ijy thu city council of the city of Oniuhu ; Soctkin 1 , That the city engineer l > o mill ho hereby 1s authorized to iloilinmto and employ , subject to the approval of the mayor and council , one power foreman at u salary of } 'W per month , and two suwor cleaners at u ualary of J.'IOO porday foreach and every day nctuaf- ly employed and enpaKcU In cluunlir'sowers , tlio said forumun anil sewer cleanerH to lie mihjectto removal at any time by thu elty unitluuor with the iipprovul of tlio mayor and council , or by the oily council with the ap proval of thu mayor , Section'i That the board of public works bu and It Is httreby authorized to designate anil employ , subject lo the approval of thu nmyoi'nnd city council , one sidewalk Inspec toral a salary of iHJ.W per month , and two tildewalU repairers at n Biliary of il.d ) per day for ojich and overv day actually employed and CKUKcd In repairing ; nlduwnlKB , the nald Inspector and sidewalk rupalrurs to be siibjucl to removal ut any tlmo by the board of publlu \vurUs wlh | the approval of llui mayor and council , or by thu elty council with the ap proval of the mayor. Scctioui. : Tmt ) this ordinance take otTod and be In force fn in and utter Its passage. 1'asaud 1'uburary 2ml , 1HUJ. JOHN OHOVKP. OHOVKP.Oily Olurk. U I' . DAVIS. I'roiluent Oily Council , ApproveJ February oth. ! ' . . UEO. I' , IIKMI8. Mayor , SPECIAL CmniNAN'CK NO. 1081. An ordinance levying n , poclnl tax ntul ni- on certain luti ! nml rpnl pslntoln the city of Oiimhti , to cover the ed t ( if ( lain- asps for Rradlnj ; strcoN In Wnlnut Hill Ad- illtlon ns follows ; Meholiis si root from I'lonsnnt strcol to Vlslii stteet , No'.son ' street from Institute boulevard to Vista street , ( It'OriP street from Lown iivenuo to Keboecn street , Illrd street , Kurokn street nnd Dcwoy street from Hnmlllon street to Mrrcern venue. Halo si reel f rom tloorjso street to Moreer avenue. Whereas It hnvltiEt con nnd bplnir hereby ndjdiludd. determined mid pstibllshrd thnt tliOM'vrrnl lolsnnd lilocesof nml eMntehcri- InnflorroTcrrod to , Imvo each been specially benofltted to the toll iiiiioiint betoln lovlod nnd nssessiU niMlnst each of sain lots nnd pieces of real estate , respect Ively by reason of t hod annum for cradlnit of that part of Mo ho- InsMrcet from I'leiisiint sticotto Vlstinttoot , NoUon street from Instltntu Ixinlevard to VIMnstroot , dooruo street from Iiiwo luomto lo Itebccca stiTOt. Dilo : street from Ooor o streol to Momir iivctitio. Illtd slrpo.t. Kilrokn street and Dowovstroot from Hitnillton street to Mercer nvotiuo. Therefore , for Iho purpose of pay luff tlio coat otdnn-ntfos forsuchtfrad'n ? ; . , Ho It ordnlnod by thoelly council of the elty ofUmnhu : Section I That tlio cost of dnmiiKos for crmllnK Unit part of Nicholas street from Pleasant htroot to Vista , street , Nelson street fiotn Institute bouloynrd to Vlsln street. George stteol from Lowe ixvenuo to llnbecca street , Illrd street Kurokn street and Dewey street from Hnmll lon street to Mercer nvciiue , Dale street from Ueow street to Mercer RVOIIUO. said cost boltiR tlio sum of JIawj < V bo and tlio sumo Is beroby lovled and asscs od. nccordltiK to special botio- lltsby ronmmof said ui-ailini ; , upon tlio follow ing lols nnd ronlotteto its shown by thoRonor- nlly recoirnl/ed innu of llio city of Omaha , ISSil , lithographed and published by U. U Mayne. anld cost boliiR so luvled on said lots und roul estitto , respectively , as follows , to wit : S I ) Mercer It 1 blk I Walnut Hill 9 S 41 ! Home Inv Co It'.Milk I " - ' < IVtor llocco ItJIblk I S 4.1 .lohn U Nordwoll It I blkl " ' 4.1 Addlson b Carter It 5 blk I " H nl do H ( i bin t " : i Mj do It T blk I " ! l M Ollvo H Crawl 118 hlk 1 ! " > ' - ' < The M Ave H AKS'II It ! l blk I : > ! i do It 10 blk 1 I > THConnoisll It blk I 1 WM KWliraywLllft III'-1 blk 1 M Charles ) l Crawl II l hlli'J B 24'J Wiillls.l Hears It 2 lilk 2 : > -'J The .Mercer Ave II ASS'II It II blk 2 : t M' ' do It 4 blk 'J III do It n hlk 3 'J 4i : do It ( I blk 2 2 i : do 1171)11- ) S 4i : Anna .1 Hotistls It Sulk' ! ! ! 411M Do VorSholoo U ftltl3blk2 M Mnlvlnla llotlssoror It 14 blk 2 14(1 ( The Mercer Ave 11 Ahs'n It 15 blk 'J 1 ! > Kred Wllriiylt Ifiblki ! l . ' 10 A L Patrick U 1 blki : ' - 411 do It .Milk.'I 243 WSIovticraftlt.iblki : : 2 4i : KrloClyno It 4 blki : - n Ocorio.I ; I'oIt 5blki : 2 4J llornnrd It Lti'ip 11.0 blk 3 " " 4i : S L ) Mercer It 7 blk II " 2 411 do ItS blk.'I " II SO do It 0 blk a 4 ; ui do It 10 blk 3 " (1 ( ' .Mnry Punio It II blk3 " a SS do Itl'Jblkll 1 ! H S IMercerltiiblkt : : " 1 4ai SDMotcerll I blk 4 " ai do It 2blk 4 4 as do It.'I blk 4 " a Omabii llelt Uy Co It I blk 4 2 4i : do Its blk 4 " 5 4'1 do It ( I blk 4 " do It 7 blk 4 " do IIS blk 4 " 2411 M OMiiul It ! ) blk I asil 0 W linker It II ) blk 4 " I a ? do It 11 blk I " II . ' 10 TlicWulniit Hill Savlnsnnd Investment Co It 1'J blk 4 " 363 TboUninha Holt Uy Co. rluhtotwuy In It III blk 4 " The W H Sav& Inv Co oxcojit rlcht of way In H 13 b 4 " I 24 Oinnlin llelt Ity Co right of wnr 1114 bile 4 " I 03 Tlio W II Sav > t Inv Co except rlKht of way It U blk 4 " 43 John AMeL.inolt ! blk 4 1 Ki .lohn A McSbano IfJl lilk 4 " 1 04 do It1'1 ! blk 4 " 3 8S ThuV H Snv & Inv Co It I blk R " n 3i do ItUbllcR ' * 4 37 do It 3 blk 5 " S DMnioorlt 4blkfl " ! 43 The \V II SH v & Inv Co It f. blkfi " 2 43 do ltd blkr > " 2 43 do It 7 blk 5 " 2 43 do Itublkfi " P U Mercer It I ) blk 5 FlhO Tlio W It Snv& Inv Co It 10 blk 5 " 4 12 SDMnrnor It llblkn " u Mi Cieo I-'Wanner H IS blk 5 3 47 do It 13 blk r. 2 U3 do It 14 blk . * i " 1 37 W HSav.tlnvCo w4 ! ft It IS blk 3" 41 Tlio W H Sav & I u v Co It20 blk fi 1 4f , UL'lblkr. 1 05 " It 2J blk 5 3 88 Mary K Savin 111 blk ( I 1)30 do R2'blki ( 4 , ' ! 0 John McCormlckltiblkG ; 3 8M Anna Wlerlt 4 hlk I' , 2 43 Andruw A l-'rlek lt-r > blk ( I 2 43 .lobanna KrluM It Uhll ; i ; 2 43 Tbeodoio.Jones U ? blk fi 2 43 Ororiro Malonu It B blk 0 2 S3 .1 II Illckny et nl ItllblkU .lohn MurriUll 10 blk ( I 2 13 Hcccbor HlKby It 11 bllcO 2 43 do Itl'Jblkl ! 2 43 Louis Stomin It-JhlkO 1 4G I ) K Cameron It 23 blk fi .1 E.lohiiston H-'l blkli 388 Km 111 ; .lobiihon o 130 st It 1 blk T 3 : v > do oiiO : ft.It 2blk 7 J Gil Andrcos Johnson u 130 ftll 3blk 1 2li The W II fiav & Inv Co It I blk 8 c ; J II KliinniiKnn 112 blk 8 4 : > do It : i 1)11 ) ; 8 a MI R I ) Morcorlt I blk8 243 Mlnnlo McCagno It . " > blk 8 2 43 2 43 Itobert I. ( i.irllch It7blk8 ' 2 13 do ItHblkK 243 MarvKaarllchltUblkS a 43 Wlllliim A I'iiMnult in blk 8 2 ! 3 W KDnnliipH II blk 8 5 43 Alex S Young It 1 ! ! blk R 243 ThuW II Sav .t Inv Co It 13blk8 2 43 do It 14 hlk S 2 13 Clomlntlna WoKIt lr > blk B 2 43 .lolinSCnulfluldltm blkB 243 Gee A .loslyn H I'blkB S 13 John \V Inlow It 18 blk 8 2 43 Serolda Spmicor It 10 blk 8 2 43 Lnnr.iJollin'u 112011 kH 2 43 Mary Chiillstrom otal It 21 blk 8 2 13 Win KniK It 22 blk 8 a wi Henry Jlortciison If.'lblk 8 4 37 do lt24blkH li ; ; o The W H Hnv A. Inv Co It I blk 0 r 3i do 112 blk U 4 37 do It.'I blk I ) , a MI do It 4 blk ! ( 2 13 do 115 blk 0 2 43 do Itll hlldl 5 43 do It7 blk ! ) J 43 do w 14 ft Its blk 0 S 83 do It ! ) blk0 3 M ) John LMIIcuetal It 10 blk ! ) 4 IS do It II bik 0 n so . DMorcerlt 12 blk I ) 5 M do It 13 blk ! ) 4 12 The W H Siv ; & I n v Co It 14 blk 0 371) ) do w 14 ft It 15 blk'J J S3 do It 10 blk U 2 43 do It 17 hi'/II 2 43 do llio hlk U 5 43 JnoOSmlloy nt nl 11.19 hll ; U 2 13 .Michael A Koonoy It20 blkl ) 3 811 do ll''l hllcli 4 : w do Ithlk ; U li 31 Omaha Holt Ity Co U 1 blk K ) 2 43 It 2 blk 10 2 13 It 3 blk 10 2 13 11 It4blicl0 2 43 Mary K Kufns It 5 blk 10 2 43 Milton P ( toys ltd blk 10 2 13 ThuW H Hrivit Inv Co It 7 blk in 2 43 do ItHblklO 243 do It II blk 10 a K'J . ) H Dicker otal It lo blk 10 4 37 John 11 Cnnnliihiiiii ! It 11 blk 10 l > 30 b I ) Mcicer It 12 blk 10 f 30 S DAIorcorlt 13 blk 10 4 : ir J It Dickey ut at It II blk 10 a 8 Kiln A II Howard o V It l.r > blk 10 1 2" 1' lro\il ! w ! i It 151)11 ; 10 1 21 Klla A II Howard It 111 blk 10 5 43 Umnba Holt Ity Colt 17 blk 10 S I.I do It IS blk 10 2 43 do 111 ! ) blk 11) ) 2 43 do It 20 blk 10 S 13 do It 21 blk 10 S 43 do It 22 blk 10 2 43 .1 H Dlukoyetul 111 blk 11 2 4'l W VKddy It 2 blkII S 43 do It 3 hlk H 2 43 Mury M MiithcWH It 4 blk 11 2 43 do HA hlk 11 S II K'utlii Hulnswortb It G blk II S 43 ( i O Lusk 117 hll ; H S 13 CtaroncuT Illcknull It 8 blk 11 2 43 ( ! . ( > H I'nyno 11 Oblkll 2 4S Umabii Holt Ity Co It 10 blk II 2 I'i do Itll blk 11 2 4S Hamuol I ) Mercer It 12 blk U 8 4'J ih ) It 13 blk 11 2 4J do It 14 bik II S 43 do It 15 blk 11 S 43 do I till blk H 2 43 do It 17 hlk II 'i 43 do ItlH hlkli 2 43 do I til ) hlk 11 2 4J do It 20 blk H 2 4i : do It I blk 12 624 do It 2 blk 12 3 8'J do It II blk 12 a 8'j do U 4 blk 12 a 01 do It 5 blk 12 2 43 GollulbStoiv. ltd blk 12 2 411 Oath ( Jimpof Neb It 7 hlk 12 S 4J Cath Uhap of Nohr It H blk 12 S4i Htimuul D Mercer It blk 12 2 K do It 10 blk 12 do Itll blk 12 do It 12 blk 12 2 4il do It 13 blk 12 a 01 do UK bik 12 a oi do 1115 blk 12 3 a- do It 18 blk 12 & : < 111 > Knight U 1 blk ii : S 4'J do It 2 blk 13 J fl Moroer Ave Hide A mil It 3 blk 13 2 49 BU Morcorlt 4 blk 13 2 49 do It&bllcia a oi do It Q blk 13 3 Bt do 17 blk 13 a 8c do ItBblkia n iii John Kuonulor U U blk I'J 5 21 do .13(1 ( Onlhorlno Tnrker It II blk 1 a sii do It IS blk 13 ' am .1 II Iteanlt l.lblk 13 S4i : do It II hlk 13 " 2 4.1 do It II blk 13 " 2 41 do It IB blk 13 " S 43 lucoli Sinindott w sii ft H . ' blk 14 " r.s Iditth-K Sunders 11 n blk 14 " l in Chin ! 'Komi It 7 blk-H i in lohn MPShenr It 8 blk II " a , M Win A llnrdnerlt H nlk II s 24 do It to blk II " a MI A MlllnnlTrll II blk 14 a s-.i lo ! ttlji S SU < wirt : It 1' ' blk II " a 01 i : I ! I'i'rfoci u 17 ft U Cllilk 14 " 8.1 K W llnlley : n ft It 13 blk II " 1 04 A H Carm > ntero34 ft It 14 blk U " 1 a KKIVrfeiM w ( lift It II blk 11 7J Umlmi l.Whlttimrull 1.1 blk II " S 49 do 11 lit blk U " 2 13 lirnbpih lieiuilo It 1 blk 1.1 " a ao do .It S blk 1,1 " i M Charlotte I' I'nlmerlt ii blk IS " 1 11 W A l.tllbhone 14 ft 114 blk 1.1 " n si Wlntbrop.1ohn < II lib 11 ; 1,1 " 2 4t | JohntMiladilenll 0 blk 1,1 " J 4'l do It II blk 1.1 2 43 Mnry K McOturo It 12 bik 1.1 " 2 43 n nlltiteliltiMm It 13blk M " noi KlUnbolli Taylor II 11 blk 1.1 " a 8si do ft 1.1 blk 1,1 " a s- lohn S lingers It n blk 1.1 1 24 lohn Murray It t blk in " 2 4.I A J WheddonltSblk in " 2 4 I do nan it a bik in " I.I W A llrowit w 47 ft It. ! blk 1(1 ( " 3 SS Frank U t'lilli-r It 4 blk in " S 43 rr.le M Smith It Milk in " 2 41 do It r > blk lit 2 43 HotllnlbStrinicrlt 7 Ink in S 13 do It s blk in 2 43 Omahn Hell Ity Co It t ) blk 10 " 2 12 do II 10 blk in " 2 43 do U.I I hi Kit ! " S 43 nodlelbStor/ 12 blk 1C , ' 2 13 Marcus II Croll It 13 blk IP , S 43 Saiiiuol K Veakel It 14 blk in " 2 43 U 11 Maek It 1,1 blk in " 2 43 ICstber Vuh Horn It in blk in " 2 43 Carrlo B KrlckHon It 17 blk Ul " S 43 do It 18 blk 1(1 ( " 2 43 do It ID blk 1(1 ( " S 43 do It it ) blk in " S 43 Omaha Holt Ity Co s ui'4' vft \ It I blk 17 0 13 Malllu Ncnl except s n ills MI ft It 1 blk 17 " 231 Luclnda Conrad It 2 17 " 2 13 do It 3 blk 17 " 2 13 The W H Sav * Inv Co It I blk 17 " 2 43 The W II Sav .v Inv Co U .1 blk IT " S 4'l do ltd blk 17 " S 41 S I ) Morcoi'U 7blk 17 " 2 43 The W II Sav A : luv'Co US hi KM ? " S 43 do It lllilk I ? " 3 8 ! ) do It 10 bll ; 17 " 4 IM do It II blk 17 " 0 30 Mary MHavIn It I1.'b.k 17 " n , 'in It 13 blk 17 " 4 : u The W II Suv .V Inv Co It 14 Ink 17" a 8'.i du It 15 blk 17 " 2 43 .Jo'oplt lloalcvll Hi blk 17 " 2 I.I Tiu.stees 1st Christ l\u Church It 17 blk 17 " 2 43 Adolnh Meyer It is lilk 17 " 2 4'l I'cturC' Iliissen U 111 blk 17 2 43 James II Com ail ex ttof wav It-0 blk I ? " 5 43 Oiniilia llelt Ity Co rt of w.i v It SO bik 17 " 01 do rt of ivny It 2i blk 17" 1 43 .lames H Conrad ex rtof wav 1121 blk 17 " 1 IU Luclnda Conrad ox rt of way It 23 blk it " IS Omaha licit Ity Co rt of wn v It SS blk 17 " The Walnut Hill Suv > t Inv Co It l blkS " li 31 do Its blk IS 4 37 do It 3 blk 18 3 8'1 ' do It 4 blk IS " 2 II do It .1 blk 18 " 5 13 do It II blk IR " 2 13 do H 7 blk 18 , " S ft do It H blk 18 " SSI ( lo It U ( ill. IS a MI do H 10 blk 18 " 4 IS do It II blk 18 fi fill Ailolpli Meyer It 12 blk ID " s .in S DMcrcer It 13blk 18 " 4 12 The W 11 Sav , < < Inv Co It II blk IS " 3 79 do It 1.1 bile 18 " 2 83 do it in blk IS " 2 43 do It 17 blk 18 " 5 13 do U 18 blk 18 " S 13 The W II Suv.t Inv Colt 1 ! > blk IS " S 43 Cornelius Snropsblfo It,21 blk 18 " a 80 Emily J lleatly 1121 blk 18 4 38 do It ft ! blk 18 " ( i 31 Kll/.abcth Stoekdalo It I blk Ifl " n : io do It 2 blk 111 " 4 ai ! do liablkltl " a so rlo It I blk 10 " 2 43 I'atrlok .1 Vorcorun It .1 blk 1 ! ) " 2 43 Christopher I-'lt/slmmons It ( i b 10 " 2 43 Tim \V \ II Sav & Inv Co It 7 blk 111 " 2 43 It 8 blk HI " 5 43 Mnry Itoso It n blk 1 ! ) S 43 do It 10 blk li ! " S 43 Walter L llrookman It II blk 19 " J. 43 ilo It 12 bik IU S 43 KihiR.I Denny It lablkl'j " S 13 II ! ' Mat hi UK It 14 blk 111 " S 43 Theodore K Jones It 1,1 blk 19 S 43 Kims J Denny It Hi blk 1 ! ) " 2 13 Cnas C Ititteiihons It. 17 blk 1 ! ) " 2 43 l.uurltJasiiursoii It IS blk 19 " 2 43 KC lOnewold It ID blk 111 2 43 Jordan M llodu'o 11,20 blk Ifl " 2 43 11 L Kochursper or 11,21 hlKMO " 2 43 do 112-Jlilkl ! ) ' 3 8' ' ) do R23hlk 10 " 4 37 do It 21 blk 19 ' G 30 Chus K Williams etal o 13(1 ( ft It I blk 21) ) " 3 : t7 do tl3ft ! ( ) It S bill 20 " 1 ( H I'nlriek A McKunna o30 ! ft 11..11)20" 1 2ft Jlary K lliivln c ici : ft II r. blk 2 ! ) 1 L'li do o 13' ) ft ltd blk 20 " 1 ( ill do o 130 ft It7hllcxo " a ; : < ! Rll/.aholh Larscn It I blk 21 ' 2 ! > do Its blk 21 2 13 Sunil . "clsadoroSclillslnxerlt.'lbSI" 2 43 l.Llniliiiestlt4 | hlk SI " 5 43 The W II hiiv .t Inv Co lt.1 blk 21 " 3 88 I'red W Hunt/en It ( i blk SI " 4 ; w MliKKlu I. irM-n It 7 blk 21 " ( i 3D S D Morcorlth blki'l " s ri fii'OMo U' Modlouk It ! ) blk 21 " 2 43 Thomas Nolan It 10 blk 21 2 43 W ( ) Korolt II block 21 5 4'i Kll/.a 10 Mar < h It IS blk SI " S 43 S DMi'ruurlt 13 lilk SI " S 13 KIchard II D.ivy It II blk 21 " S 13 do Itl.1blk21 ' S 43 Ki rle M IVarson It Hi blk 21 2 4'l do It 17 blk 21 " 343 Henry It Allen It 18 blk 21 " 342 do It 10 blk SI " 343 do uliOft It 20 blk21 " 1 40 The W H Sav & Inv Co It 1 blk SS " I (17 ( do It 2 blk I S 31 do 113 blk 22 1 7,1 do w 14 flit Hhl It'J 0 fiS do It ! ) blk2S 1 111 do IOblk2S S Pi S I ) Mercer II , II blkSJ 4 sn The W II Sav A. Inv Co It IS blk 22 ' 5 M ( lode RKlhlkiV ! 4 IS do It 14 bile Si " a 7ti do It 1.1 blk 23 2 KI do It 10 blk 23 " 2 43 do It 17 blk SI 2 43 do 1118 hlk 22 2 43 do It. II ) hll ; 2. " 3 13 do lt20blki"J " 3 b'.l do 1121 blk2J " 4 il7 do It22 bik 22 " II 31 do It ! ) blk 2:1 : " 1 7,1 do It 10 blk S3 " 2 113 do It II hhtil " 4 Ii7 do II IS blk 23 n : tn The W USaVit Inv Co It | a blki'.l " 4 37 do It II blk 23 a 80 do It 1.1 blk 2:1 : " 5 43 do It Hi blk 2:1 : " S 13 do It 17 blk S3 " S 43 do It 18 blk 2-1 S 43 do II II ) blk sa " S 43 do 1 1 20 III k S3 " S 43 Helen Dufoni'll2i blk 2.1 2 43 do It 22 blk S3 2 43 Omaha Holt Ity Colt II blk SIde 2 43 do It IS blk 21 " S 43 do II ii : hll ; ' 'I > 2 13 do It II blk SI " 2 13 W A tioddnrd It 15 blk 21 2 4.1 llurbaru. A Kluinln s It Hi blk 21 ' 2 43 Mary Moore It 17 blk 21 " 2 43 KUKiiUtoiilt 18 blk 24 " 2 43 James II McDulloith It 10 blk 21 " 3 13 do It i' ( ) blk 24 " S 43 Chailcs I'TiiKKiirtu IW | f t n ' , } blk 2.1 " 8 y , ( U < o H 1'aynu II 1 Lafayeltu 1'IaeublkS.I " 3 id lieu II I'aynu It S iMfaytttu 1'laco blk 2.1 " 1 81 ( H'O H I'ayno It 3 Lif.iyiuto I'lncn 1)11(2.1 " 1 05 ( ieo II I'aynu It I L tfuyetto I'lacublkS-l " I 03 ( ieo H I'aynu uTf t Its Lufayetto I'laco blk 2.1 " SI ) John It Shaw ItliShuw'B.subblki'J" 1 M do It 7 do hlkifi " 2 SII do It H do blkV'i ' " 4 ! U W Wdrcun HH Wills' Hitbblki'ii " J 411 Walter Wills It 7 do blki'rt 1 11.1 ( Jro II 1'iiyuo It 8 do blk 20 " 3 Hi ) John K.ul.l Itlblk27 ' 5 43 do Its blk 27 " 2 43 do It a blu 37 < 343 do H4blkS7 2 43 Mercer Ave IlldV Ass'n U S blki'7 " S 43 West llaiultton 1'reit Church III. blk 37 2 43 do It7blkirr " S 43 Araerlcun Wutorwr r : < g Co H HiO ft l > Vc II " 49 ft' ) K I ) Mercer n I.Vl ft Mercer Park " 29 8'J Totul iu.ioiint . iais no h'ectlon 2 , That thu sponlal taxo and i menltt levied and abaosaod nn ; iforc > ald , shull hud u u Immediately upon Ihu pasbugo and ap proval of this ordinance , and Khali become ( lu- llmiuont If not paid within llfty days thcru- afli'ri and thciunpon Inturoit shall bo added atthu rain of onu percent a mouth , payablu In ad vii nee from thu tlmo uuld taxes bufonio su That ihU ordinance uhall Uko oiro.t and bo In force from and af tor Its puss- uxo , 1'aitsed January 13th , | Ri2. JOIINCJKOVKS. City Clerk , K. J' . DAVItf. I'roildant City Council. Approved January IHh , I we ( JKO. l.MIEMIB. Mayor , The aboru tax IB now duo and payable ut tliHOtllcu of thoelly troaturerund will bucnmu dulliujuent und beur Inturost nf lor March 3lh , ISliS , at noon lu bcutluu 2 of ubovu ordinance. 1IKNKY HOLLN , Trunsuror ,