Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 10, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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Big Batch of True Bills Handed in bj the
Industrious Grand Jury ,
Union Depot nml Vliutiict Drills rntlrrCon-
dlili riitlon \ \ licro Dili ( tin ClnIhrH
do ? I. ( it' of Work In
The Rrnnd Jury has made Its first report to
the district court , but It has not , by nny
monni , concl ided Us labors , nor Is tlio afore-
laid grand Jury ready to adjourn.
The members started In on the South Thir
teenth sttootprnde , examined nfow witnesses
und then started afiorolcctlon ftnuds alleged
to bavo taken plnco during tba fall of 1S90.
That subject was prolific of results and ono
man even testified the Httto matter of
loventy or eighty sjlts of clothes was the
consideration that Induced certain voters to
txorclso their rights of franchise in a car-
till u direction.
That matter was dropped and then they
wont on a still bunt to find Irregularities In
city in niters.
G. W IIoldroRO was Invltod to the soclu
lion of the crnnd Jury room Mr. Holdroco.
nippositiK that ho was to bo Investigated
upon the subject of I5urlmcton ntT.ilrs , was
ready to answer questions. That was not
what was wanted of him , however ,
and ho was oxcusna with the
Instructions to return to his ofllco , secure all
the papers In his possession , signed by ox-
Councilman Moroirty and return at onco.
Mr. Holdrogo obeyed , anil a few moments
later returned with a hundla of letters and
documents , which wore laid before the Juiois
for their Inspection.
The case under investigation refers to the
now depot and the Tenth street viaduct.
The Inquiry Is for tuo puiposo of learning
from Mr. Holdrogo Just bow far ccrtuln
cotincllmen got Into thu deal.
Sumo Inilli ( mi ills Itrtnrncil.
At 'I'liO o'clock vostorday afternoon .Tudgo
Davis of the criminal court was onojlng ] a
few moments of lulsuie in h's ' prlvntu room
In the tear of Iho largo couit room when
Sheriff Dennett apponreu and furnished the
BtartlliiK itifoi mutton that the grand Jury
was ready to report. Slipping Into his Judi
cial robes Iho court mounted the bench mid
ordered the Jury brought Into his presence.
Clerk Mootcs was summoned and u moment
later the eighteen Juiors filed Into the room
to taUo seats in the Juiy box. As the roll
was called each Juror lospondecl "here. "
' Have you anything tn communicate to the
court ! " asked .liidgo bnvis.
" \Vo have , your honor , " answered Fore
man Anderson , and stopping forward ho
placed n bunch of 3' InUlctmcnts in .ludgo
lavls' hands. The Jndgo looked them over ,
smiled and asked : "Gentlemen , have you
completed jour labois ? "
"Not yet , " responded Poroman Anderson.
"Wo have a great many things jet that do
in a ml our attention. "
"You may retire , then , " answered the
The mon filed out as they came and at once
resumed the wotk of finding inoru indlct-
Clerk Mooros asked for instructions regarding -
ing the keeping of the imllUments. The
coutt Informed him that no cjo 'othor than
his own should icst upon anv 0:10 of the pa
pers. Warrants of atrost would at once issue
and the parties would bo bi ought before iho
Who the indicted individuals uro keeps
people guessing , but it is known that all of
the Milooiiucopers on the two-mile stiip hove
been caught. It is also knoun that several
ether parties are in trouble , as there were
only eighteen of the mon who sold liquor
without having first taken out licensee.
is THI : c'OL'urs ACAIX.
Itymi & Ualhli'K llosplnil Woikln I.ltlKittlon
IHstrirt Court Doings.
Once again litigation ciowing out of the
coustutiction of the Douglas county hospital
is being aired In the couits. This time tlio
trouble Is before Judge Irvlno.
Hyan & Walsh were the original contrac
tors , and on account of the non-performanco
of certain portions of the contract , the county
withhold homo of the money. They bi ought
suit against the county and won. Tuo case
was appealed , but in the meantime a settle
nient was reached bj- which they wcro to receive -
coivo $37,511.20 and call everything square.
.Before the Judgment was paid , however , the
Omaha Slate and Uoollng company , the Acme
Iron and Wlro works , Huompiug & ISalto ,
Henry Lohinann , Caay A : Giay , L. II.Vol -
shans , IClirot Warnon Manufacturing com
pany , , ) ohn A. Wakollcld. Omanu Oil and
Paint company , National Hank of Com-
meicu , Wariou Hoohl , George Allen , A.
Mohor , Hurlburt & Uloom , Don Melqucst ,
John J. O'Connor , Bradley & Dola-
mntrc , Cowln Ac Mcllugh and
Mr. J. it. Coruish Illod liens
and enjoined the county from
paving any of the proceeds of the Judgment
to Ityan Ac Walsh. Hjan & Walsh now ask
the court to compel each defendant to appear
and bet forth the amount of their claims.
Judge Ferguson is listening to ovklonco in
the case of August lion/on against John A ,
Croighton. lietuon a\ers that in IbST bo
contracted to purchase ' . ' 5(1 ( acres of Cioigh-
ton's land in the north part of the city. Ho
was to bavo paid f400 per aero ana put up
f 1,000 of forfeit monoy. Croightoi. failed to
pass tlio title or to return tlio moneynmtncnv
Uonzon sues for either the land or ttio money.
The suit brought Monday by the Oscood
Dredge company against the American
Water Works company , to recover on n note
of f,8Ji ! 013 , in no wise effects the American
Water Works company of this city. The
note was given by the Denver end of the
com pan j' . for material used at that point.
Mr. J. H. Dumnntof the water woiks com
pany states that in his opinion the suit was ,
brought in this county for no other purpose
than to Injure the llnanclal standing of tlio
Omaha end of the company ,
I'romlnent Cloigymon , Physicians , and nil
classes of citizens ate unanimous in the en
dorsement of .Salvation Oil , the grcatcbtuuro
for rheumatism
No gieiter guarantee of the excollc'ico of
Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup could bo furnished
than that It is recommended by all the lead
ing druggists.
Ask your grocer tor Qiiull rolled oats.
Nllllf III Sllll < Of HllHlllCHN.
Notice is hereby given Unit the un
dersigned , John Hood Sherwood , hns
purchased the utoio , business and the
peed will of the iniintol u ul tile business
heretofore conducted by Charles A.
Harvey ivt 1514 Furnuin htrcot , Omaha ,
niul will continue wild business tit eulil
phico. The said Charles A. Ilurvoy
cordially recommends Mr , Sherwood to
the favorable patronage of his friends
and former customer
.ion * Iloon Siuu\vooi : ) ,
Cii.utMib A. HAUMY. :
I.lirl ) Time * nt HIII Ili'ilnl.
Tlioro must bo merit in a medicine
thnt tins mot with the SUCCCBS that tlio
Jiodal gold cure treatment at lilulr has.
Tlio business lias increased so rapidly
that It tins proven necessary to enlarge
the quarters of that largo" plant , 'iho
result has boon n cure in every Instance ,
Fifty patients are being treated. Tlio
habits of liquor , morphine , opium and
tobacco permanently cured.
The regular monthly mooting of the
Builders and Traders' * L\ohango ? will
take place Wednesday , February 10 ,
10:30 : a. m. Reports of delegates to the
National Association of Uullders will bo
received , There will also ho several im
portant subjects up for discussion.
N. U. HUSSKV , President.
W. S. WEDQI : , Secretary.
Of Interest to bupir llrrt ltiiUi > r ,
Quo of tbo great drawbacks In the sUjjnr
beat business is tbo amount o ( labor 10
quired in ttio cultivation of boots Philip
Jllrich of South Omaha has mvo itcd a inn-
tUlno which promise * to do away with much
of tbo hand wccdlnc. Ho has associated
with him P. Howloy , ana thov proposn to
commence tlio manufacture of the machine
nt onco. Hilclly described It Is about the
abe and weight of n hand corn planter nnd
cotnUts of an upright bar with thrco prongs
) r tines nt the bottom. The operator sols
iho tlnos into the earth around the bcot and
t > y means of n cram : causes n sot of touth ,
fashioned something llko these on acorn ctil-
livator , to revolve around the tines. Those
tooth cut out the weeds and loosen up the
around , and ntthosamo tlmo thin out the
beets Ihojo wno bnvn examined tbo ma-
chlno pronounro It practical and as well
ca'culatod ' to save a peed deal of hand labor.
Milt hire \Vcilll < > < ulav.
Kvory lover of line singing should not
fnll to nonr the famous Creole comp.iny
of 60 people nt the Furnnm Btt cot then-
Lor ; 2. " ) cents buys any rcanrved seat in
the house. Prices tire always the same
it this house.
Vn IntiTcstlng ( lroiitol | AlresleniiH on Kihlli-
Itlou nt tinMusi p.
When Miner W Uruce , the Alaska corro-
spondo it of Tun Urn , returned two wonks
npo from that Arctic region ho brought with
ilin a family of nalUo Alaskans ,
The party consists of man , wife and child ,
nnd perhaps tholrdog ought to bo included In
the family , for ho oujovs n bltf share of the
Konornl affection , Thi Interesting group Is
now nt the Eden Musco In charge of n
brother of Mr. Bruce.
These Alaskans are short of stature and
have an Asiatic rather than an Indian
phjsiognomy. The man Is , i5 years
old. the woman 'J3 , and the
little girl B. All nro dtessed In
nntlio costume * of fur , tbo father mielndeor
nnd the mother in a roho of squirrel bklns.
Uoth have hoods for the head , leaving noth
ing but the face exposed. With them are
inanj curious articles common to their iso
lated llfo , such as a harpoon of bono and
leather thongs , a hunk of dried sea weed thnt
Is chowcd in lieu of tobacco , a block of
whole mairow that Is used in calking boats ,
awatorpioof shirt of walrus sitln , drawn
over the fur suit when In a bolt , bows and
anows nnd a variety ot wearing apparel.
"It is my brother's Intention.1 said Mr.
Bruce , "to tuko tnls family to Washington
nnd pioscnt them to Picsldont Harrison.
They will bo the first native Alaskans whoever
over visited our national capital. In the
meantime thojnro being exhibited at the
museums to piv tno oxuonsu of bringing
them here , and of course they are earning
moro for th"insol\08 than they could at homo.
They are blight , cheerful nnd oidinnrily
very docile , but do not line to bo crossed.
"Thoy speak only llftoon to twenty English
words , but they apparently understand con
siderable , for with the aid ot pantomime 1
got along with thorn quite easily. They art )
Imitative nnd obscivnnt , nnd I think nro
leainlng considerable. Our hotel in Omaha
furnishes bettor faia than wo had In St. Jo
seph. The Alaskans noticed It at the llrit
meal nnd told mu by pointing nt the board
and baying 'better.1 It was particularly sur
prising to mid that they wore exceedingly
licat and clean in their personal habits. They
have very llttlo idea of tlmo and Ittcquires
n gieat deil of urging to got thoin ready for
their dally exhibitions.
"Tho father and mother have good health ,
but the llttlo ono was ill at St. Joseph. The
weather was damp and the pbjslcian pro
nounccd her ailment slmnlo muiaila. The
dog seems to bo n cioss wltn a wolf.but bo is
a very good naturoa brute and nctually seems
to take delight in being on exhibition. The
paity will bo exhibited in ttio museos as far
west as Salt Lake City before going to Wash
ington. My brother has agioed to have
them back m Alaska by Maj' . "
At Last TilUrs Action.
A bill has been Introduced \Vashington
requiring all baking powders containing
olutn and ammonia to Bo so Inbolod. Thib is
a step in tbo rlgbt aiioction , and has been
long foreshadowed by the action of iho stale
legislatures , boards of health , food lommis
sioneis , etc , in this matter. Tbo bill affords
neeaed piotection to the public , for the evidence
donco as to the injurious effects of alum and
ammonia is very heavy ; but it will never
theless bo fought bitterly by the manufact
urers whom U oifects who aio accustomed to
sell their goods ns "puro Cioam of Tartar , "
"absolutely pure , " etc.
The bill is something needed , ff n maker
uses a drug in hi : ponder , tbo name of which
bo docs not want to hnvo printed on his
label , It is prima facie evidence that thoio is
something wronir. Wo hnno the subject will
bo vigorously prosecuted all over the
country , notonlj- rccaids oaklng powder ,
but also nil other food adulterations.
This bill may incideutly beneiit the milcors
of pure articles , but if it should , this is only
an additional point in its fa\or.
Tliu Wuik of I'rrimmtloii Alrtudy Veiy
UVtl Unilrr WHJ.
The arrival In Omaha of Mrs. Cora Scott
Pond Pope brings to notice the "National
Pageant" which Is to ba presented at the
Grand opera house February 20 and 27. As
is well known , this entertainment is to bo
given for the benefit of tha Woman's Chris
tian association , than which this city has no
moro ennobling enterprise ; but everybody
docs not know what an elaborate perform
unco it Is to bo. Sufllclcnt has boon learned
smco Mrs. 1'opo's arrival to warrant the prediction
diction that it will be the best and most in
teresting to which local talent has over con
trlbutcd ; that has been the verdict In other
and larger cities where tba pageant has boon
given and which are now anxious to secure
return dates.
Mu. P. L. Poiino , projiilontof the assoclo
tlon , with Mrs. George THOon , Mrs. II. Lud
ington , Mrs. Cadet Taylor , Mrs. r. L. Hal-
ler , Miss Ella Hrackor , aided by many others
Intoiestod in the woman's associationUa\o ul
ready spout con&iduiablo time in securing
participants and arranging the preliminary
wont. They hno been especially successful
and tbo list of those who will take part in
cludes many of Omaha's most prominent and
host known people. Kchcursnls aio in pios-
ross and will bo industilously and vigorously
prosecuted till thu ( Into of the pcrfoiiminces.
Omaha people never do anything by halves
and the announcement of the uusplcos under
which this entertainment is to DO given
together with the tact that Mis , Popa will
personally supervise It mattes itsuttlcient
guarantee of its success.
Tlioto are bo\os nnd bundles enough to
load n car lllled with costumes for the pa
geant. All those accessoilos hnvo been pro
vided by Mrs Pope at l.ugo expense , and
furnish an ulnboratn attention to detail
which could not bo otherwise secured.
The entertainment has the local advuntago
ot being now and novel in this city , unlil.o
unj thing ever seen hoio boforo. Mrs. Pope
thoroughly undotstnnas the business nnd enters -
tors upon the work hero with a zeal and en
ergy which is an earnest of success. Her
efforts will bo seconded by throe or four him-
mod Omaha citizous and what so many un-
dortauo is a uro to bo accomplished ,
This is to testify that I have tested Iho
medical properties of Dr J , IS. Mooio's Trco
of Llfo romcdj * to my entire satisfaction , and
can most hcartllv recommend It to the suf
furliiK and ufllfctcd everyw hero , to bo all
claimed for it in the nbovo statement I.ast
spring I was sutlomif ; from loss of appotltu ,
constipation , etc originating from kiilutty
und liver tioublo , anu 1 hr.u not used ono bot-
tiu of this llfo remedy until I was
creatlj rolle\ed. My wlfo , also , being at a
very critical btago In lifo , was suffering
much at limns , and by the use of this remedy
has bafni aavcil from much suflorlng and pos
sibly from iirom.uuio death. Our youngest
son'b health for soveial jears has been very
delicate. Ho contracted soinu lung trouble
by taking cold with measles , which produced
gieat nervous debility and occasional bleed-
intr of the limes , ho has used some four bottles
tles of Trco of Lifo , und feels uni looks as
though now llfo had been given him. If you
are ntlllclod , try It.
( ii'.o. Mir mi , Pros , Elder.
HoxGI , Carlisle , Iowa
Tor sale oy all druggists.
HnllilriK mid Tr.ulom ,
The members of tuo Hulldor * ' and Trail-
on. ' Exchange will bold a session at 10 o'clock
this morning. Matters of interest to
both matetlul mon and contractors will bo
The delegates wbo attended the national
convention of the Association of Hulldeu
will make their report to tuo exchange. After
the close of tno business mooting a lunch
will ba served iu the committee rooms ,
Swift & Oo. Commence ) Largo Additions
to Their Packing Plant.
AVIll Itr Coinpli'tcil and Itr.ulj for t'no Iii-
nld of N'lnrtj Dnjn ( Iri-ut Incrpiinu
In Cnpiiclty Uhltli AM11 Hfstilt
I'roin This Mo\e ,
Work has bconc ommenccd by Swift & Co.
on improvements that will Increase the ca
paclty of that establishment fully ! i5 per
cent. Ono largo building , 0-lxllO foot nnd
six stories high , will bo built along the un
loading chutes running between the old nnd
now houses. This building will extend from
the now pork house north 103 feet nnd will
bo divided Into three dopaitmonts. The first
department , or southern end will bo cou-
structod for cold storage on the llrst and second
end stories , the third story for the lard de
partment , the foui th story for sausage , the
fifth story for cooperage , and the sixth for
general storage. The second department
will bo the smoked meat department , mid
then will come six smoke bouses 14x14 foot.
West of the unloading switch between the
fertilizer department and the now hog house ,
on the site of the old lee house , will bo
erected a boiler nnd engine room bUxlTO feet.
This will bo divided into lour departments
fertiliser , ougino room , boiler room and dry-
IIIB room. Ion olphty-hoiso power bailers
will furnish steam for power.
South of the old house , facing the cast
track , a large addition will bo built , to bo
known as tbo shipping coolers lor bogs ,
sheep and calves.
Most of these Improvements will bo com
plotcd and In use by May 1 , nnd then the
capacity of this house will bo 7,500 , cattle ,
JI.OOO hoes nnd 0,000 sheep per week.
Those additions , together with these contemplated
tomplated or dotet mined upon by other
packing companies nnd Iho Urlon stock
yatds , will place nearly $1,000,000 In circula
tion tills year for labor nnd push South
Omaha Into second place before the next
[ jacking season commences.
1.Ill IM Slslcf , Will Kntrrtitln.
Lilian Temple No. 1 , Pythian Sisters , v ill
en tot tain ft lends Tuesday evening In Knights
of J'ythlas hall , 24M ! N street. Tbo tallowing
committee appointments have been made :
Airangomonts , Mosdamoa Z. P. Hedges , A.
L. Bebingor and W. II. Harper ; reception ,
Mesdames / P. Hedges. T. G. Laur , John
D. Roblusou nnd Mr. / . P. Hedges , floor ,
Messn. Harry 13. Menofeo , F. M. Del
schtioldor and Tied G. Grilllth ; entertain
ment , Mrs. A. L. Bobingor , Miss Jrnnio
Morton , Dr. T A. Berwick nnd Mr. James
H. IJulla ; refieshments , Mesdames 11. K.
Brock , Hairy B. Mcnefeo , Peter J. Houson
and A. L ncbinger and Mr. .lolin D. Uobin-
son. The Pythian Sisters expect to moio
than maintain their reputation for giving tbo
most enjoyublo fraternal parties in the city.
Id-turn 1'iirt } to tlio Iticlirlors.
The Indies have arranged for a return
party to the Bachelors' club , to bo given in
Knights of 1'ythlus hall Tuesday evening.
Fobiuury 10 Miss Huldah Lambert has boon
elected president and Miss Colla Carlos sec
retary and ticasurer. Misses Ella McDonald ,
Mnud llaywnul and Lu Hunt bavo been
appointed a committee on arrangements.
Tuesday ovculng the youne ladles will moot
at the residence of Edward J. Soykoru ,
Twenty-third and I stieets , and Wednesday
evening thp married women will moot at the
homo of Air. and Mrs. Dwigu * . L. Holmes ,
2403 N street , to complete arrangements for
the party.
Notes About thu Citj.
Alexander Liud is sick with pneumonia.
Mrs. Chuilos C. Stanley has retuincd from
Mrs Moitesof Albright is very low with
a complication of troubles.
Mrs. John Brown , Twenty sixth and K
streets , is listed among the sick.
Tratlle Manager John S. Knox of the
Cudahy Packing company , after a week's
confinement at homo , Is nt his dcsK again.
Benson Jackson of Dunlap , la , has Just re-
tinned homo , after buying nearly $10,000
worth of unimproved property m South
J. B. Kelly of Newton , la. , on bis way to
the nortnwcst and the Pacific , is visiting his
brother. Captain William Kelly , the commis
sion man.
Last Saturday 1,219 cattle were slaugh
tered at the packing bouses of Swift & Co ,
the largest beef killing ever done In ono day
in the city.
Camp C. K. Wells , No. 72 , Sons of Veterans -
ans , has organized a dramatic club , nnd will
amuse themselves and entertain their friends
by their histrionic efforts.
The Bohemian Sokol will glvo a masquerade -
ado hall In Blum's ball baturdny evening ,
February 27. Thirty dollat's woith of pres
ents will bo awarded iu prizos.
John Piorson , Twenty-sixth street , be
tween N nnd O streets , had a surgical opera
tlon performed on him and a largo tumor
removed. The attending surgeon reports
the operation n .success.
The ladles of the First Baptist church will
glvo a missionary too at the homo of Mr. iind
Mrs. D. G. May , Twenty-third nnd II
streets , Wednesday aftoinoon , February 10.
Hofrcsbmonts , 10 cents.
Services will bo hold every evening this
week in the First Baptist church , Twonty-
seventh stieot , between M nnd N streets.
Kov. J. W. Harris of Omaha will bo pies nt
and deliver the sermon this evening.
Camp C. 1C. Wells , No. 72 , Sons of Veter
ans , at the meeting Monday night , decided
to attend in a body the dinner to bo invcn
Flidny by Hobort U. Livingston Heliof
Corps , in a room formeily occupied by
Brewer kSi Sullivan on N stroot.
( 'liniiihrrliilii'x Cunjjll Itviiicily.
Mr. C P. Davis , editor of tlio Bloomfleld ,
Ja. . Farmer , says : "I can recommend Cham
berlain's cough remedy to all sufferers with
colds and cioup. I have uied Uln my furnllv
for the past two \ears and have found it the
best I oor used for tbo purposes for which
It Is intended. " 25 and fiO cent bottles for sale
by druggists. _ _
\Voinon 'H diseases. Dr. Lonsdnlo , 0103. 13.
Any Rrocorciin supply you with Quail
rolled oats delicious for bro.ikf.ibt.
A Mi'ssiMIKcr III Trouble ,
Henry bhorman , an A D , T. messenger
bov , was arrested on complaint of John Mot-
calf , a brother messenger , for larceny from
the person , The latter alleges that whllo Iu
the olllco bis salary , amounting to $1.40 , was
taknn from his pocket , and Sherman was the
nearest to him.
The defendant Is given an excellent name
by the manager and by the police , who have
seen a good deal of him , but bo had to go to
Jail Just the same because ho is an orphan
and had no QUO to look nftoi bis Interests.
The oftlcors Intorobtod themselves in push
ing the case to an early trial , believing that
\oung Sherman Is innocent and will thaio-
fore 1)0 ) released ,
Agate bearing scales , uolleo mills with foot
power , grocers refrigerators , butter coolers ,
catalogue of Borden .t Sellock Co. , Chicago.
Quail rolled oita are the Unost made
Mllltiirj . .
A general court martial has boon called to
meet at Fort Mobriira at 10 o'clock Thurs
day , February 11 , fen the trial of such per
sons as may bo properly brought before It.
Following is the dctfcll for the court.
Captain Charles Rtfrtcr , EUuih Infantry ;
Captain Henry M. Klendall. Sixth cavalry ;
Captain Cyrus A. Eiirnost , fcigluh infantry ;
Captain Frank West , .Sixth cavalry ; Captain
\villinm H. Carter. , jjuth eovalrv ; First
Lieutenant Hlon F.r Wilcox , Sixth cavalry :
First Lieutenant A&hton I ) Hoyl. assistant
surgeon United Statin army , First Lieuten
ant Hugh J Gallnghor , Sixth cavalry , First
Lieutenant Lewis M. ICoelilcr. Tenth cav
alry ; Second Lieutenant Samuel 13 Smiley
Hlghth infantry ; Second Lieutenant } 3dwlu
T.Colo , Llghth Infantry , Second Lieutenant
Charlo * D. Hhodcs , fSlxth cavalry , Second
Lieutenant Urvln LI Phillips. Sixth cavalry.
Lieutenant Ucorgo .Mo 1C. Williamson , blxth
cavalry , judge advocate.
Catarrh U not n local , but a constitutional
dlacato , nnd requires a constitutional lemody
llko Hood's Sarsaparllla to effect a euro.
Nebraska Is famous for its line oats.
Quail rolled oats tire made in Nobraskiu
M D. Hoeho , Plato ajjont of the ICooloy
institute of Hluir. Nob. , room 31(1 ( , Now
York Lite bldj , ' . , Omaha , Nob. All in
quiries for information promptly attended -
tended to.
Hotbed sash in stocic , M. A. DIsbrow
Co , 12th and izard. Tolophon o 771
Hut llo'll Neti-r KIIOU In AVInit Stain Ho
Situ ( hi ! Light.
Llttlo Jacob Cckhnrt , Jr. , of Friend , Ne
braska , will probably never know whether
ho was born In Iowa or Nebraska. In fact
It Is doubtful if bis mother or anybody clso
will over know.
The Interesting and very necessary event
In tbo llfo of the aforementioned Infant bap-
donod in this way. On board the Hock
Island passenger train which rolled Into the
union depot Monday evening tboro was a
Russian family. The husband and father
gave the name of Jacob fickhart.
Ho was accompanied bv a wlfo nnd live- chil
dren , the youngest of whom lay on tbo seat
beside the mother wrapped in n ahawl , for It
had never undergone that Interesting oxperi-
oncti of having its clothes put on. Mrs. Kelt
hart looked pile , weak and distressed as she
sat supping a cup of coffee. By the slgnifl
cant glances nnd the whlsporod conver
sation among the ether passengers
abroad the car it was soon loirned
that there was something of especial
Interest connected with the poor Russian
family and particular interest seemed to bo
centered In the woman and the Infant
wrapped in n shawl by hersluo.
The cause of this unusual interest was
easily explained. Mis. Hekhart had given
birth to an infant whllo the long train came
across the bridge from Council Bluffs. She
did not even inform her husuand of the seri
ous condition of affairs but retired to the
toilet room as the train left Council Bluffs
and as tbo train pulled up at the union
depot she emerged with her offspring ,
a healthy looking boy in her arms wrapped
in a shawl. Her husband appeared to bo
moro confused over the matter than sbo was
and about all ho could do was to got the poor
woman a cup of colTeo.
Tbo family spoke German and a few Imper
fect words in Huirlish.
Mr. Hckhart said ho could not afford to
stop in Omaha. Ho had no money and no
friends here , llioy wanted to push on to
Friend , Neb , where they had acquaintances
awaiting thorn. Tbo infant appeared to be
all right and In broken English and German
the mother thanked ttooso who offered assist
ance nnd said she would rather continue the
journey and loach tbrlr destination as soon
as possible. The family went on to Friend.
Ilin Grlppu Killing In Alulmmu.
"La grippe is raging here aud 1 find
Chnmborluin's cough lomody to bo n certain
euro for it , " says \V. G. Johns of Trim
ble , Cullmun company , Ala. Mr. Johns
ordered a supply of the remedy to bo shipped
by ox press as quickly ns possible. Ihereis
no question but this remedy Is of great value
in the treatment of the grip especially on
account of Its countenujtinjrnny tendency of
th' ) disease toward pneumonia. It is albb n
prompt and certain cure for thn tough which
usually follows an attack of giip. 25 and f > 0
cent bottles for sale by riiuggists.
Bo sure to try the Quail rolled o.its and
take no othor.
Hit Cl.lllllK to Iln\e Horn Kolibcil lij 1'rlrnds
lit n llmiiu ; | t.
Monday was the closing day of tbo
Chinese Now Year week and the children of
the Flowery Kingdom residing in the city
tried to celebrate it in a fitting manner.
It Is claimed that the celebration broke up
In a row about a o'clock vosterduy moining. It
seems that a certain Chinese doctor gave a
soit ol banouot to tils country mon at a loom
near the corner of Twelfth and Ilainov
snoots. Everything went along pleasantly
until just before 3o'clock in the morning , when
Tom Ti rushed Into the police station in a
greatly excited condition , aud with n livid
mark on the loft sldo of his face. Tom
wanted the whole outllt of merry makers
ai rested because they bad maltreated him
He alleged that the ctowd refused to lot him
work his chop sticks at the banquet board ,
but insisted on his drinking and gambling.
Ho declared that after bo had imulbed moio
or less of the prollorod julco the crowd tried
to rub him und in the scuffle throw him
against a hot stove , burning his face , lie
said tbat the cnng managed to get $ * t > away
from him during the row. After ttio com
plaint the police visited tbo plnco and found
only a couple of Innocent Mongolians braid
ing their queues and no traces of a row era
a banquet.
No nrrosts wore mndo and no complaint
has been filed In police court.
Ask for Van Houten's Cocoa Take no
Housekeepers will find Quail rolled
oats the bobt mado.
' ours of iiitorltlMlii : ! < > iiln to Ifn ( ilvcn by
lilxluii | mill Mm.
The series of entertainments to boghon
by Blshoii nnd Mrs. Newman at Iho l < Irst
Methodist church will begin tonight.
They will consist of a superb presentment
of stoioopticon views collected by Bishop
and Mia. Newman In their travels atound
tlio WLrid. Splendid palaces , temples , shrines
and great monuments In nearlv ovnry civilized
izod land under the sun will bo vividly and
entertainingly represented. The ontortnln
mont will continue thioo ovoiilugs , Wednesday
day , Thursday and Frld-iv of this week. To-
morrownlght.tlin | excursionists will start over
the Union Pacific , 'do Salt Lake , the Yo-o-
mite \ulloy nnd San Francisco. Thov will
leave the Golden Oato and land In Japan.
Uhoy will enter China and rest until Thurs
day evening. Tickets for tno course will bo
sold at $1. Tbo iccoipts will bo donated to
the church fund.
J OllUcson tliol'lrtt Floor or thu Cllj Hull
About Coiiipli-tiil ,
Contractor Coots fa crowding the work on
the ne .v city ball and now states that all of
the rooms on the first floor will bo ready for
occupancy by February 15 , although hU con
tract does not cull fbr tholr completion until
As soon ns these rooms are finished those
upon tlio other floors will bo completed as
rapidly as possible. At the piu&ont tlmo
fifty cnrpentois nio omplojeu and inoro will
bo put to work at an early dato.
'Used iu Millions of Homes 40 Years the Staudard ,
Rnilrond Men Sea a Plan in the Union
Pacific's ' Policy ,
Other ItouU Ciiinlilrrliis ( lie Mtnillmi
'Iniimnlsxourl I'luionmT Assm-liilton
In Session In Oin li ; Ititlltimd
Note * anil I'l
Some of the railroad mon think they see In
the Union I'aellle's Increased switching tariff
a schema to force tbo Iowa roads to pay Its
bridge toll.
The Hock Island and the Milwaukee nro
able , under their contract , to haul tbulrrais
across the bridge and Into Umnhn , hut the
tracks assigned for their u o in this cltv nro
so located us to bo inaccessible to teams.
They aio compelled to submit to nny swlteb-
Ing regulations which the Union Pacific nuiy
The Northwestern , which has n favorable
trafllc arrangement with the Union Pacific ,
has already adopted the alternative , instead
of bringing Its cars over Its own bridge nt
Ulalr to the Webster street depot nnd then
paying an oxorbltant switching chnige , its
cars nro now taken to tbo Council Bluffs
transfer and turned o\or to the Union
Paclllo. The latter thereby gets tbo boncllt
of Its proportion of the thiougb rate , Inch
includes .1 fat bridge toll of it cents n bun
died. It Is suriylscd tint the Union
Puolllo is trying to force tbo Kock Island and
the Milwaukee to deliver it tholr cars at the
transfer across the river.
Mr. H. A. Suinncr , local freight agent for
the Hock Island , says the situation has boon
reported to the general officers In Chlc.tsro ,
nnd In the meantime pntronswlll bo protected
as boiotoforo. The Uock Island hns an enor
mous coal trrulo from the Iowa mluos to
Omaha , nnd thnt Is sorlo'isly aftcetod by the
now schodulo. Much of the coal Is slack ,
used for steaming purposes. The coal is
tvorth little to the mtucra , the haul is com
paratively shoit mid n switching charge of
* S , Mr. Sklnuor saj-s , is almost prohibitive.
On account of competition the Kock Island
will have to assume the Increased
charge or deliver the trafllc to the
Union Pacific nt Council UUUts.
Union PuciHo ollicials assert that the old
switching charges of $1 50 and $2 weio not
romunei alive , but tbo B. & M. is satisfied
with SJ.
Following nro n few facts about similar
charges In Chicago : Tins Baltimore & Ohio's
ordinary rate is fct.fiO , nu'd it takes u car to
South Chicago , n distance of twelve miles ,
for i-J.rit ) . 'Iho Illinois Genital's rt to In the
Ctilcnpo lumber dlstiict nnd as far us Twou
tjfifth street is S1.U5. The Chicago it Alton
switches H car thieo and a. half miles for $2.
It hns onlv ono charge above that llguro ,
which is ? . ) . for a distunes of 11 vo miles The
Bolt Liiuo IJailwny companj switches eight
miles to Auburn for W und fif
teen miles to Kensington for $5. Tlio
Chicago v\c Caltii-ot takes a car to Hammond ,
Ind , u distance of twenty miles , for W 75 ,
and Chicago tonnlnals test vast sums of
money instead ot haUnir bcou donated to the
> orl h\\ est * rn Kuriilng * * .
The Chkago & Northwestern railroad has
issued u special statement of Its cainlugs by
months duiing Ib'JI , nnd the latter pait of
the year shows n remarkable gain in busi
ness. Thoioport cooronly tbo North-
wcston sjbtem proper , the Omaha and Elkhorn -
horn lines not being includea. The mileage
Is 4'J7.3 , as ogainbt l.'JSb in Ifc'K ' ) . The two
joars nro compaied as lollows :
1811 IStO Incrinso
Oro" enrnlnK } 2'i " 3 791 $ . ' < ITU U2rt $1 . ' . ' ) Tin
KxpenBL'a . . I'.i l..M.Ii IsiJiO-l ) , ! I.5.M ! i
Net flUiTJIM SUt ibi )
ChnrKCv Intlnil
InKsInk g lunil GinOJI .riW7'J7
IIul fur stuck J ! , HI lit f I Un. ' S.'fi
Ulvlilonils . . . d,415SCI JKjO. . )
buriilim . . , . t.AS . ( fl * OK , 8J7 f 7H.2
The gain was ull inndo during tlio last
seven months of the jcnr , the thst five show
ing a decrease. The increase in the gross
earnings of tlio Northwostein for the last
three months of thojcnr amounted to % 1,001.
The incicaso of the Omaha road , with a mile
age of 1,400 , was for the same three monthb
? t > G",7.'iO , making a total of $ l&bU"il. The
eainings of the St. Paul for these thieo
mouths Increased $1T7J.S31 ! , its mileage
being slightly less than the combined mile
age of the Northweslcin and Omaha lines
included in the nbovo statement.
IMisciiKei * M < n In Conleicnre.
The Transmissourl Passenger association
met jesttrdav at the Pa\ton hotel. The
laihoads wore loprosented ns follows :
IJ Ac M. . John Francis ; Union Pacific. C.
Mclvoiuio ; Missouri Pacific , 1) . \nldwoll
of St. Louis ; Klkhorn , J. H. Buchanan ; St.
Joseph & Grand Island , W. K. CundnT of
fat .losopn ; Kock Island , Major Anderson
of Topeka ; Kansas CitjSt Joseph As Coun
cil Uluffs , A. C. Dawo and H C , Oir of St.
Louis ; Santa l o , Ooorgo T. Nicholson of
TopoKu , Denver & Kio Grande , S 1C. Hoopar
of Denver ; Kio Grande Western , J. H. Ben
nett of Salt Lake Citj' .
The mooting discussed routine matters of
little Inlctcbt to the public. The most im-
poitunt was tint subject ot split tickets.
( i.lH .Illll I'DlililH.
J. JI. Bennett , general passenger agent of
the Kio Grande & Western railway , with
houdquarton at Salt Lake City , is at the
Paxtou. He received n tclegtam josterday
evening from the Mormon city stating that anew
now gas well had been struck und it had n
vorv heavy How at a depth of 000 feet Ho
was also informed at tbo same time of the
liberal victory. _
NotfH mill 1'orson tin ,
A. .1. Davits , general ngout of the Clover
Leaf nt Kansas Citj , Is in the city.
J. B Fruwloy , general passenger agent of
tlio Union Pacific at Kansas City , is in
_ _
Dr. Cullirnoro , oculist. Uoo building
Iliitlillng I'ei inilri.
The following pcimlt.s wore issued by the
superintendent of buildings jestoiduv ;
Ci , II Hammond , fi.iiuo and hrluU i old
htor.ii-'i ) lionsu , 1 .Oil luavun oi til httcul $ . ' , MO
i'oui minor puimlts . r > . " > J
lotiil . . J1.0V )
/ > ; . 177/s.
Notices nf nu tines in Imt until i Hits
c til * ; cadi iiitillUniiii ! HIII ten unf
WKIHM' Mibs.mi , from hinirt fulure , on
I'tibriiurv * nt I 'in , at II. I .South Tvsenty
font Ih Mr 'I Kiiiii.iins will bo tuUun to
Lurro Gould , ill , , for Inlt imunt
For Over Two Years
my llttlo girl's life was
made miserable by it
case of Cntan h. Tlio
discharge from the nose was largo , con
stant nnd very offensive. Her eyes became -
came inllamcd , the lids swollen anil veiy
painful. After trying various remedies.
I gave her S. 8. S. The first bottle
seemed to aggravate the disease , but the
symptoms boon abated , and in u short
time she was cured.
Eye , Ear , Nose , Throat ,
sfs adjusted to nil visual dcfuuts
Catarrh siiciLSsCiilly truutiul.
Room 18 , Uaikcr Illoth , I51b anil Farnara
DfUllM lor ( kl Kauri /Wll Ilia A
UinJllrauJ lo Kid > ad bvU uitl lllg\
io ' > I "I rli'iu 'IllLo
iiuullifl , Kt ! uJa.ijlroul ililililu
tltmiinil imlluli HI Airirufjuli ori
iu kUtut tor tftitlcuUri tritlmf > Qlili ka
"Itillef fur I u < lli" Ijrcluru
Hull. 111,000 T .ilumoUli Aa < JMjxr.
cit rr ciiiw
Bvll t > y ill LM > ! u.Uki M , I'btlu Jo. , ! ' .
Oinnlm ( ! pti nn O\oriH Titrliirj- Hint will
Marl ut Once.
Mr Milton C. Peters hn closed tliu deal
referred to In joatordny's Hsu nnd Omnha
KOts n shirt nnd overall factory thnt will give
employment to tlfty persons.
'llionow lirm consists of .Intncs 1' Swond
Jr ntid I-1. S Klup of Atchlson , ICnn . where
they hnvo for some time been connected with
Prank Howard V Co.
Thov are eanaWo youiic business mon who
will bring with tbo new cnteipriso nn
amount of exporlcnco , onotgv , Mm nnd push
that will umtoubtodlv bi of mntoiinl bcnullt
not only to thoinsolves but to the citv.
The ticw fnctorv will occupy ere ontlio
floor of the Otmlui Hcniis U if ( compinv's
blR liulldlng which Is fullv supplied with
olcLtrlc lighting steam bontlug und power
It isstntod thnt the MOW plant will bo In
opeuttlou not Into- limn April I , nnd n full
force of employes will bo put on from the
Doctois'f Pshaw1 Tuuo Ucocbntn's Pills , g ,
1)1 llllkflllU'HM ,
A dl ease , treated us such nnd perma
nently cured. No publicity. No ititlrin-
tir.v. Homo trcutinont Hsiritiloss und
ollectuiil. Uofur by permission lo llur-
llngton lluwlceyc. Send 2c slntnp for
pamphlet , hhokoqtion Chetniojil Co. ,
IJutlintjton , lit
Twenty five miles nortlicnut of Knnfni
City , on tlio C. , M. A. St. 1'aul liy. , IB n
beautiful llttlo city of 3000 Inhabitant * ,
built t > lnco the summer of 1SSO , solely on
accnnntnf tlio dl co\cry of the mur\elo 8
"I'ntr.o MAhaANrsn" mid Suu'iio SAHIB
waters and the thousands of cures tbat
luuc since been effected by their use.
rapidly KM gueMs , Is one of the most
cliirmlni ; nnd comfortable all year-round
resort holcls In America. Superb bitlia.
All clnrges modirnte. Tor lllnMrnted
pamphlet address , Excelsior Springs Co.
Excelsior Springs
Jar ITnlf amiAia. Missouri
Blchardson Drug Go , , Agts , , Omaiia , M ,
A Written Guarantee to
Our euro I' permanent and notii pitrlilni ; up ru es
treated se\in ye-nrsnuo lm\o ni'\er i en n svmptom
Rlnrn 11 } desi rlblnirciso full ) wo rin iron > on b }
mull and wo cue tin * same Iroii ; Kimrnntio to euro
orrefnnit atl money 'Ihosouho prt'Terto tome litre
fortreitmont cindo-.oan I o will puy i illron I fnro
both w 11 } sand houl bills w illii liuro If i > tall toenn
W' ( hnlli IIKO tinWorl 1 for n c use tliut our MfJIC
HIMIIIVlllnnt : cure Wrlto for pirtlcn'Ari ' "nil
KPttlio ovl k'nro In o ir 'ovim jeira prii tlioxvltli
thliMAOK. Hi\lii\ : : It. hts buun mon lUINiMilt to
ovpnometlio prejn llees nijuliiHt socillt * ! npeclllc *
Uutnnilcrour lroni ; miuniitui * tlio I'luidt nro tr > ln
Itnntt liiliiKnirol Wo iMniruuti'e to euro urrcfnnt
e\or > ilollur , in I is H o h UP it rcput ill ) i to pr Ho
ulMitliiiinilil ba klnzofiilOUr ) U Is perfc ( l\ safe to
nil who XT III try the in ? itin'Mt. Her 'tofo-j j on huvo
btcn puttlimupan I piy In tonty our money for Mill o
out triMitiiKnts an I uUlioiuh > on nro not > ct enrol
noonu h is piltl Itick your money WV wl'l no lllvolp
cure 5 on O il chronk.ileo i * * o i * tl 011404 tn e t In 1) )
to 'II duy < Imcvliti'eoir flmncliil si unlliu our
ripntatlon ax lintlnn- ' ' ) men \Vrllo us foe names nml
niMres esof thonu wo hi\o cured > \lio hu\o Klven
permission to refer to tlio n It coats > oi only post
HKi > to do this If tour srmpto 119 ire * * ire throi *
mucous pitches In m iiith , riiauinuti n In bones uml
joint' , h ilr fiillhn. out , uruptlons on uny part of th
boily , leolliiK of Konurul iloiro < slo i , p il is In hoaj or
nonesoihnc no tlm * to nn lu Iho o who nro
eon tantly tukliiK mere ir' n ul potu h she iM illsiim
llnuoll. ( oustunt use of these ilruiis lll sun ly lirlni ;
sores anil e itltu uleirs In thu en 1 Don 11 ill to u ntu
Alleorrespon ltnrto sent suilcl Iu pluln cmolopcs
\Volrulle themott rlxlil lmc tU itlon und n III do all
In our ponor to ul I yon In It Address
COOK REMEDY < 0. . - Omibi , Nobruka.
5OO for i , iso of I.O-T or I'Mt.ivn MAN-
noon , Ounn i Niuvois li ) MiLirt. weak
ness of 1 1 lyr .ilnd , tlio plluctsof orronor \
ceases In old or you us t hut w re innot fureVr
nuiiriintcoovoiy ' iso or H'fuiid uvi'ry doll ir
I'lve d tyt trial triMtinunt Kl full ooursn * " >
I'oreL'ptil ) o huncflti n ilbi-d In thrco ilavs
Hy mull , hocniuly picked from oliiu > i > itlon
Coou KIMI.IH : ro.UM\iiA. NFII
' l-"t | ' ll. ! < ' ' I'H I > I ( . -.ifo nnd
( Vrt iln to i duy 01 money refunded
Hy mull * ' . r-oeuroly bO.iloJ from obstrvu-
t on. CuOlt. IU. tl'r.lf ' < * ' . Dinah i. Neb
MEM'.aiipoclllofor llr torla , IMz/lno i , I In % on
rnlKln , lluailni ho Ni rvoii' I'loilrutlon cinnud liy al
coliol or tobuiioikufiilnun ; Mental Keproislon
hoflenliiK ut tlio llraln i insliu- Infinity misery
dicny , iluilli , I'riMiinliire Old AUB llarn'nnoss | .o i
of 1'ower In either son luninteiHy l.oiiioirhoca nail
all l-cnmlo Woiknustai Involnntitry I OJSDS MJOT
iimtorrliooicinsud liy ofi'r-exortlon of the brain
Hulf iliiiNi' , over IndnUeaoo V nionth H treattnont
ll.lifur F > liy null Wo ( iuarinti'o lv hi\u < to
i nro Cucli onlor for 'i lioxui , wltliti will nend rlt
Un Kiiartnlno to rofnnd If not enrol ( : uaninti > ai
Issind only liy A ' throier , liuuilit ) ! ole imoim , s
K cor H th and rariiain ti Dinnli i Sub.
A lion iind i oauiluto I rt-atiuent coiiKlstlni ; ot
SuppobltoileH Olninunt m ( apaule * aUu In llox
und I'lllH u I'oxltlio ( u o I I I vii-ri al , liit"rnnl
Illlnil or lllii'luu Itililnv ( lironlt KIM out or
lleiedltary l'llo < lliln llonidl ) liu : ntvur bom
known lo tall $1 per lit x il foi frj H nt by mill
WhKiilfur frJin ( liln t r iblo ills -aiiJ nhen a rlt
ILII uimrmtPoli * positively ivi n Hllliohoxun to
relimdtliii nioii"It nil mod Hund ttainp Tor
friii hiunpio ( iiiarantuo IHHUO I li ) Knhn .i ( .0
Drnpil'i" oiu A onn toinor iJlli anil Dou.'la *
Uiailia Neb
The Leading 'M '
Den list"
Third Floor , Paxton Blo = ! t.
iosr , . ictli ami Tarn t u SM.
A full nut of Uelh on nibbor for n l't > rfoel fit
'lentil without \i\utm \ \ or romovnlilu brldiro wi rk
Ju t Iho thlni ! for ulntor * ur public tpoikLM novar
Urop down
All tllllni' < al ro nonnblu latai , all work w.trr HIM I
tut thin out lor
There h no
lcno\n remedy
that equals
JU".0 ,
imjiro\cmenl on or-
Ol ACTfTE ? thnarj porous pl.-is-
f LHO 1 UM tLMs , a U."i re volution
in I'laitcrs Wood r. is the onlj tilaitcr
lia > hiK lscr l to dilate the pores and
penetrate to Hicat of pain.
SOLD r.v nrut.MSTS
N V Depot , 93 Wlllhm Si
A tronfft
htalthyHoman Id-
Ktrnd of n tfrcdt
nnd nlling one I
Bounds like n inlr-
Bclo , doesn't It t
Hut It ' '
Un'U H's
i only Uio ordlnnry ,
'of Dr I'iorce'fi
Fnvoritr Vrescrlt ) .
tlon just the work that It was mndo for.
Its n nomnn's medicine' , carefully comk
jxiundwl for lior Itynn nrrorlcnwl iilijflrlnnf
nnd ndnp'.M to her dollrato orranlzntkui. It
nrikcsv.cak women strotiR , suaorltiK womprf
won H's nn lnIsorntiiiK , rcstorntho tonle ,
n MMthltiK nnd bindiitf nenltio , nnd n ivr-
tftln ctno for nil the fubctionnl dcrnngcntcntir.
jKilnful disorders or chronic wcaUnrvsps ix > -
ciilinr to the sex. Tor tilccintion , dJMilnco >
incuts , boai ing- down sensntioni , " fdnald
complnints" of ovoi7 kind , it's a iio\ci-fnll.
Inc rcnuvly
And , nnionff nil the incdiciucs tlml clnlm ta
help women , "Taxonto rrcstitption" Is the
on/// / / / ono thit's niMiinitcnt to do nlmt if
promised for It. If It doesn't l-onrfl * or cure ,
in nny ca e , you hnvo } our tnonpy Kirk.
Is soincthlnR else , thnt limy pnv the dwilffr
K'ttcr , likely to bo ' just ns good " for jou f
Lo Duo'3 Porlolloil Pills.
Tliorroti'h rum idy a-n dlwct y upon tin
Rcner itic organs Tin ! en r M siiiinroniiin of tin
mouses JJor thr 10 for * K nml o tu b i mnlloiL
t-liouliliiotboiHnUhiri i projiumr Tnlibari.
lstiiatliQiijitlU supulloJ by
, Oniih x
nro Uio
cinupnsr AND Tin : HKST
Sell Them.
> i nn.i..n
Max Meyer & Bro. Co. ,
OMAHA , M\TII : M u bra.
' olid ( .old bp etiu lex or KJI' ( .lasses from il up ,
1 Ino SIcM b | > t < UK los or Kjp I.hisses liom il up
res l < * sled I roi > h } * * klli't ! Opihiuns
IOl'l I IM ) I'ltl - ( IIUMiiS- * 111,1,1.1)
W. BAKER &fjos
from which the excess of
oil IMS been removed , is
Absolutely lnro
and it in Soluble.
arc used in its pieprtnition. It has
more than three times the strength of
Cocoa mixed with S'nich ' , Aiiowrnot
or Sugar , and is Ihcrcforo far moro
economical , cos'itiy less than one fcnt
n cup. It ia ilclicious , nourish ing ,
strcnqtliuning , KASII.Y DIQKSHD ,
, uiI ndinit.ilily ad.iptctl for invaliils
is well as for persons in health.
'told by Grocers everywhere.
W. BAKER & CO , , Dorchssiftr , Mass ,
DR. J. E. McG-ELEW ,
Is liiihiiiiiassod In tin * trinilinoii t of till fornuJ
PRIVATE DISEASES mil all disorder *
nnd ilulillltlCNiif yinitli and ininliood ITvrura'
rv | i rli'in i ) | | ioiiniii > aii'l ' fiii'lllllea ar4
jirai Hi1 iy | | iiiillinltnil I ho Doctor IH iiii'iim *
inenilrd liv HID press , nnd rniloisul ui Ilia
htrun.i'-it liirniH by tliu iionii u for fair in IM
iiii'iit nnd honisi priiffsiinnal nihim Thd
must | ) ii\\ ( > rfiil rniniMlli IUIQVMI lo inmleiu
luiifu for Iho suici'Sifnl triiilintnt of tbf
DllDWln dUcHKDH :
OONORnilOKA- dlutii ri'llef A
n eli > cm o without tbo lots of uii liniirx tuns
from Inislui-bs
OLKHT ( hie of tliu most eoniptolo and silt *
cossiil litiutiiiiintx for u'liMit anil all annoying
( lisi h ii ns yi t Knoun to Ilin mrdliiil | inij ( -
b on 'J ho ruMilts i truly nonduiful Did
niu > t blnlilioin uiidc'liionli oiises wluiro tlio
( IKiliaise luul uNUlod foi > u ir-i itntliuly cun
I mill ( I Inn iLMiiurknbly dliorl tlmo '
BTKIOTURK-IJikiili'it l.iionn rjinndy forf
Hie in atnii'iit of Mrli'tuiu II limit p tin. i"it <
tin , ' , ordllatiiiif. A mod iiuiiuil uhlu Miinidy.
SVPIIIIiIS No Iroiliiiuil for Him tnrrlbld
blood illsiiisu has ovur In i-ii moil ) Hiii'ci'sifnl. '
or Iind Htion.'ur undorM munis Inthollxlit
of moiliTn hrli'iiLO this dlsu.iHU IH pusttlvily
< ui.ililu and inrry li jcuof HID poUon untlruly
iriiioid fiom the blood I'ho curu U eoniilct | | >
und puriiiuiutiit. *
IOKi' MANHOOD , nnd unibltion nortoua *
in < .s , timidity duipunili'ii ' y and nil lilUhllntf
nicthnf curly xUo Itolluf obtiiliud nt uni-u.
'I In wi uk ( 'rowslioiin un 1 tliu ucspondc ntby *
i omo "lici'rful und li ip | l
SKIN DISBASL'S , .in I ull dlM iktk of tfc
lilnod , liver. IddiiDjt. iinilb Indilur uru tnmt ( !
sue i'i'ssfuil > will , lliun'iu ituall.iiunn roiuLiUt *
fill Illl' ll lllbLMSCg.
\\rllu fori'lnnlurt niiilii'drslion list frco.
MclJrt'u'n tro.itiimiit for dlsnnlirs of tba
btumiuh huHtliu iiniii | illlli I cnihiriiMnunt of
thobo wholiuio bi'iin cuicd I ufci tliut b l' '
HiiifiTi ! I fur \unin und nn.i U toOMK or I.AT
willnint ini'reMKln > ; Inulr m hury untirulyl
iinul Tliu remocJUs aru iileumnt and P-I * ,
at i * In lo tlio niOHl ilellcato hlom irh UtU
uu > I itiMin hts , UnuUa , .Nub l.ntraiuo o *
euhei aucut.