Till' , OMAHA DAILY BKK : WKDNKSDAY , lKKWTAUY 10 , 1802. SPEG1RL NOTICES , ADMIiniT.MKNTS KOII will bn tnkrn until 13 \ < m for the pvcnlnu ml until 8 VJ p m. , ( or the mornlne or umlay cill tlon All iKlvortlfptncntu In thp o rnliimno 11 rents line flr t insertion , unit 10 cento n linn thprpnfti-r or II ppr linn p > r month Nn nilvertlsr-mont tnlen for 1pm limn 3. cents for tlm tlri > t Insertion Tprnn.cnsn In mlviinrp lonnt nlmnt 7 woril * to tliollne Inl llnl . tlnrr , symbols , otr < nch count ni n woid All nilvrrtlormi'iiti must run ponippntlrply Aclvpr Hfftf by rp < | iip tlne n ntinibprpit check rnn limn their IHIPM mlrlreMpil to n nimilK-riil Ipttpr In pnro ariUl'lltV Answers < ) n < litrc ert will bo ( Ifllr | | P < 1 on presentation of the die < k * AIIVKinlSIMlVOHTIIKMK 'dilinnns will bo tnkpti on HIP above conilltlotn nt tlip following btidlm hoiiM'S wlio nrti author lrp < Mnlnki < i > | > prlil neithrsnt the same mil's nntnii li' Imil nt tint niitln onir Sinth nnmlia llrantli unite No ZIU1 N street I.tstrr block .lolm W Mcll pharmacist lltb nml Ma on street' . N II rarnsworlh. pharmacist SI ! > rmiilmf street W J lllmhps iilmrnmcM tJ4N 1Mb street ( K "attortleld pharmacist UI8 Uavrnvrorth ttifpt. pharmacy Ilth nnd Karnnni SITUATIONS Vf ANTED. 11ATI" * ISe n line llrst limp ami lOenllnn there after No nilTcTtlaoincnt taken for lo" than S.io. ' To v7rTTKVr IIOOKKr'lil'KK DIISllll'.S TO ultlun with Kooil reliable homo Hunt city refer cncmihlrcss.S,7j Hee 18711' ' ' WANTS POSITION AS Ai'iioromiAi'iiKii npcratnr orii3ni > ral man , best rufcri urn. mar Heel AihlreM , A K ,7JV HMt sl.Imllana | > < ilKlml. I ' ( HIIIO.V WAM'KII MV K bookkeeper' bent of references N 40 , llec olllep , Ills 1 1- sn i AM ION nv AN I\PKUTiinoKKiiii'iu : : : : A bet rufurente * Aililrma "W , IU31 1 nrniiin st. .MOT ) U ) ( ) H1HAD\ MAN \VISIIia : POSITION AS AllOI bartender ile l of rofortnrea Ail ilres * N II , line .MMI 10 * - IN MKAT .MAHKI'/I HV AWANTKD-WOHK an exierl | < nted bnedlh meat cutter N It M.'ll 11 * Omaha llee 0111(0 \ MANTriritt A LADY oT' ( 1 LI'Mll' . \ aXhoino uhero lntrti ( tlon mav bo given In th > ini.'llsh : lirntii lie * In I'll linnnc for board Aililie'n II llpe MJ2i II- WANTED-MALE HELP. It VTI'.S-I.V n line llrsl time anil IO n llni' tlipie- lifter Nil advertisement laki n fur lcs thnn .c 1 > UANir.l ) AIKSMKN O.N SAI.AHV Oil COM 1 Mnifsh.n to handle the new pill nt clicndinl Ink era lnK pi m 11 'Ibo ( greatest felling novclt > ever prnilnuil eTfi.cs Ink thorium ! ) In t o M.tonil , no nbnislim of papi r VW ) tu MX ) per cent piollt one niient s sales anmmitiil tu } I20 In sit i1a > s niiutln r JUtiiinn hour1 * \\c want nnu Bcnernl HIM lit In < 'tii h state nml territory lor terms nnrt full p ir tlcnliirs nitiltesa Monroe ire : cr MfK I'D . I.uLrivw i in CANVAl-HI'HS\LAIt\ " T"ATirwKrKI.Y lnger 8o lni ! inaihlne olllco. I'lIU DoiivhiH il ( .U IH ) WAM'Kl ) ! JlAlHIMST Mlavli , V t oMizlll 1.75 > ( \NVAi-iiiis : WAsrni ) CALL OH AD > ilre Ul N. V l.Hn bidlillm : Mill tU > UAV1KI ) A ( iOOD ui.M.SS M A K H 1 1 A T > lteil Oak. la C A Nelson I > \\AVIII : > MM : CASDV. AM ) ici : 'ninker , mint bu tlioronglili tlrst class Aililri" Hi e ' . ' 10 II- \vrKD Alil.S'ls IN KVKIIY CITY OH HWvrKD eiinntt to sell \Mlbiirs n 'il meal , \Mlbnrn liuri-e fnot i me anill Illnir s KIIIIheuva line 1100 10 flMlper month can be nniile nt home by a loift Icr ki > iiil fur "aniples ami MiUertHlim VMIhiiri bc-prt Meal ( . 'o . .MilwaukeeU IUS ID' p \ \ ANTHI ) , lllOSi : \ \ IU ) 11AVII LOST A I.K ( ! J > or arm tu neiiil their naiiii" > iinil nililress to ( ! eo 11 Iliiff-iin. artlfblal limb manufacturer , .New Ihrrcn Ci.nn . t-onn tliliiK of Intcicat to all crip pics ulierovcr locntcil .MI42 Id * \ \ AN'l'i7 ! ) rOMl'KTK.S'l A11HI UAri'lIH , fclck i-loiix Clt > , In Mill 10 * BAHKVfSl. .MINKHAL LAMP Wl'MCS NIIVIIll burn lint no * moke no soot , no trimming ; light equal to pns , ,1 t > nmplcs lOe , n sorlid doyen Z' > c T Stu > ner A Co. , I'rotldence , U I. SI'/ii li * "tANTKD , IV A COUNTINO OH-ICi : A J'yonngni.iii about ITjenrs of age who I * quick nnd nccurnto In figures Addrcs * In ) onr own handn rltlng N yj lice M15I l > KAM.-i.MK.N WAN'IKI ) , liOOl ) SALAIM ( ) IJI.ook nteno Aihlrcen N ,11 , llee 1CI ID * 1) "UA.NTKD , IN IIKTAII , HO IIS 12. THY ) 1IO I > iibinl III : nuiHt write Kooil hanet , $ , < tu bevlnil ilress lu onu vrltlnu. M W. llee IM ! i E - VVAN'rKI ) ! MRN TO IIIAA'ISI , FOU Ot'lt lunail.i mlr-erlc ! . dtofic , t VYullhiKton Mmll lon \\l WANTED A 'lltKASLIlKII AND I'AIITN K U for aver ) line Ojiern ( omert comimnv , verj Biicccsiifiil , uiiist ImvuJI.OOO AildiosH , N , W lien 110 10 * 1 AliiOU : A CATHOLIC' Alii : YOU UM'M J'ploieil ? % MI1 ) on woik forllsppr week ? \\rlui iiiuatoncc J It liii ) , Ifll Maill on st , Chicago III .MSOI 10 * 1 > W ANTED. 80M12 OM1 IP TAKK ' 1 1 iTl Dairtnc ) for a lioii iMiold artlclo entirely now that n tails for I.V , pn > s 100 per ( out protlt and will po HI > el ) sell to ever ) family lyiiclo < o stump Hubert S West. Uuvol.uut O M1I7 10 * T ) WANT 'fliAVIJMNIji SALKSMAN VISinTlT J 'grocery nnd liardnare trnde to handle reiidj Ht Her hlrle llnn. on coiumlsBton Addiess with itimplullPaxtonblk MJ1. ) 11 * i > \ \ % NTI D. LMMIDIATI : LY , J'rolltge htuilents not wanted Addrots. Oscar euro lleo sMlth Omaha M.'H , 10 > JI" 'lOHIA DAY TO AI.PN'ls si LL1VC. OUIl l > Porf tlon shoo , ( recentl ) palenttiK , also tbo Tailor Adjustable shoe direct to tbo consumer , pitillt troni 75e to 2 5 a pair No competition e > erylad > a possible customer this spring becuro iiinr terrltorj at once Addnss , with ' 'c stamp , Li < nsolldatc < l xVdjustablo bhoo Compuii ) , l.jnn Slass JWI 10- WANTED-FEMALE HELP. It VI I'b .15o n line tlrst time and lOc n line there niter No advertisement taken for les * th'in 2.K , V ling \\liltosLllly of tboalley ' Address "Willie's 'I ollet Co , " bouth Tend , Ind 071 U" ( \ . \ ( .001) SALAHY RI'AIIANTKKI > TO ANY V Ind ) whoullldo wilting for ment homo Ail dipss In own baiidn rltlng with addressed tint ! li1 ! vlamptd envelope. .Miss Kdnn I. bmytbe south llend , Ind , proprietor of tbo turnout ( .lorla Wnter SIUOO PW p WANTKD. A ( II1IL I OH ( .UN KHAL IIOI Mi- V work , must bo good cook , washer mid Ironer Apply SUJ.M apllol n > o 6.V.I ft WANTKD PIHbl' CLASS TOOK AND I.AI'N- V drtus , good wages , 2115 M M ir'n mo Mill * ( \ \\A\TI.D , A ( ilHl ) IAIP1AMS1' ) AND AC V coinpnnlsit for ncrj line Concert ( ompiiiy KIIIII ! looker preferred Address , N J7 , llee 191 II' _ p \ \ \MBII ( H11L I Oil GKMCUAL HOl'-jlT V \\H\f \ Mrs ( i U I.oomlH.lOII boutb luth ave 101 iSTUII ( iiitL POII ( n \ii K V nork , small famll ) , 2115 Ilarnii ) I'l'i II * ( 1 W ANTIID , NKAT Cllll. Ill OH rsTiHSOI.Tl : I to help do homework , 4.40 lliirdettu Clifton Hill JIJOI II * _ 7' WA.N'rT : ! ) I.OOD tiUL ; AS IOII llav tinport st M.'is II * FOR RENT-HOUSES. IIA'I IM-l'x > n line llrst tlmo nnd I Do a Him thorn after No iidvertl cimmt taken for less than . ' > e JAottiiKCnulth bath nml c e'riiK" . at anil nenr inrner Melmter anil .ailb tlrcetn Itcilmeil to KO curb Ilinr ) W v.uli til | \ . ' 1 4 A . ' . HOOM HOl'HKS IKKo US , HKs'J'fs | J 'lileme Data In elty. Mcuil Inv t Lu. . 41. Hue bblt ; 7 * I l -HHI IIKNT. 1IOUHK ID llMV.S ( , AU , MOD J.1-in IniiiruvciuciiU , IK ) pur month , JSil anrt Kur limn I'oxler I.'I liiinim 721 1) M.W ( .UOOM COTTAdfN. MODIMt.V IM J 'prmcmeiits , 'btanfonl llrelii" Apply C. s l.lKiilUT room 4 , N \ l.lfii milMlug. 7 5 I-v UIIOOM HOrsK. 87111 AND IAVK.M'OU'I\ JJnljionvenlciiie'a , U10U per month I1 K liiir Unit , Hnrker block ; vi , iTo\r T < TrAi7Tr nT\i \ Uroet. II ! Kinpilrubj rl Ibth. VV-LAHUK i.iar UKO j I'AuTZ'iuJTl'AiiNTvM * J 4.KJIYJ' T\ Ton uiiNT. 10IIIUMH ) : , f urANlTTi'witiis J-'per month , ' 1 he o V Davit company OKI 110 TVlJll.lHJM HOlSK7.MOIllT > IMI'Tro\-.vrrsrH J'1 'N rithave II Kullnb. tailor , ill N loth Vft Juliette KCJ Kni | lre , OuiuUa Hook A btatluncry Co. , Ill N. Ibllikt Mb 7 - KOlF ultXT , "AN KlTiTlT.ltOOM COn'AI K Half Him ant Mniut. I ) u IUK > .M HOI M : ii.u IIOIKJK hi' ( i roiiiii bouse blO H 1Mb tt V room lioiuu bjl r. UUli it. y-roum llouboten. I'lunxi t. t.il (1 ( Clark X Co . ariivy V I- r OU KK.ST b.MAI.1. riTHMMIHD IIOUh P nllh i.laiiu , rent hitr.iKl California t. MUH7 H T\ Hill t.'I UK 10 UOOM HOllnH aitrj louula t. hull , lliu Duuvlaa t llB T , 9 HOOM IIOUBK , NO 1J ItAV Ireet. verj cheap tu Urililan IUIIHIU - > ilt \ Hill. HUii turnam ( reel HUM Hi Tj-II.ATb WITH ANII WITHOUT J-'brat , t > ulU1liiK > , ttorm , d illluu anil „ . _ In all i.arta uf Itn city , KvlUuuey A Co. , font I Iioutal block. U Ul 31 FOU KENT HOUSES. ( miKntird D12 HOOM IIOINK MODKI1N CONVKNIKNCK1' , fnrnl lipil or iinfnrnUhert , Knnntro Placi , eor. 2lKt and Illnney al o fiirnltnrn and ladle * driving ioro for Halo at a bargain .Mr * J P llay H4I4' D 1-HOOM COTTAdK , STrt 2KT ST l-OltltKNT ' , BIIOOMH.AT liAMIK llt.OCK Deo' rniT nth ami Jackson strectn M l 10 " HAT 1N CiriTilONiir/JcKririlOOM" . STKAM heat , water un * tmtli * . All convenience * ; III Bond repair Inquire of John llnmllti.'ii ; s 11th st Omaha M 20 > i UENT--FUHNISHED ROOMS. It.VTICM I.V n line first tbnu ami I Or n line there nflpr .No ailrprtlspmcnl taken for lp s than Me P 3 HOOM8. HOUSHK T'TwOHi 8T M , ' _ STKAM lKAT ) UtO.Vl room * , 1817 Ix-nvenwortb street bath , etc HS ) VU" E -HIONT nooM\\nn t.un , 721 N 21 ST .Mill HI' Ij1Kll HUNT , MCKI.V KtMINI IIKI ) , HKCOND J 'story bntk room sullalilu forslntilu Kentlctnan , without board , in H , 2Mb street 2'u I.1 KniMsKlOOMS. .1 MINU1KS' WA1.K Ijfronillio Hide SOU Harne ) ? 'J' I -KI KOAN'l I.Y KCUNISHi : ! ! IUHIM4 IOHOKN- l-itleiii icn only ; nil modern linpioretnentit 140V oiinisst 170.M7' _ I ? -HJUNISIIKI ) HOO.Mtf * HW IOUOI.A4 FUKNISIIED ROOMS AND BOARD. HATItS 1'ir n linn llrt tin u nnd lOc n linn Ili nfler No iidi'rtleincnt taken for lens than T --KLKt ! AN1 I.Y VfnfxfsiIKlV"UOOMs" . SINOLK I or en unite nil modern conveniences , llrst class board 3I8Pontli Sdlb slriot. Me < 0 IP-SI.VII.K HOOMS , WITH IIOAIH ) POH 1 ' MIW 10' ( tentlcnian H21 t'nsi. 1'I.UAMANT , HOOM WITH HlJAltl ) . 'JUH IIOUI. 1 las l l 3V _ LAIltli : HOI Til UtONT HOOMS , SINOLII OU iilte , wllli board. Iteferenie 2214 h'lirnnm MSI2 Hi" , I-UUNHUKI ) KOOMS , MODKHN CONVLN- lunce * Hoard If wanted 1810 Dodge ntrecH MOS 12 * FOR RENT-UNFUHtTISIIED ROOMS. HATnM-l.V n line llrst tlmo and lOe a line there if. Ur No ndNurtliiinent taken for lexs than 25c - I t M UHNISIII'.I ) HOOMSllll CLO LIS , 'honsekeci'liig. iiomionaril l ( l 10" p UOOMX ANMJMlllMt KltOM 1 'IO 4 , IN v ilat * forhniixekccnlnir Pi Ices away < lo n ( f f Units ,111 I'axton block dJI K2S p "lnt uiiNTT PAtLii 1.0011 U.-SPUH V'nl-lu'il nltli board , also other rooms ( alia ; 114 b ' "itb t ill1' ' 10' I ! Klt liuuvkiL'pliiK 1702ulmtcr street MIKJ BOARDINO. HATIIS l" > ca line llrst time and 10o a line thcrn- after No advertliuniunt taken for lesi than in a PULLMAN llOI'sl ! 11IO l > niK KOH fJOOD boiiul nicer rooms coiivoiilente * rate * nnd lo ntliin It ianiiot bo excelled \lri > Horn , pioprlelor SOI M 10' FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES. HATiri : IV a line llr t time nnd lOo n line there nfter No advertisement taken for lens than 'oo JACKSON 1 > Euiir : : 7J8 I-roil HKNT , TUB 4 STOIIY llltlCK I1UILII1NO. Ivib Knrnnm street The bulldlnc lias a tire proof cement basement , complete ntenm luatliiK lixlnre" , water on all the Hoers , a , etc Apply at the olllco of the llee ' . > ! I-I OH HENT. blOltll , 1031 11OWAHD. L 704 1-A KINK LOCATION fOll A CHOCHHY STOHi : 1 Cii-ili trade Atldrc"N II , lice M'.i7. Ml * I KOH HUNT , bToKKS , SOU'lH UtONT. IWuO 1 n Ith Ktcani bent 141S llnrnuy. 31114 14 * KOH HKNT. PAH ! ' OP U P THACKAOK I wnrehou'e , 101S 1017 .lones * treellll glvo low rent and uliaro exic'ii ea Ml71112 * FOR RENT-MISCELLANEOUS. IV n linn llrnt tlmo and lOe n line there after No advertisement taken for lea * than 25c. | -iAHDKN ( I'AHMS TO HHNT. T ML'Ull\V I d07 1-irO AMliS ( : OP ROOD LAND r.MMPHOYKD ' f > iiillen west of Oinalm lo learn for n term of 0 > ear C til 01 nridrcn. * 'I bo Oilell Investment Co , 10J Penrl hlrtiit , Council Illurrt la M'VS ' 31 * WANTED TO RENT. HATI.8 15c a line IIrat llino and lOc a Him tliero after. .So niUi'ttlioiucnt taken for lo H than 2 > c K-WANTI.I ) TO III.NT S OH 4 Klilt.MSIinO rooms or Minnll cottage , modern convenience * . Add sN n , Hoo. H'J 'J' RENTAL AGENCIES. HATI'.bIDc n line llrnt tlmo and lOe n lln them after No advertisement taken for let * than Sou " -HINTAI. : ACJKNu . HAN ic HiJKii K. C ( inrIn \ Co . SOb bheel ) block I ' 10 INM1IIK g IMCIC llKrrN ) Llbl'Ml JJtho Kxclimlvu llental Agency I'.irrotte , Douglaa block .M > > M HATI5H-5pn | line Hint time anil Illon linn tbereaf ter No iiiUcilNiinl'iit taken for ! et than 2'ic - CI.IAN : ANM ) i'itiA'li'.i.v hrounn M-Din furniture OiiialiahtovollipalrWolk , I.M7 tlout 7i.l f U -OI.DKsl ClIKVl'K'-T AM ) UKM'h'IOHXIil : bouse In the cltV llllmua \ ( tans 1211 llnniej WANTE.D TO BUY. UATI.S-lSc n line lirnt Hum anil lite u line thcro- nftci fwi iKlve'rtlii'incnt tnkeMi lor ICHH Hum 'J. > c T-KI'IIMTI tl , llDU.IU' , fctU > Wi'lla , 1111 rnrnnnist 7J1 Xr-SKViilAlj : rlMAI.I. HOITsKl IN ( .tRII ) I.O ( A- litlons : iiiu t be contcnlont tu motor line ami l.rlccn . nitiht bu low lfou hnvii HnytblnK to ollc'r vtrlto doscrlntlen aiil lowest cash price tu S il , Hto 11.4 If AT A 111 II.DINd 'lOMOVHOMO A I.Ol'COII.N rU l of .fjril uml lllonibi tu bo used UM a IIIKMIIII | | chapul K W .Mnrili. 'iil5 Itcciillir Hi'I. Vr-WANTKI ) SMAI.I. s'lorK ( , HO ( KUII's rOll i'cli'iir let und c.mh Anthcii ) luhm > un , ' .4s . lliiiinl i.f'Iriulu MIK.I1 ! > T WA.Vrni ) . SKCOM ) HANI ) H.VT TOP hll1 UIIK rti'bli Aililreitt N 4. . lice M'JII FOIl SALE-FURNITURE. ItATKS IV n line llr t tlmo nml ( no n llnn ( hereafter after > o uilverlliiuiiioiit liikc'ii tnr leiti thun J.U1 0-rtitMiimK or A IOHOOM not SK. iwi lll M'HJI IU FOR SALE-HORSES , WAGONS , ETC. IITICs lie H Him llrnt tlineiuul lUr n line tlu-icnf- lur rse lulvertUuiiicnl tiikun fur lean than J.'u TT 'AT.iimx ( Tisri7n : H r v u 8 i j , " t < miiTv I nml ucll brcil. furKiiluur trnilc for vrlbl pr.drlo liiiul In lu a or .Nubnuku AiHlrnsj M OC. lieu SlUO'i M3' I ) roll 6AI.K OH i\CllANCK : , A I full blooil .Mhlre miillliui , lniiorlcil | ami rnUcil friini a roll b ) nijBflf In n tlmi bieeib'i nml | > ur fictl ) itniinit lliu * be'on bluinit hut mite In viry ItirKii cladH iintl tuok prlcVIII0iilltorbalt u'lnc Wunlit tutu iinile.snr iL'lillni ; In part pu > nr a uiinit qunrlcr ul ran himl In .Nubriiiku nontli of Ihu I'latto nml nut too fur wcttt M'lnl for pnrth ulan * nml cuiiie nml eu thu hurmi nml Ills niltu mul > on H | ( | bar bhu John It 1'riimmi , Uiiykln. JutTurBon Co Nub Jtlli ID- _ _ _ i ) ion SAI.IC.'TKAM w KKJHT S.M t > A M ) n I jenrsolil. perfect In uvcry purtlcnlnr anil nc riiHtoinctl to nt'uvy ntrcet v\erk AililrCM * A J ChlilMcr. K I'B me ) , N'i'li Mil III. _ ' ' " " FOR SALE-'illSOELLANEOUsT' It A I K" 15 < i line tlr t llino ninl 10c n llnu Ibrreiif ter No ailvcrtlttcuiunt taken tur le e than * So QT ( j"lOI'l'A\IMJ ) blOCK IN AN IMI'UIIT mil conii'iiiiy ' fur au ! or I'tcliiuiKU for ily pruiiuri ) or eooil furni" Aelilroa C K Miller tiOi lira linllillnK Mir I. - H > II5A7.K , 1 Hll'TCI.At' ! & 1'UUI , AMI I llll Hani Inblu I3O. DouKlnii at Ilil II * \-rOU HAI.K I'HKAl' , UNK hBI1 AIISTHAOll * ildiillllo lounty. tIt Smith , luillanohi Neb MI8OELI.ANEOUS. UATKn lie a llnu llmt time uml HJo a line thereaf ter .Nu nUvetll iiiH'lit taken fur Icm tlninJSu HI'in.sll'IAN \S.\STKI ) A ( .0(11) ( I'lIVMl'IAN ran Hint a ile.lnt If buxtlon by iiarei lmi H K llearbbjr. llln > j.rlui | ; . Ni-b M .lfli * 1J 11A Mli/TTiN IIHOsl I'AHl'li.NTlIlta AM ) - IVbnlblerAll klml Jubblni ; IH to Ittb 'lei lliu IMM7 * CLAIRVOYANTS. ( J-AltlllVAI. K.VrUAOIIDI.NAIIV \ % ONDKItr UI , lOirvitiations Cbnllcu.-ea Ibu norld Mr . Ilr M lifctfravu. dnail trHtieii clalrvu ) am lutrtilotilsl , puludtt mill life ronJen tellt yunr life from tbo cmilla to kimu , unltri the ncimrateil , cuu > r > mar rlUL lili Hie une jou leve , tullt nbvra you lll micttud tnd tu n > t bu lne * > bent ailaptoil for hai tUe cJleliratuI fitptlan brra > tilali | , * fur luck uml tu dentroy tail Innuuncci. cure * rlU Inteiaperunoo and nil urlrntn romi.liilnti . "Itb uiinnus , bulbs anil ilrohul trvuluiiuit. bcuil II. lock of bulr. naiuu andilutuof birth anil receive accurate Hie olmrt , S ci'iit * lu Btumjn for circular : ttlvo Inltlult of onu 7011 will marry , alto photo * of vitiiiu OWcu 100 * uiilh lltb ttrert , ( lr t Ouur , bourt.Ha m. to V p ui ( ooiuoue , CHJLuoall , ituil bu courluccul of thU nouilorlul uracln. Mi > 2 ] 10 * JCLAIRVOYANTS. tonffiilldl. C MUS NANNIi : V WA1IHKN 1'I.AIHVOVANT , i > relli > llobu9ltic Mnpilluni Hltb jour , nt 119 .N llth f S-MIII MA11V KHITZ , 24 ? ' I.AKK 8THKKT. rlalrvnynnt nnrl trnnrn tncillum Imloppndcnt Voiron lelli pnst nml future 'iTlh . ' < ' " MA3SAOE , DATIIS. ETC. ItAI K15o < a line tlrst tlmo unit lOc a line there nttcr No nilr Ttl etncnt Inkcn for less than 2.V1 1 parlors In Omaha over HO S l.ltb st Mia Ml * 'T MASSAdF. TIU5ATMKNT. lil.KCTUO TIJKIt 1 mat bnths , scalp nml hnlr trpattnunt. inntilrnre nml chiropodist , Mrs. 1 o * > MIV > i8 15th.Uhnell blk 7TJ 'I' MAIIAMM SMITH. Hal DUl'UMS 81HHKT. Jroom 7Sil floor Alcohollulphui- sea baths M8341I' rp MADAVIIliA 1UIK MA8 A(1K1UKATMKNT ( ) 1 41(1 fo Iftth si , linl Hour Hat 4 MSW 10' 'MUSICTART AND LANOTJAOE. V lIKKOIti : IlirYINH A PIANO n.XAMI-NK TIIK ' nctr scale Klmbnll piano A Huspo.lM. ) Douglas V ( I V ( IKl.l.n.NIIKCK. IIAN.10 TKACllKIt , > with Hospc.or .I.'m , N IMh struct 3nl lluor MONEY TO LO AN.-.REAL ESTATET \ \ IlKATTFryrATlTuiAN * , n TO 7 IMIlt CKNTi It nu additional chanter for commission or tutor- no's fees. W II .Mclklc , Hcsl .National bank blil 712 \ \ TLOAN'S , G. H WALl.ACK , 312 llllOWN 11I.K > > 711 \\r-ANTI10.VY LOAN AN'DTIHISI CO , 311 N Y ' l.lfo , Icnil at low rates fur cliolco security on Nebraska or Iowa farms or Omaha city property 7J9 \V-PHAS w "AINK.Y , Sn OMAHA NAT 1HC ll liMti City morlKaKcs Lowest rates Money enhanit. , Man TLOA'XS PAUL t , ItflJKAHSAH A\r-LOANS ON HUAL KbTATIS , J.OWK il' > I rate * The O K IHvIs company. 1UI HO AV"-COATlt,7 ) , iT'I ) THADi : , KABl'KHN MONP.\ \ \ 7oS A\T CKNTUAU LOAN i. TUIISI' CO , HKI ! 11LI ) ( ) \\T-MONIY'io : LOAN ox I.ONO ou siioui1 ' I time In sums of MUO to ( IIJ.OOO Mntuiil Investment Conipaii ) 7J7 \\T 0 1'Kll CI'.NT KIUST MOimiAOU LOANS , ' Ulclmnl C Patterson , 1511 Knruiiui l 75 \\T-Arl'i Y 10 .1 T i.oYr/rr KOII r 11 K A p 'I money , only llrut class security , tsi H Utb \\r-WII.Ij LOAN MONKY "o.N ANY KISD OF ' security strictly eonthlontlal A K Harris , room 1. Continental block ? ' 1 \\r-roT\Ns , ci'n"Fiioi'iiiriY. : i : NKII A.NDW. 'l louii fiirnis K F lUngcr , 151111 armuii \V-LOANSO.V HIIAL I.MATI : AM ) COI.LAT * ' tcral notes unit mortKnKe'i boiniht , Itecil A. Sellij.J.H lloanl of Triulu TM \ \ MivT'Y TO LOAN ON IMl'KOVKI ) CITY ' ' propcrtv , low rates A. C , 1 rust , llounlnn bl k Ba \Ar-LOANS , W M llAItlllb. U SoitUUN'/KIt lll.K ' 7IU AV" LOANnON IMl'llOYIll ) AND UMMl'ItOVUI ) ' ' clt ) property , fl 000 nml up nliHoSper ( cent No delays. W Hirnnrn Smith .1 Co , 15th A Ilarjie ) \V--S1) MOU'lUAUKb MOOIli : , A 101 11U12 HLDG "Jo \ \ MONKY TO LOAN ON CIIOIOK lUJSl.VKsS t prupert ) at lowest rate of Intireit ( .round lun-itt inmle on binlcle propcrt ) Ueoricu .1 Paul , IWJj 1 arnam street Hoanl of Iraile I\ll t II * \ VMON KY TO LOAN ON 1MPHOYKD OU L'NIM- ' proved Omaha properly In any amount : quick , $10000000 must be placed .it once Loans on Inside \acantlotsaspeclalty Don't fall to come and see us before placing your loan. I Idellty Urut Com pany , lull tarnam street W' > 11 MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. HATES 15e a line tlrst time and lOc i- linn there after. No advortlou.cnt tukcn for ICFS than 2oc. y-MONin 'IO"LOAN'in'Ti F. .MASTBUS ON u.Vbitieliold goods plnno * . orgunn , horc * . mules , watons ete , nt the lowet polblo rntes without publicity , remoMil of property or chnngu of pos session Tlmo nrrunged to suit the borrower Pn ) ments of nny amount tin bo made at nny time , reducing both principal and Interest. tluiB giving patrons nil the benefits of the partial pay * ment plan Call and see mo when jou want i loan , or If more convenient call telephone I < L ! | and your business can bu transacted at homo. Mum' ) always on hand , no delny ; no publlclt ) I lowest rates , business coutldcnitlal. H K .Masters , H. 4 Wlthnell blk , 15th and Harncy. 747 f-UOUT PIIITCIIAHD , IJ.il , WITIIMILL 1ILK XX SIONiTO LOAN ON CHATTKLS , llONDs 743 Xx ami clt ) warrants bought Uoom 402Karbacb blk x cvTIJLI.OANfa-'jaN. Y UKlt. JIOU1U3' 20JKIO * -MOSKYON KUHV1TUIIK. HOIlbKb. PIANOS. -i * Key stone Mtgc Co , room'JOJ , Shecly block.M430 .M430 \ ovANT A CHATTIIL LOAN SKE -v\v u Dav Is. room 20 , Continental block , 6111 _ / - ' - , _ V-CHATI'l-L LOANb. ULNEDICF A WHAY ( ,14 Vpnion \\oliiaiioiirowniiioney chargu no commission. It will pay > ou to consult us X -MONKY LOANED ON r PHM1 UIIK. HOUSES wagons , piano * , etc 1-rtU Terry , r 43J , Itumge 201 \--DO\OCWANT v if so do not fall to net our rates bcforo bor rowing \\oinakoloans nlthout removal or publicity , on furniture pianos lioisoa , wagous utctattbu low et possible late ' 1 here U no unnecessary delay but yon KOi the monp ) on the same tta ) you ask for It Wo will tarr ) the loan as long as yon desire , giving ) on tbo prllltgo of palng It li | full or In part at an ) time to suit your convenience , and an ) part paid reduces the cost ot < arrylng the loan In proportion to the amount paid Our olllies aretentrall ) located and an ) ao nr ranged that pnrtlesealllng on us can bo wnltod on quickly and courteously. It will bo to > our advantage to see us before se curing a loan Omaha Mortgage Loan Co , Uoom II , c're'lghton Block. 15th bt. , south Of 1'nntolllce -\r-MONK\ 10 LOAN W (4) ( ) , ' .10 DAIS ON Kt'HM Atari' livestock , ete Dulf ( ireen , removed to Uoom Hand 0 Darker blk IM BUSINESS CHANCES. IIATKS-150 n line tlrst time and lOc a line there nfter No advertisement taken for less than 25c V I7rTIII : fowMKiiriAi.JIIK I hotel ol liioken lion , Neb No trade Y Kin SAM : , .MIAT : jmucirr ; DOINI ; X good business deed reatons glvcu for ni'llln ilo\2il hrumonl , Neb 7'J9 11 * V-'i'M.\ ' ) \ ii'PKD CANNINJKAC/IOHYIN ( 1 very best part of Nebraski , cupaolty 25,000 to 'JOOHO cans per iln > bn * miulu money lasttlireo years , best of reasons lorselllug Address .M 1 Ut > u til. fai _ V-H'HNIbllKD HOTKL l-Oll HALIC OH UKNP. I the only hotel In elty. Apply to 'lllilun btuto bunt. ntcnt.'I Udell , Neb 415 f 2. V KOH bALK , i mar CLASI STOCK or wx > rs 1 and shoes best trade lu city of 15000 very cheap fortimh must bu taken at once Chus i : llrlggi , llcdtrlce , Neb 918 10 * v-KUi SAM : , .STOCK OK DIUHJS OWNKD nv 1 two persons , one wishing to quit and sell bis half 'Ibo dlvldeil stock sullUlent to start small builniss Two hours ride from Omaha lermseasy Addresii N 5 , llee VIT 'J' V-DIIl ( . hTOCK AND 1I.V1UUK- ) II bAl.wT -L nil new llnest In Sonlh Dakota , grund oponlni ; for right part ) , niltu lor particulars N 7 , llee Omaha 1151 11 * V-WAN'IKI ) , ATHHOMUULD , NKII. A HANK. 1 tplvinllU location M1.I5 Ib * V-INI'USTHIAL INSI'llANCK & 1ANAI.I5H rO'l 1 this stiilK Must Invest f 1 000 In compan ) s stock us surety Temple Court , Now lurkMIM MIM 10 * V-l-Oll HALi : 114000 bTOCIv OK MKIIUHAN 1 dl > e Tlm llobert I nltun A Co failure , Atlun tic , U , , cousltlsot clothing , dry Kooili , boots ( lines , liuts , trunks stock In irood eundltlon , sell at n bar train , will take Iowa land or money H. A Hnllli ttr , luurtnageu , Atlantic , la. iIUI10 : * TT isoo WILL"iirv AN KSTAiinsintD KT.- J ple' bimlness horses , wagons , lUlnres Cheap otlli u rent Addiom N IU , llee IW. i'a ) Y-I 0t | SAM : . IIOTIU : binu'iiKiiD IKIU.SK , AT 1 Ansley Custer county. Nub ' 1 wo story frnma bullillng , about JliKU Itb good barn , Id sleeping rooiiit hotel well furnlsl.ed Appl ) to Dr J , n 'Ihoiiins Wood Hlver Neb M.'JO UW * FOR EXCHANGE. HATKrtI.Vialliiutirit tluio and lOu a line there lifter No advertisement Inkvii for leti than Sjc V-CI.EAN STOCK OK UKNUHAL .M'D nK WILL /Jluku rent fttntu & money llox .M5 , V'runklort InJ , 7IJ _ _ ' / YKliT7)IantAIILK,0 : > IAllA PHOPKUTV IOn Lot Antielo pruierly | ur f I lilt ranch In ho Cul ) fornlu David Jamletun llet ) buJIdlnK 70. / rOlt THAIIK , A tiJuCK tit 1)1 ) SKHAL MKll /Je lm for lands and iiisli Addieis U W , tVCu riitukfort , 1ml wl K22 * y-A NKWTOh'10UhK.HT ' Anuecottavv Mllh tbreo lots , nice lawn , , fruit and ibade treis In u < nlkvi > town nut fur froruOiuaba , or will rxcbangu choleu wislvrnNv braiku land lur u ilt'tlrublu itslduuttu properly lu OwabA Adda uN 15 lieu .MIBl II- y-lOH KXCHAMiK , A LKA'IHKi ; 'Hl ) > miiT < Jb r bugtty. nearly IIBW , for good afety bicycle Aiidreu N U , Ut % Mill 10 * FOR EXCHANGE. d ' / -KOII 1.XC11ASOK , * VKHV hTVI.l'-ll CAH- JrliKto team , A No I rbkd tpr ran trot to tlm | "ile In three inlnulei.f.sl nlle and votiml K'ood wherever yon put theuu 'tangle or il < iiible. I will exchange till * hanlnniti'ani | for n oed lot or land In cnli-rn NebriiBliivt r Vaklrs or trade fbark * nped not apply ( or ftvJncr partlciilart addres Kred > onnenrliiln Wcl'olnt , , | Nph Ml 1(1 ( V TO K.VCHAN'lli : , SdHK OK TIIK "nern property In tmthBo III located nn the riilcaKn ItnrllnKtnn A Oirtnpy railroad whlob run * 6S pB Kender train * eailtiKav dally and I * reaclipd In Jl minute * from t'nllini depot inn bn had In qnanlllle * from 34 arrcrliAnd upnardn. waiitKiioil ctopkKOf merolinndl e 'Artclrev \ Y , room SI , l < )4 ) Dearborn tre.t llilouu 111 MliJH" ' ' / - KMMIANMK , CASItTSlI UIAl7isTATIToU : ! / mercantile or urnln bftMnoss liU ) K itreet , 1 In coin _ j ; _ .MI.Vi IS * I/-CI.KAII OMAHA IMtni'KUlV I OH MKll /Jeliandlie from l 000 to flOOXJ ( ) will pay KOIIIO cali for good xtocks K K Hinder 151U t'arnain ' / ClhTKlt COl'NTY KA HMS ( IMI'llOVKl /J trlctlj modern 7 or 8 roomed hon u In ( tnoil re * Idencopart of Omaha : will assume. IIOX2U I. In eoln M3I5 FOU SALE-REAL ESTATE UA1 KSIV a llnu first tlmo and lee a line tliero after No ndvertlfement taken for lem tbanSoc QL A lit kll IK IM PHO V K 1 ) LA N i MMoU Co , near Kalrmnnt , all nmootb land. (25 pe aue I ) K llnrrlmm llS N V 1.1 fo 1W. 10 ATi'NKH ' "n AN ) lCKOHV , SOxISU -L * .feet n bargain for n tow days only t K Dnr- line Uarker block 751 A QUAHTKIt OK LAND IN SAIIPV COUNTv ! jVnenr Sprliidfleld , well Improved , water , etc. , f 15 per acre C I' Harrison. D13 N Y Life iwl 10 TSrtACIti : IMIMIUVHI ) 1'AIIM , sF MlL lOmnha , runnlnu water anil timber , prlct ) ( . " > per acre Co-Operntlvo Lanil and Lot Co , V05 N litlint llli 11 _ . AUlir.S I1OO1) LAND , CLO i : IN , 11,000 PKH aero. U 1' Hnrrlon , UI2N \ Life lib 10 OIl HAL1 ! . NiilHA3KA : I'AHM LAND-i U. .1 Wallace , 31J Hrown block , lot ! , ami Douglas 750 _ TMNI : niisiDiiNrn LOT Nom 11 o M CAHTIH-S : reldeme , on Solli street , cheap. C. r llarrlnon , IM2 N Y Life li.i > 10 Iou SAM.ON : SMALL MONIIILY PAYMIINTS I 10 houses The O 1' Dnv Is company. UI I'lO 12C ACIIKS (1OOI ( ) LAND IN CAbS COUNTY , flj ' jicrncro C K Harrison , IU2 N Y Life. lu , 10 ioH sALICHIAP : : HOMM IN STKW VHT PLACI : . I near 1 one live ; good bone full lot. "HI be sold for fl 00000. lens than cot If taken this month II U Clark A Co , 1218 llnrney * t tuj 11 " \\rANTFD-1O IIUY A HOOD ( Jl'AUTKIl OP 'i Innd In bnrpy count ) , for cnih c ! llnrrl'on , V\i \ N. \ Llfo W , 10 _ 17OH bAl.i : . OH WILL ! HADi : KOH PAUM I'HOP 1 crty , n good bUFlnea * place 50x112 fi ct with brick building cotlng 31.0UO , n splondlil ulto for llrt-clas * betel , Fltuatcd on bloi k adjoining U P depot on the south New nntei work * In operation and electrle lights soon. Addres * or cnll on Adnlpli DnoraKbcliUlur , Neb 041 T7OH SA1.13 AT A llAllnAINuiV Ti , I1LOC1C 4 , 1 W Lelby' * llrst addition to south Omaha sin ill pijment down balance monthly If tlelrod Inquired II Trscbnck , Omaha llee 1S.1 I OIt bALP llOMHb , ANY PHICK , fM fi 2V ) UP , - - ras > terms take ileir proper ! } o llrst payment I. I , Witllncc , llronn block , loth nnd Dougla * 7.iO ] ? INl : HOMK IN HANM-OM I'L VCi : HIONIINO ton the pin kfll,5UO C 1 . Harrison , DUN \ Life- Ill. IU , pitopinin , MAH : NIW : P o JfJOHO. will bear Inspection C r Harrison ' . ' 12 N \ Life iw , 10 _ I OH SAI.K. A ' 1WO BTOHY HHICIC HANK building with bnemeilt , vaults , rnfe , fnrnl ture nnd llxturen cnn control good buslnesa , town of two thousand people , lira railroad * , good conn try. large rollc-r mills , tliixjo elevntora , good ron neil for present corporntloi ) ijulttlng bulni > H * Address dross T. Lewi * President , SuperiorNeb MI5520 * rpi I OS K l IA YI MS rAlfMS 1OH riALi : OH HUNT J In Koya Pnhn count ) . Neb mu > be benefited by addreHalng llox 10. Norden , Neb M172 10 < I7OH SALK s 15 COIINHIt'irril. DOHCAS SJ Y L 1331 cottngo * * table for ! ft horses.cau be divided Into 5 lots Inqnlreat premises 61715 * r < OOD 110USH WITH LIJAbK PAYINO 11 PKH VTcent on prlco asked nnd u:0od : propectaof selling Inter at nlco profit. JbOO , Securea deed 1 Idellty Trust coniiaii | ) . MJ02 li YOU CAN IIUY ciioiciijors : IN WALNUT HILL 1 at JIO down nnd 510 pcntbonth V ir Information , see Adolpb Mo > tr , prealdrlU. Ibth nnd tnrnnm Ht * . or II M Mohr , tctntar ) Walnut Hill t < a\lngauiid Investment Co , N K corner It.th nnd Webter bta. , i .M205 II * . ; IHUMAN OH SWKDK .MKCHANIC AHIILI.UILi barguln IA dealrnblo borne Lan > liiiNnuiita orneant lofs iiiketi 1 Idcllt ) Trii- ebfnimii ) , ilili rimmm " ' ' > I2tt ) U LOST. HATKS-1V a line Ural tlmo nml lOc n line there after No nd\crtlsement taken for les * t f ) bT-sr ' IlKHNAHD PiP , TliUlVl ! .MON'lTld IJold prn > , followed Ilttlo girl from HSii b1 1I t st to Park ave school. Heluru to A U lludnoii. ll.1i b.liBl.M and recclvo rennnl IU7 JO T PLANS 1OH M H I'lll/i HIISIDIINCIJ Jfromnllico plumblni ; store , fijl b loth Ho ward for return 171 ' . ) IosT- COCKIIH SI ANIHL mien PUP IKN months old ; cnrl > brown cont. anaucrs to name of Nell Hetiirn to o'JU' ' .Musun street and recelro reward HI I 'J' T HLACK NH\YK)1INDL\ND ) I ) ) ( , , % , % HITi : -iV feet Tnd some white oil breast Hoturn toV i : Hlddcll 41.1 b lltb st , and receive reward MJIO 10 HAIR GOODS. KATKh lr > c n line first time nml lOe n line there after No advortlemcnt taken for less than 25c N JJi leal wlca and beards a specialty \MK * bangs swltibea , balr cbHlns , etc , send for catalogue .Mall ordcra eollclteU Davloi , Ills 16th t , Oinnha 'PIIK IDHAL LAD1KS HAIH DltKsSINn PAH- -l lornawItchod , bangs wlga , toupees , jewelry and hair ornaments In stock "l.'t to order special attention given mall orders 200 15th nt .Inl floor , 4rit K21. ' PAWN BROKERS. HATKb-15c a line first tluiu and lOe n line tliero after No advertisement taken for less than 2ic IJ JI7I ill. ' SbNYDKK'S LOAN ok-KICK , I5IU DOI.H ) ( ST 77J1' J * MOIILIC , OI-HCU t..ll'M ' PA UN AM bT STfJCK WINTEHEIX HATis-r.c : n llnu llrst tlmo .mil Ilk a llnu till re after .No iiiHerllsi'iuent ttike'ii lor lest than Sic : ) nn fiirin tuo miles ol Onmha Ifoin $ J to 1 1 niimtb til S Nth ntrc-et Tel } J < 3 MiMlll' " MA3(1UERADE C03TUMES , ETC. HATI.S 15n n llnn llrfct tlmo anil lUi-u llnu thura after N'u ailvertUc'iiicnl tiikun for lens tbmi Jjo \i"K.sjiM ( i N 'AN ux nule cosliiiiiui at III b loth ( .olilun Kitlu atoru > < J mS MANUFA CTURINO JEWELERS" HATHS I.V n llnu first Hum nml lUo n llnn llierouf- ter No iiilTertl e iiic nt taken for Icita than JJL' PAUI foil "oiJ ) ( loLi ) c A HsON 1 nks , room .K ) IlarkcT block. Oiualiu Til CUTLERY GRINDING. IIATKS I5cn llnallrtt lluip ami HJc a line there uller .No ailrerllSfiDCilt tukiMi for lee thin J.o S KM ) MUit ) hi'ipsoiic ! IHAKUKH. KM , 'IOIIK Krouml tu UinliirlmnlAifO . I""H llth > t 7M pltOI'OSAI.H IOKMII.CI1 COW.4 AM ) -L bulls. Jlep.Htiiientyif the Interior , OIllcu oflndlan Allalrs. WiiMiliiKlou. I' . U , I'eh- niiuy l , InliS. bealed proposals , Indorsed "l'ro | > onls for Cows OL Hull " KIM the case m-iy Le ) and aildreHied to commisilonoruf In dian nlfalrsVasliliUton. . 1) C , ulll be re ceived until 1 o'clock Pln. . Satniday , Match 5. IM ) ' , for furnishing aiu ) ( lellverini : at I'lnu Hlil'e. ( Hobi.buil , Cbeylvifie Itlvei , Cron ( reek and Lower Hrtile aiUiU'los. bouth Dakota , Mandlni ; lioolc aKenoy.jxorth Dakota , Han tee and 1'onea a ) ; > in2leHTfobriisla , I landieau nsencv. south DaUot.iiiVld the Crow UKcncy , Montana , uhoiit ll.U 0 ° ( nllch cows and 400 bulla. Kegul.ir blanfty,1 , for bids are not 10- ijnired tJchcdiilciKwmrji ulll he mudo a purl iif Ibo prcpoaalhi aliow'Ltt the nnmher of eit- tlo reiiulred at tnu vyrton-i a/enclen. condi tions lo bu observed 1 > y bidders , time and place of delivery. toriif of contract and pav- ment. and all other hvc'c3i.iry ln tructloni , will be furnished upon .lppl > eat'on ' to the In dian olllce al Washln lon , HID eoiniui'surles of Hiibklfttuncn. I' ' , ri A , at ChlCHKo St 1'aiil , Omah i , Nebraska , and Uhevennu , Wyoming , to the publUheraof theSlock liimcib' Jour nal of Miles City , Mont-um. und the .louinal of Helena. Montan i , .mil the hevetal Indian a enlb. IherlKht is reserved to reject any oral bids , or any put of any bid. If deemed for tue bent mtcrcMN of tbo xoienunent ; also , the further richt In making the avvurtlstu Ui- eruaseeirdlmlnish to tuiv extent the number of iinlinuU called fur In the ue'heilnles , also lo requ re a delivery of tvvcniy-Uve per cent , more ) or less , than thu amount iipecHlod In anv contract , CrilTIKIKI ) CIIKCKS Kach bid must bo accompanied by a certified check ordrafton some United Mate * depos itory for at leiiHt Uro per cent of thu amount of the bid , mude uayalile to tl e order of the eunimUbiunur of Indian ull.ilr.vvbleh check ordraft will bu forfeltud lotlie United .Stutei in case any bidder noelvlni ; an award shall fall lopromptly eieenlnii contract with good and snlllclunl buiellua. otherwise to le re turned to thu bidder. T J MuUCAN. Com- mlbloiier. UuUJHSl 'IMPROVEMENT tlie ORDER of to AGE THE BEST. WHY ? lice iiiso % , nh iv o jirolltcc ! l > i- the sliortuoinln s of the old tvnc rltoi3. anil linvo ovon-omo many defects ; intl. hotnoon oursli've'S vvn lri\u ndderl tunny liiiitovonifiita | of vvlileh tlioli inviMiloriievi'r ( lioiiiiied All type > uloiiiifd iu ton seconds without soil ing the hinds. Metro iiMiiifoIa copies can bu made ut nnn Im- ] iiMi > sIon nn thei smith Proinlur than upon any nthiir tvpntvrltui inanufucturcd benif for uutnluifiio. TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT. The Smith Premier Typewriter Go , KiOiH i'anuiiii Street , Oiniili.i , > ei. ! 7 ; . II , A NCI' ] NO. 1007. An ordliinneo luvylim .1 s | > oclal t ix mil us- htssint'iit on eortuln lots niiel u'.il e-st.itu In thuclly of Omulin to COM r tlio cost of uind- Ins Nicholas strrot fioni I'lrimuit slri'e't lo \ istu Htiect , Nelson > < trenl fioni lintllule IiouU Mini to Vlsl isliui-t.C ioi estiuoL fioni Lo\vcavciiuu to Ilohrcca bluet , lluil t > ln ut fioni ll.iiiillton btreel lo Jlurcer uvuiiuo. huroKa sttcet fium lluinlllon stieul to Mur- CMT iivciinc. D.ili'sircot fioni ( .eiiinunlieut lo Moieor avcniin. and llonitv street fioni II. mi llion -.IIIM-I to .Mtircoi avuiiuet In Wlicicus It having be'e'ii nd bniii. lioniliy luljnil ril , de'tei inliicil nml cstablishi'il that the hiivri.tl lots anil plceii of renlnstatu liure- Inaftei rofrriod to , h.ivo o.ioh In -iiiilnlly hfiii'lllli'ii to tlm full amount horoln le-v led and aosussc'd ui-.iliisl u.n h of bilil lots and plucosnf reiil ost.ile1 , ii'spuelUcly , liy iciison of Hut e'ladlliK of that LHl of .Nuliolan h trout frinn I'ltnisant Htrout to Vista slieol , No son stieul fioni Inslltntu hoiilevard to YIsl.i Htri'tit , ( JI > IIKII ) hlri'i't fium l < oiui iivoiiuulo Itoheee'a slicot. lllrd slircl funn llnnillton hlintlo MOICOI .iMtiilo , r.uiolta stuct fioni llamlltoii htrc'oi to Mrnei nvi'iine , lilot.lu ) ot from ( jc.'oitr < slu ot to Mori'ui avoniio , Dewt-y hiietit from Hamilton Hlreol lo M t-reor nvi'iiuc. iloni' unili'i lonli.ii'l with KalOal Lilian , In uradliiK district .V.1 Thuietfoio , for tlio | iniie > - > u of pa ) In ; , ' tlio cost of such eluding lloll iiidnlnn i liv llioolly council nf lluiclly nf Omaha : Section 1 , Th.itthoco I or Ktadln that pirt of Miliolnr , btre'ia fioni I'io.isinl hiioct to VUt.i btrcot , N'cilson | run I fioni Instltuto bonluvurd lo Vlstu t.tri'01. licoroticot fioni lone .ivimiin to Itrln-iot hi i eel. Hint stri-ol funn Hamilton htuel to Mcren avunuo. Kuroliii sin nt from Hamilton stipot lu.Mtrctl ivi'iiue , D.ilo Ntii'ot fium ( icm o litrcot lo MITIMT nvt'iiiin and Ioni' ) > .s lieu I fium ll.unll- ton street to Mercer avimui' , in 'riidini ! < lls- dlstrlot No 6. ' , H ild nisi bi'Iii' , ' tlm sum of & | ifiH | 17. siild ui.iilloi ; lioliu done under con tract with K'uU X t-'iillaliiin , lin unJ thei s imo IK hetroDy levied and assossud , aceoidlnt ; lo Htiuelal Ijenellti liy re.it > onof hahl Kiidlniiion | tlic followiiu lots nnd real C-.I ill ) as show n by llie uuiu'r.illy reco nlciMl mi | ) of the elll of Omaha | y > 0 , lllh/iKruplio I anil imlillslaid liv 0 II Mnyne. said co > l hem-1 so luvii'il on. si hi loUand rctal eatalii , icsiiuellvuly , A * follows , to- wit : b 1) ) Mercci It I 1)11 ) ; 1 Walnut Illll $ M r,7 Home Inv Colt ' - ' till. I " M . 'u I'eler llocco It .Hill. I " f.l fiT .lohnO Nordwull It 4 nil. I " f.l , ' .7 .UhllMin b C.irlur It 3 IIU I " ( ,7 ( IT do Itdlilul " 87 : u do It 7 hlk 1 " hT . llliu II Cin l It hlilK 1 " J17 h.'i The M A ve II Ai-s'n It II hi I ; I " 71 .n do U IU Ldl < I " 4J U . T IICoiuiur It II I ) IK 1 " .U T , ' . P \ \ ( irn ) w.i ) fl It milk I " ll in Charles ft tr.iwl II I lilU'J " H7 W \\allls. -enroll I - ' lill > 'J < ' , .III The Mencr AM > II A b'n Itll lilk' ' " h * .tt ( In It 1 hlk 'J " b7 W do Itaiilk'J " Til 'i7 ilo ItiililK' ' ' .11 57 do H7hllV ' .14 W Annt .1 HeiiHtU It H blk ' . ' " fil f.7 Do Verbholmi U ( UtlllilUU " I.I IU Mnlvlnla ItuiiHsureT It II lillct ! " .li Vt 'I'll n Metrcri Avu II AK 'II It 13 til US" 41 GTi 1'n d W dray U IU blk S " 71 'JO A li Patrick It I Itlk J " M : > 1 do UJIilk.l " fl r > 7 W H lov lUTUf I II 3 lilk a .11 57 irloClyniiit4blki : : M r Ueoiiio J I'll * ItSlilkS " M 07 Iternurd ll La'iK 11 G bill 3 fit M " 51 67 ( In It * < till , H < r ni do It < ) iiikl ( K ? J do U 10 hlk .1 111 n Mnry I'liim-H ll blki : > 7 : M do It 12 hlk. 1 41 m S 1) Mercer It 11 hlk I X1 74 S 1) Mincer il , I blk I 141 M do HShlk4 ll > SI do ItI blk I " 7 'II Oni'iha Holt Hy Colt 4 blk 4 fil : .7 do H n blk 4 f.l .17 do It r , bik 4 f.l r.7 ( lo 117 blk 4 M f.7 ilo It8blk4 M r.7 M OMtiul 110 blk I , v ? Ill C W linker It 10 blk 4 1 > S 8J ilo It II blk I 111 87 The \\alniit Illll i-av Inn and Investment Co It li blk 1 TlieOmnhn licit Ity Co. rluhtofvvay In It 1,1 blk 4 13.10 I'hott H Sav X Inv Co except ilshtof way lull 13 b I nt m Omaha licit K * , Co rlchl of vvavlt II blk 4 57 S3 The W II t-av fc Inv Co except right of way II HblU 4 r. 49 John A 'Mel. me It It ) blk 1 : u 74 John A McMi'ino It'I lilk 4 41 M do It S3 blk 4 7 : u The \ \ H Sav X In * . Co III blk 5 111 HS do It'-'blkr. INM do It : i blk . ' . 87 III S DMiMoorll 4 blk 5 r.i r.7 The \ \ II MV A. Inv Co It S blkS r.i r.7 do Itn blk A M f.7 do It7 blkr. r > i r.7 do ll.sblk : , ( VI 71 P II Mercer It ll blk ft 87 40 The W ll SavS. Inv Co It 10 blW 5 IM r > 7 S D.Mercer It 11 blk5 1'1 (17 ( Hco \\ii.Miorlt ( 13lilk ft 78 11 do It 1.1 blk ft 4'l ( V. do It 14 blk 5 IIJ s | W H Fav X Inv Co w 14 ft It r. lill r II 17 1 he W H av k Inv Cell Ml blk r. UJ 71 " 4 I ( ill " II "ii blk 5 87 III Mnry is.t\ln 111 hike , 111 hi do If.'bile n IM 2 1 John McCoriulcklt.lblkO 87 III Anna Wlei It I hlk I ! fil r > 7 Andtew A I rick 11 5 blk 0 54 r.7 Johanna Pries It I. . bll , II r.i r.7 I hemline Jones It 7 blk 0 r.i r.7 lu orst ) Mnlone It > blk n ni r,7 J H Dlckny el nil ! nblkfl r.i r.7 .lohn Merrill It 10 Ink ( . r.i M Ilecehcr lllKby It 11 blki ( 5i r.'i do 111.'blk (1 ( ill M Louis Metum ll blk ( ! IIS 71 I1 U Cameron HM blk U 41 10 J i : Johnston It SI hlkd sl7 III I tank Johnson e 1.1) ) st It 1 blk 7 7 ; . 1,7 , do u I i ft It 3 blk 7 n ; s.i A ndrees Johnson e III ) flit.I hlk 7 55 , ! S The U H MIV .V inv Co III blk S 141 M J H riaiinairun It J blk a IN , 'SI do It .1 hlk 8 S7 III b I ) Meicei It-l hlUs r.i .17 Minnie McCapio It .bit. 3 r.i .17 HC.blkS r.i 57 Itobcrt I. Garllch It 7 Ink S r.i r.7 . do UHliIkH MarvKO'itllchltOhlkS \Mlllam A I'tiNtim It 10 1)1 K S 51 r.lt W i : Duiilup It II blk SAleS til M Ale\S YimiiKlt IS lilk B f.l fill I'huW 11SavX Inv Co It 11 blk 8 r.i w do It 14 blk S r.i M Clemlntlna Weiss It 11 blk 8 M M lobnh Laullleld II II. hlkH M f,7 Gee A Joxlju ll 17 blk 8 r.i r)7 lohn tt Inlovv H iti blk S r.i r.7 eiolila Spmieei H t'l ' lilk 8 r.i r.7 l.auia Jolllllu It'.Ob k8 r.i r,7 , Mary Challstlum ulal 11'Jl bll ! 8 r.i f.7 Urn Ivnm It JShlkS Ii7 Jl Henry Morlensen ll'-Mhlk a us si do It''I blk S 141 SS TholIHav X Inv Colt I blk 0 141 7 do It J bill 11 IH SJ do It.iblk II S7 111 do It Mil I ; I ) r > i : .7 do H - . hlk U r.i r. " do 11.d bllU r.i r,7 do HTblkll r.i r,7 do w H ft It blkO ( il 71 do It'l bll ; U S7 41 John \4 \ Miles cl al It 10 blk ll DO rr. do It 11 blk 0 1S" > (17 ( b 1) Meieertl 12 blk ( I ll'S (17 ( do It I Iblk' ' ) o r.o The W II S iv i. Inv Co It II blk ! ) S7 10 do vv II ftltnblk ! ) M 74 do It Hi blk II r.i r.7 do 1117 111' * II ni r.7 do It 18 blk l ) M r.7 Jno ( J Smiley et al It 10 blk ! ) r.i r.7 . Michael A Kocinoy It 10 blk'I ' R7.ll do It SI Ulk ! ) IH ' „ ' t do It SS hlk ! > 141 hS Omahi Hell Ky Co 11 1 hlk 10 E4 r,7 It 2 blk 10 fil r,7 , ll.I blk 10 . .i : .7 " It 4 bile 10 r.i r.7 ' ' 51 r > 7 MiVton'l' Hoys ll ( . MU fil r.7 The W 11 " .iv \ , Inv Co It 7 blk 10 51 r.7 do H8hlklU r > 417 do 111) ) blk. JO 87 : n j H Illckoy el al It 10 blk IU 'H " * ' John II L'uimliiirliam 1111 blk 10 IH sn h II Mercer II IS bllt 10 141 ST .s DMeieer 111 Iblk 10 IH SI J it Dickey et al ll 14 blk in H7u : iila : A H toward 0 U It 15 blk 10 S7 "I I' lie\el vv ' , It 13 blK 10 S7 IS T.lla A H Sew aid It 1C. blk 10 r.i r.7 Umah- . Hell Ity Colt 17 blk 10 r.4r.7 ilo HIS bll , 10 r.i r,7 17"r do It 19 blk 10 M r.7 > do Its ) blk 10 fil r.7 do It SI hlk 10 f.l r.7 . do KSShlklO si r > 7 J H Illckcv elal It 1 blk 11 M 17 W \Tddy It Sblk 11 r.i r.r do H I blk 11 51 17 M.irj M Malhevi-ilt Iblk II M .17 do It.blk H fil r.7 Katie Halnswurlh It (1 ( hlk H .11 17 I ! C Luskll7blk 11 r > i. Claiem'oT Hleknell It S hll : U r.i .17 (7co ( II 1'avnull'thlk II fil r.d Omnhallult Ky To II 10 blk 11 51 , Vi do llll blk II .11 Mi Pamuel I ) Moicerll IU blk 11 r.i MI do Itllhlk 11 r.i r.7 do It II hlk II 51 .17 do II lriblk II do It , Ifi blk U 51 .17 do 1117 blk 11 .11 17 do It 18 blk II fil fi7 do 11 P. ) blk II 51 57 do ItSOblk II fil r.7 . do It I blk U 117 Ki do 112 hlk li 87 II ) do 11. ) blk 12 87 do II 4 bile n ( .7 . l.h . do If. blk I' ' 51 17 fiotlolb StorItb blk I- fil ,17 CathChnpof .Noli H 7 blk 12 51 17 Cath Chap of .Neilir Itfl hlk li 51 17 hamuel I ) Mureci-Jt ! ) hlk IS fil ,17 do 1110 blk U fit fi7 do It ll blk li 51 57 do It I.'blk IS 51 57 do It II bll ; I , ' d7 M do It 11 blk IS 87 , CJ do It 1'i blk li 87 M do It Hi blk 12 117 8' > H I * Knight It I blk 1.1 51 .17 do Its blIt 1,1 fil 57 Mo.roiM Avu ( tide Assn It.'Iblk 1,1 51 ,17 fc I ) .Meicerlt4 blk II 54 17 do It'iblk II 1.7 1.7 do ltd blk 1.1 87 .IS do il 7 hlk I.I 87 .Jl do ItHblkn 117 ST. John Kpunelor III ) blk I' ! 117 8" . do It 10 hlk It B7 ,11 Cathetlne I'aikerll II hll.ll 87 ,1J do It U hlk M b7 Ih J H He in It 111 bll. II 51 ,17 do ll 11 hlk 1.1 fil .17 do III" , blk 11 51 57 do II10 hlk I.I M 07 Jnroli * < iiumltiis w SI ft 11.Milk 11 1.1 III Lottie isindiib : It ( I hlk 14 Hi 71 I'lias P Iteeil 11 7 blk 14 4 1 li. . John 1 Me--beu- 8 blk II 71 Sll \\m A tiatdnerlt'llilk II JI7 8.1 do 11 HI blk 11 S7 ( I A Mlllaid Ti ll II hlk 14 87 IIS Kiiietta Mew irt It U hlk 11 Ii7 b7 I. It 1'erfeel u 17 fill l.'lblk 14 IS M. It W llalley vv . .lit It I.I blk II : , ! , Ut A H Caipenteic.il ft llll hll. 11 ! I7 III I. Kl'erfeilw Id ft II 14 hlk II 17 17 l.nima \\liltnioie I It , n blk II fil ' .7 do It Hi hlk II 51 57 r.llihcih Itcnnle It 1 blk I' . 74 fi' ' ) do ll J hlk r. 4 I ( V. I Inn lotto T I'almei ll iblk l'i IIJ 7.1 U A I. Ollil on e II fl III blk 13 I.I II ttlnthiop Johns It ' ( hlk l'i 51 57 John ( 'In id Ion It 0 bll. l'i 51 .17 do II II bll , r. 51 57 Miuy C Mcl'inie It is hik 15 fil .17 c h HutchinMiii 111.blk : r. .17.H ii.iah'i.ivioi ii ii bik I'l .H do It I'l Ulk 1.1 87 .ill John " lo ( ei. < U n hlk l'i 117 K > lohn Muii.iy II 1 hlk H > 51 .17 A I Uhedduiill 'hlk H ) 54 57 do u.l ft II .Milk Hi II.-7 tt A lliow.ii vv 17 fl II. . hlk Ib 51 .HI IV ink I.Cntlei H 4 Idi. Hi 51 .17 Li//ln -smith IIrbll Hide 51 57 do It b Idk Id fil 17 ( ioiIelbMiIllli ) i It 7 blk 10 51 57 do Ith hlk Hi ft ! f > 7 Omaha licit It ) Co It t ) blk Hide 51 51 do It lOli'.k ' Hide fil M do Itllhlk H. 51 Ml Godlell. Sloi/ll IJhlk Hi 5i Ml Milieus It ( loll It 11 hlk Hi 61 57 samuo ! K Veakel It It hlk 10 51 .17 ti H M ud , It I' , blk IU 51 .17 Esther Van Horn It Hi blk 1(1 ( f.l 57 Oairlob r.ncktun il 17 hlk 10 61 57 ilu It In hlk 10 51 17 do U I ! ) hlk Hide 51 57 do It SO hlk HI 51 57 Omah i Hell Ity Co up 14- . ij ft It 1 bll. (7 ( S 8. ' Muttlu .Seal except i > ( < (11 ( * MI ft 111 hlk 17 .11 Vi I.ncimlii Coniad ll 'i 17 . ' .4 57 do It .iblk 17 51 57 The W H i-av .V Inv Cult I ink 17 51 57 The W H sav . \ Inv Co II j blk 17 51 57 do It ( I blk 17 51 57 S II Meicui II 7 hlk 17 51 57 The tt' H saviv ; Inv'Co It H blk 17 51 57 do Itllhlk 17 t < ; .ui do It HI blk 17 Us S-J no It H litk 17 111 M Mao t'.ivln II 12 h li 17 111 Mi II Midi. 17 IH . ' . ' 'J. ho tt H Sav .V Inv Co ll 14 Mk 17 r7 ! .U do It 15 hlk 17 51 .17 .lu eph lleuluy It IU hll. 17 51 57 Tuutciua 1st UluNUuii C'liurcli It 17 hlk 17 " fit .17 Adoluh Meyer It lo bllt 17 " 51 .17 1'elfci ( i Huhhen It IU hlk 17 " 51 & 7 Jumm II UnuaduJi rtof way J ISO blk 17 " Ml Utl Omaha Unit Ity Co rt of way It 0 UtlSO blk 17 " Uo rtofwuy It 21 Ulk 17" SO lame * II Conrad ex rt of way H SI blk t ? " 1C. .17 I.uclndu Cntiri.it r > \ rt of vviiv ItSS hlk l > " I it Onmh.i Hell Ky Co tt of w.iy It CS blk 17 " r.i u Tboalntit Illll Sav .V Inv Co It I bill IS in HJ do US hlk IS If VI do It.I hlk is t ; ii do It Iblk is " 51 ( . "i do 11 Milk IS .11 y , do Itn blk is " r.i , , ; do It 7 hlk IS " r.i 11 do It s hlk IS " M 71 do It ll Ink 18 " 87 41 do It 10 blk H " Ul M ilo It II blk is " U't M Adol , IT It 1. blk IS rji iw S DMoroer It l.lblk IS " The W 11 Snv A Inv Co It II blk IS " 87 li do UlMilklS > 111 VI do It in blk IS M .17 do It 17 blk IS .ii : .7 do It IS blk is M f.7 lhnllSvv , v Inv Cell 10 hlk is r.i ,17 Corncllm Mirop hlie It SI blk Is M7 .11 imlly J lloiitty It 21 blk Is 31 do ItSJblkls 111 HT Kllrnhcth Stockdnle It 1 hlk ID III KH do US hlk l IM SI do It II hlk Id " do II 4 blk 10 " ni 57 I'ntrlck.l Vorcor.tn lift blk 111 51 52 Cht Istophrr ril/slminons II II b ID 51 37 Die \ \ II Snv A Inv Oo ll 7 blk III " M 57 It 8 blk Ul " 51 57 Mary ItosollDblk 10 " 51 57 do It III blk in " 51 Ml Whiter I. llriiokmnn It II hlk It ) " 51 Ml do II IS Ink 111 " 54 5(1 ( Til is J Denny It niilkio " 51 Ml It I'.MnthlasIt llblk HI " 51 5(1 ( Thpodure K J one-ill 1.1 hlk I'l ' " 51 51 KIl.is J Denny ll 111 blk 111 51 57 Chas O Ulllenhons It 17 blk 1 ! ) " 51 17 li'iurllJntporsnn It is blk 111 " 51 57 UC Knonold It 111 blk III " 51 57 Jonsaii M lloilei ) HSii blk I'l ' " 54 57 II 1. Ivochi'i-slieuerllSI hlk III " 51 17 do ItSSblkll ) 87 .11 do It 111 blk II ) " W S1 do It SI blk 1U " til HS Ch.isl.\\llll.imnel al i u 110 ft It I hlk Si ) " 71 1.7 do t'lHlfl Ii 2bll. .M " .17 s I I'atilek AMcKcnni nl.Hlft It .ib.'O" . ' : N Marj i : 11 % in 1M ft U .Iblk 20 .N ; is do iHI ft Itnhlk SO " .17 8.1 do olWII It 7hlkiO " 7(17 ( iil/ubft1i l.arsunll.1 blk t l.li . M do IIJ blk 21 " 51 Ml S itnl.V IsadoreSihllsliiiier It Ilb'Jl" M 57 Ale\ I. l.lnduuest II I bfk SI r.i r.7 The W II bav \ . Inv Co It fi blk SI " 8 ! .11 Tied \ \ Hunt/en ltd hlk , ' 1 " IH J.I M.iKfile l.ir-cn It 7 hlk SI 111 87 S D Mercei'ltH blk SI " 51 57 ( Jeorjii \ \ Mo lloek II U bllj SI " ft I 57 Thomas Nolan II 10 hlk 21 , fil 57 WO IViollll block SI r.i 17 l.li/.i i : M.ir h It IS hlk SI " 51 17 DMueii II I.I hlk SI f.l .7 Itlehard II D.iv > It II blk 21 .1 .7 do It II blk SI ' II 17 Krrle M I'e.ir-on It Hi blk 21 " fit .7 do 1117 blk SI " fil 57 Henry It Allen HIS blk SIde I11(1 ( do It I'l ' blk 21 ' do i-IOfl ll SOhlk'JI " ! ' ,1 TheUSiv * . Inv loll I hlk SS I III 77 , ! ' ) 3"I II .l'i II 4' ' ) Vi lit 101 SI I ' ) ( III IH ) 17 81 il ) M il 51 17 . .I f.7 M 17 fil 17 S7 II ( Is il 141 87 M "I 5J II llll 77 141 Sll The W II S.iv.1 Inv Co It I Hblk 2,1 " IS 'J do Hll hlk SI 87 .11) ) do lll.lhlkS.1 fil 17 do It II. blk SI " fil 57 do Itl7blk2.l " 54 17 do It blk'I " 51 ,7 do 111'lhlkJ.I ' " 51 17 do ltSOhlkS.1 " 51.7 Helen DiUour ItSi blk SIde II 17 do HSJblkJ.1 51 17 Om.ili.i Hell Kj , Co 111 III ! ; 24 " 51 111 do It U blk 21 fil 111 do Itllb'kS4 " 51 f.7 do 111 I hlk 24 " fil 17 W A t.oild.ird Itllhlk SI fil 17 ll.irlmi.i A riemln : ! ! Hi hlk SI fil i7 M.ny Mootull i7hfkSI 51 57 P UKulstim II IsblkSI " 51 17 JnmcsII Me(3ulloch ( IllOhlkSI 51 17 do II 20 blk ' . ' 4 " 51 .7 . Clmles T TiiKgart e I'd ft n 'J hlkS" . " 1s. , II Gee II Payne ll I I.afavclto Place hlkS.1 " 71 V ) Cieo II I'.iyno H S Lt > rn"ttp J'lnneblkS'i 40 SJ ( Jeoll I'.iytro U tbifayoilo I'lneu blkSI " St 80 GeoJLr.iilio II 4 LnCi.ultn I'liuiiblk'J- . ' S' ( iJ ( Jeo II l'iynui'7ft It .1 1.af.i.vctto riarnblkSt " I H John l ! linsli.ivv'ssiibblk J. " , ! ? IH do It 7 do blk Si. fil 1.1 do It 8 do blk 'Ji " 101 ' 'S W WC.iceu IK ! Wills' hiibbllcSl , IIJ 74 Wnlti'i Wills It 7 do blk Sd III lilt Goo II 1'avne It8 do blk Sli 8 > ill John 1'a ; ! I It Iblk7 51 17 do IIS hlk 27 M 17 do It. I hlk 27 51 57 do II I hlkS7 .14 17 Moid i Ave Hltl'ir Ass'n lt.1 hlk'7 fil 17 \VcstII.iinllton I'res Chnrcli HI ! blkS7 fil .7 do II 7 blk S7 54 .11 A met lean WnteiHi r > s Co h li/l ft blk H 1,1111 I.I S I ) Meiu'r n I.Vj fl Meieet I'.uk ( .71 . 73 Total levy . . t.'ijBS 17 Section ; Th it silil spc-ciul ti\os levied afuiU' . lid. on said lots ii'spoetlvelj tdiall hoi - i onii ! delliiiiiuni | as follows : oiii'-liiith of the total amount MI Irtviel on e n li of H.I ] 1 lots shall heroinedi llniuenl | lu fifty d.i > from the p issajjo nnd apptov.il of this oidlnance oiu - tfiith In one yi > u , ouu-lenlh In two yi-ars.otie- tenth In thu yearemelenlh In fourjeais , one-tent n in live years , onu-tunlh InsK > i < us , one-tenth in seven yeais , one-lenlh In uiijlil years , one-tenth In nine vcari.iflei Hald levy , and boln. : fiom the passage and approvnlof this ordlname Ciicli of R ild liibl illmenls , except the llrst , shall di.ivv Inton-al nl the i ili > of hoven pin tciil pet rnnniii from Ilia lnuo of Ihu levy afoiuiald , until the same shall become delinquent Interest al the rate < if one percent pel month , payable In advance shall he pild on each ilellnq lent liistiillinunt. soetlon I. Thit the enlho aiiinunlot taHO lev led anil nhsfje I tin any of t-ald lots may bo p ild by Ihuoivnei of any lot.in tliueiitlri < eiinl | jiro rata piopoi tlon of s ild t \ on : in > of said lots , m ly bu pild by anv pec.ouon.tnv part , of said lols within llfly ibijs from sahl luvv , nnd theiuiipon sueli lols or p.ulsuf lols , snail bee\enil | from any Men oreh.it , ; " Iherufoi Section I Thin this m llimneu hhii'l take elfitul and ho In fince fiom an d aftur tta pas- hlllfL' . I'asiud January Slid , l 'U JOHN Clt\ : ( I " . CMyl uik. I' . J. I.OWKY I'rmldcnt City Council Appioved Jnnuaiy 7th , H- ' . ' t.r.u. r nr.Mis. Mavor The above lux Is now duo and pavahli at the oflleeof I he city tie mm in , und wlllhccnniu delliuiuent and hem InlnriHl nfti i I'ehriiary 371 li , iH'ri ' , IIH * eon In section S of above ordin ance. IICNKV lltiM.N Truasuier NOT 1C 1C. Notice N hereby ( 'lven to the owner or own- ins of Hie following leal citato In thu elty of Om ih.i. to lay sldewalltB In fiontof and ad joining theli pioneily wHlMi HvuiVdayHfioni tlm S.'d day of IVbruaiy , -uehslilewalltH to bu coiiHtnieted and Uid In nei'ordance wllb plnns and Hpceillcallous on Illn in lliu olllco of the Hoard of I'nblle ttorlN ( , and In aceoidanco u lib resolutions adopted by H.e elly council , vi/ : South aide of Triklno Hlreut , loU I. S , ,1. 4 , 5 , ll , 7.8 , ti.lliil , IS. hlnoK t ) , Ullflon Hill , width U feel , tPinpiunry i/rado. South clile of niKkmuHtrent , lols I loll In clusive block IS Clifton Illll , width U fuel , temporal y pilule Noi Ih Hide of l.rKklnubtreet , lols III to SI In clusive , bloek 1C , Ullflon Hill , width li feet , tompoiary Kradu. Not Hi vide of KirtKlne Htroet , lots Hi to Sd In clusive , block II , I'llftim Hill , width 0 feel , temiioiarv Krxde tt'esl hliln of Twenly-elKhlh avenue , lots I tel ! l Inclusive , block I ? Stanlon'H sub , width d feet temporary srade. Wiist ulilo of Thlrty-clKhtli avmue , lot 4 , block 17 , tt'est Omaha , vvldtli'j ' feet , lemporary Kradu. boiilh Hliln of llnneroft htiinl loU I , 5 , fl. 7 , H , li. H' ' , II , block l'i ' , Wllexiv' beiund , vvldtli n fuel , eslahllshed Krinle. \\estsliliMifrortlellistieot block I , Ambler I'lace , width (1 ( fi el. temporary ( 'radi > , tt'esi * ld ( ) of TorHeth htieel , loU I lo 7 , block S , Ambler I'lucc. tuiiipuray iirailu. I'V. . lllitKIIAI'Sl.lt , Clmlrman lloaid of i'ubllc tt'oiKH. _ ( ) niuiu , I ebruaty'i. IHU. I'ebllIUll Sliieldiuliler'H vleelliTi , ' . Not Ice U hereby civ en Hint Ihu rtunlar annual ineeitln1,1 nf thu HliK-kholdem of lliu South I'l itte Iund ciimpuny will bn buhl al Ihu olllco of HiilU uompHiiy , In Lincoln , Nubon thu Ilisi tt'edne > ( luy lnMaiublv.iSbeliii , ' iliUM-eund day of the month Hy orilur of the Hoard of Dlru'lors. II O. I'lin.i.U'H , boi'rcUry , LINCOLN , Neb. . I'ob : ' . IB'JJ. I'.ldutM < , onurvh"ctt. illretnn-1 i nred In K day * by the I'runi'U Kemuely entit led the KINO lldlssolve Kalr l nml li nl- sorboii Into Ihu inflamed ptuts. Will rufiiml money Kllitooi not oaru , or CBIKUH gtrlotura Uentlomen , bore 1 * a reliable arlluto. II a u , or S for ii per malt prepaid. MeUur- LiluJ , Umalia. _ _ nANDALWOOl ) C.vI'SlJl.Ks nru Uia boil MiiUonlr capiulai prnrlbod br xubir pbjr < lclui fur tbd euro ol liuu > rrb < e and I frjiul urlaarr or aai ; rere l iniutln ( I i ) pur b