Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 10, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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Wheat WosUnsottled and Nervous Through
out the Day.
Other Driller * WITC Atnrincil lit tlio Trims-
llrolu-rs-Ciiblos ( 'onlr.i-
IK Iliinn of UN - -
dli t l tin- Iti port of Crop
DIIIIIIIKC ' " I'riuicp.
CIIICMIO III , I'cb 0.-\Vhpnt will unsettled
And tier * ous today unil lifter fluctil iiini : sev
eral limes nt lower rnnso. llinlly tionr the
close took a ' liciiikr" and closed weak , u full
So lower tlinn yesterday's last flpiiro Tlio
tn.irkot onenc-d ijulot lit a iinnll reduction
comtnrert with jostorduy. The foollni ? was
nitlier nervous with little disposition to press
stilus. Plrstnrlcos for Miiy worn from 01 % c to
Ol'ic , tm-iiitiPtOPic nt the oloso joste'riluyj tlio
market w is ciulct for a tltno from lil'te to
tuOPXc. tlieii tlio bears heciuno bolder and
tholrs lies sent tlio miirUotolT tonic Hut It
wus then announced that ICO.UOO bu hud just
been tnkcn ut Now York for Lisbon with foi-
olRiiPrs showm ? more Interest In the inurkot ,
unit tlicro WHS a iiilck | rally toOPic.
It was also found that llnrry Lester wns a
vlRorous buyer nn well as other prom
inent oner itors , mm lUiultklybccimo the ac
cepted thcorj that these purchii'-i's ere iiiado
for PnrdrtdRo and were to co\or his short
whoixt , and the smaller shorts made haste to
do the s-uno thliiR. It w is rumored In this
connection that I'anlrlilRo hid been sum
moned to iippuir before tlio LOtigrosslunul
committee which IB Itm-stlijntlnu option tMil-
ln ? < and henoo was closing out bis line , l.ator
Purdrliliso hlinsolf explained It by s lylni ! th it
ho w.isslou with tlio prlli and wanloa a rust.
After P.trdrlilKoiind ether shorts hint cov
ered the tradlnir became \ery slick , and
with llttlo or no support weakness set
In. Tlio reported crop datmmo In
I'latRO w IB contr idli-tul by direct cables
nnd thus one of tlio stronger of tlie props wan
knocked out. WiUht X Ilutuhoy , Lou in and
Mllniliic-ltodtiinn turned frco sol'ers ' the
former until rstood to lie soiling for KaulTiirin
of hi Louis and there was a stouly drop to
HI HO. 'lliero was porno talk early of a cold
ua\o , Ijnt Liter this was tontr.idletod and
lost Its Innnenco Afttir tlio nootf l.mir tlio
weakness W.IH eontliiiii-d : I ho market dls-
qulottd by norsNtiMit but liulollnlto rumors of
heavy failures In tlio south , but though these
were thought to bo stock lolibliu rumors they
in-idoopiT itors timid. ' 1 ho str.iw , not
onlv III who it but In ether articled , ciuno
Nhnrt y before the oloso. when there wis a
rush to soil on the reported prob i-
bllltT th it the antl-optinn hill In conirress
would piss On wlioat wont down to
Ml'.c anil closed ens ? at 69o The Knclish visi
ble supply showed a dccrouso of 22)010 bu.
Tlio amount of whom nnd Hour on oce in p is-
B.IRO dterpiisrd VH.OO1) bu. last week McDou-
Kiill old a coiidlderablo line of "lie it oirly
around UIJiO. but bought a Rood deal of It
back nftor It had dropped below Ulo. Cables
wore llrm.
Corn started ntciidy and for a consldor.iblo
tlmo kept well up to the iloslnR llcures of
vestprdity. Hut the subsequent wo ikness In
who it dually hud Itsolloct and thtro WHS u
sharp bro-ik May opened at 4JSc , sold at
K'ic. weakened itul without nritcrlal re ic-
tloii closed at 41'ic. the lowoH tlpuro of the
day. a loss of lo The receipts were ritbor
free. ihoRi.iduiR bettor anil the elcar , cold
wo ithor Rood for corn In the ei Ib.
Oats followed torn and elosod with a loss
of ° o.
11 ok' products were lilnhor o irly. on the
smaller ncoipts of boRh th in woio oxpeotod
and an ud\ancoof from I o tolr > c at the ynrds.
'Jhoy continued stronir for some tlmo , hut the
woiKiussin Rralii .nid the continued heir
rumors Dually hail their olToct and n reaction
sot In , and I'spoel illv In pork , which closet
with .1 loss of from U"iO to IT'tC. but lard ad
vanced to from 2'iO lo 7'e , whllo ribs were
S'to lower to ' . " $ ( higher.
IMIinntod receipts tomorrow : Wheat , HO
cars : corn , UK ) earn , o.iis , I A cars ; hon's , Ji'.UJO '
The loading futures rnnod IIH follows :
Caih quotations were as follows :
I'I.OUK Nominally nnchan ed ; sprln ; iint-
cnlH lfl..kVJC4 M : winter pntonts. JI.JuQ.4V ) ;
bikers , l 1034 GO : Blnl ht , J4 , IO4 a.
WHEAT No. 2 sprliii wlioat. 8ii'Bo ; No J
Bprlim vrhoat , 8IKfllc. . No 2 rod , 80j.
t'OHN Lower : No. 8,4 I4e : No II yellow , 'I9o ,
OATS No 8 , J'lii.J'i'ic ' ' ; ,0. 8 wnlto , : il'4o :
r o l w'llte. .WdWO'ic.
Hvi. No 2 , 7tu. )
HAlilEy No 2 , 5V ( < i. ' > Sc : No .1 , f. o b , 40 ®
681No : 4. f. o , b , .na-IVie.
l'iAX Sm D .No 1 , ! Wc.
' 1 IMOTIM hPPi > I'rline. II 2Vai.iO :
I'OIIK Mess pork , per hbl , $ s ' > ) lurd. poi
cwt. , JO Vl 0 "ij'i : short ribs sides ( loose ) , $ .1 h7' ]
S151K' ' ; dry mltod shoulders ( boxo 1) ) , ? 4 7"
tifVOi ; hhort oloar sides ( boxul ) , ? ( i'JOiill 8.1.
WIIISKIDlstlllors' flnUhod KOoJs , pur B al ,
MTnAiiP-Oiit loaf nnchansod.
Hctolpts and shipments tod-iy n ore as fol
Hour , Imrreln
\\lie-iit , liuiilielH
Corn , tmpliolii
( lulu limlifla
Ityo , buiht \
llnrlcy liuthu
On the I'ro.luco oxch.uuo today the buttei
niiirkul was iinch.inJod : fiinuy eroiimorv ,
JSJl'JOlino : wosturn , 8.VriJlc : ordlniiry , 81Q
84t'bolceti'd diilry , Jia.'Su ; ordinary , 8vJJc ,
KlTKK , 8.15CJI11 ! .
I'lic'liniiKoil : full ereain ehcddars
llfcll'io. ' Hats. ll'4aIP4e ( ; : YounK Amurlvun
UW1 lo
lltnus I'lirliuiiKCil.
TAMO1 1 nth in od.
Niuv York Murki'tH.
NrwYoiiK , lob 0 ri.ouii-Ilcoelpts , 47.07I
paeUiiiios : export" . fli.C. bhls. 8.1 IJU sacks :
dull , InoKiilur.olosInK easy ; hiilcs , 10KX ! ) libls
COIIN Jll'Ai , Dull nnd uc'.ik
Will AT KocolptH. 7tlMO bu ; oxporls , 8J8-
P4.I bu ; biilcti , 0il1,000 bu. ( uturoN. 11)7,1109 ) nn
pot. i > pot mnrkot uiiiiottled , deoldcrtly lowei
und ely aetlve ; No 8 red , JHl'JJi
1 dJa In itoro and elevator ; HUISO105' ,
allo.if fl.ti.Wil \ \ r.o h : No. .1 red , Jl to
iinuniili'd rod. OltfMI Oil ; No. 1 no/thorn , Jl 0
46'Uj'i ! No. 1 hird. JlOd/ ! ! / ' . ; No !
northern , lKu Optloim iiiUiinciMl " , ' ,1
on deeroiiho l amount on lussaci ) , Int'reusei
export iloinand and deoroused Kii.'jIUh vlslbli
deolltiod from l > ao to 8'to ' ontniker I renol
oulilcs and a report that llio "opllon" illl Inn
liassed tun house This latter Ktiitement
afterwards contradicted , hut too Into for tins
ollect on the murkot Thu oloso Is mead j
ut llio under yostord ly No 8 red. Tub
ruarr , tl.OJ , elosliiK II , W8 ; Muroh , ( I OH
&l.U4'i ' , olDslnir il OJ ? , : April , Jl.dl'.C
tl 01. olimln , ' * l OJ' ' , . May , (1 007-luiU 02' , , o os
Ins l IM" , j June , l J' eM.fl.01 , olosliuicj c , July
Irt'taiH'v ' oliuliiK U7c. !
\ lfMroiiKur ; bettor diunaiiil : nustnin.iiOui
tllf. s ili > ni.MXj : ) liu. at IKtt'Windulhurod '
II Mil , i , \ --tiudy bulqulel.
ItAiii E M vi.iQuiet ,
CoitN llot'olpts , 8U1.000 hn.l cxiiorts HO 17i
1)11 ; saloi , l.UO.OOUbii of fuinrot , ; ITH.UOUbu. o
knot : biol | market lower and fairly uotho
No. 8 , WpCijWuj In olev ator ; ia\ \ HAl > io allont
uiiKrailed mixed , 47ijili.1l'io ' : No. 3 , iKttHi.o
Btimmer mixed. 4S4U.Vio ! Optlonii di-ollnoi
,4fil'o and eloiod vauo under joslor
d.iy on Inrso ri-iolpts. uottor icradltm am
weak oiblosj Inhruarj , 4'JlQ'iOi4C. ' oloaliiK
4U > , o , Muruli. 41) ) > , O.V ) , c. closing 44o : Aurll
fi .aS3So. clOKliiB. 50'c : May , X to"l"
vlokliiR. 40oj Juno , 4sS < a4'Jo ' , cfoalnISVo
July. oloshiK. 40o.
UATS Hocolpts , 81,000 uu.t exports , ai.10
hti.I nates , hu of futurojj ioi.o o bn. o
spot ; spot tnariiot lower lyilut. Outloiin ( lul
Ma ,
uhl .
JlAV Steady.
lloi'b Dull mid easy ,
fct'OAH Huw , iinlet and steady nlt > 8. ft !
luushouiU and I.87J buKb of iiiubouvailo , b1
trt > t , atUo ; rollnnl , ctoady , iiult-c.
Moi.ASSBS rorolKti , Htoud } : 0 test Nuv
Orleiinx , iliili't and Htoady
JCicr btuany : fair ilomaiid.
I'BTitoi.fcUM .Steady und quiet ; Unltci
closed at uuo for March.
ronos frn niii-btcuily and rjulet.
T ALLOW Steady.
Hii'.t.s Dull mm steady.
'I imi'BNTiMi Dull und lowrr nt 'J3\VKHt \ ,
l.iiiiH-llull and oableri wtsturii.'Jilt'i ro
ceipls. 8.8.WjUuK
I'oiikMore actho and llrm : mess , ia75I
10 V ) : eitru prime. (10.00.
CUT MEATS Quiet und ( Inn ; middles , strong
short clear , M.77K.
I < AIID ( ) ptnt ) ( | ktroiiEor nnd closed weaker
wuHtcru sluuni. fJ85 hid ! option sales 4 oo
tlercos : 1'ubruary. MHIj March. titoab7
MBV. ? .l'.17 ' 7it. closliiK nt 17 IKXaT.OJ.
U llurricii Quiet and > ouk ; weitura dairy
western creamery Slttllo ! western
factory. ir 5JJ"toi Klitlu. ! Me.
Clihi SB Moderate demand , nrm.
I'ld IIION Dull and steady : American tl . * .V.
Coi'i'Hi-lnutthonnd wcnKi l.-kc. I10R1.
I.FAli-Qiilet and easy : ilonioit'u II IJ'J. '
110 H )
Mliini upulU \ \ lien I
MtNVF t'OMo , Minn , Teh 0The hears
were c n full s irp nn whoul toilir ocfotn
HIP soss. m po | cd. nnd II w is due to the ro-
Iiorts Hut thn Wiishhiini option hill wn llkoly
to puss con /res' " opened strotiR and
MurtuJ out for n ROO ! aiHniuo May opened
nt ! -r\c' , sunn ) us last nlrflil and ntunniod to
t7c , then theio was a HIMMIII of ups
nnd tltmns on nieount of the optloti
bill tulk iinlll Iho close which
stood for Mnv MVi Kehrunry. JUo.
The uush nnrUct dniK'od It opened strong ,
but under the liberal llnclintlons for futures
huvlnit stopped larnelv and ft cool rtoilwus
carried over. No 1 northern oid from SVSc to
fcfc lloco pis of who it here wore 8J3 f ir < and
* < 7at Duliith and Siiporloi. CloMtia for No 1
northern. I'obruary , floslnir toil.iy. WVc ;
May , otntilnit si'c. hljhost. K7UP' lowest.
Slo , closltitodnv. . 8.1'iC , yesterday. WlVi' ° "
track No 1 hard , fll'.t'i No. I northern , '
No 8 northern , "o
Host on Wool Miirliot ,
HOSTUN Muss I eh 0 The demand for wool
bus bcmi Rood , with unite 1 irtre siles and with
full nrm Ions prlcoi pild. Ohio lleeces urn
si'lllnir for'Js. . foi \ . aB. ie for X \ mid \ \ \
and uliovc , and t for No I ; Michigan A.O'i '
( T6'7o : No I , , ) l3.1c | In tombliu and dolalno
lletco theio Ins been n steady tride with
silcsof No 1 ( omhlnit nt ( VA e-e Ohio 'Inu
iloliiliiont.EI'M4o nut MIchlKiin line del line
at r.'ttcio : unwashed coinhlni : wools nioselllnif
nt 845tJiic tut onu-iinai tor nnd lMll"e for threo-
oichllis Ohio unit Michigan unwashed and
unmerchantable lleects soil nt : terri
tory wools iictUu at fl-CUi c : ehnn. tine , SViSiTo
for line medium and Ii9fVV < for nioillum
TOXIIB. Callfuriila ami Oregon wuoli ste.idy
Pulled uools In demand ut . ( sifdlJc for super
iinilKMtrcfor extras Australian wool tella
well ; foreign carpet wools nro ijillot.
Kiins ; ( Ity .11 irlci'M.
KANSAS Cirv. Mo. I'ob. 0 WIIEVT The.
inarkot was stronger than It was yestordnv
enily In spite of the weakness of outsldo mar
kets : No J liard.77c No 8 led. flic.
Con > Wns ulso strong , mlved , .llo : white ,
.ilc.IHTS 'tioiig : No 8 mi\oJ , SOSWO'ici ' No 8
white , W7i.l ' , c
KVKMonilj , No 8. 71p.
I'l.Ax hi m sic , on the bn'lsof pure
Hit\N bte idy. H icIiH , ( ilc.
HA\ Steady : timothy , ! V ) per ton ; fnnoy
pi irlo , $ ( ) OJ , goo 1 to cliolei , $1 10 'Jl.OOJbu : coin , 1.003J oils ,
1.0 l bu.
SIM I-MI . O.OOJ bu : corn , 0,000 bu ;
oats , 4.0JO bu. _
Diilutlt U In lit Murlirt.
DUI.UTII. Minn , fob 0 The m irkot opened
tills morning practlcilly uncli ingeil from
jistoruay's close 'llio most benrlsb feiture
as tbo piibablo pass mo of the W.isliburn
nnll-otillon bill 1 ollowlng were the closlnit
nrlcos : No hind cnsh and rebrniii v , fcl'to :
May. HU'no : No 1 norlliern.c ish and rubrunrr ,
Me : .Mnv W7'c ; No 8 northern , cash , 77o ; No ,1
northern , 7Jo : risji cti'd , TOt1. on tr.iek , No I
hird , titi'io ; No 8 northern , 84'ic. '
Illlu Kiki'o 11 irkett.
MII.WAUKEI : , WIs. I'oli a WltBVT Unset
tled : Muy , B7'ic ; No. 8 spring , 60o : No. 1 north
ern. 07e.
Cons Quiet : No I , .WS8'ic '
OATh Sloiv ; No 8 whlto.J."ic : No 3 , white ,
.W'.lilillc '
K\E-Qiilet : No 1 , 70c.
IIAUI.V1 yiiGlt ; No , J.5.1c ; simple , 40(35ia. (
l Markets.
fob 0 WIIFAT Stonily : cle-
in mil Improving ; holders olTer moiler.itcly :
Kcti'lpls of whont p ist three days weio IIJ.OJO
tent Us , Ine inline J > OtH ) Amcrle in.
COIIN Quiet and lower : mixed western ,
4s l'id per Kofolpts of American corn
the pnsl llireo d.ijs noso'O.liOJoeutnls.
PCAs-Cnnidliin , 5s 4'id. '
St. I.onlH Miirki-ts.
ST. Louii Mo , I'ob U WliKAT-Enslor ;
cnsh Sl' ' c ; M ly. UO' c.
O us l.owor ; cash , .6\c : May , ISc.
OATS Lowoi ; e.ish , .10'4c. ' M.iy. Jl'io '
I'OHK bto.idy ; new , Jll.ii."i
LAiiD-bto idy nt K Jj.
\\ni'-icv 51.14
Codec Market.
NEW YOUR. I'ob 0 Options opened firm at
from 1 to 80 points no , nnd closed stoiuly nt
from 10 to 80 points up ; s ilus 10 0 0 hags.
including : rebrunr > . ( tL4Ktli 11 , March , * . ( .01
4411.15 ; May. JU.7ifflU7ri : June. UU : .Inly.
J18.41 ; September , IIJ JJ12 40 ; spot Klo. llrmj
No 7. $14 71
Nc York Dry Goods M.irkct.
NFW VOIIK. Toll. 8 The dry goods m irljet
disclosed no now features ; demand continues
Trailing Ycstrrday I\HH Almost iiitiril : > of
ll PriifeHiloiml Nature.
NEW YOIIK. I'ob. 0 The stock market today
wns ncthe , feverish nnd IrrcKiilur. nnd the
trading w is almost entirely of u professional
nature There wns mnnlfostou main a dlspo-
sttloi on llio part of trndeis to hammer the
gcnornl list , and whllo prices were stimulated
from tlmo to tlmo bycmerln/ short con
tr icts In different parts of tlio llel , the ste uly
pressure of shurt stocks for silo , with frco
realizing by the urofesslon ils on the late rise ,
kept prices down In ovorythlug and In n few
Instintes caused material losses The coal
stocks still occupied the most prominent posi
tion In the market , hut their preponderance
was by no moiim so marked us yosterd ly , nnd
Hi lo und Clilo igo Gis were the to itures of the
day's optiatlons There were frosb rumors
put In circulation today nnd one of wblth re
ceived 011111mention was to the ell'cc't thnt
t ho Jersey Central boimht tontrol of thn
Ijiitkawanmi ,
As usiml , howoMir , whllo making no slmiIH
toulu.t Is going on , olllel ils disclaim uny
knowludKo of anythliu In the 10 il trado. Tlie
Iransncllons In Iteadliu were again > ery
1 uge. but the Iliicinatlonscro not on the
same large scale lib of llio lasl l\\o dnyt und
after n rise of 1 per tent it declined to 40' . , . only ' pur cent bolter I.ncka-
waniia fiillilled the propliccy hj selling up to
Kill , but It Immtdl itolj retired nnd sold down
to lVi'4 , whllo DoliiW.iio & Hudson sold
to II , lint lost all tlio lmnro\o >
mont and .Ior-oy Central wns weak
tniou.'hout , selling down fiom I'-O't ' to
KuVi There was a ro > lval of the minor Hint
llio Cult uo C is propiu h id made a deal with
Urn rconomlc wlilch aicompinltd a hiibstan-
llal rlso in thn former , but no conllimatlon
was hnd of I ho story. 1'ho uihance , bonoxoi ,
sei\ed to lallv the enllro list an I C'hle.iL-o
( Jus tlo&i'd with u lar u portion of the gain.
The oilier Indiihlilals were tspotlilly btno
litod bv this spurt und bugur rot lined Its iiil-
( iorernmcnt bonds hao boon dull and
htiady. Male hondu hi en bill and firm.
Tlio following nro the closing quotations for
the loading stocks on the Now York Stock ex
change today :
\llli' ,
ey , IO.DJ. Nurtbc'rn I'aoillo iir
fi-rroil. inMi Ho.iillnn. ll.l.OJ ) , Klohmuua
We-st Point. IfIB i bt. I'uill. 10B17i Toxus A
1'iiijlUe. < , J-Jii Unltiii 1'iicillli' . .
I'liiuiuiul lte' > li ) ,
NKW VniiK. Puh y The I'ost suvsi Not
only were I.uniloii nrbltrntini : houses nKiiln
bDllors un Hi'iiillnir atook , but I'hlliulolpiim ,
which us with biicli eaisornot'ij .vostonl.iy
hoiiKht , bold hciivtlv thin morning TliU ilU-
curory promptly reversed the iniirltot for thu
conl slmri's , nml reliction nf niverul jiulnti
eniiic'il Hut the local snips were not OMIHII-
B | > O Hiul there wa no ills | > ciIth > n to o hhort ,
RO the inoxuiiiLiit of pr ces IniU lnpi > ca IOIIK before -
fore noon Intoilulliie'.s. Of oiuirto tliU ccs
dutloii of activity In the conl slouk *
ttlfoutod the Kenorul market. The bear oper
ators usiinlly moht furinlil.ihle. are Jimt now ,
for thu bibt of reasons , In n stuto of bewilder-
mout , Out the ulllo * uuiuui ; the nuullei
traders were hniy tostlnz the incut In vnrloim
illrcctlunt. I hi'so oxicrlinoiiM | did tint ilc-
ve'lop SIRIIS nf n thnniiichly hOHllhy t-oiull-
tlon. und fric'tlonil ile-clfiio were c-islly
I'tiniiRli secured hut to prc s their ndMint.igo
further rrqiilrcd tnoro u iiltiif th-xn thu IIMII-
oporutor under prest'iit clrcuiiit.iiiis
Neil \ tirl < Mniirt Mtirket.
NrvvVouK. Pnh P MOVKV ON tut.t. Kucy
at 10,2 per cent ; ln t loan. I'i ' per ton I ;
closed olfore'rt ut I'i ' per cent
Piitvtn Muti-ANTit.F I'Arcit l'i"i ' per coin.
bTKiuivri nxcilAVIEQulot nnd sloidy
JIHl'i for slxtjday hills and * l f'for de-nnml.
The closing iilot | itlons on bonds
llli'tl'Mntiial ' I nlon is llli'ft
1 * S l' coup llb < .N I 'J Int Cirt llii' '
I ) s 44 % t it III ) 'North rnellto Icto IH'1 ' *
I'nclile.ttnr 01 .liH vortli I'ncinc Jnrt' IIJ' ' <
I a tnmpcit ( ' ( tl N irthwi'Mprn Con Hi
Tcnn new set In 111 , MMtti Dclirnt J > * ID'
Ictm non net fn I , > < l I , A I M ( li n . ' 8i' <
Uenn now sol li 70 , 3t I , A 1 ( ion M 10"
rannrln * < 2n H . | yJ4r't I'niil foiiKoln UH
IDil .Sl I'.t A I'nc l t IK'1 *
lien A II ( I lita 117 PCX I * K 11 Ir ItcUCO
Den , V It (1 ( ( 7H hot P HO Ir llcts ' <
Krlo Jnil I0iil ( Itnlon Pacific IMs I0't
M K A'I dun r Hl'4 West Mioro . IOI\
M K A T ( ii-n . ' > < < &l1illi ) > n A ltd Wont lulu tilt
1 bill
l.iiiiiluii Stoi li Miilkol.
IHiJij/i / IglitHl / ) . ' lii/ . / ( | nrt O II lilt HMH-'M
l.'iMios , Poll U [ Now Vork Dei. ltd Cabio
apci'lai to I'llKllRli , 1 Apart from the actU-
Ity in American nilln lyg hiisliu.-s on the
Meek uM'lntUp today hus Dooii limited , there
heliiR the usiml dlslnollnatlon to enter into
now oiitf-uomi'iits lust lioforo the settlement ,
tomorro v belnv the Drst day. A decline Is
cst.ibllsliod In l'orluiiirsD aiul Mexican , while
un Improvement is mat kol In l yptl in , mil-
lied fours , Spanish and I urUlsh Is-
NiiL4 Home nillwa > s have been fulrlv nooil
In tone In spite of tbocomp iratlxelv few do il-
IIIRS Northonslcin showed luarkei ) stioiiKth ,
lt'i\ln olT nt nn adsauio of l'i portent
HrUhton deferred bi\p lluetuntod a eood
deal. The itsult on tlio day Is a rlso of ' ] > or
cent. Most others oloso at ti small Itutmno-
mont , tlio e\tnptlons holne tire it Kast ru and
Metronollun , whltli are 's to ' 4 percent o is-
lor. I orolmi raln.iyshn\o been quiet Mexl-
cm ordinary and pn-fpronoes iiro dull and
lo oren the poor tralllc stitetnoul Thoio
WHS wo ikness In si vor mining shirts 1 liev
luiNo boon noflezlod.
l.oMiiiv , Toll --riio follo\lnT era the
Lonilon stock quo atlous oloslnu at IP m
Conjoin nmiTof Vj'i li , llilnul * I eiitrul I u ' <
nioomit A > ilMcz onllnnr > . VJ
N \ . I' AO lits .ir irfl Paul roinmiiii SI't ,
Cnn I'nilllo I.IHlllo iillnu . . Ill' *
IHllMox On n pw < s < ;
HAH Sli.M-it-ll'ad.
Amount of hiiillon withdr nn fiom the
Ilanu of KiiRluml on b il uu-o lo l.ij , JL'J. ' > , 0
I'ln mi I il Nnux. *
PAIII * . Poh. D Throe per cent rentes. Olf
SJ'4c ' forthuau-ouiit
NKVV VOIIK. I'ob I ) -11 ink clo irliiRs today ,
tlM.'J.'iJ.S'rjj ' baliincos , $ < , r > M)1 ) >
HOHTOS , Muss , Peh 'i 11 ink clearings.
? 17liroi.j | biline-es. JJ'iriOll : moiiov. JH to.l
per cent ; oxehaiuo on .Now Vorii , U'jo ' to2o !
disc-on nt.
Ill inis , Pob 0 The fct itementof the Im
perial bank of ( lormany shows an Increase in
specie of 8.7VI)0 ) | ) iHiir'is.
llAi/riMolii , Mil. Poh n II ink olearlniss.
fJ. I 0,2lr > - . baliiiees. $ J * ' > , M : > Mono.1) per tent
KANSAS Cm , Mo , Peb U rodiy's
IIIKS wore JI.4M 727
Hr. IOMH. Mo. lull ll-f'loirliiKS $1,104-
lir'l. ' balnne-es * l)7.VtJ. ) ) Money , i tf jier cent
K\eh IIIRUOII Now York , 'ft , , premium
( IIIIAOO. Ill , IVb 0. Monoj ensv .it 4'iOn
per tenU Uleirln-'s. III80J. ! ' ) Now % 01K
oxuhiinRO. IDe discount. Slerilns oxobiin
fl.S'i for sl\ty iluj bills and JIM" tor sl hl
dr iff *
PlltLADEM-iitA , P.i. Peb. 0. Clenrlncs. * 'J.- '
: ifltIMi ! ; b.ilatie-es , ? Jl81'i7Hi money , J'i ' per
CINCINNATI , O. Peh ' ) Monoy. .Iftrtpor cent.
New Voik oxehatue. 21 per 'ent. Cioinns ,
.2 0,150
Huston Mix k M irlu't.
IlosTOV. M iss. Poh -Tha followlni were
the elo-iini prh-es on stoj'on the llo ton
stuc'k market toJ ly :
Atchlmn A lopoka I8K trinklln
lloston A Albiii ) . 'J II
llns-.un A M ilna . . lul Once-oln
C II A y lOS' ' ' nnt i he topper . . .
Fltchtiiiri ! 11 It . . H4 'Ininirack .
Mnm t ontrftl . . Annlfton I.nnil Co
Mox Ce-nt coinnion lloslnii l.iuul Co
N \ A N Knxlinil * * * \Ni-t Kiul 1-inil ( .o
Olil Colony . . * Hull 'le-lephbnc .
Itutliind com pfil , I I l.anMon torc ) . . IS
\\U ( on common IU W.iter Power IStv
Alloure Mln Co now U < C M 8
Atlantic lloiiatoii lluunson 'U
lloston Montinu U A. II C. II
Calumet .V Ikila JU
IfMi\er Mliilng ; stcirks ,
nES\E , Colo. Pcb 0-Tlio following list Is
the closing quotations on the Mining oxen in o
today. S lies 12/iOJ.
Sun 1'r.llH l < i ii .lllnliiK OilntiltIons.
HAN PIIANCISCO , Oil. Fob 0 The ofilc ! il
closln ; nuotiitlons for mining blocks ted ly
wt ro .IH follows :
Xi'\i Vork Mining Omit illniiH.
Ntw VOIIK. I'ob 0 The following are the
closln , : nilnliu' stock ijnol illons :
St.1mils Mining Oiiol.itloiiH ,
ST. I.outs Mo , Ti'b. 0 Iho following ure
the closing ipiot itlonson llio iiiliilnoxhnn.'o
Vi : YIOCK 1IAlCKii : > .
Omaha's Cut tie Trade Ilirclj Slcailj lliif-M
hlroiiK anil llljjlii'r.
OMAHA , Poh ' ) .
Two day * ' rncelpts foot iii | 4774 e-altle. ilUJS
hoN and l,4JSticcp | ac.ilnht ,07,1 o ittlt ) , U.4'iJ
hoKHiind JIJi bhecp the Dial two days of last
'I he liberal olTorliips of cittlo produced u
do'-ldedly ojslnr fee liu to thu trido Iti con-
oral , but the market hold up rujMin ibly well
under the circumstances ; In f net Millies were
biistalned boltoi than hollers really aiitlcl-
paled ! 'ii\orahlo miBtern niUlicH nml the
prcbcncoof shlppe-rs asslstod niaterli.My In
IHOM'iitlnK any very bid bruik , llnndy lluht
fut tteers Mel.'hln.-f IDIII DO Ibs to 1,150 Ibs
were In tlio best dom mil nnd consequently
quently pilics on those nero Hulistaiitlully
htoady. i hoio were not a ( ? ro it many KOOU
hea\y cattle hereInu hiiehero until tieat
don ! loner On medium weight Mcois , that I'J
nolKhliiK from ll'iOtolJUO pounds , the market
was ntiak , with prle-cH generally fiom 5u tu
lOo loner , lliumcss waithlon throiiRliout the
dr < s ed beef men manlfexlini : u tenileni-y tj
bo bom Hi and Indlllorcnt on account of the
llborul supply There nero iiiltu | a few eiittli :
unsold at ilio close
In butchoi stouk tradliu nns aelUu and
jirloi's Runuriilly unoli in.'edVhlo tiiobiip.
l > lv WHS lill.e , thu iluni iiiil , both liinal
and bhlppln , "as ; oed nml the move
ment tolunbly free Uood to e-holii !
cow-i and helfrrH neto fully btoady
and oi-oiislon illy stioiu at from JJ 11 to 11" '
Pair to good eowa were about hteady at from
JJ.IO toJ dO. and eoniinon and o.innln ntull
slow B.ilo at from ll Oo to fJ Hi , Hulls , oxen unit
SHIRS weio tlrm nt from Jl.7r > to JL40 ; calveh
ste.idy on thu bjsls of $ ' .OJ to # j oo for poor tu
ROOll VI ) lib ,
'I here nan a fair amount of bu.lnoss done
In truckers nnd feeders and prices nero steady
to htrunx. lloth outsider ! ) and local nailers
nero frco buyers , the bulk of the s.ilus belli/
from ( JOOto IJJ , ' ) . Ueirebunt.itl\o ] sales :
No Av I'r No Av. I'r
J Kll fJ 15 10 11 Jl l 4U
1 UJO J 15 10 111)7 U 45
2 1010 J 2.1 1 1150 , I.V )
4 U71 a 25 105 1141 J.V )
1 no ) j 25 10 ojj y M
20 1017 J J5 2 10,10 U ! Q
2 ' . * * > .1 30 2 12(15 ( J . ' . )
15 IOJ J .10 21 lOdO J M
8 Uitt a Jl 71102 J 63
21 U83 u : i5 41 U41 a ; a
1 ! HU a .15 U 1CHM J M
&i iau a ai so 114 a M
4 mi j J3 uo not a r > 7i !
21 10.IS a 40 5 IJhO J m
4 1070 J 40 Id Illf. .1 60
B 1001 J 40 10 UJS J LO
670 1 00 IS kVl 2 20
wa i it ! 7 ( IU1 2 20
t 0 1 40 15 Kill 220
7UO 1 & 0 JJ tul 3 23
7J.1 1 U ) 1 IIBO 225
U. . 7V7 J OJ 11 041 2 23
2IX > 0 3
sniCKMIS AM ) HSEpriH.
CO'O'HIIO ' CVlTlil' .
No Av. Pr. No Av Pt.
1 cow . 1102 11 o feeders KM .1 10
117 LOWS HiS 'J 11 1 feeder IH.J .1 10
1 feeder IO J 8 7,1 1 con ' " .10 8 1)0 )
U fculots 74) ) .110 5 > ) feeders tKl ) .121
lions The hoc mar , . ! t vvus iLllxonnd coii-
er illv luici s woio a ( rood I0iht hei th in Mon
day all aiouiid nvcrythmi ! favored hliihoi A die-ieiso In two dijs e-ompired
with I ist week of.MIJO hois. eviramely liulllsh
news fiom thu IIOK and prov Mini markets , anil
an .le-llvu lee tl .mil shipping ilein mil ill com
bined to m Ute a lively inatliot 'I lic'Krcali'sl
adv itici'wison Ihn coed ho s of nil vvelRbts
Tlitst' sild all of I ' ( hUlior , vvliile loiiKh and
uneven lots , whether lieivy or llcht. were
iiuotibl ) nc to llihl.'hei ) - Hi in Mnml iv (
to choice lieuv v ho- , sold at from $4 ill lo tl Ml
with i couple of prime lots at } li.l ( ( .oiiimon
heiv > ind iiiKed p-xekeis sold , it $110 to Kill
I < lKht sold ut the eMrome r.inno from $140 to
? ! M ) but I irjely nt tl Vt Some uimmoti and
rniuli lots hold as low nsJIOl lo l H. Owlni ;
to tbu I itu .irrlv il of several tr.ilns the iniir-
Kol w is eontlnuid turoiuli the entire fore
noon , hut I hero no noiUtic ; > s developed
nt any lime dm In , : Hie d.i > . nnd the clo o
Him at thu nil\.ineo. I'hu biilU of the ti idliu
was at from 51 li to tl U ) .IK ilnsi $1 U to II M
Mnml ly , the ivei.i.-eof orle-esp lid belntrfl Id.
iiKiiln t H 41'i Monday and il 2IS 1 isl Tin s-
day. licproseiit it Ivo sales :
No A\ h. i'r
107 M ) $1 01
0 Ml ) 40 4 21
41 147 40 4 IJ
4 .OJ SO 4 4) )
I Mi ) 4 40
- 4 4) )
40 4 40
- 4 41
210 4 41
40 4 10
4 'rO
4 10
2SJ 4 10
8U 4 M
4 5J
4 ' ) )
200 4 .U
80 4 .10
l.'J 4 SO
4 10
40 4 M
440 4 V )
440SO 4 r.O
IJ , ! ) 4 50
IJO 4 5J > i
so 4 U'4 '
40 4 W ,
IJO 4 ftJ'4 '
Uil 4.12' ,
11,0 4 ' ,
21J 4 U' ' .
4 .VJ ! ,
200 4 M
IJO 4 .1.1
so 4 .V >
8) ) 4 . ' 5
200 4 Ki
200 4 .1.1
IJO 4 11
40 4 .11
4 51
S ) 4 Ki
800 4 fil
80 4 M
IhO 4 51
SO 4 Ki
'lliJ 4 M
N ) 4 M
100 4 11
841 4 M
110 4 M
IJll 4 V ,
8J 4 11
JOQ 4 51
IJJ 4 V.
4 5.1
8 . . : i7 4 8. )
bin Fi' The supply wis rathei l.nrcr than
iisn il hON on cm1- , two doiib o dei > ks of w hloli
belonged to the paol.eis , ' 1 he demand w is
l'ood an 1 the miirkot active , with prices iinot-
ihllUu bl.hoi than 1lnnd.iv. 1'not ' itlons1
.ltI ls.34 Hfjl'JI , wctt'ins * 17fijl. ( 0. I'om-
niuii and stocUtrs t"i045l7ij lamO-i , } 4 OOCi,1 U.
Utprcsentill\o biles ;
No. A \ I'r
271 illln.'s 72 t. 81
14J niillie ewes hj 4 Ji
l.'J n ithe t'wm 8) 4 'iO
1I > 0 n.itUo owes 7'J ' 4 ftj
ll'l ' tttsioini. mixed . . . . . 7s 4 81
UJ nalhcs mixed 'U ' 4 M
Itri iilits | .iiiil IHspMltinii ol stnrU ,
Olllclal roi'olptsund dispnilllon of stock as
shown bv the hooks of tlio Union "look Vaids
eomp my foi llio lucnly-foui bo Hi ending .it
r > o'clock p m 1 obru iry 0 , IrU. ' .
un i IITS
i hiiri i-
Ciir < illuiul Cars llio nl. Hem ( ar I Hi ml
111 ! Ii'i0s |
< 'lil < nio l.i\ < < > lei I , llurki t ,
OMICAOII , HI. , I'ob D ( hpcclnl 'lologiuu
to Tl K Ilt.l.1 1'ho eatllo miiKet lem ilneil
nlroiu today. Thuro w IH a good ilem mil mil
with only about H.nOJ t utlo In llnaiiU ,
sellers bad r ilhor the best of It Common to
extin vliors MOID imotnl nt from } l J.i to Jl 71
nnd Inferior to extra tons ,11 from fl.Ki to
JIO I ho ditbsoU luiof linns woio thu largest
buyers , the supply of I oof In tholi bauds ! m\ -
liu becomn tonslilHrHiiK rediu-ed ns a i imse-
iin me of tlioconthiiiud li.'lit lecclptsof c it-
lii ) , ' 1 ho demand from u istorn biuois was
model ito , as U \tuly \ | the cnu \ on ' 1 iiesdnys
htockers and feeJi'r woio in bellei rtqutsl
nnd weru strung
The hog marltpt continues to "boom "
Cliolto ho iv > wol.uts tllmbi'd to fi.O'i today
nnd then ) wen ) s'l'ps of fmic > li ht sorts
wltlilnl ) pin I U Ills , ( if that tl.'iui * . Iheiowis
u bilsu domaiid iinUor uhlih the Kinnll ie-
tclplb about 2-.OW hu \\iiinsuallo\MMl up
us fust ui dumpi'd iroin the earn Viivfowof
the oiler iu ueiom iionr as not to bu il-
nblo nt bettoi thufr f ' , . Inilied. the piemll-
Ing pines wo'o f ron ) * l 71 to tl t'1 I hero bolng
n dlifori'iico of only dlmilSo pur UK ) Ibs bo-
twien \ ilne-i of llhl and heavy wolglitb
Closln. iiiotntliniH | wuru from it ' ) to il uu foi
the former and frolp * l v > toji ai for the lat
ter Ij ttlo pUs unU culls were biilnblii at
from IJ.UO to tl 40 ,
'Iho slu op and Jamb markets eie ngiln
aetivoaud ye.slerdily'h ailMinto was e islly
sustained , H lies mining on a b isis of from
$4 OU to tl lit ) for thi ) former and tl .10 to ! ' < .ui foi
the lattir.estern sheep tomprlitd the
greater part of thu supply and sa es Hero
lar elj nl from (1UO to ti.,1.1
Itfiolptb were Cuttle , 8.000 , ho i , , 2J.IOJ ;
slioop ClrJO
Tlio r\eiilng.lou : nml rojiorts CAITI.I : llo-
co pts , 7.UOO , slilpmiinlb. 2.&HI mnrkot i > tt > ad\ ;
bteers. tl ' , ' > & ' > W. fair to good , il J. 4 1) , otliur
btcers , * l J.VTH7S ; tows , tl 1 iii,0. ( I ! . lit btoek-
ots. tl -itS.'Ji : ftedors 1 1 OOIs l.'J.X
lloos Itecelpt ! . . 'JJ.OOO , bliiimnnts , 10,000 :
market uctlvu and huhei ; rough and i om
mon * 4 4 4il OU , piiekerM unit mlxeil , t7iOi ! >
4 W , extra btaty und bntchc'rb' weights tl U to
5 Uli lUht. fl.7ritf1UJ.
fcligfcr ICeceip'4 8.00) ) ; shipments. ' . ' . ( HO ,
market iiitUu , uteudv to hlghor , esteiu > .
H avss "j ; owes nnd wethers. tJOiXttauu , lamb- ,
Nt < \iirk Mm > lei k Murkrl.
Nf\V YCIIIK , I'ob -llKh\is Ilecolnts 1.076
heud , all for exporters and bluiighti'iers , 10
trade feeling steady , uiesicd btcf , llrm at
UUMtU per Ib. ; blilpnieuta today , HOObemis
and j.O 0 head of beef ; tomorrow , JOO bto\cs
und r,100 iiiuilera | of lieuf ,
Hecclutb , Ibihvud , market btvady )
xcnls. MOoa oo per 100 lb s western cnl\c ,
c-ltpcclbts. ITIIhnnd : innrkct firm :
shiep.JI1jilBri.ipor 101 Ibs : lambs frt,7'j : ©
T..VIJ dristed mutton , stendy lit TO'i'ic per
Ib t dressed limbs , llrm iitinllii'jc.
lions -Itocelpts , ktuTJho ultronslgnod direct :
nominally stonily nt Jl 10HI 7.1 tier IJO Ibs
Kmuiis Cltj I , He stno'c ' Murlii't.
KANSAS ClTV. Mo. Pol ) n-C TTI.K-Ut"
celiilR. fsfiOU ; shipments , l.AiO ) steers wnio
dull and li' ( ) lower- cows nnd feeders slo'idji
( IresMd beef nnd sbltililng steers. flWIUlO :
ions anil hn'fors , IJiCKillOO , slot kors nnd
frr-dors , 1 1.1'ire.i 7n
IIil4 ( Hsi'i-lpts l.'Jon : shlpinents j.OOi ) : the
ninrkel WIIH tictlMi and do to 1 'e ' hlghrr ; all
gnulos. } 4 10l fil ; bulk , } l IViM \ \
Sitr.l P Ilocolpl" . 1MO , shipments , 1,200-
market stron
e _ _ _ _
St. I ouls I.Uo stork Mnrkpt.
ST I.oin . Mo , IV 1 1 -OvTTi.K-Kcoolpts ,
Odflfl : sblpmi > nl l.ooi , nuirUot strong ; fnli to
choice steers , JlWiiln- ) ; fair to uoml loxam
nnd Indliiii" tiroftl 1i : cnnneis , $ joo'J.lj.
Moils KecolpK fi , shipments ' 00 ninr-
knl higher. lion\y H'Jilloi ; mixed , J4 10 ®
4PO , iioikutit. $4 V51I 70
t in : in : vi. i v 11 vitunr.
INbTHUMTATS placed on rtvor.UVhrinry
L ll. INC't
w tittusTV iirnn
( i It Hoggs and wife to Martin I'tlUsnn ,
lotstu. II nnd I'J. block 'It. (1 II lUvg's
mill . . t 4V )
,1'illa I , liennle to A I * I ukey. lot 7. block
II , Ulfton hill 1,000
.1 P Mallcndei and w.fe to Mollne Mil-
burn siodii ud eompinj , lot 7 , Hall-
I'lider pliu'ii 2V )
li Si'htoouYr , trustee , to N C Holme , lot
Id. block 11 , III nun lurk . ' 100
.1 S MrCo'iiilcket nl lo August /.leboll ,
lot 11 hlouk 0 Deorpirk 1,000
(5V ( K DoiM-vet nl In \ \ s It-ill lot 4.
block 4 , C l ; Mavne's llrst add to Valley 00
Theodore Miller to 1. II Totter , lot 2 nnd
north 57 ft el of lol 1 , ( irlllln \ Is i-ie1 s
add 11,700
Won/ol llurlsh and wife to Miles A. Vln-
lon. executors , e't ul , iol I , b.ook dl ,
outh Omaha 1,7V )
(1 ( ( \\nlliiio , Irusti-c , to 13 A limit-
sttom. lom HI and 17 , block 1 , Mon-
nioiilb l.GOO
ymr CI.MM iiPKtu
.1 HMnrkel to ,1 II Mlllnid , lots'J. land
4. lePiirson place I
( j \ ' llarker nnd wife to loxuph Killer ,
n Ml fool lots II and U , block 2 , Or-
cliud Mill 1
s At Sadler i no wife to A K I'rtiv n. lot J ,
I'ruju's snbdh In Millatd A. ( "s add 1
AW II i ilwln nnd wlfo to I ) A Hoigs ,
lot i4 , bloci' JV iholi 's add. . . 1
Totil amount of trinsfors 1,13.114
Ladies wtio viiltio n lortnod complexion
must uio I'wom's Powder , ll ptodueos n
soft nml no.iutlf.iil skin
t\\oi NCKU/\rs.
M. H l.i > nill's ' tiou grand spectacular
pantomime burlesque will bo pio-entod at
Hojd'sncvv tho.ilm on Pitiiaj , Sattnday .mil
bundnv next , with Satin day niiUnuu This
superb oigani/ation comes hoinldud , ib tha
most cotnploto nnd costly ptoductlon scon on
Iho Amciiu-an stage in jous The company
iiliinbcis foitv people , and oinbtaco * the
choice of Aincile-an operatic , inntomime nnd
vauduvillu stRis , mid soveial of the latest
Ijiiiopean novelties. Thu stmv of the
"Spider and riv" U not onh dtoplv interest
ing , but loathes a good moral , and serves as
the Inundation for a delightful evening's '
etijovment , c .itchy music , funnj topical
songs , magnilic-oul seoneiy half a do/on iuij
posinglv gorgeous ballets , processions ,
matches , endless giotusiiiocomedv |
DoWolf lloppci , the well known nnd ) emi
lar comic opc'i.i comedian , will innugitiuto
ins second season as a star in this eiton
Mondav evetniiB , Kebruaiv I. , at the new
Bcnil theater , p-osonling foi the Hist Umu
bore , ( iooduln , V Morse's blight unil tuneful
opeta'io ' builolta , "Wang , " which hascvor
since the bepiniiitiL' of tna piosent season ,
ill awn laigo and ctithusiastlt- audiences in
all of thu hit go ua tein and vvcstciii cities.
Mr Hoiaco MoViolci'r. advance aRCiit of
S.ii.i lieiiiliurdl , spent .Mond u .11 the citv.
The Bteat Pie-iLh actte ? will appeal at
Uoyd's now theater on Monday , I'ebiuarv
8J in Sardou's great drama , ' -Li Tosca "
Shu ulll bu supported l\ hot Paris company.
The song iccital by Mi. U'illiatn l.'inuiK '
which \\ai announced for Fildav aftornooti
\vill bo on Kndauvoninir instead at Ihu
Young Men's Gbuslun association concert
Thotu was a lively de'iianu fet tickets
wbon the sale opened al the Ci.uiil oputa
house box oftlcecstetdav . morning for the
entertainment announced by Max O'Kell for
this evening. NeatIvevorv ticket iiuichusor.
in vlovv of the rccont Sir Hdwiti Atnold
liasco , 'isHcd vvbo was lO'-potisiblo for Iho
money in case the Iciiuru did not tuk place.
'Ihoy vvcio all individinlly told the
Ciand ! Opera house u'tinaKPinont. ' IncUed by
lldii. A. .1. I'onplutou lospoiisihlo for
uvurv dollar paid into the box olllcc In thu
cuso of I Mum A mold , a Kansas City amusement -
ment apceulatot canu : into Oni.ih.i , hold the
sale avvav fiom the box oluce , and thus
handled the funds himself. H was timely
the speculation of a fotoipnui If he got tu
sufllciunt money to piotcil his guarantee ,
thu Icctuio would bo deluded , otherwise
not. Mow this cae of Max O'Hull \astlv
dllTciont In the Hist iilae-c u is under
ptitolv and resuonslhlo local management ,
and further , the ( Srntid onui.i hou- is ro-
sponsiblu tor tickets sold Neither is it a
lecture , noi is it &o announced It is
a bnllinnt shower of Max O'Uoll opigiams
foi neailv two bouts , und lor th it reason it
is more of the naluio of a pleasing cotnody ,
keeping tlio audionio in constant lauirhtor ,
t'mn ill * u lecture. It i n't in the imturn of
this vviltv rroiichin.iu lo lectuto , but ho can
mi'nu > ou Hugh ovt'iy minnto when you are
listening to him. llo will talk tonight on
"An erica as Seen Through I'leiich Sp cta-
clcs , " and it will ho his tli stand o'llv appear
nnio in Omaha The advance saio will ron
tintio ted ly , and the iKMnnml pi onuses to bo
gicatci than it was vosteid.i" It is giatif. )
ing to be able to anticipate ! a largo aim ii'piu-
Huntallvu audieuco fet this genial and uomo -
politaii vvit at tlio ( itanu opera house this
C IninilM rl iln \ t'u.
I'lain ( lit l Iliitiin I iiiliilniltntl" \ < l , l.iinii.ln
It was iho good forluno of n repiesnntutive
ot this iiipoi 10 visit Ihu Inbointoiy of t.his
cntfiptising linn al les Moiuoi otio dnj this
week. It ocuiipiot four Hoots of a Uotiblo
building and einpo\s ! Hi\ly-Ii\i ! hands In Iho
dllYcicnt ilopaituionts , which include the
compounding ot the dilTmout piopanuloiis ,
bottling , melting , shipping mid printing In
tlio hitter dep.utmont ; hohuvu a llnoly
ciiiiiied | ) piintiiig olhe-e , with hall n do/oh
piosics , whicli aic kept ncailv constantly In
opr > ialloii ptinling hlioli and dilToioit Itiiuls
of ndvoitlslng iniitter. Their labnratoi\
ospccially busy nt this time , iia Cliainbcr
lain'b ( Joiich Uemod > , whitb the > nmnufac-
tuto , nis proven a spendid roincdv for the
grip , and in all f ises yicatlj loliovus the
patlont nftor taking ono or two doses , whllu
its loiiiinuad tiho will nffoct a cotnploto euro
"i ana SO cent bottles for snlo by Uitigglsts
1 1'inrrn , < iinKEtl < ) n , liillaimiatloiiaJ3
J \ VomiBormltvcr , \\orm t'ollc25
il-Ttulhliiui Colic , ( rjlutf.nki fuluttu . ' 23
l-Ili.iibeiinf thlklri nor Adults , 'J5
7 Conubs. CoklH , lliomhllU , 'J3
N-Nriirnlirliii Toolliuchu , tasuilio . 'i.1
( I Ili-iuliiclu-H , Welt Iliailuiliitrllgo . -J5
-Djupfl'nii'i Ulllousmt-s , Ciiuntlpallon . 2'i
1 1 Hiiiir - ni-il ' > r I'ninful I'l-rlmU , 'iH
1-J-1N hlti H , riM > rrnfiuol'irlo < l > , - H
lll-t runiif l.iirjnirlllH , Hoarmui a , 'ZH
1 l-Snlt Itlienm , 1 rklKlu.juitloiiiiift [ | |
l-lbouiiiiillnnii Ulicuitullol'ali s , 'JS
I (1Ialurlii. . ChllU. I c vt r anil Agu .liS '
17-1'llch , llllnilnrlllctilliig ' < >
Ill-Ciilarrh , Influinia , . 'J5
! J-\Vboopln8 ( ) Cuutrb ' - '
JH NrrtiiUH llebllliy I.IIJJ
UO-l'rinur ) Wi iilfiH-BS , Wittlnj 1 wl . 'HI
H < il4 If Ilrucilill or tnit | K | * on u ilitulrUt |
| i > iu ruKii l lnl HIM ' ui n l rt.
H ) , 10 , til * 113 WMII.mH Xr.ljrk
A I.KMn.NKIIII ItlJlli : MI.I.Kill. l.lDi ) ri i.l.'HM
I'll A DU A IOIIuroinll ild uui liiuuui ) II klll <
llio ink rnli iirKorm I'nl rulalluil In tl Jlnuil
15 mea , tliu Ittllur I j niiMoili tfnt niif nlioru pru
pnld unrcielpt of prlcoorl' . ( > l > \Vt-l < ius u iiiar !
ami n | > iiun < 'I lui public Ira In nil joblier < IUP
tilleil tij tin : Klnilor llruu I uinimny Uumlia I1 A
Mi-lthur IluKBnl Meyemnd K I' Hofkon fou'li
Omoln , A ti tutlvruud U J lilllj , Lyuued UiutJi
m and Jotters' Directory
U'/uh t Ttm < l .liuiliii ;
Co ,
( ! > < ImtnnioclK olliMit
ruliticrrlothlnu * > om1 fur
cntnliiKiio 11111-nriiMn
uu.s ; AM ) TWIMW.
Importer * nail m in if ic
Hour fiii llnrlAtii niul
A II. J'm-lun.l ( , i , M OMrmi ,
1)01 ) IMilite Mroat llli rlo inlil un innnthljr
t > arinont <
Sonil for inir
nml prices 1ft I7 > 4 tntimm Jt .Omnlia ,
IU ) ( ) I'S ANI > SIIOI-S.
Morse-Ice S'io3 ' "onnaiji
IIOi MnwirilSlre U
Indiirrruriur llttiiml Douitln *
\1onro nmkln clini > l > rIcoH toci li biyuri , nml nro
fcllltik' iln * < f tuinil ? wlilcli li > crr > nl-
vnblowltli iiicrihiiiit .
Hectic , t ItuituiH Tur-
1111 IIC I'll ,
iiccpsvjr. to r A llocho
A < o ,
Uriconml Hill Ms Oinilm
Hint iiA C lien , J T. Itnlitlttnn Kot tan
Oent ' fnrnl'hlni coiidi ,
clnthlni ; nnd notlonn
dive us n IrUIVn in t m'f u nlotirnted Drind
uro- "Iliukskln * OvcrnllN ,
pill imnlH ntilrtH fonts etc.
III ) Ilnrncy. Cor 12tliundllownrd ts
S. A. MrWhmttr ,
llrnlier < indrnih tuiycr
Prlvnto wlrm to New 515 llmnl of Trulo
lurk , ( hltiini and St 1 rokor In Krnln provl-
I uil * li ! Ic I'oArd nf B'oniiHHUIiiiki ' I'rlvnto
1 rnili1. iTlrtx to .N , Ullcaito
nml bt Loiili
II'1 / , ( lililmii ,1 r.i. I llro. Out/cut' / A I'n ,
Hill * rap1trnw iron Is lliiyeri nf hlloi wool ,
I.ITOI | ami inlttciH tnllow unit fnrd
IJIh mil llnrnoy. &llboiilhlllli-9t
lltttn A iruiitlnw Cn. l.nlirrh A ; , < nn ,
Cor lOtliniul InckionSti IbilldorV Innlnuro IkU
JUonnlci t < i | s
Omnlm 1404 Don I is > * t.
, ( VltiUiii Ir it
1\rotiilit mil ( t Iron
liiilldlnn work
lirn-i work
' ' ; llrrlictt * ,
\ \ hole nlo It iuor ilei\lor
IOJI 1 immnut \ . 1
_ . I > u
( 'JjurlM li Julin \\nlir1fil \ \ ,
llnnlnonit lumbi'r wool
cirpcl * unit pnniuet liniorlol Amorlptn I'orti
HtUltlllK , Inn I riMiii nt MllwmiViM *
lirilrntillc 11 mi nl nuil
fill HIII ) Doiiiilitr , yuhur white line
A. Ilintli I'dcHina Co ( .
Pnchora of n ; tert , tlsh Ojstcr , Khh nil t i v\erf \ >
nn I Celery Sin South lOt'i t
tWI/uivonworlli St Dnrhl Cola , Mnimtor
Co oldifilmik ( ( ( / lAne
mm lubrlcitliiK
oils , niloKrnnsa , etc
.t Co. Itlliliell A Smith.
Denier * In country prod- Produce frulti or nil
iicu , fruits vetiotublui.
etc. kinds , oyMi-n
1307 Ilo-nnl Street. 13th nail HikrnoT Streets.
Kirshtiraitll A 50 Jai. A. Olark & Co.
Hultor , cheo'o exits ,
Duller , rnKs niid ponltrf
poultry nnil iciin
Hfi ( tnrimai > L W South Uth StrooL
Riddcll & Co. , 0. Pogau.
Conunl9i > lon M o r o li a n N
Huttor ch ° ese CKBI voz Prmluco I'mtcr I utt ,
etnblus fruit * , poultry ( hoe o nnd Pnullry.
I2tli nml llowiird Sts.
nml unilio
Mullin & McOlain , Bing'mm & Son ,
Spiilnlllos bllttlr emi usour 1V. > Hut *
chui'KO poultry , ota .So l-'r. Poultry. ( , iiiiiu ,
1' . S I 111 Uor Ut N\t Itlilji I tc-
bank. 1701-3 l.o-Krt n urlli 8t.
Carpenter Pixpar Oo. , Kinc ; Pv r Oj
WrnppliiK p i | or nllklndtf
Cnrry a full Block of
of twtniM tc
printing , wrnpplntf and i
1(0-1 Iliiniird wt ,
nrltlnK paper , curd p -
ier , e'c. 'lul IVII
1J IlKI'All B
James Hughes , Orar.hi Steve Ropaii \7or s.
CookH nnd HoatorJ Stove rnpnlM ndili > r
for sale altncliniontH for any kind.
TO7 llth llrnnl IZJ7 liniiKlii <
M. A. Disbrow & Oo , H. Hardy Oo. ,
Mnntifnctureri of pash Toyn , dolli , albumt ,
dniiri. bllniM nnd i fnnoy . . . - . huuBOfur . . .i . *
moiiMlnun llrnnehof ' nl-tiliu itooji. clillj.
" " ' "
Bco.Ulh unn IinnlSli
A1 tn Root & Oo. Oasimi & Dilb/ .
Hoimil , ICichin o llulld- llooiua , OJ nml 01 Ui >
HullitliiK hoiith clniiij bil illM
Omnhn. boutli O n th i.
What They Are Good For.
Brandreth's Pills are the best medicine known.
First They are purely vegetable , in fact a medicated
Second The same dose always produces the same
effect Other purgatives require increased doses and
finally cease acting.
Third They purify the blood.
Fourth They invigorate the digestion and cleanse
the stomach and bowels.
Fifth They stimulate the liver and carry off vitiated
bile and other depraved secretions.
The first two or three doses tell the story. The skin
becomes clear , the eye bright , the mind active , digestion
is restored , costiveness cured , the animal vigor is recruited
and all decay arrested.
Brandreth's ' Pills are sold in every drug and medi
cine store , either plain or sugar coated.
1816 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
'I ha i ininvnt ipu Inn In IIUM < > U ilnimli' . prltnlo Wool , tklunnd uriimry ills < nut'K \ lu.ulnr nnit
rru > ltnil uiHiliiulma iiiiiiKiiio n illp < miniui < ! n rlillintih ihnw I * mil treating with Uu umitiot IUII-UM
inlnrrli uiirui iturrli " a I "t nimiliuuit soiulnul Winknem m.lil lo c < liiipnient/ * /i'illi | ' olrlrlurfl lion *
onliitn Liful viinr. i. IIMK Mi me n nry utaJ Ni w irimltmnt forloii of vUnl pnwi r Piiriu-i iiiinkui to
vloli inu niny lie riutoliu ho.IIH liy corn > | ondenci' Miull Ine or Inhtriiuiinti Bunt li. iniiil rOp ( ' 6 *
fnrelv ii.u hi'.I ii" nmrkK Inlnill uti''iinK'nt' or ti n Itr. Onn iirrmiiiul intervlui * prtferriiil ( iiKiilimluu
fun l orrii'i" iileiK-imrlill ) prl > iili , ! HuoH tMynlerlei of I.lloi tunt ( rue. Ulllu luiir J m lo'J p mi
a I'Jn ' ni tuUmJeml uiu | lor n j > l ) .
\ / \ / ARM.
Pro'ect yoin * Itiny lay
wearing Chnmois vest ,
For cold feet buy n Hot
Wuto * Bottle. Wehnvo
nil &i/es , at low pi Ices.
Physicwns P re bts r i p-
tions pi'oparod nt low
Hie MUJ& IVnfoll Company
r > th Ml ul Hint tu I' n
THI ; sHoinusr LINK 10 CHICAGO
is via the Chicago , Milwaukee
& St. Paul R'XI as represented
on this map.
Kluctnc Lighten ] , Steam Heat
ed Vcstibti'ud ' trains leave N
Omaha daily at 6:20 : p. m. , ar
riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a , m.
City Ticket Office : 1501 Far-
nam St. , Omaha.
F. A , KAMI , Gen'l Agent.
C. C. LINCOLN , Pass. Agent.