Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 10, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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    TTTtt OMA1TA DAILY 11K12 : WEDNESDAY. VEHUITA11Y 10. 1892.
Uclhcrtd by Carrier to any part of the Cltv
Trt . rp . x.Hnslnc s Office . No 43
TI I.F.I ! ! , No 21
Ngll | ) | ; ilor | .
.W/AO/f .Ifl.'ATlU.Y.
N , Y Plumbing Co !
Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , coal.
Crnft's chattel loant. 204 Sapp blocC.
Dr. Stephen Phclps will speak this even-
Inp at the Union Christian Mission , S.'tS
Charles"llhodcs was arrested by a deputy
United States marshal yesterday on a charge
ot bootlegging.
Mrs. O. II. LUCRS entertains a party of
friends at a high live parly this evening at
her homo on Oakland nvcnno ,
A hunting party starts this morning for
Crescent City to shoot rabbits. A pack of
twenty hounds will be taken along.
There will bo a special mooting of Local
Assembly 1HOO , Knights of Labor , at the
Grand Army hall tomorrow evening.
A Lady Washington reception Is to be hold
at the homo of MUs Nemo Hcpford , T.'IT
First avenue , on the evening of the ' . ' 2d ,
undnr the auspices of the Loa club.
Mrs. T. L. Smith of Sixteenth avcnliu re
ceived n beautiful box of ( lowers yesterday
from her son , D. W. Smith , who has lived
for some years past at Los Angeles , Cal.
In Uio superior court yesterday a Judgment
for 130'J was rendered In favor of the plain-
tin" in the case of Duane & Co. against L.
Everett , The defendant cxeepted to the de
cision and took thirty days In which to lllo
hilt ,
Judgment wns rendered bv Judge McfJeo
yesterday in the case of E. E. Sayors against
H. H. Stivers , in which William Plumernnd
Emmet Tinloy each filed a petition of Inter
vention. Plumor was given u Judgment for
In the case of Hachol Lymnn against the
Northwestern Masonlo Aid association , In
which n Judgment was rendered In the dis
trict court In favor of the plaintiff a few
tiiiys ago , a motion for a now trial was filed
yesterday as a preliminary to 1111 appeal.
A joint discussion ot the merits of the
union armies In the War of the Hebolllon
will tiiKO placn tomorrow ovontni. nt the hall
of the Union Veteran lecrlon , over 103 Main
street. Able speakers will bo present , the
doors opening nt 8'tO : p. in. All friends of
the Legion nro invited.
JiidgnMcGeo appointed A. L. Hcndrlcks
receiver yesterday In the case of U. M. llarl
agalnslM. I. Scars , on motion made by the
plaintiff. Tnc bond of the receiver was fixed
nt $ . " > 0fl , and the pnperty over which ho Is to
bavo Jurisdiction Is lot l-.l and the southwest
thirty-nine foot ot lot 127 , original plat of
Council Bluffs.
Three cases which were commenced In the
superior court several months ago against the
Mutual Life Insurance company of New
York by various parties wore dismissed
yestcrda'v at the plaintiffs' costs , having boon
Bottled. I'ho plaintiffs wore Noli Peterson ,
linns Peterson and Hans tlanscn , and in
each case the allegation was made that E.
W. Knppel , the company's agent at this
place , had made false representations to them
in order to sccuro their applications for in-
ou ranee. _
Hot for tinMarcll Crux !
At Now Orleans. Ono faro , $31. 45 , for
round trip. Tickets on sale Feb. 22 to
8. For particulars call on O. M. Brown ,
ticket iigent K. C. , St. J. & C. U.
ICarly Cloning ; .
Until further notice our store will bo
closed at 0 o'clock p. m. , except Satur
days and Mondays. John Bono & Co. , 1'AH.lGlt.ll'IlH.
Frank Pusoy of Denver is In the city.
Mrs. 3. N. Baldwin loft Sunday evening
'or Chicago where she will visit friends.
Mr. C. P. Stocking of Oenison , la. , is tn
I ho city a guest of Brougham Stevenson.
Miss Alice Cash of LHiluth , Minn. , is In the
city , n guest of Mrs. W. O. Wirt on Willow
J. J. Fralnoy of DOS Moines spent Sunday
( n the Bluffs , returning to the capital city
yesterday morning.
Mrs. Van Order has returned from Mollno ,
III. , whore shu was called by the serious ill
ness of her father.
E. W. Peterson loft for a business trip
through Harrison county yesterday morning.
Ho Is expected homo tomorrow evening.
Miss Eva Nason has panlallv recovered
from the effects of a bad fall she sustained
I'.bout a wecic ago , and Is now able to bo
Morn Cheap KhniM n
Owing to our inability to wait upo-
our customers yesterday , I will continue
Hominy's special prices twodayn longer.
Wo will ( it your feet and these prices
will lit your poclcothooks :
All our Indies W 00 and $0.00 shoes
now at $ 1 00 , except Edwin C. Burt's
$5,00 and $0.00 shoes , which are now
All cloth tops and patent tips lace and
button $ .00 shoes for fcl.00.
All $ : t. . " ) ( ) cloth tops now $2 60.
All our $2.60 ladies' line shoos now
All John Kolloy's line shoos , ono of
the host und oldest brinds in the city ,
now $2.iO : , $2.K.r ) and $ ! U)0. )
All misson' line $2.60 patent tip shoos
t2 00 ; all $2 00 niibsos' shoos $1.60 and all
iniPhoa' $1.60 shoos , now $1. 10.
All cork solo $7,00 shoos , now $5.00.
All cork solo $0.00 shoos , now $4.60.
All cork solo $1.00 shoos , now $2.76.
All pntont leather $11.00 and $0.60
shoes , now $4.00.
All patent leather $7.00 Bulehor shoes ,
now $5.00.
All our $2.60 calf shoos , fancy styles ,
now $1,76 ; all $1.76 shoos , now $1.2o.
Hoys' shoes from $1.00 to $2.00 , all
Hoinombor this is Sargent. Tins boon
and will bo the cheapest and the best
tthoo Htoro in the city.D.
The old Phillips shoo store.
N. H. Mall orders carefully attended
to and solicited.
Icuil ( | > llran Meet.
A mooting of the republicans of the city
was held last evening at the city building for
the purpose of completing the arrangements
for the ward organizations that wcro com
menced last wooit. Chairman Troynor , of the
committee appointed to take measures to se
cure UiOTOpubllc.iu state convention next
August for this olty , reported the following
additions to the committee ; Ueorgo F.
Wright , William Uronowog , T. J. Evans ,
W. H. Ware , J. J. Stoadman , F. M. Hun.
Mr , John Y. Stone , Smith MoPherson , W.
H. M. Pusoy , E. F. Test , 15. B. Clancy ,
A. S. liozlnton , S. B. Wadsworth , Theodore
( Juittar , W. J. Jamtison , Lucius Wells , J. C.
Mitchell , W. J. Davenport , Hponcer Smith ,
W. C. Same * . The committee , as will bo
soon , Is composed half and.half of republicans
and democrats , and men of both parties will
unlto In the effort to secure the convention ,
using all the force necessary to move heaven
and oarth.
The following conitnitteo was appointed to
work up republican clubs In the various
wards : First Ward , A. S. liazlotou ; Second ,
J , M. Scanhtn ; Third , GoorgnMaync ; Fourth
I. M. Troynor ; Fifth. Peter Smith ; Sixth ,
L. M , Shubert. Meetings will bo Hold in dif
ferent wards on call of the committee.
Vocal Mimic ,
Prof. T. W. Davis , teacher of voice
nnd note reading. Lessons private ,
fall or address at Grand hotel. Council
li H , Shoiifo has eastern uionoy on
hand for real estate loans.
The Boston Store , Council BlulTs , la. ,
closes every evening at 0 p. in. , unless
Mondays and Saturdays. Mondays 0 p.
in. , Saturdays 10 p. in. FothoritiL'luun.
\Vhitelaw & Co. , Council Blutls , lu.
Schemes for Municipal Reform Proposed
by the T. J. Evans Bill ,
( ) Ml errs 1'rinlilril tor , Tlirtr Duties
mill tiiilHrlm Oli.rrtlitii4 | Tlnit
Aii | | 'iir In Hi * 1'ntnl.
T. .1. Evans has returned from Ucs Molnos ,
where liospont two or tlirco days lust WCCK
In potting before the legislature his now Dill
\vtnch Is expected to work a great many re
forms In nmnlclnal affairs provided it
should pass. Although an effort wns mtuto
to kcop the provisions of thn bill secret until
It should ba learned what the legislative
committees did with It , n pretty full outline
of It was given In Tun HKR n couple of
week * ago. Iloforo It wns finally submitted
to the legislature several changes were mndo
In It , and nt present Its provisions nro as
follows :
The only elective oftlccs hi tlie city are
those of mayor , city council , consisting of
one member from each ward , board of con
trol , composed of two members from each
district , the districts to consist of two or
more contiguous wards , and the city Irons
urcr. The members of the city council mid
board of control are lo bo elected for two
years , and in voting for the members of the
board of control separate ballots urn to bo
used , It being understood that onch voter can
either cast one vote for each of two candi
dates , or two for one candidate , the latter
provision being made for the purpose of
insuring the election of n iioiipnrtlsun board.
This tioaru is to have control of nil public
works , to net at a board of equalisation , and
have the power to appoint a clutk , auditing
clerk , city attorney , "engineer , asscjior , phy
sician , welphniaster , street supervisor , ball-
ilTs. watchmen and members of the police
and Ilro departments. It shall also concur In
oil tux levies and resolutions for the expend
iture of money that shall bo inado by the
council before they shall bo valid.
The innyur Is made cvofllclo chief of police
and chief of tnc fire department. The salary
of elective odlcers , Including that of the
mayor , councllmen. members of the board of
rontrol , and cltv treasurer , rannot oxrcod
&UO per annum. The one exception to this
rule Is the chalir.ian of the commltico on
public works , who mav bn paid a reasonable
compensation for the lime ho puts In , the
amount to bo decided upon by the council.
One striking feature of the bill Is that re
quiring candidates for the board of control
to bo owners of property within the cor-
lorato limits of tin ) olty and unyoiM of taxes
n property , the assessed valuation of which
must not bo less than t1,000.
Onlv n favored few have boon allowed to
! xamfno copies ot the bill , and among those
, 'ho have scon It opinions differ. The authors
f it are said upon good authority to bo T. J.
5vuns , William Siodcntopf ana George F.
, Vrght ! , and the avovvcu intention of the
miners of the bill was to provide a way by
which the expenses of the city government
lould bo reduced. It Is a noticeable fact ,
lowovor , that the only cases In which there
s a reduction of salary inailo are those of the
mayor and treasurer , while tholimltof salary
to bo paid to the aldermen is made double
ivhat the .salary now is and six new officers
ire to bo hoisted into place at a salary of
J500 a year. The salaries of the other
; ity ofllcmls are not touched upon. The ob-
ectionisalso raUed to the property iiuallll-
lations that it l& contrary to the constitution
if the state of Iowa. A great deal of discus-
Ion Is going on among these who have exam-
ncd the bill , and its opponents claim that it
, vill never pass , at least in anything like its
present shape.
Tickets for Eli Perk-ins' lecture , February -
ruary 13 , nro on sale sit the drug1 htore of
0. II. Brown , Main street ; J. D. Stuart ,
Broadway ; Fairmount pharmacy , Opera
House drug store ; BracUott's. Hemom-
bcr that this entertainment is wholly for
ho bnnofit of the Homo of the Frfond-
css. Buy your tickets early and got a
treed seat. _
Jnrviawild blackborrv is the beat
A. O. IV. .
The grand lodco of Iowa of the Ancient
Order of United Workmen begins its annual
meeting today , and a largo proportion of the
delegates have already arrived. The head-
[ uartors are at the Grand and Ogdcn hotels ,
whoso corridors were swarmed last evening
with the members of the order , The Ancient
Order of United Workmen is one of the old-
cst and best known societies in the country ,
and although owing to the split in the rauKs
that occurred some years ago , thu lodges of
the loxal branch in Iowa are less numerous
than those that seceded , they are composed
of a line class of mon.aud a class that Coun
cil UlnUs is glad to welcome. The meeting
for organization will bo hold this morning at
t ) o'clock in the Royal Arcanum parlors , and
three sessions will DO held today , tomorrow
and Thursday , if the business to be trans
acted hclds o'ut so long. The following is a
list of the delegates who will represent the
various lodges over the state :
Charles Hobb , D. A.Wlnney , .1. 1C. Lovett ,
J. L ) . Small , W. S. Preston ana John Koss of
Sioux City ; J. E. Tousant.V A. Mojler ,
C. W. Hostnc , E. F. Whitney , E B. Evans ,
A. W. Ilasklns , W. H. Flominp. U M. Ham-
mi , ,1. M. Force , W. R Harding , 1' . Perkins ,
J. C. Armstrong , L. Stoneroad , A. llartunjz ,
II. Lehman , Etnil Schnabcl and ( J. J. Moor-
dink of DOS Moincj ; Hardy Hlrihlor , C. A.
Kaiser , Ceorge W. Hobblns. N. L' . Holsingor ,
W. E. Wohlwend , J. J. Kotlio. C. Iohman ,
John A. Fensko and James T. Smith of Ltur-
llngton ; A. Etlwanger , M. C. Matthews , J ,
C. Fltzpatrick , C. S. Simpson and P. H. E.
Sommorilcld of Dubunuo ; J. Duller of West
Burlington ; WllllnniArnd and J. F.hllo
of Council JJluffs ; .1. M. JSIuine , U. W.
Webb , W. U Graham , L. O. Howland , C. C.
ICnapp , S. N. Pierce , H. Landcaster. G. N.
Newman of Cedar Kails ; Utlllam Ellson of
Cedar Haplds ; Sam Kowley , N. M , Swin
gle and C. L. Suchsdorf of Davenport ;
John Hlloy , Exira ; Heorge S. Trinp and
William Wilson , Jr. , Washington ; Thomas
Lewis , Mount Ayr : A. II McAlavey , Leeds ;
Daniel Wild , Wasnmgton ; H. W. Scott ,
South Ottumwa ; Lloyd Simmons and W. S.
Lyman , Ottumwn ; J , II. Ott , Walnut ; E. II.
Dolsen , ll. S. Howe and W. F. Eichoff , Ot-
tumwa ; Thomas Goodwin. Vilhsca ; A. M.
Davenport , Humboldt : W. W. Uingham ,
D. W. CrouBo , Sam J. Hall and
J. H. Wichman , Waterloo ; U , F. Parrott ,
Manning ; U. M. M. Berger und E. C. Fos
ter , Toledo ; J , A Hislov , Cherokee ; J , D.
Vail and Ueorgo UlcbaruH. Marshalltown ;
T. C. Mollott , Anamosa ; E. Wheeler , Marno ;
H. C. Grav , Eddyvillo ; H. M. Ferrln , Mar
cus ; F. M. limgor , Ur.ind Junction ; Wil
liam Shepherd , Postvlllo : Kd H. MclCoo ,
W. H. lierry and William Jnvln , In-
dianola ; F. Sheof , Clinton ; A. W ,
C. Weeks , Wntorsut ; W. A. Brower.
Early ; John L. Blcakloy , Ida Grove ;
E. U. Hnvuos , Cuntorvillo ; J. It. Shcafo und
J. J. Wlnov , Illoomllold ; Kugeiie Fell In ,
Algona ; G. A. Proctor , Buena Vista ; W. E.
Gibbons , Coon Hupidi ; J , B. Williams ,
Oskaloosa ; U. J. Parker und H , T , Mallory ,
Booiio ; A. W. Brown. Kirkvlllo ; 1) . H.
Mitts , rinmicer ; A. J. Priest , KodOnk ; / .
Taylor , Fort Dodge ; J. U. Katicau , Fort
MudUou ; H.V. . NVlbsrt , Ftiirllold ; 1. P.
Van Clso , Mount Pleasant ; F.
E. Friday , Eldon : O. C. Bos-
worth. Ttngloy ; J. C. Copeland and
J. H. Deiroui't : , Chariton ; H , J. Holmes ,
Perry ; A. U. Lovoll , Columbuslunctlon ; Dr.
S. M , King , Albia ; S. Wbited. Etdora ; A. B.
WiUou , Chariton ; 0. L , Pascho , Wheatland ;
S. M. Hildobrand. Oakland ; J. D. Inger.
Strawberry Point ; w. H. Meye-s. Poosta.
Owlncr to our inability to wait upon
otio-hulf of our customora .Monday , and
to have the trade REALISE what u
special and not a fiilto milu is , I will continuo -
tinuo Saturday's and Monday's special
prices two days more , Tuesday and
Wednesday. B. M. SARGENT.
Roinombor , I allow no ono to under
soil mo. Alwuyu remember this.
Two apprentice nurses wanted at the
W. C. A. hospital , corner Oth street and
Oth avenue _
Money to loan. Lowest rates. John-
Btou & Van Pattoii , Everett block.
ripv-f-V-f-A/ tr A T r TTvT o * A T T
for the * , Week :
My sales have been farge the last week , but 1 have thousands of dollars worth of shoes that are clean and new. I have
bargains to offer that have not been on'sale before. Shoes ol' all kinds and prices. Fine shoes , medium priced shoes ;
cheapshoes , and all of them good shoes ; they will will bs sold cheap , and chsap means at a lower price than ever of
fered in Council Bluffs or Omaha. I HAVE NO COMPETITORS. There is not a shoe stock in the city that has the good
solid , serviceable shoes in itthat mine has.I have never had a cheap or shoddy shoe in the storeand as no one can com
pare prices with mine wheh they can't compare goods. REMEMBER , all these goods will be sold at old prices as soon
as this sale is over. It will pay you to buy now.
TO RAILROAD MEN. You can buy the $5 calf box toed shoe , in lace , congress or outton , for $3.50 , and it is the best railroad shoe on earth. These
shoes have not been on sale the past week , but they will all go this week for $3.5o , and every pair warranted. .
MEN'S PATENT LEATHER SHOES. 1 have a few dozen of those fine silk vesting- top , patent leather shoes , the same shoes that would you $8
and $9 in Omahn , for $5.50. If you waut a dress shoe don't overlook this chance.
LADIES' PATENT LEATHER SHOES. There is.a few dozen of the choth top , button and lace , patent leather shoes left , $5.50 , reduced to
$4.30 ; $6 , reduced to $4.
A FEW OF THE BARGAINS YOU CAN GET THIS WEEK. Ladies' $5 shoes for $3.50. Ladies' $4.50 shoes for $3. Ladies'3.50 shoes
at 52.5o. Ladies'$3 shoes at $2. Ladies' $2.50 shoes at $1.75. I also have a few cbxea of Laird's han.l turned shosis. The ones Morse of Omaha sells for $8 ,
for $4.50. These are all genuine bargains , and these goods will all be sold at regular price as soon as this sale is over.
THURSDAY. All $2.BO shoes go for $1.76. These are as good shoes as can be bought in any store for $3.OO. 1 have
a big lot of them in all sizes and widths , but they will all go for $1.78.
I HAVE A FEW OXFORDS LEFT And they will be sold at sold at some price this week. You will need them soon.
Get a pair now and save half price.
STACY , ADAMS & CO. Men's $3.OO calf and kangaroo southern ties at $3.SO. Everyone knows that Stacy
& Adams' shoes are the very best.
best.F. . H. EVANS , 412 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
100 Main Street , Cor. First Avenue.
Are the Leaders and Promoters of Hard Pan Prices in Reliable Boots , Shoes and Rubber Goods. Commencing Feb
ruary 10 , .to . Make Room for our Spring Goods , we shall offer :
126 pairs men's calf and buff congress , 150 pairs ladies' fine cloth top button , Smith & Stau hton'fi men's box too rail All our men's $0 and $7 shoes Wo have a larco stock of
former price $1.75 to $3.50 , worth $2.75 , road shoes , the best on earth , bals At $4. 50. sooes , in Kid , goat , grain nnd calf , Irnut
At go at goc. Can have them at $1.75. and congress , and micliino sewed and standard screw
fastened , at
200 pairs ladies hand turn button in
100 pairs men's calf bah and congress , 100 piiis : ladies' dongola button , patent . All our ladies' $5 and $ G shoes 75c $1 $1.25 $1.50 & .
$ .
French kid and Dongola. this is an elegant , , $ , $ , $2.
$2.60 $3 , , would bo $2 , . .
former price to tip u bargain at gant lot of goods , former price $3 60 to At $4.00.
Now $ i.5o. Go at $1.50. $4.60 , In youths' , children's and infants'
Your Choice'for $2.5o. Boys' hand sowed calf button shoes .
' wo nave no competition.
i:00 : pairs men's oil grain congress , solid GO pairs ladies' kid button , patent tip
as a rock , and plain too , Our stock of ladies' Oxfords At $2.50 Keep this fact in mind wo carry the
Go at $1.50. At $1.00. are now oprinp arriving , wo are giving splendid largest will stock in this city , and can and
give bettor value for the money
Boys' same Misses' in same did bargains in these goods at Boy's school shoes than aoy house in western Iowa.
At $1.25. At 750. 75c , $1 , $1.25. $1.50 , $1.75$2&$2:50 : At Si , $1.25 and $1.50. Special attention given to repairing.
Come and See Us. at 100 Main Street , Corner First Rvenile
"Tho Outs. " "Tho Ins , "
Management anil ItrsultH.
Who nro they that nro so persistently
sButislicd witli the inaiKigemunt of the
Now York Life , and llnd pleasure in dis
tributing , from anonymous sources , vast
quantities of criticisms and derogatory
comments against it ?
They are simply the very ambitions
and covetous ' 'outs" desperately working
for the "his , " iiided by others opposed
to rates and plans adopted by the com
pany for cheapening the cobt of insur
ance.Who are the perfectly satisfied and so
anxious to retain the management ?
The many thousand policy holders
throughout the land who have boon par
ticipating in the large dividend returns ,
which have amounted to over $11,000,000
in thu last live years , and now learn
from the Now York state insurance
superintendent that the company had ,
June : ) last , over 8120,000,000 available
assets $5,000,000 more than the man
agement claimed for it six months before -
fore , and a not surplus of $1-1,708,075.83 ,
which IB $1250,000 more than claimed for
it six months before by adding the divi
dends paid from surplus during baino
Ve3 , the great big "outs" and others
referred to don't like the manngcmont
that lias in twenty-nine years built up
the coinpiny from $2,000,000 assets to
over $125.000,000 January 1 , 1892 , with
a not surplus found to bo several millions
larger than that claimed by any other
company in the world , with ono soli
tary exception.
Kvory dollar of the assets and surplus
possessed by the company belongs solely
to its policyholders ; and is such that on
twonty-ycivr tonllno policies , taken oven
at the low ordinary life rate , the com
pany is now returning all money in
vested , with nearly as much interest as
government bonds are paying , counting
nothing for insurance. On limited pay
ment life , twenty-year tontines , at
certain ngos. the company is return
ing , in dividends nluno. moro than
all they have received , still leaving
policy in force paid for , regard
less of condition of health , bearing divi
dends annually , and payable In full at
death. Tills , too , without counting a
dollar for expanses or death losses In
carrying the risk the past twenty ynars ,
If it la bad management that lias
brought about this condition of things in
the alTairH of the Now York Life , the
policy holders want moio of it for the
next twenty years.
Now , however , that the integrity of
purpose of President Doors lias remained
unsnakon throughout the merciless per
sonal attacks and severe investigation
just completed , if ho should think best
to retire ho can do so wl'h all honor ,
for certainly at his advanced years of
life ho cannot expect to achieve greater ,
especially as long as ho , with the board
of nineteen other trustees , made up of
the most abla linanclors and business
men in the country , can name his suc
cessor. _
Tnjlor'n Dot ; \Voii ,
A light took place Sunday evening between
a couple of dogs owned by Andy Taylor , a
Broadway barber , and a mr.n named Shields.
The police were sent off on a wronp icent by
beltiK Informed that it was to take place at
Al Wells' North Main street pugilistic em
porium , and tbo place was closely watch-id
all ovcninp. No dogs were to bo found there ,
however , nnd at a late hour tbo police- bad to
admit that thov had boon fooled. In tbo
meantime a collar on lower Broadway had
been brought Into requisition. A larjr * crowd
assembled , and watched a juicy battle of six
rounds , at the conclusion of which Taylor's
canltio was decided tbo winner. The light
lusted an hour and twenty minutes.
Owing to our inability lo wait upon
one-hiilfof our customers Monday , and
to have tbo trade KEALI/J13 what a ,
special and not a fake sale is , I will continuo -
tinuo Saturday's and Monday's special
prices .two days more , Tuesday and
Wednobday. B. M. SA11GENT. .
Remember , I allow no ono to under
sell mo. Always remember this.
Unimed Her Iro.
Justice Swoarineon's oftlco was the scene
of iv lively war of words yesterday afternoon.
Ernest Cullls , charted witU stealing f 10 be
longing to Fred Beach , the son of his land
lady , Mrs. A. Dead ) , wan on trial , nnd was
represented by D. M. West as attorney. Mrs.
Beach was tbo llrst witness to bo put on the
stand , When West came to cross-examine
her he < uldro < iiod bor as Mrs. Cullls. She In
dignantly denied over having been married
to Cullls. A number ot questions were then
put to her with a vioiv to bringing out some-
thiiiK that would show that she bud been liv
ing with Cullls as nls wife. This Increased
her wrath and she threatened to have the
young attorney put In the lockup unless ho
quit offering bor Insults. Young Beach hied
ills castor Into tbo ring about the same time ,
and told West to go slow or ho would have
to settle with him after thu case was con
cluded. West dolled thorn Doth to come
after him at once , without waiting tor
court to close , a thing which for a
couple of minutes seomed'yory ' llltoly to hap
pen. Quiet was Dually1 restored , however ,
and the trial was completed. As soon as the
hearing on the charge of "larceny had been
completed another warrdtit was served on
Cullis , charging him with threatening to loll
Mrs. Beach. A hearing iWill bo given him
on tins charge on W cosday , provided
County Attorney Organ .can bo present to
prosecute. In the inciummo the younir man
languishes in Jail ,
We huvo our own vi'ii ynrds in Califor
nia. Jarvis Wino comtvny } , Co. BlulTa
Roller , the tailor , flJO , Broadway , has
all the latest styles and newest goods.
Satisfaction giwrantee'i ] .
Jarvis 1877 brandy , purest , safest , best
I'niinit the Lost Iliiy.
William Hutcbinson , the boy who wns
mentioned In Sunday's Biiis ai having
ctruyod away from the deaf and dumb insti
tute , was found Sunday near Croicont City ,
almost frozen to death. The first information
received from htm in this city was yesterday
morning , when Warren Hough telephoned to
tbo Institute that the hey bad been found und
was at his house awaiting instructions from
Drs. Woodburydontl8t8next to Grand
hotel ; line work n specially. Tele. 145.
Walnut block nnd Wjomlng coal ,
frobh mined , received dailv Thatcher ,
10 Main.
wunson Music Co. . Mneonio temple
II. L. Carlson of Gothenburg U registered
at the I'axtoa.
I OFFER the followlni elinlco bargains In
fruit and vegetable luiula : i > ? ucrus bO rods
nortli of the Uliiiutauqna giouiuls. eastern
slope , llnesprlii's and duo eurliiK-l'rook , lanl
very rich unit wi'll ailanteJ to fruit ,
2J acrca on arunno , Quo orchar (1 ,
windmill mid fine KTOVU ; hltuiaod on Mynstor
iroosel | motor line. j > no und one-half miles
from Council lllutrs pustotn e.
n acres of very uholue plowed Ian t on Urand
nvtmno , t'i mile ) from uostolllco.
110 acres : ) ' . miles from city limits ; Rood
lionso , barn nnd onibnllillnss : llna orchurj ; a
Kreat bargain at JV5JO. Kasy terms.
18 nor < > 3. cholcu fruit farm , 0 noros In blnok-
bc-rrles , 601 yoimz fruit trees. aK/0 ( irr ipe vlnas.
MotiHe , liarn and ontbnlldln .a A very rholco
burxali ) . 10 acres adjolnins city limits 2-story
liouse , good barn , orchard , era lies and Hniull
fruits. W. C. i-tnoy. Hoom < , Opera Mouse
block. L'oiincll lllnlTa. la.
TIIAUMH , garden lands , hnusQi. lots 11111
-L business blocks for silo or runt. Day A
lluss , 10 I'oarl slreot , Oounoll UlnlT.s.
GIIU , wnntod to do ccneral housework.
.Mr.-i. I ) . W. Archer , fcoconu avenue und Utb
street ,
ANTEI-GlrI ut boar-dint' liouse. 1002
South Mil Nlruol.
10J Iowa farms und gardens for sale. Several
stocks of merchandise to cm-mingo for
Council IllnlTH property or Iowa land. John-
Bton A Van 1'atlen.
OUNOIL IIM'FI'S money on liund for
loans. W. A. Wood & Co. . KO Main strcrt.
drusirlht ( Iowa ) wants po-
-IV Hitlnn. Htato wages. Address U B , Hee ,
Council lllutTs.
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Now , modern , woll-iipnointod , llior-
woll-Uopt , $3 u day.
E. F. CLARK , Prop.
Chas. Lunkley ,
Funeral Director and Undertaker.
311 Broadway , Council UlulTs.
Tult'l'llOlll. ' MJ.
hliouti'il for the Krpnljllc.
irnjij/i ttihttil 18 > i l > u Jitmc * ttonUm llennett , ]
UIIUSSKLS , fell. 8. [ New Yoric Herald
Cable Special to THE HKE. ] An open nlr
demonstration In favor of universal sufFrage ,
oriranUed by thu socialists , took place this
afternoon , despite the torrents of ruin. An
enormous crowd assembled In Place du Con-
L-res , and the socialist loader , Volden , was
uoglnnliiR a speech when an order ramo
from tnu burRomustor prohibiting thn mcel-
> K1'he crowd dUponed singing "Tho
Marsellaiso" and shoullne ; "Vivo la ropub-
llcjuol" An indoor ineoUni ' , was tubao-
queutly Ucld ,
A Rare Opportunity !
After 10 years close conllnoinont , I am compelled through the advicoo
Physicians lo change my business , as ray heallh is gradually giving
away. Knowing and believing that it will only bo a short period wliou
1 will bo unable to shoulder iho responsibilities of an indoor oucupn
lion I olfer my onliro
Stock ) Fixtures and Goodwill for Sale /
Having boon established for 10 years and the only ART STORK in u
city of 85,000 people , this is ono chance of a life timo. To anv Booking
a nice , clean and profitable business should invosligato this
Opportunity Immediately.
This is strictly sincere and I moan , iu&t what I say. From this date
on for tno NEXT 80 DAYS , all go < Jn such as 1-Vatnod Plcluren , Klch-
ings , Engravings. Cabinet Frames , Bamboo and Oak Easels , & < ; . , will
02 sold at
$300,00 worth of .Studios AT LESS THAN COST. 100 Assorted PIo-
lures given mvay for Iho price of Iho frame.
20 Per Cent Dicount
On all Frames made to order. Now i the time to BiJY CHEAP
FRAMES. For further particulars , call or address ,
N'otlco U hereby plvon to the owner or
owners of thu following real estate. In the city
of Omaha , to lay ucrimuient Hldowalkx In
front of und adjoining ; their property within
thirty ( il ) ilnys from the Oth day of 1'obrtiary.
18'JV. ' Mich sidewalks to ba constructed of ntuiu > ,
artificial fatoiui , brick or tlllnir , In conformity
with the uruvisions of ordinance No. i.'OIU , and
litld In accordant * ! ) with nliuiK and hpuclflra-
tloiison lllo In the ollico of the Hoard of 1'ubllo
Woiks , and In accordance with resolutions
adorned by thu city council , vU ;
Nortli sldu of Ilnrnov Htiei't , oust ' . loto ,
blnou i : . ; > . city , width 1G feet ; permanent.
West blilo of Seventeenth btieut , lot 1 , block
If. city , width Of cot ; iierniHiienl ,
Wust sldu of Suvontfcnth Mreet , lot 1 , block
85. cllj. width < i feet ; permanent.
SouthBldoof D.ivoiiDort street , lots I , Sand
3 , block 78. olty : pcrnmriunt.
North bldo of Chicago street , lot 0 , block 21 ,
city ; permanent.
Honth bide of Harney Mreot , lots 1 , 2 , 'Jand
4 , block 145 , city , width 12 feet ; permanent.
North side of Mimioy Btieut , lotafi. ( I and 8
block HO , olty , width r.'feei ; Dorinanunt.
r. w. iiiUKHAihiit ) ; ,
Oliulriiian Hoard of 1'ubllo Works.
Ouiuha , Fob. U. IblrJ. fubVlU-lt
Or Council Bluffj.
DlJir.crnits I. A. Miller. V , O. Otoiion. H f * .
Hhiik-urt , i : K. II irt , J. IX K'lmuniUim , Uharlei
U , llannun. Transput nunurul b inklnx bml
nns. I < ar < u tcapital and turplui of any bane
luHoutbwostern low.i
IN. . Main , Council Bluffs ,