8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , FEBRUARY 9 , OBJECT TO THE EXTORTION Railroads and Jobbers Pool Issues Againt Union Pacific Switching Charges. TRANSFER TEAMS IN LIVELY DEMAND of Liirul 81iltprr | * to l > rnin the 1'iMtrr lift ho < lrrnt ( loulcl Monopoly Tim Trnlnmrn'N TriniliU'd-Notm nnil reriiuinlii Tbo notion of tbc Union I'anltlo In raising tin switching charges 1ms stirred up a chorus of Indignant protests among jobbers and manufacturers from Summit to Knst Omaha. Many ot thorn Intimate that they will even the score with the Union Pacl.lo by divert ing their shipments to computlnK railroads whenever It Is possible to do so. Some shippers are hauling tholr goods by team nnd find that It can bo done for less money than the switching charge , but others , as n the cnso of lumber nnd Implement dealers , are unnblo to do tills , and they nro particularly bitter in de nouncing the oxncllon. Lumbar men say their profit often Is only to or $7 n car , out of which they must now pay n switching clmrgn of $4. General Freight. Agent Crosby of the D. & M. says his roua will protect Its patrons , and ho has arranged to use teams to ovndo the high tariff. The Kllihorn 1ms nlso made nn alltunco with a transfer company , but nt the general freight ofllco It Is Intimated that when the costol transler exceeds 25 per cent of the whole freight charge , that road will allow the shipment to go to the Union Paclllc rather than bear the extra burden. Under the old tariff the switching i charges were $ IGO and fcJ.OO , ac cording to distance. Under the now tariff the Jobbing district of Omaha hai hcon divided Into ilvo switching districts. The first comprises all tracks between Jones and Nicholas streets , except Kast Otnaiia ; the second , all between Sixth and Jonas streets nnd Twonty-ilrst street ; the third , nil between Twenty-first street nnd Summit ; the fourth , all between Nicholas street nnd Cut-Off lake ; the fifth , East. Omaha. The lowest charge Is fcl , which Is between points within the same district. If the car crosses cither of the dividing lines between the first , second and third districts , the charge Is fl. A car taken from the llrst , second or third district to the fourth , or from the llrst , second , third or fourth district to the llttli , costs go. In a number ot cases some houses have to pay a dollar a car more than other firms lo cated on the opposite si Jo of the street. The now tnrlffls a particularly hard blow to East Omaha , the clmrgo to that locality having boon increased from $ 'J to Jo. Mr. Lovl Car ter Is ono of the most Indignant of the af fected shippers. Ho says that ho was as sured of a reasonable switching chariro when the Carter White Lend works wore located In East Omaha. but the now turiiT is a burden some tax on tils business. A general olllcor of n competing rallrand In speaking of the now tariff as outrageous , said It was hlrhor than the rates charged in Kau nas City , St. Louis or Chicago for similar service. It is oven hieher than the tariff at Denver , where the ratp was raised to ! some time ago. At Denver , too , a car is switched to Manchester , n distance of six miles , for 83. It is nlso inserted that the Union I'acilic is doing some of the ( witching of the smelters at Denver without charge. No organized effort has boon made as yet to resent tno action of the Union Pacific , but whenever the twitching charge is over f3 it Is being ovadcd by the use of toams. The Tritlumou'M Troubles. General Manager Clark of the Union Pa cific has wired word that ho will bo in Omaha this week , but the day Is notnamod. The members of the grievance committees are quietly awaiting the arrival of their ex- Bcutlvo ofllcors. These goiitlomen may stop at the headquarters of their respective orders on tholr way west , but ore cxnectod to arrive in Omaha oh Wednesday. Till then there will bo little or no cbntipo in the situation. Notes mill I'lTHoimls. Chief Clerk Davidson of the Darlington passenger department , accompanies his w..o to Chicago tontgnt. The Transmissourl Passenger association will moot nt the Pax ton hotel today. Summer excursion rates will bo n chlot' mat ter of consideration. A. P. Tanner of Kansas City , superinten dent of the Kinsus division of the Santn Po , has boon appointed assistant general freight agent nt Chicago. F. B. Aglar has been appointed general agent of the Union Pacific with headquarters nt Now Orlojns , nn ofllco recently estab lished. Ho is the son of the St. Louts agent nnd has boon connected with the Wiggins ferry at that point. Coed Cooking. Js ono of the chief blessings of every homo. To always insure good custurds , puddings , sauces , etc. , HBO Gall Borden "Eaglo" Brand Condensed milk. Directions on the label. Sold by your grocer nnd druggist Dr. Cullimoro , oculist. l3oo building' Notlcu ( if Sulc nl * ll Notice is hereby eivon Unit the undersigned - dorsignod , John Hood Sherwood , hns purchased the utoro. business and the Kooil will of the iminlol a .id tile business heretofore conducted by Churlos A. llnrvoy ut 1514 Fitrmun street , Omaha , and will continue said business at sivhl place. The wild Charles A. Ilarvoy cordially recommends Mr. Sherwood to the favorable ] mtroimro ( , of his frinnds mid former customers. .lon.v Ioon SiiKinvoon , CllAUUCS A. llAKVKV. lie Biiro to try the Quail rolled oats and take no other. ' Union soap is homo made. ANOTHER. ATTACHMENT. Crfilltnrx Again Allri' I ho Wiitiir WurlcH Compiiny DlHtrlrl Court DoliiKx. Another suit has boon commenced la the district court against the American Water Works company. The plaintiff , the Osgood Drudge company of Now York , avers that on August 1 , IS'Jl ' , the defendant executed its promissory note tyy which it agreed to pay tbo sum of . ' , SU.02 ( ! within six months from da to. to.On On account of the nonpayment of the note tbo plaintiff hns brought attachment pro ceedings , alleging that Porny & Sogolko , Eastman & Hrnlnurd , II. Silloway , Motz llros. , the Omnha Brewing company and the , Omaha Brewing association have money in tholr possession that belongs to thu de fendant , AVnntB 1'iiy lor Two I'lncrrH. The case of A. P. Larson asalnst the 'Union Stockyards company of South Omaha is on trial before Judge Koysor , Larson wants $5,000 , and to ostaullsh his claim to the largo sum of money nvers thnt on No vember 22 , 16S9 , ho was in the employ of tua defendant working as a switchman. * Whllo EO employed bo caught his left hand between the bumpers of two cars und ut tlio same moment two lingers were severed from the hand. Ho charges that the accident was cused by the fact that the coupling apparatus of tbo cars was defective , Say * Iliaiio m Cruel. l''rod ICook has a doslro to bo divorced from his wife , Augusta , and again would fight life's battles nlono. Ho alleges a marriage bnonnc date of AuguitS , 1831 , Since that date Augusta has been a cruel wife , going so far at times as 10 oven arm horsolf'with the broom stick and cbuto the plaintiff out Into the strooU Hotbed siish in slocic. M , A. Dlsbrow & Co. , 12th and Izurd. Tolopho no 774 IX n't t.lku the Work Ton Well. Judge A. M. Post was in the city y osier day , Speaking of his work upon the lupromo bench ho said ; ' Tbo supreme court appears to bo a coed way behind In Its work. Wo have boon working a good deal of the tlmo slnco I became - came associated with the bench upon matters - tors that were assigned to Judge Cobb nnd which ho did not have time to dispose of prior to the expiration of his term of ofllco. The work Is rather monotonous. 1 do not enjoy It so much as the work of the district court , " Speaking of the Boyd-Thayor case Judge 'Post said thnt the matter had not been men tioned by his associates on the bench smco ha took bis scat. If you have a couch don't ' delay. It is dangerous , PIso's Cure for Consumption will cure. Guaranteed. All druggists 25o. Every grocer handles Union soap. \Vnntoil. Younff limn who must fully understand merchant tailoring business , to take or ders hero and on road for liirpo eastern house. Inquire. ! . Tlchnor , Murray hotel. Quail rolled o.its tire the flnoit mvdo Women's diseases. Ur. Lotisdalo , 0103.13. MAY ( JET TOGETHER. Council nnd .School Uoitril ConxMcrtiiR tlio Itrcmit Tux I.pvy Trouble. It seems qulto probable now thnt the dlf- forcnco of opinion existing between the mem bers of the Board of Education nnd tno city council will bo adjusted without resorting to legal prococdiiiKs to decide whether the boarder or the council baa the authority to determine the slzo of the levy to bo assessed lor the support of the pubho schools. Attorney McCoy hns taken the matter In iiand nnd has convinced some of the 'councllmon on the finance committee that the Board of Education did not ask for anything unreasonable In asking for n 2 mill levy. Ho hns also Imi 'eased some of the councllmon with a bollof that the silly way to avoid n law suit between the board and the council Is to order tbo 2 mill levy. Other members of the flnnnco committee - too have not yet ngrood to the change of or dinance from IJtf to 2 mills but Mr. McCoy Is of the opinion that ho will succcnd In getting Lho matter adjusted In favor of the - mill levy before the Board of Education orders him to take legal stops to compel the coun cil to comply. "If I can got the members of the board nnd the city council to lav nsldo tholr dignity nnd talk business for nwhllo , " said Mr. McCoy , "this matter can all bo straightened out. The council reels snubbed bocnuso the board refused to comply with the request of the council asking for an Itemized state ment of oxnenses of thn board. The board felt offended because the council "nskod for this statement. Now , what I want both bodies to do Is to lay nsido those alleged , offenses and got right down to tbo necessities of the school fund. " The liowoscale tool : llrst prcmiemat Pull a- dolphin , Paris , Sydney and other exhibition a Borden & Scllcck Co. , Agts. , Chicago. o Ask your grocer lot- Quail rolled oats. M. D. Roche , Plato agent of the Keeloy institute of Blair , Neb. , room 310 , New York Lifobld . , Omalia , Nob. All In quiries for information promptly at tended to. * Union soap , guaranteed to please. SHERIFF BENNETT'S DEPUTIES. The Sulary ot Two of Them Apt to CiiU8o Trouble. The cutting down of Jailer Ernest's ' salary from $70 to $50 per month is liable to cause trouble In the ranks of the county commis sioners , and eventually may bo the rock upon which they will split when it comes to mak ing up opinions. Ernest , ns is well known , is n colored man who was appointed by Sheriff Bennett in re cognition of the appeals made by the colored voters of the city nnd county. Soon after bis appointment was confirmed the kmfo was put into his salary nnd $20 lopped oft the monthly stipend. At the same tlmo Fred Timmo , a nephew of County Com missioner Timmo , was appointed deputy sheriff at a salary of $50 per month. i'lio commissioner is satisfied with the ap pointment , but declares that the man cannot hold his job if ho is forced to work for sucU starvation wages. Ho insists that Young Timmo must bo given n better paying depu- tyship , while Sheriff Beunott openly noclares Unit there Is nothing better In sight for the young man. Being ono of the last men in , the sheriff holds that it would not bo a square deal to displace ono of the old deputies and give Timmo n high priced position. There is another hitch. The republican members of the board realize that Timmo and Ernest should bo paid better salaries , but tlioy will not vote an increase to Timtno un less the democrats will vote the same in crease to Ernest. That proposition comes in the nnturo of n deadlock , leaving the two inon to plod alone with their $50 per month salaries or resign. Clmmlicrlaln Co. From the Clinton County Ath-crtlsci ; Lyons , la. It was the good fortune of a representative of this paper to visit the laboratory of this enterprising firm at DOS Monies ono day this week. It occupies four floors of a double building and employs sixty-live hands in tbo different departments , which include the compounding ot the different preparations , bottling , packing , shipping and printing. In the latter department they have a finely equipped printing oflice , with half a dozen presses , which nro kept nearly constantly in operation printing labels nnd different kinds of advertising matter. Their laboratory is especially busy at this time , as Chamber lain's Cough Kemedy , which they manufac ture , has proven a apondid remedy for the grip , aud in all cases greatly relieves the patient after taking ouo or two doses , while Its continued use will clToct a com pie to euro. 25 and 50 cant bottles for sale by druggists. Nobrabka is famous for its line oats. Quail rolled oats are made in Nebraska. NATIONAL CONVENTION. Of Labor Organization * ( Pruplo'H I'arty ) lit .St. Louis. For the above convention the Wnbnsli will sell Fob. iiOth to tilth ticlcots to St. Louis and return at half faro good returning until March 10th. Uomoin- bor the ( Jannon Ball Express with re clining1 chair cars free and Pullman sleeping CUM leave Omnha 4:10 : , Council BlulTs-h-K ) p. in. , daily arrives at St. Louis 7:90 : next morninp. For ticket * and sleeping car accommodations call nt Wnbnsh olllco 1602 Furnnm street , and at Union depot Council Blulls , or write O. N. Clayton , Northwestern passenger ngout , Omaha. Tlitiro IM Xt-oil ol Work. Street Commissioner Winbiioar Is now duly Insulted in olllco and has commenced active operations to help turn the wheels of progress. His first ofllciul act was to super intend the laying of two cross walks , ono at Twenty-sixth , nnd the other nt Twenty- eighth street , both on thu line of Parker street. S. V , Sanson hns been appointed as fore man , and that gontlomnn U now ongiigod In the work of superintending the removal of tbo city tools to the city's ' warehouse at Thirteenth mid Nicholas stroots. Tlio ri'oplo'ii Preference , "Tho people of this vicinity Insist on hav ing Chamberlain' ' * cough remodv and do not \vnnt any otuor. " soys John V. Bishop of Portland MilU , Ind. The reason Is because ) they have found it superior to any other , especially for the grip and the cough which so often follows an attack of the grip. ' . ' 5 and 50 cent bottles for sale by druggists. Over .I.OOO morelmnts handle Union eonp in the west. Tlio Croodo Ciimp Kucltenientf Croedo Camp promises to become a second Loadville. The number of people ple going into this wonderful camp Is unprecedented in the history of Colo- radooxcoptonly during the Londvillo ox- oltoment. It is estimated that now the townslto IB located , that tlioro will DO ton thousand people in tlio camp by Juno 1. Tlio now discovery is only reached by tlio Denver & Rio Grande railroad , aud there la no t OPEN BOARD GRAIN MARKET Omaha's Board of Tratlo Will Irnmodintoly Arrange the Matter , REGULAR REPORTS WILL BE RECEIVED tint Cotnoi-Mitlvo Memliur * of tlio ration Piivor tlio Idrii Iteport of the riiiiiurlnl Condition -other lies * AHiilra ll cu cl. An open board grain market will ba ostab- ishcd at the exchange rooms of the Hoard of Trade. At a mcatlncof that organization Secretary Nnson stated that the directors favored nn open board , but did not know whether they would stand the extra expense of the call nnd the telegraphic market quotations , which would hnvo to bo received dally from all parts of the world. Mr. Nnson was of the opinion that the railroads , when given to un derstand that a market would bo established , would make satisfactory rates to farmers and grain men to Induce them to orlng tholr pro ducts to Omaha nnd put them on snlo. The question of what the increased cost of oxpcmso would bo was asked and the sccrc- * tary stated that it would bo only 50 u your to each of the ! i07 members. It Will Ho Arranged. There was no objection to this , nnd on motion of K. P. Davis n resolution was passed , allowing a reasonable expense to bo incurred for the opening of the grain market. The board of directors , which held n mootIng - Ing In the afternoon , reported that $2211,704 for the past month's bills had been allowed. Th ofollowliiM now members were nlso ad mitted by the directory : W. N. Babcook by transfer from \V. A. Paxton , J. L. Uakor of West Point by transfer from V. C. Swartz. The public property committee reported that the rents collected amounted to 9ir S,4S3 with a delinquent account of $ . > H5 ; vacant rooms , three ; value per month , $37. These reports were adopted on recommen dation of the board of directors. The memorial committee to which had boon referred the matter of the Missouri Hlvcr Improvement association recommended that the communication bo placed on file for fu ture consideration. The report was adopted , but the the association , in a communication , requested that tlio following resolution be passed in regard to river improvements : Itcholvod , That wo heartily concur In the forecolnn resolutions of tlio river Improvement convention held lu lumsus City , Mo. , Decem ber 15 and Hi. 1S9I : and In vlow of tlio national character ot the Improvement of the Missouri und Mississippi rivers nnd tlielr navigable tributaries , and the Importance of such Im provement to the Industry and commerce of thu cntlro country , respectfully , but earn estly request the senators sum representatives In congress to support and vote for measures for the Improvement of these rivers , und to make them of adequate amounts , continually available and subject to application by tlio olllcersof tlio government In charge of such Improvement , to the end that the work may proceed continuously to a speedy completion. Oilier ItiiHlncsg Discussed. The resolution was adopted and the secre tary was Instructed to notify the Nebraska representatives at Washington of the board's action. The snmo committee having in charge the question of establishing a sugar school in connection with the State university , recom mended that the matter bo placed on file. The recommendation was adopted. The board passed suitable resolutions on the death of Joseph F. Sheoly , who was n member of the body , and whoso domisu oc curred a few weeks ago. The Nntlonal Hallway ( Moil Clerks asso ciation presented n communication asking for the hoard's co-opcrati M nnd its influence for the passage of a bill in congress for the roclassiflcation of the railway mail service and the increase of the clerks' wacros. Cnlof Clerk Van Dervoort of the service addressed tlio ooard , stating that the employes now re ceived n smaller amount for their work than in 1SSO , on account of a now cassillca- tion. tion.Ho Ho asked the support of the board , and it was agreed to assist them in the passage of the bill. Secretary Nnson was directed to continuo to act on a committee recently appointed to sccuro the Independent national convention for Omaha. Ono death In the membership is ropprtcd. It was that of Jonn F. Boyd , ami the memorial committee was instructed to prepare - pare suitable resolutions of sympathy und condolence. SpooiuMi < lyJtoM Troll bleu. Have I got a caught Do you think I'm nn omnibus and can't cough ? Well , of all the Uodgasted women I over saw hero I've ' coughed for seventy days nnd you want to know if 1'vo ' got a couirh. Now Mrs. Spoop- endyko , I want that bottle of Ilallor's Sure Cure Cough Modiclno you hear ! Use Union donp. Use Union soap. Housekeepers will flnd Quiil rolled oats tlio best made. The Competitive ) Drill ( Iiiiiranty. The Competitive Drill association's com mittees of business men of the different or ganizations nro meeting with much moro encouragement now than they did last week in securing the guaranty fund of $30,000 to cnt the national military encampment la Omaba next , Iu. < o. The general soliciting committees will have a meeting this afternoon at the Hoard of Trade. The Heal Estate Owners association is ex pected to take some action at Its meeting tonight to assist in raising the guaranty. Secretary Atch'son ' seems quilo sanguine that there will bo no difficulty in securing the fund when the business inon once under stand what n gigantic gathering the encamp- inon twill bo. Tlio .MortK < > K < > Itecord. The records of the ofllco of the registrar of aeods show the following real cstnto mort gagor filed and released during tbo month of January : Kami inortznRos Illud 17 $ 25i92.01 : CJIty mortgages filed 3i , ; MU.IMH.IH Total 8JO tMMO.lZ Kami mortgages released Ill t ' . .V.-lri.l1. ) Olty mortgages released i.7 4U.i'JO.'l ' Total 213 jr > 7.1&8.4a Union soap , manufactured in Nob. Tlio ItllHslilll I'aiiilnr , Anyone desiring to help rollovo the dis tress of the sufferers from the Russian ] fam ine can send their contributions to K. P. Coleman , treasurer of the American Baptist Missionary union , Tromont Temple , Uos'ton , Mais , The money will bo scut to the Bap tist mission committee in Kusslu for use among tbo lumino sulTorora. Do Witt's Ltttlo Early fasors ; the only pill to cure sick hoadaqhe and regulate bowoU. DriiiikeiiiirHB , A disease , treated as suuh and perma nently cured. No publicity. No infirm ary , llomo treatment. Harmless and ollectual. Refer by permission to Hur- linglon HawUeyo. Send 2o stump for pamphlet. Shokoquon Chemical Co. , Burlington , la. The 1'anslnu of Major DonnU , The books , papers und all other things per- talnlnc to the ofllco of the superintendent of plumbing wont Introtho hands of Inspector of Buildings Tilly vj' tcnlay nnd were nt once removed to thoiofflco of tlio latter named official. Inspector Tilly stAted thnt ho had not yet decided upon his foreman and three assist ants , but would sofedlthelr names to the coun cil tonight. The vacating ot'itho room In the basement of the court housrtfbrmorly occupied by the superintendent ot'f > lumblng will glvo nn ad ditional jury room. DoWIU's UttloiKnny imors. ttojt llttlo pill cvor mado. Cure constipation over/ tlmo. Nona equal , Use them now. ' Union soap is Id tit : of poaps. Union soap is made of western pro ducts try it. lln HUH Iti'turnc-d. Dr. K. T. Allen was called homo from No w York on Saturday to do an operation , lie reports jfrcat advancement in the treatment ot curtain affections of lha eye , csnct'liilly In operations for cataract and true granulated lids , llo had a very pleasant and profltablo trip. MH. OLSEN'S PLAN. tloTlilultn He Keen n Way to 1'ny Oily Km- ployes Karly In the Month. Comptroller Olson has evolved a ulan by which lie thinks the city employes can bo paid on the first instead of having to wait until the middle of the month for tholr money. Ho Is of.tho opinion that the mayor is pursuing the correct plan in holding the general monthly appropriation ordinances for examination , but ho thinks the city em ployes should bo paid on or about thn llrst of the month. That this may bo accomplished ho will suggest the Introduction of two ap proprlatlon ordinances each month. The llrst will Include nothing but the regular city pay roll , and ns the amounts nro prac tically the ar.mo each month , ho thinks the ordinance can. follow the course , bo passed nnd approved and the warrants turned over to the employes the snmo ns horotoforo. This ho thinks would bo the better course to pursue , ns most of the people who work for the city contract tholr bills to become duo soon after the first of each month. The ether ordinance ho would hnvo contain one other item of ox ponso. This ono could bo Introduced nnd follow the same course as the ether nnd then pass into the hands of the mayor for exam ination. It could bo held for a week or so and then returned , BO that the bills would bo paid not later than the middle of the month. \Vr.ni-isa WATKH , Neb. , Got. 23 , 1S90. Dr. Moore. My Dear Sir : I have just bought the third bottle of your Tree of Life. It Is Indeed a "Trco of Llfo. " Dr. , when you so kindly gave me that llrst bottle my right side was so lame and sore and my liver enlnrcred so much that I could not lie upon my right side nt nil. There was a soreness over my kidneys all of the time , but now that trouble is all over. I sleep just as well on ono side ns on the ether , and my sleep rests nnd refreshes mo und 1 feel the best I've felt in fifteen years , mid I know that it is nil duo to your Tree of Life. Yours very truly , D. F. Any grocer can supply you with Quail rolled oats delicious for breakfu&t. ENTERTAINING DELEGATES. TH ArrniiRn lor the ICiitertiiliiment of VlMltorrt to tlio Conference. Thcro was n meeting of Omaha ministers at the Younc Men's Christian association rooms yesterday at 10 o'clock , the principal object being to consult as to the progress made In securing entertainment for the delegates to the Methodist general conforcnco. When nil the reports were footed up it was found that entertainment haa been secured for 170 delogntes in' ' private families. Some of the pastors said they had not completed the e&nvacs of their i congregation's ana . another , meeting was cnlloif for' r.oxt Monday , 'whan n com plete report will bo mado. The hotel men nro getting unxious to know how many they will bq called upon to provide for , and tno'com- rnitteo is anxious to hnvo the question set tled. Letters are cominc by tno hundred in- quirinc for accommodations. Now that both the Western and the Transmississippl Passenger Tratlio associations have agreed upon reduced rates for all who wish to take in the" conference , the attendance is sure to bo very largo. A ereat many will como from Iowa , Minnesota , Dakota , Colorado , nnd from over the state of Nebraska. In all probability there will bo sovnrnl excursion trains run intoOmahaduring the conference , nt which time the rates will be particularly favorable. The Orlpiii : ItiiKliifc In Alahaina. "La grippe is raging hero and I find Chamberlain's ' cough remedy to bo a certain euro for it , " says \V. O. Johns of Trim ble , Cullman company , Ala. Mr. Johns ordered a supply of the remedy to bo shipped by express as quickly as poss'iblo. 'I here Is no question but this remedy Is of great value in the treatment of the grip especially on account of its counteracting any tendency of ' the disease toward pneumonia. It is uls'o a prompt nnd certain euro for thn cough which usually follows nu nttnck of grip. 23 and 50 cent -Dottles for snlo by druggists. Mvely Times nt the Iteiliil. There must bo merit in a medicine that has met with the succe.sn that tlio Bednl ( , 'old euro treatment at Blair has. The business has increased so rapidly that it has proven necessary to enlarge the quarters of that largo plant. The result has been a cure in every instance. Fifty patients nro boinjj treated. The habits of liquor , morphine , opium and tobacco permanently cured. q llllllillllfI'rrmlts. . The following permits were Issued by the superintendent of buildlnes yesterday : \i. 11. William * , repairs on building , Fif teenth ami Domino streets . $ n.ijoo I ) . 13. 1'iittorson , threo-story and liaso- ii'i'iit ' brlulc building Seventeenth and I'nrnam streets . 40,000 I' . A , Jensen , one-story frumu cottage , Klfteiiiilh and llrown sireuts . MO Three minor penults . < ! ( H ) Total . . . _ . . . JIO.IOJ Chiiinlierliilu'H ( Joiigli Itemed)1 , Mr. C. F. Davis , editor of tno niooinfield , Jn. , Farmer , says : "I can recommend Cham berlain's cough remedy to nil sufferers with colds and croup. I have used itin my famllv for the past two years nnd have found it the bon I ever used for the purposes for which it U intended , " 25and CO cent bottles for sale by druggists. Attention , A special mooting of Samosot is called for Wednesday evening , February 10 , nt 8 o'clock , to maku arrjiignmonts to attend the Uoyd reception aULiiicoln.U. . U. W. Smni.DS , JOHN T. EVANS , President. Secrotttry. Small In size , great , in result * ; Do Witt' a Little Early KUorx. Bast pill for constipa tion , bast for sink headache , ban for sour stomach. . I .V.VU P.IKMIIX T.I. On Friday , Saturday and Sunday next M. 13. Leavitt's pantomimic burlosqun , "Spider and Flv , " will Boa the attraction nt Boyd's now theater. Thoploci Is ouo of the bust of its kind that has yet boon presented to the public , und will bo produced by a.bout forty people. "Spider and Fly" , abounds In excel- Powder : Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard lent * peclnlty fen.tu.ros. "Tho Tftnilom" nnil "On tlio Hoof , " two of the Intost pnntomlmlo successes from the Unity Lnno tbcator , Lon don , will bo Introduced , Mr. Matt L , Merry , business mnniXRor ot "bplder anil Fir , " spent Sununy In the city. An error \vn mniloln these columns Sun- uny mornlnp In staling thnt tbo ndvnnccd snlo of Mnx O'Hell tlchoU would opan ycstor- < lny inoriiiiif , ' . Tbo snlo will open this mornlnR nt tbo Oraml oporn bouso box onico , ntul If the people ot Uiniliii nro ns npnrocla- tivoorthls ilistinimisiieil I'osinopolitnii wit ns were tbo people of Mlnnonpolls nnd ICnn- sns City , where about ' \0)0 ( ) In cncb city turned out to he.ir him on "Amorlcti ns aeon through Kronch Spcctnclcs , " tbo demand to morrow nnil Woilnesunv will bo Inrco. Mnx O'KolI will lecture nt tbo ( Iranil opera bouso on Wcdnosilnv ovcnlnir , his llrst ntul only nppcnrnnco In Oinnlm. Mndnmo Hloupt nnil n party of ladles who will accompany horsclt nnd husbniulto Australia , will Join him hero Wednesday morning , direct from t'nrls. " 13111" Nyc , who hns u warm feeling for the Umalm Press club , roinombcrlng the re ception which tlio club pave him sovornl years ago when ho lectured hi this city , will givoa bcnollt. for the club I-'rliiay ovonlng , March 4 , assisted by nis imvtnor In crime , A. r. Hurbank , the elocutionist , who stands at tbo head of platform readers In this country. Tbroueh the Uindnoss of Hon. A. .1. Pop- ploton the Grand opera house has been secured - cured for this bonctlt psrformance , which xvill bo among the very host clvon In Omnlm this season , for the club hns n reputation to sustain , and In odorlng two such well known inon as Nye and Hurbank the members feel that they cnn very consistently ask their friends to purchase tickets for nn evening with tbo best luiown of American humorists. Sp ) : > uuiiil ) ' e Iliu AUhnii and ho spent thirty-two minutes trylng'to tell his wlfo to go to thunder and got Ills liot- llo of Ulxou's Asthnm Cure , and she ( noor thinir ) lluttcrod nro in id antl brought some broth and n balr brush and things , und Spoopondykc nonrly died , but bo got the Asthma Cure linally and then well , I'm 01 ry for his wlfo. Tim CoiiKrrssliiiiill C'oiiiinlttrr , There will bo n mooting of tbo congres sional committee of the Second congressional district at the Mlllard hotel , Wednesday ovon- i g l-'oliruary 10 , at 8 o'clock. l'1iiii : > W. Gray , Chairman. Mr. Donna Allberry will represent Wash Ington county nt the meeting. Check Adulteration What ! s needed to check adulteration is intelligence on the part of consumers. The inducement to put adul terated preparations on the market lies in the fact that a large part of the purchas ing public is always ready to accept the cheapest that can be had , without thinking th.it the quality of the article must be cheapened in pro portion to the reduction in the price demanded. People must learn that they can bet ter afford to buy Dr Price's Delicious Flavoring Extracts than the cheapened substi tutes. There is economy for the poorest in purchasing pure and reliable articles. SCHIFFMANN'S ASTHMA CURE J ever fnlls to tflvo Instant lullrf In the woiflt cases , mid UVr ( cure * ulirro other * full. Trl > l radnuT Pltlli : of Ilrni ! l.l , , r IT lull. 4JJr . DR. II BCUIFFMATm. HI. I'.ul , Ulan. LEAVES A DELICATE AND LASTING ODOR. An Ideal Complexion Soap. For caloliy nil Unit' nnrt I'nnoyOonrtipciilprs.nrlf tumble to iirncnrnllilK Woiulrrful Noun ponrt lit * criiln In xtiimpe nnil receive ? n mko by return mull. JAS.S. KIRK & CO. , Chicago. HI'F.n.lTSlmndnn Dolls Wnltz ( tlio pnjmlnr PndolyYnlt ) M > nt FIIRK to nimino EenUluu UB three wrappers of Shumlon HcIN Soap. 'tVo rnakn moro roroni piasters C.nn iill otlici mnkiTS in this country romhlnri ] , been use tliu public apprcclatt ) tlio rm'i- It that dxi-tsln our pv "i HBSSON'H lslh ( mlyii V cllclmil piaster for house hold use. all others lnlu , \v ik Imitations , ( let Hie "Genulus.- MANHOOD RESTORED. " 8ANATIVO , " the Wonderful Hpnnlsli Itrnipiy , l sold wllli a Wrltton Quaranteo to euro nil NCIVOUH Dis eases , Eiuli as Wealc Memory , I-o n of Ilraln 1'owor , llcndaclie , liocxl , Nervoiisnem , IJH- pillule , nil ilialns and Doforo& After Uso. Ion of IHIHCT of Hie Fbotocrnnlicd from life. Ccncrallvu Oicnns In - ' i mi , ! cither ci , raunnl liy ovrfriuiilon , ) outlirid ImlliHTt'lloiiH.or . Hie rurnslve jst'of lubao-o , < iiuiuoittliiinliintji | | , ulilcli nllliniilvly Inul lo Inniinlly , Coiikiiiiiplloa inul Iii > iity ! 1'nl m > In rout c'lilf in lorin | rarrv In HicMut ( uirkil. I'lk-e II n I'nckiiso. ' or U for J.'i. Wllli t\ny t"i inilrr r qlvr a written sunrnntop to cure or refund the money. M'lil liy iiiull'ln niiy luMifHi , Clitnlni lieu in ( 'lain ' envelope .Meiillon IliU | i'i'i | ' Aililiru , MADRID CHEMICAL CO. llrmiili onke for t' . S. A. 338 Ilrnilinrn Sired , CIIICACI ) . II , ! , . foic SALE IN OMAHA. RED. , ny Kulin ct Co. , Co.r lilh i Douttlni 8t . J A Puller & Co. , Car. Mill & Douglas SU. A D Foster & Co. , Council Illufli , lu. PNEUMDNIH , USE WILBOR'S Pure Cod .Liver Oil and Phosphates. It Cui'oa Consumption , Cough" , Cohls , Abthmn , Hronuhitia , Dublty , Wast- in > r Iiaoibos ) ; , and nil Luti tr C'oniplalnts and Jluinor . Alinutln | inlutal > lo an crfaiu. II fun tie tnken wltli | ili < ; inru ty ili > IU'ntupur iiiniiiiii | chllilrrii. ivhonlicT utlne It uru vury tunilotlt. It unlnilluionlih Ilij f iu l lucri'inu tno ttoth unrt iii > i'll ' | . hnllili up iliu iu'rviiu i/nU'in , ra turo uaur > 'jr to mlinl nnil bmly , crrntoiuw rich anil | iurj b'.uud lu fiu-l , rujmu- liu nliolo iU'iu. TLE H , BLOOD , NERVE , BRAIN , Ho mre an > on rnluu rnur lirnllli inul ut't tlio ti-n u I \lioiiifncturoil only by Ur A II. Wll.uuu , 'l , lo ! lonMai . sold bf A SHIRT , A white shirt , a good white shirt , a shirt thot'3 cut to fH. Cut long , and full , and wide. A shirt that's made , well made , made to stay made. A shirt that's made to wash and wear , and tp .1 wear after it's washed. A shirt with long * sleeves , or short sleeves , as your arm happen to be , long , or short. A shirt that's made to sell a man once , then twice , then always. That'3 our shirt , The Nebraska. We sell it. Nobodff' else does. It's the best shirt sold for the price by anybody anywheres. Unlaundried , three kinds. itf Hcavy muslin , reinforced front , linen bosom. New York Mills muslin , fine linen bosom and bandsfj 50c fully reinforced front and back. r None better made , at any price ; best shirting mus * 70e lin , finest linen bosom and bands , fully reinforced both front and back , felled scams and hand button holes. Launclried , four kinds. Heavy muslin , linen bosom , reinforced front. Wamsutta muslin , fine linen bosom and bands , fully 85e reinforced front and baclc. Open front , made of New York Mills muslin , lincft bosom and bands , reinforced front and shincd back. ( fc/4 A fOur finest shirt , made of New York Mills muS CD A Jl _ r 'm ' > CN ra fi'lc ' l'nen ' bosom and bands , felled. * seams and hand made button holes , fully rein * forced front and back. Buy one , buy three , buy six. Try the kinc You'll always wear Nebraska shirts afterthafl n A Man May Look Over " ' " His Glasses , . But he ought not to overlook the fact that ALDEN & FAXON can speak through the advertising columns of newspapers for his profit. Attractive advertisements that have selling quali ties in them is what you wish , and this is one of the important things we pride ourselves on being able to do. The field ( hat we can cover for you is practically unlimited. What amount of money do you wish to expend ? What papers ? What section of the world shall we touch for you ? We make it our business to answer promptly any question along this line that you may wish to ask. Write tor our pamphlet free. NEWSPAPER AGENTS , , THADt MARK. 66 & , G8 W. Tli rtl St. . Cincinnati. 0. To promote health , preserve and length en life , .stimulate and invigorate the whole system , tone thu stomach , aitl digestion , create an appetite and repair the waste tissues of the lungs , nothing surpasses an absolutely pure whiskey of deli cious flavor , smooth to the taste , mellow , mature _ and of richest qual ity. Unlike inferior whiskies it will not rasp or scald the throat and stomach. Call for CREAM PURE RYE and take no other. I7or sale only at high-class liquor and drug stores. DAl.f.KMAM ) .V CO. , dllll'AttO , Samples can do hud .it thn Milliud hotel. at Thompson , nt .1 , A TulliMI. .1. A- Wood it ( ' < > , llotul Pnllone. Moyinhun V Tim Duunonil. iFUliilF VOICE SUSPEHDER THE LATEST. fcllpplni- off tlie ( liOUlllu | IUC | > - rll.V. Aik your Uf ulerfor them ur I in > > i tu I.u.-e llu.k Mi pciidvr < . , DT lu III I'rlu.u bt. , HtW Yvrk. DR. J. E. McGrHEW , , + _ ' THE SPECIALIST , Is unsurpassed In the treatment of all foriufO I'HIVATE WKKASKS. and all disorders and doblllllus of youth anil iii.inliood. 17 voam' uxpurluni'u. Ills i < j-.oiiivis anil facilities uro pructli'.illy unlimited. 'I ho Doclor Is iccoinV mended by Ihu press , and ciiiloit.oil in UK ) strongest limns by I ho pnop e for fair irruf incut und honest , professional ml vice. The mcst powerful nimcdles known to minion ! s'lenuo for tliu siieeesiful trc-iitinent of ttyj followln illseasus : Jj. UOMHtKIIOK.1 Immodlalo relief Acorn * lilcle euro without thu loss of un hour's tliy froai business. < llKKT ( ) ito of the must eoiupiolo anil nile * ccbsul trouimcnts for Klenl auU all itnnoylnif ( llht'liarttos yet. laioun to the medical profcu * tilon. 'rim results nro truly wondoifiil. Tin ) most stubborn amlchronlc cases whole tin ) dlschaiMU had oxlstod for yuan , rntlioly cou * trolled Inn remarkably sliorl tlmo s'l'ltnn l/H/f The iM-ttiuiist known remedy fo- ( < ho tri'ul niiHit of slileliire. without pain , dit- tln ' , or dilating. A mouromaikahlo lemi'dy , bYi'lin.lt 'So treatment for tins torrlbld blood disease hns ever been moio ciu'censfu ; . or had stronger ondorMimcnls. In the light of modern seleneo tliK dlseaso Is positively curable and every Ir.ieoof tlio poison entlrnly < .r * lomovod from tlio blood. 1'ho cnnIs complete * und permanent. MI.IAHOO ; / , and ambition , nervous * ness , tlmldlly , despondency and nil bllilitiiii ; | oll'oelsof early vleo. Itellef obtained at "lieu. The wcik ; urort slum ; , ' , and tliu ilrsponilunt10f \ como olieerfiil and hapy. | ' / , KAm K.I.S/I.S , an I nil diseases of ttin hli > od , liver , MilnuvH andli laddvr aio ticaluil successfully with Ihoxreatosl known lemcdlctf for those dfsnusos. DISEASES QV THE STOMACH - Dr. Melii'ew's tioatment for disorders of the htoiniieh , IIIIN Ihu iiiiijiialillod c.ndiiihomcnt uj those who have hcon cured. I'iit-cs Unit hail MilTuroil for years anil unable loVniiK \ or Kv without IneroiihliiK tholr misery , entirely i'Uin.1. These are facli. which ean lie pn-von 4 ill any time The romo.lles are pleasant nnJ ( , iialatablo to tliu moil dclleiitn stomach/ . Wrllo forclrciilarsanil iiicsluin | list. freu. 14th und I'anmni Sis. , Oninlia , Nob. r'ntiuauuou either snout , Woriililnn llnlill ciirtiaIOtoUIdlv | > , Hour till c r d. Da. J.BTIFUlNE.L.tliniu'o. Sore Throat Lameness Sore Ey < Soreni Cat , Bra * Piles Female Complaints" Rheumatism AND ALL r\ Inflammation Srid only In cur own botllei. AH druggliti. , POND'S ' EXTBAC7 CO,7C5th Av