THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , FEIUUTAHY 0 1802. 8PEGIRL NOTICES. * " A ! ) \KHTI'-BMKMS hOll TIIKSK COLUMNS will tntnki n nntll U TO p m , for tlin errnlng ntut until B M \ \ m , for tlio moralng or Hunilny eill- tlonAll All iKltcrtlnotncnl * In tnr n rolnmns li cents n line llrxt inn rtlon nnd 10 rc-ntu n llnp tliorciif tor , or \ 12 per line per month No nilvcrll pnipnt tnkcn for lorn tlmn 2.1 crntt for the tlrst In-ortlim. Tprms.rniin In ( ultunrr. Count nbout 7 worctn to tlinllnp. Inl tlol * . ilifiiron , Kjmtinli , rtc. . rnch count ni n won ! > ll ndn'ttl-eiiients iinint run conarciitlTvl ) ' Aclver UMTS bj rc'inrMltiK nnntiibprnl clicck. tun Imtn tliflr Uttpr Bclro ! i'd to n numbered Ipttt-r In pnro ofliiKltrr An ni.T MI ntUlrcMed will b ilellv rn il on iircrcntitlon of tlio clifck , T > IlA.MII01-Ht -AllVKinislN ( > rdimiKSK J ) ( ilinnn will t'O takpti on tlin ntiore rnndltlons nt tlio following bin inn hiiuncK who nrn nutlior lr < d tu tiikn itpcclnl nntli < t the sanin rntcs ns can be hnil nt tlio innln nlllcn Hililli Oiniilm llrnncli OBIcn No 2C.S1 N stroct I.IMir block John W Iloll phnrinndst , lllh nml Mnsnn street i K It l-nrnnwoMli plinrnincl t. Sll'i Cuinlnit Mrvct W .1 lltntlips , lihnnniicl't l'l N K.lh Mrcct P Snttorllohl , plinrnmcbt. KI9 I.emcnworth trni. | . plmrmncy : ith nml Knrnnm 'SITUATIONS 'WANTED HATI'S ( ton linn llri > t Hum nnd lOonltnn tlior nflcr .Nomlicrtlnunipiit tnkrn for lc than i5c. ! " 1" " " - AM lit ) , I'osn ION fS imv nooiw , ( IntlilnX bookkpiltiK | or otliorwl p , by inlihllo niinl tnnn ( looil rcfcrunci ! Aihlrcm 1' O2iClbov , Keil Onk ' ' WANTED--BIALE HELP. IIATKS 1.V i line llrst tlmo nnd 10c n line there- nft r Ne ailvutllsciiient tnkvn for lc s tlmn Kc T > W'AN'IKD HAM MKN ON SA1.AUV OU TOM I 'Inlrhlon to hnnillu the now | intcnt clioinlinl Ink ornnlnu iiciidl 'Ilie Brentent i-olllnx iin\iltvevor Iirnilmiili prr c Ink ilKirouifly In two nuirntn. no plirnnion of | mipr ! 200 lo Ml per lent | irult ! ; onu nUPIit'n ( "nh niiioiinti il to JISO In plx ( In ) * nnotlM r Ji. In In e l.onm Wo wnnt nnu Ufnernl n Kent In each rliite ninl tcirllnr > I or trrmn nml full | mr- tic iilnrn nililiein Munrou Kni ir .MfK. Co , l.uCrofKc Wl. " A 1C _ _ _ _ _ 7JI ll" Ctl'VCANVA'-SHItl.ttAliAltVI'AIHWKIIKIil J'Sbmcr him IIIK innrhhie olllce IJbi llout'liiK HI l.'Jl fZS l > - WANTKD. 1THVI MAlIUNlvp J t ANVA > * 1KltSW AN'l P.D CALL Oil AD MreUI N Y Llfn liullillni ; M2S1P1I * I > W\N'II'.D A ( IOOD I1AIINIWS MAKHHAT Mli'il Onk , In C , A. Nclmin 9V , 1 > WAN'ini ) , PIM : CANDAN ICK rni vv ) nmker must bo thoroughly tlrst class Aiblrcss NH , ll ( < WO ll TJW \ N Tni Aiis'is ( : IN IYIIIY : : en OH l' ( ( unity to pell Wilbur n seed moid Wilburs her < e font lure nml Wilbur * Miri'hen\e care tlOD to JltOper nmntli tnn be mndn ut homo by u ImM tor koml for tinmplus nml ndtertlMm ; . Wilburs fceoil Men' ' Co .Mllmnihec , WIs HIS 1U- pWAN'lll : ) , AIIKN'IS TO INTIIODUCK TlK J 'bent sellliiK iMiimebiild ultlcle on the mniket , tilu liidiKeinvntn tu I Ulll party .M 11 'lylcr\o Mum In Iml K > j 8 * " 1 > WAN'IP.I ) TltO-i : WHO 1IAVK LO'-T A Lh ( . .I > or nrm to Biml tin Ir liniues ami nililrc s to ( ! eo 11 llo K eii nrlllklnl limb iiiHtuifnctarnr , Nuw ] ln\en ( onn omethliiK of Interest to nil crip Iilcs wherever luciiU d JIK3 ! ( > ' : ! ) , COMPI.TKNT AIIS1 UACI Kit , Stnlo oxporlcnro nml cnl.iry wiinted ( C Ht'dy vrlck > - loiiIlly , In Mill 10 * ] > YTTN ( ! MAN 'i\i'iwitmu : : wiin TVIM ; livill * , to Icnrn tu keep books In ollicc Address N'4 cur ( lleo JIHBU * TT AIIII.NTX. MIMIUAL LAMP WICKS NKVKIl J 'burn out no nmuk ( > mi euut mi trlmnilim lluht efjiinl tn tns I Knmplcs lOc , n Hurted doron 2Sc ' 1 Mii > nerCo. . , Provldenco. It I MlMi IS * B UA.N'IPII , IN A COl NT1NO OKI ICK A ) ( IIIMVUIIIII nbdiit I7 > cnriir : n e bo U ( | tilck nnd iidiirntn In ll area Address In your onn liumlwrllhiK N . ' 'J lite M154 > ALI > MLN WANTKD : ( .ODD SALAItY , NO Mink ukcne ) Address N .11 , lleo 11.110- WANTED--FEMALE HELP. 11AT1 aISc n line llrnt tlmn nml lOc n line there -lifter No advertise ncnt taken fur IPSI tlmn ! ! 5o CIIWOO A MON'lll ' 10 LADY AdKNTH SKI , V him "WbltoH Lilly of tlin Ynllny. " Addrcus "W hlte'8'I ollet C < i."South limit Ind L71 1J * / - I-A C.OOD 8ALAHY OUAUANTKKn TO ANY V Indy who will do writing for mo nt home Ad ( lltnn In onn bumlnrltlni ; with uildtcNscit nml Kliun.eil | envelope. Mien I dim L. hmytbc , Suntb llcnd , Ind. , proprietor of the famous ( ilurbi Wntcr /"I WANTKD , A ( illtL KH ) ( iKNKUAL HOUhH- V \\ork. miiht bn oud cuuk , uasbur und Ironcr Alipl ) ar-'liipltul live Wi C WANTKD COM PP. HINT ( JIHL rOH ( iKN C1 erul , housework ut 2111 Doii m at " /-1 WANTKD , AN KAPPltlKNCKD LOUSKI' . V'anlrxlnilr to net ns Klale ueent. Milar > JIUO n liiunlh Addre-.ii , wllh references , Crescent Clunii Works Ann Arbor Midi MI7li'J' FOR RENT-HOUSES. HATKS lr > c a linn llrst tlmn nnd IcV n linn there nfter N'u ncHcrtl emcnt taken fur lens than - ' " > ( foU iTr'NT TlHtn cuttnu'os ltli buth and seneniKO , ut und noiu corner Webster and SOth Btreets. lloclncecl lo r.'C each Homj W dittos 72.2 T\-S , 47TllOOM HOUSI.S 110 tu M5 , IIHsTllKS1 4-'liU1iicu lluta In city. Mead Inv't Co , 4IJ lieu blilit 1-v-IOH HKNT , IIOIISK 1(1 ( HOOV.s , ALL .MOD J-'erii Improienienth , f W ) per month , Wd ami har Hum Dexter 1 Tliomna 7'J ] \ NP.W 0 UOOM COTTACKS. MODKUN III J 'pioiemenls , 'Htnnfunl lliele" Apply C S IClKHtler , room 4 , N. Y Llfu uulldlm. 2J -T\-MiiooM nopsi : . ! 7m AND DAVKNPOIIT Jall ( diivi nlonces , J'ii 00 pel month. K K Dir Him llnrker bluck. 7JM \ i. HOOM rOTTAtJK. 2'iITI AM ) CtjMINd 'stieet tU Kmiulru his 8 Ibth. Mil'l ' ! I J ) LAlUil : LIST ( il.O. J PALL , lliOo KAlt.NA.M 'I A HOIt HKN I1,10 HOUSICS , TiCO AND ( JPWAHDS - -per inunth TboO P Davis company UIO V tJ.IlOOM HOUSK , MODllltN , B.K ! S SJ ) ST\ li ) P8 I ) -11 UOOM IIOUdK. MODKIIN IMPIIOYKMKNTS , IBS , V 2itha\e 11 Kallsh , tailor. 211 N lull 727 P f-6 IlKM IlOtJSH , COTTAOK , 27TII AND HUH J ' ; ( tetle , 17 00 Knqulre , Oniuba lluuk & ftntlonory Co 117N. llithBl H30 \-KOIt HUNT , AN KK11IT-UOOM COTTAdK 'iit.'iSI Half Howard utroc-t MWN 10 * -II UOOM HOLKK 11.17 DOIKiK ST. J ) l , room house 810 H IHth kt li room huiiKO hjl S I'.Hh kt .l-room House UW Plcno Kt KtII. II. O Chirk A Co , l.'ld llnrney st. ii-in II T A Toll HKNT , SMALL ITHNHIIKI ) HOPS ! ; tL/nlth iillinu , rent lou. 2.'l Cnllfornlu nt M' < 7 H D " TOPAIITV ITItni AMMJ TuitN'n Ultl A lentrnll ) liuntdl lint , rcntlmludliiK water til ' 'j Income f'i ( per month Itnonis uluuys full All modern ion\enlemcs. M. ( i Mucleocl , 1115 N. % 1,1 fe VWS 1) Hill HKNT , THK 10-UOoM IIOUSK'Id ? Donijlniiat Inqulro S Kuti , HO. DonKlus b ( TV Kill UKNT , 9 HOOM HOUCK , NO 2JI1 DAY J/eiiuort atii'ut , very cheap tu llrst class tenant ll'j < K .1. HUI 1 < 0 < 4 ruriiain street. MIM Id 'i\-l LATS Wll'll ANifwTTHOUT hl'K AM J litul , biilldlniiH , stores , ilwilllDK" and cutliiKos In all parts of thu illy Kclkcnnu ) * A Co. , Contl nenlnl block M 11,1 21 FOR RENT-FURNISHED ROOMS. ItATKS IV ] a line flri > t tlmo nnd lOe n line tbeio nfler Nu mlMTllBement tnkun for loss than SSr \ 1 HOOMHrHOUBKK''IUi.1.WubTrTlAltV'JA'vr -t . : , J A U3I * fH IIMSUKn STIIAJl HK7\TKD KIIOVI J-.roum > , 1817 beiueil'vurth slriot bath , etc NW JO' J T- I HONT UOOM VMTII lToVKT 724 N SIST " ± Mil4,10 ! , 3 , ' Klt ) UKNT MCKLY HIHNISIIKD , SKCONII lor ) buck room nuliablo for slniflu vontlenian , without hoard , IAS , 2Mb street l" ' I I R\li > llKIIIOOM ) WUiriiATIIfilMONl'H' IWHi l-urnnm 47. | JUHMSIIKD ( HOOMS. a M1NUTKS1 WA LK liifrom lleo llldn , 5013 Hurne ) 1. ' A NICKLY tUUNbllKD IUHIM Jfor l o , llh bonrcl , 1715 I lilcoto ilreet | W | a * IH IINlWlKI ) PltONT UOOM HH HKNT Kill JVuoiitleman only ; umnncl lath. HO , at JJ1K N 15th , .M lloor , lltttl ) , Mil * u > 1"T\-LAHUK HOOM HW T\\O ( JKNTLUMKN Viirnltlicdi muitern toiivi-nleiic-es , ) y4 ! Clilcnwo fleet , 1114'l ) * V KLKANTLY KUIIN1SIIKD 11OOMB KOIUi KN ijtlemeii only ; all moclurn Improvements litr lluutliuit. I70MI * 1" , ' KuTtNISHKD 11OOMS. 21W DOUULA . ' J M178 15' FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. ) t/vTbS-l5a u line tlrst tin u and lOo n line there- nttor No advertlnciuvut taken for losi than J5o 1 , ' KLKC.VNTLY ! UUN1SIIKD UOOMS , HINI1LK orrniultu ; ll modern coinunlcncei ; ttrit ola > toard. SIKsoutb iiith ulreet. MWU I ? I.AIKiKKUONT HOOM WITH ALCOVK KOIl 1 man and nlfanllli board. WIT Dudiiu u Bil-S' I'j'-MMiliK mKM811H UOAIID * Hlii jtoulli'Uian Inn Cai * . MUM 10 * 1JV-HI.COND H/XHt UOUM Wll'll 110A1ID 112 Bo , - IU street. MIM y' gOlV RE T- UNf'URNl'BirBD' M8l \tATK8-15o k tine Hrtt tlmo ami lOo a line there f , | cr. Nu ilverlUc'mi > tit ukuu fur lots ibiu Me. B"-r31 t'NlI ' IMtNlVnUD IIODWKVJTlY liuiiiVkovului ; . W1J llowtrcl FOR HENT-UNFUKNISnED ROOMS. . . „ ANY NP.MHKU KHOM 1 TO 4 , IN vJflalii , fur linuspkcpplnif Prices awny ( town ( J K Hutu , 811 ration blo ( * IH KM p -KoTl HUNT. FA HLOK HXIOH. t rt H K V 'nl'hrcl , wUbbonrcl , also oilier rooms all nt 114 H 25th st SID 10' vlln cottage near poftofflc'e , t'iooo'monthly lleo ri 4 UNPUHNISltKD HOOMS Hl'ITAIlLl ? POK riU housekeeping. 1703 Webster strpot Mlsl BOARDING. lATKS IVn line tlrnt timonnd lOo a line Ilioro- nflcr No mlvcrtlscmpnt tnkcn for le i limn 2'ic o nriMi.MA.voUSK. 1110 IMtIK ) ( , WltiOOI ) honnl , nicer ronnis , rniiTnnlcnros rntp and lo ntlun It cnnnottu excelled. Mrs Horn , proprietor 2UI M 10 * fOU RENT-STORES AND OFFICES. -ISo n line nrst time nml lee a linn there nttcr No advertisement taken for lets than 2' > c. r-KOlTmiNT.'sTOUK , 1113 JACKSON bTURKT. l-KOIl UK.NT , Till : 4 HTOHY IlltlCK 1UI1MINI. ( IVhl Knrnam Ktippt Iliu Inillillnn linn a tire proof cement bnnuinvnt , complete stenm bontlnu nxtiircs , wntcr on nil tlio ( loom , ens , etc. Amity nt the olTlco of tlio lien V18 I -toll HUNT , STOItK , trci llOWAIll ) . J- 704 V A PINK LOCATION Foil A ( IHOCIIIIV SFOItK ICnidt trade Aildrevi N II , llpo Ml7i ! M5 l-Klt HKNT , HTOHI'.S , HOUIll HIONT. n\V ) I with atcam hint. 1418 llarnoy Mill 14 * Y-COLPMIHA HAH/1'Y HU SALK. OWNKH oa\lliKtonn bariialu Address N U lleo T HU ) HUNT. 1-AUT OK U. I' . TltACKAHK l-wnrnhoti p , IDI3 IUI7.tones stroctMll Kirn low rent nml hharo t'tpen es MIT1'12 ' * FOR KENT-MISCELLANEOUS. _ _ ItA'l K ! . ' ! n linn llrst tlmn nml tOc n linn llipro nfter No nilvertl-c'iiient tnken for li" < s tlmn S'ic. I-UAUDI.N I AHMS TO UKNT T MUUU\ I 14,7 1 ' 101 IllST-l'I.ASS I'AltTtK' . AHItMslllIl ) I illnliiK room cither prlvnto or for bonnters , rent tnki'ii III boniil Address N 4 , 1'ce ' Wi l-lty ACI1KS OP HOOD LAND PMMPHOYKI ) , ' 5 miles west of Omahii to ICIIMJ for ntermofi senrs ( 'nil ur nddress The Odell Imesimont ( o , iui Pearl street Council Hliin * . In MIXB SI WANTED TO RENT. ItATKS IVnllaollrit tlmn nml lOc a linn there after No mlvertl umoat taken for leas tlmn ! ' * ' -WANTKD , 'IO HUNT llA ( illNTI.U.MAN mid nlfu furiil'heil lioui > e ; nioilerncoiuenU'iKC's fctnli' locution Address N'lll , lleo. ' ' . ) ! ( ) Itl'.NT ! 1 Oil 4 KWANTI'.I IIMIIUI nr Binnll cottuBO. meilcrn couvcnlcnces AdilrossN.r. . , llc-p Ifill ! V ISDIISlUIAI. INSUItANt K MANAOKU I-O'l I- this stnle Miict Invest Jl imu In roniinn'a | ttutk n narttj 'Jciuplo Court , .SUM York K -WAV1'M > , A HUNti UKNTLKMANtlKblltHS n nUelv furnlKlieil riiem , nlth or without lunuil , la pilvnte liuiill ) llefereliics If desired Adilreis N.Hi Hen .Ml'i'll * RENTAL AGENCIES. HAThSHe n line first tlmn nml lOo line thnre- niter No nilvvrllaumiml tnUea fur luss tlmn 3.ic HtlNTAI. A(1KMHANK K1JJ' lIUlINt IM ' C ( inrvln i Co , V03 Hhcul ) block 7."J 1 IO IS'sLIti : gUICK UKNl'l.NH , 1-lb 1' W'lllI Jlho KxchiBlvu Itentil AKvncy 1'urrotte , Doiiflm liloik STORAGE. HATKi * ICen line llrit tlmu nml lilonllno llicrenf tur No lulv vrtlscniunt taken fur less tlmn ' 'ie M DHY. CLKAN AND PltIVATKLSIOHKI ) furniture OmubnStovollopnlrWork , 1JU7 Douit 71J f It M -OIilH.ST. CllKAPKaT AND IlK . I'S rOUAC.K In tbu ilty Wllll uus ACruss , 1214 llnrney WANTED-TO BUY. HATK3 1'ien line ttmt tlmo nml lOc n Una there after No udvertlsument taken for lens than 2jc. Ni i tniNirtmn notiuiir , SOLD , sioitni ) Wells , 1111 Pnrmimst 7J1 "VT HKVP.UAL SMALL UOUMiS IN dOODLOCA 11 tlons , iniiHt tui convenient to mutur linn und prh es inu t bo lu\v Ifyuu bin e unMblni ; to offer write ( lt crlptluii und lonest cush price tu N U , lieu AT A HUILDINC TOMOVK ONTO A LOt'COIlNKK liof .Unl unit Illondn tu bo nt > cd us n mlsslini cliiipel F. W. Man b ai.lcutur. 1W 12' AT WA.NTKD. SMALL STOCK nitOORIIII S I Oil > rleur lot and eufli Antht'ii ) Johnton. 6H llunrd of Truilu Mlblll * FOR SALE-FURNITURE. HATKs15o 11 line tlrst tlmo nnd lor n linn there after No ndtcrtlst-nicnt tnken for lets thna 2.M. -I UHNITL'HK OK A 10 UOOM HOl'SK. Is-'l 0-1 Cus : Jl'JOl ID * FOR SALE-HORSES , WAGONS , ETC. ItATKS l.Vn line llrst tlmo nml 10c a line thpiunf- tor No udvert enu nt tnken for less tlmu 10 1)-STAI.LION , (1KNTLII. ( fll'YLlbll , HPKI.D\ L und well bred , for snle or trido for ivlhl prnlrlo Inncl In lena or Sebinsku Address M Iti. Hee JIJW MV 1 > ion * < AI > I : on i\ciiANdF : : A HANDMIMI ; full bhioil Sblro Mulllon , ImpiirU'd anil ruined trum a colt by mj elf In u line breeder ami | ur fei lly Buund Ilns boon nliuwn but onto Inerj lurio rluss nml tnuk pr)70 ) W 111 sell fur half value Would tuku iiiulesorKuldhiK In purt pny or n icuoil tliurter of rnv , luml In Nolnnaku. nuntli of the Pintle nnd not too fur wist * fond for partlciilnri nnd comonml oeu tbu burHOnnd Ills culls nnd } ou \\UllHiyhlin John II I'riimnn , lnyklu.leireinoii Co Neb .MLS ID * FOR -MISCELLANEOUS. . HTiI.V : n line llrxt limn ami lUo n Hue tboreaf tcr Nu crtlsomcnt taken fur Ion than 2Jc ant company fur sulo ur oxclianie. tor ity nropurl ) or KOOd farms. Address C K Miller , .M lleetulldlni ; Mini \ -Kll SALI ! , 1 MUST CLASS POOL AND 1 JIIL illurd table. 0u Douiiliia t 10711' KOII SAM ! CIIKAP , PINK HhT' AI1STIIACTS , Q lied Wllhm county , b. U. Smith , ludlnnolu. Neb MISCELLANEOUS. HATKS I5c n line llrst tlmn und lOe a line tborcuf- ter N'oiulvenlseinelit ' taken for less thuiijio l > -I'int > ICAN WANTKD- ( IOOD P1IYMIC1AN J-Xciin Und H deslrablu location by nililresslnu p K llencliler , UU bprlmis. Neb I I1AAIILTOV HHOS , , CAHPKNTK1IS AM ) Lbnllders. All kinds JubblnK 414 to ISth. Tel IIT'J Il.tIM * * CLAIRVOYANTS. HATKSI.V a line llrst tlmu and IDo u line thereaf ter N'uudi vitlsoment taken for less than „ > > - iXTHAOHDINAHWONDKHU'I : S-AHUIVAL ru\olatlnn ChulleiiKDi tbo world Mrs Dr M l.i'grnvo , dead trance clalrvuyanl , njtrolo lst palmist and llfu reader , lells your life from the cradle to Kruve : iinllos tbo Kopiiraled , causes mar- rliiKo llh the ono you luvn tclla whcro > on will mic ( eed ami In what business bcrt ndapted for has the celebrated KK > ptlun bnastplato fur luck und to destroy bud Inlluoiuok , ( iiron tltn Intemperance ami all prlvato cumplnliits with innnsnuu , batlm und alcohol treatment. Send ? . ' , luc k of bulr name nml ( lain of birth and reieuo uicnratn Illu obnrt , 2 cenlH In stumps for ( Irt'ilun glvo InltlulH of mm you will marry , also photo * of name Olllcu 1007 suuth llth street , llrst .lloor ; hourr.'in in tu U p. m Comonni. comt ) nil and bo couvlncect of this wonderful oriielo. Mil 10 * S-MHS NANNIUV | , reliable bueln s medium , Ilf th your , nt HON. 1Mb 7 _ _ MHP. MAHY I'ltlT2111 LAKH STIIKKI' S and Irnnco inidlum. Independent voices ; tclln past unit future STIP.'I' MASSAGE , PATHS , ETC. _ _ HATKH 15u a line llmt tlmo und lOo a line there alter. Nu iuhertl emeut lakon for less than iV rp-MAHSAIK ( vsiT TlK ONlY lltSI' CL\SJ J parlors In Oinabu , over 010 .S. I3tb it. M233 I'll * fn-MASOAUK TUKATMK.NT , KI.KCTHO THKII i mal buth , scalp and balr treatment. inanUnro nrictclitrupoUlitMrn. PoilBl'J4S lOtblthucll blk . 7.0 _ _ _ ' [ ' MA DAMK H1UT1I. 1 121 DOPCiLVISTUBKT , rouiu7viUour. . Alcohol , nulpbur aud sua batln fl'-MADAVKLA IlUK , MAsSAd K T HK ATM KN11 X 410 So lilh il , .Ircl lleor Hut I MSjJ ) 10 * UATKS lie a line tlrst tlnio unit lOc a line the" ' atler , .So advertisement taken for less than i'w -I WlsU'lO KNOW 1 HK ADDUKSS OK DAN lei T. Curtrr. n farm limiiance sollcltur or wny Infuruiiitlun lu rcKard to him will bo thank full ) ru cehecl by mo. W U Albrlubt WJb- MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGE. IIUYINI ! A PIANO KVAMt-Ni ; T Hi : new scalu Klmlnill plauo. A , Hospel5U \T ( > . K. ( JKMiKNIIECK. 1IANJO TKACHKH , > with llo pu , or JJl X , l. > th street 3rJ Hour V42 MONEV TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. ' \\r-MO.NKY1O UMN ON l JNi OllbllUlr tllUO III ( Ullli Of IMU ) IU fl'UWJ MutUHllnTiisluieot Cuaipnu ; 7J7 MONEY TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE. Omtmual , U , a WALI.ACK , .112 I1HOWN IILK' VV-ANTIIONV1.0ANANDTUU-11 CO. .119 N' vT ' ' Llfn , lend at low rales for choice srenrlty on Nebraska or Iowa fsrmsur omahn city property AXr-CHAS W HA1NKY. m OMAHA NAT. UK. ' bldg City mortgages Lowest rates Money onhnncl. MS17 r TtlTi7iwTATK : LOANS PAUirfixV. PAHNAM ISW KJ.T \V-LOANS ON HKAL KVTATK , LOWKHf ' ' rates TboO K Davis company t'.M K10 \\r-COATKS.7. M'll TIIAIIU , HASTKIIN MONP.V _ _ . . _ 7-tKXTUAI. LOAN A. TUL'ST CO. IIKP HID'J \ \ rHK \l. KVPATM LOANS , TO J PKIl ClINrT ' ' no nitillttnnnl plmruni for lommlsulonor nttor ncj' fees W U Melklc , Vltst Nntlunnl bnnk hjdit AYn PKIl CP.ST KIH T Hlcbard C. 1'nlterson , HI I Kariigni st. 71J V-APPLY ro J. L IXJVKTT POK CUKAP i money : only tlrst class security , SJ08 13th \\r-WII.ti LOAN MONKY ON ANY KIND OK ' sociirltys strictly cunlldontlal A K Harris , room 1. Continental lilock. MK8I \\T"-LOAN , CITY PIIOPKHTY. K. NKH AND W it lonnfnrms K. K lllnxcr , 1519 1 nrnnm nrnnmDKM 4 \V-IOANSON UKAI. VSTATK AND COI.I.AT ' ' tprnl tinten nml laertKnKes buliBht , Itccit k gplby , iW4 Hoard of Irndu. 7U \r-MONKYTO LOAN ON IMPItOVKD CITY ' pronertv , low rates A , C. trust , Duniilts bl k tff ! -IXJANS.W M HAI1UIS , H ! WI KKNV.nit IILIC 740 \\T-I.HANSON IMPKUVKI ) AND tlNlMPUOVlID 'I rlty property , fl ODD nail upwnrils.OtoSper cenL -No ilulnys.V 1 nrnnm Sinlth \ Co , 15th \ llnrney 741 211 MOI110AUK& MOOUi : , A 401 IIKK 1IUKI. \\r-MONKY TO LOAN ON C1IOICI ! ' properly nt lo e t rnlo of Inlirest ( iroinid IcnsfB mndu on Inside propurt > denr e J. Paul , IdUS 1-nrimm Mrcct , Hoard ot Trndo. M1S4 13 \ \ T.MO.ViTO : LOAN ON IMI'UOVICI ) Oil 11N1M- ' proved Omnlin propertj III nnjr iiinount ; quick , flUOtKMUUiiniKt liu pincudnt oncp Lonna on Iliililo Micnnt lotn n spednlt ) Dun t full to anne nml see us buloru pint IIIK jour lunn 1 Ideltty 'IruH Ctnii pnny , Iol4 I uriuim street ' . ' , ! . ' > 11 MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. HATlIs Pic n line first tlmo nnd luc n line tlipre- nfter. > u ndvertlAcment tnkcn for less tlmn "So 's 11Y U V. JIAbTlTuS ON plnnoi , ur iins , liorses , mules , ns. etr , nt the luwcst pusslhlo rules vtlllittut publicity removal of prnpcrtv or ehnniro of pos plosion Time urrnmicil to ault the hiirrower. I'liymnntnur nny nmunnt cull be iniiilu nt nny time rcilnclni : bulb prlnolpnl and Interest , tints Blxlin. pnlruni nil thu hcnc'tlta of tlio pnrtlnl pay meat plnn Cull and i-en me wben yon wnnt n loan or If more convenient call telephone list nnd your bUBliu-ss cnn be trnnuU'd nt home. Money nlwnjii on bund , nn delay no publicity ; lowest rntun ; business ( niitldentlnl. II K .Musters , 1C. \\ltlmcll blk , 13th und llnrney 717 X -ItOH'T I'ltllCIIAItl ' ) , It 0 , WII'IINKLL IILK 718 \r SIONP.Y TO LOAN , , fl , ( AI AND W ) DAY * ON - < Vfurnlturioti ! Dull Oreen , It 8 AU Darker blk 74(5 ( -MONKY'IO LOAN ON CHAT1KLS. HOND > j und city wurrnnts boiinlit. lluuia W.Mvnrbncb blk B.UK2b CllATTKL LOANS-DiJ N YLIH5 MOHIII3' 20J1 10' V-MONKYON KCUNITPUK , llOllsIN , PIANO * . - < V Keystone Jltgo Cu , room .US , Sboely block \OU WANT A CllATTKL LOAN t-KK w H. tn\ls. room 20 , ( .untlucDtnl bluck. J1 X-CIIATT1.L LOANS , IIDNKDICT A WHAY.dl4 Pnxton block We loan our own inunoy , charge no lummlsilon. It Mill pa ) jon to consult us M8C.IM2 X -MONKY LOANKD ON UHN1TUHK. 1IOHSKS , wagons , pianos , etc. ! red Terry , r 4J3 , Hamire. W4 VIHOP WANT MONK1 f V If BU do nut full lu get our rates before bor roulnir W u inuke loans , without remuvat or pnbllclt > . on fnrnlturo. pluiios , hurses unKuns etc , nt thu low ust poHslble rule Tboro Is mi unnecessary doluj. but you get tlin inuney uu tlin tnmc dny > nn nsk for It Wfe Hill carry tbo lonn ns lorn ; as you desire , KU hmon tbo prltllouuufpavInK It la full or In part nt an ) tlmo to suit your convenience , nnd all ) purl paid reduces tbo cost of i nrryln tbu loan In proportion to the amount pnld Our olllccs nrn centrally loratcd nnd are so nr rnimed that parties ! nllln on us < nn bo vtultcil on quickly nnd courteously. It nlll bu tu jour advantage to sec us before securing curing ; a loan Omnbn Mortpitpc Lonn Co . Uuum II , urelKhton lilock. 15th bt. . hontb uf PuHtolllce BUSINESS CHANCES. UATK-i IJc n llmi llr t time nnd lOc n llnotliorr after. No niUertlncment taken for less than 'Ac VI IJUY T1lTircOMMI ltTAI. THK LKADINC J ho tel of Hrokcn lion. Neb No trade 824 \T-FOK BALK , MIAT MAIIUKT , J- Rood buMm' * ' * duod rensoui Klvun for Hix2il ( , Premunt , Neb 7'.i 11 * Y-HJU.Y LylJlFpHD CANNINC KACrOltY { vnry best pint of Nebraska , cipnclt ) J5.OJO to yjUM ) cans per dn > : hni inudu money InM three yenre , best of rciutuu * forscllltiK Ad Iresi M 2J lleo dl , ' I'M HOl'KL KOH faALK OK HUNT the only hotel la elty. Apply tu 'Ulden.tato bank , axeftt.llliUii , Neb 4'ij t li \r-POlt SALK , PIHST CLASS STOCK OK HOOTS LumlfthopB best trude In Ut > ufnouu very cheap forc.isb must betaken at once Cbus K IlrUirs , lleatrlce , Neb HI6 ID- A'-I I'll S < AMJThIOK OK iTlUJOS OW'NKDllY 1 twu pciconn , ono wlsbhiK tu quit and Bell bis liulf The dlUdcd stock sudlclent to stnrt miiall biislneiH THO hours ride from Omaha Termteiisy AddrtbiN5 , Hoe vi7 Y-I)11UJ ( hlOCK AND HXTIJUKH FOH SALK ; alliiev . fluent In hduth Dakota ; urnnd upenlntc for rlKbt party , urltu for particulars N 7 , lite Onmbu. 031 II' AfOlT CAN IIUY C1IOICKLO1S IN WALNUT HILL 1 ut HO diiwu and (10 per month. Hir liiformutlnn see Adolpb .Mejer , proHldent , llitb and l-arnam Sti , or H. M. Jlohi , rililar ) Walnut Ulll SnvliiKa and IliveBtment Co , N K corner lull and Webster MB V7H ! ! _ Y WANTIID , AT iniOMHKLI > 7N I5H , A IJANK. YV bplondUl location VK" ' SALK H4tiOU STOCK OK MKHCHAN I dlse. Tbn Hubert l-ulton X to failure , Allan lie , Iu , con > .M uf iluthlnidryunudsboots KIIIIH/ | lints , trunUn , stock In Rood condition ; sell at a bar Kahii Hill takn lo n land 01 nione ) H A llollls tot , miirtKnKoe , Atlantic , hi. Y.IOI 10 * U-JJJO Wllili llt'Y AN KSTAIILISIIKD KA- J press bnsltii us , burses , waiiuns , tlxturea. Cbeup ulUcurcat. Adilieis N IV , lice DM ) t > r FOR EXCHANGE. HAT KSr < " a 11 mi llrst tlmu and 11)0 ) n line there after No advertisement taken for less tlmn 'Sc r/-'LKAN MOCK OK OKNKH M > DTKrvilLL /Jtnko run ! eatutu A inuney llox ' . ' .0 , Krunkfurt.lnd , 7J yYlltDKllHAHLU , OMAHA PKOI'KIITY I On AJI.os Anuoles nruporty ur fruit ranch lu Su Cull- fornla. Dm Id Jnmlnsun , lleo bulhlliii ; 7i > . ' roiTTHADKrA HT-OCK (7K "uKNrilA"ivM : VH /Ji'hnmlUe fur binds nnd cash Address IIV , Watklm A Co Kninkfurt , Iml t'JT fii' y-Kin.\CIIANK ) ( , A ViubTMiItill : OAK ' rlncu learn A Nu I roadstern , can trot to thu pole In tbren iiiliiuletf , ifintlo ami oiind ; KOUI ! wbpruvcr } on put them , slnKlu or doiiblo I will e i hiuik'O Ibis huiidximu teiiui for u iiuud lot ur land In enntern .ScbniKka haklrs or trade sharks iienl not npply For further puithiilari address Preil smineiui licln , West Point , Neb. 881 Hi ' / TO K.XCIIA.M.K , HOMK OK THK CHOlCKs-T /Jncro properly In Chlcatio , III , located on the CblcuKO IturllnKtun A ( Jnlncy rullruad , Khlch runs U paxenirer tralnn oai h wuy dully and U reached In i.l mlnules from Union depot , can bo had In quantities from''Cj acres und upwards , nautKuoil hioiksof iiicriliamUiu Aililre W \ V , room.II , 191 Dcarburn tre. t , I blcairu , 111 MU.S y-K.\CHANIK , CASH AND HKAL KSTATK 1-OH /Jnieuuntllo or uruln bu lh n , llCIo K trcot , 11n coin Ml So U- 1J KU IIXCHANOK , A LKATIIKU TOP H1DK Silnr biieuy , nearly new , for Booil mifety bloolu Address N . ' < . Ike. MI2110 * rA MIWTWOSTOHY. KIUIIT UOOM QUKKN /J.Mino < ottniui with three lots , nhe limn , uardea , fruit ami hnil tree * . In u collene tu n nut fur from Omaha ; or lll rxchanito ihohii e lern.Ne briinka land for a deslrablo renhlcmo proper ! ) In Oiimbu AildrensN IG lieu MIH1 11 * TOR SALE-KEAL ESTATE ItATDs- u line llr t lime ami lee a line there alter No adverll fiuint taken fur le thun'-'ic ' Ql "AliTKiTtlK iti'HOVKDI.ANlCHlXMORK u.neur ralri-uoiit , all nmootli land , tX > per uue 0 K Illir'lion VIJ N Y Life It/Ml ) I0ll SALK AT A llAUUATxTl.OT 15 * , 1II.OCK 4 , 1 W KolUy's tint addition to hoatli Omaha small payment down , balancu muutbly U dolrad Inqulru ( i. 11 Trxhuik , Omuhu lleo. .ts ) 1'Olt SALK , HOMICf. ANY PIHCK , I7W , 11,250 UP. L easy tvrmit taku cluar property u llrit | i iuc nt i. \\allucu , llruwn block , loth and Douil ! T\T KCOHNKH amANii HICKOIIV , wxia i' .feet ; a tiiraaln for a few diiys only , K , K Dar. llntr , liarkrr block 751 gUAllTKII OK rANDNSAltPY COl'NTV , nenr Mprlnullclil , welt Improved , water , etc , II' per acre C. I . Hurrl.on , 'Jit H. V. I.lfa. IW , 10 FOR 3ALE. . . ESTATE. Cniilintii-il. l/OiraTLK , NKIII1ASKJHAKM I , I Wnllacn I5 Drown hluUL.JU > . ami ' _ _ l.MNHHK' IDKNCKLOl''SoltTII ' O M. CAUTKIPS L rpsldenco. nn.Tltli strceUcbpap C K Harrison , V Life - < * | , IQi IU 1'OK SALK , ON PAY * I lUliunscs Tb eO K Dav ompinr 191 HJ | ? OH8Al.rWfi"KTxil NHiiliTII. DOIUM . . . . 1 ISH 1 cottages , stnhlo forhorsps | cm bo divided Into 5 lols inqnlroBtiircygljjc's WT8 * ISO ACHKS ( iOOD LANDMV CAS-M Ol'NT Y fl'i Lpcr . ' N \ LifeIUI10 iVtTii MALK CHKA p limi H IN sTKWATrr FiT.vFiT l lienr I ewe OTPI KOOI ! liniHt > full bit will I HI sold for fl.oo.HU. less tlmn ios ( If tnkpn this munlli II (1 Clark A Co , HI a Hnriniy Kt Wi II \\rANTKD-TOIIUY A ( IOOD QPAKTKK OK 'i land In Snrp ) cuinity , lor cash c ( Harrison , Ult N. \ Life IM ) 10 , . . .it MALI : . OH WILL T HADK KoitTAirTi pftop" prty , n Kond business plnco MrP2 ! feet , wltti IjMNK HOMK IN IIAN COM PLACK. HU1NT ISO l-'on the park , 113,500 C K Harrison , 1)13 ) N Y. Life IMS 10 \'OU CAN lttYCHOICK LOTS IN WALNt'T HILL nt 110 down nnd 110pprmonth Kir Infurmntlon i > co Adolpb .Mnyor , presldont , Ibth nnd 1 nrnnm its , or U M. Mnhr , secretary Wnlnullllll Snvlncs nnd Inxestniotit Co , N , IS corner lull nnd Webster Ms 1'73 ' 8' , 'INK IIUHISKIS PHOPKKTY , NKAH NKW P O LfMOOOi vlll bear Inspection C. K Harrison , ' .its N V Life. lot ! 10 101l , WALK , A TWO STOHY IIHICK HANK I bnllilluit , with bascmpnt , vaults , nnfe , fiirnl ttirc nnd tltturcs ; cnn control Kuod business ; town of two thousand ponplo ; five rnllronds ; trend cuun try , Inrtte roller mills , three elevators , KOOI ! ron son for present corporation qnllthiK business Ad dress T I-owls , President , Superior , Neb SUM Si. ' . (0 ( ACKKS nooi ) LAND. CLOSK IN. 11,000 PKIl lacre C. F Hnrrlson , M3 N Y MM IW 10 PAHMS PosALK OH UKNT -I In Ken Pnhn county. Neb ma ) be benefited b ) addressing Uox 10. Norden , Nob. .M173 10' HAIR QOODS. HATKS-I.V n line llrst tlmo nml lOo nllnn there nftcr. No advertisement taken fur less tlmn : f > c IAlKiKSfSTOCK IN KNT1HP W lls'l. T11KAT Jrlcnl wins nnd beards n specialty. Wins bnims awllcbes , hair chains , ete , send tor cntnluicno Mall orders solicited. Duvles , 111 I5tli > tOuinbn 'IMIK IDKAL LADICS HAIU DHKsSINO PAll- 1 lurs nwliclim , banes , wl s , toupees jewelry nnd hnlr ornaments In stunk , xlits to order , fpeclnl attentionKlvcn null orders iWS 15th st. .Inl Moor , 4'vl K80 PAWN BROKERS. HATKS IVn line llrst tlmu and lOc i linn there nfter No tnken for less tlmn J' > o BKN P. MAI11T , UlSMOVIIl ) TO 107 S lil'll SF 71 Mb * SNYDKH'S LOAN OKHC1I , IJ10 DODtll ! - T 77J K VJ' 17411:1) MOHLK , OPHCK 1511't ' 1AUNA.M ST LOST. HATKS--ric a line llrst tlmo nnd lOc n line there litter No ndvertlsement tukcn for loss than i > o 1 OST ST HKllNAHD PPP. TIlUKl ! .MONTHS I . urn ) , folloned llttlo till from IT-Hi s list site to Park nve school. Itetnrn to A U Hudsun , llt S31st&t nnd reclve rcwnfd t)7 ) ) T OVr PLANS 1-011 M. K. UHLS HKSIDKNCK IJfrom Wallace plumblnf tore , OJl S II th He wnid for return 171 ! ' ' STOCK WINTERED. HATKSPic u line llrst tlmo und lOo n linn there nfter No advertisement tnkcsi for less than - ! " > c HOHSKS AND COLTS KIM ) ANf > rAHlID Kill nn farm tnn miles jOf Omaha Irom 74 tu $ u inunth 111 S. lull street TelliW M.VI MASQUERADE COSTUMES , r > ic. HATKS IV n Una first tjtno nnd lOc n Urn-Oicrc after. No advertisement taken fur less than 2' > c T AD1KS.V OKNTLKMK.VCAN ItbNl' MASyUK -L/railocostumcM at lit SllStb Qoldun Knt'le sluro U ! > ' ) m5 MANUFACTURING JEWELERS. /1ASH PAID Hll OLD ( SOLD. CAHbON , Vyilunks , room JO HiirKer block. ( imiiliH 751 CUTLERT IIATK" IIc ft line first tlmo ami lOc a line them after Nu ndvertlsement taken for less Hum 2 to QKNDOL'll SCIbSOllS , UA/.OIli , 1:11. : , TOIIIi Oground lo Underlain ! A Co , lO'l ' S. llth t 7M REMINGTON TYPEWRITER JBEST IN THE WORLD. Jos. P. MEGEATH , llB07 TAHNAM STREET. OMAHA. NKR RRILWRYTIMEGRRD I.euvos .CUICAiO . ( IIL'KlilNOl'Os V. y i Arrlvj Omnbn | _ Duput lUllijuU MIISIIH111 I Omilu 4 U ) p m . . . . UTilcuito VmtUJiilo . 4UJ u m USb n m . . . . CIUCHKO Kxpross ' . ' 41 a m ' . ' -"J p m Chh.ixo Eipiusi . . t'M p in 050 p in | . . Chlcuxo A Iowa Lucul . .I 8.15 a m Leuvos IHUItLINlilON .V MO HIVliK I Arrives Oniuliu | Depot IQIIi and Mason Ms _ I Oniaha - - - - 10 11 a m Denver Vestibule Limited . 4 HO | i m IU.I" > n in Dcadwnud Kxprcss. . . . 4 m p m 710 p m . . Denver Kxprosi 1115 n m 710 p m . . . Denver Kxuosss II a ) p m ! i.OU p in Lincoln Limited ( KxceptSnn l II > U n in B 13 u in I Lincoln Local . . . . 0.3) ) p in Leaves I K. O.SP J A. C. I ! I Arrives Omaha I Depot IQtli nti I Mason * < ts | Oniaha li.U a m | . .Kansas City Day Kxpros'T , * tA p m' ' 94S p PI 1 1C. C Night Krp Tin U P. Tritni ! I ! 40 n m Ix-uves I UNION 1'Al'll IU. I Arilves Oiniiha | Union Depot lUth and Mnrcy His , | Omuliii 8 .to n m . . lleatrlce 121 press . . ' "Oilpm 1000am Denvei Kvpreas . Miilpm 2 Kip in Overlandl'lyer ' . . t ) 15 p ra I U ) p m lllucSp'Ks\KalrtlpdKxuxniin | ( ) UTki p m 0 10 p m | I'uclllc Bvpresi .11 . ilJ u. ni ( JoliiK I ClIICACIO , U. I & PACI1TC ITOIII Knst ll'nlon Depot lUtb A Mnrcy St muTTi m AThmtlu KxprtHs d 'JO p m 4 O1 ! p m . Yesllbnlo Kxprewa . 1.10 p in d.10 p ml . . . .Night express II40 n m I ClUOAdO , II \PAIIIC I lUnlon Depot IQlli uiiil larcy rit " 1.JI p ml l . Denver Limited 705 | iui . , . . . Denver Kxpross. Loiives | ( IIIUAIIO , Mil * A , rirTT'.Cl Omabal U P. depot nnd Mmcy t-ts . . CblcatrolCxpros , . Chlciitfu Kxprmi. . olOUX Cll'V \ PACIPIl Doput , IQIh unit Mnrcy 1 < ts _ 7 M il nil rihiai ( Ity 1'imst'iifc'r 5.1' ) p m | ! -t Paul Bxpress _ Luiivilii I HloDx ITTV A PACiTltT Onmlinl llepul. IMIi und W'ubstur ts 6 Ij p tit Paul Llmlteil | CHICAJONOHTUWKilKllN 'jl ' Pjlepjt.jOlh and Mnrcy Sts ( Kx snn'yl Carrull Pusicnuor , ChloaiuiLlxircss | . VeatllMll.Jl.lmltc'.l . . . . . 1'UHtiTP ltlor . ' 21 Illx Sat ) ( Tile Pass ( Kx Mini ) I Jit " " " \rA"iiA" . . . . _ 1) ) P depot , I0li | nod Murcy SK Hall ll.'ttiim K. , K A. MO VALLKV lArrlvos Oinalia Depot. 15th uncj Webtler St < lOmahii li U ) n ml . , , , Deadwooil Uxpress , . UOU n m ( Kx rial ) Wyo. JCxp ( Kx .Mon ) . . . . 'ill ) p m Norfolk ( Kx flund ly ) ill ID a m 645 p m . . . St Paul KViirma . . J ' . ! " m C , ST IM M A O lArrlvua Oninlm Depot IStliarnl Webster Sts I Omaha B 10 n in Hlcux City nuiUtlun ' UOj p m 1.00 p m dloux Cltr Ki > re JKx ( Simd'y ) 124) p m ft 45 p m St. I'aalU.luiHciil , . , | UJJ 11 m & 15 p m ilaucrofi Pu sai/.iil / ( Kx SuaiPy1 8 15 n m Ijivcs I MISScTulilTlMCII' ro lArrlvot Oinnlial Depot 15th iiiii ) vyiibstBr Ht I Onialin 10 10 nail . st , IxiuU Express j UJU u m tl.Q ! pin | . . St. lxuls I'Upreaa. . _ ' 6 10 | iTcavea | CHICA7 | T 'v PACIKIli Transferl Union Dcpot.nrmicll llulf ! < ( Li ) p ml , N'lulit Kpres < 10VU u ui . . . AtlunircRrftriss 4 30 p m . .Vistlbujoi.lmlten.- ; . . " loafea | < K. (1 , ST JOK & I' , it" Transtcrl Union li pot. Cuanc.ll Illult 10U ) a ml . . .KuiinanClt'y 'Day ' Kxpross iJipm 10 15 p m | .Knnsai LltT.'Mghl fxpreii. .1 ( I'JU u in In\es Trannfurl UnloiiJIepol , Council lllutfs iTransfu CbTFaju Kipress . .T , i 6 40 p iu 1011) ) p m , ChlcuKt > Kxprc , . . . . ' ! 'i' > u m 70Jpin | . . . . Ireilon Luiul .1 1 7 15 a m i.emeii I oil AH A A. Sl'T Ldtlld. lArrlvet ' 1 ramferl Union Depot. CpunUl lllnlTn | T'ran ter 40 vm | _ , fbl Loulaiu _ > n Uall. _ . I. li Leavei i blOU.V "CITY . Tramterj Union lioput. Council Moux 4 lly AccnTalTuodttlon ,1 i { J'nnl KxprMi. . . I " j ( ) A Union l > eiol | , ( uamll llbm ll'rantter , ( hlca ulxprcii : . . , , 6 W P in Vintlbuln Lbultticl . , U 10 n m KU.ICTII llytr I.Xipiu 800 p in | Kx Sal ) Allinllo.Mull ( Kx.Monl 7 ii u m t.10 ui Carroll Paxciuur | IUW u m A CELEBRATED CASE MASTER ELMER BALLARD RE LATES HIS OWN STORY Which prouN to lie ono of the most In- U'rostlnif of ( he l psl scrips Caliurli ( Inngrroiu with children. In tlin Dr.u'tlcoof medicine ninny Intricate ( ini-stlnin | iii > unt tlioii'selM'i for solution. Ono of these u'timrkablt ! ease * I * found In tlio Nfrson of Matter Klim-r llnllnril who roiUU- * with his parents at SSTtf Mmtililliu slrcul , llili oltv. Mnstor Kliuor Is twohoyonrso'd and for the unst so\en years lie hits boon u sulTcier from headache * , a eonstant piercing puln Just over tlin eyes , exlfiulliiR to the baek of the lieud , It \Mtssosu\oro that it ' oeined as tliniieh the llltlu fellow would lose hs ronson ; ho was examined liy initiiv physicianiind was under tliulr constant cure , trylnit If imsslblo tomiln sonic rolluf , IIH his suircrln ? was gradually his yomiK life. MAsTFIt l.I.MHI 1IA1.1.AIUI Master Ilallard Is a \ cry bright child for one of Ills nur , anil In Ins OMIorilsuc slvo his ( iL'sc'rlptlon of his torrllilo iiilTcrltur. Ho s.ivs : " 1 ha\u snltoied so iniieh Unit life scouiud n burden to inc. 1 don't lememlier how the trouble biumi. but It man fested Itself In nuking head pilns. The P..IJIS siotnoil to cen ter or in v i-yo. n\erj il.ty 1 Intel tlicso liu.til- ai'lics , anil they VOt'l.Il imi\i.MKCIlA7V : ATTIMVJ , 'Thru inv \\holo head v ns stopped nil My nest ) onilUud u yollovtlsli matter that "us b id smelling nndory ollonshe. My throit vtas choUeil nlth matter aNo , so 1 could scaiL'nly lire itho nlien I lay down for sleep. My hinine anil sniellln poor , my tin oat \viis buie. 1 was restless and eould not sleep. I lost all desire to eat , nnd when I ate always suffered fiotn afler meets In this condition my parents look mo to Dis Copeland - land Shop irl > V M.insllold. After n thorough examination thuv Mild they could cuio me. IIIK ! thuv ( lid My parents lire highly ulaltil o\er tholr success , anil 1 am only too plud to rcioinmend them to < ill who 1'il ht bo In mv condition. " Iliclr Crcitnntlnls. Asluia been s.itd , Dr.V H Cupolund was president of his cl.tss .tt liullovnu Mcdlcnl Cello e. > uw York , wlioro ho izrad- nated. the most fuinous Instltiit'oti ' of Its kind In the country. His .llptoni i boars the written indorsement of the authorities of New YorK , of the deans of prominent inedle il colleges In 1'ennsylv.tnl i lli.T. It Mansfluld's credentials are no loss abundant and | Hied. Ho also Is formally Imloisod by the sec , retirlcsof various county nnd state modic.i soi'lollos. These centlemen , after thorough hospital oxnerlonco and pr.ictlcn. have devoted - voted their lives to tlio pr ictleu of their spue- ties , with whit success the columns of the dally papers show 1)11. ) O. 8s. SIIEI'AKD , who was presldento ? Ills elns-i at Hush Medical uollDKo. Chiea.'o \\hlchls aeKnowled cd to bo the leading In stitution of Its kind In the west , Is now asso ciated with the I'oDoInnu Medical Institute. Or bhopard's thorough hospital o\perl- inco and special study of the dlse isea of the eyo. o-ir. nose and tnroit , n ace him unions tneluadlnx specialists In the viuut. ROOMS 311 AND 312 , New York Life Building Cor. 17lh anil r.irniiin Sis. , Oiiinh.i , No ! ) . \V. H COPILAN-I : > . M. I ) . C. S. SlIHPAKl ) , M. I ) . T. B MAXsriHU ) , M. D. Consulting I'll ) siclins Speol'ilto ? : O itarrli and all dKo isui of the Cj e. Cir. 'lhroat.ini Linus , Nervous Dis eases , sltln Diseases , Ohronlo Dlso isos. Ollluu Houis U toll a. m , J to . " > p , m. , T to ! ) p m cund.iy ID a m to 4 p m Citurrbal troubles and kindred dHoiscn treated successfully by mill. Soml 4o in stamps for ijuustlim elreulars Address all leiteis to t'opolund Medical Iiiblltutu , Now York Llfu Itullillni : . Om ih u NolJ $5 A MONTH. fATAKKII AM ) IUNIMii : ) Ilsr.A ) > ] > TKIAI'I : : AT TIM : U.MTOUM HATI. or * . > A MONIII UNTIL Al'HIL 1UT11 MHDt- OIMS : rinsMsini : > ruiu : SID K WALK NOTK'M Notice U hereby pHon totho owner or own ers of the followIni ; leal estate In Hie t'lty of Omaha , to lay sidewalks in fiontof and ad join InK their pioutrly within Ihei'ii daysfiom thoL''d day of IVbiuary. IS'li ' Suulisiiluw.ilKH to bo constructed and mid In accordance with pluns and Npet'illcatlons on ( Ho In the olllcoof tlio Hoard of Public \\orl.s , and In accordance with resolutions adopted by ll.e city count' ! ! , \l/ : Sou til sldo of nriUnostitot. lots 1.2.L 4.r > . II , T. 8 , 'J. 10. II , 1 , ' . bloclt O , Clifton IIII1. width II feet , temporary er.ide. South Bide of CrsU lie street , lots 1 toll In- eluslvo. block 1. ' . ( llfion Hill , width ( . feet , temporal V prado Noah sldoofKrsklne htieol. lots 1.1 to ' 'I In clusive , block It' , Cilfton Hill , uldtlil ) feel , temporary .jrade. Noith bldoof Kihulne stiool , lols Hi to " ( ilii- eliHhe , block II , Clifton Hill , width I ) feel , temporary prade. West hhfo of Twi'tily-eUhlh u cinie , lols I to ! ) Inclitslxe , block 17 Munlon's sub , width i. feet temporary prade. \\esi side of Thlrty-elphth iivcnnc , lot 4 , block IT , West Omaha , uintliO feet , tempoiary Kraile. .South Ride of Itiuiciofl stieet. lots 1 , 5 , 0 , T , 8 , 0 , li , II , bloc'k I'l. ' Ullcosocoiul , width U foul , established pi ado. West shin of fortieth ntircl. block 1 , Amblci I'liicc , wldthli feel , tempniaiy si.ule. \\eit Htdo of 1'orlleth Ktieul , lots I to T , block L' , Ambler Plate , lempiuavraile. . i' . \ \ iiiuMiArsiit : , Clialrman lloirdof Public \Voi ks. Omaha , 1 uhiuary tt. IMU' . 1'ebuioll .K KOTK'K. Nottcu In lieieby plvon to Hie ouner in ounorsof the fol low I UK run I estate , In thoellj of Umahn , to lay iieimiinent HlilewalKs In front of and adjoining theli pioperlylthln tbhty 11 ) d iy from the "Hi day of rohriiury. IS'r.1. hiieli sidouallisto hoeoiihtiueted of stone , artillolal Mime , brick or tlllnu1. In i-onformlly with the movlslonsof iirillniinrii No ' . ' ) | i < . and laid In accordant u with plans and Mieellh'ii- I Ions on lilo In the olllco of I he Ho nil of I'ubllo Woiks , and In iiceoriliincoilh lesoliuloii'i adopted Li thodtv Counell , vl/ North hide of Hainey Nlieet. oist ' , loll. , bloeu 1 . ! > . cltv. width Id feet ; peimaiient. Wo t sldoof Sexenteenlh sintt , lot I , block 78. city width li'eetj pinIIIIIIK lit , , West i-hlo of h\enieenlh Slieet , lot I , block 63. oil ) , width i > fuel , permanent. i-oulhshlu of I ) i\eniirl | ) tiei I , lolh I , ' 'and 'J , block ' & oltv : neimiinenl North ldo of Chicago nlnet. lot ( > , block SI , ully , peimiini'iit. Nnilli hldeof ll.iiney striet. lols I , - , .land 4 , block H' > , rliy width 1. feet ; permanent. .North sldo of llnrney htrift , lotsII and B block 141) ) , city , width I" fuel : iii'iinanent , i' \ \ IIIUKIIAI'MU : , Chatimnn lloaid of I'uullc Wurl.u Omaha , 1'eb U l ir. . febilu-l ( | Slu > rlir < "sain. Ity virtue of an order of MIO ! on attachment Issued out of the district court for Doupliis county. Nubraslia. and to me directed , 1 will on the -Xllh tluy of l'i bniary , It-'r. ' , at - o'clock p. m. of said Hay , ut loom UV I'.ituii h'oel , , northeiibt corner of IDlh unit I'ariiuiu Hlreets , In the city of Umiihn , l > ou'las county. .Ne braska. sell at public auction to the hluljCHt bidder for cash the property described In nald order of sulo an follows , lowlt ; I Hall hafe , 1 rollui' top cherry olllco de l , , 1 Hat lop ollleo desk , U cuno iHittom olllce chairs , 1 olllco deik chair on roller , 1 hook rack and contents , 1 ( loiihle Ink htnnil , 1 Ink stand , I counter ami , olllcu carpiu. .1 window curt ilns. liKOKUi : A. IIKNNKTT. bhorlff of Uouulas Oouiity , Neb Omaha , Nub , 1'uhruary H , b'J. . 1'udlt until 'lun'xn .titovr rs. NolintKkn. nittc Hill council men Liavo Imposed nn on- cupatlou tnx , J. H. Ulpgs 1ms sohltho O'Neill Proutlor to a stock company. A ctilf ns born at Fairmont with no tnll nnd only n vvrlnklo whom tlio eyes should bo. bo.Tho The Syracuse Hovlow Track company hopai to ! iectiro the $ . ' 0,000 futurity stilto which ulll bo run In IMHl. Hov. P. O. Moilcnrv , pallor at the Syrn- cnso CoiiRtH'sntlonnl chinch , will itosort the utllult to uultlvitlo n ICnnsAs farm. The CuttU Urnnil Aimv Post bits pro- rented lr H. H. Hitkor , tirnrt of the local P'nslon exatnlnlng boatilivh n golit hcnuod I'ltno. I'ltno.Henry ,1. Phillip * , the Horlln , Otoo county , man who tccoiilly fell heir to a forluno In County Uonecnl , Itolnnd , has none totho old country to secure his property David Cltv'aSoiu of Veterans hold a llttlo colohratlon Saturday nl ht nnd tnlked oror pl.tns for the anniuil stnto encampment , which moots Davlit City In Juno. The Pouca Unvlnp inul Fair .tssoclntlim has llxoj dittos for two rnco incolliiK * this j oar-July 4 , fi and U , nnd , 0 ttnit T. Purses ntnountlug to M(1,7IX ( ) will bo ofTctod. Honrv TJtidon , who used to bo the press man of thu 1'xetcr KnterpiUc , Is now one of the ninnnRors of the Tlioinson-Hotlston IJIeo- ttto conumny , nnd in thu sprlnp ROOS to Swoitcti ami Norway to taka cliarpo of tUo company's Interests thuro. VVorron CIoiiKhylio spoilt font Icon years In the ponitontlnry lor murder and who wits recently pardoned , has "sued the boodsmuit of llto Neihart , who was sheriff of Sowtird county In ISHi , for $ \'M \ ana Inteinet slnco IbTO Ho claims that the amount was taken from him while tinder arrest by Nolhau , and has never boon ri'tutned f'lemont Phillips , living between Kilt Cicok and Table Hock , hits been missing for mete than a week. Ktnanulal Ulnlcultlos tire thought to bo nt the bottom of bis dlsntipcur- nuco , aktiougli other muuer.s aio hinted au lie Is heavily in debt , and parties with chattel - tel moituapos nnd uttiichmonts nto on hand looking after their IntoiosU. T , Lu lilani' , n f.tnnor near Upland , loft his wtfo and child a cek npo nnd stinted for Campbell , ostensibly to cet Ills wife's sister , u L'I rl of about 15 , ID euro fet his wife In her npptouchlni ; sickness. Ho went and got the girl itml took her to Mindcn , where thuv top- istoied ns nmn and wife at the hotel , lilnnc left the girl there and wont to Upland nnd drew from the bank nil his inonoy , about $ . % 00 , retuinod to iMindon itml loft with the Kill for the oast. No further truce can bo discovered of them. The wife la left desti tute and in a dollcnto condition. Alpona Itnpllsts uill build a now house of worship. Mike Giuinon of Toledo is dead at the ago of lU.'iunrs. . A rownrd of $ iOO is ofTotcd for the nrrest of a matt who has been poisoning horces at Dunlsou. fiiadford Koicli , lt\lnp near Ilcdtick , be- causohls u Ifo insisted on visiting dor parents , seized a knilo and seriously slushed her. ,1 a 11103 lioonc , n farmer atut stock rmscr of Henderson , owns a largo cow which ho ox poets will weigh JOUO pounds before the year ends. ends.Ai Ai Llttlo Sioux n child of Ueorgo Arm strong got its lingers in t'io cr.icic of : i table while the mother was llftiug the leaf und the cud of the linger \vas cut entirely off. A stranpor who has boon boarding at the C51ub house tu Oubuquo for n week , skipped out , leaving his vnlHo nohlnd him. when the valise wns opoued it was found to con lulu two live chickens. A party of Uubtmuo republicans will eo to the Minneapolis convention oy boat and live on the traft duiing the convention. They expect to ( hid this pleasanter and cheaper than aepcndlng on hotels. II. 1C Martin of iMaquoUotn v > as arrested at the St. James uotol at Davenport , where ho mid legistctcd wiln another man's wife and family as his own. Ilo had deserted his tiuo wile , who lay very sick at nouio. George lleiinka of Muscatuio has boon ox- hlbiting a cutioslty in the form of nn apple. It is evidently oil of a trdo thut has been grafted , ns tin eo quarters of the apple is a Jonathan nnd the remaining quarter uVino Snt ) . In other wouls , there Is n strip nearly two inches wide , the skin of which is led , like n U mo Sap , while the balance has small stripes und U spotted. Hiram Benslng , sr. , of Foil Dodge Rave his son , liiiam Housing , jr , his time ut H ) and a team , und baigniucd torn quarter sec lion of land In Calhoun county , paying $ , ' 00 down , with the understanding that the young man was to refund the advance pay ment. That WHS two yc.ns ago. Now tlio young man has paid lor his faim and Is out of debt. His lirit j oar's ' ciop of lla\ did thu The opinion of the people Is that Dr. Hull's ' Cough Syrup is the best and cheapest roinody for coughs , colas , sore throat , asthma , etc. The healing und puttfvmg qualities of Sal- \ atlon Oil tender it the best article for the speedy nnd snfo euro for ulcerated sotcs ' I'tice'only Ti cents. OKDIN'ANCK NO. UOoS. \n ordinance assigning t el lain olllees In the new elt > ball to the depai tments and om- elals of the tit v , Ito It old lined by the tlty LOiincll of the city of Omaha Section I , That the looms and vaults on the lust lloor of s ild city ball building be and aio lieieby assigned us follous : I'hoao In thehonlhucst quarter of said Ill's ! llnoi to the city treasint > r Those In the 'oiiihoa&t iiuarlor of said first lloor to the city eleik. Those In the noi Ihuast ( iiiurtci to therlilof of the lire department ami city loln iaph Those In the northwest quarter of sildllrst lloor to the eoinpiioller. aecllon/ . That the rooms and vaults on thu -uond Moot of s-ild e1l\ hall building be and ben by are.isslKiied as follows : I he south one-h ilf of 'iild second lloor lethe the council I'liainher presldeat of the council anil ( ominlttee rooms , the Kiild coiiimltten looms tu in isslxncd fmin time to lima to ilm several eoiumltti'i s of the council as may bi < deluin Incd by iLnoliitlons of the i Ity council : I hose east of court to the i hlef of police , 'I hose adjoining s imo on nuilh to the com- n.lssloner of health And the iciitiii loom ninth of conit In the bnaid of he.illh Sictloiiit Tlntl thi' niniiih and vaultsonlbe llnid lloor of H ild oily hall building neaud are hnreb ) asslgix d .IH folluw.s : 1 host ) In boulli half on west side to the in.i Mir. 'Ihosoon west side ojpn ) llo court to assist ant cliy .illotmn. l'bo > e In innIhuest corner to city attorney I'bo-e lumalnlni ; on noitli side to the Hie and police cnminls-uuii And IhoM'C'.isl of the com t to park comnils- Eilomiis Section I That the rooms and \anltsonthe fourth lloorof nnd elly hall liuildin ho and hciehy uio assl''ni'il as follow ' Ihososouih of thu t-oulh line Mid wcktof 1 ho west line of com I to the bouid of public win , I'miio on north H do and ro-im adjoining , w > si of court lo tin city eoiiiii.ei. I bo e on oust sldo opnntilo ( inter of cnoil lo thu Inviictor of buildlius I'lio mom next adjointiu the looini of Jm- speit'irnf biillilln hon thui-ontb , to the bo'ler ' IlinpUl till And Ihoso ininalnlns on the c 1st hide to Die k'iw mid elect i U * light Inspeetois sec I Ion fi. Thai ibu rooms nndaulu on the llfih Ihnir of mid eiiy hall liulldliu he and lieieby iiro assl/ned as follows Tliose o ml uf e nit court rail to thu ho ird ( if education. Those reiuainlnz on weii hide uf east court rail to the public library. -eel i on il. I hat any eliaupes In Ihcfiubdl- \ Mon of said louins at > nhail bo anpioved by the aulillect .nut deslifd b > any uf I be nald depailmenlu ui iilllt'laln before tbo llnUlun/ teal of iilaatciliu Is pill on , is heiuby anthoi- i/.td i.tdMIC. . T. I his ornlnnnro shall lal.o effect and hi in ft/ric fiom and uftei ltd pasnage. 1'assed I'nbt nary Vd , Ifi. . JOHN ouovns , t'lty i lerk U l . DAVIS. I'rciideul Ulty t'ounell. Approved Tebiumy lib I" ' . ' . uKouui : i' . IIIMIS. : t < \ iyor. Shurlll-ii Salt- . By vlrtuoof an order of MIO | on altachmqnt IsHiitd out of the ( lUtrlel comt for Dou iui county , Nebra.Ua. und to mo directed , I will on thuUlh day of 1 cbruury , IWJ. at10 oVlonk n. m of Hald day , at the nun bin yard on tun noitli shin of Cumins btinet. between Ulli nun 2 st blreuls , In HID city of Ouialni , Duuulati eounty , Nubraskn. neil ut public unction to h If heat bidder , for cnuh , thu propel ty des cribed In HI Id ordul us follows , to wit. : A lot of murblu inoiiiiiiiunls llnl > hvil und unfinished lone peduituls , al ni lot of inoiiunicnlb. sub- lect to u previous levy on an nxeviillon Issued by J. b. MorrlMin. JuitUtiiif thu peai-r. and a lot of tooU. ( jr.OUU. A. Hl'.N.M.TT. Sheriff of DmiKlui county , Ne , .Neb , , Fob. f , b'Ji ( Jrorrr. When Mr. Clovcliitul's trultt ronohod Dlloxl , In Mississippi , ono of tlio lotinc1- ors nt the Mittion , n typical bnokwoods spocltnon , drciscd in n inUlU butternut suit , tapped on tlio whitlow of the ox- lroslil < itit' ? stateroom tttttl bci'koncd him to oflino out on the ( ilnlforni. As Mr. rio\olnml upneitfcd the fouutr.\m n stnti htiMiud hiiuiuU up , grasped the hiitid of the tHstlupttlshca tntvolor , und sitld : "Olo pttrd. out her thorol Wo huvo nil seen yor ph'turo mid wotinted to see the original. Mr. Clovohtnd" lurnltij ) toward another rural Hpoi'lmou - "this IB lillovi H luvvyor. Ho maybe loan and litukv , but ho ( jots thi'ro just the sumo. " The Introduction wiii ro- colvod with choot'8 , ttutl Mr. Clovolnntl made u few tumarks In roply. Ttio Hcsl Atithorltloo , Such M Dr. Dlo Lewis , Prof. ( Sross , and others , ngrco that catarrh Is not a local hut a constltultonnl dNuiso. Il therefore roiiulros n constitutional rotnody UKO Hood's Sars.i > p.trtlla , which effecUmllv nnd permanently cures catnrrti. Thousands pralso It , Hood's ' pills euro llverllU.janndlcc.hllllous ness , sick hoaitaclu * . constipation and all troubles of the dlifostlva omnis. . \d\erll lni ; In .lupini , A boolciollui * of Toklo , Japan , tints nd voi llsos his buslnuss : "Tlio advuntti ua of our ostnbllslunont 1. I'rlcesi'huiipr.s tt lottery ; HookHolupint n a slnpiiif , ' fflrl. ! l. 1'rlnt oloar its crystal. I. paper tough iiHoluphstnl'shido. ! > . Ctis- toiuors treated as politely UH by the rival steamship companies. ( ) . Articles us plenty as In a library. 7. Goods dis patched as o.xpudittously as a cannon ball. 8. Parcels done tip with as much euro ns that bestowed on her husband by a loving wife. 1) ) All defects , such as dissipation and idleness , will bocurod in young people paying ti" fivtiontiwlts ( ] , and they will uccomo solid moil , 10. The other advantages vo ouVr are too many for language to express. " No gripping , no nnusoa , no pnm when Da- Witt's Llltlo Karly UUoM aw taken. Small pill. Snfo pill. Host pill. Old Time \\al < bes. It was largely the fashion In the six teenth , seventeenth and eighteenth cen turies with ladles of wealth to ha\o tholr watelics richly incrustcd with precious stones. A ladj'u waleh made towatd the oud of the reign of Queen nii/uiboth had a gold case set with UOO turUoit-o | stones arranged in night concentric circles with a single ono in the middle. On the upper portion of tlu case wiib a Tudor rose o ! crimson and gteen in translucent enamel , und on the tuargin crimson and blue leaves and fruit in enamel. Thu balance wheel was protected by a gilt cock. Bcecham's Pills for it bad liver. iimik or UiiKbiiiii ( .mild. A most oxtn'ordimtry guard takes tip its quarters inside the Hunk of Knglaud every evening at7 o'clock ttil the year round , remaining there until 7 o'clock the next morning. It Is an ollleer's guatd , and eoiisist.s of a drummer , two bergoants and thirty men , all well armed. Each man receives a shilling from the bank authorities Immediately tiDoii his arrival , a sergeant's shart- being two shillings. The ollicer is al lowed a supper and two or throe bottiov of wine , and is permitted to invilo J friend if he ecus III to do so. Dj ill's Little Uurlv Kisors. oust pllU An AlU'li'Ml Hill. All unpaid titilor bill of the Umporor Maximilian I. of Germany , who llouribtied just 100 years ago , has been discovoiod in the archives ol lliennclcnt Swiss city of Coiro. The ll irs of the tailor ate now in possession of the relic , and it has boon suggested that they present the bill to the present empci or for payment. If they also claim inter est , the amount wnieh the kaiser will bo called on to pay on account of his dis tinguished political ancestor will boa htai'lliug one. Do Witt's Uttle Hitriy Kisar , , ; oost llttlo ills fordvspapsta.sonr stomachbad brcatU Hull- Unites the Horn. The horn of the rhinoceros is nothing more than a piotuborance composed of agglutinated hair. Cut it in two , and , examining its strucluto under the microscope , it will bo found that it is made ap entirely of liltlo tubo.s. ie- Hombling linir ttioes. Of com HO , those arc not themselves hair , but the Htruc- ttuo is the mime. The hotns of the African rhinobcoros bometimes grow to tlio length of four feet. 1'ioiu them the Dutch Uours make nunrodo and other artielcb. Vtu Ilouloti's Cocoa Potfectly pure , in stunlaupous. Shernliui und Hut Patent OI1U e. The late General Moigs wns respon sible for that atchitectural moiiBtrosity , as botiiu ] ) on ] > lo designate It , known as the pension buieau. The story goes , as Kato Kiold tolls it , that General Moiga once took Phil Slioridau lo HOU the building and asked him what ho thought of il. "Well , Moigs , " loplocl Sheridan , "thoro is only ono objection bo far u& I can see " "What's thntV" "I'm told thod d thing ib fireproof. " A very small pill , but. a vary good ono. D Will's llttlo Early KUori. mi : iuvir" : placed on rocorJ 1'olirii uy J. ti , I&J , ' ! VlAHHANJ1 * IIKI.IH ( J I' Harrison to 0 P Allun , lolH , block : , Ambler plum . . . . ibOC II II Allen .mil Hifu to ( ' V HariUon , lot 1,1 , ( 'horry ( Jar.lmi . . . . , . , ri,0fl [ T I , ( Job u tu I'M'.illicurt , lot . ! ' ) , hlouk 1 , Armour pliiuu 'DOC .1 A Comes and liusbanil to Andruw MofmiilstiT , lot II , blocU 1,1 , Uichaid Hill . . . . . . 1,300 M i' slpn and husband In It H Adinmi , lot lilocl. III ! , south Omali.i 1,503 Iliind ) , jt. und wife to ( Jo n o Aim- roiiK , lot I , r. H Dnndy , JrV , Mill . ' ,000 ( idiillaco .mil wife toMary I.oiiir , lot IH. bloul. -Minimi ! add ' . 8JO SI It I'riillto to Lars Midniij : , lot 7 , llur- clolto Ooiirt.nmiux 3 0 liiM'iJhliict.oiler to Call /ollui , lots H to I. ' , ul"U 1. , siiniidoiSiV I I'd Highland prtrl. . . . 1,003 Jacoli KundU and wife to Kranlc Itohur , n > t lot II , block ir > , So ilh Unmh.i . UJO Andois D.inbilson und wife to John Pcturxon , lot l"i , Illouu . ( 'otl.i-'n p ace ' 'DO L'iof swoiibon and ulfu to L ) P ll.illiu'an , lol . block . ' iluniUlrlp : il foul uldu adjomliu o sldo Omalia . . , JO,00 Hullo Illvon and husband loS \Vlrluk I ) , s .R ) feu ! lot I , liloel. ID , .luttoi'ii add 4 < J \ \ Illiani M.iok to .Maria Mat : ! . , lots ' . ' and .1 , blouk 4 Konnt/o pliifu 1 Sumo and v < Ho In Henry Milloi , w 1UI ) foul loU-i und .11 , blooU 17 , llunscoin plat'u . . 1 Sumo , ind wife to Huim in Hush , loin b unil ! ) , blooic U. .Iniomo park IWO .1 T Co id aril wife to J O Korhu . lot II , bloelill Ilaiiscoiiipluc'o 4.000 \ , A lleiibon , tiostce. and wifu to N ( J Heel , , lot' ' ' , block .11 , llunson. . . 410 I K Tumor and to M J Ken- n ml , loll ) . It nuk .1 Silinnilt plaro , 3,4)0 ( J W Ana's and wlfn to iMnaiil Dlcl.ln- MIII. lot I , Uecs : tilncc' , and bird ) udj on wosl .UOJO iih\aid : lllukliunn und wife to U W Ami's , lot ID , bloek I .Mnr h'a add , and lolb 1 and . ' , Ulouk J , A ri I'atrle i'a add 0'i'i ) ( jUIITLilU IIKE1H A M ( Illison to I' J Willows , lot 4 , llur- ' . ' " doiicteonrt > ( J I. NolMiii and wlfu to AiiijiiJc. W.illln , o 'i lolb , blouk "O , " I'roipuot nlaco. 1 1IKKIIS K.I Hindi , ( apoiil il miiHloi ) to I ) A lion- MMI , lot U' , lilouk 11 , llrlKis pliio Iii73 Sainu to sanio , lot VU b,03U-IU. S ini ( ! , , . 1.U75 same lo s line , lot . ' ' > . blook 10. Kaniu , , 1,072 Sumo to same , lot H. blued ; II , o line . , 1,075 bamo touumc , lot 0 , hlocK ll.tiaiiiu . 1,075 'Jotil amount of traiufori , . , I iiiw ' 'Hrowu's Bronchial Tioohos' are excellent - lent for thu icllef of hoartouo. or sere throat. They uro oxcoodlngly uffoctlvo , " Cbrlitian World , Ixnidon , ICugluud.