J'l 0 THE OMAHA DAILY HKK : ffjEWAV. FEBRUARY 9 , 1892 rill ! SPECULATIVE MARKETS Wheat Was Quiet and Weak During Most of the Session , FEW BUYING ORDERS WERE RECEIVED riirro Wns Some Talk nt Ono Tlmn JllRhrr I'rltrs Abroad , Hut It IJUI Not Clirrlt thn Wraknrs * .Mtirh. n , Til. . Toll. 8. Wheat was quiet nnd noak during most of tlie suasion nnil ad vanced later , and closed with an advance of Mo , compared with Saturday's last figures. Liverpool wns quoted "oak mid lower and domottlu Markets * cro Ronorally oiy. : Tlicro wnralmi few IniylnR orders , while Ilia general Impression was that sulus wcru less likely to Dro\o profitable. Now York ami Kl. Louis onoratiiri had liberal soiling onteis here at tlio start , and the pressure kept tin for n consldornblo tltno. The local crowd finally Joined the Rolling side , and acr.v . nonk fueling prevailed. There was some talk it nun inno of higher prices at llorlln and also at fans , hut It did not chock the weakness - ness much. It was also rumored that n cold wave was cnmlti ? , hut this had llttlo olTui't. The Increase In the visible mipply In place of a decrease as was looked for was a wcakcnliiR factor. Aflnr t'io noon hour the market dovolopeil some strength , vhlelly on the higher continent1 ! ! cables , weakened 8on\o. \ thnn made a sharp advance right at thoclosoon a report from No * York that cables thuro showed lh.it 10 per cent of the Trench crop would havn to ! m renown and lhat UnsMan prospects were growlnir wortc. May opened at from ( Ho to ! ) I' . < . . againstHUc ( at thoclosoon Hutnriliiy , liroko iirndilatly to Mhc , advanced to lll'ic , weakened to OO'iC , rallied to Dl'ia and oloicd firm at that unco. Closing cables reported Ilerlln ' 1 marks higher on wheat and Antwerp conllmcH Ingliur. I'arls < .v us 2. > centimes higher on near fuiares. Then * was llttlo to alTeut the price of corn and tlio mtrkut was quiet during most of the Mission. May opened at Jtu lowir. at 4l.e. ! , on weaker cables and rather liberal receipts with Improved grading : but ono or two local shipping houses bought freolv and prices ad- viinciMl 10 J'J'iC. At this point the hir.'o in- cri'ii > o In the visible supply was mudo public and the price weakened lo 4'c. ! Covering by shorts , Investment buying and the latu Hticnglb In wheat. houux or. caused a reaction , the nrlco going to 4'lc and tlioelixe. was steady al42'.c. Oats followed corn In their llnctuatlons and closed with an advance of ! ( c. liug tirodilcls continued to exhibit the strength that set In toward the clo e of the week , The advance In the price of hogs Is the leading clement upon which the growing con fidence In provl lnns Is bused. It Is said to bo Imposslblii to prodniu them at the current ( | uotitlons wluln hogs Lommand such tilth prices. The close " -hows an advance of lic. ! and ribs for May , 5c. Estimated receipts for tomorrow : Wheat. ll' 00 earn ; corn , " , " > 0 cars ; o.its , I'M ' cars ; liogs , Zi.rno bead. The loading futures rancd an follows : Cnnli iinotatlons wore ns follows : KI.OUH Steady and unchansod ; sprlns pat ents flKXrt4.nU : : winter patents , J'Jjii4.5Jj ) ( liaUcrs , JI.H : > ai.CO ; Rtr.il lil , } t.iOQ4..50. : WHEAT No. 2 spring wheat , BS'io ' : No. 3 aprlrix wheat , BJtT S.'c ; No. U red , DlJi'iJ'.llc. COIIN Kasy ; No. ' . ' , 4IUo : No. II yollow. 38K " OATS No. 2. SJHJe ; No. 2 white , 31 iu : No. a w'.ilto ' , ) ' 5ilc. ; Hvi-No. : 2 , Tic. UAIII.KV No. _ ' , SOS'tSc : No. 3 , 4M653c ; No. 4 , X > @IOc. I'i.\x SF.KD No. 1. 03c. TiHoriir SKFII I'rltno , * 1.2" JJ1.30. 1'diiK Mess pork , per bbl. , JS.r > 5 : lard , per owt. MUT'iS ( < l.r > 0 : short ribs sides ( loosul. * ' .K5 t5.h7'Jdry ' : Halted shoulders ( boxetl ) . W.O' H a.l.T'i : hhort elij-ir sides ( boxed ) , tfi.OSSO.la WHISKY Distillers' Mulshed gooJs , pur : > ! . 91.14. KunAits Cut lo.if nticlianziHl. Itecolpts and slilpmonts today were as fol lows : On the I'roJucooxchanzo today the bnttei mnruul was ipilet and uiicb.inuod ; fancy creamery , B8"Ju : Ono western , 2.Vt02Lc ; ordl- narv.'lft'4c ; selected dairy , ai- > c ; ordinary , 1IK8S30. K en , ' 'Ta'-f C. Ciimmi : I'lnn : full cream chcddarB , II © ll'.u ' ; Mats , HUaiPic ; Vouns Americas , l.4 1JO. Iliniis I'nchaiiRed. ' 1 AM.OW 1'ncb in ed. NmV < irk Alurkuti. NEW VOIIK , I'ob. 8. Ki.otin Heceipts. 18.0&5 packaces ; oxpoits 0fil5 bbls , L',8J sacks ; sales , Cnn > MKMQuiet. . WIIIIAT Hi'coli.ts. 101.2.V ) bii. ; expoits , 177- S75 bn. ; sales , 4,505,000 bn. futures. Ih..OOJ ou. /pot. Spot market lower and unsettled , cios- IIIK llrm and moderately actho ; No 2 red , II Ifldil.tH'i In store and elevator ; J1.04OI 05'4 ulloat ; fl.u.l'iftl uia ; f. o. b. ; No. 3 red , tlM < ui l.iiiU : uiiL-ridcd red. ni'iCJl.OS ; No. l north- iirn. il.(4'Wl.Oi'11 ( ' ; No. 1 hard , Jl.07iil.lfl3. . Op tions declined fully I'tftiiie on lower cables , Kcnor.il prcssnro to neil , llboral ro- colpts ; Increased vlslblo and heavy India shipments : advanced ? * Q1ic on llrm I'arls cables and reports of ilumiiKo to I'rcucli and Itusslan crops ; closed flrm nt from , ' u to I'RU decline for tlio dny ; No. a red. J'ob- iiiarv. tl.O'JQil.o.lelosliu ( - } l.ui' : , ; March , tl.O."tttl.Ui > i , uiosliiB 1.U.1 ? ; April. tl.UaS ® II 01J , , closing Jl UP , ! May , tl.OlfH.o."B.o otina ll.ta'n ' ; .liiniMU'cJtl.oj"closln , ' l.ooiJuly7 ! : Pi > 4l.ll.'i ' ' II , t'KHlnX lls'uf. Hi i : liuslei ; western , f8,3aic , sales , a..OOObu , lit if'idelivered. . Stocks of cratii in store and afloat February S : Wheat , fi.4l5.iiOi ) bn. ; corn. l,742.o.l bu. ; oats , I,3IO > I5 hu. ; harcy , i74.0.l'ibu ; malt , 55,702 bu. : rye , 7iH , ( l hu ; peas. K.IO'l bn. lUiu.KV giilut and dull , Huti.KV M ALT -Dull. fniiN Itecoliits , 120.450 bu. ; exports. Ifi.Rftl IMI. ; sales. 1'h.voobu of fnturns ; 114,000 bu. of Unit : spot market opened luwor , closed Urmui , qiilel ; No. B , 50'ii.Vic ' ( ) in elovHtor ; 5l ! ( . . ii afloat ; ungraded mixed. 47C9V.'u ; No. , J'lSt'.H.c ' ' : btoamor mixed , fiJliftWIo. Uplluiis declined li8J | o w.th wheat and llu- iTiil incidpts ; roiicled UWSu and cdosod firm ul 'ii&l'iio ' under Hutiirdur , Kobrnary. 50 ® W 'c. cloi > lii' { , S0 4o : Murch. no min , elonliik' SOUc ! : April , 5 1 1- , . ) 7.0 , elosliiK 50\o ; May , iV'stWaif. closlni , ' , S ) ics June , closing , 40'o ; July. 4UVCi)0ic. ) ! oloslnc , 40'ic. ' l Alh Kecolpts. l,2lT5 ( ) hu , ; exports , F40.000 lnsulcs ) ; , lOJu bn. of futures ; r.M.OJO bn. of hpot ; spot mm Kbt llrm and moderately active. * HAV ( .Milot , lldrH llaby and nulot. t-rtiAH-Qiilot but llrm ; sales laul Katurday. 15.WO IKIKH ; eenlrlfuuali. , Wltesl ati7-ICoo. : i. f. unit a cargo cenlrlf ux'ivls. 08 test at 3 7-IOc ; ro- Bneu , fcteady ; the ontaldo i-uotatlons art ) those posted bv the trust ; Inside prleus cover Iho robatu : No (1. ( il'iiW'.o : No. 7 , HWtiKIS'ic ; No. Orleans dull , KICK Dull , quiet and ousy , irKTitoi.KtiM-ynlot and steady ; United closed at tilio for March. COTTON r-Kicti Oii.-cjulet , TAW.OW Dull. JlosiN Dull , Lndfl-Unlel and flrmj western , 3) ) > i3ci | receipts , 1.225 pkKs. I'UUK-ljulet and steady ; sales , ISO bbls. : mess. a 7il0.75 ; extra prime , f'J.SO. CUT MeATS-D'ill and tlrmj middles , firmer ; inert , clear , < rt,77i. ! lAiiii-rii-m and ( inlet ; western steam , tl.63 ; inlrs , 2'jM tlorces : option sales , a.250 tlorcos ; rebrimry , fU3 ( ; March , W.M ; ulosliiK at Ju.h5 tld ; May , r7.0icloslni ; at (7,01. lliiTieii Cjulut and wuak ; western dairy , IGt73o ; wchtcrn creamery , aj ® o ; western factory , Ifitt24o ; Eluln , 35o. CiiKKsg rulr demand ; part iklms , CQIOlic. 1'iu IitON-Qulot and btuadyj American , 1 15.75 ® 17.75. Cori'tii-Qtilot and woaut Irko. liao ) . TIN Dull and stuadv : stralti. HUGO. LEAD Dull anil easy ; domestic , | | , | S ) { , Mlnnriiii | > llBVhiut .Murkcl , MlN.srAl'Ol.lH. Minn. . I'ob. 8. There was not tbostroiiRth < u whuat this mornliiR that was apparent Saturday or the day previous , tint tlio tendency watt for an udvanco and IhU dmoloped at thooloso very sutUfautorlly to these who had wheat nt last nljfhl's cioiio. The market ciutlually worked up to o\ia and then decllnud iruduklly loblf.c. Hay ole od at fC ! c , only Wo under auturU y'i iirlco , Juuunry at 61 , 0. The cash maruot was acti\o and n good amount of both No. I northern and low Kradps were purchased. Kccnljitn of wheat hero were MO cars and 100 alDuliitb nnd Superior. Close : I'enruiirjr closing. M > 40I May opened nt H5Sc. hlRhcst. Me. lowest , M c eloslnu , Ml'.o ; on track , No. I hard , FGc ; No. 1 northern , B * > ct No. 2 northern. Onialm I'roiluci- I'MUITS { Jallfornla rlverslrlo oranges , tJ.SMJ S.i5 : ; Waslitnetou navel ? . l.l.5'Cj-l.75 : Cullfornla tunForlnos , $ , iH ( ) pur boxt Ilorldii oriinitos brlBhls , M.OO : rusRots , > . ' .OOB,2.75 ; I'lorldn tan- Kcrlncs. * IM ) I.OO , half lioxes ; western apptos , choice , U.OOft&riO per bbl. , fancy stand inlKht britiK inorti : Now York apple * . tJ..v&'i.oOi fancy lemons , $ M ) Jp23i oholco stories , Jl. ai.75 : erapcs , per bbl. . HWtU'lOfl ' ; bananas , i rated. $ . ' .0ita2.50 ) ! cranborrlps. ? ) 50Q.7.oa VrnBTAiii.Rs California cabbaRc , a'ilt ' o per Ib. In crates ; homo ttrnwn Inltuco , 4 c per dor. . : potatoes , dull ; California catillllowor , t2 , ' . ' . ' l'.50 ; onions , tociltl.nn per bu. : Nebraska hand picked bnaiif , H.W&3.WI medium. fl..V > ' ( .6 1.75 ; colerv , : > .ViJIOc : snucl potalocs , $ .V.5ajr > ) . OAMB No snlo for rabbits , will nnl brlnx onouijh to pay shipping obar os , I't.ouii Dmaha Milling i-onipiny's Kallincn I'atonU (150 ; Invlnclblo I'atcnt , i40 ; l.ono Star Superlative. JiBSi Sniiwllnkc , SI.UJ ; I'ancv I'limllv. il.SO ; S , P OllmanSt.idd Medal , IJ.V. : Hnow White. tl ! i Snowlliihc.MD ; low sr.ido. II.M ; Queen of the 1'antry. l..OH. II AV Market ovcrsupplioJj ! 1.03B55) ) per HIDES No. 1 green sailed hlilii" , 4Utt4'ic ; No. 2 ercen salted hide I. 'Wi'iHcn. : . 1 Kreen salted bides , 25 to40lbs . 4'4Hmo ; No. 2 art-en salted hides , a.1 to li Ibs. 3i < M'jc ' ; No. I xeal calf. 8 to 15 Ibs. , ( lei No. 2cal ralf , 8 to 15 Ibs. . 4c ; No I dry Hint hldis 7So : No. 2dry Hint hides. 5iiiBc ; No I dry salted hides. .VSWc. Tul- low. rso. 1 , ; ii ( J4o : tallow , No 2 , 3'iu ' ; uroasc , wnlto A , 4QI'io ' ; crcaso , wbllo U , il'JWt'-ic ' ; croiiso. yellow , , lo ; gn-asr , dark , 2'ic ' ; old bul- ter. 24s2l4c ; bcoswax , prlnio , IGc ; routth tallow. IUW.V. ilUTTEii-l'alr to good country , I7l8o ; eholco. ISft'Mc. I'nut.Tiir-Uhlckcns , zood stock , Oc ; ROOSO nnd ducks , Krtillc : turkeys , loai''c. Kens Do.ilcts were asking 2 > < it."ic. nrllUli ( Iriiln Trade lirxlru- . J.ONiitiN , I'ob K-Tho Mark lane Express In Us weekly rovlew of the llrltlsh grain trade says : The prices of r.mllsh wheats are still declining. When ollcrcd at lid reduction tlio trade Is slow , but when Is Is conceded ready buyers are found. 1'orolKti wheats are Irros- ulariy lower. At I.horpool tboro has been 3d per cental decline on Uallfornla and -d de- cllnoon othorsortsof American who'its. I'lour hns dropped fid per suck , Corn has fallen Is without unuouniKliiK a demand. Ilarlor Is almost unsalable at Is dncllnn. CJals have lost 3d and llnseod ril At today's market r.nullsb who its uuio Ilimor wllboiu ( inotablo iidviinco. 1'orolsn whe'it * x\ero hold for Cd ml Mince. American wheat wan readily bought at the rise. I'lour was In bettor dumand and prices were up ( Id. American corn was lid blither. Oats and barliv were In bolter ro- iliiest at a fractional advance. The prices of beans and peas were still In favor of buyers. K-IIIMH City MurkrU. KANSAS Cirv. Mo. I'ob. 8 I'MIUII In coed demand , llrm ; quolatlons for unostab- llshcd brands In tonnd lots are as follows : r.xtra fancy. ? 2 aiflJ'.V.'l ! fancy. lOVAa.li ! ! ; choice. JI.'JO'jda.M ' : XXX. $ l.75.no. WIIIKT Weak and lower ; No 2. burd cash , 79c bid ; Ni 2 red cash. 81c bid. COHN Hasy ; No. S cash , 23' ' Jo bid : robruary , 38'i asked. OATS I'lrmer ; No. 2 cash , 20c bid : Kobruary , :0tca ! ked. UVE Steady ; No. 2. 75c ; No. 3 , 72o. IliiAN Steady atG5c. KI.AX : SKhp Sic , HAV Steady : timothy , $ .50 per ton ; fancy piarlc. Jfl 00 ; good to cho'cc. S5.50. UF.CIII : > TS of wheat , 17,000 bu. ; corn , 1,400 ; oats , none. Sllll'MKNTS Wheat. 19.000 bu ; coin , 4,000 bu ; oats none. _ CnllciMarket. . NEW YOIIK. 1'ob. 8. Options opened steady at fiom 5 points down to 5 points up and closed barely sto.uly at from 10 points down to 5 points up ; sales. 14.0 0 bais. including : I'obiuaiy. $11.10 ; March. $ ' 'l.00 < ai l.io ; April. $ l2.r > 0 : May. l..nilr.MO : June. 812.50 ; .lulv. $ r.Kai..40 : ! ; spot Ulo. quiet but llrin ; No. 7. JII.5I. Itio JANnntii , I'ch. ( ! . ItcBiilar first , nominal : good second , 10 , 100 i els per 10 kilos. Huceipts during the week , 01.00" bags ; purchases for tbo United Status , 4" > .OOJ bass : shipments u the United States , 55.000 baits ; stock. 210,000 bags. SA > TIIS , I'ob. H. Good average. lO.U'iJ rols nor 10 kilos ; receipts during thu week , 47/00 bajis ; puichasis for the United States , 31,0 K ) bags ; shipments to the United States , 57,000 b.iKt , stock , 4AOOO bas. _ Omaha ( iraln .tlarkut. Prices baaed on delivery at Mississippi river points , Nebraska tnspojllon , and ton days' shipment. unlos-tolhorwlsMstato : ! . Cash grain calls for shipment within live nays. WHEAT No. 2 snt lnr ; , 75u bid. KK No. 2 , 7Ho bid ; No. 3 73 bid. < No. 2 white , 3lo bid ; No. n white , 30e bid. COIIN No. Zoash , 37o bid ; No. 2 Tebruary , 3rcbld : No. 3 or bettor robrnary , 37'ic ; No. 2 white , 33 o bis ; No. 3 white. : > Ho bid. Amonz the sales were : n.l)03 ) No. 3 or bet tor coin , Kobruary. St. houls and Toledo terms , 37'io ; 25.03U No. .1 or bolter , p. t.5u,000 ; same , February , St. I.ouls terms. 3TUc ; 7,500 Nolor butter corn , twenty days shipment , Iluillr ton. _ Stockn of ( iraln in the Northwest. Ml.NNBAi'OMS. Minn. . Fob. 8. The stock of wheat In private elevators nt Minneapolis Is Riven at 1,1153,000 bu. . an increase of 170,000 bn , slueu last Monnav. The total stock at Minneapolis and Duluth Is lSOl"i'll ) : bn. . a Rain of 4S8.4GO bu , for the week. Tlio Market Itecord gives the stock In country olovntorsof Mlnno- seta and the two Dakotas at 1I.S4I.500 bu. . a decrease of 4 ! . > .3nO bu. for the week , acalust 7.'J"il,0'0 bu. for the corresponding tlmo In 1SUI. This makes the aggregate stock of who.it in the northwest 20fefil.Sl ! bu. or only 54.02J bu. more than last week. Ono year ago the total stock was only 2J.)7SS7. ! ) ) XIMV York Dry Goods Market. NKW YOIIK. Fob. 8. Tlio dry goods market opened lirmer. Thuro was an improved de mand fur most descriptions of ' 'nous. Woolen dross goods , line white cottons , wldo sheet- Ings , coloiod cottons , prints , ginghams and wldo prints and printed fabrics were In good domand. Men's wear woolens were In IneiMi- lar reuuost. Tlio Jobbing trade was moro actl\o In all depuitmonts. Tlio general out look proved moro promising , though business is still draggy in .some directions. Duluth Wheat Market. Dri.urn. Minn , . Fob. S. It was a waiting market during tno first half hour , but later thuio was : i good business In M ly fuliiro on declining pi Ices. Receipts hero and at Su perior : WlioiU , 74,22s bu ; lluv , 1.5S5 bu , The weekly statement of stocks of giuln In store at Duluth for the woekcndod Saturdnvshows ; Wnoat In stoic , 7.55I.2JS liu. ; allo-it In harbor , 400,70.1 bu. ; total , 7Ui4.0U bu. , an Incronso of l" > 8I02bu , dtirln : the week : burley now In store , 2t,180 ) bu. ; llax seed , 2 J5,7S7 bu. llvcrpool Marlotts. LlVEiironu Fob. 8. WIIKAT Firm ; demand mand poor ; holders ollor moderately : No. I , Oallfornlu , 7s Id pur cental ; No. 2 rod winter , 7s ! { d. CHUN Dull ; demand poor ; mixed western , 4 4'id ' per cental. IjAIID I'rltno westorn. 31s Oil. COMMON KOSIN is HJd per owt. MIIiMiukito Murkots , MIT.WAUKKK , WIs. , Fob. R WIIB\T Active ; May , Silu ; No. 2 spring , 8lio ; No , I northern , UliB Oltic. UOHN Steady ; No , 3 , 3S'j'l9c. ' OATS Steady ; No. 2 whlto , 3'IJio ! ; No. 3 , white , : ; © : ( ' , UAIII.KV Quiut : No , 2 , Wio ; sample , ysftGOe. HVE K.iblcr ; No. I , 7iiTU5u. ( ! Nt. l.onU Murkrtj. ET. 1-ouis. Mo. , Fob. \VnuAT-Unspttlcd ; ciiib.fiJSicj May. uJiic. Ouit.N Unsettled ; cash , 37o ; May , Ufi.'iC. OATS Illghor ; cash , 31c , May , 32o I'OHK rirmer ; new , * U.hTii. IAitiI'lrmer at WlIIBKV-JI.U. VUlblu ( Inilii Supply , L'liiCAtio , III. . 1'ob.H , The visible grain sup- nly Saturday last as compiled by the sccio- tary of the Chicago Hoard of Trade Is us fol lows ; Wheat , 41,101,000 bu. ; corn , 8.532,1001)11 , ; outs. 3,723,000 bu. ; rye. 2,042,000 bu , ; burley , l.O.-.OOO bu. _ _ _ _ _ _ Cincinnati MurUoU , CINCINNATI , O. , Fob. H. WiiBAT-KInn ; No. 2 rod , Olo. C'otiN Btrongor ; No. 2 mixed , 42 ! o. OATd I'lrmori No. a mixed , 3Jc , WiiibKy-Firin ; 11.14 , _ Toledo Markets. TOI.UDO , O. , I'ob. 8. WIIBAT Klrinj No. 2 uash and rubruiiry UMc % COIIN Easier ; No. 2 , cash , 4 Die OATS ( julut ; cash , 32c. Triidcr * ' Talk , CHICAGO. Ill , , Tub. 8 , Counselman & Day tofockroll Ilros , ; Wheat opened at ! lo lower wlthout'niiy uncouranement to holders from uablub , weather or the shipping movement for two hours. The lo ul crowd generally wcru Bte.uly sellers and low prices were made , ! Hju ( loUO.Hu for May , when the visible supply show ing uu incruusu was announced , Thu important nons of the duy was Freuiuau's cable , said to be from thu sumo party who llrst unnounoud the extent of I'luncb sliortauo last your , pre dicting now that at least 40 pur cent of the winter wheat urua of Franco must bo rosowti , Karly cables bad iiuoicd the I'arls market lower , but clos'iu public cables khowed ad vances ou thu continent and Kusilu was bald to ho Importing wheat across thu Uurmuii frontier , A ecnoriil rush to cover provisions sales caused a Btrouu tidvunvo of HjQ unil prices closed > 4o lilghor or the day , Tlio market looks to us llko SUOK- nga pormuncntiy higher lurol. Corn iialn inserted Its Independent btrunxth and o used Ho hi. her , with best gulns In near delU cries In splto of u Juriiu Incruasa In the vUlblo sup ply. Oats were Urm with u 1:001 ! uush demand auu look Ilk * uittkluK H lurtucr kdYanuu , 1'ro visions ruled quiet , hut holders were firmer in tholr views and buyer * were obliged to ad vance bids to effect trades. The demand from bldi was especially good and led I ho market , which closed firm at outside figures asked alt around. UniOAdd , III. , fob. 8.-P 0. I..OJIUI A Co. to .1. Sands Commission Company : In wheat con flicting cable . but mainly caster , broiuhtout ronsldorAblc pyramid whoiit that was Ijonalit during the closing days of last week This was all taken and the market closed In n way to demonstrate that It Is u bull maikot. Wo would call the attention of our friends to the frciiout | Intimations that Uussln will noon bo i buvor of foodstuffs In America , This ic- cubed confirmation uraln ted iv thruuchder- tnan channels. Some reports from I'arls said that the northetn districts of I ratico would ha\o to borosown and American winter whuat Is today ironorally bare and In the main puny llohlnd conditions nootoenumerated Ho lar.Mi riMor > es of money which will soon look for profitable Investment , speculative or other wise , and spring conditions arousing fears of damage wo think will 'nclto ' biivhu.Vo be- llovo In present prices now and blither prices lalor. and this applies iMiially | to corn and provisions , both of which c'oiod Him and at thu hlehosl prlco of the ( lav , Cilir\rm III. , I'eb s ICeiinctl. Hopkins .V Co lo S. \ . Mi'Wbortur : It was again Illus trated toilny In whuat how readily foreign nrirkots responds to thu wu ikiicsson this side. Altlmuali our market closed Saturday nhero It did I'rldiv the fact lb.it It had sold olT l'ii ' < from HID lopturnod foreign markets weak. ThI * ! opened our market weak , A rally nf 'Sc ' followed mi I'oxtirlnp by shorts , but vlstblu simply llcuies showing an Incioisu loom trading hccamo vor.v boatIsb and hammered It down toll' ) for May. iJImliiir coiitlnentul cables coinlin ; In stronger with ruported damaso to DID French and Itu'slaii crops , there was a ni'ly ' of le , on which Cartridge lurried seller , cans- Ing A fractional rp'ictlon. Then c imo unotlicr cable s lying Russia was Im porting wheat across the tlonnan frontier , and Immu.ll'itul.v there was another spin f of lu. If continued these ad vices will likely put the market hlghoi , but foiel n in irkctsdim'tlndlcato lhat muoli rell * unco is as yet placed on them , Thoru Is doubt less a strong bull u liino In corn , and although they milk Iho market by sultliu on ral lies and buying buck on reactions they don't let co and pioml'o to put prices much higher conditions certainly favor them , Oats tall on Inn rouble way but tin * trade Is cnmp irativoly light. Quito a number of prominent traders havu announced them selves bulls on provisions and the buying has boon good. It looks as If pilcos might jjradu- ally woik higher. STOUK * AND HONDS. Trans lotions of Ycstenl iy Surp isseil Tliinn ol miy Dny Since I'.lchty-Slx. NKW YOHK , I'ob. a-Tho stock m irkot to day was moro acltvo than on any day tor voarsand wu must go back to the panic of 1'S'l for a parallel to the enormous business trans acted lu both stocks and bonds : il the Stock r.xchango today. 'Iho coal stocks were again thu great fp.itnro nf the day nnd the unpre cedented nutlvlty lu Heading was not only maintained but surpassed , the transactions In thai stock bolnj the largest over known on the Exchange. At the samu time the tutu strcnsth developed In the nnthr.iclto proper ties was fully maintained and heavy au vanoos was scored In all of thorn , 1'or some lime this morning there was nothing In tlio maikot but the coal stocks and the Krlo. which later was also heavily In demand on thn story that any thing which helped tbuco-il trulu would bu of benellt to the Krlo. The transactions In these stocks wuro moro th in half of the total busi ness of the day , The Improvement In values was uxtromoly sham In the early trailing , but with the diminution of the enormous trading prices bocamu moro sottleil , an < l whllu the best prices uoro not readied until thu last hour there were freiiuoni fluctuations In thu donnwaid direction. 'Iho extreme advance In Ijiukiiwuiinii , however , runclio I 'i per cunt , In Jersey Oontril. 4U per cunt , nnd In Itcadln ? 43a per cent , Dulnwaro Hudson lining more n.odurato in Its uxchanges , whllu Krlo rose 2' per cent. The strength In the coil stocks did not effect thu rest of the list to any npproclablu extent dm liu the early trading and thu bears and traders weio still disposed to hummer the gunurnl list i.s usual and In Union 1'aciflu over 1 per cent was lost oufoiu the stimulus reached the rest of the list. Thu steady and unprecedented gainshowc\cr manu the shot Is uneasy at last and as thu morning wore away attention wasp.ild to thogianger . Ioul vl lu Nashville and Northern 1'aulfiuprcfuricd < V , as well as some of thu low priced specialties ; and prices liuz-in to rise and before thu close of business tlio early losses had aot only been rocovorod. but mntt'rial amounts In addition , Burlington , Northern I'liclllu and some others hclng by turns runi.ukablo for the advances made. There was a shaip luuctlon In Iho cojlurs In the last few minutes , but whllu Luukawannn dropped from IV ) to 157 , It closed at 15S with the others In proportion. The rest of the list was hold well and the market closed no live and htions generally at close to the hlzhust figures of thu day. The final changes In the general list are all lar o fractional advances , but L'ickwanna Is up ( Ui per cent ; Uc.idlng. 4 per cent : Jersey ( 'untrul , .1 ! ! per cone , and Krio , 1 % percent. As the coal stocks monopolized the atten tion In the stouk market , so the bonds of thy Heading , with the help of Atublson Incomes. furnished more than half of the total trans actions In lhat class of securities. The sttcnzth , however , was all In the junior Issues , and whllu the thirds rose 5 pur cent to 41) , and the seconds 3 per cent tofi''j ' ) ' , the others scored only fractional gains , thu rest of the list hulng completely overshadowed woiuflrm without material chance In prices. Thu total transao- tlons reached O.lOJ.ijOj , out of which Koadlnv lirsts contiIbutod 537,000 ; thu seconds. UTil.ODJ : thu thirds , 1,227,000 , and the Atcblsun Incomes , 4111,000. Government bonds havu been dull and sternly , htato bonds have been dull uirJ steady. The following are the closing quotations for the leading stocks on the Now York Mock ex change today : bid. The total t til on o ( stocks today were 600,001 BharuK , InulnulnK : Atchlson. : i8,100 ; l-hloano lias , 7AOii liekawanna ! .1100 ; Doluwaro fi Hudson , ri , jJ : Krlo , 110.WX ) : I.onlsvlllo .t.Nush- vlllo , U'.UOJi AlUsoiirl I'.iolllc. 4,3 0 ; Northwest- urn. 4nOt | Now Joriiey Central , l.'i.UW ; North ern I'uclllo preferred. : iOlhll : UoadlnK , 17ilO ; ; Hlclimond .C West I'olnt. 21,070 ; 8t. 1'aiil. 10.WJ.I ; M. I'liut ' .tOm.ilm , 8,103 ; Union I'acilic , 17.MWScbtorn ; Union , 4,200 , I'lininviul Itmlinv , NEW VOIIK. 1'ob. a The I'ost says : The plain explanation of the duy'u fluctuations In the majority of the unlive stocks lay In thu perplexity of the traders. Then as a whole , the professional element was pretty much convuited to the bull sldo by thu sipis and wonders vouchsafed In the coal stocks. Thu chnnuo In sentiment was very pro nounced but it did not express Itself In the market un promptly as nilKht ha\i > boon expected. Thcru w is a coixl dual of limitation , which did not give away until a renonud ad vance In Hoadlni : stimulated eiilliiiahimn. ' 1 his happened In thu lust hour , at which time there wjs marked Improvement thron ihont Ihullst. Durlni : tlio last half hour of busi ness the movement of the coal blocks Ilium- selves overshadowed ovorythlii ? ulfiu In the imirl.et. and ulthoiiKh the tradlni ! was In small lots as compaiud with the curly business , prices mounted tip nt such a pacu IIH to snoop aside , for the tlmu belli ! ; , opposition In nlmoat ovuiy ijnurtortif thu market , riimnclal > ntr § , NEW YOHK , Teh. B. Hank clourlnns , I8lav5- 75 t balances , IJaj,477. HDDION , Muss. , 1'ub. 8. IlanU uloarlnxx. $ l\7l4il.'ii : balances M,7IUW ( ) ; money , a toJti per font ; cxchaiiKo on Now Vork , 17o toajo d.lscoiint. rnit.AiiKi.piiu , 1'a. . Kob , B. OlearlnKo , * l ° . - tHI.VuS ; balances , } | , a7l.701i money , U'i ' per cent. llM.TlHollK , Md . 1'ob. 8. OloarliiKS MOX'- aiKl ) bal'inccs , } ( j 1.0'.M. Money , 0 per cent , Hr , Lnuit ) . Mo. , l-ob , . Cloarliik's II.B84- 40. ; balances. (17.1.110 Money , tt7 per cent. K chiinjoon Now Vork , 75. premium. I'juti ? , 1'ob. C. Three per cenl rentes. ( Jit He. for thu account. ClilCAao , III. , Ktib. 8 , Money easy at 4Uafl ( pur cunt , OluarliiEs , tl4b5'j > r. Now Vork oic banjo , . liar to Kg dUcouut. Dlurllug ei- chan pi' dull nt JI.K'i fur sixty diiys lillls nnd HH " - " - ' ; ior slgln The closing quotations on bonds : V s 4irrit . litiloiM. K A T. Hen Mi ht I' ' . t 4ncoiip llCi-JI'Miitiml Union I' H 4 s re * Itfi tJ.V ,1.11 Inl Ci-rl. . .10 ? , ; .North , I'ncino lot ! l.n 8i 'North I'aptncJnds 114 Tcnn UniiNorthwc'tern Con M7 Tpnn new oci 'n ti : > ( North DptiDnt in. 107 Tcnn , new et its. 70 tilt I , . .V t. M. lien f" B5' < Cnnniln f o. ? id * tH ( v * : M I , AS. r' . ( Jen.M.107 M'cn Pacific lids lotti * xt.l'niil Consols . . . 129 Men A U 41. tutu 117 ISt. ! ' . . < ' Al'nc. l t lllii < Den , V It. ( J. 4s. . MU Tex. I * U tl Tr. llclti 81 Don .V It (1Vo ( UM Ttx. I * U. ll.Tr.Uct > 2 t < KrlcSnd" . l.'nlon 1'Acinc liti * . I07 < 4 M K AT I ten ( In Wc l Shorn 101 1 lib ! London stork Murlirt. [ C ) ii/i tuhtcilWhimri / | / tloiih l.ti.vpov , 1'ob. H tNow Vork Horild Cable Special to Tin : IIEK 1 Apart from the anl- inntton dlsplnyed by American slocks bust- nms has been oseeedlnily ijulot on lht > Slock cvclrinee , Thi nc.ir apiironch nf tlin soltle- iiiont , Uedni'silay bt'ltiK Hit * ( listdny , Isuheck- IIIK new eiijiiRomcnts. liuuls nro xto.ulv , llonif railways havt * linen qulot , except ItrlKhton deferred , which has Undiluted con siderably and rlosod with an advance. The woflMytrafllo statemrnl Is considered satis factory. Southeastern Is unfavorable , the deferred has fallen ' per cent. Other do Horlpt Ions closed Irroutilar. The ch IIIROS i-s- labllshed In pilcus woroiinttu iinlinporlant. In the American maiUol the f it lire has been the demand for coaler ? . In the house thcio has been a sharp rol tp u f mm thu best points , owing to reall/atlons but In the street huylne was lunovfed with the u-siilt that I.ilo I ) I'i per co nt higher nnd Philadelphia ana Ucadin ; L' per cent. Atuhison has been very ( Int. Heportp are that ( he line Is bIo"Ucd uith snow. Canadian lines nro m-glectcd , nnd have been moro or less dull nil div. : A molei'ite decllno was established III Canadian I'aclllu and ( Irani ! Ti links. MoNloau oidlnaiy proforcncos are vj to ' 4 per cent Imvor. Money IH qulot , Mioit loans have been ob tained at from I to l'4 per cent. The dis count mur'.iut Is a sliado hnrdur Tun and luce months' bills aio quoted ut a per cent. ItONUO.v , I'ob. 8.--Tho folloislm were the London stock ( | tiotalloii3 cloalnit at 4 p. m , : miviK iniimw .Li.'ilil Illinois l.'entrnl ll.'H ! inifcib. iiiroiint. .iCiMOi Mcr ordinary . . . fflli N V. , I' . AO IsH. . . M' ' , . Ht I'aiil rotnnioii . SI4 , .iin I'ncltlo l > IHNawork rnntrnl , . IK' ( rle . „ . . : i'"f llli'iullin ; V.'U HAH SII.VKII 11'l-Kd. ! MdSPV l1'i Ill-remit. Kate discount In the/ open innrkot for both short .mil three months dills a per cent. Huston stuck Mnrki't. HOSTON. M iss , I'eb. 8. Tlio followlni worn thu oloilnj prh'CH on stocks un tin. Huston stock market lo l.iy : AtchlMin A Top kv iw Atlantic Itostnn ft Alb ni ) . 201 Ho'tini A Alnntnna . .n .1 M line \ 1 Cidumut A llecla. . . . 2ilU C II AO. Ills1 * ' Krnuklln 2ilUWi lantern It U . ! . \2i i Ki'iiriaruo Wi Flteliburi ; U It " 5 ( > oeiiln 24H Hint A IVre , M. 25 Is-untii To Coiipi'r . . . l.lttlu Itotk A. It S7 * iTnmnraok . Alnns CentrHl . . . Hi llluMiniLanilCi ) . . . . Mix Cent com nun 'JUVc | l Knd l.aml Co . 17 N V AN. Knuliad 4 > | Hell Tcluplionu . . . 210 . . , . . _ . . * . . . . k > . V A N. lf.-m . < 121 l.inisnn store 7 ,5- , - ( ( lid Colony . . , . H.7 ,5W Win ( un commo ID Houiton 'ilioni-oii ! W Alluurc.MIn Co 1 U A II li 14 Dcincr Alining Moclcs. DKNVEII , Colo. Pol ) , -The following list Is tlmelosln { ciuoMtlonson the Milling oxcnaimo today. S ilo17Till. . Sui : Ki'iinclsco Milling OitntutIDIIH. S\N KltAvcnco. " 0'il. . l > 'eb 8. The otllclal closlns quotations Mr mining stocks today were as follou- , : V York 5llnlni ; ( tnntiitliiiiH. NKW VOIIK. Keb. 8 The following arc the closing mining stocK ( imitations : Supjilv mill ( itioil DPIU mil. OMAHA. Tcb H. The meager olTotlnps wore somuwhat of n surprise to dealers , who uuro Kuuurally looking for pretty llboral receipts. Saturday1 ! , anil bunday's htoriu undoubtedly keep back consldeiablu stock , but Iho country Is voiy bullish and It Is li.uij to buy cat tin and luus In the country as fanners and fecdeis li.ivn an abundan * o of cheap corn and Runer.illr ask a pretty stllT prlco for tholr Htouk. as It matters Jlttlo to thorn just at piciunt whether they soil orcontlnuo feeding. Tin ; Renoial cattle mat ket was nctho and higher on anythlni ; the dressed beef men could use. Snippers were not buyinif any , but klllois all wanted some cattle , and with the llKht supply trading was brisk \\iih prices close to lOo lilifhor than Sainiday. Coed 1.15J to 1 , 40J-1I ) steers sold fi om JI.70 to II.U'5. ' with fair to peed UV ) tu 1'JJO-lb. steers from fl.U'j to $ .U > 5 , and common llRbt stuff as low as from f I.W to H.IJ. It was a ratbnr tirlsk maikut tbrouihijut , the noon hour Iliullnu' the jiuna piacllcallv t'loared of desirable holdliiKa. The general inn of bntchui sum sold steady to lOu hUhor than .s.ituidny. and .sellers found Illtlo dllllculti In oircutlnp an early clcat- unco. HiiyliiK was entirely by loj.il slaiulit- niuri lint they took hold frcolv. sales bulii4 f I om )1 i to $ .15 1 foi ooor to choice st ml. Tiad- IliK was largely at from tM ! to I'J.75. ItullH , oxoii aiidhtaKS were in niodorjtu supilv | and si rout : demand at $ lUJ < i61.4) ; calves llrm at J1.4J to JI.75 for comtnon , heavy to very iood vuals , Thu stocker iind fecdor trade was modur- utoly brisk anil at fully steady and even strong prices. Thoru has been HOIIIO Impro'.o- ment in tlio supply lately and no abatement In Iho demand. No runt eholco feeduis wen ) hold , but the fair to Rood stuir lirou < bt urouiul i..TJ to JI.IU. KopuMentntlvi ) a ilu- > ; 8TKEUS. No Av. I'r 10. ! . 117(1 ( $ ,150 1I45 ; i 50 4 I ITt 3 50 Itt lO'.M 3 55 IttM M 1 1-1 3 M tea am 30) 7 ; n.'ii 3 no L"J..1I81 3 CO 'tfl -cows. 0'i Hit U 15 ljt 70 ' . ' SJ 13. . T l ! a ' - ) it , .vjj Bas 13..10UJ B ' . ' BU14 ! a JO K ; : ioi7 . ' : iu 1I.W7 ! B .M 17. . ' UJ7 L' 3.1 I ; 1101 - ' .15 ' . ' . i tKW B 40 W. . UM B 40 1 , , 40 ' . ' f)0 B r > u w. , > 4t a M i' .L'u a 51 15 J ? ( ! 1 43 I , 3ioJO ) 7 . SJ ) ni 2 400 I M ran 5 ao \ W 3ft ) i : uo i cj i 310 a : : a. 150 475 ft n.vt i 43 1G . CO 3 10 a JTO i co I I.TK ) t M a : > cr > a 21 I .t4to s M I l.VW 1 7.1 I . i.ew s s i i.u > 57J 1. 110) ) t M . I .I7W ) ' 'lift 1 1740 27 : > 3 12.T , 1 00 a .ism a 40 i. iw ' . ' ? : > I 1.10 i in a 1.110 a 4u i vjai a oo i iwj a w 4 ,14V ) ann u. I4ir , am i nvo a 10 t . iboo a M 1..1S.O a05 a 1475 a ao 1 .1210 ' . ' 00 3 I.VsO 310 U .H O IMO < ! rOCKI.IIS AND IKRDFIH. r , BIB 340 to oss auo n ts-j 300 040 8 50 1C. no a in a 10 1C.Ml SS8 a no ni7 a 10 1023 'J .V ) Ml a to 21 4si a ; o in 7is a in 7 70. ' a 10 12ai nn a 7 , * , 1C 7TJ a to to uu a 10 ai 742 a 00 llodfc Itccolpts wrre the lightest In sl\ weeks , but .tiuars lieliiK lonortcd In. In fact , lli ro were hardly cnoiuh Inns to innko a market. Mnppors could not lo in to till tholr tirdors and uon * > ciiiicnlly botiL'hllmt ( un. The local froOi meat and p'icUiit ; dcinand was nutlvo nnd thu ineiccr nircrln : * ) chiinved hands briskly at prices nhoutSo higher than Saturday. The r.nnro WHS as on Suuirdav. very natron , and heavy hints are bringing very llttlo hotter prices than llctits. l.ieht hess sold IIH hlgli us H.50 nnd lienvius aH Inn as fl.i3. : Ilo ivies sod Inigulv at from 51.4" , to Jl.r0 mid Iliihtu largely nt from J1.4D to Ji.43. One or two c'ominon lots weld at fniin Jl.aj to f.l.in. It was a uood , actlvu mnrUel from start to llnlsh anil the pnns weneleuied In * 10 o'clock , practically oMjrvihliiK sclllni ! from JU'i toJI.oO , att.ilnsl ( loin l 4 Mo ft.4 % Satur day , the trenerrfl a\er.ipo of bales Ix'tnc ! 1 4.V ( ' ' " ai'i ' Saturday and JUS'J last Mon- miAMI nnt'iri , . ' .4r > - : i ) SiillKl1- Two sliiRlo decUs of nntlvr owes rccohcd and sold le.idlly at J4/J5 Thu demand IsstroiiK and ink'i's ate quotalilv lOchliher than last woelc. Quotations : Nathe . $ I.T5 to $500 : westerns. $ .1 " > 0 to $1T5 : common and fitocKcis. f,1.1) ) to ti.50 : | > eel to otiolcc 40 to ! > 3- pounil lambs , JI.OO to W.'i ) . Hejro | > .entatl\u lie- * : No. Av. I'r. lOnntho ewes Si 4 L'i Oo natixo uwcs Ki 41" , 03 native u ps 'JO 4 Si lttcclplA mill DNiiiKlllon nf stuck , Olllclal recoltits nnd disposition of stiia't nh sluiun by the books of the Union StouU Yards coinu.inj' for the tttonly-fourho'trs. ' ending at So'clouk p in. I'ubriuiry f. UO ? . IIKI IMIT- ' . 1UIHM A M IS Cnrs II end Cam I lle.nl lifl i 2J DISIMSIIMIV. CATTKI lll ( ! > Clili-UKii l.l\rMocl ( Murlict. OiMCAdi ) . III. . I'Vli. S-'l'Siioclnl Toloiram to TilKHnr.1 I'll mness prevailed In all bninubcs of the uattto market to lay. Nut as m.iny cat ! In urrlvod ns last eil'a advance hud lo I a nmjoilty of thn tr.ido to expect , and herdeis noru Inclined to Insist upon an ad vance. Tholi demands dlil not. howe\or , meet with a n-ady nvponse from buyers , nnd , \\hlln the ceneial ni.nKpt was stronpci , tlio chaiiKo In values scarcely touched iinotablo ptoiioitioiia. Iliitchers' and I'.iiiiiers' stock was In ncthi ! ( Icm.iiid at from J .M to M/ for poor to oxtia cow , and at fiiini JI.T5 in J.I75 for bulls , \\hllo sales weio pilnc.lp.illy at from $ JOJ to ti.0 : > . There was a f. ill Inqtihy fioin yard Mieeu- l.itors for stocUers and feeders , but the \ol- umu of situs was liKht Shinning and dressed beef stoeis were wauled at from H'J > to 1575. Not many of the offerings weru Rood onmish to hrhu more tb.infl.75 , nor were there many trades below Jlft1. About overytblni ; was sold and the market had a llrm luok at the C'.OsO. Miles of hois were on a basis of fioin J4 40 to tt.N ) for common to I rlmu li'ht and limn fl.M to f I. ( HI for ho ivy and inudliini weights. Cu'ls ' and llttlo plKs sold at fioin tJO ) lo $ l/'i and fancy heavy would have Inoii ht f1."i. ! ) Tlicro was not much tradlnzbutow ; fl.MI , from IFI. < > 5 to ? 1 > 9 taUIni ; the bulk of the stuff. thoiuh the quality wascry common , 'I hi- above quotations : mi an ailvanceof .s.it- uulay's prices of fu I SB iior 100 Ibs. The ship ping demand was ns active as before , and as local pacl.eis wote InullnuJ to buy finely the supply unh voiy soon out of salesmen's hands. Thurloso WdM llrm. ISoth sheep and lambs neio In Kontl request today , and both showed llrmiiess The former uoro iiuotod tit from t .75 to M 5'J ' for pom to extra qualities , and Iho hitter sold \ery re.idlly at from tl.i > 0 to .40. There was an In adequate supply , and the resulting coiiiiietl- tlon caused an advaiuo of about 10 In MICOD and 1'C In lambs. Hocoipls woto : Cattle , 10,000 ; hogs , 37,000 ; shcop , MlBl , The UiunliiK .lonriml rcnorlsrn.E : liccoipts. 15.UOO ; shipments , 4,50) ) ; market Ktuaiiy to shade higher ; lust-class slecis , IMiOftV.i'i ; othois. f5i4..r)0 ! ; slocKers , Jl.b LVJ5 ; foedeis , } . ' .75ii'J."i : ; cows , } l.'i@ . ' .1(0. ( s Hecclpts. 'S.orO ; shipments , 10,000 : and common , * IVMtt.'M ; mixed anil packers , J4. < iY.4.75 ( [ ; prlnio heavy and butchcis1 welKbts , * l.b' ' > 1i4..IJ ; lljht. M.UVJM.'IO ; pl s , . . SllKKl'-Iteculpts , (1,009 ( ; shipments. 1,500 ; miirket acthu and hUhei : iwus , .l .V iii.'jO ; mixed. * 4.Vai.hO ) ; wethors. fiW&'i west- ems tl ! HSu,4'J ) ; laiiibs. t5.5oa,3.r , : > . N.\v York l.lti * stock NKW Yoitic. I'ob. H. Hr.KVhB Uecolpts. , , ,44 hu id. Includliu 4) ) carfoi s.ilo ; market JOe per 10J Ibs hlr'iur : natlvo btuers , W ho ® ! 0 > per I0 < ) Ibs. : bulls and cott s , JUVii 1.40 ; dressed beef hte.idv at fifts'ic ' per Ib. ; shlpiucnls tomorrow , 100 IJCOMJS and l.O.V ) ijuaiterh of UA'I.VK.S llccclpth , f > Sl head : veals dull and caUossluauyeals : , fi.uiKt.s.OJ per 100 Ibs. ; irrasscrf , ( . ' W < & " , . ! > , ' woitorn calcs , t UiOSi : 50 , hilKEi'-Hccolnls , li.4-il ( linad ; sheep > ic per Ib. higher : lambs > to higher : sheep , ? l. . > OOii.f,0 per 10) ) Ibs. : lnmtb. } iViif(1.70i ( ( iliuvsod mut ton bleady ut'ft'i'ti. ' ' ' per Ib. ; dicsscd lambs. lilKlioruthTi.in'iu. ( ' Flociii-lecelpis)8,4J'ihu-idconslKiiod ! ; diioct : nomlnully bluiuly at * l.lo 4 'Sjiei 1UO Ihs. K'inx.14 C'lly I.U < > slock M irlict , KAtiHtH f'lTk" . Mo , I'ob. -OATTI.K He- culpts , ; I.11U ; shipments , -ITI ( | heavy steer ) , \Miro lOc IOWPI ; llchl bluntly ; cows and feeders steady to htroiiB. h tli" . DrosM'd beef and shlppfllK btcurs. * iijai.V : : cows and ho.fers , } 1 i.Vti-l.iJ : Mockurs and fooden , Vi'Wiw. llniM liJiolpts. : i.'AU ; shipments. ' . ' . .M ; tlio nrirket uiib null to and ! iu higher ; bulk , Ji. 40 ® 4.W ; uxtri'inu rana ( > . H.I5I 61X , hiicia' ltucolplf. 1,100 ; shlpinents , I , ' 'ill. About utoatlv bales at II .15 s | , l.iinU l.lxi St < > k .M irkel. Sr. I.OHIX. M . . Tub. 8.-ATT.B-Uenolpts [ , 700 ; shipments , ion ; market btronK ; full to L'ood nutlvo hteurs t UKXiil.OJ ; fulr to Toxan" , IJ.IJ < S.tWi. llofit. Kccolpts , ailO ) ; sblpmonls , i'.dOO , inai- kot hiRhcr ; hi-avy , } 4.liW .S3 ; mixed , Jl.'lrit 4.T5 ; UshU 14 ' 031.711 _ ( J. 1' . Pillold of Wood Klver , Nob. , was the ai rivals jostcrday tit tlio Mm ray. s COCOA. PLEASE READ THIS. 00 Cents a pound for VAN HOUTEN'Sj COCOA ( "Best & Goes Farthest" ) seems to be ] high. Let us compare it with the price of Coffee : 1 Ib. of good codec costs at least 30c , , makes 111 half.pint cups , j therefore OOc. , " 93 1 "V. II. COCOA" alko OOc. , 150 mr Which is the Cheaper Drink 9 - KKTA1I , l-HICE . 9Oc \ 93 cups of Coffee , 00 uu l iiud. " " [ c pur 6O "V.H.Cocoa ! 8 .Sold by every Oioccr , OMAHA DAD IttllUUI AWNINGS ANI > TUXTS. Uinnhn Tent A Awning Co. , H v hummock * , oil ami rubber cluttdnK S.ind for cntnluKiio IIIIKnrnain lli3S ANI > T WINHff. U/nti/iil / Hun Co. Importer ! niul min if-ir- tur < > r . 1 lour MickK , llurlnpi anil Twine .4. . II , I'crriutA Co , M a ihucnn , 1(01 lo < lKi"trM. lllc ili' fiHd on luonthly pifiuonU. ! > eud for our iMtilngnt ) and prices tVJilj ( Knrnam * > t.lltinsliv HOOTS AND SI 10 KM Morsoco Shoj Oomuai/ , 1101 llowudStro'l , Kartory corner llth and loiik'ln clrooti Wo nro niiklnu cloio prlie < tuciili bijror , ni nre rc'llliiK' a ilnii of Hood * nlilch l > < rry ! .Inifilnin Jfiiii'l .sV'tfil / I'lftfliiltllliill ( A Co , Shtit Co. . Wlioloiide Manufni-lu'ri HoolK , llo > l , rulibcri Altrnts for Huston Hub- nnil fc'lt fi ( i\ \ ' her Shoi * Co. 1105 HOI IDI-A ili-n or "trool and llOilloriiey drool. LOAIi , COKH , Oiilthfl CiKil , ( We A CiillldlltA Sii l.lm'C „ 11 nnl and soft coil "hlp- llnnlnnl ndcual SK rorncr lolli an I Donulai l.WS Karnvn trcct , trrclB Uninlin I1.1' . Mahonty A Co. , Jiilinton llnti- . , 1011 rarnnui ntrect , Soft Co.UHard 6IIIN UHli Uniihn Net' . COUNU c. Knolr O A Manufacsurori of ( ! .M- Mnnurncturcrs and vnnl/pil Iron Cornice. Window tips mntalle \Vholc nlu I'loOilcri , nkyllglits ct& 1110 nnil nlrool HOJllntnny 1112 HoilK'i'M. l HY GOOD- . M. K. Siht'liA ' Co. l\Hl itrM : - fv'or/i / Di (7o'd Co. . Dry Kiiodt , notion' , fur- Dry Koodx.notloti' . fi'nl ooilt Cor lltli niid llownnl MJ Coinci llth n'ld Howard Omaba OomolicKt'O' EleotrioU Oi. , iieclro : DyiuniKH. l.irapt , Wire and Ulcctrlcal Sup [ illos nt All KlncH III' ' lion aril itrei't , Omaha IfolKlcr rlciil Cd. , lllunlraled cutnliiKUO free. Itjll Cnpltol Avenue UUM'IUUU AND ( 'AKIM-ri'.S. Itcctic A IliiHiHin Fur- Successor ! to C A llccbo * Co , Ur.iconnd llth sts.Onnlm GKXTS' I-'UUMSHINO GOO1 > 8. Hint likiiA C.lifn , J. T. Itiililiison A'utton Co. nentu' furnishing Kood , clnthlnz and notlon < ; it ens a trial Wo Bond in'fV clotrntcd ) llrand cxpreis pro- "IliHksUIn ' Ore ml If , paid pnntK MitrH. cents etc. III. ) llnrncr. Cor. IVth nnd Howard eta GIIOCKKIKS. | / ) . .U. St lc A Co , lllahr , lit ncc A Co. KSII-I.TO Joucs Btrcet , 10th nnd llnrncy , Omaha , Omnh i , Nob. Nch GIIA1N AND PUOVIilO.NS. Cuclsrtll llr. . llrokcrii nndinsh lmyor ' Tndi Sl.'i llonrd of 1'rlvutu wlrt'j * to New Uiokor In irraln , pro\l- Virk , Clilcupi , nnd SI ' I'rlvntu l.ouH. IC-lt 1'onril of nlonsunilatorkH Trade. wlrcn to N. V , Clilcnco nnd St l.oiitt HATS , HI'C. | IMiHiS , ir A. ; . . t Co. tito. Oi-tici nt A Co. , llntr , cnp < , itrnw uitod IluycM ( if liMni "ml , ( Moves and inlttcni , ( nllow airl furj ' ' il.l outlil3th-st I''th nnd Hnriipy , BONDED PUBLIC WAREHOUSE CAPACITY 6OO.OOO . BUSHELS. for All Kinds of GRUB MOHEY ADVANCED OH CONSIGNMENTS. All irr.iln neighed , Inspected .in 1 nluriju r.ito eblabllshcd Iiy stale olilcuia. Write for rates and full pin llcnlais and cnnslzA hhlpiiicnlKi'art'of WO ODMAN & K1 TCfllECO OMAHA , NUM. Uvtrv MAN can he I STHO SQ and' VIO- OllOUSili all .cipcclj _ Jhy UIIIIK 31'ANIHIl NUHVINB , 1hefrcnt bpanlau Uemcdy. VOUNO MltN OH OI < n suffcrinu from NERVOUS DUIIILITV , IOHT or I'AIITNO MANHOODnlchtlyI'lnisslonaLonvtiltlons , ncitous , , I'toitration , CHIISI d by iheuse of opium , loharcu or alcohol , wake * fulni us , mental dcpres&ion , loss of poncr ill ciilur fci , spfimslor- IiernoRK ANII AFIEII Ubt. rha > a caused by stlf abuse and over mdulRcnce or any prrson.il weak' aesscan be rtitorrd lo pufect Iicalih unil Iho NOHJIv VITAMTV OP STRONG MISN. We give a wrlllcn ( juaranlee with C bones lo cure any case or refund the money , Ji D boi.o boics | j Ko. ' HIO : in OnmtiH , by MoCormlok it Lund , 1,5th ft Farnatiibts. Street Omaha Neb. 1316 Douglas , , . Tlio I'inliipiit M'oilJllnt ' in nitrvout , cluonlc , prl\Hlo tiluol , iklu und unniirj ilhcmrn , A rrvuliir n.4 rcttlnlpiril triiilnnlu In niudtlno u dlpioiuuHHiid lordllcati'ii * linw M mill Iremliu with Hie itri-alu't IUCIDII iiilnrrli , perniulnrrhoc'U lost lunnhuuil , nvinlmil ncakiiriit , nliilit lm c , linpotrncy iri > lih | > , lrklur . corp- ( > rrlior > , i/lt'OI , rnrlioi li < , rli' Mi nirri ury ufe I .NLW irciitmtnt lurlon of illul powtr , lUrllen untble tel l ll me nmy lie Irjalu I ul lioinn by corfenpoudenri' . Meil'.iln * or Inilrumrntt sent ti/ mail or oiproin ! rurulj packed , no marki tolnillvHtu lonivnlii ur i ndur. Dun iiiTtonal Inltnlutt prvfiurtMl Cnn ull Uo free , i orruiiponili'iicu itilcilr private HOIK ( Mmc'riun ol Ile ( > lent true. Oftlco Imurii'Ju ui to tip. ok CundH7 > 10 u , in 1013m * 4d ] I iluinplor r. , llv- . r ii na-fliyLaii wi j J3.l < tlill lltcl IHVa. COMMISSION HEROH/IHT , Grain , Seeds , Provisions. NOB. 2 and 4 Shormnn St. . Rooms 68 & 69 CHICAGO. H-l-cldM fin Illllpi * furUiclililiilllnt'iif rliliuui'ii ol llrnln. I Ivld und Has Si'cdi Iti-fcreiurn 4'ur TO WEAK MEN Bnffcrlns jiiulliful tin ) riTicU fmni u ( nirlrderttV , wtwIlntfvrcnkniM , limt inauhood , i to. . I will M'nil nvaluitlilu tnutlMi lualoli i-outalnlnj fulliiarlli'illun fur Ionic cure , I'llDI ! of rbargi. A pli'ndfil iiii'dlial work ) oLimlit ii n K ! l ) > cirry man wlin U iifrvon * and di bllllut d. Addri s * . I'rof. I' . C' . I'U WILlill. JIIoocJuB. Couui INSTANT RtLIEF. I'lmlcure PILES m loil ) , uiiu neier rulurni .No _ Flpuriceuuk lf9 Duiu [ > | > o itory huf * Itreriiviill.lrVJl' . ' . ' * > l.iiitJle.miufoy I'rtr ty nil- : l , ft. V.iiltjl. I . - SOUTH OMAHA. UNIOS STOCK YARD3 CO. , LIMITED COMMISSION MERCHANT3. Al'tn Root & Oo , 6nsn\Tj & Dilb/ . KunmSI KxchinKO llullil- llooiiis , C ) anil til Kfi * > Iliitltlluv South CMIUJ b.ill.llu. . Omnhn. Huutli O-iuhi. , r YOUR3ELF ! , r Ask ) our DrugeUt for a , , ' bolllo of lllK J. 'J he only io jioltoiinui remedy for All . the tinnuturul dinliurj'i'S und I private dl ectu of men nnd Iho I dcliilllalliiK wiaknies peculiar 1 lo womi'ii. Jt cnrte In a few ] da > B without thu aid or inibllrlty 'iI a dot tor Jtit I'niitrial jlTntricn.li Curt Munufttcturcd by I klbt Evans Chemical 0 . ' CINCINNATI , O. u. a , A. VIGOR OF MEN\ Easily , Qulokly , Permanently Restored. ' AViuUne. . . Ai rvuu nf , Jlcbllllr , and all the train of ovlli fniiii rtrly trrur.orlutcr vicvtiei. Ilia renulli of orcrwnrk , tltkiumi , wurryetc. lull A J clroiiKtli , dcTelupuient , and lonoidun lu eietf organ mid ( xirtlou ot ihu body , blinplo , nitural motlKKli. luiiurdlate Improvvincnt wrn. rtllura ItiipoMlUla 2. ( J rcferrniti. Jlnok , civlauallocj ajii ] prixifii Dialled Uciiled ) free , Addren i _ _ IRII MIDIOAL CO. , BUFFALO , H. U