TIIK OMAHA DAILY KEK : TllMSDAY , FKKRUAUY 0. 1892. ITS EFFECT AT WASHINGTON Mr. China's Letter Received with Much Wagging of Politically Wise Hoads. HIS ATTITUDE TOWARD MR. HARRISON Jlel.itlo.it Iliituren ( lie PrnldiMit mid Il Srurolnry iif HtHto Sulil in ll Ono Itc.iton for tliti I'lildlrittlitn or tlin WIllHlniunl. WASMIXOTON Huiintu OP Tut : 1KB , | Bin FouiiTKr.NTii STIIKBT , WAIIIINOTO.V , D. C. . bTs.f : , rhero nro two distinct vlows of the moanIng - Ing and cffccUof Secretary Blaino's letter to Chairman Clarkion Into whloh the com- moult of members of congress today sbapo themselves. Ono vury largo ohm of republicans , In cluding those who have all alone been out- npoKcn In tholr belief that President Harri son's admtnlstrntlon hm been of mich n chnr- nclor us to glvo him n distinct claim upon his party for a ronomlnatlon , nnd upon the coun try for another term , felt no hoilUutcy In expressing - pressing their opinions. That opinion was , in every case , to the general effect that Sec retary illaino'9 lotlor , while U would bo ro- grottcd by a largo clement , ! f not n majority , of the republican voters of thn country , made the renomlnation of President Harrison In- ovliablo. Many republicans of this class were qulto willing to admit that ( ten- oral Harrison , while very strong with the mass of the prty and while possessing the npprovul'of the sober thought of the country at largo for his admirable conduct of public business , hau excited moro or less antagon ism nmong the professional party leaders nnd among the men who have moro or loss control over the local party organizations. This opposition , however , the friends of the aumliihUralion assort , nnd not without laclc of proof , arises merely from scattered nnd olsoinanl/.cd factions who are not content with Iho distribution of federal patronage. It Is i ot bacltod or strengthened by any pretense - tense nt criticism of the wisdom , uprightness und patriotism of this ndmlulslratlou. There fore ' time inun say this opposition is of no weight and now that Secretary Hialno has withdrawn will speedily disappear. Such Is the gcucral tone of comment nmong republicans who are distinct adher cuts of General Harrison. These men also declare that Mr. Blaino's letter will bo re- Kurded ns tltial and absolute ; tbnt to question its sincerity would betray a laclc of'resppct for Mr. Blaine himself ; tbnt for bis friends to continue to press his name for the nomination would bo not only uncivil to Mr. Hialno , but openly antagonistic lo General Harrison , nnd tbnt such a course would only foment dissent within the party nnd com plicate the work of the Minneapolis conven tion , which Mr. Ulalno's letter nasso greatly simplified , What tin ) Otlior I'YIImv * Sny. On the other band , there Is manifest nmong the republicans who nro not opposed to President Harrison , but who have so long cherished n personal alToctlon and political allegiance to tbo great statesman from Malnu as to-tlnd it almost Impossible to surrender their deslro of seeing him In the wbtto bouso , an unwillingness to accept his letter to Chairman ClarUson as to the absolute and llnal cud to Secretary Bialno as n presiden tial possibility. Ills this spirit of unwilling ness among some of Mr. Blalne's devoted ad mirers to take him at his word that gives color to the sneering comments of mug wumps mid democrats to the effect thnt Mr. Bluino is not sincere ) and his letter is only strategic move upon the political chessboard , desigtH-d to mask bis real Intentions. Friends of Mr. Blnino do not say this. Even out nnd out democrats are frnnlc enough and honest enough to accept the htnguago ot his lettoi for what it stands. I1U Health IH Poor. I learned today from friends of Mr. Blnino , who have known fur some time in a gonorar way of his determination to announce HI some llttlng form that ho would not bo n candidate for tbo presidency , the reasons which compelled him to this conclusion. Two processes of reasoning led him , despite the persuasion and oven on treaties of some of his triends , to his decision. The llrst and most potent wus the state of his health. It is safe to bay over since no returned from Bar Har- lior to Washington Secretary Blaine bas been convinced In his own mind that It would be literal suicide for him to under tsko the labors of a campaign , which would require the candidate to devote all his per Himal energies to thu tight In at least the two Htutcs ot Now York and Indiana , not to speak of the laborious duties of the prosl deiiti-.l oflico Itself If the campaign should bo successful. In this conviction Mr. Blaiuo was sustained by Iho members ot his own family. l''n\or 1'rrnldont Harrison , The second process cf reasoning which lei Mr. Blaine lo withdraw was his own hones and cordial recognition of the fact , wiiict only reflects honor , his friends say. upon his own mind nnd heart , that the administration of President Harrison has been ot the char acter which fully entitled the president to ronominutlon aud ro-eluctlon. He has guictci the affairs of the country with n firm and consorvallvn hand through n financial crisis at a lime when the least faltering of Iho band at the helm might have preclpltalot disaster. Ho has entered cordially and mas terfully upon lha administration of the ro citirocity clause of tbo Mclvinloy law , It which he was In full accord and sympathy \\llh his secretary of state In all tbo details o a distinctively "business administration. " H < has not only boon eminently successful , bu tins won the mini-oval of the country at largo It Is to bo noted that each of these tw chief reasons which led Mr. Bialno to decid upon writing this letter of withdrawal were of a character not at all dependent upon th chances of current or future political uvouts .Nothing could have happened within th past few months and nothing could banpoi bet woe n now and the meeting of tbo Mia noa polls convention next Juno which would n ull ulTcct the force of eltborof tbeso reasons. To anyone who stops to realize Ibis point , say Intlmato friends of Sourotnry Blaine , tbo error of questioning the sincerity of Blaino's letter will become apparent. Soimtur .MiiiulurmMi'ii .VIown. Very llttlo surprise was expressed by any of the Nobriukn delegation nt Mr , Blaino's loiter. Senator Mamtcrson says : "I am not at all surprised at tbo Blalne latter , While hols undoubtedly a popular man In the republican party today and would , In my Judgment , reccivn the largest vote , I have \ been confident for several months that the secretary of state was not desirous of the nomination aud would decline to bo consid ered a candidateunless It wusmudo apparent to him that party necessities demanded the sacrifice of personal conveniences. Ills letter seems final and I see no grounds for thu opinion held by on.o tlmt there U a string iu any way attached to it. Mr. Blaine bus tiecn lully conscious of his own popularity. Ilo could not belli being so when letters were pouring In upon his urging him to only keep ellenco and hU nomination was assured and when politicians were mealing him person- tonally and Insisting that his nomination alone could tavo the party. I Imvo no doubt that the secretary of state with a full appro- fiutlon of the affection felt for him by tbo ie- publicans generally has decided that , hli physical condition would not permit of tuo repetition of the canvass of 18M and ho has repeatedly said lo friends thu party owed a runomluauou to Projido-it Harrison , whoso conservative and wise administration has entitled titled him tosuch recognition ut tholr hands. " l'r 'i > ldriit HurrUuii'ii Claim * . Senator Paddock said to TUB But : i-orro- ipomlont tonight ; "I taluk Mr. Bialno s declination li sincere. Indeed , I do not think ha ban at any time seriously thought of being A candidate. I have therefore thought his Mlenco helpful lo iba president. "So long as there was uopa at to Mr. Illalno's possible candidacy hit friends all over thu country wort ) notlvo , and , as a rule , In good relation with the friends of Iho presi dent. This made ull other candidacies im possible. If this cotllu have continued uji to Iho meeting of the convention aud Mr. Bluino had then declined , ax l am sure ho would have done , no one but Mr , Harrison rould possibly have been nominated. It U not unlikely now thut many candidates tn.iy coma forward from oitleront status , oaoh be coming a new obstaclu In Iho way of final concentration. Thu president has certainly earned a ronomtnntiou and a ra-oloctlon ny his splendid administration , but republics have sometimes poor memories and In the presence of these multiplied ambitions forgetfulness - fulness may come ns to the claims of an able and patriotic president , " Ai CoiiRrrttninii McKHRliHti Srrt It , Congressman McICclghan said : "I had not heard until now informed that Mr. Bialno had withdrawn his name. I havs no time to roud the pipers. I can only say that In my judgment It will lese the republican partv at ) per cent of th- vote throughout the United Status. That .Mr. Bialno is the most popular man In the party no ono who has traveled throughout the oa t and west can doubt for ono moment. His withdrawal clears up the situation for the democrats and complicates it correspondingly for the republican - publican * . " l > pri'Hlont of Inwn SlntcHinrii , Hero nro some expressions from Iowa talesmen : Representative Hays It is n wy cool letter and shows that.'Mr. B'alno ' values his life too highly to enter Into nny useless struggles , Uoprcsentatlvo Hamilton I endorse the scnllmouts of Mr. Hays very heartily. Representative Dollivcr The republicans of Iowa will generally regret the withdrawal of Mr. Dliijno from nctivo party politics. Ho ivas the most popular republican mentioned in connection with the presidency in the state of Iowa. Now that ho has withdrawn , cannot IclLwho will bo In the race so far as ho Iowa delegates are concerned , but I think they will support President Harrison. Representative Scerloy I have expected this letter for some months. In fact. 1 have iiad no doubt that Mr. Bialno would with draw from the raco. Any ono who has soon : iltn recently knows that , it would ba Impossi ble for him to make the race , in my judg ment It mikes Harrison's nomination certain. .Mirll nt it Clean AiliiilnlHlratliin. Representative S. B. Henderson I am not yet ready to talk on this subject. Representative Flick 1 am satisfied that the strongest man In the republican parly , nnd especially In the west , Irom n personal standpoint , Is James G. Blalne. Mr. Harri son's administration has boon n clean ono nnd an excellent one , but disappointed ofllco soekor.s will not rally to his standard as they would to Blnlno'it. I think Harrison will have a solid Iowa delegation In the ubsonco of BlnlnoS candidacy. Representative Hull The withdrawal of Mr. Bialno slmpllllod mutters largely , and 1 feel certain thut Mr. Harrison will bo ro- nominntcd. Representative Perkins I endorse Mr. Hull's ideas. Representative White I think that Mr. Blaluo Is acting in good faith , und Ills letter Is a manly , straightforward document. .South DnUotn Tor IliirrUon. Representative Picklor of South Dakota "South Dakota wilt Harri says : now bo for son. She was naturally for Blaino. Ho was her Ideal. Harrison bas made a line adminis- toatlon and will now bavo a second term beyond doubt. I think Bialno Is for Harri son beyond doubt. Sciintor Allison Is Xot n Camllilnto. Senator Allison of Iowa , who has been a prominent candidate for the presidency two or throe times , said to TIIK BEG correspondent pendent today : "No. sir , my nnmo will not bo used for tbo presidential nomination this year for the simple reason that I will not permit It. Iowa was for Blaino. It is con stitutionally made up for Blaine , but now that ho is out of the consideration I thinit Iowa will support Harrison at Minneapolis and very cordially. He has made a magnifi cent administration and deserves a second term. " MlHcrlliineiius. Thomas Wusslor was today appointed postmaster at Gochnor , Seward county , Nob. , vlco G. W. Adams , resigned ; J. K. Porter at Golden , Clark county , S. D. , vice D. McLollan , removed ; F. It. Drubock i t Bryan , Swootwater county. Wyo. , vice F. G. Valloruso , resigned. Senator Allison introduced bills in the scnnto today appropriating $ OJ,000 for a public building ut Creston , fa. , and $ , " > 0,000 for n building ut Atlantic , la. The house committee on public lands today reported favorably on the bill confirming lii thu stnto of South Dakota title to the scctiou of land near Yanktou , S. D. , for asylum purposes. Representative. Picklor today laid before the secretary of the Interior an application from the surveyor general of South Dakota to rcsurvey the Sissoton rosorvation. In executive session today the senate con firmed the nomination of Receiver \Vood- hur.st and Register Baldwin of North Platte nnd E. J. Holbrnok , postmaster ut Falls City , Nob. Senator Pettigrow is at Hampton , Va. , with the senate committee oc Indian affairs inspecting the Indian school at that place. Congressman Bowman of Iowa today in- troduc- a bill to pay the city of Council BlulTsir > . " > , being one-half of the cost of pavements around the public building at Council Bluffs. Congressman Jolloy of South Dakota today learned from the Tribune ulmanao that bis colleague , Major Pickler. died last year and Jolloy was elected to succeed him. Major Picklor denies tbat ho is dead. Coiigicssman McKcignan introduced a bill in the house today providing for tbo with drawal of postal notes and for the substitu tion In their place of fractional currency In denominations of 5 , 10 , 15 , t0,25 ! and 50 cents , to bo sold at postoftlcos and to bo legal ten ders for small amounts. The decision of the general land office in the timber culture contest ot John P. Soder- quist against Michael Moltor from Mitchell , S. D. , has been nfllrmod by Assistant Secre tary Chandler , holding the entry of oatry- man for cancellation. L. Rosonlhnl , cashier of the Nebraska State blink of West Point , ! in the city , the guest of Sorgoaiit-at-Arms Valentino. Valentino.P. P. S. H. D. C. , Fob , 8. ( Special Tolo- grnm to TIIK BiiK.J The following list of pensions granted Is reported byTufc OIB : and Examiner Bureau of Claims ; Nebraska : Original Julius Lorius , Goorpto Fowler , Jacob A. McDougall , Henry H. Houseman , William H. Howell , Conrad J. Schmidt , William D. Church. Conrad J. Schldt , Goorpo Louchndgo , William D. Weber , David ! ' . Rudd. Martin V. B , Me- KInney , David Locker. Edwin O. Carpenter , James Dlcas , George W. Pate , Samuel F. Vlntou , John P. Elston , John B. Little , Peter Mergros , Joseph Wostley. Joha M. McNaughton , John Fifer , David F. Stoner , Samuel M. Rlsoly , Charles L. Thomas , John W. Hiatt. Original widows , etc Dladoma Moon , mother ; Mary A. Alloly. Iowa : Original James F. Hnuey , Charles F. Greoler , ( joorgo C. Thompson , Daniel Doma Runvillo , Riley Donnr , Thomas Deem ing , Franklin Cole , George Candeo , William D , Kill , Humphrey Montgomery , William Sprouse , William G. Jenkins , Ezra F. Smith , Thomas McMahou , Jacob Llsby , John Burns , Hugh F. U Burton , Hugh B. Laird , August Jarr , Anson O. Doollttlo , Augustus C. Becker , Luther Allen. Lovl P. Wlllits , Will- Warnock , Howard Lathrop * James M. Bell , William UicUerson , Huzekiah Slowart , Warren 1C. Follot , Hums Green. Kinanuol Kolb , James McManus , Frederick W. Tesch , William Tbolm , Louis R. Funston , David Horiott. Andruw Singer , Lewis Forthun , Harvey B. ICottloman. Joseph Audor , Ira J , Lennox , Samuel W. Shlpmaii , James Dun can , Theodore Kay. Additional Samuel ICalteubaah , Nicholas Glaus , W. F. Joyce , William Flack , Increase John T. Yoo. Original widows , etc. Minors of Morritt Dean , Luzotta M. Orlcle , Adrian M. Barker. HIS Uuruoreil liy 1'iillcpiiif n , u Unper.ita Ifxiirl cldi' Mil km u rinmi Fight. Ciucioo , III. , Fob. 8. Andrew Anderson , ex-foreman of u butlorlno faclory. hot hU wife tbU afternoon , nnd then , lo uacape ar rest , Jumped off Iho roof of his house , a dis tance of tlfiy feat , to the ground , only to bo cornered Immoillatoly In a cellar by Police C'aptuln ICoch. Anderson refused fo sur render , shooting himself In the boast. Ho llred iwlco at Captain Koch. Both shots missed , and Iho captain quickly knocked him down mid disarmed him. Anderson , as a preluduto the extraordinary episode , bad smashed all Iho ftirulturo in the hoiuo and thrown hU wifo't dishes and ( lower pots out of tha windows. Ho Is a drinking man , aud his wile had takem steps to obtain it divorce. Las > t night she , through fear of him , remained uway from thu husband , and was returning under the unavaillug protec tion of two coiutablos when the shnotlng look place. Anderson will recover. The wife's wouud ttru fatal. FREE SILVER AT THE CLUB Current Topic People Give the Question a Partial Shaking Up. ONLY ONE SIDE WAS HEARD FROM .Mr. It , It. I ! OHll A relict Tlmt Ihn llnitlito Miiiidnril It the Salvnllon of the Nittlon-Wlll Try It Next \Vrrk , The Current Toplo club had nn attack of silver cotiiBgo last night that promisor to hut n ( week or two. Ur. IJuryoix was present to preside , and thu ' attend an oo lilted the largo committee room of the Youni ? Men's Christian associa tion btnlding to its utmost capacity. The question for discussion wus thts : "Is It Aavlsnblo for the United States to Adopt the Free and Unlimited Coinage of Silver ! " The aftlrinativo of the question wa * opened by Mr. 11.1J. Howell In n very carefully pre pared and able tiddross. ho hold that the anil-silver men had misrepresented thu issues in the discussion of thlsgroat question now Interesting the people from end to end of the country. They had culled It a ques tion of cheap money or DO cheao money. .Mr. llouolPs Iilcii. Ho declared that this was not the real question. Ulmotnltsm did not. mnan cheap money , but monometatlsm meant dear monoV , Mr. Unwell said. The pold bugs had robbed the debtor class , nt.rt yet they wore not sallstleu. They wanted to wioo out silver ns a medium of exchange and standard of valun so ns to Increitso the purchasing Hewer of gold. If tBc cold j\nd bondholders could occomnllsh Ihls they woulii virtually rob the United States nnd the debtor classes of this country of fOOO.OOO.OOO. The demonetization of silver In 1S7I ) , the spnaKor declared to have been a crime. Ho Illustrated the fluctuations in the production of silver nnd gold and In the purchasing power of each and their relative value by means of a map. The speaker ar- guoJ that , the ptiormous accumulations of wealth by private parties had been miulo possible bv the manipulations of the circu lating medium of the country. Ho was in favor of free and unlimited coinage of silver. On tlui Other llnnd. Mr. W. H. Lowe was to have made the loading address on the negative , but ho was not present. Mr. C. H. Clarlc took up the debate for the negative nnd made omo very effective points. Ho showed that the purchasing power of money varied with its plontifulncss mid scarcity. To Increase the volume of sil ver would docroitio Its purchasing power and would consequently make It cheap , despite the arguments of the free coinage advocates to hold the value of silver at n given point. Mr. D. Clem Denver spoke upon the nftlrm- atlve side of the question. Ho made a num ber of points that evoked applause. L'olonel Fnlrman wa * asked to snealc nnd made a few general remarks germane to the subject and showed thut ho was thoroughly familiar with .ho issue in question. Will Tnku It ARiiln. The time for closing had then arrived , but as several other gentlemen wished .to hove the question discussed further ' It was decided to continue the debate - bate next Monday evening. Mr. John M. Hazolton and Mr. J. M. Ulllau wore asked to present the negative side of the Question next week , nnd some of the numer ous free silver advocates will take the atlinn- ntivo. After a few gentle hints from Dr. Duryoa ns to how the question ought to be handled nnd the various phases of tuo subject to bo , ( opt in mind the club adjourned. 'Champagne that has the least alcohol is a stimulant and restorative , " says Dr. Pavy. Use Cook's Extra Dry Imperial. O.ff.lfl.l. City Council M After the usual preliminary remarks , Mor ris Yost was given a permit f.o erect a watch sign at Tweuty-lifth nnd N streets by the city council last night. This important mat ter over , the fatigue was evinced by the fact that the committee on hospital asked and was granted further timo. Councilman O'KourKo reported that the county would look after South Omaha poor if the cases were reported. Chief Drennan reported ninety-two arrests for the month of January , divided as follows : Drunk. IW ; vagrancy , lf > ; potty latcony , 7 ; assault , 0 ; grand larceny , 2 ; violating or dinance , 1 : uuullory , U ; suspects , 0. Norton Bros , agnln asked for interest on tlio $1,743.15 duo on grading account , and again the matter was referred. Hobert Montgomery Informed the council that a Loavonworth physician was desirous of establishing u cancer hospital In conjunc tion with a city hospital in South Omaha. Ho would ask as a guarantee at ioast $000 per year for a term of ton years. The matter was referred to Councilman Wood , Walters and Howloy. Mr. Walters moved that all signs bo removed from off the sidewalks that were in opposition to tbo stront obstruction nrdl nance. Motion prevailed nnd the sirout will bo cleared. Four bonds of f."iOO each issuoil In favor of grading district No. 4 were ordered can celed. Treasurer Hector reported that ho had several thousand dollars' wet In of coupons that should bo destroyed. The treasure ! was Instruct' ' to bring up the same ut the next mooting.N A hole at Twenty-third nnd P streets was ordered filled up. Adjournmont'was made for ono week. llolirlMl.m ItiliT. Two hundred couples IHlecl Blum's ball Saturday evening on the lint masquerade ball given by the United Bohemian Hall as soclation. It was the greatest financial aud social success ever held by the Bohemians in this city. Tlio not receipts wcrolSOO. The ball was arranccd by J. M , Tobias , B , Dieusbiur and John Borkaof Starof Llborty Lodfo.No 145 , Mark Boukal , John Moravo and Joseph Sesnohlcdok of the Bohemian turners sokol , Mesdames Anna Fraud : , Julln Sobotlm anil Mury Buros of Ollvolu Koto- lest , No. : ir > , J. C. D. , and Frank Frunulc , rank Laitnor and J. Tosnohlodoii of Court Prokop Volley , No , UOO , Independent Order of Forosiur : $ ? 0 was given In prizes. Frank Dolozol and Miss Annie Mocek received ? " each ns Hi-fit prlos , John Seborl and Miss Annie Broz 1 each as second prl/ns , ami Joseph Kuiuol and Mrs , Annie. Novuk each , third prizes. Ciesslor'sMagloIieaU' ) ! ! ' ) Wafer euros a headaches in " 0 minutes. At all druggists. FIIIK AND POLICE. I.em not Aliienrc ( iranlcclVI11 lti > | irlni.ini Von MIIKKII For nn iniiiiii : Mouse. Firemen Cavanaugh nnd McUulro were each eranted ton days' leavu by thu Fire am Police commission at Its mooting last night Policemen O'CJonnan , Cullun and Mouroo wore also granted a ton days' vacation. Patrolman Frank Mltcjiell sent in a re quest asking to be appointed a mounted oftl err ; referred to llio chlnf. A letter from Unlof Ciallipan , who is a present at Sutherland , Flu. , staled that h was considerably improved in health , Oillcer Von Mugga was tried for using THE POINT. " From a Catholic Arch "A bishop down to the Pooreat of the Poor J all testify , not only to tha Virtues of ST. JACOBS OIL , The Great Remedy For Pain , but to IU superiority OUT all other remedies , ex press , d thus : It Cures Promptly , Permanently ; uhlrh nuvni Hrlrlly , that the iialn-strlckcn icck it prumpt rt-lltf Uh no lUurn of the l ln , end ihU. Hu-y nay , St. J cot Oil wlU KlVf. ThU U iu excellence. busivo lane JBRO to Mrs , Voss , his landlady. A mlf dozen witnesses for both sides occupied ully two hours ol tha board's timo. In ox- cutlvo session the ca ova < talked over and t wns dot-Mod to ropt'i'rliand ' Von Mugcro at ho next mooting. u' The commltteo on laxvs , ordinances nnd tlonii , to whom had been referred n ommuntcatlon from Wi S. ShootnaUor , rc- icrtod thnt Mr. ShoomaHer was untitled to ho thanks of the uoavJ..frr , hU olTorls toon- orco the ordlimnco airnjust the circulation of m moral and scandalo\tsjlter.ituro. \ Colonel S. S. Curtis sil omitted plans nnd n imposition to orcct n'ii'oueiiclno honso on ClBhtoenth nnd Hnrnoy streets for use ns tire dop.iriment hc > ndnuartnrs at a routal of $ MO wr month. The hulhnh'fc is to be 44x100 foot and with Meeplns nfMrtmonts for twenty non. This proposltlbni was considered the > cst that had so far been received , nml the > oard recommended to the council that thny enter into n contract with Mi\ Curtis for the erection of the block. .1. jr. i.r.ox.init'srrf. . U'linl HitSnyN In Acrcptliif ; thr Iti'pnhllrnn for ( lovrrnor of l.imliinnii. s La. , Fob. 8. A. H. Loo- ntml , republican nomlnoo for Kovornor , today nado public hU letter to the chairman of the state central commtttoo nccoptlng the nomi nation. In the letter bo states ho notes Iho llsruptcil condition of tbo democratic party , iut shows that there nrq only two pnrtloi tn ho gtato , the democrntlc and republican , and that as soon as tbo present election Is over ho democrats will again unlto in maintain ing fraudulent possession of the state gov ern inont. "Iu 1877 , " says the loiter , "tho democratic inrty took forcible possession of the state jovcrniriont. anil has ovorsliifo mnlntnlnod ts dDsolutc power by violent nnd fraudulent noans. The republican party of Iho state , .hough not. destroyed , has boon crushed nnd , to all practical purposes , there Is but ono political party In the stuto. " Mr. Leonard ROCS on to show that opnos- ng political parties are essential to the ox- stcnco of free Institutions ; that when the i free opposing political parties are Invariably found , and that where such par ties exist tbo people nro Invariably free. "It follows , therefore , " says the writer , "that where such parties are not found tbo people nro not Ireo. " "For tlftcon years , " says Mr. Leonard , "tho people of Louisiana have not been free , nnd there can bo no freedom in tho.stato until Iho people are allowed lo dlvldo Into political parties. The political condition of the state has retarded the development of Its magnificent material resources , and has so lowered the intellectual and moral tone of Iho people as to seriously threaten the under lying principles on which society Itself is based. To remedy this condition it is neces sary that tbo republican parly bu allowed to maintain Its organization , so that tbo effects of opposing political pirttcs may result in freedom for the people. The ruling class must abstain from thu violent means by which the republican partv has been repressed , uud from the fraudulent methods by which the republican voters have been suppressed. All that Is necessary U n peaceable election nnd an honest count. Wo ask for nothing moro ; wo should submit to nothing loss. In the words of tbo repub lican platform , the right of every citizen lo cast ono vote tn puollc elections and lo have that vote counted , Is the paramount right. "lf wo are tojudgodf the future by the ox- porlcnco of the past , ' the ensuing election will bo determined by 'returning ofllcors' and not oy votes. , But many democrats throughout the tuto have grown weary of the methods by which the democratic party has maintained Its usurpation. Tuov know thnt such methods are survivals of bnrbarlbm. They have learned at lust that such methods musteycnUially , make thulr children perjurers aud rufllans. There is bomo reason to hope that the inllucnco of many of the moro intelligent members of thu democratic party wifl bo exerted to prevent thu bulldozing and the. frauds at elections which huvu so long disgraced the fair nnmo of Louisiana. Moreover , the disruption of the democratic partyl will , to n certain ex tent , dispel the unreasonable prejudice which has heretofore exlsteujn the pitnds of many democrats against the republican party , and must rauko It extrotnoly difficult for return ing ofllcors to count out the largo majority which the republicans undoubtedly have in this slate. There Is some reason to believe that thu political action of the people of Louisiana will In the future be determined by reason rather than by passion and preju dice. If so the republicans will have nn opportunity lo show that tno principles of their party are in harmony with the interest of the state. The cause of the republican party In Louisiana is tbo cause of the people , the cause of freedom , the cauao of justice , the cause of civilisation. " AH OVEllALT , FACTORY. Oiunlin tn Sruro Anotlier .Muniifttcttirlnf ; liidiiHtry iif ( 'oimliUu'itlilu Iniportaiicr. Mr. M. U. 1'oters of the liemls Omaha Bac company has gene to close a do il thnt will secure for this cilv the location of an overall factory tbat will glvo employment to fifty bauds. The Interested parties were bore look ing over the ground , and found the Bemis Ha ? company's building on South Eleventh street bettor adapted to their purpose - pose than anything also that could be ob tained. They made Mr. Peters n proposition for ono floor of his building , together with the necessary electric llKht and steam boat and power. Ho wishes to make a few modi fications , nnd if these are accepted the dual will bn closed at once. It is tlm Intention of the bac company , if there U another ( -ood crop this year , lo odd two moro stories to their fivo-siory and base ment building and increase their plant ac cord ihfily. .v i a von TIU : . CiimpU-tit I.iKt of dumbos In tint Kcffnl S -r lro Vcstordiiy. WAfiuxoTON , D. C. , Fob. 8. [ Special TolOKram to Tim liii-Tho : | following army orders were issued today : A board of o fillers is appointed to moot , at the cell of the president ttiuri-of , nt Fort Myer , Vu. , for the examination of such ofticers na may bo ordered before it. to do- tormina their Illness for promotion. Dotatl for the board : ColnnolJames Oiddle , Ninth cavalry Lieutenant Colonel Guy V. llonry. Ninth cavalry ; Major Hob- ort II. White , surcioj ; Mujor Joseph 1C. Corbon , surgeon ; Captain Mar- lln D , Huphes , Ninth cuvnlry ; Hcrontl Lioutoimnt. I'otnrKltrnub , Firti cavalry , re corder. First Lloutoianl John Pitcher , First cavalry , will report in person to Colonel .latnos Ulddle , Ninth cav.i r , ' . president of t n ) board , forixa mnat on as lo I is-Illness lor protuoltou. Tlw loivu of ubsenct : 17 a ! 3)ead 1 lind terrible EQ2EMA for 18 was in bed fiix inqiitlis ill n tiniu body nnd llnibi swollen 'and sculy like it dead fish The UelifnV wns terrible , nnd FINALLY iOST MY SIGHT. After treatment.W1 . flvo physicians , nnd other remedies wftjioiil u-lief , I took B , 8. S. and it clitjkl me. Jly skin is boft and smootli , 'tnUl. tlio tcrriblu trotiblo 's ' all gone H , N ITCIIKM , , Wai'on.Ou. I know tlioabovo'htalcment to bu triiu. B. S. JlrtitMON , Jlucon , Oa. Send for our book orl the Illood. Protect your lungs by wourlng Chamois vest. For cold" feet buy n Hot //ate-Bottle. We have all size * , at low prices. Pliysicinp * Preopri p- tlons pi-oparsd ai low prices. The Aloe& Pen foil Company lAili Sir cl next to I' . O. s ANi > AT.\vojT > T.vi"ifi ! tii i l < t and ijnlj c.ln llui iinurlUod by i rvuultr plix ll ( > in fur ilia curj ( GouiirlxBundl Uclinrvui ( rJulnnrln.irror.iini. > vr > > t iu c < lu i U.IJT4. il.'jlvei lie , All rrnnted First Lieutenant John L. Harbour , Seventh Infantry , December , 1SIU , s extended twenty days. The following mined udlcors , having boon found by army retiring boards Incapacitated foractlvosorvlco ou account of disability incident to the ser vice , nro retired from nctivo service this Into ! Captain llcnrv O. Durton , assistant surgeon ; Captain Arthur \V. Taylor , assist ant surgeon. Paragraph 'J , special orders of b\briinry 5 , 1S1U , In the case of Second Lieu- : enant.lohn 0. L. Ilartman , I'lrst oavalry , s revoked. First LloutnnnntVllllain S. IMorco. ordnancn dcpartmont , will proceed Troin Ft. Hitov , Knn. , to U'ntervliet arsenal New Vork , and report In parson to the commanding olllccr of the nrsonnl tor assign ment to duty , Luava of ubsonco for ftva days , to tnko effect about Februarv 11 , 1SS * . ' , ts granted First Lloutcmnnt Uavlil I ) . Mitchell , Fifteenth Infantry , rocruitlnc ofllcor. The extension of ordinary leave of nbsonco granted Second Lioulomint , lohn U. M. Tavlor , Seventh Itifnntrv , January 19 , 189J , Oopnrtment of the Platte Is further extended six days on account of sickness. .s.nr TiiKbiiOTN rntin. Strung i\lilrnro : AKiilnst Artor Curtis nn UN Trial fur 'Murilcr. SAX FttvNftsco , Gal. , Feb. 8. The trial of M. B. Curtis , nctor. for the murder ot I'o- llconmn Grant , wns resumed today , A num- ocr of wltneises testified to being In the vi cinity nt the time of the hilling nnd hoarlue shots tired , nnd James Crclghton , llarkoeper Joseph Denny , oxtraman In the Flro depart ment , nnd Ooorgo Kent/ , compositor , tostl- llcd to seeing n man run awav from the spot where Grunt WAS k'lled. They could not , however , positively Identify Curtis ns the man. man.Ono of the most Important witnesses todny was Mamie Holdeti , who resides just across the street from where Grant was killed. She testified tlmt she had been sitting up with her sister entrrtalulng company. " 1 heaul two men talking loudly and then scufllliig , " she said , "I then hoard shots nnd saw Hushes. Ono seemed to bo on n level ; the second flash was pointed downward , and the last Hash was upward In the air. There was no ono clso on that side of the street except the two men who were scuflllng. Ouo of the mon ran away nfteo the shooting. 1 routd not see where he fled to. At the Unto ot the shooting 1 saw something bright tn the hand of the man who ran away. Ho was standing near thy fonco. I did not not notice how ho was dressed nnd cannot doscrlbn htm. " llolil Doings ol nn INcnpcd Korgrr. Sis Fiuxasco , Cal. , Fob. 8 , It win stated todny that Uichard Ileyor , wanted In Now Jersey for embezzlement , who escaped from Dctccltvu Dalston's custody whtl onrouto past some days ago , visited the county jnll In Oakland Friday last and paid his respects to n number of acquaintances thoro. Police otuclals did not molest him , not knowing but that It was proper for him to bo nt Inrge. It Is bcltovcd that Uoyor has left here on some vessel bound to Australia. SHU Striking. PiTTSiiuiio , Pa. , Fob. S. The striKO on the Pittsburg , Allegheny & Manchester trac tion lines Is still on although the company Is running cars regularly. The seventeen strikers who wont back on Saturday quit this morning without assigning any reasons for thotr action. JMMC.SOA.IJ. r.Ht.ttlU.H'IlS. Mr. W. G. Richardson Is In the city. A. H. Bcaty of Beatrice Is at the Arcado. O. H. Phillips of Beatrice Is nt the ArcaUo. James Kecd of Nebraska City is nt the Del- lone. Irvln Jeffries of Hoonor , Nob. , Is at Iho Dellono. ' W. B. Crawford of Nelson , Nob. , Is at the Mlllnrd. S. G. Mumrna of Creston is stopping at the Arcado. J. S. Gorham of Lincoln U registered at the Arcade. G. M. Eggloston of Bennett is stopping at the Mlllard. H. L. Carlson of Gothenburg Is registered at the Paxtoii. F.V. . Crow of St. Paul , Nob. , Is stopping at the Dcllono. Gforce Schroeser of David City , Nob. , Is nt the Paxton. D. L. Adams ot Norfolk , Neb. , was at the Murray yesterday. Ilonry D. Boyden of Grand Island is regis tered at the Dellono. J. S. Hong nnd wife of Iowa Falls were nt the Murray yoitcrday. Charles N. Curtiss nnd L A. Mosher of Hustings are at the Millard. W. B. Jones and wife of Superior , Nob. , nro registered at the Millard. W. A. and B. F. Westbrook of Dunbar , Nob. , ore at the Paxton. S. M. Walbach and N. R. McBride of Grand Island iiro registered at the DeUono. Mrs.V. . Reynold * and Mrs. C. H. May of Fremont , Neb. , are stopping at the Paxton. Mr-t. E. A. Carter ot Cresco , la. , is in the citju guest in tbo family of Dr. L. A. Mor- rium. rium.Messrs. Messrs. Philip S. Montapuo and Douglas White of the San Francisco Examiner called upon THE BIK. : John L. IJurko of Hot Springs , S. D. . Is In the city. Ho is connected with the Kvan.s Sandstone company. Major D. W. B'jnham , who stops at the Dollnno with his family , left vosto'rday oa a trip to Hot Springs , Ark. Hay Eaton of the World-Herald will leave this nttornoon.-nccompanicd by his mother , for Lnramio City , where they'will visit rela tives. ' ' WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. " < ROLLING ! St. Helens , England , is ] the seat ofi a great bus- ; incss. 1 BEECHAM S are made there and J ! PILLS they are a epeclfic for t all Nrrrnii'4 ' nnd J ; , UflloiiH HNordorri S arising from > Vcnk Htomacli. lin- * paired ItlKCHtlon unit Illsordrreil i Jl.l > er. J t Of all drupclslK. Price 25 cents n box. J J New York Depot , 365 Canal St. CO 5 NEBRASKA National Bank. U. S. DEPOSITORY. . - OMAHA , NE3 Cillilla ! . $100 , ! ! ) ' . ) Surplus . ( til , . ' ) ! ) ) OHIccru and Dlrootori-llonry . Yatui , iiroililon' ; H ( ° . CiMlihu , vlct | iriil'l'iit. ' ( ( X H M ntrlua \ \ ' . V. Mono , .loh n s. CollliK. J N. II. I'.ttrlck. Iti'uU , t'ntluer. THbl IRON BANK. Co-nor 12th nn 1 Farm n Sti \\'o ernil tli nmrveldin Krcnrh Ilcmc.lCALTHOS . I'ri-c , nml u K' al Kuaraiilro Unit UAI.TMO * ll | r.TOI > Illiclmrcri.tKml..ln. , . , C'lllll ! Nnirmntorrh 'ii. > urlcorilv und KKhT4)UK l.o.l > tear. Hit it and pav ifiatiifitii , AJJr , .vON MOMU CO. . Holt AirrHcaa Afrnt * , llarlnnftll , Ublo * AllanLdne 1ICM'U , MAIL SI'tfAMKIH. Hjll ivvulurly diirhu winter from PORTLAND to LIVERPOOL Direct. Cabin tl'Jan.i upwards xecon I eixbla , f li hlcurmo ot lanr r.iloi .Nil \nlK I AHItlKli RT & * * * f siattviois oi" K > ± .J. ± . i , , . „ j iNSi [ Nunr Vork and lilniKdir Kurtnlifbtlr. Cablnln tuo.ni I fIiln ! . ' . blaormotli. to AI.IN A CO , , 'tiliiUJ II. ii Iti'.t tV Til-kill Omod , W K VAIbJu liiuui TIOCJ , j ' LAW OFFICES lfflS.1TJ.ffi.Eiy M.i'xM'ti' . ' , Mo "iVi"a..lttH"i | ' . . lite u til. w fill t i 'woobs ' I prov'w * om thltiK \ ' but only flie ' makers of Dr. ' rierco's Oolilon Medical Discovery adopt IU It's a plan to glvo you 1 what you expect , or take no pay. If , In nny case , their remedy falls to benefit or euro you , they'll return the money. That proves , for ono thliiR , that it's pretty snro to da all that's claimed for It. And what they claim Is , thnt nil disease * or dis orders caused by a torpid liver or Impure blood nro cured by U. For nil the many forms of Scrofula , nml for Iho most olistlnnto Kkln and Scalp Dlsooscs , Salt-rheum , Tetter , Kcroma , Kryslpelns , and all kindred allmcnta , U It nn utipqitalod nnd unfailing remedy. It provw that the "Discovery" Is the best blood-medicine , or It couldn't Ixi sold on such terms ; niul the cheaixst , for you pay only for the r/ooiJ you get. And it proves , too , that nothing clso , offered in 1(8 ( place by the dealer , can bo " lust as Rood.rt jtewaro of spurious imitations or illlutlonii , at lower prices. A Written Guarantee to SYPHILIS CIMEEV-RY CASE or MONEY REFUNDED. Oar euro l pernnincnt nml not n pntelilin ; up. On sot treated seven jenrniuo Imvo never seen n svinptom Mnro. liy ilesrrllilngcftsp fully we run trout jnuby iimll.nml npKlvotliosnmo ntrnnit miam-ileo to euro orroftinil iilllnonoy , Tltono who proforlo ennio here fortreiitinenl rnnilu vininl wo "III | my rHllrnml fnro lintli wnysnnd lintel lillls wlillo IIOTJ If wo full to euro We ClinlliMwo tlto World fur u < ns tlmt nur M MHO UIMiiV : will not euro. Write for pnrtleu'nnnd net tlio evMonei' . In nur seven jo-irV pructh-o nlth tliln.MAOIC ItlJMKDV It Ins lieon ninit ilimcnlt tn overi'niiiB the prejiulloji iuiln : < t vie.illnl speoltlK lint nailer iiur5tmiiKKiii\rntilM3 thoii'iinitl ro tryliu llniiillielnitcnrol. Wo uunrintco tn euro orrefunl ovoryilnllnr , mil usyn Irivn n rcpul'i'l'M ID IIM'O- id < otlnniielnl tia-khu nf fi 11,11 ir It In porfuetlrnfo tn nlhvlin will try thiHnmtmivit. Her 'tnfo-oydit h.ivo boenputtlimup nnl piyltu < mtTininiumey fnrillllor i-nt troiitiiieiits , iii.luUliuiik'li > n-i nro not Ji't enrol IKIone has pnlit bick > iiiir money.Vu "III mHtlvoly etirojoa. Old ehriniled opsustol C'l oi enrol ln.ll to ' .U ilnyi. InveKtUnto nur lhi.iii.lnl stiinlliu | , our reputation in lni lm men. Wilto 111 for immos un < l nililreii ei of thoie wo Icivo eure.l who Imvo Klvoii liornilsolontiirdfertu llioni. Itrosti you only po t- UKctoilo this. If your ymitiis tire s ire t'.iroi' , mucous p itrln" III month , rhuirimtlsii In tioniK nml joliituImlr fnlllnunnt , vruptloa'i on any purl of tlio body , fcolhnt nf xeanral doiroi | lon , pul is in heivJ or nones. You liuro no tlm i tn naite. Tlio u who nrj constantly tnkhu meroiiry mi t potash nliouMillviiti- tlniiolt. ( onat'int IMO ( if the j driiKS Hill Mirety hrhni Hornsnnil enthu ulcers In tlio en I. Don't tnll lo wrlto Allcorrespon lenro < ' > nt 'oiloil Iu pl.ilu envolopoi. Wclnvito tlumo t rlxlil lnvo tlintlon nml will do all In nur power to nl I you In It. AtlilreM OOOK KEMBDZ 0. , - Omahi , Nobraakit. FOR MEN ONLY. snot ) for n ASH ( if l.o-iT or I-'AIMMI MAN- iioon , Uon . ! > r Ntitvotis DKIIII.ITV , weak- iiossnf ID lyr .nlnd , the pfleetsof urrorsor o\- cossosln aldoryouimtliatwueaiinoluiiro. Wo piiiirnntto every CUM ) or refund every dollar. I'lvo diiystrlul treutiucnt SI , full cnursn sn. 1'nrcoptlblo bcnollts roallred in throe days. By until , sociiroly p'u'Kcil from observation. OOOK UKMKIIV Co. , OMAII \ , NKII LADIES ONLY MARIP I'IMAI.I : KKCL'I.ATOIC , Hafu nnd ITtHUlU Curtain to a day or niiincy rcfiiiulud. liy ] mall $ i. Soouroly sealed from obsurvn- t'on. ( CtHHi Jtli.tlrtltY Vtt. , Omulm. Noh. Ita \ not to medals , adaes or tbo Insignia ot royal favor that the Great est of all cpeclaUdts. DRS. BETTS & BETTS Owe their wonderful per- Borial and protession- al popularity .They won their hon ors by their morlta. In the scientific treatment and success ful cure of over 86.OOO cases ot those NERVOUS. CHUONIC AND PRIVATE DISEASES which nro so for midable to the medical profes sion in general , DRS. BETTS & BETTS have proven that they possess extraordinary ability and skill. ID the H8to"CI'rl- valeDlseases as well aa Stric ture , Hydrocelo , Varlcocelo and Hectnl trouhlea , their success has been truly marvelous. Therefore , they are entitled to wear the emblems of the high est honors , for these tlioy have richly won by their own efforts Send 4c for tholr now book of 12O pages. Consultation Is also free. Call upon or address with stamp. DRS. BETTS & BETTS 119 S. 14th St. N. K. Coiner Douglas St. , Omaha , Neb. Dr , BAILEY < jjr The Loading $ . J v Dentist Third Floor , P.txton Hloa'r , IIttli anil F.irmni Sti , A full hot of tenth on intibur for Ij. I'orloct lit Troth without pl.itu < or rumnvnhlu lirl Ixa Just tlio thing fur nliuon or publlo ipoaUort , Ur < iii1iiwn | , TEEIH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN All tlllliiKi nl ruixinnlili ) r.Uui , all work Cut Ilili out tor j ifiildu. 1'KOPOSALS FOR I'KUMANIONT SIDEWALK CONST11UCTION. Suiiled | > ropuulh will liu roc'ulvi'd bv the nn dursluni'il until liltu n'ulocU n. in. , r'uliriinry SI , IKW. for llKifonntriiotlnn of ull puriiiiini'ia sliluwiilUboniiiruil luid by tint mayor and oily council until .liinu I , I HO1.1 , in Ilinclty of Oiniilin Midi HliUnvalkH to hu I'uiiutruuluil of stone , nrtlllclul Htonu. lrirl ) > nr Illlir-- , la'L'iinlliu ti lilanu nnd npuullle.it Ion * on ( lie In thu otlluu of Iho lluard of fiihlln Works. l.'ueli bin to piiclfy n ( irleu pur siii | r/lulul / Riiunrn foot for thu xldowalU coinplutu , and lo hu iiuc'oinpuiiled liy u cortlllml rhuok In Iho mini of Mil ) , payable Id thu tlly : uf Oinuliu us nn uvldonciuit L'iMHl fullli. llliliiiTU must fur * nlsh HIIIIIU : | of kloni * . brick or tiling. Thu iHinrd ICAITVI-I , thn rlKht tuiiwurd it cun- tr.iel fur nil thu illlTiiront UlnilB uf material toiuthcrurM-puratnly , or for unv imo Kind 11 iiiMU'rlnt , liiruJUL-t any nrall h.iUniiil . lo wulvu di'fiHU. : I' . W. Ill UK IIA I KICK. Chulrmnii of Ihn I In mi ( if rnhlli : Wi > rl < s. Oniiihii. Xob . IV-b. ft , IS'ii K-i.i-in | ; Slockhiililri' * .tli' lliir , Notice Is hfrniiy ulvnn thai the insulin nnniiul nifulln.- tlio sloeliliDklcrw of the hoiiih rial tel , mil ooinpiiny III hu hold nl llio otlli-oiif kiild viiiiipiiiy , In l.lnuiiln , .S'ub.un tin tlrht U'odnosihiy In Miiri < liIHlrjulni | ; Iho &vuom day ( if tint month Ityordorof iho Hoard of | ) | ru"l < irK. It. O. rini.i.irs , Sourut..ry. LINCOLN , Nub. , l''olj. : ' . Ibj ; . l-'a deut M LAST. After Years of IJnsuooissful Sa.irch for a Cure , Martin A'ulorson Oeta Uolleffrotu the Chlnsso Doctor A Voluntary TjHl monlnl. OMAHA , Nob. . Jan. 18 , 1SW. ! To whom U May Concern : Tliltf Is to certify tlmt. 1 Imvo boon n constant sufToror for iiiiiny youra with catarrh , iistlinm anil bronchial niTcu- tioiiH of the throat , and tried nil the mtent mcdk'lno.H ivnil remedies t ever lenrd of , but with no miucesB. I tieulod with doctors in viirious parts of the country , hut none of them ronltl ilo me xny peed further thiin tflvlii } ; me short temporary loliof. 1 MilTorod nielli and lay. nnd continued to yrow worse not withstanding nil thu medicine 1 had taken. I hud almost irivim up niv citso t * hopeless when I was Informed by n friend of Dr. C. Dee \Vo , the Chinese loutor , und advised to io nnd see him In the hope of Kottinir relief nt least , if not i pornmnent cure for my trouble. I was slow in making up my mind to malto such a radical clian o in my treatment , is I know u trltil with the 1'hlnoso doi > > ! would hrlng m\ but 1 llnnUvcon- uded to i\vo \ him n tri il , so I exited nt lis ollieo with that intention. 1 found thn doctor a clover , ontortiilnlntjijcntlo- man , thoroughly posted on my condi- Lion , and it took only n , vary short time to convince mo that ho was tlio party I was so loiitf in search of. lie told mo my case was curable , and that ho could cure mo , and pro pared mo n special treatment to suit my condition , and In Lwo weeks 1 was so much bolter that f Iiad the fullest confidence In the doctor's ability and committed my case to his treatment. I continued to jjrow botlor rapidly and am now entirely well. I ewe my cure to Dr. C Gee \Vo , and am not ashamed to admit it. I advise all who want relief from tholr troubles to call on Dr. C. l3oo Wo. and they will ho cured. For all particulars apply or write to MAimx U ANDKHSO.V , IM21 Cumin } , ' St. , Omaha , Nob. r > . c. < JKK wo , Itogiilarcrailuatuof ( ililncso nindii'liu- . ol.-lit yoinVsludy. tun years' practice Tronta suc cessfully nil discuses known tn suirerln ; Im munity. Koots , plants nml herbs nature's rotnoillm tils medicines tins world his witness ; l.iwu to < - tlinonln's. Ontl and sen him , Consultation frei > . IliisaUo i-oiistantly on h.ind reined cs for the followlnn dlsoasos road.v prup.ircd ! Asthnin , C'nninh , ltliLMiin.itIsm , IndicesIon , Lost Miinliooil. KeinaioVoilnsi. : . Sick lldtil- nehe , lllooil 1'iirillnr. and Khln y nnd l < 'vir. ' I'lIce , ono dollar per bottle or six for llvo dol- Inrs. Those who e.'innot cull. iMicloso ii-vent stninp for iinoftlon list and full p trllculars. i llice , Cor. 10th wd Cnllfo'-nla ' Sta. , Omaha AMUSEMENTS. I'OPtll.A't ' SL 1MMORS T. JACK'S SAM Oneollil Wot-K . Ile lnlns rill IK ! > y i t'ni'c Creole Burlesque Co. Feb. 7. .Mat ncs Wud and Cfl HAM' ' " III NCfl JM iitii : > Jv GRAND O1JEKA 1-1 A I'erfuul Comedy WEDNESDAY EVENING , KEU. 10. The denial and t'osinopdlltnn MAX O'RELL ' America As Seen Tlirouxh Kronch Spool ie.lt 1'rlci's Me , 75o und 31 , S.iln opens Mnn'l : EDEN MUSEE. Cor llth nnil Kiirnnra HU. U'eok of Kebruary Oth. Kaqulmiiux Knmlly. DJIIYU'D Murlnnultos. 'I hu ( iniced , Contortionists. I'nuI'M Irninitlu Co. Tha Illusion. AriL'L'l of tlio AlJ. AdiulniUin Uiiudlnio. Opuu , 1 to 10 p. m ilal If. THE SHORTEST LINE TO CHICAGO is via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y , as represented on this map. Electric Lighted , Steam Heat ed Vestibuled trains leave Omaha daily at 6:20 : p. m , arriving rivingat Chicago at 9:30 : a. m. City Ticket Office : 1501 Far- nam St. , Omaha. F. A. NASH. Gcn'l Agent. C. C. LINCOLN , Pass. Agent. TLo Jjurgeft , Fatlciit and Flnr l In tbp WorliL ravnunvur arromotlntlolm un-xceni l. NEW YORK. LONOONDERRV AHO GLASGOW. ICrory Saturduy , NK\V VOKK , ( llllUAI.TKli ftnil NAJM.ES , At reuulnr IntcrvnlH SAIGON , SECOND-CLASS AND STEERAGE ratomni Intrust ttirnu l'i nnd from tlio iirlnclplo OS9TCQ , titausn , isnn & ALL coimtmtriL rowra Kicur < liiii tlitketrf nvallnliln Mi r lum by C'lllifr HIM iilo * tuii4 < ) U' * ( Jlyilii A Nurth 'if IrttluiKl nr N > | ilv A ( llbriuuii CuflJ nl Usciy Orliti la in isjatt at I ovnt Hi'.tl , Apply to nny of uur locnl Aizuiil * or lu ' IIKOTIIKIM. Uhlcacu , 111. PENETRATING PLASTER. la U < ' K. Others li roni | > ari o'i mu flow or UiiVU. : If iuffeiloctry WOUD'S PLASTER , It Puiit'trute ? , Jtk. . Tlio Most Effecvtie Tonic in LA GKIPPE Elixir. TliU preparation utrlko at Ihn "oat nf tint ovll liy rotlorliiK qulcklr unit i-ilaituiilly Iliu nutrlllrf funetloii ) uf thu dctillltaUnl jr luul , Bold \ni \ Alt ni'iiiiulHtH. 1 = 5. KOUOISKA Kt OO. , AKonUfor H & ( ! , -itl H.UO N ( > l-t.li Willliilil BL. , V v :