Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 07, 1892, Part One, Page 8, Image 8

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A Storcfull of Now Spring Bargains Jusl
Received ,
Dree * ( Inniln , 25r , 3Bc , BOr , OBc-Ncw Clilnn
Silk * , .17 1-Sc Outing rinnncl , lOc | New
Xnlniiooki , 18 l-2c , inr , 20ct An-
coim AVrnppcr I'lniinclB , 25c.
Monday wo begin a full display of the
now spring goods all over tbo house ; at
tontlon is called to our gingham ant'
wash goods department , where wo have
n magnificent stock of
Now outing flannels , 10e , 12Jc ; 15c.
Now zephyr ginghams , 15c , 20c,25c.
Now nainsooks , 12c } , 15c , 20c.
India dimity , organdies , mulls , Swiss
Ancona wrapper flannels , 25c Monday
Monday only wo olTor best shtrtinf
prints nt 3c. None sold to dealers.
A full line of colors , zephyr worsteds
Monday 5c a skein.
The greatest bargains wo have ovci
Bbown in this department.
Double width dross goods , stylish , 25c
Choice mixtures 35c , worth 50c.
All wool stripes , plaids , 50o.
Stylish smooth or rough cloths05c.
Monday wo open a now lot of nice pat
terns new china silks , the llrst of th (
Bcn.-on , a bargain , 37c.
The finest over shown for the money
all colors and 21 inches wide , at 05c t
yard , worth OOc ; very nice for dresses
waists and cheap enough for fancy work
Now changcablo silks just In ; wo hav <
also a complete line of now
So durable for all kinds of underwear
3-4 NAPKINS , $1.35.
100 dozen largest size 3-4 half blcachct
napkins , worth $2.00 a dozen , reducei
for next week to $1.85.
Rod bordered double satin damasl
bleached table cloths , 2 yards square
$2.00 , worth $3.00.
Another lot batno quality , 2i yard
long , $2,25 , worth $3.50 , and the 3-yan
long at $2.60 , worth $ . ' } .7o. Mall order
Same old wholesale prices at encounter
counter beginning Monday morning.
Lonsdalo cambric , 9jc ; Borkoly , 12c
Lunsdalo , muslin , 7ic ; Fruit , 7ic.
Popporoll sheeting , 2 yards wide , 17jc
2 } yards wide , 19c ; 21 yards , 21c.
A beautiful quality imported Mar
Boillcs bedspreads on sale Monday a
Florliln mill SoutliciiHt.
Dlxlo Flyer Sleepers Nashville t
Jacksonville , Fla. , without change , eve
Nashville , Chattanooga & St. Loui
railway , via Chattanooga , Atlantr
Mncon. Berths engaged through fror
SU Louis ever tbo Lookout Mountui :
route. Apply to or address J. H. Bali
raor , wefelern passenger agent , 90 Ln
Clcdo building , St. Louis.
Our own homo mndo sugar curoi
hams , lie per Ib.
Our own borne made bacon , lOc per It
Our own homo in and lard , lOc per It
or 3 Ibs for 25c.
A full variety of borne made Gorma :
sausages ; no packing house sausages.
Washington Marlcot , 514 N. 10th street
lima 1'ivi : PJU/IS.
Tlio 00 Cent Store HcnilqimrtcrH fur ICvorj
tiling Sultalilu for IIIc'i ' 1'lvo I'lirtlcs.
Wo exhibit the most complete assorl
mont of goods in the city ospoclall ,
adapted for high five prizes. In sllvd
tbcro are napkin rings , salt seller
toothpick holdor6 , but tor spreaders , boc
bon dishes , nut picks , fruit dishes an
hundreds of other articles in modiut
and best quality of plated waro.
Fancy bric-a-brac , vases , ornaments
nftor dinner cups and saucers , Royn
Worcester ware , cut glass ware , etc. , etc
Wo have a splendid assortment of pictures
turos in ptiatol etchings and engravings
nil framed , that wo olYnr at very modoi
nto prices. For gentlemen wo hav
some particularly appropriate gifts , ir
eluding toilet cases , ink stands , papo
weights , match safes , shaving glasso
ant ) many other articles.
Do not fail to visit our store who
making your selections.
2o nutmeg graters , 2o stovo-lifton
2o dairy pans , L'o pie pans , 2o lire shovoh
2c stove pokers , 2o painted match Biifoi
Ho chopping bowls , 80 mincing knlvci
! io wire uotato mashers , So wire eg
boaters , 3o lamp chimneys , 80 6 papot
tacks , 3o 5 dozen clothes pins , Ijc Hn
Hint glass tumbloru , ito covered suga
bowls , 3u upoon-holders.
Monday only , nlcklo alarm cloeka 68 (
each worth $ U.OO.
Thousands to select from at 2o a doze
to $1.95 apiece. Open evenings no.\
week to accommodate our valontln
1310 Farmun St.
Of I.nbor OrRnnlrutluiiH ( I'fople'b I'arty ) n
bt. J.ouU.
For tbo above convention the Wabas
will sell Fob. 20th to 2ith tickets to S
Louis and return nt half faro goo
returning until March 10th. Romon
bor the Cannon Ball Express with n
dining chair cars free and Pullmn
Bleeping cars leave Omaha 4:10 : , Counc
Bluffs4:40 : p. in. , daily arrives at S
Louis 7:80 : next jnorning. For tickol
nnd Bleeping car accommodations call i
Wabash olllco 1502 Farnam street , an
nt Union depot Council Bluffs , or writ
O , N. Clayton , Northwestern paasongc
ngout , Omalm ,
, AclltUllR.
Dae Stiftungsfost doa Voroins ( Sa :
onia ) Sontag , don 7tou February , flnd <
nlcht In Kessler Hallo statt , Bondorn I
flor Metropolitan Hallo,14th und Dodg
Allo dazu vorkaufton Elntrlttskartc
Bind an dloson plutzo guoltlg.
Iu3 Commltteo.
Tire Sale from the Adams Express Com
pany Tomorrow nt Stonehill's. '
\ Cnmllp Srtu Tire to 81,100.00 Worth ol
llriintiriil millions ( Ircut Drrss
ClooiM Snlo nt Stntio-
hlll's Tamorroir ,
Friday morning wo "rocolved word
from Mr. Reeves of the Adams Express
Co. to come ever to his olllco Immedi
ately. On arriving there Mr. Reeves
.nformcd . us that ho had' a lot of our
.foods damaged by lire. In switching
Lho express car In Chicago the express
ngont left a lighted lamp In the car.
and when the switch engine struck tbc
car it turned over the lamp and sot fire
to a largo case of goods , which wo wore
unfortunate enough to own.
These goods wore a case of ribbons
that wo had bought for our line retail
trado. In fact they were tbo finest
ribbons that our buyer could find in
Now York. Mr. Rcovos Informed us
Unit they were good for the loss , ami
that wo should sell the ribbons for what
they would bring and charge the bal
ance up to the Adams Express Co.
The ribbons will all bo placed on Bale
tomorrow , all In ono lot , nnd will bo sold
at 25c a yard.
There was not a.yard of ribbon In this
shipment worth under $1 a yard , and
some of It was worth $3. It is from six
inches to twelve Inches wldo. You will
[ hid them In the roar of our store. Go
buck as far as you can go and you will
see them.
This without doubt is ono of tbo groat-
3St bargains eVer offered in the ribbon
lino. Just come in and look at them.
They are wonderful to behold.
Wo received Saturday morning a big
shipment of dress goods * and with whal
wo have had on hand , which came ir
during last week , wo are going to boglr
a gigantic sale.
Wo want to close out our remnants
of dross goods first of all , and they will
all go for i price tomorrow.
Now for the now goods.
Henriettas at 12jc a yard. They arc
40 inches wide. They como in nil colors
At 25c wo are going to show you the
most beautiful line of plaids that yet
over wish to see , nnd they are worth nj
to 75c a yard.
Also at 25c an elegant line of stripci
and plain honriotta.
At 59c wo shall offer 50 pieces of nov'
olty dress goods. These are , without
exception , the most beautiful goods ovoi
shown for the price In this city. Thoj
are worth fully $1.00 a yard , and woult
bo a bargain at that price.
AtSGo wo shall show 50 plocos of nov
elty dress goods in plain silk warp lion
riottas. These goods are none of then
worth under $1.25 a yard and up to $2.0 (
a yard.
Besides what wo advertise in dross
goods , wo offer all our flannels nt ono
half price , and shall make a reduction or
every yard of dress goods wo have if
the house. Wo have accumulated aboui
500 remnants of all kind of wash goods
worth from 8c a yard to 35e. Mondtu
morning , from 9 to 11 o'clock only , w <
shall sell them at 35c a yard. They wil
not bo on sale before that time or after
Just for two hours.
We shall also hold a big sale of wasl
goods. Cast your eye on our bargaii
wash goods counter Monday.
The Now Settle Klinbiill rhino.
Only at A. Hospo's , 1513 Douglas
Rev. Washington Gladden will givi
two lectures at the Unitarian church
under the auspices of the Teachers
association. Friday evening , Fobruar ;
12 , on "Abraham Lincoln , " and Tucsda ;
evening , February 10 , on ' "The Ncx
Stop Forward. " Tickets at the door.
Try Maplowood coal , 85.00 ton. doliv
ered. A. J. Meyer & Co. , 109 S. loth
Sixteenth annual masquerade ball o
Union Pacific Band , Friday , Fobruar ;
12 , at Exposition hall. Tickets 25c , CO
and $1.00.
"W. T. Seaman , wagons and carriage
Mr. ana Mrs. James L. Boots of 302
Corby street hereby express their thank
to their neighbors and friends for tin
many acts of kindness and sympath ;
tendered In their present sorrow am
bereavement ever the loss of their son
Alvah. Especially do they wish to than !
the members of the Pioneer Sunda ;
school class of 18SO and the young moi
of Omaha View who so feelingly remembered
bored their classmate and comrade o
two years ago.
Hotbed sash In stock. M. A. Dlsbrov
& Co. , 12th and Jtzard. Telephone 774
Removed , Dr. E. Hoffman to Room 20
Karbach block , 15th and Douglas streets
Lively Times at thu lleilal.
There must bo merit in a modicln
that has mot with the success that th
Bodtil gold euro treatment at Blair has
The business has increased so rapldl ;
that It has proven necessary to onlargi
the quarters of that largo plant. 'I'll
result has been u euro in every instance
Fifty patients are being treated. Tin
luibitB of liquor , morphine , opium am
tobacco permanently cured.
IlrnnUviiiicxfi ,
A disease , treated as such and ponmi
nontly cured. No publicity. No infirm
ary. Homo treatment. Harmless and
otfcctuiil. Refer by permission to Bur
lington Hawkoyo. Send 2c stump fo
pamphlet. Shokoquon Chemical Co.
Burlington , la.
The Cri-cilo Camp Kxcltemrnt.
Croodo Camp promises to become i
second Loadville. Thu number of pee
pie going into this wonderful camp i
unprecedented in the history of Cole
radooxcoptonly during the Loudvlllo ox
cltomenL It is estimated that now th
townsllo Is located , that there will D
ton thousand people in the camp b ;
Juno 1. The now discovery Is enl ;
reached by the Denver & Rio Gnuid
railroad , und there is no staging.
One-Varo Ilxunralun to Texas I'olutH.
On February 8 tickets will bo sold n
Omaha and Lincoln , nnd points intormc
diuto between same , und KUIIRUS City t
Galveston , Tox. , und return , good for 3' '
days , nt ono faro for the round trlj
reading via Atchlson or Kansas Clt ,
and the Santa Fe route.
This is your opportunity to combin
business with pleasure at very llttl
cost ; visit the deep water harbors o
Texas and invest a few dollars in Toxa
property while it is being sold s
If you do not want to invest go nnj
wav. The trip will do you good.
Grand excursion train loaves Kansa
City via the Santa Fo route at 0 o'clocli
Tuesday morning" , February 0.
Buy your ticket February 8 , froi
your nearest ticket ngont and join th
Write or telegraph to E. L. Palinoi
Piissongor Agent , SanUv Fo Route , 131
Farnam street , Omaha , for sleeping ca
accommodation ,
The First Grand Special Sale of Now Spring
Dross Goods.
Arn New Urea * ( InniU from UK
Vliolcmt Ainrrlcnn ami rnrclgn I.OOIDB
The .Mutt Varied DcfllKim nnd .Shades OS
tn ) Siilo Tomorrow.
No attraction can bo so great , no sale sc
profitable to you. Wo place those '
rich and elegant dross good's
right In your hands at
the famous Boston
Store prices.
Early spring styles in Ancona mix
tures , stripes , checks nnd plaids , worth
-lOc : tomorrow at l5c. !
All the now shades of Henrietta- now
prays , modes , cadets , all now rods and
blacks go at 33e ; regular price 59c.
60 dilToront styles of the famous Got1
mantown novelties , made for this
spring's trade , sold all ever the countri
at OOc , tomorrow 425e.
An elegant line of now fads in spring
chevron suitings , now twee'd suitings'
broken nln-hcad chocks and camel's
1ml rollouts.10inch all wool ravonnr
serges , so popular this season , go at 68c
a yard.
A choice line ol Windsors all wool
cords , a now edition of the so populiu
Bedford cord , all thu newest possible
shades 75c. worth $1.00.
All wool satin Jacqiiard suitings
plain and diagonal weaves. The now
Bedford cords with satin dnto effects ,
the now material called French coulee
tlon cloth , all the rage this spring , 2 (
different shades to make your selection
97c worth , $1.60.
Now surahs , 25c.
Now satins , 3'Jc.
Pongee and Japanese silks , 63e , wortl
8c.Black and colored failles at 83c , wortl
Now Armures nnd French faille silks
satin I'hndamnB nt 95e , worth $1.75.
Tomorrow morning wo commence r
slaughter pale of rod , cream ant
bleached table damasks by tlio yard.
All our 30c and ; ioo red daniask at lOc ,
All our 40c and 450 red damask nt 28e ,
All our 75c and 85c Gorman red dam
ask at 55c.
Extra heavy cream damasks 3-lc
worth 60c.
Very fine red border cream damasl
40c , worth 76c.
Very line bleached damasks 48c
worth 80c.
High grade cream damasks , the vorj
latest patterns , 53c ; worth 75c.
Finest grade double satin damask Sue
worth $1.60.
Your choice of our $1.25 and $1.50 ant
$1.75 full bleached hand loom damask :
at OSc a yard.
8-4 plain white knotted fringe Bath
damask lunch cloths at OSc. Only ono t <
a customer.
N. W. Cor. 10th & Douglas streets.
Homo IMtroiiiiKU Illustrated.
Many Omaha firms and btisinosi
houses already are feeling the bonofi1
of homo patronage as aUvocatod in tin
columns of THE BKK. The w'oll knowi
firm of Russell , Pratt & Co , 819 Soutl
15th street , manufacturers and dealer. .
in gas and electric fixtures , ropotit at
increase In business during the past si :
months of nearly 100 per cent. It was t
long and carefully considered questloi
with this firm whether an exclusive gai
and electric fixture business would prov <
successful or not as it had never beoi
undertaken west of Chicago. Believing
the people of Omaha and vicinity woult
appreciate such an enterprise they con
eluded to make the attempt. Thoii
stock is largo and comprises everything
that is now and artistic In their line , a :
can bo seen at their well stocked slio\i
rooms , 319-321 South 15th street. It
addition to their retail business thoj
are enjoying a largo share of the whole
sale trade tributary to this point. Jfo\\
firms have so enviable a reputation foi
reliability as do Russell , Pratt .S
Co. , ami they justly merit it ,
as they will not allow an article to leave
their store nor a piece of work to be
called , complete unless perfect in oven
detail and as represented. This busi
ness has grown with Omaha's growtl :
and is a worthy exponent of what cor
reel business methods , coupled with t
determination to succeed , will do. The ;
are fully up to the times In designs ant
styles and carry the largest stock of gas
and olect.dc fixtures west of Now York.
Wo give below a partial list of partioi
for whom they have supplied will
gas and electric fixtures during the last
six months of 1801. Residences : Join
F. Coad , J. M. Woolworth , A. S. Potter -
tor , J. B. Kitchen , A. Fat-man , Johr
War&ton. John Rush , J. P. Johnson , V ,
G. Lantry , Thomas Rogera , H. J. Windsor
ser , C. E. Bates , Dr. Hanchott. Hum
Dally , Dr. Doherty , Frank Murphy , J ,
R. Buchanan , George A. Joalyn , W. J ,
Hnhn. Uonry Lisquo , Finloy Burk , E ,
A. Wlgonhorn , James Mick ham , Judge
Gray , J. L. Robson , R. E. Moore , P. M
Stratton , Wahoo : Public buildings
New Boyd theater , Metropolitan club
Athletic club , Gorman Savings bank
C. S. Raymond's jewelry store
Nlcol the tailor , C. J. Karbanl
block ; First National bank , Lexington
Kearney opera house ; First Nationa
bank building. Kearney ; court house a
Kearney and at Fremont , Nob. ; cour
house , Red Oak , la. ; Lansing thoatoi
building , Lincoln , and many more rosi
doncbB and smaller buildings not men
tloncd abovo. Most of those building
have been supplied with fixtures fron
designs furnished by Russell , Pratt < !
Co , , which speaks well for our local com
. May the pooplo.of Omaha and No
rnska continue to appreciate homo on
Women's diseases. Dr.Lonsdafo , 0103. 13 ,
II'H 1-Xeurnlon to Oiilvcston ,
On Monday , February 8 , the Burling
ton route will sell return tickets , gooi
for 30 days fro in date of sale , to Calves
ton , Tox. , ut rate of onofaro ( $20.05) ) fo
the round trl | ) . Purchase tickets fror
W. F. Vail , eity ticket agent , 122
Farnam street
Quail rolled oats are the flnoit mad <
You have seen California frocjuontl ,
mentioned in newspapers iind-magazlnet
Perhaps a friend has boon there am
writes enthusiastic letters back horn
about the climate and the fruits. I
makes you anxious to see the countr ,
for yourself.
The best time to go is in the fall am
winter. Then work hero Is least pros *
ing and California climate is now pleas
ing , The way to go is via Santa F
route , on ono of that lino's popular , per
tonally conducted parties , leaving Chi
cngo every Saturday evening , and loa\
ing Kansas City every Sunday mornlnc
Special agents and porters in attend
mice. Pullman tourist sleepers ai-
used , furnished with bedding , mat
troBECs , toilet articles , etc. Socon
class tickets honored. Write to E. I
Pulinor , passenger agent Banta F
route , 1310 Furnum street , Omaha , Not
Nebraska is famous for its line oate
Quail rolled outs uro made in Nobrabku
The Prices Are On } to the Lowest Notch
fen Monday.
New Irr * < lof lw An Knormom Mum
Sate Uiinin In Alomluy AVe \Vltl Show
Volt lUffrnlm In i\cry
100 pieces American shirting prints ,
2e yard.
100 pieces standard indigo blue prints ,
Co yard.
200 pieces standard dress prints , 4jc
25 pieces 30 Inch figured ponangs ,
Monday Ojcyard.
2 bales 'M Inch line unbleached mus
lin , 10 yards for $1.00. This muslin Is
worth Do yard.
100 pieces now Imported Scotch zephyr
ginghams , 2oo yard , Full line of the
Brochii patterns at 60c yard.
A largo line of imported zephyr ging
hams at 18c yard.
L-idios' Derby kid gloves ; wo are clos
ing them out at $1.50 pair. They are
worth $2.00.
Our ladles' fast black hose at 25o pair
are the best In Omaha.
Elegant line now dross good in the
very latest French and English novel
ties , all the now spring shades , at OOc
to 8oc yard.
Beautiful line Bedford cords nt 80c
yard ; they are cheap at $1.00.
100 dozen check linen towels , 5c each.
76 dozen all linen buck towels , largo
sizes at lOc , 12c , 15c and 18c oach.
These are the best values ever offered
In towels. Take udvuntugo of these
towel bargains Monday.
10 pieces unbloach Gorman table
damask 70 Inches wldo Monday 50o yard ,
worth 75c.
100 Marseilles pattern chrochot oed
spreads at OSc and $1.25 each , worth $1.25
and $1.60.
Our great sale of muslin underwear
still continues. Greater bargains than
ever Monday.
Ladles' muslin drawers 21c pair.
Ladies' corset covers at 21c each.
Ladies' mother hubbard night gowns ,
tucked yoke , 40c each.
Come in Monday. Bargains in every
department. BENN1SON BROS.
Quick Timu to the Knnt.
Under the schedule , which recently
wont Into effect on the Chicago & North
western Ry. , passengers can leave the
Union Pacillc despot , Omaha , daily at
9:15 : p. in. und arrive at Chicago at 11:50 :
o'clock the next morning.
This arrangement reduces the time to
Chicago two hours , and also affords con
nection with all of the fast limited trains
for the east , and the journey to New
York , Boston and other eastern cities
may now. be mndo in several hours
quicker than over before.
In addition to this service the after
noon "flyer" via the Chicago & North
western Ry. loaves the U. P. depot daily
at 5 p. m. und arrives at Chicago at 8:16
the next morning.
Both of the above mentioned trains
are vostibuled throughout nnd are
equipped with Wagner and Pullman
sleepers , free reclining chair cars and
"Northwestern" .
dining cars.
Bagcugo cheeked from residence and
through sleeping cat' berths reserved.
City olllco , 1401rFarliam street.
It R. RITCHIK , General A ont.
G. F. WKST , G. P. & T. A.
Ask your grocer lor Quail rolled oats.
Try Peacock conl. No soot , quick fire.
A. J. Meyer & Co. , 109 8.16th stopp. P. O.
Bo sure to try the Quail rolled oats und
take no other.
Dr. Cullimoro , oculist. Bee building
The Houston Cure limtltutc.
In the Shecloy block , has boon open two
weeks. There are already thirty liquor
and thrco morphine patients enr'ollcd.
It is said that no other institute in the
United States has enrolled , so many in
so short a time.
S. R. Patten , dentist , Boo building.
Now 1'nttcrns Picture I'niino Moulding.
A. Hospo will show you some novelties
Hamilton Warren , M. D. , ocloctio and
magnetic physician and surgeon. Spe
cialty , diseases of women and children ,
119 N. 10th street Telephone 1433.
Any grocer can supply you with Quail
rolled oats delicious for breakfast.
J. E. Dletrlck.archltoct , 906 N. V.Lifo.
Itronzo Front Kmoraon 1'liino.
Only at A. Hospo's 1513 Douglas.
nutl Itutiirn.
The business men's excursion will
eave Omalitv for Galveston , Tex. , on
February 8. For this occasion the Mis
souri Pacilic railway will sell round trip
tickets to Galvcston at ono faro on above
date only.
For further Information , call at city
ofllcos , N. E. co. 13th and Faniam , or
depot , 15tb and Webster streets.
J. O. Piuuai'i'i , Tuos. F. GODFUKY ,
A. G. F. & P. A. P. & T. A.
Oil' fur TCXIIN.
There Is a largo party forming at
Omaha and Lincoln to go to La Porto ,
Tox. , leaving Lincoln via B. & M. at
8:45 : p.m. Monday , February 8. Among
these nt the beau of the movement are :
Governor John < M. Thayer , T. II. Benton -
ton , auditor of fltuto ; J. C. Allen , state
secretary ; J. E.IH111 , state treasurer ; A.
O. Strang of Omaha , Captain John L.
Cartion , Thomas W. Lowry , I. R.
Holmes and other prominent gentlemen
of Nebraska. They have chartered Pull
mans for the trip and expect to have a
glorious good tima You are cordially
Invited to ioim the p.irty. Why not
avail yourself 'ot'tlio ' extremely low r.ito
oITorod on that * day ono faro for the
round trip , good for thirty days and
visit the beautiful state of Texas and
hordoop watodharbors. The party will
through Kansas City on the morn-
Eass of FobruiiryjUth , via the Santa Fo
route. For Pullman accommodations
write or telegraph T. W. Lee , caio of
Lincoln hotel , Lincoln.
Housekeepers will find Qjatl rollol
ontrf the best imulo.
Qroat Out Frico Shoo Sale Begins
Wotvn ttin llcut l.ndliV Shorn i\pr : Sold
for 93.0O On Snlo Toinocrun-
Only J ! i.OO Illf ; Out lu
Men' * Shorn.
$3.00 shoos for $2.00.
This week wo will have a February cut
price sale on line shoes that is better
than 2.5 pur cent olT.
48 pairs ladles' line kid welt shoos ,
with patent leather tips , widths A to
EE , all sizes , a line shoo ; regular price
$3.00 , but on Monday wo will cut the
price to $2.00.
72 pairs ladles' fine kid shoos , regular
price is $2.50 , but on Monday wo will
sell them at $1.50. This shoo is good
value at $2.50.
83 pairs of ladles' line kid button shoes
wfth square toci and patent leather tips ,
regular price $3.00 , cut to $2.00.
Ask to see this shoo. This is cheaper
than tiny 20 per cent or 25 per cent dis
count sale in Omaha.
1)3 ) pairs of E. C. Hurt's best Now York
City make , ladles' line hand sowed shoos
with patent leather tips , widths A to
EE. Regular price the world ever Is
$0.00 , but on Monday wo will offer this
shoo for $1.50.
This week wo will Bell you our regular
, $4.00 fine calf shoo at $3.00. This Is our
Chicago custom made shoo and every
pair warranted.
72 pairs of men's fine calf button $3.00
shoo , cut to $1.75 for this week only.
120 pairs of workingmon's $1.60 shoos
wo will clobo out at $1.00 a pair.
Although wo have a fine store and
carry a very largo stock of fine shoes ,
still wo also sell the best low priced and
cheap shoes in the city , and the shoes
you buy of us you cun depend upon being
as represented.
All eroods marked in plain figures.
Remember the place.
15th and Douglas , fn the now Karbach
G. W. COOK & SON ,
15th and Douglas.
Take Union 1'aclllo No. 5 lor Dcnxvr.
Why ?
Because it Is a solid vestibuled train
composed of Pullman palace sleepers ,
Pullman dining cars , free reclining
chair cars and modern day coaches.
Because it makes fast'time.
Because it leaves at 10:00 : a. m. , a con
venient tune for starting.
You can get your tickets and make
your sleeping car reservations at 1302
Farnam street. H.ARUY P. DEUKL ,
City Ticket Agent U. P. System.
QBX A I'lriiBnnt Surprise. *
Tbo Sutoriou mandoline club , composed of
Messrs. H. P. Sutorious , Ernest Zttstnan ,
Prof. Cumlnps , John Cotter , W. \Viuonor ;
also Prof. lirolt , the violinist , and I'rof.
Thomas , tlio pianist , tendered Mr. and Mrs.
A. Mandelberg n pleasant surprise on last
Sundayjilpht with n fine musical entertain
ment In honor of Miss Lllllo Lowonstein
from St. Joseph , Mo. , who is hereon a
visit. Tlio program was as follows :
Overture F.uist ,
Mtimlollnu Cltil ) .
Violin solo IlTioviuore 1'iof. Ilrctt
Itunjo solo March Original 1'iof. Cum Ings
Sons Mary Green A. Mnmlulb
Mumlollno solo Waltz Oilgtiiiil
II. P. Hutorlous
SOUR a DlfTcroncu In thu Morning.
Overture Luzlo WulU Mandoline Club
I'liinosolo Taiinlmusor 1/ls/t
Albert Itosunthal.
Song Mumlolber 's Homo [ orlKlmil ]
lee Mandelberg
Gultur solo Write Mo a Letter from Home
II. 1' Sutorlous
Ilanjosolo Crusaders Msirch. . 1'iof. t'utnln'-'s
bony Are Marie MUs l.lllio Lowonstoln
IJoWitt's Little linrly Kisers for the liver.
Army in SliiKiilar.
OMAHA. Fob. 0. To the Editor of Tun
BEE. To decide a dispute will you please
state which Is correct : "an army of re
formers march , " or " n army of reformers
marches. "
Answer "An army of reformers marches"
Is correct.
JMJKAO.V.U , I'.l It.ldll.ll'llS.
L. W. Cobb of Pendor is at the Arcade.
H. J , Stein of Fremont Is at the 1'nxton.
O.S. Pendor of Sioux Falls is at the Dol-
H. W. Flslc of Grand Island is at the
A. Bainettot O'Neill was at the Murray
J. C. Brown of II as tings Is registered nt ,
the Dollono.
W. D. Morris of Watortown , S. D. , Is nt
the MlUard.
F. H. Gllchristof Kearney ia registered at
the Paxton ,
James Kosler and Henry West of Lincoln
are at the Arcade.
Fred B. Smith of Nebraska City Is stop
ping nt the Puxtoo.
B. F. Morohou30 of Beaver Crossing , Nob. ,
Is stopping at the Mlllurd.
Georjra E. Donnincton of Falls City , Neb
is registered at the Mlllard.
Jnmos H. Force , 113. . Hudson and E. U
Parmeloo of Teltamah are registered at the
vVllham T. iond , president of Hapld City's '
now road to the tin inlnoi at Hill City , is'at
the Paxton with his wife.
G , B. Simpson , superintendent of the
Wolls-Fargo Express company , and who has
been stopping Of the Paxton , KOI Ills futnllv
hero yesterday Jrom Kansas City. Ho will
reside lu future at 10il Park avenue.
Colonel M. Haykcn , western manacor of
the Kotchum Furniture company , left Omalm
last nlKht nt 0SO : o'clock for Toledo , O. ,
whore he will superintend the manufacture
of the furniture tor the new city hall , Air.
Huykon will be absent about two months.
His many friends will regret 10 learn that
Kov. Alex Maunnb. rector of St. Matthias
Episcopal church , h 111 with la t'rinno.
Several subscribers for Apollo concert
tlcuots cannot USD them , and persons wish.
Ing extra tickets may secure these by calling
at the Boyd box ofilco.
James 0. Loary , late live stoek agent for
the Union Pucillo , ha boon appointed truv-
elltiK aBont for the Kansas City Stock Yard * ]
company , with headquarters at Denver ,
T. A. Torryman , the traveling man who
stabbed Huckinu-i Al Brown Thursday nl lit
on account of the latter trying to overcharge
him for u ride , was dibchargcd by Police
Judqo Berlin yesterday afternoon , as the
evidence bhowed that Brown was tbo ag
Used in Millions o f Homes 40 Years the Standard
5 FOR 3-C111LLY4 1-2 FOR 4
But Not Ooltl Enough to Stop the Indies
from Buying $5.00 Shoes for $3.00.
Until ThmcTHo Mnrx tit Iliiuil .Miulc Slide *
Are ( lone They Will Ilo SH.OO
1'cr I'nlr Vfl.ilu Shoe *
for SI.00.
Norrls & Wllcox are inoro than
pleased with the tradeon , the
Notwithstanding the rain , they will
continue the sale until every pair is
2's 2's } 3's ' t's O's *
, , , Ilj's , , , 058 ,
those are tlio sizes.
They are in welts nnd turns.
And now , to increase the interest In
this sale they will add all the $0.60
French kid turns for $1.00 per pair.
Five dollars for thrco
Six dollars and a half for four.
1517 Douglas street.
P. S. Wo have given this subject a
great rtoal of thought , and -amongst
other things thought wo would use that
old threadbare method of 20 per cent
olT , but upon reflection decided to mark
in ulaln figures these two lines of
Five dollar shoos thrco dollars per
And the Eronch kid $0.flO shoes $1.00
per pair.
Wo can assure the people of some
great bargains , all marked In nlain fig
1517 Douglast street.
The Nut I mm I rngritnt.
Mrs. Cora Scott Pond Pope , who will di
rect "Tho National Pageant , " to bo Ivon nt
the Grand opara house February 'M and 27 ,
under the nuspicos of the Woman's Chris
tian association , arrived In Omaha on Thurs
day and at once bocan the rehearsals for this
comliiR society event. Mrs. Pope is a tall ,
distinguished looking woman , with n voice
that would bo a fortune to many an actress ,
She talUs well and In the outworlilngs of tbc
inevitable- over widening "woman ques
tion" she Is enthusiastic to a degree.
"Tho National Pageant" has boon given in
many cltlcn and is regarded ny Frances E.
Wlllard as a triumph of artistic skill nnd
Last evening at the armory n rehearsal
was held of the minuet , the following parttc-
Iputlnc : Mr. and Mrs. Clement Chase ,
Lieutenant Powell , Miss Bessie Hall , Lieu
tenant Whitman , Miss Emma Ilouglnnd ,
Karl Gannett , Miss Laura Hoaclnnd , Mr.
Not. Hull , MUs Saulo Nash , L. F. Crofoot ,
Miss Daisy Doano , Mr. Charles Wilson , Miss
Blanche McKennu , Mr. A. Kouutzo , Miss
Bertha Yost.
Kchciirsals will always bo hold nt the Press
club rooms in TUB Br.i : builuinir. The rooms
huvo been Ulndly offered for the rehearsals
of the National I'agoant.during the coming
wcok. Monday at 11) ) u. m Prlscilla and John
Aldan will meet Mrs. Pone for rehearsal.
Monday at 4iO : : p. ra. Queen Isabella and
Christonher Columbus will rehearse ; 7 p. in. :
The Colonial Kitchen ; 7:30 p. m. , "Courtship
of Miles Staudlsh" and "Lauding of the Pil
grims. "
Tuesday at 3:30 : p. m. . the States nnd
Declaration of Independence. At 7:30 : p. in.
the Omaha guards will moot at TUB Ben
building in the hospital scene of the late \v.v.- ,
and also at 8 p. in. tnUo part in the departure
of the Nebraskavolunteers. .
Wednesday nt 7 : ! 0 p. ra. the reception of
Washington and Lafayette und the miuuot.
At 8 p. in. , the court of Queen Isabella.
The patronnnd performers will Und Mrs ,
Pope at the Hotel Brunswick , Sixtoonht and
Jackson , from 10:30 : until 12 in. Can consult
hur at that time concerning their tableaux.
\ A ricusnnt MiiHlc.ile.
A very pleasant musicale was given by the
young ladies of Kbunuo place , at the homo
of Miss Carey McLain , on Thursday evening.
The program was as follows :
1'luuo Solo The Last llopo GotUchallc
Miss Amibruuslcr.
Song hove Is a Dreiini Con en
Miss Mny l-'uwcott.
I'hinn Duet 7.nnjm : llorold
Mhs Alice F.iwcett and Nolllo MeLuIn.
Song hast Night.
.Miss Addlu Stephens.
Mandolin Solo
SoloMiss llolf-nu l.lmis.
Iteeltatlon How Itnhy I'luyctl
Miss May Hmlth.
i-ons Sorrow
MI ° B Maeclo Wedge.
I'hino Iui > t 1'ostlllon d'Anuiur llelow
Mis. Craig and Miss I'lonuh.
Mandolin Solo
SoloMiss Iln'cno l/lpps.
Vocal Duet Savior Ilrcatho an Evening
Miss Wedge and Mlhs Carey MoLaln.
These present were : Mesdames Crandall ,
Morrison and Craig. Misses Armbrowstor ,
McAusland , French , Wedee. Maggie Wedge ,
Fawcott , May Fawcolt , Lipns , Stephens ,
Smith , Freeman , Holiday , Cillicit ! ana Col-
Money to loan on improved city prop
erty. A. C. Frost , Douglas block.
Head the Burlington Route's adv.
10,000 , MEN'S ' AND BOYS' HATS
All the Samples From the Largest Mnnn.- /
fncturars in the World , '
Mm' * , llojK'ntiil Clillilrcii'n lint , at aOc of
the Dnlliir MFII'H 9.1.00 SI 111 llul nt
SI-in .Men's Soil
tit fi.-lr.
This extraordinary sale of men's , boys'
iunl children's huts will begin toinorruM
nt 8 o'clock.
Fine fur foil Derby huts , regular pried
$3.60 tuul $1.50 , go at $2. 15 tomorrow.
WO elegant styles , regular $2.60 anrj
$3 huts , your choice tomorrow $1.45.
12,000 of the Ilno3t soft foil hats , rogi
ular price from $4 to sJO , tomorrow $2.70.
1.200 elegant styles , nil of the best
makes of men's hate , worth $1150 and
$3.60 , your oholoo $1.05.
1,600 soft fur huts , regular price $1.73
niul $2,50 , your choice tomorrow $1.10.
: t)00 ( ) muii's nnil boys' regular $1.60
lints , your choice tomorrow 55c.
Besides these there U tin tmmonk. '
line of children's huts mid fancy cans
over 200 dllTerenl ones to select 'from ;
all now Roods , go tomorrow ivl 30o on n
Call on our now hat department If you
need anything In this line , as you can
sa vo money.
The great Council BlutTs bankrupt
shoo stock bought from the assignee ,
is being sold at u fraction of its
value. If you were unnblo to come Satur
day , bo sure and come tomorrow as they
are going fast ,
Best American shirting prints , 2je a
yard. .
Yard wide bleached muslin , 2cand5c. {
Yard wide bleached sheeting , lojotuid
Best oilcloth , 14c n yard.
Fine French outlngllannol,8Joavard.
N. W. cor. IGth and Douglas sis.
A Vlolnt t.nm-licoii.
You may say what you will , out it is
nothing abort of an art to imiko n table look :
enticing without overdoing the decorations.
Balznc , whllo not discoursing upon the or
namentation uf a dinner ttiblo , for Unlzaa
was not , Riven to that style of writing , saya
that odd classifications of color are ropug- '
ncnt to ilocciioy and gentle brcodlnir. And
the stutamcnt has grown to bo almost < m
axiom , in society circles at least. Now anil
tbon daring things are done with the coloi
Echomo , but tlio great majority o f the smari
world adheres religiously to tbo though !
which the great Frenchman utteroti.
Miss Nasli evidently ngroos with the
greatest novelist Franco has over produced ,
for on Thursday she gave a luncheon whlcU
in point of quiet cloganco has not been ox *
celled in this city.
The table was exquisite , a poem if such A
word can bo applied to such a mosaic thing
as a dinner tablo. Broad ribbons ofyhlU' "
and violet croiscd the board from corner t'
corner , broken at the center by a huge bov.v *
knot. Bunches of wblto mm purple violets
wcro placed at each cover tied with violet
ribbons whllo at cither end camlclnbrt )
stood shedding a subdued light through
violet shades. There weio dainty bon boij
dishes tilled with candied violets in keeping
with tbls pretty idea.
The menu was delicious and showed tuftp
Miss Nash had prollled by her trip nbroud la
the manner of service mid Its preparation.
The guests wore Miss St > > lla Humlltodj
Miss McConnli'U , Miss English , Miss Yost *
Miss UraccVullace of Salt Luke , Miss
Bcckwith , Miss Wallace , Miss May Wallace ,
Miss Jessie Mlllard , Wita Drown and Mist
Sherwood. _ _
.It'riisiili'iii mill IIIKHI. | ;
Colonel James Falrman , the artist and art
lecturer , delivered another very interesting
and thoughtful address last night In tbo
Young Men's Christian association loctura
hall. His subject was "Jerusalem , " but ho
followed many radiating ideas , suggested by
tbo central ttiomo , and covered a
wldo range of very Interesting romlnls-
conco ana of philosophic speculation
as to 'the fuiuio of Palestine.
Colonel Fulrman thought tl at It would be
well for the world at lame and for the poo-1
plo of Uussia and Turkey if Hussla should
take possession of most of tbo territory now
controlled by Turkey. Ho believed thnr
Hussla would bo modernized in government
and in commercial life by gaining n good
foothold in southern territory , where Uc
people would bo thrown Into more Intlnilita
relations with western and more progressive
itr. A TIIH. _ _
KnltccKnfftiv Knot in * f < "i * titiilfrtlilt lcudflfl\l ( \
Mill * ; wic/i / ( MlfiHffjimt line , ten cent * .
M01lOA N MrB.T. O. , iigod 01 yuirKunora )
services Mondiiy inorniiiK. February H. IH02 ,
ulUo'clocK from residence. 'Ju'-i ( Jullfoinla
street. Kciintum muss at llo'y Katnlly
chnrub. liituriiient In Holy Sennlchro como
tmy. Mrs. Morgan has lived In < > miili fo
tw only-Novell yo.irs , nnil hur death will bq
regretted very iniioli by her many
A I'erfecit Comedy ,
The Genial and Cosmopolitan
America As SVnn Tlunuith Kianuli . | irotuolol |
1'rli-ei JOe , 75e and (1 , Sale oiioiib Munda
Per Onl
Kentucky Bourbon , 1688 $ 2 2o
A. A. Kelly 1 f.O
Monongahohi Rye , 1887 2 60
Old Kentucky Rye 270
Old Nelson County , 16811. . ' 2 75
Blue Grass Sour Mash , 1680 fl 00
Andeison , 1880 460
O. F. C. T.iylor 6 00
Monarch Sour Mash 3 00
Old Crow , 1880 400
Carlisle f > 00
Monogram Rye , lb8P 00
Hermitage , 1882 < > 00
W. S. HiirriH , 1880 3 00
Monogram Sour , 1681. . . . . . . 0 00
Ashling Spring , 1888 2 75
Blue Grass. 1870 1200
Genuine Old MoBrayor 0 60
Old Guokonholiner Hyo 1878 7 00
Old Jordan , 18711 1000
Old Jordan , 1B80 8 00
Per Gul
Blackberry Brandy..from * 1 7.r > toK 00
California Brandy.from 2 60 to 360
Pcuoh IJramly from 2 50 to 400
Apple Brandy from 2 60 to 400
Cherry Brandy from 2 00 to 3 60
Rasin'Brandy from 2 00 to 3 00 j t
Imported French Brandy 5 OP.
Hennessey Binndy , 1809 0
Per Gn\
Holland A * 2 2.1
Holland , AA 260
Tom , A 200
Old Tom , AA 2 60
Old London 3 00
Triple Distilled 3 00
Do Kuypors 8 CO
Imperial Malt Hyo 3 ;
Finest Old Do Kuypors 0 o
Per Gal
California Clnrot . . .froml 50 to 12 00
California Port fiom 1 60 to 1 75
California Sherry..from 1 50 to 1 7/3 /
California IUoilin'oin 1 60 to 1 75
California Angelica , from 1 7to / 260
Imported Port from 3 ( JO to 4 00
Imported Sherry..from 3 00 to 4 00
Sweet Muscat , 2 60
Kelly Island Catawha. . . . 2 00
Family tradi' hollclted. Ladles invltod to call und inuKo their own selections.
Goods delivered free in Omaha , South Omaha und Council Bluffs.
14O9 Douglas St. r.