8 THE OMAJTA DAILY BEE : 'FRIDAY , FEBRUARY o , 1892. ARE COMING INTO THE FOLD Many State Manufacturers and Dealers Joining the Home Patronage Movement WILL HAVE AN INDUSTRIAL SHOW I'lnnn fur a Slnto Kiponltlnn Tnlkcil Of Omnhn Drnlcm Who Have Not Joined tlio I'rncMslon Will Ho Labored With. A meeting of the directors of the Manufac turers and Consumers association was hold yesterday afternoon at their rooms 004 BBC building. Owing to the unpleasant weather the attendance was rather light. The following firms wcro admitted to mem bership In the association : Thomas Carr , Lincoln , soap manufacturer ; Hall Kan go and Furnace company , Lincoln ; The Purity Ex tract company , Lincoln ; Lincoln Paper Man ufacturing company. Lincoln ; Vltrlflod Pav ing and Pressed Brlok company , Lincoln ; Lincoln saddlery company , Lincoln ; Ne braska Mantel and Cabinet works , Lincoln ; Btato Journal company , Lincoln ; Omaha Barbed Fence nnd Nail company ; Helln & Thompson , Omaha , merchant tailors ; E. T. Bmlth Fcnco works , Fremont ; Ueorgo F. V/olz , Fremont , potato chins ; Nebraska Creamery association , Fremont ; The Nebraska Binder Twlno company , Fre mont ; Fremont Milling company ; Creamery Package Manufacturing company , Fremont ; Nebraska City Starch companv ; Nebraska Distillery company , Nebraska City ; Mattes Brewing company , Nebraska City ; Paul Bchmlnuo & Co. , Nebraska City , distillers ; Otoe Creamery company , Nebraska City ; McElbnny Manufacturing company , Ne braska City , novelty works ; Nebraska City Cereal mills ; the Borono Manufacturing company , blackboards , Omaha ; F. M. Uus- icll , manufacturer of gas nnd electric light Dxturcs. This gives tbo association n total member- ihip of 107. Now Directors Nnincd , The increased number of the members In Omaha entitles Omaha to five moro directors on the state board , and the following parties wdro elected : George M. TIbbs of M. E. Smith & Co. , overall manufacturers ; Charles A. Coo of the Morso-Coo bhoo company ; O. W. Thompson of the ilrm of Holln & Thomp son , merchant tailors ; H. F : Cady of the Cndy Lumber company. The president reported that the following directors had been elected from other Ne braska cities : Beatrice , A. R. Dempster and A. ( J. Soholblleh ; Nebraska City. Carl Mor ton ; Hustings , G. II. Edgurton ; Fremont , T. F. Hummel. Lincoln and Kearney have not . yet reported the election of directors to represent - resent them. The Omaha Barbed Fence and Nail com pany reported that th y would use from 5,000 to 10,000 labels per month during the busy ftoa.'ion of the year , and asked tbat the asso ciation fix a prlco on that number. Tbo sec retary was given discretionary power in ad justing the price. The question of incorporating the associa tion was brought up nnd soveial reasons were gWen why tbo association should bo Incorporated. Tbo matter of incorporation will bo made a special feature at the next regular mooting of the board of directors nnd the secretary was instructed to present what information ho may bo able to gather on the subject Will i\hlblt Nebraska' * Industry. It was voted to bring up the subject at the next general mooting of giving In Juno a manufacturers' exhibit of goods made in Nebraska. The members of the board nearly all expressed thomiolvos ai in favor of such a move ; if nil the manufacturers would agrco to it and talto Sold and make a success oi the enterprise. Tbo plan is to put In power'so that machinery can bo operated to illustrate the method of manufacture. The exhibit would mm to show the raw material , tbo method , 'of manufacture and tbo finished material. The object of such on exhibit would bo to brine before the people ple of tbo state tbo different lines of manu facture and Intoroit thorn in the subject. The advantages to the manufacturers would como from the advertising which they would got from such un exhibition ot their goods. Tbo president was Instructed to appoint a committee of three to wait on tbo architects of the city and ask thorn to sign an agree ment to use all tholr intluonco to have Ne braska material used in all the buildings that may bo constructed the coming season. The following committee was appointed : Messrs. ilogln , Farrell and Robinson. Onmlia JlcculcltmntH. It was remarked that there are still quite a number of dealers In Omaha who do not handle Nebraska goods , or if they do only handle thorn nominally. It was argued that inasmuch as the homo patronage movement was for the benefit of all business men , some stops ought to bo taken to lay the matter before fore these merchants who are opposing the movement , and try to pro\-all upon them to change. It was decided to ask members of the aso < elation to report to the secretary all oases where individuals or firms are refusing or neglecting to patronize - izo Nebraska Industries. A member of the Manufacturers association will then bo designated to ca'l upon the offender end tbo Board of Trade , the Real Estate Owners association and tbo Builders and Traders exchange will bo asked to each send ono man with him. This committee of four man , representing the four largo commercial organizations of the city , will call upon -the man who insists upon sending Nebraska money out of the itato , and argue the - question - tion with him and try by every fair means tc induce him to lend his support to the move ment to build up Nebraska industries. The committee will then report to tbo association the result of the Interview. If any good reason son is given why the man called upon refuse : to patronize homo Industries , as for example if u is claimed that prices are not ; right 01 the goods up to requirements , the manufac turers will try to remove tno cause for com plaint. After the auditing ot bills and tbo trans notion of other routine business the mootlni adjourned. The Clrlppi ! Knglng In Alabama , "La grlppo is raging bora and I fini Chamberlain's cough remedy to bo a cortali euro for it , " says W. G , Johns of Trim bio , Cullman company , Ala. Mi > John ordered a supply ot the remedy to bo shlppei by ox press as quickly as possible , 'ihorol no question but this remedy is of great valu in the treatment of the grip especially 01 account of Its counteracting any tendency o the disease toward pneumonia. It is also prompt and certain euro for thn cough whlcl usually follows an attack of grip. 25 and 5 cent bottles for sale by druggists. Nebraska Is famoua for Its line oats , Quail rolled oats are made in Nebraska , Women's diseases. Dr.Lonsdalo , 0103.13. AFTER THE SCHOOL BOARD. riiuOriindJnry HxuiuliiliiK Into Curtain I'o niillurTruhtuutloiu Ilimdlioiixu KetipiT * , The grand jurors are disposing of businos it a rapid rate , but there are no signs of a : larly adjournment. As soon as the Invostl gators got through with ouo'Job another bob up. up.Tho liquor dealers who arc on the two-mil i trip have boon disposed of and tbo wltnease lent home. While it Is true that not a gram Juror has leaked a word it is known tha "true bills" of Indictment have boon loum against all ut the liquor men who have fallo to take out llcoinoj , some twenty-four 1 number. Yostesday nttornoon the jury startc ifter the mom ben of the Boar of Education , and some twenty.Uv witnesses have boon called. Th jurors want to know bow all at once lortaln wall plaster oamo to bo so pQpula that It was used to the exclusion of all othc kinds iu the plastering ot the Clifton Hi ! tnd the ICollom school buildings. Up to dot U'o jury has ascertained tnat a member c iuo Board of Education Is a member of th wall plaster company in question , and aU that the board refused to asK fc bids on adamant or other kinds of bard pi a : tor. tor.This , however , is not all that the membei II the Board ot Education are belne asked t toll. The jury Insists upon knowing some thing about a certain system of heating and ventilation. The jury Is Inquiring Into the fact of * Junketing tour to Kansas City , a trip that was taken a year or moro ago. Some of the witnesses 'furnished some racy information upon this point , nwoarlng tbat before the trips to Kansas City nd Ne braska City certain members were loud in advocating another hcatlne system. After tholr return they at once cdangcd their tactics , dropped steam nnd looked for the system in question until It was adopted and Placed In both the Clifton UIU and the Kel- lorn schools. Slmrp I'rnctlcd of Alleged Judge Davis has arrived at the conclusion that some of the lawyers nnd the prisoners in the county Jail have formed n pool to draw a little money out of the county treasury. When prisoners are in indigent circum stances It Is the usual custom to appoint an attorney to dofond. This practice has pre vailed for years and as a rule the county commissioners have allowed 125 in each case. Yostordry morning when a criminal case was called the accused stated that ho was without a lawyer ; ho had paid oao to look after his Interests , but alnco tbat day bo had not mot the legal gentleman , The court nt once entered nn order that hereafter when any attorney accepted money from n criminal , ho would bo obliged to do- fonu until the case was finally disposed of by tbo court. The judge stated tbat It had como to his knowledge that a number of lawyers had been retained , had accepted money nna then deserted tholr clients whoa the cases were called. _ The Criminal Ciilondnr. Joseph Miller , who was cbargod with hav ing burglarized a store on South Thirteenth street Is a Iroo mim. The case went to the Jury In Judge Davis' court at 11 o'clock yes terday morning nnd in fifteen minutes a verdict of nut guilty was returned. Ttio prisoner was Immediately discharged from custody. Lou Casaidy was on trial In the criminal court yesterday afternoon. The Information In the case states on November SO , Cassldy broke into and attempted to steal Irom the dwelling owned and occupied by John B , Hohrbach. 1'uId for tlio T.nil'H I.og. Last September whila Frederick Ortman , a lad otlOor 13 summers was riding upon ono of the passenger trains of the O null a & Republican Valley railroad , botxvoon Plck- oroli and Lincoln a collision occurred. Fred's right log was caught between two timbers and crushed so severely that amputation was necessary. The father , John Ortman brought suit to recover damages oftfS.OOO. Yesterday the case was settled by the rail road company , through its .attorney , appearing In court and confess ing judgment for $ J,800 in favor of the plain tiff. ( _ The People's I'rcfcreucc. "Tho people of this vicinity insist on hav ing Chamberlain's cough remedy and do not want any ether , " says John V. Bishop of Portland Mills , lud. The reason Is because they have found it superior to any ether , especially for the grip and the cough which so often follows an attack of the grip. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by druggists. Illinois Central Uxcumton to lliivuim , Culm. For particulars address Mr. J. P. Merry , A. G. P. A. , Manchester , la. WERE PLAIN BURGLARS. They Hunted n Itooin nnd Ilobbcd Their J'ellou Hoarders , Two men drove up to Mrs. Spike's board- net nouso , 2105 Douglas street , in a buggy about 4 o'clock Wednesday afternoon and on- aged a room. The landlady was told that the room was to bo occupied by bcn ofalho men , ono of whom would sleep ii ttio day time and the other at night. Tho'lodgors claimed to work in the Union Pacific yards. After everything was arranged and each stranger 6 ad been provided with'a frontdoor key they loft , but returned about G o'clock and requested that dinner bo hurried. When tbo ether boarders had assembled around the table"tho newcomers were missing. An In vestigation showed that Dr. Alexander's rooms had been ransacked and quite a quan tity of linen ana underclothing stolon. An oQlcor was notified and It was decided to wait the return of ono or botb of the sus pected croons. About 3 o'clock yesterday morning ono of the strangers came in and wont directly to his room. Dr , Alexander had arranged a bell on a thread nnd when tbo now lodger opened his door the boll dropped In the doctor's room nnd awakened him. The stranger hoard tht > hoiso and quickly turned out tuo light nnd jumped Into bod. A message was sent to police hcaduartors and Sergeants Ormsby and Wbalon wont up to eeo about the raattor. Tbo o ulcers on to red the room very quietly and found a well known young crook lying on the bed with his clothes on. After some close questioning the follow gave the whole snap away and told who his partner was. The doctor was anxious to know wboro his clothing was , and King , as ho calls himself , advised the physician to see "Sheeny Sam , " who was the partner who was to sleep days. Tbo officers stated that the same game had boon worked once or twlco before within a short time. Both of the parties Implicated are jai Iblrds and potty thlovcs and are well known to the police. The mon gave tbolr names at the police sta tion as Sol Nei/nor , alias Morris Kopold and Will King. The property' has not yet been recovered. King's real name is Kane , und bis homo is in Lincoln. 'His family Is highly respected in the Capital City , and is reputed to.be quite wealthy. DON'T SAVE A CENT. County CommUsloimrH Fall to Keduca tin Kiilurlex of the Clerk * . The county commissioners closed tholi star chamber session at 0 o'clock Wodnesda > Highland adjourned until thisjaftornoon , a' which time they will makeup the report tc be submitted to the board at the regular Sat urday afternoon session. They disposed of the clerical force : and the salaries paid in the oftlco o the county treasurer and the sheriff , In addition to retaining oil of his ciorks at the salarlos'fortnorly paid , County-Troasuroi Iroy will no allowed an extra man at a sal ary ot $100 pormontb. In the sheriff's ofllco two additional deputies < ties will bo allowed at $ . > 0 par month , with all the members of the old foroo remaining at the same salaries paid as when ox-Sbcrlf Boyd was la obargo. Tbo only place where a out has boon made U at the county jail. Under the old rule thi inllor and his two assistants were allowed 17i each per month. Under the new rule Jo < Miller , tbo bond jailer , will bavo bis salarj increased from 170 to fSO. The Ilrst asslstan will bo cut from $70 to $05 , and Ernest , thi colored assistant , will have his salary cu from $70 to $50 per month. The commissioners Indulged In a llttlo tall upon the question of reducing tholr salarlo : from $ | 50 , per mouth , but the proposition wa received with so much opposition that thi project was spoodlly abandoned. The commissioners sat In adjourned sos slot ) just thirty minutes yesterday afternooi and tlion adjourned until Saturday , Th minutes of the previous meetings wore road a few bills were referred to the various committees mitteos and Cnarlos Htlgor filed a' politic usulng to bo appointed constable of Wes Omatia precinct. 8tiooirndyke | HUH Antliiiiu and ho spent thirty-two minutes trying t toll his wlfo to go to thunder and got his boi tlo of Dlxob's Asthma Cure , and she ( pee thing ) fluttered around and brought sotn broth nnd a hair brush and things , un Spoopendyke nearly died , but he got th Asthma Cure finally and then well , I'i sorry forbl&wlfo. Itulldlnt , ' reruilt * . The following permits were issued by th superintendent ot buildings yesterday ; O. K , Marvin , two-story frame dwell ing , KlUy-Ilrst und Murthu street * . . . . 1 1,5 ( Three minor permits. . , , . , . , . , 4 : Total. Quo Mluuto , Ono mlnuta time often tnakei a great dl foronce a oue miuute remedy for bronchitis choking up of the throat , lungs , etc. , I ouno is a blessing , Cubeb Cough Cure i such a remedy. For sale by all druggists. Cubeb Cough Cure Onemluuto. IPfOTlft IT fAItTlt111 I If ( AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Thugs Who Robbed John Nelson in Syndi cate Park Put on Trial , THREE OF THEM ARE HELD TO ANSWER Curl.inu'n Contly Kxprrlcnco tn Scorch ot Work m Developed During tlioTrlnl How the Horse Mnrhel Vro- Rrcsies Magic City Xoto. The trial of the thugs who decoyed John Nelson into Syndicate park and there brutally boat nnd robbed him commenced yesterday before Police Judge King. It was decided to try them ono nt a 11 tno. Fred Hngcrman , bolter known among the tough element of Omaha ns "Dutch Fred , " was the first to be arraigned. Ho was Identi fied by Nelson ns the follow who hold him while the ether three wont through hU pockets nnd took his money , watch nnd ring. Dave Loosener , the saloonkeeper , testified that just before the robbery Hngorman came to his place ot business and asked for a billy , remarking that ho was "going to turn a trick. " Looschor refused to lot him have tha weapon. Tom Board , another saloon keeper , testi fied tbat ho saw Hagorman and two ether follows follow NcUou to the park after ho had been decoyed there by Mlko Corcoran. Word was received at the police station yesterday that Neal Corcoran , another of the gang , had been captured at Covlngton. The chief ol police loaves today to bring him hero for trial. Hagorman was hold to the district court in the sum of $1,000. As expected there was i.o ovtdonco to prove that Billy Nice was with the robbers at the time the crlmo was committed. On the con trary there were witnesses to swour that at tbo time the robbery was committed ho was In another part of the city. On nlotiqn of Assistant County Attorney Doud Nlco was dismissed. Charles Swoarlngton , another suspect , was also released. Frank Nlco nitd J. J. Corcoran "wore next rraiguod. Nelson positively Identified both f these follows as being with Hagorman ind assisting in the robbory. Tommy Board , .ho saloonkeeper , also testified that the two vltb Hagermnn followed the Swede to the mrk where a few minutes later the rnbbery was committed. Botb. Nice and. Corcoran , voro bold to tbo district court in the sum of 51.000 each and in default of ball these two with Hagorman were sent to the1 county jail. Everybody Worked Him. From the testimony broughtout It appears .hat Nelson came to the city with $70 In his pocket , that ou account of being a green Swede ho was made a murk of by all who mot him and his roll in twonty-four hours had diminished to nearly half its original slzo , The Swede was looking for a job and among the people ho mot was one Gus Me- Donough. , Nelson says that McDonough told him that ho could get a job for him In the fire department , but it would cost Nelson $10 for his influence with the ohiot of the fire department. The Swede put up'tho $10 and the same was rapidly converted into drinks. The company of bacchanalians accompanied by Nelson then wont to Dave Looschcr's mloon where it was claimed the fire ohiof would bo found. On reaching the resort Dave the proprietor was found nnd Mc Donough wltn a pompous air said to Loesoher : "Good morning , chief. " "Good morning , " was the echoed rejoinder. "Chlof , hero is a friend of mine from the ; vest who wishes a position as fireman. Give him the best job in the department. Ho is worthy of it. " "All right , " said Dave , "what position does ho wish ! " After lY\fl \ most desirable position had been picked out and the exultant Swede had ' 'sot up the best in the shop" It was discovered by McDonough that his services wore worth another $10 bill. 'Nelson , however , declared that if $10 was not suQIcient to secure tne position ho would seen another job whore ho would not have to put up $10 every fifteen or twenty minutes. He then loft Loescher's , to 'all Into tbo hands of thugs and lose every- ' of value on his parson. Nelson's city experience has cost him about $200. As he has no money it was necessary to put him under $500 bonds to appear against the robbers. Ho has no iriends or acquaintances in South Omaha , but three well known Swedish citizens took pity an him and wont his bail. SATISFACTORY PROGRESS. llorao Sales nt tlio Stock Market lire. Ite- conihif ; Kxtrumuly 1'opular. The horse sale yesterday was tbo most satisfactory one ever held at the South Omaha stock yards and everything points to the fact that tbo Omaha horse market which is now the leading ono m the west will ore long rank among the leading ones in the country. A number of eastern buyers were on hand and eagerly snapped up the splendid specimens of horseflesh offered. It was a notable fact that local buyers out numbered by far the eastern buyers , and expressmen , milkraon , farmers and mer chants elbowed professional buyers in bid ding ou desirable steeds. As a result the sale was spirited and a largo number of fine horses will remain in Omaha ana vicinity. To both tbo surprise and delight of Mr. Babcock and Mr. Short , the demand far ex ceeded the supply , and many parsons \vlsb- ing to purchase learned to tbolr disappoint ment that they would have to wait another weak , as tbo supply of horseflesh Was' ex hausted. Ono dealer In horses had taken a car load to the Chicago market , but was unable to dispose of a single unlmal. In 'disappoint ment he shipped his horses to Omaha and , to his extreme delight , every stood ho had was sold at what ho regarded as handsome prices. The demand for horses hero has become strong , but great efforts will bo made to moot it. Ono eastern buyer asks for two carloads of horses every week during the entire year. Mr. Jacobs , a well known borso dealer at Wyraoro , brought in ono or two car loads of horses and was highly pleased with the prices they brought. Ho returns to Wymoro to bring In another lot next week. Mr. Jacobs declares that South Omaha Is the place for the leading borso market of the country. Mr. Frank E. Short , manager of the horse market , says that tbo present barn Is en tirely too small , as there are stalls for only 200 horses. Ho propoos to have a largo ad dition built to tbo west of tbo present struc ture so that UOO moro horses can bo cared for. It Is his Intention to handle only tbo best class of hones as far as possible. Sales will DO hold every Wednesday here after instead of twice a month as formerly. A Questlonnhlo Victory. The victory of Jettor over Storz & , Iler IB the fight over a license is anything but a stiv Isfnciory one. Tbo saloon using the Storz & Her boor has tbo license , and It has boot glued on the wall so tbat It cannot be pried off without tnkltih n portion of the wall will It , The Storz & Her people appeal to UK district court tbo case decided by Justice Levy in Jottor's favor , and during the dolaj consequent the Storz & Her saloon will ran tinuo to sell bcor under tbo license paid foi by Jettoi , while the latter gentleman Is liable to got lute trouble In case ho continues to re tail bcor at the saloon for which bo paid the license. Juttor'a attorney bays that the people running the btorz & Her saloon won1 into the Jotter saloon , jerked tbo Hconsi from the wall and walked off with it. There are only about olght more \yoolis be fore the license will expire , and Jotter I' afraid that the Storz & Her. brewery will go tbo benefit of it , * Building AiHovlittlon. The annual mooting ot the stockholders ( o the South Omaha Building aud Loan assocl atlon resulted In the election of the followlpi officers : C. M. Hunt and E. B. Towl , dl rectors ; C. M. Hunt , president ; Dave Andei son. vice president ; K. C. Lane , secretary H. C. Miller , treasurer ; B. F. ChltUudon D. B. Waugh'autfT , 1' , Fronrnn , nudltln committee. Reports showed the ussoclatio in a prosperous condition , Claude Talbot , brand Inspector for Wyoro ing cattle , lias returned from Cheyenne where he has been for two or throe doyc Mr. Talbot Bays that the cattle ot Wyomln are in excellent ofadltion , Tbo weather Is mild and grazing gnat ) . Magic CUT MlnlMnrr i. W. II. Kymo hnnreturncd from Chicago. A son has been bom to Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Wilson. The various Bohemian societies will give n masquerade Saturday evening. George W > Mflkcrrmce has boon called to Sioux City by the norious Illness of n brother. The Infant child tat Frank Kuhn died with cramps yesterday. ' The funeral occurs nt3 p. m. today. Up church lodgr No. 3 Degree of Honor , has clumped Its regular night for meeting from the second and fourth Monday evenIngs - Ings to the first and'tblrd Saturdays of each month. Last Saturday night the second roptmont ot the uniform rank Knights ot 1'ythlas elected n lloutoimnt colonel nnd major for the ensuing four years. Captain A. S. Latt of Lilly division was elected lieutenant colonel nnd Adjutant D. F. Corto major. Cliiiinlicrlnln & Co. from Vie CHntnii County Ailetrttftr , Lynnn , Tn. It was the good fortune of a representative of this pnpor to visit the laboratory of this enterprising firm at Dos Molnos ono day this week. It occupies four floorsjof a double building and employs sixty-five bands In the different departments , which include the compounding ot the different preparations , bottling , packing , shipping and printing. In tbo latter department they have n finely equipped printing office , with hnlt n dozen presses , which are kept nearly constantly in operation prilling labels and different kinds of advertising matter. Their laboratory is especially busy at this time , as Chnmbor- laln's Cough Komody , which they manufac ture , has proven a splendid remedy for the grip , and in all cusos greatly relieves the patient after taulng one or two doses , while its contlnuod will effect a complete euro. 25 and CO cent bottles for sale by druggists. Housekeepers will find. Quail rolloi oats the host made. Onr-Piiro. Kxcurnloii to Tcxns Point * . On February 8 tickets will bo sold nt Omaha nnd Lincoln , and points intormo- dlato between same , and Kansas City to Gulvoaton , Tox. , and return , peed for 30 days , at ono faro for the round trip , reading via Atchison or Kansas City and the Santa Po route. This is your opportunity to combine business with pleasure at very little cost ; visit the deep water harbors of Texas ana invest a few dollars in Texas property while it is being- sold so cheaply. If you do not want to invest go any way. The trip will do you good. Grand excursion train leaves Kansas City via the Santa Fo route at 0 o'clock Tuesday morning , February 0. Buy your ticket February 8 , from your nearest ticket agent and join the crowd. Write or telegraph lo E. L > . Palmer , Passenger Agent , Santa Fe Route , 1310 Fnrnam street , Omaha , for sleeping car accommodation. . Quail rolled oats are the finest made Off for Texas. There is a largo party forming nt Omaha und Lincoln to go to La Porto , Tox. , leaving Lincoln via B. & M. at 8:45 : p.m. Monday , February 8. Among these at the head.of the movement are : Governor John M. Thnyor , T. H. Benton - ton , auditor of state ; J..C. Alien , state secretary ; J. E. Hill , state treasurer ; A. C. Strang of Omaha , Captain John L. Carson , Thomas W. Lowry , I. B. Holmes and ether prominent gentlemen of Nebraska. They have chartered Pull mans" for the tripiand expect to have a glprious good time. You are cordially invited to join the party. Why not avail yourself ol the extremely low rate offorod"on that day ono faro for the round _ trip , ' good for $ birty ; dys and' ' visit the v bonutiful"'state of Tnxas and her deep water harbors. vTho'party ' will pass through Kansas City on the morn- fncr of February Oth , via the Santa Fo route. For Pullman accommodations write or telegraph T. W. Leo , care of Lincoln hotel , Lincoln. NATIONAL CONVENTION. Of Ii\lor Organizations ( People's Party ) nt St. Louis. For the above convention the Wabash \vill sell Feb. 20th to 24th tickets to St. Loiiis and return at half faro good returning until March 10th. Remem ber the Cannon Ball Express with reclining - clining chair cars free and Pullman sleeping cars leave Omaha 4:10 , Council Bluffs 4:4Q : p. ra. . daily arrives at St. Louis 7:30 : next morning. For tickets und slcoping car accommodations call at Wabash oillco 1502 Farnatn street , nnd at Union depot Council Bluffs , or write G. N. Clayton , Northwestern passenger agout , Omaha. HOLDING A tlONFEBENCE. Union Pnclllo Train Men Meet the Com pany's OIHclnls. The.affairs of the Union Pacific gnovanco committee have come to a focus. After care ful consideration of their demands , Assistant General Manager Dickinson prepared for a conference with the full committees at his ofllco yesterday afternoon. The propositions of the committees embody a great number of changes which will require considerable time for tholr discussion. The employes are very much in earnest in their effort for relief from what tdoy regard as discriminations , and they propose to make a determined light for fair treatment. They Intend to "stay by" Mr. Dickinson regardless - loss of the length of time It takes to roach a conclusion. Notes nnd Personals. F. S. Capron , traveling passenger agent of tbo Grand Trunk , Is In tbo city. J. O. .Pbllllppl and family are again in Uncle Sara's domain , homeward bound , and will arrive Saturday morning. Major K. M. Ford , who represents the Union Pacific at.Des Molnos , was at head quarters today with a now stock of yarns. F. E. McMullcn , chief clerk for General Manager Burl ot the Elkborn , Is rejoicing over the advent of an holrass In bis family , and all concerned are doing nicely. Superintendent Caugblln and Master Me chanic Now of the ( Missouri I'acltlo are UD from Atchinson tnrking arrangements for the Draper handllntr of a , greatly Increased ousluoss in Nobradka. Tboy nuvo added two engines and crown to the motive department in this state , itnd'bBvo decided that two moro are needed immediately. At the oftico in this city tltl is said that tbo Missouri Facidc's : business in Nebraska at present Is breaking nil previous records. Tbo company now has mil tbo cars needed , but has ooon shorten motive power , a lack which will bo remodlod. Tlio OrecdosCuiup Incitement. Cruodo Camp ( promises to become u second Lemlvillea Tha number of poo- pi o going into this wonderful camp is unprecedented .in the history of Colo- radooxcoptonly > durlng the Loadvillo ox- cltomcnt. It iBccstimntod that now the townsilo is located , that there will DO ton thousand people in the camp by Juno 1. Tlio now discovery is only ranched by the Denver & Rio Grande railroad , and there is no staging. SUCCESS OF PROFIT SHARING Demonstrated by the Omaha Loan and Build ing Association's Work. INSTRUCTIVE LESSONS OF EXPERIENCE Ninth Anmml MrcthiR of the A irlatlon a Joyous One filet * Slin lug tlio Ad- of -oiTiitl | ( > n i it Menus of I'rocurlng Homes. Mr. Erastus Wyman , the noted Now York economist , being asked rocantly ns to the best way to Invest a given sum of money , said : "Tho best way to Invest $100 Is to become - como n sharoholdur In some well managed building and loan association. They represent - sent the aggregate savings of the members , and tbo money Is Invested tn houses built for tholr own motnbors. The investment is therefore a snto ono , bacauso men will pay fcrtholr own homes nnd tno Interest duo thorcon sooner than they will pay tor any thing olso. " The endorsement of so eminent an author ity Is Illustrated by the oxocrlonco of the Omaha Loan and Building association. Tbo ninth annual mooting of the association was held Wednesday evening at Its oftlco In tbo Board of Trade building. There was a larger attendance than usual , owing to the fact that the ilrst series of stock Issued had roachodpar vuluo. $ .200. Mr. T. J. Fitzmorrls presided ana G. M. Nattlngor acted as socrotary. The joint vopori of the president and secretary tary U an Instructive document , detailing the history of the association , Its early struggles asvoll as 1U later successes. Tho"groat valve of building and loan asso ciations Is recognized and approclatod In every progressive country. There are thou sands ot thorn in the eastern states. Phila delphia's tltlo , "Tho City of Homos , " is largely duo to the fact that they have boon in operation there for sixty years. Lately , speculative concerns , taking advantage of the confidence reposed in legitimate co-opor- ntlvoassociations , , Imvo imposed on the pub lic , so much so that rigid laws have boon en acted In many states , regulating building and loan associations , guarding ncatnst fraud and providing for state inspnctlon. The Ne braska law Is a model of thU class , and 'all local associations are subject to Its provision ! . As the Omaha was the pioneer neer association In thU city , a summary of its operations is of public Intorost. The association was organized and incor porated in April , 1831) ) , nnd began business In May. With only a superficial knowledge of building and loan systems , mistakes were made , the most serious being the adoption of the terminating plan. All stock issued was grouped in oho series , 2,000 shares bolus issuod. Largo numbers of the subscribers wcro Investors , and as the association grow olaortho management foresaw that a vast sum would bo required to cancel unpledged shares when they readied par. Quarterly series were than Issued , making the associa tion continuous. To moot the unpledged first series shares now duo. amounting to 32,000. the association has roil property nnd mort gages aggregating $7G,000. The not result of the Investment Is that shareholders rocolvo $200 for 105 paid In. During the eight and three-quarters years ol its ox Is ion co , the association loaned on mortgage security $271,300. Averaging the loans nt 81,000 each the Omaha has enabled 271 persons to secure homes of tholr own. Of the loans made $71,300 was paid back and $141,100 of mortRatti's made by borrowers in the first series will bo canceled within a few days. The fact that a premium Is paid for a loan and 8 per cent interest charged , lead many to bellovo that the ratals oxoroltant and usur ious. But the borrowers sliuro equally in the profits , which materially reduce tbo In terest. During its lirsl year the Omaha loaned , not cash , $34,88(3. ( . The total amount paid bacir , principal and interest , was $34.229. The'not interest'paid was S11U43 , equal to 5.10 % per cent per annum. Tno question is frequently asked , "whero do tbo grout prollts como from ! " They are to bo found in tbo economy of management , The salary list of the Omaha amounts to ? 010 per annum. In olght and three-quarter years the association handled $33Ti30.JO. ( : at a total expense of $3,814.40 , Only seven foreclosure suits were necessary to protect the interests of the association. ' 'Local building and loan associations , " said the president , in conclusion , ' 'represent the most interesting economic movement of the times , n movement going forward with out special leadership or impulse , nnd Illus trates the benign sentiment of 'a govern ment of the people , for tuo people and by the people. ' As a savings institution , as an incen tive to economy , as an inducement to homo building , as an escape from tholand- land and rent day , it may be confidently as sorted , from our experience , that nothing yet devised for tbo purpose has been found to combine so largo a measure of safety , econ omy of management , successful operation and profitable results , as tbo local building und loan associations. " Resolutions wcro ndopod ordering tbo di rectors to cancel the association's obligations to tbo first serlos'stocktiolders. The election of three directors followed , completingthe-rosterofofllcors as follows : President , Thomas J. Fitzmorrls ; vice presi dent , Edward A , Parraaloe ; secretary , G. M. Nattlngor : treasurer , Hben K. Long , and Gustavo Andrcou , Charles R. Turnoy , Frank \V. Bandhauer , John II. Butler , E. Bryson , associate directors. -o- Dr' Bull',3cough , syrup takes the load of all couch nroparations on our shelves Carpoa- tor & I'nlmotor , Jamestown , N. Y. I 'heartily recommend Salvation Oil for 'neuralgia , for It acts like a charm. J , S. McCaulloy ( policeman ) ; residence , 205 N. Bond at. , Baltimore , Md. Bo sure to try the Quail rolled oats nnd take no other , . Drunkenness , A dlsonso , treated ns such nnd permit- nontly cured. No publicity. Nolnllrm- nry. Homo treatment. Harmless nnd ollcctunl. Refer by permission to Bur lington Ilawkoyo. Send 2o stamp for pamphlet. Shouoquon Chemical Co. , Burlington , la. Ask your grocer lor Quail rolled oats. UEUAH KAIMII < S In. . Doc. 10 , 1600. Dear Mr. Moore : I wont you to know now much I appreciate jour wonderful catarrh euro. When my attention was Ilrst called to it 1 was a great sufferer from that disagreeable disease , caturrh. Since uslug your catarrh euro my sense of smell bos boon restored and my general health greatly Improved , in hay fever it affords.groat relief. I congratu late you on this wonderful remedy. Let sufferers from this terrible maladj know that there is a' euro for thorn. Yours respectfully , E. F. PKUIIV , Pastor Second Baptist church. For sale by all druggists , Any grocer can supply you with Quail rolled outs delicious for breakfast , Her Story Won th , Jmli ; < > < Mrs. Doyle tucod Judge Berka yostnrdaj morning to explain bow she hap pencd to bo arrested for drunk enness , She told a pitiful Jutorj about bar blclc children , with who stii bad boon sitting up days and nights withoul number , and bow the was going to the drug PRICES Baking Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard store for medicine when the mot a friend who Invited her to psrtftko of R "dhrap ot the cratbur. " bho partook , and the lone * some llttlo "dhrnp" went to her head nnd tangled up her foot until Ufa's ways became indeed devious. Still she \vould nave been nil right If nn unfriendly policeman bad not happened along. The story was an old ono , but it was a winner just the same , and Mrs. Doyle was allowed tn depart without paying for her night's lodging. Docs t'fotoL'tlnti 1'rotcct ? Certainly , In ono Instance , It does. Hood's Sarsnpnrllla Is the great protection ngnlnst the dMipors of Impure blood , nnd It will euro or prevent all diseases of this class. It has well won Its nnmo of the best blood purlllor by Its many remarkable euros. The highest pralso has been won by Hood's ' fills for tholr easy rot oniclont action. Sold by all druggists. 1'rico 25 cents per box. Dr. Culllmoro , ouullst. LJoo bulldlnff Tickets for Ell Perkins' lecture , Fob- inry lit , tire ou sale at the drtitr store of O. H. Brown , Mnln street ; J. 1) . Stunrt , Hrondway ; Fnlrniount pharmacy , Oporn llouso drup store ; Urnckott's. Homoin- bor that tills ontortultmiont is wholly for the bonollt of the Homo of the IVlond- IOSH. Buy your tickets early und got n Coed scat. T i Kntprtatii UnnlVrpiicu The following call bas boon Issued by the local committee on entertainment who are preparing to talto care of the doleentoi to the Methodist general conference. The cull has been sent especially to pastors : OMAHA , Kub. y. Dear Brother : In prepar ing for the approncblng general conference the pressure upon us Is so Kroat as to make necessary nn early and spoodv ml ] islmont of the matter of private entertainment. An important meeting of the representative pas tors of the several denominations Is called at tbo Younir Men's Christian association par lors Monday. February 8 , at 10 a. m. Please favor us with your presence and as definite n report ns possible ot what your people will do In tbo way of caring for the delegates. W. 1C. UEAN8 , Tor the Committee. Perfectly Harmless The only Coloring perfectly harmless , used in any quan tity desired , is Dr. Price's Fruit Coloring , for coloring Cakes , Custards , Ice-Cream , Jellies , Frosting , Confection ery , Syrups , etc. A small quantity gives a raspberry color ; a little larger quantity a strawberry color ; a little more for a bright red rose color. All reliable grocers , who sell Dr. Price's Delicious Flavoring Extracts , Vanilla , Lemon , Orange , etc. , sell his Fruit Coloring. Try it and you will not be disappointed. AH other Colorings are a danger to health. HOW TO CORE LA GRIPPE , Oo right about It. Don't wnsto a mlnuto For t lie splitting hoiuliiohoa. rncldnx pains along the splno und In sides nnd loins , rliou- nintlsin ot muscles and joints , chills and foyer nausea nnd disinclination for food , you must take three or four of , Dr , Schenck's Mandrake Pills ho first nUht , nnd aftorthatasufllclontnum bor to Insure n dally airl free action of the bowels. Koi ) ] ) tills up for some tlmo.and where chills and fovura nrostubborn.nulnlno In reas- oniblo dusoa , can bo used to advantage with frco.tho 1'llls. These pills sotyoiii-Roracd liver Icunso thostomaclumd bowels , and start up normal secretions. Vou'vo scored a | JK ! point Then , to aid digestion , crush the woiltnc s nnd lassitude , drive elf the fooling that you'd us leave dlo us live.und glvo tone and strength to your system , you must take u tablespoon- fulofSchenck's ' Seaweed Tonic before aurt.nftor mouls. Already you tcgln to feel liUo a now uer-um. Itut don't forgot ynur InngB. llowaro of tlio torrlblo tendency ot La Urtpi f toward Pneumonia ! ' If you have chest oalnsora cough , better settle the matter at once by a tnblcspoonf ul of Schenck's ' Pulmonic Syrup taken three times a day. between meals oft- cncrlftho cough Is troublesome. You can thus surround tha very worst case of La GrlpiM and drive It Into speedy surrender. And you'll do It right away. If you are wise. Ask your Druggist for the Dr tichonck Konie- dtcs. dtcs.DR. DR. SCHENCK'3 book on Consumption , Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia ; s nt free. DE. J. H. SOHENKir SON , Philadelphia , Pa , JAPANESE ? CURB A now nnil ConipU'tu Trciitment , conulBtltiK of Suppositories. Ointment In Ciiimulea , ulna In llnx und I'll Is ; n PonHlvo Cure fur ICxturnnl. Interim ) , llllnd or Ulecillnir Ituhlnv , Chronic , llccent or Hereditary I'llen. Thin Hemeily ha never been known to fall , tl iicrbuz , 0 fcirfj ; Kent by nmll. \Vliy Hiitler iroiu this tinrllilu dlseuHO when a writ ten tiunrantee | 8 ponltlvely trlvun wlthUboxo , to refund Iho monuy If not cured. Bend utatup for free Hniupla. ( iuarantoo lasuod liy Kuhn & Co. , DniBBlKts , Hole AuenU , coruur 15th nnd Dounlas t rcetii. Omalin , Neb. [ WHY"DO'YOU""COUQH T4 I Do you know that a lltllo Cough : U a dancerous tlilucf = DOCTOR ACKERS ENGLISH REMEDY Will Stop a Cough at any time : and Cure tbo worst Cold in ; twelve hours. A 2B Cent bottle tmay eave you $100 in Doctor'a : tillls may gave your life. ASK : YOUR DaUGGIST FOR IT. ; IT TASTES GOOJX j : . YUAVpW Wf W : " " " " j Dr. Acker'0 English OUltG INDIGESTION. Ruin ! ! , vlcaiant , a favurllo with ( be l , t w. 11. 1IOOKEH * CO , W Wei . Ilrwulway , M. Y. t iMIf . ! rM iMMI M" M * For sale by Kuhn & Co. , nnU Sherman ft McConnell , Oumhu. 10SEPH GILLOtt'S ' STEEL PENS. GOLD MEDAL , PARIS EXPOSITION , 1880. THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS. M , Instwul oS ( I ! IcknmlsufTcrlnfr. ; healthy and Thctf U'V ! > vjs onus , iiistMd o § worn-out nruj irwik ; bright cjeV clear nkin , roar . cliookd you 'wouldn't think II \i , w the same wo * , man , mid It'll nU i duo to the mo of a ( err bottles oC Dr. rioree'a Fnvorito Prescription. i VTriat UiU medicine 1ms done for thonsandA ot dolfcnto womwi , it will do for you. 1C you'ro overworked nnd debilitated , It will Imlld you up If you'ro homo down with this clironfo riches , pains , mid weaknesses pocttj liar to your SO..T , It relieves and ctirea. If regulates and promotes nil the pro [ > or fnno- tloni of womanhood. Invigorates the system , purifles the blood , Improves digestion , and restores henlth , flesh , nnd stroiiRtn. . For all the painful Irrcmilnntlra and ( ill- eases of women periodical jxiliis , prolnpmis and other displacements , benrliisr-down sen- satloni , nnd " female complaints " and weak * nesses , It's the only remedy so clTcctlve that it can Iw Qitarantctd. If It doesn't benefit or euro , you liuvo your money back. f o iori'li ° rrii -s- yiired In3t1nyiinr the Kronuh Homody entlto led tlio KING , 11 dissolves nRnluU nnil l < nU sorboil Into the lulliunoil putts. Will rofun < money Iflt docn not euro , or rftiuoi ntrlotur * Gentlemen , hero Is n rnlUblo article. W I paokuiio. or 2 for * J nor inMt prepaid. MoOop tulckfc l.uml , Otmthft. "M ELEPHfllHT ON MY HflNDS. " , But no man ever says this who adver > tises through ALDEN & FAKON. ! We help business men to sell their elephants. We never advertised aii elephant , but we have advertised nearly everything under the sun. Multitudes speak of our remunerative services as Newspaper Advertising Agents. What part of the earth's nearly 15Q millions geographical square miles do you wish covered ? . No newspaper of magazine published but in which w $ can place an advertisement , and ther is positively nothing in the newspaper. advertising line that we-cannot do. Write us. us.ALDEN & FAXON , NEWSPAPER ' ADVERTISING AGENTS , 66 & 68 W. Third Street , " " TRADE MARK. .O. o Protect your lungs by wearing Chamois vest. For cold feet buy a Hot Water Bottle. We have all sizes , at low prices. Physicians Proscr i p- tions prepared at low prices. The Aloe& Fenfold Company 15th Street next to 1 > . O , Dr , BAILEY The Leading Dentist Third Floor , Paxton Bloc'.c. clcplioiiolOSS. Ittth nnil Furimi Sti. A full pet of teeth on rubber for 13. Perfect HU Teeth without plates or removable brlilk'O work. Just the tiling for ilngOM or publlo spo'ikuM , ner U Uropitown. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN. All Illllnus at , re.iaonahla rntai , nil work warrant * 4 Cut this out fornKUUlo. 1 DR. J. E. McGfREW , ' THE SPECIALIST , / Is utibiirimssud In the treatment of all forms Of I'HIVATE DISEASES , anil all disorders am\ \ debilities of youth und nunliood , 17 yearn oxi.orlciiL'o. Ills lohoureos and facilities urq praotlciilly unlimited , The Doutor Is reoomj nionded by the nrosts , nnd oiidoibo < I In tlio tlio ponno for fair btroiigostlerniHuy - - - - - - iiu'iit nnd hont'bt professional udvlro. Thu Hirst powerful rumudlos known to rnnilurn Bi'luiieii for the suuci-ajful treatment of tuo followliixdUuasoa ; flOMHtKIIOKA Itiiinudlato rollnf , A com * ploto euro without thu loss of an hour's I f I 0111 UIISlllUHS , ill.KRT Ono of the most complete and ufl coBsul trotttiuuntH for k'loisl ami all iiniinrlnlj dlsohiirjos yut known In lliu inodle.-il jirofov * Hlou. The results in o truly wimdurf ul. 'llio most stubborn andchromo cabou where two , dlHPhai-iiohiidoxUiod for yo.iM. entirely jgn * Irolli'd Inaiomarlcahly Hliorl time , 'V it'flttU'l UltK Tlto EIcutostknown loinedy fifl the trputnicnt of utrluturu , wlthuiit pain , ruM ting , or dilatluif. A inlist romiirkiililu lumcdy , NYl'Jlll.lK Xn troutiiii'iit for this turrllilit blood ( llBSnbo huNOVor hvoii moiu sucuutmfulj or hud stronger ondorhiiinunt'i. In the light of moclurii NClenco thU dlauntiu | s puHitlvciy ( . ur.ililu nnd uvury trued of thu poUon entirely lomovud from the blood , The cnrua \ eomplctij and uoriuaiiiMit. / , ( ; > . > UP Mi * nutlli , mid ambition , nervous * HUSK , timidity , dosDondiiiny mid all bllnlitln elfeelHof early vloo. llulluf obtained at nco < The weak Brow strong , anil Iho UvupoudvntbQ * como ohourf ul nnd happy. AK/A / > /.SJM. > . ; ; .V , ami nil illseasos of the blood , liver , KldnoyH uiidhladdur are troatru Huocussfully with ( hogrpatogtlinowniomvdlck for Uieso ilfbuubes. DISEASES OK THE STOMACH TJKi MclJruw'a iruatmnnt for < ll orirur of tha btomiich , hiiutliii uiuiuitllllod L'lidorbomont of tliobo win ) Imvn bvuii cured. I'IISCH ' that lia s u ire red fur jcura und iniiiMe loVuliK or K without Inciouulni ; tiielr mlbcry , entire. ' cuieil , These uro facls which i-an 1m provea- ut any tlinu. Thu romoUlui aru plua > > nnl and imliilulilu to thu iuo t dfllouto htomucli. \\rllu forclrrulartiuiidiiiiciitloii lUt freo. 14tb and roruaiu Ht . , Uiuulia , eb. Kutruucooit either sireot.